Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 4 Wednesday Afternoon November 24th
- 3 years ago
- 15
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I let my brain run and stepped back to see where it would go. It was a bit like riding a bicycle down a hill and taking your hands off the handle bars. Then the bicycle keeps rolling down the hill and you feel as if without being guided it should go in weird directions or fall over but it doesn’t – it mostly goes straight. But it goes faster and faster until the wind is racing past your face and blowing your hair out straight behind you. But the bike doesn’t go perfectly straight. Gradually it veers off to one side or the other so you have to grab the handle bars again and steer because otherwise you would smash straight into a brick wall or a parked car or something. But for a while you feel wild and free and you squeal out loud at the total joy of it all. Well, maybe you don’t squeal, Doctor K, because you’re all manly and old and stuff but I hope you know what I mean.
So anyway, letting my brain run free was like that. I expected it to veer off in weird directions but mostly it didn’t. Mostly it went straight down the hill – zooming faster and faster as it went through everything I’d learned about Dad and Aunty Penny and the things that I knew happened to them and the things I only guessed about. In the end my brain did veer off course and I found myself racing straight at a huge wall, covered with an enormous version of the Angie painting I wanted to paint. That was when I grabbed the handle bars again because I knew if I crashed into that wall then I wouldn’t be able to think of much else for a while.
The crowd all cheered and yelled when I avoided running into the wall. I wondered if I was supposed to bow or something. I steered my brain into a cul-de-sac and let it rest for a moment.
I felt a kiss on my forehead. It was Dan.
“Buzz buzz buzz,” whispered Dan.
“Huh?” I whispered back.
“I can hear that busy brain of yours buzzing away.”
“I’m watching football.”
“No you aren’t. Your head isn’t even facing the TV.”
I licked my lips and tried again.
“I’m listening to the football so I can watch it when it gets interesting.”
“Uh huh. You’re listening are you? We scored a spectacular touchdown a moment ago and you didn’t even stir.”
“Did we?”
I twisted on Dan’s lap and peered at the TV. They were showing the kicking team running out for the restart. I’d even missed the replays. I slumped back against Dan and put my head back against his chest.
“That’s good,” I said, without any excitement.
Dan had a bottle of beer in his hand. I didn’t notice him getting that. Dad, or someone, must have given it to him. He certainly didn’t stand up to get it because I’d been on his lap the entire time. Dan lifted the bottle up and beyond my field of view. I heard a little gurgle from the bottle and the slurp as he took a mouthful and then I heard the sounds of him swallowing echo through his chest.
He kissed my forehead again.
“Can you move your elbow, princess. It’s digging into my stomach and I had way too much to eat.”
“Sorry.” I wriggled around and rearranged myself on his lap. “Is that better?”
Dan’s only answer was to pat my back so I took that as a “yes.” Then he started rubbing his hand up and down my spine.
In my shifting around, one of my feet had landed on Sam’s leg. I tried to move it off him but Sam captured it and held it in place. I looked over at Sam. He smiled at me and rubbed my ankle. Then he looked back at the TV and watched the football with his hand resting on my ankle. The gentle contact made me smile – well, maybe I was already smiling because of Dan rubbing my back but Sam being so nice made me smile more. I can remember times when Sam was an annoying little brat but it seems like this year he’s been nothing but nice to me. Maybe he’s grown up a bit. That’s a good thing. I like him much better this way.
My eyes had trouble staying open. I think all that food was making me sleepy and I was so comfortable and Dan was rubbing my back and everything.
A bit later I felt Dan push the hair away from my face. I realized that he’d stopped rubbing my back and I bleated in protest.
“Hey, princess. Are you awake?” he whispered into my ear.
“Kind of.”
“I called Pearl earlier. Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?”
I had to think for a bit before I remembered.
“You mean about whether or not Pearl is your girlfriend?”
Was that only yesterday?
“Yeah! I’ve been thinking about what you said. So I called her.”
“She’s at home with her family. She invited me over there this afternoon. I’m going to go a bit later.”
I squirmed around and sat up so that I could look him in the face. I ended up sitting right back on his knees with my knees up high and my feet each side of his hips.
“She wants her parents to meet you?” We were still whispering to each other. It’s kind of hard to have a private conversation in a room full of people. I guess the TV being on loud probably helped.
“It sounds like that.”
“You know this is important, don’t you?”
“I’ve met parents before.”
“I keep telling you, Pearl isn’t like all those brainless twits you’ve been dating.”
“I know.”
“So if she introduces you to her parents as her boyfriend then that really means something.”
“I know.”
“Don’t let her do that unless it’s true.”
“I won’t.”
“Because if you...”
I stopped because Dan had put a finger on my lips.
“I already told you I’d been thinking about what you said yesterday. You were right. I do want Pearl to be my girlfriend. I do have to treat her differently from those other girls. I’ve picked up some bad habits and I’m going to have to change them. You were right. But you didn’t say the one thing that would have helped me understand right away.”
“What’s that?”
