Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionAfterword
- 3 years ago
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“Mark ... Wake up, my dear. You’ve slept for ten hours. If you don’t get up you’ll feel overslept.”
Mark opened his eyes and smiled up at the lovely elven face that was smiling down at him from six inches distance. He slowly raised his head to kiss her, then at the last moment, gave her a quick peck on the tip of her nose. “Good morning, Dalia.” he laughed.
“Aww! How did you know it was me?” Dalia asked with a playful pout.
“Since the spell of Laylas chapel, I always know where Talia is. And right now, she’s hiding below the foot of the bed.
“Good morning Love.” he called down to her with a chuckle.
“I didn’t think you could sense my location so precisely.” Talia admitted with a blush as her pretty face popped up at the foot of the bed.
“Oh? And how long would you have let your little jest continue?”
“Just long enough to find out if you were fooled by our similarity.” Talia laughed as she bounced onto the bed.
“I see. I had to wonder, seeing as how Dalia here is completely naked. As are you, my lovely wife. Delightfully so. And I have to admit that the two of you are incredibly enticing. But I have to wonder what Bezedil thinks of you being here like this. Especially considering that beneath this sheet I’m equally naked.”
“I’ve noticed.” Dalia commented as she and Talia shared a giggle. “After all, we are cuddling you rather closely. And I’m here with Bezedil’s encouragement. You are about to fulfill the command of a goddess.”
“I am? How so?”
“You were instructed by Visinniria to allow her people to thank you in their own way, and I believe you agreed to it.”
“Ah, I see. And how do elves thank someone for whatever it is you’re thanking me for?”
“Don’t diminish what you’ve done for us, please. This is too important.” Talia told him, being pleasant but serious. “I will thank you for the life of my sister. You have returned her to me, and there is no greater service one can do for another than to save the life of a loved one. Accordingly, we elves believe that there could be no more appropriate way to express our gratitude for such an act than with the gift of love, as expressed in the most beautiful and direct manner possible. Thus, though we will always enjoy many occasions of love-making, this morning is my gift to you of my service in the acts of love, as my way of thanking you for returning my Dalia to me, for she is half my soul. And also, to thank you for saving me from the curse.”
“And I will gift you with the same, to thank you for the life of Bezedil, my destined love.” Dalia murmured with a naughty little smile. “And of course, for saving my own life.”
“I see. What time is it anyway? It looks like it’s still dark out.”
“It’s about two hours past midnight, local time. Late morning in The Nine Valleys.”
“Now we know you have some inhibitions in these matters, and so we’ve altered the traditions to make you more comfortable, and to deal with the sheer numbers of the thankful.” Talia explained with a matching smile. “Normally everyone who loves Dalia and Bezedil and who wished to thank you for their lives would be in here right now, and you could choose between them at your whim; males or females, or both at once, or everyone all together. As it is, Dalia will be with us for one hour, then Alilia will join us for one hour to thank you for Bezedil’s life, then Nemia to thank you for Dalia. I think three per morning should be about right. Mind you, there are many females who love Dalia and Bezedil and wish to express their gratitude, so if you should find that you are eager to continue after three hours per morning, we will certainly extend the activities. And I will be with you always, to lessen your fear that I may become jealous.
“Of course, we recognize that men like yourself prefer that love between males be expressed in friendship and camaraderie, and in the sharing of ‘manly’ activities. Accordingly, our males have arranged an occasion in your honor, to take place at your birthday party this afternoon.
“And by the way, happy seventeenth birthday, my love. I still find it amazing that you are so young, yet so mature and accomplished.
“Now then, you are of course under no obligation to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, since we are completely at your service. But we do intend to entice you, by exchanging kisses and caresses with one another. And should there be anything you wish of us, absolutely anything, you will find us willing and eager.”
“And we do mean anything.” Dalia added with a subtle leer.
“Well then, entice away!” Mark laughed. “Perhaps I’ll resist your enticements, and simply enjoy observing your performance!”
As it turned out, his resistance crumbled before four more minutes had passed.
When Alilia gently slid in among them an hour later, and soundly kissed him with a technique as advanced as her dancing, and murmured; “I thank you for the life of my son.” he saw no reason to send Dalia away. Nor did he see any reason to send either of them away when Nemia joined them, and thanked him for the life of her daughter. And when Nemia’s hour had passed, still none of them were ready for their activities to end, and so they continued for another two hours after that. At that time, Mark was lying on his back and fell asleep in mid-activity. When the ladies realized this, they decided that he more than deserved a nap for the fine quality of his performance, so they made some effort to keep from waking him as they rode his continuing rampancy for another twenty minutes in total, until they were all sated.
He dozed for more than ninety minutes, and awoke to the bright sunlight of a clear tropical morning streaming through the window. He opened one eye a bit, squinting at the brightness, but then the Optical Attenuator spell activated and reduced the glare to a comfortable level. He couldn’t help but chuckle at this as he got out of bed. He was going to wash up when he realized that he was perfectly clean, and guessed Nemia’s cleaning spell had been used on him as he slept. This gave him another chuckle as he got dressed and mentally called to his wife.
“Good morning, my loving husband!” she psionicly returned. “You’ve just missed the dawn, but it’s a beautiful day! We’ve been given our privacy for a while, and as you doubtless realize, I’m out here on the patio, where I’m making brunch.”
“That’s perfect my love, as I’m ravenous! What’re we having?” he asked, switching to vocal speech as he emerged from the cottage.
“Talia’s Special Omelet, grill cakes with maple syrup from Sweettower, cold mare’s milk and fruit juices, and hot willow tea with buckwheat honey.” Talia proudly reported. “All natural ingredients, with all magical preparation.”
Indeed, all the pots and pans floated before her in mid-air on magic flames, as if she were using an invisible stove. Beside her a table was set with simple stoneware, steel cutlery, and crystal pitchers glittering with condensation from their magically maintained chill.
