The Making Of A Gigolo (11) - Renee ZimmermanChapter 3 free porn video

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Renee did not expect there to be others present, when she arrived for dinner at the farm ... not people other than the Daltons. There were, though. Apparently this was a Christmas party, though Christmas was still almost a month away. There were half a dozen women there.

Two of them she recognized as Jill and Christy, the women she and Bobby had fixed the drain for. Others, she had never seen before. All of them had brought something to contribute to the meal. Most of them brought children too. Four of the girls, daughters of women named Virginia and Mable, were sixteen or seventeen, the same ages as Mirriam’s younger daughters. One of the women was one of Mirriam’s daughters - her oldest - and two of the children were hers - one a year and a half old, the other still at her breast.

Jill had her son, Steven, with her, who was the same age as Mary’s older boy. Christy had a little girl with her, who was 14 months old. These, apparently, were “the kids” that had been mentioned, though Renee still had no idea why they wanted Bobby to spend time with them.

A woman with the unlikely name of Tilly had two children with her - a 5 year old boy, and an 18 month old girl. A woman named Rhonda had a baby, also still at the breast. There was a woman about Mirriam’s age, who had twins that were just over two years old. And, of course, Mirriam’s own baby was there, as were the daughters Renee had already met.

None of that seemed odd, really. Renee already knew what a wonderful woman ... and friend ... Mirriam could be, so it wasn’t odd that she had so many friends. What was puzzling was that, while all her friends looked so different from each other, most of the children looked like they were from the same family. The boys, with one exception, were invariably black-haired bundles of energy with similar smiles. There were more blue eyes than brown ones, among the boys. The little girls, on the other hand, looked like smaller copies of Mirriam’s daughters, with light brown hair, though some was straight, and some was curly. The older girls also looked like sisters to Linda, Suzie and the twins.

It looked a little like a family reunion, and that kind of atmosphere was there too. Renee worked hard at remembering names, concentrating on the women, instead of the children, because she couldn’t remember both. That didn’t seem to matter. She had never felt so welcome, by so many strangers. Where, before, she might have shrunk away from some of them, based on their obvious lack of education, she couldn’t do that now. They were so homey, like sisters she hadn’t known she had, but who had now been found. They talked about their troubles, and joys, their successes and failures, both to each other, and to her, as if she had known them for years.

At one point there were three women with a breast bare, all feeding youngsters who slurped happily and noisily at a nipple. Mirriam had asked if that was acceptable to Renee, before. None of the others did. They just fed their babies, without a shred of embarrassment, even though Bobby was in the room. At one point, his older sister even called him over to ask him something, while she was feeding her baby. Neither of them seemed to find it odd or embarrassing that his sister’s breast was on display while they talked.

Mirriam didn’t spill the beans. It was inevitable, though, that one of these other women would ask the dreaded question: “So, honey, tell me about your man.”

She wished, at that moment, that she’d already taken off her wedding rings. She couldn’t though. Despite what the priest had said, while she might not be married at some future point, she still felt married, even though she couldn’t accept Daniel as being the man she was married to any more. It was both confusing and frustrating.

“He’s not with me ... at the moment,” she replied, unable to think of anything else to say. She saw Mirriam look away from her, and start talking to another woman about what recipe she had used for the pie she’d brought.

“Awww,” said the woman, whose name was Virginia, “Several of us here know what that’s like. My own husband went off to war in Korea and never came back.”

“That’s horrible!” said Renee.

“Things like that happen,” said the woman. “It hurt though. It surely did that. I just couldn’t deal with trying to find another husband.” Just then her younger daughter came up and said that she and the other older girls were going out to the barn to jump into piles of hay. Her mother nodded, and continued to talk to Renee.

It wasn’t until the woman went off to talk to someone else that Renee did the math in her head. The girl, Virginia’s daughter, was sixteen, which meant she was born around 1957 ... long after the Korean War was over, and Virginia’s husband had been killed. Who was that girl’s father? And Virginia’s older daughter was still in high school, so she had been born after Virginia’s husband was killed as well. Two children, with no husband?

