GingerChapter 2 free porn video

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Coming out of the theater, I asked what she wanted to do now. "Can we go somewhere and talk? Some where some beautiful old girlfriend of yours doesn't show up for you to compare me to."

"Sure, I'll take you where I used to go parking. Are you okay with that?"

"I'm in your hands." Again Ginger mumbled something that I didn't catch and didn't repeat when I asked her to. I drove to a secluded part of the city. It wasn't a well known parking spot and I didn't expect the police.

When we got there, we reclined our seats and I asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Tell me about your sister? I've seen a picture of her. She was quite pretty. Your mother keeps away from the subject of her. I should know why if I'm going to be her companion."

"You're right. You should know what I know. I'm sure I don't know it all. I was too young to know what went on and much was kept from me. I don't know what happened between my father and mother. All seemed well when I was a kid. Then there was a lot of screaming between Mom and Dad. I could tell things between them were cold at the time. Mother wouldn't speak to my father for days on end.

"Then things warmed up for a little while and I thought our life was going to be like it used to be. Mom kissed Dad before he left when he said he had rented a camp and was going to spend some time there to find himself. Roberta left shortly afterwards, but then she didn't come home that night. Mom was going wild, suspecting the two were together. I was put in the care of a neighbor for a day. The next day all were home, but things were worse than ever."

I paused and Ginger asked, "Didn't you know what was going on?"

"I was ten years old. I knew from nothing. A little later, Dad asked me to come to him as he had something to say. He said that he was going to leave us. He acted real sad about this. He did say one thing and that was not to blame my sister for anything. Dad wouldn't say what I wasn't to blame her for just that it was a secret that she promised to keep. Then he said he was the one who was totally at fault and she was a good girl."

"Mother never knew he talked to me. Dad made me promise not to say we talked and I haven't to this day. He did say to trust my mother, for she was a good person and wasn't at blame for the trouble and it was him who was at fault. Two days later he was sick and Mom rushed him to the hospital. He never came home.

"Then things got really bad between mother and Roberta. Mom didn't want Roberta to go to Dad's funeral, but she did anyway. Mom was blaming her for something. I never said anything to mother, but thinking back now I should have stood up for my sister."

"You shouldn't blame yourself. You were only ten. I was older by three years when my father and mother were having problems and I didn't know what was going on either."

"I know, Ginger. Of course I can look back now and Mom just told me what was happening between Roberta and Dad. I think I knew, but didn't want to think that badly of either my father or my sister. Mom still blames sis, but regrets she was so harsh. I think she would forgive her if she found out she was still alive. When I get back from England and I have time to talk and be with mother, I'm going to tell her what Dad said to me just before he died."

"That would be wise. With so little time left, you don't have time to explain. Pete, have you had a single word from or about your sister in all these years?"

"No, and I don't think Mom has either. I know Mom never looked for her. She did report her missing because she was only seventeen when she disappeared."

"Pete, I thought I had it rough, but it has been so much worse for you. You have done so well for all of the trials you have been through. I know I can stop feeling sorry for myself and I can do the same."

"I know you can too. I'll help you in any way, too."

"You have already. I haven't known you very long, but I am going to miss you terribly."

"I'll miss you in very much the same way. The summer will go fast and I'll be home by September."

"But I won't be here. I'll have to back and live with my mother and go to school. I still have a year before I graduate. I will be seventeen by then, though."

"Oh, when is your birthday?"

"July, tenth."

"I'll have to remember when it is."

"That would be nice. I suppose we should go home. I don't want your mom to think you and I were doing something we shouldn't be doing. Especially after what has happened in your family." I raised my seat back from the position it was reclining. Ginger didn't and she acted as she wanted to say something more.

Finally she said, "Pete, I know I shouldn't ask, but I dared ask for this date, and you agreed to that. It has been a great date for me. You have treated me as an adult and showed me respect in front of the friends you met tonight. I have never been treated better by anyone. So what I am asking for is one kiss. I may never see you again because I will be in school when you return. I would like to have a kiss to remember you by."

"Ginger, I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I kissed you. I don't want you to think I am coming on to you, but I would like to kiss you." I got out of the car and while I was going around to the other side, Ginger raised her seat and stepped out waiting for me. She raised her arms and I came into them, hugging her to me. I smoothed her hair and taking her face in my hands I leaned down and slowly brought my lips to hers.

