Enchanted free porn video

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‘I have waited all of my life for this moment.’ She was looking me in the eyes, which was hardly surprising, given that her nose was touching my nose. Her hand grasped him gently and she led him to her pussy, her sopping wet pussy. I obliged her by slowly pushing him inside her until we were pubis to pubis. ‘And let me tell you, it has been worth the wait.’ Her eyes closed as she caught her breath and her arms tightened their hold on my neck. There was no escaping her now.

I had waited slightly less than she, a matter of hours, ever since she approached me and said, ‘So you’re the infamous Llewellyn Morgan.’

‘I am, as you have so rightly said, Llewellyn Morgan, but I don’t know about the ‘infamous’ title.’ As surreptitiously as possible I took in the young lady that stood before me. Her name was Silvanna, and she was one of the bridesmaids at my sister Myf’s wedding, the one that I had flown halfway around the world to attend.

No, I am not in Wales, my, our family had left there over a hundred and fifty years ago and settled in Australia. Our parents were proud of their Welsh heritage and tradition, and insisted that traditional family names continue, at least for this generation. I had been searching family records and there was and endless stream of Llewellyns and Myfanwys in each generation as far back as the County records could be traced.

‘And you are the equally infamous Silvanna, I have heard so much about you in the past few days.’

‘All lies.’ She smiled at me, and in the process improved on her perfection.

‘Just as what you have heard about me is all lies.’ I returned her smile, ‘If I had done half of what I am supposed to have done, I would not be welcome back here. While I can’t admit to having lived a life of monastic celibacy, I certainly didn’t put it about as much as you have been led to believe.’

‘Oh it wasn’t the quantity of your conquests that have been spoken of, it was the quality. There are several young ladies in this room right now who have been singing your praises. That you have managed to wriggle out of their clutches without them hating you, is also the matter of some comment.’

‘As you, yourself have managed to avoid permanent commitment, I understand the the groom and best man were panting after you at one time or other.’

‘What can I say, I was saving myself for you.’

‘Oh yeah, pull the other leg, it has bells on it.’

‘It’s true, every word of it. Right from the time that I first met Myf at high school, I have been regaled with tales of her wonderful older brother. You, it would seem, could walk on water, you could do no wrong as far as she was concerned.’

‘Then how is it that we have never met before today?’

‘She was protecting you from me. Even back in the day I had a reputation, undeserved I might add, of being something of a prick tease, we couldn’t catch the train home from school without being surrounded by boys, all wanting the same thing, a chance with the girl that their mates were talking about. I was an anachronism, the sure thing that didn’t put out. I invented phantom dates to avoid going out with them, this increased my reputation at the same time as deflating the egos of some of the biggest studs around.’

‘Surely you must have met someone who would have more attractive to you than the myth of me?’

‘But you aren’t a myth, you are a real live wonderful person, and, in the cold light of sobriety, there was always some little thing that made them less than perfect.’

‘How do you know that I will not be less than perfect?’

‘I have been doing my homework. Every girl that I have spoken with has said the same thing, that they could find no fault in you, and that they were devastated that you avoided them, commitment wise.’

‘You do realise that I’m only in town for the next couple of days, don’t you?’

‘Then we had better make the most of the time available. What would your parents think if you didn’t go home tonight?’

‘I’m a big boy and can look after myself.’

‘I’m sure you can. Don’t go away, I have to mingle, and don’t go chatting up some other girl to avoid me. I’ll scratch their eyes out.’

‘I’ll try to avoid them.’

‘Good, and I want to dance with you, at least twenty times.’

‘I saw you talking to Silvanna, what was that all about?’ Myf said to me.

‘She has loaded her harpoon gun and has me in her sights.’

‘I guessed as much, it’s all that she has talked about since I told her that you were coming home for the occasion. She even told me that’s the reason that she’s still single. You’re a big boy now, I hope that you go into this with your eyes open, and not get trapped by her enchanting personality. She can, when she wants to, be very enchanting, she even tried it on with Jeremy. I was lucky that he didn’t fall for her charms.’

This wasn’t the impression that I had got from Silvanna, but I let it slide, not wanting to spoil her day for her.