She looked around. Virginia was about Mirriam’s age. The only other women that age were Prudence and Mable. Mable wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, but had two daughters who looked like Virginia’s ... and also looked like Mirriam’s, now that she thought about it. How odd.

She was curious enough to ask Mirriam about Mable and Prudence. In a moment of quiet, in the kitchen, she found out Mable had divorced after the war, and had never remarried, and Prudence’s husband had died in 1954. She, too, had never remarried. Mirriam didn’t make a big deal about it; she just gave Renee the information, and said that both women had been through sad times. Renee also found out Mirriam was a widow, then, and had been for almost twenty years.

That established the fact that, between the three older women at the party, they had given birth to a total of fourteen children ... while they were single.

Renee was flabbergasted. Grown women just didn’t do that kind of thing! Young girls made those kinds of “mistakes” ... not women who knew better.

Yet, as Renee was enveloped in a swirl of welcome, she was astonished even further when she decided that it just didn’t matter. She liked these women, and they appeared to like her. She’d never had friends like them before, but that didn’t matter either. She wasn’t alone any more. That, by itself, made her feel better than she had since moving to this town.

Dinner was bedlam. The women all fit at the dining room table, but the children were set up on card tables, and the coffee table. There were two high chairs present, but three children who needed one. Renee found herself holding Mirriam’s son, Theodore, on her lap, while Mirriam tended the meal. At the same time, there were children on almost everybody’s laps, at one time or another. The older girls seemed to be used to taking care of little ones, and helped there, but it was still a cacophony of noise as the women tried to talk and the children demanded attention.

Renee held Theodore in one arm, and ate with the other. She stared down at the little boy, who was cooing happily, as if he didn’t care who held him, as long as somebody did. His hands went to her breast, and he wiggled.

“Mirriam!” she yelped. “I think he’s hungry!”

“I just fed him an hour ago,” snorted Mirriam. “That boy is all man, if you ask me.”

There were giggles and laughter around the table.

Renee was staring into the baby’s blue eyes, as his mouth opened and closed right next to her breast, when strong hands swooped in to remove him from her arm. She felt the back of Bobby’s hand press her breast as he picked up the little boy, and looked up to see identical blue eyes, and an identical head of hair, right down to the forelock on the forehead.

“You’re a guest,” he said. “You shouldn’t have to put up with that.”

He tossed the baby up into the air and Renee gasped, until, on the way back down, the laughing little boy was caught by those strong hands.

“Behave yourself!” he said, putting his face right in the baby’s face.

“Like that will ever happen,” said Mary, laughing. “He’s male.” There was a chorus of agreement from the assembled women.

Something tugged at Renee’s subconscious ... something about the baby and the man now holding him. But the tide of noise and conversation kept her from concentrating, and she began to eat again.

It was during dinner that the story of how Renee came to be there finally came out. The story of her hitting Bobby’s car was glossed over by Bobby, who said it was a simple accident. No mention was made of her hospital stay, or the condition she was in when she was brought to this house for the first time. The way Bobby told it, it was just a humorous incident that was no big deal. Jill complained.

“She hit my car?”

“It’s not your car anymore,” said Bobby. “You gave it to me, remember?”

“Well, yeah,” said the young woman. “But I still have feelings for it.”

That got a laugh, around the table.

Somehow, the subject of her husband came up again. This time it was Jill who brought it up.

“So, what does your husband do for a living?”

The conversation seemed to drift to a halt, and Renee found eyes looking at her, curiously.

“It’s ... embarrassing,” she said weakly, and felt her face flush hotly.

“She’s got some troubles,” said Mirriam. “She might not feel comfortable talking about it.”

“What man isn’t trouble?” asked Mable, trying to lighten the mood.

