The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 2 SPITTING IMAGE
- 4 years ago
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The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot.
Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it open, and ventured onto the front porch.
“What’s wrong?” Cathy demanded.
“I hurt myself,” her father insisted. “Sheriff Lang helped me.”
“Do you need to go to the hospital,” the young girl took her father’s other arm and offered her support as well.
“He’ll be fine,” Thorn helped him into the house, eased him into a recliner. “Cathy, child, would you get your daddy his favorite drink from the bar. Just bring him the bottle.”
Earl guzzled down a quarter of a bottle of tequila before the throbbing lessened. He gazed at the ceiling, trying to put his missing toes from his mind. Lyman turned his head, glancing about the room. ‘Where are they,’ he wondered.
“Yeah, Daddy?”
“What you doing?”
“I’m showing, Thorn, my art.”
The couple strolled back into the living room. Cathy had her left arm warped around the Sheriff’s waist, leaning into the Sheriff. Her right hand rested on the Sheriff’s belly, touching his gun belt. Thorn’s right hand hung down over her pert right breast, brushing over the small mound.
“Time to finish paying the piper,” Thorn led the girl to the sofa, and the two of them sat across from Earl.
Cathy felt a relaxed, ease with the Sheriff. As though they were old friends, who had become familiar over time. His touch pleased her, and Cathy saw nothing wrong with the vast difference in their age. At sixty-five, Thornton Lang was older than her father, than his father. She didn’t see that, didn’t notice his age, she felt a desire to be with him.
Leonard Slye was one of those men that people liked and trusted. Blessed with an even temper, friendly manner, and a silver tongue, he had little trouble with the opposite sex. When I tell you had three affairs, that does not mean those were the only women he fucked. There was a long line of one-night stands. Dozens over the six years of his marriage. The first infidelity occurred while they honeymooned.
Even so, for the past three months, he had been faithful to his wife. Lucille would have been a long-suffering woman if she had known about the past affairs, the one-night stands. Not knowing the scope of her husband’s dalliances, made the living with him barrable. Had she known the depth of his infidelity, no question about it, Lucille Slye would have divorced him.
Len Slye envisioned himself as a real man, a lady’s man, always in control. He had lived wild and free, even in marriage. Women were drawn to him due to his looks and manner. Tall, well built, with brown hair and eyes, he’d talked his way into many a bed.
He lacked nothing in confidence. A rugged individual capable of defending himself or hurting others if the need arose. With that said, one punch put him down, and the bastard controlled him with one hand. Slye had no latent homosexual interest. He tried to sleep, his ass throbbed, his body hurt. The man managed him and used him, like a dog humping a pillow.
Even now, hours later, he could still feel that cock inside him. Those hands still clutched him, pinching him, punching him, doing, whatever the fuck he did to his neck. An unmistakable notion tormented Len Ske’s mind. He liked it all. That was unacceptable, Len Slye was no homo, he couldn’t be a faggot.
Leonard Slye drifted into a nightmarish sleep.
Bang, bang, bang the pounding on the door interrupted a dream or nightmare. Leonard jumped to his feet, searched for his gun, and remembered it had been taken from him. Snatching his pajamas, from his open suitcase, he pulled on the PJ bottoms. Collection himself, he walked to the door.
“Yes, what is it?”
“It’s Sheriff Lang, let me in there.”
“Come in, Sheriff,” Leonard cracked the door open. He moved to a chair and plopped into it. Slye would never admit it to a living soul, but Thornton Lang frightened him. He sensed pure malevolence when they were near each other. His harsh voice hit a nerve, his gut whispering to him, run don’t fight. Like he was that seven-year-old, his childhood bully threatening to beat him.
“What the fuck’s going on with you?” the Sheriff held a shoebox in his hands.
Slye worried about that shoebox, what did it hold? Why’d the Sheriff bark at him? Hadn’t Len Slye been through enough?
“I’m told, you came stumbling in here at 3:45 this morning, naked and beaten. Why didn’t you call the police or my department?”
“It wasn’t anything ... important, misunderstanding is all,” Len lied to him, the horrific truth to devesting, to admit. During the attack, for the briefest of moments, he’d believed his attacker had been the Sheriff.
“Misunderstanding? The folks down in the bar said you went outside last night, though the back door.”
All Slye could think of was, ‘Leave it alone.” In a flash, Len Slye crafted a close to the truth lie.
