Love Story With Cute Girl Handsome Rajkot 8211 Part II
- 4 years ago
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Despite being an honorary Nalu and a House Leader, I had classes to teach and programs to write. While preparing for the final exams, I managed to write modifications to my programs for all three of my corporate clients. Universal Systems Security was happy and made their next, smaller, payment.
SecureDesign started testing my design using a programmable chip. So far it looked good, but no sales and thus no license fees for me. On the other hand, they paid me a small commission for getting Genefice, my third client, to order from them.
I thought Genefice was actually my most interesting client. I'd had time to read up on their approach. They had made great progress in determining how and what genes to modify to treat specific disorders. With my plasm constructs I could possibly modify some molecules directly. I could create higher-level constructs to replicate the effect for some industrial-scale production. But even if I could get it to work, how could I explain it? Or get any kind of certification or licensing for the technique?
I put it aside to deal with the final homework of the semester. I was glad that my enhancements reduced my need for sleep. I could never satisfy my commitments with eight hours of sleep per night. As it was, I had to cut down on swimming; luckily my muscle enhancements kept them strong even without exercise.
I taught the students during the day; but became a student at night. Poli finally showed me how she paid taxes and renewed her driver's license.
I got used to showing up in her entrance hall in the evening. One night, in answer to my "hello", a short brown-haired young woman came from the kitchen, looking startled.
"Uh, I am sorry, Miss, I didn't know you were here; I was looking for my friend ... wait a minute!"
It took a few seconds to pay attention to the plasm pattern instead of my eyes. It was Poli!
"Ha-ha! Got you! You humans have such a poor sense of smell. Even without looking at my plasm you should have recognized me. You should do your olfactory enhancement."
"Yes, I will, but how did you disguise yourself?"
"Properly phased, plasm can reflect and absorb light. All this is a tuned shield. Simple!"
It was not simple at all. The modified body-shield was right on her skin on her cheekbones, but extended past her nose. It was actually a finely crafted work of art that moved with her body, and had the flexibility and a slight give of the body to which it was anchored. The friction of Poli's fake fingers was slightly off, but noticeable only because I knew of the layer of plasm there.
Poli didn't expect me to create something that sophisticated quite yet. She started me on trying to create a red-colored square; a flat piece of plasm that absorbed blue and green light, and reflected the rest. I failed, tried again, and failed again. With my enhanced hearing, I could hear the frequency and phase of the plasm when Poli did it, but I could not sustain it myself. In the end I was able to make a tiny red dot on my palm. While I muttered to myself, Poli chuckled. I looked askance at her.
"At last, something you cannot do. Mitch, you don't realize how scary you are."
Me, scary?
"I know you pretty well by now, and I like you. So I don't expect you to turn all violent and dangerous like most of my friends expect. But you've taught yourself our language and plasm-shaping without a teacher. With no practice, you are able to speak and understand Nalu. After a few months, you create some of the most complex plasm constructs I've ever seen, and able to combine them in memory. You stand off eleven Nalu with centuries of experience, and squash Kimmoret like a bug."
"I know you are frustrated right now, but allow me a little relief. I've been working with plasm for 35 years. You have lived what, 30?"
"Twenty-six," I muttered.
She laughed again. "You must have been a prodigy. How old were you when you got your doctorate? Twenty? You must have intimidated your teachers. Surely some of them felt like me."
"Twenty-one. And I suspect you are right. Okay, oh wise teacher, I will try to be patient."
She chuckled again. "I hope you don't talk to my teachers about patience. They'll tell you I wouldn't know what it was if I stepped in it!"
I had to smile, it was difficult to be annoyed at Poli.
I suspect I was nearly as glad of the end of the semester as my students. Most of the grades were good. I was happy to post them, noting that Jenny got an A.
I was able to finish and send off two more articles, as well as complete another revision of hardware-based pattern detection for SecureDesign, by the beginning of June. So it was with a sense of satisfaction and hope that I drove to North Haddon, the place where my Nalu adventure really started.
As I drove through one traffic jam after another, I kept thinking of travel by plasm stream. Not only was it much faster, it was cheaper and better for the environment. Or was it? I wondered if using the plasm somehow depleted the world's reserves. Or was it always renewed by living organisms? I probably needed to ask Poli about that. Maybe there was a limit on plasm use to avoid running out.
