Bec2: ThanksgivingChapter 6: Early Wednesday Evening November 24th free porn video

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I was still hugging Nana goodbye when we heard the front door open and shut. Dan came into the kitchen with a bag of ice dangling from each hand.

“Mmm! Something smells good.” Dan sniffed the air and then his eyes lit up when he saw the covered trays.

“Fresh biscuits?” he asked. But then his pleading expression turned into a pout because Nana had crossed her arms and stood herself between him and the biscuits.

“They’re for tomorrow,” said Nana.

Dan kept pouting, but Nana didn’t budge.

Dan sighed and turned towards me.

“I come bearing gifts,” he said, holding the ice bags out towards me.

“I don’t want them,” I said and pointed at the cooler. “Put the ice in the cool box.”

Dan stooped down to kiss Nana as he walked past her. She patted his arm and they exchanged greetings. Dan spent a few seconds tipping the ice into the cooler. I watched him for a moment, but then I figured out what was coming and backed off to the sink where I picked up a wooden spoon.

Dan stood up and walked towards me with his arms spread wide.

“So how’s about a nice hug from my little sister?” he said, a grin spreading all the way across his face.

“No! No!” I shrieked and tried to hit his hands with my wooden spoon. “Keep those cold mits away, you overgrown lump.”

I didn’t have a lot of luck in actually whacking his knuckles, but then I didn’t expect to. In fact, I failed spectacularly because Dan easily snatched the wooden spoon out of my hands. What I did achieve was that I stopped him from laying his cold hands on me and since that’s all I was trying to do, I was happy.

Dan proved to me that I was right about his intentions when he laughed and rubbed his hands against his jeans to warm them.

“Listen to you! Someone’s been spending too long with Nana. You’ve gone all Lanky on us.”

I blew a raspberry at him.

He grinned and reached out to flick a finger at my ear. I squealed and ducked, which I did well enough to avoid getting my ear flicked. Unfortunately, I hadn’t spotted that the ear flicking was a fake and ducking the way I did left me open for his real move. He reached down and gave me a thwack on my undefended backside with the wooden spoon. He called out “Ekky Thump!” at the same time as he hit me.

You probably don’t know about Ekky Thump, so I better tell you. Ekky Thump was a made up martial art in an episode of The Goodies, where they took the mickey out of everything to do with Lancastrians. Dad has a copy of the episode and watches it every so often. He thinks it’s very funny. Mum says that proves that he isn’t a true Lanky because, when she saw it, she thought it was a documentary. She even says that with a straight face which makes Dad laugh more. The bit I most remember about the program is they keep hitting each other with black puddings. Black puddings are like big sausages, only made with completely gross ingredients like congealed blood. Dr K, if anyone ever offers you a piece of black pudding, turn around and run away as fast and as far as you can. It’s totally disgusting.

“Hey!” I glared at Dan and rubbed my abused bum. “Ecky Thump? I’ll give you Ecky Thump.”

But Dan hadn’t stuck around to celebrate his little victory. He’d darted over to the other side of the kitchen. He was stealing a biscuit from the rack, completely ignoring Nana’s attempt to drive him off by flicking a tea towel at him.

“Hey!” I called out. “Those are for tomorrow. Leave them alone.”

I charged across the room and launched myself at him. I beat my fists against his broad back and cried “Leave it alone! Put it back!” while I did so. I saw an opportunity and snatched the forgotten wooden spoon out of his hand. Despite all of my efforts, Dan managed to steal a biscuit. He turned towards me and made a big deal out of biting a little bit off the biscuit, right in front of my face. Remember, these were proper English biscuits which are like cookies only better. He closed his eyes and gave a little pleased moan as he chewed and swallowed his mouthful of biscuit. I couldn’t blame him for that. Nana’s biscuits really are incredible – particularly when they’re still warm from the oven.

Dan’s eyes were closed while he savoured the biscuit and I saw a chance for revenge. I yelled “Ekky Thump!” and hit his arm with the wooden spoon. His eyes popped open in surprise. He moved towards me, waving the half-eaten biscuit menacingly. I squealed and ran away, running all the way out of the kitchen, through the entrance hall and into the living room. Dan had chased me for about two steps and then suddenly changed direction. I didn’t realize he’d done that until I arrived in the living room from the entrance hall at the same time as Dan entered it from the hallway. Realizing I was running straight towards him, I squealed again and changed directions. That left me running straight at the couch. I jumped up onto the couch and tried to take shelter there, but Dan was having none of it.

He roared and took a flying leap right up into the air and over the top of me. I promise you that seeing all thousand pounds of Dan flying through the air and about to land on you is about the scariest thing in the world. I screamed – loudly.

Of course, I’ve been wrestling with Dan since I was born and in all that time he’s never really hurt me – not badly anyway. I’ve scored a few bruises occasionally, and I always end up squished, but I totally trust him not to actually hurt me. In fact my brain wasn’t really scared as he flew at me. Most of the little Becs inside my brain were rolling about inside my skull and giggling with glee. But it’s no fun, wrestling with Dan, unless you play the game, and the game is that you have to be scared when he jumps on you, so I was cheerfully being scared.

Dan landed with his legs and arms on each side of me to absorb most of his weight, and then he dropped down on top me. The impact cut off my scream and drove most of the breath from my body. It was enough to thoroughly squash me down into the cushions of the couch but not enough to turn me into a Bec-flavored pancake. About the only part of me that could move was my right hand which was still holding the wooden spoon.

I could pivot my wrist enough to slap him with the spoon. It had about the same effect as slapping an elephant with a feather but I did it anyway. At the same time, I was yelling, “Get off! Get off me, you great ox!” I also called him a few other names, like oaf and troll and so on. I wasn’t being mean. He knew I wasn’t being mean.

Dan mostly ignored all of that, though he did twist around a bit so that he could knock the wooden spoon out of my hand. It flew over the back of the couch, hit the wall and then clattered down to the floor behind the couch.