We kissed as lovers. She soon broke away, although I could tell she didn't want to. Hell, I didn't want to either. I hugged her hard one more time and then I let her go. I turned and walked back around and climbed into my seat as she did hers. I immediately started the engine and drove out of the secluded spot.

I glanced over at Ginger. She was sitting straight, staring right ahead. Her hands were folded demurely in her lap. Nothing was said for the thirty-five minutes to reach home. I parked in front of the garage and sat for a minute. One more time she said, "Pete, I'm going to miss you so much. Think of me sometimes when you're wandering around in the dusty bowels of some old monastery."

"I will Ginger. You can be sure of that." Ginger got out and ran into the house. Mom had been waiting inside for us.

"Peter, Ginger was crying when she flew up to her room. What did you do to her?"

"Just made her feel she was going to miss me a little while I'm gone. Mom, she really is a nice person. I'm going to miss her too." I turned and went up to my room, leaving my mother staring after me.

I spent the next day reviewing my orders for getting what my firm needed to make the presentation to the client. I had a laptop with applications installed on it where I could do sketches. I would use this to make my own presentation to the firm when I returned. It wasn't necessary for it to be perfect, but it would lessen the explanations I needed to make. I had a camera for the same purpose.

I had the travel tickets and I even had the reservation where I would be staying when I reached my destination. An account was set up for me to draw on. I would have to keep a record of my day-to-day expenditures, but I just had to load these into a file that the firm would retrieve.

I boarded my flight at noon and had to fly to O'Hare where I had to wait several hours before flying without changing planes to Heathrow. It took me more than twenty hours in all. When I arrived, I gave the taxi the address of the inn where I was to live.

"That'll be a bit from the wallet, Gov'nor."

"That's okay."

"Yank, are ye?"

"I am." I figured my ride would cost me less than if I had denied the question. When I reached the inn, I said, "Buy you a pint if you have the time."

"I am a bit thirsty, thanks." Before the pint was finished I had rented a Mini for the duration of my stay from the driver, whose name was Jim Hughes. This gave me wheels and I'd get a temporary license tomorrow. His taxi would of course transport me this evening. Tomorrow he would lead me through the regulations until I could get behind the wheel to drive myself.

I finally got upstairs to my room. One pint of English ale was going to be my limit from now on, I was sure of that. The next morning my taxi was at the door and he soon saw to it I had my license to drive. I told him why I was in England and Jim said the place I was to look at was several miles away and complicated to find. He looked at me as if I was crazy when I exclaimed how excited I was to find this place on my first day looking. I wondered why.

He offered to go with me after his turn in the taxi was finished. He wanted to make sure I could handle the car I had rented from him and we would go in that. I was introduced to his wife, Arlie, and two small children. He lived in a detached flat in a good neighborhood. She admonished, "Don't be bringing my Jim home with more than a pint in him." I promised I wouldn't.

We drove west toward the east coast where our client had said he had seen the monastery while in the plane. He had drawn a sketch of what he had seen during his flight from France. I showed it to the Jim, while he was giving me pointers about the car I had just rented. He recognized the building, but shook his head in puzzlement.

"What's wrong with it?"

"Your guy didn't see much of what it really is. I recognize it okay. That is only the gate that is still standing after the Germans got done bombing it in 1943. I can't know as they did this intentionally. It was suspected that flak over London didn't let a German plane come in on a run and drop their bombs. Frustrated, the bombardier used this for target practice on the way home before crossing the channel.

"What this person must have seen is the front entrance. It is massive even now and must have been a beautiful building when it was in use. It hasn't been used as a monastery for centuries ... five of them to be exact. I believe it was chartered in 1100 something and dissolved in 1547. I'm a bit of a history buff and have tramped around it several times. I still get pissed at the bloody bastards who bombed it."

I was having some trouble driving on the left side of the motorways and roads. I gave Jim a couple of scares, but he never said anything. Maybe I scared myself more than I did him, for I was nervous. Also the Mini was a much smaller vehicle than I was used to and I felt my butt was awful close to the road. It was a speedy little beast and I was beginning to enjoy the drive.

Jim was great at directing me. Just saying, "Next right, gov'nor," or he would spit out, "roundabout coming up, take the third exit."