“I would have understood everything perfectly if you’d just said that Pearl was almost exactly like you.”
“She’s honest and open and sincere and direct and trusting and she expects the same from everyone she deals with. She’s a bit insecure and needs the occasional reminder of how special she is. She’s sweet and innocent – well mostly innocent – and is looking for more from a guy than just a good time. She’s a bit needy and a bit high maintenance but if you give her what she needs then the rewards will be worth it. And she has a heart the size of Texas. See? Almost exactly like you.”
Dan smiled gently at me.
“Notice that I left off words like manipulative and moody and stubborn. Three things which you are that I haven’t seen so much from Pearl.”
I pouted at him.
Did you get that I didn’t argue about moody and stubborn?
Dan stared at me and grinned. “Totally. And you know it.”
I bit my lip to stop it from pouting.
“Well, maybe, sometimes. But only when a certain person doesn’t do what he knows perfectly well he should be doing.”
Dan grinned some more and then leaned forward and kissed me on the nose.
“You’re blocking my view of the TV. There’s football on.”
How rude. I poked my tongue out at him. But then I grinned at him because I knew he was teasing me.
I slid forward down his legs. That didn’t work as smoothly as I would like because my long skirt got in the way. In the end I had to tuck the material up above my knees and I almost folded myself in half with my knees under my armpits. Eventually I managed to plaster myself completely onto Dan. I wrapped my arms around him, put my head on his chest and squeezed tight to complete the process. Anyone bigger or less limber probably wouldn’t have been able to do it. Besides, if I hadn’t squeezed in tightly against him, my skirt would have slid all the way up my legs and gathered in a pile around my hips. That would have showed far more of me than I could ever want to. Pressing up against Dan wasn’t just a nice thing to do – having got myself into that position, it became necessary.
Of course, pressing my little boob flat against his chest sent a little jolt racing through me but I ignored that because it had nothing to do with getting a hug from Dan. I wriggled myself against him and clenched my arms until I was pressed as hard against him as I could possibly manage.
“Now what are you doing?”
“Claiming some of that high maintenance.”
Dan chuckled – which made his body shake and since I was so closely attached it made my body vibrate too.
“This is nice. I wish I could stay like this for ever. If I could do that I would never have to be manipulative ever again.”
Dan chuckled again. It was like getting one of those vibrating massages all up and down the front of my body.
“Well, you can’t stay like that for ever. Like I told you, I’m going out later. You’ll have to get off me before then.”
“Rats. I’ve changed my mind. You don’t need to visit Pearl. She’s not good for you with all that neediness. You should dump her and stay right here.”
“Nothing lasts forever, princess.”
Dan had said the words so quietly, but they slammed into my brain like I was in the front row of a rock concert. “Nothing lasts forever.” The last missing piece of the puzzle slotted into place. It was like somebody flipped a switch. I went from knowing a whole lot of unrelated clues to suddenly understanding everything. It all fit together. Dan’s words had given me the final clue.
I think I suddenly went from floppy to all rigid because Dan immediately knew something was different.
“What is it, Bec?”
“I solved the puzzle.”
“What puzzle?”
“Well, I might not have solved it, but I figured out the next question to ask. If the answer is yes then I’ll have solved the puzzle.”
“What’s the question? Maybe I know the answer.”
“No, Dan. I don’t think you do. Otherwise you would have told me already.”
“You aren’t making much sense.”
I wanted to jump up right away and go in search of answers but I didn’t think I’d get anywhere. Any of the adults would be able to answer my question. But they’d all joined in on the conspiracy of silence. I figured my best bet was Aunty Penny because of what she’d already told me. Right now she was sitting on the arm of Dad’s chair, leaning against Dad and watching football with him. I couldn’t ask her while she was with Dad. He would stop her from saying anything. I didn’t think she was that interested in the game but I knew why she was there. She was spending time with her brother in the same way I was spending time with mine. I totally got that. But it was annoying because it meant I had to wait.
Speaking of spending time with my brother, I was wasting it by being all stressed out. I forced myself to relax and cuddle up to Dan again. It didn’t work as well as I wanted. I was all twitchy. My brain kept going around and around in a circle as I imagined asking my question over and over. All I needed was for someone to say “yes” and my world would make sense.
Before, I’d been half-asleep and relaxed and comfortable. Now I was wide awake and tense and twitchy. It wasn’t nearly as nice to lie there as it had been earlier. I muttered to myself in annoyance and Dan hushed me and started stroking my hair – running his hand from the top of my head all the way down to the base of my spine. Then back to the top again. That helped. My brain was going round and around in a circle. Then I remembered that circles have middles where things are still and quiet. I closed my eyes and lowered myself into the middle of the circle.
I might have gone to sleep if I’d been left alone, but I wasn’t.
“Rebecca Louise Freeman! You really shouldn’t sit like that.” Mum’s voice sounded a bit strange. It was like she was forcing herself not to shriek at me.
“It doesn’t look very appropriate,” weighed in Dad. I assume he’d turned around to look when he heard Mum’s voice. Since I had my back to them I had to guess based on the sound of their voices.
