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Chapter 8

Trial Day 6

These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ Isaiah 29:13, Mark 7:6-7

Cynthia Mayotte’s death dominated the news media. Speculation was rife that there was a connection between her death and the case in progress. Much was made of the fact that Mayotte and Janine had been alone in his office, and several attempts were made to contact him, before the police were dispatched to force an entry into the church. While the speculation wasn’t concerned with Mayotte having killed his wife, it did centre on his relationship with his Personal Assistant, the insinuation being that he may have arranged to have his wife killed because of it.

Because of this there was no chance of smuggling Mayotte into the court. This resulted in him and Janine having to run the media gauntlet. While the police were in attendance they offered little in the ways of protection. While Mayotte resorted to ‘No comment’ in answer to the myriad of questions thrown at him, Janine wasn’t quite so lucky. She was the ‘other woman’, she was young, she was attractive and to make it even more titillating, she was a former prostitute. She was not about to get a free run. ‘Miss Elliot, what is your relationship with Pastor Mayotte?’

‘I am his Personal Assistant.’

‘Is there any truth to the rumour that you two are lovers?’

‘No comment.’

‘Was he a client before you found religion?’

‘No comment.’

‘Are you carrying his love child?’

‘Don’t be ridiculous!’

‘Then you deny that you are pregnant?’

‘I don’t have to answer such a ridiculous question.’ She eventually found the safety of the courtroom, only to be greeted by the cold-eyed stares of those people there who were members of the Shining Light Christian Church, they had already convicted her.

As Mayotte sat down he noticed a C4 envelope on the table in front of him with his name typed on it. He opened it and a large photograph fell onto the table, it had a note held to it with a glider clip. ‘Guess who spent the night with the enemy.’ The photograph was of Janine clearly waving to someone as she was leaving Henderson’s house. The time and date stamp on the digital photograph clearly put it as having been taken the morning after Janine had been supposed to seduce Henderson.

The note was signed, ‘A friend’. Mayotte was shaken by what he saw, and was at a loss for an explanation. He knew that she went to Henderson’s, but assumed that she would have left after the troops had. She had lied to him with her explanation as to why she didn’t call in at the church before court. What else had she lied about? Was her involvement with Henderson really innocent?

Henderson and McIvor walked in and Henderson glanced towards Janine. He read the extreme hurt in her eyes. His heart went out to this girl caught up in something, so far out of her league, that she was in danger of floundering. He wondered if the church would bother to throw her a life line in her time of need.

‘Mister Johansson, are you ready to proceed?’

‘Yes your Honour. I call Pastor Calvin Coolidge Jones to the stand.’ Jones was not in the court room so a court officer was instructed to call him. Jones’ name echoed up the corridors but there was no answer.

‘Mister Johansson?’

‘Your honour, Pastor Jones is the principal witness for the defence, and without his evidence our case is in jeopardy. I ask for the court’s indulgence while we try to locate this witness.’

‘Do you have other witnesses that you can call so that we don’t have to adjourn the case while you locate your witness?’

‘Yes your Honour.’

‘In that case I’ll issue a subpoena to encourage Pastor Jones to attend and give evidence.’ A court officer was dispatched to Jones’ hotel in an effort to locate him.

Johansson had one final throw of the dice, one last desperate course, to try to make up the lost ground caused by Mayotte’s poor showing. The only course of action open to him was to discredit the person who caused that harm. ‘I call Michael Henderson to the stand.’

There was a buzz of excitement. What was he on about calling the counsel for the plaintiff as a witness?

‘Don’t worry I know what he hopes to achieve, it won’t work.’ Michael whispered to Frank as he stood and headed for the witness stand. As he sat his eyes briefly met Janine’s, and he tried, in that brief moment to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. He was confident, just as he was sure that the opposition had been investigating him, and his background.

‘You are Michael Henderson?’


‘Have you ever been a member of a Pentecostal church?’

‘I have never officially been a member of a Pentecostal church, but I did at one time attend one on a regular basis. Now before you ask if I have a grievance against the church, yes I do, and just so we don’t have to go through a boring question and answer process, I will volunteer the information that you are searching for.’

