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Bill and Collette Parker's dining room table had been a wedding gift from Collette's parents, nearly thirty-seven years earlier. The huge, four-insert, dining room table, was large enough for an infantry company. At least, that was what Bill had blurted the first time he saw it. He did, eventually, get back in the good graces of his mother-in-law.

"Mom gave us that table as a hint to fill it up," Collette complained time and time again, but she wouldn't give it up. The table filled up an entire room, even without inserts, in their first, tiny apartment. She finally explained to Bill that the table was a symbol. It symbolized that they wouldn't quit trying for the six children that they both had wanted. Jane was their only child, no matter how much they tried.

Now, thirty-seven years later, they had hopes to fill it up with grandkids, and eventually great-grandkids. Or lots of close friends like today's planned Sunday dinner.

Normally, one insert was all the Parker household needed, so they kept the other three in storage. Bill had been tasked with getting the extra three out of storage and dusting them off.

Collette looked proudly at the expanse of solid cedar. She had a bottle of liquid furniture wax in one hand and a rag in the other. Bill was standing on the other side of the table, nursing a sore thumb where the skin got pinched when the inserts were forced together.

Collette smiled, watching Bill, and walked around the table offering to kiss it and make it well. They were arguing about whether he would get cooties if he let her kiss it. Well, not exactly arguing.

"Not here too!" Blake complained. "Everyplace I go, everybody's smooching.

"We were not smooching," Collette corrected her grandson. "We were arguing."

"So who won?" Blake asked with a smirk.

"I did, of course," his grandmother said primly. "I'm the girl, so I win. Haven't you learned that in school yet?"

Blake rolled his eyes and asked, "That's not true, is it, grandpa?"

"Those are words to live by, son, if you want a happy life," Bill said seriously. "Words to live by," he said again, nodding to himself, before walking towards the front door.

Bill had almost reached the front door, when the door-bell rang.

He hesitated for a moment, until Hunter said, "All clear," then he opened the door.

Bill Parker was a naturally paranoid person ... not in a psychotic way, but as a well trained police officer that knows his city is a battle-field. He considered his Companion an extension of his senses, and thought that it would be stupid to not use those extra senses.

"You must be Bianca and Francisco," Bill said in greeting, holding out his hand. "I'm Bill Parker. Welcome to my home."

"The cute one is Bianca," Francisco said with a smile and a jerk of his head towards his wife, as he grasped Bill's hand.

"Yeah, that's how Caleb described the two of you, too," Bill said grinning. He looked around and asked, "I thought your daughter was coming, too."

"She's tubing with some friends down the Salt River," Francisco explained. "It's the last river outing planned for this year."

"We didn't press the issue when she asked if we minded," Bianca explained as she entered the house behind her husband. "Dinner, today, is kind of like a clan meeting. If she were here, significant conversations would need to be made via our Companions. I'm not really accustomed to that yet," she concluded apologetically.

"Don't feel bad about it," Bill replied. "Collette and I aren't either. Speaking of my better half ... honey, this is Francisco and Bianca. Bianca is the pretty one."

"I hope someone else had to make that observation for you, dear," Collette said with a smile. "It's good to meet both of you."

Bianca could tell from Collette's eyes that the woman enjoyed teasing her husband, and maybe even as much as her husband liked being teased.

"This is Blake, our grandson," Bill said proudly in introduction. "Blake, this is Mr. and Mrs. Santiago."

"Would you mind if we just stuck with Francisco and Bianca?" Bianca asked.

"Not at all," Bill said. "In our little group, respect is necessary, but formality is kind of silly," Bill admitted.

"Are Caleb and JJ here yet?" Bianca asked.

"Caleb is helping mom in the kitchen," Blake said. "Apparently, she needed help watching the timer," he continued drily. "When I looked, they weren't watching anything."

A loud 'ding' was heard through the doorway, and JJ sang out, "It's ready. Get the table set. Are Bianca and Francisco here yet?" she asked, her voice getting louder as she walked towards the door to the kitchen.

JJ walked through the door carrying a glass casserole dish with padded gloves. Caleb was right behind her, dutifully, with a trivet to set it on.

"Hi, Bee," JJ greeted Bianca with a smile.

