Amber s Email Troubles
- 3 years ago
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I arrived at my parents with a lot of desire to spend time in the horizontal position. If a guy was involved, well and good. But just lying in bed for a few extra hours sounded good. I had not really had any time off in months. I wanted to stretch out, bask in the sun—courtesy of SPF 75—and just try to catch up with myself.
Mother was fully agreeable to this. I was her last child at home, and she wanted to savor that. I'm not sure she was dreading the "empty-next" aspect or not, but for the two weeks I'd be there I had a feeling I was going to get a lot of attention.
I arrived from Ft. Worth on a Sunday afternoon, too late to do anything other than greet my parents, unpack a little, and try not to see the highway in front of me. I'd driven from Ft. Worth, and while it isn't that long of a trip, it was the farthest I'd gone as the driver, and I was a lot more tired than I expected.
The first couple of evenings were spent doing little more than settling in, relaxing, and having quiet conversation with my parents. We talked about everyday things, and that welcomed me home more than anything else. I had missed having conversations like that. It was wonderful.
Tuesday was one of their party nights.
What do you do with a daughter fresh home from college? You take her to a party, everyone gets naked and has sex with everyone else. That was a lot of fun, too. I met a couple of guys I hadn't known before, renewed my intimate acquaintances with a couple of more, and went home well satisfied—it'd been months since I'd done anything like this—relaxed, and a little sore down there. It was a great party.
As I settled into my bed that night I realized I'd needed something like this. Exposure to all of that sex over the summer, without my getting any of it, had left me really tensed up. I needed the relief; guys aren't the only ones who need sexual relief, just the only ones who can get away with openly proclaiming it. I ended the party in a much better frame of mind than I'd started it. There's something about joining male and female body parts that makes everyone much happier.
What's one of the first things a college student does when she gets home? Yup, I spent the next morning doing laundry. Guys, I've been told, wash their clothes and throw them in the closet. Girls iron things as well and it doesn't matter if it is a dorm room, sorority house, or what, you'll find a girl has some way to iron her clothes. I set up Mom's ironing board and did all of my clothes. It's unglamorous, it's unsexy, it's utterly necessary if you're a woman. Guys might not notice, but other women will. It's one of those things that's expected of a female of the species.
As I sorted through the clothes I made a mental note: don't wear panties to the adult parties!. I vaguely remembered that I'd worn a light blue pair of bikini briefs, and now they were missing. It wasn't the first time I'd lost a pair at the adult party. Janice had given me some good advice: bring a pair to wear home.
There are guys who collect women's underwear as some sort of trophy. Maybe they get excited by it, or whatever. That's something I've never understood. It doesn't matter if they're something really cute and tiny, or "granny panties", they vanish into someone's collection. You get all types, and some of the people in the world of swingers are a few steps beyond what is "normal" even for us.
I hadn't heard of anyone stealing some woman's bra, but it probably happened, I just hadn't heard about it. Panties are inexpensive, but a good bra isn't cheap.
With the chores out of the way, I could try to get hold of Eric. I didn't get any answer when I called, and there didn't seem to be any strange cars in his parents' driveway when I went past. Was he even home?
That completely ignored a larger question: should I be doing the calling? Wasn't it the boy's duty to call the girl? Didn't he pay court to her, not the other way around?
When I was younger I used to be so very smug about how the guy called the girl. Then I watched the agony my brother Rick went through before he called a girl. Of course he saw the uncertainty Krys and I went through, wondering if the boy was going to call at all. And if he does, what does he say, and how do you respond? We'd talk it out, trying to anticipate each and every possibility. There were times my sister and I did not get along, but there were also those times when we were closer than can be imagined. Waiting for a boy to call was one of those shared experiences all girls go through.
I thought of calling Wesley, but he didn't live anywhere near. We had talked over the summer, texted, e-mailed, and so on. In some ways I felt closer to him than I did to Eric. But the latter was, at least officially, my boyfriend. I felt I owed him something, if no more than a final meeting. But...
