A Paladin's JourneyChapter 3 free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen years

***CAELEDRIN VELENAR – Tar’elda City of Laefendell, Palistair***

Caeledrin lounged nude on the plush silk cushions, his hands folded behind his head. He sighed as he enjoyed the sensations of the two she-Elves diligently attending his cock with their talented mouths. Both in their third century, raven-headed Alendaes and golden-haired Gwynes were rounding out nicely, their hips, breasts and thighs generously proportioned. Alendaes was kneeling between Caeledrin’s spread thighs, bathing his balls with her tongue, while Gwynes was straddling his chest, presenting her smooth, pale buttocks and bald pink pussy for his enjoyment while she swallowed as much of his throbbing member as she could. Caeledrin was not small, but she made a valiant effort nonetheless.

This was what life was about, for Caeledrin; lazing about in his lavish quarters and reveling in the pleasures of women and food and wine. More than six hundred years he had walked this earth, and he’d figured out long ago that the world never really changed, no matter how much one tried to change it. Things stayed more or less the same, if you really looked at it, so why bother? Life was to be enjoyed, and Caeledrin planned on relishing every minute for the rest of time.

“Your Grace?” Wonderfully buxom and curved, Caeledrin’s high counsel, Velesande, looked down at him quizzically from where she was standing nearby. She was an excellent treat for the eyes, with that flowing golden hair and a voluptuous form easily discernable through the loose diaphanous robes that Tar’elda favoured. A treat for the eyes, but rarely for the ears, unfortunately, as she tended to drone on about matters that Caeledrin cared little for. What had she been saying? Ah, yes, further word had been received from Ellerion Velenar, Caeledrin’s wife.

Ellerion had vanished some time ago without explanation but had started sending regular letters back to Laefendell a few weeks later. Always one to pander to the common folk - ‘lifting morale,’ she called it - Ellerion had insisted on travelling with a supply caravan to a small mining outpost in the west, which had been raided by Orcs, according to later reports. While there had been plenty of dead Elves, none of the scouts had been able to locate Ellerion. The worst was feared; that she’d been captured by the Gor’dur, until the letters had started arriving. Apparently, she had escaped the raid and was in a safe place, but she had learned much about the enemies of the High Elves and was sending back as much information as she could.

Caeledrin could care less that his wife was gone, or whether she was in danger or not; he had plenty of women to occupy him, and his marriage to Ellerion was one of convenience, a unification of two powerful families. He also cared little for what the Orcs and Dark Elves, or anyone else got up to, as long as it didn’t disturb his fun.

“Forgive me, Velesande,” Caeledrin drawled lazily as he squeezed Gwynes’s ripe buttocks. The pretty Elf atop him moaned in response, and her slit was glistening with her moisture. Her smell was sweet, like fruit wine, and Caeledrin felt himself swell further in the wet cavern of her mouth. “I appear to have grown somewhat distracted.”

Velesande bobbed a graceful curtsy, her spectacular breasts swaying beneath the thin fabric of her robe. Before she’d left, Ellerion had been the most beautiful and coveted Elf in Laefandell, but Velesande was not far behind. “Forgive me, your Grace, I will repeat myself.” Velesande was always polite, always proper, at least when attending to political matters. She held a small roll of parchment in her delicate fingers and unfurled it to scan its contents again. “High Matriarch Velenar sends word that the Orcs and Dark Elves have formed a treaty and are moving on Amindaer City.”

That got Caeledrin’s attention. He sat up, rudely shoving Gwynes aside, though he allowed her and Alendaes to continue their work on his cock. “Truly?” He mused, stroking his smooth chin. “That could be problematic.” For the last half-century, the Orcs, Giants, Dark Elves and High Elves had stood at odds after fleeing the failing Seven Kingdoms of Ekistair and carving out their own realms here in Palistair, across the sea. Aside from the odd skirmish or raid, there was relative peace between these four races, as long as they left each other alone. If the Orcs really had sided with the Dark Elves, then they could march for Laefandell.

“Yes, your Grace,” Velesande said, her big, sapphire eyes floating down to where his cock was being attended to. She licked her full lips unconsciously. “As with the others, the High Matriarch’s letter was signed by her hand, and sealed with her seal.”

“How many fighters have we in our army, Velesande?” Caeledrin asked, idly pushing Alendaes’ head further onto his cock, forcing his way deeper until her throat opened and he slid all the way down. She was a determined thing, committed to pleasuring her King, and she looked up at him with large, emerald eyes adoringly even as her slim throat bulged.

“We have ten thousand warriors ready to march,” Velesande replied immediately.

“And how many are in this force of Orcs and Dark Elves?”

“The High Matriarch estimates their numbers at five or six thousand, your Grace. Her Grace suggests that we attack them once they begin their siege of Amindaer and pin them against the city’s walls.”

“Very good, Velesande,” Caelendrin said with a smile for the beautiful Elf. “Prepare the legions, but first I want scouts sent south, and regular reports sent back. I trust Ellerion’s word, but I want confirmation.” Ellerion was loyal to her people, and Caeledrin doubted very strongly that she had turned traitor, but it still paid to be sure.

“At once, your Grace,” Velesande said, curtsying again before turning to leave the chamber.

“You should stay and take pleasure with us,” Caeledrin suggested as Gwynes swung a long leg across his waist, straddling him while Alendaes aimed his thick shaft at Gwynes’ slick entrance. His view of Velesande was blocked by Gwynes’ perfectly symmetrical breasts, large and pale on her chest, but he heard her response well enough.

“I would like nothing more, your Grace,” she said genuinely. “But I would carry out your orders first, if you agree?”

Gwynes lowered herself down, her sodden snatch engulfing him inch by inch in delicious wet heat. He waved Velesande away impatiently, knowing she was right. The last thought Caeledrin had before he lost himself in fucking Gwynes was one of triumph; if Ellerion was right, then this was his chance to secure the HIgh Elves’ power on Palistair. With the Dark Elves and Orcs gone, he may even be able to take Amindaer City! With no enemies left to fight, and an impenetrable fortress around him, Caeledrin could enjoy the pleasures of his lifestyle with no fear of interruption.

