Paladin Simulator
- 3 years ago
- 24
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all characters are over the age of eighteen
Hey guys, I know this chapter was a long time coming, but I’ve been focusing on revising the first volume, A Paladin’s Training. The first half of this chapter is largely story-based, but there’s plenty of action towards the end, I assure you!
***ARAN – The Sorral Plain, between Maralon and the Karvani Mountains***
The Sorral Plain seemed to stretch on and on without end, at least at the pace Elaina, Smythe and Aran were forced to travel. Under cover of night, they trudged along at an agonisingly slow speed, Aran and Elaina leading Willow and Strider through the knee-high grass, the two horses bearing the twins, Ayla and Tavish, who had yet to regain consciousness. The boy was well on the mend, thanks to his recently awakened vala, and his bruises, burns and cuts were disappearing by the hour. The girl was healing, too, though at a more ordinary rate, as her vala had not surfaced yet.
Aran looked up at the indigo sky, dotted with myriad stars. The thin crescent moon had passed its zenith hours ago and was now well on its way to the western horizon. Travelling by night had proved itself much safer than during the day, as the Heralds seemed to dislike patrolling in the dark. When they did, however, they were easier to spot and avoid, their torches and lanterns standing out brightly on the mostly flat plain. Being arohim, Aran, Smythe and Elaina needed no light to see by, and so the three Paladins navigated the terrain easily.
The shadow of the Karvani Mountains loomed in the distance, the tall peaks promising an end to the journey. A short burst from Smythe’s vala came from the west, signaling that all was clear in that direction. The man had been relentless, scouting their route in a wide, half-mile circle since they’d left Maralon, keeping an eye out for any Heralds that might stray too near the small party. Aran was sincerely thankful for the fact that he wasn’t on this journey alone; he had Smythe, the brawny, bold-nosed Paladin with his strange beard that left his chin bare, and he had Elaina, the stunning woman that walked alongside him.
She must have sensed him looking at her, for she turned and grinned at him, her shoulder-length fair hair shifting in the slight breeze. “What’s on your mind, stud?”
Elaina and Aran were meldin – the name given to a mutual connection forged with the vala – and as such, she would be able to feel his emotions and his physical condition, but would be unable to read his thoughts, no matter how accurate she often was at guessing them. “Just feeling grateful,” he replied truthfully.
She smiled in understanding, and love flowed strongly through the melda, followed by another sensation entirely; one Aran recognised all too well. “I can’t wait to be back in our bed,” she said as her smile changed to something much more wicked. “You and I, and maybe a few of the Servants could join us?”
Aran chuckled. She was insatiable at the best of times, and he loved it. “Sounds good to me, my love, though a bath might be in order, first.” He raised an arm to sniff himself. “Yes, a bath first, most definitely.”
“I don’t know about that,” Elaina began in a smoky voice. Aran wondered if she knew that that husky, sultry tone sent tingles of excitement through his whole body. Through the melda, she probably did. “I like the smell of man around me.”
Aran grinned. “Well, when we return, I’ll make sure you have more man than you can handle!”
“Is that a promise?” She purred, but then her eyes were pulled from Aran and ahead to the south as three short bursts from Smythe’s vala came from that direction.
The meaning of that pattern was clear; Smythe was calling them to him immediately.
Not far up ahead was a copse of fir and pine, and Smythe’s voice carried through the trees as they entered. “Leave the horses back a bit! This might make them nervous!”
Wondering what in the world Smythe had found, Aran and Elaina did as he said, leaving Willow and Strider just inside the tree line before moving further into the copse, where they soon found Smythe.
The burly Paladin was squatting beside the corpse of a huge, humanoid creature. Smythe was a big man, maybe six-and-a-half feet tall, thickly muscled and broad-shouldered, but whatever this beast was, it dwarfed Smythe by comparison. Aran placed it at nine feet tall, with tough, grey skin covering bulging muscles, and limbs as thick as three men’s. Its face was downright ugly, with a wide mouth, a nose that looked like it had been smashed in, and pale eyes like saucers that stared lifelessly up at the sky in surprise. A precise cut ran across its throat where Smythe had struck, dark blood glistening where it had run down the beast’s chest. Its ears were small – at least compared to its other facial features – and rounded, though they looked to have angular notches cut out of them, two from each ear. The monster was naked save for a ratty loincloth, which failed to hide the enormous appendage that rested across its thigh.
“What in Aros is that?” Aran asked as he and Elaina approached.
Smythe looked up at them, his lips twisted with distaste. “This,” he grunted. “Is a Troll. A cave Troll, to be precise.”
Aran wanted to drop his jaw. Were the corpse of the thing not lying at his feet, Aran would have thought Smythe was having a joke. “Truly? I thought all the Trolls were long dead!”
“Aye,” Smythe said, lifting one of the Troll’s heavy arms to inspect its hand. “They are supposed to be.”
Seemingly unperturbed by the situation, Elaina squatted down on the other side of the huge beast and began looking it over inquisitively. “Where do you think it came from?” She asked as she poked at its chest with a gloved finger. “Surely it wasn’t living out here on the plain, so close to all these farms and whatnot?”
“Doubtful,” Smythe muttered, dropping the hand, which thumped heavily into the brown needles littering the ground. “Who knows how far from home it is, or what brought it out here?”
Nearby was the Troll’s campfire, which was still alight despite being in need of more wood, and Aran saw familiar red-lined yellow robes on the ground next to it. “Looks like this fellow was a blessing in disguise, maybe,” Aran surmised, pointing at the robes, which would have belonged to some unfortunate Heralds.
“Aye, lad,” the big Paladin grunted as he stood from his crouch. “He was just finishing off the last one when I happened upon him.” Aran’s stomach churned at the thought of people being eaten, even if they were Heralds.
“It troubles me,” Smythe began. “That darkspawn are being seen in the world again, after being gone for so long. Remember the ungol, Aran?” Aran remembered all too well. He had helped Liaren save Induin from ungol – giant spiders – in the Emerin Forest just after he’d left the Chapel last year. He nodded grimly to Smythe, who continued. “First the ungol, then the Druids, and now a living cave Troll.” He eyed Aran and Elaina seriously. “Something is stirring the dark things of the world awake again, I think.”
