Babu A unique teacher
- 3 years ago
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I woke up to a kiss on the cheek. Shirley was grinning at me. She said, "I don't think I snored last night and I didn't hear you or Betty snore. You must be good for our snoring."
Betty yawned and said, "I'm an old lady and need more sleep than you two youngun's. If you don't let me sleep later than this, I'm not going to sleep with you two."
It was after seven, so that meant we had slept for at least eight hours. "How long do you like to sleep Betty?"
"Usually only eight or nine hours, but I go to bed later than you most of the time and hardly ever get up before ten," Betty said, trying to snuggle closer.
Shirley said, "I do that a lot too, but I like to go to bed early and get up early. I like the early morning. I know you get up early, Mark, as I've seen you out walking early."
I said, "Betty, you and I walked early in the morning before. What's with that?"
"When you saw me that one time, I hadn't been to bed yet. I couldn't go to sleep so when it got light, I went for a walk. Walking with you that time helped me to relax and go to sleep."
"Well, ladies," I announced, "I go to bed early and get up early. That's me, that's the way I am. If you guys want to sleep in a while, you're welcome to. Personally, I'm going over to the patio for some breakfast. They said they have biscuits and gravy on Sunday morning."
Betty asked, "If we go over there with you, can we come home and go to church together later?"
I smiled, "Sure, let's get going, what time is your service?"
Shirley said, "We like to go to the ten thirty service. The church is just right down the road. You'll like it. They have a nice youth choir and they play a lot of music."
We got up and the two ladies wore their sheer gowns to the patio. We rode over in the cart and found all the women attending breakfast dressed in sheer and revealing gowns and robes. A heavy set girl named Betty was showing flashes of breasts and bush, wearing a striped sheer robe. Ruth had an open net robe that hid nothing. She was built quite nice on top.
This did give me a chance to evaluate the two ladies I was with. Betty was really in good shape for her age. She was rounded nicely and it did help her larger breasts to not sag so much. Shirley wasn't built exceptionally large on top and didn't hardly sag at all for her age. She was pretty slim though, and had mature hips and a slight rounded tummy. Age had been gentle with both of these ladies.
We went home to get ready for church. I put on dress slacks, a nice knit shirt, a sport coat, and shiny shoes. I pulled the Escape up so it was between their two trailers which are across from each other. Just as we were going to load up, Donald and Prissy Krause came out of their trailer, also dressed up. Betty said, "Go ask them if they would like to ride with us. Donald can sit up front with you and we ladies will sit in the back"
I walked over to them and asked. They were happy to ride with us. We drove to a fairly good sized church about a mile from the trailer park. The service was nice and there was a lot of music. The minister was good in that he had a good subject and didn't wear you down with his pleading. We all shook hands with hundreds of people. The new minister recognized Betty, Shirley, and the Krauses, then welcomed me to the church.
When we got back to the car, I asked, "I'm feeling pretty good about life today. I would enjoy taking all of you out for a nice dinner. I understand the restaurant at Park Place is very good. Would all of you like to be my guests?"
All four were surprised. I watched as Donald and Prissy looked at each other and smiled. Betty and Shirley were surprised and agreed, but only if we would invite Caroline. We went back to the trailer park where Shirley spent a couple of minutes in Caroline's trailer and emerged with Caroline dressed up, ready to go with us. On the way to the restaurant, I explained that I had been hired by S&S and I would now have plenty of money in my budget for some extras.
The restaurant lived up to its reputation. The Italian food that I had was wonderful. We all ate plenty, with Donald and Prissy getting some carry home boxes for at least half of their meal.
While we were eating, Prissy said, "I don't mean to be nosy, but I noticed you two ladies coming from Mark's trailer pretty early. Either you three were having some early coffee or you three were snuggling all night." Prissy was almost giggling when she added, "My Donald and I used to do that when we were young. It was fun to have three of us snuggling in bed."
I swear the little old frail lady was giggling while Donald was blushing a little. He said, "You will have to forgive Prissy, she never knows when to keep her beautiful mouth closed. I hope she didn't embarrass you, Mark."