I felt tired and cranky when I finally reached my bed and breakfast. My mood improved after dinner, but it took a dive when I realized I left my cellular modem card at home. Luckily, I remembered that I was an honorary Nalu before getting really irritated. Now that I arrived here by car, there was no reason I couldn't make a few discreet trips by plasm. Nobody needed to know what arrived with me in my bags, and what came afterwards.
I locked my room, and for safety also locked myself in the bathroom. There were several streams underground that I could reach, and seconds later I was in my apartment digging through my desk for the modem.
Getting back was a little trickier, as I didn't yet know North Haddon "from below." Still, in less than five minutes total I had my modem plugged in and I was browsing the Internet.
North Haddon in late spring was charming. This was off-season and I noticed several restaurants were closed; but the old-fashioned general store was still operating. I drove to Third Hand Bookshop, hoping Martin would be there: his hours were erratic, and I had forgotten to arrange a specific time for him.
I was in luck. Martin was actually there and talking to a customer. He gave me a wave, and turned back to the tall, gray-haired woman who was clutching a handful of old atlases.
I could not resist browsing the shelves with old textbooks, hoping for another journal like Colt's.
"Hey, Mitch! Good to see you." Martin finished with the woman and came over to me.
"Hi, Martin. Do you have anything else from F. Pitt Colt? Journals, notes, family bible?"
"No, I am afraid not. As I mentioned, just about everything burned up except for the journal you bought. You could ask the Caffreys or the Burrows, his descendants; but I suspect I would have heard if they had anything like that."
"Oh well. Talking of Colt's descendants, could you contact them to see if they are available in the next couple of days?"
"They are. Here is James Caffrey's cell number, he is expecting your call. I think they are curious about you."
I ended up buying two more books from Mitch: seventies-era science fiction.
I left a message for James Caffrey, and he called me back half an hour later.
"So, you think you are a cousin of sorts? Good, good. I just talked to Mary, my wife, and we are all set for a dinner at seven tonight. Can you make it?"
"Yes, thank you very much. What can I bring?"
"Mary said just bring your appetite, but if you insist, a bottle of red wine would be good. You are not a vegetarian, are you?"
"No, not at all. I like meat."
"Excellent. The Burrows – they are the other cousins — are coming too. We are not that closely related, but we all know each other, and everybody is curious about a possible relation. You'd better bring your notebook: there will be four of us, and about ten Burrows. More relatives than you wanted!"
That was great news, and now I didn't have to seek the other cousins. My only concern was whether I could actually talk to all fourteen cousins to check their plasm sensitivity. Still, it was better to be introduced to all of them; I could follow up later.
I was able to grab a bottle of red wine, and a bottle of white from the general store. I figured there was always somebody who preferred white, and with fifteen people including myself, an extra bottle wouldn't hurt.
The Caffrey house was already crowded when I got there. Mary, a pleasant woman in her fifties, took my bottles, and waved away my offer to help. "There are more than enough hands to help, go sit down in the parlor and start getting to know your cousins."
I followed her instructions. I was glad I had brought my notebook — actually a laptop — because the names and relations were quickly overwhelming. The Caffreys were basically one family: James, Mary, their grown son visiting without his wife, and their daughter Alice who would come later. The Burrows were the families of two first cousins and one second cousin.
I had three objectives. One I wanted to hear about any stories or records of Pitt Colt. Second, I wanted to find out if there were any family stories of witches or visionaries. And third, find out if anybody else could see plasm. For the last, and my most ambitious goal, I fixed a bright plasm disk on my chest, one invisible to normal vision. It was much like the signature in Colt's journal — a signpost for anybody who had the right talent.
The noise room quieted down a bit when Mary brought out snacks — soft cheese and several types of crackers. As people munched and drank, James asked me to describe how I was related.
"Now that I see how you all descend from Pitt Colt, I can figure out the connections. I believe my great-grandfather Isaac was Colt's biological son. Isaac's mother, Jessica, worked as a maid for the Colts. She lost her job when she became pregnant, and went south."
"Oh-ho, Colt was from the old school!" said James, and got promptly elbowed in the side by his wife.