“I went outback with a woman and got jumped. She may have been in on it. He beat me and stole my clothes.”
“I guess you’ll stick with that bullshit story,” the Sheriff tossed the shoebox to him.
Holding the box, he felt its weight. Len feared to look inside himself. No, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
“That’s your gun, billfold, and badge. You won’t be wanting the clothes back, there to blood-stained. We killed a bastard last night out on Old Lame Owl road. A big feller about my size, who looked, a smidgen, like you. Routine traffic stop, he came out, your gun a blazing, my boys shot him dead. He escaped from Cibola County Correctional, over in New Mexico, three days ago. He drove your Crown Vic.”
“Yeah, well, there you go, that’s what happened.”
“What about the cum and blood?” the Sheriff smirked at Len.
“A watery substance, the girl took for cum, mingled with your blood, running down your legs, from the general region of your asshole. That’s what the little gal, working the desk this morning, told me,” Thorn smirked, his little smile he shows when’s bested, someone.
“She’s mistaken,” shame overcame Len. He wanted to bury his face in his hands and cry. So, it wasn’t the Sheriff. He doesn’t know anything for sure. Len had to keep up his front. Couldn’t have a crack in the armor for the man to pick out and expose his humiliation.
“Tell me about this woman, who was she? No one mentioned a woman that was in the bar last night,” the Sheriff removed a pad and pencil from one of his breast pockets.
“She was, tallish, I guess, reasonably attractive, about forty-five to fifty, I’d say.”
“Hair color?”
“I don’t know,” Len struggled to remember, “had little grey mixed with, I don’t know.” Inside he screamed, ‘Leave it, the fuck, alone.’
“Mixed in with what, other, color?”
“I don’t know, Sheriff,” he couldn’t give him more. He couldn’t let him find her and let her tell him the appalling truth.
“Eye Color?”
“I don’t have a clue,” none of it was true. Leonard Slye would know the woman if he ever saw her. If he did see the bitch, he’d rape and kill her. Len would find her eventually.
The questions droned on, the Sheriff pestered him, picking at the scab like want to reopen the wound. Finally, he left. Waiting until he heard the creak on the stairs, Len fell to the floor, crying.
That day, Leonard Slye checked out of the hotel and left Spiny. The Sheriff assumed, at first, he’d gone back to Phoenix, licking his wounds. After a day, Thorn sensed Len in a tourist community called, Wesley — the specialized tourist trap, Wesley’s Western Movie Town & Ranch. Then he moved to Luka and other of the small towns around Spiny Cactus County. Always asking questions about the Sheriff.
Sooner or later, Sheriff Lang would have to deal with Leonard Slye.
Six Miles South of Spiny
Dover’s Ranch
The ranch house, smaller houses, outbuildings, and barns were gathered close together at the base of a 200-foot cliff. A natural spring feeds a small creek that trickles through the little valley. Around the stream were trees, green grass, and many animals. The water flowed into the desert and died a few hundred yards from the end of the walls surrounding the canyon.
The canyon, valley, or whatever you choose to call it, was a sliver of green, a refuge of life. The power of life filled the valley. Flowing in the river, the plants, animals, and humans who took shelter there. There are certain places, which produce energy that promotes the body, mind, and soul. Locations where the hand of God has imbued a spiritual spring to empower those who abide there.
Dover’s Valley was such a locale. A counter to the evil that ran rampant in the rest of Spiny Cactus County.
One old barn served as a sanctuary, of sorts, to the commune’s citizens. This night the men of the group huddled in the pews discussing their ‘mission.’ This collection of men wore costumes that covered body armor, prepared for war. A man in a wolf mask guarded the door. All the men had on masks of some kind. On the raised platform, a gaunt gangly tall man, dressed as a scarecrow, paced the stage, hands folded behind his back. Without a doubt, he was the leader.
The men and women under him knew he was neither cruel nor evil. Still, their respect was measured with fear. He had taken care of any traitors in their midst, in the most brutal of ways. The leader of the sect was a kind man. Everyone knew, but no one admitted, their religious leader was also the leader of the groups, not so worshipful activities.
Recently, for reasons only known by their leader, they had relocated from Florida. In Florida, they’d been known as the Glades-men. A type of vigilante brotherhood, who wreaked havoc on the drug dealers, pimps, smugglers, and criminal organizations in the Sunshine State. There was a suspicion, among law enforcement, the Glades-men were no different than those they attacked.
