AxemanChapter 17 free porn video

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I spent the next twenty-four hours in and out of ice baths. I hated those things. My ear stopped ringing the first night with the aid of Kate’s heals. Jude woke Friday morning. I had heard that Kate cried along with Nat, when the medic reported the news.

I knew that it was all due to Kate that she lived at all. Kate barely sleeping the last day and night, to maximize her Healing times, enabled Jude to recover as fast as she did.

That seventeen-inch long wound, would leave a scar for a while. A long while. I hoped it did not affect her too much emotionally. Yet I hoped she learned to not over reach so much until she became stronger.

Right after Kate and Nat left to get some much-needed sleep as they were ordered to, Heather stepped in my ice bath room inside their medical area of UE. It wasn’t large, but it was well stocked.

“What happened to you?”

“My Perseverance Skill got changed. Upgraded too, I think.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, drawing a stool so she could sit beside the large metal tub.

“Perseverance was one of my Endurance sub-Skills, somewhere during the fight, it upgraded itself. Don’t ask me when.”

“What did it upgrade to?”

“Will Power. Two words. I’m not high enough to read or even get the Skill normally, I think. And it’s an Attribute now. Not a sub Skill.”

“Any clues what it does?”

“Let’s me keep standing at the brink of collapsing a little longer? Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Did you break four?”

“Yes, I Leveled.”


“Two Skill points. My full Endurance plus thee points were added to health, my Mana increased by one. I tried to add one of the Status points to my sub Skills. None took. Same with Will Power.”

“Weren’t able to, or did it reject you because of Level?”

“There wasn’t a mechanism for it. On the main Skills, when you click on them, there is a pull-down menu with the choice to add a point. The sub Skills don’t have that option. Will Power didn’t even have a menu.”

“You almost died. I don’t even know how you didn’t. Why didn’t you try to escape, or run away?”

“Punch drunk. I lost myself and couldn’t stop, I wasn’t thinking at the end, just trying not to die.”

“You could have run earlier,” she protested.

“No. I was trapped in a circle of my own making. By leading the zombies in a large circle, I had to make sure that they were close but not too close. The stairs let me thin the lines and reduce the number that could attack me all at once. The rearmost zombies were too far away at the tail. If I would have run, I would have ended up running through them or close enough. Either way, it would have just been me getting surrounded. At least my way, I had my back mostly free.”

“I saw your bruises. Your back was not free.”

“I did get surrounded once, maybe twice, I think. Not sure. The end of the fight is blurry.”

“Do not sell your life so cheaply in the future.” She was pissed. And worried.

She cared.

“Thank you,” I replied softly.

“We could not have taken that mob if they attacked en masse. Jude would have died and the rest of you were too injured for at least one or two more...” I shrugged, not willing to complete that thought.

“You need to trust your team more.”

“If Jude were mobile, my actions would not have been necessary. That girl needs a talking to, once she is up and about.”

I could tell Heather wanted to take a frying pan to my head, but I was in no condition for another beating and she knew it.

“Anything else?” Heather’s face pursed. She was not pleased and that line of thought wasn’t good for either of us.

“I forgot something in the white room.” pulling out the ice cream sundae, I handed it over. “Take a look at its description.”

“ ... running around with your friends all of the day long?” she questioned the item’s description.

“Why didn’t you take it while fighting the zombies?”

“I forgot about it. I was pressed, remember?”

That earned another scowl.

“You wanted something to study. Go take it to your scientists. Brownie points and stuff.”

“What do you think of our performance in the last run?”

“We sucked.”

Sighing at me as if I were a child who did bad, “details, Jason?”

“My placement was poor, my control was all over the place, I should have waited a few more days to stabilize my strength more since I threw two points into it before entering.”

“What about the others?”

“Edna was too passive, she let others take the boss on her side instead of stepping up. I know she beat up more zombies, but she is a much better fighter than Jude, that ghoul wouldn’t even slow her down. They should have switched places at the time. I didn’t see everything. I was fighting two bosses at once, so I might be out of place with my opinion.”

“Go on.”

“Nat is still too inexperienced with her Fire Staff while working in conjunction with others. She has improved a great deal, but that was from solo training. Not supporting from the back or side. She is also overly reliant on the staff for hand to hand instead of shooting off Fireshot.”

“Kate, I have no clue how to improve what she is doing. I don’t know how much Mana she is using or anything else. For you, I’m not sure. You were mostly helping those two and I didn’t see much of your efforts. You would know better than me. Edna too.”

We discussed the main fight while I soaked and froze my balls off.

Helping me exit and dry off, I felt numb. I had soaked too long, Heather led me to a small room with a single bed and summoned the medic. The inner tube-like wraps soon covered me head to toe. Filling them with air, I was squished and ‘compressed’, as the treatment required for deep bruises, like most of mine were.

Neither my boss and friend nor the medic stayed long. Making sure I had a buzzer, they left me to sleep off my wounds, both women exiting soundlessly.

Chuckling to myself, I felt that I looked like the Michelin man from the advertisements. I was covered in white oval balloons.

Francis returned from who knows where that afternoon, and pitched in on the Healing.

Saturday, wearing matching new white dresses, Kate, Natalie and Jude attended their graduation. Heather and I sat in the stands and watched the ceremony, not that she spent a single minute off of the phone, but went, nonetheless. The girls didn’t have to know.

Nat and Kate both insisted on pushing Jude’s wheelchair. The latter wasn’t pleased, but it was the only way she would be cleared to attend. In faded black gowns, the kids and parents waited through the sermons and encouragements until names were called. Those three were first after the honor students, on the account of Jude’s disability, followed by five others on crutches and other instruments of assistance.

The football stands were filled by families cheering and celebrating. It was a hopeful and enjoyable atmosphere.

