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Anyway, with wild flights of fancy cascading through my head, I walked along the fence line and was just about to cut across the field at the back of the house when a woman’s voice said. “Excuse me young man, can you do something for me?”

Turning a sumptuous blond in her early thirties stood there wrapped in a flimsy camisole that barley hid a tiny bikini. “Certainly,” I said, expecting her to need something from the local supermarket that was about ten minutes away.

To my surprise, instead of handing me a note and some money, she held out a bottle of oil, and said. “Would you be a sweetheart and rub some of this oil onto my back. I’d ask my husband to do it, but he’s away on business, again,” she ended, emphasizing the last word. “Come on through,” she went on, holding the gate open. “What’s your name?” She asked as I walked past her.

“Jeremy,” I said.

“Well Jeremy, you can call me Mrs. No, let’s not be so formal, just call me Jenny.”

By normal standards, the back garden was huge, even the massive a swimming pool, tennis court and trampoline barley used up a quarter of the beautifully landscaped real estate that surrounded the house. Walking over to a blanket spread out on the lawn, she removed her camisole and lay face down on it resting her head on her arms.

“Undo the strap on my bikini top,” she said, “I hate the line it leaves when I’m sunbathing. You do know how to do it, don’t you?”

“Yes I said, my mom broke her hand a little while ago and still has a cast on it so I have to help her do up her bra.

Kneeling beside her, I undid the clasp and spread the straps out on either side of her. Pouring some oil into my hand, I spread it over both palms and then tentatively placed them on her back and started to rub the lotion into her skin.

“That’s so nice she said,” appreciatively, “you have very gentle hands,” she went on. “You can rub a little bit harder if you like in fact I would love it if you would put some of those strong muscles of yours to work.

Digging my thumbs into her back, I worked my hands out from her spine to her side. As I reached the area just next to her armpit, I glanced down and was shocked at what I could see. Pushed out by her weight against the ground was the side of her breast. For a moment I paused, only one thought running through my head, to somehow find a way to run my hand across that mound of exposed flesh. I could almost feel the texture of her tit as I gently stroked it. On the other hand, I could mentally hear her as she rolled over and slapped me, called me a pervert and demanded that I leave. For a moment, I pondered the dilemma, and then after a moment’s pensive thought, I threw caution to the wind, thinking that even a quick grope of a tit, something I’d never experienced before, was worth the threat that she’d haul my ass out of there. Trying to make the movement as casual as I could, I lathered more lotion onto my hand and then started rubbing her side, sliding my hand ever closer to that exposed flesh. As my hand eventually ran over her breast, several things happened, one, a feeling of ecstasy flooded through me at the thought that I’d fondled a woman’s breast, well at least part of it anyway. Instead of her leaping up and proclaiming that I was a pervert and ousting me from her property, for my temerity, a shiver ran through her body and a slight sigh escaped her lips and instead of the rebuke I had been expecting, she seemed to turn slightly exposing even more of her right tit.

Emboldened by the fact that my gutsy move hadn’t elicited any recriminations, I again let my hand wander south, so to speak, this time lingering even longer on the exposed flesh and delving even deeper under the parts of her tit still pressed into the blanket trying to brush my fingertips across he nipple. As I drew ever closer to that nub of sexual excitement, Jenny said.”Jeremy, I know I can reach my legs, but would you mind rubbing some lotion on them seeing as how you’re doing such a wonderful job on my back. At first, I was disheartened that I had to move away from that beautiful warm soft skin, as I worked my way up her leg though; my eyes fell on a wondrous sight. As I drew closer to her buttocks, she casually moved her legs apart revealing her crotch covered by a flimsy piece of fabric. Again I allowed my hands to creep up her legs getting ever closer to that wonderful mound. Slathering more oil onto my hands, I reached out and allowed my right hand to slide along her flesh until it brushed against her crotch. Man, I thought my dick was hard before, but after brushing over her pussy my cock threatened to tear its way out of my shorts. For the second time after touching her intimately, a shiver ran through her body and her legs opened even further. Throwing caution to the wind, I placed my hand on her butt, and slid it under the fabric of her panties and began to slide it towards her bare pussy.

