Housewife's AwakeningChapter 11: Amber's Fury free porn video

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Amber walked back to the laundry room to find her uncle still lying on the make shift bed in the corner. He was naked except for a cock cage that she had padlocked to him during his sleep. This wasn’t just any cock cage. It was specially lined with tiny spikes that would eat into the sensitive skin outlining the shaft of the encased penis if it were to become erect. It wouldn’t cause any permanent damage, but could be extremely uncomfortable for the unfortunate soul who became excited while in it’s confines.

Amber leaned against the doorframe and watched her uncle sleeping. His legs were stretched out and his arms were folded around his chest. She noted that his light brown hair was disheveled in a kind of sexy way. For an older guy, she thought her uncle was kind of hot, even if he wasn’t really her type.

She almost laughed out loud as she thought of the pain her uncle was about to find himself in. He would be fine as long as he remained calm, but she was going to do her best to excite him and Amber had not yet met a man that she couldn’t play. For years she had been manipulating the male species.

Amber used to be embarrassed at the ways guys would check her out when she wore short shorts, but not any more. She liked being hot. She learned to enjoy having people, boys, men, or even women, get real interested in her ass, which she considers her best feature. It allowed her to take advantage and she intended to use what nature gave her to the fullest. There wasn’t a man who had seen her that didn’t want her, including the teachers and priests in the schools and churches of her childhood. And she even found that she brings secret desires to the surface in many women as well.

“Uncle Brett, time to get up. You’re going to be late for work if you don’t get up sleepy head,” she said softly as she stood by the end of the bed looking down on him.

“W-what...” Brett tried to make sense of his surroundings as his eyes began to open. Slowly the events of last night came back to him as his eyes began to focus. The absolute humiliation he felt at watching his wife, who he worshipped, beg another man to fuck her came sweeping back to him as his stomach immediately became tied in knots.

“You better get going my sweet slut boy. You don’t want to be late for work. If you have a good day today, Stephanie and I have a nice little surprise in store for you when you get home tonight.” Amber noticed him looking at his imprisoned penis in wonder. “Oh, that is just to ensure that you are a good boy today. You can take a piss out of the end, but it will keep you from playing with that nasty little thing. I know your dirty little mind and if left to your own devices you would be tempted to whack that thing off thinking about your ‘innocent’ little teenage nieces. You would like to do that now, wouldn’t you?”

Dumbfounded, Brett arched his back to lift himself off the make shift bed. As he lifted himself up his eyes began to focus on his blonde teenage tormentor. Brett couldn’t help but notice that the bottoms of her firm breasts were visible under the tight pink halter-top that fit her like a second skin. Her swollen pointy nipples were clearly visible through the stretched material on either side of the playboy bunny that was nestled between her small but proud knockers.

Brett couldn’t help but notice her exposed belly as well. It was tight with soft defined abs. And her legs were sculpted with beautiful thigh and calf muscles, and her ass was hard and round. This little girl really enjoyed showing off her body. She was an absolute wet dream.

Amber turned around and made a production of looking for something on one of the top shelves. As she stretched, her halter rode up her breasts until Brett got a good view of the lower part of her aureoles. That’s why Amber wore this outfit. She felt her nipples stiffen as the cool air hit her exposed breasts. Brett couldn’t help but openly stare at them as he felt his cock begin to grow.

Feeling the heat of her uncle’s stare, Amber moved her attention to a lower shelf. This arched her backside up and she kept moving it around a little. Nothing obvious, but nothing subtle either. A mischievous grin crossed her face as she envisioned what was about to happen to her unsuspecting uncle.

As Brett’s attention was drawn to his niece’s ass he noticed the black lettering pasted across her small gray cotton shorts spelling the word BITCH across her two perfect globes. The shorts rode low on her hips and the straps of her light blue thong were clearly visible crossing each hip. Brett thought that she was damn sexy, but that he had better quit staring before he got himself in trouble.

But before he could divert his gaze, his cock grew to full mast causing the spikes in the cock cage to dig painfully into the sides of his engorged member.

“AAAWWWW ... OOOWWW! What the fuck? Shit! What’s happening?” He exclaimed as a terrible pain shot up and down his prick.

“That uncle dear, is your punishment for thinking awful dirty thoughts about your ‘sweet’ little teenage niece.” Amber teased as an evil smile spread across her beautiful face.

