AxemanChapter 28 free porn video

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At 9:25 Sunday morning, I stood on the steps of the condo complex waiting for my ride. A familiar metallic orange Charger glided around the corner.

“Morning, Jason.”

“Good morning, Ed,” I responded after closing the car door.

She looked great. Edna had on a touch of makeup and a smile, enhanced by gorgeous deep red lipstick that set everything off and brighten her face.

“Can you tell me your family’s names again?” I asked once we were on the road. I received the rendition along with a family tree of who was who.

“I read an interesting article online today.” More than one actually, there were hundreds about me. Probably thousands, but I drew the line at real news sources.

“The one that asked how you got so strong?”

“That’s the one.”

“I liked the one that suggests that you are the new James Bond.” Dark blue eyes regarded me at the traffic light after revealing that little tidbit.

“I’m certainly no secret agent. I’ve never even fired a gun or wore a tux.”

“You’re twenty-seven and never fired a gun?” I thought she was going to say something about the tux.

“Nope, never even held one.”

“Why no tux?”

I shrugged, “I’ve had a few friends get married. Never stood up in any of them.”

“That’s surprising. Two of the couples you introduced me to were married and not that long ago. Maybe two years at the most. You all seem close. What about prom or school dances?”

“Never went. Couldn’t afford to.” The question would come soon ... it always did.

“Didn’t you say your parents were retired in Hawaii? Hawaii is not cheap and they can’t be that old.”

“No, it isn’t.” My reply was neutral. I was never able to speak of my parents with a light tone. Mother especially.

Sensing something from my attitude, she retreated a step, “Are you willing to tell me about your parents? You never speak about them or anything before you got hurt in college.”

“My parents are both accountants. They believed that everything has a price and all prices must be paid and all sheets must be balanced.”

“How did that affect you growing up?”

“Food, clothes, books, beds, sheets, pillows, cars, football gear, all cost money. Why should they pay for them, if they weren’t going to personally use them?”

“You’re not kidding, are you? How old were you?”

“Six. Three-percent interest added annually. Not compounded, they spared me that.”

“How did you afford college?”

“I earned a Programming scholarship to Northwestern. I also had a side job after I got injured. When I was twelve, I started mowing lawns. Sixty-hours a week during the summers.”

“And if you wanted money, you had to borrow it and they added to the bill. Plus interest?”


“Have you paid them off?”

“Two years ago. I used to live in an apartment with four other guys. No cable, just internet split five ways. I had two jobs lined up the day after graduation.”

“Do you still talk to them?”

“Haven’t since I moved out, the only reason I knew their address was to make payments.”

“Christmas and birthday?” She was trying not to sound appalled and failed.

“I received a twenty-dollar gift at four, five, and six.”

“Oh, Jason...”

“I was healthy, fed, and my needs were met. They had no guarantee that I would pay them back. I was a minor and they could not enforce the loans I took or the money they spent on me. I moved out the day after I graduated from high school and think I have done pretty well for myself. I paid them back as soon as I could, as a thank you.”

“What about affection.”

“There wasn’t any in my family. My parents made a business deal and had a child to get their trust funds.”

“Anyone else in your family?”

“Not that I ever met.”

“What about their parents, or brothers and sisters?”

“Not that I ever met.”

“Haven’t you ever looked?”

“Never had a reason to.” They never looked for me.

She, like pretty much everyone that learned my history, couldn’t relate. I understood their thoughts, for the most part. There were even friends of mine that tried to search out my parent’s relatives behind my back. Dead end. They concluded that my parents had changed their name and or erased their previous identities either before getting married or soon after.

All sorts of speculation abounded.

It still had nothing to do with me, nor would it change anything, even if some relatives were discovered to exist.

“You don’t care, do you?”

“Do you care about your bank?”

“Were you ever read to? Did they ever help with your homework? Bandage a knee?”

“My mother charged a hundred dollars an hour for tutoring or personal attention. Father charged two hundred. He held a higher position in the company they both worked at.”

“Do any of your friends have children?”

“No, Steve and Chris just started to try though, with luck they should in a year or so.”

What did that have to do with anything?

“Do you want children?”

“I think I do ... I am not sure how good a father I will be.”

“I think you will be fine. You took in three girls and helped them get through a rough time.”

I also took them into danger. Almost got them killed more than once. Our arrangement was not only one-sided. I had long admitted that to myself. I learned long ago that lying to myself was a recipe for ruination.