"Let's go eat, Alice will join us later," said Mary. At that point, a brown girl ran into the house. Her hair was brown, her skin was light brown, and her big, liquid eyes were brown. I thought she was very cute, and looked about sixteen. "I am coming, Mom!" she yelled as she ran through the house towards the bedrooms in the back.
As we sat down around the table, Mary sighed. "Alice is a mechanic. I wanted her to go to a four-year college; she had really good grades, but she is stubborn. She makes good money, but she works really hard. She still takes classes for some certifications, and works forty hours a week."
She must be older than she looks, I thought, but I couldn't believe she was as old as most of my students.
The talk continued as we started eating. Most of the stories of Colt were about his digs in Europe and eccentricities of later years. As Martin suspected, nobody had any books or notes from his time.
Alice showed up before we got to the main course. For a while she was loading her plate, but then she looked at me and stopped. Yes! She was looking at my chest.
She was too far away for me to talk to her without shouting, but I kept glancing at her, and could see her stare at my chest frequently. My talk of visions and witches didn't invoke any family legends other than the ones about Pitt Colt himself. I could see Alice's reaction when she started paying attention to the conversation, and realized that the strange visions could apply to her. She forgot to hide her glance and stared straight at me. I smiled back at her, which caused the girl to blush and turn her face down to the plate.
Although I enjoyed the company at the table, I was really impatient to talk to Alice. When Mary shooed us off to clean the table with her helpers, I lingered around to see if Alice would be one of them.
Perhaps due to her long hours she was apparently exempt from clean-up duty. Alice drifted towards the living room. She glanced at me again, and I followed her. The living room was full of people, all talking, taking refills of alcohol, or waiting for coffee. I moved towards the unlit fireplace, where it was quieter. Now I glanced at Alice, wondering if she would approach or try to avoid me.
For a second it looked like Alice herself wasn't sure. Then her chin firmed up and she advanced toward me. I could see the stubbornness that her mother mentioned.
She glanced one more time at my chest, quite deliberately. "Are you wearing a medallion of some sort, Professor Acker?"
"Mitch, please. I am wearing something, but it's not a medallion. It's a disk made of plasm, and it's transparent to the visible light."
She frowned. "Is it radioactive? What kind of light makes it visible?"
"It's not radioactive, and it's not light that you are seeing." She stiffened slightly at my assertion, but didn't deny it.
"Some people can see plasm because their brains have developed the right sensory organs. Just as dolphins and bats can locate, in essence 'see', objects using ultrasound not audible by humans, some people can see plasm using these unusual sensors. People like Pitt Colt, and you, and me."
Alice was quiet for a few seconds. "Did you come here to meet me? Because I can see this, this plasm?"
"That was one of my reasons. Not you by name, but I hoped that some descendants of Colt could see what I saw." I hoped making it more personal would facilitate acceptance.
She lowered her voice, but I had no problems even in the loud room. "For a while I thought I was insane. I've been ignoring it for years. And now you are telling me it's real?!"
I laughed, causing a frown. "Sorry, Alice, I am not laughing at you but at the situation. You see, I've been ignoring these, I called them tints, for years. I didn't think I was insane, but I did think I was hallucinating. Then I came to North Haddon and discovered, in an old journal left from Colt, that they were all real."
Alice smiled, seeing the irony. "So, you are my cousin, and Colt's descendants, or some of them, can see these colors? Is that why you asked about witches and seers?"
"Yep. And the tints can be quite useful."
"I know. Sometimes I found out when somebody was sick, and once I told mom that she had a fever before she knew. I told her she looked hot — which she did, but not to my eyes. I cannot see myself in the mirror with these tints, but I sometimes can see sort of through my own body to see these colors."
I smiled, "Exactly. But there is more, and I can teach you some of it."
"Yeah, like how did you make that disk that hangs on your chest. That'd be pretty cool, except the only ones to see it would be you and me. And maybe Clarice."
"Clarice? Is she a relative? Can I meet her?"
"Oh, now I know where I stand. Another girl, and you forget all about me!" she was smiling, though. "Clarice is my niece. She is one, and I sometimes see her follow things with her eyes that look interesting, but only if you can see the tints, as you say. But I can't be sure until she is a bit older."