Brett doubled over in pain before delicately responding, “But how am I supposed to not get turned on when you’re parading around in front of me like this?”

Amber put on a wide-eyed innocent face, “You mean I turn you on, Uncle Brett?”

The shooting pain caused Brett to be at a loss for words. He kept his eyes shut as his cock quickly wilted and the pain subsided.

Amber laughed inwardly at her uncle’s predicament, but she wasn’t done playing yet. “I’m sorry, now get upstairs and off to work with you.”

Brett gingerly got to his feet before turning to head upstairs. Amber stopped him by pulling on his shoulder and told him that she had one question that he had to answer for her first. Not wanting to anger his temptress, he stopped and turned around.

Amber looked at him with her piercing blue eyes. She opened her lips with a loose pout and slowly tugged the halter up over her firm breasts. She felt the cool air wash over her hard nipples. “Do you like my little titties?” She cooed, teasing her right nipple with the fingers of her left hand.

Immediately, Brett felt his cock come to life again.

“Noooooo ... oooohhhhh ... no ... please ... no more!” He screamed as his cock once again felt as though it were on fire.

“You’re trying my patience, and it is already short! I’ve told you to stop thinking dirty thoughts about me, but your doing it again. Now go get dressed and off to work. Be home by 6:00, not one second later because Stephanie and I have something VERY special lined up for you tonight.”

Brett looked up to see an almost demonic sneer on his niece’s face as she exited the laundry room and his penis mercifully became flaccid again.

As the mid afternoon sun struggles to break through the enclosed window shades of the Andrews’ master bedroom, Debbie begins to slowly awaken. Her mind sifts through all the awful and degrading things she has been forced to do this past week. Her head is throbbing and her body thoroughly exhausted from the events of last evening. She still finds it hard to believe all the humiliating acts that her nieces have subjected her to this week. Stripping for money, dressing like a total slut, giving the paperboy a blow-job, parading around the mall trading her sexual favors for merchandise, and last night worse of all, betraying her husband in the most intimate of manners.

This act of betrayal was the hardest for Debbie to accept. Her nieces had forced her to do all those other appalling things. But last night was different. She might have been led into a compromising position, but she acted of her own accord. It was she who allowed her passion and lust to overtake her. It was she who yelled out for more, as the magnificent black man fucked her in front of her watchful husband. How had she allowed this to happen?

Just one week ago she was a happily married woman, attentive mother, PTA member, and active in her church. As Debbie continues to ponder her situation she stretches across her bed and looks at the clock. It shows 2:00p.m.

Panic sets in as she realizes what time it is. Despite her massive headache, she springs to the floor to check on her children. She is still naked, as neither of the girls had chosen her clothes for the day. Terrible pangs of guilt overtake her as she realizes that she failed to take care of her children. “I’m an awful mother. I can’t believe that I slept so late. I don’t even know how I got home last night. Brett’s side of the bed doesn’t look like he slept there. I wonder if he came home?”

Panic sets in as she looks up to see a photograph stuck on her bedroom wall of some bimbo with ‘porn star blonde’ hair sucking a giant black cock with rampant enthusiasm. Debbie shakes her head in confusion as she looks at her reflection in the bedroom vanity mirror. She then realizes that the bimbo in the picture is herself. “What if the kids see this? I can’t believe the girls would be this mean as to humiliate me in front of my family.” Debbie thought to herself as she pulled the obscene photo from the wall, tearing it to tiny pieces.

Debbie looks up to see another picture, documenting her obscene performance last night, hanging in the hallway. She panics and snatches the photograph, then there is another and another. The girls have laid a trail of pictures throughout the Andrews’ household, which leads Debbie to the living room where the girls are waiting for her.

An audible gasp escaped from her mouth as Debbie heard both of her teenage tormentors commenting on a performance on the TV. A deep sinking feeling set in as she watched herself on the screen in the throes of orgasm as the powerful, black Malcolm pumped a load of cum deep into her white womb. Tears began to well up as Amber turned around.

“About time you got up, sleepy head.” Amber offers as Debbie clutches the vile photographs to her heaving chest. “We were just discussing your busy itinerary for today.”