The mask here wore, was a white material resembling burlap. The stitched lips smiled on one side and frowned on the other. When this Scarecrow spoke, his voice growled as if filled with gravel. A deep, foreboding, tone projected with authority, the Scarecrow dispensed his words with some menacing hint of cruelty.
“We’re in a new location,” the tall gaunt man said. “That doesn’t change our mission. Southwest of Spiny, on a line due west of our location, there’s a growing and drying facility. It doubles as a holding facility for illegal immigrants. These poor unfortunates will be auctioned to the highest bidders. A collation of fruit farmers will take a portion. Vegetable farmers will take their share. Some will work in construction. But the women and girls, the better-looking ones, they’re destined to become prostitutes or worse, sold into sexual slavery.”
Pausing, he faced the group, standing in the middle of the platform next to the pulpit. “Glades-men, we will not allow this to happen. Not one of these people will be exploited by these men. We have trucks to carry them to safety in New Mexico, and our organization will find these people legitimate work. New identities, new lives, free of the oppression they fled here to avoid.”
“We’re a long way from Florida, and we shall return there ... someday. But for now, we are needed here in this den of corruption. We fight not against mere men here. We fight against a foul fiend of darkness. Stay strong in your faith, guard your thoughts, do not let this ... Skinwalker ... find refuge in your thoughts. To victory!”
The men all howled, “Victory.”
“Mr. Wiley, a word,” Scarecrow moved to the far right of the stage. In his own voice, he spoke to his friend, “Collect a measure of the dried hemp, funds are low.”
“You’re not going with us, then?”
“No, haven’t prepared a word of my sermon for tomorrow. When you know how much you have, call me, and once I now the amount, I’ll call the Phoenix boys and set an exchange.”
“Yes, Reverend.”
“How many have secured work?”
“All but two of the men, and three of women.”
“We’ll be on our feet soon. The enemy will know we’re here after tonight. Grid yourself in the armor of the Lord, the battle begins.” Scarecrows voice returned to its acid tenor, “Away with you, my Glades-men.”
Scarecrow moved through a secret passage. Crossing a man dressed in the same scarecrow manner. The two exchange a nod. Down a flight of stairs, Scarecrow traveled a tunnel running below the barn back in the main ranch house. Opening a door hidden in a bookshelf, Scarecrow pulled his floppy hat from his head, pulled the toupee of straw from his head, peeled the tight-fitting mask over his head, and let out a small sigh. Removing his scabbarded saber, laying them across the desk. Christian Blackheart sat at his desk. Bowing his head, he gave thanks, in advance, for their successful raid.
Looking to the ceiling, Blackheart pressed his hands together, crying out to his God.
“How many years has it been, how long has your Breath of Life filled my lungs? Two-hundred-and-fifty-three and more miles than possible for me to count. How long will I continue, how much further must I go, and will the debt ever be paid? You remain silent on that, “Go that way, do this thing.” Never a word of, “Well done,” or, “Soon the debt will be paid,” from You or Your agents that crowd my mind. Therefore, I persevere, walking between Heaven and Hell. Thy will be done. Amen.”
Blackheart walked a fine line between this side of the law and that for many years. Far too many to be counted. His mind wandered back to when he’d fallen from grace, hunting down the man who’d stolen his wife from him. Taking her back, seeing the seducer hang as a pirate while he held his tongue, refusing to save the man. He remembered her death and the death of their son. Childbirth, in those days, a dicey thing ending badly as often as the other.
He had so much blood on his hands, God cursed him. After his ‘death‘ at Dymchurch, he changed his name, condemned to wander the earth, unsure if he was a good or wicked man. Perhaps Skinwalker was too big a challenge. Part of him longed for that to be so.
“One more matter, dear Lord. Can this be the end, Lord? Can I earn Your Celestial favor and pass? Whether Heaven or Hell, You decide. I’m just so tired of the battle. My heart is crestfallen, for I sense the answer already, “Persevere, you child of man, persevere.” That’s always the Divine answer.”
Fifteen Miles, South-Southwest, of Spiny{br}
Deputy Sheriff Darrell Simons strolled into the large drying barn. Fifty-five women, children, and men were herded into the center of the room. Ragged, worn, and dirty the illegals clutched to each other, fearing what would befall them. Nothing had been that which had been promised.