Then I did hear from Eric. He asked me out, not to a party, and things were ... nice. We didn't hop into bed, we were remarkably celibate. I say "remarkably" because of what we had done when we'd been in high school. But here, now, we had regular dates. We went to a movie, we had dinner, and we sort of caught up with each other.
He was an engineer, pure and simple. That's a different mind-set, a different approach to the world, and if he hadn't been that way before, he was now. I'm not sure if more can be said. I can say someone is an engineer at the sorority, and heads will nod all around the room. We all know what that means, but it's hard to put into words.
In so many ways, we had grown apart. I think there was a place for a woman in his life, but I wasn't sure if it included what I had in mind. But then it was possible I would just end up as an HR person in some corporate behemoth, and that would fit in with being the wife of an engineer. I gave that a lot of thought as we rode back from a dinner and concert.
A girl has dreams, but so many of us subsume those dreams into whatever is needed for husband and family. There were a few lucky ones, usually writers or artists, who could pursue their dreams and still have a family, but too many times a girl's dreams were set aside. She had a husband and kids to manage, a house to run, and so on. Those dreams became silly things to laugh about with her girlfriends over lunch.
Some women are strong-willed enough that that doesn't happen. Robbyn was one of those people. But was I? I lay awake nights, staring at the ceiling, feeling the self-doubts.
I think that's why you get so many women in therapy later in life. The dreams they'd had as a young girl come back to visit, and they vaguely realize that what they'd made of their life wasn't what they'd wanted. In short, they weren't happy, and they spent a lot of money never quite realizing that.
I liked to think I was honest enough with myself to ask the question: what would make me happy? Of course I had to define what "happy" was, first. I'd taken a philosophy course or two and they'd forced me to ask the really tough questions. So it was here.
What made me happy? Well, getting laid on a regular basis, that was obvious. I don't think I was happier than when I was having sex. I didn't even have to come, though I much preferred sex when that happened to those times when it didn't. But what else?
I got some pleasure in helping people, but most girls did. Scientists had concluded that women were natural caregivers. Back in hunter-gatherer days that was one of the primary duties women had in the tribe. But what turned me on intellectually?
College is meant for such ruminations. In theory every college student goes through that. We examine who we are and what we want to do in our lives. That's a good theory, and in some cases its true. But most people don't do that kind of introspection. Instead they get caught up in something bigger than they are, and let someone else do the thinking. This isn't aberrant behavior on their part, it's one of the ways the human race works.
For most women that "larger thing" is a family, their kids, their husband, and all of the responsibility that came with that. Others went into service organizations, such as the Red Cross (mother) and the military.
Wait a minute, Amber, you just called the military a "service organization". It is. Their service is to defend and protect all of us through armed force. And there were two girls in the sorority who were in Naval ROTC. We had several graduates who had followed that route and served our country, including one, Cherise Winston, who had won a medal for saving a lot of lives.
I didn't want to put on a uniform. Serving others felt good, but was there something I liked to do with my mind that was fun?
I'd sort of reached this point when I had to leave for school. Eric and I had had a couple of dates, but we hadn't had a chance to be alone together. I had a lot of unanswered questions about our relationship, and no real chance to get them worked out. Guys hate questions like that, preferring to "go with the flow" as one guy put it, and they don't understand how that frustrates girls. We want that certainty in our lives, and unanswered questions doesn't provide it.
School didn't start until the second week of September, but we had Rush Week before that. This is when we size up girls who might pledge, and they size up us. Before then, though, you have an "all hands on deck" as you give the House a thorough cleaning. I know one fraternity on campus that brings in a professional cleaning service, but I don't think the thought ever entered the heads of any sorority girl. A girl learns to clean from her mother, but there's also that hunter-gatherer vibe going, too. You keep the nest clean. We had leased rooms out to summer school students, and while they had kept things neat, there's a difference in a woman's mind between neat and clean, really clean.
We set to, and after three days of work we had the house in decent shape. We were showing off, and a sloppy or dirty house wouldn't get anyone, and a Greek house needs a certain number of new students to continue to thrive. We knew we needed to get at least twelve girls, preferably fifteen.