Momentarily forgetting her training, Debbie in her panicked state let some of her old spirit escape. “Where are my children? Look, I don’t have time for your games today. This has gone way too far. Did the kids see any of this smut? Where is my husband? It didn’t look like he came home last night.” Debbie anxiously inquired.

“You needn’t concern yourself with the kids or your husband for that matter. Since you neglected to take care of your children, the new nanny got them ready and off to school this morning. We told them that you were very sick and that until you felt better, the nanny would be taking care of them. So don’t worry, she will pick them up later today since you will be indisposed.” Stephanie said with a knowing smirk. “As for Brett, he came home last night, but decided to sleep in another room. He said that he couldn’t stand to be around such a filthy cock-sucking whore.”

A visibly perplexed Debbie questioned the girls further. “What nanny? We don’t have a nanny. Quit kidding around with me. This isn’t funny.”

Stephanie slowly raises off the sofa, towering over her petite aunt as if to remind her of her superiority. “We decided that you have more important things to do than looking after your family and home. We hired a nanny to take care of everything. You don’t need to worry your pretty little head about those types of things any longer. You should really thank us. Now you can put all your efforts into being the best brainless slut and teenage whore that you can be.”

“This way you’ll have more time for your training sessions and to raise money to win our little game.” Amber said with a playful wink and a smile. “And don’t worry about Brett, we’ll take good care of him.”

“That reminds me, we do owe you for last night’s activities, now don’t we? If I remember correctly, you were to be paid $300 dollars for the photo shoot. Weren’t you?” Stephanie sincerely inquired.

Debbie knew that $300 was little compensation for what she had to endure. But it would go a long way in helping her earn her freedom. With the $220 that she was allowed to keep from her initial stripping adventure, she would be halfway home. A small smile started to form as she thought about getting control of her life back.

“Oh, but we do need to deduct your expenses that you owe, per your contract. Let’s see you need to pay for your agent, manager, wardrobe, talent, and we can’t forget your makeover. Here is your ‘fee’ for the photo session.” Stephanie says with a beaming smile while she ponders the thousands of dollars that she will make off of Debbie’s photos that are already on their way to multiple magazines and web sites.

Debbie’s mouth sagged open in disbelief at Stephanie’s words. She could not believe her ears. She shrank back, lips quivering. “No” she whispered. “This can’t be t-true.” Debbie sobbed as she clutches at the $15 that is offered. “It’s so unfair. How am I ever going to earn enough money at this rate.”

Stephanie and Amber console their despondent aunt by cruelly telling her that she will get lots of other opportunities to make money. They already have another booking for her (this time video). And since it’s Friday, she has another engagement at the strip club, followed by a private party.

“And another thing.” Stephanie taunt’s her aunt while she walks around her assessing her naked body. “We need to do something about this body of yours. While your tits are high and firm, they would look even larger if you slimmed down your torso. And while we’re at it, we also need to slim down those hips of yours. And while I personally like your little ass and legs, you have to admit that they could use some toning. After all it’s not like you’re a teenager anymore.”

“From now on you are to follow a very strict diet and exercise program. You will work out each and every morning. If you fail to complete your workout routine to our satisfaction you will be severely punished. I want you to develop a strong washboard stomach so that you can wear all the mid-drift baring outfits that the kids are so found of these days. So you will do 250 sit ups each day.”

“You will also have daily running and weight workouts as well.” Amber interjected. “Don’t worry we’ve written down everything that is expected of you in this little book. After all, it would be unfair of us to expect your little brain to be able to remember.”

“Now get your nasty ass up on this scale.” Stephanie ordered while she took down Debbie’s measurements. “These exercises better work, or you will be subject to a cosmetic surgeons knife.” Stephanie was intentionally playing on her aunt’s insecurities knowing that she doesn’t like doctors and is deathly afraid of any kind of surgery. “Doesn’t really matter to me how you get there, either way you are going to develop the hot little body that we want you to have.”

“You will be able to make every cock in the room immediately stand at attention by the time we get through with you.” Amber added through her thin smile. “You will be the ultimate cock tease.”

Debbie felt dizzy with the new turn of events. Hadn’t the girls taken over enough of her life already? Now they wanted to control her body structure as well. If they wanted her to exercise, she was resolved to exercise like mad. Not to please her mistresses, but to avoid the surgeon’s knife at all cost.