A greedy smile crossed his face as he palmed Gwynes’ tits, images filled his mind of rooms full of naked she-Elves, all beckoning him to join them, to give them his cock. Changing the world was pointless, but carving out his own piece, free of threats, to enjoy as he would? That was worth pursuing.

***ARAN – Karvani Mountains, Ekistair***

The sun was at its peak as Aran, Smythe and Elaina led their horses up the long, winding stair. Statues lined their path, worn smooth by centuries of wind and rain, rendering their features indistinguishable from one another. Aran thought they had all once been monuments of people – Paladins, most likely – though he couldn’t tell for sure.

Ayla had awoken some time ago, and was now riding Elaina’s chestnut mare, Willow. Tavish walked alongside his mounted sister, one hand on the pommel of her saddle, which she covered with her own hand. Ayla had listened to Aran’s explanation of events – he’d been as gentle as possible – but she’d said not a word since waking, even to her brother.

Where Tavish had adjusted to his new circumstances remarkably well, Ayla seemed disconnected, riding with a distant look on her face. Aran supposed that was to be expected, considering what she’d been through. Hopefully, with time, she would recover from the ordeal. It was good that her brother was with her; he would be a source of comfort for the girl. Aran’s heart had clenched when Tavish told them what Eames’ had done to Ayla; ordering three thugs to violate her while she was defenseless. Luckily, Tavish’s vala had manifested, and he had spared his sister the worst of the men’s vile attentions.

Aran walked abreast with Elaina at the front of the party as they climbed, with Smythe bringing up the rear, leading Thunder behind Tavish and Ayla. He looked over his shoulder to see the Sorral Plain laid out below like a rolling green carpet dotted with clumps of trees here and there. They were almost at the entrance to Temple Sura – named after Edellein Sura, an ancient Paladin – and the view was tremendous. This high up, one could see almost all the way to Maralon, though the city’s walls were hidden by the horizon.

Aran opened his mouth to mention the view to Elaina, but the words fled as a distant rumble sounded, growing louder, as if something colossal was rapidly approaching. The horses whickered nervously, and Strider tossed his black head, though Aran held tight to the reins.

Elaina looked over at him, her emerald eyes widening. “What-”

The mountain beneath them shuddered and groaned, causing man and beast alike to stumble. Tavish yelled something, but his words were lost in the roar of the trembling earth. Ayla was swaying dangerously in the saddle, and Smythe was cursing as he tried to keep his feet and control Thunder at the same time, the black stallion rearing in panic. Clutching Strider’s reins in a death grip, Aran staggered to Elaina, and they clutched each other until the tremor finally subsided.

Aran took a deep breath as the mountain shivered a last time and went quiet. What a time to have an earthquake! “Is everyone alright?” They all nodded. Somehow, Ayla had not been unhorsed. The vacant expression was gone from her face, replaced by wide-eyed fear. “Come on. We should hurry inside.” He checked his melda, but thankfully, all his women appeared unharmed, if a bit shaken. He turned to continue up the mountain, but Smythe called from behind.

“Aran, look.”

Smythe was pointing to the northern horizon, in the direction of Maralon, where a line of black clouds was massing, stretching east and west as far as the eye could see. Billowing towers rose high into the otherwise clear sky. Aran looked at Smythe, confused. “Those clouds weren’t there a minute ago.”

“Aye,” Smythe said, his voice tight and his busy eyebrows drawn into a frown. “They were not, but they are now.”

As Aran watched, the storm advanced at an unbelievable pace, blanketing the Sorral Plain in shadow as it approached. Thick forks of lightning stabbed at the earth, and the thunder was distant crashing, but already audible. “We need to get inside,” Aran said, punctuating his own words by starting forward. An earthquake and now another freak storm? What in the Hells was happening? Intuitively, Aran thought he might know, but he dismissed the thought for now; there was nothing he could do about that particular problem at this moment.

Nobody argued, and the group hastened up the wide, shallow stone steps, wanting to be inside the Temple as quickly as possible. The wind picked up, gusting in from the north as if to push them toward their goal, flapping their cloaks about wildly and making the horses skittish. “Easy, boy,” Aran murmured to Strider as he tugged the stallion along. The midday sun suddenly disappeared, and Aran looked up to see the leading clouds already obscuring the glowing ball. ‘This cannot be natural,’ he thought to himself as he quickened his pace. Glancing behind, he saw the storm now lashing the plain below, a curtain of rain hiding the rolling hills from sight, only broken by frequent forks of jagged lightning. Thunder rumbled continuously like a growl deep in the belly of a monstrous beast.

They weren’t going to make it. The storm was moving too quickly and would surely sweep them off the face of the mountain as if they were loose stones. The wind gusted higher, and Aran felt the force of it trying to blow him down. “Hurry!” He bellowed over the now howling wind as he broke into a run, leaping up the stairs as fast as he could manage. Hail began to fall around them, fist-sized chunks of ice that shattered on the mountainside. If one of those hailstones hit someone in the head, they would likely not survive. “We’re almost there!”

Pain lanced through him as a jagged piece of hail struck him in the left shoulder, the force of it making him stumble.

“Aran!” Elaina yelled, bending to pick him up by the arm. She was strong, and she pulled him to his feet easily. Wincing with pain, he hurried forward, hoping that he had not broken anything. Finally, he sensed the entrance to the Temple, less than a hundred yards away. He closed the distance at a sprint, Strider eagerly leaping along behind him, whickering nervously all the way. Using his vala, he kept an eye on the party, so if anyone else got hit, he would know.

Reaching the stone archway, Aran stepped to the side, but did not enter. He let Strider go and slapped him on the rump, sending him trotting inside as he waved the others through. Elaina first, with her horse, then Tavish and Ayla and finally, Smythe. As Aran ducked in after, a piece of hail smashed into the stone where his head had been a moment ago.

Sighing with relief, he followed the others into the Temple. Outside, the torrential rain began to fall.