With the house in good shape, we all trooped off to get ourselves tricked up. You're on your best behavior, you want to look nice, be nice, and yet be just a little critical, too. Each sorority looks for certain types. We wanted a certain kind of girl who would fit with what the sorority was all about. They were out there, we just had to find them.
Girls pledge sororities for a lot of reasons, but mostly because the girls they meet are enough like them that they feel comfortable. Also, a sorority serves a higher social purpose, and we showed that off, and girls tried to find one that fit what they wanted to do. It's a complicated procedure because it's all done with smiles, social affairs, and intimate chats. You promote what you are and what your graduates achieve, and try to invite back the girls who fit that, while they're doing the same thing on the other end.
Of course we had our "legacies". I was one, though I fit Alphas like a glove on a hand. We had a list of six that we knew were coming through, and they would get extra attention, and probably an invitation. It wasn't a lock. Girls don't always follow in their mother's or older sister's footsteps.
The week started, and the first girls came through. This is actually funny to watch because the girls travel in groups, I think that's instinctive, and so you get a bunch of them at one time. They introduce themselves, you do the same, and you hold an open house. You7 have food, the kitchen is constantly busy, and you get to know one another.
Now Rush Week actually isn't confined to things like that. There had been Rush Parties where girls who had been recommended by actives were invited. Usually these were cook-outs, barbecues, and things like that. This being Louisiana, there was food, traditional fare such as gumbo and beignets. We'd had several of those, but I was in Ft. Worth at the time, so hadn't attended. But those girls were in the first lot to see the house.
We met the girls, they met us, and we spent the rest of the day in a constant "party". This was the "summer cocktail" type of party, not the beer-swilling, carousing, and so on depicted in the movies. Greek houses aren't constant "party centrals" with members getting drunk every night. A lot of depictions of that are wish-projections by those who are envious of the whole Greek thing. Instead you nibbled finger-food, sipped non-alcoholic punch, and talked. Oh how we talked. We're women, how else do we find out things and get to know people?
In the evening, after the last girl was politely ushered out the front door, we went over who had been there and what each person's opinion of them was. We didn't use the "black ball" method of sorting them out. There were a few girls who were good at "reading" people, we knew who they were, and we relied upon them for a lot of the judgments we made. I was one of those lucky people, I figured it was my years of swinging where I'd learned to pick up on cues that did this. It was a heavy responsibility.
( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...
Thanks to Steve Zink he helped enormously by super editing as always! Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes brown, not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of...
Hung Like a Horse Every summer, our family took a trip to visit our relatives on their farm. It was a trip that my sister and I looked forward to every year. For two weeks, we basically had the run of the land with little or no supervision. We got to explore all of the barns, watch the a****ls, and swim in the creek that flowed through the pasture. Usually there were other visiting k**s to play with as well.This year, my cousin Amber was visiting from New York City. It was her first trip out...
Amber and Sinndy Make it HurtThe air was crisp and chilly enough to perk the largest fattest nipples. Amber and Sinndy smiled devilishly to each other as Amber pulled away in the 1993 Suburban. The back seats had been ripped from their lodges in the floor to make room for Eric, the luscious blonde grungy beauty they'd seen at the TSOL punk show. He had been smiling at them as they sparked the joint out on the lawn right before TSOL came onstage. He approached them, and left smiling, high, and...
Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn't believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left until her stop, she...
Amber smiled as she helped Mrs. Robinson unlock her mailbox. "Oh, you got a package!" she winked at the old lady. "Order something nice from the home shopping channels?" "Oh no dear. Those are probably my sleeping pills. You know, the one that the butterfly goes in people's bedrooms late at night in the TV ads. They're the only medication that does a thing for my insomnia." The younger woman tried to suppress her excitement. What perfect timing! "Here, you take these, and I'll...
I heard a knock on the door. It was Amber. I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed my eyes. She ran in and jumped on the bed with me. She started to kiss me and she grabbed my morning wood. I slept in the spare bedroom between Amber’s and her parents’ room. I kissed her back then pushed her away frightened, “What are you doing? Your parents…” She cut me off mid sentence, “My parents went to the mall. I told them you and I were going to Kelly’s to play soccer and to keep the...
