DC&H, Kathy's FallChapter 1 free porn video

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My name is Kathy Alpin and I was twenty-nine years old when my fall began.

I had felt that 2002 was going to be our year. My Husband Fred and I were having our dream home built and in spite of the problems we were having with the building inspectors I was excited about the prospect of moving into our new house that summer. Fred was handling the frustrating business of dealing with the inspector and our contractor without much help from me. I was preoccupied with events taking place at DC&H where I worked.

At that time I had been manager of the accounting department at DC&H for two years and had twenty accountants reporting to me. DC&H was coming off two years of record growth in the mergers and acquisitions business, which had provided me with very generous year-end bonuses. The problems arose in January when some severe management problems were uncovered at the DC&H offices in Indianapolis. It was an internal audit run by my department that had uncovered irregularities in the revenue claimed by the sales department. The fourth quarter sales numbers had been overstated in order to justify commission bonuses paid to the sales manager, the office manager and a few others. I wasn't sure if the fact that I led the audit team would help protect me from the coming purge.

The proverbial crap hit the fan on the third of February. A team from corporate headquarters in New York, consisting of a company vice president, the head of corporate security, and a team of auditors came to our office. I spent the day with the corporate auditors going over the results of my audit and by the end of the day the office manager; the sales manager and two other lower level managers had been escorted from the building by the head of corporate security.

I felt bad for those that were fired but I was more concerned with what would happen to me. I was told that when I finished meeting with the corporate audit team that I was to meet with the vice president that was leading the team investigating the problems in our office. I was afraid that all of the managers in the office had been tainted by the actions of a few people and I fully expected that my meeting with the VP would be the end of my career at DC&H.

I finished with the auditors at six o'clock that evening and was then escorted to the conference room where Jack Hanson, Vice President of Corporate Sales, was waiting for me.

"Please come in Mrs. Alpin," Mr. Hanson said. "Get yourself a cup of coffee or a soda if you like and have a seat. This won't take very long. It's been a long day and I am sure you are anxious to get home."

Jack Hanson was very distinguished looking forty-six year old man. He was six feel tall, slender and appeared to be in excellent physical condition. His steel gray eyes penetrated me as I sat down across the table from him. I could feel my heart pounding as I waited to hear what he had to say to me.

"I guess this has been a pretty traumatic experience for you," he said. "To have four people fired and know that it was your audit that was responsible. It should put your mind at ease to know that the corporate auditors were already suspicious of the fourth quarter report. If you hadn't found the problem in your audit they would have. The difference is that if it had been corporate that found it you would have been let go with the others."

I felt like I should say something but I couldn't think of anything so I kept silent.

"What I am trying to say is that you are not responsible for what happened. Those men were going to lose their jobs anyway the only thing your audit did was save your job," he said. "By the way, the four that were let go were told that it was corporate accounting that caught them, so you don't have to worry about them being angry with you."

"Thank you. I was worried about that," I said.

I was starting to feel a little better. I wasn't going to lose my job and that was a relief but I was still a little uncomfortable sitting alone with Mr. Hanson.

"Mrs. Alpin, may I call you Kathy?"


"Good. Kathy, in preparation for today I spent the last two weeks going over the personnel files of every employee in this office. First, I needed to determine who and how many were involved in the false reporting of the sales figures. Second, I had to make decisions on which employees to keep after the reorganization. I have to say that I was very impressed with your personnel file. You have an excellent work record and an impressive resume. I have to say that I am a bit surprised to find an MBA from the Wharton School at Penn working as a first level accounting manager."

"When I just finished my degree six years ago, there weren't any good jobs for an MBA in Indianapolis," I said. "I worked for a couple of other companies before I got this job two years ago."

"Why didn't you go somewhere else? I am sure with a degree from Wharton you could have gotten a lot better job somewhere else," he said.

"My husband was working for Independent Investigations Corporation (IIC) in Indianapolis before we got married," I said. "He was doing well and didn't want to leave Indianapolis. I thought that I would eventually get a good job here."

"What is IIC?"

"IIC provides investigative services to large insurance companies. They investigate insurance claims for fraud, retrieve stolen property and that sort of thing," I said.

"Interesting. Do you and your husband expect to be staying in this area for a while?" he asked.

"Yes. We are in the process of building a house and plan to stay in Indianapolis," I said.

"Good. I plan on moving my office from New York to Indianapolis and I will be looking for people I can count on to help get this office back on track. If you are a member of my team I can promise you will be rewarded for your efforts," he said.