“Could it have anything to do with these strange storms we’ve been getting?” Elaina asked no one in particular, whistling through her teeth when she shifted the Troll’s loincloth to reveal the full size of its nethers. “Glad it didn’t get a hold of me!” She muttered, staring wide-eyed at the flaccid, arm-thick length of grey cock.
“I think it’s all connected,” Aran told his friends. “The storms, the darkspawn, and these visions I’ve been having of the Demons, wherever they are. As it is, we can’t stop them until we can locate them.” He tried to keep frustration out of his voice but doubted if he’d succeeded; he was beginning to feel like a mountain was resting on his shoulders. Elaina offered him a comforting look, and sympathy flowed through the melda.
“I read some of Amina’s histories at the Temple,” Smythe said thoughtfully, stroking his beard. “And it’s said that the Druids and the Darkspawn fought for Morgeth in the Great War. If these Demons you see in your visions are indeed her offspring, perhaps it explains why creatures like this-” he paused to knock his boot against the Troll’s arm – are surfacing again.”
For a moment Aran thought the Troll moved its hand, but he dismissed it as a nervous twitch from Smythe’s kick; the cut across its throat was more than deep enough to sever the jugular. Aran opened his mouth to agree with Smythe when a memory crashed home; not his own, but one he’d seen before, belonging to his ancestor, Darius Sunblade. A battlefield littered with the bodies of darkspawn and Paladins, and a man standing with a spearhead sticking through his gut and a look of shock on his face, for the dead Troll behind him had not truly been dead. To kill a Troll, you needed to remove its head or burn the whole body, and the one at Aran’s feet had suffered neither.
Time slowed down as Aran bellowed at Smythe and Elaina to get back. Simultaneously, the Troll’s body twitched, and its huge hand shot up to grab Smythe by the leg. Smythe reached over his shoulder to pull Lightbringer free, but the Troll simply flicked its wrist and tossed him away like a stick, sending the big Paladin sailing into the nearest tree.
Elaina scrambled backwards, snatching Shatter free from the loop at her waist as the beast sat up, as tall sitting down as Aran was standing, and began getting to its feet. Aran dashed forward front-on, a sizzling Oroth spinning in his hands, but he misjudged how quickly the huge creature could move. The back of the Troll’s hand took him in the chest, and he found himself airborne for a brief second before crashing shoulder first into a stout pine.
Shaking his head, Aran got to his feet, thanking Aros he hadn’t broken a bone on that tree. Smythe was also pulling himself up nearby. In the meantime, the Troll had turned to Elaina, the lumbering hulk reaching for her with a massive hand even as she swung Shatter. There was a sickening crack as the mace impacted the Troll’s outstretched fingers, instantly shattering every bone it touched, the weapon true to its name. With a bellow of rage, the beast kicked forward with a monstrous foot, catching Elaina in the side before she could react, sending her cartwheeling across the small clearing.
“Elaina!” Aran roared, charging forward again, mirrored by Smythe, this time coming at the Troll’s back. With shocking speed, the huge beast turned, sweeping its good arm around as it did and collecting both Smythe and Aran, sending them crashing back against the trees, knocking them off their feet once again.
Aran kept his eyes on Elaina as he picked himself up for the second time. She was groggily pushing herself up from the ground when the Troll snatched her in its fist. Somehow, she’d managed to hold onto Shatter, but with her arms pinned to her sides, she couldn’t swing it.
The monster may have had smashed fingers on its other hand, but they obviously still worked well enough to reach out and tear Elaina’s shirt open, the laces coming apart easily and exposing her opulent breasts to the cool night air. The Troll uttered a guttural groan as it raked its greedy eyes over the struggling Paladin, and a sickening bulge began to grow beneath its loincloth. Again, the hand descended, this time aimed for Elaina’s waist, no doubt to remove her breeches.
“Let me go, you ugly fuck!” Elaina roared, kicking at the Troll’s fingers as they approached.
Again, Aran and Smythe rushed forward as one, but this time they were ready.
Somewhat distracted by a half-naked Elaina, the Troll turned and lashed out with a foot, but the two Paladins flowed to either side, judging the speed correctly. With a smooth stroke from Smythe, a brilliantly glowing Lightbringer hamstrung the Troll, bringing it to one knee, while Aran struck out with Oroth, the searing blade taking the monster’s hand at the wrist and sending dark blood spraying into the air.
Elaina tumbled free as the hand fell, pushing herself up immediately. Some of the Troll’s blood had hit her, painting her hair, half of her face and much of her body a deep, dark red. Her shirt was in tatters, leaving her effectively nude from the waist up, the pale skin of her breasts and midriff spattered with more claret.
“Stand the fuck back,” she said quietly, staring down the Troll, but addressing Aran and Smythe, who obeyed immediately. Aran had never seen Elaina furious before, but here she was, somehow beautiful and frightening at the same time, her face a thunderhead. Aran did not want to be a Troll, right now.
Bellowing in rage and probably fear, the beast swung its remaining hand threateningly, but the Paladins were out of range of its grasping fingers. Elaina strode forward, Shatter gripped in her fist, and when the Troll reached for her, she swung the mace with both arms, screaming wordlessly.
The crunching of bones echoed through the copse as Shatter connected with the huge, grey hand, and the Troll roared in pain as it recoiled from the angry Paladin. With another wordless howl, Elaina jumped forward and struck again, this time burying the spiked mace in the beast’s skull, instantly silencing it.
Breathing hard, the beautiful warrior left the mace where it was for a moment, then pulled it free as the Troll slumped forward onto the brown cones and needles littering the ground. She turned to the men, looking like a painting done by an artist who couldn’t decide between erotic or violent. “I hate killing,” she began, leaning on her weapon. “But that thing deserved it.”