As my hand moved ever closer to that warm wet hole, Jenny said. “Let me roll over and you can do the front of my legs.” After she had repositioned herself, she went on “Oh, what a wonderful day it’s almost perfect, she ended.”

“Almost,” I asked wondering what I could do to make it perfect. “If there’s anything you need you have only to ask,” I said, desperately hoping she wasn’t going to ask me to leave.

“No it’s nothing like that,” She said smiling, her arm holding her bikini top over her breasts. “It’s just that when I sunbathe, I like to do it in the nude. Would you think it terribly naughty of me if I took my bikini top and bottom off so I can get the sun on my entire body?”

“No, of course not,” I said, the words coming out more as a croak than anything else.

“Have you ever seen a naked woman before?” Jenny asked.

“Three times,” I confessed.

“Who,” she asked.

“My mother,” I answered honestly.

“Were you peeking?” she asked playfully
“No,” I answered defenecively, turning red. “Remember, me telling you that she has a broken hand. The first time was about a week ago just after she’d had broken her hand. She had been in the shower and had shouted me to get her something, as I walked into the room, her grip slipped and the towel fell to the floor. The next time I walked into her room and caught her standing in front of the mirror admiring her naked body, I mean it’s not even as though she didn’t know I was in the house, and apart from that, she must have heard me walking along the hallway to her bedroom, the floor has a tremendous squeak. The last time was just yesterday, I’d just finished taking a bath, and was standing dying myself when she walked into the bathroom without a stitch of clothing on, she apologized of course, but the strange thing is, she didn’t back out immediately, but stood there for several second, staring at my naked crotch. ”

“Did you jerk off after seeing your mom’s tits and pussy?” She asked, grinning impishly.

Yes, I nodded so embarrassed I was unable to speak.

“It’s quite natural to be attracted to your mother,” she said kindly. “Most men hold a secret desire to have sex with their mothers, so don’t fret about it. One thing though, how come you have to help your mom, why doesn’t your dad look after her needs?”

“That jerk, he walked out on us years ago, well to be honest I think him leaving was a mutual thing between him and mom.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Jenny said apologetically.

“Don’t be,” I said. “He’s no great miss. Even when he and my mom were together, he spent all of his time at the track or in some casino, so it’s not that he and I ever bonded. In fact, he once told me that I was like an anchor around his neck, so believe me I didn’t shed a single tear when he walked out and never came back. To a great extent, things were better, shortly after his departure, mom stopped crying herself to sleep every night and seemed much happier to be on her own.”

“I’m delighted to hear that,” Jenny said, “The guy sounds like a real jerk and you’re probably better off without him. Now then, where were we?” She asked thoughtfully. Oh yes, I was about to get naked so I could take full advantage of the sun.

Moving her arm away from her body, she dropped her bikini top on the blanket at her side revealing two beautiful tits. Her nipples were huge and protruded proudly from the circle of darker skin that surrounded them, as soon as she had discarded her top, she lay back, and lifting her butt, she said. “Come on Jeremy help me get out of these.”

Grabbing the sides of her panties, I slowly eased them down, as they came passed her crotch, I got my first look at her pussy, her pubes were light blond and neatly trimmed in the shape of a small triangle. Kneeling directly in front of her, with her ass lifted off the ground gave the perfect angle to get a glimpse of her clit.

Dropping back down, Jenney sat up, those beautiful tits only inches from me. “Well,” she asked, “What do you think of them?”

“They’re beautiful,” was all I could thing to say, transfixed by those incredible tits that although firm, seemed to have a life of their own.

“Would you like to rub oil on my titties?” She asked, shaking them back and forth provocatively.
Unable to speak, I nodded vigorously.

Lying back, she patted the ground on either side of her. “Put your knees here.” Once I was in position, she went on. “Now put some oil on your hands and gently massage it into my boobs, be gently though, my tits are very sensitive.”

Doing what she asked, I reached out and gently placed my hands on her breasts, her nipples pressing into the palms of my hand. For a second I knelt there, the warmth and softness of her tits like nothing I had ever felt before. Overcoming my initial desire to lean forward and suck one of nipples into my mouth, I gently began moving my hands in circles, smearing the oil over those magnificent mounds of flesh.

