Heather and Courtney The Wrong Alley
- 4 years ago
- 40
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I guess I’m old-fashioned. If a lady looked and acted and smelled pretty, you complimented her on her good tastes. It made her feel feminine, sexy, appealing – Special!
These days are long gone, ground into the dust of a new, ‘sterile’, impersonal age.
I had been working at Integrated Allied for about 2 years now.
I’ve always had a deep love for belly-dancers, what they do, the way they use their bodies, the very sweet sexiness of their bellies, their navels and the way they sway and shiver, shimmy and totally mesmerize you, drawing your mind, your body, your whole being into their lovely, erotic dance.
Standing about 5′ tall, with dark hair past her shoulders and tiny, petite features, she was so very PRETTY!!!! She looked like she had Spanish features, but others as well – possibly Celtic. She could have been one of my sisters, as each one of them shared her features. On the very first day that she started working with our company I knew she was a belly-dancer, she told me. She had been listening to Middle Eastern music. When I asked her about the music she told me then that she was a belly-dancer. There was this convention coming up and she wanted to use the company camera to capture pictures of the dancers. I explained to her I thought it would be all right.
Looking back on it now, what a foolish mistake it was to say this, but I revealed to her that I was deeply thrilled by belly-dancers.
I suppose that set the precedence right there – although she seemed at the beginning to be pleased that I liked belly-dancers, even allowing me to borrow her CDs to burn copies of her music.
In my mind, I was totally thrilled that I had a friend that was a ‘BELLY-DANCER!!!!’ I was in Heaven! Stupid-me, I even wrote her an e-mail telling her how very thrilled I was to see a smiling face every morning – rather than looking at the ‘Goony’ faces of some of my other fellow employees in support. I never got an answer back from her – so, fearing that she resented or was somehow embarrassed by my e-mails, I stopped writing to her. It was wonderful, though, the other guys would tease her and she seemed to like it, teasing back. I was a little shy, so I never did enter into it. Although approaching her mid 30’s I would say, she was GORGEOUS! My eyes hurt every time I looked at her – and she had a way of playing with her hair and then arching her back, her tee shirt riding up and showing her cute navel. The view to me was HEAVENLY!!!!
GOD, it hurts to this day! I’ll never forget walking down the hall with her. She was wearing a perfume that was very sweet and fragrant, a very nice smell – and I commented to her that I liked her perfume. Later on, I was called into my supervisor’s office saying that a complaint had been filed against me. I had commented on a girl’s perfume. It was termed as sexual harassment! GOD, I was so HURT that she would do this to me! Thinking she was a friend, and holding a small amount of fan worship, I was and still am, attracted to her. I’ve never been great on social graces and occasionally I would say or do something that would get me into trouble, not because I meant anything lewd or anything, but because I thought the girl really WAS pretty, or because I held an affection for her and thought her ‘wonderful.’ I thought Celina was ‘wonderful’. All those other hurts in my mind, I was crushed at this ‘betrayal!’
For the longest time, I could not lift my eyes to look at her. I stared down at the floor or someplace else. I didn’t WANT her to know how very hurt I was. I’ve never been very good at hiding my feelings either – face it! I’m a MESS!!! I’m SURE she could see how hurt I was. Oddly enough, out of the corner of my eye, I would still see her glance at me. Was she looking at me because she was wary of me? I’m not a young person, and maybe that’s where the resentment comes from, because I’m NOT young and I shouldn’t be feeling these feelings: ‘Quote! – Unquote!’ GOD! She’d be standing there, and, out of the corner of my eye, I would even notice her arch her back a little, revealing her tummy and then quickly glance at me as if I had noticed (or if I was leering?).
It never got any better. I had gotten my hand slapped really, really HARD and from that day forward, I did all I could not to say ANYTHING to her except totally job related – not even a joke or a comment about the weather.
Still, here it came! She complained that I had made a comment about her clothes! As far as I remembered, I didn’t DARE say anything personal to her at ALL!!!! GOD, I hate being so Emotional!!! My boss told me about it and said if this happens again, I would be FIRED! I ranted, raved and yelled that ‘I DIDN’T DO OR SAY ANYTHING!’ I suppose they relented because they told me that the two of us would need to find a way to work with each other – and that she would be getting this same lecture – but if this happens again, one of us would have to leave. I never seemed to have gotten that letter in my file that they said I was going to get. Or, at least they never showed it to me.