“You alright?” Aran asked, stepping over one of the Troll’s arms as he approached her. There was hardly any moon or starlight, among the trees, but Lightbringer and Oroth provided enough to illuminate the immediate area. Either way, he could sense her just fine, with his vala as well as the melda.
She nodded. “I’m good, though I may need a new shirt,” she said, clicking her tongue as she fingered the tattered cloth hanging from her arms and shoulders.
“You need to remove the head, or burn it,” Aran said quietly. “Otherwise it will heal itself and get back up.” Taking his own advice, he turned and did just that, severing the Troll’s head at the neck with one clean blow from Oroth before kicking the head away from the body, just to be safe.
“How did you know that, lad?” Smythe asked, his dark eyes catching the light from Lightbringer’s long blade. “You yelled out right before the Troll grabbed me, as if you saw it coming.”
Aran met the bigger man’s gaze. “I saw something similar happen, once, in a memory that belonged not to me.” Elaina and Smythe looked confused, so Aran elaborated. “I saw memories from my ancestor, Sunblade, through a glass orb at Amina’s Temple. The same thing happened to him; a Troll killed his friend because the body wasn’t destroyed properly. Had I realised in time, that whole scuffle could have been avoided.”
“Relax, stud,” Elaina said warmly. “This wasn’t on you. Besides, apart from my shirt, we’re all fine!”
Smythe chuckled, gesturing to her exposed skin. “I reckon that’s a pretty good look, lass.”
Elaina grinned wickedly, the drying blood on her face doing little to diminish her beauty. “You would,” she remarked, giving the big Paladin a wink.
“Well,” Aran sighed. “I’ll go check on the horses, then we’d best be away.” As he turned, though, a thought came to him. “Hey, Smythe?” He asked, turning back.
Smythe looked from Elaina to Aran, his bushy black eyebrows raised expectantly.
“How did you take that Troll down on your own, when it gave all three of us such a hiding?”
“Came upon him quite by accident,” Smythe replied with a grin. “Think he was as surprised as I was. I got him before he got me. Lucky, really,” he mused, stroking his mustache and looking at the Troll’s corpse. “He would’ve given me quite the trouncing given half a chance.”
“Lucky, indeed,” Elaina said wryly, shaking her head at Smythe’s good fortune. “I think Aros may have lent you hand in this, Henley.”
Aran couldn’t help but agree. “From now, until we reach the Temple,” he began. “We travel together, and watch for anything and everything; Heralds, Trolls or anything else.”
“Aye,” Smythe said, reaching up to slide a now dim Lightbringer into the sheath on his back. “I’ll get Thunder and meet you on the plain. At that, he vanished into the trees. Elaina and Aran went back to where they’d left Willow and Strider, thankfully finding the horses hadn’t moved, despite the fearsome cacophony that took place moments ago.
The twins were still slung across the saddles, but to Aran’s surprise, one of them was moving, shifting around beneath the robes. With a smile, he walked to Strider’s saddle and pulled back the covering, revealing Tavish’s confused face, his dark hair tousled. “I was wondering when you’d wake,” Aran said kindly.
***RODRIC EAMES – Maralon City***
Alarm bells brought Eames from his much-needed sleep. He’d barely had time to put his feet on the carpeted floor of his bedchamber when a sharp rap came at his door. “Come!”
Latham pushed the door open, saluting quickly. “My Lord, there has been an attack. Brend and Lora are dead, and the subjects are missing.”
Eames shot upright. “What?! How? I left three guards at the basement door, three more in the alley, and no fewer than a dozen at the entrance!” Emotion was something Eames had conquered long ago, yet a spasm of anger wormed at him. He quickly suppressed it and levelled his voice. “How did this happen, Lieutenant Latham?” He asked as he strode across the room to don his red-lined yellow robe, the sigil on the back displaying the golden sunburst of the Heralds of Dawn. He put it on straight over his nightclothes, knowing he would not have time to dress.
“I’m not sure, my Lord,” Latham answered, looking suitably ashamed. “The three guards in the alley appear to have left their posts. Their replacements were beaten and thrown in one of the upper cells.” Latham paused to swallow before continuing. “My Lord, the men at the basement door were knocked out, but not killed. They raised the alarm as soon as they woke. They say that they were attacked by ... by Heralds, my Lord.”
Eames thought quickly. Could it be true? Could someone have gotten wind of his studies and committed an act of rebellion? It was unlikely; all Heralds knew the price of treason. Even so, this was a precarious situation; if word spread about that there was division among the Heralds, Eames would lose all footing he had gained in Maralon, with both the Council and the people.
It was time to test Latham’s loyalty. “Shut those bells down immediately,” Eames ordered. “And make sure everyone knows it was a false alarm.”
Latham met Eames’ gaze, understanding in his dark eyes. “And what of the men that were present, my Lord?”
“Have them all brought to me at once,” Eames commanded, bending to pull on his boots without bothering with socks. “I wish to speak with them personally.” As Latham turned to leave, Eames added, “and make sure they speak to no one else before me, understood?”
Latham nodded, saluting before hurrying out.
Eames was certain he’d made the right choice, here. Word of this could not be allowed to spread. The witnesses would be silenced, one way or another, for the Heralds could not afford to be seen as anything but a strong, united force.
The boy started back as the robe was pulled away from his face. He looked up at Aran, upside down from the way he’d been tied across Strider’s saddle. “Who are you?” He demanded in a proper, sophisticated accent.
“I am Aran,” Aran replied simply. “And this is Elaina.” Elaina came up beside Aran, and Tavish’s eyes widened as they fell on her exposed breasts, obvious even in the near-total darkness.
“Where is my sister?” Tavish asked, frantically trying to look around despite his restricted movement.
“Relax,” Elaina said gently, pointing to the bundle slung over Willow’s saddle nearby. “She is right here. She is alive, but she has not yet woken.”
Tavish closed his eyes and exhaled in relief. “Who are you?” He asked again, this time in a less demanding tone.
“We are the ones who pulled you out of that hellhole you were in,” Aran replied. “And just in time, by the looks of things. Those were bad people that had you, Tavish.”
