Alley and the theater strangers
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Since their breakfast meeting with Diane had run so long, Alex's entourage hurried to their noontime appointment. Getting the location from Patricia, Alex headed off to one more mysterious meeting. Patricia still wouldn't tell him what it was about, not wanting to 'prejudice your reactions', she explained.
'These people have serious concerns and truly want your help. While I'm not willing to say whether they're worthwhile or not, I want you to evaluate them based on their presentation and their justifications, not on what you anticipate they'll say.'
Alex hailed a couple of cabs, putting Robin, Kuubba and Winona in one while the rest took a second one. Cate waited a few minutes before turning on her brother with a withering glare.
"Do you mean you're going to be traveling with that ... that..." She gave up trying to describe Winona, waving her arms in frustration. "I don't see this working out well," she huffed, sitting back, crossing her arms and giving him a hard look.
"Please, don't hold anything back," Alex teased, hoping but not expecting to mollify her. "But yeah, it looks like we're both stuck with her for a while. But don't blame me; I had no idea this was coming. I was as surprised as you were. However, it does solve several problems, and personally, I like the idea of putting her to use. Somehow, I think she'll get into less trouble working with us than she will trying to scheme her way into my good graces."
"I'm not so sure," Cate said, glaring at him. "Be careful around her. If she can, she's going to sink her claws into you, and when she does, you'll have a hell of a time getting them loose again."
"Come on," Alex argued, not liking to think the worst about people. "I know she's a bit intense, but let's not jump to conclusions. While I don't quite trust her, I'm not about to trash talk her about what she hasn't even done yet."
"Famous last words," Cate responded, surrendering the fight in the face of Alex's reluctance to accept her advice. "Just watch your step."
When they entered the restaurant, Acquerello, it was oddly similar to the previous ones. It was smaller but still fashionable. Located in the Nob Hill region, it was only a little further inland than the other restaurants. The patrons were dressed in suit and tie or formal dresses, and the menu seemed like haute-cuisine. When Alex introduced himself at the door, saying he was expected, the maître d' looked at them doubtfully when he saw their number—apparently no one had updated the restaurant on the details. He asked them to wait a moment while they made some changes. A few minutes later a waiter escorted them to a small private room.
Entering, they saw four men, none of whom Alex recognized. Well, that wasn't strictly true. One of them, a slightly graying black man wearing sunglasses, Alex recognized as a popular hip-hop star turned actor, but Alex didn't know him beyond having seen him on TV. The rest were older white men. One wore glasses with short gray hair, another was older with a thin white beard, while the final one was younger and looked handsome enough to be a rising star of some kind.
"Good afternoon. I'm Alex," he said, stepping forward. "You'll have to introduce yourselves, since I don't know who anyone is or even why I'm here." The oldest man there, the one who clearly seemed to be in charge and who the others all deferred to, started to respond, but Alex began introducing those with him, not giving him a chance. He didn't look pleased, but seeing as he was here looking for something, he bade his time—as Alex knew he would. That was Alex's objective. These people were each looking for something, and they looked like they were used to getting their way. Alex was loudly proclaiming he not only didn't recognize them, but he really didn't care who they were. By introducing his women first, Alex was saying he considered them each more important than anything the others could offer him. It may have been a bit petty, but Alex wanted to establish his position early. Sitting down and allowing the girls to situate themselves around him, Alex watched how the four men responded to his subtle challenge.
The rapper, Dr. Ice, seemed particularly put out, but the rest appeared unperturbed. The older man in the custom-made suit smiled at Alex's antics, while the other two looked more nervous than anything else.
"My name is Joseph Herskowitz," the older man with the beard led off, taking the lead role. "These others are Dominique Peters," he said, indicating Dr. Ice, "a musician/actor, Phillip Rosenthal, a studio executive, and Thomas Fillmore, another actor. We're all in the Entertainment industry, and we know of you from your work with Adrian Hart. I'm the head of a major studio, and am the one responsible for the little bonus we paid you for what you did for him."
"Well, thank you very much for that. It's helped the group you gave it to, I'm sure," Alex replied. "But that doesn't necessarily impact me. I'm not in it for the money, and I'm not looking for any kind of recognition or compensation," he added, just to let them know he wouldn't kowtow to them, though he didn't think they'd understand it quite yet.
"Yeah, that's what Adrian told us, that you didn't care about the money," Joseph said, leaning back and smiling, the corner of his mouth jumping. That was when Alex noticed his nervous twitch, though he didn't seem able to consciously control it. "While it's not a position we run into frequently, I want you to know I've picked everyone here based on their needs, not for any other purposes," Joseph explained, showing he had at least done his homework before showing up.
"Well, since everyone here seems to be relatively wealthy and male, I'll take your needs with a grain of salt until I know more. What exactly are you looking for?"
The others looked a bit perturbed, but Joseph just smiled, seemingly amused by Alex's cavalier attitude.
"In that case, let's start with the one non-white among us. Dominique has a bit of a problem. His liver and kidneys are both shot and need to be transplanted. However, we're afraid the operation will end his career, curtailing his performances, damaging his 'tough guy' image and impinging his future flexibility." Dr. Ice nodded his head, his only acknowledgment, never once removing his glasses.