Dan shifted and lifted his top half up so that his face was about eight inches above mine. His stomach and legs were still pinning my hips into the couch so I was still thoroughly caught, but at least it was a bit easier to breathe so that was a good thing.

“Now, where was I?” said Dan with a big grin. “Oh yes, I was enjoying a nice biscuit. To the victor goes the spoils.”

Somehow, Dan had managed to preserve his half-eaten biscuit in one hand through all of that. Now he produced it and held it in front of his nose. He took in a huge sniff through his nose to absorb the smell of the freshly-baked biscuit. As he inhaled the smell of the biscuit, he closed his eyes, so he didn’t notice until it was too late that his hand had moved a bit. The biscuit was waving right in front of my face. I lifted my head and used my mouth to bite most of the biscuit out of his hand. His eyes popped open in alarm and he stared in horror at the tiny corner of biscuit that was left between his fingers. He hurriedly stuffed the last little bit of the biscuit into his mouth so that I couldn’t steal that as well. I giggled through a mouthful of biscuit as I hurried to chew and swallow so that I could speak.

“I got the spoils, so I guess that makes me the victor.” I giggled up at Dan as I said it. He poked his tongue out at me in reply.

I heard a loud sigh, and then Nana said, “How the furniture in this house doesn’t end up as matchsticks is beyond me.”

I poked my head out from under Dan’s arm and grinned at Nana. She was standing there with her purse under one arm and her car keys in her hand.

She looked at me curiously. “Do you have everything under control there, Bec?”

I grinned again. “Oh, yes.”

I split my legs and wrapped them out and around Dan’s waist, digging my heels into his back, and at the same time I used my one free hand to get a good grip on the front of Dan’s shirt.

“See? I have him completely trapped.”

“Well, good then,” she said with a mischievous smile. “I shall leave you in charge until someone more responsible comes home.”

Dan turned his head sideways to look at Nana. “Are you saying I’m not responsible?”

Nana shook her head and made that “tut, tut, tut,” noise with her mouth.

“I suppose you’re responsible enough for small things, like washing dishes and mowing lawns, but I would expect someone who was properly responsible to look after his little sister better than that.”

Dan pouted. “I look after her.”

He brushed some biscuit crumbs off my cheek with his spare hand.

“See? I wipe her face when she makes a mess. I even change her nappy when she poops in her pants.”

He looked me in the face and grinned. “Do you need changing? Have you pooped your pants?”

He reached down and hooked a finger underneath the waistband of my jeans and pulled – which created about a one inch gap between my skin and the waistband of my jeans. He pretended as if he was going to check for a smelly nappy. I squealed at the threatened invasion of my private places but there wasn’t much else I could do about it. Dan was leaning on one arm and my other hand was firmly knotted in his shirt. I couldn’t even twist out of the way because my legs were wrapped around his waist.

In the end, all I could do was tighten the grip of my legs around his waist and pull myself more tightly up against his body. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and a heat spread across my stomach where it was pressed against Dan. I know that Dan was teasing and wouldn’t have really done anything rude like that, but it had still made my heart skip.

“Thank you for making my point for me,” said Nana with a chuckle. She turned and started walking towards the door.

“Bye, Nana! See you tomorrow,” I called out from my position underneath Dan.

Dan looked down at me. “Trapped, am I?”

Then he stood up. And naturally, since I was clinging to him, I went up as well. I slipped a bit and squeaked. I had a choice of letting go and sliding down to the floor or clinging on more tightly. I chose to hang on. I squeezed my legs around Dan’s waist as hard as I could and grabbed onto his shoulder with my spare hand to make sure I didn’t slip again. I was giggling pretty uncontrollably by that time and it was all I could do to hang on to him.

During all of that, Dan had been walking through the living room after Nana. He reached out and held the door for her.

“See you tomorrow, Nana,” he said and stooped down to kiss her cheek – which had the effect of tipping me upside down. I squealed and hung on. Then I giggled some more as he straightened up and used my back to push the door closed behind Nana.

“You know,” he said, in a conversational tone. “It’s just as well you have me completely trapped, because otherwise I could do this.”

He stepped into the middle of the entrance hall and spun quickly in a circle. That made me squeal some more. I was panting for breath by the time he stopped spinning – mostly from a mixture of screaming and giggling at the same time.

“ ... or I could do this!” he said.

He pressed me against the wall and leaned into me. Then he pressed a bit more.

“Aaaaaah!” I wailed, as all the breath was squished out of my body. I flailed helplessly against his back with my hands and with my heels as I felt myself flatten out. I went way past pancake stage until I was as flat as one of those French crepes. It’s good that I’m pretty limber because his waist was pressing my legs into a sideways split that would probably hurt some people.

Then, just when I started to run out of breath, he eased back from the wall and I could breathe again.

“Brute!” I scowled into his face. Then I pointed at the wall. “Look what you did!”

All my flailing around had knocked one of my pictures off its little nail. It was the one of Faith and Danielle. Well, actually it was a copy of the one of Faith and Danielle – I gave them the original so they could hang it up in their room.

It was only a sketch stuck on a cardboard backing, so it wasn’t damaged or anything. The sketch lay flat on the floor and I couldn’t reach it from my position hanging on to Dan. I reached down with one arm and flexed my hand open and shut to emphasize that I couldn’t reach the sketch where it lay.

“Down! Can’t reach! Lower!” I said.

Dan did as instructed and bent over, therefore lowering me enough that I could reach the sketch and pick it up from the floor. Naturally that involved me being more or less upside down as I clung to him, but that was okay. It was kind of fun, actually. Then he straightened up again and moved me close to the wall so that I could re-attach the sketch to its little nail.

Once I was satisfied that it was hanging securely and sitting straight, I wrapped the arm I’d been using back around Dan’s shoulder and tucked my head in against his chest with a satisfied little sigh.