“I think you need to find a more – ladylike way of sitting,” said Mum. Her voice didn’t sound quite as strangled that time.
I really didn’t know what they were talking about. They’ve seen me sitting on Dan’s lap hundreds of times and never complained before.
I opened my eyes and all I could see was Sam. He was looking back and forth between me and my parents with big eyes. He saw me looking at him and he shrugged. I must have been looking really confused.
Then he looked me up and down. “It does look a bit – rude.”
I thought about the way I was sitting. The long skirt meant that my knees were trapped up high under my armpits in a kind of weird position. That meant my – um – groin was kind of stretched out and pressed firmly against Dan right down low.
Oh My God!
Understanding hit me like a wall. It must have looked an awful lot like we were doing sex! Except for the clothes of course. I know that my face instantly went bright red – and my neck and my chest. I’d be surprised if the blush didn’t go all the way down to my toes. It sure felt like that. And now that I was thinking about it, my – you know – my groin was sending me some very demanding messages. My brain wanted me to run away. My groin wanted to be pressed even harder against Dan. Once again my body was trapped as different parts fought inside me for control. This time, fortunately, my brain won out and I pushed myself away from Dan with a sudden shove.
Unfortunately, in my embarrassment and confusion, I forgot about the effect gravity would have on my skirt. Instantly, the material of my skirt started sliding up my legs towards my hips. I screamed and clutched at my skirt. The sudden movement upset my balance and I tumbled helplessly backwards off Dan’s knees.
I had a choice of keeping my hands where they were and hiding my panties from the room or using my hands to soften my fall and save me from breaking my neck. You’re probably thinking that’s an easy choice. Right? Well it wasn’t so easy for me. In fact I was still trying to decide when I hit the ground. I think Dan might have moved his feet or something because I ended up falling sideways instead of backwards. I hit my shoulder first and then my head thumped into the carpet.
It hurt. But I think I started crying because of the shock of it more than the hurt. I’ve had worse falls playing basketball. I guess I was also crying from embarrassment.
I was suddenly surrounded by people asking if I was okay. People touching me, trying to grab me, trying to turn me over. It was the exact opposite of what I needed.
I lashed out at the reaching hands.
“Don’t touch me,” I cried.
I desperately wanted someone to hold me. To wrap their arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay.
“Don’t touch me,” I whimpered.
I scrambled to my feet, pushing my way through all the hovering hands, and ran. The material of my skirt dropped as soon as I was standing. It covered my legs the way they should be covered – but still I ran.
I was embarrassed. I was upset. My shoulder hurt. But most of all, I think, I was angry because I’d been enjoying something sweet and they made it dirty. And maybe I was shocked because it was possible they were a little bit right. And maybe I was confused because I didn’t understand how it could have been both sweet and dirty at the same time.
I made it out of the living room and into the hallway before I was caught and pinned against the wall by a large pair of arms.
“Bec, wait.” It was Dan.
I struggled to break free but Dan was holding me tightly.
I stopped struggling to break free – that was pointless – but I twisted in his arms so that I was facing away from him, facing into the wall.
“Bec, are you hurt? How’s your head?”
I did a tiny shake of my head for the first question and then the teeniest little shrug for the second. Then I tried to force my way further into the wall to get away from him.
“Don’t touch me,” I hissed through clenched teeth.
I desperately wanted Dan to keep holding me, to stroke my hair, to kiss my neck. I wanted him to tell me I was loved, that I wasn’t bad, that nobody saw anything, that I didn’t do anything wrong.
But Dan holding me like that was not very ladylike. It was wrong, it was dirty, it was against the rules.
“Don’t touch me,” I murmured into the wall.
I’m not supposed to ... I don’t know. There’s a line I’m not supposed to cross. It would be easy if the line were painted on the ground. Then I could know where it was and make sure I didn’t step over it. But the line is invisible – and it moves. It floats around in the universe like one of those creepy cleaner things in home swimming pools that look like a hose or a snake or something swimming around in the water. I never know the line is there until I’ve crossed it and everything starts going bad. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to avoid crossing a stupid line if the only way I can find out where it is, is by crossing it.
Dan was still holding me. His big arms were still wrapped around me and pinning me to the wall.
“Don’t touch me,” I whispered.
Dan spun me around and lifted me until my face was level with his. Then he put my back against the wall and leaned forward so that my body was trapped in place by his. That left one of his hands free to cup the side of my face and turn my head so I was looking into his eyes. His other hand pushed the hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear and then wiped some of the wetness from my face. I guess that means I was still crying. I hung there, helplessly trapped, with my feet dangling. He wasn’t holding my arms any more but I let them drape limply by my sides.
Amazingly enough, I felt totally safe. It was like, with Dan holding me there, nothing bad could happen. If anybody else had trapped me up against a wall like that, I would’ve been kicking and screaming and trying to claw their eyes out. But with Dan, I just relaxed. Nothing bad could happen – except that The Parents could shout at us for not being appropriate. I think he held me like that so he could be sure he had my total attention. It worked.