"Well, Dominique, unlike the others, I actually recognize you. Unfortunately, I also know some of your history. Your frequent partying and philandering, your troubles with the law, and your multiple rants against various groups," Alex said, not specifically referencing his homophobic, misogamist and anti-Semitic statements, nor his publicly insulting the police each time he'd been apprehended in the past decade. "I suspect your organ failures were triggered by your wild partying, where you mixed alcohol with various drugs, never considering what it might do to you. While I'm not quick to pass judgment, I have the feeling you're used to getting your way simply because you bring in so much money and use it to throw your weight around. I'm actually not bothered by your words, after all, they do help sell records, but it's your history of beating up girlfriends which most upsets me."
Dominique stiffened in his chair, glaring at Alex. Before he could go off on another rant, Alex hurried to head off his protests. "Yes, I know no one has ever proven anything, but that's mostly because you've gotten the incriminating photographs suppressed and had your victims recant their accusations. But everyone knows how frequently you've lashed out at women, and that's something I can't condone. In short, I'm not about to join the long line of people enabling your bad behavior. If you want to come back in a few years when you can show me you haven't struck anyone else, then we can review this situation again, but I'm not about to help you as I don't think it will help anyone else."
Dr. Ice was visibly angry. Slamming his hands down on the table he let off a long slew of invectives, reinforcing his negative reputation. "You'll be sorry, you little shit. I'm going to destroy you. Just you watch!"
"Go ahead and try," Alex said, leaning back and smiling at his childish display. "By the time you get around to destroying me, I'll be gone. I don't have a lot of ties to this industry and I have no public persona for you to rail against." Turning back to Joseph, ignoring Dominique fuming across from him, Alex said, "OK, who's next?"
"Fuck you all, you bunch of Holy-assed whities," Dominique shouted as he stormed out. "You haven't heard the last of me."
Joseph managed to hold it in until after the door slammed shut, but then broke into a wide grin. "You certainly know how to win friends and influence people." He wiped his eye, his fingers trembling as he did. "I had a feeling the two of you wouldn't get along based on what I've heard about you, but I had to present his case anyway."
"Don't get too cocky," Alex cautioned. "I suspect his attitude was because you didn't sufficiently warn him I wouldn't put up with it, proving his assertions about you."
"That could very well be. I tried, but he couldn't comprehend that someone wouldn't respond to his earning potential. You realize he would likely have given you your own jet for doing this, don't you?"
"Doesn't matter, I've got nowhere I need to be that soon," Alex responded. "I kind of like the bus anyway."
"All right, moving ahead, I'll cover Thomas next and get the actors in the room out of the way," Joseph said, making the handsome younger actor even more nervous than he was before. His was a somewhat familiar face, having appeared in several popular TV shows and a couple of movie roles. However, he looked a little more worn and haggard than his many photographs in the media would lead one to believe.
"Mr. Fillmore has a particular problem which may be more psychological than physical, and which again affects his ability to perform. It seems Thomas has developed a fear of crowds, and now even the support staff or the extras in a photo shoot cause him to fall apart. That's not very advantageous for an actor, and especially one as easily recognized as him. I'm not sure what he can offer you, since he hasn't had much work in the past year based on this handicap, but if you could help it would help revive his faltering career. Right now he's restricted to isolated photo shoots."
"Everm ... murphr ... nodrin," Thomas mumbled.
"Pardon?" Alex asked, leaning in closer to make out what he was saying.
The younger actor steeled himself and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him, although it was still exceptionally quiet. "Even this many people can incapacitate me."
"Hmm, now this is interesting," Alex said, standing up and wandering around the table to regard Thomas from closer up. The actor regarded him nervously, but didn't shy away or react. He seemed to be more intimidated by Alex's women than he was by Alex. "I've never tried to treat something like this before, but I have worked with a few other social problems. I've got no idea whether I can do anything or not, but I'm willing to try. Gini, can you tell me anything?"
All the heads in the room swiveled, trying to determine who he was speaking to and then waiting to see what she was supposed to do, but she never flinched from her position by the door.
"That's what I thought," Alex responded to no audible comment. "Close your eyes please and lean into me," Alex instructed.
When Thomas did so, Alex positioned his fingers over a few specific positions on the man's head, quickly moving them around, never staying long and never doing more than making a few odd hand motions.
"Man, we've never really seen him do this much before," Kitty observed, marveling at how assuredly he worked.
"Yeah, he's gotten much better at it since he first treated Kimberly Morelli," Chalise said, clutching the necklace the bipolar artist he'd treated created for her.
"OK, that should do it," Alex said, standing upright once again. "You'll feel better simply because of the treatment, but the real test will be how you respond over the next few days once the immediate effects of the treatment fades a bit. You'll have to let me know how it works out. If it helps, but you need another treatment, it seems I'm going to be in town a little longer than I'd originally anticipated."
"Uh, thanks, I guess," Thomas said. "You know, now that you mention it, my mind does feel clearer."
"Again, that'll pass. How do you feel about everyone in the room?"
Thomas turned, taking them all in. "I'm still nervous about them, but I don't feel panicky."
"Want to do a test?" Alex asked.
"If it's what I imagine you're suggesting, I think I'll skip it for now. I'm not sure I'm up for it yet."
