Sheltered Siblings
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Lauren held me in her arms, looked me in the eyes, and then she kissed me.
“I like you, John, but not that way. I like girls.”
I looked into her eyes...
“John, John, wake up, you’re dreaming.”
I sat up, then fell back onto the bed before I reached over and shut off the alarm.
“Are you OK?”
“Not sure,” I said quietly.
I was not sure what was real and what was a dream. Lauren’s hand rested on my shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“It’s six-fifteen.”
She kissed me gently, and I kissed her back.
“What’s wrong, John?”
“Nothing. Just a nightmare. Happens occasionally. I’m OK.”
“That’s good. We have a few minutes,” she said shyly.
“We do. What would you like to do with those minutes?”
“Oh, I don’t know.”
As we talked, our hands moved slowly over each other. Her hand found my cock and started to wake it up while I rolled a nipple between my fingers. She gently bit my shoulder as a shudder ran through her body while I played with her.
“I have always wanted...”
“What have you wanted, love?” I asked.
“Mmm, just keep calling me that.” she sighed.
Lauren continued to stroke my cock slowly. Occasionally she would tease my balls with the nail of her finger, which always made me jump.
“What have you wanted?”
“I want you to take me from behind,” she said, her voice shaky.
“You mean your ass?”
She shivered again.
“No, at least, no, not right now. Maybe someday. No. here, I’ll show you.”
She moved around on the bed, lay down on her front and pulled her knees underneath her.
“Now, slide your cock in my pussy.”
“Oh, I get it.”
Her lips were wet, and I could see both her holes, waiting for me. Her pussy oozed a clear fluid that seemed to pool at her clit, while her anus seemed to pulse in time to her breathing. Remembering something I had once read, I licked my finger before I traced it over the pulsing star of her ass. That caused her to jump.
“Oh, fuck. Do that again.”
So I did. This time I took it slow and let it linger, pushing gently on her opening, but not penetrating. Judging by the noises she made, she enjoyed it.
“Oh, we’re going to have to try that, but not now, we don’t have the time or the materials, so just slip your cock in and make me cum baby.”
I stepped forward and ran the head of my cock down until it slipped inside her molten core. The bed almost vibrated as she clutched it. I went slowly until there was no more to give her.
“Fuck, John, did you grow overnight? I am so fucking full,” she gasped.
I don’t think I had ever heard her swear that much. My cock twitched inside of her, which caused her to moan again, deep in her throat.
“Grab my hips and pound my cunt. Fuck me hard and deep and leave nothing behind but your steamy cum.”
Her swearing was making it hard for me to focus. She found a way to excite me that I did not know about, and I did what she wanted. I grabbed her hips and started to fuck her. I reamed her cunt with my dick until I could not see straight. Her moans and gasps were lost in the mattress. I could not tell how many orgasms she had if she had any before I reached my peak. My cock seemed to double in size a moment before I poured stream after stream into her pussy. It pushed out around the sides and dripped down her leg before we finally ran out of energy and collapsed in a heap.
“Oh, wow,” I gasped.
“Tell me about it, stud,” she said, and we both laughed at the reference.
We curled into each other and kissed.
“We need to get moving. I have to torture your group this morning, and we should take a dip before we start breakfast,” I said.
“I will need more than a dip,” she said, pulling her hand up from between us. “There has to be a gallon of cum down there.”
“Then we better hurry.”
We hustled down the dock and into the water. Lauren told me to go first; she would be along in a minute. I just nodded, dried off, got dressed, and headed for the fires. At least my back did not hurt this morning as I shouldered my pack. It was still tender, but it did not hurt. As I walked, I could not help but remember my dream. Something had happened last night, and those words, from another life it seems, came back to haunt me. It was clear that both Lauren and Joanne liked boys. But their actions left me more than a little confused. Despite our sex this morning, by the time I got to the fires, my mood was less than upbeat.
“What’s wrong?” Suzanne asked as I joined the group.