Later on, I was even assigned to WORK with her, side-by-side helping with QA’ing the products – testing and reporting. Day-by-day, we worked next to each other on the various test benches and said very, very little to each other. It seems things were getting better, though, because I did find out that she enjoyed the same type of movies I did. The day before, I had again watched the movie ‘The Mummy’ and was dumbstruck by how very similar the heroine looked to Celina. I mentioned to her that I liked the modern version of ‘The Mummy’, not daring to mention about ‘the heroine’, with all the Egyptology stuff in it, thinking that because she was a belly-dancer, that she would like Egyptology stuff. I also mentioned ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ and ‘The Hunt for Red October.’ I told her that I enjoyed the interplay between Sean Connery and Harrison Ford, in ‘Last Crusade’. She admitted to me that she liked those movies too.
Things did seem to be getting better between her and me – I tried my best not to be angry or resentful with her, but even started to greet her with ‘good morning’ and saying, ‘have a good lunch’ and things. She even offered me half her sandwich one day – it was a very good sandwich.
Walking down the hall, I would notice her looking at me and giving me a smile. Although I was still trying to keep from offending her, keeping my eyes averted, inwardly I smiled back. Still, one day I mentioned to her that I really needed to be back in QA helping out, having been intermittently pulled to other duties. She said ‘No, that’s ok, we really don’t need the help’ despite her supervisors asking me to help. GOD, will I ever get away from it!!!??? A huge feeling of rejection rushed through me.
Days before, during QA’ing, I remember my supervisor coming in and checking on us one time, asking about something. His parting comment to both of us was ‘Are you two playing nicely together? No problems?’ GOD, I could tell BOTH of us were totally MORTIFIED!!!! She didn’t say anything and neither did I! I sat like a STONE, my face and ears burning.
Sally, this other girl that I work with, she and I have become really good friends. Although older than Celina, she’s really CUTE with this pretty blonde hair and these ‘pixie’ features. She seems to be a lot more understanding about things so she and I became quite close. When the boss would say something stupid or rant about something, she and I would glance at each other and smile, inwardly rolling our eyes to the heavens and gasping. She even lets me give her a hug now and then or a kind pat on the back during really high stress times – just to let her know that I care. I found I could talk to her over just about anything.
I guess I had to tell someone – I told her about what’s been going on between Celina and I, not naming Celina by name – I didn’t have to. She knows how attracted I am to belly-dancers, and of course she
also knows that Celina is one. She knows that I really care very deeply about the people I work with – considering them more than just fellow employees but ‘friends,’ even Celina.
Earlier I had mentioned that I was a rock painter and had even brought in some of my rocks – including this really cute raccoon I had done years before. Sally told me that Celina was impressed and had asked how I had gotten such very fine texture to the fur.
I showed my rocks to Celina, including my rabbits. She held them, showing a twinkle in her eyes, which pleased me, being that she liked them. ‘Theodore’, one of my rabbits, was my favorite. I had done him the best and felt that the name ‘Theodore’ was perfect for him.
It was this particular rabbit that I gave her, and told her that this was a peace offering. She even smiled at me and said thank you. ‘People that know me know that I am a bunny-type girl.’ My heart melted. I knew what type of ‘bunny’ she meant and that it was no reference to anything lewd, but that she loved stuffed bunnies. I was thrilled that she had revealed this to me – and could envision her, this pretty little petite, dark-haired girl surrounded by all these stuffed bunnies, holding them in her arms and cuddling them to her.
She totally threw me a curve, because it was a week later that she revealed to me that I wasn’t needed in QA – (she just-plain did NOT want my help).
I had discovered this restaurant just a couple of days previous down in old town – Saphira’s. The name pretty much said it all – it was a Middle Eastern Restaurant specializing in Egyptian and Moroccan food. I had never been to a Middle Eastern restaurant or had Middle Eastern food. What drew me was the entertainment – it advertised belly-dancing on Friday and Saturday Nights from 7 to 9:30. I was ANXIOUS to see them.
I explained to the waiter that I was unaccustomed to Middle Eastern cuisine and asked if he would order for me.
