CorruptionChapter 13 free porn video

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"I don't want to go to the hospital," Gabi said from the reclined front passenger seat, one arm over her eyes.

"Why not?" Bill asked, distracted from negotiating the Houston freeway.

"I agree with Caleb," Gabi replied, not looking at the older man. "No one will be charged for what happened, because they'll be dead, so there's no reason to go to the hospital."

"But you should be checked by a doctor," Singer worriedly protested from the back seat.

"JJ can check me at Bran's as easily as she can at the hospital. Besides, Mary said my body is healing fine," Gabi explained. "That stuff Bran rubbed on my arms, combined with Mary's efforts, will have my physical injuries healed by this evening.

"Is Mary what you named your Companion?" Bill asked.

"Yeah," Gabi answered with a little smile. "When I was a little girl, I had a make-believe friend that I called Mary. I used to make Daddy play tea with me and Mary. Can you imagine my dad, legs crossed and sitting on the floor at a little kid's play table, all six foot four of him. Sometimes I made him pour the tea, and he was so careful pouring Mary's tea." She chuckled, reminiscing, before musing, "I wonder if he even remembers that?"

Bill's laughter at the image in his mind rumbled through the truck.

"Six foot four?" Singer moaned in despair.

Bill's laughter kicked up a notch, and Gabi even chuckled a little bit.

"I forgot that I have to figure out a name for my Companion," Singer admitted, embarrassed, and trying to quickly change the subject. "It has been pretty busy since the assassination attempt this morning. That's when Caleb did his thing with the Companions for us. Any ideas for a name?"

It never dawned on Singer that Gabi could hear his thoughts. He was new to the whole mind reading concept.

As for Gabi, she wasn't trying to listen to his thoughts, but they were just there. She was new at the mind reading stuff, too. Singer's thoughts were about shielding Gabi from further harm, but the flavors of his thoughts were what made her bask in the safety of his protection.

Gabi was a little startled at his attitude towards her rape, and wondered if it was a man thing, or unique to Singer. He was sorry that it had happened, but he didn't pity her. Singer viewed it in a very similar light to being wounded on a battle field. He viewed life as a war, and Gabi had simply been involved with one of the battles. There were warriors on both sides in the war between good and evil. Warriors on the side of good try to protect innocents from the depredations of warriors on the side of evil. He understood that most of the damage to Gabi was mental, and fully expected her to recover because he viewed her as a fellow warrior.

Singer had been very solicitous of Gabi since the rescue and during the drive. He hadn't met Gabi before today, but there was something about the young woman that captivated him. She was beautiful, granted, but Singer was sure that wasn't the reason he was feeling so captivated by her. He was feeling a connection before the rescue, when Caleb had kept Singer connected during their mental conversations. There was a clarity, and a strength in her thoughts, despite the ordeal she had endured. It was clear to Singer, based on the thoughts he had shared when connected via Caleb, that she had been physically hurt. But there was a fearless quality in her thoughts, too. They may have hurt her physically and mentally, but her thoughts said they could never keep her mentally buoyancy down. They couldn't touch the person that is Gabi. His only problem was; what if he made a fool of himself around her?

Gabi's smile grew wistful, as she considered Singer's view of her.

"He's right, you know," Mary said gently in her mind.

"I know," Gabi sighed. "But today shouldn't have happened. I'm from Phoenix, for Christ's sake! The kidnap capitol of the United States! I know that I'm supposed to be aware of my surroundings. If I had..."

"Stop!" Mary said, not quite as gently as she had spoken to Gabi before. "We'll play the 'if' game one time, then no more. Suppose you had seen them before they got to you. All that would have happened is that you may have been hurt worse when they grabbed you. Remember, this wasn't random. You were the target. There was nothing that you could have done this morning. Then I came along, and now you can do something about it. Everything before I came along is history, even if it's very recent history. You aren't helpless now, because you have me, and I think you have a very capable devotee."

"Yeah, I think so," Gabi said as she sighed in contentment.

Safety would have a whole different meaning for her in the future, but she would never be helpless again. And for now, she was safe.

"They sure bled a lot," JJ commented, looking around the foyer of her home.

"Most people bleed a lot when their throat is torn out," the police sergeant remarked dryly.

"Not if their heart stops pumping first," JJ replied, just as drily. "I'll have to show mom how that works, in case something like this happens again. It will make future cleanups easier."

"Do you expect things like this to happen again?" the police sergeant asked, his eyebrows climbing his forehead.

