Rules for obedient sissies
- 3 years ago
- 57
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The next few weeks were a slow torture for Lynn. She and Gary only made love twice during that time and it was no different than in the past despite her having talked with him about her needs. His inexperience simply precluded his being able to provide her with the foreplay and the performance she wished for and so desperately needed. His last attempt resulted in neither of them climaxing. Because he was trying so hard to please her, his lovemaking became mechanical (as if it hadn't already been) rather than passionate which was simply a further turn off for Lynn. That was three weeks ago and despite her having tried to entice him to bed on several occasions since, he had unwittingly withdrawn, afraid of another bedroom catastrophe.
Now totally frustrated, Lynn found herself masturbating more often. She told herself it was because of Gary's withdrawing from her, but, in reality, she knew her frustrations were as much about her fantasies as they were about Gary. After another erotic filled night of dreams, Lynn knew her frustrations would soon consume her, so she decided to try something to get her mind off her sexual problems. She scoured the newspaper and discovered that the planetarium would be giving a show that evening. Always fascinated with the stars, Lynn asked Gary to take her, but he begged off as it was his poker night. He did promise to accompany her the next time and suggested she go with a friend. After calling two or three friends who were unable to go, Lynn decided to go by herself. She could not stand the thoughts of another evening home alone with her frustrations and especially the fantasies which were beginning to occupy the majority of both her waking and sleeping moments.
Gary dropped her off at the planetarium on his way to the game. She told him she would get a taxi home not knowing how late the show would last and also being aware that Gary's poker games rarely broke up before 2:00 a.m.
Standing in the ticket office line, Lynn turned to see if there was anyone in line who she might know and with whom she could sit. But as she turned, she came face to face with a tall, ruggedly handsome White man standing in line directly behind her. He was dressed in blazer and slacks, his shirt open at the collar, a casual but cultured look.He smiled.
"Hello, I'm Peter Dannon," he said, extending his hand.
"Hi, Lynn Downing," she said, smiling politely.
His hand enveloped hers and if he held it a little longer than was customary, Lynn would not have noticed as his eyes made contact with hers and the moment was electric. Her mouth actually dropped open as Lynn was overwhelmed by the aura of the man. His face was angular and lean, deeply tanned and weathered. The smile was disarming but it was those eyes, those eyes which spoke of intelligence, which spoke of experience and which spoke of promise which held her spellbound for several seconds. It was he who finally spoke.
"What's a beautiful woman like you doing here alone?"
"My... husband is busy tonight," she replied, expecting him to quickly find an excuse to move on.
"I find it hard to believe your husband would allow other things to interfere with his being with such a lovely lady."
Lynn blushed and averted her eyes.
"He must either be terribly busy or very sure of himself," opined the stranger.
"Well, actually he's at his weekly poker game," she smiled. "I guess I'm on my own tonight."
"Well, I've only been in town a few days. You're actually the first person I have met. Since neither of us really wants to be here alone tonight, may I have the pleasure of your company during the show? My treat."
"Oh, I couldn't..."
"Please," he said, again catching and holding her eyes, "you don't really want to wander into outer space alone, do you?"
She laughed.
"I suppose not... I guess it would be OK."
"Great! Do you come to the planetarium often?"
"Not as often as I would like. I've always been fascinated by the stars."
"As have I. Of course in the last few years my interest has been of a more practical nature."
He saw her inquisitive look.
"I own a boat, a thirty-seven footer, "The Tempest ". I bought her eight years ago. Did most of the renovation myself. I'm really proud of her. I've been sailing around the world. Despite all the sophisticated electronics, I not only enjoy looking at the stars while at sea, I use them to navigate by."
"I've often thought how exciting it would be to sail around the world," Lynn mused aloud.
"She's moored at Stormy Cove. It's not far. Perhaps I could show her to you."
"Oh, I don't think so, but thanks," Lynn replied.
