Family Life 1 - How It Started. free porn video

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Like most boys my age there was another subject that took up most of my time and that was girls, every now and then one or other of us would acquire a well thumbed copy of a “Men’s Magazine”, we would all look at the pictures of beautiful women posing topless. Topless was all you got in those days, on the rare occasions that the girl was naked, she invariably had her legs crossed or there was a big smudge where her pubic area should be. Regardless of those limitations, there was still enough on show to fill our minds with sufficient fantasies to fuel our masturbations.

I was luckier than some, l had an early morning job delivering newspapers and one of the addresses on my round had a copy of one of those magazines delivered usually on the last Wednesday of every month. On that day l would set off earlier than normal to start my round, on my travels l would pass a small park near the river where l could sit on a bench and look through the latest edition. I would have enough time to look through all the pictures and read one of the letters supposedly written by readers describing some sexual encounter they had had.

At the particular time l am referring to it seemed that almost every letter described some situation when the man in the story ended up getting his cock sucked by a woman. I became fascinated by this idea that any girl would be prepared to let a man put his cock in her mouth, fascinated to such an extent that l would often stare at the mouth of any woman near me and imagine what it would look like with a cock in it.

Usually my stop over in the park to read the magazine would culminate in a visit to the nearby public toilets for a quick wank. My routine was to enter the first cubicle and lock the door, grab a wad of toilet paper then take out my cock and jerk off into the tissue. On the particular morning that made such a significant change in my life, l had entered the first cubicle only to find that there was no toilet paper. I quickly moved to the next cubicle and proceeded as normal.

As l was undoing my trousers, l noticed a hole in the wall, l knew that the wall separated the male toilets from the female which had a separate entrance. Initially l thought the hole had been made so that someone could spy on the ladies toilet next door, but then l realised that it was at an awkward height to be able to bend down and look through. It was then l noticed some writing and an arrow pointing to the hole. The writing was smudged but l was able to make it out, it said “Laura E sucks cocks here.”

As l said before, this was a small town where every kid in the town went to the same school, l knew every kid in the town within the ages of fourteen to twenty and l knew of only one Laura E, that was my sister Laura Evans.

I could see some smaller writing it was very smudged but l could just make out the words, “Contact Rusty L”.

I knew Rusty Lewis, he was the town bad boy, always involved in fights and generally someone to steer clear of. I couldn’t imagine my sister having anything to do with him so l wondered why anyone would write her name like that.

For days l didn’t know what to think, l had never had any sexual feelings for my sister, l certainly never regarded her as sexy, after all l had seen so many really sexy women in magazines and she looked nothing like them. Not that she was dog ugly or anything, just sort of ordinary. Two years older than me, about 5ft 9ins, average build, not slim but not fat either, l had seen her in a swimsuit many times and she did have some nice curves, her tits appeared to be a decent size, not as big as the women in the magazines but certainly not as flat chested as some of her friends. When l was lying in bed at night, stroking my hard cock and imagining some naked woman coming through the door and offering herself to me, in my mind, that woman was never my sister.

Although l was convinced that that message must have been written by someone who didn’t like her, (l knew how catty girls can be with each other), l couldn’t resist going back to that toilet and staring at that hole as l pumped my cock and released my spunk into a wad of tissues. My mind went into overdrive, imagining pushing my cock through that hole and feeling a soft, warm mouth encircling it.

Whenever we were sat around the dining table at meal times and Laura was speaking, l began looking at her mouth and imagining a cock sliding between her lips.

Of course l was still a virgin, in fact l had never got any further than a feel of Susan Price’s tiny tits inside her blouse but outside her bra. I had tried putting my hand up her skirt but she had slapped me away and threatened to stop being my girlfriend if l did it again. Needless to say my right hand was getting plenty of exercise, sometimes as much as four times a day and more and more it was a vision of my sister sucking a cock that came into my head just before l came.

This went on for the best part of six months, l was managing to get a bit further with Susan, she was allowing me to push her bra up and play with her nipples and l was allowed to put my hand between her legs but not inside her knickers. I was over the moon the first time l was brave enough to take my cock out and persuade her to hold it, l wouldn’t say l was big but l compared quite well with the other boys my age when we were all naked in the showers after a rugby game.

My best mate Jimmy had managed to get his girlfriend to play with his cock and make him cum, l finally got Susan to start doing it to me although the first time l came so quickly and so hard that l missed the tissues with my first shot and got some spunk on her dress. She went mental, saying her mother would see it and go mad at her but eventually l managed to calm her down and we used water from the fountain in the park to wash it off.

It was mid summer by this time, l had left school, a total academic failure, having achieved nothing more than captain of the school rugby team and a qualification in woodwork. I had a talent for woodwork and my father had managed to get me an apprenticeship with a friend of his who had his own business making bespoke furniture for wealthy people in the area. I was due to start work in a few weeks so was spending the hot summer holiday lying on the grass in the park with my friends, each of us trying to persuade our girlfriends to go that little bit further. Susan was one of the prettiest girls and l was proud to be her boyfriend but she stubbornly refused to let me take her knickers off, l was allowed to kiss her nipples though and a hand job became a regular occurrence.

I had been to the rugby club one evening as training for the new season was due to start soon and there was some kit to sort out. I was walking home, just nearing the park when l saw Rusty Lewis and my sister on the other side of the road. I would never have imagined that Laura would ever have anything to do with Rusty but they seemed to be in deep conversation. They certainly didn’t spot me and l quickly stepped behind a hedge, keeping them in sight.

I watched as they crossed the road and walked towards the toilet building, they stopped and talked for a while, then Rusty checked his watch, he then pointed towards the ladies entrance to the toilets and Laura walked into the building.

I wondered what was happening as Rusty remained outside, then l saw movement in the street and l saw someone coming towards us, it was Mr. Lovell the optician, he was hurrying and constantly looking behind as if he was afraid of being followed. He almost ran across the road and approached Rusty. They exchanged a few words and l saw Mr.Lovell give Rusty something that looked like pound notes, then he walked into the men’s entrance to the toilets.

I waited for what seemed ages but was probably ten minutes, when l saw someone else approaching. This turned out to be Mr.Penny the jeweller, he approached Rusty and gave him some money, he went to go into the toilets but Rusty stopped him, they spoke together and then l saw Mr.Lovell come out of the toilet and hurry away, not stopping to speak to either of the other two.

Rusty then spoke to Mr.Penny and he went into the toilets.