He seated himself on a low retaining wall beside her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, not wanting to break her concentration by giving a more thorough greeting. At that moment she was guiding the grill cakes as they turned themselves over.
“It smells delicious. And it really is a beautiful day.” he murmured affectionately.
He gazed downslope past the lawns and bare rock to the jungle that covered most of the island, the palm trees lightly swaying in the breeze, surrounded by black sand beaches. Reefs formed an irregular dotted line around the island a short distance out, acting as a natural breakwater, and marked by the foam of the sea waves crashing upon them.
“And this is a beautiful place, and you’re beautiful, and I love you.” he added.
“And you are beautiful, and I love you.” she giggled in return as she gently leaned against him without looking away from what she was doing. “This will be done in a minute.” she assured him, and when it was, she carefully served it onto their plates and poured the tea by Movement, then Translocated the pans to the kitchen.
“All right, let’s eat!” she laughed as she relaxed from her efforts. “But first a proper kiss good morning!” She floated up and kissed him very pleasantly, which he returned most earnestly.
“Whew! That’s enough of that for now, or I’ll have to drag you back to bed!” Talia giggled. “And that wouldn’t do at all, since I feel half starved!”
“My feelings exactly.” he smirked as they seated themselves.
They ate without interruption, with the exception of a few heartfelt sighs of gastronomic appreciation, for it was a delicious meal.
“So my love? What shall we do today?” Talia brightly asked when she laid aside her utensils.
“I’m not sure.” Mark mused as he leaned his elbows on the table and considered. “What time will everyone get here for my birthday party?”
“At noon. It will be late for them and early for us, but I think it’s the best compromise. That’s about five hours from now. I expect the event to last three or four hours, five at the most, since that will be two hours past midnight in Finitra and The Nine Valleys.”
“Ah. Well. Until then we should work on some spellcraft. And I’d like to work on my conventional combat skills as well. Since I haven’t worked on them in over six months, I’m not sure I have enough of those skills left to avoid embarrassing myself.” He chuckled a bit before he continued.
“Sometime today I’d like to tour the constructions and see how they’re coming along, as well as getting reports from Sheramiv on the state of our holdings and from Somonik on the state of world affairs.”
“Don’t forget that the alliance meeting on diplomacy with Serminak will be held at four hours after midnight, Hilian time.” Talia reminded him.
“Right. And we need to make sure someone is working on the research into the nature of divinity, and how to achieve it.”
“That’s already taken care of.” Talia smiled as she floated around the table and settled into his lap. “Everyone who was there when our unexpected visitors arrived yesterday is spending some time on that, except us, Hilsith, and Kragorram. Dalia and Bezedil have taken it upon themselves to co-ordinate the research and to correlate the findings, and are working on it full-time.
“They feel they’ve returned to a very different world full of important happenings, and they wish to make a meaningful contribution to the cause of a secure and prosperous future, as they put it.”
“Ah. And how are they doing?” he asked as he lightly hugged her and enjoyed her affectionate cuddling.
“Very well, both as researchers and as new lovers who are recent victims of a trauma. Their love is helping them to deal with the horror of their memory of death, as is the distraction of the work. And as they are both highly trained, thoroughly educated, and very intelligent professionals, I doubt it will be more than a few days before they have neatly summarized all that is known on the subject. Of course it helps that they have the complete and discreet co-operation of The Just Alliance, which gives them unhindered access to any resource, including the surviving writings and priests of the religions that flourished before the gods withdrew. Though that was thirty thousand years ago, two clerics of the unicorn gods still live, as do most of the clerics of the dragon gods.”
“You’re right, that’s well taken care of.” he smiled and nodded. “So first, we might as well go to Focus Mountain, since I figure it’s past dawn there, and I’ll get a recharge. I don’t really need one, but it’s pleasant, and we should go there to work on battle magic anyway. Then, we should work on battle magics and physical combat skills at the same time. If we can combine the two arts effectively, we’ll be far more dangerous than we’d be if we tried to use just one or the other.”
“Good thinking.” Talia agreed. “And while it’s past dawn at Focus Mountain, we do have a bit of time before the sun shines down into the crater. So I’d like to go home to The Nine Valleys for a few minutes first. The wizard’s power field is strongest there, and I could use a recharge myself. Hilia’s stone is only of average quality that way.”
“That makes sense.” he nodded. “So let’s choose some weapons to practice with, and get to it!”
“Um, I have to admit I’ve lost track of things.” Talia admitted as she thought for a moment. “I know all our things have been brought here from The Living Palace. Here to Hilia, that is, but I don’t know exactly where.”
She cast a Speaking to their administrator with an effortless thought.
“Sheramiv, could you pass me our wedding album?”
“Certainly. Just one moment.” was the prompt reply, and then the book appeared on the table.
“Is there anything of significance to report?” Mark asked, sharing the Speaking through his Link with Talia.
“We are financially ahead of schedule, Your Highness.” Sheramiv replied, and chuckled. “You have already returned to profitability, and the rest of your planned constructions are fully paid for.
“Unfortunately, the fortifications and military emplacements for your properties are behind schedule, due to a shortage of certain military materiel. Since the Wards around Venak were raised, Yazadril has brought The Just Alliance to a state of military readiness for a large and extended conflict, and the Alliance forces have requisitioned much of what is needed for those projects. Of course, the Alliance’s improved defenses, which have caused the shortage, also make the fortification of your individual properties much less pertinent.
“All else is proceeding apace. Would you care to review anything in greater detail?”
“No, thanks.” Mark chuckled. “Just concentrate your fortification and armament efforts on here, The Queen of Waves, and Winghoof Estate. The rest can wait till the shortages end.”
“Will you be at the party, Sheramiv?” Talia asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it!”
“We’ll see you there then.” Talia told her, and ended the Speaking.