“You and Ayla are safe, at least for now,” Elaina said, smiling kindly, unperturbed at the way Tavish’s eyes kept floating back to her notable chest.
Aran moved to Strider’s other flank and began to loosen the straps securing Tavish’s legs to the saddle. “Can you ride?” He asked the young arohim once he was loose.
“I think so,” he said with a grimace, working limbs that hadn’t been moved for some time. Holding his robe close, he went to check on his sister, pulling her covering back so he could see her face. Aran noticed she was looking better than yesterday, though only slightly. He doubted Tavish could see much in the dark, which was probably a good thing, considering the condition she was in.
Tavish tenderly kissed the top of her head. Her dark hair was still matted with blood; they hadn’t had a chance to bathe her yet. “They will be punished for this, Ayla,” he whispered. “I will see it done if it takes the rest of my days.” After tucking her covering back in place, Tavish turned to Aran and Elaina. “Thank you for saving us from the Heralds, Aran and Elaina,” he said formally, even offering a small bow. “I feel you do not intend us harm, but I wish to know; who are you?”
Aran eyed the young man appraisingly, admiring the way he so quickly adapted to the circumstances. “We will tell you all, my friend, I promise,” he assured Tavish. “But for now, we must be moving. We are maybe a day away from safety, and we’re still being hunted.”
A minute or two later, Tavish was seated safely behind Aran on Strider’s back, and the small group were headed back out onto the plain. Smythe soon joined them, cantering Thunder from the western edge of the copse as they rode past. Needing to hasten their journey, some adjustments were made so that all were ahorseback, with Elaina now riding in front of Smythe’s saddle, while leading Willow by the reins.
With the horses moving at a quick trot, they covered ground quickly, and the sky soon began to lighten in the east. Aran kept a wary eye in all directions, and Smythe and Elaina, riding a few feet to his right, were doing the same. Elaina had wrapped her cloak around herself for some semblance of covering, though Aran suspected Smythe’s right hand was beneath that cloak, as only his left gripped Thunder’s reins, and Elaina’s side of the melda was giving off telltale signals of pleasure and arousal. She glanced over, and seeing him looking, gave him a sly wink and a cheeky grin, which Aran returned.
The eastern sky slowly changed from a dreary grey to a brilliant gold, and eventually the sun appeared, bathing the vast expanse of grassland in morning light. Suddenly, for the first time since leaving, Tavish spoke. “I like your horse,” he commented. “What is his name?”
“Strider,” Aran replied, smiling as Tavish patted the stallion’s neck fondly. “He is a loyal horse. He’s well trained, and clever, too.”
“How long have you owned him?”
“Not long,” Aran answered. “Only a few weeks. He used to belong to a Herald, but now he’s mine.”
Tavish turned his head slightly to eye Aran inquisitively. “I am curious as to how that came about, Aran,” he asked in that refined manner he had of speaking. Being a country boy, Aran found it slightly amusing to listen to, though he would never tell Tavish that.
“Well,” Aran began, not wanting to give too many grim details. “I was arrested by Heralds, and some city watchmen, and they tried to hurt my friend. I got loose and stopped them, and after that, I needed a horse, so I grabbed the best one I could find, which was Strider, here.”
The boy was silent for a moment. “Did you kill the Heralds that meant harm to your friend?”
“Yes,” Aran said quietly, remembering that night. “I did.”
Suddenly, a thought came to Aran. “Tavish, what of your parents? Do they live in Maralon?” Tavish and Ayla would have inherited their vala from their mother or father – or both – and so there was a high chance the Heralds would be taking them in, too, if they hadn’t already.
Tavish nodded. “They do, though they aren’t our real mother and father. We were orphaned at a very young age, but we were taken in by a well-to-do couple who raised us. They loved us as their own and gave us everything we needed. Do you think they are alright?”
“I would think so,” Aran said carefully. “The vala you and Ayla have inside you is passed down through family lines, so the Heralds probably wouldn’t be interested too much in your adoptive parents.” Aran hoped he was right, otherwise Tavish’s folks would be at the mercy of the vindictive Heralds. “Do you remember using it? Your vala?”
“A little,” the younger man replied slowly. “When those men came in, and they were going after Ayla, something just snapped, and a power welled up inside me. Is that this vala you speak of?”
Aran smiled. “Yes, that sounds about right. You saved her, you know. It’s the first of many great things you’ll be able to do once we train you.”
“I want you to teach me how to kill,” Tavish said darkly. “So that I can return to Maralon and destroy the Heralds.” Aran felt for him; in Tavish’s position, he would probably want the same. “Did you kill the ones that hurt us, Aran?”
Aran looked over at Elaina and Smythe, who were watching him and Tavish with sympathetic eyes. “I killed two Heralds that night, Tavish,” Aran answered truthfully.
“Which ones?” The young man asked, his voice hard.
Aran took a deep breath. Despite feeling like he’d done the right thing – what decent person could willingly mutilate another? Especially children barely old enough to be adults! - he still didn’t like killing, no matter who it was, or how much they deserved it. “A man and a woman. He was thin, and grey. She was solid, with a hard face.” Aran’s mind flashed back to that basement room where he’d found the two Heralds standing before Ayla and Tavish with burning, red hot pokers in their hands. He could still smell the stink of burning flesh. It made him want to vomit.
“They were the ones that hurt us,” Tavish whispered, barely audible over the soft clopping of hooves on grassy ground. “But they were just following orders. It was the other one, the one with the cold eyes. Eames, they called him.”
Eames. Aran had heard that name before, from that fat Herald. What was his name? Tevin? Yes, that’s right, Tevin. Aran had spared Tevin’s life and sent him back to Maralon, but not before Tevin had disclosed the name of his Lord Commander; Rodric Eames. It would appear this Eames had a hell of a lot to answer for.
Tavish continued in a quiet voice. “He didn’t touch us, he just gave orders and watched, taking notes the whole time. I don’t know why, but he scared me more than the ones with the whips and the rods.”