What came was GREAT! Some sort of meat with a delicious couscous, that one at least I knew. However, it was flavored with a very mild form of curry and cashews – it was MARVELOUS! The wine was delicious although I can’t remember what he said it was called.
Dessert was this fabulous custard with some sort of a sauce over it. It made your mouth water. But, the BEST part of the dessert was NOT the dessert itself, but the floor show, because out came this really pretty long-blonde haired beauty dressed in silks of various colors. Her dance made your mouth water as you watched her shimmy and does figure eights, listened to the hypnotic tinkle of her finger cymbals and the little tinkling chains that surrounded her pretty little ankles. Her navel was deep and oval – almost slit-like. She was BEAUTIFUL! I could hardly eat my dessert from watching her, wanting to take some of this luscious cream and place it in her navel – and use it for my dessert cup.
Dancer upon dancer came out, dancing various speeds and types of dances, some wild and spinning, some soft and swaying – moody even, and then of course, the sword dance.
Nothing, but NOTHING prepared me for the final dance.
A blue spotlight hit the stage as the room lights were dimmed. A soft mist began rising as the music changed to a somber, hypnotic, slow mood.
All of a sudden, this very lovely creature came out, the blue light illuminating her in this fantasy hue as she slowly began swaying like a serpent, every inch of her body involved down to her tiny little feet, her pretty belly softly undulating in and out like that previously mentioned serpent.
OH . . . . . MY . . . . . . GOD!!!!!!!!
It was CELINA!!!! Celina was dancing before me in this restaurant!!!!
My mouth went totally dry and I was totally unaware that my mouth was hanging open!
I was scared half out of my MIND!!! If I could have hid behind something, if I could have RAN if I could have somehow covered myself I would have! But, I was in the front row middle and she was swaying slowly in front of me – her body almost in a trance slowly weaving her erotic magic before me!
My God, she hadn’t noticed me. She kept on dancing, swaying and weaving, her arms intertwined, her belly shivering and swaying as she performed figure-eights, belly-rolls, etc. I watched as her arms slowly traversed across her body to stop at her deep, beautiful, erotic navel – shivering and quaking, moving in a quick shudder as her eyes met mine.
My body totally froze. A grinding, searing pain gnawed at my insides! I held my belly as if letting go would mean that my guts would fall on the floor at her feet. I held my stomach hard as I watched her tummy shuddering in quick in and out pants, her fingers lightly brushing her navel.
It was like in slow motion as I watched her dancing with her veils, like curtains of her hair brushing over my face, deep, colorful, rich curtains of her hair drifting in waves over my face – my blood ran like ice water. Looking into her eyes, I could see this cold stare as she envisioned someone she never wanted to have around, be a witness to her art. Staring at me with a vengeful, sinister glare in her eye, I watched as she smiled back at me with a wicked gleam in her eyes.
The music erupted in quick patterns as she began spinning wildly, the room spinning as I watched her, her feet dancing in dizzying circles as her veils surrounded her like a coiled viper. Again and again and again with this same siren look in her eyes she focused on me as she drew veil after veil over my face and around my head, driving me slowly mad – giving me a huge taste of what I would NEVER have, taunting me, laughing at me inwardly – ‘so THIS is what you wanted, huh Ted,’ I envisioned her thinking. ‘How do you like, what you KNOW you will NEVER in your wildest dreams EVER HAVE!!!!!!?????’
My heart was BURSTING because I felt deep in the core of my body the disdain with which she viewed me – this little WORM of a man!!! This, old, tired, leering, limp-dicked worthless heap of a man – this old, sex-starved man! Every single glare of her eyes showed me her disdain for me, told me how much she loathed me – how much she did not WANT me here!
She taunted me, dancing wildly before me as she ground this moment into my face, arching her back, shimmying like ‘Jell-O’ and bringing her navel to within an INCH of my lips as I watched those tiny little diamond beads of sweat covering her swaying undulating belly. Oh, my GOD, the perfume!!!!!
With a thumping beat on the drum she fell to her knees, the music ended as she remained before me, arched, panting, her arms behind her head, her belly arched and heaving with her navel leering at me, her eyes lifted to the heavens.