I felt a hand pat my back and then we were moving again as Dan walked back to the couch and sat down. I had to unwrap my legs from behind him at the last minute to avoid getting them trapped. I curled my heels around so they were back under my hips but otherwise didn’t move. This all resulted in Dan sitting on the couch with me sitting astride his lap – still curled up against his broad chest.

Dan wrapped his arms around me and I nestled happily in the warm hug.

We sat there in silence for a little while.

Quietly, without warning, and for no reason whatsoever, tears suddenly spilled from my eyes. The first thing Dan probably knew about it was when his shirt started getting wet. He used a single finger to lift my face off his chest so that he could see for himself that my face was wet with tears.

“Hey!” His voice was soft and full of concern. “What’s with all the tears?”

I tucked my face back down against his chest.

Inside my skull, I stared with confusion at the little girl with tears running down her face. She’d been so happy a moment ago, and now she was crying. It didn’t make sense.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“You haven’t actually pooped in your pants, have you?”

I giggled through my tears and slapped his chest. “No!”

“Well, that’s good. Because that would be embarrassing. You’re too old for me to be wiping your smelly butt and changing your diapers. Besides, I don’t think they actually make diapers in your size.”

I giggled again. My eyes were still leaking tears but my mouth was laughing.

Dan wasn’t finished. “Are you sad about what’s happening in France?”

“What’s happening in France?”

“All those children are being brought up to speak French. It’s a kind of brain-washing. France is full of deluded people who’ve been brain-washed into speaking French. I think it’s very sad. It’s kind of like a cult – a cult of frenchness.”

I was laughing big belly-laughs now. I grabbed two handfuls of Dan’s shirt and buried my face into his chest to try to stop the laughs.

“Mind you,” he continued. “This frenchness cult is a very old one. France has been around for over a thousand years. That’s over a thousand years of delusion. Think of the millions of people who’ve lived their entire lives, trapped in the cult of frenchness. That makes it even more sad, doesn’t it? No wonder you were crying.”

By this time I was laughing so much my stomach was hurting. I slapped Dan’s chest.

“Stop it! It isn’t funny,” I wheezed. I was desperately trying to stop laughing before I burst open and spilt my insides all over Dan and the couch.

I pushed myself away from Dan’s chest and scowled at his face. He was lying back with a gentle smile on his face.

“That’s better. No more tears. I like your smiley face better than your sad face.”

I poked my tongue at him.

He tilted his head to one side and looked at me.

“Are you worried about Angie? Is that why you were crying?”

I searched around inside my skull and couldn’t come up with a definite answer.

I shrugged. “Maybe. She’s hurt. She’s at the hospital.”

Dan gently pulled me back down against his chest and stroked my back.

“You don’t have to worry. It’s nothing serious. She hurt her arm. Little kids get hurt all the time. When Tara was Angie’s age, she was up to the hospital nearly every month, what with one thing or another. You didn’t have the same problem. Every time you fell over, you bounced up again without getting hurt. I’m quite convinced that your entire body is made of rubber.”

I lay there and thought about that while Dan stroked his hand up and down my spine.

“Nana’s getting old,” I said. “Her hands were really bad this morning.”

Dan chuckled, which did interesting things to his stomach. Since I was lying on his stomach, I got bounced up and down a bit.

“I dare you to tell Nana she’s getting old. She’ll bite your head off. As far as she’s concerned, she’s started a new part of her life and she’s enjoying every minute of it.”

“Yes! But she’s still getting old. Earlier today she let me boss her around. She never used to let me do that.”

“You used to try to boss her into letting you eat sweets or bake mud-pies in her oven. Of course she never let you get away with that. Maybe today you were telling her to do something that she knew was the right thing to do.”


I snuggled into Dan’s chest and let the rise and fall of his chest calm my busy brain.

After a moment, I stirred. “Dad will be home soon, with Tara. I should start cooking dinner.”

“Dad said he would call when he was ready to leave the hospital. Has he called yet?”


“Then there’s no hurry. We can rest for a little while.”


I smiled into his chest and rested.

A short time later, I wriggled to ease a crick in my neck. Then I spoke softly into the silence.

“Mum said you were going out.”


“Say hello to Pearl for me.”

“I won’t be seeing Pearl.”

I blinked and pushed myself away from Dan’s chest so that I could sit upright in his lap.

I frowned at Dan.

“Where’s Pearl?”

“She’s gone home to her family for Thanksgiving.”

“So who are you going out with then?”

“Katrina, from the restaurant.”

“So why did Pearl dump you?”

Dan looked puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m hoping you weren’t stupid enough to dump her.”

“Nobody dumped anybody.”

“But why are you going out with this Katrina girl, when you’re dating Pearl?”

“I’m not really dating Pearl. I’ve just gone out on a few dates with her, that’s all.”

“Dan!” I waved my arms in exasperation. Then I grabbed him by his hair just above the ears on each side of his head.

“Dan, you are such an idiot.”

Dan blinked at me in surprise. I sighed and tried again.

“Do you like Pearl?”


“Do you want to have Pearl as your girlfriend?”


“Maybe? Maybe isn’t good enough. It has to be yes or no. You’ve had long enough to decide – so decide! If you don’t want her to be your girlfriend, then you have to tell her that and stop messing her around. If you do want her to be your girlfriend, then you have to tell her that, and cut out all this fooling around with every girl who points a pair of D-cups at you.”

Dan was looking puzzled. I used my hand-holds to shake his head a couple of times.

“Dan, when will you get it through your thick skull that Pearl is different from every other girl you’ve ever gone on a date with? She doesn’t use their rules. She doesn’t understand their world. Those bimbos all have so much blood going through their boobs that they don’t have anything left to make their brains work. They’re all butterflies. They flit from one idiot jock to the next idiot jock without a care in the world. It’s about time you stopped being one of the idiot jocks. Butterflies might look pretty, but they’re only around for a day or two and then they’re gone.”