I saw Silvanna heading in my direction, so I grabbed two glasses of bubbly from a hovering waitress and held one out to her as she approached. ‘You’re a mind reader as well as a godsend, how did you know that I was dying of thirst?’

‘The fact that you had your hand around your throat and your tongue out was a dead give-away.’ I took a sip of mine, it definitely wasn’t proper champagne, but it wasn’t all that bad. She sipped hers and placed her glass on a table.

‘Time for us to dance.’ I hastily put my glass down as she came into my arms. Dancing close to her was something special, we slid around the floor, my hand holding her to me with a minimum of pressure. ‘Doesn’t this feel good?’ She asked my neck.

‘You could say that.’ I told her hair. We changed from the traditional dancing position to me with my hands on her hips and she with her arms around my neck. We were oblivious to the other dancers and the music, lost in our own time and space. ‘Do you come here often?’ I asked.

‘Only during the mating season.’ She smiled up at me. ‘And I’m ready to mate.’

‘Have you found a victim, I mean partner yet?’

She nuzzled my neck, and from down there I heard her whisper, ‘I do believe that I have.’

‘That’s nice, anyone I know?’ The sensation of her lips so close to my neck was having a devastating effect on me, in particular my cock, who had made his presence felt in no uncertain way.

‘You and him.’ She said, thrusting her hips against mine. ‘He feels more than ready for action.’ The music stopped. ‘I don’t think that I should move away just yet, do you?’

‘No, it would be a tad embarrassing for me.’ She had a mischievous look in her eyes as she moved to back away from me.

I pulled her to me. ‘Bitch.’ I whispered to her.

‘I am, aren’t I?’ She stayed where she was until he had gone down far enough for us to safely part.

We found that our glasses of bubbly had been taken away, so I leg-roped a waitress and got another couple. What are your plans for the rest of your stay?’ She asked me.

‘Not a lot really, just catching up with family and old friends before I have to go back OS.’

‘Will you have any time for new friends?’

‘I hadn’t planned on making new friends.’

‘Bastard! What about me, aren’t I a new friend that you can spend some time with?’

‘I think that your an old friend, we’ve known each other an hour going on ten years. You are closer and mean more to me than people that I’ve known forever.’

‘Is that one of your tried and true pick-up lines, because if it is it has worked on me. So what is the plan, how do we manage to ditch this lot and where are we going to spend the night?’

‘I don’t think that it will be a good idea for me to take you home, I am staying at home with Mum and Dad.’

‘So what you’re telling me that we are going to my place, is that it?’

‘We could always go to a hotel.’

‘All right,
it looks as if it will be my place.’

The band had begun a new set, so we hit the floor. This time it was a tango and Silvanna enjoyed herself immensely, spending most of the time straddling my thigh and grinding herself on it. ‘My god, we are going to have to do something about this, I came close to an orgasm just now. It’s lucky that this dress has a loose skirt, it made life so much easier for me to get up close and personal with you.’ She kissed me lightly on the lips. ‘That’s to make sure that you don’t stray while I’m off having a pee.’

‘Silvanna,’ Julie, one of the other bridesmaids arrived along with three other girls at the same time as Silvanna. ‘You seem to be monopolising Llewellyn, you do know that he’s going back to England in a couple of days, don’t you?’

‘Is he? I was under the impression that he was back for good.’

‘No, we don’t want to see you hurt by him, he has a reputation of getting girls all excited and anticipating a permanent relationship, and then slipping away, leaving them broken hearted. We wouldn’t like to see that happen to you now, would we?’

‘Bullshit, you’d love to see it happen to me’ She thought to herself. She decided to play along with this. ‘Well, it’s not going to. I won’t let that bastard do that to me. If anyone’s going to break this up, it’s going to be me.’ She washed her hands and left them smirking to each other.

‘The bitches have honed their knives.’ She said as she arrived back. ‘They informed me that you were playing me for a sucker, and that you were going to love me and leave me, all broken hearted.’

‘The love you and leave you is true enough, at least temporarily, that is. We’ll keep in touch while I’m gone and when I get back home we can take up where we left off. I’ll only be gone another couple of months, and then my job is done and I can come home. Can you wait for me for that long?’