“Nothing. Nightmare. I’m still a bit unsettled. Just my brain, working things out.”
“OK, if you’re sure.”
“Positive. What’s for breakfast.”
“I don’t know,” François said, as he read the instructions.
“Let me guess. Bannock.”
“Yeah, how did you know.”
“Cause I hate it. Hard to make, hard to eat. Makes a mess.”
He passed the instructions to Suzanne, who, in turn, gave them to Tay. He swore, in French and both François and I laughed at his reaction.
“What did he say?” Cassie asked.
“Shit, only more colorfully,” I said. “I leave you to it, folks. I need to go and check the course.”
“He hates us,” I heard Roger say.
“No, he just hates breakfast,” François said. “Not that I blame him, this looks like...”
I stopped listening as I moved away from them and up the hill. I hated bannock with a passion. I had snacks in my bag to get me through the morning, and right now, I wanted to think more than I wanted to eat burnt dough. The day was shaping up to be the hottest yet. I was already in a full sweat when I reached the site. It took me a couple of minutes to get my compass out and take the bearing to the first marker. I had an hour to make sure everything was set. I walked the course, and with each marker, I had a strange sense of foreboding. Everything was where it was supposed to be, each bearing checked. For fun, I walked the back bearing and found myself back at the beginning with a couple of minutes to spare. Still, I was concerned. But I had to push it all to the back of my mind and get back to the fires. Rick was just finishing his speech when I arrived.
“Are we ready?” he asked me.
“All set on my end,” I said.
“Let’s get to it then.”
“Group Two with me,” I said.
Lauren waved at me as I gathered up her team. We walked up the hill and got set up.
“Good morning. This is a bit tougher than last time. There are eight points, and you will work in teams of two. Here are your maps and compasses. Each team will leave five minutes apart from the team ahead of it. If you are not back by 11, I will send out a search party.”
I explained the handrails and other features, then sent them off at five-minute intervals.
“This is a pretty tricky course,” George, one of the more attentive of the group observed as we waited.
“Not really. Sure, if you miss a bearing, you might miss the target by a couple of yards, but nothing we didn’t cover in the first course. Just remember what I taught you, and you shouldn’t have any issues.”
He nodded and pulled his partner, Alexander, into a huddle to discuss the first couple of markers. Just before nine-thirty, the last of them were off to the woods, and I turned an headed for Andre’s porch to await their return.
I settled into the chair, and my mind immediately began to brood. It was not like I had lived an utterly monastic lifestyle. A girl named Patty had taught me how to kiss one summer.
“But no tongue, that’s not what good girls do,” she had said.
And she was a good girl. Whatever that meant.
I had met Lenore, a goth chick, the following fall, and through several encounters, she helped me with my technique but never allowed me to touch her below the neck. She disappeared before the last dance of the year and did not come back the following fall. A girl named Jackie let me slide my hands into her pants once and squeezed the bare skin of her ass, but that was a one-time thing. My thoughts still came back, though, to Lucy’s comment, the one that awakened me from a deep sleep.
I like girls.
But I could not help think about the kisses between the three of us as they sat on my thighs. My musings were interrupted by a breaking twig up the path. I looked up, and the first team walked down the trail. I looked at my watch. It was a little after eleven. Not good.
“What did you think?”
“You’re a sick bastard,” Peter spat.
“OK. I need your maps and compass, please.”
They thrust them at me and stormed off down the path towards the lawn. I made a note on my chart and waited for the others. It was five minutes after twelve when the last team walked down the path. They were sweaty and dirty and not happy. They said nothing, just shoved the map at me and stormed off. I shrugged, put them in my bag, and walked back for lunch.
“They do not look happy,” Joanne said as she passed me a sandwich.
“Thanks. No, they are not happy.”
“How long did it take them?” François asked.
“About two hours.”
“Two hours?” Roger asked. “You’re kidding. For that? I mean, there were some tricky bits between four and six, but nothing that would take them two hours.”
“Remind me not to go out with them,” Eric said.