Numb with the new turn of events, Debbie lowers her head in defeat. She had never felt so lost and alone in all her life. “Why was this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?”

Stephanie and Amber watch intently as Debbie gradually lowers her eyes in submission, keeping them down cast, not daring to look her nieces in the eye. Her beautiful hazel eyes shown as she began to spill tears. But even still, Stephanie was able to note a small flash of defiance through Debbie’s tears.

Catlike in her speed, Stephanie reached out and unleashed a series of tooth rattling slaps across her stunned aunt’s face.


Debbie’s head recoiled as she felt the impact of the blows. She gasped in shock, as Stephanie gripped her chin in her strong hand, forcing Debbie to look her in the eye. Debbie shuddered and tried to pull away, but Stephanie held her in place. Her burning cheeks told her that it was futile to struggle.

“Looks like our pet has forgotten her training. After all we’ve done for her, you would think she would be more considerate. Amber, secure the little slut.”

Amber placed a steel collar around her aunt’s neck and locked it shut with a loud click. The collar was very tight around Debbie’s neck. There was now visible terror in her eyes. Amber grabbed Debbie’s tiny wrist and fastened it into a manacle on the side of the collar. Again there was a loud click. She then repeated the same procedure with the other wrist. Debbie stood still in stark terror. Her wrists were now locked to a steel collar, which was locked around her neck.

Stephanie approached her quivering aunt and slowly ran her fingers up her legs in a series of light strokes, sending shooting sensations straight through the bewildered housewife’s body. As Stephanie’s fingers approached Debbie’s upper thighs and the bottom of her ass, Debbie’s breathing became irregular and she couldn’t help but let out a soft yelp followed by a deep groan. Debbie couldn’t help thinking to herself. “I can’t believe that in spite of my humiliated condition, my body is responding to her touch with an intensity that really scares me.”

Her fingers continue to travel up her aunt’s body skipping her crotch but circling her stomach and sides. By the time Stephanie’s wicked fingers drew a light trail around her breasts, she had gained complete control of Debbie’s body’s sexual responses. Sensing her victory, Stephanie tickled her hardening nipples into long, hard nubs that ached for more demanding attention.

But her fingers didn’t linger for very long as they rose even higher, over her shoulders and up the sensitive sides of her collared neck. Her fingers then slid down her back until they reached her ass, causing an involuntary tensing of Debbie’s lush bottom. Stephanie lingered on her ass, drawing the lightest little circles over both clenched cheeks. As she reached the back of her thighs and knees, Debbie thought she would faint from the erotic sensations coursing through her body.

Stephanie repeated her teasing probe again. By the time she started for the third lap, she sensed her aunt was a quivering mess. She really loved playing with her prey. There was nothing quite like the feeling of having absolute power over another human being.

Debbie couldn’t believe that her body was betraying her so completely. “My pussy is aching for some contact. I can feel my clit throbbing along with my pounding heart. What is happening to me? Is there something wrong with me? I’m not really a slut? I know I’m not. But why am I acting this way?”

On the third time through Stephanie paid attention to Debbie’s cunt. She lightly traced her fingers around the outside of her labia sending shivers of pleasure through Debbie’s oversensitive skin. Her pussy was leaking her womanly cream, despite her best efforts to control herself.

“Look how wet you are. You are such a horny little slut. You must love being under our control. Now, open your mouth and suck my fingers, slut.” Stephanie ordered as she lifted her sex-coated fingers up to her mouth. Debbie thought about keeping her mouth shut, but she didn’t want to add to the punishment that she was sure was coming. So she opened her mouth wide as Stephanie ran her wet fingers all around her mouth. As Stephanie watched her aunt bathe her fingers of her own sexual excitement, she saw her aunt’s eyes welling up with tears again.

“Don’t you worry Auntie Slut, by the end of today you will do lots more things that you would never have believed possible. From now on, you will no longer control your desires and excitement. Amber and I will control them for you. All you have to do is follow direction. Just stop thinking and you will be fine. Now Amber, take our nasty little slut to the training room. She obviously needs reminding of her place.” Stephanie decreed with a devilish tone.

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Ambers Rape Fantasy

Introduction: Hey guys, this is Amber. I really liked Alexs story and I liked seeing all of your great responses, so I decided to write one, myself. Its not gonna be as long as Alexs or anywhere near as good, but I just wanted to give it a try. This is another true story that took place about a week ago. Enjoy! Im a girl of wild imagination, and that imagination tends to ooze over in the sexual department. I have very strange fantasies, and I wasnt ashamed to admit it. Well, in some cases I...