Friday couldn't come fast enough! Amber and I had made plans to go for dinner and drinks and for her to spend the night at my place. I picked her up and could hardly contain myself when she got into the car. She wore pink nylons, short black dress that rode up when she got into my car, pink garter belt, pink silk thongs and high heels. She leaned over for a kiss and we ended up in a grope session right outside her place. She finally pulled away and said we should go before someone from her...
Amber had inherited the business from her late husband and had grown it tenfold. What started out as a small firm of engineering consultants had now grown to include architects, civil and hydraulic engineers, quantity surveyors and a construction division. With her business acumen, talent at networking, people skills and background as an architect, although she had never really practiced, Amber had proved that all round knowledge, common sense and people skills were a better recipe for success...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Thanks again to the editor without a peer Steve Zink Part 4 Jake gulped. This was way beyond awkward! She had to talk to Bob pretending to be Amber and not make any mistakes, yet at the same time remember she was at work and the real Amber might pop in at any time and not like what was said. Feeling like a cat trying to ice skate, Jake answered. "Hello, darling." (That was safe enough) "Hello yourself, sexy!" said...
When the day of the shoot finally arrives, I decide not to even open the shop, hoping that Doug will let me on set during the filming so I can watch as Amber gets fucked senseless. When Amber arrives, I'm instantly turned on by her outfit. She is wearing a skin tight shirt that hugs her tits perfectly, not hiding anything and exposing her stomach. Her skirt is very small, showing lots of ass. "The guys are going to love you," I say with a grin. Amber pushes her blonde hair back behind her ears,...
EroticIt was a stressful 24 hours. It was what I wanted; of course it was what I wanted. But sometimes you just can't have what you want, or rather who you want. Amber. My schoolgirl fantasy; my knicker-showing tease.A date.It was ridiculous how excited and scared I was at the prospect of going on a 'proper' date with Amber. Excited, scared and stressed. And there was something that came naturally when I was any of those things. I cleaned the pipes three times at work, each time provided only...
NovelsIntroduction: 17 Year old Amber Davis is in trouble Go to your bedroom and take off your panties!But Daddy.Go to your bedroom and take off your panties, Now, Amber!s*******n year old Amber Davis could not believe what was about to happen. Her father was going to spank her. Amber had only been spanked twice in her life. The last time was five years ago when she was twelve. She knew she had broken the rules, but a spanking at her age. It was too humiliating to even imagine.Jim Davis continued...
He thought he had gotten away clean when he saw his ex and her friends come into the bar. Alas, he was not so lucky. “Jake? Jake!” Amber said. She ran across the lot and caught his arm ten strides before he got to his car. “I thought that was you.” “Oh, hello Amber,” he said. “Hello yourself. I thought you were in Miami.” “I was.” Jake took a moment to look at her. She had lost weight through her middle, which only served to accentuate her ample chest. Her hips and ass also appeared to...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...
Amber was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...
Mature and Younger, Flashing, Up Shirts, Cuckold, Cream pie and KinkyAmber blushed as the boys whistled at her, she stood dressed in a formal long Red Gown. Behind her walked out James in a tuxedo, they were attending an award ceremony of 20 year service as foster parents. Their present 4 foster boys had seen them leave, together or separate every night for the past week.It was 21 years ago at the age of 35 that James suffered a massive stroke. He went from a commercial pilot to rehab and...
Amber really hoped to die and called her landlord to say she would be moving out next week. There was no money to pay the rent. The chances were only one out of 50 but she would be executed if not selected and want to entertain others with her nudity and death but thought a lot about and would need to privately hang from a tree in the back yard hoping someone would find her and have fun removing her body. Being homeless was not fun but she would risk it. She called her ex husband and said...
Working in the movie industry is a stressful but also and interesting and exciting thing to do, especially when there is opportunity's to meet all sorts of folks. Al Pacino, Seth Rogan, Chevy Chase and Meryl Streep, all of them I have met and worked with on set. But then there was the time I worked on a film with a director named Patrick Lussier and that film in question is Drive Angry back in 2011, and yes that means I did meet naughty blonde hottie actress, Amber Heard. Since I got the word I...