They got as far as the vast chamber with its forest of pillars and statue of Edellein Sura when the Servants came rushing up to greet them, concerned looks on their faces. Aran quickly scanned them, but they appeared unharmed by the quake. Visions had flashed through his mind of the Temple collapsing, but this chamber, at least, appeared undamaged. Two faces were not in that cluster; Sara, whom Aran had not laid eyes on for some time, now, and Kedron. Aran could sense they were both in the Temple, though not together.

Amina led the flock, all clad in their short, diaphanous purple robes, and Aran admired her lush form, breathtaking even in these dire circumstances. Not that there was a single unattractive woman in the bunch, by any means, but Amina shone like a bonfire beside candles.

“Thank Aros!” The golden-haired Priestess exclaimed as she came forward. “When I sensed that storm coming after the quake, I feared ... never mind.” Her sapphire eyes fell on the twins. “Welcome, children, to Temple Sura!” She beamed at them, and Aran saw Ayla leave her fugue long enough to blink disbelievingly at Amina’s transparent purple robe. Tavish’s eyes looked ready to fall out of his head.

“Are you well, my dear?” Amina asked Ayla, who had dismounted woodenly from the saddle with Tavish’s help. Ayla took one look at the Priestess’s compassionate gaze and broke down into ragged sobbing, the first sounds she’d made since being rescued. Amina clucked her tongue for all the world like a mother hen and clapped her hands together. “I need two women to take this poor girl and help her get cleaned up,” she said as she turned to the waiting group. “Jeira and Rayna, I think.”

Immediately, the two women came forward and Aran shared a quick smile with them as they passed him to gently collect Ayla and lead her off. The stricken girl appeared unwilling to let go of Tavish, however, and so he found himself being towed along, concern for his sister painted across his youthful face.

Amina watched them go with her full lips pursed. “I will go to her later,” she murmured to the three Paladins. “For now, she needs a bath and some rest.”

“I could use the same, I think,” Elaina said with a grin, shucking her cloak to reveal her shirtless body, nude from the waist up and caked with dried Troll blood. They had not dared stop again since encountering the Troll, even for Elaina to clean up.

Frowning, Amina delicately peeled away some of the blood from Elaina’s very considerable breast and studied it intently. “This is Troll’s blood,” she said after a moment, staring at Aran, Smythe and Elaina in turn.

“Aye, Priestess,” Smythe confirmed as he stepped forward. “Happened upon him out on the Sorral Plain. He’d just finished his dinner; roasted Herald.”

Had the situation not been so grim, Aran would have smiled at Smythe’s dark humour. Amina eyed the big Paladin with an unreadable expression on her face before turning back to the waiting group of Servants and friends of Aros. “I must discuss these matters with the Paladins in private, children,” she said kindly. The small crowd dispersed immediately, but not before Erik, Sylvia and Sorla each came forward to take a horse.

Aran squeezed Sorla’s hand briefly as she silently took Strider’s reins from him, and the pretty half-Orc returned the squeeze, winking at him before moving off. Love flowed through the melda from her, accompanied by a feeling of relief, as if she had exhaled after holding her breath for a long time. Aran could sense that same feeling from all his other melda, too. He hated making them worry; he would have to make it up to them somehow.

“Come,” Amina said once they were alone. “I must speak with the three of you about what happened out there, and in Maralon. Also, Elaina appears in need of a bath.” The Priestess eyed the busty Paladin up and down, a small smile curving her lips. “No matter how appealing she looks, even covered in blood.”

They all chuckled, at least until the Priestess turned her eyes on the men. “And judging by the smell,” she added, wrinkling her perfect nose. “You two are in even greater need of a wash.”

Aran just shrugged. “I figured we’d get a chance sooner or later, Priestess, though bathing didn’t seem all that important compared to Heralds and Trolls.”

“Indeed,” Amina said as she turned away. “Come, we will use the bath chamber in my quarters. There is less chance of us being overheard unnecessarily.”

They all watched somewhat transfixed as the Priestess swayed through the tall stone columns, her hips rolling hypnotically and her ample bottom wiggling delightfully beneath the flimsy material of her robe.

“That woman,” Elaina murmured as they followed her from a few paces back. “Makes me mad for pussy like you wouldn’t believe.”

Aran and Smythe chortled at that. “I think I would believe, lass,” Smythe said with a grin. “I’ve seen too much to believe otherwise!”

“I’ll second that,” Aran added, winking at his meldin when she looked at him.

“I wonder why she wants to talk in private?” Smythe mused, stroking his thick black mustache that ran from beneath his bold nose and connected to a strip of hair that ran along his jawline, leaving his chin bare. Aran had never seen facial hair in that fashion anywhere else.

“Probably to avoid worrying the others,” Aran guessed. “I’m sure they don’t need to hear all the gruesome details of what happened just yet. They’ll find out soon enough from Tavish and Ayla.” Pleasure suddenly flowed into him from several melda all at once, telling him that wherever they were, the others were having a good time.

“Holy shit!” Elaina breathed, putting a hand to her naked chest. “Is that coming from them?”

As one of Aran’s meldin, Elaina would be able to feel whatever he felt, including what came through from his other meldin, and the closer you were to your meldin, the more you felt them. “Sure is,” he replied, enjoying the heat coursing in his veins.

“How do you contain yourself?” She asked, breathing a little heavier than before. Her nipples had stiffened into points on her bare breasts. “I’d be a puddle on the floor!”

“I just try and enjoy it,” he said simply, putting an arm around her waist, not caring about the blood. It was dry, anyway.

Smythe seemed to know what they were talking about despite the lack of explanation. “Aran has an innate gift for creating melda,” he offered. “Perhaps that is why he can handle so many. It makes me wonder what Paladins like Palavus Ironrod experienced on a daily basis.” Palavus Ironrod was an ancient Paladin notorious for his multitude of meldin, which numbered over five hundred at one stage, according to texts in Amina’s library.

“Aros only know,” Elaina muttered, fanning her face with a hand. “I’m bloody burning up, here! What are those women of yours up to, stud?”