We approached the monastery remains on a slant. This was a massive pile of stone three or more stories high. The stones themselves were small and had been fitted closely together. From the distance it looked to be a pair of square stone towers with an arch linking the two. The doors and windows were missing. Weather had worn away much of the mortar between the stones if any had been used at all. I wondered why it didn't fall down.

I pulled to a stop a good ways away and took pictures. "Now, tell me about it," I asked.

"Okay. You can see some of the stairs where the front of the building has crumbled. This gate was probably modeled after the keep that some of the castles used for safety. You can see a few of the small rooms, cubbies actually, where the monks lived and prayed. The Prior may have been quartered here or maybe just novices. No way to tell.

"When we walk around back you will be able to see how massive the whole structure was originally. What you see here is constructed of stone. The great hall behind this had stone walls, but the rest was built with massive oak timbers. These of course burned when it was bombed. Your client viewing this from the airplane had to have seen the I from several miles away. He would have been terribly disappointed if he had been closer."

"That's okay. I have a job out of it anyway." I made motion to start the Mini. As we passed by the entrance you could see right through the arch and the countryside beyond. "Shit, I'll never know what it looked like originally."

Jim sat next to me and he was grinning. Then he said, "How about the original builder's plans? Would they be of any help to you? Also there are some sketches of the building during construction."

I stared at him. "Pucker up, Jim you're going to get kissed." Jim climbed out of the Mini as fast as he could.

"Oh no, I'm not."

"Not by me, you fool. I mean by Arlie when I take you all out to dinner tonight."

"Okay then, you had me worried for a minute. Come on, I'll direct you to where this particular archive for the monastery is kept and you can see what I'm talking about."

I was introduced as a student to the librarian by Jim. Jim occupied himself in another part of the library. I perused the plans of the building that were nearly a thousand years old. I took pictures of the sketches with my camera. I knew the written notes wouldn't come out so I made notation of what I could read. Much of this was in Latin and what was written in English was old English and hard for me to decipher.

Jim was getting antsy by mid-afternoon so I closed up my briefcase, telling the curator I would return at some other time.

I took Jim, Arlie and the two kids out to dinner as promised. I watched the family and finally remarked the kids were very well behaved. "We were brought up that way and if you start young enough, there is little problem." I would see if it worked when I had a wife of my own and we had children.

Then I thought about my own family and how dysfunctional it was or had been in the past. I didn't remember, but when I was very young, me, Mom, Dad and Roberta, were much like this family. Somewhere, something went wrong with ours. I could wish I knew what it was for I would avoid it like the plague.

I spent the week at the same library using my CAD app on my laptop to draw what the Monastery looked like centuries ago. I was sending all of my efforts back to the home office. They could see what I was doing every day as I uploaded the day's files each night. I tracked down a couple of photos taken in the late 30's, but they were grainy.

I was directed by my firm to take time off on the weekends to see sights and enjoy myself. I availed myself of this, but always seemed to end up looking at some castle or monastery somewhere. Jim was my guide in this and knew a lot about the history or knew where to find more details of each building.

I began looking for a castle or monastery that was still inhabited that I could inspect. I found one castle that was open for visits and spent three days there. Much of this time I gravitated to the cellars. There were tubs where beer was brewed in days past. The wine racks were still in place. I used my camera extensively. And I was continually sketching what I observed. At night before uploading what I had seen, I used my CAD app to transfer some of this to files.

Once a week I connected with Jim and Arlie Hughes for dinner and I occasionally bought Jim a pint at the pub. I was keeping track of Ginger and Mom, by email. Any little thing unusual in their lives was sent to me in detail. I did the same, giving them insight into what my days were like. I remembered when Ginger's birthday was. Mom had said she was giving Ginger a party, inviting some of her personal friends. Ginger hadn't made any yet.

"Hi, Ginger, Happy Birthday." A loud squeal of happiness met my ear.

"Pete, my God, is this really you? I can't believe it. Oh, I want to thank you for the big birthday spray of flowers that arrived just an hour ago. This is about the best day of my life."

"It is good to hear your voice. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I have some news. I may be seeing you before the end of summer. My boss thinks I have enough information so we will be meeting with our client in another three weeks. I'm to be at the presentation when we meet. I will have a hand in this and I'm excited.