2 years ago
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Ambers story pt2

Reluctantly I crawl into their bed, Craig’s beautiful hard cock nestling between my ass cheeks ever so slightly piercing my asshole. With her infront of me . She backs her ass into my tiny cock, taking my hand and placing it on her breast. I look back at Craig with a discomfort look on my face. Good night Kim he says to her. Goodnight my loves she says. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t understand why she wanted this. I just wanted to get away from touching her. I couldn’t sleep. Craig wasn’t...

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Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. HELL HATH NO FURY . . . With many thanks to Stefani, who not only proofreads my German, but also comes up with helpful comments and suggestions. Vielen Dank, meine Freundin! PRELUDE: Happily Ever After? If this had been a fairytale, we should by rights have reached the part where Logan and I would live happily ever after. Somehow, as the fog clears...

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Hell Hath No Fury

Introduction: I warn you now, this is long and there isnt much sex. I really took time to develop the plot and characters. Hope someone enjoys it, because I loved writing it. Ive already completed Ch.2 and am working on Ch.3. It takes a lot of time putting them up as I tend to write free hand then copy to the computer. Feedback is always appreciated. [b] Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Perhaps this isnt true for all women, but for some it proves...

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Passions Fury

Chapter 1 My mind wandered too easily these days. I wondered whether you really missed me and still loved me or if I had become an albatross around your neck. There was little for me to think about where you were concerned. I loved you simply and fully. It was not a love that smothered. I could be separate in body from you and still love you deeply as if I knew every fiber of you, as if I knew your smell during passionate lovemaking and when you were shining with sweat after a hard play at...

4 years ago
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The Brazen Fury

I couldn’t help but think and long for you as the days grew farther and farther apart since we had been together. I wanted you more and more with every second. All I could do was think of how glorious you made me feel when we were together. The intensity the fire the passion we felt. Like no other human existed only us and our hunger for each other. We were to meet again for another visit and I could barely contain myself. I had gotten up early and got my chores done so I could just take my...

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Golden Fury

“If you accept my offer, your husband's name will be spared public shame, all the debts he left you with at the time of his unfortunate death, will be paid. Doug's son, your step son, will be guaranteed a first class education and when he graduates from college, he will be entitled to all the prize money you bring to my stable or a minimum of a million dollars, whichever is more..." "I know my offer sounds bizarre to you now, think about it overnight. You can give me your answer at breakfast...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Fury

A Wife's Fury By Margaret Jeanette Joel and Julie Woods had a beautiful marriage. They were much in love with each other. They were married a little over three years. He was a successful novelist with three books published and his publisher after him to complete his fourth. She was a teller at a bank and enjoyed her job. They had just been out to eat. He brought her up to date on the negotiations to make his second novel into a movie. They went to see a...

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Hell Hath No Fury

In retrospect, Gene probably should have been suspicious from the moment that Ella suggested the spa day. She'd been acting weird all week, but Gene hadn't really registered it. And it seemed like such a harmless suggestion at the time. "Got any plans for the weekend?" Ella asked as she sat on the couch next to Gene. "Not that I can think of," Gene replied. "What did you have in mind?" "Steph from work gave me a gift certificate for a Couples Spa Day. Her fiance got it for them...

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Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury Part 1 – The SeductionI had a good job in industry, earning very good money, and used my wealth and position to seduce attractive young women. To me it was a sport. But underneath my smooth exterior, I had always been secretly attracted to dominant women, and particularly dominant cigar smoking women. I had gone out with Carol for a few months, but had become, as was usual, a bit bored with her. She was a very attractive girl when we first met, at the age of 24. She  was very...

3 years ago
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The Fury

Special thanks to blackrandi for the invitation to participate in “The Magical Mystery Tour. A country song, “Hell on Heels,” left me with an itch to write this particular story. It wouldn’t leave me alone until it was finished. I’ve included other “Thanks” at the end. I’m no hero, at least not now. The last time I did anything brave was a long time ago. Fourth grade, actually. There was a girl in my grade named Cindy Van Dyke. Not popular, not well dressed and not well off. She’d probably...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 26 Iron Fury

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard Anger boiled inside of me. This foul, loathsome thing touched my daughter. He corrupted her purity. He made her into his slut. Shadows trailed after him as he flowed past my attacks. My iron body creaked and groaned. I swung my sword as his shadow rapier prodded my body without effect. He danced around, a fly buzzing around my greatness. “She is mine?” I snarled, my sword slashing at him. “Really?” he growled. “Yours? You had...