"Suit yourself, but it's only a fifteen minute drive. I would find it very fitting that a beautiful boat should have a beautiful woman aboard her."
"I really don't think..."
"Just consider it. A quick tour and I'll take you home."
"I..." Lynn started again to decline, but the line began moving, Peter bought their tickets and they entered, finding some choice seats.
There was the usual introduction by the astronomer and then the lights went down and their trip through the Milky Way began. Lynn looked over to the stranger sitting next to her. They both smiled. She, of course, really didn't know him at all, yet she felt, well, not at ease exactly, his sexuality was too strong for that, but she did find him terribly interesting and easy to talk with. He was obviously educated, a world traveler... and White. And he was showing an interest in her, a Black, married woman, who had had only two semesters of community college and had hardly been out of the state, let alone seen the world.
The seats in the planetarium were small and closely arranged so their shoulders touched. She had to admit his shoulders were broad and strong, no doubt from the exertions of sailing his boat, and his presence next to her filled her with sensuous overtones which she found naughty but delectable, so she made no attempt to move away. They settled in as the images and star patterns filled the dome and the music and narration swept them into the far reaches of the galaxy.
A few minutes into the presentation Lynn felt a slight touch on her leg. Whether it had been she or he who had moved slightly she did not know, but their legs were now touching. She quickly moved her leg away and looked over to him, but his smile was innocent and she inwardly chided herself for being such a prude. After all, she thought, it is almost totally dark in here and there was no one sitting really close to them, no one will ever know, we are surrounded by scores of other people, so nothing is really going to happen and I'll never see him again, why shouldn't I?
Her leg slowly moved over until she felt his leg against hers. Her pulse quickened. The words and images faded away as, though she continued looking straight ahead, her full attention was now upon the contact between their bodies. Ripples of sensuous excitement coursed through her. She chided herself again for her feelings, like those of a schoolgirl sitting next to the captain of the football team, yearning, yet knowing he is untouchable, unreachable.
She felt the firmness of his leg against hers. She looked to him and this time his smile was one of sensuousness rather than innocence. Lynn felt his leg move firmly against hers. She turned to look forward again, now a bit uncertain what to do or not do next. Perhaps she should simply move her leg away again, but his interest and touch were exciting to her. She felt her pulse pounding as he began rubbing his leg ever so slightly against hers. Lynn was a bit frightened by the sudden turn of what had started so innocently into what was plainly becoming sensual. Again she considered withdrawing, yet again she allowed her leg to remain in contact with his, savoring the rush of emotions which accompanied his touch.
She was startled, however, when her hand, which was in her lap, suddenly felt his envelop it. Their eyes met again and although she made a weak effort to withdraw her hand, his held hers firmly and she did not resist further. His touch was masculine and strong. She knew her eyes were revealing weakness to him, an inability to resist, while his showed nothing but strength and confidence. His fingers began exploring her hand and almost without her being aware, they were holding hands, fingers entwined. Lynn closed her eyes for a moment to savor the feelings which permeated her. She knew this was wrong. She was a married woman, yet his touch was electric and she was captivated by the thoughts and feelings of thirty-nine year old Lynn Downing attracting a handsome, intelligent, sexy... White man!"
His fingers slowly freed themselves from hers and rested lightly on the top of her thigh. Even through the material of her skirt, she felt the warmth and strength. Lynn, thinking this had to be the limit, put her hand over his as if to pull it away but he squeezed her leg slightly and it was as if her own sexuality, powered down for so long, had suddenly been revived. Lynn felt the sexual juices suddenly wet her panties. Here, at long last, was the foreplay, the unhurried romantic and sensual excitement missing from her marriage. Here was a man willing to appreciate her beauty and capable of arousing her as her husband couldn't. She knew she should push his hand away, perhaps leave and return home to await her husband, but she found herself paralyzed, unable to resist as his hand slowly traveled downward to the edge of her skirt. Lynn almost jumped when his hand met bare flesh and began a tantalizing journey up her leg and thigh. Her heart was racing now, her mind confused, feelings overpowering reason as his hand reached the top of her bare thigh and touched her panties for the first time. Lynn was torn, wanting this to stop, yet burning to feel him touch her even more intimately. His hand began pressing downward between her legs which were tightly pressed together, sending a clear message -- he wanted her to spread her legs and give him access to her nest.
