Desires of Hogwarts Part 3
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Someone was doing to me what no one had done to me in the morning for years and years and years. I was being sucked and caressed to the point I actually felt like I was hard and going to come at any second. Whoever it was pulled off and another mouth took over. A lispy voice said, "Enjoy this, Mark. We're going to get some of you this morning."
Well, they did, in another couple of minutes, my hips rose from the bed and I watched as the two mouths kissed and sucked me, holding the head in their mouths, teasing it with their tongues. I loosed what felt like a big load.
When I was lying back on the bed, totaled by the two ladies, they came up to hug me and kiss me. In a lispy voice again, Caroline said, "Shirley and I just knew we would love to do that to you. That was so exciting, and you even kissed us with that stuff all over our faces. You did a good job last night and this morning. I think you broke our playgrounds last night, though. We're both a little sore."
I hugged the two ladies to me and said, "Well, I can't take any of those pills tonight, so it's fine you two are a little sore. You'll get better. You know it may be time for me to do to you what you have been doing to me."
Shirley said, "Would you do that for us. Would you really kiss us there?"
"Of course, Shirley, I would enjoy feeling both of you getting off on my kisses."
Caroline shivered and said, "You're going to get so lucky if you do that to me. Only one man has ever kissed me there and he only gave it a lick and thought he had really done something. You know that's why ladies do that to each other. If men won't, we will."
"Let me show you two what I mean."
I leaned over and gently gave Caroline's center a gentle lick. She shook from the caress. Shirley near screamed when I did that to her. I scooted down in bed and had both of them on their backs, where I ministered to them until they were nearly crying. Both dragged me up to kiss them, commenting on my wet face. Shirley said, "You are so good to us. That was a real reward."
Caroline kept saying, "You are going to get so lucky."
I finally said, "How much luckier can I get? You two are a dream come true. I hope we can enjoy each other for a long time to come."
Shirley said, "Me too. I may give up wearing my teeth at all."
Caroline said, "No, you have to nibble me sometimes too."
"Oops, you didn't hear that did you, Mark?" Caroline was trying to cover her face with her hand.
"I didn't hear a thing, Caroline, but I want to watch the next time you two decide to give each other pleasure. I'll bet that's an exciting sight."
Shirley said, "A real sight, two wrinkled up old ladies in a sixty-nine. How exciting is that?"
"Oh, come on, Shirley, I think you two are very attractive. Before the Viagra, I was trying to figure out how to ravage you. Both of you are very attractive. Hey, none of us are twenty years old anymore. We're all past our prime, but we aren't dead and we do enjoy each other."
I had stereo hugs and kisses from the two girls. Caroline said, "You know we're going to want you one on one soon. We thought we would like this, but I know I want you just for myself one of these days soon. I can't wait to use you up all for myself. I want to drink every last drop you have and feel you in me everywhere. Oh, oh, I'm such a horny old lady."
"Not anymore than me, Caroline," Shirley said. "I want more of Mark as soon as my pussy is through being sore. I'll take it anyway I can get it. I just want more."
"Would you listen to us, Shirley, we're carrying on like a couple of twenty year olds or something like that. Here we are, all three of us beating up on seventy, talking stuff like that. Come on, Mark, let's get up and get a walk in before breakfast. I want to see if Shirley walks bowlegged."
Shirley whacked Caroline with a pillow, which required Caroline to whack Shirley with her pillow. I got up and headed to the bathroom to pee for fifteen minutes or so. I slipped my shorts and T-shirt back on and put my socks and tennis shoes on.
Both girls preferred to walk a little slower this morning. They were joking and razzing each other the whole time. We had started out at five forty-five and called it quits by six fifteen. I went home and did my bathroom stuff and was getting ready to leave when Prissy said to me through the screen door as she was standing on my small porch, "I hope you are being nice to those two. They are both such sweet ladies. If I thought you were abusing them I would, I would, I don't what I would do, but you would be sorry."
I held my hands up defensively, "Oh, Prissy, I wouldn't hurt any of the three of these ladies. If you know Caroline and Shirley, you know they're a little bossy and headstrong. I've just been happily going along with them. Ask them, they'll tell you, I've tried to be a gentleman with them."