"Can I ask what kind of rewards you are talking about?"

"Think high level position in the corporation, big salary, bonuses and stock options," he said. "I think you can begin to get the picture."

My stomach started to do flips and I could feel my face flush. Was he just teasing me or could that really happen. I decided to believe it could really happen.

"What do I have to do to become a member of your team?"

"Nothing right now. First we have to get the office through this transition and then we can focus on other things," he said. "I have to ask you not to tell anyone about this conversation. I wouldn't want anyone else to know what I am telling you. Let me just say that I have big plans for myself in this corporation and this office is going to be a key to my success. If you work with me to help me attain my goals, I will take you up with me."

We talked a little more about personal stuff. I told him more about Fred and the house we were building but he didn't say much about himself. By the time I left to go home I felt very comfortable with Mr. Hanson.

I was so excited on the way home I barely remembered the drive. It seemed as though I was just suddenly home. I couldn't wait to get into the house to tell Fred what had happened at work and about the meeting I had with Mr. Hanson.

When I walked in Fred was in the kitchen preparing dinner, which meant I would have clean up duties afterward but I was so happy that I didn't care.

"So, how did it go today?" Fred asked.

"Not too bad," I said.

I tried not to smile but Fred saw through me.

"I'd say from the expression on your face that things must have gone pretty well," he said.

I spent the next ten minutes telling Fred about the firings and my all day meeting with the corporate auditors.

"After my meeting with the auditors, I had a meeting with Jack Hanson. He was the VP that came in with the auditors to handle the investigation," I said. "I was sure he was going to fire me but instead he told me that he thought I was doing a good job. He told me that if I stay with the company that I could move up pretty quickly."

I didn't know why but I left out the part about needing to be on Mr. Hanson's team or any of his comments on how high up I could go. I thought at the time it was because Mr. Hanson told me not to tell anyone what he told me but Fred was my husband and I should have told him.

"That's great, Kathy," Fred said. "I am very proud of you and I always knew that your talent and hard work would get noticed. What do you say we bag this dinner and go out to celebrate?"

"Celebrate what? That I didn't get fired?" I said.

"For starters and then we can celebrate that a company VP has recognized your talents and has hinted that you could move up in the company. Mostly I am just proud of you. You did the right thing by reporting what your audit turned up and now you will be rewarded for your work."

That was my Fred, always supportive. He knew that I needed a lift after the rough few weeks leading up to the meeting with Mr. Hanson and he was using what Mr. Hanson told me about my career as an excuse to go out to dinner to help me unwind from the ordeal I had been through.

Before I go farther into my story I would like to tell you a little about Fred and the relationship we had.

Fred was twenty-two when I met him. It was the summer of 1994 and I was in Indianapolis visiting Connie Bradshaw, my college roommate. The second day I was there Connie informed me that she had fixed me up with a date for that night. I was a little upset with her because I don't like blind dates but I figured that since I was only in town for a few days it wouldn't hurt me to go out with this guy. After all, we would be with Connie and her boyfriend.

Connie told me his name was Fred Alpin. She said he was a friend of her boyfriend's but she didn't know him very well. She said that he worked for some kind of private investigation company. That sounded like it might be BS to me. He's a private detective? Sounds like the guy who tries to pick up girls by saying he's a CIA agent. I decided to hold judgment until after I met him.

I asked Connie what he looked like.

"He's over six feet tall, maybe 180 to 190 pounds. He has brown hair. His nose is a little crooked, " Connie said.

"Is he handsome," I asked, "or does he have a great personality?"

Connie laughed. "Don't worry, he is not a dog."

"What would you call him?" I asked.

"Confident," Connie said.

"Confident? What do you mean by confident?" I asked.

"You'll see when you meet him," she said.

That evening Connie's boyfriend picked us up at Connie's house and when I didn't see anyone else in the car I assumed that I had been stood up. I was pissed.

"John, Where's Fred?" Connie asked her boyfriend.

"He's gong to meet us at the restaurant," John said. "He got hung up on a case and said that he had to finish up some paper work and should only be a few minutes late."

Working on a case?

"John, is this friend of yours really a private eye?" I asked.

"Not exactly a private eye. I'll let him explain that when he joins us," he answered.