"That's fine," Alex responded. "I'll give you another treatment before we leave and we can try it then. But I've got no idea whether what I've done will make any difference." Alex returned to his seat. "Now, who's next?"
"That would be Mr. Rosenthal, who's a film producer. Seems Phillip has a particular genetic disease which disables his motor functions. His body needs a particular chemical which his body is unable to produce. He's got a great body of work behind him, and could potentially create more great pictures, but he's slowly losing control over his own body. Soon he won't even be able to hold onto a cup of coffee."
Now that he'd mentioned it, Alex could see his hands trembling slightly, and he had a slight tic, where his head would jerk occasionally.
"Gini?" he asked, causing the others to once again stare at his guard, not sure what he wanted her for, but he seemed to have already forgotten her.
"I don't think I can do anything for you. I've got no problem doing so, but what I do strengthens the body, increasing its ability to heal. While I can improve your overall health, if your body isn't creating the necessary chemicals to allow you to function, then I can't help much."
"That's too bad," Phillip reflected, "though it's what I expected. "Could you treat it anyway? I'm curious about what you do, and would like to see what your procedure feels like. Joseph here tells some amazing stories about it."
"Well, if you only want to feel the effects, I could give your head a shot of energy, or perhaps give you heart a shot, but I'll try to fix your condition anyway. I take it it's your adrenal gland?" Alex asked, and Phillip simply nodded. "Hopefully this will better allow it to produce more of the chemicals you require, but I'm afraid you may have a limited supply, so getting it to produce more now may mean you'll run out sooner than you would otherwise."
That statement triggered Cate's curiosity.
"Alex, if that's the case, how did you determine it was his adrenal?"
"It's showing stress, presumably from being overworked," he said, not wanting to detail how the girls' visions worked. "He's also got an unhealthy look over the rest of his body, mostly centered in his nerves and muscles. Now that Gini mentioned it, I think his heart could use a boost as well."
With that Alex stood and held his hands to the man's lower back, then walked around and leaned against his chest, as if preparing to rest his head against it but changed his mind, standing up again.
"Feel any different?"
"Hell yeah, I do," he responded brightly. "I see what you mean about my heart. I feel like I've run around the block and can do it again."
"Believe me, don't try. Although I've strengthened it, it's still struggling. I'm also doubtful you'll get much benefit from what I did, but at least you could see what it feels like."
"Could you do that for me too?" Winona asked, perking up. "I've seen you treat everyone else, but I've never felt it myself."
"I can do that later," Alex said, not directly answering her. "Now, Mr. Herskowitz, what seems to be your problem?"
"Ah, I've got a benign growth in my brain." He paused, holding his hand out in front of him for everyone to observe. They could see it trembling as he fought to hold it steady. "They call it nonmalignant, but it doesn't seem to make much difference, as it keeps growing. As it is, it's pressing against certain necessary areas of my brain, making certain things difficult for me. They apparently can't operate, and if this continues unresolved, I won't be able to work for much longer. What's more, this will complicate an ongoing crisis in the network."
Pulling his hand back and resting them both on the table, he leaned forward, addressing Alex directly. "I'm the central force holding this company together. If I show any sign of weakness, or of not being able to do my job, it will mean the end of the studio. The other shareholders will likely transfer control of the company to a little-known conglomerate which is merely interested in stripping it of its resources, selling off the film and TV rights, auctioning off the other properties, and making a fortune selling 'memorabilia'." Joseph said the last as if the words produced an exceptionally vile taste in his mouth. "They've already made a series of offers, and the board is eager to accept their money, but I've been able to hold them off.
"The problem is, if the network folds, not only won't we produce any more films and have to cancel our current shows, but our staff will be cut. Actors will lose their jobs and the tremendous talent I've recruited over the years will either disperse or no longer be able to produce. I need more time to hold this takeover off. If you could slow my decay for a little while, as long as you can, at least, it would help the whole company weather this crisis."
This time Alex didn't bother asking Gini, as she'd already shown Alex exactly what his problem was, since it was obvious to both her and Robin what was ailing him.
"I can see why they can't operate," Alex said, leaning back and steepling his fingers, contemplating how to tackle the problem. "The tumor is well inside the brain, instead of on the outskirts like usually happens. They'd have to cut away the healthy tissue to reach it, undoubtedly doing untold damage in the process.
"The problem is while I can access it, I too am limited as to how much I can do due to the intervening tissue. I've recently learned how to circumvent that problem, but it's going to take time. What's more, while I can restrict the tumor's growth, I can't kill it, since that would leave dead tissue inside your brain which would begin to decay and spread infections across your brain. Ideally if I killed it, it could be removed, but that doesn't seem to be an option here."
Alex took a moment to consider him once more. "I'll tell you what, it'll take several treatments but I'll weaken it over time. That will give you more energy in the short term and it will diminish both the future growth and the effects on the other areas of your brain. I figure I can probably reduce it around a tenth by simply making it less healthy.
"I'd still see if you can get some specialized treatments for it. Ideally, if you could get a neurosurgeon to snake a laser into the affected region and zap the area I weaken, it would ease the pressure on your brain. I doubt they'll feel comfortable doing it, as they can't actually see what they're doing, but if I lend you someone who could guide them, they could take the tumor apart with a minimum of damage. It would still be a major operation, with no assurances it wouldn't kill you, but it would be your best bet."