Renee thought about what Bobby had said. She couldn’t keep it a secret forever ... and these women had been so nice to her ... so far. She took a deep breath, as her heart hammered in her chest.

“He’s in prison,” she said, her voice almost a sigh.

A chorus of “Ooooo”s came back at her, but no one looked outraged, or even shocked.

“We were only married for two months, when I found out I didn’t know him very well,” she added.

Mirriam’s continued attempts to get them to leave her be fell on deaf ears, and, little by little, it all came out. Not one of them accused her of knowing what was going on ... or being involved. All of them expressed horror for her position, and pledged to help her, whatever she needed.

That shook Renee to her very core. There was no judgment. No one said it must be her fault, or that she was stupid for choosing such a man. She felt a huge load lift from her shoulders, and that brought to mind what she hadn’t had time, or opportunity, to share with Mirriam. Now, she shared it with all of her new friends.

“I talked to the priest today ... in town. He said that, in the church’s eyes, I was never married at all.” She got blank looks. None of the other women were Catholic. “It means I can apply for an annulment. It’s kind of like getting divorced, except the church will treat it as if I never got married at all.”

“They can do that?” asked Christy, who looked fascinated.

“Yes,” said Renee.

“Well that’s wonderful, then!” said Mable. “You’ll get to start fresh!”

“I’m not so sure I want to start again at all,” sighed Renee. “This has all been pretty hard on me.”

Again, there were comments of agreement and support. Virginia said men were basically worthless. Christy agreed, and then casually added, “Except for Bobby, of course.”

Eyes left Renee, and swiveled to Bobby, who had his fork halfway to his mouth, and was frozen, wide-eyed.

“Of course,” said three women at once. The stark tableau of Bobby being in the spotlight ended. He blinked, his face turned just a bit darker, and he put some meat loaf in his mouth. There was, perhaps, another ten or fifteen seconds of silence, and then Mary asked Renee what her immediate plans were.

“I don’t know,” said Renee. “I only found out about Daniel recently. I have a degree in early childhood education, but I don’t know if there are any positions open in schools around here or not.”

“I know what you could do,” said Jill. “This town needs a good child care center in the worst possible way. I love my little bundle of joy, but there are times when I need to get some work done, and I’d love to be able to take Steven to someone I could trust.”

There were excited comments in agreement with her.

Renee blinked. She hadn’t even thought of using her education that way. She had a big house. She liked children. All the children in this house made it seem like the place was alive and growing.

“I’ll have to think about that,” she said softly.

“It’s a great idea,” said Rhonda. “I know you could do well at that. Right now, there are just grandmas, who watch kids from time to time, and maybe one or two other women who do it for hire. None of them have more than one or two children, though, and won’t take more.”

“How many children do you think would need that kind of thing?” asked Renee.

There were estimates from fifteen to thirty.

“I couldn’t watch that many children by myself,” gasped Renee. “I’d have to have employees.”

“I need a job!” said one of Mable’s daughters, who was standing in the doorway between the dining room and living room. One of Virginia’s daughters was with her, and chimed in, “Me too!”

“I suspect there are at least six or seven girls and young women around who would do fine, as long as they had good supervision,” said Prudence. “That might just give you something to do, too, to take your mind off your troubles.”

“There’s nothing like having a handful of children around to make you forget your troubles,” laughed Mirriam, obviously joking.

“Yes,” said Renee, thoughtfully. “But those troubles, in my case, would go home at night, and leave me in peace.”

“Amen, sister,” said Virginia, smiling.

The talk moved on to other things as people began to get full, and dinner eased to a halt. The young people organized games with the even younger people, or played with them, if they weren’t old enough to participate in such games. The older women were left to chat and relax. Renee watched as Tilly seemed to end up beside Bobby, almost by accident, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. He got up, and they left the room together.

Suddenly curious, Renee moved herself, to where she could see them standing by the back door. Tilly opened it, took Bobby’s hand, and pulled him outside. Neither of them put on a jacket.