JJ let her eyes take in the scene again, as she said, "This was a home invasion. Based on what my mom said, they were after my son. They were willing to kill mom. I also found out another attempted kidnapping of my daughter was foiled, up in College Station. Those three kidnappers are in police custody. I was also the target of a kidnapping attempt at the hospital, about the same time this and the College Station attempt happened. Two of them, at the hospital, got away, and the third is in the hospital, under police guard." JJ met the sergeant's eyes before saying, "Someone is targeting my family, so, yes, I expect something like this to happen again."

The sergeant's eyebrows rose higher, as he asked, "Do you have any idea who would target your family?"

"My husband works for the State Attorney General, and leads the Task Force on investigating terrorist threats in the state," JJ answered grimly. "I'm sure, when you check these men, they will all have Islamic associations. Members of the Task Force are on their way. They will have more information for you."

The sergeant got his surprise under control and asked, "Do you think your family should go into a protection program, at least in the short term?"

"That's not going to happen," JJ replied. "Caleb, my husband, has been training all of us in self protection. We aren't running," she stated flatly. "We'll go to my Uncle's tonight, or until this mess gets cleaned up. My daughter will meet us there. Caleb is on a case that is probably related to this, but he should be coming in later tonight. Dad will meet us there, too. He's with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department, but was with my husband today. They were rescuing another young lady that wasn't so fortunate as to escape a kidnapping attempt."

"What the hell is going on?" the Sergeant asked.

"Ask the Task Force members when they show up," JJ answered, as she turned away to go find Blake. "Maybe they can explain it better. Personally, I think our whole country's under attack, and no one will admit it," she said over her shoulder before she disappeared through the door.

JJ arrived in time to hear a detective questioning her mom.

"You killed two men with a spatula?" the detective asked incredulously.

"It was the only thing that I had," Collette said defensively, before shrugging. "It was a heavy-duty acrylic spatula. Last summer, my son-in-law sharpened the handle to break up some ice. We had just moved here, and hadn't adjusted the icemaker controls for the humidity. It still worked as a spatula, so they kept it. I'm glad I had it."

"But ... a spatula!" the detective said, shaking his head.

"Detective O'Connell, I've been a police officer's wife for nearly thirty years," Collette said. "In that time I have been subjected to more self defense classes than I could shake a stick at. Everyone gets worried about the poor defenseless policeman's wife. I don't know if you're married or not, but let me tell you something. Women are not defenseless. If I hadn't had that spatula that Caleb sharpened, I would have used something else."

"What did you do to my spatula?" JJ asked her mom, via their Companions.

"Blake pointed out that the police would want to know what killed those men," Collette answered silently. "I used the armor to shape the handle of the of the spatulas to match the armor spike that I used. The armor created enough pressure to reshape the handle. I'll have to congratulate Bran. That armor is remarkably functional."

"Couldn't you have found something besides my spatula?" JJ asked, her tone of thought making it clear that she was still trying to decide if she should laugh, or be upset.

"Is Blake okay?" JJ asked aloud. "Where is he?" she asked, not waiting for an answer.

JJ already knew that Blake was in the kitchen, and that he was okay. One thing she had learned from Caleb was to present the image that people expected to see. Right now, the police would expect to see a concerned mother looking for her son.

"I'm okay, Mom," Blake said from the doorway. "Those guys must have been on some kind of drugs. They were talking about monsters and things."

"That is pretty strange," Detective O'Connell admitted.

"How long before you are finished with Mom and Blake?" JJ asked. "I want to get them out of here. We'll be staying at my Uncle's house until our house gets cleaned up."

"I'm finished now, but I'll need them to sign a statement tomorrow," Detective O'Connell said with a sigh. "Maybe the State Task Force guys can shed more light on this. I agree with your mom. This doesn't feel like a simple home invasion."

The Detective was still shaking his head, and muttering about adding a spatula to his list of lethal weapons, when they left the house.

"Captain Connor?" a female voice asked when Caleb answered the phone.

"Yeah," he answered irritably, having been distracted from the text message he had just received about a problem with the warrant to search the ranch.

"I'm Sheila Morrison with Child Protective Services," the woman explained, not seeming to notice his tone of voice.

"Okay. Excuse me, but I'm kind of busy right now," Caleb explained in frustration. "Do you need something now, or can this wait until later?"