I had developed too over the past years and now stood 6’00” tall and weighed 168 pounds. Our hair and eye color was the same but I was tall and lanky in stature. Puberty had also left me with a cock that grew instantly to 6” in length and typically stayed rock hard for most my waking hours. As weird as it seemed in my head I always looked at Amber and wondered what she would look like and feel like naked. I never acted on it but the thought was in my head daily. Amber and I were both...
Amber, my beautiful young neighbor and now my wife, and I have been going at it hot and heavy for the past four years, now. Since she gave herself to me that first time. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary, or "anal-versary," as we call it!!! It all started at our wedding, when I was introduced to my lovely bride's young cousin. "Chris, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Amber," my bride said. Apparently, Amber was a family name. There were at least two Amber's in every...
A week and many "work out" sessions after Amber starts to work in my shop, I get another call from the Scalzi twins. "Gary, you been holdin out on us long enough, we want that slut of yours now. We'll be there at six." I don't know what to do, I haven't mentioned anything to Amber yet, but I got to come up with something fast. I try not to look worried as Amber walks down the stairs, wearing a sexy uniform as usual. A strapless bikini top that hardly covers her tits, and a thong bottom that...
Group SexPart 3I could tell Amber was horny as we were leaving the restaurant, twitching and glancing at me on the way to the Tahoe. Sliding in to the front, instead of sitting on her side, she took the middle seat, buckling next to me before saying "Are we still doing my reward?"I grinned, starting the Tahoe and said "Yes Honey, anything you want"Her hand slid up my thigh and pushed against my pussy as she looked out the window, not meeting my eyes. She was breathing heavily as she ground it into me,...
“Nooo don't stop! You can't leave me like this!” Amber stayed laid flat in her back with her legs spread as her boyfriend Nathan climbed out from between them. “We have to get going. We are already late.”Tonight Nathan was taking Amber to a party thrown for his bosses birthday at a local pub. Nathan had recently been promoted and was desperate to make a good impression. “But my pussy is soaking wet! You can't start eating me out and then just stop. You've been teasing me all day. I'm going to...
Amber stood nervously before the apartment door. She had just moved to Chicago from a small town in Indiana little less than a year ago and her new group of friends had been frequently telling her over the last few weeks that they had a tradition whenever someone in their group turned twenty one. They wouldn’t give any details and only laughed mischievously when she asked about it. Tonight was Amber’s twenty-first birthday, and even though she had her reservations about their...
Amber May was a good girl. Good because she was a virgin. She had slutty thoughts though. She was twenty years old and yet to have sex. She dreamed of all the ways she’d have it but never tried it out.She was far too introverted to meet people. She wanted a boyfriend but never had the opportunity to meet somebody yet. She masturbated frequently and fantasized a lot.She lived alone in her apartment. She had no family and no siblings. She ached to be touched. She did speak to several...
First TimeRandy was at his first junior high party. It was summer between his seventh and eighth grades. The thirteen year old was still fairly innocent to the ways of the world. However, it was a swim party and Randy certainly took notice of some of the well-developed girls in his class.Amber, on the other hand, couldn't be more different than Randy. She drank, smoked and had sex with five boys in her class. Three of the boys that she had been with were at the party, and at that moment she was in bed...
"When will she be here?" "Shut up, Mike said they were coming." "It doesn't take that long to get here!" "Relax, they'll be here." "Do you think Gary is watching yet?" "Hey Gary!" I laugh as I watch my friends on the monitor, they are clearly very eager to fuck the shit out of Amber tonight. I focus on the screen, letting myself absorb the show. "Here they come!" Adam says excitedly. "Bout damn time," Paul mumbles. The door swings open as the Mike and Amber enter the room. Amber walks around...