Same as Ginger
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After work one day we were back at his place playing videogames. The rain was really coming down hard and it was getting late. Steve had me cal my parents and let them know I was ok, he spoke to them and reassured them that he had no problem letting me stay at his place until the storm let up. My dad had no problem with it he met Steve and knew he was a good guy. We went back to our video games but the storm just got worse. Eventually the power went out. “Well now what are we going to do...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 14 Mayoral Delights

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fourteen: Mayoral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Becky Davies “She's almost here,” I said, slipping my phone down onto the table. I smiled at Mrs. Alberts, my best friend's mother. “Finally,” purred Mrs. Alberts. The MILF sat up from the couch, her breasts swaying. They were round and naked. We had spent the evening while Tonya was on her date with Seth making love. I was so eager...

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LynnLynn and Jo had been on and off friends since Jo and her husband moved in next door to Lynn 4 years ago. Lynn was 43 years old with a toned and tanned body, red hair that hung to the middle of her back and natural C cup breast that where as firm now as when she was in her teens. Jo was 38 with a pale complexion for a brunette; her body was not as tight as Lynn’s having let herself go because of her depression. Her husband had not touched her in over 7 months now, she didn’t know why but it...

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Thangaiyai Nirvaanamaaga Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Ramanan vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thirumanam aagatha thangaiyai yaarukum theriyaamal eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en veetil enaku oru thangai irunthaal, aval peyar kayal vayathu 24 aagi irunthathu. En thangai parka miga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai irandum perithaaga pazhuthu irukum. Aval soothu thukalaaga irukum, sonal nama maatirgal avalai nane niraiya murai sight adithu...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 8 Dust Cloud

The Thauran now known as Red Dragon cursed at the Situation and cursed his Sensor Operator.”You said you detected the Silver Streak in Orbit. Where is it?” “I swear to you it was there one second and now it’s gone. I think she went over the Pole. Adjusting for magnetic interference now.” “What a worthless idiot are you? Is she there or not?” “No Captain I cannot detect her ship anywhere in the system, maybe our Sensors were damaged.” “Of course your sensors are damaged. She can’t simply...

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War Of The Worlds II Part 2

Part 2 - Procedure  After my second pot of tea and my sandwiches I had the commissionaire flag down a Hansom Cab. The journey to my practice was uneventful, but quicker and drier than had I waited for a bus or walked.  I arrived with a good half hour to spare, and due to the fact it was the weekend and my assistants were not there I had to set about lighting the fire to heat the large granite rooms and the gas lamps for light as it was dark enough to feel like dusk already.  The door bell rang...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The FacilitatorChapter 4

The Australian Capital Territory, the ACT, is two and a half hours down the express-way, two if you push it a little and dodge the police radar. We entered the main gate of Duntroon a few minutes after zero-nine-hundred hours. We hit the base cafeteria for breakfast and coffees and both here were better than at Randwick. Then we went straight to Captain Paul Habberfield's office. We knocked then entered without waiting for a reply. There was no one in the outer office, neither his assistant...

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I found the perfect twink Part 1 True Story1

Just a couple months into my master’s degree and I’m already spent. I didn’t know it would be so exhausting and frustrating. These professors just put you to work endlessly with little time to relax. Thankfully, my social life was already established here at the uni. I stayed at the same school to finish my masters, which has the added benefit of not having to make new friends! Which, not to brag, was never really hard for me anyway. To give you guys a better picture of me, I’m about...

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The City Below

Moira opened her eyes for a brief second and looked out of the broken window to her right, the shards of broken glass still stuck in the frame as painfully near as the the streets below her were away, many times beyond the point where a fall looked remotely survivable.In fact it was the highest one could get in this city, at least since the radio antenna that used to sit on the roof above her had capitulated to the relentless winds and lack of maintenance.Moira had climbed it once before it was...

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Chanel 17

I sigh heavily and finish taping up the last box. I didn't think I had that much shit, but the eight large, full boxes suggest otherwise. After Eugene dropped me back at Aaliyah's --after our daring stunt in the hills-- I decided to head home and start packing since I'd be paying the deposit on my apartment tomorrow. I changed into some jean shorts and a tight tank top while I packed, and it took me most of the day, but it's done. I flop onto my bare mattress and stare at the ceiling. I feel...