"Okay, Mark Robins, you'd better. I love those girls like they were my own. I know they are a little wild sometimes, but they are good girls."
While smiling, I said, "Yes they are, Prissy. I agree with you."
Prissy walked back across the street as I pulled the cart out of my shed. She looked back at me a couple of times and frowned as if she didn't believe me.
Both girls declined to go to the patio this morning. I told Caroline to go tell Prissy that I had not mistreated them. Caroline laughed but said she would assure her that the three of us had been having a good time.
On the way to the patio, I remembered that I was supposed to have played pool last night. This was the third week in a row I had missed. I called the captain to apologize and he asked, "Are you healing up pretty good? I hope you can come back next week. I talked to Alan, the captain of your Wednesday night team, and he says the same. He hopes you're well enough to play next week."
I guess that takes care of that until next Monday. I did need to practice so I should probably go into one of the pool halls with big tables to get some practice.
Breakfast was fun, as there was lots of kidding about what had gone on last night up at the hot tub. Apparently Steve's sister and her husband, Kevin, had gotten wild with some others up there. Ruth was joking that Henry had choked her to death. These folks were a little wilder than they appeared.
As soon as I had eaten and had my fill of coffee and gone to pee three times, I took off for the next of the seven people Glenda had given me. The first was easy, replacing a stuck thermostat cleared the problem, but they had ruptured a radiator hose before they had stopped. I did the usual tune up and oil change before moving on to a sweet couple with an ancient Lincoln. This sixty-six Lincoln four door had suicide doors and was still in pristine condition. The man had a neat carport that shielded the old car from the sun. I think he spent all his spare time polishing the car.
The complaint was that the car stalled every time he stopped at a stop sign. When he started it again and he put it in gear, it stalled again. This was an old car, so it probably had vacuum leaks everywhere. I drove over to the truck parts counter and told the clerk, "Give me a roll each of all three vacuum hose sizes. I'll bring back what I don't use, but this is a big job as they all need to be replaced." The parts man also gave me multiple handfuls of clamps, telling me to bring back what I didn't need. It took me until lunch time to finish replacing all of the hoses. I did change the oil and filters and tuned it up. The car ran so beautifully that it was a shame to let it sit. I did tell the older gentleman that both of the back tires were showing some dry rot.
He was very nice and appreciative for the work I did for him. He said the shop down the street didn't want to work on the car as it was so old. If they only knew how easy they were to work on.
At lunch, Sue handed me a slip of paper that had an address over by the nudist place. She said that there were cart paths all the way to this address. When I passed the front gate, I realized the address was inside the nudist or naturist park. Oh well.
At the gate, I showed the gatekeeper the note from Sue and he directed me to a trailer home in the permanent section. I had tried not to stare as I passed many naked people on the way to the address. I knocked on the door and was surprised to be greeted by a very young, very voluptuous, naked lady. "Can I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Mark Robins, Sue Sharp sent me over to help a Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan with their car?"
"Oh you're the man who was shot in court. How nice that you're helping people. Their car just won't start and I do need to use it to take them to the doctors. Both are so old they should be in a nursing home, but they pay me to take care of them. The car is in that long garage right over there. It is the Sixty eight Ford. Could you see if you can fix it, make it run?"
Wow, another antique! I was working on a lot of older stuff. This one was unique. If the speedometer was accurate, and it wasn't over a hundred thousand miles, the car only had forty four thousand miles. The inside was clean and not dry rotted. They don't build cars like this anymore.
The first problem was the battery. I used some jumpers on the car next to it and discovered the old starter solenoid was frozen. Hopefully, after changing both of those, the car wasn't frozen up. I did pull the plugs and squirted some WD-40 into the cylinders. Not wanting to take a chance, I changed the oil and put oil in both overhead valve areas. The gaskets were all broken down anyway. That big sheet of gasket material was not going to go to waste.
I buzzed over to the parts store for a solenoid then back to the truck parts counter for a battery. I told them that I might need the hoses for this job too, so I kept the three spools.