"Hi, guys. I didn't hear you come in," Caleb said, setting the trivet on the table where JJ directed.

"I don't know why you didn't hear us," Francisco said with a straight face. "We rang the door-bell about five times and knocked as loud as we could. You're usually pretty good about knowing what's going on around you. Were you distracted by something?" Francisco asked innocently.

JJ blushed, but Caleb just grinned and pulled JJ close with one arm, after she set the hot dish down, before saying, "Yep."

"Blake, get your sister," JJ instructed, trying to deflect some attention away from her flaming face.

"They're in the game room," Blake said, disgust on his face. "They're 'playing pool, ' according to them," he said as he walked through another door.

"I think he's feeling a little like a fifth wheel," Bill observed.

"His time will come," Caleb said, smiling after the boy. "He's a good kid. He'll be okay."

There had been a marked change in Kim and Blake's attitude toward Caleb in the five days since the episode in the General's office. Kim decided that her mother wasn't a 'loose woman, ' and that the rapid progression of the relationship between Caleb and her mom was an anomaly. Caleb suspected that it had something to do with the rapid progression of her own relationship with a certain former gang member. Caleb had spoken to Jorge about the burgeoning relationship, and was satisfied with the answers that he got.

Blake, on the other hand, simply decided that his mom was safe in Caleb's hands. His fears that Caleb would hurt his mom receded, with Aaron's help. Blake also liked the fact that Caleb talked to him, instead of at him or down to him, like some of his teachers.

Jorge was embarrassed when he entered the room and saw Francisco, but he didn't release Kim's hand.

The table was quickly set, food brought out, and everyone was seated in a very short amount of time. Coordination with thoughts had an effect on efficiency.

Bill looked at all the people sitting at his table and smiled before saying, "I'd like to say something before we start eating."

Everyone sat forward, and conversation ceased as eyes turned towards Bill.

"One week ago, we found out my brother-in-law and best friend was dying of cancer," Bill began. "Now he's as healthy as a horse, and we all have Companions in our heads. Collette and I had a good relationship before last Sunday, but it was nothing compared to the relationship we have now," Bill said with a warm smile for his wife. "I feel closer to JJ than I have since she was a little girl, and my grandkids are no longer a mystery," he said, his smile turning into a grin. "My point is, Thanksgiving may have been last week, and Christmas is still a few weeks away, but the blessings that I have received in the last week overshadow all but a few events in my life."

Bill lifted his glass of iced tea and said, "I propose a toast to our Companions."

"I'll drink to that," and similar comments were uttered around the table before everyone sipped their own iced tea. Then they got down to the serious business of eating good food.

Caleb groaned, holding his stomach as he leaned back in his chair after finishing a another slice of peach pie.

"I think I need to open another restaurant, or add another menu at Refugio. That was delicious," Francisco said, in agreement with Caleb's groan.

"It was so good that I want to eat more, but I can't hold another bite," Caleb agreed.

"That was good," Bill agreed. "You ladies have outdone yourselves, again." He looked around the table before continuing with, "The first part of the week was insane, and the rest of this last week was just mind boggling with the speed that things are happening. A few of us still have some unanswered questions about Monday and Tuesday, and a few of us have some news, too. The answers to the questions that we have probably won't have much of an impact on the future, but they would settle some minds. The news might solve some problems, and create others. Caleb, since you started all this, why don't you start."

"Where should I start?" Caleb asked.

"I think you need to start from when you bought that ugly truck," Francisco said. "Bee and I have heard bits and pieces, but we would really like to hear the whole story."

Caleb began recounting the events of the previous Monday and Tuesday. It didn't take him long to give the highlights verbally. All the details behind the verbal words were passed by Al to the other Companions, and their hosts. Short stories gained a lot of depth when the story-teller is communicating verbally and mentally.

"Kim was wearing that guy's shirt after you rescued her," Blake said. "She had regular clothes on, when she got home. How did she do that?"

"BLA-ake!" Kim cried, rolling her eyes.

"I was so happy to get you back in one piece that I didn't even think about how you were dressed," JJ admitted. "Where did you get the clothes?"

"I ... I got them from Linda's," Kim admitted.

"But they were your clothes," JJ pointed out, confused.

