Promises, Promises free porn video

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Promises, Promises By Marc Lane Marc and Kara had become close friends. Late one evening about six months ago, Marc and Kara struck up a conversation in the laundry room at their apartment complex, while each was up late catching up on their laundry. Both were part- time students at the local college and both worked part-time. Marc, 19, was in his first year of college and worked part-time as a clerk at a drug store while Kara, 21, was finishing her third year and was working part-time as a waitress. Kara had noticed Marc at the school library and at the neighborhood drug store where Marc worked. From the beginning, Kara was intrigued by Marc's appearance. Studying him, she noted that he had long dark hair, a slender build, strikingly delicate features and a shy slightly effeminate manner. He was quite a contrast to the hounds she was used to fending off while waitressing at the Cozy Lounge near campus. Likewise, Marc seemed drawn to Kara's strong manner. Besides, she was quite a stunning woman in her own right. Tall, and statuesque with short curly chestnut hair. Kara eventually decided to make it a point to get to know Marc. She noticed that he often did his laundry late at night. After their initial 'chance' meeting in the laundry room, Kara asked Marc out on a date. They started dating and, before long, she began to freely make subtle comments about him being so pretty. She commented on his long soft hair and his delicate manner. Marc always took it in stride. He was used to it, he would blushingly tell her. A relationship blossomed quickly. Marc admired Kara's worldliness while Kara adored Marc's sweet innocence. She liked that he was different and was beginning to think up ways to exploit that 'difference.' Kara especially liked that Marc never resisted her being the aggressor in bed and seemed to listen to her 'fashion advice.' She had recently convinced him to get his ears pierced and have his long hair trimmed in layers. Little did Marc know that Kara was leading him to a special day of reckoning. ***** It was a lazy rainy Saturday morning as Marc sat in front of Kara at her apartment. "Marc?" Kara asked in a sweet voice while slowly running a brush through Marc's long hair. "Yes?" Marc answered somewhat in a daze. "Do you remember last month when I asked about curling your hair and making you gorgeous?" "Yes," answered Marc cautiously. "As I remember it, you finally promised to let me, 'on some rainy day' as you put it." Kara said as she continued brushing Marc's hair. "Well, uh, yes but I didn't really think you meant it." Marc said nervously hoping to quell Kara's curiosity. "Are you kidding me? I've only been bugging you about styling your hair for months. You've got hair most girls would die for! Kara answered playfully grabbing Marc's hair and bunching it up atop his head. "I just know I can make you drop dead gorgeous!" "I hardly think that's possible!" Marc quickly retorted, blushing. "Oh really! That sounds like a challenge to me!" "Hey, I didn't mean it that way, honest!" Marc answered nervously. "It doesn't matter how you meant it. Anyway, a promise is a promise. It's a rainy Saturday and you did promise to let me curl your hair and make you gorgeous on a rainy day!" Marc groaned in acknowledgement. "So, let's go. I'm not taking no for an answer this time!" Kara stood over Marc and held her hand out to help him up. Marc took her hand and stood up next to Kara. They were just about the same height. A fact that had not gone unnoticed by Kara. Relishing in the moment, she cooed, "You're going to be so pretty when I'm done with you! This is going to be so fun!" Marc shuddered. Marc proceeded to the bathroom as instructed. Kara informed him that he should first take a shower and wash his hair. While he was applying conditioner to his hair after the shampoo, Kara tried one of her ideas. "Oh, Marc, dear, try this body gel. It will make your skin so very soft." "Okay." answered Marc obligingly. Kara took Marc's hand and poured some into his palm. "Now rub that all over except your crotch. Be sure to get enough on your legs, arms, chest, and underarms." Instructed Kara. "Why?" Asked Marc. "You'll see," giggled Kara. Marc unwittingly applied the gel. Before long, Marc was rinsing the conditioner from his hair and letting the shower rinse his body as well. As he turned his head to rinse the back of his head, he looked down to see a stream of fine hair going down the drain. "Hey! Kara, what's this?" "Oh, that's just all of that nasty body hair that keeps your body from being soft like I want it." Kara beamed. "For crying out loud. You tricked me!" Whined Marc. "Oh there, there. Don't be such a spoilsport. Its all for the best. You'll see." Marc exited the shower as Kara held out a large towel. After drying off, she had him put scented lotion on his body and then helped him slip on a robe. "Wait a minute. This is your robe." Marc said holding out his arms to display the pink satin robe. "Its much more appropriate for today, my dear. And, much better for the mood." Kara answered. Kara then took Marc's hand and led him to a chair in front of the bathroom mirror. On the chair lay a pair of pink panties with lace trim. Marc looked at Kara. "You've thought this out haven't you?" Kara just giggled and said, "Just put them on and go with the flow. It'll be fun, you'll see." Kara watched as Marc slipped into the panties, somewhat surprised at how easy her 'game' was progressing. Her confidence began to grow. If it was going to be this easy, she thought, she might as well go for the gusto. With Marc now positioned in the chair, she began setting up the counter. Marc looked in amazement as Kara brought out a container full of an array of curlers such that he had never seen before. Kara then began misting Marc's hair with a sweet fragrant spray. "What is that?" Marc asked. "It's a special setting gel for hair that doesn't hold a curl well. I got it at the salon. I wasn't sure how well your hair would take a curl so it's just a precaution. I want your hair nice and curly." Kara answered as she combed the gel through Marc's hair. Carefully she worked the gel into his hair until she was sure it was well saturated, as instructed by the beautician at the salon. She giggled to herself while combing Marc's hair since the shoulder length layered cut she had recently instructed him to get now made his hair perfect for the style she envisioned. With everything now ready, Marc sat nervously watching as Kara separated the first section of hair, wound the first curler in place and secured it with a pin. Quickly, another curler was pinned in place and then another. Marc watched as Kara expertly lined the curlers up row after row while winding them in various directions, for reasons only obvious to her. He sat looking at himself in amazement with a head full of curlers, as Kara wound the last curlers at the nape of his neck. "There, all done!" Kara finally announced. Marc felt strange, just as he had in previous times when girls had set his hair. "Gee, I look and feel really weird. Now what?" Marc asked meekly. "Well, lets see. It will be hours for your hair to dry so we might as well see how you'd look with a little makeup!" Kara answered with a broad smile. "Makeup!" You never said anything about makeup! Marc protested. "I certainly did!" Kara retorted. What did you think I meant by saying I'd make you gorgeous? You don't look gorgeous yet do you? You just said yourself that you look weird." "Well, no!" Marc answered meekly. "Then just shush and do what your told! Kara ordered in a sweet girlish voice. Kara pushed the curler bin aside, took out her makeup kit, and began removing cosmetics for Marc. It was obvious that she had made several recent purchases, as everything she removed for Marc was brand new. Marc's heart began to pound as Kara placed mascara, eyeliner, eye shadows, lipstick, and foundation on the counter and went to work on his face. With careful precision and a frequent request for Marc to sit