"Shit, if you can get me through the next four to six months, I'd be willing to try anything. After that, I should be able to set someone else to work in my stead. At that point I can arrange an operation like you're describing. And don't worry about the doctors not liking your approach. When you start promising a new hospital wing, it's amazing what they'll agree to."
"Good, I've got a few doctors who can vouch for the procedure, though they aren't exactly the tops in their field yet. Just remember, no one can mention my name, or how I came to play a role in this, understood?"
"Oh, absolutely. I'm not about to mention how sick I am to anyone, and if I tell them what I let you do, they'd surely force me out of the company."
"Excuse me if I'm doubtful, but you've already told several people about me, one of whom just promised to 'destroy me'. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to tank you himself."
"You let me worry about that. Like most divas, he just needs some delicate handling. A little pampering, some special treatment and he'll stop complaining. As for his career, I'm afraid that's over, but he knew this was a long shot coming in."
So Alex proceeded to work on him, even though it only took about five minutes. While he was working, they ordered and brought in food, so he was covered but fairly worn out when he was done.
"That's as much as I can do at the moment. The problem is whatever I take out of the tumor, I also remove from the surrounding brain tissue. I offset that by coming from a variety of different directions and then restore some of the energy I remove, but I'm afraid of draining too much at one time.
"As a result, we'll have to continue these treatments for the next several days. I'd recommend twice a day, probably early morning before work, and then I could do the rest at the bar in my hotel at night. You could simply insinuate you have a new mistress, knowing how people love to gossip. That would account for the odd hours, while still allowing you to keep working.
"The side effects of the treatments will also make you feel more energized, which should allow you to keep everyone at bay, making them think you're recovering, giving you time. Do you think you can manage that?"
"Yeah, I sure can," he assured Alex. "My wife won't be pleased about the rumors, but I can fly a private helicopter from LA to here each night, meet you for drinks in a private room, then again for breakfast before flying back to work. My opponents will be so busy trying to guess which of your women I'm sleeping with they won't guess what we're up to. Do you really think you can make a difference in the time you have left?"
"Well, as I said before, I'm committed here for the next week, so that shouldn't be a problem. But yeah, I think I can do a significant amount of work in that time. What's more, if you can arrange for the laser breakup of the tumor, I can go ahead and kill the whole thing. That would solve your entire problem, but I won't be available to do it later. It's either do it now, or no one else can do it for you."
"OK, I'll get right on making the arrangements. I hate to say it, but whoever I get, they're likely to want to talk to either you or the people you'll involve in the removal process. You may have to impress them as much as you have me to get their buy-in, but I'll try to arrange it before you have to leave. By the way, can I ask what it is you're up to here in the city?"
"Oh, you'll like it, it's right up your alley," Alex replied with a smile. "I'm adding a new act to Diane Kennedy's tour, replacing Patty Moore. It's not up to your standards, but I'm pretty sure she'll be a major success."
"Wait, were you responsible for the turnaround in her tour's success? Diane has developed a reputation in the industry, and most people won't put up with her, but the word was her tour was suddenly a success, and then the bottom dropped out of it."
"Don't tell anyone, but yeah, it'll be a success again. There's also a new up and comer you may want to keep an eye on." Winona couldn't help it, although she didn't say a word, she proceeded to slink down in her chair, blushing almost crimson hearing herself talked about in the third person to someone as influential as Mr. Rosenthal.
"Well, since you're vouching for them, I'll look into investing in the rest of the tour. I'm sure given the latest downturn there are several investors willing to sell out their shares. That will give it some renewed life, and hopefully buy me some leverage with the new artist."
"Oh, I think she'll hear about your interest in her," Alex said, casting Winona a sidelong glance, grinning as he did. "The only problem is 'managing divas', as you said."
"Yeah, Diane can be a handful. You let me handle that aspect of it," Phillip told him.
"Man, I can't believe how exciting it is to watch you work," Winona exclaimed when they arrived back to the hotel that evening. After the breakfast meeting with Diane and the lunch meeting with the studio guys, the girls had insisted on celebrating with Alex, taking him on a walking tour of San Francisco, where they each had a great time. Aside from seeing new sights and exercising, they also encountered new people, which Alex appreciated.
"I don't care what anyone says, you've obviously got more going for you than some random energy if people react to you the way they do," she continued. "You may not think you're an angel, but the rest of the world certainly does." Winona punctuated this by pulling a bottle from the bag she'd been carrying. "I think it's time we celebrated a little here in the privacy of the hotel room where we can finally let our hair down. How about a drink?"
"Uh, Winona, you do realize you're pregnant, don't you?" Cate reminded her caustically. "I mean, this isn't just your baby's future you're threatening to screw up, it's Alex's future heir."
"No, Cate, I certainly didn't forget that," Winona replied, emphasizing each word as she approached Cate. She'd gotten tired of Alex's sister treating her like a pariah. She knew Cate couldn't stand her, but she was tired of pussyfooting around her all the time. If she wanted a fight... "This happens to be sparkling cider. You know; fancy apple juice? I know you've never liked me, but to suggest I'd drink while pregnant is a low blow, even for you!"