By now my mind was churning, there could only be one explanation for what l was seeing, Rusty was obviously taking money and allowing these men to push their cocks through that hole for my sister to suck. My own cock was straining the front of my trousers, l thought l was about to cum in my pants.

After a few minutes l saw Mr.Penny come out and he too hurried away like some scuttling rat. A few moments later, Laura emerged, dabbing a wad of tissues against her mouth, she walked over to Rusty and he gave her some of the money, she went to kiss him but he pushed her away, l heard him shout “Not before you wash your mouth out you dirty bitch.” Laura laughed and linked arms with him as they walked off towards the town centre.

I hurried into the toilet and into to the cubicle with the hole in the wall, as l released my cock and began stroking it, l noticed that someone had used a black marker to obliterate Laura’s name on the wall, l also notice a bead of cum sitting on the edge of the hole. With that l felt my cock explode with my biggest cum ever, turning the wad of tissues into a soggy mess.

I didn’t know what to do, should l tell Laura what l knew? What good would that do if she just denied it, l had no proof. Another thing bothering me was that whoever wrote that message also knew and l had no idea who that could be. The one thing l did know was that whenever l thought about what my sister was doing in that toilet building l got an instant erection that refused to subside until l jerked off.

It all came to a head about a month later, our parents had gone out for the evening, l was watching tv and Laura was washing her hair. She came into the living room wearing her towelling bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head.

“Do me a favour David,” she said, “l’m going round to Leanne’s tomorrow evening, can l borrow some of your records, you’ve got a lot more than me.”

“What if l want to listen to them?” I replied.

“I’ll bring them back,” she responded.

“Yeah, like last time,” l sneered, “it was two whole weeks last time and then one of them was scratched.”

“That wasn’t my fault, she went on holiday so l couldn’t get them, and that one was scratched already.”

“No it wasn’t, l take care of my records, none of them are scratched.”

“Look,” she sighed, “ can l borrow them or not?”

“No,” l replied.

“Up yours,” she said turning for the door, “pig!”

“Cocksucker,” l replied.

Laura froze in the doorway, turning l could see her face had flushed bright red.

“What did you call me?” she demanded.

“You heard,” l replied. At that point l actually regretted saying it but the cat was out of the bag now.

“That’s a disgusting thing to call me,” she said, standing in the doorway defiantly.

“Not as disgusting as sucking cocks through a hole in a wall in a public toilet,” l replied.

I saw the flash of horror passing over her face as she realised that her secret was out.

“That’s disgusting, l don’t know what you’re talking about,” Laura tried hard to appear shocked at the suggestion but she was a poor actress and l could see the concern on her face.

“Don’t try to deny it.” I countered, “l’ve seen you there with Rusty Lewis, l’ve seen him taking money from men, l’ve seen the hole in the wall, l’ve even seen the message on the wall saying Laura E sucks cocks here.”

“Rusty told me he’d covered that over,” Laura replied, tears streaming down her face as she realised her predicament.

“Whatever made you get involved with Rusty, you know what he’s like, everyone tries to give him a wide berth.”

“He’s not as bad as people say,” she replied, “he’s exciting or at least as exciting as you’ll get in this dead end town.”

“Is he fucking you?”

“David,” she cried, “where did you learn that word….that’s a horrible thing to say.”

“I’m sure Rusty says it all the time,” l replied, “does he talk about your tits and cunt as well, is that exciting for you?”

“Stop it,” she replied, totally deflated.

“I know the men who use you,” l said triumphantly, “l bet you don’t even know who they are, it could be anyone sticking their cock through that hole, it’s disgusting, you’re just a prozzie.”

“Stop it, please stop it,” she cried, “Rusty arranges it, he wouldn’t let anyone nasty do it, he loves me.”

“Oh please don’t tell me you’re in love with someone who makes you suck cocks through a hole in the wall…that’s pathetic. I bet he doesn’t even give you half the money does he, how much?”

“Stop it,” she cried, “l didn’t want to keep doing it, he got me drunk one evening then made me sit on a chair behind a curtain in the pub, someone stuck his cock through and Rusty told me to suck it, l was drunk and it was exciting, l didn’t think it would happen again.”

“God you’re stupid,” l laughed, “l bet it wasn’t your first time sucking a cock though was it?”

“I’d done it for Rusty a few times.”

“Did he spunk in your mouth?”

“David!” she yelled, “stop it… oh god this is awful.”

“Tell me,” l demanded, “Did he spunk in your mouth? Did he make you swallow it.”

“What do you know about these sort of things,” she cried, collapsing onto the sofa.

“I’ve read about it in magazines,” l replied, “so did you do it, l want to know.”

“Yes if you must know,” she replied, “l tried to spit it out the first time but he slapped me and told me l had to swallow it, it was horrible, l thought l was going to be sick.”

“You still do it though.”

“I’m used to it now… god that sounds awful… what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Mum and Dad, Dad will kill me.”

“That depends,” l replied.

“Depends on what?” she looked up at me with her tear streaked face.

“Take your dressing gown off.” I ordered.

“David…no…don’t make me do that, l don’t have anything on underneath, please don’t make me.”

I was in no mood to be denied. “Stand up and strip off,” l demanded, “otherwise l will make life horrible for you.”

I could see the resignation on her face as she realised there was no other course of action available to her. Slowly she stood up and undid the belt of her dressing gown. She hesitated but l motioned for her to carry on. Slowly she shrugged the dressing gown off her shoulders, then allowed it to fall in a heap at her feet.

I had never seen a live naked woman before and my eyes must have been out on stalks as l looked over her body. The first thing l noticed was how white and smooth her skin looked, first l looked at her tits, not as big as some of the ones l’d seen in magazines but bigger than any of the girls in school. They were quite firm and seemed to curve upward, tipped with a dark pink patch surrounding her nipples. Her nipples themselves looked hard and rubbery, l had read that nipples went hard when a woman was excited and l guessed that Laura was feeling excited standing there on display, even though she was crying with the shame of it.

My eyes travelled down over her flat belly to the dark triangle of hair covering the area where l knew her cunt would be. This was something l hadn’t even seen in magazines and l was fascinated, l knew there had to be more to see between her legs.

“Sit on the sofa and open your legs,” l ordered.

“”No David, please don’t make me…please David, look l’ll suck your cock if you like but please don’t make me do that.”

“Do it,” l commanded, “you have to do as l say or l’m going to tell on you.”

Slowly she sank back onto the sofa, she parted her legs slightly but still l couldn’t see a great deal through the thick pubic hair. I told her to open wider and as she did l got my first ever view of a grown up cunt.