still, she slowly transformed his face. A natural tone foundation took care of concealing what little facial hair Marc had. Eyeliner, mascara, and mauve eye shadow made his eyes come alive. Ever the perfectionist, Kara even tweezed Marc's eyebrows a bit to give them a slightly thinner and more pronounced feminine shape. Kara finished the transformation with a bright red lipstick. While Marc stared in disbelief at the feminine image in the mirror, he observed Kara reaching for a bottle of nail polish. "What are you doing now?" He screamed. "Look, you have to have nail polish if your wearing lipstick. Really, Marc, you have so much to learn!" Kara scolded sarcastically while rolling her eyes. First, Kara filed Marc's nails then applied modest extensions. When she had his nails ready, she then applied a bright red nail polish to match his lipstick. After the second coat, she instructed him to sit still while his nails dried. As Kara left for the bedroom closet, Marc studied himself in the mirror. He could hardly recognize himself. His mind began to race with fear. What was he doing? How could he let her do this? How far was she going to take it? Marc had been in this situation before. He had been tricked in High School and made a fool of by a girlfriend who curled his hair, dressed him in a prom dress and then paraded him in front of several of her friends. Had he fallen into yet another trick? No, he thought. Kara was different. These were completely different circumstances. "Oh, Marc. How ya doing in there." Kara cried out. "Just fine, I guess." Answered Marc nervously. "What's the matter, sweetie!" Asked Kara, hearing Marc's nervous tone. "I just wouldn't want anyone to know about this, that's all!" Marc answered meekly. "Oh, don't be a nervous Nelly. No one will know. I promise!" Kara answered as she walked toward the bathroom. "Well, your nails should be dry but let me check your hair." Kara said as she reentered the bathroom. She then patted Marc on the shoulders to reassure him before checking his set. "Gee, this is taking longer than I thought. Your hair's not even close to being dry. Well, I don't have a hair dryer so you have two choices. You can either sit and use the blow dryer, which will take forever, or you can just let your hair air dry for another few hours." Kara announced. "I know I don't want to sit here with your blow dryer, but what am I going to do for the next two hours?" Asked Marc in a soft tone. Before Kara could answer, the phone rang. "Hello." Kara said answering the phone. "Oh, shoot. I'm sorry I forgot. I'll have to meet you there. I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. Oh, okay, thirty minutes will be fine. See ya there." Kara said before putting the phone down. "What's going on?" Marc asked in a panic. "I forgot I was supposed to meet Sue at the gym today. This is the second time I've forgotten. I'll have to go or she'll never talk to me again." "But what about me?" "Oh, we can think of something." Kara answered hurriedly. Marc paced nervously in Kara's bedroom watching her as she stood thinking. Suddenly she grinned. "I know, why don't we have you do what most women do then they are stuck in curlers for the day?" "And what is that?" Marc asked in a frightened tone. "Housework of course, silly!" "Housework!" Exclaimed Marc. "Yes, we'll just slip you into a little Suzy homemaker outfit and you can occupy yourself doing housework for the next few hours while your hair dries and I go to the gym. It's perfect! I have just the dress for you too!" "Oh, for crying out loud, Kara." Marc whined. "Don't start, Marc. I don't have time for your whining now. Just do as I say and it'll be fine." Marc stood by obediently as Kara started pulling lingerie out of her dresser drawers. A beige lacey bra landed on the bed followed by matching lace frilly panties, then came a garter belt and tan nylons. Marc watched in shocking disbelief as Kara continued tossing things on the bed. "Don't just stand there. Put them on. I've got to hurry." Kara ordered as she tossed a matching slip on the bed. Without a word of protest, Marc complied. As Marc slipped on the lingerie, Kara continued rifling through her closet. "Here it is!" She announced. She then appeared from the closet holding an older style dress. The dress, cut for a small waist with a billowy skirt to give it an hourglass shape, was an off-white color decorated with pretty floral patterns. "This was my aunt's. She was going to toss it but I saved it. It is so 50's retro looking. It's got the whole look going with the little collar and full skirt and all. Just like all of those housewives on the old TV shows. I love it. It'll look so pretty on you! Here, try it on." Kara said, smiling proudly and holding the dress out for Marc. Marc took the dress and stepped into. Kara immediately zipped up the back and fastened the belt. Marc gasped as she fastened the belt rather tightly to enhance his shape. "That is so cool looking!" Exclaimed Kara. "God, you have great legs too." Kara said admiring how the skirt hemline lay just below Marc's knees. "Here, put these heels on!" Kara ordered, presenting Marc with a pair of 3 inch matching high heels. Marc obeyed, slipped into the heels and now stood before a beaming Kara. "So this is what I'm wearing for housework?" Marc asked sarcastically. "Well, not quite. We need to add one more thing." Kara opened yet another dresser drawer and removed a white lacy apron. Holding it up she presented it to Marc. "Tada. The 'coup de grace' as they say!" Kara laughed as she tied the apron around Marc's now tiny looking waist. "Now your all set, Suz! Or should we call you, Marci!" Kara laughed. Even though he felt belittled, Kara's laughing broke a smile on Marc's face. "See there, you'll be fine, dear. Now, over there is a basket of clothes to be ironed. The furniture polish, feather duster, and vacuum are all in the hallway closet. That should be enough to keep you busy for a couple of hours, Marci." Kara laughed. "Oh, God. Look at the time. I've only got 5 minutes to get to the gym. I've got to run." Kara quickly grabbed her gym bag stuffed her workout clothes in it and ran to the door. "Ta ta, sweetie. Have fun!" Kara laughed as she ran out the door. ***** "Sue, I thought you said Kara was meeting us here?" Asked Julie. "She did, but she did say she was in the middle of something. I guess that 'something' delayed her again. I swear that girl drives me crazy." "Maybe we should just swing by her apartment and see if she's coming or not. It'll only take a few minutes." Julie said impatiently. "Yeah, lets do that. That way I can give her a hard time. She owes me big time now." Sue laughed. The girls left the parking lot and raced down the street toward Kara's apartment. ***** Marc stood in silence in Kara's bedroom. He glanced over at her vanity mirror, studying his reflection for the first real time. His mind began to wander again. He was amazed! Kara had literally transformed him into a pretty little housewife in a matter of hours. He did look like something from a 1950's TV show. And she had done it with so little protest from him. He felt helpless to say no to her and she knew it. Was it her or was he really just eager to dress up again but just afraid to show it? Deep down he was still searching for answers. It was all so confusing. He still hadn't quite gotten over the time in High School when he was tricked into dressing up in a prom gown. How humiliating that was! But, he also knew he actually liked the feel of that prom dress and the way it rustled when he had walked down the stairs in front of everyone! He just couldn't bring himself to admit it. And what about the other times girls had tried similar things? Girls always wanted to fuss with his long hair. Was he just doomed to become a little sissy? Marc then twirled back and forth causing the skirt to raise and flop from side to side. He kind of liked the look. He wondered how his hair would look when Kara removed the curlers. Suddenly, Marc pulled himself out of his daydreaming. Better just get to the housework, he