Outside, Tilly faced Bobby and took his other hand in hers, holding both of them.

“Jake and I are ready for another one,” she said, somewhat shyly.

Bobby grinned. “I thought you were going to stop with two. You have no idea how happy that makes me,” he said.

She didn’t blush. She had spent too many hours with this man, naked, straining under him as he made love to her, to be embarrassed. His eagerness made her want to start right now.

“This will be our last,” she said. “Jake says I can kiss you, if I have to ... to convince you to help us again,” she added softly.

“Oh really?” asked Bobby.

She had kissed him exactly twice, during their relationship of five years. The first time was when she cut him off, saying that Jake could make love to her from then on. Then they had found out that Jake couldn’t father children because of his accident. They were so happy with the first child Bobby had fathered in her that they asked him to make her pregnant again. She had kissed him again, when she told him she was pregnant that time ... and cut him off again. In truth, there had been special times, when Bobby was invited to the house, between pregnancies, and she spread her legs for him then. But she never kissed him, other than those two times.

“Gee, I don’t know if I really want to get you pregnant again or not.” He grinned. “Can I have some time to think about it?”

Renee maneuvered herself out of the dining room. No one was in the kitchen, and the entry way was dark, so she slipped in there. She peeked through the gap between the curtain and the window in the back door. She could see Bobby and the woman standing in the light of the yard light.

“No, you can’t,” said Tilly, pulling him toward her.

His arms went around her, and her arms slid up his back, to his shoulders. Her lips reached up, and she stood on tiptoes, to press her lips against his. It was a lover’s kiss. Anyone could see that, and Renee was no exception. She had seen girls kiss boys like that at parties, and, as she now saw, she had seen those boys’ hands slide down to cup the girls’ bottoms and pull the girls against them.

Renee’s stomach felt funny. This reminded her of the way Christy had kissed him, at her house, though she hadn’t been quite as sensual about it as Tilly was being. Tilly loved this kiss, and it was obvious. Jill’s mournful, “I need to get laid bad, Bobby,” popped into her mind. But this woman was married. She had mentioned her husband ... or one of the other women had asked her about him, one of the two. She couldn’t remember now.

What was going on?

Bobby was handsome. She knew that, in the way any woman notices a handsome man. And he was friendly. But this?

She felt someone behind her, and turned to see it was Bobby’s older sister, Mary. Mary leaned toward the window and looked out. She sighed.

“I don’t think you were supposed to see that,” she said softly.

“What’s going on?” asked Renee helplessly.

“It’s complicated,” said Mary. “It would take longer than we have now to explain it to you, and even then, you might not understand. Anyway, it’s too soon for you to delve into that. You have enough problems without trying to figure Bobby out too.”

“I don’t understand,” moaned Renee.

“Bobby helped Tilly and Jake,” said Mary, recognizing that Renee needed to know something ... maybe just a little. “They were in a terrible way, and he helped them both. She’s just very appreciative of that. That’s really all I can tell you. It’s not what it looks like.”

“How can it be not what it looks like?” gasped Renee. She glanced out the window again. “They’re still kissing!”

“All I can tell you is that, if Jake were here, he would not be unhappy about this, okay? You have to understand that there are complicated things going on. They may not make sense to you, but I know there is nothing wrong or hurtful going on out there.”

Mary sounded so sincere, and so calm about it, that Renee just chose to believe her. Then she paused. That’s what she’d done with Daniel - just believed him - and that had been a horrible mistake. It didn’t make sense ... but everything she had seen about this family told her they were good people. She wanted to believe they were good people. She wanted to believe Bobby was a good man. So, she just tried to believe that.

Marry tugged at her arm, and pulled her into the light of the kitchen.

Renee turned to face her. “Christy ... she kissed him too.”