"Girls!" Alex said, trying to intervene before they came to blows. He really didn't need to deal with the two bickering women all evening, as they'd been grating on each other's nerves all day.
"Forget it, Alex," Winona replied, not backing down. "This little bitch has been giving me grief since we first met. I don't know what it is she has against me, but I'm taking a stand. I'm sorry to say it, but who your brother likes, sleeps with or chooses to have a baby with, is not subject to your approval. If Alex doesn't like me, all he has to do is to say it. But we don't need you harping on me all day in order to force him to do what you want."
"I see the way you keep looking at him," Cate insisted, getting right up into Winona's face, standing only inches from her as she let her own anger and frustration bubble to the surface. "You've been trying to insinuate yourself into his life for some time now. What you don't seem to understand is that Alex's life is complicated and he isn't available for you to just sweep him off his feet and run away with. There are lots of people depending on him, and he can't ignore them while you monopolize his time!"
"Oh, so I'm the one monopolizing his time?" Winona responded, her own voice rising in volume to match Cate's. "Am I the one who spends all my time by his side? The one who can't manage to find a life of her own? Who can't stand to see him spend time with anyone else but her? If anyone is obsessed with Alex, it's you!"
"Girls, girls, please," Alex insisted, trying to play the peace keeper, but Chalise grabbed his arm, holding him back.
"Alex, they really need to work this out on their own," she whispered, keeping an eye on the two women. "It's been brewing for some time now, and if they don't work it out, it'll only get worse."
Alex looked from her to the two girls, trying to decide whether to step in and prevent a fight, or step back and watch them thrash it out.
"Hey, if I were you I'd sit back and enjoy a good old-fashioned chick fight," Gini suggested, grinning. "Despite the whole sexual dynamic, which has always mystified me, I've always found them very amusing, as girls simply don't have a clue how to fight. It's like watching two hamsters going at it. They're cute as heck, but no one is going to get hurt."
"I'm sorry if dedication upsets you, but I watch out for my brother," Cate argued, digging her heels. "My parents told me to take care of Alex," she semi-lied, wanting to avoid the topic of her own motivations, "and I plan on doing just that. It's never been an issue until now, and somehow, I don't think it's the issue now either. I think you just don't want anyone who can call you on your own behavior."
"What the hell is it between you and him anyway?" Winona asked, jumping onto the elephant in the room. "You've got the most unsibling-like relationship I've ever seen between a brother and sister."
"How Alex and I relate to each other is none of your business," Cate said, hoping to head off the line of thought before it led to the obvious conclusion. "What matters is that he trusts me, something I can't say for you. Personally, I wouldn't trust you to lick a stamp for me. There's no telling what diseases you may spread, and I'd likely never see the stamp again."
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My name is Otto. I'm 13 since last month and just started the new school year of 6th grade. My life wasn't the best as it was for my friends. Well at least I thought they were. Not so long ago was it that my best friend Alex said if we kissed the girls would love me forever. So in the middle of our old grade school playground me and my best friend kissed. I didn't know then that kissing another boy was so bad. But either way kids all around laughed at me. Alex laughed too, I couldn't...
The details, add up, false eyelashes, producing a dark flair to smoky eyes, a newly found crystal necklace, pink and lavender glass, found at a bold spontaneous visit to the thrift store. Black basic silk skirt, mid thigh, smooth shaven legs. I'd been walking quite often and my shape was svelt and slim. Into the night I went closing the door behind me and walking under the trees to the familiar walkways, the night air felt wonderful on my legs and bare shoulders, Dior bag slung...
10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy. 4. Paid an escort to let me fuck her with one of her client's used condoms. > 3....
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia collects a new toy from a...
Allison is a 23 year old woman that works as a school teacher I?m Allison, a 23 year old woman that works as a school teacher. I?m beautiful and I know it.? I?m blonde with blue eyes and I?m a size two.? My petite frame is a knock out to the opposite sex.? I?ve been asked out on plenty of dates from my student?s fathers but I?ve always declined.? I don?t like to mix school with sex.? This particular night I was meeting with an old college friend to have drinks.? My friend Sheila was also...
A short story about a 34-year-old college teacher in a new town. He went for a stroll, out and about. Takes a wrong turn and got chaste straight up an alleyway. He is taken, used, and abused by several mostly younger black men at the back-door of the Blue Oyster bar. Once the men are done with him, he is left tied-up in the alley at the gay leather bar. A college dude master shows him the ropes. Tying him up, hanging his body from the ceiling. Again the professor gets used viciously. But he...
Tarna was interested in sharing information about not only my life but hers as well. Tarna was very interested in the truck we were in. Her questions began with did I build it, where did it come from (As she knew it wasn’t built anywhere on, or around this planet). So I told her as much as I had to be believed. “Well Tarna, as I have no way to return, I am from a planet that I really have no idea how far away it is. The planet that I am from is called Earth.” I said. Tarna’s eyes really...
Well, I really don't know how this all started out but it did somehow. I guess you'll probably want to know all of the names and background information first; My name is Adam, I am 14 years old and have a athletic figure,(5 '7)I play football and basketball... so I am in shape to say the least, I have dirty blonde hair, that is about to my ears. My sister Alley is 15 years old, she is about 5 '5 and athletic as well, she is a volleyball and softball player, and she is a cheerleader, she...