I sighed in remembrance of mine. Too loudly, I discovered after the fact. I drew my blonde companion’s attention.

We met the ladies after commencement ended near the front of the stage, talking to a familiar older woman. I promised to take all of them out to dinner and a show after, but Edna bailed and took a Caribbean vacation to heal up, leaving me with the four remaining teammates.

“Real mothers do not break their daughters arm four times in six years.” Nat stood between Jude’s mother and her friend, loudly stating her position.

“Don’t speak out of your ass, slut. Move away from my little girl.” I stepped forward and caught Mrs. Smith’s hand which went back to slap my favorite extrovert.

“Mother, I did not invite you because I never want to see you again.”

Screaming too loudly for the time and place, “Let go of my hand!” she tugged. My strength had just passed the threshold of human, similar to my Endurance. There was no way she would be able to move me unless she used a crane.

Ignoring Jude’s parent’s demand. “Do not raise your hand or your voice to my friends. Heather can you summon security please?”

She didn’t have to bother, one of the teachers already apparently had.

Jude’s mother tried to kick me, I twisted her arm and made her kneel. My iron grip held her rigidly in place.

“Mother, you ruined my life, please don’t ruin my graduation too.” Jude was on the edge of tears.

The trio of security, off-duty Chicago police, listened to our stories. Heather flashed her badge; the title of deputy director carried a lot of weight regardless of what US Agency it was attached to.

As a parting shot, “it would have been nice if you came to my graduation sober for once, instead of high as a kite like always.”

Despite protests, or because of them, the officers present took another look at the irate woman in their hoped-for custody. There were always incidents during graduation; at best they hoped for a slap and yells between family members, at worst were the shootings. A high relative was nothing new to them. If the woman could calm down, she would be released as soon as the children were out of sight. Otherwise, an afternoon getting fingerprinted was in her future.

Calm was never a part of Mrs. Smith’s makeup when it came to her daughter, unfortunately.

Heather remarked to me that she saw them cuff her as we left the field. Jude was pissed, and the other two girls weren’t all that pleased.

Adding insult to injury, Kate’s stepdad appeared just as we hit the turnstile. Groaning, the Terrible Trio stopped and made nice.

“Sorry Conrad, I didn’t think you would make it. We have reservations already and a play after. How about brunch tomorrow?” Kate asked, nicely.

“Who are your friends Katie?”

“Jason and Heather, they are our bosses.”

“You have a job?”

“Yes, I have a Weapon and am a Hunter now.”

“That’s dangerous. People die in those things.” His timid attitude shown through. No wonder he wasn’t the best salesman. Even Paula could be forceful when cornered.

Or was that fierce?

“Can we talk about it tomorrow? Jude’s hurt, she got in an accident and needs her meds.”

“If you insist. Make sure you come straight home after.”

“I don’t live there anymore. While in training, I have to stay with my bosses. I’ll call you at nine tomorrow. Thanks for coming to my graduation.”

After giving the mousy man a quick hug, she created separation between the two, by pushing Jude’s wheelchair forward. We followed closely. I just hoped that Nat’s mother didn’t complete the trifecta.

“Don’t worry, mom won’t show, she expects me to come to New York. My apartment’s lease runs out on the thirtieth of June, she’s forcing me to go to her or get my own.” Nat responded, as if reading my mind.

As if the previous encounters never happened, our dinner was fun, their parents never mentioned and three lively young women, enjoyed new taste sensations by trying the more exotic menu choices.

Jude held her nose and squealed when trying escargot in garlic sauce, for the first time. Nat’s ‘no way in hell’, was heard across the room. Using a tiny fork, Kate did attempt the snail, no chewing was involved.

I thought they were fairly tasteless; the buttery garlic overpowered the rubbery meat. Heather also took a pass. A quiet one.

Just outside the theater, we took more pictures. The restaurant had a place for the few graduates that reserved the limited seating to take pictures while waiting for their table to be readied.

My Fair Lady, at the Chicago Theater, wasn’t half bad. The girls, all four of them, thoroughly enjoyed the play. Me, not so much. I had tried, no back stage passes were available after Saturday’s showing. Not that they seemed to notice the lack.

They did run onstage, rolled in Jude’s case, for us to take pictures of them. The staff was very cooperative. They couldn’t roll up the curtains, but they could make sure that the girls were not interrupted.

Heather and I swapped vehicles after cake and ice cream at my place. The van was wheelchair accessible, not that Jude really needed it, but we were playing it safe.

I crashed on my sofa that night. Jude stole my bed and the other two miscreants each had a bed of their own to choose from. She could and did walk, and just had to be careful of ripping apart her stitches before Kate could finish working her magic.

My wounds were healing insanely fast after that first day of near constant ice baths. According to my status, I had healed five health per full night of sleep. When I asked Heather, when no one else was around, she replied that she only recovered one health per night, the same as my old healing rate before I broke 11 Endurance.

When asked why, I responded with my recovery rate, which silenced her. I also got that, ‘are you even human anymore?’ look.

My recovery rate did not make my Portal inspection report. Pretty much everything else did though.

Saturday evening before bed, I did throw up an advertisement on the net for keys and chests of any color found inside the dungeons. I’d be willing to pay in cash or in silver nuggets. That website took me the last few weeks to build and secure. Paula helped a great deal on the security aspect and pretty much everything else, saying that she wanted to pay me back.

For what? That went unsaid and unasked.

She loved her second full spa treatment that I sent as a thank you gift. I think I discovered her weakness in my ultra-shy friend.

Sunday morning, I had twenty-five responses: twenty gold keys and safes, four silvers of each and one brass key. The brass offer looked genuine, the rest were suspect. Maybe the silver lockbox was legitimate. Possibly a key, but I doubted the rest after seeing the pictures. One of the gold keys looked like mine; I still doubted it.