Aran placed a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Easy, now.” A stab of sorrow through the melda brought his gaze to Elaina, who was looking at Tavish, a tear running down her cheek. She was the toughest woman he knew, but she also had a soft, kind heart, and Aran loved her for that. “We will deal with him in time, Tavish,” Aran assured. “For now, we need to get back home, and see you and your sister safe.”
The Karvanis were looming ever larger with every step, and Aran guessed they would be back in the foothills by nightfall, and home in the Temple shortly after.
***MALOTH – The Ergar Plain, a few miles north of Amindaer City, Palistair***
The now familiar rumble of thunder echoed across the Ergar Plain, chasing the forked lightning that skittered beneath the roiling clouds above, rending the darkness with an eerie purple flash. The storms had been consistent of late, rolling through from the north every second day, lashing the land before continuing southward. Maloth had deduced that these storms were somehow connected to his growing strength, as they seemed to increase in frequency and intensity when he Bound a new soul. That, and no matter how they raged, the tempests never seemed to affect his camp as they did the surrounding land.
He sat Shadow’s saddle on the crest of a wide rise that overlooked the rolling plain, awaiting the arrival of Beshok, the Chieftain of the Gor’dur Orcs. He had chosen to dress for a show of power and strength that the Orcs would appreciate, wearing a pair of black breeches with scales that dully caught the light and a cloak of the same colour, cinched round his neck with a golden skull clip. The breeches were made of something called dragonscale, some blend of leather and scales, though Maloth suspected the scales were from a snake rather than a dragon, the latter of which he doubted existed. He wore no shirt or coat beneath the cloak, leaving his crimson chest bare as a sign of primal dominance.
Shenla waited on his left, also mounted on her sleek black mare. She was dressed provocatively, as usual, though with a touch more class than the eye-popping garments she normally chose. She was garbed in a complicated white silk piece which contrasted with her rose-red skin pleasantly, as it did her lustrous jet hair. The garment was all flowing narrow strips that covered her privates well enough while still giving tantalising glimpses of what lay beneath. It was almost like someone had taken a perfectly good dress and ripped it in strategic places to show skin, but rather than looking tattered, Shenla made it look alluring.
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La Sirena 69 is back on her favorite site, Bang Bros of course. She knows this is where she will have the most fun and get the best dick. She is excited to get fucked by Slim Poke today. First things first, The playful Latina teases us with her beautiful bouncing titties and big ass. We get her all oiled up and playing with herself before our boy steps in. She is amazed by the size of his big black dick and immediately puts in her mouth. After sucking and gagging on it for a while, she takes a...
xmoviesforyouAlexa Chapter 1: The Great Experiment I couldn't wait to be done with classes. Even though it was only Thursday, I was done for the week. I had set my schedule up so I had no classes on Fridays, which I had hoped would set me up for some great long weekends of partying. I was wrong. My two closest friends and roommates had dropped out of school during the summer semester, one because of money, the other because of grades leaving me all alone in this three-bedroom apartment. I was...
I am Rohan from Mumbai and this is true story. It is from the old times when I was studying in the college. I was in the college in Science stream and was always busy in studies from morning till evening doing practical’s in the college Laboratories. During those days one Senior Lady teacher of Science came on transfer from Kota to our city in the north of Mumbai. Since my mother was principle in girls college and so she came here on transfer and stayed few days in girls hostel and then shifted...
For the next 3 weeks, things were like they had been the last year. I had gotten permission from Clint for Doug to join us, Both so he could meet most of the Paladins in the area, and to let them know what all he could do to help them. But there were several noticeable absences that weekend, including Bohica and Carol. But that night Doug said everything had gone well and had appointments from 3 different Paladins to come in and see him. And he had a surprise for me that night, and unusually...
It had been one of those months. The type where all you do is sleep, work, drink, sleep, repeat. The week was seven days long, and the longer you worked, the further behind you got. Your eating habits did not encourage work, and there was never enough rest in your sleep. After six weeks of this cycle, I was pretty much a mental and physical wreck. Dana avoided me during these phases. Heck, I avoided myself, but there was not much I could do about it. It paid the bills, and she so liked the...
Paul was sitting at home chatting on the internet. For the most part it was all boring. It was starting to get let when he got an interesting message. “How would you like to bang my wife?” Paul replied, ”What does she look like?” “She’s about 5’ 5” tall with brown hair and green eyes. She has a 34 C cup tits and a tight pussy. I just like to watch her be fucked. Interested?” “I think something can be arranged. When do you want to do this?” asked Paul. “Not tonight its to late right now. When is...
Doc and I were wrong; Mickey McKenna had not had his sex drive adjusted downward. Even as he went about his daily duties as a Daytown Detective, he was in fact a human embodiment of a satyr. His sex drive had become insatiable, his allure irresistible to women. It made for a long day. Jacy did not hesitate to climb onto his erection in a reverse cowgirl simply to be allowed to eat her bowl of cereal for breakfast. As Mickey neared climax, he pushed his daughter off and came into bowl....
Introduction: my skin still crawls with the memory of this one, but it is still interesting One of the most memorable one on one sexual experiences I had happened the summer before I left for my freshman year of college. I was being a lazy teenager and being a bum before having to start working for a living. I spent a lot of time sunbathing and sitting in our hot tub in the back yard. Back then I still had the body to wear my little white bikini, and I did as often as I could. I was 56, brown...
Ashlynn Luker was lying there, taking every bit of my dick. “Pinch your nipples” I told her, as I pumped steadily away. “UH-h-hh!” She moaned out loud, as she was pounded into again and again. Ashlynn was tugging her nipples as told, looking at me with a s slightly glassy look, mouth open. She was all but being bred, used as her buyer intended her to be, and it was apparent she liked it. A lot. I had been doing this to her long enough, so I changed it up. Going ‘all in’, I held,...