I let go of the handfuls of Dan’s hair I was holding and smoothed his hair back down. My hands kept playing with his hair while I thought about what to say next.

“Pearl isn’t a butterfly. She’s this ... She’s this treasure that hides in an oyster on the bottom of the ocean, waiting for someone special to come along and find her. Pearl shared something special with you. She thinks it was special anyway, even if you don’t. Pearl thinks that doing that and going on dates with you implies some sort of commitment. And now, the first time she isn’t around, you go and betray her with the first slut who flashes her tits at you.”

“I think you’re judging Katrina a bit harshly.”

“Really? Whose idea was it that you go out on this date?”

“I asked her.”

“I didn’t ask you who asked who. I asked you whose idea it was.”

“She may have said something about it before I asked her.”

“Exactly! Dan, I’ve seen Katrina at the restaurant. She’s exactly the type that I’m talking about. I bet you weren’t even looking at her face when you asked her out.”

Dan blinked at me. I wasn’t sure if I was right about that or not, so I moved on.

“Anyway, aren’t you supposed to be a duty manager at the restaurant?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Isn’t there supposed to be some law about managers not having sex with the workers?”

“There isn’t actually a law...”

“What will happen the next time you tell her to do something that she doesn’t want to do. If you make her do it, she’ll complain that you’re picking on her because of the sex, and if you let her off, the other workers will complain about favoritism. The only way to avoid that would be to have sex with all of them.”

That might not have been a particularly clever thing to say. Dan’s eyes kind of lit up at the thought. I even felt a stirring in his jeans, down where I was sitting. For the first time, it occurred to me that maybe the way I was sitting wasn’t terribly ... um ... suitable. Sitting astride his lap and facing him, like I was, meant that my, you know, my groin was all stretched out and pressed against him. I mean, if anyone saw me sitting like that, they’d probably think ... well, I guess it’s just as well I was wearing jeans. I could feel my face heat up as I blushed.

I pushed against his chest so that I slid back from him a little bit. Now I was sitting astride his thighs rather than directly on his lap.

That business had made me totally lose my train of thought. I slapped Dan’s arm in frustration. Dan seemed to think I was hitting him because of the other thing and he started to apologize, so I stopped him with my fingers over his mouth. I wanted to pretend it all hadn’t happened so I didn’t want to talk about it. I tried to get the conversation back on track.

“Dan! That would include Dorothy, who’s like fifty, and that Martin guy, who probably wouldn’t object too much, and also the cook. What’s his name?”


“Alistair. He would definitely object. He has some very sharp knives that he would probably stick into you if you even suggested it.”

I could see the excitement progressively disappear from Dan’s eyes as I said all that.

I sighed and dropped my eyes down to my hands, which were resting on the outsides of my thighs.

“I suppose...” Dan’s voice was hesitant. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Dan, I’m totally right and you know it. You’re not being fair to Pearl.”

“I meant about the work thing, but you might be right about Pearl as well.”

The phone rang and I slipped off Dan’s lap to run across the room and answer it. It was Dad telling me that he and Tara were about to leave the hospital. He also said that Mum and Angie had gone in to see the doctor a few moments ago so they would be a while longer.

I hung up the phone and told Dan what Dad had said. I moved into the kitchen and started separating out the hamburger patties, ready to grill them.

“I’m going to start cooking dinner. We’re having hamburgers. Do you want some?”

“I better not. I’ll be eating with Katrina.”

I shrugged, but put two burgers out for him anyway.

“Are you still going to go out with her? I thought I convinced you not to cheat on Pearl.”

“Yes! I promised to take Katrina to see Frog Rock play. I’m not going to break that promise but I won’t do anything else with her.”

“Who are Frog Rock? I’ve never heard of them.”

“They’re a local cover band. Apparently Katrina knows the bass guitarist. They have a gig in that new place that opened up on Lafayette Street.”

“What time is the gig?”

“They go on at ten. They have to finish by eleven thirty because another band is starting at midnight.”

“So even if they go a bit over time, you can still be home by midnight.”

“You don’t get to set a curfew for me, Bec. Don’t push your luck.”

“But if you have a curfew, because of tomorrow being a big day or whatever, then you have a reason for saying no when she starts poking her big tits at you and inviting you back to her place for a coffee or whatever.”

I rolled my eyes to emphasize that I knew “coffee” is code for sex.

Dan shrugged. “I already told you I’m convinced. Don’t you trust me?”

I rolled my eyes back at him and changed the subject.

I started up the grill and got the burgers cooking while Dan sat at the kitchen table and watched. We talked about general stuff while I set the table and got the bowl of salad out of the fridge. The fridge groaned in relief at being unburdened of some of its load.

I timed it pretty well because the burgers had about a minute more to cook when Dad and Tara came in. They burst through the door in the middle of some conversation about a movie that had been on TV last weekend. They were both carrying bags of groceries.

I stood beside the stove and directed traffic, getting Dad and Tara to put the cold things into the cooler and the buns for the hamburgers directly onto the table and the rest of the things into cupboards.

“You’re such a bossy boots,” grumbled Tara. “Who put you in charge?”

“Nana said I was in charge until Mum gets home,” I said.

“To be perfectly accurate, Nana said you were in charge until someone more responsible came home.” Dan pointed out with a grin.

I sniffed. “That’s what I said.”

Dan looked at Dad and laughed. Dad was busy arranging things in the cooler and didn’t seem to have heard our little conversation. I laughed too. I’d tried to have a dig at Dad and he hadn’t even noticed. What a waste of a good teasing.

I pointed at Dad and Tara and put on my bossy voice. “Now go wash up, both of you. Dinner is in two minutes.”

Dan was sniffing at the scent of freshly cooked hamburger.

“Now that I think about it, maybe I could do with a burger. I need something to keep me going until later. Would you mind throwing another one under the grill for me?”