I dropped off Kate and Nat at Kate’s former apartment for brunch with her stepfather Sunday morning. The guy with the brass key wanted five hundred silver for his key, but we agreed on three hundred. He said he could put and take it out of his inventory and sent a video of it disappearing which cinched the deal, the gold key and the silver key holders did the same trick. The gold key holder wanted a thousand for his but accepted five hundred silver for it and the silver guy was willing to take three hundred nuggets for hers, she was just hours away by car. A Purdue student in their engineering program.

I sent the brass key holder, via registered package, the silver to his house in Mexico City. It was worth the gamble for that price after receiving a copy of his photo of his ID. I did the same for the man from Bath, England. A little over a thousand nuggets for one of each key type was outright theft on my part.

The others were obvious scams or wanted the sun, moon and stars for their stuff. The California gold Key holder wanted ten thousand silver nuggets for his key.

No one had that much silver. I was one of the richest outside of the military, and was only a little past half-way to ten thousand nuggets myself. I wished him good luck with that request.

The rest of the responses asked on my website, demanded, how I got so much silver.

I responded with a partial truth. ‘I found a diamond in an Indigo Portal worth 2500 silver.’ I wasn’t sure which one of us found it.

That tidbit of information exploded the forums.

Aside from the ones cursing me and/or calling me a liar, the number one response was; ‘WHERE?’

I grinned while reading through the responses over the madness that I caused. I called Heather on the way to Perdue to meet the seller with the plans I finalized last night during my lack of sleep. My couch was never meant for more than an hour nap or four hours of lounging so I had spent most of the night awake.

I also dropped a link to my new pay-to-join website, which had that and other information of Indigo silver stashes on it.

Once they paid, there was a second tier that they could access for a small additional price. The NDA added to the site, was one I got from the net that they had to electronically sign before joining.

I grinned knowingly. I didn’t expect to make much money off of it, but some was better than none. Also my believability levels would increase in the future, if the information was handled correctly and the price was reasonable.

The key and safe information, I would not release, someone else could do that.

The seller was at a large dorm, a freshmen girls-only one.

My dark skinned, hoodie covered contact, had a long, barely healed scar under her left eye. She limped and looked miserable. I withheld my wince on seeing Miss Bell for the first time.

“You guessed it; I’m not going back in. Half my party died.”

“You are Caitlin Bell? Are there no Healers in the area?”

“He wants fifty thousand dollars to remove the scars. I don’t have that much. Plus, Roger’s a braggart and a coward. He went in once and pissed his pants. Everyone knows about it.

“Can you skip class for a few days?”

“I’m on summer vacation, classes have been over for a couple weeks.”

“How is the rest of your party?”

“Fine, I guess. Kim and Lanita are talking about going back in, if they find more people.”

“One second.” *Click, “Kate? ... Can I borrow your services later tonight and tomorrow, maybe a week or two? A scarred girl your age ... a favor to me named later from me ... thanks.”

“Miss Bell? If you give me the key, I can take you to someone that will heal you. Her best friend was wounded worse than you on the third floor of an Indigo on our last run, so she will have to split time between both of you. I will also ask you to give me a full write up on your dungeon runs, if you could.”

“She’ll heal me?”

“She’s Level 2 in Healing.”

“I thought only the army had Level 2s?”

“My team is pretty good. Are you willing to risk the opportunity?”

“To get rid of my scars without plastic surgery? You have to be kidding. Let me prep a bag. How long will it take?”

“A couple weeks at most. She does have a primary patient, her best friend.”

“I can be second, third or ninth. Wait here please. Oh wait, your name is Jason, right?”


“Are you the one that does all the Indigo write ups, on the Forums?”

“That is probably me.”

“COOL! Give me fifteen.”

Caitlin Bell, came back loaded for bear.

“What is your weapon?” I asked once we left the dorm area.

“Darkness Magic.”


“Yeah, no else has it that I know of.”

“Have you considered just staying on Violet until you get stronger?”

“Ants are boring.”

“Zombies and Ghouls are deadly,” I countered.

“My face got wrecked. No way do I want to go back.”

“Your choice, but you have a unique or at least a rare profession. I bet you will get hordes of requests once you Level up a few times. They might even pay for you to go with them.” My arguments didn’t hold any weight to the girl with a three-inch facial scar.

“What happened in that run?” I asked once inside my car.

“Derrik fell. A zombie bit his ankle and didn’t let go. Once he fell, I didn’t have anyone protecting me.”

“And the rest?”

“The ghoul was too fast. I’m the one that killed it. The rest looked like they were moving in slow motion. Even Lattie couldn’t keep up with it.”

“If I could get you some training, would you be interested in going back in? Violet first? Maybe Indigo if you impress?”

“Why? Just because I have Dark Magic?”

“Partly. You also said you were the one to bring down the Ghoul boss. That isn’t easy for a 1st Level Hunter.”

“I have awesome reflexes.”

“And your hand-eye coordination can’t be bad either.”

“I rock at ping pong.”

“If you are interested you can train with my team.”

“Your team got hurt,” she protested.

“On the third floor of Indigo. One of the girls tried to solo a Ghoul in a horde of zombies and paid the price. She killed it but got badly injured.”

“You are really on the third level of Indigo?”

“Yes. All six of us broke through Level 2 in experience, a while ago.”

“Shit. Why couldn’t I have found you instead of those lame asses?”

“You just did. Think about it.”

Heather will be ecstatic.

“What about the key?”

“Give it to me after your scar is gone. Kate is our team’s Healer, she’s damn good.”

“Why would she go in those things, she can’t fight?”