I-94 west traffic was light. It was still early enough, even for the weekend holiday travelers, that there wasn’t any congestion on the roads. The questions regarding my parents and their parenting methods disappeared completely. At least for now, I knew they would resurface eventually.

“My turn. What was with the jungle gym named Jason on the dance floor Friday night?”

“Didn’t you enjoy dancing with us?” An eerily similar question to the one Koz asked.

“I did. Both of you were fantastic, but I didn’t know that jungle gyms and dancing went together.”

“I think it’s time to step up. You do keep saying we need more people.”

“And you were using me as your poster boy?”

“Not just you. I put myself in those pictures with you.” She did. Almost every picture of me had at least two of the three of us in it.

“You could have told me.”

Laughing lightly, “Jason, you are a terrible actor.”

I pouted.

“I did tell Kate; that’s why she took that attitude Friday. With her two friends there, I thought they would have danced together a few times.”

“I didn’t know about her rectitude either. Neither Jude nor Nat seem to have problems dancing.”

“Who knows? Some days Kate acts like a ‘50s housewife.”

My eyes widened, that was Harsh (Note the capital ‘H’).

“Whole days at a time?”

“Weeks even. That girl needs to learn how to let her hair down.”

“Like your Jekyll and Hyde?” I had been meaning to ask about that for a while. “Beau is starting to think you have dissociative identity disorder.” (Two personalities in one brain.) The rest were just respectfully terrified of her.

“Work is work; play is play.”

And with me, she was even different than her play persona. Freer.

Hmm ... I had not thought about that last thought. She is Freer with me than anyone else I had seen.

“Don’t tell him. He’s half in love and half terrified of you. Mostly the latter.”

“He’s sweet, but not the one I like.” Emotions, I could not read or understand even if I could read, snuck out of her admission.

Bracing myself, “I like you too. But why does it feel like you are pushing Koz at me?”

“I’m just helping her pave the path where she wants to go.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Natasha is Air force Intelligence, correct?”


“She was wearing an officer’s uniform, right?”

“Yes, and she had first Lieutenant’s bars on her shoulder.” I double-checked the ranks when I got home that night.

“Do you believe that she wasn’t ordered to get close to you.”

“No.” I didn’t like admitting it, but it was impossible not to consider.

“Do you think you can keep her out of your bed?”

“Yes.” I could.

I received a glowing smile for my quick response, “If I were not in the picture?”

“Probably not,” I admitted.

“Jason, do you want to keep her out of your bed?”

Startled, I froze. I had not expected that question.

“You are the healthiest man in the world. According to you, you have been working two jobs since you graduated at twenty-one. Working god knows how many hours, you have had little time for dating. Now an intelligent and beautiful woman shows up and is attracted to you. Then two. If both are willing, what’s the harm, right?”

“People get jealous.” I wasn’t suicidal.

“But you still want both of us in your bed. I bet you want us both at the same time, too.”

“Edna,” I warned.

“All alpha males in our world have multiple wives; Lions, wolves, gorillas, Humans, why not you?”

“Edna!” She was going too far with this.

“Tell me that you do not want to sleep with Kate.”

I blinked. Why did her name suddenly appear?

“I thought so. You just admitted that you would sleep with Natasha and those kisses say you want to sleep with me.”

“I can limit myself to one.”

“Jason, did you hear what you just said, ‘Can limit’? You are forcing yourself to choose just one of us.” She didn’t sound off or aggravated in the slightest. How, I had no clue.

“What do you want Edna?” I did not like the direction this conversation was going.

“Let’s wait and see what happens.”

“Aren’t you worried that one of the others will steal your place?”

“In your heart? Not a bit. In bed? It might happen once or twice or more.”

“I don’t get you,” I didn’t. I never heard of anyone with multiple girlfriends outside of fantasies.

“Natasha willingly accepted an assignment to be your lover. We all know it, we just don’t talk about it. She is not here to harm you, just to get a few secrets. She already knows your biggest secret. I doubt she would even report your other biggest secret.”

“Yeah.” I was beyond confused at her attitude.

I agreed with that supposition. Natasha didn’t bring any bugs or taps. Having a Security company, meant that they had detection devices and my place, along with Beau’s, got swept before our get-togethers. She, and the military by extension, only wanted what we gave. So far. They wanted friendly relations more than the information. The last gift was a strong sign of that. I also could be dead wrong on that supposition.