Mary looked pained for a few seconds. “You may see other women kiss him like that,” she said, finally. She had a doubtful look on her face. “He’s helped a lot of people. He has a ... special kind of relationship with some women.”

“He has more than one girlfriend?” asked Renee, trying to fit this into a framework that she could understand, based on her own experience.

“They’re not his girlfriends,” said Mary, frowning. “I shouldn’t be telling you any of this!”

“Why not?” asked Renee. “I like you. I like your family. Bobby has been nice to me. I just want to understand.”

Mary tried again. “Have you ever broken up with a boyfriend, but still liked him?”

“No,” said Renee. If you broke up with a boy, it was because he wasn’t worthy of your love. If he broke up with you, it was because he was stupid ... and wasn’t worthy of your love. It was just the way she thought.

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The CircleChapter 30 Renee joins Circle and brings Ellen

Cuddled up in the bed, naked, and wrapped in Bob’s arms, Renee turned and kissed him. She said in a hushed tone, “That was the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done sexually.” “Did you like it?” “I loved it. I really meant what I said about doing it over and over. I lost count of my orgasms. I hope I gave as good as I got.” Bob snorted, “Zoey thinks you’re her new role model. You did very well by her.” “I liked her. I liked kissing her.” “Have you always been bisexual?” “Just since...

2 years ago
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Renee Part 1

Renee was the first neighbor to greet us when we moved into the neighborhood, and has been one of our best friends ever since. She is around our age, and her two kids are in the same age range as our kids, so we all got along great. Renee is blonde, about five feet tall, and maybe 100 pounds. She has a tight little ass and perky breasts. She always seemed to be in a great mood, and could light up a room just by walking in. Needless to say, I didn’t mind when we all went to the beach or the...

Group Sex
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I took a chance and my future wife Renee was all

When my future wife Renee as 19 she called me at work early one morning. I was about to get off of night shift. She wanted me to swing by and pick her up at her parents house and take her to spend the day in my bed.We arrived at my crib, as we walked past my roommate's room, he was working days at the plant. He had spent that previous night with Diana sleeping over. Diana had been a fuck buddy for both me and my roomie. In fact she even brought girls over to party occasionally; usually ending...

3 years ago
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Renee Renews Her Vows

I had been doing my typical thing all winter long, working around the house, remodeling, and refurbishing my older bathroom and bedroom, while I continued writing new stories as a side income. My full time job became less important due to increased income from royalties I began to receive from different online publishing companies. I was making almost twice, what I was taking in as a marketing rep for the once well off operation I was involved with. It’s popularity declined due to bad business...

2 years ago
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Renee and David

Renee is a nurse who just graduated from school this year and works too much. She is about 5’6, brunette with a 34b chest and a firm ample ass. David is about 5’8 with brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He works for a pharmaceutical company and travels a lot for work. They met while Renee was still in school. David was giving a presentation at the hospital Renee was doing her practical training. He was instantly attracted to her when he saw her. Even in her scrubs, he could tell she had a...

Straight Sex
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An Incestuous Episode Renee I

Michelle and I had been more relieved than happy when my daughter got married at the age of 18. Renee had been quite a problem child over the years and we couldn't control her. I know that she had been an advocate of drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll since she first became a teenager. Many was the night (or rather early morning hours) that she came home under the influence of either drugs or alcohol with her clothes askew, leaving no doubt, at least in my mind, that she was sexually promiscuous....

2 years ago
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Gigolo From Rourkela 8211 Part 3

Hello to all the reader of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, I am Bapi from Rourkela, Odisha. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for...

4 years ago
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Renee Part Two

Renee took great care to milk every last drop of cum from my cock, gently squeezing and sucking it as it starting going limp. Tammy made her way down to join her, and they began to kiss each other. I spun myself around and started fingering Tammy’s wet pussy. Her body responded to my touch and she flipped onto her back. I slid off the bed and pulled her close to the edge so I could eat her wonderfully wet pussy. Renee stood up and removed her skirt and thong before rejoining Tammy on the bed....