After several minutes, Jenny reached up and took one of my hands. “Women also like this,” she said placing my thumb and forefinger on her nipple. “Now rub the nipple between your fingers.”

Grabbing the other nipple, I began to roll those hard little buds between my finger; softly at first but as her breathing quickened, I increased the pressure, as I did, she moaned softly making me squeeze even harder. Unable to resist any longer, I leant forward and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth and gently, at least at first, bit down it.
“Oh yes, women like that as well,” she said squirming as I alternated between biting her nipple and sucking it in and out of my mouth. I learned something that day that has served me well; women don’t always tell the whole truth about what turns their crank sexually. Although it was true that Jenny’s tits were sensitive, when it came to her nipples she loved to have them bitten, sometimes to the point where I actually drew blood. Almost frantic now from the attention I was giving her nipples, she grabbed my head and started pushing it down. “Give me your tongue,” she moaned, “Stick it up my pussy, and give my clit a good tongue lashing,”

Nowadays, probable every adolescent has seen scenes of oral sex on the internet, back then though the net was in its infancy and apart from that, the only computer in the house was in my mother’s office and strictly out of bounds. Of course I’d heard of oral sex, but only in the vaguest of terms, and to be truthful, the thought of sticking my tongue in a woman’s snatch, seemed somewhat disgusting. Hyped up as I was though, my cock aching for release, I didn’t care what Jenny wanted me to do, I would have done it. Working my way down her body, I stuck my tongue out and started licking her pubic area, hoping I was doing it right.

Reaching down, Jenny spread her lips and raised her hips so my tongue lapped against her wet juicy her clit. The instant I started caressing that small piece of flesh with the tip of my tongue, she arched her back and started to moan softly all the while working her crotch into my willing mouth. When her orgasm came it was with such ferocity that she grabbed onto my hair, her body convulsing as spasms of ecstasy shot through her body. As the orgasm subsided, I shot my tongue out and drove as far up her wet juicy pussy as it would go, then withdrawing it I grabbed onto her clit with my teeth and gently bit down. As with her nipples, Jenny loved to have her clit sucked and bitten. Again, I could feel the tension building in her until she arched her back for the second time and exploded, this time a huge quantity of liquid squirted from her pussy all over my face.

After several minutes, she pushed my head away from her crotch and sat up, as I kneeled in front of her, she glance at the bulge in my shorts. “Did I cause that?” She asked, reaching out and brushing her finger across the taught fabric.

As her finger brushed across the cloth covering my dick, it was as if a bolt of electricity shot through my throbbing cock and I came close to shooting my load. Blushing furiously, I tried to cover my erect penis with my hands, ashamed that she had noticed the bulge in my crotch.

“Don’t be silly,” she said moving my hands. “As long as you’re not forcing yourself on a woman, having a huge boner like that for her is a terrific compliment. Now then, would you like me to take care of it for you?”

At that point, all I could do was nod, unsure of what she had in store for me.

Kneeling in front of me, she had me stand, and then undid my shorts and very slowly dragged both them and my underpants down around my ankles, exposing my cock that stood rigidly to attention. After having me kick my clothing away, along with my sandals, she had me strip of my tee shirt leaving me standing there completely naked.

“Now then, what to do with this juicy chunk of meat,” she said, taking hold of my dick and stroking it softly. “I could jerk you off, would you like that?” she asked rubbing her other hand across the head of my dick.

Nodding I strained to hold back the com that threatened to explode at any second.

“No,” she went on, “that’s not what you do with a prime piece of meat like this, this is what you do.”

Leaning forward, she opened her lips, sucked my cock into her warm wet mouth, and ran her tongue across the head. Unable to hold back a second longer, I instinctively grabbed the back of her head and shot a massive wad of hot com into her mouth. My orgasm seemed to last for ever, as I pushed my cock as far as I could into her mouth. Eventually the spasms subsided, but even after I had finished squirting jism into her willing mouth, she continued to suck my dick intent on draining every ounce of juice out of my cock.

When she finished, she sank back onto her legs. “How was that?” she asked, smiling impishly.”