Then when I finally got to sneak her the pill I was already planning things in my mind. She was out cold in fifteen minutes and I got to work on her unconscious body. I undressed her tight body and spread her legs wide. I wasn’t going to fuck her pussy right away, I wanted it nice and wet first. I rubbed her clit with my finger then my tongue. I lapped at her pussy and could smell her juices flowing out. I tasted her once then reached up and massaged her titties. I licked at her...
Ever since I can remember, I was the chick in class who received love notes from hot give to my cute, thinner friends. I can't count the number of times I got excited about a guy suddenly walking with me in the hallways from class to class, only to find out he was only fishing for information about another girl. As I got older, I began to just accept that I was going to be considered invisible to most of the male population.It wouldn't be such a bad thing to be invisible...if I was...
She left at 5:30, and was to be gone from 6:00 to noon. As nonchalantly as possible, I told her to let me know if she got off earlier so Gwen and I could be home to meet her. "What are you going to do this morning?" she asked. "Well, I thought we'd go for breakfast, if Gwen feels well enough, then if anything else needs to be done at Joe's I guess we'll do that. Otherwise, we'll just hang out and spend some time together." And fuck each other's brains out, I hope, I added...
We are Ajay and rani, married couple from Kerala .I am an Engineer,30 years,working in a reputed company and Rani is a housewife,aged 27. We have been married for 5 years and our life is going smooth.We are livng in an apartment near my work place.Our flat has 2 bed rooms,a hall and a kitchen and the two bed rooms are bath attached.Let us describe our body features.I am 6 feet,well built having a thick moustache and attractive.Rani is 5’6”,slim,but with good boobs and ass.She has long hair upto...
Hi this is Pabby…I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at “We have a lot of work to do if you’re going to finish this project by Friday,” Miss Heena said while reviewing Neha’s notes, “drop by my apartment this evening around seven, I think with a little concentrated...
The Fraternity InitiationCollege is freedom—the chance to live life on my own and experiment with the vices of independence. From beautiful women to a bountiful supply on drugs and alcohol, I had been dreaming of the wonderful college life for months leading up to move in day. In high school, I loved to party. I never had a girlfriend but barely a week went by when I didn’t have some blonde sucking my dick at a bonfire or giving me a handjob in the bathroom. I was a playboy and a football...
We are a couple of age 41/38. We are rather a bit tall. I’m 5’9″ and she is 5’8″. We are from Kerala and settled in Dubai. We have been married for 15+ years and have found sex to be too monotonous. We had tried many different things to spice up our sex life, like porn, toys, fantasizing etc but nothing seemed to work after a the first couple of times and we started to have uncomfortable sex. I always had a fantasy of swap but she was hell bent against it as she was from a very conservative...
Like I have told in my previous sex story, I went to my Aunt Sonalika’s home to stay with her for 2 months. My mom and aunt hatched this plan so that my aunt could have sex with me. She has been a widow since five years. I entered her home and she welcomed me with a deep kiss. Sonalika was a 40 year old beautiful woman. She was fair and had long silky black hair. She looked similar to my mom, as both are sisters. Sona took me to her room and closed the door. She said, “Beta, you know why you...
IncestReaders, aapne mere pichhale story bhatiji ki chudai part 1 main padha ki kaise maine aur pramod ne tanvi ki train me chudai ki. Ab main aap logo ke paas apni dusari kahani bhatiji ki samuhik chudai Part 2 lekar aa raha hun. Readers maine apne previous story main hi apni bhatiji tanvi ke physical structure ka detail bata chukka hu atah main ab apni family ke baare main batata hun. Meri family main meri mom, papa, ek bada bhai,bhabh aur ek badi bahen hai aur meri bhatiji tanvi ab main directly...
The large desk in the centre of the room was a mess, papers and files all over the place. Mia sat at her desk putting things in a proper order, it was not easy but she had nearly completed doing it. She walked over to the wall where a filing cabinet stood with many drawers. Slowly and carefully she picked up each pile and placed it in the corresponding drawer. It took her about ten minutes and she looked pleased with herself. She loved her job and looked forward to coming in every day,...
Office SexThe boss's wife, Kelly, was 32 years old, the mother of their two c***dren, and an integral part of their business team. She was also beautiful, blonde, slim, and unbeknownst to me, a sexual dynamo. I was 18 years old at the time. This was my second summer working for the small construction company. I also worked for them between summers after school in a high school vocational program to learn the construction business. I had come to know the entire family very well. The business was run from...
PROLOGUE I came awake, as I'd become used to doing, a few minutes before the start of my shift, a few minutes in which I had time to gulp down a quantity of gruel from the plastic teat at one end of the cage and empty my bladder and bowels into the filthy straw at the other. By the time the door in the Wheel slid upwards, copying the matching door of the cage, I was ready to enter. The Wheel shuddered under my weight and the door slid downwards, trapping me inside where I extended myself on...
The two Mercenaries had left Desolate a few hours ago and arrived via shuttle on Green Hell. They both were Pertharian. They had accompanied Ms. Yeager to the prison colony and now their mutual employers wanted them to make an initial survey of this world. Neither of the Pertharians believed there was a planet in the universe they could not survive, especially with the nice equipment their employers got them. All these stories about Green Hell were made by weak and fragile humans of course...
I slowly began to realize that sunlight was pouring through the drapes on my window. A sense of dread overcame me as I realized that I had fucked an underage girl last night. Or was that a dream? No it was real, all the details were racing back to me. Wait. Her boobs, her massive clit. My longer dick. Muscles. Looking down, it was confirmed. While before I had no definition and pretty scrawny muscles, I now had some muscle mass, with tone! I stood up and admired my new naked body in the...
I was 23. I had just been given the boot by my girlfriend of over two years. I had tried to save a dying relationship, tried to talk it out. But I had to find out that she already had found a replacement, a guy from her workplace, and I finally said good riddance. The breakup was complicated by the problem of finding a new place to life, but in this regard I proved to be lucky. Within a day I had rented a large furnished room which was part of a huge flat inside a 17th century townhouse in the...