"Oh well, I guess I will have to make do with Alice until Clarice grows up." I teased her back.
"Seriously, I would like to teach you, and to show what can be done with plasm. And not just for decoration. Although I have a friend who does an excellent, truly outstanding job, using it as make-up."
"Really? There is another woman who can see and shape this plasm?" I smiled, thinking of Alice using exactly the same word as Poli. "Is she another cousin?"
"She is not a descendant of Colt. She is a very, very distant relation to us, but then everybody on Earth is a distant cousin."
"Alice, I'd like to talk more, but maybe not tonight. I don't want to huddle with you all evening. Could we meet somewhere tomorrow?"
"Maybe. I see you don't have a wedding band; do you have a girlfriend or a fiancée?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Because I bet you Mom will ask me what we talked about for the last fifteen minutes, and why I kept glancing at you all through the dinner. If I meet with you tomorrow evening, it had better be a date. And I don't want to lie any more than I have to; and it would be very awkward if you turn out to be married or attached later."
I didn't need special vision to see her blushing, but she kept her eyes on me.
"Alice, I don't have a girlfriend, or a significant other, or whatever the terms are. I apologize for a possibly rude question, but are you over eighteen?"
"Of course I am! I am almost twenty."
"Forgive me, you look young,"
"I know," she muttered.
" ... and I wanted to avoid making any problems. Dear Alice, would you be so kind to your lonely cousin as to grace him with your company for tomorrow's dinner? I am here alone, and I hate to eat by myself."
"Nicely done, Cousin Mitch. I accept. I will be free at 7:30, if that works?"
"I will pick you up. Thank you, Cousin Alice."
I definitely gathered some looks from Mary. While we drank coffee in the dining room, I saw her glance at Alice and go into the kitchen. Alice followed shortly afterwards, and no doubt had been questioned by her mother.
As I was leaving, James asked me a few questions, indicating that he was in the concerned parent mode.
"Mitch, I hope I don't intrude, but could you tell me how old you are?"
"I don't mind, James. I am twenty six. I assume this is about Alice?"
"Well, yes." James stopped, looking awkward. "Alice is a pretty independent girl, and would gripe at me for interference. But I worry."
"I understand. I like Alice, but I only met her tonight and had a few minutes to talk to her. I don't know what will come of our dinner tomorrow, but my goal is to get to know her better. I am single, and if all goes well, I can easily see wanting to spend more time in Alice's company. But it's far too early for me to assume anything, and most of all, I'd like to find out what Alice thinks."
"Well ... I am feeling a bit better about it. Alice is not a flighty girl. I don't recall her so taken with a man after only one meeting." He stopped, probably thinking he said too much.
"For what it's worth, James, I think Alice is a pretty young woman. I really look forward to our date tomorrow. Good night."
I felt pretty excited about Alice. I told Poli about her, probably in more detail than was strictly necessary.
"Well, I understand female humans are in estrus all the time. You might get lucky!"
I blushed.
"So, you think she might be another member of our House? If so, she needs to be vetted by your older sister!"
"I already told her you are a distant, distant cousin. I don't think I can transform you into a sister."
"You told her about me already? It must be serious."
"Don't worry, Poli, I only told her the good things."
"All right, enough about mating rituals!" Poli was smiling. "Back to lessons. Show me how to change reflected spectrum..."
I came for Alice a few minutes early.
Mary waved me in. "Hello, Mitch. Good to see you. Alice will be out in a minute."
Mary proved unexpectedly accurate, as Alice almost ran out of the back of the house a few seconds later. Mary looked rueful momentarily.
"Bye, Mom. I'll be back by 11. Let's go, Mitch."
As we got into my car, I said "You look spectacular, Alice. I am extremely pleased to see you." And I was. She was very cute last night, now she looked beautiful. Her brown hair shone as it was brushed back and fixed with a ribbon. She wore a dress tonight, and sparkly earrings. Her face yesterday was clean-scrubbed, which I thought was adorable; tonight she wore some subtle makeup that sharpened her lines and made her glamorous.
"Ooh, I like how you look at me, Mitch. I was a bit a afraid that you were taking me out solely because I could see your tints. I am afraid I pushed you too much yesterday; but it was a long time since I had a chance to go on a date, and I didn't want to miss this chance. I rushed to home to primp; I was afraid I would be late."