“Jeff, come here, boy,” Darrell looked at the girls, those under 18, and smiled at one lovely dark-eyed one. A brief smile fluttered over her face, which she stifled lest her parents notice. “Okay, feed them, get them cleaned up, and put um in the dormitories. No sampling of the products. Oh, yeah, if there are any handsome lads under 16, set them aside and put them in dormitory B with underaged girls.”
“Yes, sir, I’ll take care of it.”
“How much is dry? We have a buyer in Vegas, pushing us for another load soon? And is the cook done with the Crack?”
“Cooks is done. They’re packaging the crack at Winding Rocks Ranch. A goodly amount of weed is packaged here in kilo blocks, maybe 5 or 600.”
The sound of gunfire erupted, everyone scurried, looking for their guns. But fifteen armed men stood inside the barn, a tall thin scarecrow clad man, waving a sword barked, out the order’s in a voice that sounded like acid burning your ears. Many more men were outside the building. All the illegals fell to the floor. The workers put their hands up, even the lawmen that were there.
“Just keep your cool, and no one dies,” he growled. “Drop your guns or die.”
A short man, also dressed as a scarecrow, with a carrot looking nose, shouted more commands. All the guns were collected, unloaded, and the weapons piled high in a corner. Some of his men took the packaged bundles of weed and loaded them. Others escorted the Central and South American men, women, and children to waiting trucks.
Jeff Sanders squatted in a corner. His mind raced, and his courage soared. He pulled a gun from an ankle holster under his pants leg, jumped to his feet, and charged the men, firing the auto wilding as he did.
The man with the carrot nose aimed the M16 then squeezed the trigger. Three bullets ripped through Jeff Sanders, he plunged to the ground, soon he’d be stone-cold dead. Walking to the body, Carrot Nose peered at the dying man.
The tall thin Scarecrow joined the other man. Sanders attempted to rise. With hard swift blow, with expert precision, the Scarecrow swung the sword, lopping Jeff’s head from his shoulders. A few quick spurts of arterial blood, a slow seepage, and the blood spread over the floor. Deep, dark red, the gore pooled between head and body.
“No one else need die,” he snarled.
Mr. Wiley said a prayer.
“You see, what happens?” Wiley told the outlaws. “Do you understand, we didn’t want this outcome? His blood is on your boss’s hands. You tell the man, the Wastelanders have arrived. Y’all give up your wicked ways or suffer the consequences.”
“Tell him Scarecrow has come calling,” the taller man sheathed his saber.
“Wastlanders, Wastlanders, yes, yes, Mr. Wiley, that works well. Myles, you’re the best of the lot of us. You remind me of a man I worked with, oh, so, long ago, named Mipps.”
Wiley’s cheeks turned a bright crimson, shaking his head, he looked at his feet. Being compared to Mipps, a man he had heard of many times, high praise from him. Wiley’s friend put his long boney fingers on the shorter man’s shoulder. After a moment, Wiley let out a slight gasp, collected his thoughts, and again spoke.
“I couldn’t call us the Glades-men. Though I suspect that Skinwalker will glean the truth quick enough.”
“He will indeed. Yes, in truth, I’m certain he will try to find his truth here. To that end, he’s coming to worship with us this morning. Well, coming to check out the new, nut-fringe, commune.”
“I see, is that what he calls us?” Wiley asked.
“Words to that effect. I sense Lang, Skinwalker, the brushing of their pestiferous presence, he is nearby, nearly here. Not to worry.” Changing the subject, “What hymns have you chosen for today’s service?”
“Mix of some newer and older hymns. I’m saving Amazing Grace for the altar call.”
“Always an appropriate choice,” Christian Blackheart and Mr. Myles Wiley shook hands. The shorter man opened the double doors of the office, and the pair stepped through the threshold. Wiley spoke as the two men ambled from the main ranch house to the makeshift worship center.
“Words of encouragement, Reverend,” Sheriff Lang grabbed the man’s hand and squeezed hard as they shook. Standing at the barn’s entrance, Lang had timed his exit to be the last person to leave.
The hard clutch of his hand by Lang took Blackheart by surprise. He winched, releasing the man’s grip. Or perhaps, it was an act, who knows?
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Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....