Group Sex
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Rick Renee Pt 01

It’ll sound weird, but I always liked airports. Something about the energy in them, I think, appeals to me. The comings and goings and the dynamic to and fro of humanity gives me a tingle. It’s like some of the excitement from all those adventures, even little ones that only matter to the people caught up in them, rubs off and accumulates, there. Or, maybe it was just because I loved to travel, and at the time, I was stuck there. So, playing piano in the tiny airport bar was as close as I was...

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Renee Conclusion

Renee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...

Straight Sex
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Meri Girlfriend Ko Maine Or Gigolo Ne Choda Manali Me

Hi dosto mera naam vinay hai or mai delhi se hun mai average looking hun mera lund 5.5 inches ka hai. Meri ek girlfriend hai jiska naam pooja hai or wo bohat achi ladki hai hum dono ek dusre se bohat pyaar krte hai. Ab mai apko pooja ka figure btata hun. 32,34,32 hai boobs ekdum bde or gol hai nippal tight hai or gand bhari hui hai gol gol or choot ke kya kehne choot bilkul saaf or mast mujhe toh pooja ki choot chatna bohat pasand hai or usko mera lund chusna acha lagta hai humne bohat baar sex...

2 years ago
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Renee Native Alaskan Beauty

I began to use MSN messenger mainly having cyber sex with who knows who, but it felt taboo and got me turned on. I began to message a woman by the name of Renee regularly. Added her to my friends list and we began to talk dirty to each other often. I was 16 at the time and very open and honest about being young which she seemed to have no problem with. If I remember correctly Renee was in her late 20's not older than 30. She would log on and command me to talk dirty to her about all the...

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Renee and her brother Ch3

Renee and Her Brother Ch. 03                  Shelley and Ryan continue their relationshipThis story started with Renee (42) and Ryan (31), sister and brother, who had not seen each other for 6 years. They found that they loved each other and carried this on to becoming partners and living together in a beach house in the South West of the State. Renee had 3 children, all who had grown and left home. Her daughter Shelley (now 30) was married with 2 children at the time. She and her brothers...

4 years ago
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Renee Adds to Our Marriage

Let me tell you a little about my wife and my self before I get into this story. My wife Renee and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55 and we are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is 5'10" tall with long legs and long blonde hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about 3 years ago. I have always known that Renee had a relationship...

3 years ago
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Gigolo Job In Bangalore 8211 Part 1

Dear all, I love ISS site since from lost 9 year I am reading all story, here I could like write my own experience as a gigolo guy Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d and if any one want to chat mail me Story started like this Myself rahul from hubli working in hubli only, alone guy getting life bore so I started time pass along with work usually free time or weekend I ll be busy with my laptop while searching something I came to know gigolo world In gigolo world one...

2 years ago
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Renee and her brother Ch2

Renee and Her Brother Ch. 02by Jena121© This a sequel to "Renee and her Brother" -- I have had quite a lot of feedback on this, both good and bad and thought I may explain a few of the anomalies of the first story re: the children, money etc. I just ask that people keep on giving me feedback -- I answer all private emails -- and whether it is derogatory or praise -- I need that to let me know what I am doing right or wrong -- also it only takes a moment to vote -- and they all add up --even if...

3 years ago
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Renee 8211 My Beautiful Niece

Hello, I am Tony. I am writing about an affair with my Niece that happened few years ago. I still have delightful memories and they were the best moments of my life. I am writing for the first time. Please pardon me if I have made any mistake. I am eagerly waiting for your feedback at ( it is tseven underscore ) At that time I was 36 and a favorite Uncle of Renee who was 25. I had come to USA 12 year before her. I was married had 2 children. We received a letter from India that Renee is coming...

1 year ago
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Chennai Gigolo Sex 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am Pramod from Chennai. I am a professional gigolo in Chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can contact me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with many unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. Today I am going to narrate you a true incident which happened last month in Chennai. I am writing this experience with my client’s permission and willing. After...