"You were in fact early, as I arrived a few minutes before 7:30. And no fear on forcing the date; I was attracted to you last night, and today I can hardly keep from drooling. As you noted."
She grinned and nodded.
"I think your mother expected you to take your time, so she could grill me some more. Your promptness spoiled that."
"Yep! I'd rather spend time with you by myself tonight."
I felt a silly grin spread across my face when I heard that.
The Three Ducks was a local high-end restaurant. North Haddon had enough tourist trade to support some expensive and fancy cooking, so I wasn't surprised at the numbers on the menu. Alice's eyes widened, though, and she looked unsure.
"No worries, Cousin. I looked at the menu beforehand — order without fear."
"I can't drink, yet, so I am not going to guzzle expensive wine. This is only the third time I've been to this place, and the first that I looked at the prices. I hope you are not making a bigger deal out of this than it has to be?"
"If you think I want to impress the panties off you, Cousin Alice, you are correct."
She was surprised enough to bark a laugh, immediately looking embarrassed and surreptitiously looking around. After satisfying herself that she wasn't the center of attention, she glared at me, as though blaming me for her outburst. I could see from her plasm, though, that she wasn't upset.
I continued, "But I don't expect this restaurant to do it. I hope you and I will enjoy this date enough to want to spend more time together. Eventually, I hope to achieve my goal."
I stopped talking and sat back trying to look experienced and confident.
She looked at me skeptically for a moment, lightly said "Good luck", and went back to reading the menu.
The dinner was good. The food was tasty but not spectacular. The company was superb. By the time we finished dessert and agreed to walk around the town center, I felt more comfortable with her than with Caroline after many months.
It seemed natural to stroll with her hand tucked in my elbow. We touched upon life histories during the dinner, now we switched to the original purpose of the date.
" ... basically, I came upon an old book of instructions on shaping plasm. It wasn't written in English, but my specialty is decoding ancient and obscure inscriptions, so I eventually decoded it and followed the instructions to learn the basics.
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The exact wording varies a bit between the various editions of the prayer books used by different Christian churches, going back to the original Anglican Book of Common Prayer. We may have left beautiful words like "condignly" and "betwixt" behind and we have made language more inclusive – back in 1662 only men were urged to speak up!, but the crux of this early part of the wedding service is the same; the Minister has to ask if anyone knows a reason why the marriage about to be conducted...
Welcomed Warmth…… Steam rose in the quiet room, the hot suds turned her icy limbs to mush. With a sigh, Kethry lay her head back against the giant sized tub and closed her tired eyes. Her first thoughts were the she had finally died and gone to heaven. It had been a while since she’d enjoyed the luxury of a hot bath. Normally she would bath in icy streams on her journeys……camping out and making the best of the wilderness around her. But tonight she needed the warmth, a moment to get away from...
Hi friends this is sameer from Hyderabad and am also a reader of iss as like you.It is my first story and if any mistakes in my story ignore that. Now coming to the story am a guy just passed b.Tech in this year.This story was happened when am in my first b.Tech. Mi ek chote village se hu isliye mere dad aur mom ne mujhe padai keliye mama ke ghar bheja tha.Mama ke ghar me 5 members rehte hi mere mama,mami unke do bache aur meri nani.Unke ghar me 3 bed rooms the ek bed room steps ke neeche aur 2...
She raised her eyes to his. Immediately, her pupils dilated more, until the black nearly obliterated the icy blue. Her nostrils flared, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The tension in her legs abated, and she actually leaned back a little more, and widened them Yes. “Touch yourself,” he hissed. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.” Another breathy whimper passed through her plump lips, as her fingers dipped into her wet slit. Her back arched, and her eyes closed to glittering slits. Her feet...
SupernaturalAs evening fell, Kalpana waited for Ashik to come home and as she saw him striding down the lane she started to feel uneasy. She gripped herself and on his nearing her she welcomed him with a big smile. Ashik was pleased on her presence and coming closer he stood in front of her looking deeply into her eyes. Kalpana blushed on seeing him string and said 'what are you looking at'? 'Your beautiful face', replied Ashik. 'Am I beautiful' she asked him? 'Yes, you are very beautiful' he...