I needed to get a closer look and dropped to my knees in front of her, l was fascinated at the folds of skin that seemed to open like flower petals as her legs parted. I had read so much about what a cunt looked like but seeing one for the first time was better than a thousand words.

I put my hands on inside of her thighs, l felt her body tense. My fingers parted the forest of hair, exposing the gash of her cunt completely. The folds of skin at the opening parted slightly and as my fingers separated them l saw a small nodule nestled inside the top of the slit. I had read about this, in magazines they called it a clit or love button, l gave it a flick with my finger and a violent shudder went through her body.

“You liked that didn’t you?” I said smiling, pleased that l had got such a positive reaction, “has anyone ever done that to you before?”

“Rusty has when he puts his hands inside my knickers,” she replied, feeling wonderful sensations rippling through her body as l continued to tickle her clit.

I had read about men sucking on the clit and l suddenly had the urge to find out what it tasted like. I leaned forward put out my tongue to tickle it, there was a strong aroma, not off putting, in fact it seemed to make me want to go further. I tentatively took her clit between my lips, massaging it gently and feeling it swell in reaction as l started to suck on it.

“Oh my god!” she cried, her hands automatically trying to push me away, but l was not to be moved, sucking the growing clit into my mouth until it felt as big as a nut. “My god, what are you doing?”

“Hasn’t Rusty done that to you?” I asked, briefly releasing the salty sweet tasting nodule.

“No,” she replied, “Heather Watkins said her boyfriend did it to her once but when l asked Rusty to do it he said it was dirty.”

“He didn’t mind sticking his cock in your mouth though,” l replied, returning my mouth to her swollen clit.

“He said that was different,” she replied, “ he said that girls had to do those sort of things if they wanted proper men to be interested in them…… oh my god David, stop it…please….this is wrong….stop it.”

I was sucking hard on her clit and although she was screaming for me to stop her hands were on the back of my head, pushing me harder against her cunt, then l felt he legs wrap around my neck, trapping me there as her body bucked against me. I managed to reach up and find her tits, locating her nipples and gently squeezing them.

“Oh yes,” she sighed, “oh my god yes….yes….ooooo!”

I felt a tremor pass through her body, felt the muscles of her cunt first tense up then relax and a flood of liquid flowed into my mouth. I heard her crying out as her legs tightened around me, trapping me as l continued to suck on her clit, tasting her sweet juices. I had never tasted anything like it before but l knew l wanted more. I felt the vibrations through her body and l realised she was sobbing as finally she released me from the grip of her thighs.

I looked up at her, pleased with myself, still tasting her juices on my lips. “My turn now,” l said standing and undoing the front of my trousers. With difficulty l managed to release my rock hard cock. “Time for me to sample that mouth of yours.”

“David, please,” she whispered, still sobbing, “please don’t make me do that, this is wrong David, we mustn’t do this.”

“Too late now,” l replied, “ l want what those men get, but l get to watch you doing it, come here.”

I stood in front of her, holding my cock in one hand, slowly she sat up and moved to the edge of the seat.

“No….on your knees,” l ordered, ignoring her pleading eyes, “make it quick, l can’t hold it much longer.”

Laura slid forward off the sofa, onto her knees. She reached up and took hold of my cock, turning her face up to look at me as if hoping for some last second reprieve.

“Suck it,” l demanded, putting my hand on her head and grabbing her hair, “suck it like the prozzie you are.”

I did try to exercise some self control but it was the first time l had ever had anything but my hand working on my cock, and although l had nothing to compare it with, l assumed that with her experience, she was an expert in sucking cocks. Needless to say that within a minute of having that warm, wet mouth encircling me l was holding her firm as l pushed in deeper and filled her mouth with my cum. There must have been a decent quantity as there were dribbles of it on her chin when l pulled out.

After we had both calmed down, Laura had recovered her dressing gown and put it back on, she had regained her seat on the sofa and l had taken a seat in the armchair facing her.

“What happens now?” she asked.

“Quite simple,” l replied, “from now on you’re mine whenever l want you.”

“But it’s wrong David, brothers don’t do this to their sisters.”

“How many boys do you know who have sisters who do what you do,” l replied.

“I don’t like it when you call me a prozzie, it’s not very nice is it?”

“Well what else do you call it then, you suck cocks for money, you don’t even know whose cock you’re sucking, how cheap is that?”

“It’s not fair,” she cried, “it was never meant to be like that, it just started as a bit of fun but it’s got out of hand.”

“What has happened,” l told her, “is that Rusty saw a gullible girl that he could manipulate, he’s just using you and now you can’t find a way out. I can’t understand how you got mixed up with him, everyone knows he’s trouble, he’s still on probation for stealing the lead off the church roof. You know what Dad would do if he thought you were going out with Rusty Lewis, let alone what would happen if he ever found out the truth.”

“But only you and Rusty know it’s me doing it,” she replied.

“Plus whoever wrote that message on the wall,” l responded, “so someone else knows. When are you seeing Rusty again?”

“It was supposed to be tomorrow but he’s got a job on,” she replied.

“Can’t be anything legal,” l said, “he’s never done an honest job in his life.”

“I heard him talking to Paul Gibbons in the pub, something about there being a lot of cash in the office in the scrap yard on the edge of town.”

That was when l had an idea that would have a significant influence on the rest of my life.

Before we could talk any more we both heard Mum and Dad coming through the garden gate, Laura scuttled off up the stairs to her room while l made it look like l had been watching tv all evening. Once l had asked them if they had enjoyed their evening, to which they said they had, we all decided to get to bed as we all had early starts in the morning.

I lay in bed unable to sleep, going over the events of the evening. I didn’t know what had been more exciting, the sight of my first real naked female or the fact that l had had her completely at my command. I could still smell and taste her sex, l had read about doing that with my mouth on her cunt, l didn’t know if l was any good at it but l knew she had enjoyed it and l knew l wanted to do it again.

Then there was the sensation of sliding my cock into her mouth, from what l’d read, a lot of married men complained that their wives would never suck their cocks, yet here l was, still a virgin but l had not only had my cock sucked but she had let me cum in her mouth and swallowed it. My hand was wrapped around my cock as l thought about it, l guessed that Laura was lying awake in the next bedroom thinking about it as well.

I realised that if l played it carefully l could ensure that there would be many more opportunities for me to enjoy the pleasures of my sister’s body, but l knew l had to find a way to release her from the control of Rusty Lewis. I knew what l had to do, l realised that if anyone found out l would be in a lot of trouble with my pals but l didn’t want anyone else having control of Laura, l wanted her for myself.