"I was told to contact you, Captain, if a suitable short-term foster home couldn't be found," Ms. Morrison said frostily. "I'm calling about Cindy Stovall. There is no temporary family setting to place her in. Under the circumstances, and since she is a runaway, I'll place her in the Juvenile Detention facility until next week. I have contacted you, as instructed. I am sorry for bothering you. Goodbye."

"No! Wait!" Caleb yelled into the phone.

There was a pause before the woman answered, "Yes?" in a tone that said Caleb was lucky she had graced him with an answer.

"I'm sorry for being short with you. I'm on a case that isn't going well, and this has been a rough day," Caleb explained hurriedly. "She can stay with us until after the weekend. Next week, after the holiday, we will have time to work on a permanent solution for her."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," Ms. Morrison informed Caleb. "I am only authorized to place her in a certified foster home."

"Then get a temporary certification," Caleb ordered. "I work for the Attorney General's office. My wife is a doctor. If you need someone to vouch for me, I can get the Governor, or Senator McGowan to do so. That girl has been through too much already, and she's a witness in an ongoing terror investigation. Placing her in Juvenile Detention would be adding insult to injury, and could jeopardize the investigation."

"Child Protective Service doesn't work like that, Captain," the woman said coldly. "She is a runaway. Maybe spending a weekend in Juvenile Detention will make her think twice about running away again."

"Do you even know why she ran away?" Caleb asked, incredulous.

"It doesn't matter why she ran away," Ms. Morrison explained, her tone haughty.

"She ran away because her mother's boyfriends decided Cindy's bed was included in the sleeping arrangements." Caleb said sarcastically, fighting to keep his temper in check.

"Runaways are notorious liars," the woman stated, not bending an inch.

"I investigated, so I know that is the reason she ran," Caleb stated coldly. "Now, unless you have also investigated, and discovered something different, you will either find a suitable temporary foster home, or make arrangements for Cindy to stay with us over the weekend. If she goes to Juvenile Detention, she will be out within an hour. Also, by the end of that hour, you will be in jail for child endangerment and obstruction of justice. Do you understand me, Ms. Morrison?"

"Yes, S ... Sir," the woman stammered.

Bran met Gabi with a hug when she preceded Bill through his front door.

"I'm so sorry, Gabi," Bran said, his voice cracking. "I should have gone with you to work. It never occurred to me that something like this would happen."

"It wasn't your fault, Bran," Gabi said, returning the hug. "Everything's okay, now."

"Bran," Bill said, following Gabi through the door. "This is Sam Manheim. Everyone calls him Singer. He helped us get Gabi back, and he became part of our little group this morning. He should become active sometime between six and eight this evening. Caleb wants him to stay out of the line of fire until he is 'ruggedized' and has some armor. His boss, the Senator, is supposed to be here soon too. Scotty and his other guard will need the same work-up."

"Not a problem," Bran said, releasing Gabi.

His eyes were bright with unshed tears. He liked Gabi, and the thought that she could come to harm because of his actions, or inaction, really bothered him.

"Bran," Gabi said sharply. "I said it wasn't your fault, and I meant it. Your presence would only have given them a chance to hurt someone else. They were waiting for me. Now, I don't want to hear you worrying about it anymore. Don't forget, I have a Companion now, too, and your thoughts are as clear as your words."

She softened the rebuke with another hug.

"Okay, Gabi," Bran said softly, returning the hug. "Can I at least feel bad that it happened at all?" he asked in a teasing tone.

"I guess so, since you will anyway," Gabi conceded, smiling as she released Bran.

Bran turned to Bill and Singer, holding out his hand and saying, "It is good to meet you Singer. I'm Bran Hawthorn, Bill's brother-in-law. Thanks for helping Gabi."

"It is good to meet you, sir," Singer said, clasping his hand. "And helping Gabi was my pleasure,"

"Is that Scotty?" Bill asked, hesitating as he was about to close the door.

A limousine had pulled into the driveway.

"That's him," Singer said with a smile.

"He really likes to travel in style," Bran observed.

"He really doesn't like all the pomp, but he tries to act the part most of the time," Singer agreed. "He said that if people don't see what they expect, when they see a Senator, it will make them uncertain. Uncertainty loses elections. Believe me, Senator McGowan is not the limousine type. Riding in one does create a certain perception that he tries to maintain."

Flan got out of the driver's seat, and only opened the back passenger door for Scotty after carefully surveying the area. They exchanged a few quiet words before the two men hurried toward the front door.