I smiled at Dan and then waved the tongs mystically over the grill. I said “Shazam!” and tapped the tongs against the grill. Then I calmly started lifted the cooked burgers onto a plate.

By the time Dad and Tara returned and sat down, I had everything ready. I had plates of sliced tomato and sliced cheese and the buns were all set out and ready to be used. The ketchup bottle was standing ready as well, except that we call it tomato sauce – even if the label on the bottle says “Ketchup.” I grabbed a bun, assembled a burger on a plate and handed it to Dad. I put together a second burger for Tara and then a third for Dan.

Dan looked down at the burger in front of him, then up at me. “Shazam?”

I grinned at him. “I have magic powers.”

I winked at him and took a bite out of my own burger.

That was the end of any conversation for some time. Mum always says that the greatest compliment a cook can get is when everyone goes quiet and concentrates on eating. I chewed on my burger and enjoyed the compliment.

I also enjoyed my burger. I mean, I really enjoyed my burger. The difference between my burger and the sort you get at a fast food place is like the difference between a diamond and a lump of coal. They’re both made out of more or less the same ingredients but ... well, you know.

The patties weren’t those thin and lifeless things you buy in supermarkets either. Mum makes batches of patties from scratch and freezes them until they’re needed. She uses a secret recipe – yes, I know what it is, but it really is a secret so don’t bother asking. Since Tara and I helped Mum make this batch of burger patties, I guess I can take a little bit of the credit for the silence.

Same as Bec2: Thanksgiving
Chapter 6: Early Wednesday Evening November 24th Videos

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 11 Thanksgiving at the Y

I sat backwards on the back seat of Dan’s car and watched our house get smaller as we drove away. Then we swung around a corner and our house disappeared completely. It seemed symbolic, somehow – watching my house disappear. Maybe I was watching the past disappearing behind me. My past, I mean. It represented a time when I thought all adults were like my parents – kind and loving, even if they occasionally made mistakes and sometimes did mean things. I spun around and sat properly on the...

3 years ago
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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 12 Thanksgiving Dinner Part 1

“We’re home!” yelled Tara, as we came in through the front door. “Yay!” squealed Angie from the kitchen. She came running out towards us and ran full tilt into Dan so that she could hug him around his legs. Dad and Nana followed from the kitchen a bit more slowly. I was kind of glad that Dad didn’t come running at us because he had a sharp knife in one hand and half a carrot in the other. He was wearing an apron over his suit which looked a bit weird. On the other hand, Nana was wearing an...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 13 Thanksgiving Dinner Part 2

In all the furniture shifting, the coffee table had been pushed against the wall directly below Mum’s painting. That made it difficult for me to retreat to my favorite place – but not impossible. I sat on the coffee table and slid back to lean my back against the wall. I kicked off my shoes and crossed my legs inside my skirt. Carefully I smoothed out my skirt and made sure that it draped down to completely cover my legs, my ankles and my feet. The material of my skirt stretched between my...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 14 Thanksgiving Dinner Part 3

Oil paint is thick and gloopy. It takes ages to dry. If you pile it on thickly enough, it can take weeks to get dry enough so you can handle it without smudging or smearing it. You’re not supposed to put a lacquer coating on an oil painting for at least six months because it’s still drying in all of that time. And even then, it isn’t completely finished – that takes years. Mum told me it’s because the oil doesn’t evaporate like water, it slowly congeals until it gets hard – a bit like fat in...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 15 After Dinner

I let my brain run and stepped back to see where it would go. It was a bit like riding a bicycle down a hill and taking your hands off the handle bars. Then the bicycle keeps rolling down the hill and you feel as if without being guided it should go in weird directions or fall over but it doesn’t – it mostly goes straight. But it goes faster and faster until the wind is racing past your face and blowing your hair out straight behind you. But the bike doesn’t go perfectly straight. Gradually...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 16 Thanksgiving Afternoon

I was sitting and thinking about nothing. “Nothing” seemed like a safe topic to think about. The aunts had gone into the living room to watch the rest of the football game. It seemed like an amazingly normal thing to do. I wasn’t ready for normal yet so I stayed in the hallway, sitting and thinking about nothing. To be honest, I was only trying to think about nothing. I wasn’t really succeeding. The problem being that I was angry. I was so very angry that it frightened me. Maybe angry is too...

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Early November

She's told him he must wait until the time is right — until she is quite sure. But that was at the end of August. It's early November now, and he's growing impatient.Most evenings they lie together fully clothed on his childhood bed with limbs entwined, his hard cock imprisoned in his Levis incessantly pushing against her. Hour after hour of kissing, sometimes talking, only breaking off when he rises to change the vinyl, the albums that will become the soundtrack to their courting. A year ago,...

First Time
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November 15th

November 15th By CtrlAltDelete The following is a transcribed record of a session with a woman with no identification and Dr. Timothy Keller, resident Psychologist at the Chicago Institute of Mental Health, Chicago, Illinois, between November 12th and 16th, 1989. This transcript is property of the Chicago Institute of Mental Health. For case study records, please contact Dr. Keller for a copy available for publication. [Session 26-61082. Keller, Timothy J. November 11th, 1989] [D...

4 years ago
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Never in November

Never in November © 2003 by Nom de Plume LOS ANGELES: In a remarkable feat of neurosurgery and tissue engineering, scientists at the University of California at Irvine have successfully transplanted penises and testicles from male rabbits to female rabbits, and ovaries and uteruses from the former females to the castrated male donors. Once they recovered from the surgery, the new male rabbits attempted to have sex within 30 seconds of being put in a cage with an engineered...

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The crisp fall breeze brought a fresh smell to the water as Isaac Turner walked along the deck. He looked over the rail as the ship coasted along down the Detroit River. There was a chill in the air and he thought about going below deck to get a jacket but decided to check on the youngster first. He looked down the length of the over 700 foot long freighter and tried to locate his charge. Before he caught sight of Jimmy he saw something else that brought a smile to his lips. There on the shore...