The General did most of all seemed to want ... I’m not sure what he wanted, but he wasn’t hostile. Hopefully, he wasn’t the only one.

He also gave me a gift, which I needed to still open.

“You like Natasha, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Yesterday turned out to be a lot of fun. I enjoyed her exhibitionism and teasing, her warmth, her intelligence and outright friendliness.

“She’s great, isn’t she? Her figure, her style, her ability, her brains.”

“Yes.” I was forced to admit aloud.

“Ability is just as important to you as the rest, isn’t it?”

I had to think about that.

“You could not date anyone that wasn’t a Hunter anymore, could you?”

“No.” That was pretty easy to answer.

“In a heated battle, would you trust her at your back?”

“Yes.” I saw where Ed was leading.

“Just because of her Skill?”

“No.” I followed, “Not just because of her Skill.”

“Your date yesterday must have been something. Friday night you didn’t trust her. Now you do.”

I blinked.

I wasn’t sure how much I trusted Koz, but, “A little more. Yeah.”

“I think you can trust her just as much as you do Francis, Christoff, and DB.” She knew I trusted Mat, and Beau higher than the rest of that crew. How she knew, I didn’t want to think about.

“You think so?”

“I do.”

“Dad won’t be there today, he’s in Singapore. He’ll see everyone when he returns in a month.”

Ed was the second oldest of four children. All of them were expected today with their respective families in tow. Of the four, Edna was the only one not married, and the youngest was expecting her first in November. Lucy married young at nineteen and was still attending Kentucky University for Chemical engineering.

The oldest, Roger, already had three children at 30. His eldest was celebrating her 10th. The one other daughter, a year and a half younger than Ed, was whose house we were going to now. Ginny, don’t call her Virginia, also had three children at the age of twenty-five: one, three, and five.

I could add. Ed’s siblings all married young and began spawning as soon as they could. Some even before they tied the knot, apparently.

“Yes, Gin was quite plump when she wobbled down the aisle,” Ed grinned. “She gave birth to Darcy four months after they married.”

A score of kids, all girls, swarmed Ed’s Charger as we pulled up to the palatial estate. Todd, Ginny’s husband, did well for himself.

Then there were Ed’s cousins and aunts and uncles, all of whom had children.

A chorus, out of tune and sync, screamed, “Aunt Edna is here!” She had to coerce the little monsters to back off, so she could open the door. Me, I got the silent inspection. Well they weren’t silent, just not talking to me.

That was until two blonde preteens in matching purple sundresses came out and stared. Not at her, but at me. Whispering furiously together and then stalked me out, only to halt four feet away or so. Ed made her way to the trunk, ignoring my impending doom. She had presents and little monsters to appease.

“You’re the Black Axe, aren’t you?” The one on the left accused.

“Hi, I’m Jason.”

“Told you,” The same girl chastised her sister for not believing her.

I did not know their names.

“Who was the other girl you were dancing with?”

“A friend of your Aunt’s and mine. Can I have your names?”

“Alex and she’s Tanner.”

“Hi Alex and Tanner. Your Aunt needs help carrying in the presents.”

“No, she doesn’t, the munchkin swarm will do that. Dad wants to meet you.”

Looking back, it seemed that the swarm did indeed each have something in their hand. Edna didn’t even look in my direction as I was led away.

Too many names, too many people, too many children. All firsts for me. I was overwhelmed.

Ed didn’t help.

I wasn’t too pleased with that.

Roger was busy helping his younger sister setting up the children’s games. I received a brief inspection and a greeting, then a shunting off to meet the hostess’ husband with the girls as escorts.

Todd, being a good host did help settle me down. After offering me my choice of beers, he introduced me to the hordes of ‘Peters’, under the guise of giving me a tour of his house. Our host was in Finance; with a capital $. But could talk football and that was a language I spoke. His football was more fantasy–slanted, but I could do that too.

Edna around children was ... sublime...

If Beau saw her here with them, he would want to have her committed. Or lock himself inside those same rubber walls for protection from her.

Myself, I was getting a better view of what made Edna Olivia Peters tick.

“My sister is quite a woman, isn’t she?” Roger joined Todd and me. The twins were not twins, but second cousins. Only one of those preteen girls were his. Of the fifty adults, more than half had children and all but five were under fifteen years of age. One had a Weapon and was not allowed to run in Portals.