“No idea,” Aran replied. “Though I wish I was there to see it.”

Amina’s quarters were accessed through the far side of the huge columned chamber, through a tall archway that led deeper into the Temple. Aran had walked this path for the first time nearly half a year ago, full of uncertainty. Just before the arched opening that led to Amina’s bedchamber was another opening that led to her private baths. Sunstones lined the walls of a room that was much smaller than the huge communal baths elsewhere in the Temple, and filled the space with a warm, yellow glow that complemented the firelight from the fireplace that took up the entire far wall.

The water in the pool was the best thing Aran had seen all day – except for the women, of course – and he longed to get out of his dirty, smelly clothes and into the warm bath. Amina was just undoing her robe when they entered, and she smiled at them seductively as the garment whispered to the stone floor. Aran felt a pull at his chest and loins, as if she were a magnet drawing him to her. He was used to this; all female arohim had this effect on men, and Amina was very strong in the vala.

The three Paladins watched hungrily as the Priestess gracefully stepped down into the water, her wonderfully lush body slowly disappearing inch by inch until she was submerged to her chin. Smythe seemed to break free of the spell first, and Amina watched him with a lip caught between her white teeth as he undressed, not hurriedly, but not wasting time, either.

Aran’s attention was brought to Elaina as she stepped in front of him and unclasped his cloak, letting it drop before starting on the laces of his shirt. He watched her as she worked, admiring her focus as she deftly finished with his laces and pushed the shirt back off his shoulders, careful not to touch him where the big hailstone had hit him.

She inhaled sharply when she looked at his bare shoulder. “It looks as bad as it feels,” she said quietly.

Aran glanced down at the angry red blotch, which had already begun to darken into a bruise. The hail had not been smooth; the jags had broken his skin in several places, even through his cloak and shirt. “I’ll be alright,” he told her, liking the way her emerald eyes caught the firelight. “It hurts less now than it did before.”

Without saying more, Elaina moved her fingers to his sword belt, which clattered to the floor before she started on his breeches. Over her shoulder, Aran saw that Smythe had entered the bath and was kissing Amina passionately. The Priestess was wrapped tightly around the big Paladin, and her ample breasts were mashed into his chest and billowing out to the sides.

Aran kicked his boots off as Elaina tugged his breeches down, and his hard cock sprang forward to hit her in the cheek, which made them both giggle. Once he was naked, he attended to his lover’s clothes, pulling off her boots before peeling her skin-tight breeches down her long, luscious legs until she stepped out of them.

“Make love to me,” she whispered when he stood up to face her.

Wordlessly, he bent his head and brought his lips to hers, his hands encircling her slim waist and pulling her closer, until their bodies were pressed together. Not only were he and Elaina meldir, they were also something Amina called amatharn, which meant that their fates were tied together in a way that wasn’t fully understood. Being with Elaina just felt ... right, as if she was his home, the place where he belonged. He loved and cherished all the others; Jeira and Sorla, Rayna and Bella, Induin and Liaren, and they were all special, but Elaina was Elaina. It would be untrue to say that he loved her more than any other, for such a thing was foreign to him – you either loved, or you didn’t, there was no middle ground – but there was a depth to their connection that was vast and unique.

“Get in the bath,” Elaina said huskily, breaking the kiss and moving over to one side of the room, where a bucket sat on a stool. As Aran stepped down into the water, he watched as Elaina began to sponge herself off, wanting to wash off the dried blood before joining him.

The bath was probably only large enough for six people at most, and Smythe and Amina were right in the centre, still in the same position, the Priestess moaning in pleasure as she gyrated her hips against Smythe. Keeping an eye on Elaina – particularly on the way her fair skin glistened wetly in the firelight – he moved up behind Amina, who immediately leaned back against him and put her hands behind his head. Aran’s hands came up to her breasts, which weren’t as large as Elaina’s massive orbs, but still too big to fit into his hands, and massaged them while Smythe fucked the Priestess, his hands on her hips beneath the water as he delivered powerful thrusts.

“Mmm,” Amina moaned as she siezed Aran’s hair and tilted her face back, her lips parted in offering. Aran kissed her deeply for a time, and their tongues danced as the Priestess’s body rocked against him. “At some point,” she breathed. “I want both of you inside me at the same time.”

Aran’s cock twitched at the thought. Having to make himself wrench his lips away from Amina’s hungry mouth, Aran spied Elaina sitting at the edge of the bath, her smooth legs lazily swirling the water as she watched. With a smile, her creamy thighs opened and she leaned back on her hands, presenting her bald pussy.

Aran was moving before he realised, wading to Elaina and running his hands along the insides of her spread thighs. He planted soft kisses on the silky skin, lightly nipping with his teeth every so often, and the buxom Paladin sighed with anticipation as he neared her smooth cleft. Her scent filled his nostrils, sweet and heady at the same time, and he pressed his lips against her sex, delving into her folds with his tongue, gingerly at first, then increasing the pressure gradually.

Hands tangled in his hair, and his former mentor moaned as she pulled his face harder against her. Aran’s hands left the water and seized a mountainous breast in each, firmly squeezing the pliant flesh as he alternated between teasing her opening and lightly flicking her stiff clit, reading her with his vala to pleasure her exactly how she desired.

Elaina moaned loudly as he worked, bucking her hips up to grind herself into his face, and her thighs were locked around his ears tightly, encasing him in a delicious vice. She trembled as she came, her thighs quivering before opening to release him. She looked down at him hungrily as he planted kissed on the smooth skin above her slit. “I need you inside me, Stud.”

Needing no further encouragement, Aran gathered her in his arms and brought her down into the water, where she quickly entwined her limbs around him and expertly maneuvered her hips to put him at the entrance to her pussy. He could feel the heat from her bathing the head of his cock as it kissed her lower lips. Aran’s heart raced as Elaina lowered herself slowly, swallowing him inch by inch until he was embedded inside her once again. Energy flowed between them, a pulse more powerful than what he experienced from his other meldin, and Aran lost himself in Elaina as she pressed her lips to his and moaned into his mouth at their physical joining.