I looked into the depths of Dan’s eyes and tried to tell him that he shouldn’t be holding me and pressing against me like that. It was probably over that line I was talking about. But my voice wasn’t working so I had to rely on my psychic powers. Then a little bit of my brain wondered what it would feel like if he kissed me while he had me trapped up there like that. I mean a proper kiss like the ones he gives his girlfriends. We were so close. All he had to do was put out his lips and we’d be kissing. I wanted so much to know what it felt like to be kissed. This was a chance to find out. That’s what one bit of my brain was thinking. But the rest of my brain knew that would be a really bad idea. I think all those different thoughts must have confused the signals I was sending to Dan because I don’t think he understood my message at all.
Dan tilted his head forward and put his forehead against mine. That meant his nose was pressing against mine. Maybe he was trying to put his brain closer to mine so that he could hear my psychic messages more clearly.
He didn’t kiss me, though. That’s probably a good thing. That would definitely have crossed over that line.
Dan took his head away from mine and looked into my eyes again. I looked back into his. I didn’t have much choice because he was holding my head in place.
“Bec, I’m not as good at figuring out what people are thinking as you are but even I can tell that right now you’re a bit embarrassed and maybe even a bit mad at Mum and Dad for making you feel that way. Am I right?”
I bit my lip. Then I moved my head up and down by the tiniest of amounts.
“They didn’t mean to embarrass you. They don’t mind you sitting on my lap and getting hugs from me.”
“They knew you weren’t doing anything wrong.”
Then why...
“I think they wanted you to be aware of how the way you were sitting would look to strangers. I think they wanted you to sit differently. They weren’t telling you to push yourself off my lap and bash your head on the floor.”
So why...
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Bec, but Mum and Dad aren’t coping very well today. I don’t think either of them got much sleep last night and they’re really tired. They’re trying to be good parents and good hosts but they keep slipping up. They keep making mistakes they wouldn’t normally make – saying things they wouldn’t normally say. Can you maybe give them a bit of slack today?”
“Why didn’t they sleep?”
Dan rolled his eyes at me.
“Have you forgotten? Someone tried to get into your room last night.”
Oh! That!
I think Dan realized I was pretty calm by then so he stopped holding me trapped against the wall. He scooped me up, turned around and slid down the wall so that he was sitting with his back to the wall and me sitting sideways on his lap. I stayed sitting up straight so I could keep looking at his face. Dan’s left arm wrapped around my back and held onto my hip while his right hand sat loosely on my knees. I lifted my knees a bit higher so that his hand came within reach of mine. That let me play with his hand. It’s a proper sized hand, not thin and bony like Leroy’s.
After a moment of thinking about hands, I looked back at Dan.
“Why didn’t they sleep? The police officer said the men were gone.”
“They were really freaked out. I was freaked too but Dad was ready to go ballistic. He kept going around the house for most of the night. He must have checked every lock and every window in the house a hundred times. Mum moved Angie into bed with her and sat up holding onto her all night. When Dad wasn’t patrolling the house, he was sitting in the hallway outside your room with your door open so he could watch you two sleep.”
“We spent half the night sleeping in my closet.”
“That’s right – you did too. I’d forgotten. Dad spent half the night sitting in the hallway and staring at your closet door and the other half sitting in the hallway and watching the two of you sleep. When he wasn’t patrolling the house and checking the windows, that is. Don’t be surprised if he goes to sleep this afternoon while he’s watching the football game.”
“Why were you all so freaked?”
“Bec! You’re not stupid. A man tried to get into your room – while you were in there. You’re old enough to know what that could mean. If he’d managed to get in, who knows what might have happened?”
“If he’d managed to get in, Dad would have shot him with his gun – or I would have.”
Did I tell you I hate guns? I think I’ve changed my mind.
Dan’s face went serious.
“Bec, you promised Dad you wouldn’t touch that gun.”
“I know. But it’s not really a fair promise. If some man crawls in through my window and tries to attack me, I’m not going to stand there and flap my hands in the air and say, Oh! Oh! Don’t hurt me!“
I said that last bit in a really little and pathetic sort of voice. At the same time I flapped my hands around up near my ears as if I was surrendering. It made Dan smile a bit.
“No, I wouldn’t want you to do that. I’d much rather you ran away as fast as you could. Run to me or Dad. Let one of us deal with him. The problem with you is that sometimes you find it hard to tell the difference between reality and stuff in your head. You told us that yourself. If that was happening, you with a gun in your hand would be really dangerous. You might end up shooting one of us or someone else who’s friendly.”
“Okay. If some strange man climbs through my window, I’ll run to Dad or you and you can shoot him. And if neither you or Dad are around, I’ll make sure to ask him if he’s real and then I’ll ask him if he’s going to hurt me. If he says yes to both of those – well, then I’ll shoot him.”