“Maybe not yet, but as we all Level up, she will eventually learn a spell or two that will be more than decent. Besides, think of your own team. How useful would a Healer have been for you? Do you think that you would have any issues giving that person a full share?”


My sales pitch ended.

Kate was a little sad and strangely happy, “Conrad wasn’t planning to kick me out. He was going to only charge me rent until I was ready to get my own place.” Kate blurted when I entered my house with Caitlin in tow.

“That’s good, isn’t it? This is Caitlin. Kate, she suffered from a collapsing frontliner from a zombie.”

“Hi. Ignore him. He has no manners. Jude’s in the other room. Jason, bring in your guest’s bags.”

One successfully-transferred girl. Bags I could do, I set her three suitcases in the hall to have girls sort them later.

“You get paid to train?” I heard from my bedroom.

Go get her, Katie!

I walked outside in the backyard on the phone, informing Heather of our latest recruit. She told me that Darkness Magic was rarer than I knew.

We all planned on a two-week hiatus after the last run. Everyone, besides myself that was. I kept on clearing and marking the first floor of untouched Violets, four days a week. The other days were spent with my builder and moving.

I already signed for the condo downtown allowing the girls to move in before I could. They did leave the master bedroom and the smallest one, for my office. Splitting the two bedrooms between the four went smoother than planned. Cait was still unconfirmed about training or entering a Portal again, but they were working on her.

Cait roomed with Jude to make their scar healing go that much faster. The Chain +1 Skill did work on healing. We were all pleased.

Fucking-Ecstatic was more like it!

The movers came and went. No breakage, not even a single picture frame!

Edna returned from her stay in the sun all tanned and smiling. She didn’t even mind the white scar remnant under her chin.

“Kate will get me when she Levels up. Jude needs her first,” was the only explanation she was willing to give about her lack of concern over her facial scar’s presence.

“Want to come play in a blue? Heather got us one.”

“Is that where you have been soloing?”

“Nope. Never been in this one before. What do you say? You, me and four airheads hunting down skeletons wielding swords and sometimes wearing armor?”

I had been briefed on the Blue’s first two floors. Skeletons equipped with a variety of melee weapons and bosses in armor carrying greatswords. All of them were damage-resistant against edged physical attacks and had the basic stats of normal healthy humans. The Bosses were upgraded versions, across the line. From what I read between the lines, they had all sixes in attributes and Level 2s in combat ability. Their actual Weapon Skill Levels varied quite a bit. One of the reports stated that the boss was better than the Ranger who wrote the Blue Portal report.

He might even had been a Level 3 with his weapon.

To me didn’t sound like he ‘might have been’, he was Level 3.

Weaknesses of all the skeletons, were the neck and head. Crushing the ribcage would also kill the fleshless, undead monsters, yet much more difficult.


“We have been waiting for you,” I grinned, “to get tired of surf, sun and cabana boys waiting on you hand and foot.”


Caitlin was irritated that she wasn’t invited to go exploring with us. Even if she continued to refuse to ever enter one again, it was a further sign of her weakening stance. Her friendship with Jude and the rest, had deepened in her stay with me at my rented condo.

Bruce had already pulled all of the licenses needed to begin building my new house. The title search and insurance came out clean after three days of searching.


Sunday, the second of June, we entered the Blue Graveyard, as the Rangers referred to the dungeon.

Immediately at the end of the stairs, an eight foot, rusted wrought iron Gate appeared before us. The iron fence’s peeling black paint was noticeable contrasted to the rusting pits along the iron posts. The double-sided hooked tops dissuaded anyone from climbing the fence from inside or out.

A heavy fog covered the sparse grass with thin broken gravestones lined up in long even rows. An occasional mausoleum dotted the landscape. Most were small, yet a large one was reported in the center of the graveyard, from where the bosses emerged.

“NO WAY IN HELL!” Nat shuddered.

“Jason did you leave something out of your report?” Kate hid behind me. Even Edna looked uncomfortable.

And it wasn’t even my report, Heather had given it to me first to read over.

“It’s just a graveyard.” A few of the reports did mention an uncomfortable feeling on entering the dungeon.

I didn’t feel anything different.

“I think Jason should go kill everything. We will guard the Gate.” Jude’s suggestion was seconded by Heather, of all people.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Kate agreed.

“Jason, go scout around. We will wait here,” Heather ordered.

“Okay. I’ll look around, I don’t know what the big deal is, it’s just like the Mall.”

“Don’t leave us,” Jude stopped me.

“Okay, what’s going on?” I turned around. Four and a half very scared women stood there showing signs of not going further, come hell or highwater.

“Don’t you feel it?”

“Feel what? I feel the dampness of the fog and smell the earthiness of fresh dirt.”

“I don’t know how to describe it. It feels scary.”

“And the rest of you?”

They were in a consensus. Even battle-hardened Edna felt ill at ease.

“I think what you are feeling is part of the test.”

“What test?” Heather demanded.

“The dungeons are the testing and training grounds. I thought everyone knew that.”

I received two sets of awkward looks and three sets of hostile ones.

Knowing when to retreat, or not to in this case, “Edna in front, diamond formation. I’m in back, Jude left and Nat to the right. Remember; neck, head and upper rib cage are the vulnerable spots. If the limbs become detached, they stop moving. I am not going to fight in here unless you need me. Training, remember?”

They weren’t happy.

They were loud about not being happy.

They were very loud and threatening, about being very unhappy.

But we ended up entering the graveyard with me at the rear, with the change of orders that I would not hold back.

I promised that I would not hold back.


When the first skeleton warrior broke through the ground, I was this close to being the only one left. Thankfully, they made their morale check (grin) and didn’t flee. I had to step forward and use the hammer end of my Axe to crush its skull, since none of my ladies were moving.