‘I attended the church, actually it was more than one of them, because of my wife. I was in love with her, I still am, even though we are no longer married, and while I wasn’t a Pentecostal, to me one Christian was the same as any other, she was uncomfortable with that. Unfortunately for me the Pastor at the church she was attending at the time, was of the view that I was an ‘unbeliever’ because I didn’t go along with his hard-line fundamental views. For instance he asked me if I believed that the only way to get to Heaven was through Jesus Christ, and when I replied that, as a Christian, I believed that the way to Heaven was through Jesus, but I wasn’t going to put myself above God by telling Him that He couldn’t admit someone to Heaven, just because that person didn’t agree with me. This was enough for him to tell my future wife that she shouldn’t marry me, because to do so would be to, ‘yoke herself to an unbeliever’. We had to marry in the Registry Office, but his comments were to haunt us for the rest of our married life.’

‘He had applied rules to my acceptance by him. Rules that he believed, or claimed, were from God, but they weren’t, because God and Jesus applied no such rules. Jesus didn’t require the Centurion to become a Jew before he healed his servant. Jesus didn’t tell the Samaritan woman he met at the well that she would not receive the waters of life unless she went home, packed her bags and left the man with whom she was living, because he wasn’t her husband. There are many examples where Jesus healed people, blessed people and provided for people but no examples where he applied any conditions prior to doing these things. Yet here is a supposed Christian church applying conditions on people who want to become members. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell me that I had to endure a dunking in a pool, and emerge speaking in tongues, to be a Christian. But to be one of them, I had to comply with their membership rules, it’s their rules, not God’s, so why should the church insist on it?’

‘My wife was firmly entrenched in Pentecostal ideology, thoroughly brainwashed by Pentecostal ideology, and if we ever had a religious discussion and I didn’t agree with what she had been taught, we would end up arguing, and if I was able to prove to her, scripturally, that I was right, she would just tell me to take it up with ‘leadership’, knowing full well that such an action would be a waste of time, because they would not change their interpretation. That’s not to say that I didn’t attempt to discuss theology with them.’

‘One Pastor that I spoke with claimed that he didn’t have a problem with me disagreeing with him, and he was willing to discuss my differences with me. But then he added that he hoped that I would always remain ‘teachable’, the inference being, that he would discuss teachings with me while ever I was prepared to concede t
hat he was right. In my experience with different Christian sects, the one that was least ‘teachable’ were the Pentecostals. They rejected out of hand all reality except their own. They rejected out of hand all ‘truth’ except their own.’

‘I became even more frustrated at my wife’s lack of curiosity, her blind obedience to the Pentecostal teaching demonstrated how little she cared for me. It was a painful revelation for me.’

‘That will be all.’ Johansson was now sorry that he had called Henderson to the stand, he had hoped to prove that Henderson’s hatred of the Pentecostal church would manifest itself in anger, anger that would have distorted his thinking. But here he was lucidly and systematically demolishing the church. All he could think of now was damage control.

‘Your Honour, Mister Johansson opened this can of worms, and I don’t think it is time to shut it now. I could always cross examine myself, and achieve the same result as if I just keep going as I am.’

‘I agree with you.’

‘I object!’

‘Mister Johansson,’ Judge Foley stared directly into Johansson’s eyes, the message in that stare immediately and abundantly clear to the recipient. ‘I am fully aware what you had hoped to achieve by calling your opponent to the stand, and I allowed it. I must also allow Mister Henderson the opportunity of reply. As he suggested, we could go through the rigmarole of a cross-examination, but, also as he suggested, this court will be better served if he continued his explanation.’

‘As your Honour wishes.’ Johansson sat down, defeated.

Henderson acknowledged Judge Foley. ‘The more that I witnessed of the way that they operated, the more I became convinced, that the Pentecostal church was financially wealthy but spiritually bankrupt. Everything was for show, from the concert at the beginning of the service to the way the preachers delivered their message. They were entertainers, not messengers of God. And then there were the constant demands for money by playing on the greed of their followers.’