Same as Axeman
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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 13 Hikaru The Perfect Slave

Note: Mark's friend Tom requested a Japanese teenager for his slave. Mark found Hikaru Hojou, an exchange student, at Rogers High School. June 6th, 2056 – Hikaru Hojou – Kyoto, Far East District I knelt in my fuku: a plain, white, buttoned-down shirt tucked into a short, red-green tartan skirt. Loose, white socks clung to my ankles. Everyday, my master Tom would select one of a dozen different outfits for his slaves to wear from traditional Japanese school girl uniforms—the fuku—to nurse...

3 years ago
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Kim Possible

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 1 - Kim's wet dreamKim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar moist between her legs. The same moist she has had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Next to the bed was standing Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except her...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 2 Allison Makes a Friend

In the morning, he woke up still thinking about her. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even yell at Brit for taking the bathroom before him. Their bathroom separated their two bedrooms, and was not otherwise accessible from the hall. Lissa, being the oldest, had one to herself. Brit had never quite gotten it into her bratty head that since she took at least three times as long in there as Jeff did, that he should be allowed to take his shower first. She almost treated it...

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My Twisted Stepsister XVI Am I dreaming

Like usual the first part of the week was normal and boring, Thursday things changed football practice was only 45 minutes long. We ran through our play book the first twenty plays were being scripted our game plan was to run the ball right down their throats. Defense our plan was to put a spy on the QB as he is the best around and he completes just over 70% of his passes. Along with the spy someone is blitzing on every play. more on how this works out later.I got home at least 90 minutes...

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Sex With My Beautiful Queen

Hi, girls and aunties even divorced women can also contact me. Don’t worry about the privacy I give 100% security. The whole story happened when I was in my be 1st year I was 18 yrs and the beauty of the story queen 18 yrs with 38-28-36 hourglass, fit and very fair..Like her nipples and pussy completed my BE(Mech). I’m 22 now, well physic because I play tennis every day and even good stamina too. I’m fair in complexion. My dick size is of 7″ long and 2.5″ in diameter. Coming to the sex story:...

1 year ago
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Margies Dirty Mission

She lay pinned to the living room couch, the man she’d met just five days before on Tinder pushing his large penis into her exposed pussy... and pumping. The doorbell had rung and she had hastily allowed him in their home only minutes before. Sloppy, rude sex sounds mingled with his deep voice telling her how he was enjoying how “tight” she was. That came out in a low sexy tone that turned her on and dispelled wisps of fear and doubt, bringing her back to the careless eroticism she was now...

3 years ago
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Decent fucker Rahul

On a Cold wintry afternoon in Orissa, I met my good friend in Brajrajnagar in Jharsaguda district of Orissa. I stayed at his residence for two days. On the second day, after eating breakfast, myself, my friend Kamal and his wife Sanjana engaged in a chat. Sanjana looked absolutely gorgeous in her nighty. Her thick lips listened with moisture and looked expectantly at me. I also became extremely horny on seeing her. Both Kamal and Sanjana are very broad minded and therefore, they had no qualms...

1 year ago
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Snarky couple discovers Nazi roleplay fetish over

ou: Question!Stranger: alrightStranger: go aheadYou: Who killed Hitler?Stranger: depends how you look at itYou: Type something assholeStranger: alright asshole. hitler killed himself. but you could also say germany killed him.You: U could say that. If u were a fag.You: inb4 America killed LincolnYou: or fat killed your momStranger: alright so obviously you are hostile. is this hostility making you feel better? go ahead let it out on me i can take it.You: You are either a teen or a...

3 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 2

Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine voice still sounded way too high to himself and he unconsciously cleared his throat. The receptionist frowned. "I don't recognise the name. Hold on, I'll just check our records." She tapped at her computer for a few moments. "No, I'm sorry. I have no record of a Doctor...

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A Soldiers Love

In our own house, our own bed, I wake up before you, and before the alarm sounds off to wake you up. I'm surrounded by your arms, with your face nuzzled next to mine. I wiggle gently as close as possible to not wake you up. I pull my leg up yours trying not to disturb you too much. I look at your face, the face of the man I love more than anything in the world. I resist kissing you, yet just looking at you makes me. I lean up and kiss your chin, your nose, and as I kiss your lips I feel your...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 14 Ambition

There is no such thing as trust in Hell and true loyalty is rare. There is only mutual gain. Seralla’s words were a validation of all the suspicions Logan had begun to worry might be true. It cut deep to have his worst fears confirmed. The Succubus had not hesitated, for even a moment, to betray her Master at the mere possibility of personal gain. He now knew all of Hell was a battleground of ambition and shifting alliances. Exactly as one would expect of a world ruled by demonic...

