Niki's New LifeChapter 4: Niki And Her Peeping Trent free porn video

“Why do you let him lick you like that? And why don’t you have no clothes on?”
A soft male voice came from the other side of the privacy fence as Niki turned, startled, unaware that anyone had been anywhere nearby.
Niki looked around startled, petting Shadow’s eager head as he continued to lick along her bare thighs, his tongue touching, teasing, tasting every bit of her skin. She could feel his tongue dart in between her thighs, tasting her sex, making her twitch. She quieted her moan of desire, her quick, eager acceptance of his touch, trying to make sense of the voice she was hearing.
“Where. Where are you?” she asked, buying time, ineffectually pushing Shadow away, not really trying too hard, more concerned with trying to find the source of the voice. She looked around the bushes, and the fence line, pretty sure the voice had come from that direction. So used to being nude in her backyard, she did not think to cover up, at least initially, she simply was trying to find the origin of the new voice.
“Over here. Here, can you see my fingers?” the soft voice called from about 12 feet away. Looking more closely, getting up and crawling over towards the fence, Niki could see a couple of fingers poking through a knothole in the wooden fence, about 3 feet off of the ground. As she got closer, the fingers withdrew, to be replaced by a face, an eye actually, as she got close enough to look through the hole in the fence.
“Oh, um, wow! I did not know anyone but Ms Randall lived there. Are you visiting?” Niki asked, making small talk as she settled on the ground near the fence. Being closer to the fence, she was pretty sure the view was not as good, though it was a bit closer. She was working through all the ramifications of a boy looking at her through the fence. What could he have seen. Should she go get Max, all of that, stalling a bit by asking some mundane questions.
“Wow, you sure are pretty...” the voice said, muffled a bit by the fence.
Niki blushed, sure that she must look a sight, but, still, a compliment is always nice.
“She’s my aunt. My mom got hurt, so I had to come stay here. They homeschool me, so I don’t see many people. Um, the last couple of days I thought I heard people outside so I started waiting. My aunt sleeps like almost all afternoon, she’s pretty old...”
Niki nodded, it sort of made sense, and the shy voice, and the unknown boy in the neighborhood could easily be explained if they had kept him home since he got to his aunt’s home.
Shadow was getting a bit rambunctious and he moved his tongue back between Niki’s thighs, licking and tasting, causing her to shiver and giggle a bit. “Stop that! “she whispered to Shadow, not sure what the boy would think. She started to move to the side, where maybe he could not see as ‘well’, but stopped when she heard him call.
“Please, don’t go. I’ve never,.I mean ... you are so pretty, and ... Don’t go away please...”
His voice was so full of earnest, youthful need, that Niki paused, sitting back down, and trying again to push Shadow a bit away, at least for a moment. Feeling his tongue on her leg, her knee, her thigh, she was starting to give up, simply moving him away from time to time.
“Ok. What’s your name, I can’t just call you ‘kid’” she said, ruffling the fur around Shadow’s neck as her canine boyfriend continued to seek out her wetness.
“Oh. Trent! My name’s Trent. And, you never answered. Why do you let him lick you like that?”
Niki was not exactly sure how to answer that at first. It was easier explaining to Cyndi, she’d known her for like, forever. This was a stranger, really, and ... well...
“I guess I let him because, it feels good. Mostly, yeah, it feels good...” Niki stopped pressing on Shadow’s head, letting him have his way. He might as well, she figured, feeling his tongue slide up her thigh, causing her to shiver a bit as she sat there, her battle to keep him away coming to an end.
“Oh, Really? Wow, um,.ok”
Niki was feeling that urge again, and she tried to rein her own feelings in. There was something about someone seeing her, watching her, hearing her, that just made her kinky thoughts, her arousal, just go crazy.
“Yeah ... um ... it’s kinda private though ... most people don’t, well, they don’t understand and they would say bad things to me. You won’t, will you?” she asked, relaxing a bit, leaning back on her hands as Shadow continued to lick around her knees, along her thighs, tickling her a bit.
“I won’t. I mean ... wow, I never seen a naked girl before.How come you are outside naked ... are you always naked? I mean, I heard of, what are they called, nudists?.Are you one?”
Niki listened to him talking fast, obviously very curious and intrigued. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself, trying to make herself move away from the fence, from the dog, from the voice of Trent.
“You could say that. I guess I am. I just had not called it that” she answered. Honestly she had not thought much about it. She did know that there were people who lived naked as much as they could. Maybe that’s what Max wanted. He wanted her to be a nudist...
“Is it feeling good? It looks kinda like it is, more than earlier when he was licking you after. Oh yeah, um, can I ask another question?” Trent’s voice paused, the sound of the dog growling happily as he began to lick more earnestly at Niki the only noise for a moment.