Connie, John and I had just ordered drinks when Fred came in. I had forgotten Connie's describing him as being confident. All I knew was that when he introduced himself to me before Connie or John thought to do it I immediately felt a warm connection between us. Later that evening I told Connie that I thought he was a dreamboat.

Fred sat down next to me and immediately apologized for being late.

"Great first impression," he said. "Late for our first date."

I found it interesting that upon first meeting me he referred to this as our 'first date' implying that there would be a second but how could he already know that.

"I'll accept your apology if you tell me what kind of private detective you are," I said.

"That's a fair exchange," he said. "Actually we don't call ourselves private detectives. We are referred to as investigators. We contract out to large insurance companies. We investigate insurance claims for fraud, retrieve stolen property or in any way possible mitigate our client's losses. It's not as romantic as private detective work. After all, what could be more romantic than sitting in a tree taking pictures of a man cheating on his wife?"

After that Fred spent most of the rest of the evening asking me questions. He said he was very impressed when I told him I was in working on my master's degree in business administration at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Fred laughed and said, "I'm not smart enough to be on a date with you."

"As long as you realize that I'll let you stay," I said.

"I like you," he said. "Are there any good hotels near the Penn campus I can stay at when I come to visit you?"

The question surprised me but my answer surprised me even more.

"There are several hotels in the area. When are you coming to visit?" I asked.

I had a great time that night and ended up going out with Fred four more times during my one-week visit. I was really falling for him but I decided not to have sex with him no matter how excited he got me. I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again after I returned to school so I didn't want to complicate things by having sex with him. I didn't want to be a one-week romance.

I got back to my apartment in Philadelphia Sunday afternoon and that evening Fred called to ask if he could come see me the following weekend. I was surprised that he called me so soon and happy to tell him that I would love to see him the following weekend.

By the middle of the week I had decided I was going to have sex with him that weekend and not worry about it. I was falling in love with this guy and I wanted to make love to him so when he called me Thursday night and asked me where he should stay for the weekend I told him I wanted him to stay with me at my apartment.

We had a lot of fun that weekend. Fred had never been to Philadelphia before so we did some touristy stuff. We went to Independence Hall, saw the Liberty Bell, visited the Franklin Institute and went to a Phillies game. We also walked along the Schuykill and watched the eight man crews rowing on the river. It was a wonderful weekend but the best thing of all was the first time we made love.

Fred had arrived Friday evening and we didn't get into a restaurant for dinner until almost 8:30 PM. By then there weren't many diners and we were able to sit and enjoy or meal and each other for almost two hours before we started getting hints that we should leave.

On the walk back to my apartment I think we both were thinking about what was going to happen when we got there. Fred put his arm around me and I leaned in close to him as we walked. I enjoyed the way his strong body felt against me. With his arm around me I felt safe and very comfortable. Most of all I felt happy.

When we got back to the apartment I asked Fred to opened a bottle of wine while I put on some music. For the next hour we sat on the sofa, sipped wine and kissed each other. My nipples were hard and my panties wet before Fred ever even touched me below the neck.

When Fred started to massage my breasts through my top I couldn't sit still. Fred thought I was uncomfortable and wanted him to stop.

"I am sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"No. Not at all," I said, "but maybe we should go to bed now."

I got up and took Fred's hand and led him to my bedroom and there things began to speed up. Fred immediately pulled my top up over my head and removed it. Then he began kissing me as he unhooked my bra and pulled if off me. By then my nipples were so hard they were beginning to hurt. Fred was kissing my neck and gently squeezing my breasts but I couldn't wait any longer so I grabbed his head with both hands and guided his mouth to my right breast and pressed my nipple against his lips. Fred flicked his tongue across my nipple and it felt like electricity shooting through my body.

Fred was now driving me crazy the way he was sucking on my breasts while at the same time he opened my skirt and pushed it down and let it drop to the floor. Soon Fred had his hand inside my panties and was fingering me to my first orgasm of the night. Then Fred slipped his hand down inside my panties in back and I was enjoying the sensation as his hands massaged my cheeks until he tried to slip a finger between them and touch my rectum.

It was not that I have any problem with the idea of him touching me there it was just a reflex. I am very sensitive there so as soon as her tried to get his finger between my cheeks my muscles clenched tightly, making it impossible for him to get his finger in there.

Fred apologized but I told him it was all right.

"It's a reflex. I am just very sensitive there. I have always been that way. When I was about eight years old I snapped a rectal thermometer when my mother was trying to take my temperature," I said.