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Casino gaming hasn't evolved in what feels like fucking forever. It is goddamn ridiculous if you ask me. From video games to those boring ass card games your grandmother plays, every facet of gaming has changed with the times. But not casinos. Even when online gambling has been trying to break out and have its moment, countries like the United States have kept it from evolving.But thanks to COVID-19, it looks like online gambling becoming the norm is a certainty. And while online gambling sites...

Betting Sites
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I’m mad at you. I drink the last mouthful of vodka out of my glass, it heats my throat as it goes down. I grab the bottle and pour myself another glassful, this is drink number four now, I take a sip as I blink furiously to keep the tears at bay. I’m so fucking mad at you. How could you do it to me? I trusted you and that’s what you do to repay me. I know what’s been going on with her. Its worse that your not even here to explain yourself but you know that I know, I left you a message so now I...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 10 Hell Hath No Fury

I heard Mary Ann’s voice say, “It’s me Jess,” and she poked her head in her room. “Don’t be mad at me Mary Ann. I bumped into Tony in the bathroom this morning and made him call off work so we could get a head start on our 1 on 1.” “Oh I know all about it. Beth called me and told me all about your little show in the Dinor but I have no right to be mad at anyone. I just wish I would have heard it from one of you. It’s obvious to me that Tony’s just here to use us and we need to accept...

1 year ago
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Hell Hath No Fury

Chapter 1 When I was growing up I liked to write stories. My favorites were the dirty ones. I could act out sexual fantasies on paper that I was prohibited to by my religion. God didn’t approved of this behavior, I knew, and I was certain my parents would have been shocked and disappointed if they had caught me. But biology trumped my good intentions. As I had no friends interested in being with me sexually, I had to find other outlets for my feelings. When I began puberty we had no internet,...

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Around this same time I met a very pretty Mexican girl named Rose. We started dating and were having at an actual relationship. She was what the Mexicans called a "Fresa", which is Spanish for strawberry. It was used as slang to describe the females of the Mexican aristocracy. She came from a wealthy family and was in L.A. with the delusion that just because she was beautiful she should also be famous. She was trying her hand at acting and/or modeling. She had a very nice condominium in West...

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Silver Blood Green Fury

It is hard to believe, but somehow, I have bonded with the swamp life and have become a mobile plant in the form of my mother. Best of all, I have found a mate who accepts my new form. He has kept me sane after what happened to me due to the evil plotting of others intent upon exploiting my discovery and claiming it for themselves. But that won't happen as Justice has been served. [-][+][-] I was Hollis Holland, a botanist working upon a way to use microbes to clean up chemical and...

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Twenty year-old Barbara woke up suddenly, gasping and looking around frantically. She was on the couch, still in her dress from yesterday, but she couldn’t remember how she got there. She sat up, trying to remember what happened last night. Pushing up on the couch to stand up, her left arm abruptly throbbed with pain. Grasping it, an image flashed in her mind. A cloaked form. Solid black eyes. Fangs. And screaming. Lots of screaming. And ... she looked at her dress. It was covered in...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury

It wasn't a loud sound, the distinctive screech of the owl in the distance, but it sent a slight chill through her shoulders as she reached to pick the white blossom from the tree. She tucked the flower behind her ear, burying it in the gentle folds of her hair. As its fragrance surrounded her she tried to shake off the small feeling of foreboding that the cry of the bird had laid like a nest egg in her belly. She turned and scanned the field behind her, looking for her mother. Demeter's...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 23 Hell hath no fury

I was sitting in my office, writing a letter to Mimi, when I heard the clattering of hooves, the cracking of a carriage whip, and the rumble of wheels over the cobbled courtyard. I put down my quill and looked from the window. A large coach, drawn by six horses, pulled up at the entrance to the building. The carriage and horses were all liberally splattered with mud; the weather had become slightly milder, and former ice bound roads were now quagmires. A figure got from the carriage, the...