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Flashing a New Frind Part 2

Flashing a New Friend - Part 2I then decided that since she had said she wanted Cody to touch her breast, she'd get that chance. I motioned for Cody to take the strawberry and do what I had. He silently moved to the side of the bed. His hand was literally shaking as he took the strawberry. I stepped back and watched as he began playing with her nipple while gently squeezing her breast. I motioned for him to lick and suck it, which he eagerly did. It seemed he really enjoyed squeezing her thick...

Group Sex
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The road trip for Peter PART 1

"Jane he dosen't deserve you anyway! He's a dick." "But but but-" Jane choked off while bawling and holding a book titled "The ten commandments of love" "Come on, were going to cheer you up. Borrow Courtney's dress. Youre going to go clubbing with us" Courtney took one arm and Sam took the other. "Nobody wants to talk to me and this is BORING!" Jane yelled over the music.A pretty brunette waitress came over with 2 martinis "Compliments of the gentleman at the bar." "Thanks brown leather coat...

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Bush BashingChapter 3a

Evie entered the restaurant. She spotted Kim at a table and was surprised to see her sitting with a rather distingushed looking, older black man. The black man was quite large and somewhat handsome. Kim waved and Evie hurried over. Kim stood up and hugged her. "Oh Kim, I'm so happy for you." "Thanks Evie. I'll be looking to you for motherhood advice. Four months along now." "Oh that's just wonderful. Boy is your life going to change." "That's what everyone tells us. Evie, may I...

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Chubbys Memoirs chapter 5

After leaving our house Mom and I went straight to the airport. The flight was due any moment. We waited in the car before going to the arrival pick up point. “Thank you, my dear son,” Mom said giving me a kiss on my cheeks. “Thank you for what, Mom?” “Thank you for getting rid of my fear of taking in a cock into my cunt.” She kissed me on my cheek again. “Thank you for giving me a great time last night.” She now kissed me on my lips and put her right hand on my cock. “Mom, please stop playing...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 22

It was an unseasonably hot day, and most of the folks at the mansion were playing outside in the pool. There was an air of subdued expectation amongst the Circle as they waited for this coming Tuesday, when they would be joined by two new members. Both Bill and Joan, who had actually spent some time talking to each other about this, were also excited. Tina got out of the pool, her nude body glistening with the water. She stretched, displaying her body, then shrieked as Eric grabbed her from...

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Mature MILF Becomes a Slut for Rednecks

My name is Justin, and I will tell the first part of this story; then my wife will give her perspective on itJustin’s StoryMy wife, Emma, and I were born and raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, although we didn’t meet until our junior year in college. I knew from others that she was a wild party girl before we met, and she had a reputation for heavy drinking. I think I had a calming influence on her, even though she still loves to drink beer and whiskey, much more than I do.It was a little...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 10

Saturday morning Brody woke up and groaned as his leg throbbed. He’d gone down to block a shot in the game against Philly, caught the puck above his knee, and it still hurt. Given that, he’d talked with the coach and trainer and decided to skip the day’s optional skate. He stayed in bed a little longer, but sleep wouldn’t return, and so he got up, making his way to the shower with a grimace. Once out, he was rubbing his hair with a towel when the phone rang. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hi, Brody. It’s Ryan.’...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “I have no personal animus with any of the Chapman’s. Isabel is very talented. I have been told Peter, who is sixteen, is very gifted. If Bill personally apologized, meant it, and auditioned for me, I would listen and cast him as well. Maybe that would be an outlet ... Wait a minute! Jenn, would you mind if I went and visited him in prison?” “Michael,” Janice said. “I don’t think that’s a...

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The best whore

You aren’t shy at all as you appear in my hallway, the door left purposely open for you, so as to avoid what I imagine to be the awkward moment of opening the front door to you. I’ve never been in this situation before and I’m not sure how it starts. But you know and all is well. After five or six polite words you grab my hair and manipulate my head to show me who has the control here. “I don’t have it and I never wanted it” I think to myself as you order me up the stairs still clutching a...

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Roman HolidayChapter 6

Connie had a problem, a big problem. She was thirsty. But as she lay in bed in her bra and panties, there wasn't a thing she could do about it. Leslie would be there soon, and Leslie didn't like to be kept waiting. But she was really, REALLY thirsty. For the 1000th time, she asked herself why she was doing this. Leslie treated her like crap. She never would have put up with this sort of behavior from her girlfriends, or boyfriends. And when you got right down to it, she didn't even like...