Fred put both hands inside me panties and massage my cheeks as we kissed. He lifted me onto the bed and then began to remove his clothes. I almost laughed when he pulled his jockey shorts down and his erection popped up. I hadn't realized it until that moment that I had never seen a man's cock do that before. I don't mean that I was a virgin because I wasn't but I had only had two lovers before Fred. I had never seen either of my previous lovers getting undressed like that. It was usually done in the dark or while we were on the bed rolling around. I had never sat and watched them undress like I had just watched Fred.

To see him standing there with this big erection bouncing around in front of him struck me as funny but I knew better than to laugh. I certainly didn't want to give him the impression that I was laughing at him.

When Fred got on the bed and climbed between my legs and pressed the head of his cock against my opening there was nothing funny about it. The pure sexual joy I felt as his cock spread my labia and moved inside me, opening my sex as he slowly penetrated me was greater than any sexual experience I had ever had. This wasn't about size, shape or sexual talent it was purely a function of how I felt about Fred.

When he had buried himself all the way inside me and started to pump his shaft in and out all I could do was wrap my arms and legs around him and hang on as I trembled through what felt like one long orgasm.

When it was over it took me longer to recover from that orgasm than it took him.

We tried to make love a second time that night but my body was tingling all over from the first time and that made me to ticklish to let him touch me anywhere. Instead, we just held each other until we fell asleep.

In the morning we had a quickie before breakfast and then went sight seeing.

After that weekend I think we both knew we were supposed to be together. Fred was spending at least one weekend a month with me and I traveled to Indianapolis whenever I could.

Fred came to my commencement ceremony and sat with my parents and that night after dinner he asked me to marry him. His proposal was totally unexpected but I was ready with my answer. "Yes." I had known for a few months already what my answer would be if he asked.

My parents didn't have much money and Fred didn't want to wait a year while we planned a wedding so we decided to get married that summer. We got married on the beach in Florida with just our immediate families and a few close friends in attendance.

Fred already had a small house in Indianapolis that we lived in right up until our new house was build. Fred continued working for IIC and I began looking for jobs. I had no problem finding jobs but I was over qualified for them. I worked in retail for a year as a management trainee but I really didn't like the work so I took another job as an assistant manager at a small branch of a large chain of banks. This didn't last long because the bank chain was taken over by a larger bank chain and I got laid off. For the next two years I was a substitute teacher for the Indianapolis school district. This kept me reasonably busy but didn't pay well. I did however enjoy teaching.

Finally I heard about the opening for a manager at DC&H. Luckily I had taken some accounting courses in college. That along with my MBA landed me the job as manager of the accounting department.

I knew there were better jobs for a Wharton graduate but I was happy being the accounting manager at DC&H as long as I had Fred.

That's what makes the rest of my story so hard to understand. I don't fully understand it myself. My hope is that by putting this on paper it will help bring some clarity to me. Help me understand what I did to Fred and to myself.

Things happened quickly after my initial meeting with Jack Hanson. The following Monday the new office manager arrived. His name was Greg Bartlett. Greg was a bald chubby guy about five and a half feet tall. He was friendly but he was all business in his activities around the office. Mr. Bartlett was a good manager and knew how an office like ours was supposed to run and he started instituting changes immediately and the operation of the office seemed to respond to his changes.

Two weeks after Mr. Bartlett took over as office manager Jack Hanson moved into the former sales manager's office while his permanent office on the floor above our offices was being constructed.

Mr. Hanson stopped by my desk that day and asked me to come to his office that afternoon at three o'clock to talk over some issues.

His demeanor when he spoke to me made me comfortable. He was smiling and seemed very relaxed. So, at three o'clock I walked into his office and accepted his invitation to sit down.

"Your look very nice today Kathy," he said, "and certainly less stressed out than the last time we talked."

"Thank you. I am feeling better now."

"I wanted to meet with you to ask if you had thought about our last conversation," he said.

"About being on your team?" I asked. "I have given it a lot of thought. I would like to think that I could be helpful to you with your plans for this company and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the kind of career opportunities you alluded to."

"I am glad to hear it, Kathy. I really want you on my team but I must tell you now that I will demand complete loyalty. I have to know that my team members are going to be in lock-step with me," he said.

I couldn't read anything from the expression on his face.

"I have some tasks I will have to ask you to perform in order to get my plans rolling."

"What kind of tasks?" I asked.