“Now then, let me see...” she murmured as she opened the album and flipped ahead to the inventory pages. “Ah. Our stored possessions are in the Royal Hall of Hilia, which is, I’d guess, the cavern below the cottage where the wounded were treated.”
“Ah. If you’ll allow me, I’ll take us down there.”
“Give me a moment first.” Talia cast three spells with three quick glances. She cast a Preservation on the leftovers, cleaned the dishes with a spell that powdered the food and drink remnants and spread them on a nearby flower bed, and finally Sent it all to the kitchen.
“Remind me to thank Povon again, for her advice on holding my power continuously!” she laughed. “It’s really making a very big difference! That would have taken me five times as long a week ago!”
“It was well done! And I tell you, the thought of never having to wash dishes ever again impresses me as much as any use of magic I’ve seen!”
He let loose a mighty laugh of sheer youthful exuberance, stood with his tiny wife cuddled in his huge arms, and Translocated them to the bottom of the stairs in The Royal Hall.
At first glance, the place seemed to be a chaos of bedlam and cacophony, as some two hundred construction workers from every race in The Just Alliance were busily going about their tasks within the huge cavern. With a moment’s study, it was seen to be a smoothly coordinated bustle of activity, apparently directed by a gargoyle who steadily rotated while hovering twenty feet in the air above the center of the floor, keeping an eye on everything. The floor below him was marked with a glowing blue circle for incoming Translocations, wherein materials and tools for stone working appeared in a steady stream, sometimes accompanied by additional personnel.
When the hovering gargoyle spotted them, he bowed to them in mid-air, and loudly called out in a magically augmented gravely baritone; “All hail Prince Mark and Princess Talia, Monarchs of Hilia, Keys to The Just Alliance!”
Over the next four seconds everyone there stopped what they were doing and bowed to the newly arrived royalty.
“Please, don’t bow to us. We’re not that kind of people.” Mark chuckled as he and Talia waved to the workers. Then he chuckled again when he realized that Talia had already cast Field Orders on both of them, and his voice easily reached everyone in the room.
“You people are doing some amazingly fast work, and it’s obvious how beautiful this room will be when you’re finished. We are honored by the quality of your artistry and your craftworks.” Talia told them as they straightened, and then they straightened a little more with pride at her words.
She waited a moment while some there who didn’t speak Trade Common received translations, some via spells, the rest from co-workers.
While the stone of the cavern had been left as it was; a huge natural bubble formed by gas trapped in hardening black lava with an artificially flattened and polished floor, it was being artistically re-enforced. Slim white marble fluted columns with delicate orange veining now ringed the room twenty feet in from the perimeter of the black obsidian hemisphere, placed every twenty feet. Atop the circle of marble columns was a ring of the same stone set tight against the dome, and atop that were six marble arches intersecting at top center, also placed tight against the underside of the obsidian dome. The need for this additional support was obvious, as six huge arched doorways had been built on the side of the room closest to the center of the volcano. From the number of workers who had been going to and from the corridors beyond those doorways, it was obvious that other large rooms had been excavated adjoining this one.
“Actually, we’re here because our inventory informs us that our personal goods have been brought to this chamber from our residence in First Valley.” Talia stated conversationally to the gargoyle supervisor. “If you could direct us to them, we’ll shortly be out of your way.
“Princess, most of your goods are there, beyond that stack of scaffolding, beneath those gray tarpaulins, which are used to protect them from the dust of constructions.” the gargoyle said as he pointed with an index finger. “Some of your possessions were moved only a moment before your arrival, into the rooms adjoining that corridor. May I inquire as to exactly what you are looking for?”
“We plan to get our exercise today by practicing with a few of our new weapons.” Mark told him with a smile.
“Tools of combat, that is; armors and armaments, remain in this chamber. They are scheduled for transport into your new armory adjoining your new gymnasium in eleven minutes. They are there.” The gargoyle said as he pointed, and caused one of the canvas mounds to glow blue by means of a spelled ring he wore.
“Thank you.” Mark nodded, and he and Talia made their way to the indicated place, where a black-haired man, a female gargoyle, a blond giant, and a white polar elf were carefully rolling back the huge tarps, revealing rows of weapons cabinets and armor stands.
“It is an honor to speak with you, and all of us were honored to be invited to take part in this wonderful work.” the supervisor stated. “We are proud to report that we are seventy-one percent ahead of schedule, and that we foresee achieving completion within four hours.”
“Excellent!” Mark grinned as they reached the armaments. “Would that be the completion of this room, or of this complex of rooms?”
“Uh, Prince, pardon my inaccurate speaking. I refer to the completion of all constructions and modifications on the island of Hilia that are planned at this time.”
“Wow! That’s amazing!” Mark laughed. “I wouldn’t have believed so much could be done in a little more than a day!”
“More than a million tradespersons from throughout the alliance volunteered for this work when the call came from The Atoning.” the supervisor proudly revealed. “Thousands of the most skilled and capable were chosen to take part, the greatest number that could participate without getting in each other’s way. We are determined that this will be an achievement of construction that will remain unequaled for eons to come!”
“Most excellent!” Mark responded as he looked around the huge room. “And to make sure that credit is given where it’s due, it should always be known whose achievement it was. If there isn’t something like this already planned, I’d like you to have a plaque made with the name and trade of everyone who’s worked on the improvements here on Hilia, and have it mounted on the wall by the stairwell there that leads up to the cottage.”
“Ah! That is most thoughtful of you, Prince! But you realize that for the name of every worker to be listed in lettering large enough to be easily discerned, it would need to be a very large plaque?”
“That’s all right, it’s a very big wall.” Mark chuckled.
“True enough. And of what material should the plaque be crafted? Brass perhaps?”
“No, make it a gold plaque. It wouldn’t do to have it tarnish.” Talia laughed, giving them all an infectiously bright smile.