IncestThe night before I had flown to this far town from home, to participate in a very boring conference. During the day I had assisted; it was at the same hotel I was staying there.After a light dinner, I decided to take a walk out of the hotel and then I went to a bar for some drinks. There I met a handsome black guy, who invited me some margaritas as we chatted.A while later I was walking around town, a little bit tipsy. I feared that black guy could had slipped something into my drink. All I...
As I mentioned in the story of the Motel I became a window peeper after the countless times peeping thru the Motel windows. As I walked around my neighborhood,I knew the house's that had women living there. There was this house across the alley and 3 house's away from where I was living. There was this woman and her 2 roommates that had been living there for around 10 years as well as some other neighbors I used to walk past but never did anything. The first time I just cut between the yards...
I couldn't find someone to fuck at the gay bar that night it was kind of slow and nobody took my eye so I left later that night with a horny ass disappointed I had hoped to be getting laid right about now! I was passing a dark alley and suddenly a hand shot out of the darkness and pulled me into the blackness of that alley I couldn't see a thing I just felt his large hand on my shirt as he dragged me deeper and deeper into the darkness I stumbled a few times before we came to a wall at the...
The night was getting dark and cold, it had been a good night though. Out drinking with my friends on a proper girly night out we had visited quite a number of pubs and clubs Many of my friends had ended up going off with a bunch of guys, I even got hit on by a fair few myself but I’ve always considered myself to be a faithful and loyal person and would never cheat of my husband no matter how tempting the offers had been. As soon as my best friend Kelly disappeared off with some fellow she knew...
Story No. 3Used-Condom Drinking: Alley-Sex CuckoldThere is nothing more mouthwateringly-tantilizing than the thought of guzzling another man's sperm from a woman's pussy, that's true. However, nothing quite provides that feeling of downright-seediness, like guzzling another guy's spunk from a used-condom - NOTHING!!! And for me personally, the fact that I'm most definitely not even into guys, makes it even dirtier and even more depraved. Reducing your otherwise masculine-self to the level of a...
I was standing on one of Portland’s trendier neighborhood’s streets, waiting when a homeless person had approached me. “Have a good day…” he mumbled, wandering off into the evening’s gathering darkness. These people were as integral to Portland’s urban fabric as roses, bikes or beer. In truth, my wallet was straining with cash. I had swung by work after class and picked up my weeks’ worth of tips for tonight. It was date night. Checking my phone, I saw Alyssa’s message: “Be there in 5! My...
These last six months have been horrible. My husband Tom has been totally consumed with his work at the corporation. This past week Tom and I traveled to New York city to the corporation headquarters, hopefully to seal a multi-million dollar deal. The company he works for put us in a beautiful Hotel, completely paid for by the corporation. Tom was within walking distance of the headquarters building. By Wednesday he would know if six months of work was successful. Six months of making...
Introduction: My sexy wife goes out to meet up with a friend and tease him Sharing Cindy Chapter 27 Cindy Teases at the Bowling Alley Back in Chapter 16 (Cindy Fucks the Bartender) I introduced a guy that Cindy met when she worked a Ducks Unlimited event and he happened to be the bartender there. She definitely enjoyed being with him and wanted to experience him once again. This is the second time they were together. After meeting and fucking Biff (yeah I know, but that was what he wanted to...
After telling a few xhamster friends about this story, they told me I must add it to my profile stories, So here it is. This story took place years ago when I was in my mid twenties. Back then I was always on this porn site called, "". It has since closed and become something different. It was a sex site with personal cameras. I would go on often, and had many followers. There was one guy in particular that I chatted with every day. Even though we never met, somehow we thought it...
This story was inspired by a cyber fucking I had last night...xxxxwe are in a night club on the crowded dance floor. I'm dancing my ass off, in a clingy dress, my bra is showing, im sweaty. the drinks have been flowing all night as its so hot in here. I take my water bottle and pour some on my chest to cool off. Showing my very ample chest for everyone to see, I have my back to you grinding my butt against your crotch. i can feel your cock growing againts my ass cheeks, your hands are...
Well I guess since you've read my husband's story you know that my name is Lyndia and you know what happened to me at the bowling alley. Bob, that's my husband, didn't tell you everything though. Well, really, how could he? He doesn't know everything. Both Bob and I were raised in a small town in the Midwest. Bob is real smart, but kinda shy, if you know what I mean. Bob's the smart one that went to college and everything. I only went to high school so I'll just write this the best I...
It was a day after Katia's 18th birthday. She got out of bed and looked at her self in the mirror, thinking what she was going to do today.She looked at the one of greeting card of one of the gifts she got "happy birthday kitty". She hated that name. Since she was a little girl, everyone would call her "kitty". Sure it was cute at first, but even now, they treat her like a little girl.She looked at her closest, almost everything was "hello kitty" stuff; it made her sick. She took some long...
You look at the car keys in his hands as you go through a mental dilemma. You haven't drunk that much, but it is still unwise to get in your car. After a couple of minutes, you put the car keys back in your pockets and start walking towards the bus stop. It is quite late in the night, the time probably being around 3:30 am with the streets completely deserted. Walking down the boulevard, you reflect on your cold and dimly-lit surroundings. You had always hated Rolcombe, the shadiest part of...