Group SexTwo days after the wild party with Amber and the guys, I call her up from my phone at work. I own a surf shack down the road from my house, but we usually don't get much business. My hope is that Amber can fix that. "Hello?" I hesitate a moment, not sure if she will even remember much of the night after the amount of alcohol she had. "Hey Amber, it's Gary, how are things goin?" She laughs a moment, her voice ringing out across the phone, "I'm great! Although I am still a little sore from the...
Group SexI've been watching the bitch since I got out of prison. What the hell. I don't have anything else to do. She destroyed my life. Now she's my hobby. She may or may not have been raped fourteen years ago. Whether she was or not I sure as hell didn' t rape her. The first I knew of it was when the cops came to my office and led me away in handcuffs. She reported the crime to the police. She positively and unequivocally identified me as the rapist, even identifying me by name. I knew of...
"Dan, undress your wife for me. I want to see if she looks as good under those clothes as I think she will. I want to see the cunt that I spent almost fourteen years in prison for raping." They both flinched at my choice of words. But I was focusing more on Tawney, watching her out of the corner of my eye. It looked very much like she had to suppress a grin. Dan took a step closer to Amber. But before he began undressing his wife for my amusement he turned his to his daughter and said,...
I was up early again on Monday. It would be a busy day. I was at the unit by 0515 hrs. I left to pick up Amber for school at the usual time, and was back by 0830 hrs, and worked in my office until I went to Post Housing at 0930 hrs The civilian there had all of my paperwork ready to be signed. He gave me a rather strange look when he handed me the keys to the house. I thanked him and left. When I got to the house, Billy Ray's trucks were parked there, and his men were sitting on the lawn...
We looked across the street as we passed by her house. It looked like every light in the house was on. As we walked up my driveway she said, "I'd give anything to hear what's going on in there tonight." I grinned and asked, "Really? Anything?" I just happen to have three digital recorders recording every sound that those bugs I planted are picking up. The bugs became active as soon as I planted them. I let her in and locked the door behind me. I showed her to one of the guest rooms....
She finally let me go and got in the car. I went around and got in. While I was putting my seatbelt on she said, "Paul, I really don't need anything. Let's just go home." I ignored her. I drove to a little Italian restaurant that I discovered nearby shortly after I got out of prison. The food is excellent and since the lunch hour rush is over I hoped it wouldn't be too crowded. I pulled up and parked in the parking lot around the side. I got out and went around to open the door for her....
"Hey Amber, I got to go take are of something, will you be all right handling things for a bit?" Amber turns to face me from behind the register, her tits bouncing in a too tiny bikini top that hardly covers more than her nipples. "Don't I always handle things for you Gary?" she asks in a very sexy voice, hinting at the way things went that morning. I laugh, "You always do babe, I'll be back down here in an hour." I head upstairs, walking back to the smallest room, which I had concerted into my...
EroticI saw Amber every day at the bus stop that week, but frustratingly, we were never alone. A serious-looking woman spoiled our fun by wandering around the shelter, talking endlessly into her mobile phone while waiting for a car to pick her up. She seemed indifferent to the obvious hatred and frustration rolling off me. Didn’t she know this was my special time with Amber? She could wait for a car anywhere. This bus stop was ours.Despite the company, Amber conspired to show me her knickers every...
NovelsPart 1I rolled my eyes as I stopped in my daughter's door, a little shocked, but wanting to laugh at the same time. I leaned against the door frame, watching as she masturbated with her left hand. Her eyes were closed and her hand was moving furiously, flat as if trying to scrub herself, with an expression of frustration on her face. Of course she chose that exact moment to open her eyes and saw me standing there.I sighed as she screamed, "Mom!" Then turned and covered her face with a pillow....
For once i didn’t have to work the weekend so i had decided to head over to mom and dads for a visit. Sense i was single i didn’t have too much of anything to occupy my time at any rate. It had been a while sense the last time i visited so i though it best to keep in touch sense i had the time. I had pulled into the drive and was half way to the house when a female voice called out to me. Looking to the back yard as i walked, i saw my cousin amber and my niece hoori in the back yard jumping on...