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Susanrsquos naughty and strange dream

Susan’s naughty and strange dreamSusan was fed up of being stuck back in the closet! One of her other id’s Family members had moved back in and were restricting her time as the dominant personality. Even though the times she did get control were always a happy and wonderful feeling her frustration was growing. Well she hadn’t been able to spend time with a nice man since before Christmas when she had visited the Attic! That was a very good day, being made love to by a gorgeous hunk for over an...

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A Sudden Affinity for Camping

Several years ago, a young couple at work were going camping for the Canada Day weekend and they invited me along. Now, my idea of camping is a three star motel, but this couple were so hot and nubile, I just had to take them up on the invite. Though they knew I was gay, I had a feeling we might be doing more than just camping. Even if nothing happened, her boyfriend Mitchell was so hot, it would be worth just being able to ogle him for three days. The morning we left on our trip was sunny and...

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Sex between father and stepdaughter

Diana opened the buttons of her blouse. She was- n’t wearing a bra. Her small, well formed breasts stood straight out. Topped with lovely pink nipples. My mouth dropped open as I stared at my stepdaughter’s tits. Diana I said, button your blouse. She smiled as she slowly removed it! She walked over to me and placed her slender hand on my lap, gently squeezing my erection. “Stepdad”, she said, “You want me as much as I want you. Come on.” She unbuckled...

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Mercis Bad Night

Clark Kent, Star reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper had gotten a juicy tip about corruption at a new construction site in the uptown section of Metropolis. The firm doing the work happened to be a subsidiary of Lex Corp. So he knew it was most likely true from past history. He was all to familiar with the types of people Lex Luthor liked to hire. He went not just because it needed looking into, he also enjoyed being a thorn in Lex Luthors side. The building was to be a twenty story steel...

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Lizzie and the After School Club

The boys and girls were in two lines facing each other across The Den, a big dark space in the heart of a massive wild rhododendron bush in the scrubby wasteland behind the estate, and we were about to have our first Sexual Education lesson. Lizzie was standing with her head down, shoulders hunched forward, staring in fear at the empty space between the two lines. She was doing her best not to be noticed; she always tried not to be noticed. And it always worked: nobody ever noticed...

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The FavorChapter 42 Graduation

The days leading up to graduation were busy ones for Rachel. Besides the traditional end of high school activities, Rachel was spending all of her free time making up for prom night. But she did it with a smile on her face, thinking of what might have been, and what she actually had. Graduation day arrived, and everyone was excited. We met Jeff at the graduation with his parents. He looked quite handsome in his gown, as did Rachel. Of course Rachel was wearing nothing underneath, but that...

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The Evacuee chapter 5

An hour after the girls had gone up David said goodnight and gave Mary a particularly warm kissed before climbing the stairs. He pushed open the bedroom door quietly, not wishing to disturb the girls and crept over to his corner of the room. He quickly got undressed and climbed into bed, soon dozing off. He was woken up about an hour later by a nudge and looking up he saw Kate crouched above his bed and grinning at him. “Did you miss us?” she whispered. David grinned in the gloom. If only...

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A little fun and punishment

As he watched, her moans started getting louder, her back started to arch, and her other hand rubbed more vigorously on her clitoris. He could tell she was reaching her climax. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pull them down with his underwear to the floor. He stepped out of them, and walked over to the bed, his hard cock near her face. She was still oblivious to his presence. As she rubbed and fingered herself, he stroked his cock. He was so aroused, he knew it wouldn't take much to...

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White on Black ABS rim

I was getting so turned-on watching a gay locker room video on XHAMSTER that I had to turn it off in order to try for some action on my own. So I headed out to the local ABS to see what might happen. When I arrived I discovered a line-up at the counter. It seemed that the clerk had forgotten his password and couldn’t log into the cash register. As a number of us squirmed around playing pocket pool, the clerk decided to say if we were there for the arcade we could just go on in. That saved me...

1 year ago
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Diane breaks the budget

I was all revved up by the time I got home. There was no question that this time Diane deserved it and boy was I gonna give it to her. I burst in through the front door and stormed into the kitchen. She was standing there next to the coffee pot, mug in hand sipping from the cup. She looked startled as I started hollering. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CHARGING ON THE VISA CARD?” I began. I walked over to her, grabbed her coffee and flung it into the sink. She looked nervous now and that got me...


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