"No problem, Donald, the two ladies wanted some human warmth last night. We all slept very well."
Caroline asked, "When will it be my turn, or will your bed hold four?"
I didn't mean to ignore Caroline, but Donald asked of me, "Would you please call me Don? Prissy has always called me Donald, but my outside friends call me Don."
Prissy said, "I like the way Donald sounds and love to use his name. If you have been raised as a Priscilla, you would know how bad a name can be. I much prefer Prissy; I think it is more fun."
As I took my new friends home, I suggested to Betty, "Why don't you put on some jeans and I'll take you on a short motorcycle ride."
Prissy spoke up, "Oh, Donald, may I ask Mark for a ride? It's been years and years since I've ridden on a motorcycle. Please, Donald, I'll do something nice for you, you know, without my dentures."
"Hush, Prissy, they are adults. They know exactly what you mean. Yes, you may ask Mark for a ride, and yes, you may give me the gift you're promising."
Betty, Shirley, Caroline, and I all laughed as Don looked at me and winked. Prissy exclaimed, "Oh goody, for both things. Mark, will you give me a ride later?"
"I will, Prissy, I'll come and knock on your door."
Don said, "She's nosy enough, she'll know exactly when it's her turn."
"Oh, Donald, it's only because I spend so much time at the sink in the kitchen," Prissy exclaimed. "The window just happens to look out on the street."
Back at the park, we all scattered to our homes. I changed clothes and got the bike out of the shed. There was still enough gas in it as I didn't think Betty would want to ride too far. Betty came out with her hair in a hair net. She said, "Shirley said I have to wear a helmet, so the net will keep it in place better. I even brought my sunglasses."
I got her comfortable and we rode out through the business park then out on highway 41, heading north. We rode past highway 54 all the way up to 52 where we got off the highway to get gas. After filling up, I asked Betty how the ride was. She said, "Wonderful. It is so comfortable back here. Not like I remember it from years ago. I am tired this afternoon, though. We should go home so you can give Prissy a ride."
We did ride home and when I stopped and put the bike on its kickstand to help Betty off, she staggered a little. I asked, "Betty, are you all right? Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm just real tired all of a sudden. There is just so much excitement lately since you've moved in."
Betty turned to me and hugged me. She said, "Last night was the best night's sleep I've had in years and years. I really enjoyed that. It was so warm, so comforting."
I helped Betty back to her trailer and went to get Shirley. "Shirley, Betty isn't feeling too good. Could you go over and stay with her to make sure she's okay?"
"Sure," Shirley said, "She's been having some spells lately. When she gets too excited, she does seem to get drowsy and tired. Let me go stay with her. She'll nap and I'll be right there."
As I walked back to my trailer, little Prissy came out of her trailer, dressed in some denim Capri pants and tennis shoes, wearing a T-shirt that said "Granny Power."
She didn't even wait for me to help her. She just swung her leg over the bike and perched on the seat expectantly. I smiled at her as I handed her a helmet. She said, "I just hate these things. When Donald and I started to have to wear these contraptions is when we began slowing down on riding. We were older of course, but neither of us liked them."
She didn't have any sunglasses so I handed her the ones I had bought just for this event. We rode out of the park up to highway 54 and turned west. We road to Gunn Highway, back around to Erlich, to Florida, and then back home which was at least an hour's ride. When Prissy got off, she said, "I will want another ride soon. Next time let's get out on the big highway so you can go fast. I like fast." Prissy handed me the helmet and sunglasses and winked at me, "Now I get to give Donald his treat."
I walked next door to see how Betty was doing. Shirley said she was resting peacefully. She had taken a pill and was doing fine. She did say that perhaps she would make sure Betty went to her doctor on Monday to get checked out.
After cleaning the bike up, I put it away then went in to check e-mail and watch some Sunday afternoon TV. I had a bunch of food that I needed to eat up, so i planned on staying home to eat.
About five, Shirley came over and said, "Betty's fine now. She's planning on playing cards this evening, so she's fine. What are you up to?"