‘I don’t have any choice, do I?’

It was time for Myf and Jeremy to leave the party. There was the usual scramble to catch the bridal bouquet and, with a deft movement of her hip, Silvanna managed to push another girl aside and catch it. She turned to me and looked coyly at me over the flowers, totally ignoring the glares of the unsuccessful catchers. She held my eyes in hers as she moved, slowly, seductively, sinuously, in that exaggerated cross over walk of the catwalk models, which she could have been but wasn’t, her intentions abundantly clear, her sights were set on me, and I was going to fall under her spell. She reached me and threw her arms around me, kissing me with a passion that made my toes curl. ‘You don’t want to stay here do you?’ She whispered, her voice deep and throaty and dripping with pure lust.

‘No.’ I managed to stammer. The older guests had, having endured the reception for long enough, beat a hasty retreat, leaving the venue to us younger guests. It was booked, along with an open bar, until midnight and most of those left fully intended to see it through until then. ‘Get your purse and whatever, and let’s get out of here.’

‘You’re not leaving the party early are you?’ Julie asked us as we ran, well walked, the gauntlet of revellers on our way out of the reception venue.

‘Well, yes we are.’ Silvanna said, trying hard not to lose it and laugh. ‘We have to get up early in the morning and go to church, so it’s home to bed and a good nights sleep.’ Julie looked at us, trying to decide whether to believe us or not. By the time that she had decided that we were having her on, we were outside looking for a cab.

I wouldn’t have a clue where Silvanna’s apartment was, you see I was otherwise occupied for the duration of the trip. ‘Here we are then.’ The driver announced, smirking as he looked in the rear vision mirror as I tucked a tit back into her bridesmaid’s dress.

I paid him off and followed her into the apartment block. We resumed, albeit briefly, our embrace. Her lips were welded to mine until the bell pinged to tell us that it had reached its destination. The door slid open and then shut but the elevator didn’t move, except for the door closing, it wasn’t busy this time of night. Eventually I pressed the door open button and we exited to walk the twenty or so metres to her door. We broke the world record for the twenty metre sprint as she scrambled in her purse for her door key card. Swiping it she dragged me inside. ‘Help yourself to a drink, I’ve got to dash to the loo. Quick unzip me.’ She turned her back to me and I slid the zipper down and she shrugged out of the dress. She wore no bra. What she was wearing were white lace panties, and white stockings held up by a white garter belt. She looked so incredibly sexy as she walked into the bathroom that he was becoming more alert. She looked even more sexy as she emerged, still wearing the same clothes, but this time I had an unobstructed view of her pert tits, jiggling ever so slightly, and he was definitely wide awake.

I picked up the glass that I had filled for her and handed it to her. She took a small sip. ‘To hell with booze, I want you.’ She emptied the glass down the sink, took mine from me and its contents followed suit. Her arms were around my neck, her lips leaning against mine. ‘I want to see just how good you really are.’

The feel of her lips against mine as she spoke sent an electric shock throughout my entire body, it was going to take a supreme effort on my part to control my animal urges, the urge to throw her down on the floor and take her, giving no thought to her pleasure, hoping that she would enjoy it as much as I would. ‘All in good time.’

‘When I said I want you, I meant that I want you now.’

‘My love, when I make love to a woman she must feel love, true love and true passion. If you just want sex then I’ll leave right now and you can call for a male escort.’

‘Don’t you dare even think about leaving. If I was only interested in sex I would have chosen any one of the assembled masses of horny men. I chose you.’

‘Well then, you must leave everything up to me.’ I kissed her, my tongue only just touching her lips as I moved it from one side to the other. I held her gently to me, no pressure, just my hands resting on her hips. She pushed her hips forward to apply pressure on my cock. I moved back, far enough that contact was broken. ‘Naughty, you’re not co-operating with me.’

‘I thought that I was a prick tease, you’re nothing but a pussy tease. Please, I want you.’