"It's too early to tell you that yet. Before I can lay my plans out to you I am going to have to be absolutely positive that I can count on you. You are going to have to prove yourself to me first," he said.

I felt a signal go off in my head. I didn't like the direction the conversation had taken. Prove myself to him? How? What would he expect me to do to prove myself?

"I am not sure I understand, Mr. Hanson," I said. "How can I prove myself to you? What exactly are you getting at?"

Mr. Hanson got up from his desk and started to pace around the office. Then he sat in the chair next to me.

"Kathy, I find you to be a very attractive woman," he said.

I thought to myself "Oh shit, here it comes."

"I don't want you to think that I do this sort of thing all the time," he continued. "The fact is I have never done anything like this before. It's just that I need you to prove your absolute loyalty to me and I have this overwhelming desire to have you. I am hoping that I can persuade you to help me satisfy both of my needs," he said.

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kathy by whiskybuffKathy pushed the hair away from her eyes as she flirted openly with the new doctor at work. Dan had been there for three months, and Kathy knew he was interested. Dan heard about her reputation from some of the other doctors and he was eager to try his luck with my flirtatious wife. After a few teasing jokes and some appraising looks, Dan figured he had at least a yellow light, so he signaled for Kathy to follow him into the storage room. Kathy quickly glanced around to...

2 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

Introduction: Kathy and Jeff realise their new found relationship Kathy and Jeff didnt want to sleep. They lay in bed naked, holding each other, a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. I love you so much Kathy I love you too. I never realised you were so open about sex. I think Ive got a few things to learn about you too Jeff Oh Kathy, I am so sorry, I hope you will forgive me, I feel so guilty for cheating on you. Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue...

4 years ago
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Sex Ed with Aunt Kathy

"I don't want to go to Iowa!" I yelled at my mother. "I won't go to Aunt Kathy's and that's final!" "Richard honey, you have to go. Daddy and I are going to England for the summer education program at Eton and we can't take you with us. At 14, you're too young to stay at home alone, so that only leaves Kathy." So the next weekend mom and dad packed me off on a bus to Iowa. 17 hours later I got of the bus in Ames and Aunt Kathy was standing there waiting for me. "Hi...

2 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 21

On Wednesday morning of the following week, after her wake-up lovemaking with Ken, Kathy noticed a particularly wistful expression on Marie's face and she asked the girl about it. With a sad shake of her head Marie replied, "Lady Kathy, it is the way you make love with Sir Ken. It's ... It's so lovely. You give each other so much pleasure." "I hope that's true, Marie," Kathy responded, "But so what? Why does that make you look so wistful? Are you jealous or something?" The girls...

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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

They lay in bed naked, holding each other; a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. “I love you so much Kathy” “I love you too.” “I never realised you were so open about sex.” “I think I’ve got a few things to learn about you too Jeff” “Oh Kathy, I am so sorry; I hope you will forgive me; I feel so guilty for cheating on you.” Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips to find his. They could both still taste the sperm in each others...

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Kathy by Tiffany Scott Kathy Easton had never felt like this before. The power and feeling of total control that surged through her each time she thrust her hips forward. Now she truely understood what was ment when men said that a woman couldn't "Fuck", that she could only be fucked. She watched, with eye's that were twice thier normal size, her husband of four years squirm, pulling helplessly at the cords securing his wrists and ankles to the four posts...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 28

On Monday morning, Kathy realized there were only two weeks left. After first calling Ali, she called Henry Hall and then loaded the girls into her car. Arriving at Henry's facility at the Alliance Studios, she was about to introduce Kris and Kim when Henry exclaimed, "Kris and Kimmie! Where in hell have you two been? We've missed you." After looking at them and then at Kathy he said, "It's pretty clear that the object of whatever you're doing is to look as much like Kathy as...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 3

When the alarm went off at four-thirty, it seemed to Kathy that she had just fallen asleep. She groped around on the night stand to turn it off to keep it from waking Ken. Although still more than half asleep, she stumbled out to the kitchen to make coffee, and then went into the bathroom. She had had the foresight to bring her clothes out to the living room so she wouldn't need to open drawers or turn on lights in the bedroom. After setting up his breakfast and leaving a note about...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 25

It was six o'clock when Kathy and Ken got off the plane in Los Angeles. All their clothes and equipment was either being stored at Kapalua or packed up by the girls and shipped home. They were among the first passengers off the plane and through security. Since there was no baggage, they were ready to go. Kathy saw Fred standing off to the side and ran to him. When she went to give him a kiss, he just held her arms and said, "Let me look at you!" Then he shook his head and said, "I...