‘In their defence the Pentecostal church will tell us that they need money to do the work of God and that other churches demand money for the same reason, but the difference is, that the Pentecostal church is one of the few that turns these demands into a scriptural imperative, to be obeyed, even if you place yourself in financial hardship.’

‘When I first started going to a Pentecostal church, no, even before that, when I first saw a Pentecostal worship service on television, I was immediately drawn to make comparisons with the Nuremburg rallies of pre World War Two Germany, I was immediately drawn to comparisons with a mosh pit at a rock concert. The process was the same, the achieved outcome was the same, caught up in the euphoria, those there would believe anything and everything, that they were told. In the case of Nazi Germany they believed totally in the Aryan ‘Master Race’ of racial purity because that is what their leader Adolf Hitler told them to believe, and they were too scared to challenge him. The Pentecostals believe in the Evangelical ‘Master Race’ of religious purity, and their followers are too scared to challenge that teaching.’

‘If you ever have the time you should watch some of the shows coming out of the States through HTTV, it’s an education in greed. Here you have a broadcasting network that’s on air 24/7, it sells time to preachers who want to gain access to their viewers. The directors of the network are incredibly wealthy from monies earned through the network, but they don’t need to use their own money for anything. They live in any of the many mansions or condominiums that the church owns, bought using cash so that there was no paper trail leading to the church.’

‘Whenever they need to travel, they use the network owned executive jet, it’s not leased, it’s owned by the network, and it is a multimillion dollar plane. This network holds a twice a year Praise-a-thon to beg for money, to keep the network on the air, when they have millions of dollars in cash and hundreds of millions in Treasury Bonds. And do you know what the most obscene thing is? The overwhelming majority of the donations that they get are from people who can’t afford to give this obscenely wealthy organization from their low income. They are suckered into giving by the promise of wealth beyond measure in return for their giving. They are even encouraged to go into debt, with the promise that their debt will be repaid by God, it doesn’t happen.’

‘While one of the network’s rules limits the time that these preachers can ask for money, and sell merchandise, to a minute at the end of the broadcast, there is a banner scrolling across the bottom of the screen the whole time, with a donation hot line that people can call to pledge money. This is a constant subliminal demand for money, and it works! They have a prayer line, where people can call in with prayer requests, and from this they add the names to their mailing list, and a couple of days after the phone contact, the people receive a begging letter from them.’

‘While the history of the Prosperity preachers is littered with the obscenely rich, those that succumb to the fortune that they have gained in this way, and would do anything to get more, names like Oral Roberts, Jimmy Bakker, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyers, Benny Hinn, the list goes on. These people have built up huge financial empires on the back of the poor, by dangling the carrot of riches beyond measure. This is obscene in the extreme, and certainly does not in any way follow the teachings of Jesus, who told the rich young man to divest himself of his wealth before he could become a follower. That young man, just as this organization, chose his wealth over the work of God.’

‘Yes I do have a problem with an organization that promotes itself as a Christian church, but whose ideology is diametrically opposed to that of Christ.’

‘Yes I do have a problem with an organization that has totally ignored the Christian mandate of help for the poor and disadvantaged in our society. Jesus never turned away a request for help, a request for healing, but one church that I used to attend, when approached by one of its members for assistance, told this woman to go to the Salvation Army. I ask you, is that a Christian attitude? This church had replaced the work of God, with its obscene quest for wealth and power, at the expense of the very same people it is meant to help.’

‘Yes I do have a problem with an organization whose leaders swan around the world displaying their wealth, wealth that they have gained from the very people that they are supposed to help.’

‘Yes I do have a problem with the obscenity of this situation, these organizations enjoy tax relief, because they claim to be a Christian charity, when Christian charity is not part of their ideology, and that they are in fact, a huge corporate vortex sucking the life out of everyone and everything around them.’