I still had a couple of weeks before l was due to start working so the next day l went to call on one of my friends, Kevin. His father opened the door and invited me in, Mr Wardlow was the local Police Sergeant and was getting ready to go to work. Mr. Wardlow told me that Kevin was in the shed at the bottom of the garden, he said he was fixing his bike. I asked what the problem was and he told me that it had been damaged the previous day when Kevin had been picked on by Rusty Lewis.

“That lad is nothing but trouble,” Mr.Wardlow said, “l was going to have a strong word with him but Kevin begged me to leave it, but mark my words, that lad is heading for prison one day.”

“One of my mates said her heard him planning to steal some money,” l replied.

“Oh did he,” Mr.Wardlow responded, “did your mate hear any more details?”

“Well, l don’t like telling tales but no-one likes Rusty, everyone my age is scared of him and he’s always hitting younger kids and stealing money off them.”

“Yes l know,” Mr.Wardlow said, “but everyone is too scared to make a formal complaint so that we can lock him up.”

“Well my mate said he was talking about a box full of cash in the office at the scrap yard, l think he said he was going to steal it tonight,” l said, trying to not make it sound as if l was pleased to be giving this information.

Mr.Wardlow thanked me for letting him know and l went out into the garden to help Kevin with his bike.

That evening, Mum was in the kitchen preparing the evening meal, Dad was due home from work in about an hour, Laura had just got home from secretarial college.

I went upstairs and walked up to Laura’s door, l intended to knock but changed my mind and turned the handle, pushing the door open wide. Laura was sat on the bed reading a letter she had got that morning from her pen pal in France.

“I didn’t hear you knock,” she said indignantly, “l could have been undressed.”

“Show me your tits,” l replied trying hard to suppress my excitement and put on an air of authority.

“Go away David,” she said, her voice faltering slightly as l walked towards her. “What happened last night was wrong and it’s not going to happen again so forget it.”

“Show me your tits,” l repeated, unzipping my trousers and working my stiffening cock free, “you see Laura, last night was not a one off, last night was just the start, you’re my cocksucker now.”

“Don’t do this David, please don’t do this.” I saw the tears welling up as the look of resignation crossed her face.

My cock was hard now, l was at the edge of the bed, my cock level with her face, about a foot away.

“Look at him,” l instructed, “don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy what l did to you last night, l bet you led in that bed fingering your cunt and thinking about what l did with my mouth. I bet you’re wet down there now, l bet your nipples are hard. Look at my cock, he wants your mouth, feel how hard he is, hold him.”

“This has to stop David,” she cried, “brothers and sisters don’t do this, Mum could come up at any moment, please don’t make me.”

Despite her protests l noticed her right had had rested on her skirt and was pressing into her crotch, l knew then that l had control of her, just like some of the stories l’d read in magazines.

“Make it quick then,” l replied, “show me your tits and suck my cock, do it now.”

All resistance had fallen away as her hands went to her blouse and started to undo the buttons, l was stroking my cock and her eyes never left it as she opened her blouse and reached behind to undo her bra. Her blouse fell from her shoulders and she slipped it off her arms then removed her bra.

“Good,” l said, “l can see your nipples are hard, you want this don’t you, you want to suck my cock.”

“David please,” she made one final attempt to stop what by that time was unstoppable.

“Hold him,” l ordered, and as her left had encircled him l reached forward gently caressing her tits then taking hold of each nipple and squeezing. “Suck him,” l said as she gave a sigh, the sensations from her nipples coursing through her body.

She leaned forward and l felt her soft lips kissing the head of my cock.

“I knew you wanted it really,” l said triumphantly, “tell me you want it, tell me you want to suck it.”

Her lips were still resting against the tip of my cock, her eyes looking up at me. “I want it,” she whispered, “l want to suck your cock.”

“That’s a good girl,” l said, moving my hands to the top of her head and pulling her forward, l felt her lips part, felt my cock slide in to that warm, wet mouth. In one slow movement l was fully encased in her mouth, l could feel her face pressed gently against my tummy, her mouth was moving as l felt her sucking me, felt her hand go to my balls, gently squeezing them. This was just how l had read it in magazines, l guessed Laura must have had a lot of practice because it didn’t take long for me to feel my orgasm building. She was sliding back and fore on my cock now, the suction she was applying as she pulled away felt as if she was pulling my spunk out of my balls, then the heat intensified as she moved back again, taking me right to the back of her throat. I felt my knees buckle slightly as my orgasm burst, l had been thinking of this moment all day and l almost cried out as my cum jetted into her mouth.

I thought l would never stop, spurt after spurt pumped from my cock, l felt her mouth moving as she tried to swallow it all but l could see it dribbling from her mouth and falling onto the bed.

“Can you two come and set the table please,” l heard a Mum calling from the bottom of the stairs, “the meal is almost ready and your father will be home soon.”

“Coming,” l called back, trying hard to keep some normality in my voice.

With that Laura gagged as she started to laugh, my cock still buried in her mouth. Finally she had to release me as her laughter took hold and we laughed together. There were two lines of spunk running down her chin, l reached for the box of tissues, taking a few and using them to wipe her face clean, then took more and used them to wipe my cock. Laura just sat back on her haunches her upper body on full display, l bent forward, lowered my face and kissed her, sliding my tongue into her mouth the way they described in magazines, l could taste the saltiness of my cum in her mouth as l felt her responding.

“Rusty doesn’t kiss you after you’ve sucked his cock does he,” l said as we finally parted, “l don’t want you seeing him again and no more sucking cocks in public toilets, this is the cock you suck now.” I held my now limp cock in front of her face.

She bent forward and kissed the tip of my cock, “Yes sir,” she replied with a giggle.

I went downstairs first, allowing Laura to sort herself out.

“What were you two doing up there?” Mum asked.

“Just talking,” l replied.

“Well that’s something new,” she laughed, “usually you can’t say two words to each other without it ending in an argument.”

I smiled, “Perhaps we’re growing up,” l said.


For the next couple of days there were no more opportunities for me to play with Laura, if ever she was close to me l would give her bum a squeeze and on a couple of occasions l did the same to her tits. At first she pushed my hand away and scowled at me but it soon became obvious that she was enjoying it and once she actually put her hand on the front of my trousers and gave my cock a squeeze as she passed me in the hall.