Back at the car, I put the battery in after the solenoid, then hesitantly turned the key. The fuel pump didn't want to pump, so I poured a little fuel into the carb and tried again. The car started, blowing smoke out the back for a minute or so. The fuel pump obviously decided to work, but I did notice the temp go up fast.
I drained what nasty stuff was already in the radiator and tried to flush it using a water hose. Water flowed from the block, so the thermostat was either stuck open or it worked. I filled the car up with the premix of anti-freeze and started it again. This time the car ran well. All four tires were dry rotted so I called Sue and asked her, "How much do you want to spend on this old car over here? The tires are shot."
Sue said, "These are friends of my Mom and Dad. They have someone helping them that can drive, but doesn't have a car. Buy tires if you have to and see if you can make their car work. They are a very sweet older couple. I hope you're not freaked by all the naked people."
"No, I'm fine, Sue," I said. "Several people have asked me if I could work on their cars. You'll have to give me some cards so they can call the truck parts counter. We can make some money over here. Most of these people seem to have money."
I gently drove the car down to the Tires Plus store and had them put four tires on the car. The dealer threw in a used tire for a spare. As I drove the car back, it seemed that everything was fine. I drove it to the truck shop and put the car up on the lift to check on the automatic transmission. I changed the fluid and checked all the brakes and greased all of the joints with zerts. They were all good, just old. The car did not come with air, but it had an add-on, under dash air conditioner. It took me several tries to fix a regulator valve then the ancient add-on under-dash air worked. Funny how even the old equipment worked with the new FR-12 Freon substitute.
When I delivered the car back to the long garage, the lady who had met me at the door had both older people outside, getting some sun. They were both in wheelchairs and so fragile. You wanted to just hug them as they were so precious. Even naked, they were special. The lady said, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Mackey says that the Phillips lady did this. Do you know what she means?"
"Yes, Ma'am. Beth Phillips is Sue Sharp's mother. That whole family is special as they help people all the time."
"Mrs. Mackey said that you do this for free, too? Is that right?"
"Sort of. The Sharps have me doing all kinds of things that they say they are paying me part time for. I just like to do things for people, so when Sue gave me your address, I came right over."
The good looking naked lady gave me a hug which caused some distention below the belt. I told her, "Call me if you need more help. That's some kind of nice old car. I'm surprised the registration is current."
"They have me pay their bills for them. Say something to both of them before you leave. They will hear you, but won't say anything back until tomorrow morning. I'm sure it will be nice."
I did say a few words to each of the old couple, hoping they were enjoying these days of their lives.
I had missed lunch on that job and was heading back to shop, but directly across the street from the naturist park was the condo where that other car was. I went to the door and rang the bell. An older lady came to the door and was surprised to see me in an S&S coverall. I said, "I'm here to fix your car. Can you tell me what the matter is and get me the keys so I can work on it?"
The lady looked sheepish and said, "I was really mad the other day and when I was getting ready to leave for work, I accidentally broke the key off in the ignition. I've done that before when I've gotten mad. I'm going to have to learn to control my temper, or at least not to break keys off in the ignition.
She took me down to the car. It was not locked but the key was still in the ignition. There was a locksmith up in the little shopping plaza where the parts store is, so I took the steering wheel off and took the entire ignition key assembly out. I told the lady I would be back pretty quick. I did make note of what kind of car it was so I could do the oil change and tune up.
The locksmith had the key out and new keys made in an instant. I had him make three keys and put one in a hide-a-key box for under the back bumper. The parts store had what I needed, so I headed back to the condo. It took me forty-five minutes to finish with the oil change and minor tune up. The car ran great, so I gave the keys back to the embarrassed lady, got a sweet hug, and was on my way.
I probably could get one more done, so I went to the address of an old cranky man in the park. Or would that be a cranky old man. He fit the bill, that's for sure. He said his blankety blank old car didn't run any more and that it should be trashed. If I wanted to help him, I should set it on fire so he could collect the insurance. The car was not that old and when I checked the oil, it probably had never been changed. The air filter was clogged so bad, that there was a quarter inch of dust in the air filter holder. What a mess. I just dove in and performed all the maintenance that would have been needed in the first seventy-five thousand miles. I worked on this until eight o'clock in the evening since I didn't want to come back to this jerk in the morning. I even had to replace the brake calipers and rotors. This was a very expensive project. I spent about twenty-two hundred in parts, but the car ran perfect when I left. I told the man, "Read that manual and get it serviced at those miles. If you skip servicing it, you won't have a car. You neglected that car and don't deserve to have it back." He got mad, but so what. He was wrong.