1 year ago
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Chennai Gigolo Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello iss readers, I am pramod from bangalore. I am a professional gigolo in chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can hire me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. This story is continuation of the story know as chennai gigolo sex part – I . I heard a known voice calling my name in the bus stop. When I turned around I saw vishnu...

4 years ago
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My Gigolo Encounter With A Sexy Lady

Hi everyone. Main haryana se hu or ye kahani mere gigolo encounter ki hai. Main apne baare mein bta du k main ek gigolo hu jo ladies ko khush krta hu. Meri age 22 hai, meri height 5’9 hai or mera lund 8′ ka hai jo kisi ko bhi satisfy kr skta hai. Main colleges pass-out hu, mujhe ye gigolo ki job achi lagti hai, mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladies bahut pasand hai. If any body wants my service then plz contact me,  I  will satisfy you 100%. My mailing address is Its totally safe. Now...

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My Life As A Gigolo In Chennai 8211 Part 1

Hey ISS readers, this is Rajesh from chennai () back with an real life experience. And thanks for the overwhelming response for my previous story So once I graduated from college I joined a mundane 9to 5 job at an it company here in chennai. And I had an a breakup with my girlfriend shruthi whom I mentioned in earlier story . Being lonely was taking a toll on me and I was kinda bored. That’s when I met a person called sathish who happens to be my new neighbor .As a matter of we hit a bar in a...

2 years ago
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Gigolo From Rourkela

Hello to all the readers of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, BODY MASSAGE OR SEXUAL SERVICE OR BOTH : If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for fun want to have sex or want your sexual fantasies brought to reality, then contact me. Especially bhabhi, girls, aunties and all females.I am fair, handsome, tall, well educated and decent male of 25 years of age. My services are available only in Rourkela. SECRECY is 100 % guaranteed. I provide sexual...

3 years ago
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Premium Mumbai Gigolo At Your Service

Hey, I’m Mahindra and I am a smart educated, clean and most of all hunky 28 year old gigolo. I have been in this profession for more than 3 years and it all started since the time I met this beautiful women on my from Job interview. Without work or penny in my pocket from one office to another I was searching for an opportunity to make money as soon as I completed my MBA. Coming from a middle class family I was in a lot of pressure to join multinational to get a job. So here it goes, walking...

1 year ago
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Accidental Gigolo My OneNightStand With A Female Tourist

I stuck my middle finger inside her wet hole, turned it 180% degree and curled it on the rebound in search of her G-spot. When I found it, I tickled it and that was when she lost it and yelled so loud, I was afraid someone would hear her and come banging on the door to find out what was amiss. My name is Kelly. I am a housekeeper (manager) of a hotel in Lagos, Nigeria. A good number of expatriates especially tourists lodge in the hotel all year round and very often, they are horny and in need...

Sex With Stranger
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 34

Saturday Bobby woke to the feel of a warm woman in his arms. He couldn’t have explained how he knew, but even before he opened his eyes he knew it was Suzie. He felt another body pressed against his back, and knew it was one of the twins, but not which one. When he did open his eyes, he realized that it was the smell of bacon and eggs that had awakened him. He lifted his head. Only Suzie and Betty were still in the room with him. His assumption that the others had gone home was incorrect....

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Manila gigolo

This is written by my sociale lady friend in manila.......she did not want to post it herself....Manila GigoloBy XXXX©Hi! My name is Rebecca and I am a bored and sex deprived rich wife of a very successful Manila businessman. I have all the material needs pertaining to luxuries in life. The only problem is that my husband is too busy with his business that he did not have the time to make passionate love to me as he is seldom at home or come back late from business engagements. I suspected that...