The rest of the team chuckled.
“How do you think they will do?” Roger asked, head-nodding towards Andre’s group.
“Hopefully, they won’t do any worse.”
Rick came out at that point.
“Ready for the afternoon? Let’s go folks.”
I gathered up Andre’s team and went back up the hill. After the standard speech, I sent the first team, Tony and Bill, off on their run.
I sat down and watched the clock. I was down to the last team, Barbara and Bethany. Twins. They came over and stood beside me once I sent the second to last team off on the course.
“You don’t even look at our ass anymore,” Barbara said.
They had the whole blond bimbo act down to a science. They wore short shorts with creeping material on the first day, but today they wore form-fitting jeans and hiking boots. Despite the act, based on the questions they asked, I knew there were brains behind the baby blue eyes they shared.
“I don’t think he likes us,” Bethany said.
“Oh, he likes us, he’s just shy,” Barbara said.
“I’m not shy, ladies. I just have things to do.”
“He’s shy,” Barbara said to Bethany.
“Hm, let’s find out,” Bethany said.
“Ladies, you are up in five,”
Bethany stepped into my arms and kissed me soundly, her tongue dancing against mine.
“Not shy,” she said.
“My turn.”
Barbara did the same, only with a bit more wiggle to her hips as our tongues battled each other.
“Nope, not shy.”
“Get going, ladies. I will see you at the end.”
“Promise? Can we see you naked? You got to see our asses.”
They kissed me on the cheek, then headed out. I did not even see them set their compass, but I was sure they knew where they were going. I shouldered my bag and headed towards Andre’s. I was in a full sweat as I settled into the chair. My thoughts were sluggish in the afternoon heat, and I must have dozed off. I found myself kissing a woman I did not recognize, only to wake up and discover that Suzanne was kissing me.
“What are you doing?”
“Waking you up.”
“You could do it again.”
“Oh, please, can I?”
Suzanne crawled into my lap and proceeded to kiss me soundly, rubbing her body close against me. She encouraged me to slide my hands under her T-shirt. She squeezed when I gently rolled her nipples between my fingers and kissed me harder.
“Keep doing that, I am close, so close, yes, yes, yes.”
I pinched her nipple hard as she shook in my lap. She kissed me again as I slid my hand out from under her shirt and ran it along her bare thigh. She kissed me harder as my finger inched closer to the hem of her shorts. When my finger slipped under the edge, she moaned deep in my mouth.
“John, I’ve never.”
I slid my hand back, but she stopped it.
Her breathing came in ragged gasps as she fought to regain control.
“I want you ... I want your touch. I want to feel your pulse and your desire. I want you to touch me, and I want to touch you, too. I want ... just not like this. Am I making any sense?”
We kissed again.
“Perfect sense, yes.”
The sound of branches breaking got our attention. She kissed me quickly, then stood up. A moment later, Gabriella and Jim appeared from the forest.
“The first two,” Suzanne said, then looked at me. “What?”
“They were the second pair.”
I stood up and waved them over.
“What happened?”
“That was a hard course,” Gabriella said.
“Sorry, what happened to Bill and Tony?”
They looked at each other and then at me.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re the first two back.”
“We didn’t pass them.”
“Thanks. Can I have your map and compass, please?”
They handed them over and then walked off down the path.
“They got lost. They’ll be along,” Suzanne said, noticing my disquiet.
“Yes, yes, a bad bearing. They will be here shortly.”
I looked at my watch. It was a quarter to four.
“Quietly, go find Rick and ask him to join me, and then find François and Roger and send them this way.”
I watched her walk down the path, as two more emerged from the woods. I marked them off, collected my tools, then sat back down. I looked at the sheet and the times for the other teams. Then I started doing the math.
“What’s up, ami?” François asked as he bounded up onto the porch.
“I need some help. Remember how to do reverse bearings?”
I passed the map and compass over.
“Go find anyone still out there, send them back, quickest.”
“You’re concerned?”
To say the least. It was a bit after four.