Dan blew out a puff of air in exasperation. He rolled me over, forcing me around until I was lying face down over his legs. Then he smacked once – right on the bum. It didn’t hurt much. He didn’t hit me that hard. But it did sting a bit.
Like I said, it didn’t really hurt, but I didn’t want Dan to get the wrong idea and smack me any harder. Dan let me go and sat there while I rolled around and sat myself up again across his legs. I pouted at Dan and tilted a bit sideways so I could rub the spot he smacked.
“What did you do that for?”
“This isn’t a joking matter, Bec. This is serious. This is the most serious thing we’ve ever talked about. You leave the gun alone. Dad might not be willing to spank you on the tush when you need it so I think maybe I better. You even think of touching that gun again and I’ll make sure you don’t want to sit down for a week. If a strange man starts crawling through your window and we aren’t around, you call the police and you start running. You keep running out the door and all the way down the street if you have to.”
I stopped rubbing my bum and sat there straightening up my skirt. I didn’t answer him but he knew I’d understood what he was saying.
“Okay, let’s forget about that for now. Do you understand now why Mum and Dad have both been struggling a bit today? That fight this morning between you and Mum, for example. Mum wouldn’t normally blow up like that.”
“I get it. The Parents are tired so they aren’t exactly dealing with things very well today. But I was still embarrassed.”
“Of course you were. But that’s something else I wanted to say to you. Yesterday, you helped me understand a bad habit I’d gotten into. Now I want to help you.”
“Are you saying I have a bad habit, too?”
“Yeah. When something embarrassing happens you always go away and hide. You either physically run away or you go inside that brain of yours and hide in there. Then you go into a positive feedback loop that drags you down and down until you end up in a big hole. It can take you hours to come out of it.”
“What’s a positive feedback loop?”
He breathed a couple of times while he thought how to answer.
“You get embarrassed for whatever reason and that makes you feel bad so you run away. So now you’re twice as embarrassed because you made a scene as well as for whatever the original reason was, so now you feel even worse so you hide somewhere. But now you feel embarrassed because you know you’re hiding instead of facing up to whatever the problem is – as well as being embarrassed for all those other reasons, so now you feel really terrible so you start crying. And so on and so on, with you feeling more and more terrible all the time. Do you see how it keeps feeding back on itself and each time it adds to the problem? That’s called a positive feedback loop.”
“So you end up at the bottom of a really deep hole – depressed and miserable.”
“Yeah! So?”
“So, what you should try to do is stop that feedback loop from starting up.”
I thought about what he was saying for a moment.
“Do you mean not get embarrassed in the first place? How could I do that?”
“Embarrassing things happen all the time – you can’t avoid that. The trick is to stop yourself from feeling bad about being embarrassed. Or maybe stop yourself from running away when you get embarrassed.”
I screwed up my face. That sounded hard.
“Everyone gets embarrassed. When it happens, most people try to laugh it off. They make a joke or pull a funny face or make themselves laugh or whatever. I bet you could think of lots of times when you’ve seen someone do something strange because they were embarrassed. But then they get over it and they go on with what they were doing.”
“I guess so.”
“Look at what happened today. You got embarrassed and ran away. I stopped you out here instead of letting you hide in your room and go further into your feedback loop. Then we sat here and talked about something else until you felt better. You do feel better, don’t you?”
I shrugged and nodded.
“But you helped me.”
“I helped you this time. Don’t you think that maybe next time you could sit down and make yourself think about something else until you feel better? That would stop the feedback loop from happening.”
“I could try.”
Dan smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear. It might not work every time, but if you keep trying I think it might help often enough to make a difference. It’s never easy to break out of a habit and that’s what your positive feedback loop is. It’s a habit that you need to stop.”
“Well, I’m glad we got that sorted. Half time must be almost over. Exactly the way I like it. Problem created and solved all during the half-time break.”
“Okay then. Next time I feel like having a meltdown, I’ll make sure it happens during a commercial break so that you don’t miss anything important.”
Dan grinned. “That’s so considerate of you. I knew there was a reason I love you.”
Having gotten the sarcasm out of our systems, I leaned over and kissed Dan on the side of his mouth. “Thank you, Dan. I don’t know how you managed to think of that.”
“Well, I love you, I watch you, I see you having problems, I try to think of ways I can help. It’s a fairly simple sequence.”
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The problem with standing right behind your bedroom door is that if someone decides to come bursting into your room WITHOUT KNOCKING, then the door tends to thump into you and send you flying across the room. “OW! THAT HURT!” I yelled. “WE HAVEN’T FINISHED TALKING,” screamed Mum. The problem with being thumped by a door so hard that your brains rattle in your head and then being screamed at by an insane mother is that it gets hard to think calmly and sensibly. It makes you do dumb things...
I sat backwards on the back seat of Dan’s car and watched our house get smaller as we drove away. Then we swung around a corner and our house disappeared completely. It seemed symbolic, somehow – watching my house disappear. Maybe I was watching the past disappearing behind me. My past, I mean. It represented a time when I thought all adults were like my parents – kind and loving, even if they occasionally made mistakes and sometimes did mean things. I spun around and sat properly on the...