thought. Marc posed with one hand on his hip and gently placed his other hand against the curlers. He giggled as he patted the curlers feeling the tightness of the set. He paused to admire Kara's handy work and then went to the hallway closet to remove the vacuum cleaner. ***** Kara raced out of the parking lot. As she drove down the street to the gym, she caught a glimpse of what looked to be Sue's car. No, it couldn't be, she thought. There was someone else in the car. Did she say someone else would be joining them at the gym? Where did they agree to meet? At the gym or her apartment? Suddenly, Kara couldn't remember. When she pulled into the gym parking lot she quickly began looking for Sue's car. Not seeing it, she then stuck her head in the gym. "Seen Sue? Kara asked the door attendant. "Yeah she just left looking for you!" She answered. "Oh, shit! That was her!" Kara yelled as she ran to her car. ***** "Ring the bell again. She must be in there I can hear her vacuuming." Julie said. "Yeah, I hear it too. She's not going to hear the bell. Wait a minute. I know where she keeps her spare key. It should be right over here. Got it! Boy is she in for a big surprise!" The door swung open and the girls walked in. They stopped immediately upon entering as they saw a figure, with the vacuum, in curlers wearing a 50's style dress. "What's with the costume, Kara?" Yelled Sue over the roar of the vacuum. Startled, Marc turned and saw the two girls staring at him. Their eyes opened wide. "Your not Kara! Where's Kara? Who are you?" Asked Sue. Just then, Kara raced up the stairs and into the apartment. She looked at Marc who was standing in fright, then at Sue and Julie. They looked puzzled and then began to grin in anticipation of an explanation. Still in doubt as to who the person with the vacuum was. "I'm sorry Marc, I really am. This is all a big mix up." "Marc!" Julie and Sue cried out in unison. Suddenly, they each stared closely at the figure in curlers, covered their mouths, keeled over and broke out in laughter. "My God, it is Marc!" Shouted Sue pointing at Marc. Marc's worst nightmare had just become reality. Of all people, Sue was the last one he would want to see him in a dress. She had always peered at him with obvious suspicion written all over her face. He had heard her refer to him as 'girlie' behind his back more than once. Now he was standing before her in a dress, full makeup, and his hair in curlers! "So you are a little Princess after all! I knew it!" Sue remarked sarcastically. "Sue, there is no need to ridicule Marc. This was all my doing. I talked him into it." Kara exclaimed. "And I bet you put up a real fight huh, Marc?" Sue asked. Marc just looked down, blushing. "God, he looks so pretty. I didn't even now he wasn't a girl." Exclaimed Julie, in amazement. "Yeah, I have to admit, you had me fooled. I wouldn't have known either if Kara hadn't blabbed." Laughed Sue. Kara looked at Marc. She really felt bad. His predicament was all her fault! Suddenly, Sue gained her composure and changed her tone. She winked at Kara. Kara seemed to acknowledge Sue as if to say she would play along. "Well, Kara. Do we get to see the final look or are you planning on leaving those curlers in forever. I'm sure Marc is tired of having them in by now." Marc looked up at Kara. "Well, I guess we at least need to do that. Why don't you girls make yourself comfortable and I'll finish with Marc's hair." The girls sat down. "Uh, how about a glass of wine while we wait, Missy!" Julie asked boldly while looking directly at Marc. Julie gave an acknowledging wink to Kara and Sue as Marc obediently retrieved a bottle of white wine and poured them each a glass. "You're going to make such a good housewife someday!" Sue said laughing out loud while winking again at Kara, as Julie giggled. The two girls laughed as Marc retreated with Kara. They continued to giggle and whisper as Marc and Kara left the room. "I'm so sorry Marc. Really I am. I had no idea something like this would happen." "What do you think she'll do?" Marc asked in a frightened tone, referring to Sue. "Oh, it's hard to say but lets just try and amuse her for now. She'll come around." "And what about Julie?" Marc asked. "Not sure. I don't know her that well. We'll just have to play it by ear. First, let's just finish your hair." Kara then carefully removed curler after curler, placing each curler and pin back in the large plastic bin. The curls bounced to life as each curler was removed. Kara was amazed at the volume of curls atop Marc's head. It was just as she had hoped. Large soft curls cascaded in layers all the way past his small shoulders. All she had to do was fluff the curls a bit and add a little hairspray to lock them in place. When the hairdo was complete, Kara added a gold necklace and hoop earrings to complete the ensemble. Kara led Marc back into the living room and presented him to Sue and Julie. She instructed him to turn completely around so the girls could see the whole effect of his hairstyle. "My, my. Don't we look pretty! Do you feel as pretty as you look, Marc? Oh, wait. Surely you don't call him Marc do you, Kara?" Asked Sue. "Well, I was toying with the name, Marci." Answered Kara. "Marci, is it? Hmmm, yes I kind of like that. It's quite feminine sounding. And a bit French even. Hmmm, that gives me an idea. Marci, have you ever thought of wearing a French maid's uniform? Now, be honest." Sue asked sternly. Marc stood in horror. How could she ask such a thing? He was trapped! If he said yes it would confirm her suspicions. If he said no, she would accuse him of lying and probably make him wear one! He tried to twist the truth. "Actually I wore one for a costume party once." Marc answered blushing. "Costume party indeed!" Sue scoffed. "You were born to be a little French maid. It's written all over your face. I knew a boy like you once. His name was Jamie. He was thin and frail and would do anything any woman told him. His dream was to be forced into a frilly French maid's uniform and serve a Mistress. I know this because my friend was his Mistress. He barely passed as a girl. But my God, you look prettier than most of the girls I know! Present company excepted, of course. Yes, you and Jamie have a lot in common. And do you know what I liked best about Jamie?" Sue paused looking directly at Marc. "No." Marc responded meekly. "Jamie came by and did my apartment every Friday." Sue hollered with laughter. Marc stood with wide eyes and looked in horror at Sue. Oh no, he thought! "Just a minute, Sue. Don't get any ideas about laying claim to Marci. She's my creation!" Marc now looked at Kara. What was she saying? Her creation! "Oh, don't get your panties in a wad, girl. I'm sure we can work something out!" "Hey, I'm no mirage. There should be something in this for me too!" Exclaimed Julie. Marc stood frozen. He couldn't believe his ears. All three women were debating his future like he was nothing. But, he was nothing! He had done it to himself again. The humiliation was happening all over again. But this time it was worse. Instead of being humiliated in front of high school girls, he was going to be trapped in dresses and forced to serve three different women. "Look I'll tell you what Kara. I know you don't want this getting around so let's just say that as long as Marci is under your care, you'll make her available once in a while. Let's say when I have a party or something. I hate preparing for those things and I hate cleaning up afterwards. I'll even provide the outfit. Something like a cute little black and white ensemble with petticoats and a lace cap and apron." Sue proclaimed as Kara looked at Marc. Marc lowered his eyes, shook his head in acknowledgement, and blushed. Julie then sat up and eagerly announced, "Yeah, I guess something like that would work for me too except I don't really do parties. Maybe Marci could just come over and go to some of the neighbors' parties with me. There's this one jerk in the neighborhood who is always hitting on me because he thinks I'm French. I could introduce Marci and tell him