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"Who found the body," I asked Simpson. "That old man over there. He says he was here to see if there was any scrap laying around," he replied. "Or any that he could easily break loose," I said. "So does he know, we don't give a crap. We just want to find out what happened." "Yeah he is cooperating. Said he checked the building two days ago and there was no body at that time." Eddie added. "Wilson call the ME to pronounce her and then the University to do the Medical Exam." I...
I half expected her to jump up and put her clothes, leaving me to fend for myself. It sure as hell wouldn't have been the first time. To my surprised she started to tease my nipples then she rolled toward me and began to suck on them. I immediately began to move my body to some unknown music only I heard. Wendy began to move down my body planting wet kissed every few inches. She kiss my fine Pubic hair. It was the same too thin hair I had on my head. She looked up when she reached it and...
I drove into the yard of a small house that had trash scattered all around it. The gray Chevy SUV was in the drive. I looked to be sure that it was the one in the hit and run. I parked my Honda behind it, then hit speed dial to call Wilson. "Wilson, I'm not sure what county I'm in but figure it out and call the Sheriff. Tell him I'm sitting in the driveway of the guy involved in the hit an run thirty minutes ago and he might want to get a car over her before he leaves. Before the deputy...
Kennedy's first clue that something was wrong was when she pressed down to lift up from the boat. Her shoulders and arms hurt. When she lifted the boat, beads of sweat popped out on her forehead and she fought not to drop the boat. Her back screamed in pain, her arms, shoulders... even her legs were in agony. She gritted her teeth and straightened up, the boat on her shoulder. Mr. Waterman's scull was floating loose a few feet away; he was nowhere to be seen. Kennedy's eyes came to light...
The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...
My husband Tim got a call from his aunt in Arkansas telling him that his mom, who lived in a nearby town, had died. My husband had always told me that his mom and dad died a long time ago, but I wasn’t going to press him about that, now. We talked about it and decided we would all go back to his home town to settle up her affairs. We have a 17 year old son named Brian and a 16 year old daughter named Tiffany and they were out of school for the summer. My husband kept insisting on going by...
As I knew they would, things got boring. I returned Letter to patrol as a sergeant. Mrs West turned up nothing on him. It took two weeks after we shut down the drug gang, before I got the call from Miami. "Well you said you would close us down in Warren County and you pretty much have." the voice said. "Well, we are a small county and I may have got the Heroine business, but I haven't touched the other. However I am still looking for them. If you want to be a friend someday, move your...
I fell into bed and asleep. The next morning I called Mrs. West before I showered even. "What's the word from the hospital?" I asked. "Two kids dead, but all the others will be fine in a few days," she said. "Lots of broken bones but none too serious, mostly emotional trauma." "Anything on the woman we arrested last night?" I asked. "How do they say it on TV. She has lawyered up, thanks to the public defender," Mrs West said. "That should really help her out," I said. "Are...
So I talked to the bitch from ABC new's affiliate in Capitol City. I gave her the official story with a few extra statements, like how I felt while it was happening thrown in. Then she asked, "Can you get me an interview with the two men who came from Swamp Dog?" "Not in a million years. You feel free to call them, I expect you can find the phone number." I replied. I got back to the office at 5PM. According to my arrangement with the patrol commander, I rode with one of his officers...
I decided to wait until I was less emotional before deciding what to do about Osborn. So the next morning I was at the sports field at 6 AM. I ran my hour and did about seven miles. I had stopped counting the laps and just ran an hour. I hated to fucking run. I always had hated it. It was seven thirty when I pulled into the gym and hit the bag for an hour. Since it was Sunday, I didn't have a real plan for the day. Reggie didn't say a word, he seemed to have something on his mind. He sat...
I awoke the next Morning with the smell of her all over me. I hated the thoughts of a shower, so even though I knew better I took Dog and went for a ride on my trike. He and I did about an hour on the thing. It was so hard to pedal up hills that it was as strenuous as running. Well it did give me a chance to rest during the downhill run. Dog couldn't but he had learned to run along beside and not to pull me. If he kept that up, we could do two hours, I thought. We stopped at Hardee's and I...
I went right from my office to the pub. I got there in time for a cup of coffee, and some down time before I had dinner. Dinner was also going to be from the pub. Nita agreed to cook me a grilled cheese sandwich. I have no idea why it wasn't on the menu, since she made the best one in the state. They started to drift in about eight. "Brit put all their drinks on my tab but make absolutely sure none of them drives home tonight." "Me and Jeremy will take them home. The SUV will hold seven...