"I keep a change of clothes at Linda's, and she keeps a change here," Kim said.

"Why," JJ asked, even more confused.

"MO-om," Kim said uncomfortably, casting a surreptitious glance at Jorge.

"It is in case she has an 'accident' while she's out," Alice explained on a private connection through Amy, frustrated at her host's embarrassment. "Primarily, she's concerned with accidents during normal monthly bodily functions. Kim and her friend discussed what would happen on a date if there was an accident, and a change of clothes were needed before going home."

"Ali-ice," Kim groaned mentally, steeling herself against the onslaught that she knew was coming.

"If you don't think your mom hasn't 'been there and done that, ' then you have another think coming," Amy said drily. "You two need to sit down and have a good talk, and I'm not talking about the little discussions when you go to bed at night. Do it soon. Trust her, Kim. Your mom is a lot more understanding than you give her credit for."

"Yes, ma'am," Kim thought to Amy.

"Never mind," JJ said to Kim aloud. "We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know about the Senator."

"I already told you," Caleb protested. "He's just a guy that I met in the Army."

"Scotty?" Francisco snorted. "You told her Scotty was just a guy that you met in the Army?"

"Well, he was," Caleb protested, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation.

Kim smiled gratefully at her mom for redirecting the conversation.

"Ri-iiight," Francisco said with a chuckle, before turning to JJ. "Scotty was the First Sergeant of the company Caleb was in when he went to boot-camp."

"If his company First Sergeant knew him in boot camp, he was either very good, or very bad," Bill said with a chuckle.

"Actually, he was both," Francisco said with a nod of agreement and another chuckle. "It seems that our Caleb likes to fight. He got into several fights in boot camp, and even tried to mix it up with one of his drill instructors during hand-to-hand combat training."

"That was an education," Caleb said drily, nodding at the memory.

"What were you fighting about?" JJ asked curiously.

"There were ... um ... a couple of little guys in my squad," Caleb said hesitantly. "They weren't very aggressive, and some of the other guys tried to pick on them. I didn't like it, and the only way to stop them was to fight them. I didn't think our DI was doing enough to protect them, so I decided to do something about it during hand-to-hand training. He asked if anyone wanted to take a shot at him. I was the only one stupid enough to raise my hand."

"What happened," Blake asked breathlessly.

"He kicked my ass, royally, and didn't even break a sweat," Caleb admitted with a chuckle. "When I refused to quit, he used me as the practice dummy for the rest of the class. I think 'dummy' is the operative word there."

"What did Senator McGowan do?" Kim asked, excited about hearing more about Caleb's sordid past.

"He made me the recruit platoon sergeant," Caleb said, chagrined at the memory.

"I think the situation had reached the point of kicking him out, or putting him in a position of authority," Francisco explained, grinning at his friend's discomfort. "If I remember right, his platoon finished boot-camp as the honor platoon for the Battalion, and both of those little guys graduated with everyone else."

"Now, that's an accomplishment," Bill said with a chuckle. "How did you manage that?"

Caleb shrugged uncomfortably before saying, "I just acted like the DIs did, but focused on making everyone work together. There are some things that little guys can naturally do better than larger guys. When I could, I concentrated on doing things little guys could do better, and that gained them the respect of the guys that had picked on them. They learned that a successful team requires many different types of skills. Brawn can only take you so far. It ended up making the whole platoon a lot tighter."

"What does tighter mean?" Blake asked, confused.

"It means they were a more cohesive unit," Francisco answered. "A team can always do more than a collection of individuals. Their cohesiveness probably had a lot to do with his platoon coming out as number one in the Battalion."

"Scotty retired about a year later, and I kept track of him," Caleb explained. "Or maybe he kept track of me," he added with a chuckle. "Scotty went into politics. He was the reason I was looking at the Texas colleges. The only reason I came to Arizona was my ex." He grabbed JJ's hand under the table, and said, "I'm sure glad that I did."

"How did you ever get Scotty to come to Arizona?" Francisco asked. "He usually only comes out during Elk season."