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WednesdaysChapter 28 Wednesday Toni

Summer was well begun, and on that Wednesday morning, I went off to the office, swinging along the shaded walks of western Pearl Street, past other buildings of condos like my own. I was wearing a new dress I'd just finished. It was a little shorter than usual, showed my legs, but tastefully I think. I was loving the feel of my breasts moving under the front, and now and then I'd look down to watch them sway. I thought about how I'm brown all over, though not many people know it. I was...

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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

1 year ago
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Dear diary november

November 3 Dear Diary, It's getting cold outside! I love the holidays, but I have more pressing things to think about right now! Gary keeps wanting to fuck us, and we keep putting him off! I can tell that Emma is really close to giving in to him, she is so in love with his pecker!!! I'm not saying that Hillary and I aren't turned on to his cock too, it's just that Ems has turned into a little "cock hound"!!! When we have our masturbation sessions in her room, she has graduated to larger and...

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WednesdaysChapter 19 Wednesday Sheldon

When Rudy talked to me on the Mall, I was a little surprised. He'd actually paid attention when I told him I was thinking of quitting and had taken action on it. I had always taken Rudy pretty much the way he appeared - one of those guys who talks about how hard he works, and sort of plugs through the days not really accomplishing much. I guess I was mistaken, because he not only paid attention to me and my problem, but gave me a real alternative to quitting. When we had finished our lunch...

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WednesdaysChapter 25 Wednesday Jenny

It's really been wonderful since I started sleeping with Dana and Ed. Wonderful. The sex is great, of course. I get lots of it from both of them, and I can give back all I want. It's not a continual orgy. But I can be sexy whenever I want; I can grope someone anytime, and I never know when I'm going to get rubbed or hugged or felt up. It's sort of like being on the edge of something loving and sexy all the time. And if I don't feel like it, I can just refuse. The most unusual part is,...

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The Professors Exploits Journal Entries November 8th 11th

Dear Journal, Last night I may have had a few too many scotches sans rocks at the bar, and as a result I felt a little worse for the wear when I woke up today. That is why I spent the better part of one of my morning classes questioning whether a persistent vibrational hum I kept hearing was coming from my hungover head or from some other source. I was trying to give a lecture, yet behind my words was a curious, somewhat annoying buzzing sound emitting from some mysterious source in the...

2 years ago
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My November Journal Entry

My birthday was on a Sunday and all I had planned was a swinger’s club visit and some husband fun. I didn’t expect much to happen but I was hoping it would as the start of November had been disappointing, nothing other than a dud swinger’s party. In the event, I had a great romantic weekend on my birthday and hubby’s birthday was on the horizon as well. All good signs.I'd been bored to tears during the work week and I masturbated like a teenager to on-cam guys who had huge cocks. I had happy...

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Calendar Girl November

Calendar Girl: November By Kimmie oh Peter walked up to the door of the little ivy-covered house at 911 Hope Road. He pushed the doorbell but heard nothing. He put his briefcase containing the foreclosure papers down on the cracked stoop. He pressed his ear to the chipped paint on the door and pushed the bell again. There was no sound from within the house. He gave up on the doorbell and knocked on the door's warped wood. The force of his fist opened the door a crack....

1 year ago
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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories In November 2020

Dear Readers, you have enjoyed a lot of Indian xxx stories written by our great authors. Here are the 10 best Indian sex stories from the month of November 2020. By: After fingering his mom, Abishek can’t control his urge. Even after this Indian housewife offered him sex, he feels it’s wrong. But he has an alternative. “Then I thought of something. “Can you stroke it for me?” I asked. She smiled naughtily and came near me. She leaned on the wall in my side and put her left hand over my...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 4 November 810

November 8 It was our last home game of the year, which is a good thing because the weather is really starting to turn cold. I wore sweats under my uniform tonight and I was still miserable. Katie was squeezed so tightly against me during the first half that I almost couldn’t play my horn for the stand tunes, and holding hands just isn’t the same when you’re both wearing gloves; it’s sweet but skin-to-skin contact is much better. Katie and I carried on our post-halftime tradition of making...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 5 November 1517

November 15 I’ve been going crazy from horniness all week in anticipation of this weekend. Katie hasn’t been helping the mood, either. This afternoon, for example, my once-demure girlfriend cornered me in one of the practice rooms in the band hall and kissed me hard enough to make my toes curl, then grabbed my cock through my jeans and gave it several strokes while whispering in my ear that she just couldn’t wait to feel it without all the clothes in the way. “And I can’t wait to feel your...

3 years ago
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5th NovemberChapter 4 Disaster

- "Hey I just thought of something ... why did they say October? Wasn't it in November that they caught Fawkes?" Kathy asked. - "The best laid plans of Grand Masters and knaves ... during the summer of 1605 a plague occurred in London ensuring that the Lords and the Kings families were in the country and wouldn't be back until after the plague had passed." Robert told her. - "A plague? But the Black Death..." Charlotte protested but was cut off by Robert. - "It wasn't as bad as...

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5th NovemberChapter 5 Remember Remember the 5th of November

Fawkes decided to wait out the night at the cellar, to ensure that nothing happened in the final hours, he had measured out a fuse that would run for 15 minutes, he checked the watch was fully wound and correct and then smiled, it wouldn't do to set everything up and then find that the party was over before he'd set the fuse! He settled down to sleep when he heard a noise from outside, it was almost as if somebody was trying to open the door, he tensed up and then quietly walked to the...

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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

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WednesdaysChapter 38 Wednesday

Rudy sat in the booth, feeling the warmth of Sylvia's thigh and shoulder next to him. He looked down. She wore a dress that laced up the front, but now gaped enough to show the firm slopes of her breasts. When he tore his eyes away, they noticed Dana's t-shirt, her nipples punching forth. Jennie sat nearby, her man's shirt frankly unbuttoned most of the way down, showing nothing. Rudy felt Melanie's hand on his thigh and looked into her eyes. She smiled. "Isn't it great?' she said....