Then, just as smartly, she stood up, jerking her head around as she quickly stomped out, a tiny, final defiant wiggle to her ass, grinding the taste of her deeply into my memory.
My heart was ground to a gooey, bleeding pulp! I don’t know how long I stayed frozen in my chair after the dance ended. Finally, someone shook me and I came to, my eyes hurting, my heart and soul totally ground into the dust under her tiny dancer feet.
Looking around, I saw I was the last customer in the place. Totally crushed by one person, I stood up weakly as the waiter laughed,
‘Another Zombie, Saphira! You did it again with Celina – Ha Ha!!!!’
‘Best investment I’ve ever made, with that one,’ came the rapport from the kitchen.
One foot in front of the other, I moved out of the restaurant as visions of her veils grinded at my heart and soul – her half-smiling, glaring eyes boring through me like a red-hot scimitar – right through the center of my belly. I staggered into the night, clutching it as I envisioned her wildly and erotically swaying, shivering belly/navel.
GOD, it was cold! At least, it sure seemed cold in comparison to the usually warm Northern California nights that we usually had. Or, was it the visions in my
head, causing my heart to ache as if ground underfoot? The cold helped bring me back to reality as I began searching for my car. Tomorrow was Sunday, and then Monday would come, and I would have to face Celina and again feel her eyes burning through me.
I wanted to run away – to ANYWHERE, just not back to work and HER. I clutched my head and my stomach, my head spinning, burning with a severe headache – a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
My car was parked two blocks away from the restaurant. Because of how busy it was tonight, I had to park far away from the restaurant parking lot, walking through this dark alley. Entering it, I heard this scurrying and the sounds of tin cans being kicked around. Thinking it was only alley cats, I didn’t pay much mind to it. As I drew closer, however, I heard the distinct sounds of angry, threatening voices, male voices! And, something more, I heard the sound of a scared female voice! OH, MY GOD!!!! It’s Celina!!!! Something’s wrong! I heard them threaten her! I heard them threaten to STAB her if she didn’t comply with what, I don’t know!
My heart pounding, my mind raced. God, should I run for help? By the time I come back she could be DEAD! I glanced around for whatever I could find, feverish to do SOMETHING!!! My eyes ran across a four – foot long or-so pipe lying in a corner, lit by the moon. I rushed over and grabbed it. Hearing a scream, I ran frantically, gasping and panting as I yelled out, ‘LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SONS OF BITCHES!’
Rounding the dumpster that they were hiding behind, I saw Celina crushed up against the side of the building, a man’s hand around her throat holding her up against the building as he was lifting up her shirt high, someone else laughing in the shadows, her pretty white belly visible in the moonlight. I heard the scared, trembling sound in her voice and heard her plead for help! I saw her look at me, crying out to me, reaching to me for help. I’ve never been a brave person, but even death itself was forgotten when I heard her voice.
‘You Bastards from Fucking Hell, LEAVE HER ALONE,’ as I came running up to them like a Berserker, swinging my pipe at them.
I could see the gleam of a knife in his hands, pointing at her navel – GOD, he was going to stab her! Swinging wildly, they saw this maniac running up to them, screaming curses, the blur of the pipe gleaming malevolently in the moonlight. They immediately dropped their knives and started running. Not bothering to chase them, but looking back on Celina, I watched as she slowly slumped to the pavement, crying and sobbing, her hands clutching her bare tummy. She lay in a little heap on the ground, her body wracked by fear and horror, crying pitifully, her shoulders heaving.
Dropping the pipe, I rushed up to her crying, ‘Celina, Celina!’