‘Mark put it very succinctly when he records Jesus quoting Isaiah: ‘These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ Or even more succinct is the ‘Message Bible’ translation: ‘These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their heart isn’t in it. They act like they are worshipping me, but they don’t mean it. They just use me as a cover for teaching whatever suits their fancy, ditching God’s command and taking up the latest fads.”

‘If you cast your mind back a few years there was this thing called the ‘Toronto Blessing’ that swept through Pentecostal churches, it was touted as a spiritual gift that had hundreds of people falling about laughing uncontrollably, but where is it now? Now what Mark said, is what I call prophetic, because it applies explicitly to what is happening now, over two thousand years after the words were written. To paraphrase the words heard so often over the Pentecostal pulpit, ‘That is truly awesome pro

‘A couple of days ago Pastor Mayotte called me an atheist, I assume that was because I was challenging his teaching, his doctrine. In answer to that, I am not and never have been an atheist. I was brought up in a Christian family and, while I may have not always attended church, I held onto my Christian principles, my Christian outlook on life, I tried at all times to love my fellow man and I certainly tried to love God unconditionally, I tried at all times to not do anything that would harm, or cause pain to, my fellow man.’

‘Such, unfortunately cannot be said for the teachings of the Shining Light Christian Church, and other similar churches. Theirs is the antithesis of the teachings of Jesus Christ, they place many, many conditions on the love that they dispense, and, if you challenge their teachings you are punished. There is little evidence of love in the Pentecostal church doctrine. It claims rigid adherence to the word of God, but that claim cannot be substantiated. It claims Jesus as its spiritual leader but it is guilty of the practices that he criticized in Matthew 23.’

‘It is interesting to note that, on several occasions I have discussed the various worship practices with Pentecostal Pastors, and while they have separately agreed with me on the individual elements of these practices, and how they are not supported scripturally, whenever I attempted to combine these elements into a whole, they would have none of it. A case of, the sum of agreement with the individual elements equalling total disagreement with the whole.’

‘That is why I agreed to take on this case. It was not for the money, because I am doing it for nothing. When my client came to see me with his enquiry about this case I felt ashamed. I felt as if I had let the world down by doing nothing about what I had witnessed in these churches. I recalled the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and likened myself to the Priest and the Levite, who did nothing to assist the mugged traveller, who saw a wrongdoing and did nothing to help, whose complacency was just as much a sin as the robbers that had left him there, when I should have been like the Samaritan, who rendered more than aid.’

‘Here was a man willing to put everything, his life, his reputation, on the line for this cause, and it made me so ashamed of my lack of action that I jumped at the chance, because, it finally gave me the motivation to do something that I should have done ages ago. It is not about my seeking revenge for my broken marriage, it is not about my client seeking recompense for the money he has contributed. It is about someone, us, taking a stand against this organization whose creed is ‘Greed is good, greed is God’!’

‘When we look back into the history of our religion we find that there have been many precedents for what my client and I are doing now. We have already mentioned the Prophet Jeremiah and the way he had to endure hardship because he spoke out against the church of his time’.

‘We have the example of Martin Luther who, disgusted with the corruption he witnessed in the church of his time spoke out against it and was excommunicated for his troubles. The Pentecostal, along with other Protestant churches, should be thankful that he did, yet here they are trying to stifle that very same process.’

‘We saw Copernicus who was forced to recant his theories, because they went against the teachings of the church on the creation of the Universe and Earth’s position in relation to the sun, and the rest of the Universe, theories that had already been proven by the Maya in Central America.’

‘We saw that Galileo was excommunicated when he proved that Copernicus was right, and that the Sun did not revolve around the Earth as the church believed. It wasn’t until late last century that the church finally admitted it had been wrong, and rescinded the excommunication.’

‘And of course we can’t forget the biggest of all, Jesus Christ. He was killed, not because he claimed to be the ‘Son of God’ or the ‘King of the Jews’, or even the Messiah, but because he spoke out against the corruption and false teaching of the church of his time.’