Everyone was introduced, as they migrated to the kitchen, before Scotty groused, "Caleb said we should wait here. Unfortunately, I got a call from DC as we pulled into the driveway, and I can't wait. I need to get back to Austin. There's some kind of a problem with warrants that Caleb needs. He said that it was pretty important that we stop and give a blood sample. Is this about that armor you two cooked up?"

"Not exactly," Bran said. "The blood sample is needed to code internal nanobots. It will take about an hour for them to be ready. The armor is strictly a host/Companion mind issue. DNA isn't needed for them: just an active Companion. Let me get my equipment to get a drop of blood."

"I can't wait an hour," Scotty said, shaking his head in frustration. "How about we let you get the blood that you need, and we'll come back for the treatment."

"I guess that will be okay," Bran said with a shrug. "Maybe you'll be ready for the armor then, too," he said, before disappearing through another door.

Scotty looked at his two guards thoughtfully before saying, "I want one of you to stay here. The other can fly back to Austin with me."

"I don't mind staying," Flan said, with a shrug. "I'm getting tired of flying. I've still got creases on my butt from flying down here."

Singer glanced at Gabi before quietly saying, "If you don't mind too much, I would like to stay."

Scotty saw the glance, and stifled a smile. Singer was very discriminating about who received his affection. Scotty viewed both young men as the sons he never had, and he was glad that Singer may have found a match.

"That will work," Scotty agreed, winking at Flan.

Flan hadn't missed Singer's glance either. He was openly grinning.

"That just doesn't seem fair to me," Flan said with a twinkle in his eye. "You get to stay here with the pretty girl, and I have to go with the crusty old man."

"I'll have you know that I'm not crusty," Scotty said pompously. "I take a shower every day to avoid that condition, and I'll only look old on the outside, pretty soon."

Gabi snickered at the interplay. They were obviously men that had a deeper relationship than just guards and boss.

"You have to stay with him until you learn to get out of the way of bullets," Singer rebutted Flan. "It must have really upset you to have to wash the blood off this morning. Your weekly bath wasn't due for another two days. Besides, I like the pretty girl's company."

Their banter was interrupted by Bran returning. Each of them got a finger prick, and a drop of blood from each was placed on a glass slide that was already marked for each man. Bran certainly didn't want any accidents caused by mixing up the samples.

Scotty and Flan were getting ready to leave when they were met at the front door by JJ. Introductions were made again. JJ and Blake had met Scotty and his guards before, but Collette had not.

Kim and Joyce weren't far behind, and arrived about the same time Scotty reached his limousine.

"This place is like Grand Central Station," Bran complained good naturedly.

"Maybe I should stay too, boss," Flan said, eyeing the tall, slim red-head with Kim appreciatively.

Scotty sighed before turning to Kim and asking, "How long are you and your friend staying?"

"Joyce is staying until after New Year's," Kim replied with a smile. She had noticed her friend's interest in the big body guard, too.

"Good," Scotty said dryly, eyeing Flan. "We'll be back long before then. Everyone can get better acquainted then."

"Sure, boss," Flan answered, blushing all the way to his hairline.

"Has Branch, or Gabi's kidnapping, changed the plans for tomorrow night?" Kim asked. "Are we still celebrating New Year's Eve at Refugio East?"

"I will not let some mad man cause my restaurant to fail," Gabi stated with determination. "Refugio East will be open, and I will be there. If anyone else wants to hide, that will be their decision."

"What are you ladies talking about?" Scotty asked.

"We are celebrating New Year's at Gabi's restaurant," Kim explained. Our group is getting too large to celebrate at someone's house. Besides, Gabi has to be there, so the rest of us might as well be there too. Didn't Caleb say anything about it?"

"New Year's Eve parties have not been at the top of anyone's priority list today," Scotty said drily. Turning to Gabi he asked, "I will have an announcement to make, and tomorrow night is as good a time as any. Assuming that I'm invited, would it be acceptable if I also invited a few members of the press?"

"I don't think inviting reporters would be a problem," Gabi said, sounding uncertain. "We should have plenty of room."

"What announcement do you need to make?" JJ asked curiously, wondering which decision had been made since that morning.

"As you know, I've been planning to retire, after this term," Scotty said, his tone of voice dry, making it difficult to tell if he was happy or sad at the turn of events. "That has been public knowledge for a while now. Caleb convinced me not to retire, and to throw my hat in the ring for President."

"You're going to announce that, in my restaurant, on New Year's Eve?" Gabi asked, her eyes wide and incredulous. "That would put Refugio East on the map, nationwide! Not just in Beaumont! Thank you!" she blurted before rushing to Scotty and hugging him.