1 year ago
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Training Kathy to be a good lover with the help of Louise

So I waited and waited and WAITED for 1PM to come. I couldn't wait to give Kathy her second lesson in the art of sex. Fucking and sucking with this beautiful 20-year-old was a dream come true. Today I was thinking I was going to show her what 69 was all about. But, I wanted to fuck that lesbian sex too! So I sat around and waited for the time to pass and when it finally was time, I slipped out the basement door and walked over two houses to Louise's house. No one was ever home during the...

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Ed and Kathy

Prelude I am Edward Dobson, known by everyone except my mother as Ed. I'm six feet tall and weigh 190 pounds. I have blondish hair and blue/gray eyes. I'm sixteen years old and I've been told by all of my teachers that I'm exceptionally gifted. So, what is wrong with this picture? I'm also a nerd. I am the middle of three children. My brother John is two years older than me and last year he was quarterback and captain of the Medford High School football team. John had been offered, and...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 11

Mike Higgins was a big man. He was also a quiet man who preferred to listen rather than to talk. As they sat around the table in the glass-enclosed top-floor lounge, he looked at Ken and Kathy Carlson and marveled. First, he thought, they are a perfectly-matched couple. Second, they are obviously deeply in love. Being very observant, he noticed that they had an almost palpable need to touch each other and to be touched. Now Kathy's hand was just resting in Ken's and she seemed to draw...

4 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 26

When the men left her office, Kathy slipped into her bikini and put her shirt on but left it unbuttoned. With a small smile, she remembered it was exactly the way Ginger had looked on the day they first met, wearing her shirt like a vest. Running her hands lightly over her breasts and belly she was now reasonably satisfied. Where just a few months ago there had been only softness and flab, now there were only hard muscles under satin-smooth golden skin. Her phone rang with its characteristic...

1 year ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 27

When Ken opened the door, he was grateful that Kathy had been able to warn him through Ali. There were two naked girls kneeling by the door waiting for him. After closing the door, the auburn-haired girl said, "Good evening, Master. I am Slave Kimberly and this is Slave Kristin. We are here to serve you in any way you may wish." Looking up into his eyes she asked, "Would you like to discipline us now?" He saw the girls were looking up at him with expressions on their faces that he...

1 year ago
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kathy at the party

"We'll just make an appearance, then leave as soon as we can," I said to my wife. My boss had invited us to his annual New Year's Eve party, and neither of us were enthusiastic about going. "Vince is just so arrogant around women, he makes my skin crawl," said Kathy. "Do we have to go at all?""I don't think he ever bought our excuse from last year," I replied. "Remember? We said we had to go to your mother's instead? He's been making comments at the office like maybe I'm not happy with the...

4 years ago
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Engagement to Kathy

Engagement to Kathy By [email protected] met this very wonderful woman called Kathy. We have been dating for about nine months and it seems like we agree on a lot of things and we like to do the same activities. I met Kathy through a friend at work, and she has changed my life.Recently, when I took Kathy out on a date to a restaurant, I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me. To my surprise, she didn't say "Yes", but she said that she would think about it.A few days later she...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 7 Kathy at Sixteen

As Rosa bounced her ass gleefully on Dutch's massive erection, she failed to notice her daughter Kathy peeking in at them as they cavorted on the bed. Kathy's eyes widened at the sight before her and she bolted back to her bedroom before her mother noticed her standing there. Huddled safely under her blanket, Kathy listened intently to the faint sounds coming from the next room. Without straining her ears Kathy could discern muffled groaning, and the sound of their bodies rocking the...

1 year ago
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 5 Friday

When I woke up that morning, it took me a little while to remember where I was. That turned out to be the least of my worries. Turning over, I saw Kathy lying on her side away from me, snoring softly. While I was lying there, the stuff from the night before began running through my head, making me a little queasy. I remembered talking on the phone with Kathy until my dad grabbed me and started beating me up. I could remember the ambulance ride to the hospital with Kathy and how she didn't...

3 years ago
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Kathy And Surprises part two

After Kathy and I had lived together for a whole school year we decided we would live together again the next year of community college. We had become an item. No one knew her secret except me and her family. Kathy had a cock. That's because she started as a guy and was in transition to becoming a woman. I loved sucking it while she sucked mine. But the semester was ending and she was going home for the summer. So was I. We decided to make our last night of the semester special. We had spent...