“As you say. We are most honored.” The supervisor gave a toothy gray grin and bowed in mid-air again. “Shall the names be listed in order of seniority?”
“No, list them chronologically. Let the first name be that of the worker who first started the work here, and the last the person who finished the final task.”
“It shall be done.”
“Let’s have a cheer for Prince Mark and Princess Talia!” a male human-sounding voice called, and suddenly the huge room was loud with the strange sounding cheering of many races. They clapped and stamped and whistled and made every kind of vocalization imaginable.
The supervisor let it continue for twelve seconds, then called a halt to it with a laugh and a loudly commanding tone. “All right, back to your tasks now! We’ve lost almost four minutes to the other crews, and I intend that we make it up!”
With laughter and banter, the workers returned to their tasks with gusto.
“Prince and Princess, with your permission I will share my memory of your visit with the other construction crews?” a tan unicorn carrying a load of tools in a freight saddle psionicly asked.
“Certainly, that is most considerate of you.” Talia replied, then spoke with Mark over their Link. “Now then, what weapons shall we practice with?”
“Well, we should use our regular swords so we become more accustomed to them. Beyond that, we should take shields, daggers, and bows. And arrows of course, and archer’s gauntlets. That’ll give us more than enough to work on today.”
Soon they had a number of items selected and set aside.
“Let’s take these upstairs and get Ria and GrimFang.” Mark suggested. “We’ll leave the rest there while we go to The Nine Valleys, then stop back here to get them on the way to Focus Mountain.”
“Agreed.” Talia nodded. She Translocated them back to their bedroom, where they strapped on their swords before she Translocated them again, catching him by surprise.
They appeared miles in the air above the center of Laylas Valley. The opening in the trees at the top of the chapel where they were married was barely visible below them.
“Now that was a very quick Translocation!” he chuckled as the cold wind whipped their hair around their heads and caused their clothes to flap like flags. “You almost gave me a heart cramp!”
“Thank you. It was somewhat spontaneous. But in a combat situation it would be a valuable skill to be able to Translocate with only a fraction of a second’s thought.
“Now, I was thinking that if the wizard’s power is radiated from the stone in a direction that is mostly perpendicular to the surface, there should be a point above the center of a hemispherical impact crater that intercepts most of the radiation, and is therefore analogous to the focus at Focus Mountain at high noon. I chose Laylas Valley because it’s the largest and has the strongest field. And I think I was right! Feel that! I’ve never felt the power so strongly before! This is likely the most powerful place for wizard’s power on the entire world of Kellaran!”
“Mmm, that does feel nice!” he agreed. “It was definitely smart to come here. I was surprised we didn’t go to First Valley to see your family.”
“They are all at Hilia!” Talia laughed. “Dalia and Bezedil took the first completed hotel suite on the island, and my parents, Hilsith, Bezedil’s parents, and Balen are staying with them for the time being. And they absolutely insisted on paying full price for the rooms!
“Now we have to go, before I become overcharged. It’s starting to make me feel a bit dizzy.”
Suddenly they were back in their bedroom in the cottage at Hilia, then just as quickly they and their bundle of weapons were hovering over Focus Mountain.
“Obviously you cast a very fast Translocate as well, my fine husband.” Talia giggled, then hugged him and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks. And did you notice that neither of us had to cast Pure Breath, nor did we have to cast Levitate, either here or at Laylas. The Curse...”
“The Blessing.” Talia interrupted with a giggle.
“You’re right. The Blessing cast them automatically. I think it even Levitated our weapons.”
“It must have if you didn’t do it, for I didn’t either.”
“What are they doing down there?” he asked in a sudden change of subject as he noticed movement below the west rim. “That’s Gran, and Kragorram and Povon, but I don’t recognize the rest.”
“The blue farthest from the rim is one of The Ninety-Nine. I recognize him from the founding meeting of The Alliance. He was in the second group of nine to swear on the Truthstone.”
“You have a sharper eye than I do, my love, and a sharper memory as well.” he told her with a smile. “But I do remember him, now that you’ve mentioned it.”
He looked to the sun, well above the uneven horizon, then to the volcano that had been erupting the last time they’d visited. It still rumbled quietly and smoked tenuously, and its copious outflows of lava and ash had hardened, making it noticeably larger.
“Well the sun’s up, but it won’t shine down into the crater for a while yet. Let’s go say hello and see what they’re doing.”
“I’ll race you!” Talia challenged, and took off like an arrow.
Mark hurried after but had no chance of catching her, since she was very skilled and he had almost no flight experience. He almost failed to stop before slamming into the wall of the crater beside the circle of nine dragons who Levitated just above the slope, their wings making occasional small movements to hold them in place against the slight air currents.
“Whoa! That was close!” he laughed. “Talia, make a note; your husband needs flying lessons!”
“Duly noted!” Talia giggled.
“Greetings Gran, comrades, honored guests.” Mark smiled as they turned to their visitors and moved into the circle between the great gold and the sleek silver.
“Good day Mark, Talia.” Grakonexikaldoron rumbled pleasantly. “You arrived at a fortuitous time. We plan to re-shape four of the pieces of the obsidian that reflects your power. The question is whether that reflective quality is purely a product of the chemical constituents of the glass, or whether its crystalline structure or fine scale surface texture also plays a part. If the former is the case, we simply need to melt the surface of the crater a bit and smooth it as a whole. If the latter is the case, each piece will need to be re-shaped individually, and very carefully at that. The first test piece will simply be reshaped, the second will be re-shaped and its present fine-scale surface texture will be carefully duplicated, while the third will be reshaped and have its crystal structure duplicated. The fourth will be re-shaped, and both its present crystal structure and its surface texture will then be restored to it. We will ask you to take each piece, along with an unaltered piece for comparison purposes, beyond the edge of the crater and its reflection, and to try to ascertain any differences in their reflective qualities.