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Mom Gang Banged

This story is of one of my foreign fried on net he sent me his story to me and I am sharing it with u enjoy and give credits to him and his mom Jeffrey had been away at college for almost a year, and was coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother, Sara was excitedly looking forward to it. His father had passed away right before Jeffrey left for college, and Sara was very lonely. She was 41 years old, and very shapely. She had large breasts, and dark blonde hair. Jeffrey couldn’t understand why...

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Jackie 1

Over the past few weeks she had been in conversation, on the net, with a man who was the same age as her own father. Obviously she didn’t feel the same way about him though. She had been able to relate with him in a way she hadn’t with anyone before. They were on the same playing field. Without telling anyone she and John, the man from the internet, had arranged their first meet on this day off. She was sure in herself that everything would be fine but she still wasn’t sure what to...

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Mousi Aur Mami Ko Choda Ek Sath 8211 Part I

Hi Readers, ye meri 4th story hai apke responce ke liye thankx aab main sidhe story likhata hu. Last week meri mousi aur mami khas chodne ke liye mere ghar pe aaye the ye uski story hai mere mousi ko pata tha ki main mami k chut main lund pelta hu lekin mami ko nahi pata tha ki main mousi ko chodta hu,lekin dono ek sath jab aaye to main hairan ho gaya , jab rat ko mousi pahle se hi mere room main aake so gayi thi aur thodi der bad mami bhi aayi aur unhone mousi ko dekh ke puccha ye bhi yaha...

4 years ago
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Animals in the NightChapter 5

She heard him leave on his motorcycle before noon the next day. She was surprised when she cried herself back to sleep, and he woke her about four with a deep kiss. She twisted around and pulled him onto the bed, laughing giddily. "I had to get some things. I want to try to salvage something from my study." He had brought back a timer for the VTR, and several rolls of ultra high speed film for his 35 MM camera. As they giggled and wrestled on the bed, she saw tiredness in his eyes. "Take a...

1 year ago
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Hotel Room Blow Job From Married Guy

I opened the hotel room door and saw Alex for the first time. His ad said he was "easy on the eyes" and I had to admit he was a good looking dude. Not that it mattered, cuz I don't really feel attracted to men. I was just horny and traveling and wanted a blowjob. Alex is married and offered NSA discreet blowjobs on Locanto. I answered, and here he was in my hotel room."On the bed?" I asked."Yeah, get comfortable."I unfastened my jeans and let them fall to my ankles. A small wet spot sat atop...

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My cousins friend

As the night progressed, and drinks were consumed, I noticed my cousin nearing the pass out stage of drinking. We returned him to the tent, which we were all going to share. We layed him down and he was out cold. I started to get hot, knowing it was just me and Cameron. We talked about 15 minutes before he put his hand on my thigh, slowly moving it towards my pussy. After kissing and him feeling my boobs for awhile we moved in the tent, where my cousin was sleeping. With My passed out cousin...

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Missy The Joys of Pregnant Sex

Chapter 1 Sure enough, when Missy had asked her new husband, Bill, to fuck her and see if they could get her knocked up with another baby, she'd been right on the money. Missy had been there before and she felt that if her new husband would fuck her she'd conceive. It must have happened that first time, because in no time at all, Missy had taken an early pregnancy test and the results were very positive. She was tickled pink to know that she and Bill were going to have a baby of their own...

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The Wildest Ride Ever part 1

I was cruising across the US, east to west, returning from a ride to Washington DC to my home in San Francisco on my vintage 1954 Harley Davidson 70 inch panhead. She was a really sweet ride, I had custom chopped her, for those who get into bikes, she had an Ariel Springer front end, lots of chrome and a sweet black pearlized paint job that set off the Bates seats, lighting equipment and tank, yeah, a tear drop. It was the mid to late 60’s, I was a normal long haired, noble faired, leaping ...

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Broken Bliss Ch 03

Broken Bliss CH 3+++++++++++++++++++++++The sound of the door opening brought me awake, pulling me from a dream in which I had relived the last few moments with Lisa, my sister."Everything okay in here, hunny?" I hear mom's voice. "I heard you moaning, so thought I would check up on you.""I'm good, mom, I Just started having another dream. Thank you."Mom enters my room, and by the moonlight streaming through my window I can see that she is wearing the same transparent camisole she wore the...