I did go by the patio and had a couple of beers before heading home. I told Steve that the old man was neglectful and didn't deserve his help. Steve just said, "You have to overlook some people's attitude. I'm sure the man has contributed in his life." I doubted that, but Steve was the boss.
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mai rahul apni first sex story likhne ja raha hu agar koi lady or bhabi satisfy hona chahti hai to plz mail kre at [email protected] to mai ab story pe ata hu hmari ghar k sath vale gali me ik bhabi rhti thi wo sub kuj chod k apne maiyke aa gyi thi kionki unka hubby nashe bechne ka kam krta tha or wo usse lad k yaha aa gyi thi mai apko unke bare me btana bhul gia ki wo 2 bchoo ki maa thi pr dkhne pr lgti nhi thi muje measurement to nhi pta but unko dekhte hi mera khada ho jata tha kia...
There is no graphic sex in this story. I suggest you look at other authors if that is what you want. Comments are welcome and appreciated. It is the only way I can see if I'm improving. Thank you for reading my work. Enjoy. I was in love. At least I thought I was. In hindsight, it was probably just lust and an infatuation with the girl in question. Everything would have been okay if I had stood strong in my beliefs. Everything would have been okay if I hadn't been afraid of losing my girl....
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Incest– 49 years old – From North Carolina and has a sexy southern accent – Engaged to be married, fiancé is supportive of her doing porn – She has always wanted to do porn, now finally ready for it – At a point in life where she wants to experiment sexually – Her man helped her feel comfortable with her will sexual urges – They are in the swing lifestyle and like to have fun with others – Is more of your submissive type who likes when a man takes control – Loves to be pounded from behind, pull her...
xmoviesforyouI had some experiences with men in the past but for the most part I had been living my life as a straight man. I was in a relationship and happy. I was walking through a thrift store one day when I happened upon a form fitting stretch denim jumpsuit. For some reason this garment aroused me. I am not sure if it was the thought of a single zipper enclosing my body or what but I felt extremely horny and the need to buy it. I bought it took it home, tried it on. As I pulled the denim over my body...
Laney could still feel her father's cock ramming down her throat; taste his hot cum as it spurted out, going straight into her belly. She knew she couldn't let her father down, so she would just have to figure out what to do. As Laney opened the door, Paulina looked up from her phone. "What was that about", Paulina asked, referring to Laney's abrupt departure from the room several minutes ago. "I like to greet my dad when he gets home from work", Laney said. "I think it alleviates...
HI All readers of ISS, this is Alex once again with another adventure which happened with my mom’s best friends. I couldn’t believe it when my mother told me that Savita Aunty was coming to visit for a few days. I was definitely excited. Her family lived next door to us in Hyderabad before we moved to Ohio. Her and my mother were great friends and she was coming up as a little vacation from her family. I used to baby-sit for her two young boys years ago. I was always trying to sneak peeks of...
We hang up and I can’t believe how bummed I am that Susan had to go. I didn’t realize how strong my feelings still were for her. I will never know how she dealt with me being married. I haven’t even seen her and already I don’t like it that she is with someone else. I guess this is what I get, I should have left my husband long ago. Even though she is with someone else I still can’t wait to see her. Only a few more days and I will be back home. At least she isn’t married, maybe...
We were back on the road heading to our parents house. "Only thirty more miles" I stated out loud, reaching over and holding Rachel's hand. I found that I really enjoyed the slightest physical contact with her. Even holding her hand somehow comforted me, knowing that she too wanted to hold my hand and that she too was feeling the same comfort I was feeling. A few more minutes passed by and we reached our parents home. It wasn't the house we grew up in. They had moved I left for college three...