“I asked Kragorram for his assistance in this, since he is one of our most skilled at using his flame in the crafting of items, and of course Povon accompanied him. These six are astronomers I have worked with who still remember the crafting of large lenses, a skill which is unfortunately in decline since the advent of high-quality magnification spells.”
“There’s no use talking to them.” Povon laughed. “When Kragorram is crafting, the rest of the world might as well not exist. And the concentration of these astronomers is just as intense.”
“I take it they’re examining that piece in preparation for re-forming it?” Mark asked.
“Yes.” Gran nodded. “Kragorram will heat it until it softens just a bit, while the lens-crafters will re-shape it with Movement. It is delicate work, since the heating must be very uniform, and the shaping must be perfectly exact.”
A chunk of the dark blue volcanic glass floated in the center of the circle of dragons, slowly rotating in two directions. It was roughly hexagonal, four to five feet wide and about three feet thick, which was about the average size of the pieces that made up the fractured surface of the crater. The hole it had been excavated from gaped in the slope below it.
The platform smoothly accelerated to the speed of a brisk walk, and the others faced forward as they floated along, maintaining their same formation close around the platform. As they reached the path leading up to the pass, Mark announced; “This is fine! You can go faster if you want!” “All right. I will gradually accelerate to the speed of a galloping horse. Just tell me if you want to slow down.” Soon they were flying up the path fast enough to make Mark’s heart race, his hair and beard...
When they cleared the tops of the trees, still rising, the ground below was beginning its incline to the pass into the next valley. Soon they sailed far above the pass and into the valley beyond, though they were still far below the tops of the mountain peaks all around. “This is incredible!” Mark shouted over the howl of the wind, for though they felt very little of it, Talia was deflecting a mighty blast of air. “I don’t even want to know how high up we are! How fast are we going?” “Every...
It was almost four hours after noon when they finally emerged from The Living Palace and made their way to Yazadril and Nemia’s tree on foot. There were a great many more elves enjoying the day near their home than would normally be the case, including many of the youths who had sworn to Mark voluntarily, all hoping to see and perhaps share a cheery word with the suddenly-famous couple. Mark and Talia noticed none of them. He carried her in one arm like a child, and both their expressions...
They desperately hugged each other and cried with relief as their minds joined and embraced as fiercely as their bodies, and Talia learned what had happened. A few minutes later a string of popping sounds made them open their eyes, and they realized that they were on the patio of their cottage on the slope of the volcano at Hilia. It was the darkest time of night here; and perhaps three hours remained before dawn. Firepits and glowspheres lit the patio. Their advance security team was...
They ended up procrastinating until the last minute, and then having to hurry to be ready in time. Once they were, Talia Translocated them. They arrived in the midst of a huge celebration, surrounded by the Assembly of The Just Alliance and their families and friends, in an outdoor oval amphitheater that must have been the largest stadium on Kellaran. The infield was five hundred yards long, and the gigantic banks of seating rose one above another five hundred feet high, filled with people...
Once Somonik reported that the Assembly had gathered, The Six of Hilia appeared on the dais in an outward-facing circle around the Truthstone. The first impression they made was as the most heavily armed squad most there had ever seen. The two unicorns wore full plate barding with huge blades in front of their horns, razor-sharp shoes that covered their hooves completely, and racks of various projectiles on their backs, ready for launching by Movement. The dragons wore full steel chain mail...
Talia may have wished to walk, but Alilia had no such patience. Without even a hummed note, she Translocated them all to Yazadril’s clearing of contemplation, where they appeared on the grass about six feet in front of Markee. Who yelled and fell backward off the log as his hands slapped onto his face. “Markee! What’s wrong?” Yazadril asked in confusion as he and Hilsith rushed to the boy’s side. “You startled the life out of me! And that light! It’s blinding! It’s like looking into the...
Mark and Talia Translocated back to the Xervian port of The Sea People and resumed their position floating in the focus of the smaller reflector, both of them soaking up power like the warmth of a hot shower after a cold day. “They’re leaving.” Povon reported from Hilia with obvious relief. “Thanks.” Mark told her with a grim smile. “We can see that from here, actually.” The Xervian Wards were only a hundred yards offshore here, and Mark and Talia were only sixty yards back from the beach,...
When the Projection came from Xervia, they had been ready to go for over an hour, and had spent the time examining a scaled model Illusion of Hilia provided by Equemev from her Reading of Silaran, who had Translocated there for a moment to memorize the view from the top of the lip of the volcano. At the moment the Projection reached them, they were planning the locations of barracks and other facilities. An Illusion appeared on the lawn beside them, twenty feet wide and eight feet deep,...
“Allow me.” Povon said as she cast a sphere of light over the porch that lent a warm glow to the scene. “Ahh, is it ever good to be home.” Mark grinned as he stretched, and Stripe and Scout made for their food and water supplies in the stable. “It feels like we were gone for a year! First thing is getting this armor off!” “I could put it away for you, if you wish.” Povon giggled. “Sure!” Mark laughed, and suddenly all of their armor and Kragorram’s sword disappeared, leaving him to fall an...
They were awakened late the next morning by a Speaking from Nemia. “Good morning! Rise and shine, sleepy head! Oh! Make that sleepy heads! I didn’t think I’d be able to contact you with a Speaking, Mark!” “My psionics are fully awakened now, even if I’m not.” Mark playfully grumbled as he cracked his eyelids, then shaded his eyes against the sunlight streaming in the windows. “Weren’t those closed last night?” he asked Talia. “I was hot in the night, and opened them.” she told him. “Good...
Mark and Talia arrived on the patio at their cottage and were given a rousing cheer by most of those who were gathered about, which included their four comrades-at-arms, Stripe, Scout, and the Hilian elves. Kragorram, Povon, Silaran and Equemev were lounging on the smooth, sun-warmed stone of the gentle slope to the left of the patio, surrounded by elves who had been eagerly engaging them in conversation. Stripe was stretched out in the center of the patio, luxuriating in the attentions of...