She looked up at me through fear-wracked, tear-stained eyes, her little body shivering like a leaf. Tenderly, lovingly I knelt by her as I reached out for her. Like a drowning person clinging to a life raft, she threw her little arms around my neck as I gathered her to me like a little child. I could feel her whole body convulsing, her little tummy pressed against mine, heaving and jumping as she cried her heart out. Oh, GOD, I held her so very CLOSE, not wanting to let her go! I found that my tears were running down her neck, I was crying as well. Sitting on the pavement, Celina in my arms, I half-held her on my lap as we both cried and cried, holding my little friend in my arms as I cried for her and with her, her tears wetting my shirt as I consoled this little scared helpless girl in my arms – a totally different Celina from what I knew. Through her tears, she even told me that she had tried to fight them off – she had been studying karate and had even landed some blows. Her little sandals lay about 7 feet or so from her, her tiny feet cut from trying to fend them off, apparently having been cut by their knives or the rocks and glass. She looked up at me through those pretty, soft-brown eyes of hers and sobbed,
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I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
PART 2: Molly became aware of her surroundings. Near the end of the very dimly lit alley, she realized it was a good block back to the main street. She only guessed at the hour, figuring she had been fucked for almost two hours. Looking around some more, she found her clothes. Wrinkled a little, but intact just the same. Slowly, she began to get dressed. Her white panties were stretched out a little, but served to help keep the sperm from running too much down her tan thighs. Next she pulled...
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The details, add up, false eyelashes, producing a dark flair to smoky eyes, a newly found crystal necklace, pink and lavender glass, found at a bold spontaneous visit to the thrift store. Black basic silk skirt, mid thigh, smooth shaven legs. I'd been walking quite often and my shape was svelt and slim. Into the night I went closing the door behind me and walking under the trees to the familiar walkways, the night air felt wonderful on my legs and bare shoulders, Dior bag slung...
A short story about a 34-year-old college teacher in a new town. He went for a stroll, out and about. Takes a wrong turn and got chaste straight up an alleyway. He is taken, used, and abused by several mostly younger black men at the back-door of the Blue Oyster bar. Once the men are done with him, he is left tied-up in the alley at the gay leather bar. A college dude master shows him the ropes. Tying him up, hanging his body from the ceiling. Again the professor gets used viciously. But he...
The night was getting dark and cold, it had been a good night though. Out drinking with my friends on a proper girly night out we had visited quite a number of pubs and clubs Many of my friends had ended up going off with a bunch of guys, I even got hit on by a fair few myself but I’ve always considered myself to be a faithful and loyal person and would never cheat of my husband no matter how tempting the offers had been. As soon as my best friend Kelly disappeared off with some fellow she knew...
Friday evening a wild black woman slammed me against a rough stucco wall, simultaneously undoing my dress and pushing her mouth into mine. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as I moaned with pleasure. She sank her teeth into my shoulder and her fingers into my cotton thong…I had got this dark alley by mistake; thinking it would be a short way to the main street where I had parked my car."Hey...no..."I whispered, struggling to pull away. But the girl pushed her own weight against me even...
As I mentioned in the story of the Motel I became a window peeper after the countless times peeping thru the Motel windows. As I walked around my neighborhood,I knew the house's that had women living there. There was this house across the alley and 3 house's away from where I was living. There was this woman and her 2 roommates that had been living there for around 10 years as well as some other neighbors I used to walk past but never did anything. The first time I just cut between the yards...
I was standing on one of Portland’s trendier neighborhood’s streets, waiting when a homeless person had approached me. “Have a good day…” he mumbled, wandering off into the evening’s gathering darkness. These people were as integral to Portland’s urban fabric as roses, bikes or beer. In truth, my wallet was straining with cash. I had swung by work after class and picked up my weeks’ worth of tips for tonight. It was date night. Checking my phone, I saw Alyssa’s message: “Be there in 5! My...
Author's Note: Although rapes occur in several of my stories, I want to be very clear that rape in reality is a terrible thing, and no one should ever contemplate it except as a fantasy. Rape is mean, demeaning and damaging. I know a woman who was raped and she never got over it. Among other things, years later, it ruined our relationship, even though I had nothing to do with it and did my best to help her get over it. It was not her fault, she did not invite it in any way, and it killed a...
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This story was inspired by a cyber fucking I had last night...xxxxwe are in a night club on the crowded dance floor. I'm dancing my ass off, in a clingy dress, my bra is showing, im sweaty. the drinks have been flowing all night as its so hot in here. I take my water bottle and pour some on my chest to cool off. Showing my very ample chest for everyone to see, I have my back to you grinding my butt against your crotch. i can feel your cock growing againts my ass cheeks, your hands are...