"You're welcome, but we've got to go," Scotty said gruffly, untangling himself before opening his own door. "The quicker we get this warrant snafu straightened out, the quicker we can get back."

"Um ... Would it be okay if I invited my little brother?" Flan asked hesitantly. "We had planned on spending New Year's Eve together."

"Sure," Gabi gushed.

"Now that the guest list is arranged, can we go?" Scotty asked, mostly in a joking tone.

Flan hurried around to the driver's door, and only paused for a moment to flash Joyce a quick smile before ducking inside. Moments later the limo was disappearing down the street.

"He was kind of cute," Joyce said casually.

"He has to be a good guy, too, if he's working for the Senator," Kim remarked, turning towards the house. "Senator McGowan used to have Secret Service guards. He got his own after the shake-up at Secret Service."

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TUESDAY AFTERNOON LATE Jeff walked back to the living room after tucking Joyce and Caitlin in for their impromptu nap. He turned the thermostat down a little and started the already-laid firewood. Relaxing, he sat watching the fire. Shortly, the computer announced that Captain Madison, Kathy and Linda had turned into the driveway. Jeff smiled, glad they were back, hoping that everything had gone well. A few minutes later, the trio walked into the living room accompanied by all of Jeff's...

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Amazing SisterInLaw

I met my wife, Laura in 1988, while attending college. She came from a small little town about an hour's drive away from the university. She was very cute, petite, nicely shaped and definitely a small town girl.She sat in front of me in one of our classes, and we started to chat about our class material and assignments. After one of our classes, I asked if she wanted to come to a party that we were having that night. She was busy that night, so we made plans to meet later on. We started seeing...

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Jannat Ke Shair

Hi, mera nam saba hai main ek padi likhi ladki hu aur Bhopal se mba kar rahi hu par meri family abhi bhi bahut traditional hai par phir bhi main apni padai manage kar rahi hu mere ghar main mere abbu ammi ek bhai bhabhi aur ek mere chacha ka ladka hai jo hamare yahain rahakar padta hai mere age abhi 25 years hai ek din maine jete ji jannat ke shair ke aur esa possible hua mere bhabhi ke de hui knowladge se wese to me modern soch wali hu par Purane soch se jannat ke shair ho to usme bura he kya...

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World War III

‘We need some help here, Jack—a strike package and an extraction team—now!’ ‘The fast movers are eight minutes out—the helos almost thirty, Hal, ah, Mr. President’ ‘They’ll be dead or worse in five. We’re going in, we’re switching to Tac two.’ ‘Mr. President…’ The four star combatant commander knew that protest was futile. He’d known the POTUS since their first war together. He remembered fondly his first meeting with the then brand new lieutenant. He’d known then that he was...

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Wife Showing Off

Bonnie has been my wife for 26 years now and I have always loved her massive DD size breasts and pink nipples. Every time I see her I just want to fondle and squeeze them. It never really mattered where we were I just had to play with them. So one day we were down the beach up near Coffs Harbour and while we were walking, she had her bikini top trying to hold her tits in. I reached over and just grabbed her from behind and lifted these beauties up in the air while squeezing her nipples. She...

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The Collector

The Collector By Mister Double U "It was a dark and stormy night. A lone figure moved effortlessly through the thick underbrush. The large, ornate house loomed off in the distance. The figure raised the binoculars to his face and peered through the heavy rain." Thud "What a load of crap," I said, throwing the script on the floor. "Michael, baby," said my agent, Morrie, "It's the latest by Hamburg. He's the guy that wrote that absolutely fabulous movie, 'Isle of...

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How Traditions Start part 12

An original story by starrynight. To all my readers. I hope you enjoy the story in these difficult times. As always, comments on the story, including what you would like to see next are greatly appreciated. If you have additional ideas for stories that you think I would be interested in writing, or would just like my opinion or help with, don't hesitate to PM me. Wishing you all brighter, happier, and sexier times. Enjoy: Zach was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he inhaled and...

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Giving Herself Up Chapter 3

She looks up at me, her eyes almost desperate as she realises I've just heard her lie to her husband about being here in my house. "It's just easier this way," She shrugs.I nod and pull out a bottle of red. It's not a patch on the stuff we just finished but you wouldn't say no either. I wave it in her direction and she nods as I see her finish her final drops with relish. Yup, she's definitely relaxing and you can see the stress of normality disappearing. As I open the bottle, half...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 3 Man talk

Saturday afternoon, before our dinner date with Tony, I was out washing Marissa’s Jag in the driveway and saw a big black Mercedes drive by; then stop. It backed up and pulled into our driveway. The door opened and out stepped Tony. “Hey Brad, how’s it going?” He had on jeans and a sports shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down his chest, showing off his hairy chest and honest to God, he was wearing a heavy gold necklace. “Great Tony. Beautiful day isn’t it.” We chatted about the weather and...