“Good enough, mon ami. Back soon.”
Fifteen minutes later, the twins arrived.
“That was fun, John,” Bethany said.
“Lots of fun,” Barbara said as she passed me the compass and map.
“How many people did you pass?”
“Most of them, why?” Bethany asked.
“Did you see Bill and Tony?”
The looked at each other then at me.
“Is that why François and Rog headed up the trail?”
“We didn’t pass them.”
“OK. Thanks.”
“John, what’s up?” Rick asked as he came up.
“Thanks, ladies.”
They headed off, and I brought Rick up to speed.
“Good call sending the team backward. They can handle it?”
“Yes. Best next to me.”
“Keep me posted. If they are not back by five-thirty, we start searching.”
“Think positive.”
He headed back to the main camp, and I continued to wait. By five-thirty, we were missing four people.
“Where are we,” Andre asked as he stepped onto the porch.
“Four short and zero hour.”
François trotted up the path behind him.
“Ami, all clear,” he said.
“Merci, François. Can you operate the station here? You have a whistle?”
“Three blasts, then one for each of the returning people, please.”
“Got it.”
“Let’s go, Andre.”
We jogged the short distance to the main camp and found Rick standing on the lawn. He waved us over.
“I asked Lauren to round everyone up. Where are we?”
“Four short. Bill, Tony, Ernie, and Trey.”
“Line them up,” Rick said to Andre. “Now, what do we do?”
“Straight-line search. I told them to sit down if they think they are lost. But head west to the creek.”
“So we send someone to the creek head. Let’s get a search lined up. You lead.”
“Everyone is here,” Lauren said.
There was a loose semi-circle looking at Rick.
“John will give you your assignments.”
“We are looking for four of our friends. Bill, Tony, Ernie, and Trey. They fell off the course. I don’t know where. Andre, I need a couple of boats at the creek entrance here. Make sure they have a whistle—one sharp blast and then one for each person. I have François at your cottage waiting. He has three sharp blasts. I want six volunteers to join me.”
Hands went up in succession.
“Thanks. Lauren, two blasts, you are here. Barbara and Bethany, Joanne and Jackson, Dan and Don. Grab your maps and compasses. Does everyone have a whistle? It is five forty-five. We search until seven forty-five. No later. Everyone back here by Eight. The handrail is the creek. Questions?”
“I’ll get you some food,” Rick said.
“Thanks, Rick.”
Andre started issuing orders for canoes to sit offshore while Lauren got the rest of them making dinner. Rick was back a few minutes later with sandwiches and water.
“No risks,” he said.
“No risks. Let’s go, people.”
We started up the hill, and I was surprised when Cassie and Suzanne came with me.
“You need someone to take notes,” Cassie said simply.
We reached the starting point. I looked around.
“We’re following your lead, John,” Roger said.
“Thanks. Set bearing to the first maker.”
They took out their compass and set them. Then compared them with mine.
“Spread out as we walk forward.”
We started. About halfway to the first marker, I stopped everyone and pulled out my map.
“Jo, you and Jackson, on zero eight five. You should hit the seventh marker. Killer B’s, two five zero. When you hit the maker, continue to the handrail and down to the bay.”
“Killer B’s,” Barbara said. “We like that!”
“Dan, Don, Come here, bring the map.”
They hustled over and handed me their map. I made a handful of marks on it before I passed it back.
“Can you read my handwriting?”
“It’s like it’s typed, John,” Don said.
“But what’s it mean?” Dan said.
“Head out on three hundred, then come left along ninety to the marker, then back along two ten to here and then back to the lawn. Clear?”
“If we miss it?”
“You won’t.”
“Got it!”
“Questions anyone? Remember when you hit your mark, call out. Wait, call out, wait. Move on. Repeat. I want everyone back by seven-thirty.”
There were no questions, and everyone headed out.
“What about us?” Cassie asked.
“We have a larger path. Set three-five-zero and off we go.”
I pulled my pace beads from my pocket, and we started walking.