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Sue was lonely. Thirty five and divorced she felt her life was a wreck. John said he still loved her but she’d had a skin full of his alcoholism and having to bail him out of his money problems. She discovered to her lament that was the worst thing ever she could have done to help his problem. He just kept drinking and there was no hope. Finally she through in the towel although she still loved him but without the warmth of love she began to lose all hope for the future and her hopes to have...

3 years ago
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AssignmentChapter 8

J8 I was mad, but I didn't let James know about it. He fucking knew that it was his daughter and he still enjoyed her lab dance way too much. I started thinking about if he was all worth the trouble. I knew I could count on Melissa, but I was concerned about telling her the whole story. Letting her know about our relationship to James was the worse. But it was already enough reason to get rid of her as soon a she knows that I was supposed to kill James. Then they'd tried to kill her. Now I...

3 years ago
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Hot Didi Ki Blackmail Wali Chudai

My name is aryan, age 19 and studying in inter 2nd year.Ye kahani mere or mere bohot hi sundar , hot didi “priya” ki hai.Meri didi ki shaadi ho chuki thi or unka ek baby hai , jo ki 2 saal ka hai.Wo healthy hai … Mere didi ki age 26 hai or unka figure to uffffff 40-34-46….. Soch kar haal bura ho jaata hai.Wo bilkul gori hai,jisse wo aur v hot nd sundar lgti thi.Unka chuchi ko dekh kar kisi ko v lagega ki jor jor se dabau …. Aur gaand to maano tarbooj ki tarah,jitna chalti thi,utna hilti thi …....

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 10

Tuesday morning, a little bit before seven o'clock, Joyce pulled into the employee parking lot. She got out of her car, and a young man slid over behind the steering wheel, and backed out of the parking space before driving away. "That's my brother, Jack. I'm letting him use my car today, so he can look for work. He just got out of the Air Force last month." This was all information she volunteered to me before she got into my car to drive out to the Bolling airport. We were scheduled...

2 years ago
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Getting a Boyfriend

Getting a Boyfriend Transexual fiction by [email protected]. The following story contains descriptions of sex between young men and transgendered men. If you are offended by such things, or live in an area where such things are illegal to read about, or you're too young to be reading adult fiction, please stop now. I was born in San Jose, California. My name is Sam. I have two older (by 3 years) sisters, twins, named Melissa and Miranda. My parents are both engineers....

2 years ago
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Ten Weeks chapter 1

I usually wake with an erection as a matter of course.That morning my partner had taken advantage of the fact mercilessly, so I had found myself waking to the unique sensation of my manhood being enveloped in warm, wet, and slippery flesh. It took me a few seconds to reach the conclusion I wasn't dreaming. Wonderful, though certainly unexpected.It certainly beat a damp flannel, an elbow in the ribs, or (the most frequent) a pair of cold feet on the bum. In fact I'd go so far to say this method,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart V 4 Pop Go the Cherries

"Okay, Joey. Let's go over the game plan. The twins are waiting right inside, and I would like us to romance them a bit. That all right with you?" "Sure. I can do some sweet talkin'. I need the practice anyway. I think I'm getting rusty with Suzi around." "Hmmph," Suzi said. "Wouldn't hurt you to practice on me a little more often." "Anyway, I was meaning we do a lot of snuggling, you know, tender stuff. They are pretty nervous, even though they would never let it show. By the...

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Mary and Carl

This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send your comments on my humble work to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  This story is more of control and humiliation than blatant sex.  It takes some background information to make the implausible situation seem real.  I feel it is one of my best stories and am eager to receive feedback from my readers/                                     Mary and Carl                                  Chapter 1Mary     I was born...

1 year ago
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A Bikers Need

[For Sonny...though long gone, you have not been forgotten!]Sonny's life had been a colorful one. He'd been born in a little town in Oklahoma, to a roughneck father who worked on oil wells and a mother who did her best to raise Sonny and his three other siblings (in spite of an often drunken, and abusive husband). Eventually, Sonny also worked on oil drilling rigs until he and his father had a falling out and Sonny left home, rarely to ever go back.Sonny ended up going to California and he did...