Five more yellowed white skeletal white bodies broke through the ground surrounding us.

“Wake up!” I shouted.

Them not reacting was scary. Edna moved first. Her action spurred the rest, though slowly. Edna decapitated her opponent. I pulverized two more skulls, Kate’s heal returned one to an unmoving state and Jude kept the last one busy until Heather finished it off. Nat cowered in fear, crying.

Her reaction was surprising. She was the most energetic of the lot. Maybe her overactive imagination worked against her here.

Kate comforted the cowering teen from one side, with me on the other. No one mocked or teased her. They all understood. More than I did, at least. I still did not feel the sense of dread that the rest did.

“Kate, switch with Nat please.”

“Natalie, trust me, trust us. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

It took her a few minutes to calm down. Edna made her stomp and attack the piles of inactive bones with her staff to feel better about herself. Our plan was to turn left and work in a spiral inward hopefully clearing the graveyard that way and not leaving anything behind us to ambush us later. Moving much slower than our plan, we started hunting again.

The next few encounters were pretty much the same. Edna improved the fastest. Heather was okay after a half dozen fights. Kate was super effective against the skeletons if she struck their heads; Jude was almost as good as Edna with her Undead Slayer sub-Skill if she too hit them in the head or necks, but Nat was having serious issues. The skeletons scared the girl silly, where the zombies hadn’t.

Same as Axeman
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 15

Jethro, You are a man of great promise, but I can give you an even greater one. The power over those around you, fed by fear and control. Why settle for being a lone soldier, when you could be greater? All you need is the vision to see a great future for you and the will to do what it takes to bring it to fruition. Understand that despite this power, you will serve me and will do so for all time. If you fail to understand that, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out, after I kill every...

4 years ago
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Please Fuck My Mom

Lindsey was concerned!Her father who had always been an asshole had walked out on her and her mom. As far as Lindsey was concerned this was a good thing!That unfortunately was not the same for her mother, Trudy. Trudy had just turned forty and while Lindsey thought of her mom as smart and pretty, Trudy consider herself as unattractive. For the first month Trudy cried a lot and spent most if her time in bed. Lindsey believed this would come to an end but when it did not change decided she needed...

4 years ago
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wedding day whore part 1

Lisa stood there with her mouth wide open in shock, 20 minutes ago she had been putting the finishing touches to herself getting ready for her big day. Her hair and make up were looking perfect, her nails had been manicured. As she looked at herself in the bridal suite mirror she thought to herself she had never looked better. Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38c breasts being pushed up by the tight fit, she had considered whether or not to...

1 year ago
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The Uzumakis

"Okay, here it is. The last mission Granny Tsunade gave me before she gave up the reigns." Naruto said as he looked at his destination, a large creepy looking mansion in which he'd been given his assignment: apparently some Zetsu's had been capturing people and were operating out of the mansion, Naruto was being sent as a scout to determine whether or not they had hostages so that a group of Anbu's could go in later. Naruto thought he could hear giggling as he was about to enter the mansion but...

3 years ago
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Alyssa 3 Moms Trap

Alyssa 3 – Mom’s trap After Gary’s party I still saw Morgan at school every day, but now it was different. Now any time we crossed paths there was an obvious, almost irresistible draw to each other. I would always smile, or perhaps leer is a better word, and watch her pass by. I had to be very careful that Alyssa never saw, but I did watch her every time. I did get together with Morgan once or twice on the side when Alyssa had to go out of town for lacrosse games or some other event. We never...

2 years ago
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Chapter 02 Felicity Julia Get To Know Each Other

I must have drifted off to sleep because it was starting to get light when I heard a faint noise, the sound of someone in my room. In the half-darkness, I partly opened one eye and could just make out the outline of a person standing in my doorway. They were wearing a long baggy white tee-shirt, pulled up at the front.Keeping perfectly still and quiet, I listened and heard the unmistakable, delicious sound of fingers working a well-lubricated vulva. I could hear breathing and a quiet,...

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I was still chuckling at Dave’s latest quip when Ellen turned to kiss me. We had crossed the street after getting off the train, she and I holding hands and Dave walking next to us. She kind of stepped in front of me to do it, stopping me in my drunken tracks. Fact was we were all pretty well lit up but she had a more-mischievous-then-drunk look in her eye as her smirking lips lifted up to mine. My mouth met hers for what I expected to be a short peck in front of Dave, but she threw her arms...

2 years ago
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Mile High Club the Reality

Prelude: It was in the late 70's and I was flying back to San Diego after teaching a 3-week course for engineers in Largo Florida. I'm a contract instructor and it had been a very long 3 weeks, and I was ready for some R&R, but it wasn't to be. I'm certainly not complaining. I was getting on a Continental Airlines Boeing 727. It was a red-eye on a Friday night after teaching a group of engineers for 3 weeks. I taught them how their machine really worked, and I was flat burned out....

1 year ago
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Private Clea Gaultier Marriage Reconciliation Private Style

The stunning Clea Gaultier has come to Private Specials, Break Ups and Makeups Sex as the wife of successful businessman Sam Bourne, however this horny babe is feeling neglected and is in desperate need of some attention. Clea knows just the trick though, and armed with her awesome new big tits and sexy lingerie this gorgeous star has no trouble luring her man in for a fuck that you can enjoy right here on as she sucks, fucks and moans with pleasure all the way until a facial...

4 years ago
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Big Red Part Two

Big Red - Part Two By Katharine Sexkitten I spent about four hours watching porn on my laptop. I wanted to find more videos like the one with Sierra. I was so blown away by her, and the parts of her that weren't 'her' parts, that I had to find out if it was a one-off kind of thing, or whether there were other sexy feminine- looking creatures like her. It turns out the Net is full of sexy cross-dressing slutty girls. Or gurls, as I saw some of them spelled. One website after...