Lynn again found his eyes, shaking her head negatively slightly as the silent "no" formed on her lips. But her eyes betrayed her. Lynn's "no" was weak, a beseeching, while his affirmative nod was one of strength and confidence.
Wanting to, yet unable to resist, Lynn's legs parted slightly to admit the fingers which slowly and sensuously found their way to her now soaking panties. Lynn could not believe her own actions as she found herself rising slightly off the seat and allowing him to pull down her bikini brief. Darting glances in every direction, Lynn was relieved to see that no one had seemed to take notice. She quickly spread her sweater over her lap to hide the sensual exploration taking place there. She felt the fingers draw ever closer to her nest -- knew she must resist -- couldn't.
Her gasp was audible but quickly stifled as his finger found her vaginal lips and entered her. Lynn mouth opened in disbelief as his finger found her clitoris and her labial lips tightened around it. She closed her eyes as he expertly began stimulating her and her hips began rising slightly off the seat to meet his probes.
"Ohhhh, ohhhh," she whispered as his finger found her pleasure mound again and again. Lynn's body was burning up. For the first time in her life, she was getting the attention and satisfaction she had always wanted and her body was reacting accordingly. Trying to remain still so as not to draw attention, yet wanting to derive every bit of the pleasure being afforded her, Lynn"s body would simply not cooperate. Her nipples turned hard and her thighs and hips squirmed while unashamedly her legs opened wide to accept Peter's wonderfully talented finger which quickly became two.
She felt it begin to well up in her, that indefinable moment when the body can maintain control no longer and sends its release in an overpowering wave of pleasure.
Her eyes met his again.
"I'm..." she whispered.
"I know," he whispered back, smiling.
Lynn tried to control the orgasm, to experience it quietly, but she was an expressive person of intense feeling and so she could not help but moan audibly as the climax swept over her.
Petrified at the looks from those around them, Lynn looked quickly to her companion.
"Please, let's go."
"Of course," was his reply.
They exited as soon as she could discreetly pull her panties back up and compose herself somewhat.
"Look, I don't know what came over me in there. I've never done anything like that before," she stated as they walked out and onto the sidewalk.
"Don't apologize for being a beautiful, desirable and sensual woman, Lynn."
"But I..."
"Life affords us moments, Lynn. Most people pass them up and spend the rest of their life regretting it. We both had such a moment and instead of shying away we allowed it to happen."
"But I'm married... my husband..."
"Has nothing to do with what we both just shared and enjoyed. "
"I just can't believe I let that happen."
"Why not? Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes... no... yes, but..."
"No buts, Lynn. You got something you wanted... needed and no one was hurt.
"But my husband..."
"Will never know. Just as he'll never know if you accept my invitation to see my boat."
"Oh, I couldn't, especially after what we just... !"
"It's because of what we just did that you will come."
"No, I'd be afraid of what might..."
"Aren't you really more afraid of what won't happen?"
"I hardly even know you!"
"All the more reason to visit my boat. We can get better acquainted."
"Come see my boat. We can have a drink and get to know each other. Then, if you wish, I will take you home."
Lynn was torn. What she had done in the planetarium was outrageous and now she was even considering going with this man to his boat. Of course she must refuse, go home immediately, somehow make it up to Gary for what she had done. Yet, this man's magnetism was overpowering. She wanted his company, loved the attention he showed her, craved his touch.