Hi everybody this is my first story in ISS my name is Aryan name changed and I live in Udaipur doing B. Tech in 3rd year and I am round about 6 feet tall having muscular body and fair looking guy not wasting so much time and I come to my story. Udaipur ek tourist place hai jaha me study karta hu do hafte pehle ki baat hai jab me apne dosto ke saath movie dekhne gaya celebration mall movie dekhne ke baad hum log mall me hi ghumne lage tabhi meri nazar do foreigner ladkiyo par padi kya lag rahi...
My mami and her sexy ass. Hi, this is sameer back again, with one of my story with my mami, let me describe her she is the most beautiful woman on earth and her ass is the most fuckable ass in the universe, she is very fair and married. About me 26 tall and I stays in bangalore. I have fucked my mami twice but tat time she was sleeping and was not responding for it and it was almost like having sex with a dead body, finally 1 month back I got a chance to fuck her and even she was waiting for...
IncestStrange Thursday by Lindsey Scott D I S C L A I M E R"Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the rest of the story must remain intact....
So here I am hiding out in my son's room, with my wife just down the hall letting in what I am certain is the man she is fucking behind my back. I have many things running around in my head at this moment. How will I react and should I let them go at it and bust them? What if they spot the camera I left in the book case? It has about 6 plus hours left before it stops but I'm still feeling paranoid.I decide to wait and listen intently to what is going on. I have to again breath slow and calm to...
VoyeurI laid there, waiting. I had sent the sexts, I had flirted and said I wanted it, and now he was on his way. I was a mix of emotions - nervous, excited, scared. We had slept together before, but not like this. We had never been able to fully explore our kinks.But now, tonight was the night. We talked about how much we wanted to fuck each other, and how much he wanted to fuck my feet. We talked about how I loved pain and to be dominated. We talked about sex toys and anal plugs. All of it. He was...
During the next three weeks they went out flashing in a number of different places, each time more daring than the one before. On the fourth occasion, he took her into the men's toilets at another shopping mall, where she lifted her skirt and peed into a urinal in front of half a dozen men as Brett photographed her. After this event, she was especially horny and started sucking his cock in the car as the travelled back. It was then that he first told her of an alternative web site which he...
Denise: Time flew by quickly as I lived my life as a porn star, shooting a film each week and after finishing my sixth film in nearly two months, I was expecting to return to Japan. I got word from my grandmother’s husband that he wanted me to continue as a feature girl for the all black on black film companies with whom I was currently working. I was now living with Ryan, my frequent director and my current steady boyfriend and lover. I had basically moved in with him after staying at his...
Betty called me up as she usually does several times a week, but I could tell from her voice this was something a little different. “You know the pond where we’ve gone skinny dipping a few times” she asked. Of course I knew it! It was a silly thing for two 30, almost 40 something moms to do, but it was so much fun…especially when we both had not too perfect, but not too bad bodies. “Yes, of course I do” I replied. Well, I was down there this afternoon, enjoying a little swim, the...
He had just finished his work at the forges and was now on his way home from work, his stomach growling, and tightening from the long day of work without food. Today had been extremely busy, which left him with no time for lunch. It was getting dark and as time went on his pace quickened. There had been mysterious killings around his village the past few weeks. Men found bloodied, and broken in the streets. The weirdest thing about it is that they had a smile upon...
Hi friends, this is my 3rd story in this site, this is a awesome site which gives u the opportunity for letting our your true emotions.. This story might not be that interesting to many as i am telling the fact as it, some thing about me. I am a 38 year young guy from mumbai. This story happened around 10 years back but still fresh in my memory as this was the incident which broke my virginity. Well i am a tall guy with a good body, not muscular but healthy body with a good thick 7.5″ meat. I...
I was bored one day when I came up with an idea for my wife and I. I really wanted to see if she could pick up a guy at her age. At first she thought I was totally nuts and a lot of times I am, but then she thought it over. She had always wonder at the age of 48 if she was sexy enough to get picked up by another man. I stayed on her about it for the rest of the afternoon. She finally came to the decision that maybe she could pull it off. She really wanted to know if men found her attractive or...