2 years ago
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Emilys Carpark InitiationChapter 2

Emily’s first experience in being one of the nasty girls at the car-park left her with the resolve to be more selective in choosing the lucky lads that would get a taste of her feminine favors. She also made the decision to cut her brother off from her goodies except for the odd “on her knees” session just to help him over a dry spell of happy humping. He certainly didn’t like the fact that she had suddenly developed an aversion to the sin of incest, but he was a handsome devil and the...

2 years ago
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Number Four

Disclaimer I have no idea how this horrific main character could spring from my mind. I?m not sure I?d even technically call this BDSM, even though it has many BDSM features. It all started with me wanting to explore the life and mind-set of a professional torturer. Not as an evil character, but rather as the typical ?good guy? protagonist. The main character is, believe it or not, based on a woman I know who annoys me infinitely. She isn?t nice, she just thinks she is. I liked the idea of...

3 years ago
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Biwi ki icchha puri ki

My name is rajiv and i m 32 years old. I married to leena , at now her age is 30 years. Her stat is 38-30-38. She is so beautiful and her height is 5’-5”. Leena ka dress up sense kaafi acha tha. Who hamesha body fitting wale kapre pehnti thi jisse who aur bhi jyada sexy dikhti thi. Mujhe aise dress up se koi pareshani nahi thi. Main hamesha se yeh chahta tha ki who aise kapre pehne jisse kewal mujhe uske boobs ke darshan hote rahen jab bhi who mujhe kuch khane peene ka serve kare. Par who...

1 year ago
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How my Daughter become my slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is John and I am 40 years old and work for NACA and make good money. Last year my wife died of cancer left me with an 18-year-old real sexy and caught me looking at her several time and just smiled. Well one day she came to me and asked if I would get her a new car knowing I had good savings account in the bank. I told her I didn’t know about that but she keeps asking me off and on for a week. She said daddy please I would do any thing for you...

1 year ago
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Matrimony She sleeps, her face a picture painted by the sweet dreams that have her undivided attention. She smiles and he wonders as he watches her, what she might have to smile about, perhaps it is he. He strokes her soft cheek as he rests his chin on the upturned palm of his hand, his elbow taking the weight of his heavy head, and it is heavy too because he’s had a hard day. She had wanted to stay up for his awaited return but sleep found her before he did. He talks to her, he unburdens...

1 year ago
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Keep the noise down

This is my first story on here, I hope you like it. Criticism is welcomed.______________________He silences me with a deep, intense open mouth on open mouth kiss that sucks the air clear out of my lungs, curls my toes and nearly sends my hormones through the roof. We’re an extremely sexual couple; an undeniable and insanely powerful physical attraction exists between us and there’s times when it’s absolutely impossibly for us to keep our hands off of each other. And we make no excuses for it;...

Straight Sex
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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

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It started with a text

I don't know how or why but I will try and explaine as I go along. We have been together one way or another over the last 10 years or so. We have made the earth move while making love or as others might put it .. out right fucking, hard sweaty fucking! When she was closer there were days she would show up after work and we would park at the end if the road. There she would undue my belt and then release my hard cock. She strokes me gently while looking into my eyes as she sucks my cock...

2 years ago
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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 03

Engineer Mike Giles and wife Gloria have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tipoff came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard.. Now a young woman who befriends him sexually tells him what she thinks about his situation. SEVEN At the deli, I said to the assistant I was going to visit a fat lady who was dieting to loose...

2 years ago
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Am I better than Mom

My cock got harder than ever before as I watched my sweet daughter playing with her pussy! I know that it’s wrong, but my hand started to move on its own up and down my cock as I turned my chair to face her. She entered the room, not having to hide from me any more. She moved to the edge of the bed, pulled her hand out of her panties, I could see her wetness all over her fingers as she slid her panties down her legs! I stared dumbfounded at my darling Sarah as she sat down on the edge of the...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Fairy Bench Partner

First let me introduce myself to you. I am a boy of around 5ft8inches, 18 year old, white skinned, rather musky boy with the lowest pitch, musky voice. If you look at my face, you might describe me as a pretty little boy but when it comes to adult materials i am no boy. Now lets start my real story. Till the age of 16, in the name of sex, all i did was masturbation, all day all night i would watch a lot of porn, i had almost around 80 cds of just porn. So, i was a crazy porn fan. But till...

3 years ago
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One long ride home

Driving along the straight, deserted road on my own, I freely begin to turn up the radio and start singing my heart out to keep myself from falling into the pit of boredom and loneliness. Buckling up I begin doing 150mph flat out until I realise that I’ve become lost within the mist of some town. Parking up I reduce the volume and get out, hoping to find someone who could give me directions. Spotting some girl walking along the road I had parked on, I caught up with her and asked her if there...

4 years ago
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The Detective Episode 1 Murder In The Park

Rachel is instantly woken by the sound of the doorbell. Lying in bed, in the darkness, she tilts her head sideways to look at the clock on her bedside table. It’s 3am. Probably just a drunk ringing all the doorbells in the street, she thinks to herself. Or someone trying to get in to the apartment building, trying random buzzers hoping that someone will allow them access. Either way, she decides it isn’t her problem, and closes her eyes. Before she can get back to sleep, however, there is a...

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From Femboi to faggot Madison

From Boy to faggot sissy Madison I meet Maddi Ng one night as I was heading back to my hotel form a sales meeting. I noticed this young lady walking down a dark street while being followed and heckled by 4 thug looking guys. I pulled over and asked her if she needed a ride or to use my cell phone, she jumped in so fast I thought she was going to rip the door off my suv. As I drove away I looked over and noticed that she was actually a very feminine boy. I asked “what was going on” and she...