“We’re home!” yelled Tara, as we came in through the front door. “Yay!” squealed Angie from the kitchen. She came running out towards us and ran full tilt into Dan so that she could hug him around his legs. Dad and Nana followed from the kitchen a bit more slowly. I was kind of glad that Dad didn’t come running at us because he had a sharp knife in one hand and half a carrot in the other. He was wearing an apron over his suit which looked a bit weird. On the other hand, Nana was wearing an...
In all the furniture shifting, the coffee table had been pushed against the wall directly below Mum’s painting. That made it difficult for me to retreat to my favorite place – but not impossible. I sat on the coffee table and slid back to lean my back against the wall. I kicked off my shoes and crossed my legs inside my skirt. Carefully I smoothed out my skirt and made sure that it draped down to completely cover my legs, my ankles and my feet. The material of my skirt stretched between my...
Oil paint is thick and gloopy. It takes ages to dry. If you pile it on thickly enough, it can take weeks to get dry enough so you can handle it without smudging or smearing it. You’re not supposed to put a lacquer coating on an oil painting for at least six months because it’s still drying in all of that time. And even then, it isn’t completely finished – that takes years. Mum told me it’s because the oil doesn’t evaporate like water, it slowly congeals until it gets hard – a bit like fat in...
You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...
FantasyYou wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...
FetishResidential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...
SELF-ADMINISTERED AFTERCARE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MY WEEKEND I woke up wanting to kill someone. I lay on my bed in my...
It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in the throat which usually indicated the onset of a bad cold or flu, accompanied by a feverishness and headache. His body had the normal aches of a 68-year old man, but more intense tonight, more...
Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...
Since people have enjoyed my first story, I've decided to write more. Thanks to everyone who commented on it for their support. I enjoy hearing from readers. This is continued from my first story "My First Pet" and follows from where that left off. Again, please give any comments and I hope you enjoy. After what had happened a few moments ago, I was almost dancing round the kitchen as I prepared dinner. I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe things had gone as well as they had. My beautiful Jane...
LesbianHe was my newest consenting slave. I found him yesterday at work and invited him into my lair for some heavy bondage. After he followed me home, he agreed to let me tie him upon the workbench where he could stew all night in the dark. Now, this new morning, I was ready to make him suffer even more. He was going to like it. I was sure of that. His six-foot-four lanky twenty-five year old naked frame stretched out nicely on the wooden table where I tied him. The leather cuffs I was going to...
BDSM“Is that cum in your hair, Clair?” She stared stonily at my reflection in the mirror and then burst out laughing. We, and when I say we, I mean John, Adam, Clair and myself were enjoying a business dinner at a high-class hotel, and we ladies had taken the opportunity to powder our noses while waiting for the main course to be served.I noticed the white stains in her hair earlier in the evening and while I adjusted my tight black dress, my curiosity finally got the better of me. Adam’s...
Group SexThe first thing Sarah noticed was how thin Jennifer was; her wide red belt tightly buckled around her waist. Her eyes then made their way up from her belt to her firm breasts, and then to her face. It was the face that stopped her cold. Chiseled, the sort of features that only result from hours in the gym. Finally she reached her eyes. They were deep and brown and would be easy to get lost in. She stared into them for several seconds oblivious to any idea that her gaze was being returned. Then...
LesbianI’ve put together web-links for The Aoeline Hall concert, and all the chapter title songs that I’ve included in this 4th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-links for the chapter songs that I have already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for The Aoeline Hall concert. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I will include them. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Running with the Devil, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,...
I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...
I’ve put together web-links for the Medway’s Halloween Dance during Mike’s and Tempe’s NIS Week, and all the chapter title songs that were in this 5th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-link to songs that I already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Halloween Dance in the chapter song list. If I used a special video of a song to help with writing this story, I have included it in these lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Runaround...
At the drinks before dinner there were many famous names and faces which Jane recognised from the newspapers, and there was much pre-dinner amazement that Sir Henry was engaged to be married less than two years after the untimely death of his wife. He introduced her to some of the most senior politicians in Britain. The Prime Minister even joked to Sir Henry, "Brought her with you to show off, eh? I don't blame you. No hanky-panky before the ceremony remember – a Knight of the Realm is...
Annie stood before the ‘Action’ section at Suncoast Video with a frown on her face. In her hands were all of the Terminator DVD’s. Looking down at them she muttered to herself, ‘Well, it’s not what I’d want for my birthday, but if this is what Paul wants, then this what Paul gets!’ Its not that Annie didn’t like action movies. She had pretty much been a tomboy while growing up. As a kid, she played basketball and hockey, mostly against boys, and had held her own, too. Heck, she’s probably gone...
I was starting to like Peter more and more. I came on this ski trip fully intending to hook up with a boy and Peter was a nice choice. He was, like me, a virgin and as interested in exploring my body as I was in his. We had made out last night, spent the day together, and showered together before dinner. I smiled remembering how quickly he "spurted" when I took his penis into my mouth in the shower. I warmed remembering how his naked body looked and how pleasantly different it was than mine....