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The Wednesday Couple

My deepest thanks to SouthPacific for his editing skills, this story reads allot better with his help. I had some real trouble deciding on a category for this one. The first page or so will lead you to believe it should sit firmly in one category, but when you read it to the end you will think it could well sit in another. Just a shame that it can’t go into multiple categories! I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** I thought I had it all – before I walked into the Paradise Hotel. A loving...

4 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 6 Wednesday Evening

I managed to escape the office at about 5:15 as I needed to head to the Shopping Centre to meet up with Ling. I parked the car up and headed to the food area and found the fast food joint. I got myself a milk shake and found a table to the side. A few minutes later, Ling showed up. Again, we kissed with more passion than the last kiss this morning. This was going to be a successful evening; I could feel it. There was a nervousness in Ling but also a latent desire that I could feel. I asked...

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Wednesday 23 September

Wednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...

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Wednesday Afternoons

I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...

2 years ago
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Remember Remember The Fifth Of November

The fifth of November? OK, so we learnt about that in infant school. That Guy Fawkes dude plotting to blow up King Charles II. Or was it Charles I? Anyway, the gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament and then getting caught and killed and having heads stuck up as warnings around London. So we civilised 21 st century folks like to celebrate that by setting off fireworks. Fun! I do like a bit of history. It’s pretty tragic how the idiots got caught though isn’t it? One of the gang decided to...

1 year ago
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November Nights

Once upon a time Emily Angelica Fairport slept peacefully in the century old white four poster canopy bed surrounded by its sheer lacy curtains nestled deep between the heavy pink eyelet duvet and the several inches deep feather bed. Every detail of her boudoir serving to further magnify the image of an innocent southern belle, amplified with a sweet as tea nature that hung in the air anytime she was present and dripped from her tongue every time she spoke. A magazine feature existence that was...

4 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month November 2016

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of November, 2016. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How a sex-starved lady wanting to have sex after her hubby gone meets her devarji who ignites love, sex, and lust and then turning her into a whore in gangbang in the hotel room. …As soon as door got closed I hugged him tightly and we kissed and smooched for a long time just like true lovers, without wasting time he undressed...

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Calender Girls November Thank God Its Thursday

CALENDAR GIRLS NOVEMBER - Thank God It?s Thursday by Tammy Fairbanks April was just as nervous going to the G.I.R.L. Thanksgiving Dinner as she had been when she attended her first meeting. She had been going for years and these were all her friends, but things were a lot different for her now. She started out as just one of the many crossdressers in the gender group, content with occasionally dressing up, but always comfortable with being a man underneath. However, a...

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Red November

Svetlana Petrovich frowned as she gazed out of the window. She was standing at the top of the stairs, looking out across the expanse of growing crops that dominated a wide valley. Below her the road between the wheat fields was no more than a dirt path, and the wheels of the advancing horse drawn cart skidded along well excavated ruts. "He's here now. I can see him sitting with the driver. I wonder if he's changed much." Turning away from the window she glanced at her younger sister for...

2 years ago
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The Roses in November

The Roses in November I watch him from the window of the north tower as he makes his way to me through the wilderness surrounding my keep. He is weary, this seeker with his rusted mail and sword smeared with the blood of the vines he has had to cut to keep from stumbling on the rocky path. He is no more than an ant struggling on the horizon at the moment, but I know that he is breathing heavily from the effort it takes to ascend this summit. I consider dispatching a bird to see where...

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One November Night

I’m not sure about posting this ‘story’ as it’s something that actually happened to me just over five years ago. It isn’t a work of fiction, it’s a true story.I suppose it started with a lady at work.  I’ll call her Sandra (not her real name).  Sandra and I worked for the same company and we soon became very good friends – in fact, we still are very good friends.  We would often go for a drink together after work or go to the pictures or go for a meal. I’d never regarded Sandra as anything...

1 year ago
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One evening in November, I was sitting in the living room watching TV with my mother. Dad was out with some friends. I'm 18 years old and my mom and dad are 47.We had a very open tone about sex. Now we could ask each other about anything.Mom was very interested in my sex life.She suddenly asked if we should watch a porn movie?"What," I said in surprise."Just watch someone suck each other and maybe a little fucking," she continued."Nothing advanced"."Okay," I replied.She put on the internet on...

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Best 10 Indian Sex Stories of November 2021

Dear Readers, we are back with the best stories list for November 2021. Read, enjoy and share! 1) By: Read how the horny son ignites the sexual spark in his beautiful mom Deepthi and how the incest mom enjoys and moans to getting fucked by her own son. ‘I turned her over and immediately unzipped my pants and let the beast out! My mom was so shocked by the size of my tool. She bit her lips and whispered, “So much bigger than your dad’s.” Before I could say a word, my horny mom grabbed my...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 12 November 22

-- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2007, THANKSGIVING DAY -- 1:24 AM “Ngh-ngh-ngh...” “Fuckme-fuckme-fuckme...” “Ngh-ngh-ngh...” “Oh fuckme so close ... That’s it! That’s... Ungh!... Ungh!“ “Ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh!” “That’s! Fuck! Eeeeeee-Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Gaaawwwwwwnnnnngggghhhh...” The tension in my lover’s naked, sweaty body abruptly slackened, her arms collapsing to let her head and chest fall down to the mattress as the relief of orgasm swept through her. But I maintained my grip on her...