It was a little before six-thirty, and our throats were raw. We shared some water when I heard the whistle. One, two, three. Then a pause. Then one, two blasts. Two were home. Two were still missing. Both women gave me a quick kiss.
“We’re not out of the woods yet,” I said, but I was happy to have them with me.
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2080 New Vegas was created in the foothills above Los Angeles. Indian land that was once a national forest and returned to the tribes. One hundred casinos built in four years. Mega Vegas, Super Vegas, and many more were built across the United States. Debts, insolvency all related to gambling debt became a national epidemic. 2085 congress passed laws to protect and preserve the rights of the Indian Gaming Tribes (The biggest political force in the nation.) Gambling debts were...
I repeat myself looking from Jewels to Sara. “You have made me the happiest I've ever been.” Jewels giggles and says. “Are you happy enough to cook dinner for us?" I give them a quick kiss and reply. “I am always happy enough to spoil my loves.” I smile brightly, walked to the bathroom and quickly wash my hands before going to the kitchen. Once inside the kitchen I remove five stakes from the freezer and place them on the counter to defrost. I start looking through the other...
I got up, quietly went down the hall into the kitchen and started the coffee. I was standing at the counter pouring my first cup when Ashley walked into the room. She walked right up behind me pressing her body into mine, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Good morning Brian, how did you sleep ?”, she purred. “Really good and you ?”, I answered. “I slept like a baby.”, she responded, squeezing me tightly. She released me and stepped around me grabbing her mug filling it...
Three Weeks Later Jack woke up, he heard Ruth in the bathroom. Ruth came out of the bathroom, she kissed Jack then said, “I am so happy. My period is now ten days late. I want to fly back to Glasgow today, is that alright with you darling?” Jack gave her a wonderful long kiss, then replied, “Ruth, I am so happy. Yes, we go back immediately. Once I know the flight time then you can phone Ada so she is prepared for you. I am sure everything will be good. You must now be very careful.” Ruth...
MatureChapter five I was sitting at the kitchen table reading some bad news in the Washington Post when I heard a car horn sounding out front. I set down the paper, gathered my purse and walked over to the foyer. Pulling the curtains to the side, I peeked out the window to see who was doing the honking. It was James and his brother Jim, come to pick me up. They had driven in separate vehicles. Jim was double parked in his beat up Chevrolet sedan with James behind him in a new Ford Explorer...
The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Five By Katherine Day Copyrigh, 2006 by K. G. Communications As Corey walked the halls of Carney High in the few days remaining before the prom queen competition, it was clear he was being recognized as a girl. In particular, it seemed that girls accepted him as one of theirs, except for Nicole, her supporters and a few girls who were uptight or prudish, maybe due to strong...
Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Porridge Annabelle Creighton and Brian McCaffey both gave their closing remarks to the jury. Annabelle summarised the case against Gillian. Gillian was found at the scene of the murder locked in her office with Lord Edward Beaumont's body on the floor, stabbed repeatedly in the back. She was covered in his blood and had his semen was inside her and on her underwear. The building was deserted apart from the accused and the...
“I’m looking forward to meeting Cousin Lizzie, at some point,” said Hal, as they relaxed back in Ben’s garden.“She’s a scream,” said Melanie, “but I’m not letting her near either of you until I have had my wicked way with you both.”“Mel, sweetheart,” cried Ben, going down on his knees. “How could you doubt our fidelity for a moment?”They all laughed at the ham acting.“I don’t doubt you for a moment, noble sirs,” said Melanie. “I don’t doubt you for this moment at least, because you haven’t...
NovelsIntroduction: The saga continutes IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. There was a strong chance they would be seen together by someone who knew him. If they went into town he would have to trust her and her acting ability. Once...
Sara wore the white see-through dress to the restaurant with no underwear on and she looked amazing. Both Pat and I had erections the whole night as I’m sure our waiter did as well. We got home around nine-thirty and as soon as we walked in the front door Pat pulled at her zipper. “Pat, what are you doing?” Sara asked. “Naked as soon as you get home, babe, remember,” Pat answered, “I’m just helping you get naked.” Within five seconds her dress was at her ankles and she stepped out of it. Pat...