Masturbation"I'm home, Mama!" called Eleni. "Hey sweetie, I'm in the kitchen!" came the reply. The raven haired college student dropped her overnight bag in the doorway, tossed her laundry bag down the basement stairs and went to greet her mother. "Mmmm, that smells great!" she said, hugging her mother from behind. "Thanks, baby. I want dinner tonight to be special," she declared. She gave her daughter a peck on the cheek and turned back to the stove top. "What's so special about...
I’d been married about 5 years when the sex life with my husband started to deteriorate. It didn’t help when he started doing night shifts with work. But we carried on regardless and just had sex every month or sometimes less. Most of my orgasms came from my self-pleasuring whilst watching porn videos on Xhamster..One day out of the blue I met with my Mum for lunch. I didn’t see her very often as she was single now and always off dating new guys. She had me at just s*******n and she still...
'Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks.' Was written on his shirt above his left pectoral. I had to lean fairly close to read it, and I noticed my nostrils flared slightly at his scent. Rolling the phrase around in my mind, I glanced up at his eyes just as the image came into my mind. He saw the flush spread over my chest, of course, because he was the kind of a guy who never missed signals of any kind from a woman. "Would you care to elucidate that, a little?" I pointed with my chin, not...
There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. * I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. ‘Ok girls, what are you two up to now?’ Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years...
It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...
Alexa Chapter 8: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The next few weeks saw me adapt to more of the role of Alexa. I started to dress more androgynously in public. Slowly bringing Alexa to the forefront. And it didn't go unnoticed. Not only did both Jenny and Katie make comment on it, but so did the two idiots Brandon and Steve. Walking down the hall one day wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a semi crop top I ran into the two meatheads coming back from class. "Nice look Quinn. What...
Lesley and Sandra had enjoyed a lovely lunch catching up on the last six months. They had also enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine, and as they walked arm in arm back to Lesley’s house for a coffee they were a little giggly. Once they got there Lesley let them in and went to put on the coffee machine. “Fancy a little something in that?” asked Lesley “Oh, go on then. You’ve twisted my arm” laughed Sandra. Lesley added two very large measures of brandy to the coffee and they went through to the...
EroticOne moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."
GayMolly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...
“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...
"Mr. President, the Swiss Ambassador is calling. Are you free to accept his call, Sir?" "Of course, Mrs. Tompkins. Please put him through, and if possible, will you see that I'm not disturbed? Thank you." Acting President Aaron Bronstein motioned for his ever-present Secret Service minder to leave him alone in the Oval Office, while he answered the telephone. "Jacques, what a pleasure! It was only last week that we enjoyed a lovely evening together! How may I help the Swiss today, my...
This is a true story of how my wife and I got to learn and enjoy sex and come out of our shell. The Boss over for dinner The knock on the door heralded the Boss( also a good mate) and his Wife's arrival for dinner. I opened the door and was surprised to find Jim standing there alone. “ Sorry, but Anne has one of her headaches so I hope you don't mind won't be...
A WASP LISTENS TO HIS WIFE AT DINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RESTAURANT Randolph Cartier the Third drove his black S-Class Mercedes up to...
As I left the restaurant, my mind still in a state from my recent orgasm, I saw Susie get in to the black taxi parked by the curb and settle herself on the back seat. As I moved to sit beside her, she pointed at the bucket seat opposite and told me to sit there. I assumed she wanted to continue our game of footsie or something similar, so I went to close the door before sitting down opposite her. "Leave the door," she told me and with a confused look on my face, I left the door open and sat...
Lesbian"I don't care how you do it, just get it done!" The phone landed with a rattle back in the cradle. "How old is he - three?" Nate exploded, slamming himself back in his leather chair, running both hands through his already messy curls. Nathaniel Walker was having a bad day and it was only 11:45 am. It had started out fairly good for a Friday. Traffic had been excellent and for the first time in God only knows when, he made it to work by 7:30 am. Paperwork that had been sitting in his...
A gentle sea breeze caresses me as a light appears in the distance, piercing the dark night. Some time later it is directly abreast; I see the ship glowing with lights and hear the faint sound of music. I spot a person waving at our ship—maybe even at me. Minutes pass and the light turns to a glow in the distance and then disappears. I reflect whether that waving person could have been the one—my best friend, my lover, my world. I will never know the answer—we were two ships passing in the...
A nice night after a nice dinner Victor and I had a romantic dinner outside at a nice restaurant that night. On our way home, my loving husband said I was dressed so sexy that he could not wait to reach our bed to fuck me… he told me he would look for a dark lonely place where we could have sex… He drove along a country lane until we reached a dark quiet car park. There was nobody parked there, then Victor stopped the car and turned to me. That night I was dressed really sexy, a short black...