Hi friends my name is raj[name changed] I I'm going to tell about my new sex experience wit my new house maid. So I have told u before that I have fucked my house maid but now who I fuck was sister of my old maid. This happened one day suddenly my old house maid Stella fell ill n stopped coming for work she used to send her daughter for some days even she has nice sexy figure she used to wear tight dresses her we could notice her boobs she is dark but really sexy n cute she used to come then...
EroticGianna Grey is a thirsty girl, always dreaming up new ways to get new dick. She’s also my hotwife & I love to watch her get pleasured by other men. When she tells me her new trainer James Angel makes her pussy wet, I’m all ears. She devises a plan to fuck him in our bed while I wtach from the closet, exactly where I belong. The game is on! Later that week she brings him home while I’m hiding and spying on them. James worships my wife’s hot ass before she gets on her...
xmoviesforyouFive years ago, Joanna DiSanto was a normal business woman on her way home after a busy day at work. As she was walking along, an old woman bumped into her and told her that she would go on to change the world, Joanna just shook her head and kept walking to her studio apartment. Suddenly she became aware of squealing brakes behind her, she moved as fast as she could in her high heels and was able to get out of the way of the tanker before it smashed into her, but she wasn't so lucky with the...
Markus Dupree is in the country and his rental car broke down. He’s trying to figure out what to do since he’s in a foreign country, when India Summer rolls up in her fancy sports car to lure him back to her place. He says he only needs a lift back to the city, but India has other plans for him. At her house, she knocks him out on the way into the mansion, and moments later we see him waking up with her standing over him in some slinky black lacy lingerie. She explains how this is...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. I came back to my senses. I saw Padma Aunty close to my face trying to lick Ruksana’s pussy bottom. I lifted my head a bit and...
A few months ago, I started a new job. The job took me around the country, often to locations far from home, where I would stay in some easily forgettable hotels, which usually, at least, were blessed with free WiFi. I would generally arrive the night before attending client meetings the next day. This gave me many opportunities to enjoy my old hobby of cross dressing. Now, I am straight, but - for as long as I can remember - have enjoyed the thrill of dressing as a woman. I have never gone out...
Hi guys mai apne 3rd desi hot sex story likhne ja rha hu. Mujhe pichli stories ke reply se bohot ladkiyon aur auntiyon ne sex ke lie pucha. Mai iss ka shukraguzaar hun. Direct apni story par ata hun. Mai jalandhar ka rehne wala hun aur meri pichli story padhke ek aunty ne mujhe mail pe desi hot sex karne ke liye pucha. Apko bta du ki aunty ki umar 30 saal hai aur wo bohot hi sexy hain. Savita aunty (name changed) ne mujhe mail kiya ki I want to meet you as I read your story on iss. Maine jab...
Late morning traffic on Interstate 475 in the middle of the week consisted of more semis than cars which was a dual-edged sword as Sean saw it. It made the presence of his three trucks less obvious but made his vehicle, as well as any police vehicles, stick out much more than he would have liked. A passenger vehicle that purposely stayed in the right lane following slower moving trucks rather than passing them was hard not to notice. Sean turned on his emergency flashers, hoping that anyone...
Read death name first please I know I'm a bad writer As Sheriff Webb walked in with his wife an daughter . Please have a sit. I said as I moved to the couch. Let me go get Lisa. I walked in and threw the bedroom to the bathroom. Lisa was getting dress. A pair of blue jeans and a Alabama shirt . I could watch her all day. Sheriff here with his wife an all. I told her watching her and smiling . What is up with you? You have never really wanted to have kids and then you did thing we have...
My wife had become uninterested in sex which left me beating my meat but still horny all the time. I was at a training out of town and staying in a hotel. I was watching porn and went onto one of the adult hook up sites to look at people and fantasize. After about an hour of trolling, someone sent an IM to me. He said he wanted to suck my cock. I do not think of myself as gay but have had a few gay experiences a long time ago.After a few minutes, the person sent another message. I replied,...
"Sorry." I said. We had made a makeshift bed for her on the floor of our living room with cushions and blankets that she could sleep on. It took up the entire floor and butted right up against our couch too. So after Cassie had gotten up to go to bed, it left just me and Samantha laying in her pseudo bed. She wasn't even distracted from the movie we were watching as she said, "It's fine. I'm used to guys staring." "I bet." I hated how cocky she was. She asked, "You like...