1 year ago
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Bubli Ki Chudai

Mrea naam gullu hai. Main dekhne mein smart aur sexy hoon. Agar koi ladki mujhse chudna chahe to story mein comment de aur apna email id de. Bat undino ki hai jab main akela apne chote se sahar mein reh gaya tha. Meri job wahin lag gayi thi. Mere baki dost noukari ki talash mein dusri jagah chale gaye the. Job ke bad mere paas khali samay tha. Kuch aur kaam nahin hone ke karan kafi akela mehsoos karta. Usi dauran ek ladki per meri najar gayee. Dekhne mein saanwali, sexy fig 32 ke boob, 28 ki...

2 years ago
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An Older Gentlemen Took Control Of My Wife And I

My beautiful wife Ann and I had a great marriage. We loved one another more than the world but that all changed one day about three months ago. My wife Ann and I are in our early forties and loved doing things like biking and taking long walks together. We spent a lot of time together and loved being outdoors. I was Ann’s only partner in life as she only dated me and no one else. We had a great sex life and, in a way, that great sex life maybe the root of our problem we both now share. How it...

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European Girls in Tokyo a strange experience

'Can I buy your panties?'I smiled, trying not to appear offended, I would be a liar if I said I did not know what he was on about.We were in Tokyo, down in Ginza, a very upmarket shopping area, with wealthy Japanese men, and a seedy little nightclub. There were a group of us girls, all stewardesses, and to be honest, we came here for sex, and any gifts, yes I enjoyed whoring myself, and why not, I was tall, beautiful, statuesque, a healthy need for sex, and fucking horny, sitting with theses...

1 year ago
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God Fun

God Fun by K.M. 4-7-2007 "God for a Day" series created by Morpheus Note: For those unfamiliar with the series, a power of near-omnipotence is given to a person for one whole day, and the person is then expected to pass the power on to a new person as their time wielding the power nears its end. Chapter 1: School The power drifted unseen to the world, randomly searching for the next individual to wield it. It had no mind to speak of, and how it would finally choose, no...

3 years ago
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hubby gets his wish

My wife and I have been married for nine years and we needed a little spark. Myself I’ve always been a little kinky but the wife is way too conservative in bed. She is 34 5’5’’ with a smoking body with an ass you just want to fuck. When my job went overseas I had to leave for six months so I had a plan. I contacted an old female friend that’s very kinky and ask her to help me out with my wife. She asked what I wanted my wife to try I have always loved interracial porn so I said interracial and...

1 year ago
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Massage Woman Of The House 8211 Part 7

I am Brinda again. You read in last part that at my request both aunties of husband fucked with my father in law and husband’s both younger sister enjoyed with my brother & father. They fucked me also which my husband watched in unconscious stage and forgotten. Father in law took me to one of his friends. Besides making me model for his factory’s products he fucked me. My father in law watched. I returned back home and Babu wondered that how my father & brother could fuck anyone for so long. I...

2 years ago
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Barrat Park

Anyway, we were going to Barret Park. I was walking along with Nicole, arm in arm. Jamie and Amy were holding hands. Justin had my iPod and was in his own little world playing Empire State of Mind by Jay Z; and Holly and Jack were walking behind everyone, talking. Gemma was on her own in the middle. We got to Barret Park around 8:30PM. I had to go in at 9, and since I lived far away it would take me around 15 minutes to walk home. I was feeling kinda giddy with my legend status and was going...

1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 48

I stood there, holding Jill in my arms. She still held me tight, afraid to let go as she continued to sob. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." The sobbing reduced to an occasional shudder. "Come on, Jill." I led her to her bedroom. "Pack some clothes for school tomorrow. And something to wear tonight. You're coming over to my house." She tried to work while holding my hand. "Jill. It's OK. You can let go." She got a suitcase packed and put some pants and a shirt in...

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By Command of Julias InvitationChapter 13

As Cedric entered the drawing room which faced the landscaped gardens, the day after his bewildering encounters, his further discussion with Thomas and Cuthbert was distracted by his noticing movement in the gardens, on the plateau below the hill, some three hundred yards off, and central to the vista of the Hall. “What on earth is going on there?” Both Thomas and Cuthbert, each took to their feet, and peered through separate windows, both equally puzzled by what they saw. All three had...