"Damn that pisses me off," I said while he was still standing there attentive. "What that he is so smug," Eddie asked. "No that he thought I was a man," I replied. Eddie broke out laughing. "Well now that you mention it Sheriff," he said. "Careful I can't fire him, but I can you," I said. "You don't have a union." We were in a good mood while Wilson directed the search so that the people stayed out of his way. The lab had first priority while looking for evidence of a...
Osborn and I left the gym at 9pm. We both were absolutely exhausted. She followed me to the pub for dinner. Juanita had made a giant taco salad from which she dished a bowl of stuff for each of us. I had a dark beer and the salad, while Osborn had a bowl of the salad and a diet coke. "What's up with the diet coke?" I asked. "I'd like to have a body a little more like yours, than like mine," she said. "You have to be kidding. Didn't you see how those guys looked at you. They looked...
I placed a call back to the station. They had everything under control. Mostly they were processing evidence from all over the damn county. It was a big job, but they seemed to be on top of it. "Sheriff, we are going to need to process some of this, and pass it on to the SBI. The bust is going to be out of our jurisdiction. Should I make the call, or do you want to?" Eddie asked. "Let me look at the evidence before you send it off, then we can decide what goes where together. Now I got a...
Kara began talking, but I didn't believe a word she said. "Yeah I recognized the guy the girl in the picture left with, but believe me she didn't look like that. She looked like a hooker." "How did you recognize the guy," Eddie asked her. "We was one of my customers for a while, but he got tired of me and moved on." she said. "So what was his name," Eddie asked. "Man, I don't know," she said. I sat in the corner of the interview room. It was a big room. The lights were off...
I drove toward my home in County Seat thinking, I might have to go back to the SBI lab after all. It meant giving control of our cases to their investigators and taking a back seat to their people. I hated losing control of the cases. Damn it, if I could only get the Colonel interested in the Forensic services. He could surely come up with the facilities. Even if it meant a friendly take over of an existing private lab. I was still in the car when the phone rang. "Sheriff Porter this is...
It took two days to get Jamison back to County Seat. During that time I rode along with the swing and the midnight shift deputies. It was a bit of a learning experience. I would rather have been an undercover boss, but they knew me quite well by then. We had been through most of our first year together. I had ridden with both deputies several times. In doing so they talked to me like a cop not a boss. We told stories about our days working the roads in Warren County. We answered calls and...
It took me all day to move past my anger at the FBI. I beat the crap out of the heavy bag before I really felt better. It was two weeks later and I was already running, when Osborn showed up at the softball field. She sat on the bleachers until I was in sight, then started to run. "You didn't tell me you were coming to run," she informed me. "I didn't know I was going to run till I pulled into the parking lot. I think I'm running on autopilot in more way than the obvious one. Damn...
"Mrs. Novak, I have some very bad news for you. We found Tommy. It appears now that he had an accident in the woods. I'm so sorry but Tommy died in the woods. I don't know if this is any comfort at all, but I'm very sorry for you loss." She broke into wails of high pitched screams. It was a terrifying sound. I finally took hold her to try to calm her down. I let her cry it out. I knew I should let her grieve before I questioned her, but she would have to be one less vote I received next...
I gave some serious thought to pulling Randy Ralph over, jerking him out of the truck and beating the crap out of him. We were finding all kinds of crap he did wrong but I still couldn't pin the rapes on him. Instead I went back to the Railroad B&B for Wilson. "So what the fuck would he pick up at the docks and deliver to a taco truck?" I asked Wilson. "Maybe they are distributing drugs," was his answers. "If it was drugs they would never throw them over a fence and hope their...
As Rachel got older, we settled even more into a normal family life. Diane still worked at the restaurant but she wanted to improve herself. She began taking classes over at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in bookkeeping in hopes of getting into that line of work. Eventually she quit waitressing and started her own bookkeeping business. She had several clients all over the area and while she wasn't making a lot of money, she worked out of our home so overhead was very low. It was...