They appeared beside the white dragon, the Truthstone, and Quewanak the Eldest. “Welcome, Mark and Talia.” Somonik rumbled. “Hello Somonik, Eldest.” Mark returned. “A third of the attendees have yet to arrive. A place has been reserved for you at the edge of the dais, or you may choose to join one of the many informal discussions in progress. I estimate it will be at least twelve minutes before we are ready to be called to order.” Their arrival had been noted, and there was a smattering...
“Welcome to Xervia, and to the grasslands of The People of Morning.” Tithian said from outside the tent, revealing that their strange journey had ended. Mark and Talia emerged onto lush green grass, and discovered it was knee deep on Mark, hip high on Talia. “Thanks.” Mark acknowledged, and yawned again. “The stream there is quite good. Will you wish to eat right away?” “Not immediately. I could use a cup of Hilsith’s tea first.” Mark said as he dropped to his knees beside the tiny stream,...
They appeared in the main public square of Zarkog’s capital city, his domed mountain visible in the near distance, still scarred and broken from the recent battle there. Talia floated three feet in the air and two feet behind Mark, keeping watch with her back to him. Mark yelled at the sparse crowd of Sylvan scattered around the square, and magically augmented his voice to be heard with the same volume throughout the city. “Where’s Zarkog?!!! I’ve come to beat him into submission and to...
He took a deep breath, held it, let it out. “I no longer command The Just Alliance. Someone take the Link. I’ll talk to you later.” Tithian took control of the Link, and Mark dropped out of it altogether. He was still personally holding his limit in power, and controlling almost every bit of raw power in the district. Ideas started to fire off in his mind. Understanding had given him power, power had given him more understanding, which had given him more power, and now he suddenly grasped...
Mark and Talia slept for twelve hours, and their routine the next day set the pattern of their days for some time to come. They officially worked for twelve hours each day, but their duties were not arduous. During the first four hours and the last four hours of each workday they lazed around and played on their private beach, engaging in informal discussions on every subject and visiting with their many guests. Monarchs came to discuss politics and administration, wizards came to share the...
Shanghai Chronicles part 1 - The Gurlz pact of 2015 The year was 2015 and I had just moved to Shanghai, China. Everyone I knew including me thought China was this place out of the Kung Fu movies, but it turned out to be no different from a Dubai, New York or a Singapore in reality it was even more shinny and new. At first impression I thought I was in a sci-fi movie, and this was the city of the future. Work wise China was booming and the money was good. Those expats who knew of this...
Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...
Hi iss reader, mera naam rajesh hai. Mai is site ka bhut bada fan hu. Mummy ki chudai ki sari kahaniya padhi hai maine. Pehle bhi mai teen kahani post kar chuka hu mom ki anniversary bete k sath 1,3 aaj mai apne iss fan ki kahani lekar aaya hu jisne mujhe bheji thi. Is kahan me maine uske mom ka naam sharda rakha hai taki apko padhnke me aur maja aaye aur mujhe post karne me. Ye kahani kaise lagi mail karke mere iss reader tak jaruru pahunchaye Meri age 28 saal hai. Baat tab ki hai jab mai 25...
This is not a regular ISS Sex story. It is a slow burner with sex in a few chapters but driven by plot. I’ll write more based on the feedback I receive on it. Please contact me only based on the story to No sex chats or personal messages, please. Meghna’s parents were over the moon. They were always told that her beautiful daughter would bring them good fortune. But this was huge, they got a proposal from an NRI groom. For those in her small village, marrying their daughter to a city boy is a...
I am a 55-year-old married man with a very high sex drive living in the USA. I am an IT Consultant. I provide technical solutions, consulting, staffing and recruiting services in the USA. I help IT consultants on a regular basis. So, I am always looking out for people with some IT work experience and good soft skills and excellent communication skills to see if they would be a good fit for the technical jobs in the USA. I am a big fan of ISS. This story is in continuation of my previous story...
Introduction Hi Everyone, this is Shalini and it is my first story on ISS, Recently I went out for office trip to USA and had an awesome experience, I was discussing this with Yug and he suggested that I should write this experience in ISS. So here I am sharing my USA Previously you must have read stories posted by my husband about our European vacation (Dreamy vacation 1,2 &3), the feedback on those stories have been phenomenal. Thanks!! Just to refresh those who are reading it for the first...
Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time I AM THINKING OF GETTING MARRIED, SO LOOKING FOR A HOT WIFE. WHO LIKES GROUP SEX AND KINKY THINGS, SO IF YOU ARE BROAD MINDED EMAIL ME,...
Blessings of Ala I am Fumnanya. I am a woman of 24 cycles. Two months ago, I sinned. In panic, I stopped an eke, a python in common tongue, from consuming my baby sister, and in doing so, brought harm to one of Mother Ala's servants. In the Odinani teachings of our Igbo culture, Great Mother Ala is the most sacred of the Alusi after Creator Chukwu, she is the land and she judges we whom she allows to live upon her skin. Though I prayed forgiveness for many days at our ihu ala,...
Next weeks since my last adventure in village was finished, were quite tough for me. I had to catch up everything on my faculty, but luckily I had finished everything in time and started with my summer plans.After giving my final exam for this semester I decided to visit website and see if I had new message (I knew it will be tons of them). Summer was already in Croatia for some time and of course I saw lot of offers for going on Croatian, Spanish and Italian islands.Still this was not so...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I am a 55-year-old married man with a very high sex drive and a very thick dick. I am not that good looking. I am overweight with a bear’s belly and with streaks of grey hair on my head. Been married for 25 years. Over a period of few years, our sex life has dwindled. My wife does not have the same sex drive she had many years ago. So, I end up masturbating to porn movies at night. It has become a kind of a habit now. Every...