"I'm about to fix this other steak I have along with a potato before the food spoils. The steak is too big for just me, so do you want to eat with me?"
Shirley smiled and said, "If I can go get some wine. Does that work?"
I didn't want wine, I personally wanted a beer. I doctored up the meat and nuked the potatoes and wrapped them in foil. After starting the charcoal, I made a couple of salads and added my special Caesar dressing.
Shirley came back, but not alone, she brought Caroline. Shirley asked, "Do you have enough of that steak for three of us?"
I said, "There's plenty for three. Hi Caroline, glad you came over."
Caroline said, "When are you going to give me a ride on your motorcycle. I love to ride. Shirley knows that and should have told you. I saw you riding Prissy out of here earlier. That was something."
Another salad had to be fixed, but that was quick and we sat down with some wine and our salad. The three of us ate the steak and still had some cooked sirloin left. I would have to have it for lunch or to make a rice breakfast with it.
We were cleaning up the kitchen and the table when Caroline said, "Do you guys want to come to my place and watch a video? I just rented a couple of comedies that I want to watch. How about it?"
I was all for it, so I said, "Let me use the bathroom and I'll be right with you. I'll come over in a few minutes."
Shirley said, "That's okay, we'll wait for you."
I peed, washed, and brushed my teeth. Thinking that this could be a late night, I put on some shorts and sandals to go with my T-shirt. When I came out, I said, "I'll be comfortable in shorts. That way you won't have to have the air on so high."
Caroline said, "Oh, I like the air real cold so we have to snuggle."
We were soon snuggled on Caroline's big couch, watching her large screen TV. The two ladies enjoyed half laying on me, with their feet up towards each end. At the end of the movie, I stretched and said, "It's probably time for me to go home and to bed. It's getting late. Shirley said, "Go ahead, Caroline, ask him."
Caroline asked, "We want you to stay with us tonight, Mark. You know like Betty and Shirley did last night at your place. I'm dying to be close to someone all night and even though Shirley is my best friend, I get tired of sleeping with her. Please, stay with us. I promise we'll sleep with you individually, but right now, stay with both of us."
I wasn't going to pass this up since I did want to snuggle with them. They led me into the bedroom, pulled back the spread and top sheet and began taking my clothes off. When I was bare, they laid me on the bed and began to slowly take off their clothes. It took them a couple of minutes to get totally naked. I gazed at their two bodies as they posed for me. "You are two fine looking ladies, I'm impressed and honored."
Shirley nearly dove into bed, but Caroline shut off the lights then snuggled up on the other side of me. Caroline said, "I like to kiss. I like to kiss a lot. Kiss me, Mark, then kiss Shirley. I want us to kiss for hours."
We did kiss for hours. My willy was trying to get firm and it was probably three quarters of the way hard and dying to come, but we just kissed. The two did have me petting their tops and they did handle me gently until I thought I would get off, but we finally relaxed and just held each other.
Caroline said, "Shirley, I think we can get him off. As much as he enjoys kissing, I wonder if he would like to kiss us everywhere."
Shirley shivered before whispering in my ear, "Caroline and I both love to do things with our mouths. Would you like to make it a threesome?"
Caroline kissed me and said, "Sleep good, Mark, Shirley and I will really enjoy waking up with you."
They did snuggle up, each with a head on my shoulder. We went to sleep that way and sometime during the night, I was hugging Caroline's back and Shirley was hugging mine. Caroline could really snore. She was better on her side. I did sleep well, wondering about all the lonely women out here.
Monday, a great day of the week! Monday, time to get the week started and to get things done. Caroline turned over in my arms and kissed me squarely on the mouth. She said, "I may not have good breath, but I wanted to kiss you first thing. If you want, I can do something that will make my breath smell and taste like you.
Shirley pinched Caroline, then my nipple, "Oh no you don't, you two. If we're going to get him off, we're going to do it together. I get some too."
"I didn't say you wouldn't be a part of it, Shirley, I just asked him if he was in the mood for it."