I was just picking up clothes to wash in his room, when I saw these pictures that were sticking out from underneath some papers. I wasn't looking or snooping really, but when I saw them I thought I'd take a look. I stood there in the quiet of the house and slowly looked at them. The first couple were clearly of my son. Bobby was smiling and looking casual. I couldn't quite make out where they would have been taken. The third picture was of Bobby again, but this time he was grinning a...
Incest"Free at last," Lee says with a snort of laughter as I meet up with him, Rob and Neil at the end of another long week of college. "You got much work to do this weekend on your course?" "Umm, not much," I shrug. "Been getting a good head start the last few weeks." "Smart man," Rob says with a chuckle. "Just had plenty of free time lately," I shrug, leading to an awkward silence as all of my friends know exactly why I've had so much free time lately. It's been just over two...
Honey is back to share another of her experience with her reader friends. Thanks a lot for your lovely emails and feedback. And thanks ISS for this amazing opportunity. I’m 30, single and love to take life as it comes. I have catchy eyes, shapely lips and huge boobs and ass that kind of make me quite noticeable to others. But adding to that is a daring slut in me that sometimes lifts her head from slumber and takes me for a ride! And I love her too, whatever. She gives me pain and pleasure, but...
LesbianMy partner, Vera has long wanted to try out the 4th sex options, especially the women would be interested in this, and the slightly more extravagant, more perverted things that would have come in. We're in, talking during the conversation that they are not the incarnate prunes, they would try it out. I could see that Catherine's eyes were about Vera's cut blouse, and her legs could not be left out. I thought we would look pretty good and exciting even if this goes on. Then David...
John and Mary boarded the Boeing 757 and quickly found their seats, 18A and B, and they were everything the travel agent had told them they would be, right at the separation between business class and coach which meant that they had a good ten feet of leg room in front of them. They put their single carry-on in the overhead, grabbed a couple of blankets and made themselves comfortable. It was already eleven o'clock at night and they weren't looking forward to the six hour flight from Los...
Josie leaned back, distancing herself from her computer screen. Surely, that was enough editing for one day. Her eyes felt squint, the back of her head throbbed in the way only an impending headache could. Josie sighed and closed the browser window. She took her coffee out onto the small, metal balcony and watched Melbourne go by, beneath her. Out in the wind she felt the beginnings of her headache receding and the wind washed her mind clear. Straining her eyes felt good. The rush hour crowd...
Jerry Anderson went to high school with Nancy Phillips. They fell in love and one night had sex in the back seat of his car. Nancy got pregnant. Jerry and his family mysteriously moved away to parts unknown. Nancy never saw him again. She cried continually and searched for the father of her baby and the man she loved. It was no use so Nancy had her baby girl heart broken and alone. She named the girl Sally and transferred all of her love and attention to her beautiful blond drunk girl on his...
IncestAeva LeVeaux stood triumphant upon the field of battle, her golden breastplate shining in the fading light of dusk. Out of breath and panting, she felt exhausted, but the rush of victory was invigorating. From under the heap of corpses, left rotting in the setting sun, the tip of a ruby twinkled in her eyes. Picking at it carefully, she found that it was affixed to the hilt of a sword, raising it thus from the gore and viscera of the fallen. The hilt was made of solid obsidian, within which...
Her mind awhirl, Tina didn't know what to do, but Frank's lips descended on hers and the world went away, Frank becoming the center of her universe for a time. After awhile, he just held her to his chest as he stared over her head at Margaret, a question on his face. "Just trust me, Lover," she smiled at him. "Now, let's sit over here," she said, motioning to the love seat. "There isn't room..." Frank started. "Tina can sit on your lap. She needs to feel you — snuggle with you...
To recap: A lonely man with a erectile problem meets a younger vacationing divorcee on Longboat Key. Their first day together ended in extraordinarily satisfying sex. The story continues...Driving over the Skyline Bridge to St. Pete seemed dangerous to me as my mind kept veering off the road and into memories of the night before. A chance meeting on the beach led to a night of amazing sex with a cock that worked the way it was supoosed to and although that seemed miracle enough, I kept flashing...
Love Stories