A nice night after a nice dinnerVictor and I had a romantic dinner outside at a nice restaurant that night.On our way home, my loving husband said I was dressed so sexy that he could not wait to reach our bed to fuck me… he told me he would look for a dark lonely place where we could have sex…He drove along a country lane until we reached a dark quiet car park. There was nobody parked there; then Victor stopped the car and turned to me.That night I was dressed really sexy; a short black...
As I wash the dishes with a smile on my face thinking about how successful dinner was and the the****utic swaying of the trees moving back and forth gently pushed back and forth by the kiss of the wind. I begin to her the ever present tap and squeak of the mattress and head board in the bed room Just a few minutes ago our neighbor Joe as well as my wife and myself where enjoying a nice meal and some wine. Joe has “been coming over for dinner” for about six months now. We see him every 3 weeks...
I’m one lucky man. I’ve always had a HUGE sex drive. As a teen I would jack off at least three times a day and during summer vacation it would double that. I would pull on my 8” dick while reading the supposedly real life stories in nudie magazines. The pictures were great, but reading the stories allowed me to put myself into the explicit sexual situations. More than once I wished that I could find a girl that would join me in erotic adventures, if the opportunity ever arose. After multiple...
BisexualCheryl freely indulges her desires for other men, while at the same time, she insists that I remain absolutely faithful. Some people might think that Cheryl doesn't truly love me but as a matter of fact she says she couldn't have dreamed up a more ideal marriage, what with the freedom to act out her kinkiest fantasies with other men, but with the security of a faithful, loving husband waiting patiently at home.As for me, this variation on the traditional marriage suits me perfectly. Part of it...
After Abbie’s night in Abigail’s Room before showering Thursday morning, Tim removes the cockcage from Abbie’s clit. It isn’t that bad wearing one, Abbie realizes. However, the extra weight and pull make it a bit confining.Tim takes care for Abbie so gently in the shower she knows it is in response to what he had to do last night. Tears again start to form in her eyes, remembering it was her misbehavior that made that have to happen. She hugs Tim tightly.As he drops Abbie off to work in the...
TransDave and Larry "worked" all day at Larry's place. Larry made Dave strip and service his cock. Larry worked on Dave’s ass, putting in a bigger butt plug and making Dave keep it in while making him sit down in front of Larry and lick his balls. Larry had Dave get them both beers, and the fun continued. Larry placed a cock ring on Dave and saw the effect the day had been having on his friend - his cock was hard, and precum was leaking out all over the place. Larry made Dave lick up all his mess...
BisexualI had a friend years ago that I used to play squash with Tom was one of those guys that seemed to be permanently single, he had occasional girlfriends but that was all. He wasn't gay or anything but liked his own company as a committed bachelor, I think he was frightened of the word commitment as far as women were concerned.Anne used to get on well with him when they met but he knew nothing of our sex life as apart from our weekly squash game we didn't socialise that much apart from the odd get...
Starring Beautiful Colossally-Cleavaged Hilda Humper, Her Balloon-Breasted Daughter Harriet And Her Well Hung Son, Henry In: "Guess Who's Cumming To Dinner." Thanks to Victor C Nathan for the use of his wonderful characters All characters in the story are aged 18 or over Part 1 "Kids!" Hilda called up the stairs to her two teenage children. "Lunch is ready!" Then she stood back to avoid the stampede that would follow. Henry was first down the stairs - a tall, strapping lad...
There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. "Ok girls, what are you two up to now?" Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years knowing...
Em was in Amsterdam, where because of the season it was chilly. She preferred warm places. Apart from anything else, you could wear less. It was a business trip as always, this time a little further afield than usual and of longer duration. She had already been to Milan and Munich and this was third week of the trip. It was also the Saturday of a free weekend, giving her a carefully contrived two days of R&R before the work schedule recommenced on Monday. She had arrived the evening before...
HardcoreOn the other side next to him sat Mary. Seth whispered something in her ear and he noticed that Mary was blushing. Her lips formed a word, she then sighted and walked off into the kitchen. John looked surprised but Seth ignored his slave. When Mary came back, she bend forwards, with her back to Seth, to put a fresh beer on the table. He hiked up her skirt and saw her thong inside her pussy, just as Seth had ordered her minutes before. Mary put the skirt back and walked away, He noticed that...
It was just around 3:30pm and she expected that Sam would be home shortly as his construction job tended to start early and end early. On her days off from work in the past he could arrive anywhere from 4 to 5, while Angus was typically 6:15pm practically like clockwork. She was under no illusion that Sam’s mind would be on her as soon as he walked in the door. Thinking back to her earlier fantasy she threw on an apron and cinched it at her waist leaving herself naked from behind, wondering...
pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...
A day later, while on Facebook, she came across an old high school friend, Ryan, who'd sent her an invite. Wanting to catch up on things and send invitations of her own to some of his FB women friends she'd lost touch with, she accepted. She'd learned that he and his family lived not far across town and that he worked in sales at a business even closer. Not thinking anything about it, she'd exchanged some chat with him about his mom, siblings, what was going on in her life, things back...