"Caroline, Shirley, you two are wet dreams come true for me. I love all the sexy talk and promises. Let me have a discussion with the doc today and we'll see. It might be fun, but it might be scary to use those pills."
Caroline said, "Then it would be good to take them with two ladies that can watch out for you. You know we both talk a good game and are willing to try to put our pussies where our mouth is or something like that. See what you can get from the doctor and then we'll plan on experimenting together to make sure you're all right with it."
"See," Shirley said, "We'll make you happy, make us happy, and we all live happily ever after. I hope you like to fool around, because if these pills work, you're going to be busy."
"Don't get too excited," I said, cautioning. "I may not be able to take them and they may not do that much good. I have read that you can't take some of them everyday. We'll see whether I'm healthy enough for that. Remember, I'm still recovering from the bullet holes, and also remember that Betty may want to be loved as well."
Shirley said, "I think I have that worked out. When you take one of those pills, you're up for like a couple of hours. That should be plenty of time to do all three of us."
I groaned, "You guys are terrible. What are you going to do, line up on the bed and I just do each of you one right after the other?"
Caroline answered that, "Beggars can't be choosers, you know."
"Patience, patience. Let's see what the real deal is before you two or three get too excited."
I pleaded, "Come on you two, I need to walk this morning. I'll go get my tennis shoes on. If you want to walk with me, meet me in five minutes."
After putting my socks and tennis shoes on, I met the two ladies who were ready to walk with me. We walked through the athletic fields and back to Steve's place. When we walked in, Steve and Sue both said, "We missed you for supper last night. We knew you were all right because you had these two girls at your house."
Sue said, "And you know how we knew you had these two beauties with you? Your other neighbor, Betty, told me when she was on the way to a card party at Ruth's. She said you were cooking on your hibachi, so we knew you were taken care of."
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I woke the next morning to a minor crisis that took up the next couple of days. When I came out of my bedroom for my morning coffee Asana informed me that there was a message waiting for me on the household computer. The message was from Art and it was very short but it wasn't sweet. James Dong had left the cave just before dawn and he hadn't returned. Over my coffee and a cinnamon bun I sat and reviewed the video feed from the cave. I watched as James Dong had risen well before dawn. I...
Sheila assumed that because her building was the tallest around, no one could see her. She had built her house to remind her of lush Shillong days–not so easy considering her new South Indian home was as dry as a desert. The main house was on the ground floor, but upstairs on the second Sheila had her rooms, surrounded by a riotous burst of greenery. It was her refuge. She tended to her lush vegetation meticulously, a green thumb among Sheila’s less immediate charms. Spending hour upon hour...
Your name is John Doe. You have been taken as a prisoner, a human slave, to the depths of the cellars of obscure tentacle beasts. They have taken many other humans captive, and unfortunately you were one that they have taken a liking to. You, John, are bound by metal shackles around both ankles and wrists. The chains connected to them are linked to the wall behind you. Around your neck is a leather collar with something like a cat bell attached to it. And from that, another chain links to the...
GayChelsea walked out of the Fall Ball, her red cloak billowing around her ankles in the cool breeze. She had come back to the school to help clean up after taking her boyfriend Stan and their friend Sarah home, and now that it was finally all over, she slowly walked back to her car, ready to get some sleep back home. Waving to some of the last few stragglers in their various costumes, she very nearly walked past the gold minivan parked under the tree, in the darkest part of the parking lot. ...
Sharon waited in the outer office as the secretary showed Shaun into Silverman’s office. He was surprised to find Prof and Cookie there. Silverman came from around his desk to shake Shaun’s hand. “The sea air must agree with you Captain, you’re looking much fitter now than when I last saw you,” he said with a knowing smile. “Yes. Thank you Sir”, Shaun managed to stutter. Silverman returned to his desk, “The reason I’ve called you men together is to inform you of the current situation with...