“Unbelievable,” I said, “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like that before in my life, in fact I know I haven’t.”

“Well then, we’ll have to see if we can come up with something to top it won’t we, and considering you cock is still rock hard, I thing I have the very thing.”

Grabbing me by the cock, which to my surprise, hadn’t gone limp, but still pointed at the sky, she led me over to the blanket and pushed me to the ground. Straddling me she slowly sank lower guiding my dick until it slid into her warm wet pussy, and then started to slide up and down my cock. As she slowly fucked me, she leaned forward until her lips brushed across my chest and then sucking my nipple into her mouth she bit it as hard as I’d bitten hers. To my surprise, the sensation wasn’t of pain, or even in my nipple, it was as if a nerve ran from my chest directly to the head of my cock making me ache to shoot com into that beautiful wet hole.

“Not yet, big fella,” she said slowing down, “I want that tongue of yours again before you get to squirt com up my crack. Lifting of my cock, she moved up to my face and swung around and planted her muff right over my mouth, As I started to lick at her clit, she leant forward and at first I though she was going to suck me again. Instead she moved my legs apart and inserted one of he fingers into my butt and started to massage what I now know to be my prostate, how I didn’t com all over her tits I still to this day don’t know. That finger drove me to such a fever pitch, my whole body shook with excitement, knowing I couldn’t last much longer, she swung round and rammed my cock up her hole and then reached behind her and squeezed my balls in a vice like grip. You might think that having your nuts squashed, would be a turn off but I can assure you that to the contrary it isn’t. In fact it made the orgasm I’d had earlier pale by comparison. As com exploded from the end of my dick, my entire body arched and every fibre in my nervous system seemed to fire all at once, leaving me for several seconds unable to move and barely able to breathe.

“Well, did I come through on my promise, to take you to a higher level?” Jenny asked as soon as I’d recovered.

“Man did you ever,” I exclaimed. “I think if it got any more intense than that I doubt if I’d survive the experience, I thought my balls were about to come out the end of my dick.”

Smiling at me, she ruffled my hair, and then said. “I hope you’ll come back and visit me again, but one thing Jeremy, no one must know of our little tryst, because if the authorities find out, I would be in big trouble, and you wouldn’t be able to come over and play with me,” she ended smiling that impish smile of hers. “If anyone sees you coming and going and asks what you’re doing here, tell them your doing some yard work for me, got it?”

“I won’t tell anyone, not even my best friend,” I promised.

After I got dressed and was about to leave, Jenny said. “Jeremy, this thing with your mother, if it happens again, just say to he, mom, is there something I can do for you.”

“I don’t understand I said.”

Just do as I ask,” she said, “I’m sure that if it happens things will sort themselves out. So will you promise me you’ll do as I ask?”

After promising to do as she asked, she threw her arms around my neck, pulled me to her and kissed me passionately. “Now then, get going before I tear the clothes off you and screw the ass off you again.”

“I could stay,” I said, feeling my cock respond to her threat.

“No,” she said, “come back on Saturday, and we’ll play some more, and perhaps by then you can tell me how things went with your mom.”


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The following new characters appear in the story: Kenneth Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 195 pounds, 21 years old, blond hair, blue eyes George Farmer, 5’-10” tall, 185 pounds, 22 years old, blond hair, gray eyes The guest quarters measured 20’x40’ inside, and were of quarried stone like most of the town’s buildings. It consisted of three rooms with entrances on the long side of the building. The room on each end had a chimney on the end wall. The middle room had its chimney on the back wall and...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 02

***So, … off to Japan. Not to a part that he’d ever really heard of, but one goes where the money is, after all. Valdemar learns first hand what Cor had been talking about regarding becoming known and trusted. In case you need to read it, the characters and placenames in this are fictional. 0_0 —————————- When autumn came, they set off, Valdemar along for the ride to learn the way of things. It would be well into winter by the time that they arrived. His mentor on the trip was the man...

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Dear Johnpart 6 of 15

CHAPTER 16Well I was pretty sure that this time I’d be left alone at least for a while. I was more than persuaded that I’d likely be getting Christmas cards from Abigail, but those would be returned unopened for sure. I didn’t like their attitudes or their phony sympathy and gift offers. The fact was I was beginning to actually hate the bunch of them. There was nothing I was ever going to get from them that wasn't a bunch of nothingness, nothingness to me for damn sure.I looked over at the...