IncestI don't usually run on the weekends but I forgot to tell Tawney that. When I woke up she was dressed and ready to go. So I got dressed and showed her how to stretch and get ready. After a minute of stretching we went outside and started out walking at a brisk pace. It was a perfect morning for it. The sun is just coming up and the air is cool and clean. We walked half a block and then started running at a slow, steady pace. I planned to keep an eye on her and when she started to get tired...
In the morning, I picked Amber up, and we drove to one of the Chapels on post that was having services. Amber had on a different dress than she wore yesterday. She looked very nice. She also had a small purse. We sat in the back and held hands. We didn't pay a lot of attention to the Chaplain, and we didn't know any of the hymns, but it felt good to be there. After the service, some of the ladies, who were acquainted with Amber, came over to talk to her. They mentioned how nice she looked...
Sex is a rough topic for many of my readers. The urge to have it is so overwhelming, yet access is minimal at best. As you can imagine, it’s difficult for me to empathize with your sex problems. I have so much sex sometimes I forget when I'm in the middle of it. In order to help me understand your plight, I crafted a thought experiment.Sexual Thought ExperimentIn my thought experiment, I imagine being trapped in a room containing only a television set. That Television set plays cooking shows...
Twitter Porn AccountsBy the time Leon is exiting the bathroom both girls are exiting the bedroom. He smiles at them both and they return the smile, but Amber quickly changes her expression to one of a questioning look. Leon continues to smile, knowing he knows something they don’t. “So, he says as they come closer. “Are you ready for you sleepover?” “You bet, Daddy,” Amber says, winking. Jessica nods yet doesn’t say anything. Leon is about to question them more when the doorbell rings interrupting them. “Well,...
"Hey! You okay?" I open my eyes a crack and slowly nod my head. I can still feel the effects of the last few beers as I sit up in the sand. It's probably about two in the morning and I can still hear the party goin strong at my beach house behind me. I look up to see who woke me, and immediately regain my focus. Standing above me is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has bright blue eyes and long, wavy blonde hair that frames a very cute face. She is wearing a thin bikini top that...
Group SexWe had never been caught together but I always thought mom may have had ideas that something was going on between us. She became concerned when I would shave in the bathroom while Amber was showering or Amber would do her hair in the bathroom or dress in my presence. She had talked to several experts about it and they had all calmed any fear she felt in telling her that our being fraternal twins essentially made us one in the same. That she would not think anything if we had both been of the...
Welcome to the bright side of Twitter! It's about time people realize that Twitter is more than political quarrels, bitching, feminism, and overall hate! Sometimes, it all comes down to a set of fine tits, and let me tell you, man, is a breath of fresh, bouncy, voluptuous air! This banging stunner is a star of solo shows, but I don't want you to think that the brunette is a softcore princess. This busty slut sucks, fuck, rides, and cums, and on top of it all, she is a...
Twitter Porn AccountsIt's taken me a long time, but I have finally decided to put pen to paper on how Amber became my lovely shared wife.A little information about us to begin with, I met my wife Amber when we were both 18 and we eventually married when we were 23, Amber is not and never has been a super model like a lot we read about on these sites, just a moderately attractive women with some sexy bits that were all in the right places. In the years before we married the nearest we got to sex was heavy petting...
SwingerThe first time she did it, I thought it was an accident.I looked, of course I looked, but my excitement then was at catching a glimpse of something forbidden. Amber was her name – I knew that because I’d overheard her talking to her friends on the bus. Her school friends, all wearing the same uniform of blue blazers, white blouses and pleated grey skirts; short grey socks and flat black shoes. The difference with Amber was that I knew she was wearing a pair of white knickers – not the ones with...
NovelsSaturday, I showed Amber how to use her new laptop computer, and let her practice on it. It was the first computer that she had ever owned. She had used the ones in school before. She learned quickly. Later in the day, I introduced her to the network that I had set up in the house. She was impressed. Since Noy was off over the weekend, we went out to eat on Saturday night. We picked a small restaurant, a good distance from post. We had really come to value our privacy. Since Amber was very...