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Day TripChapter 24

The five married couples were temporarily housed in single containers, each, until we could get the rest cleared out for them. Most of the containers were so efficiently packed that they were packed full, and it was not a question of simply moving stuff from one partially filled container to another. Where we could, we stored weather resistant items outside under tarps, and the rest was put into any open space we could find in the hull of the trimaran. At first, we had thought to put the...

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The CavemanChapter 36

This time I really did nearly get raped. Why is rape all of a sudden becoming such a big part of my life? First the baby rapist, then when I thought Hugo was attacking me, now this. With Hugo’s new ID we’ve been getting around more. Today we took some of his produce to the market, and then I decided since we were out anyway we might as well do a little shopping. But we’d got a late start, and everything went really slow, and by the time we’ve got everything done the sun’s down and it’s a...

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Lizzy made herself comfortable on the queen sized bed and hit play on the remote. The case had been simply labeled ’03-22-13’ but she’d gotten it out of Eden and Alex’s secret cache, so she figured it was another porn movie. She hadn’t yet been daring enough to use one of the sex toys stashed away alongside the discs, somehow that seemed wrong to her. Maybe she should bring one of her own next time. That thought was erased as the television screen lit up with, not just another porno, but an...

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BackroomCastingCouch Celine 12312018

We close 2018 with 20 year old busty next-door Latina honey who goes to church weekly but nevertheless takes it in her culo today for a chance at modeling trabajos that don’t actually exist. First time anal, too. After a 6 year long-term relationship, Celine and her 36D fun bags are raring to dive into unexplored sexual territory. The fact that she currently has no job probably didn’t hurt her decision. Also, if you’ve been a long time fan then you already know that we have a...

2 years ago
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My new lover

I met Frank (not his real name) through an online sex contact site - we spoke at midday and an hour later he was knocking my door! I had already set up my camera and several mirrors in my bedroom along with a couple of chairs and we went straight upstairs, he into the spare bedroom to undress and me into mine. I was waiting naked for him and a minute later he was tapping on my bedroom door. I told him to enter and he did: he too was stark naked and he came over to where I was standing waiting...

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SurprisedChapter 5

I awoke from my nap a couple of hours later. I slipped off the bed so I wouldn't awaken the two big and beautiful women still asleep. I laid out two robes for them and went to relief myself in the second bathroom of Sandy's and my home then put on a tee shirt and shorts and with a glass of water sat in my recliner to think. My sweet wife Sandy had surprised me a few months back when she asked me to tell her about my fantasies. Having promised to always be truthful and to not keep secrets...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

1 year ago
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Miami Part 8 An Unexpected Old Friend

Miami and I had been together now for almost 2 years. I saw us as a couple, as did all the people who knew us, though it was not a stated fact on his part. To him, I would never be anything more than his bitch, or his whore, to be used as he saw fit. It actually made him a little angry if I even suggested that he was gay, even though everything we did together was! I was just happy to take him for the extremely sexual creature that he was. His foot long, extremely thick black cock had become an...

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One Ring to Rule Them All

2001--A blistering summer day Lan was fucking balls deep, literally. His massive twelve inch cock was rippled with enormous blue veins, but the best part was that he was on top of a pile of butt-ass naked, moaning girls. Bzzt. They were all crying out (a midst sloppy wet kisses between one another) that they would be the one to father Lan's children. Bzzzt. Intuitively knowing he needed to take control, Lan ordered all the ladies to line up, puckered ass facing sky blue. Lan hadn't...

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I got NASTY at the local BAR!Ok, sometimes I get in a horny mood and I want to get just plain NASTY and SLUTTY and do filthy things and last night was one of those kinda times! After messaging back and forth with about a dozen of you on my PM here at Hamsters, I got wet between the legs and I needed some FUN so I put on some sexy clothes, no panties or bra and went to a local bar to see what I could get into.I'm in my 60's but haven't ever been lacking to find some cock when I want it and when...

2 years ago
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Accidently Caught on Tape

I was in a state of shock. All I have been trying to see if it would be okay to record on the tape that was currently in the camcorder. I was planning to use it to record the family picnic our family would be going on this afternoon. I had found the camcorder under some magazines on the coffee table by the couch in the living room. So I picked it up, turned it on, rewound the tape a bit, pressed play, and checked the viewfinder. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. It appeared...