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My Nanny

It started when I was 5 and my parents traveled so much they got me a Nanny. They had tried one who was elderly but she didn’t work out because of the demands of taking care of a young energetic young man (me). They got a reference for a young lady from the Phillipines who was gorgeous and only 19 years old. I was only 5 but was already in love. My parents loved me but really were career oriented so I lacked attention and sought to get it anywhere I could. Marie was that outlet for me and she...

1 year ago
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My Virginity Taken The Finale

"Ok Natalie start wanking him" Nat did as she was told. She wrapped her right hand around my stiff cock and started jerking me. "No ! you'll make cum too quick" I blurted but Nat continued "Slowly Nat" Hazel said as she climbed onto the bed next to me. She opened her legs. She looked at me as she started rubbing her pussy. "Just getting the juices flowing" she said and watched as Nat continued jerking me.Hazels hand increased the pace of her own masturbation and suddenly a big gush of water...

1 year ago
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Pati Ke Ghar Mei Hote Huye Choda 8211 Part 1

Dosto, mera naam Ankit hai aur mai Gurgaon mei rehta hun. Meri friend ka naam Sapna hai aur woh mere office mei hi kaam karti hai. Hum ek CA firm mei employee hai aur 3 mahine pehle hum ek dusre ke kaafi karee baa gaye. Office me hum usual colleague jaisa hi behave karte the lekin kabhi-kabhi movie dekhne chale gaye toh smooch-kiss ho chukka tha. Hum dono hi married hain aur meri wife ko delivery hone wali thi toh wo apne parents ke ghar gayi hui thi last 2 months ke liye. Mujhe sex kiye huye...

4 years ago
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Sali ke samne biwi ki chudai

By: iss Hi readers, I am Jony (not real name) from Mh. I am 29 years old, 5’ 8” and 6” cock. I am married and having two kids too. I am regular reader of ISS since last two months. So I thought that I should also share my experience with you. You will be surprised that till now I have no sex experience other girl or lady except my wife. But I always want to do sex with some other gi rl or lady, but don’t have courage to start. I always think of about some girls whom I know, but I don’t know how...

2 years ago
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Strange night out

Sue was going on at me to go to a works fancy dress party for ages and i was like why! she said you never come out with my friends or work colleagues so for once make an effort.i agreed to go i had a week to decide what i was going as. in the bedroom i always wanted to get Sue to dress as a nun so i said why don't we go as nuns, Sue said you will do anything for me to dress as a nun, i told her its both as nuns or i stay at home, so she agreed to go as a sexy nun and i would go as the sister...

1 year ago
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Her legs slid up the strong thighs of her son, wrapping around his hips as he lay on top of her. His violent pushing was reaching a climax, his cock deep inside his young mother, and Paul was straining for orgasm. The involuntary contractions had begun, and he lost consciousness of the woman beneath him, her breasts against his chest, their legs entwined; he could feel nothing but the smooth texture of her insides which enveloped his cock, pulsing, squeezing, and demanding his sperm. With a...

4 years ago
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Str8 Mate

Swipe left (minger)Swipe left (double minger)Swipe right (babe)Swipe right (hot babe)Swipe up (out of my league super-hot babe)Swipe – matches?Swipe – no matches?Swipe, swipe – no, no matches?Swipe, swipe, swipe – still no matchesSwipe, swipe, swipe, swipe – BITCHES!100 swipes = no matches100 swipes = no bitchesSwipe right,Swipe right,Swipe right,Swipe right,No matches? BITCHES!I got testosterone,And I’m gonna make you moanSwipe right, right?Swipe right, right?… BITCHES.“Aw! Poor Chris!! Fucks...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Fiancee Fucked The Stripper At Her Bachelorette Party Part 1

True life is stranger than fiction. That is the best way to describe my relationship with Sue.  Sue is a knockout brunette with tits to die for.  Her 32D-24-34 body is eye popping.  Sue is twenty-five years old and I'm twenty-seven.  My name is Craig and I've known Sue for three years.  Sue is a professional sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, and her good looks and body serve her well in the competitive sales world. She has no trouble getting appointments, and is the top sales rep at her...