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Felicidad es Locura

Felicidad es locura Este fue mi primer relato, alla por el a?o 99. He dedidido enviarlo ahora a fictionmania, sin embargo preparando quizas camino a su segunda parte, si consigo terminar lo que estoy escribiendo ahora. Espero lo disfruteis. Prologo Las ruinas de la antiguamente multitudinaria ciudad se veian completamente solas, abandonadas de la mano de Dios... de cualquier dios en realidad. Tan solo las ratas vivian ahora por la ciudad. Seres deformes, gigantescos, aberraciones d...

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Threesome with lesbian couple

Here is a true story about my fabulous BBW lover Claire. I didn't know it when we first met, but later on found out that she was bisexual. This didn't bother me at all, actually it turned me on.. a lot. One day when we were chatting, she asked me if I would every like to watch her with another woman. Well I was shocked and very horny at the prospect, "yes ok, that would be fun" I said, but she new that really I was gagging to watch! She said that she had a friend who was a lesbian, who she had...

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Wifes Friend Comes Back for Seconds

My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could...

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Put Me In CoachChapter 2

Miguel Tejada, after several banner years with Oakland and an MVP award, had spent the latter half of his career with the Orioles and had established himself as the team's leader on the field. That was fine by me. I recognized that he had been around longer, not only in the Game but with the Birds, and that he had experienced more seasons as a top-drawer performer than I had. I was perfectly content to play second fiddle to a man of his abilities. But I was six foot three inches tall,...

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Something in the Air

Feedback greatly appreciated Characters Me - Dale Adams - High-school senior Mom - Diane - 42 Dad - Frank - 48 Sister - Emma - 18 Jeremy - Emma’s bf - 19 Brother - Ronald - 15 Jackson - Rons friend - 15 Neighbor - Jerry Neighbors - Husband Joe, Wife Sherry, daughter Lynn and other daughter Mya I’m a horny little fuck. Senior year of high school. Notorious voyeur and exhibitionist. Have received numerous ‘Science’ awards and several scholarship offers in the field of...

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Double Trouble

>>>>>In a span of two weeks my cuckold fantasy had gotten real. Incredibly real. Another man had fucked my wife on three occasions (at least). Once while I wasn't around, although I did manage to spy on them. Twice with me watching, including participation where I performed in a most subservient fashion. It had all been more exciting than I would have ever believed. We had planned another encounter for the...

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Celebrating Our Virgin Friend8217s 21st Birthday 8211 Part 5

Hi fans, let me begin by wishing all my Fans and Readers a very Happy New Year – 2021! This is the final and concluding part of this story that you must all be waiting for. We all like to read, see, and feel the climax in any sex story, as it is almost like an orgasm for a woman or cumming for a man. Please do read all earlier parts of this starting from the first part (link on top), so that you can enjoy the sequence of events. After I had written my real-life experience on XIS, I got many...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 20 Dave Returns to the Scene of the Crime

Dave and Alec spent part of Friday moving their belongings to Alec's house for the summer. They had two golf bags and three suitcases to pack into the car for the trip to Boston on Saturday so Dave had asked if he could leave his television, books, and other school supplies at his friend's house. Alec's mother, Patsy, agreed immediately and pointed out the available space; it took two car loads to move everything. That evening, Patsy made a large home cooked meal for Alec, Shauna, Dave,...

1 year ago
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The Beginning of it All for Us

This was the beginning of it all for both of us. We actually had talked with our therapist about how we would manage the idea of me watching Julia having sex and having an orgasm with… This was the beginning of it all for both of us. We actually had talked with our therapist about how we would manage the idea of me watching Julia having sex and having an orgasm with another guy. We explained to her that we had fantasized about this for years and she definitely had someone in mind. Someone...

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Dianes Decadence A Marriage Ch Two

Diane’s Decadence - Chapter TwoA MarriageAs soon as we became husband and wife, life seemed to change imperceptibly. We almost became serious and since we both were fully qualified accountants we decided to start our own practice. We imagined we could move to the suburbs and attract enough clients to keep us both occupied and thus we did. Bought an old house in a nice suburb set up an office downstairs and lived upstairs and hung a shingle out advertising our business. - and successful we were....