2 years ago
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A Night with Kathy

He had just gotten off work in the computer lab. Kathy waited patiently by the door. She smiled seductively, because she knew what was about to happen. He was nervous because he had never been with such a beautiful woman before and he really wanted to impress her. Kathy was so sexy, she even walked seductively, her ass moving gently side to side as she walked ahead of him. They walked across the parking lots to Lafollette and on past it to her building. She punched the button for the elevator...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 35

They found Andy hanging from the bracelets on her wrists. Two small pools of blood had formed, one below each foot. They had formed as the blood from the myriad cuts across her body had slowly flowed down her body to her legs, then down to her toes to drip onto the polyethylene below. Since her legs were still held spread wide apart by the ankle bracelets attached to the torture frame, two separate pools had formed. There was also a small pool of urine beneath her. Andy's head was pitched...

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Kathy white trash whore part 4

Kathy (white trash whore) part 4 It was 12.45pm on Saturday. Kathy was in the bedroom dressing for work. Well………. she was actually dressing as if she were going to go to work. She unwrapped the towel around her, then gave her freshly shaven snatch a careful inspection in the mirror. It looked as smooth as it felt. She put on her blouse, at Lenny’s request she did not wear a bra, then sat on the bed to get into her sheer black tights. She would have preferred stockings, but Lenny had...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 13

Wellington escorted them to a corner suite and unlocked the door. Their room was utterly magnificent with a view through the palm trees to the Pacific with the island of Molokai across the channel in the distance. Kathy thought the vista was utterly breathtaking. Then Hank called, "Marie? Celeste? Are you here?" Two lovely Asian girls appeared from the bedroom wearing identical immaculate uniforms. Kathy gasped as she realized they were identical twins with no apparent difference between...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 32

When Kathy came into the office the next morning she saw Judy sitting behind her desk and stopped dead in her tracks. "He's the one, isn't he? It worked out the way you hoped, didn't it? Judy Jeffries, you are the most beautiful girl in the world this morning. And you look very well fucked!" Kathy and Judy went to the conference room to get coffee and then went to Kathy's office to talk. Judy gave her a blow-by-blow account of the weekend. When she mentioned that Mike had the Medal of...

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Kathy Exposed Me

Kathy Exposed Me I was in my late twenties and had only one prior sexual partner when I met Kathy. She was in her mid twenties, dark hair and eyes, about 5'5' and 120 pounds. She had a shapely bottom and very well shaped, though small breasts.Kathy was very sexually adventurous and I entered a completely new world when I met her. I had more sex with Kathy in a month than I'd had in my lift to that point. By that time she had me hooked and could talk me into just about anything.For many if may...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 21 Kathy

September 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday morning, after swimming and breakfast together, Stephanie came to talk to me. We only had a short time because she had to leave for church. “I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you since Friday. How are you doing?” “Better, Squirt. Of course, my love life is as complicated as ever!” She giggled, “If it wasn’t, I’d worry something was wrong! But you do need to be extra careful with Bethany.” “I was thinking the same thing, but I can’t quite put...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 36

"Katherine Carlson, who is that incredible person you brought out here with you?" Hank Conroy exclaimed. "She is simply marvelous! You should have seen her this afternoon on the beach with Kenny and Kathy. The kids utterly adore her. Who is she?" "She is one of the richest women in the world, Hank," Kathy replied softly. "She's also my slave. Did you see her body? It's better than it was five days ago but she is still cut to ribbons." Kathy then told her new sister of the events...

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My wife Kathy loves being a whore with lots of men

Fucking my wife Kathy – My wife Kathy had a great time fucking my friends. We were in bed with only a sheet covering us when she began to run her hand down my stomach and then, lightly, to stroke my cock. She whispered to me not to be upset about my friend’s comments, that they were only making fun of me for eating my wife’s pussy full of their cum and that any one of them would love to be where I was now, in bed with her. As she told me this she was stroking my cock more forcefully and my...

2 years ago
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Kathys New CleanUp Man

Kathy first met a black man without her husband’s knowledge and had a great time experiencing her first taste of black cock. Kathy told me she loved meeting them and watching the contrast of seeing a huge thick black cock as it slices into her pussy.Kathy still felt guilty about going out with these men and coming home with their seed still inside her belly knowing her husband had no idea his wife was out screwing around.After she told me she was going to stop seeing her black lovers because...