It was Friday evening, two days after the incident in her bedroom, l had left my mother and father watching tv and decided l would go to bed. I was passing the front door when Laura arrived home, she had been out with her friends. We passed close to one another in the hall but before l could take the opportunity to feel her tits she put her arms around me and kissed me.

“Thank you,” she said then kissed me again, deeper this time, her tongue exploring my mouth. I could feel my cock stiffening and put my hands on her bum pulling her close so that she could feel it. She obviously could as she ground her pelvis into mine.

“What for?” I asked as she pulled away, smiling.

“I presume it was you who told the Police what Rusty planned to do,” she replied, not making any attempt to move my hands away as they travelled up to her tits. “They were both caught climbing out of the scrap yard, Janice Wardlow said her father was there and he says that Rusty is in real trouble this time, apparently he hit the guard dog with an iron bar and killed him, she said her father reckons he will be going to prison for a few years.”

“Does anyone know it was me?” I asked, “you didn’t say anything.”

“No,” she replied, “anyway Janice says her father told her that one of the young coppers was in the bar when he heard Rusty bragging about what he was going to do. Not that anyone cares who told them, everyone is so pleased to see the back of him.”

“Especially you eh?”

“I never wanted to do those things David, l was frightened he would beat me up if l didn’t, l know l was stupid to get involved with him but he was so nice to me at the start l thought everyone else was mistaken about him, l know how stupid l was, l’m so grateful you did what you did.”

“Come upstairs and show me how grateful,” l said giving her tits a squeeze.

“You go on up,” she giggled, “l’ll go and say goodnight to Mum and Dad, you get him ready,” she tapped the bulge in my trousers, “we’ll have to be quick.”

I couldn’t believe my luck as l climbed the stairs, all of a sudden my sister now seemed to be the sexiest girl on the planet. I made it to my bedroom and waited for what seemed like ages, l was just wondering if she had changed her mind when there was a tap on the wall connecting our bedrooms. I crept out of my room, successfully avoiding the creaking floorboard on the landing, her bedroom door was shut but l didn’t knock, just walked straight in.

The sight before me made my cock jerk, Laura was completely naked, kneeling in the centre of the room.

“I’m ready for you Sir,” she said with a smile, “would you like to fill my mouth with spunk?”

“I couldn’t get my cock out quick enough, stepping over to her, taking hold of her head and sliding my cock into her mouth. She put her hands on my bum, pulling me in deeper, then her hands went to the front of my waist, undoing the waistband of my trousers, she released my cock for a second as she pulled my trousers and underpants down, then returned to take it hungrily into her mouth. I felt her one hand return to my bum, pulling me forward then releasing me as my cock began to fuck her mouth. Her other hand was holding my balls, massaging and pulling them.

At that moment l thought she must be the best cock sucker in the world, l could feel myself building and knew l could not hold back for long. In fact l came even quicker than l expected, holding her as l pushed my cock as far into her mouth as l could, her face buried in my pubic hair. I gave out a low, guttural groan as my cum shot into her throat. I pulled back slightly as l continued to pump more spunk into her and this time she took every drop, hungrily sucking and swallowing.

My head was spinning, l was still only sixteen and l had my older sister completely at my command, this was better than any of the stories l had read, at that moment l wanted to leave my cock in her mouth for ever.

As my power subsided, Laura was still licking and sucking the last dregs of cum from my cock, she finally released me and looked up at me smiling.

“Was l good Sir?” She said with a wicked grin.

“You were fantastic,” l replied, bending to kiss her, again tasting the saltiness of my cum on her lips.

Laura got to her feet, making no attempt to cover her naked body, all of a sudden those magazine models were no longer my fantasy girls, my fantasy girl was now standing right in front of me.

“You’re beautiful,” l said.

“Thank you,” she replied, stepping forward and kissing me again, “now you’d better go before Mum and Dad come up.”

Reluctantly l pulled up my underpants and trousers, then kissed her again, giving her nipples a gentle squeeze. “Goodnight,” l said, “see you in the morning.”

“Sweet dreams,” she replied as l closed her bedroom door after me.


I really wanted to spend some time with Laura over the weekend but l was afraid of drawing too much attention to us, as it happened she was sleeping on late in the morning and just as l had finished breakfast the phone rang, Mum answered it then told me it was Dan Hobbs for me. Dan was the man who had offered me the job, l had done some test pieces for him and he had agreed that l had a talent. When l spoke to him he said that he was starting a big job in one of the big country houses a few miles out of town on Monday, he said he could really do with an extra pair of hands so how would l feel about starting work earlier than we had planned. I was thrilled that l would not only be doing something l loved but also getting a decent wage for it. He asked if l could call in at his workshop that day to sort out the paperwork for starting my job, l said l wasn’t meeting my mates until lunchtime so would call in during the morning.

I ended up being out all day and all evening, a group of us were in the back room of our local pub, we weren’t supposed to drink beer at our age but the landlord allowed us as long as we didn’t cause any trouble. The conversation was all about Rusty and his mate being arrested and the general opinion was that everyone was happy to see him locked up. We were mostly lads in the group but two of them had their girlfriends there and were openly resting their hands on their girl’s tits as if to

show the rest of us that the girls belonged to them.

I had a sly chuckle to myself, thinking that Laura was much better looking than either of the two girls. Thinking about Laura automatically made my cock twitch and l knew l was going to have to arrange something for the following day.

Mum always made a traditional Sunday lunch and expected all the family to be there so in the morning l told her that Laura and l were going for a bike ride after lunch and would take a picnic for tea. Luckily Laura overheard me telling Mum and quickly backed me up.

“It’s so good to see you two getting on better,” Mum said as she was setting the table for lunch.

“Oh well Mum,” Laura replied, giving me a wink, “he’s not too bad once you get to know him.”

We all laughed at that.

Once lunch was over, Mum made us some sandwiches and we took some drinks. She waved us off as we set off on our bikes.

“Where are we going?” Laura asked after a few minutes.

“Out to Beckett’s wood,” l replied, “it’s only a couple of miles and l know a pathway going deep into the wood.”

“What are you going to do with me there, do you want your cock sucked again?”

“I might want more than that,” l said, my hardening cock making riding my bike rather uncomfortable.

Laura was quiet for a while as we rode up the hill out of town.

“You’re not a virgin are you,” l asked as we reached the top of the hill, turning onto the track leading to the wood.

Laura didn’t answer at first but then she asked me why l wanted to know.

“Well are you or aren’t you,” l pressed, “l would have thought Rusty would have shagged you.”

I could see her flush with embarrassment but when l looked at her she seemed to realise that she would have to tell me.