Elaina ground herself against him insistently, and she clutched herself to him in a fierce embrace, as if trying to press his very body into her own. Her lips were hot against his ear. “I never want this to end.”

Aran couldn’t agree more. There was something ... transcendent about sex with Elaina, even more so than his experiences with Amina, a High Priestess. His hands drifted down her slim back to her round ass, thick with muscle yet soft and pliant in his grip. He pulled her against him rhythmically, and the water churned around them as their pace increased. Voices penetrated his awareness which was largely occupied by Elaina.

“It’s quite something to watch,” Smythe was saying as he leant back against the edge of the bath off to one side. Amina was in front of the big Paladin, reclining against his chest and also studying Aran and Elaina, her crystal blue eyes hot with desire, but also fascination, Aran thought.

“This is what it’s like with amatharn,” she said quietly, moaning softly as Smythe ran his hands over her body, from her breasts and down over her flat belly beneath the water. “Do you see the glow?”

“Aye,” Smythe confirmed, though Aran didn’t know what glow they meant, nor did he care. Right now, he was with Elaina, and that’s all that mattered.

“The vala flows more strongly between them than other Meldir,” Amina explained in between luxuriant sighs as Smythe explored her body. Her hips were rocking beneath the water, and Aran could sense they were still fucking lazily as they watched. “They will do great things together.”

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Petite all natural Latina teen Rebel Lynn stands at attention. She is awaiting instructions from her BDSM master. Her struts behind her deciding how he will use and abuse the teenage anal whore today. Rebel is nude and submissive. Her purpose is clear. She exists to suck and fuck her master whenever and however he decides. Today Rebel Lynn gets the privilege of having her pussy fucked before her ass. She cums with excitement from the attention. Her juices are then used as lube for her ass....

3 years ago
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Hains Hoard

Walking through the cobblestone paved street of your small city something seems to catch your eye, nestled in a dimly lit alleyway is what looks to be a sizeable wagon, the wood is carved and stained making it vibrant and appealing too the eye, but as the small morning crowds move about the street, not a single person seem to stop and inspect it, further still no one seems to even glance at the gaudy vehicle. Out of curiosity you move closer, pushing through the light traffic, watching out for...

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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 4

All three of us were carrying a deer on our shoulders when we returned to the village. Besides that, we had several rabbits in the backpacks. It was clear to me that no serious hunting had been ongoing in this valley for some time. The problem with that was if the herds became too big, the animals might starve and get sick. Too big a herd also invited more carnivores. Personally, I had no problems with the wolves - as long as they feared me. If the wolf packs became too big they also might...

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Imagine my tonguevery soft and sublimeTraveling downthe length of your spineTickling your hipsthen parting your thighsYour taste brings me pleasure,you voice pleasurable criesImagine my handsAs they inspect and exploreMake your nipples erectyour body hungers for moreThen plumbing the depthsYour attention they getBringing you close to the chasmBut not over not yetImagine my armsAs they encircle your waistLift you up and on topYou slowly settle in placeThen they pull you in closeAround my neck...

1 year ago
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Bobby and Spanky II English

By Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spanky’s last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did the same with his huge cock. I told myself that I would ride a dick like...

1 year ago
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My Sex Life Episode 5 Amy Returns More Kinky Than Ever

Everything went like it use to go she would apologise to me I would accept it bing bang boom we talked about our next sex meetup I really wish I could fuck her right now but I was on the other side of my country right now the bad thing was ive been here for 2 weeks and have been sharing a bed with my mother and haven’t been able to relieve myself like I normally do every night before bed I was very eager to fuck her again I just had to bite my lip and wait just a few more days. After what...

1 year ago
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You must have heard about hookup site Adult Friend Finder before aka aff.com? In 1994, a man named Andrew Conru created Web Personals, the first online dating site ever. In 1996, after selling Web Personals, he created a site called Friend Finder, one of the first social networking sites in existence. However, only days after Friend Finder went live, Conru and his crew noticed that the majority of what people were posting were naked photos of themselves and desperate pleas from people looking...

Hookup Sites
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Anal Beach Party

My friends always call me crazy when I tell them I love anal sex. Even today, as a 21 year old girl, still trying to explore and expand my sexual horizons, I have always found anal sex very pleasurable and exciting. The biggest complaint I hear from my friends is that it is physically painful. I must have never received that text because it gives me some of my strongest orgasms.I believe that anatomically speaking, I may be unique in the fact when I feel a nice hard cock sliding in and out of...

3 years ago
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Lawyer LawyerChapter 3

I'm not proud of myself for throwing a punch. I mean, I am, really — the guy's a professional killer — but I'm sure I could have handled it another way. Andy Richardson — or Richie Rich as we called him behind his back (just jealousy, really; he had his own convertible) — was one of the assholes that my dolls and I had taken care of in high school. Actually Karen had done most of the taking care. Whatever; they were still my dolls. Andy and Julie had started dating in the ninth grade. And...

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Lucy Takes Another Step Part 2

Two days after Lucy’s birthday, her cousin Nick called to say he wanted to stop over at Nick’s house on the following Saturday, because his parents and two younger sisters were away at a soccer tournament. It was kind of an unusual request because they went to different schools and didn’t hang out other than when babysitting, but Lucy agreed, figuring Nick would have some alcohol and weed. Just before they hung up, though, Nick said, “I invited Brett over too. We’ll have fun.”Lucy shuddered,...

1 year ago
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Lucky Delivery

It all started one afternoon as I was delivering a package to a very nice house in a upper middle class neighborhood. I had known the family that lived there for about 5 years and had fantasized about the oldest daughter Erica for at least that long. This was to be my lucky day because she was home from medical school for the holidays.When I rang the bell I was a little startled that she answered the door and even more so that she was wrapped in a towel. When I handed her the package she let...