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Kathy Lee and Regis

41 year old Kathy Lee Gifford was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror as she finished her shower. Not to bad she thought, certainly not the figure she had when she was Maryland's Junior Miss but still a shapely woman. Her 5' 6" frame carried her weight well, her hips were a little more generously curved but she still had a slim waist, just a little swell in her stomach. Her Junior Miss 35B breasts were fuller and rounder now, up to a 35C size, just a little sag but not much. All in...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 12

Driving in to work the next morning, Kathy felt wonderful. Reflecting on her life with Ken it seemed that each night was better than the one before. Last night had been the very best. Gently, she ran her fingers up her sore crotch and softly moaned, remembering. Ginger had certainly been right: The more she worked to increase Ken's enjoyment, the greater was her own pleasure. Going up in the elevator she realized she was a little late: It was already eight-fifteen. Entering the office, she...

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Balling The BabysitterChapter 2 Kathy Learns About Games

The week flew. Kathy was a smart girl, who had always done well in school, and she knew that her short exposure to Mr. Tracey didn't mean she should act any different toward him at school. Nor did he treat her any different. But there was an easy comfortable feeling between them that she had never experienced before. She still tingled when she saw him, but now she felt like she was ALLOWED to tingle, somehow, that her daydreams of him were OK. After all, he'd seen parts of her that no other...

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Kathy And Surprises part three

Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I'm Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy's home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 8

Now that Ken was working for Higgins Construction, their life together established a pattern, but it was one quite different from the way it had been before. In the beginning, Ken was arriving home first, since construction work normally ended at four o'clock. Kathy would usually arrive home while Ken was in the shower. As soon as he came out to the bedroom, Kathy would insist that he lie on the bed while she massaged his aching muscles. She would always begin on his back, shoulders and...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 14

The next morning, Kathy was the first to awaken. She lay in the bed with her eyes closed just enjoying the wonderful feeling of Ken's hand still cupping her tit, while her body was molded to his. Then she just wriggled a little and enjoyed the crispness of the sheets against her bare skin. She gently squeezed his hand and looked up at his face. Instantly, his eyes opened, and instinctively he moved his head towards hers. Their first kiss of the morning was like the last kiss the night...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 29

A week later, sitting at her computer Kathy was typing a paper for one of Ken's law classes. Without any conscious thought, she was editing and rewriting it as she went. Since she was so experienced and skillful at it, she was able to do it while typing at a speed that made it appear she was just copying Ken's words. Hearing a soft knock on her door, she told the person to come in without looking up from her computer screen. Because there had been no announcement from Judy, she assumed it...

2 years ago
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Kathy welcome my sister into our fun

Wife continues to submit joined by s*sAfter Kathy got started she could not turn it off. One cock was not going to be enough for a weekend so most Friday’s we had one to three guys spending the night and Kathy fucking and sucking all of us. This also was the giant step into Kathy becoming submissive.The first few months turned into a couple of years and along the way we agreed, and I do mean we, that Kathy would do what she was told during play times and even during the average work day. I...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

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Kathy and Roy

When they were 3 years old, Kathy's family and Roy's family moved into houses next to each other. The families had bought new houses that had been built only twenty feet apart with a fence exactly halfway between them. As a result, both families paid extremely low prices for their otherwise very nice homes. The afternoon that they both moved in, Roy's mom and dad went out to their pool deck and collapsed into the deck furniture to recover from the move. Kathy's mom and dad were in their...

1 year ago
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Prepping Kathy

Tomorrow's scene with Jack Nicholson meant Kathy Bates had to be naked in a hot tub. She was nervous about doing the scene, especially with Jack Nicholson, who did not turn her on at all!!!!!! Kathy needed to relax a little, and maybe rehearse somewhat, so she called me the night before. I first met Kitty (my pet name for Kathy, because she screams like a cat in heat when she cums) on the set of Dolores Claiborne. She was made up as a younger version of Dolores Claiborne (the title...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 2

It was almost four in the afternoon when Kathy found herself high up in a new downtown skyscraper in front of the most impressive office entrance she had ever seen. It was all furniture-polished hardwood — it appeared to be cherry — with solid brass letters spelling out, Clifford & Jamison, and below, in smaller letters, Attorneys at Law. She was wearing her good suit for work, and that was unfortunate. Because it is quite cool in the Redwood Country, what was appropriate attire for...

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