“He only did it to me once,” she said finally, “but he was very rough and made me bleed, l didn’t enjoy it much, he knew l wasn’t enjoying it but he said that was because l was frigid.”

“He was a pig Laura, you’re well shot of him.”

“It was horrible, he said he was disgusted at me when he saw blood on his cock, he thought l was on my period, it wasn’t until l spoke to Janice, she’s been doing it with her boyfriend for ages, she told me it’s normal for there to be a bit of blood the first time.”

We came to a point where l turned off onto a narrower path, Laura had to follow me, we rode for about 200 yards until we came to a small clearing by the side of a stream.

“This will do,” l said, getting off my bike and leaning it against a tree, Laura put hers against mine. I had a small backpack with our food and a travel rug, l took out the rug and spread it on the floor, l sat down, Laura went to join me.

“Uhu,” l stopped her, “take your clothes off first.”

“Don’t be silly David,” she said, “l can’t do that, what if someone comes?”

“No-one is going to come this far into the wood on a Sunday,” l replied, “go on, strip off, l want to see you naked.”

“What about you?” she countered, “why don’t you do it if it’s so safe?”

“Because l’m the one in charge, now do as you’re told and strip.”

I could see by her expression that her whole attitude had changed when l became sterner with her, l felt a surge of emotion, knowing that she would respond to being directed.

“Everything?” She asked.

“Everything,” l replied, “Do it now and you can keep your clothes near you, any more hesitation and l will throw them over the stream and you will have to go and get them later.”

Her dress was one that buttoned all the way down, she started to slowly undo the buttons, her eyes never leaving me, when the last button was undone she stood upright and shrugged her shoulders. Her dress fell in a heap at her feet.

She stood before me in just her bra and knickers, this was 1966 and in our town there was no possibility of buying the sexy underwear that the models in the magazines wore, Laura was wearing standard white cotton knickers and a very unflattering bra.

I didn’t care about the quality of her undies, the thought of getting her naked was making me hard and l unzipped my trousers, pulling my cock free.

Laura smiled as she saw the reaction she was having on me, she reached behind and undid her bra then quickly removed it. Although her tits were not big they were still a decent size and stood high and firm. She smiled at me as she cupped them in both hands, pressing them together.

“Do you like them?” she asked, “l know they’re not very big but they are bigger than most of my friends.”

“They’re beautiful,” l replied, stroking my cock, “now your knickers.”

She put her hands on the waistband of her knickers, rolling down the first couple of inches, then pushing them down, bending to step out of them. The sight of her tits hanging and swinging as she bent and balanced to remove her knickers made me squeeze my cock to stop myself from cumming. Finally she stood before me, totally naked, my eyes travelled from her tits to the dark patch of pubic hair and back again.

“Right, now lie down here and open your legs,” l ordered, “l want to taste your cunt again.”

“Certainly sir,” she giggled, joining me on the rug, lying on her back with her legs wide apart, her knees drawn up, “Are you going to make me cum again, that was lovely last time?”

“That’s what l want,” l replied, positioning myself between her parted thighs and separating her cunt lips to expose the little nodule l was seeking. Immediately l took that little bud into my mouth, the smell and the taste of her sending shivers through my body, l had read in magazines that a lot of men refused to do this to their women, l couldn’t understand that, to me it was a beautiful taste and to feel that little bud swelling in my mouth and to hear Laura moaning with pleasure as l licked and sucked and nibbled at her cunt made me feel as if l was the best lover in the world.

I could feel her hands on my head, l reached for her tits, taking hold of her nipples and squeezing them gently, she gave a deep sigh and her back arched at the same time as she pushed me harder against her cunt. I put my tongue, inside her, searching for that sweet, sticky loveliness, l was totally intoxicated by the taste of her.

“Oh my god David,” she cried, “Oh that’s beautiful…. Oh don’t stop….oh yes, just there….oh my god yes, l’m going to cum, oh yes…oh my god….oh my..yyyeeeeessss.”

I felt the tunnel of her cunt relaxing as the ripples flowed through her body, then l felt the flood of juices on my tongue, then filling my mouth, l drank her juices, savouring the taste of her, sucking and seeking more with my tongue. I could feel her fingers knotted in my hair as her orgasm tore through her body, her back was fully arched, l knew this was much more powerful than the last time.

As it subsided, her body relaxed and her breathing slowly returned to normal, her grip on me relaxed but l remained with my mouth fixed on her cunt, searching for every last drop of her juices. Finally l rolled away from her, lying on my back, she got onto her knees then came and laid on top of me, l could see tears in her eyes as she kissed my.

“That was beautiful,” she whispered, kissing my mouth then slowly beginning to move herself down. I realised she was going for my cock but l stopped her.

“I want to fuck you,” l said, “l want my cock inside your cunt, l want to fuck you.”

Laura stopped, looking down at me. “Have you got anything?” she asked.

“What do you mean,” l said

“You know,” she replied, “have you got any of those condom things?”

At this point l should remind readers that this was a small town in South Wales in 1966, and getting hold of condoms was about as easy as digging for gold in the mountainside. It’s probably hard for younger readers to understand with condoms so easily available these days but back then the only place l knew where you could buy them was the chemist in the high street and that meant asking Mrs. Jones who worked there to get them from under the counter. Mrs. Jones was a terrible gossip and none of my mates were ever going to ask her to serve us with those, as our parents would find out in no time.

“No,” l replied, “l don’t know where to get them apart from the chemist and l can’t ask in there, Mrs. Jones and Mum are friends.”

“Rusty told me he gets them from Mr. Hughes the barber, apparently all his mates get them there as well, if you want to do that to me you’ll have to get some.”

“I will l promise,” l replied, “but can’t we just do it this once, one time isn’t going to do any harm is it?”

“You’re silly,” she laughed, kissing me, “you boys act like you know it all but you actually know very little, it only takes once, you haven’t got to do it loads of times to make a baby, it can happen the first time…. I can still suck you.”

“Oh,” l said, disappointed, feeling my erection rapidly fading, “l really wanted to fuck you, that’s why l planned this, l’ve been looking forward to it all day, l’ve never done it before, some of my mates have and they don’t have condoms either, can we just do it once, please.”

“Well they’re stupid David, what happens if the girl gets pregnant, then they have to get married, how ridiculous for kids your age, and the girls are even more stupid for letting them.”

I was totally deflated by now, l had built it all up in my head that l would finally get my first fuck, l had imagined how it would feel to be fucking her, l had read so many accounts of it l was sure it was going to be the best experience of my life.