As his daughter stepped onto the artificial grass court of their club resort, McWillis couldn't help but notice the sexy fullness of her body. She was twenty, an aspiring lawyer following in his footsteps, but she had definitely gained all of her mother's good looks - and more. There was this familiar stirring in his crotch as he watched Catherine bound across the turf, her heavy chest heaving, towards where he sat, shirtless and relaxing. Ian McWillis, a third generation Irishman, was a...
Emma saw my erection hanging below me and noticed it was leaking pre-cum. “Jess, he hasn’t orgasmed yet...” It sounded more like a question than a statement. “No, he usually won’t from just anal. Even though he enjoys it, he still needs stimulation down there to push him over the edge,” Jess commented. “Should I stroke him or something?” Emma asked. “Yes, please!” I said eagerly before realizing my mistake. “No.” Jess said it very firmly. “For speaking without permission, he can stay...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, he [b]43 FIRST PLACE GRACE Karim, can I have your permission to have three players coach tonight that are not captains? Sure, Sean. Let me guess whoFred, Michael, and Jeff. Great minds think alike! All three feel honored to be recognized for their leadership. Each does well in their assigned two innings. Tremendous sportsmanship between the two teams continues throughout the evening. Again the Cubs win...
Sexy blonde eye-candy Savannah Bond basks beachfront in the setting sun. She lustily shows off her big tits and sultry bikini bod. Studs Alex Jones, Air Thugger, Scotty P, Lucas Frost and Alex Mack have their meat out and ready for Savannah’s first blowbang ever! She deepthroats a big Black cock. Savannah spit-lubes, slurps and strokes the pricks, taking each in her thick-lipped, sensuous mouth. The blowbang escalates as the dudes dick-slap her tits and face. She submerges a giant black...
xmoviesforyou"I don't care if it rains. I don't care if it's clear. I don't mind staying in There's another ghost here She sits down in your chair and she shines with your light And she lays down her heard on your pillow at night I m just a Ghost in this house I'm just a shadow upon these walls I'm living proof the damage heart break does." Allison Krauss I walked across the frozen ground in the predawn cold, my breath steaming as I headed to the barn. Yesterday's brief warm spell had...
THE CHASElike every morning Francesco was serving breakfast to Mistress Claudia.Was a spring day, a beautiful and warm day after several days of boring rain.- when you have finished cleaning all you have to undress and then reach me in the dungeon!- yes MistressTen minutes after Francesco entered naked in the dungeon, knelt down and waited.Claudia came in and began to dress: collar bracelets and anklets of thick leather.She joined the ankles with a chain of about 30 inches then Francesco pulled...
July 17, 1847 I got up this morning and saw that two of the wagons that had been next to mine had moved. When I went to the main fire for our morning meeting there was a space around me, as if people thought I was somehow suddenly different. I talked to several of the men there and had some who answered in short sentences, inviting no further conversation, while some people who had hardly spoken to me before gathered next to me. When I spoke to one of the people who would speak to me, he...
Casey was five-two, with a slender body, average sized tits, and a shaved bush. Her hair, was now blonde, and she wore it in a style that accentuated her best features, her seductive eyes, which were more green than blue. She was not the model type, but a full figured, vivacious beauty, and she was also bi-sexual. Her first lover was Casey when they were seventeen. Tracey was five-four, with a fuller figure, breast the size of melons, forty-two DD, she had red hair, atop her head and on...
My Pleasure Box by Riss Kay 19 September 2004 This is my life. I am the happy of one man named Lionel; most people call him Lie. He dresses me, feeds me and nonstop pleasures me. I wear always head-to-toe black leather, usually with a gagball in my mouth, unless he wants me to suck his dick, which is uncommon. The leather covers my fingers, feet and penis. There are only a few holes in the entire suit -- two for my eyes, two smaller ones for my nostrils, one for my mouth that is usually useless...
GayCAMEL WHIPPED ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CAMEL WHIPPED The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping tripod used for public whippings in this arab country. The tripod was placed on a 3 meter high platform so that the crowd could view the whipping. Her legs were spread wide apart and she hung slightly inclined so that her tits hung freely . It was midday so the sun was at its peak.Christine Jones was the name of the blonde before she was captured...