2 years ago
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My Anonymous Friend

I had a couple of days free and was glad of the rest and a chance to reflect on passed happenings, the AirBNB guests, the dentist visit and then OMG the blowjob in the park toilets, now that was something else and my mind raced through all kinds of scenarios, was it male or female?, did I know them? Or did they know me?, so many questions which in a way made it all the more exciting.I had to pop into town to sort a few things out and as it was a warm day decided to walk through the park, I...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 22

When Joey and Latonya got to Fritz and Renee’s, Joey instructed them and then also Riley, Rachel, and Alicia of Latonya’s status as one of his sex slaves, and that she would be treated accordingly. Latonya stood by Joey’s side while, Riley, the gorgeous twenty-five-year-old blonde, wrapped her arms around Joey’s neck and gave him a long very enthusiastic kiss. After they kissed, Riley said, “I missed you. You know I am here for you,” in her sweet soft seductive voice. Joey looked at Fritz and...

4 years ago
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Ammu 8211 Lost Her Virginity And Her Body To Me

Hi, guys, this is south Indian fucker back with another story…. This a true story………. Thanks for all tour great support and keep supporting and please give your valuable feedbacks to me My email id is My name is ram (name changed) this happened to me when I was in 12th standard. I studied my 12th in a government aided school in southern India that is Kerala… I was from an upper middle-class family….I was the most studious boy in my class….. There was a girl named ammu (name changed ) in my...

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Sail Bahamas

Sailing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My friend Bill and I were as close as brothers, having virtually grown up together, and we each thought we knew everything there was to know about the other. Because we rarely held a secret from each other, I felt very secure in the knowledge that I held one thing very secret to myself. Bill has a sister that is two years older than we are, and is a total pain. On the other hand, I have two sisters, Karen, and Kathy, both older than I...

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Living with Glee

Living with Glee A silly, silly Whateley Academy story by Souffle Girl Dedicated to all the fellow fangirls out there, and to all our friends and significant ones that have to cope with our babbling. --------------- Notes from the author: someone asked me if my Whateley stories are canon. They're not, they're just fanfiction. Also, this story contains a couple of not-so-hidden references to Mass Effect and Skyrim. They're just that - an homage from a...

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Rain Man

Rain fell hard; I watched it as it bounced off the pavements, the roof tops and the cars. I love walking in the rain but it was particularly heavy even for me that evening. So there I was peering out of my one bedroom flat at the street below, drinking my second glass of wine. It was Friday evening, eightyish and my husband had gone away for the weekend on a stag do, which left me on my own and lonesome. I went to the loo and had a pee when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone -...

Wife Lovers
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Two Moms Two Sons 27 The MILFs Make Their Time With Their Sons Count

POV: London "I love you, Joe," I told him, taking his hands in mine. "And I love you, Pete," Sandra told him as well. "We've been having sex with our sons and their wives, and I know we both love you two, along with your wives and grandkids, more than life itself. We can't thank you enough for allowing your wives to do some dirty work, but you two aren't upset with us now, are you?" "No, Mom," Pete made clear, before kissing her. "Even if we weren't having sex, we'd love you two...

2 years ago
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My fantacies an open invitation

I’m Sheetal, contact me on my email.. Dr.sex_mtv at rediffmail… From unlimited real fun with all your details… I bet u wont regret… Anyways, you know me from my previous stories. Something that I have not said so far –but you might have guessed — is that I am a chronic masturbator. I masturbate whenever and wherever I get the chance.There is something about holding my own clit in my hand and stroking it just the way I like it that drives me wild. But I also love watching other people masturbate...

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Smokin Hot Sex

An exchange of e-mail between authors... Subj: Idea... Date: 11/5/01 3:48:10 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Alexis in Alaska To: PJcocoa Dear Gary ~ First, don't say that I didn't warn you. This is a story idea that you need to write. There, forewarned is forearmed. So, Shon and I were talking the other night about turning vices into stories (I happened to be in the throes of a chocolate attack, so you can see where the subject idea came from), and Shon boasted that he could turn ANY...

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A Burglary Bungle

It was a simple job so far. Four rooms had already been entered silently, and valuables put into the black felt bag, hung at the waist. One last room, then call it a night. It does not do to be too greedy. A simple five-foot jump to the next balcony, then master-key in the lock, and in through the balcony door silently.Halfway across the room to the dresser, and the bedside lamp was turned on, revealing one man just sitting up in bed, and a second blocking the balcony door. The room door was...


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