3 years ago
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Annas release Pt 3

There’s been a big gap between parts two and three, and I hope, for those who’ve left nice comments, it’s not a disappointment. Anna felt a flush creep up her neck into her cheeks, and across her breasts. The air seemed to have had the oxygen sucked from it and she was panting with her head pounding. She couldn’t believe she’d just suggested Angie join her and Glen in bed. She’d never thought of Angie sexually, and if anything, had thought of her more like a big sister or even the mum she’d...

2 years ago
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Returning Home Ch 05

Here’s the final chapter. A big thank you to Mistress Lynn and LadyCibelle for editing this story for me. As Paul Harvey would say, ‘Here is the rest of the story.’ * We arrived home and were greeted by the kids, you would have thought we had been gone a week. ‘Did you have fun Mommy?’ Molly asked. ‘We had a wonderful time, Honey. The only thing that would have made it better was if you and Robbie were there,’ said Chrissy. ‘The comedy club was only for big people.’ How she could keep a...

1 year ago
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River wild

I woke up with an erection. It was poking through the hole in my boxers and pointing straight at my friend's girlfriend. The truth his I'd been imagining her lips around my 8 inch shaft. Dreaming of her spit dripping over my balls and feeling the back of her throat as I pushed her head on to me. I opened my eyes and realised my duvet wasn't covering me and my friend Tom, 20, and his girlfriend Lisa, 19, were facing towards me, his arm around her asleep. I enjoyed being in front of them like...

2 years ago
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My Torture

my TortureFirst ScenarioI sat on the chair .The arms were fastened first, loops of rope around the wrist and below the elbow, fixing my lower arms along the flat arms of the chair. Next was the chest, loops of rope passed above and below my small balls, wrapping around the chair back. The lady took the opportunity to punch and squeeze the balls. Finally, the legs were tied in place, each ankle pulled painfully to the outside of a chair leg before the rope was applied. This maximized the tension...

2 years ago
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My virginity

Introduction: My first story ever so be kind please but truthful non the less Me and my brother are super close in age and relationship. When I was 15 and him 16 we had a experience that changed our relationship for the better. At 15 I am done growing. I am 54 blonde with brown highlights I am in gymnastics so I kept fit and was about a 36 C in bra size. I noticed around when I turned 13 that boys had dicks or cocks and girls pussy or snatches. Growing up me and my bro took baths together until...

2 years ago
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Episode 123 subspace

Sunday Afternoon at Justy’sJustine knew it was bad when she arrived home from her night out cock-hunting with Suzy, Anita and Emma to find her daughter and her best friend already in bed, crying gently from the pain inflicted by her two Doms.Molly and Rachael had spent the night bound into tortuous shapes by Sam and His stepson Mikey who had certainly taken full advantage of their submissive desires.Justy undressed and slipped into bed between the half-naked teenagers, trying to avoid touching...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Ashlee Mae Mae I Suck Your Cock

With a last name Mae, you have got to be polite. Ashlee sure shows that innate eloquence when it comes to deepthroating man meat. First she tells you how much it turns her on just thinking about your huge pulsating penis in her mouth. Thensoonshe gets the chance she begins to slob on it. You can either stay still and let her work,put her in her place while you fuck that tight little gullet. Either way, Just make sure to nut on her face and she will make sure to drain your balls of cum every...

1 year ago
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The Abduction Chamber Part 2

"You may call me Miss Jessica, nothing else. And you had better enjoy me, I'm the only one here who's going to be nice to you." She flipped her blond hair and took the final step closer. I could see her large chest inches away from my bare stomach. My pussy ached, and I could feel liquid tingling on the edges of my swollen pink lips. "Please...please get away from me and let me go.." I said, trying to bargain with the woman. "I promise I won't tell anyone." The woman flicked...

3 years ago
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Dressed and fucked Jyoti Bhabhi like Madhavi Bhabhi

Hello Everyone. Welcome back to the 2nd sex encounter with Jyoti Bhabhi. This is how I fucked Jyoti bhabhi again, but I made her like Madhavi Bhabhi from TMKOC. I hope everyone has read my previous story regarding Jyoti Bhabhi. If not, I would recommend you to read that first as it will give you a brief idea and introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi Bhabhi. It would help you understand how our first sexual encounter was. I am coming back to this story. You all know how passionate I am about Jyoti...

2 years ago
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Lost Trail Cabin

Lost Trail Cabin As Jake searched the Internet looking for a place to take his new love Nancy for a surprise romantic getaway, the top result always seemed to come back for a place called Lost Trail Cabins. Clicking on the link took him to their home page, where he read the following description of the property: “Nestled at the end of a high valley, among the high peaks of the Colorado Rockies sits our complex of rustic log cabins. Each cabin is equipped with all the modern conveniences...

Straight Sex
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 30

"Crocodile Tooth, you owe us nothing for saving you; we consider it our duty to help people who are in trouble. All we ask is a chance to be your friends." "Well, you certainly are our friends, now. Can you show us how to make and use those wonderful weapons you used to kill the slavers?" "We can't do that very easily, but we can show you how to make a weapon almost as good. We call it an atlatl, and it allows you to launch a spear faster and farther than you can by throwing it by...

1 year ago
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Bubble Bath

Robert Bentley turned on the taps and looked at the small clear plastic packet. Oh well, he may as well give it a go, he thought. He emptied the contents into the bath. Bentley hadn't really gone into the New Age shop with the intention of buying anything. He just wanted to get a closer look at the hot shopkeeper he'd seen through the window. All he'd seen was a glimpse of pale skin and cascading black curls, but it had caused his heart to jump. Curious, and with a little bit of time to...

1 year ago
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Searching for Love Ch 07

‘Caitlin, you can’t do this!’ Jessica exclaimed as she watched her friend frantically throwing clothing into a duffel bag. ‘That psycho whore has my mother and Craig! I have to do this,’ Caitlin said as Danny strode into the room. Jessica had called him the moment Caitlin had left the kitchen to go pack her stuff. ‘Caitlin, you need to stop for a minute,’ Danny said, pulling Caitlin away from the bed. He held her hands tightly as she struggled to free herself, but Danny was stronger and...