Laura could see how disappointed l was, she felt the afternoon had sort of fizzled out, she reached for her clothes intending to dress and head for home.

“Not yet,” l pleaded, putting my hand on her arm to stop her, “What about if l just put my cock in you for a few seconds, just so l can feel what it’s like…l promise not to do anything, l just want to feel it.”

Laura stopped, thinking for a moment. “If l say yes,” she finally replied, “you have to promise not do do anything and to take it out when l tell you.”

“I promise,” l said eagerly, “thank you.” I leant across and kissed her, at the same time taking hold of my cock to stir him back into action.

“Here, let me,” she said, taking hold of my cock and gently pulling and stroking it. It only took seconds for it to swell back into full erection. “I think he’s ready now,” she said rolling onto her back and spreading her legs with her knees bent.

I positioned myself between her thighs, she reached down for my cock and guided it to the entrance of her cunt, l pushed hard too soon my cock sliding through her pubic hair onto her tummy.

“Slow down,” she said, “let me put him in just a bit then slide him in gently, l’m nice and wet so he will slide in easily but do it slowly and once you’re in just stay still.”

Again she guided me, this time l felt the head of my cock part the outer lips of her cunt, it felt wet and slippery. Once l had about an inch inside her, she let go of me and lifted herself slightly.

“Now,” she said, smiling at me, “let me feel my brother’s cock inside me.”

I pushed forward as gently as l could, it felt like l was putting my cock into a furnace, her cunt was so hot. I easily slid all the way in until our tummies came together.

“Now just leave it there,” she said, “that feels nice, it feels like a hot rod inside me…does it feel good to you?”

“It’s beautiful,” l replied, “can l move it a little bit?”

“You promised,” she said, “no David, just let it stay there for a few seconds longer, you’ll get carried away if you start fucking me, we can’t take that risk, we shouldn’t even be doing this.”

“I know,” l replied, “but it feels so good, l want to cum so much.”

“Take it out then David, please….please don’t cum inside me, please.”

“Okay,” l said, reluctantly sliding out of her as slowly as l could, wanting to enjoy every last second.

“Thank you,” she said when l was finally completely withdrawn, my cock now rock hard and glistening with her juices. “Lie on your back and l’ll suck you off.”

I rolled onto my back, my cock standing up rigid like the mast of a ship, Laura got onto her knees and bent over me, taking my cock into her mouth. I could just reach her hanging tits so started pulling and squeezing them as she began to suck me.

At that moment l saw a movement in the corner of my eye. I looked to my left and there, at the edge of the clearing stood an old man, he looked to be at least eighty, her was holding a lead in one hand which was connected to a small dog sitting by his side, his other hand was busy wanking his cock which was fully exposed.

My excitement level took another boost as l watched him masturbating as he watched my sister sucking my cock. I almost said something to warn Laura that she was being watched but decided to let her carry on. The angle that the man was stood meant that not only could he see her mouth working on my cock he also had a view of her bare bum in the air and with her legs parted could obviously see her cunt.

I couldn’t hold back any longer and with a deep groan l felt my cock explode in her mouth, she sucked greedily, taking most of it but some of my cum ran down the shaft of my cock onto my balls. I looked across at the man and saw that he was cumming too, ribbons of spunk shooting from his cock onto the ground.

It seemed like l was cumming for ever, l could hear the slurping of Laura’s mouth as she swallowed, then, once l had finished, she was licking the cum from my shaft and my balls. I looked across at the man again but this time he had disappeared.

“There,” Laura said, sitting back on her haunches, using her finger to guide a small dribble of cum into her mouth, “was that good sir,” she smiled.

“That was beautiful,” l said, “l wish you were my girlfriend instead of my sister.”

“Oh l don’t know,” she replied, “l think doing this with my brother is much more exciting than doing it with a boyfriend.”

“I wish l could have fucked you properly though.”

“I wanted it too David,” she replied, “l almost gave in and told you to do it, it felt so good inside me, much better than with Rusty and your cock is bigger than his. I want you to fuck me too, so if you can get some condoms then we can do it properly.”

The rest of the afternoon was heaven, l ended up naked with her, we chatted and laughed together as we ate our picnic then she asked me if l would use my mouth on her cunt again before we went home. We managed to end up side by side but head to toe, my head between her thighs as l sucked and teased her clit while she sucked my cock. It was beautiful and gentle and as l felt her body give way to her orgasm, so l unloaded a second helping of cum into her mouth.

We arrived home just before it was getting dark, l contemplated telling her about the man watching us but l was worried that she wouldn’t do it again with me so decided to keep it to myself. Mum was so pleased that we had had a good time together, she was thrilled to see that we were getting on so we’ll with each other.

The following day being Monday l was up early ready to start my new job. I arrived at the workshop ten minutes early which got me off to a good start. Mr. Hobbs was a jovial character, well known in the town and highly respected, he was in his late fifties, about five foot ten tall so quite a bit shorter than me. After a few minutes conversation he stopped me and said that from now on l was to stop calling him Mr.Hobbs as it made him feel very old. “Call me Dan son,” he said, “ l think we’re going to get on very well with each other.”

Little was l to know how starting that job was to have such an influence on the rest of my life.


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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

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Humping with HowdyChapter 2

DETROIT, SEPTEMBER 1971 We handled the DPS paperwork without evasion, but again without clarification. Insurance is the only benefit where having a spouse matters, but it’s cheaper for two employees to be individually covered. We each claimed one on our W-2s. Don’t fool around with a 1040. My driver’s license is totally legit. We say we’re both from Normal, which is true. Our anniversary is the day of our interview. We don’t wear rings, but that sort of formality is optional these...

1 year ago
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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 03

To celebrate my birthday, Cathy and Mike has decided to take a couple of the family out to dinner with us. Kaja had moved to Florida several months ago, and things just had not been the same. My life has been less exciting, and less full. Things have not been bad, but just not great. We were at a restaurant on Milwaukee Avenue an early Saturday afternoon for my birthday. She did it right, we had an open bar for 2 hours. Cathy made an announcement and we were all suppose to sit down. The room...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

Gay Male
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19yo Hotel Lifeguard Likes My Speedos

Eric was in town for business. He hated having to take trips for business, but always made sure to book a room at an upscale hotel with fitness facilities, a hot tub, sauna and a pool. It was late when he arrived and got settled in his room. Figuring that he had just enough time to swim a few quick laps before the pool closed, and maybe take a short soak in a hot tub, he stripped off his street clothes and slipped into a black lycra speedo with a colorful print pattern on the front, one of his...