Wife Lovers
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 26 Entertainer

When Jacqui made her grand entrance into the Choosing Room that evening, Colin was already there, talking to Madame. As she moved across to accept her first paying customer, Jacqui's thoughts were a mass of contradictions. Was she becoming a whore for the first time? She had often gone out for a meal or to a show with a man, or woman, on Earth, knowing that she was expected to let them beat or fuck her, or both, at the end of the evening. Wasn't that just the same as taking money for...

1 year ago
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Madu Chudi Ravi Se

Hi friends I am madhu rani Me apko apni kahani sunane ja rahi hoon Mera fig hai 36 40 38 Me girlish hoon or mujhe mans ko satisfy karne me mza aata hai. Is kahani me 3 character hai Me mera colleague and meri mom. Jaise ki me cd hoo ek din me office me panty pehen ke chli gayi. Ravi ne meri panty notice kar li pr wo bola kuchh nahi.   Sam ko office party thi wahan drink karne ke bad ravi ne mujhe kinare le ja ke poonchha tumne panty kyo pehni hai.Ravi ne mujhse poonchha to mene kha ki meri...

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Ball Busted into Slavery

Chapter 1 There are many who would say I had it coming. I was amused by stories of other men being subjected to cock and ball torture by sadistic women and looked at websites about it. I giggled at movies where some guy took it in the eggs and made a lot of barnyard jokes about some bitch “having him by the balls” or saying someone should crush some jerk’s nuts. By myself, I imagined a woman squeezing my naked balls while I writhed in pain but never thought anything like that could happen...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 45 Changes In The Family

Right after they got back, Sophia was waiting for Warren to come to her house so they could go to the ice rink. He had gotten his license right after they had gotten back. "Finally, I'm not the only child around here," he quipped. They got to the rink and they were putting their skates on. June was there, waiting for them. "Guys, I've got an idea. I want to scrap the Sinatra program." Warren said. "Huh?" Sophia asked. "It's half way choreographed!" "Yeah, I know, and if you...

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Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad: Well, by now you'll have been notified long ago, but this message will confirm it: your little girls were picked up a month ago. Just like you told us to do, we both went to try to get a sponsor. Tiffany's sponsor is some guy with a 7.4 CAP score. She's with her best friend Katie and some couple with two kids about eight and ten. My sponsor is Gerry, a really nice guy with a 6.8 CAP score who is going to be doing Technical Analysis of the Swarm's stuff. My sister...

3 years ago
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Heavy Metal Sissy Whore

Heavy Metal Sissy Whore by Tanya Sissipus "Finally!" Hot, sweaty, and more than just a little irritable, I jumped to my feet before anybody could take my place in line. The radio CLAIMED it was only 90 degrees out, but I'd have sworn it was closer to 120 -- and I mean in the shade! As if that weren't bad enough, we were on the sunny side of the arena, left to bake against the concrete wall for the past three hours. However, there WERE only 20 people ahead of us -- and that made it...

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It Started on a Saturday

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock, blaring all the way on the other side of the room, signaling it was time for me to start my day. If it were closer, I would have took the batteries out of that hellish device and slept through the morning but, as I put it in the corner ever since I moved into the apartment to get me out of bed and ready for work, I didn't have the luxury of a few more peaceful hours of sleep.I sat up in my king sized bed with a stretch and a yawn, blinking away the last...

2 years ago
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Romance 8211 A Hill Station Holiday Sex Story

Hey readers, my name is Vineet (name changed). Today i am going to share with you guys and girls about me and my girlfriend’s first time experience. My girlfriend and I are both studying in the same university in the city of Bangalore. But both of us belong from north India. My girlfriend and i are in a serious relationship, and it’s almost 4 years since we have been together. My girlfriend’s name is Ruhi (name changed) she is 20 years of age, average looking, and stunning bosoms. The best...