Caleb sighed before saying, "I kind of keep track of which committees that he's on. Knowing the committees, I figured that somehow, he would be involved with an extraterrestrial space ship crash recovery. I just called him and said the secrets around a rocket crash in the desert was in danger of being exposed by the loose-cannon officer in charge. That was Monday, after JJ told me about Branch's visit to her office. I called him a couple more times. The last call was letting him know that Branch was supposed to be in General Key's office, and I gave a time that was about fifteen minutes after the meeting would start."

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Us din ke baad mummy kuch sambhal gayi thi aur 2-3 din to unhone massage bhi nahi karwayi. Lekin phir massage karwane ke liye teyar ho gayi par Meena ko aage se sawdhan rehane ke liye keh diya. Is tarah karib 2 mahine beet gaye the. Papa abhi bhi workload ke karan ghar bahut kam rehate the aur mummy ke sath time spend karna jaise bhool hi gaye the. Mummy bhi ghar baithe baithe bore ho rahi thi. Es liye unhone mujhe koi teacher ki job ke bare mein pta karne ke liye kaha. Jis area mein hum rehate...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 20

As soon as I was ready, my flight instructor signed me off for my first solo flight. It was an incredible aviation feat. I'd have thought Chuck Yeager would have been on hand for such a momentous aviation event. Of course Charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart were unable to attend, but how about Buzz Aldren? I mean – seriously – it was a day for the history books... Nope ... Nobody but me and the Flight Instructor. When the time came, I took off, circled the field and landed. Then, to prove...

3 years ago
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Reality Book

Flitting in and out of multiple existences. Multiple worlds. Changing the reality of that world to best suit one's image and moving onto the next. That was the nature of a god. At least the nature of the entities that called themselves gods. These entities had been around for as long as creation. Without form, unless they wanted to be seen. Without identity, unless they wanted to be known. Without all desire beside reshaping the world to their wont. It was like an incessant need. The one...

Mind Control
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SleepwalkerChapter 7 A Quiet Night at Home

I really wanted to talk to Allison about the things that Bob and I had discussed. The only problem was she wasn't there. I found a note saying that she and Shannon had gone to the mall to catch a matinee and that she would be home for dinner. So much for that idea. Then I realized it wasn't such a big deal. After all, we had all night to talk, and other things. I changed and took my homework out on the back patio. The next hour and a half was spent relaxing in the sun. Just me, some tunes...

1 year ago
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A two bagger

I have been a biker for all of my adult life. As some of you know bikers are hard drinking, hard lovers, hard fighters and will fuck anything. This fuck anything at times has a fine line. I had been out all day rideing and drinking and doing other biker stuff. I stopped at a watering hole to get some refrieds, taco`s, burrito`s and of course beer to wash it down. As I set minding my own business I looked up when I heard the door open to see if I might know who was coming in. This large woman...

4 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 13 Famous Last Words

Two days later, I was riding my bike down the sidewalk when I heard someone call out my name. I looked over and Jake Lehigh came running up to me, just as I was stopping. He looked really mad as he reached me. I was off-balance, in the process of stopping my bike, when he shoved me down and off my bike. "You asshole!" he shouted. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I jumped up and got right back into his face. "What are you talking about, Jake?" "I saw you and...

1 year ago
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The Amish Woman

A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for her editing of this story. I'll begin by saying this happened to me over thirty years ago. I was an Insurance agent and transferred to the Central Ohio area. I was young and gung ho to do my best. Unfortunately, I guess I neglected my family too much. My wife Susan and I would argue constantly about me not being home. I was on the road three and four nights a week. Looking back at it all now, I can see she was right. At the time, I just wanted to be the...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Molly

My name is Molly and i'm a career driven lawyer who as just recently turned 30. As a result of being career driven through my late 20s, I have sacrificed relationships in order to acheive being a successful lawyer on partner track at my firm located in Newport Beach California. For most of the last 5 years I have trived in the high stress environment, however everyone in a while a girl needs to unwind. Today is Friday afternoon of the last longweekend of the summer and i just completed a big...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Life When the Kids have Gone Part 1

Barb and Dick were now at the time of their life when their kids were out of school and they were on their own. One of their first decisions was to take a romantic cruise. Being somewhat unfamiliar with an ocean trip they invited their friends Vickie and Bip to go with them. Vickie made all the arrangements for a 7-day Caribbean cruise with all the extras. They would have adjoining cabins and could share all the festivities. The hassle of boarding a liner and getting unpacked for the 10 days at...