she's French. Then he could hit on her and leave me alone! I think all he probably wants is a good blowjob!" "But Marc isn't really French!" Kara responded in disgust. "Well, he could fake it. He fakes being a woman real good!" Sue and Kara both rolled their eyes. After a long pause, they all laughed. Marc still standing, didn't know what to make of it. Was this all a joke? A big put on? They continued to laugh. Marc was almost in tears. "Oh look. We've upset the sissy!" Sue announced. Kara looked at Marc, seeing he's distressed. Marc looks at Kara, "Was this all a joke?" "Uh, well sort of, but no not really." "What?" Marc asked totally confused. "She means, after Julie and I discovered you in all your curler glory we were putting you on for awhile but now I think we all like the idea of sharing a sissy!" Marc was taken back. "Sharing me?" "Well, yeah. I kind of like the idea of having a part-time maid." "Me too." Added Julie, smiling. "That is of course if you want your secret kept a secret!" Sue added looking at Kara. Kara looked at Marc, and said sweetly, "But I'm not sure I want to share you just yet. I think I'd like to continue our little game, but in private. Maybe, we could get you that French maid's outfit but you could just serve at small private parties here." Kara cooed lovingly at Marc. Marc's head was spinning. He didn't know what to think or believe. "You all act as though you have me all figured out or something! I don't even have myself figured out yet and here you all are planning my future as some sort of sissy servant!" Marc pouted. "And you don't consider yourself a sissy? Is that it?" Sue retorted sharply. "Well, no. And I don't think you can just automatically assume that either." Marc responded. "Oh, really? Let's just test that theory of yours." Sue stated authoritatively and loudly. "I bet we can reach a conclusion with just ten questions. If you can answer them honestly of course. Are you game?" Sue asked. "Sure!" Marc said confidently. "And if I prove you wrong. You'll agree to abide by our wishes?" Sue asked sternly. Marc thought for a moment, feeling a little nervous. Then said confidently, "Sure, I promise!" With a big grin, Sue began, "OK, here goes. Question number one. "Which would you rather do, watch Monday night football or wash and condition your hair and do a facial?" Marc grimaced. He felt that this was a trick question since Sue probably knew he hated sports. "Well, I guess wash and condition my hair and do a facial. But that doesn't prove anything." Marc answered reluctantly. The girls giggled. "Question number two. Can you name more sports teams than beauty products or more beauty products than sports teams?" Marc again grimaced. Another sports question. This wasn't fair. "Beauty products. But no more sports questions!" Marc demanded. "Okay then, question number three. Which do you frequent more, beauty supply stores or auto parts stores?" The girls grinned as Marc let out a sigh before answering nervously, "Beauty supply stores." "Question number four. Which would you rather do on a Saturday afternoon, change the oil in your car or catch up on your ironing?" Marc began to slink down in the chair, "Catch up on my ironing." He answered meekly as the girls watched intently. "Question number five. "What would you rather do, go fishing or go shopping at the mall?" Now, Marc was getting nervous, "Go shopping." He answered. The girls were gitty with glee at the results of the questioning thus far. "Five more to go!" Announced Julie happily. Sue resumed. "Question number six. "Which could you explain better, how to use a power drill or how to use a curling iron?" Marc began to look flush. All of the answers were obvious. "A curling iron." He answered gloomily as the girls sat in eager anticipation of the next question. "Question number seven. "Which would you say you would be more proficient at, fixing a leaky drain under the kitchen sink or fixing dinner?" Marc could hardly move. He saw no way out now. "Fixing dinner." He answered with his head lowered. "Question number eight. When you see a woman for the first time, what do you notice first? How her hair and makeup looks or the size of her breasts?" The question shocked Marc. It was true. He would notice her hair and makeup first. He sat in silence, looking helpless. "Well, what is your answer?" Demanded Sue. "Her hair and makeup." Marc answered as the girls covered their mouths to muffle their laughter. Going in for the kill, Sue continued. "Question number nine. When you see a woman in a pretty dress, do you see the whole woman or do you transfix on the pretty dress?" The girls leaned forward awaiting Marc's answer. Marc squirmed in his chair, crossed his legs and then nervously fixed his skirt just like a girl. He then crossed his arms, turned his head and covered his mouth with one hand. He looked just like a girl about to cry. He was devastated. He knew the honest answer would doom him. "The pretty dress." He mumbled. "What was that again?" Asked Sue. "The pretty dress!" Marc answered louder. The girls were amazed! Sue leaned forward as Marc listened intently in fear of the last question. "Okay last question. You've been out of work for six months; you are desperate to get a job. You interview at a large corporation and they tell you there are only two jobs available. One job is described as a coat and tie executive trainee position in the sales department. The department is currently staffed with mostly older males near retirement age so a handsome salary and fast advancement could be expected. The other position is described as a traditional secretary in a large secretarial pool currently staffed with mostly younger pretty females so a moderate salary and very slow advancement could be expected. Which job do you chose?" The girls sit wide-eyed in anticipation of Marc's answer. Marc's eyes grew wide in horror. He couldn't believe it. He instinctively knew which job he would choose. The first job should sound appealing but it did not. The second job shouldn't but it sounded just fine. What a fool he was, he thought, for allowing to be questioned. He now had to admit the truth. "I'd choose the secretary position." Marc answered with this head lowered. The girls sat in amazement. "So you'd rather be one of the pretty secretaries than be one of the upcoming executives?" Sue said somewhat paraphrasing Marc's answer. "Yes, I guess." Marc answered knowing it was no use to argue. "So, what conclusion does that bring us to?" Sue asked, grabbing Marc's hand and leading him to a full-length mirror. "Do we see a young male ready to take on the world or a pretty little submissive sissy ready to submit and serve?" Marc stood in humiliation. He looked in the mirror and saw the reflection of himself as a pretty girl in a dress, high heels and long curly hair. He hated to answer but had little recourse. "A pretty little submissive sissy ready to submit and serve." He answered. "I rest my case." Added Sue, putting her arms around Marc. "I think we all knew you were just a pretty little sissy, we just had to help you admit it! Sue said affectionately. Marc appreciated her change in tone from mean and teasing to nice and warm. Kara joined them at the mirror. "Are you ready to be trained and learn to be a proper housewife?" She asked. "Yes, I'm ready to be trained as a proper housewife." Marc responded in newfound acknowledgement of his fate. "And are you ready to be trained and learn to be a proper French maid at my private parties?" She asked, smiling. "Yes, I'd love to be trained to be a proper French maid and serve at your private parties." Marc responded. The girls all clapped their hands in acknowledgement. "Is there still hope for Sue and I some day too, Marci?" Asked Julie warmly. Marc thought for a moment, grinned, and said, "It would be a pleasure, some day. I promise!" "Uh oh, I think I just heard another promise go in the books!" Kara laughed grabbing Marc's shoulders and hugging him. As Kara hugged him, Marc instinctively raised a high-heeled leg behind him, in proper feminine manner. THE END