Incest“Aw honey, she always feels ill…I really don’t see why they don’t just get a taxi home.” I was talking about our neighbors Kim and Geoff. They were an ok couple…as neighbors go, but Kim was one of those hypochondriac types. She was never happy unless there was something wrong with her. I mean, don’t get me wrong – I’m very much the stay at home type. I like nothing more than a hot scented bath and a quiet glass of wine with Jas…my hubby. But I like to enjoy life, and the Christmas party is the...
The Secret (Part 1) By Lauren Westley Somehow he had found out. But how? I pondered the question as I sat reading my email. How did he know my home address and where I worked? How did he know the pictures I had downloaded from Or the stories I had read at Fictionmania? I couldn't believe it, but he did. But he also said he had "fingerprinted me" which he said, meant he could "prove where I had been." The email continued with a statement how he could easily...
My business has been occupying more and more of my time recently and my wife, Helena, felt I was neglecting her. She was right but somehow I was too tired by the time I got home to do anything about it. She’s always had men flocking round her like bees after honey. One evening when I got home at midnight and dog-tired, she informed me that as I was always too tired to make love to her properly, she felt free to look elsewhere for satisfaction. She then went on to tell me that she had met...
I am on my way home, back from work. It's been a long day. A long week away from home. Early days and late nights without much other time than to sleep and eat. I miss being in our home. Eat the dinner while talking with you about things that occupies our minds. Talking about old days. Stories from our past. Reliving them with you. This week has been a bit different though. I discovered by accident that you had some extra activities online. I saw the pictures you exchanged. The way you told him...
Case #7862661 – May 22nd, 6:25 PM. Suspect is a black, adolescent female with dark hair. She is brought back to the newly renovated loss prevention office after being suspected of stealing items on the store premises. After interrogation and search, it is revealed that she has not stolen any items. However, she then tries to steal store property while being detained. To avoid law enforcement involvement, she and the Loss Prevention Officer reach a resolution that satisfies all parties....
xmoviesforyouFrom that first moment I saw my wife impaling herself on that giant Black cock I knew it was not going to be a one off. She was hooked and would certainly be repeating the pleasurable experience at any cost.I was not complaining, aside from the amazing erotic image that stayed with me and provided hours of great jerk off fantasies, she was also in a new state of heightened sexuality. That one incident had flicked a switch and she had become even more wild and passionate. She seemed to be more...
I woke up the next morning cuddled in the arms of my very first lover, an exchange student from Armenia. There was no love as love is usually defined, but there had been a need fulfilled by each of us, a kind of mutual affection. I didn't feel bad at all. I slipped out of the bag and found my pajamas, put them on and walked to the bathroom. It was cool but not cold, and when I returned to the large room I found everyone still sleeping. There was some daylight coming in through the windows,...
By the time the two women arrived at the pool the next morning, Kenny was already hard at work. The two women were clearly in competition with each other. Peggy had on a white bikini that showed most of her tits, while Donna wore a black bikini which easily got lost in the crack of her ass. Kenny smiled as he walked over at lunch time. "I have to help with the swim club fund-raiser this afternoon and tomorrow," he said, "so I'm going to call it a day." "Oh," both women said...
I am going to tell you about a true incident which happened few years ago now searching for it. This happend when i was student with a good physique living in ahmedabad.As my colleg was far form my house so my parents deceded and told me to stay at my uncles place and in weeked i used to go to my house.My aunty was around 35 years with 2 kids, the youngest being 2 year old. My uncle runs a shop in the city and so he leaves the house in the morning and returns by in the night. . The aunty...
IncestWell, well, well, what do we have here? Dear old friend Damon stopping by to see his neighbor and friend’s mom Emma Starr. To what does she owe this unexpected and long-overdue visit? Certainly Damon wouldn’t just be so nice as to visit Mrs. Starr out of the the kindness of his heart, would he? Of course not! No, it just so happens that neighborhood-watch Damon recently spied Mrs. Starr having a dubious encounter with another neighbor…just after Mr. Starr left to go to work. And, this wasn’t...
xmoviesforyouAs I sat on my couch, i was thinking, "Being alone doesn't have good perks. Maybe if I wanted to dream something naughty, it might be cool." So, I closed my eyes, and I dreamed of a very naughty schoolgirl who would do what i like. All of a sudden, I heard a sexy female voice say to me, "Hey Ace, you bad boy, you big stud." I woke up, and there was this hot girl who was dressed as a naughty schoolgirl. She had nice lovely pigtails, a very sexy tied tight white top, in which her gorgeous boobs...