Amber Sansone wasn't sure if she was bi-sexual or heterosexual. She and her friend Laura had a moment where they shared a kiss together. They both were inexperienced but after locking lips for a while both became experts together. They enjoyed french-kissing and exploring the world of kissing.After kissing for an extended amount of time, they undressed and played with their breasts. They pulled and pinched each other's nipples. They took turns sucking and massaging them too. With all...
IncestAmber and I agree on an interesting idea of writing an interactive seductive series about our first ever meeting in real. Amber gives in to the proposal of Prof. Poet Peter of the 'Experimental Erotics International Institute', after he assures her he will take the lead and write the opening installment. My dear readers can consume it from the following paragraphs. Attractive Amber is an as intriguing as impressive match with me, as she scores almost exactly the same on the bdsm-test, which...
My heart was pounding as I waited at the bus stop on Monday morning. I'd barely slept since I'd spoken to Marie. I replayed her words again and again. The promise I'd made to her. That I would talk to her daughter. My palms were sweaty and my whole body was fidgety. I was barely in control of myself – my body pumped full of excited adrenaline.Of course, it was ridiculous. She was the one who was 16, not me. I should be in control of myself. Eager; yes. Excited; maybe. But scared? I definitely...
NovelsI reminded the boys that they aren't to let any adults see them groping their new pet. Then I sent them on their way. Before they left, John, still unable to believe his good fortune asked, "We can do anything we want? We can touch her anywhere?" I nodded and said, "But don't fuck her until you get her back to the house. I don't think your parents would be very happy if the cops called them to come and get you because you were fucking a skank in the park." Amber flinched at being...
I was up early on Tuesday and reported to HHC - 21st MI Battalion at 0730. I signed in and met the First Sergeant. I then went to register my car and shotgun and then to join the Rod and Gun Club as recommended by the MP Desk Sergeant. I also got a permanent membership in the Senior NCO Club. That took care of in processing. I had gotten an active duty ID card the previous afternoon. I didn't need the Ed Center and had no medical records. The administrative types would need to get all my...
I was horny as fuck that day as I hadn’t jizzed in a few days due to work being so hectic. I debated how to get my rocks off and decided to go cruising at the park for some cock. I took a quick shower, threw on a pair of pink frilly panties, a pair of loose sport shorts, and a long tshirt. I hopped in my car and drove to the park, teasing my little prick by rubbing it in my sissy panties, leaking copious amounts of precum into them as a result. I parked and headed towards the wooded area...
I was horny as fuck that day as I hadn't jizzed in a few days due to work being so hectic. I debated how to get my rocks off and decided to go cruising at the park for some cock. I took a quick shower, threw on a pair of pink frilly panties, a pair of loose sport shorts, and a long tshirt. I hopped in my car and drove to the park, teasing my little prick by rubbing it in my sissy panties, leaking copious amounts of precum into them as a result. I parked and headed towards the wooded area...
My story is all about myself and my hot and sexy neighbour Amber.But first of all let me share some info. about myself.I am married and have a very demanding job in the IT sector.I have not had a proper weekend for myself in a very long time.My wife is a nurse and she herself gets tied up at work as well.Our marriage is fine but for me I have been looking outside for a few months now. My next door neighbour Jim and wife Amber live alone with no kids and just a cat as their pet.We all...
Yes you heard right! Amber being her little sister watched us the whole time!!Thats why Susi went upstairs first without me. Thats why she stood infront of me and later lay down to my left so i would not detect her sister. And she kept me on my back so Amber would see my cock the whole time.I did not know what to say! She was very cute and turned out she was 16 years old, but looked like 14.Wow there are me! Being with two sweet sexy girls, still covered with cum.Amber was grinning and smilling...
Leon tells Jessica that it is okay and that she can play with him all she wants. She comes into the room, followed closely by Amber. Together they climb onto the bed, both already naked like he is. His cock is slow to come around and doesn’t go unnoticed, so Amber starts playing with his balls. She motions to Jessica and the girl grabs his rod. Her soft hands are cold, but the combination quickly coaxes his member into action. “Why don’t you kiss him?” Amber offers. Jessica is hesitant at...