CuckoldRobert, who has been sharing my wife with me for the past five weeks now, had gotten three tickets to a show that was out of town. He also booked a four star hotel room close to the theater for Friday and Saturday. We were to head off after work on Friday evening and drive the two hours to our destination. Carole was super excited about our weekend as she had wanted to see this show for some time now, the fact that Robert was joining us for the weekend only added icing on the cake. The Thursday...
ExhibitionismAirport Surprise - Chapter FiveI spent the next six months in Europe, training and touring. I then had three training sessions in Florida. Once, in Jacksonville, I thought I saw Taylor. But the girl disappeared before I could make sure. Then back to headquarters in California. Two weeks of R&R in wine country. When I returned to my office there was a ticket and itinerary for my next session, Denver. I needed to be there tomorrow morning.My secretary said the course materials were already...
Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...
[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard- bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] Spellbound - Part Five by TOXIS The California coast cuts in and out, sometimes high cliffs and in other places beaches. God...
Month Five I heard the door slam and a bag thump down on the floor. "Is that you, Matt?" I said. I was putting away laundry. I was really starting to show now which got me a lot of comments but made it a lot harder to carry the basket in front. I was afraid to balance it on my belly for fear of hurting the baby. "How was the programme today?" Matt had gotten a summer job at the Wood Street Youth Space, working with its youth programme. He was a junior counselor in charge of...
Staring at the living room's Screen, Zax and Serah had two huge, proud, childish grins. They did tell the truth and now Troel and Jinka have to believe them. In contrast to the two children, Troel and Jinka completely ignored the notion of their daughter and her friend lying. The two adult listened to every word of the announcer and followed each of the reporters' questions that were answered or overlooked. They did not laugh or were excited. By when the announcement broadcast the third...
The shelter was open until noon on Christmas Eve to accommodate Santas who wanted to give puppies or kittens to good girls and boys. Samantha had planned to give Archie a little while to decompress after work, so she told him she’d be there around 3:00. There was a giant mall just west of Denver, and traffic around there would be hideous on Christmas Eve. And, she had one last minute errand to run, which might take about an hour. Given all that, Google Maps said, at the absolute worst, she’d...
Gentle readers, a friend and writing partner suggested I make it clear from the beginning that this isn’t a stroke story. And truly, it is not. Sometimes, you just need an old-fashioned love story. All rights reserved, but you knew that. ‘Money may buy you a fine dog, but only love makes him wag his tail.’ – Kinky Friedman raconteur, Texas Jewboy, and founder of Utopia Animal Rescue Prologue ‘I’m never going to say goodbye to you.’ As his front door closed, Archie wondered what that meant....
The calls would be early tomorrow, because dad had to leave for a long meeting at Aronow & Associates and mother was committed to helping with a Make-A-Wish bake sale at nine. Anger filled the room. That was it; meeting over. My dad was screaming angry things I will never remember as my parents stormed out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom. I sat choking on a strange vomit that just rode in my throat. I could hardly breathe. I reached up under the remains of my blouse. I was hot in...
As always please leave a comment and don't forget to rate. We hope you enjoy. Chapter Five: Placement and A Visitor in the Night Daiya helped Richard sit down gently on a wooden bench in the waiting room under the arena, the noise of the crowd buzzing over them as they began to leave in confusion. Richard couldn't blame them for being confused though. They had been told that he had won the duel but then he declined the win saying that it was Daiya who had won instead....
I won’t say it was a relief to be back at the Manor but it was nice to once again cuddle up to Kit and have the pleasure of his loving of me. Thankfully, the M.P. had returned to London and the vicar, wife and daughter had gone too so that there was just the six of us for the next week at the dining table. We got to know Lady Elizabeth and Sir George a bit better and learned that the title was heredity and so Thomas would in later years take on that mantle. It was Monday morning that Thomas...