2 years ago
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A Real Gigolo8217s Experience 8211 Part I

Hello naughty ladies and horny gentlemen. Ankur Roy is the name I’ll be using for posting stories. I’m a 21 year old man from Navi Mumbai. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from the last 6 years and it has truly widened my imagination and fantasies. I’ve read all types of stories here and it has made me even more horny and desperate for sex. I was a virgin until the last weekend but all that changed. My virginity was taken by a beautiful 31 year old lady called Nikita. Now, I’ve come across many...

3 years ago
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Money Make Me High Class Gigolo In Mumbai Now In Pune

Hi readers My name is Vicky, 27yrs from Mumbai with an average physique.But i m goodlooking guy & well educated with great stamina to satisfy any female.(golden rule for ladies who hire me i.e. if ur not satisfied then no need to pay me),Now i m staying in pune & love to meet females in pune who like to hire me,i promise complete safety & satisfaction so if really interested then mail me @ / I am a great lover of this site and a regular visitor of this site. I was doing my 2 years MBA course...

4 years ago
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Gigolo Ch 01

This is a long-term story with potentially an infinite life in it, and it revolves around a man (written from a first-person perspective) finding himself in deep financial trouble and finding money and enjoyment in becoming a high-class male hooker. This chapter, as well as the ones to follow, will hit on more than one particular genre, which is why it’s been filed here instead of anywhere else. If you are open-minded, like something different and are not easily offended, please read on and...

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Mike the Gigolo Pt3 Last Stand

Four years into my time as a gigolo with Ron Vincent's business of providing escorts for the mature lady I had acquired quite a reputation. A good number of the clients asked for me on a regular basis.Having said that, I'd had a few occasions which had ensured I kept my feet on the ground. Like the buxom fifty-two-year-old lady, all blue rinse and chins who only wanted cunnilingus but refused to touch me in any way. It made for a very lengthy two hours of dipping my face in wet lard.Then there...

First Time
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First Experience As A Gigolo

Hi, its FOGG(my cover name as gigolo) bringing you my new experience as gigolo.I’m 27 M working in a reputed company in Hyderabad, apart from daily routine I also wanted of pleasure and money I made a choice of becoming a gigolo, I’m average looking south Indian guy, I have looked all over internet for suggestion and help but almost all of them are just fake and steal money. Tired of this I started my own advertising on Facebook and other different sites.Before getting into story, would like to...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Gigolo In Chennai

Hi to all readers. I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to put my story here today. This story is about how I became a gigolo in Chennai and started providing services to girls and ladies on a daily basis. Without wasting further time let me introduce the 2 characters of this story. I am Raj from Rajasthan. I am basically a Jain boy bought up in Chennai. I am little on the heavier side and have a penis of size 5 inch long and 3 inches in diameter. (I’ll not brag like others who quote they...

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Money Made Me A Gigolo

I was doing my 2 years MMS course from Mumbai university and opted for self study hoping that I will get a good job so that I can help my family, as I belong to a middle class family. I tried searching for jobs and hunting various companies for 3 months, but failed to get one as I was studying none of the companies showed interest. One fine day I was returning from an interview from Nerul to Dadar(Two stations in Mumbai). I was as usual rejected, so I was bit sad. I decided to take a local...

3 years ago
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Becoming An Independent Gigolo

Helo everyone this is sameer from Mumbai suburb(mira bhayander) I’m writing my first ever experience of being a gigolo. So please forgive me for any spelling mistake. Please send me your feedbacks on I’m 18 years old and this story is when I was 16. I think I’m the youngest gigolo from Mumbai. I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body and six pack tool size 6 inches but very thick that any women will love to take… So coming to the story 2 years ago I passed my 10 th std and was admitted to a...

4 years ago
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My New Gigolo Encounter

Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to Indian Sex Stories for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Chandigarh hai. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you...

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Gigolo 8211 Male Escort 8211 Rent Man 8211 Call Boy Odisha 8211 Part 5

Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...

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Being A Gigolo 8211 Both Master And Slave

Dear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...

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