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Strong hands grab my hips and roughly pull me backwards. My back hits a hard body and even harder erection. A nose nuzzles my hair and I shiver. I know exactly who it is. He has been promising to fuck me senseless since the first day I met him. My roommate’s cousin – a seriously hot and thoroughly erotic man. He grinds my ass into his rigid length. His promises began the day I moved into the apartment. What started out as a teasing “I bet we’d be great in bed together” gradually became “I can’t...

Straight Sex
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Promises Pt 01

Introduction This story does not challenge man’s faith in God. It does not challenge the Christian faith in Jesus Christ. It does however, challenge some organisations among those that call themselves a ‘Church of God’. It does challenge man’s abuse of Scripture for profit, in particular it challenges that section of the Christian church, the so-called ‘Prosperity Doctrine’ churches, which prey on their members’ greed and hopes of financial reward to be gained, not from hard toil, but from...

1 year ago
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Promises and Secrets

Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...

3 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

3 years ago
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Pulling back, breathless and flushed, from the kiss, Laura couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. ‘What’s the matter?’ Paul’s voice was concerned, but tinged with a sardonic amusement. ‘I can’t do this – I can’t believe you want to… it’s just, I don’t know – this is just the last thing I expected.’ ‘I don’t know why, I thought we’d connected. I thought you wanted this. I wouldn’t have kissed you if you hadn’t wanted me to.’ Blushing with silly pleasure she turned away, smiling. ‘I...

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After a really good night of sex the last thing I remember before I went to sleep was that my cock was hard from thinking about my wife and what we did all last night. Now it's morning and my cock is still hard. I wonder if it has it been that way all night?My wife is lying next to me, her naked body pressed to mine as we lay there with the early morning sunshine coming through the window. I listen to her breathing, feeling her warm breath in the back of my neck, very aware of her warm body...

2 years ago
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Promises Promises

The emails between Cheryl and me had dropped to a bare minimum in the last couple of weeks. We had established a pattern. When she could, Cheryl would appear in our apartment around ten in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The only emails we exchanged came when there was some reason when she was unable to keep our arrangement. The ping I heard announced something in my inbox. I started to feel dejected. Cheryl couldn’t join me this particular Monday. “Family obligations,” the...

Straight Sex
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Promises Promises

"And breakfast!" he replied, holding up a fast food bag. He looked at her as she reached out for the drink and bag. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and not one bit of makeup, but all he could think was, "Beautiful!" Her eyes didn't hide her happiness at seeing him. Those eyes! Like no color he'd ever seen before. Her smile lit up the room as much as his soul as he looked at her. Full, sensuous lips, the corners turned up in a perpetual half-smile, half-smirk. As she turned to...

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Leaning back in the taxi, Olive tried to relax as the lazy spring evening sped past the windows. Magnolias, cherry blossoms, camellias. She was passing through the quiet side of the city now, houses with gardens and garages, the kind of upper class pristine suburbia that only seemed to exist in lifestyle magazines. The sky was deepening and traffic was quiet. His house was half a mile away. She’d never been there before. He didn’t even know she knew the address, let alone that she was on her...

1 year ago
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Promises and Secrets Teenage Transsexual

Promises and Secrets: A Teenage Transsexual By Maria Ski Things changed for me after I was discovered trying on my sisters clothes. My mother had caught me. But there was no anger, no disgust, just a warm understanding smile and the love of a mother. From that day of being discovered, and after telling my sisters things seemed to change. Every weekend I became Maria. With a wardrobe of girls clothes of my own which I either bought myself or had bought for me. One thing led to...