1 year ago
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1 November 2008Chapter 4

Hanna and Jenny came into the living room each wearing a moderately low top and short skirt. Dan could instantly tell neither girl was wearing a bra. They turned around letting him see their asses, leaned over to show him down their tops, then sat down and noticed Lisa’s relaxed pose. The girls relaxed their pose allowing Dan to view between their legs. Both girls wore white panties but Hanna’s were see-through and he could clearly see her slit. She smiled knowing Dan could see her. “Mom,...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 7 November 24

-- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, THANKSGIVING DAY -- 8:13 AM The early morning air was cold against my right cheek, the pillow reassuringly warm against my left. Instinctively, I turned my face deeper into the pillow and inched my shoulder up to carry the warm blanket higher toward my ear. Little by little, my body came alive as sensory input crawled along my nerves. The lone exception was my left arm, slightly deadened from being trapped beneath her pillow for some time, the tips of my...

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7 November 2008Chapter 3

“I’ve got a feeling you’re going to be taking a number of Viagra this weekend. I want you to have a permanent hard-on for the women and a few lucky men until we go home.” “Karen packed me eight pills for our weekend fun. Since we’re here, would you be interested in trying the place out for a fuck or see if you can find another guy for you?” “Yes to both!” she smiled and kissed him. They went to the counter and were each given a key on a rubber hand. In the locker room, they stripped off...

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22 November 2008Chapter 1

Dan’s eyes were moving rapidly from side to side as he dreamt of playfully chasing his first wife, Laura around the park. She’d always let him catch her and then demand a good fucking from him. Laura’s memory managed to filter into his dreams several times a year, namely on their wedding anniversary, 18th June, on his birthday, 20th July, her birthday, 13th October and today, 22 November, the anniversary of her death. He inhaled the fragrance of her perfumed hair and the sensual taste...

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22 November 2008Chapter 4

Leaving Carla’s office Dan drove to Anderson’s convenience store and parked. They walked to the intersection of Jackson Blvd and Kent St., the site of his first wife, Laura’s fatal car accident. He touched her white cross, brushing off the accumulated dust, then did the same to the other cross. “I wonder what Laura would think of my life now with you, Wendy and Tina, Susan and Lisa in our bed most nights?” “I’m sure she would be the first to welcome them into our bed and enjoy tasting their...

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Trading UpChapter 2 Earlier that November night

Doctor Cameron was a locum medical practitioner as he didn’t have a practice of his own, nor was he a partner in an established practice, but he had extensive hospital experience in an emergency department, so he was used to dealing with all sorts of injuries, complaints or simply out-of-hours concerned patients. As a locum he covered doctors’ periods of sick leave, vacations, or made himself available for out-of-surgery-hours cover, including weekends. He was prepared to relocate on a...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 9 November 30 December 1

November 30 As usual, I was up early on Saturday morning. Well, 9:30 is pretty early for a 14-year-old on a day off from school. Once I was up, I showered and dressed for the day ahead before coming downstairs. Mom was sitting on a stool in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and I could hear Dad stumbling around upstairs, so he would apparently be downstairs soon. “Becky called when you were in the shower, wondering if she could come and pick you up,” Mom said. “It sounds like she has...

2 years ago
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22 November 2006Chapter 3

Dan held the door open for Vicky as they entered the Coffee Cup and stomped the snow off their feet. Vicky put her hood down, revealing her brunette and blonde streaked, shoulder-length hair. Dan was able to see Vicky better in the store light and appreciated her beauty, with her hazel green eyes framed by her perfectly shaped eyebrows. They went to the counter, waiting to be served. “Hi Dan,” came the greeting from a young blonde-haired teenaged girl. “Hi Beautiful,” Dan replied, giving...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 8 November 26th 1932

The Australian mountain range radiated its heat in late November. While most of the world had their winters, Australia was going through the beginning of its summer. At temperatures of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the day was calm, with only the light wind that permeated the area. It was a bright day in the middle of virtually nowhere. In the distance was the vast Flinders mountain range. The ground was a large bright orange color from the sands and almost barely noticeable shrub. Plants...

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29 November 2006Chapter 5

Brad was enjoying Abby’s company but also wanted to follow the hockey game. He was seeing the game from a different perspective based on what his dad had said to him. He drew some plays he figured might work against Belleville and Kingston as if he was playing them. He paid special attention to Abby’s brother Peter. “What are you doing?” She asked. “Drawing hockey plays.” “Hey, back to your math,” she said, tapping his folder. “You’ve got to be kidding me?” He replied, mocking her earlier...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 12 November

The next day Mike was awake as soon as it was light outside. He was careful not to wake up Ruthie as he got out of his bed, cleaned up, and settled at his computer to work on his term paper. He felt better than he had felt in a year, convinced that he now was in a solid relationship with the girl in his bed. Whatever her faults, she loved him and was a person worthy of his love. As far as he was concerned their relationship was sealed the night before, when she had given herself to him....

1 year ago
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5th NovemberChapter 3 The Plot Thickens

- "In March 1605 that the plotters returned to London to continue their task, of course this wasn't to the plans of the Association who in the meantime were looking for closer positions for the plotters to work from, they had located one but it was in use by a coal merchant for storage of his coal..." Maurice continued and then the scene started As the group reassembled they were joined by others, Ambrose Rookwood being one of them, he supplied most of the money now and also had several...

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8 November 2008Chapter 3

Dan and Tina returned to the hotel where they took a sensual shower together and changed their clothes. “How many of those sexy looking dresses do you own?” He asked admiring how the deep cleavage caressed her barely covered breasts. “Only three, this one is my brightest. I thought a bit of yellow print would add some cheer to this dreary November weather.” She took her love in her arms and he inhaled the aroma of her freshly applied chocolate and vanilla scented perfume. As they shared a...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 16 Operation Granby Kuwait November 1990March 1991

We flew out from RAF Brize Norton on the 14th November in some huge Yank aircraft, a Galaxy I think, they all look alike to me. As I sat in my relatively comfortable seat I thought of the last time I had gone to war; in a luxurious cruise liner no less, the QE II. Of course we had travelled squaddie class and didn't have white coated stewards waiting on us hand foot and finger. It took nearly 5 weeks to get down to the Islands, and I made some good mates amongst 3 Para, my travelling...

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