Hey friends raj here for you again. First of all I am very thankful to all of you for good response. I got mail from your side I am very happy after reading all those. Some from male and some from female side , I again want to request from boys please don’t ask any girl number from me.i got around 20 mails from boys side all wants girls number.but friends I already said. I never break my promise those I make with girls who give me their about me for new ISS use, I am 5’11...
__________________________________________________ ‘TIME TRAVELER’S TERROR’ ─── by ══/\/ymph══ (DAW) (C) October 2015 ────────── please do not reprint without permission ──── Written: October 1st 2015 __________________________________________________ It has been a long-standing tradition when you go to camp to have either one of the counselors or older campers tell a spooky ghost story to the younger members sitting around the campfire. Certainly with Halloween quickly on it’s way, I...
Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...
Hello ISS readers, This is Bobby again, from USA. Hope you guys enjoyed a story I’ve submitted a few months ago “Divorced Indian Roommate In USA”. To tell again about myself I’ve been living in USA for over 6 years did Masters degree here, and now work in IT industry. I am a very good looking guy, very fair skin, good height (an inch shorter than Mahesh Babu), and I try to maintain my personality well. So, talking with girls was fairly easier for me. Just to let you guys know, the stories that...
This is one of my fictional sex story based on fantasy.Read and enjoy. Himain 25 saal ka mard hun usa main rehta hun akela 1 bhk flat main.Main yahan ek mnc main software engineer hun.Ek din mere dad b ka phone aya ki bhaiya bhabhi usa a rahe hai,bhaiya ka transfer hua hai and unko temporary stay chahiye.Ye sunke main bahut khush hua,meri bhabhi ka naam namita hai aur wo 30 saal ki kafi sexy aurat hai.Wo punjab se thi,uska rang kafi gora aur bade bade mamme hain,chachi ki gand bhi bahut badi...
Hello Readers, This is Soma, a professional Indian guy who is working in USA as Software Engineer. I am 27 years old, 5.8 and 65 kg decent looking guy.This is entirely true story as I am always busy, I don’t have any free time to write fictional stories. I am contributing to this site first time so forgive me for any grammatical errors. You can send me feedbacks on Without wasting time let’s move on to story. This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in...
Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at So here is todays story,,,,,,,,,,,, The reader will recall that on my return from England (for more arousing time read ‘Rama, the adulteress), I had given up my nine to five job and set...
Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE IS THE STORY, WHICH IS NARRATED BY MY EX-WIFE, I AM NOW DIVORCED NOW, AND LOOKING TO MARRY AGAIN, SO HERE U GOES………. One of our clients came down...
If you're old enough for this; I remember little model planes at the Five and Dime that were marked USA ... not U.S.A ... just USA. USA Japan: America wasn't buying ANYTHING made in Japan after the war. A massive industrial complex was centered around a town that changed its name to USA. It worked. Malmö had great Swedish food. It was a lot like eating at home with interesting spices in the mix. The smörgåsbord, a Swedish word for buffet ... but not really. Smörgåsbord is buffet writ...
Blessings and Fulfillment CD, Gay, anal, oral, cuckold, forced, magic, MF, MMF It had been over a year since the last time I had been home. This time, I was not the hotshot computer programmer with the sexy girlfriend any more. You see, I had been "down-sized" at work six months ago and because I had not found a high paying job fast enough, Carla, my girlfriend of three years, had left me. After she left me, I realized that she had only been with me for my money. All of the good...
Two couples head off to the USA for a holiday of a lifetime and to fulfill a promise where the two girls split off and call to get some pictures of the NY Firemen and give a donation. Things soon get hot and steamy as they slide down fireman’s poles and get their mouths around some thick hoses. (FFM, bi, oral, anal, size, orgy) *** Day One: Lissy and Pam… “You go first.” “No, you.” “Pam you’re such a wuss.” Taking a deep breath and being the...
Hi, This is Nitya back after a long time. There are so many things happened during these 2 years. Yes, I broke up with my boyfriend during the B-Tech 3rd year. Since then I was concentrating on studies more and my future. While I was busy studies and taking a break, my boyfriend had moved on and found a new girlfriend. It was heartbreaking but I knew everything happens for a reason. I knew we both had so much fun during our 2year relationship and I will always cherish it. Anyways, I made my way...
HI, I am MouprIya Sen, a married lady of 29 years old. My hubby Manoj Sen is of 32 years working in an MNC in MumbaI. We are very friendly, frank, open minded, love to make friends, love to watch porn movies also so we try to discover many things from those movies and try to do those to bring spice in our married sexual life. This story is during one of our vacation to New York last January. There we met a cab driver to whom we did submissive sex. So after spending four days going around the...
Hello ISS readers, My name is Bobby, from USA. I’ve living here for more than 5 years, did my education work in IT industry. I work in projects a lot, so moved a lot across USA. These incidents happened last year. I completed a 2 plus year project in a city and I moved to a new city in the East Coast region. For more than 2 weeks I could not find proper accommodation, finally saw a posting in Indian classifieds by a female named Arpita (name changed for obvious reasons) who was looking for a...
Hello ISS reader, aap sab bahut bahut shukriya, meri paheli story pasand karne ke liye. Dosto, jese ki aap sab jante he ki me aur Aarati ( Jo meri mom thi.) husband – wife ban chuke hai. Hamara sansaar aur sex life bhi bahut achchi tarah gujar rahi hai. Hamare 2 bachche jo ek girl hai aur dusra boy hai, ab woh dono chhote nahi rahe. School jaane lage hai. Mene bhi USA me achcha business setup kar liya hai. Lekin USA me shift hone k baad mere andar ek aur badlaav aaya. Woh tha gay sex. Me gay...