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I was in shock I just had sex with who I thought was one man I’ve had a crush on since he saved me from bullies. He had tried to pull out of me before he blew his load inside of me. I could have let him pull out but I locked my arms and legs around him and forced him to unload inside of me. But after that I found out it was a completely different person. It was someone I’ve had a crush on a lot longer than the one I thought I had been with. I had actually been with my first crush. It was my...
Introduction: This is the intro to a set of three stories, sorry about the long background it will make sence later. P.S this is my second language so please do point out any mistakes and i will correct asap. It is a boring afternoon, your partner just walked in after storming out of her shift at work. Shes more like a ghost each and every day, barely even recognizing the fact that you exist, and when she does it is to boss you around. She looks right through you as her highness ungraciously...
Flashback – Ben – With team Vympel The plane started its descent when the Captain motioned to Yuri. He walked over and as they talked they glanced at me and without hearing I could tell it was about me ... Yuri regained his seat beside me and I asked, "Yuri, what did the Captain want." Yuri shook his head and replied, "At first he wanted to leave you on the plane, but I persuaded him to let you come observe, but you have to remain with me." I thought to myself that there is no fucking...
Heidi Van Horny is a hot brunette babe with big boobs and a craving for cock. The brown-eyed girl from Canada celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend Lutro who came up with a very special surprise. He blindfolds her and guides her mouth to David Perry’s dick! Once she notices the generous threesome b-day present, it’s time for a closer look! Sit back and enjoy a 4K firework of Hardcore entertainment, brought to you by the one and only DDF Network! This busty babe gets to suck two...
xmoviesforyouTina walked along the driveway, practically walking on tip-toes in her stilettos, and made her way around the house to the backyard gate. She opened the latch, glanced around and giggled like she was trying to break into her own house. Her skirt lifted and a breeze caressed her ass. She had wondered if her mom would be in the garden but she was nowhere to be found. She crept back to the driveway, waved to Stephanie, and whispered with an exaggerated movement of her lips, "The coast is clear." ...
LesbianEach of the wives walked in smiling, handed their husbands a glass of wine, and sat beside each of them respectively. Each couple sat closely together as if to say, “Of course I love who I came here with.” Charles spoke first. “What took you guys so long? Wait. I just remembered; that wasn’t a long time for the three of you. In fact, that was probably the shortest conversation the three of you have ever had!” We appreciated the humor and the attempt to start things off on a friendly note....
Group SexHi Guys, hope you are doing great. I am Manju. This is my first appearance in ISS. I am 23 years old with normally built physique and complexion. My dick size is 7 inches. This incident happened to me during my 5th semester engineering holidays. We had our own house in our native and right now we family are staying in Bangalore. Once in a while I used to go there and would stay in one of my neighbor’s house called Maruthi uncle. Our neighbor had a maid servant named Raaji for their household...
Like most boys my age there was another subject that took up most of my time and that was girls, every now and then one or other of us would acquire a well thumbed copy of a “Men’s Magazine”, we would all look at the pictures of beautiful women posing topless. Topless was all you got in those days, on the rare occasions that the girl was naked, she invariably had her legs crossed or there was a big smudge where her pubic area should be. Regardless of those limitations, there was still enough...
Kitten, 13, Road Trip By: Malissa Madison, aka, Bernice The ringing of the phone woke me from my sound sleep. Rolling over I looked past Samantha to the clock beside the bed. It was Two AM, who in the hell could be calling me at this time of morning? "Erika, we need to talk," said Vet my foreman out at the farm. "Can it wait until daylight?" "I'm afraid not." I heard strange noises in the background. "Where are you?" I began pulling on clothes as quickly as I could. "I'm...
Lola awoke the next morning with a huge grin on her face; she'd spent the night dreaming of James. She replayed the images of her and James in positions she doesn't think possible if they were to really try them. She stands and stretches and slowly makes her way to the bathroom to get ready for college when she gets a sudden flashback from last night, her pale face is instantly stained red with embarrassment. She remembers the moaning blonde, his glorious body in action, both of them riding out...