4 years ago
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Naught Mother even naughter daughter

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!After splitting up from a long time girlfriend I found myself bouncing from one night stand to another. I’ll be honest I liked being settled down so started looking for something...

2 years ago
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Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...

3 years ago
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Tersa 2 The Next Time

TERESA 2,THE NEXT TIME,After I had butt fucked Teresa, using her for my pleasure, I didn’t see her at the club for almost two years. At first I thought she was mad at me or even embarrassed. After all, she had begged for it saying she’d do anything and I had taken full advantage of her and the situation. Then after time had gone by I wondered if something had happened to her and if she was ok. After so long I thought I would never see her again. Then one night out of the blue Teresa came back...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jenna Sativa Scarlett Sage Tali Dova Showcases April 8211 2 Scenes In 1

When Tali Dova’s phone rings, she checks the caller id to find the captain of the soccer team, Scarlett Sage, calling her. Scarlett wants Tali to come over for a light practice before the big game. Tali immediately agrees and hangs up the phone. Scarlett’s got a sly smile on her face that looks like she just pulled a fast one on Tali. A little later, the girls are kicking the ball around as they get ready for the big game. When Tali trips and falls, Scarlett comes to the rescue...

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PornMegaLoad Lulu Chu From Poker To Pounding

Lulu and JMac are playing strip poker. Little by little, her sexy body emerges. She pulls off her shirt and we see her tight tummy. Next, her perky tits come out. And finally, she drops her cotton panties, revealing her tiny pussy. One of the best things about this video is how big JMac’s cock looks next to Lulu. It’s longer than her face. When she gets on top to ride him, Lulu has to inch her pussy down his shaft to adjust to his girth. It takes a few minutes of working her slit...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 6 To Be The Heir

The mentioning of the Black Core ensued in no reaction of any sort from the two men, other than the shock still plastered on their faces from Zax’s performance. Ozeyn, though, displayed confusion as he wondered what the all too powerful Zax wanted from the pair of tribe elder and his apprentice. “Pretending won’t work”. Zax warned, not caring about the story on how they got and what they know about the Black Core. What he wanted was to receive it and see if both they and Ozeyn could satisfy...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 20

I couldn't believe it, but we both fell asleep. Carole said she was standing in the hallway in case Christine got hurt or needed help and realized she hadn't heard a sound in some time. When she stuck her head in to check, we were both sound asleep. Sammy curled up beside the bed, and Carole eventually went to her own room. It was hours later when my bladder awakened me. Sammy helped me find the hall bathroom, and I tiptoed back to pick up my clothes and let Christine sleep in peace. Her...

2 years ago
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The Preachers DaughterChapter 6 First History

The next local day the two Ranger candidates both felt the need to back off and have some quiet time alone. So they spent time with different projects. Eliana spent hours familiarizing herself with the operations of the CAT garage, and Basel worked on clearing all the storage out of the Level-4 observation dome. They had agreed to turn the entire top Level into a combined observation / exercise / recreation area, and move everything else to the extra storage lockers on Level-3. At 6 AM...

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Jessica Chapter Two

TWO That Saturday during dinner Tim told his parent he’d be going out to a movie and he asked Jessica if she would like to go if she wasn’t doing anything. Jessica told him she would love to. Once inside the car Jessica told him she hoped it was to a drive-in so she could suck his cock during the movie and Tim told her of course. She reached up the leg of his shorts and started getting his cock ready for her...

3 years ago
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Night Shift 2

I would get home and still have Mike's come inside me , I could feel it running down my leg when I walk in the house. Stand and talk to my husban and son the whole time full of another man's come This was a real turn on to me, As strange as it sounds I would go clean up and then tell my husban to come into the bed room and start coming on to him untill he pushed me back on the bed and fucked me . Knowing this was my 2 nd fuck of the afternoon and the fact that my pussy was allready wet...

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Sister Mildred and The Halloween Ghost Revised 2017

The cloistered sisters of the Upper Weston on Mersey Abbey were reputed to be seriously dedicated to their vows of silence and humility, but had been a little less circumspect with regard to the demanding vow of chastity. That was the vow that impacted the younger nuns with far more frustration than any of the other affirmations of devotion to the service of God.When Angela Landsborough took the partially binding vow after her first year in the convent, she didn’t expect she would be...

2 years ago
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PotentialChapter 2

The first thing I noticed when I walked into my apartment was the smell. Takeout, embarrassingly enough, is my main source of sustenance - when you study full-time and work part-time, it’s hard to put the effort into cooking ... especially since no matter what I eat, I never gain an inch of fat. It’s a perk of having the Potential. But I don’t have a fridge, and so sometimes I play the game of roulette known as “will this last long enough to be my dinner tomorrow?” Tonight I...

1 year ago
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Private Kris The Foxx Intimate Teen Fuck

Brunette, tattoos and sexy, these only one thing that comes to mind when we hear those three words and it’s of course none other than Private beauty Kris the Foxx who returns today in Private Specials, Adorable Teens 4 for an intimate fuck with her man Willy Regal. Don’t miss any of the action on www.private.com where this stunner wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man, offering up her pussy for taste before getting on her knees for a hot blowjob and then enjoying an intense fuck...

2 years ago
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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 3

Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So let’s start the story! September 26 As I and Kusuma mami received an invitation for breakfast from Anusha bhabhi (owner). We were waiting for the final call. I was thrilled. I had asked bhabhi to ask about me and Kusuma mami’s affair to know how she reacts. Finally, Anusha bhabhi called by coming near her house entrance. I rushed towards her house and...

3 years ago
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Hotel Californication Chapter 3

It was early yet. Carol and I decided to walk around for a bit checking things out before really committing ourselves to anything. It promised to be a long night, and we wanted to pace ourselves as opposed to wearing ourselves out, even as aroused as we both were. "Where might you be later?" I asked Diane just before we left. "Look for me at the Black Hole," she smiled. I laughed. "Ok, and how will we find you in there?" Though we hadn't seen it yet, the talk was all about how wild...