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A Date with my Mistress

A Date with my Mistress I have been my wife's sub for about seven years; still, she says I have along way to go before I truly satisfy her. We have been married for 16 yearsand she is 19 years younger than me. Around the eighth year of our marriagewe began to experiment with BDSM. We bought handcuffs, whips, and other restraints.For a short while she submitted to my domination fantasies. I installed hooksin the bedroom and eyebolts on the bed. I spanked her, whipped her, and blindfoldedher. The...

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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake0

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeEpilogue part 1

"Bye, Daddy!" Becky chirped as she kissed me. She briefly ran her hand down my cheek, projecting all her love for me before she left the room. I saw a fleeting image of the sympathy she had for me. Becky understood. Becky was the last of the girls to leave for their marathon shopping trip. I was alone in the house. I reveled in that. I loved my girls, but sometimes I needed time to my self. They always seemed to understand that, and disappeared on cue. I loved them all. In fairness,...

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Lamb in the Woods

Jen and Molly went fearlessly into the forbidden. Maria lagged behind. The virtual world fed into her brain by her wireless jack glazed the plain hallway with a layer of live-band clips advertising concerts that would be simulcast over the ether. It reminded her of how Pa always complained that since jacks came along, people just sat in an empty box and pretended they were having fun. But Maria remembered what an empty box the home ship had been before she got her first jack, and was glad to...

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The First EntryChapter 2

I was a little late getting up the following morning, and John had beaten me to the bathroom. I stood in the hallway with my clothes in hand, glaring at the closed bathroom door. "What a dick," I grumbled under my breath. As I stomped into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, Mom must have noticed the look on my face. "I'm guessing you should've set your alarm a little earlier this morning?" "I wouldn't be late if Johnny Boy wasn't here." "Just let him know, so he won't do it...

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Asian Couple

  Asian Couple Punishment. I have had to alter names and the location in order to preserve the anonymity of the couple involved. The couple actually contacted me through an advert that I run on Vivastreet, after a phone call we met up at my house. We agreed to play out a scenario whereby the wife had overspent on the couples’ credit card and the husband Falak had brought her to me to see if a session of being punished would change her opinion. Aarti was very subdued when she arrived, I...

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Painful ParadiseChapter 23

When Betty come into Pal's room, it was a bit of a surprise. Pal hadn't thought about the other girls getting the same ideas she had. But then, Betty had been here longer, of course, and perhaps she was allowed more freedom, like a prison trustee. Pal welcomed her visitor, then felt rather ill at ease, as if she were a junior whore in some brothel being called on by the hooker with the most seniority. But after a few initial pleasantries and some cagey hemming and hawing, the two saw that...

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Henrys Exposed Adventure Ch 05

A thick, wrought-iron sign with the single word ‘GRIMSLEY’ was arched between two massive stone pillars that marked the entry to this all-girl academic enclave. Ms. Frobisher gunned her little red sportscar right between the pillars and up the long driveway, all uphill, to where Grimsley sat overlooking Lake Penasaukee, or Lake PenisSuckIt, as the guys at East Point called it. Grimsley’s main building was a large, gothic monstrosity that, according to the story, was built by old Phlebotomus...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

Introduction: Re-starting my series from before Introduction: This a series that I left off almost a full year ago, but am just now able to continue again. For those who do remember and read it before, Im so sorry for stopping so suddenly and I apologize profusely! Because of work, Ive been gone for a year in a country that has much stricter regulations for internet censorship than I knew about. I never intended to stop, but was kind of forced to (didnt want to even chance it with VPN or...

1 year ago
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The Coffe the mistake and the curse

Ah, morning coffee. The one thing from this world I would call perfect, which I find impressive for… monkies? Is that hate speech, I don’t mean it in any sense of negativity though. Oh, I am probably over thinking things, but coffee technology has evolved so much in the past centuries, and I am quite happy for it. The true dark ages for me where before you could make good coffee in minutes. If I am ever permitted to go home, I bet I would be the toast of the town for showing them this...

Mind Control
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In the club

You’re over the other side of the club, we’re pretending not to know each other, I can tell by the look in your eyes. We do this sometimes, pretend to be strangers and play these little games. I keep on catching you looking at me, just running your eyes up and down my body. I am so thankful for wearing these jeans. I pull my top up a little bit at the front showing a bit of my stomach to everyone. My eyes are trained on you, I see you lick your lips as my fingers graze over my stomach and dip...

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