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Return to Puerto Banus Continued Part 1

We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...

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This Girls Place

I've got four months of teaching out of the way, and my new school is paradise. My students are between the ages of nineteen and thirty, all hungry to become the next generation of poets and thinkers. All except the boys in the back row, anyway. They're taking my class only because it will be an easy three credits. But the semester is almost over, so freedom is in sight.I hear the end of the boys' conversation as I enter the classroom. “I'm just saying,” Kyle says, “bitches should know their...

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Shipwrecked By Drusila Chapter 1 For the second time nature's power had changed his life. This time it may have ended it. Andrew laid at the edge of the mass of fallen palm trees, his ankle throbbing. He thought back to that first storm and wept. He alone had survived the freak storm. It had started out well enough, an entire summer at sea with his family. His father had grown up racing sailing boats on the Great Lakes and when his business had taken off with the tech boom, he had...

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Extra Credit part 1

One day at school Sara was in the middle of her algebra class and she dropped her pencil. She never bends down to get it herself incase her boobs fall out of her top. So she kindly asked the boy sitting next to her, “Could you pick up my pencil for me, please? I dropped it.” The boy’s name was Jason, he had short brown hair and blue eyes and was always kind to Sara even though she liked to tease him. He picked the pencil up and handed it back to her. “Thank you.” Sara said. She noticed...

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NCISChapter 3

If you're not 18 or older please take a look at that red x up in the corner ... yes far right corner. Hold your mouse over it until it's highlighted. Click it and it shall direct you to where you ought to be. If you're 18 or older ... enjoy the story and if you haven't yet, read the first two chapters yet of this NCIS parody. I suggest you do to get a better understanding of the episode I wrote up. Enjoy :) In one of the evidence rooms, Ziva and Sarah began to empty the boxes of...

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Cockatoo Part 18

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Previously, Nin had persuaded James to come along with her as Scarlett to meet with Joe and Nancy, two Americans who wanted a foursome. The session had finished and Scarlett...

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Thoughts On A Flight

Good morning to the only woman to ever own me! I'm somewhere over Iowa right now and thinking of you. I have been flying for over two hours and I'm ready to start executing our plan. I'm sitting in a window seat, next to a very attractive man. He is probably in his early thirties, tall, with broad shoulders, muscular arms and excellent posture that exudes confidence. I bet he was a Marine in a past life. He has that chiseled face and tough-guy look. At that same time, he strikes me as an...

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Only if You Pull Out

vacations you dread when you're a teenager. As a family, mom, dad, and I always went to New Hampshire camping for a week in July. The last couple of year's dad relented and we ended up in a commercial campground giving me the opportunity to have a better time, at least there was a pool, a game room and a chance to meet someone my age to make friends for the week. This time I really didn't want to go, there wouldn't be many other kids my age, and I was still too young to stay home...

1 year ago
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Decorating Class

“Okay guys. It’s time to finish what you’re doing and start tidying up.” I called to the six young guys in my decorating class. “Conner, I’m going to the staff room to get changed, so you’re in charge. No messing around, you lot! I need to be out of here in 30 minutes.” I’m a part-time leader for a Community Programme. The kids (usually 18 to 20 year olds) come to us for six months at a time to learn basic skills like joinery, brick laying, mechanics, or, in my case decorating. This, current...

Group Sex
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A New BeginningChapter 11 Bound and gagged

Though I was pretty sure they had certainly finished dinner, and had gone downstairs to their bedroom, I was quiet as a mouse coming in. As the alarm hadn't been set, I knew there wouldn't be any problems coming in, and having Steven seeing that. (Though at the time I had no idea he wouldn't be able to anyway). I stood at the top of the stairs listening for a moment, smiling when all I did hear was the sound of music playing, coming up from their bedroom, which told me two things. One ......