2 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Pauls Transformation

Paul awoke with a jolt. He was naked, he was naked! The last thing he remembered was buying the girl at the bar a drink. She had been a beautiful raven haired girl with deep blue eyes. And so four women now surrounded him. Paul struggled in the restraints as they locked his wrists and ankles into the chair. He was naked and totally unaware he was being watched through a one way mirror. The technicians behind the glass gently typed commands on their keyboards. As they did the chair gently...

4 years ago
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Promises And Secrets Reunion Part 1

Promises and Secrets: Reunion Part 1: An Unexpected Surprise. A Cross-dressing tale by Maria Ski *Ten years earlier* "I really would like..." my forefinger gently touched her cheek I lifted her chin and our lips touched... I held Tina in my embrace it felt right. She rested her head against mine. "What would you really like to do?" she whispered. "To kiss you again Tina," I replied. She stepped back holding my hands leading me to her bed. "You can kiss me again my...

1 year ago
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PromisesChapter 3

Denise looked in on Sylvie while she was sleeping. Walking into the room, she brushed open the drapes, letting the sunshine flow over her uncovered body. Knowing that Sylvie would wake from the light, she turned and looked out onto the ocean. Sylvie spoke, "Good morning. God, I slept well. The sound of the ocean always does this to me." Denise looked at Sylvie stretching. "You are just as beautiful as ever. I was surprised when you called and said you were at the airport. You haven't...

1 year ago
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PromisesChapter 4

Jim sat in the little club thinking. Why did Sylvie wish to speak to him after nearly nineteen years? She said when she called it was about a promise she had made to herself a long time ago. -- Older, much more mature and still attractive, she came up to the booth behind him. He stood and greeted her and when they sat down she said, "It has been a long time, Jim. I asked you to meet me here to give you some information. You know when I left that time so long ago I was falling in love with...

2 years ago
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Promises Pt 04

Chapter 8 Trial Day 6 These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ Isaiah 29:13, Mark 7:6-7 Cynthia Mayotte’s death dominated the news media. Speculation was rife that there was a connection between her death and the case in progress. Much was made of the fact that Mayotte and Janine had been alone in his office, and several attempts were made to contact him, before the police were dispatched...

2 years ago
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Promises Pt 03

Chapter 7 Trial Day 5 Your ideology is not how you can use your church to serve God, but how you can use God to serve your church. Janine emerged from the bedroom, bleary eyed and still half asleep to be greeted by freshly brewed coffee, toast and a choice of cereals. ‘Hmmm, this is nice. Thank you for last night, I just needed company, I’d almost forgotten what company without any sexual involvement was like, it was nice.’ ‘It’s I who should thank you, I’d forgotten what it is like to be...

2 years ago
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Promises Pt 02

When I posted the first part of this story I fully expected a barrage of indignant comments about my religious viewpoint. But none appeared. Could it be that those who would normally emerge from wherever to criticise me did not read beyond the opening statement, choosing instead to write it off as blasphemy? Or could it be that they could find no answer other than the Bible is the truth and should not be questioned? CM. Chapter 5 Trial Day 3 ‘But you wouldn’t be questioning God, would you...

1 year ago
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Promises of the Wishing Moon

It had been a trip six years in the making. Between juggling school and work, the three friends were excited to be in the place that had held all of their fascinations for the past decade. Now at twenty-four, Beth’s heart gave a small patter as she looked out the plane and saw the infamous skyline of London as they approached. Upon landing, the long process of getting off the plane began and on more than once occasion, Beth had her heels hit by luggage and knocked her not-so-funny funny...

2 years ago
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Promises of the Wishing Moon

Introduction: Seven years after her last dream of the fairy prince Conlan, Elizabeth travels with friends to England to visit the fables site of Avalon, Glastonbury Tor. What happens when she passes beneath the Tor changes her life for the better. A small bell dinged and the televisions in the cabin dimmed and muted as the flight attendants voice came over the speakers announcing their descent into London. Tuning out the noise, Elizabeth and her two friends, Amber and Greg, gathered their trash...

3 years ago
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The September heat had been oppressive all afternoon, even along the PCH. They'd met at Beau Rivage. Met for the first time, as they had become acquainted online, and living a good distance from one another, it had taken awhile before they could arrange a meeting. Then too, both had reason to take precautions; discretion was important. They each had no desire to change their life substantively, just to spice it up a bit. While it had been full daylight when they arrived, twilight had come and...

4 years ago
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Promises of Rape

This is a completely made up story ... or is it? Standing in the Human Sexuality section at Barnes & Nobles paging through some books I was mostly oblivious to everyone else around me. "What are YOU reading?" I heard some one exclaim. Looking up I saw a petite milky skin brunette with dark brown eyes glaring at me. "This is a book about sex." I said matter of factually as I met her stare. Putting her hand on her hip and tilting her head she licked her front teeth making her upper...

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PromisesChapter 2

Jim toured the offices where he would be working. It looked to be a well run business. He knew he would fit in with little trouble. At least he would if he could keep his mind off Bobbi. That night he slept in a bed that had no memory or association with her. God he was lonely. When he got up in the morning he was more tired than when he went to bed. Haggard and worn, he went for a walk, finally stopping at a little diner a block from Cindy's. As he came in, a man motioned him over to a...

2 years ago
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Promise Day Par Virgin Gf Choda

Hi everyone! This is raunak from bangalore. Mai 22 saal ka hu aur mera lund 6 inch 2 cm bada aur 2.3 inch mota hai jo meri gf ne hi measure kia apne hatho se. Yea kahani promise day ki hai jab maine apni gf ko chhoda.Jaisa ki aap logo ko pta hi hoga ki ye valentine week chal raha hai.To mai aur meri gf nikita (name changed) aksar outing kar rahe the.Wo dikhne me ek dum maal hai.Uski books balloon ki tarah hai aur uski chut to maano kisi ka bhi lund garam ho jaaye aur chhodne ko majbur ho...

3 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 08

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I arrived at Danielle’s house just as dusk was falling. It would have been a beautiful home if I didn’t know how it was tainted. It did indeed look like the home of a professor. I saw the car pull from the driveway with three figures in it. I fired up the laptop and configured the cell phone, connecting to my computer at home and starting to stream. Hanging the bag on a branch of a thick tree, I slipped down the...

2 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 03

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I woke, for the first time, not wondering who it was sleeping in my arms. Remembering the past night, I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at Danielle. She didn’t stir against me as I pulled back ever so slightly to examine her. She was sleeping soundly, the closest thing to content that I had seen in a long time. Any redness that had remained from the previous night’s tears was gone. Her lips even seemed to...