Here at Titty Attack, we like to bring you the most busty and beautiful girls in the game. Well, when you see Sofia Lee, you will understand why we are so excited to have her strut her stuff on film for us today. This babe is an absolute stunner, with rockin titties and a ton of booty meat to match. She lets her long hair flow down her back as she rides our studs hog into oblivion. Sofia moans and lets her pussy juice drench our lucky studs cock as she takes it deeper and deeper inside. Then,...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a long erotic drive to the hotel. Attending business functions had always seemed dull and tedious until I had begun travelling with him. He had graciously offered to drive the 5 hour journey and I had certainly not objected. As my suitcase was loaded into the trunk, I eased into the front seat, very aware of how hot the leather had become during the heat of the day and that it filtered through my thin dress quickly. It burned a little, almost like I had chosen to sit in a puddle of...
This is the story of how a hard truth lead to a weekend I will never forget. My wife and I, married 22 years living a rather normal blue collar existence, ups and downs, our only c***d out of the house serving our military overseas (not Iraq or Afghanistan, thank god), we both stay in good shape, me through my job and Donna through all those spartan races, run for cures and Tough mutters, she turned into a fitness fanatic a few years back,her new found fitness stepped up her libido so our sex...
Stephanie McMichael had never really been demure. She had never been reluctant to use her looks to get what she wanted. In a sense, she thought of her looks as a career asset, sort of like her wardrobe. She invested a lot of time, money, and effort into maintaining both. It was easier to maintain the wardrobe than the body, that only took careful shopping, good taste, and money. The body, on the other hand, required steady exercise, long hours at the beauty salon for manicures, pedicures,...
This is a story about my first time with a women. it starts at my house and where I lived with my grandmother ever since my mother had died 5 years earlier. I was 18 at the time and had been jacking off for quite a while by then at least 3-4 years one day my grandmother was doing the laundry and out of the blue said I wish you do you boy stuff in the bathroom and not get it on the sheets all the time . I didn't say anything just turned beet red. From then on I was careful not to get any cum on...
First TimeWe are an Indian couple from Kerala aged 34 and 38 yrs and married for seven years.I had to go on a business trip which involved six hours of driving and my wife was with me in the car - After the meeeting we thought of visiting a nearby beach which is famous for Indian ayurvedic messages - I suggested that she go for a massage and she gave me a flat 'NO" for her.I requested a massage for myself and the guy who mas massaging me was just around twenty years old. I suggested that my wife watch...
The anticipation was eating me alive. My girlfriend, Aubrey, a strikingly sexy, gorgeous, blonde, polyamorous, bombshell grad-student and I had been living together for about three months. She had taken my virginity and was the dominant one in the relationship. She had been fucking another guy, Scott, every other weekend for about two months, and I had finally asked if I could be there in the room next time he fucked her.She sat there, pensively deliberating. Her adorable eyebrows were...
CrossdressingI was raised in a small 2 bedroom single bath home,At times it was inevitable someone either my mom or grandma would have to pee when I was in the bathtub.Mom was about 50 at the time and who knows how old grandma was but pretty old I guessed.Both women had medium breasts and were pleasingly plump but not fat.Dad had long ago divorced and split ,so it was just me and the two women left to raise me. It was always the same Mom or grandma would knock on the door while I was in the tub and tell...
It wasn’t that she hated or disliked her husband, it was the complete opposite. She and James had met in college, senior year, they quickly fell in love after sharing so many common interests. They both entered with art degrees, Chelsea hoped to be an interior designer and fell in love with the industry. James graduated with a photography, but his career had already skyrocketed before school was even over. He flew around the world to hand high portfolio clients, yes, they had been a lot of...
Jennifer Shepard puttered around her kitchen. She'd lived in this house on and off for her whole life, yet she had never cooked a holiday meal in it. But after talking with Abby and Tony and finding out that Team Gibbs spent most holidays alone, she offered to host a Fourth of July cookout. Most of the sides had been ordered cold from catering, but it was the thought that counted. She'd asked everyone to bring something special and the grill was fired up. They'd all bring packs along, just...
Part 3I arrived back at Phil's about 6 o'clock, the day went well, not too many issues, but I was rather tired. I kept getting erections during the day as I remembered the escapades of the previous evening! Was I gay? I had sucked cock and loved it, but I didn't fancy Phil unless he was in Lingerie. A very confused day!As he opened the door, my jaw dropped to the floor! He stood there in a Lovely summer dress, button-through with a hint of a white lacy slip at the hem. The look was completed by...
"Martin's Halloween Nightmare" Martin's Halloween Nightmare is a short side story using the characters and world of Martin Hastings. An unusual story to say the least. It is not part of the saga itself. "Twisted" Martin sat at the table before the judge with his legal counsel. The courtroom was full of spectators as the drama of the judge's decision loomed in the closing statements of the prosecutor. Martin didn't like the way the judge looked over...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
100% fiction! Hi my name is Miguel, this is my first story of many to come. Hope you like it. I've always fantasized fucking my cousin, she's a year younger than me. She's 18 5'3 thin with an incredible set of legs. She also has long black hair and big beautiful black eyes, her tits aren't that big but still suckable. I'm a couple of years older than her but as soon she became a teen I started having these feelings. Like I mentioned she has some incredible set of legs and so I always looked...
IncestIt was a couple of weeks since I had got to show off my newly shaved pussy to Pete and Steve. While I had my bath that night once Steve had left, Pete and sat on the rim of the bath and promised there would be more to come if I was interested. I had left him in no doubt I was.So one evening Mum was getting ready for her night shift and Pete was upstairs pottering about, Mum casually mentioned that Dad was having some pals round tonight, and it might get a bit rowdy, and that if I wanted to go...
My knees sank into the sand.My chest sinks into the sand.He held me by Christian's ankles at shoulder level.I couldn't lift my hips any more; I couldn't offer it more.His hands were on my buttocks: He opened them anxiously, as if he wanted to enter my body completely.His testicles like two heavy steel balls hit my swollen clit. The moisture of our sex splashed with each blow, more and more, growing like the a****l madness displayed in his screams and in my moans that were a tool for me to...