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Home For Dinner

I hope you enjoy this little venture into my mind. It was written awhile back and a friend encouraged me to submit it. I hope you like it. Let me know if I should continue with Jack and Stephanie.Thanks for reading,Jesse---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday had finally arrived and Stephanie looked at the clock again. Only 10 more minutes and her pysch class would be over."God, won't that bell ever ring?" It's not that Stephanie, Steph as...

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Getting caught without you

I lay in bed, thinking of you. I'm on top of the covers, gliding the tips of my fingers along my smooth, slender body. Tonight I need to get off, whether you're here or not, it's going to involve you. I smile to myself as I get a wicked little idea, peeling my body off the bed, I make my way over to the window. My long, brown hair tickling my bare back and breasts as I walk. Opening up the window, I find that our neighbor is already asleep, yet the bit of exhibitionism mixed with the cool...

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Charlie and ClydeChapter 2

We walked into Olsen's office on Monday morning. He escorted us to the conference table and we all sat down. "What progress have you made? Is it too much for you?" he asked. "No, Mr. Olsen," said Charlie. "We're done and everything seems to work." "Bullshit." "No, sir." We gave him the new program and left. We met the next morning. "It works," he said. Charlie just grinned. "I'll have a check cut before you leave." Charlie and I had talked about the fee. In our own...

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A Trip To Joanns

It had been three months since my wife went away for four days giving me the opportunity to be a free woman. I was missing that wonderful weekend of unbridled sex and cross-dressing. There were no more opportunities on the horizon leaving me quite hopeless. In my despair, I surfed the internet for porn and cross-dressing sites when I came across a site called “Joann’s Shop”. It had the greatest selection of clothing, wigs, undergarments, and breast forms I had ever seen before. They also had...

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Cruel Couple

Birds chirped in the distance. Between patches of jungle the idyllic young couple could just make out the glittering waters of the ocean on their small, private island. Dmitri leaned over and softly kissed his beautiful wife. She sighed happily, accepting the kiss and returning it as her tongue teased his lips. "Mmm… this was such a good idea. It was time for another vacation, my love. I'm so glad you planned this one. Best Valentine's Day gift EVER." Dmitri smiled, stroking his...

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Charlies Children

This story is probably true. In our city there are no less than two world class IVF clinics, and we have several friends who work in the field. During a dinner party one evening in which the red wine flowed rather too freely, we began to challenge them – mostly playfully – about the cost of programmes and their success at making money out of people’s misfortune as well as babies. It wasn’t a fair criticism, but it did prompt a raft of stories around the table, one of which concerned ‘Charlotte...

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Hazing for Victor and VictoriaChapter 11

Cheryl and Carl took the twins aside as the assembly broke up and kids filed into the school halls. "The theme for tonight's final community project session," said Cheryl " and of your last day of Pledge Week will be 'Let's Switch'." "And by that," added Carl, " we mean switching in three ways. Gather up your clothes, both of you. Don't put them on yet, but walk with us to the gym so you can see what we're getting at." So the four of them, the twins buck naked, and Cheryl and...

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A New Path

This story was originally posted in 2003, and while a work of fiction, takeselements and stories from experiences in my life with several partners. Thecontinued feedback I have received, as well as requests for additional chaptershas prompted me to continue the work. Thanks for all the comments, email alwayswelcome and responded to! A new path By Chris Fowler At 31 years old, Chris decided to change his life, and go to college. Afterleaving the Army, a series of fun, but dead end jobs had...

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The Masters Project 5 John And JaneChapter 2

I got a call three days later. "Hello, Bob?" came that cultured voice. "Hi, Jane, it's good to hear from you again," I said. "I'm ready to make another appointment," she said. Then, instead of making the appointment, she went on to explain that the time hadn't been right yet to talk to John about all this. He had been called away to Washington and she didn't want to talk to him on the phone. It was late May, and she suggested we meet in a park. Both the place and the way she...

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Malan MothersChapter 15

The DNA result for Margo had come, but it was decided to wait for the results for Esme and Ruth to be found; then all four children would be united with their mothers at the same time; no-one would be left out. Jeannette was informed that the legal documents for the sale of the newspaper were completed, ready for signing, and she had to arrange payment to the Colony of the agreed sum. Her application for a company title deed for Nabarro Books to be registered was now complete, so she merely...

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