3 years ago
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Promising Him Your Wife

"gonna fuck yew now... sweet liddle... inn'cent white bitch"... and He's leaning forward... so suggestively... and rather unmistakably... whispering... lewdly into your shell like ear.. and you're almost gagging... as his putrid... pruno stinking breath... washes over your face... but still... you open your small mouth anyway... to accept his slopping tongue... between your quivering... trembling lips... as he kisses you... long and hard... literally... raping your mouth... with His...

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Promising Danielle Ch 05

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I was happy right where I was. Or more correctly, where we were. I was on my back in bed, in just a pair of shorts because of the heat. Danielle was on top of me, sans shirt or bra, pressing her chest into mine just as much as she was pressing her lips against mine. My hands were thrust down her panties, each palm filled with a warm fleshy cheek. She ground her hips both against my cock, and then back against my...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 06

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was sitting on my bed pretending to work, but in reality waiting for Danielle to come home. I found I could work better with her around. Just knowing she was there, the faint smell of her conditioner, the near imperceptible sound of her breathing, gave me confidence in myself and whatever I was doing. She was later than usual, and I was beginning to think something had happened to her. Just as I picked up my...

3 years ago
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PromiseChapter 18 Small and Scared

Monsieur M WAS WAITING when the ambassador arrived. The girl sat beside him, small, perhaps scared, but there was something else in her eyes that might have been defiance. The ambassador smiled when he saw her. “Age?” Monsieur M looked at the ambassador but did not respond. The question was rude. It was an unspoken agreement between them there would be no embarrassing questions, nothing to cast doubt on any part of their transaction. “She’s old enough, Mr. Ambassador.” He stroked her...

4 years ago
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PromiseChapter 21 Reconciliation

ALEJANDRA’S VOICE WAS STEADY when she telephoned on a Friday about a month after that evening when she discovered me with her mother. “Michael, will you meet me for coffee?” “Sure.” It was a hesitant Alejandra who waited for me at the sidewalk bar near the plaza. She rose when I arrived and leaned forward for a hug. I kissed her cheek and held her face in my hands for a moment. “Thanks for coming, Michael.” I smiled. “My pleasure, Alex.” I ordered coffee for both of us. After it came I...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 27 Promise

MY TRANSFER ORDERS came through in late December. A summer departure date. Home leave, then Sweden. I’d need cold weather gear. I read somewhere, can’t remember where exactly, that what sustains us are friends who love us and who show us their love, who share our pain when we are in pain. By that measure Sofía and Javier and I were friends, no matter how recently we’d met. It’s true our friendship was a temporary one, it had always been certain I would leave some day, but we’d made the most...

2 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 09

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I sat on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands. I really didn’t know what to do. Danielle had sunk into a deep depression for the past week, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to pull her out of it. Several times over the past week, she had woken from nightmares and fled from my arms only to return to them seconds later. She was listless and refused to leave bed, save for going to the bathroom. I brought...

1 year ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 04

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I woke with that supreme content that can only be achieved by waking up with someone you love in your arms. That silky smooth warmth of Danielle’s unobstructed skin felt magnificent. She was pressed lightly against me, curled up with her hands on my chest. I pulled my head back ever so slightly to look at her. This wouldn’t be the first time that she had spent the night in my bed, but this would be the first time she...

1 year ago
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Promise Nothing

There was supposed to be a wedding. A baby. Sex. Love. Ida McNown was supposed to trade her life, her name for fields full of deer, clouds, and a man who did not love her. But Ida’s mother was talking about lace and babies and uniting two clans. It was a dream. But it was not her dream. No, she dreamed of something else. XXX She pulled on his uniform, tugging the jacket off his shoulders. She untied his belt, pushed his shirt to the side. She watched his chest strain, as if his heart were...

3 years ago
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Promise to Come Again

Every time it happened, I was ashamed. I thought that he would be the first and the last of my unprofessional encounters but it seemed that more and more attractive and lonely men found their way into my studio and I was somehow always ready. I fucked two in the first week after Maxwell. One was built like a Greek god, his abs showed through his shirt. I knew what to do with him the moment he walked in. I didn't even charge him for the massage. What was happening to me? Was the stereotype...

2 years ago
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They sit, one in each corner of the double closet, like two, squat, white, abstract pieces of art, open to whatever interpretation the viewer chooses to make of them. Only the sculptor can validate the interpretation of any observer. Even though I own them I have no intention of even confirming what they represent or why they stand, alone and abandoned, in the corner of my clothes closet. They are both my cross and my salvation, all in the same breath; my sole remaining link to the past and the...

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PromiseChapter 5 Not a Tease

THE TENNIS MATCH and the evening with Aída and Alejandra apparently was my last major test before being admitted to the family circle, albeit as a very probationary member. Tonight I was stuffed after a full Sunday dinner at the main house. We’d left Monsieur M and his wife in the front room with a fire and their after-dinner drinks and headed for Alejandra’s little cottage in the far corner of the compound. “It was a dark and stormy night.” I couldn’t contain my laughter. “Seriously,...

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PromiseChapter 7 The Rain Festival in PreConquest America

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of papers the Journal presents for scholars of pre-Conquest indigenous cultures and ceremonies in the Americas. Every effort has been made to verify the authenticity of alleged contemporary accounts. While the authenticity of the document itself presented here is not in doubt, i.e., that it was written at or around the date of the activities it describes, the events chronicled therein are at significant variance from other sources and contemporary...

4 years ago
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PromiseChapter 9 Rain Festival Misadventure

IF THE MEASURE of a successful Rain Festival is a pouring rain that drives everyone off the streets this year’s Festival was a total success. Saturday morning had dawned bright and sunny, but it was that kind of brittle sunshine that doesn’t last. In fact, the red sky at dawn had given its traditional warning, and the signal did not fail. By noon it was pouring and continued through the afternoon and into the evening. Sofía was buoyant for some reason. She said it was because she liked the...

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PromiseChapter 15 Natalia

ALEJANDRA’S MOTHER seduced me a week later. I’d put two and two together a long time ago. It was only a matter of time as she circled about closer, then further, not unlike the waves of a calm sea but in front of an incoming tide, one that inexorably washes higher and higher. For the record, I was not the doughty sand castle determined to resist her onslaught. Not on your life. I had her husband’s green light, at least that’s the way I interpreted his remarks about treating her right and...