SupernaturalHi, I am Alpha. I love spanking. I love when someone thrash my buttocks. I always want to see my buttocks becoming crimson, especially by a woman. I do not have the spanking from a man and never wants to get. Spanked by a woman have some other pleasure. If any of my female members present on lush want to thrash my buttock, you can. I must move to the content. I have written some of the spanking stories but my story is different from all the stories written by me. I know my grammars are not...
DDFBusty has Chloe on camera in 4K in one of her sauciest premium porn performances ever. Join the gorgeous glamour porn goddess as she seduces her Tinder date, Tony Brooklyn, creating a first date that he’ll never forget. The sexy Slovakian answers the door in pink negligee and lacy thigh high stocking, her luscious tits spill over the top and her curvy ass is all too enticing to Mr. Brooklyn who wilfully follows the babe into the bedroom. The voluptuous vixen is on her knees in no time,...
xmoviesforyouReba came back into the bedroom without the mask on and stretched out on the bed. "I need your magic tongue on my pussy and ass Bob."Moving her legs as far apart showing her cum coated hairy pussy. Cum still oozed from her pussy and asshole where the guys had fucked her.Bob moved down between her tanned thighs he loved licking her when she was full of another man's cum. Pushing her legs up he moved his head down inhaling the musky aroma of her used pussy. Flicking out his tongue he licked and...
Angel and Emi never left the condo that weekend. In fact, the most clothes either of them put on was simply a pair of panties after they got out of bed each morning. They took great pleasure in just relaxing and enjoying each other. They did make love several more times and Emi found out that she could give Angel pleasure just as Angel had done for her. They were still in the condo on Sunday night when Angel’s pager went off. She checked the number and called in. It was her agent with a...
Last summer, specifically mid august, I went to a nudists beach that I love, but I didn’t go there for 20 years.My selection for a spot to lie back upon was perfectly the spot I enjoyed 20 years ago.May be I wanted to live the adventure that I lived at that time when I was much younger, 20 years passed, but my memory can’t let that beautiful adventure go.20 years ago, I was eager to have a long time watching nude girls and women from all ages and sizes, I was 20 years old at that time.I...
HARRY WAS NOT A RAPIST. Not exactly. I want to make that clear from the get-go, no matter what happened later. I first met him early one morning the summer after high school graduation. I was visiting Persephone and her mom at their farm somewhere north of Modesto. Lest anyone think otherwise, it was a platonic visit with Persephone, mostly, made even more so because Mrs. D had stashed me in the single men's bunkhouse with a bunch of migrant fruit pickers from Mexico. These workers, and...
‘Sure, Mom. It’s not a problem. I can stop by on my way home from the gym.’ I hang up the phone with my mom and climb into my car. The first thing I do is blast the air conditioning. The radio clicks on and Marvin Gaye’s voice croons over the speakers – ‘Sexual Healing.’ Ugh. I could use a little sexual healing. It’s been a while since I was last fucked. I lost my virginity to Derek Marshall on my 17th birthday and we had a bunch of crazy sex for a few months after that. Since Derek and I...
I woke up with auburn hair tickling my nose and a weight on my mid section. I looked up to see Reggie's smile looking down on me and her hair brushing across my face. I also felt the heat around me as she moved gently back and forth, taking advantage of my morning hello. The smile on her face told the entire story. Reggie was happy and that meant I was happy. All was right with the world as far as we were concerned. I felt her tense up and tighten just as I reached my peak also. She settled...
Back in Mrs O's student days she had a best friend named Olivia with who she shared many hot experiences. Here's a little story that she told me about a while back that i think is worth sharing.After a night out Mrs O and Olivia brought four guys who they knew back to their shared house for a few after hours drinks. As the night wore on the guys kept suggesting that they all played strip poker but the girls refused even though they were tempted opting instead for a game of truth or dare.After a...