‘You’ll want me even more before I’ve finished with you.’ I took my hands from her hips and touched her face, my fingertips moving across her soft skin a centimetre a second, barely touching her flesh, across her cheeks and behind her ears, moving down to her jaw and neck, across her neck under her jaw, her head tilted back to allow me access to her neck, she was offering it to me, I kissed it, opening my mouth slightly I nibbled her neck, a sigh escaped from her lips, I could feel her belly against mine, quivering as she orgasmed. My exploration of her face continued for some time before I moved my attention from her neck to the upper slopes of her small but beautifully formed breasts, again my fingertips led the way, brushing lightly around her breast, moving slowly, a centimetre a second, in ever decreasing circles culminating in circling her nipples, puffed from my caresses. My lips found a nipple and gently closed on it, lifting it, before allowing it to drop back. I licked both of them, my tongue moving in a circular motion, around and around, occasionally crossing her hardened nipple.

Dropping to my knees I brought my fingertips down her body to her hips before moving them up again to her armpits, she squirmed as I found her tickle spot, ‘Stop that, please,’ She whispered. I began the journey back down her body and when I reached her hips, my right hand moved around behind her and my fingertip drew circles around her coccyx, her hips moved forward and pressed against my chest, I could smell her moist pussy, her panties showing a watermark,
virtually transparent, she was shaven, no bush. My fingers hooked under the elastic of her panties and lowered them. She stepped from them, leaving them on the floor between my knees, the scent of her passion was now even stronger, taking all of my willpower to stop me rushing to finish her off.

My fingers journeyed down the outside of her wonderful legs, around behind her knees, another tickle zone, she almost collapsed on top of me, her hands on my shoulders preventing that happening, my fingers moved up the inside of her legs, merely brushing her pussy lips before sweeping across her thigh to the outside of her legs and another trip south. On the return journey a finger brushed along the slit between her pussy lips, as I took it away, I put it in my mouth and licked it clean.

I stood, my fingers moving to my shirt buttons, one by one they were undone, revealing more of my chest to her. I slipped the shirt from my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She reached for my belt, but I took her hand away. Undoing the belt and dropping my trousers was my job, and I planned to take my time doing it. Kicking my shoes off I undid the belt and slid it out of the loops, dropping it to the floor next to her panties. The catch at the waist was the next to be undone, followed slowly by the zipper. Taking the waist band, I slowly worked my trousers over my hips and down my legs. When I had them around my ankles, I stepped out of them and added them to the growing pile on the floor. I stood in my jocks, and he stood proud inside them. She was obviously impressed at his size because she moved to take him in her hands. I gently pushed her hand away. My jocks were next to hit the floor, hit being a relative term, because there was no speed or power in their contact with the floor. I stood before her in all my glory, as did she. Taking her in my arms, I performed a slow waltz around the room, my cock standing between us, before sweeping her off her feet. ‘Where is your bedroom?’ I whispered into her ear. She said nothing, merely pointed a trembling finger in the general direction of the bedroom door.

I kicked the door closed behind me, I don’t know why, it wasn’t as if anyone was going to barge in on us, and carried her to her bed. Pulling the covers back I lowered her onto the sheets. I stood and took in the beauty of this young lady that I was about to make love to. I was definitely not disappointed with what I saw, a petite body with beautifully proportioned hips and breasts, her almost blonde hair forming a halo around her elfin, sort of Audrey Hepburn, face. She had a sensuous appearance without any of the obviously sexual features of those who made their living from their looks. Stooping over her, I kissed her in the same, only just touching way, that I had done before, and a hand caressed one of her exquisite breasts. Soft almost imperceptible moans emerged from between her lips, her hips moved with a rhythm unguided by her mind, she was completely lost in the moment.

I stretched out beside her, taking her into my arms. ‘I hate my sister.’ I whispered to her.

‘Why would you say that?’

‘Because she saw fit to protect me from you.’

‘You’re exposed to me now, aren’t you?’

‘You could say that.’

‘I just did. Now what are you going to do about it, I don’t know how long I can stand the wait for something to happen.’

‘All in good time.’

‘You said that before, I think that right now is as good a time as any.’

‘I beg to differ, I still have work to do.’

‘Oh, so this is work for you, is it?’

‘Let me rephrase that, I still have things to do in preparation for what is to come.’

‘I hope that it is to come.’

‘Most certainly, all good things come to those who wait.’