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PromiseChapter 16 Return to the Village

“THERE’S NO RAIN FESTIVAL this time, Michael, sorry,” Sofía said with a smile. “But there are other things to do.” I turned to Mme Bertha, seated with a cup of tea at the kitchen table. Her expression was as bland as could be. After a moment, she nodded. “So what’s up this weekend, Sofía?” “Javier is getting an award for best librarian or something like that. We’ll help him celebrate.” I had a thought about the Rain Festival. Sofía and Javier and I had certainly celebrated then. “You’re...

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PromiseChapter 23 Alejandra

SATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...

3 years ago
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Promise You Wont Break Me

Chapter one BeepBeepBeep BeepBeepBeep BeepBe- BAM! Got damn freaking alarm clock, why do you have to be so loud in the mornings? I groaned softly as I looked at the clock which read 5:00 am. Who in the hell set my alarm clock to such and early time set? If I find out who did it I'm going to murder them without hesitation. I groaned and turned over, maybe if I can get some more sleep then the person who set...

2 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 01

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was working on a paper when I found her again. Well, I was wandering around at 1 a.m. to take a break from writing a paper is what I was really doing. I generally walk around at night. The world is far more peaceful, easier to look at, without humanity getting in the way. My paper was due next week, but boredom proved to be a helpful motivator into getting homework done. Unfortunately for me, this usually leads...

2 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 07

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. Sorry this is so short, the way it was written, these were the natural chapter breaks. * It was Saturday. One of those lazy Saturday’s that told you to stay in bed, and if you absolutely must get up, putting on real clothes was forbidden. I was sitting in bed, my laptop next to me, Danielle’s head in my lap. Her focus was on the TV at the end of the bed, while mine was on my laptop. I heard a loud pounding on the...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 11

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...

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Promising Danielle Ch 10

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * ‘I’ve got a present for you.’ I said, plopping down on the couch next to Dani. It was Father’s Day. I had texted my father wishing him the best. Dad wasn’t much of a talker, and I learned years ago that a call was rather pointless. All Dad really wanted was to know I was thinking of him on his Hallmark Holiday. Danielle, however, was another matter. She was down and in the dumps from when we first woke up. It was...

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Promising Danielle Ch 02

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...

3 years ago
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Promise You Wont Break Me

Introduction: Something new. Since i am new to this sight please, please, please be nice! i do take criticism very harshly ^^ oh this is not my full story just a prologue till the real thing. ^__^, Authors note!: Hi Umm be easy on the criticism, Im not that strong enough for it. ^-^lll um nothing sexual yet. Im just trying to get use to the sight yakno? anyways. i hope i didnt make a lot of mistakes. if i did please feel free to message me or comment. Ill be on here every other night to review...

1 year ago
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Promise Kept

It all started with my best friend DJ crying in my room telling me how much he hated life and how he would never find a girl to date him. I was really uncomfortable with him sitting there sobbing. My dad was military and hated crybabies, but this was my best friend. All I could do was sit there and tell him it was gonna be ok. "Look DJ, its gonna happen man, the girls at our school are just lame. Just relax, you'll get through it." He turned to look up at me through his tear streaked...

4 years ago
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She took another look in the rearview mirror and freshened her lipstick. She wanted to look nice for this first meeting. The headlights from passing cars shone just enough for a quick glimpse of herself. She decided she looked presentable. She wore a causal, summer dress. Her friends teased her that she dressed too conservatively, but she felt comfortable and a little sexy. She had discovered through this online relationship that she had a very passionate nature. He had the chance to discover...

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PromiseChapter 2 The Lawn Tennis Club

IT WAS THE CUSTOM to play tennis during the siesta, even if here in the capital there wasn’t much of a siesta for anyone. But for those who were in charge of their own schedules, and Monsieur M was certainly one of those, except in the hottest months the siesta was a good time for tennis during the week as well as on the weekends. When I rolled up to the Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, step aside, that was really its name, on that Saturday afternoon a valet took charge of my vehicle and I...

2 years ago
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PromiseChapter 3 Charity Tennis and Clubbing

I SHOWED UP for the charity tennis tournament right on time. Every seat was filled, but with Alejandra’s invitation I was in one of the VIP boxes high in the stands. Groundskeepers were finishing their grooming of the scuffed red clay as I found the party. “Michael!” Alejandra waved when I entered a “box” the size of my apartment living room, and rose to greet me with a hug and kisses on both cheeks. I held her at arms length afterwards and looked her up and down. “You look fantastic,...

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PromiseChapter 4 Victor

“HEY, TOOTSIE, what’s up?” She smiled. I always got a smile from her, not sure why. It wasn’t an instant friendship but I think I showed her I had no particular agenda, none at all, with respect to the ambassador. She’d been with him for years, including his term as governor of an important state that had voted for the incumbent president. The president, shortly after taking office, named him ambassador to our host country. Career diplomats, many of them, hated political appointees....

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PromiseChapter 6 Back in the Village

MME BERTHA and Sofía and her mother and her younger brothers and sisters never missed the annual Rain Festival in their village on the coast, a full day’s journey by bus. It was a half-day at most for me by car. They’d invited me last year but I was too new in country then and not yet sure enough of Mme Bertha to accept. Sofía and her aunt and the others left on Thursday. I’d negotiated Friday off so I drove down after the morning rush cleared, although given the traffic patterns in the city...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 8 Brown Girl Dreaming

WE’D BEEN DOZING TOGETHER that afternoon, exhausted after our prolonged session earlier. When I opened my eyes she was still asleep, the brown curve of her hip solid against me, against my growing erection. I heard her breathing, and below us in the courtyard the cries of kids and the slap of a soccer ball hitting the wall at the end of the garden. Our sweat had dried in the high desert heat. When I put my nose against her hip her aroma, pungent and yet sweet, filled my nostrils. Sweat...

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PromiseChapter 10 Private Rain Festival

SOFíA POURED A FRESH GLASS of wine for all of us. She held up an eye dropper. “Are you feeling lucky, Michael?” Are you feeling lucky, punk? Clint’s old line ran through my head, but Sofía’s smile and the sparkle renewed in her eyes made me think otherwise. “What’ve you got, Sofía?” Her smile got bigger. “Just a little surprise. It’s from Gladys. Javier and I have played with it before, in fact, but don’t you ever tell my aunt, OK?” She didn’t really have to explain. I knew what she...

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