First TimeMy name is Kelli. Or at least, it is now. I mean it always was, it's just spelled differently now. Wait, let me start over. See I used to be a guy, but this weird thing went down, where my friends and I all gained these super powers, and I switched genders, getting trapped in a girl's body. My friends, Christian, Elliot, and I found this strange device, which we used to become Power Rangers. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, and it would have been had one of our classmates not used it first...
Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...
Chapter Five: Intimate Confessions!For the past four days of magnificent pleasure I had discovered so far at home with this beautiful young woman called Julia, little did I realize that their was still so much more to come from this adventure.That fifth morning, I awoke just after nine and arose and headed to the shower. As the water got warmer, I undressed out of the boxers I wore to bed and slipped inside the cubicle, the entrance into the area was unsealed. As I began to wash my naked body...
First TimeTHE GAMES PART FIVE By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three and Four you really should! Part One is here... Chapter Sixteen I AM CRYING. I cried all night, and yet it seems there are tears more tears within me. I cried myself to sleep. Strange dreams haunted me. Then I...
I was working on a very reluctant, wife beating, piece of male crap, when Mother came into the Transformation Room at Mistress Melissa's. She didn't say a word, but a smile crossed her magnificent lips. The restrained cretin had just had the last of the perming solution lovingly applied to the bottom most perm rod, which was wound ever so tightly at the nape of his/her neck. I grabbed the unpleasant being's nose and yanked his rollered head to look me in the eye. Then I pushed his head...
Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Cruella DeVille The slim genteel lady was dressed in a navy blue stewardesses uniform. Her form-fitting jacket had gold piping along the lapels and cuffs and a pair of gold wings clipped to her right breast. Her shapely legs were clad in gossamer black stockings and her feet shod in four-inch black patent leather high heels. She had perfectly coiffed black, shoulder- length hair. Her face was too angular to be called...
The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Conspiracy The attractive, elegant women stood huddled in small groups; it was obvious to any observer that they were grieving and were comforting each other, bound by their loss and a common sense of purpose. Their nationalities varied but they were all beautiful, most under thirty but a few older; although they all wore black they all wore it stylishly, figure-hugging dresses, or skirt and jacket suits, expensive hosiery, plenty...
The Other Side of Me - Part Five by Limbo's Mistress As a guy, I hated taking a bath. Not the act of bathing, mind you, but the practice of sitting in a too-shallow basin of water wasting time that could be better spent doing something else. I preferred to jump into a scalding hot spray, scrub the grime from all my nooks and crannies, then get out and on with my life. Easy, simple, done. However, as I lounged in the steaming garden tub, the water slowly lapping at my upper chest, I...
??????????? Be naked and in the bathroom at five-fifteen.? Have a bottle of fleet enema handy, and be prepared to receive it.? Also, you will have the bed prepared.? Lay four silk scarves and four Velcro cuffs on the bed; one at each of the four posts of the bed.? You will be instructed further at the proper time.? You are not to question a single one of these instructions, nor are you to resist what is to become.? To do so will cause a spanking of less than pleasant...
THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL wasn’t that great. Yeah, Dennis did expect everyone on time the day after New Year’s and he gave me a dirty look when I walked in five minutes late. Bree had saved a seat for me and both she and Amanda gave me a sour a look as well. Justin kept his head down and took lecture notes. They all brightened significantly, though, when I handed them their invitations to the posing party. As soon as Coach Fredericks started running, I realized I hadn’t worked out at all in...
FRIDAY APRIL-1 I woke to a twin welcome home present from the twins and we spent around forty minutes fucking with Tara and Teresa taking turns every five minutes. Twenty minutes in the shower and ten minutes to dress meant we made it downstairs in time for ... lunch with mum and dad and Brian and Susan Bingham. Maddy, I knew, would already be hard at work at 'Pot Black. However of Maria there was no sign. I was about to ask where she was when mum beat me to it. "She's been at the...