‘I can’t wait for much longer. I think that you have spent enough time on my tit, don’t you?’

‘No.’ That wasn’t entirely true, her aureole was swollen to the point that her nipple and breast seemed to merge into one plane. But then I had to maintain my control over the process, so I spent another minute or two, I had lost all concept of time, before moving my attention down her body.

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My First Real Breeding

I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that...

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My Loving Neighbor Aunt

Hi everyone this is Vish here again with my another incident happened with me. I am living in Ahmedabad and studying IT. This is not a story but it’s a real incident happened with me. This incident was between me and my neighbor Aunt. Her name is Bindiya. She is just stays in the house opposite to my house. She is around her 37’s married and does have 2 kids. She does have a maintained body of around 37-30-37 I must say. I had never thought anything wrong about her but suddenly one day...

2 years ago
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Damsel In Distress Part 3

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS - PART THREE by Marcher Watt Rachel pulled up just around the corner from my house. "Okay, good luck," she said. "Are you gonna give me a call later on and let me know what's going on?" "Yeah, I will," I replied. "Right, here goes. I'll talk to you later." "Wait," she said. "Do you think you could get me some clothes? All I have is what I'm wearing." "Uh, I'll see what I can do. I'm not sure I should upset..." I shrugged and trailed off into a mumble. I knew...

1 year ago
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New Career California 1850Chapter 7

I managed to get into the political headquarters with virtually no effort. These people were so sure of themselves that they did not even lock the doors after they quit for the day. Certainly, Big Ed's operation was big enough to squash anybody who gave them a hard time, so maybe the unlocked doors did not mean so much except an arrogance that had to be seen to be believed. The apartment was easy to find on the second floor because of all of the light and sound coming from it. There was a...

2 years ago
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My Lesbian Girls

It was a boring night so I decided it was time to go for a walk. As strolled through the neighborhood when I suddenly heard a strange sound. It was a girl moaning. I looked in the direction of the house it was coming from but I couldn't see anybody. I decided to investigate and moved closer. As I reached the house the moaning grew more and more intense. Thinking someone was injured I followed the sound to the rear of the house. The sound was coming from inside. I noticed a light on through a...

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ImmoralLive Claudia Bavel Daddy Dan Accidentally Creampies Lock Jaw Pussy of Brace Face Claudia Bavel

The sun is out, it’s a beautiful day at the park and Lady Luck is on Porno Dan and his stepson Matt Bird’s side as they find a beautiful nice-looking tourist Claudia Bavel. Porno Dan, being the gentleman he is, shows Claudia around the city. They walk, they talk, Claudia poses for pictures then all of a sudden, she lifts her shirt out in public! Maybe it’s the beautiful weather but it got a little hotter. Porno Dan and his stepson take her to their house and get more creative...

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The Lust Towards Mom And Sister

Hi guys this is romeo with my first story is about the lust towards my mom and sister so about my family members they are me 18,my brother , my sister, my mom 45, my dad 51 about my family we are living in chennai at triplicane some guys who r living there please help me to buy Viagra pills who r living please contact me in I started this account on my brother age because he also wants to join me so please help me with buying pills I will pay you money or I will send you some pics after...

3 years ago
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The Unseen

It got stretched enormously wide. Seth yelled, “AWW, SHIIIIT!” he looked behind him, but saw nothing. Only the hall. Seth grew wide-eyed and his jaw was hanging open. Then, he clenched up as he felt the warm thing in his ass slide in further. At first, it was just barely in, but it was so thick! The thing in Seth’s ass had to be at least 5 and a half inches in girth. As it slid into him, it got thicker the more it went. Seth would have fell on his face if he wasn’t held in place by the giant...

1 year ago
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Fetish Encounters With Tanuja

Hi, readers…I have been a regular reader of sex stories on ISS and was waiting for my turn to share my true experience. The main character in this story is TANUJA who is my colleague at the office. About myself, I am Rohit working at a decent designation in a private company in Bangalore. This incident happened after Tanuja joined as my junior in office. She is married for around 10 years with one child.The day I saw her for the first time, I admired her beauty and treated myself lucky to get...