At about 7 pm there is a knock at the door. I have just gotten off the toilet and am washing my hands. I dry them hastily and run to the door. Cautiously, I open it a crack and peek out. At first no one seems to be there. I open the door a bit more and then I see him, peering a little shyly back at me through the screen door. He is a thin man with precise features and twinkling eyes that immediately draw me in. I raise my eyebrows in a question mark. Suddenly he breaks into a grin. ‘Sinthia?’...
Jessica is getting nervous as she looks around at the clothing on display. But this is just the kind of stuff Bud and I are looking forward to seeing her wearing. We went up and down aisles selecting clothing. The garments we selected were all the kind of thing that, if you don’t know the town Sheriff, could really get you in trouble. We started loading up Jessica and then Dylan with sheer blouses, low cut tops and tiny miniskirts. We also found a selection of sexy, flirty little dresses...
Dylan and I both looked up when the patio door opened. I didn’t see Dylan’s reaction. But I was shocked. They’re holding hands and smiling and they look like the best of friends. No, they look like lovers! Judy must be pretty damned good! Judy stopped as she was passing Dylan. She reached down and rubbed her hand over the bulge in his panties. She smiled and said, “That’s funny, mine don’t fit me like that!” Then she went around and returned to her seat on the other side of me. Jessica...
"So Detective Thorn, you like your job?" I asked. "I sure do Sheriff," he said looking all serious and shit. "Well you need to be better at it. See I took a quick look at the crime stats." I said. "Yeah, most crime is down all over the board," he said all proud of himself. "Yeah and statewide most crime is up in almost every category. You know why crime goes down in one area like that?" I asked. "Because we are doing a better job, than those other places," he said. "I...
I called dispatch and told them to have the officer backup for Simpson to swing by the courthouse to pick me up. It took about twenty minutes for the chubby little blond twenty five or so year old to show up in my office. She was cute in the thirty pound overweight way. "Hi there, I'm Deputy Melissa Osborn. Dispatch said to report to you," she said. "Yes you and I are going on a little road trip," I said. "I'm going to Dobson and I need a ride. So you get to be my driver." "Of...
I woke up Sunday morning in the middle of the night to the sound of my phone. I searched through the pile of my clothes till I found it. "This better be good Simpson," I said. "Actually it's bad. There was a high school basketball game last night at the northern high school gym. There was an accident outside the gym as the crowd left." Simpson said. "How bad," I asked. "Car ran into the crowd. Six kids are in the hospital, one is in critical condition," he suggested. "I'll get...
I went home and went to sleep, but only after I punched the bag for half and hour. I felt guilty and planned to run the first thing the next morning, since I missed my run that night. When the sun came up I was at the softball field. I checked for cars. I almost didn't stop when I saw the Grey Honda. The woman inside saw me drive into the lot and got out to wait for me. Since she had gone to all the trouble of walking up in the middle of the night, I figured I owed it to her to run along...
"When I told my wife we why we hadn't Identified the girl. She asked, if I had found her wallet. No girl would be caught dead going out at night without at least a clutch bag. According to my wife. So I got to thinking, if she was killed here, then her bag might be somewhere around here. If so where was it? I checked all the other buildings and there it was. Well it was near some disturbed dust in this little building, but under an old desk. It was late at night and dark as the Sheriff's...
"You better start at the very beginning, so we can help you out of this mess," I suggested. "The first of this school year one of the cheerleaders said, 'The only way to be popular with he boys was to you know do things.'" Ellie said. "What things," I asked. "To sorta have sex with them," she said. "Not real sex, none of us wanted to be pregnant not even the guys wanted that to happen. So we did other things." "Like what kind of things," I asked. There might have been some...
The sound in the hallway surprised even me. Tommy Kilborn pointed the pistol at me and waited. His attention on the door. When the doorway filled with something out of a video game, I had the derringer in my hand. Kilborn jerked a little when the .22mag hit him, then his face exploded when the .45 caliber hollow point struck him. I sat down hard, ad Liam removed his helmet. "Andrew is out in the parking lot making nice with the local cops. Lucky one of your deputies knew I was on the way...
I went home and put all dog's toys in a box. I had spent a lot of money between the vet and improvements to my place for Dog, but you know I didn't feel bad or let down about it. I had save him and he was worth saving. Like me Dog just got re purposed. We was going to another place. They might ask him to risk his life, but he would be doing something worthwhile. I knew exactly how that felt and I had never been more alive then when I had it all hanging out there. So I missed Dog, but I...