Group Sex
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Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 02

-IAN I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help. She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm. She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips...

2 years ago
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The Apartment

I had been given notice to quit my flat and was having trouble finding one to suit. Rents were way to high and the flats were to small. In desperation I appealed on facebook if anyone knew of a flat for rent that was not to expensive. I was amazed to receive a reply from a friend of a friend! I knew him a little but had never had much to do with him. He was leaving his flat and needed to find someone to take it over. He told me that he thought it would suit me. As it was just a message I was...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 220

You can thank Allan for the following!!!!! The Metamucil migration to Florida (for seniors). Where the temperature (in Fahrenheit) never drops below their age. ✧ ✧ ✧ Long Life A guy is walking along a Florida beach when he comes across a lamp partially buried in the sand. He picks up the lamp and gives it a rub. A genie appears and tells him he has been granted one wish. The guy thinks for a moment and says, “I want to live forever.” “Sorry,” said the genie, “I’m not allowed to grant...

2 years ago
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Jaipur Me Padosan Ke Sath

Hello dosto mene iss site par kafi story read ki achi lagi mera bhi man kiya ki me bhi apna experience share karu aapke sath. Ok me Jaipur se Raj 32 years married male. Agar aap logo ko meri story achi lage to plz mujhe mail karna mera mail id hai – Abhi kuch hi dino pahale ki baat hai mere pados me ek ladki jiska naam seema hai (badla hua naam) Rahati hai jiski age 19 saal ki hai wo bahut sexy hai dikhne me jyada sundar to nahi hai par uski body structure (32 30 32) kafi sexy hai or attitude...

4 years ago
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Raman and his wife

Anita and have a very exciting marriage. She’s a wonderful lover, friend and a very beautiful woman. Other men are often attracted to her, and one can see them looking and lusting after her whenever they are out in the evening. Raman finds this exciting and encourages her to wear revealing clothing and insists that she go braless as often as possible, especially at home, because nature has blessed her with a pair of the sexiest breasts possible; perfectly round and succulent capped by...

3 years ago
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Her Stockings

She had long, long legs, encased in sheer black nylons, and she sat opposite him with her knees pressed to one side. Her inner thighs brushed lightly together with each movement she made. Her pencil skirt had ridden up and he could see the darkness of her stocking tops where he wanted to run his fingers. He imagined his hands over the rough lace stocking tops, working upward; a delicious friction, and then finding her smooth skin and the heat of her arousal. She caught him looking and he...

2 years ago
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I get my mom0

I must confess that I have always fantasized about my mother. Freud says that we all do, but with me, it was more overt than normal, I think. She generally has always stayed in great shape by running and exercising, and has a great body naturally. I would often see her come home from exercising, wearing short shorts and a t-shirt, and wonder what she was like in bed, and frequently had masturbation fantasies about her. My wife looks very much like my mother did when she was...

1 year ago
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The Disciple

THE DISCIPLE By Jennifer Prowler This story may be distributed freely as long as it is in full and is not used for any monetary gain. This story is an original by me. Any similarity to anyone or any event is not intended This is set in a world of my own creation that is basically like ours but is filled with many Gods and Goddesses. This is my first attempt at writing so please be kind. Any comments would be welcomed at [email protected] I wrote this story as a counterpoint...

2 years ago
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Pictures from the past

"I must've been fucking insane," I cussed, staring around the cavernous attic. "Why did I sign up for this?" "This" was cleaning out my deceased mother's house. Large, traditional, and draughty, she'd bequeathed it to me. But, being a city girl, I'd decided to sell this country dwelling.After a morning of hard graft, broken fingernails, and filling a gigantic skip, what used to be my former home, was now nothing more than a husk.Mum had disposed of most of the rubbish before she died. An...

1 year ago
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Oceans Caress

Elaina awoke slowly, hearing a discussion near her. She was on a soft bed, nestled among the softest blankets that she had ever felt. She wondered idly what they were made of as her mind tuned into the conversation. “You’ll do? I cannot believe you said ‘You’ll do’. What did you get that from?” A voice that carried the volume of a waterfall commented. “It worked, didn’t it?” The second voice answered, a voice that sent tingles through Elaina’s body. “Rahsa, I do believe that if she had been...