4 years ago
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Wonderful Christmastime

He looked around the Muggle house, decorated for a festive holiday. He wanted to give her this gift, this unique gift. Friends and work colleagues had been invited over tomorrow evening for a night of friends reminiscing about the good times, thankful that they were all here to celebrate another year and the fact that they were together, alive and relatively happy ... They carefully avoided talking about the darkness of their past, focusing on what the future would bring them. The holidays were...

3 years ago
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Khala Ke Choot Chatai

Hi ISS readers, I am Asad (name changed) I am from Karachi, Pakistan and this story is of me and my aunt (mom’s sister). I am 25 years old while she is 43 years old. Her name is aliya and she is a dark lady and not very beautiful but her figure is just like of kareena kapoor, shes so slim that most of the people think that she is 30 years old. Now let me come to the story. Ye qareeb 3 months pehle ke bat hai us din meri khala ka birthday tha so maine socha k unke ghr ja k wish kerdeta hun, Jab...

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The Library Isnt Just for Reading

Paul - Day 1 The warm sunshine on Paul's back felt grand as he studied in his usual place on the library's second floor. The giant window behind him provided an expansive view of the university campus and the city beyond. The desk opposite his provided a different view. It had lost its modesty panel years ago, so, while the former view gave him inspiration to study, the latter attracted the occasional coed who provided inspiration of a different sort. At first, Paul barely noticed motion...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Aunty

Hi my name is sai and I am 18 years old. I want u to tell about my first sex with my aunty. Her name is amrutaand she is 28 yers old . I live in hyderabad in andhra pradesh my anti came to my house for 1 month and this sex had in this time. we ware so close we use to have fun by talking about her . she help me in my work also in nights she arrange dinner to me in night she sleep with my mom and systers in one room i and my father and my brother use to sleep in another room like this 1 week...

3 years ago
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Forced Family Humiliation 8211 Part 3

Please read my previous story to know the beginning of the story. Let me introduce myself and my family again. My name is Nagen, age 23. I live in a family house with dad, mom, 2 sisters, brother and sister in law. The story is about how I and my sisters get humiliated by a stranger. My elder sister’s name is Kasturi, 26. She has a very attractive figure 32-26-34. Her tits are small but her ass is perfect. My second elder sister’s name is Revathi. She is 24 with nice firm boobs and smooth round...

1 year ago
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The Taylor family 5

Her daughter's shocked gasp, meanwhile, seemed to break Ann out of her trance at long last. Suddenly finding herself staring into the eyes of her daughter, it never even occurred to her that the natural and normal reaction should be to scold the girls. Instead, her first response had she been able to find her voice would have been to apologize to them for invading their privacy like this and then to beat a hasty retreat.Under the circumstances, the very best she was able to manage was a...

2 years ago
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The Dangers Of Being The Designated Driver1

This is a true story. However the names and ages have been changed. A few minor details have also been changed to protect the identities of all persons involved. My name is Frank, 22 years old. I am a little over six feet tall. I have a wide muscular shoulders. Short black hair cut low and tan skin. My time is usually spent in the gym, since I was laid off from work a week earlier. I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (this is the last I will mention her) for almost four years...

2 years ago
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Starting With Mom 8211 Part 2

I already told you guys how i approach mom to fuck her and how she resisted but now I am gonna tell you how i convince her. Today i reached home after 3 weeks and dad is busy in his work so he is on his business tour so its me and mom alone at home. When i reached home mom was looking bit tensed so i asked her what happened then she told me that she is bored at home and she has nothing to do alone at home then i asked her to make trip to shimla Then we asked dad for permission and he allowed us...

1 year ago
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Jacy and her roomate part 2

Well let me know what ya think,I would like to hear from you.It is friday the 22nd and Jacy's 22nd birthday, Justin and I rented a house boat for a huge fucking party , I was in charge of inviting some of her friends and their boyfriends,I invited my friend Catherine , Joan and Joss , Lily and Calob , Emma and Carl. Justin was in charge of going down to the lake to get the boat ready , he brought his stero with the 5 disk cd changer with lots of modern rock and romantic slow songs , he also...

3 years ago
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Attacked a home

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nick’s stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, I’m not sure what it’s called since I’m not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy...