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My Stepmom Millie

"Matt!" I hear someone shout from the crowd of people waiting at the exit to the airport. I look towards the direction of the sound, and I see a blonde woman in her mid-40s, short hair, and in a tight white top smiling at me and waving, and I recognise my step-mom Millie Smith. I smile back and wave, and walk towards her, pushing my luggage cart in front of me until I reach where she is standing. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, and as she is pressing into me, I realise that she has...

2 years ago
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Shakuntala My Mami

Hi 2 every bdy this is Amit. First of all i want 2 describe about myself. I’m 23 years 5’9 tall 68kg’s and in brown in color. This happened last year whn i went 2 visit my mom’s brother house in summer season at that time i hav finished my graduation. My mama is principal of a private college where he used 2 go in morning and come in evening and some times he will be busy in opening new branches in other cities. In the mean while frm the day of my man hood generated with in my body i dreamt of...

1 year ago
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Summer Hire Ch 15

Lazy AfternoonMelissa walked back into the house, the screen door banging shut behind her. As her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the house, she wandered over to Erik’s study on the top level, to see if he was there. In the yellow pool of light from his desk lamp, she could see that he was sitting in his chair, talking quietly with a woman standing next to his desk. She wore high heels and a pencil skirt, and she stood with a hand on her hip.The woman was facing away from Melissa, and the...

3 years ago
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A Claytons

Please excuse this for being such a short story  but please enjoy :)~ He was cybering again  …….. there was a gorgeous sexy BBW who was flashing her tits and jiggling them about right there in front of his eyes. He wishes he could touch them , they look so soft , so sensual and those nipples were begging to be taken into his mouth. He placed his hand down to his already hard cock and gently started to stroke , he closed his eyes  and  imagined what it would feel like to suck those big hard...

2 years ago
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Being Nosey

It was a warm summers evening, the breeze was genital. Brenda's windows were open, but her lights were out. Enabling her to look out and not allow anyone to look in. Her neighbor across the way was working out as usual, lifting weights, doing squats, jumping jacks and deep knee bends. He is a nice looking guy and Brenda enjoyed watching him get all sweaty. One evening Brenda ready herself to watch her neighbor work out. She had finally decided to masturbate while she watched. She had wanted...

4 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 11 Answers or Questions

I was back at the hotel by one. Kevin left to get some sleep. I was staring at the reflection in the mirror staring back. It wasn't me. "It's not so bad." JC said sitting on the bed watching me. "Not bad? Pat wouldn't even know me!" I gasped. "Oh My god! What do I tell Pat?" "How about the truth?" JC said with a shrug. "Kids aren't as stupid as parents think they are. "I ... No ... Well maybe an edited version." "Welp. Come on. I'm no nurse maid but I heard the Doc. Rest...

3 years ago
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The Mother Of My Best Friend

As I lowered my denims and breeches, I felt the cool, dark air assault my previously unexposed area of the body. I felt anxious.She was facing away from me, now, clad only in her blue, satin panties with their white, lace, trim. She had her right knee drawn up trying to remove her white, thigh-high stocking, using the nightstand to steady herself. Her body was composed of fair skin, a relatively flat abdomen, substantial, weighty breasts which undulated mightily while she performed even the...

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Candi 34 year old Ebony BBW

A couple years ago I ran across this profile on okcupid of this thick girl named Candi. The first time we spoke it didnt really get anywhere. Months later she approached me again and we had a nice decent conversation. This was a time in my life where things weren't going well and I had a lot of time on my hands. If you dont get what I mean I was broke, didnt have a job, and all I did was go on that site to pass time. Candi was stacked huge round ass, big tits with nice nipples, nice thighs and...

3 years ago
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My Wife Her Bestfriend

I am Rocky Shrestha, 29 years now working on Senior Level in MNC. I have small home at Chabahil, Kathmandu with small happy family me, my wife, my daughter and my mummy. The incident happened one year back while Nepal’s Moist Party called 3 days strike in Nepal. I have that one night experience with my wife (Sujita) and her married best friend (Priya). Sujita’s figure is 5 feet 4 inches long and it is 32-26-32. Priya is more beautiful and smart than Sujita and equally long and tall – but her...

4 years ago
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Alumni Kims Revenge

Introduction: Fifth in the series, and a continuation of Lisas Punishment, which should be read first. Driving home, Lisa was ecstatic. Shed just had the kinkiest, most satisfying sexual experience of her life, and she couldnt wait to tell Kim about it. Unfortunately shed promised Mr. Evans shed keep it a secret. She could clearly see how hed get fired for sure if the school found out, plus everyone would think she was some kind of freaky slut. But oh my god, it was so awesome, and Kim was...

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internship in europe

Ive got it all paid and finance by my university being one of the best students has its perks. The last 6month of my degree is going to be the best , I tought all semester before finally leaving for californiaI woud be working at the Hostel on their iphone app interface with a senior engineer who now run the hostel , named Mike and i would have free time to enjoy the city and beach alotI got to the place at noon and Mike was beind the counter welcoming me shaking my hand with his big firm black...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Alexia Anders Idle Fantasies An Upskirting Gentleman

Alexia Anders is on her way home when she stumbles, accidentally dropping a bunch of groceries. A helpful stranger, Juan Loco, tells her not to worry – he’s got this. As Juan picks up the groceries, Alexia bends down too, giving an upskirt view that reveals she’s not wearing any panties. However, Alexia is unaware that she’s giving Juan an eyeful. Alexia is new to the neighborhood, and is thankful that one of her neighbors is such a gentleman. Juan offers to help her...

3 years ago
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The Vault

I am naked beneath this filmy robe. My nipples are rigid and pushing at the gauzy material. I can think of nothing but sex. My slit is wet. Sexual images have bombarded my senses since I arrived here an hour ago. Everyone I've seen is scantily clad, and erotic art fills the walls. Explicit sculpture abounds -- of bodies intertwined, of sexual organs, of lovers in repose. On the vanity in my dressing room was a large, marble sculpture of a cock -- aroused, hard, long... its tip swollen and...

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