2 years ago
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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 01

Please read It will aid in understanding this story. Recently, a friend of mine from California called and said he was getting married again. His previous wife of over 34 years, whom he was honestly devoted to, had died in a freak auto accident over 9 months ago. She had physical and emotional problems for the past 15 years. While grieving, he looked up an old flame. She was part of a close group in school. He never approached her then to...

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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be over. She...

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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be...

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Mrs Howard spanks Ellie

16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.”   “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly.   “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of...

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The New Lifeguard Part II

“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day.  I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard.  They want you,” she said.  “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard.  And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned.   “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...

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Howard Colleen Ch 07

Note to the reader: The Howard and Colleen stories don’t begin with chapter 7. The previous episodes involving Howard and Colleen are in the Susie series of stories as follows: Susie chapter 8 provides a prolog to the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 9 is chapter 1 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 10 is chapter 2 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 11 is chapter 3 of the story of Howard and Colleen (Susie chapters 12-14 do not involve Howard or...

3 years ago
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The Maple Street Chowder and Interplanetary Rocket SocietyChapter 2

“This meeting of the Maple Street Chowder and Interplanetary Rocket Society will now come to order,” I intoned from my lofty position as High Chief Muckitey-Muck, Lord of All He Surveys. “Yeah, yeah. Get on with it” murmured my worshipful sycophants. “Is there any old business?” As usual, Old Jeb was the one waving his hand. He must redo his nail polish right before each meeting. “Yes, Jeb? Have you redone your nail polish again?” “No, I just don’t know if this is old business or new...

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A Winter Excursion Ms Howard

Ms Howard's Winter Holiday. Ms Howard was woken for the first time that morning by the sounds of Mary,her slave-maid, lighting the log-fire in its grate. Coming out of her usualdeep, dreamless slumber, she drowsily tasted the fresh, cold air from the openwindow of her bedroom, then snuggled down again into her warm, soft bed andfell asleep again. She woke again later to Mary's soft footsteps and the click of a silver salverbeing gently placed on the exquisite Louis XV table at her bedside....

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Mrs Howard Spanks Marsha

  Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?”  She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. ...

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The New Lifeguard Part I

I just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job.  I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work.  Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting.  This was going to be harder than I thought.  But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board.  A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...

3 years ago
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Showoff All Day

(One of a series of stories sequel to the original Showoff) It was easy to find additional yard tasks for Eric to keep him close to my windows two or three days each week. Today he was over cleaning the pool for example, right outside my bedroom window where last week he watched me getting dressed. I watched the handsome young man, wearing a low-slung pair of swim trunks as he used a long-handled skimmer whisking away leaves and other debris. He is lean and sleek in appearance, much like the...

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 19 Showdown Time

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6pm “Hey, Jesse, good to see you back again,” Chunky Castellano cried as he spotted Jesse walking onto the field from the parking area. “Good to be here, Chunky. It’s baseball season again, and I’m ready for it.” “We’ve got a couple of new players this year. You’ll meet them in a few minutes. Ed Lofthouse, better known as “Lofty,” and Donnie Milligan, better known as “Spike.” Both of them have some experience at organized ball.” “That’s great, Chunky. I’m really...

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Elsie Mickey Marci and Howard Sequel to Marci and Mickey

"Why?" I said. "I'm over her. I have no need to be around her. She's got her man. I've got my woman. What on earth could be the reasoning behind wanting to socialize with them?" "I still feel weird about this whole thing, Mick. You gave so much. You need to feel good about that at some point. I get nervous or concerned or something when I see you go pensive on me, and you do that a lot, Mick. "I don't know if socializing with them, especially her, will help in that respect; but...

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Family Life Ch 23 Heather joins the family

David woke, completely relaxed, as he opened his eyes he was greeted by Heather’s smiling face.“I thought you would never wake up,” she said softly.“What time is it?” He said.“Nine thirty,” she replied, “l’ve been watching you for ages, l knew you were waking when l saw this growing.”David felt her warm hand encircling his erection.“I’m surprised there’s any life in him after the night we’ve had,” he said, kissing her.“Oh don’t be silly,” she said, pushing him onto his back then straddling him,...

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Howe Watson 3sum

“So Watson, where the hell is Howe?” the Lt asked. “She called me this morning. She said she was stopping by the personnel office. Before you ask I have no idea why.” I said. “So, you haven’t seen her since the shooting,” he asked. “I carried her Eclairs the morning after. She has been calling me every day since. I think it’s so I won’t stop by again. I knew she put in for an extension of her days off,” I explained. “So did I Marion, I had to approve it. She looked pretty rough when she...

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Howe Watson 5th Ave

Mary Ann had a large crowd at her memorial service. I went for Sally, not Mary Ann. She was a stupid bitch, as far as I was concerned. She didn’t deserve to die, but she had to know that what she did was dangerous. Any half smart individual, knowing what she knew, would never have agreed to meet up with that jihadist asshole. “I won’t speak ill of he dead, just know my sympathy is for baby Sparrow.” I whispered to Maze. Maze sat between me and Sally, since Sally was still really pissed at me....

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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

1 year ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

2 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

4 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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The Seven Secret Lifes of Walt Mitlery

James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...

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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 04

The next couple of days were still busy, but were much more calm. Zophia had her basic questions answered for John. One of the first things I spoke to Zophia about was where she wanted to live when she returned to Chicago. I told her that this week was so new, so fresh, so quick for us. Did we really want to move in together so soon? We took a slew of chances to get here, were we pushing our luck? Should we take more time? I was concerned, we were no longer spring chickens. This could end in...

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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 06

Since Zophia and I were living together again, we were to keep our own checking accounts, and we would have a common one for house bills. Somehow, she she forgot about her own account, and put her direct deposit into the common one. I gave up and closed my old account. It was my self appointed task to pay the bills. Zophia could also have easily done that too, but I wrestled it away from her grasp. Of the two of us, I’m the cheaper pollock. My parents came through the depression on the low...

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Family Life My Way Ch 7 Wedding plans

Sunday morning and David was sleeping off a heavy drinking session with his mates the night before, one of his pals was celebrating the fact that his girlfriend had finally allowed him inside her knickers and he had actually managed his first fuck with her. He of course was confident he had taken her virginity, whereas David was reluctant to tell him that he knew at least three other fellas who’d fucked her.He was dozing, half awake, thinking about his mother and sister, wondering if he would...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...


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