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One Thousand Kisses

One Thousand Kisses by Marlissa I drive the long ten miles to the edge of town, wondering what fun I will have with my little mistress Lily. I keep her in a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, conveniently away from the exclusive executive subdivision where the Misses, kids and dog reside. I pay the apartment manager there something extra to take care of her shopping needs, so there's absolutely no need for my caged dove to have a car or even to leave her little love...

4 years ago
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Pirates Gold

"Have the cargo unloaded and left on the docks. I'll arrange for Tristan and his men to come and collect it," William Kent, Captain of the pirate ship Catherine's Fancy, told his first mate Jack Stirling. "Aye Capn. I'll see it done mesself," Jack responded, acknowledging his Captain's wishes. Bloody Will, Black Bill or any of the other names that William Kent had come to be known as during his career as a notorious sea dog, left the unloading of his ship to his first mate and strode away from...

1 year ago
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The first lady part two

Jennifer Boyle curled up in an easy chair, while watching the eleven o'clock from the second floor private residence of the White House! There on the large screen television, was the image of her husband, President Kensington Holton Boyle, in a sea of admiring well wishers just hoping for the opportunity to touch the President's hand!!! "Lisa," the First Lady called out, "come in here please!!!" A few seconds later, Jennifer's chamber maid appeared at her door and asked, "May I do something for...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 13 Monday

On Monday, both my sister and I sleep in. It's a long weekend so there is no school today, and after getting up early on both Saturday and Sunday we agreed that we should sleep in today, at least a little. So we are both well-rested when we sit down to have breakfast. We discuss our plans for today over cereal, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. Just that we're going to try various odds and ends. You'll just have to wait and see. So, first we ransack the house. All right,...

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Celebrating Our Virgin Friend8217s 21st Birthday 8211 Part 4

Hi fans, before I dig into my story, let me convey a few thoughts that all you fans (400+) have asked me in emails. I have received so many emails and I have replied to each one of you. Some of you who are writers and write stories for this prestigious site, have told me that it takes a lot of time before your stories are published. I got in touch with their Help Desk. They informed me that the delay is due to many stories being copy-pasted from other sites on the Internet. They said they check...

3 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 19

My Gibson acoustic was still out, so I went to put it in its case. While I was fiddling with it Trish asked me to play something else for them. In the bottom of the Gibson’s case was some music that I recognized as an arrangement I had worked on before coming to school. I brought the music over to Carol and asked how she was at sight-reading. She actually blushed and said she was pretty good. I told her to look at the music for a minute while I turned on the vibraphone. I told everyone that...

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Salim Ne Kavita Aunty Ko Choda

Hi guys mera naam Raj hai. Main 22 saal ka hu aur Bhopal ka rehne wala hu. Main humesha se yahan stories padha karta tha. Par kabhi bhi real mein maine sex nahi dekha tha na kiya tha. Main humesha mohalle ki bhabhiyo aur auntiyo ko dekh ke hi apna kaam chala leta tha. Sach batau toh mere mohalle mein kuch auratein aisi thi jinko bina kapdo ke imagine karne se hi mera khambe jaise khada ho jaata. Mere hi mohalle mein ek ladka rehta tha jiska naam Salim tha. Uski umar kareeb 25 saal thi aur woh...

2 years ago
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Pleading in Vain

PLEADING IN VAINBy Miranda BirchCopyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved.Eventually he found out, of course. About the money. There was almost a row. Almost. ButMary was firm.“There is no use crying over split milk. The money is spent, and that's that. It isn'tlike you got nothing for it. Most sissies would give their right leg to have suchgorgeous outfits as you have!”She laughed then, not even bothering to pretend to take his objection seriously. Mikewas stung by this to attempt...

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the boy that sells beach towels

the boy who sells towels walks a week in a nearly empty beach. just me and a few other people to sunbathe. few tourists and the boy did not sell anything. walk for hours without result. This morning, the boy stopped to talk with me. on the beach just us two. said "I can sit next to you?" I said "sit down" We talked about the weather conditions are not favorable for the tourists and the guy asked if I live in the place. I covered my nakedness with bikini...