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TranssexualYou’re my best friend in the world and I need to update you with something important. I tried calling several times, but with the time difference we always seem to miss each other so I decided to just write it all down. I’m sorry for sending such a lengthy email but I really need to get this off my chest. Before I get into that, let me tell you how happy I am for you! I saw the picture of your baby bump that you posted and you look adorable! I definitely want to be Auntie Joanne. I don’t care...
Straight SexI was taking a short cut thru a dark alley on my way home. I was about 3/4 of the way thru when a group of men entered the alley in front of me. They had been to a baseball game and had been drinking. One of them stepped next to the building to take a piss. I couldn't help but glance at his cock. One of the men caught me looking. "Dude, this guy is checking out your dick," he stammered. "You looking at my dick, man?" the pisser asked. "Um, yeah, I guess I was," I admitted. "That's a fat fucker...
So there I was completely naked except for a pair of sneakers shimmying down the side of my brand new house after midnight trying to not to snag my dick on the gutters as I followed Stacy out of my window. I was wondering how she talked me into this because I honestly don’t remember. “You don’t shave your ball hair?” she asked me. “How come you have on clothes, and I don’t?” I asked. “I told you that I have my period,” she looked down at the street. I didn’t know anything about periods. I...
It was a very stressful week at work and I just needed to get out, just go anywhere and unwind. I remembered this popular club that had decent drinks and a dance floor that I can shake my ass off, if I needed to. That Saturday night I decided to 'go unwind'. I got dolled up and sexified in a short black dress with the back cut out, the type that accentuates my curves and the front cut just low for my lovely Size D cups to show. Paired that off with some black pumps with straps around my ankles....
Bobby was a marine and from time to time, he and his buddies would visit a neighbouring city to get their rocks off. All his buddies knew that he was gay and being the toughest of the bunch, had no opinions about his sexual predilection. In fact, not only did they embrace him wholeheartedly, but would often join him at the gay bars on a weekend out, before sauntering off in search of pussy. The area they preferred was riddled with clubs, both straight and gay, so scoring was never a problem. It...
Gay MaleWe meet at a local coffee shop in your town, having never met face to face but months and months of emails, chats and camming. I was only a little nervous well maybe a lot nervous because I got lost twice and half expected you to call my cell wondering where I was. I finally got there, changed my shoes into my heels instead of runners, and made my way into the coffee shop. I looked around and there weren’t many people there and only one table with a lone male with his back to the door. ...
We meet at a local coffee shop in your town, having never met face to face but months and months of emails, chats and camming. I was only a little nervous well maybe a lot nervous because I got lost twice and half expected you to call my cell wondering where I was. I finally got there, changed my shoes into my heels instead of runners, and made my way into the coffee shop. I looked around and there weren’t many people there and only one table with a lone male with his back to the door. ...
ExhibitionismFinally, after about a week, I was ready. I sat in the darkness of the alley, watching as people passed by, when the smell came to me. Strong and masculine, and young. The arousal set in and I exerted my power down the alley. The trap was set and the target was getting closer. Why he was alone, I have no idea, but he was. He was about 6'1'' with short, tangly black hair. He had creamy Latino skin and pouty lips and coal eyes. He had broad shoulders and great muscles. He wore a leather...
You live in a small apartment building and your bedroom window looks out on the building across the alley; a distance of about 12 feet. You have a shade on the window and it is almost always down but this is a beautiful spring day. You decide to pull up the shade and open the window. The breeze feels wonderful as it moves through the apartment, through your legs and the thin long white t-shirt that you are wearing – and that is all you are wearing. You are just about to change to go out...
Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...
Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...
Pansy loved being a sissy. She loved how she felt mincing hand in hand with her sister in her sky high Fuck Me platform pumps. She loved how completely constricted her tightly laced corset made her feel, and how it seemed to enslave her to a piece of clothing that was controlling her every move. As wonderful as it felt getting closer to her ultra-sissy destiny, if was magnified a thousand times because she was mincing hand in hand down the dirty alley with her sexy older sissy Prissy....
It's a lonely fall night,I'm walking down a fairly empty street in town. Not the best part of town,but it's my only way to get home. I am in my grey business suit. Grey jacket,grey knee length skirt,black blouse,black pantyhose,black panties and bra,brunette wig and black heels. As I walk, the people that are out,glance my way,checking me out as I go through their neighborhood. Run down row houses,old abandoned buildings,adult bookstores on almost every corner. It's pretty seedy. As I approach...