1 year ago
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The Chase Was On The Date

The Chase Was On: The Date By Angel Stevens Author's Note: Please read the first installment, The Chase Is On before you read this story. The story flows into this one and it will be more enjoyable. As always, I look forward to comments on the story. Please email. Dana was outside waiting for Rick to pick him up at 8:00. He got outside early because he knows that even though a girl, traditionally, is supposed to make a boy wait, he also knew that it would be disrespectful as well....

2 years ago
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The Quest for a Cock Worship Slut

The first person portions of this story are entirely true. The fantasy sequences about the character ‘slut’ are unfortunately, still just fantasies. Please read on to find the world where fantasies can be actualized- with your help, that is. The Quest for a Cock Worship SlaveFor better or for worse, I am the type of girl that cannot prefer to be anywhere more than being naked, collared and kneeling at Master’s feet. ?Tell me you love this cock?, he commanded me, while pulling my hair with his...

2 years ago
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My Virginity Stolen By Sheela Aunty

Hope you enjoy it. I love matured women, most of my days are fantasizing about them. Matured women please feel free to contact me at for friendship, sex chat anything. Now let me start the story. The woman of my desire is Sheela (name changed). She is 42, typical Indian aunty, Little chubby, big boobs, cute face. I am athletic, brown skinned. We met in a social app.  Initially we had some chit chat. Then we started talking issues and we got personal. She asked me whether I had a girlfriend. I...

1 year ago
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Exposing Cindy my sessions with Sawyer

I spend time with my friend’s son!Introduction: I love young men. I love their innocence, energy, their lust for life. I love how excited they get and how hard they stay. I love the embarrassment they experience if and when they cum to quickly and how with the slightest encouragement, they are hard and ready to go again after they cum.But most of all, I love knowing that they will never forget the intimacy of their encounters with me and that they will be better, more considerate lovers after...

3 years ago
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Delightfully Evil Part Five

Samantha walked quickly, pulling me along out the door of my cell. I was trying very hard not to fall down, so I didn’t notice the newly placed, wooden crossbar.Shaped like a narrow X, leather restraints for my ankles, no chain, but fastened to bar itself. As I looked up, there were the leather cuffs for my wrists, but the chains were adjustable by winch on either side of the X. I felt another violent tug, Samantha wanted my attention.She slowly rolled up the leash, forcing me closer until...

3 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 2 Chapter 5

Silver and gold, only knights who held such rankings were present in the war room. Many grumbled in annoyance at their participation, having been busy the night before in stopping the fights in the streets. This dawn briefing was required, but why? If it was simply a matter of going over the details of the Red Revelry, then only those who had taken part would be present. For some reason, everyone in the city of sufficient rank had been gathered. The stone palace walls were decorated with...

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happy campers

'Kari this rain isn't going to die down' Sara complained, flicking back her curly blonde hair. Kari and Sara were camping out in the Moore Valley and for the third day in a row it was raining.'Baby I know but we can still have fun' Kari replied wrapping an arm around her lover's shoulder. Kari pulled back her long dark hair from her pale face and secured it with an elastic band.'How can we have fun when there is nothing we can do except stay in this tiny tent?' Sara exclaimed, throwing herself...

2 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 3

Eventually, we finished dinner and had the kitchen cleaned and dishes washed up. And I’m sure that John was relieved. He was acting like a dog passing a peach pit as we all sat down in the living room. Everyone’s glass was filled, and we were all feeling pleasantly fed. Suzy gave me the go ahead to get started. So, I started the conversation. “Alright, John, this is your chance. Tell me about this ‘unusual’ guide group you’ve got.” “Well, Matt, Ms. Suzy, you know that my oldest daughter is...

1 year ago
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Mother And Child

My breathing finally slowed to the point where I could talk again. I had been huffing, like a lion right after a kill, I was so wound up, my mouth wide open and working hard on getting enough air. I had just had an orgasm that was a mind-bender and it took me several minutes to slow down enough to say, "I think that was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you beyond words. I write about sex, erotica that I publish but I do not have words for this." She was on her stomach and I...

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