The days were growing shorter and the nights growing colder, winter was just a few weeks away. I was sitting out on the shelf outside our cave contemplating moving the horse pen closer to the cave where it would be easier for us to watch over and protect our mares. After all penned up animals are easy prey for predators. Fortunately for us, and even more so for the mares, Dugut and Nugut had taken to watching over the horses during the night. The location I had in mind was directly below the...
Big tit slutty stepsister Alexa reminds big cock stepbrother Milan about the deal they made the next time they were left alone at the house. Milan pretending he does not remember has Alexa take off her top, slipping off her skirt and panties reminding him the deal was to swim in the pool naked and fuck hard! Alexa patiently wades in the water as Milan joins her with his cock throbbing and ready to fuck her hot cock hungry mouth getting a nice blowjob outside. Now on her bed Milan enjoys her...
xmoviesforyouWe were about an hour from home and had not spoken for about fifteen minutes. I knew that I had been thinking about how I wanted to entertain you when we got home and I was hoping that you were considering the same things. You broke the silence and said, “I really enjoyed being with Joe and Laurie. They are so very nice and wanted us to enjoy ourselves and relax. They gave us lots of time to be alone, but seemed to enjoy spending time with us as well. I hope we can do this again some time...
Love StoriesKandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...
Young Sam Barnet was a dreamy shy boy, yet he was extremely sexual; he stared at women, particularly large breasted women, and he fantasized about them. When he saw the new neighbours his eyes popped out for Mrs Braymore had enormous tits, they stood out like two pointed mountains and seemed to bounce as she moved. She watched young Sam on several occasions and noticed his eyes were often glued to her chest; he had a tormented look about him and she wondered what was going through his mind....
FetishThis story is written by a very special friend of mine ---- the following experience i know for fact did happen .............Charlie had arranged to go a bar to watch a football match when we get there the bar is rammed --- I had dressed to impress as always nice short mini dress and high heels -- I'm not really into watching football, but the clothes make me feel really good and KNOW I look amazing ..... Showing my legs and wonderful cleavage mmmmmm...I look in the mirror before going out and...
The packing was done in a matter of minutes. It was just a matter of the loading a few things into a small lightweight nylon green pack. a spare pair of green camo jeans and a green camo tee went in, as did a couple of pairs of boot socks just in case I had a human partner. It was all about keeping up appearances. I checked in my storage room and found a dozen of the alum foil pouches of Helen's version of MRE made for Swamp Thing. I much preferred them to the government issue version. I...
Hi Dosto, Mera naam Sonu hai or ye kahani meri or meri bhabi ki hai.Mere ghar me mere mom dad or sirf meri bhabi hi hai mere alawa.Mere bhaiya navy me hain or aksar ship pe hi rehte hai. Bhabi se meri nazdeekiya tab bad gayi jab mere ko iss bat ka ehsas hua ki bhaiya bhabi to santusht karne me asaksham hai.Aksar unke room se ladne ki awaze ati thi jab bhi bhaiya ghar pe ate the.Iski wajah se bhabhi bhaiya se dur ho gayi or meri dost ban gayi.Unhone ne hi bataya ki bhaiya sex nahi kar pate or...
The wine was delicious. We headed upstairs so your wife could finish giving me the tour, leaving you with the dishes. We catch each other’s eyes as I follow behind her. Oh, yes, her cute little ass sways seductively just out of reach, taunting me.We bump into each other, giggling and smiling. I stroke her arm as she proudly shows off your family photos – she’s positively glowing now. Our glances catch one another, there’s a sparkle in her gentle eyes. A few loose strands of hair framing her...
SeductionCheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 5 - Christy Goes Back to School Christy rolled over when the Monday morning alarm clock went off. She stretched a bit and began to think about how good her life had become. Being selected by Master Bob was the most incredible experience of her life. She loved serving her Master and meeting all his sexual desires. She knew that Master was the only male for her - she could be a friend with other boys but never in a sexual way. Master made her...
She smiled when her phone pinged with the familiar FaceTime chime.“Good morning.”“Good morning beautiful.”She giggled. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you this morning. I thought you had an early meeting.”“It got pushed back an hour. So I seized the opportunity to see my favorite girl. How are you this morning?”“Other than missing you, I’m fantastic. The kids got up and off to school with minimal fuss for a change.”“Excellent. I miss you too. As long as nothing unexpected comes up, I’ll be...
Quickie SexI huffed and puffed around this park path for the last four months. I was 45 and out of shape. I wasn't fat but I had a pound to lose here and there. Okay, okay, maybe multiple pounds. A ten minute drive from where I lived was a large park with a popular exercise path. The course was a three and a half mile circle. People came to walk and to jog. People came to bike and to skate. I hated how the latter zipped past us slower traffic but they were legal here. I was a slow jogger. I hated...
Impractical Magic Part 1: Halloween has always been my favorite time of year. At first it was because of the costumes and candy and the fun of pretending to be someone else. Not that I ever really wanted to be anyone other than who I am... it's just fun to pretend sometimes. I kept dressing up on Halloween long after all my friends had stopped. Every year I'd find some new excuse to buy a costume. At first, it was taking my younger sister and her friends out trick-or-treating, but...
When you think of premium POV porn, what goes through your mind? A giant hole in your wallet? Well, fear not; The Porn Dude has come to rescue you from that kind of fate. You can expect from me today a site unlike any other that focuses on POV porn at its highest quality on the market, and you won’t have to pay a single penny for any of it. That’s right; it’s If you haven’t read the general review of this site, it’s basically premium porn without the cost of a premium site! Well,...
POV Porn SitesWe met at a convention. She was a booth model, and I was a salesman. She was scheduled to work the entire week, but I was only there for half of the week. I can still remember the moment our eyes met. I couldn’t stop staring, and I may not have even blinked. In fact, my mouth might have been partly open as if frozen in time. The double-take of her eyes and the smile on her face brought me back to reality, but WOW, it was as if my fantasy girl had just dropped from heaven. I did my best to make...
Straight Sex