Hello Everyone. My name is Ankit (name changed). I am from Mumbai but currently I live in Chicago – USA and I am a big fan of ISS. This is my story with Pankhuri (name changed) when I was doing my Masters in University of Illinois at Chicago. I have always been interested in sexy and tall girls. About myself I am athletic, well built, smart and handsome. About Pankhuri – she is tall and has a figure of 34-28-36. We met first time during our Orientation. We were in our first year of MS and...
Dear all, I am regular reader of iss, and lots of stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in usa, specially in california, who want to have sex with me can mail me at or call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE THE STORY STARTS, I FUCKED A GIRL RIYA, BUT FOR 15 DAYS SHE DISAPPEARED, To doston yeh hai aage ki kahani.. Us din jaane ke bad 15 days tak riya ka ki phone...
My good name is Chin. chinese lady age 42 at the moment. I am widow now. In my life I been one very bad experience but beyond my control. I would like to share here just release the matter from my mind as it’s killing me everyday. About three years back my husband pass away in a car accident. That time he was a business man. chinese man. He already builds the business very well. When he past away, the business was hanging on the air as no one wants to handle. So I decided to took over the...
Drunk sexAuthor warning: I wrote this story for another site that allows the use of HTML. There are words that are emphasized and generally thoughts are italicized as well. None of that will show up on this version which must be .txt only. I think it is still readable, but it is not quite as clear when a line is a thought instead of part of a normal paragraph. I'm not going back through and re-adding "he thought" to the entire story, as it is 100 pages long, roughly. General guideline: If a...
Coworker's Curse By: Monsta It was a typical Wednesday at the office when my life suddenly got turned upside down. Nothing stood out as unusual about the day at first, it had begun as any typical workday. But then around 10:30am my coworker Carl came into my cubicle and started talking about some printer issue he was having on his computer. I was kind of busy, but he was insistent so I agreed to go over to his cubicle and help him. I reinstalled the network printer and printed...
The Cassandra Curse Part 1 (Brad) "Would you like to know what it feels like to be inside of me?" she says and smiles. The woman before me is hotter than anything I ever saw outside of a porn movie. She is maybe 5ft 10" but she wears these black heels so probably about 5ft 7". She wears a classy but borderline trashy black dress low cut, thin straps that show off her slender shoulders but more importantly her tits. Her breasts are big but not cartoon big a double d at a guess but on...
********************************************************** Here we go again! Popular culture has given me yet another inspiration for a story with a TG twist. Enjoy. I must thank Bashful and Paul1954 for helping me - I got stuck in the middle, and their suggestions were good. Please, please, please take a moment to add a comment. The feedback helps me choose story lines and improve my writing. ********************************************************* Curse of the Mummy --...
I'd originally intended to make this story a lot shorter, but after several problems at the start, the story just seemed to demand being made longer. I know that even more could be added at the end, but I decided to leave it where it was for now. Blessings of the Goddess By Morpheus Larry jangled the set of keys in his hand, carefully examining the old door in front of him, particularly the rusty padlock. Obviously not many people had been through there in awhile, which made...
The Curse of the Friday the 13th By Jennifer Allison As most of you know, February has a Friday the 13th during a leap year only every twenty-eight years. It all started for sixteen year-old Dean on the night of the 12th of February, 2004. When his parents came into his room and told him about the curse. Dean knew from the start something was up. The very first thing his father did upon walking into the room was that he took Dean's cell phone and made it so that Dean could not...
(I would read Part 1. Before you proceed otherwise this will just be a whole lot of letters) (I wrote the first part as a stand alone TG / TF story. Then I wanted to know what happened next so I thought about it and here it is in a serialized form.) ..... Now Brad has lost his masculinity to the Cassandra curse will he embrace his new sexuality and is anyone ever really free from the Cassandra Curse. The Cassandra Curse Part 2. 1) (Cassandra) I am Cassandra Satirise...
I always take an extra couple days off during the Holiday season,In 2015 my girl friend decides to go to Florida to visit her parents,as I just wanted to stay home which gives me the chance to walk around my house in one of my tiny women's panties. Its always a thrill for me to just put on something sexy while she is gone for a week or so. On this particular Holiday I was watching some movies in my semi sheer panty and getting more and more Hot. I get a phone call from an old friend from Texas...
In May of 2015 I had managed to get an internship at a production company for film in France. It was quite a good job, but it turned into a fantastic job, when I found out that we would be working on A indie film movie called A Tale Of Love And Darkness.I had seen Natalie Portman in "Black Swan" not long ago on DVD/Blu-Ray on my Spare time, but that movie featured her in a lot of makeup and eloborate costumes so I wasn't prepared for the amazingly beautiful young woman I would meet on my...
Since I moved from Knoxville back towards the airport in Alcoa, I have had some fun times with a big dick black daddy, a hot, young hung white country boy and an older white daddy dom with a big, fat beautiful cock. However, I hadn't had much contact with the neighbors other than hanging out with some of the girls and getting snickers from the men. That all changed this past summer (2015)Across the hall, two young college age guys moved in and they immediately noticed the effeminate sissy boy...
Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of August, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! My experience with junior turned to be my master. I wait for his touch and love to serve him. The tastiest nectar in the world for me. Love you my partner, my junior …I opened my mouth wide to take his cock. He was laughing and enjoying my suck and asked me to do deep. His online friend was jerking by seeing this and asking more...
Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of June, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! This story is about a poor guy with his honesty can win any people and could help himself reach his goals and further go to the top position. …I could know her astonishment through her face and she was very much happy that I gave equal importance to her problems and gave excellent solutions for each questions which made her think...
Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of May, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! It was not a surprise this time as it was well planned and executed it deftly. A night filled with passionate love making to our content. …We reached a wonderful resort and done with all formalities in the reception to get our room booked. We made our way into the room and locked the door. I turned the A/C on and went to the...