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Her first time Part 3 Conclusion

I had gone to a local Lesbian bar in the hopes of finding a woman to have my 'first time' with. I didnt find one, I found two. or was it them that found me? I had met Lady Katherine and her slave cunnie at the bar. We made out right there and Lady Katherine had asked if I wanted to play with them as a submissive for tonight only. to see if it was what I wanted. I had agreed and followed Her out to Her limo and We all made Our way to her home. Once in the car, My training began. When...

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This story is about a girl who got Fucked By a older man forcefully. If you want to get more hot stuff like this then don't go anywhere just browse Hey there, my name is Reneesha. I am from Assam 20 years old. I would like to share my personal experience with you guys and I hope you enjoy it. Firstly about my background I m a very open sexy Indian girl. And one more thing guys. If you like my story then get more sex stories of mine at I was born in a family with my father...

2 years ago
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Sasur Ji Bane Saiyaan Ji

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahaani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu. Jiske bare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati, Ghosh Babu, meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 20

As I opened the door to a house that I had not been in for nearly nine years, various emotions filled me. The most prominent was the sense of loss that it brought in me; the loss of both my parents and my best friend. Violet should be here with me, helping me through this as she had always done in the past, but she was missing. Having Liza and Lillian was a small comfort and one that I greatly appreciated. I took a deep breath and took a step through the doorway, into the entrance to my...

4 years ago
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Mark woke suddenly in a cold sweat. God, what a horrible nightmare! He started to try to piece it together, but realized he had a much more urgent problem. His cock was hard as a steel bar, and jerking like it was about to explode. That would never do; Mark slept in the nude and, if he went off like he was sure he was about to, the bed would be a total mess. He looked over at the shape of his wife sleeping next to him. She was out cold. There was no way he could get her awake and ready for...

1 year ago
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My Celtic Cumming of Age Conclussion

After about ten minutes of sex, I had built up the biggest orgasm in the history of man and blew my load inside of her with her cumming simultaniously. Anna, being just as spent as I was,got off of me and currled up in my arms, where we fell asleep. In the morning she woke me up with a kiss and told me that I gave her the best sex she had ever had. I returned her kissed and told her that I don't think I could get it any better either. After that night, we were completely inseperable and...

3 years ago
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Same Old

“If you say he wasn’t right for you, Angie,” Demetria Willis told her sister over the phone, “I’m not going to disagree.” This was definitely not the time to say, “I told you so,” though she had. “He was very wrong for me. He started to get violent there at the end.” “Maybe, though, if you’re not finding your permanent partner, you’re not looking in the right places.” “Dee! Who told you that I’m looking for something permanent? Now that you’ve settled down, you want everybody in the same...

2 years ago
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The Milf Chronicles Harley

It was around four in the afternoon when the teacher’s meeting finally let out. Harley Hendrix felt nearly as happy to be leaving school that day as most of her students. She checked her planner that morning and been very happy to find that she finally had a free weekend all to herself. It had been a while since she had gone out and even longer since she had gotten laid. Harley just didn’t know that was going to change real soon. With her umbrella shielding her from the rain, she cut through...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 6

When I got home from school the next day I saw dad’s car was there, and from the snores I heard when I walked in he was obviously sound asleep in his room. So I did some studying until dinner, then reheated the leftover alfredo from the night before. I then called Linda and we chatted for about an hour until we said our goodbyes. At least on Tuesday dad was back to himself. He spent over 30 hours helping get the Radar back up, apparently it was an integration fault with another unit that had...

1 year ago
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Two Nights alone with My Daughterinlaw

Sherry looked up at me and stated the obvious “I'm drunk!” then fell to her side on the sofa and started to giggle while trying to open her coat buttons. I cautioned her “You better be quiet, you'll wake your mother-in-law and she won't be happy to see you like this.” Sherry looked up at me through a cascade of displaced hair “Why the fuck not? I'm home where I should be, what time is it? My goddamn watch is all fuzzy.” “After one. What have you been doing, I thought you were out...

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Having Fun With Mr Smith

“Henrietta, you look so good in your uniform. Do you like it my dear?” “It’s kind of short. Are you sure your wife wants me wearing this?” “You know my wife is in Germany for the next month. I really like the uniform. I’m paying you extra to wear it. I want you to call your friend and I want you girls to enjoy the hot tub. I’ll pay you extra if you and your friend make love. I of course will be watching the both of you.” “Sophia said she’ll be here in a little while. She said she wanted to...

Group Sex
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Owed to Joy

Owed to Joy“Mum?” Toni said as she sat at the table looking at the computer screen. “What’s this thing with Mr Daniels?” “What thing?” Joy Andrews asked moving over beside her daughter and staring down at the screen. Toni pointed to the figures on the screen.“He owes nearly seven grand!”.“bloody Hell!” Joy said. “I didn’t realise it had got that high.”“Mum! You really are the limit. You’re running a business here! You have to keep on top of things like this. This guy is taking the...

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HandsOnHardcore Lottie Magne Kiara Lord A Family Affair when Stepmom Kiara Lord Screws Her Stepdaughter8217s Bf 8212 and Then Her

New stepmom Kiara Lord can’t believe how messy her stepdaughter is. She goes into Lottie Magne’s room and finds everything in disarray. But while she’s going through Lottie’s stuff, she finds Lottie’s vibrating dildo. Kiara is intrigued — she’s never used toys before! But after the svelte blonde settles her taut twat on the vibrating toy, she experiences waves of ecstasy she’s never known before. But just as Kiara is about to cum again,...