A warm smile spread over Connor’s face as he paced back and forth in the room. “Congratulations Miss Stevens,” he muttered deeply, looking at the dark haired beauty who watched his every move, seeking his approval. “She’s most perfect for our pleasure. But of course, I should not be surprised. I have come to expect only the very best from you.” Miss Stevens blushed deeply and lowered her eyes. “Thank you Sir.” She stood beside a chair in which a heavy titted girl with long blonde hair...
What a fun day! Jessie had such a great time at the water park and talked his mom's head off on the way home. She had doubted her decision to transition her son to a female in the past but had he ever been so darn happy before? She couldn't remember a time. She was pleased with the transformation and his new outlook on life. The fact that he now answered to Jessica was the icing on the cake. After dropping Ashley off at home Jessie went up to his room to take a shower and get into...
Hi doston! Mera naam Avinash hai. Ye kahani mere aziz dost Ankit ki wife Barkha ki hai. Ye kahani haqiqat aur kalpana ka mila jula anubhav hai jisme khoob sex hai, emotion hai aur thrill hai. Ummeed hai aapko pasand aayegi. Chalo bina jyada waqt liye main mudde par aaya hoon. Woh ek garmiyon ki shaam thi, aur ek one day match India aur Australia ke beech chal raha tha. Mere ghar mein koi nahi tha. Ankit ne kaha, “Chal sath mein mere ghar match dekhte hai. Main fir mil nahi paunga, bahar ja raha...
There was no further trouble from the inhabitants of Tirfil as the army busied itself packing its weaponry and its trophies, and withdrawing from the city and the country. In a symbolic gesture which was not lost on the former Vizier, now the Khan, the Emir stayed on the Tirfil side of the main border crossing until every member of his army was safely inside Kobekistan, and then strolled across the border alone, to complete the war. Turning to face the Vizier from some ten yards away, he...
Ariana Shine is unwinding with some stretches while Kristof watches. Her slender body enters the positions easily and elegantly while her lover takes it all in and ultimately cannot keep his hands off her. The passionate couple begins slowly, but Kristof soon helps his girl to get undressed, peeling off her workout gear to reveal her perfectly sculpted form. The seduction continues as Ariana does the same for Kristof. She makes sure her lover is fully aroused so before they go hard, heavy, and...
xmoviesforyouThe first thing I noticed when I awoke, is that it was way earlier than I planned. The second thing was that I had morning wood. The third, and most urgently important thing was that we forgot to take the stupid plastic chastity device off of me the night before, and it was a very, very uncomfortable error on my part. I glanced over at Claire. She was still wearing the key around her neck, but she was still asleep, a happy smile on her face as she made cute half noises in her dreams. From...
Polishing Daphnea story in the realm of Extreme Toylandby DolorDelectatioSynopsis: Lisa, headmistress at Extreme Toyland is on her way back home from a visit to her friend Lady Victoria (see the previous story "The Party at House Victoria"). She's bringing a new girl to work for her. But when she gets back home, she is in for a couple of surprises. Rick, her partner and co-owner of Extreme Toyland, is having some unauthorized fun with Lisa's protege. On top of that, she gets a surprise visit...
I never dreamed I would be able to write about the actual fulfillment of a long held fantasy of mine! For years I have wanted to see my wife with a black man. Amy and I married over 12 years ago when we were quite young. She is 32 years old and has medium length wavy brown hair and green eyes. She has an attractive figure with C-cup breasts. She does aerobics and keeps her self in shape. We married young so she had only been with a few guys in all her life, three in all though she is quite...
Memory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...
Fucking outdoors was always my thing since the first time i had done it. The traditional sex in bed just did not really appeal to me unless i needed a quick fuck and that was the only way i could get it. Even then i would use my perverted imagination to think up something kinky. I was in the mood one night for getting fucked. I had seen some guys earlier that day with their tattoos and piercings driving their trucks...made me imagine them taking me out to a field and taking turns fucking my...