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My 21st

I felt real good, finally 21 and I could go out an party for real. Most of my friends had already turned 21 so they often went out party without me since I could not get into the bars or clubs.My mother, Lisa who had raised me by herself had promised me to go out drinking when I turned 21. She kept her promise to me and we went out. Mom had recently started to date this black guy, Charles, and I got along with him without any issues. Mom took us for dinner with beer and wine served. I am not a...

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Weapons of Math Relations 6 Sara Seeks Sperm 1

Sara shows perfectly the paradoxes of some BDSM-relations. The Dom is officially fully in power of them two.Sara shows below that it's the slave, who decides matters of life & death, by being smart enough to her Dom.Sara shows that a talented & dedicated sexy submissive slave can get anything she wants from serving Him.Sara shows my dear readers her great talents, which are main reason behind more of our stories coming up!Sara sits at Professor Peter's lap, Friday evening late, after...

3 years ago
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Port Jeff will never be the same Part II

Dude... I saw you kissing your sister.”My good friend Tyler said that to me on the phone, and it wasn’t a Happy Birthday kiss he was referring to, it was a slow and sensual kiss at a bar Friday night in Port Jefferson, Long Island, but that’s not the worst of it. The kiss was nothing compared to what he saw a little later; me and my sister Samantha, at least the silhouettes of us, having sex in the back seat of my car.I denied the undeniable, never underestimate the power of it, for the length...

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Chapter 12 Serving Two Men Betraying Both Panty Assault Branded And Penis Cake

Darting between two men’s fluttering guppy tails assured my desirability. While empowering, shifting back and forth to reciprocate their attention was stressful. The anomaly of segregating my faithful wife persona from cheating adulteress caused exposure paranoia.Hiding the good wife from Edward was easy. He knew I was married, wasn’t interested in my family life and only demanded devotion the brief times when with him. I obediently wore attire, cosmetics, and jewelry he selected as proof of my...

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First Time Trying Cock

Well back when I was teenager I used to hang around with a mate who was always playing sports and used to act like he was the best at everything even tho he wasn't. I myself used to stick to a couple of sports and that was it, I was in pretty good shape for my age. I had just been getting really interested and curious in porn and not really knowing what was what I was curious to everything.One day my mate said, "Hey why don't you crash at my place while your parents are away tomorrow until they...

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Law Enforcement

I'm a cop. I have a lonely job working a desolate stretch of Interstate 15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. It can get very hot here; and despite the air conditioning in my cruiser, I can feel the heat off my windshield. So I try to pull the night shift when it is coolerMostly I stop speeders and once in a while I get calls from Barstow, but that is rare. I was just starting my shift one evening, pulling in behind some cover just off the road. I took out my personal phone and started surfing...

3 years ago
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Battlemage Book 5 End of a Legacy and New BeginningsChapter 6

"Where are we," thought Brianna as she looked around her. As she sat up on the makeshift bed it was then she noticed she was no longer dressed in her leather vest, shirt, pants, or wearing boots, but instead was in an extremely tight revealing bikini top that just barely contained her breasts, a high cut thong with a transparent half skirt sewed into the back of the band, and she was barefoot. Even though she didn't have the figure from her youth she used to have, it still was a very...

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AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework.  It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music.  Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious.  No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes.  Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...

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Tribulations of a Princess

To Readers: Feel free to add a chapter if you want, I don't really deny anything from being published. The more content there is means the more readers there are and ideas that can be formed into new story chapters or entire arcs. Mo' princesses, mo' sex. Anyway, thank you for reading and enjoy. Forum Page (Updates & Polls): http://forum.chyoa.com/threads/tribulations-of-a-princess.707/ ______________________________________ A princess. Always a beautiful young woman who had been pampered all...

4 years ago
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My Best Buddy

I have a buddy, Chris, who’s been my best bud since we were kids. We grew up on farms, one canyon apart. Walking over the ridge between us to play famous explorer or some other kid’s game was pretty common when we were ten and nine and older. There was a big rock formation on my dad’s farm that likely had been put there by someone in the long past as a rock shelter that was perfect for two boys to use as a base when discovering the world. We always used to assume that it was probably Kit Carson...

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