“S-s-sure” Niki gasped, suddenly feeling the pleasure mount. Her desire to hide losing out to the desire to show off, to be seen, to let Shadow have his way. To show the world, at least this part of it, just how slutty she was. Again. She was dripping now, and Shadow could tell, his lapping speeding up, his eagerness growing as he smelled her arousal, encouraging him to lick longer and deeper, tasting her, forcing her thighs apart, slowly but surely.
“Why were you peeing in the grass? I mean, I can pee outside, easily, just never knew girls did. Do a lot of girls go outside and we just never see it? Oh! Wow! Look at him go!”
Trent seemed very curious, and very naive at once, and Niki smiled a bit at his curiosity. Wondering how best to answer, she shifted on the ground, giving Shadow more access as his furry head pressed between her thighs, all attempts to play it off as simple playing around failing. He was obviously licking between her legs, at her sexual organs.
Unable to contain her pleasure, Niki laid back, flat on the ground, and raising both knees, spread them wide, and granted Shadow direct access to her drenched cunt. She reached down, patting his head as his tongue continued to lick and pleasure her, shuddering when it inadvertently crossed over her clit, raising her level of arousal.
“Um, why? I guess. Um, I’m like playing at being one of the doggies, I guess, and they have to go outside” she gasped, feeling Shadow hit an especially good spot. “Oh fuck! I hope you don’t mind ... but ... mmmmm” she moaned, feeling herself letting go, her desire hitting new heights.
“No, um, it’s fine...” the voice said, low and urgent.
Niki turned, getting on her hands and knees, parallel with the fence, lowering her head and looking towards the knothole as she waited for Shadow to get the hint. “Did you see this, before?” she gasped, her mind in overdrive, her desire to be watched, to be shamed, winning her over to the point where she was basically asking him to watch her get fucked.
“Maybe a little. But not like this, wow, you are so close!”
With a series of yelps, Shadow stopped circling and licking the bitch and began to mount her, jumping up, his red prick waving, well out of its sheath. He took a moment to find his target, jumping off and on a couple times. Suddenly his hips were slamming into Niki rapid fire, and she began to grunt and moan, her voice choppy as he rocked her body super fast. “Oh.h.h.h.hh.h.ngh.ngh ... ngh.ngh” she moaned, her body clenched around the furry beast as its red prick found her opening, and slammed home, instantly locking in, and rocking her with repeated piston strokes of canine prick.
“Oh wow! That dog is fucking you,.isn’t he? He’s really fucking you! A girl! Oh god...”
As Niki knelt there, taking the dog’s fucking, she opened her eyes, looking at her watcher, and nodded, “Yes ... ss ... sss ... such a good doggy...” She could feel the cock slide into her, faster and faster, before slamming to a halt as it began to cum inside of her. The base of the cock thickened over two-fold, trying to tie the two together like two mating dogs would do.
Cooper had heard the yelps of the younger dog, and dragging his tired body up off of the ground, trotted over to where the sounds were coming from, easily spying the fornicating pair. Speeding up his arrival, he barked excitedly, moving around and licking at the girl’s face on the ground.
Milo had padded over, watching, curious as to why they were over here by the fence.
“Oh! There’s more? Wow, that’s kinda neat. I never had a dog.” Trent called out, watching, stuck in place, unable to leave this insanely hot show.
Niki reached out, awkwardly petting Cooper, the Alpha, and reaching beneath his belly, ran her hand across his already rampant canine prick. She knew that he would not be satisfied until he had her too. When Shadow began to try and pull away, she helped him, moving carefully, forcing the knot back out of her, until his prick slid out, followed by a small river of cum.
Almost immediately Cooper nipped at Shadow getting him to move away. He began to lick a couple of times at the bitch’s wetness, before, senses aroused, and the smell of her ripe cunt calling him, he too jumped up. His much larger cock darted forward, finding her willing cock receptacle after only a few strokes.
“Oh, shit! He’s bigger ... ungh...” Niki cried into the ground, closing her eyes, letting her body be used again. She knew she was being watched and she just did not care. The dual fucking, as well as the multiple fucking’s she had gotten since she got home only made her more and more submissive to the pack, and by extension her absent brother Max. Her cunt was making the rules, and right now, it wanted to be fucked.
Cooper was not taking his time. The big Husky slammed into her, his thick prick spreading her cunt wide open and filling her up as he penetrated her with rhythmic intensity. Over and over he slammed his cock into her, and each time she kept pressing back, meeting his cock with her own hips, forcing it in as deep as possible. She did not pull away at all. In fact, she pushed hard to maximize his penetration. She wanted his cock, it was obvious.
“You must like it, huh? That’s two of them, and you are not yelling or making them leave. I sure wish I knew about this a long time ago, this is way more fun than reading...”
Niki heard Trent’s words, but they did not make a lot of sense to her. She was lost in her spiral of desire, her sex wide and wanton, taking the dog’s prick and begging for more. As Cooper too reached his peak, his much thicker knot formed, causing her to cry out as he filled her up for the second time this afternoon.

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