4 years ago
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A Used WifeChapter 4

I watched as he opened the piece of paper and read what I had written. I managed to ask as he read, "How much would that cost and could I get it done today?" He looked at me, then back at the paper. He read some more, then looked back up at me. I waited and I was so scared at that point I almost turned and ran out of the place. I watched as he got this great big grin on his face, then he said, "If I put this on you now, how will you conceal all this from your husband? I think it would be...

1 year ago
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P I And MagicChapter 3

I woke up with a splitting headache. I was puzzled, then I remembered! I was eating supper with Lauder when I felt ill. Damn, drugged! I sat up and immediately wished I hadn't. Nausea swept through me. I silently willed myself better. Slowly at first, then quicker, I started to feel better. I took stock of myself. I was sitting on a bed. Someone had removed my shoes, socks, and other clothing. I was sitting only in my boxer's. I got up and went through the rooms. It was the same suite they...

2 years ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 11

Olivia’s arm was around my waist. Her thigh was rubbing warmly against mine. Her head spent about as much time on my shoulder as it did thrown back in laughter. I watched my dad. I loved my dad. I supposed that’s not uncommon. I always wanted to do what he did. I wanted to live up to what I thought my dad was. Someone who kept putting in the time even after he was exhausted. Carrying us, mom, the house, his own problems, on his shoulders with nothing short of a smile. It’s why I had loved...

3 years ago
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Horny Stepdaughter

So i started seeing this woman Lisa about six months ago. As we were dating she warned me one of her friends would be hitting on me and she would be watching me like a hawk. She did not trust this so called "friend" who tries to fuck all of her men and she cannot get rid of this person because of a personal connection. I was curious what connection she would have that was so deep it would cause her to not cut the cord?After a month, she finally admitted to me it was her 24 year old daughter...

3 years ago
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Mystery Man

A sunny Saturday afternoon, I met you on-line. We have been chatting and emailing back & forth. During our chats, I express to you my yearn for passion and mystery in my life. Although you have seen pictures of me, I have only a brief description of you: 5'4, 200lbs, bald, little facial hair amd sexy eyes. MMMMMMM my imagination runs wild with thoughts of your appearance. I beg you for a picture, but you do not comply. I simply settle for the mystery. You didn't even give me your...

4 years ago
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Raping Mom

Her parents had always struggled with her, warning her of her wild behavior; so it was no surprise when she got pregnant. To keep her boyfriend from getting in trouble for having sex with her, she kept his name a secret. She only kept telling them he was responsible and that he had promised he would help her with the baby. However, before the baby was even born, he graduated and accepted a job out of state. He never had any intentions of returning, but told her the usual story. He would...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Lucy Endless Hardcore Lust

Super sexy teen vixen Lucy plays with her shaved pussy in the outdoors when Lutro stops by to join her for some sensual Hardcore fun in the garden. The horny redhead fingers her tasty fuckhole hard and moans ecstatically which makes him wanna lick that clit immediately. He starts sucking her hard nipples and massages her mouth-watering 32DDD/E / 70G teen tits with his strong hands. Lucy indulges in cocksucking and fills her insatiable deep throat with his giant veiny dick before letting him...

2 years ago
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ConanChapter 9

Something had been gnawing at me for the last few months, and I finally had to bring it up to Atrina. I was about to become a father many times over, and I was beginning to have second thoughts about dumping my progeny out into the world as raw slaves. It just didn't seem right to me to treat my children that way. The question was, how was I going to get Atrina to come around to my way of thinking. The only way that I could figure was to make a sound economic argument. I started out be...

1 year ago
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An Older Perfect Mistress and a Three Day WeekendDay Two

The room was mostly dark when I woke, but you could see a little ambient light peaking from the sides of the curtains knowing that the sun was out already. Owwwe my ass ached still; I could see the big cock that had fucked me on the floor on the rug that was on my side of bed. It was still unbelievably big, and I was thinking it was pushing my own cum inside of me! I did need to go to the bathroom, so I slipped out from under my Mistress's arm careful not to wake her, and walked to the main...

3 years ago
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SargeChapter 16

It took a month, after I picking up my first purchase of materials for the inside of the camper, to get it on the road. It wasn’t because I was having problems working on it. It was because it took that long for me to get past, whatever caused the attack on my skeletal system. In the meantime I continued to ride the bike in the morning and the scooter whenever I needed to go anywhere. After the first two of those weeks, I had a surprise visitor. You guessed it, Ms Shepard showed up at my...

1 year ago
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Sex With Manager In Bangalore

Hi all, first let me tell in short about myself and team mgr. Myself Ajay and team mgr Priya,42 (from Mluru very fair and hot, about 36 breast size, avg height, chubby). This happen about a few weeks ago so I thought of sharing it here as I ‘m a regular reader of ISS. I works in a call center in Bengaluru since few years, I work with team mgr as she like someone to do her left out work, so this made me bit close to Priya. Since she had a big boobs I had a crush since the day one I joined but I...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 7

The last day of school seemed to be dragging on forever as Lindsey sat in Math class. She just wanted to go to Ellie's hotel room and relax. Summer was going to be so great. She rubbed her abdomen. Jordan was sitting next to her. “So,” Jordan said, “I heard that Alex knocked you up.” “So it would seem,” Lindsey said with a smile. “I think it's sweet. You two are perfect together.” “Yeah. I just wish that my life wasn't so screwed up.” Jordan nodded. “Have you heard anything about...

3 years ago
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The Business Dealpart 2

After my ordeal in her hotel room, I had left it a couple of weeks before I had plucked up the courage to call her. I had tried to put off our meeting, but money was becoming a bit tight, and the contract we had verbally agreed on was still not signed, and was waiting for me to collect. She had given me directions to her house and instructed me to be there at 10 o´clock SHARP OR ELSE!! Her tone had sounded stern, so I didn´t want to upset her, and dutily turned up as I had been told.

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