4 years ago
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Every Midnight to Dawn

Things changed for my mother and I. I was a 26 year old college graduate who recently landed a decent job. For the first time in my life, I moved out to live in a small place of my own. My entire life had been spent living with my mother in a downtown apartment, and we became very close as a result. She had even called me her best friend on several occasions. After I left, my mom decided she wanted to move back to a residential area. She grew up in an old Victorian house which she loved for...

1 year ago
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Discoveries in the Pacific Northwest Chapter 2

DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 2: MY TOWNHOUSEThe song Unity was still ringing in my ears as I rode my bike up the driveway of my townhouse. While having sex with Zoe in her Rav4 we listened to the words flow over our entangled bodies in the back seat:You are my energy My guiding light, we are unityWe are, we are… We are unityWe are, we are… We are unityMy bike shorts had become so damp Zoe had given me her cargo shorts to borrow and I also grabbed her cute floral bikini underwear...

2 years ago
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Wrestling for My Wife2Chapter 2

We missed Rob and Sue although wished them every success on the south coast. Linda and I continued to develop our wrestling skills but missed the encounters with our friends. We both were a real match for one another, our preparations were the same. We took a long time showering, selecting what to wear and also preparing each other’s body for our wrestling events. Applying the light oil to each other taking care when lightly massaging the oil to Linda’s lovely breasts and her outer labia...

2 years ago
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Making of a cuckold

  Conner looked at the clock on the cable box again. It was almost three in the morning. He certainly thought Gloria would be home hours ago. He twisted around on the sofa again trying to make himself comfortable.  One of those old classic late night movies lit up the screen.  Conner rubbed his cock. He was still soft from jacking off earlier in the evening. Negative thoughts started to fill his head wondering why Gloria hadn’t called him back. She knew what the agreement was to be. She...

2 years ago
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Message for Mom and Dad

Message for Mom and Dad Hey, Mom and Dad, its Matt. I know its been awhile, but some stuff has been happening here that you will not believe, except I swear its true. You remember me telling you about Lisa, my new girlfriend? From the first date we have found we found we had a lot in common, including a love for cheesy Disney cartoons. Well, last week we watched "Lady and the Tramp" and decided to re-create the dinner scene where they eat the same spaghetti strand and end up kissing....

2 years ago
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FidleChapter 36

“I can’t stop thinking about you spanking me.” Luke was still recovering from the morning’s long exchange of mutual oral pleasure, but any hope that his erection would fade long enough for him to use the bathroom disappeared in an instant. “Well, now I can’t stop thinking about it either.” She giggled as she poked his rock-hard shaft. “My devious plan worked. So I guess I can shower first.” “Bitch,” he playfully muttered. “I’m shocked at your language. Just for that, I’m going to take a...

2 years ago
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What a night for my wife

I stood there stroking my cock while my friend licked my wifes both holes on my bed ………………………. Stop lets go back 2 hours earlier , I was on a business meeting with one of my school friends and I insisted he come home for dinner , my wife Gwen is a mid 40s lady and loves cooking , I called her before the meeting and told her that Bob will be coming home for Dinner and asked her to wear something sexy , the meeting finished a bit later than I thought it would and it took ages to get home due to...

4 years ago
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The Rivers Lodge on the HillChapter 5

It was getting time for Patterson Brooks to arrive with his two children. Brenda removed her apron and combed her hair. Pat drove up in a three-year-old Chevy sedan. It was seriously cooling off outside and was down to twenty degrees. It had been in the middle thirties earlier in the day. All had worn parkas, but still ran for the house to get out of the cold. Brenda let them into the entryway and helped them off with their coats. I stood waiting as they came into the kitchen. "Patterson,...

3 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 12

“George, would you find the funeral director? I’m getting a headache and I’m tired of waiting.” “Yes, Mom.” George stepped out of the waiting room and headed to the entrance of the funeral parlor assuming that the director would be there to great people. He ran straight into the Vice-President, although it would be more accurate to say that he ran into the Secret Service agent protecting Vice-President Dan Porter. He found himself getting directed towards a wall. “Stop it. That’s Georgie...

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