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The CatalystChapter 18 Hell Hath No Fury

[I stayed on my knees, grabbed a flashlight and peeked between the sheets of canvas. WHAT THE Fu__! ] Greg reacted even faster than me. “Holy shit! That’s more drugs than I could ever imagine!” We were looking at row after row of steel shelves, 10’ high and 100’ long, all packed with huge plastic wrapped bags that looked to contain heroin, cocaine, marijuana, pills, weapons, ammo and even explosives. Huge vertical refrigerators and ... four dead bodies! All of them appeared to be young...

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Ambers Email Troubles

Amber’s Story     The hair on the back of Amber’s neck stood tall.  She sensed something or someone more than feel it really. Amber turned hastily her dark eyes peering through the night.   Something, no someone moved in the shadows behind her.  She was sure of it.  Amber strained her senses in the night air to hear anything, to see anything, to calm her nerves if nothing more, NOTHING.  Yet she knew it, somehow she knew it? someone WAS following her.  And this was not the first time either. ...

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Amber and Jake an Amulet of Zulo Story

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes medium brown, body not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of manufacturing at Schimdt tool and die company. The plant was the second...

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Begger's Stories Sunday, April 13, 2008 Amber Chapters 1-7 This was the first teasing and denial story I wrote several years ago (2004ish) for It contains a lot of ballbusting and teasing, chastity and female dominance. A lot of the inspiration to write came from one of my favorite OD writers, Peter, who should be linked to somewhere on this site. Anyway, enjoy my first work and let me know what you think. "Amber" by Begger It was Friday, I had been waiting for today for...

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Stuck in Amber

STUCK IN AMBER (Complete and final!) by P326R1 Copyright 2021 Disclaimer: This story is a complete and total work of fiction. Don't worry. None of it's true. It's all made up. It's absolutely definitely not based 100% on the actual people, places, and events from my life. CHAPTER 1: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy...

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Amber Lamps

( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...

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Amber Lamps

( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story

Thanks to Steve Zink he helped enormously by super editing as always! Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes brown, not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of...

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Hung Like a Horse Every summer, our family took a trip to visit our relatives on their farm. It was a trip that my sister and I looked forward to every year. For two weeks, we basically had the run of the land with little or no supervision. We got to explore all of the barns, watch the a****ls, and swim in the creek that flowed through the pasture. Usually there were other visiting k**s to play with as well.This year, my cousin Amber was visiting from New York City. It was her first trip out...

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Stuck in Amber

STUCK IN AMBER (complete) Copyright P326R1, 2019 CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTED My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy walks in with a gun and just starts shooting up the place! He's yelling a bunch of stuff that no one can hear over the deafening pop of what looks like a 9mm. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but he seems intent on...

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Amber and Sinndy Make it Hurt

Amber and Sinndy Make it HurtThe air was crisp and chilly enough to perk the largest fattest nipples. Amber and Sinndy smiled devilishly to each other as Amber pulled away in the 1993 Suburban. The back seats had been ripped from their lodges in the floor to make room for Eric, the luscious blonde grungy beauty they'd seen at the TSOL punk show. He had been smiling at them as they sparked the joint out on the lawn right before TSOL came onstage. He approached them, and left smiling, high, and...

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Bill and Amber The Reunion

Introduction: The last chapter about eternal love For those who were kind enough to read my story, Bill and Amber, but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone, however, if you havent read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and...

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Bill and Amber part 2

Part 2 After only being together a month, it didn’t seem like it should be so hard to say good-bye at the airport, after all, it was only going to be for three weeks…but it was hard…terribly hard, for both of them. Bill had tears in his eyes when he took her in his arms and kissed her good-bye. Amber, trying to put on a brave face, forced a smile and gently wiped them away. “I’ll be back, darling,” she said. Amber looked into his teary eyes and knew she had to tell him; he...

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An Afternoon with Amber

We were sitting at the table idling time after eating an early afternoon lunch. The day was cloudy, gray and wet, a typical spring day in Seattle. It was a Saturday and my wife's best friend and I were keeping each other company while we waited for my wife to come home from a conference in San Antonio. Amber was clinking the plates together, putting them in a pile on a corner of the table when my cell chirped, it was Chloe, my wife. “My connection in Denver has been canceled, the damn...

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