CrossdressingLike clockwork. Every morning at ten past five, she runs by the coffee shop window. It is where I first saw her nearly a month ago, jogging, not really running, at a moderate pace, dressed in her running shorts and a tee shirt. I was surprised that she was not in a two hundred dollar spandex running suit, as was the style amongst the attractive, well-to-do runners that I had seen elsewhere. And, she is certainly attractive; there is no quibbling about that. In a few years, she will be the girl...
We attended one of those typical art openings, you were asked to assist and perform your usual magic for both the staff and clients. No wonder, you were your normal stunning self, dressed in a fitted black backless dress, black stockings, a small strand of pearls and little else. Your hair was down, catching the halogen lighting in the gallery, made it positively glow. Very few in attendance failed to notice, myself included. People flocked around you like moths to a flame, both men and women...
Wife LoversI looked at the dark expanse that was my way home. I could hear my heels clicking as I walked down the sidewalk. My body felt heavy and aching after the long day at work. My thong was riding up my ass making me uncomfortable, and my skirt was much too tight, rubbing against my legs. ‘It's okay, not much longer now.’ I kept telling myself. In another fifteen minutes I would be home and could rip these clothes off and have a hot bath. The wind picked up and the cold started to seep through my...
ReluctanceAs the sexual being that I am, thinking more like I have a dick than a vagina, if you know what I mean. I often find myself, lost in erotic daydreams. Sometimes completely random, uninspired. Others, inspired by my surroundings. Something as innocent as a stranger, reaching past me in the supermarket to grab something off a shelf. Their arm, inches away from my neck. Maybe I’ll imagine them wrapping that cut bicep and forearm around me, passionately pulling me in close. That’s just the...
The evening hadn’t started well; your hubby had taken exception to your choice of dress- too tarty in his opinion ! True, the little black skirt was on the short side and the cool weather had forced you to don some fancy black tights but you were perfectly happy with the top you had chosen- it was a bit see-thru but you had a bra and panties on , albeit peephole and split-crotch !However, It was all too late to change and you only just made it to the restaurant in time. Usually he liked having...
I was sitting alone in the bar by myself enjoying a pint of good beer and watching the local football match on the telly. Then I saw you walk in with your boyfriend and his mates. You find an empty table by the telly and order a few rounds watching the game. I sit in my corner observing your table- specifically you. I take in your figure, observing you from across the room. You look so enticing in your green-T, leather skirt and high heel platform shoes. Your boyfriend and buddies are...
Chat Guest: Darkside On Saturday July,10 1999 4PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Darkside at: [email protected] We start after a missing few minutes... (*Wendy-J) Glad I waited a sec to do that! (Paul1954) God not again, I've only just sobered up after the last time!!! (Nostrumo) Oh no! They're starting again with an orgy! (*Wendy-J) We can wait or start any time DS. (SteveZ) I'm just hoping the system doesn't drop out on me like it...
visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseCollege. Boring little town, ten kilometers wide, could walk throughthe fucking place in forty minutes. And dust, everywhere, all over theplace, couldn't get rid of it. But I loved the place. Wouldn't havewanted to be anywhere else, just one reason (and that was more thanenough): the females outnumbered the males two to one. Hell!! I was infemale purgatory, women all over the place just waiting to feel mypulsing, throbbing dick...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
“My dad got arrested for raping a neighbor girl,” said Tanya with a smile. “I don’t see how that is good,” I said. “I’m going to talk to the prosecutor,” said Tanya. I realized she was going to make sure her father went to jail for something. “I understand,” I told her. I hade many thoughts of Halley. “Its too bad about me and my dad. I might enjoy sex more if he hadn’t,” said Tanya. I could tell she was thinking. “Suzy can I talk to you in another room.” Suzy left Halley alone in her...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
As subway after subway sped by Ilana sat waiting, getting more and more impacient by the second. It was well past two, and they had agreed on two. Her fingers ached to dial his digits, but something held her back. Maybe it was the sound of another oncoming train, maybe it was the fact that she was shaking. But whatever it was, she didnt have the time, as he stepped from the train onto the platform and they locked gazes. He was even more stunning in person. His hair seemed to flow from the hat...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...