So, this is it, I thought to myself. I had not told my wife of this plan, of course. It was not something that I cared to share with her. Then again, I didn’t share much at all with her anymore, except for our last names. She had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with my “kinky stuff”. That included spanking her, tying her up, and generally having my way with her. She was much more conservative than I turned out to be. This wasn’t my first time being unfaithful to her. I simply...
Lisa thought she could hold her booze and keep up with all the other people there at the party that night. She'd started out by taking the first beer her husband, Rob, handed her and Lisa had quickly guzzled that down. She knew if she drank enough beer especially that she'd have to go to the bathroom to pee more often, but she didn't mind that and it gave her a chance to go touch up her makeup and even possibly exchange some hot gossip or some naughty caresses and kisses with some of the...
It was 11am when Katie received the package from the delivery boy. The General had called the previous day to warn her to expect a delivery. She was told that she was being sent an outfit and was to wear exactly what was delivered and be ready no later than 12 pm when he would come by her house and collect her. She was also told that, under no circumstance, was she to mention any of this to her husband. Failure to comply with these instructions would lead to an immediate termination of their...
Cheating Wifes"Good morning mistress" i reply. As i say this she slides her big toe into my mouth and i begin to suck it like i have been trained. "I'm glad you got paid this week, you can take me to the mall later today so i can get some more clothes and lingerie" she stated with a sexy smirk on her face. "but we can do that later, for now i want you to make me some pancakes. i went to the kitchen and cooked her some pancakes and when i show her the food she looks disgusted. ...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en school teacher merlin udan nadantha kama anubavathai patri ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar rayyan vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan chenniyil vasithu varugiren, en appa oru businessman aanal ennai matum padika soli torcher seivaar. Enaku panam irunthum aanal padipu meethu aarvam vara vilai, athanaal siru vayathile niraiya fail aagi aagi ippozhuthu 19 vayathil naan 12th vagupu sendru irunthen. Matra pasangal udan ennai...
Ok so as I said this morning, I woke up with the hangover horn, all I wanted was some cock but as I didn't pull last night I made up for it with around 2 hours of playing with myself while surfing for porn.That did me fine, till I got settled for the night and it returned, honestly felt like my pussy was biting my leg off, so I text a guy I'd met at Xmas who was really hot and asked if he fancied coming up, my plan was to give him some chat and let him know in no uncertain terms that I wanted...
This is a true story. Since it's anonymous for the most part, I have nothing to hide.I grew up, I was never bicurious or interested in guys at all. Zero attraction. Was very successful with females and through college, that's how I spent most of my nights out, looking to hook up. Had several longterm relationships over those years and lots of one-night stands as well. I always enjoyed the challenge of meeting new girls and sex was usually the main goal even though I was mostly committed when I...
It was Tuesday when Victoria made another appearance. Janet once again followed her into the library and closed the door. Victoria didn't seem happy to have her sister watching the events. She stood before Tom sitting at the desk. "Charlotte's party is on Saturday. I need to be fitted by Wednesday, or they won't have time to make my dress." Tom looked at her and expected her to continue, but she just stood there. "I still don't see why you are coming to me. I explained all of this to...
Nia Nacci has just got in a fight with her cheating boyfriend and seeks comfort at her best friend’s house. Even though her friend is not home today, her husband Rion King is. Rion is a very nice white man Nia had used to date once upon a time. There is no doubt that a connection still exists between the two because as soon as Nia is alone with Rion a spark reignites and she throws herself at him. Maybe it’s just the moment or her temporary sense of loss with her latest relationship...
xmoviesforyouShe stopped by her room to get a robe, came to my room, and closed the door. She leaned back against it and dropped the robe on a chair. She made a kiss with her lips and I went to her to feel her full body press against me. I didn't mind that she could feel my hardness against her belly. She untied my tie and slipped it out of my collar. I unzipped the side of her dress and let it slip over her shoulders as she unbuttoned my shirt. We continued our kiss during the disrobing exercise. I...