TranssexualHis cock was pumping like a slow piston in and out of my ass and my face was pressed up against a brick wall in the alley. Both of my nipples were being pinched and rolled to excruciating delight. My new friend had only been at it for about two minutes and I was already on the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm, but let me rewind a little. I work for a small manufacturing company and we were interested in some new cutting edge software for the business. So being that I am in charge of automation, I...
AnalYou’re my best friend in the world and I need to update you with something important. I tried calling several times, but with the time difference we always seem to miss each other so I decided to just write it all down. I’m sorry for sending such a lengthy email but I really need to get this off my chest. Before I get into that, let me tell you how happy I am for you! I saw the picture of your baby bump that you posted and you look adorable! I definitely want to be Auntie Joanne. I don’t care...
Straight SexStanding at the bar I look around the club, feeling slightly over whelmed. I am new to all of this. My girlfriend had insisted that I join her. While this is not really a "sex club", it is very close. Most of the people are here for only one thing, and are practically doing that "one thing" on the dance floor. Some with many partners. I do have to say it has been an interesting night so far. My girlfriend is out on the dance floor with some of her regular friends having a good time. I am...
Straight SexI was taking a short cut thru a dark alley on my way home. I was about 3/4 of the way thru when a group of men entered the alley in front of me. They had been to a baseball game and had been drinking. One of them stepped next to the building to take a piss. I couldn't help but glance at his cock. One of the men caught me looking. "Dude, this guy is checking out your dick," he stammered. "You looking at my dick, man?" the pisser asked. "Um, yeah, I guess I was," I admitted. "That's a fat fucker...
So there I was completely naked except for a pair of sneakers shimmying down the side of my brand new house after midnight trying to not to snag my dick on the gutters as I followed Stacy out of my window. I was wondering how she talked me into this because I honestly don’t remember. “You don’t shave your ball hair?” she asked me. “How come you have on clothes, and I don’t?” I asked. “I told you that I have my period,” she looked down at the street. I didn’t know anything about periods. I...
Of Moonlight and Black Cats. By Tanya H. Black Cat Junction. Black Cat Junction signalbox, where I once worked, had endured an age of Northern weather, countless snorting steam locomotives and the weight of time since way before I was born. It had ceased to be commercially important in the 60s, when the nearby station closed, but remained on the railway map as the point where the branch line from Lentonmill joined the old route from Manchester to Leeds. Even before my Dad toddled...
Laura’s boyfriend shares the meeting information with his two pervy classmates and invites them along. All three boys conspire against Laura to get her naked. They all see Laura as nothing more than a sexual plaything and a easy and willing target. Laura arrives at the alleyway shortly after twelve and walks to the end of the alley expecting to see her boyfriend alone. To Laura’s shock she see’s her boyfriend and his two mates. She is fully aware of their reputation and is dubious about...
Finally, after about a week, I was ready. I sat in the darkness of the alley, watching as people passed by, when the smell came to me. Strong and masculine, and young. The arousal set in and I exerted my power down the alley. The trap was set and the target was getting closer. Why he was alone, I have no idea, but he was. He was about 6'1'' with short, tangly black hair. He had creamy Latino skin and pouty lips and coal eyes. He had broad shoulders and great muscles. He wore a leather...
Bobby was a marine and from time to time, he and his buddies would visit a neighbouring city to get their rocks off. All his buddies knew that he was gay and being the toughest of the bunch, had no opinions about his sexual predilection. In fact, not only did they embrace him wholeheartedly, but would often join him at the gay bars on a weekend out, before sauntering off in search of pussy. The area they preferred was riddled with clubs, both straight and gay, so scoring was never a problem. It...
Gay MaleI met Sean at a lonely period in my life. It seemed, somehow, serendipitous because both our lives changed. "I get it; you're not interested. So, who ARE you interested in?” I asked an attractive blonde with an ‘I'm slumming’ expression on his face. You know, the kind of guy who looks like Owen Wilson but talks like Cyndi Lauper?"Him," the Owen-look-alike said and pointed to Gerald, currently captivated by a go-go boy."Him?" I asked incredulously. I immediately compared myself to Gerald,...
Gay MaleMardi Gras in New Orleans, it is everything wonderful about living life to the fullest. My wife and I arrived in New Orleans the Friday before Fat Tuesday; we spent four days enjoying the food, drinks, and parades building up to Fat Tuesday’s celebration. On Tuesday, we awoke early, had breakfast, showered, and went into the French Quarter. It was late morning but we started celebrating early. The Quarter was already crowded and people were partying feverishly. My wife had prepared for the...
Quickie SexYou live in a small apartment building and your bedroom window looks out on the building across the alley; a distance of about 12 feet. You have a shade on the window and it is almost always down but this is a beautiful spring day. You decide to pull up the shade and open the window. The breeze feels wonderful as it moves through the apartment, through your legs and the thin long white t-shirt that you are wearing – and that is all you are wearing. You are just about to change to go out...
A cold walk through a dark alleyDuring our stay at Boston I worked as secretary for an oil company. I used to leave my office at early evening, when normally was dark outside already.One week in mid November I had my engine car out of service and then had to go by walking. It was not too far from our home, but by night it was very cold and dark.I used to cut way through a back alley. That night I had entered there, when a strange sound behind made me turn around. My...
Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...
Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...
We meet at a local coffee shop in your town, having never met face to face but months and months of emails, chats and camming. I was only a little nervous well maybe a lot nervous because I got lost twice and half expected you to call my cell wondering where I was. I finally got there, changed my shoes into my heels instead of runners, and made my way into the coffee shop. I looked around and there weren’t many people there and only one table with a lone male with his back to the door. ...
Pansy loved being a sissy. She loved how she felt mincing hand in hand with her sister in her sky high Fuck Me platform pumps. She loved how completely constricted her tightly laced corset made her feel, and how it seemed to enslave her to a piece of clothing that was controlling her every move. As wonderful as it felt getting closer to her ultra-sissy destiny, if was magnified a thousand times because she was mincing hand in hand down the dirty alley with her sexy older sissy Prissy....
We meet at a local coffee shop in your town, having never met face to face but months and months of emails, chats and camming. I was only a little nervous well maybe a lot nervous because I got lost twice and half expected you to call my cell wondering where I was. I finally got there, changed my shoes into my heels instead of runners, and made my way into the coffee shop. I looked around and there weren’t many people there and only one table with a lone male with his back to the door. ...
ExhibitionismIt's a lonely fall night,I'm walking down a fairly empty street in town. Not the best part of town,but it's my only way to get home. I am in my grey business suit. Grey jacket,grey knee length skirt,black blouse,black pantyhose,black panties and bra,brunette wig and black heels. As I walk, the people that are out,glance my way,checking me out as I go through their neighborhood. Run down row houses,old abandoned buildings,adult bookstores on almost every corner. It's pretty seedy. As I approach...
CrossdressingI began a new job as secretary in an oil company that summer.I used to leave my office at early evening, when normally it was not so dark outside yet. But one day in Autumn, I had my car out of order and I had to come back home by walking.It was not too far from our home, but by night it was a bit cold and dark.I thought to cut way through a back alley. I had entered there, when a strange sound behind made me turn around. My heart raced when I saw two young black men following me. They both...
I was practically skipping home. That was one great party, for me at least. I couldn't believe Daniel liked me too! Such a gentle little goodbye kiss, with just enough tongue to melt my insides, and it made me want so much more. I didn't want him to leave then, it was just getting good. Not that I would have let much more happen of course; you've got to keep them waiting; but it would have taken every ounce of my will power! I was one of the last to leave, at about 3am. I was usually so...
“with your mouth? Hun please be careful and keep the doors locked when I leave!” I didn't have time to think about what he said. “have a good night at work!!! Did you guys catch the rapist yet?” He came back in room re-looked at my mouth, kissed my forehead and said, “No.” A set of chills covered my body. Alone again I felt scared. I decided to watch some TV. Our outside lights turned on (set on timers) it made me feel a little better. Nothing was on so I settled with an old movie. ...
Hurrying outside, hand in hand, looking for a half secluded place. We found it in an alley just at the back of the club. It was deserted. We didn't even speak before I grabbed her and pulled her close. Shoving my tongue into her mouth roughly, letting her know how badly I wanted her. She kissed me back just as hard as she started to feel for my zipper. They kept kissing passionately, blocking out everything around them, both so hungry for each other they didn't even care about getting...
My cock was practically begging for release, after having ridden and drained my first meal of the night. Now I yearned to do the breaking and riding. I may even let this one keep his life. Not. He rounded the corner, not even knowing why he did. He was sober, unlike the first - a rough, tattooed, muscular Latin boy of 24. This one couldn't have been older than 17. He was a very slender emo twink. Like me, he was pale. But where golden hair draped my shoulders, he had short and...
I guess I’m old-fashioned. If a lady looked and acted and smelled pretty, you complimented her on her good tastes. It made her feel feminine, sexy, appealing – Special! These days are long gone, ground into the dust of a new, ‘sterile’, impersonal age. I had been working at Integrated Allied for about 2 years now. I’ve always had a deep love for belly-dancers, what they do, the way they use their bodies, the very sweet sexiness of their bellies, their navels and the way they sway and shiver,...
Apologies for making another story. I lost my previous credentials so I cannot continue the previous story. Without further ado, lets proceed... Continuing from: You gasp... There you were, pressed up against the wall and being railed in the ass by this mysterious black woman. Even though it seemed there was no way it could've gotten worse, it had. Your friends were looking at you from the alley entrance with Jenny, your crush, standing bang in the middle. While you were trying to answer, the...
TranssexualI used to leave my office at early evening, when normally in winter was dark outside already. One week I had my car’s engine out of service and then I had to go by walking. It was not too far from our home, but by night it was very cold and dark.I used to cut way through a back alley. That night I had entered there, when a strange sound behind made me turn around. My heart raced when I saw two young black men following me. I hurried, but soon they reached close to me, one on each side."Can I...
I looked at the dark expanse that was my way home. I could hear my heels clicking as I walked down the sidewalk. My body felt heavy and aching after the long day at work. My thong was riding up my ass making me uncomfortable, and my skirt was much too tight, rubbing against my legs. ‘It's okay, not much longer now.’ I kept telling myself. In another fifteen minutes I would be home and could rip these clothes off and have a hot bath. The wind picked up and the cold started to seep through my...