PerfectChapter 3 free porn video

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Then Leila moved off and went to talk to Maurice, who everybody called Mo, and Angela. The two had been a couple since their first day of classes freshman year, and all their friends were waiting for wedding invitations. As it turned out however, the couple had to leave just soon. Everyone wished them good night as they left, and greeted several late comers at the same time. In all the commotion Shamshaire did not see who entered, and really did not care. He had just finished his third scotch and was primed for a short nap right there on the couch.

His head had lolled to the left side, onto the corner of the couch when an electric shock ran through him. He felt a hand on the back of his neck massaging and another on came over his shoulder and onto his chest. Shamshaire was paralyzed completely and his mind stopped functioning. All that mattered at that second were the hands. He knew whose hands they were and he was powerless to resist them.

He felt a breath on his ear and hear, "My Lion, forgive me please, please. I need you."

Shamshaire's face screwed up into a ball of pain. He stifled his tears as best he could but the moistness at the edge of his eyes grew.

"Please, my dear Leo," the voice whispered again.

All he could do was nod slightly, and that was all it took. The hand around his chest left, but the one massaging his neck did not. Kaylin came around the near side of the couch and sat on Shamshaire's lap. She was wearing the blue, scoop neck top she knew he loved and tight blue jeans; she had dressed to please him.

"My Leo," she said, and pulled his lips down to hers. Shamshaire came alive and wrapped his arms around Kaylin and hugged her tightly as he could. His tongue plunged deep into her mouth driving, pushing, pulling, and taking. There was urgency and longing their kiss and the animal passion that was roused in Shamshaire was amazing.

He broke the kiss and dropped his head down to Kaylin's chest kissing her between the breasts. During their kiss she had broken out into a soft sweat and as Shamshaire used his tongue he reveled in her taste. He breathed in her smell, more precious to him at that moment than air, and nuzzled her skin, softer than he remembered. Finally it was too much. Letting out a bestial half roar, half grunt he lifted a panting Kaylin in his arms and moved towards the bedrooms.

By now everybody was watching him and as he tried to open the door on the left Ariel shouted to him, "The right Leo, the right! Use the guest room."

Several people laughed at that but Leila who had also been watching the scene unfold broke out into tears and buried her face into David's shoulder.

"Why didn't you stop them? How could you let them do that here!"

"Leila did you see the look in his eyes? Anyone who tried to stop him would have ended up dead!"

"I, I have to, I can't stay hear and listen to them, you know..."

"Yeah, I know. Ariel! Hey, I'm going to drop Leila off, hold down the fort!"

"Will do!"

As Leila and David were leaving Shamshaire nearly ripped off his shirt and pants, and then did the same to Kaylin. Their need was great and they didn't waste time with foreplay. Shamshaire simply pulled Kaylin to the edge of the bed and entered her. He started slamming away immediately each thrust more powerful than the one before. Kaylin, matching him stroke for stroke, neared her edge soon, and wrapping her legs around Shamshaire let out a guttural moan that embarrassed every single person in the living room. Shamshaire though, just kept pounding away but when Kaylin's second orgasm took her, her pussy spasmed and clenching Shamshaire's cock and he went wild. Ramming harder and faster as Kaylin's body trembled as if under a personal earthquake, Shamshaire finally exploded and let out a roar that frightened even his girlfriend.

Somewhat sated he fell onto the bed next to Kaylin and once again they began kissing and touching. This time however, Kaylin, recovering quicker, took control and pushed Shamshaire to on to his back on the bed and straddled him. She took his member in her hand and ran it along her open pussy until he was mostly hard. Then holding him steady, she lowered herself onto him until she was fully impaled. They both sighed when her pussy hit his groin.

Leaning over him, her lips, just barely, not touching his Kaylin whispered, "My Leo." Then she clamped her mouth against his and they started to move together. Shamshaire was back in the place he longed for; he was the closest he knew to heaven. To be inside her, to surround her with his arms, to feel her full weight on him, her nipples scratching his chest, to Shamshaire this was the greatest place he could ever be; it was worth the risk.

The phone rang in the mid-August Sunday afternoon. Leila, who had just come home from work dropped her purse on her dresser in front of the mirror and picked up the phone.

"Hello, may I please know who is calling?"

"Hi Leila, it's Dan. How has the summer treated you?"

"Oh Dan, hey. I'm good. What about you, we haven't talked in a couple months."

"Yeah, it's been a while. Listen, I need you to do something for me. This is real big okay, real big."

"Uh, well, tell me and I'll see."

"Promise me Leila."

"Dan, I don't know what you are up to but you call me after two months and with your reputation you actually expect me to promise you something without knowing what I am getting into?"

"Leila, I swear it's nothing bad. In fact it's probably one of the smarter things I will have done in a while."

"I don't know what you're talking about Dan. Get to the point or get off the phone."

"Fine, fine. It's about your best friend who happens to be one of my best friends also."

"Who?" Leila asked, although she felt she already knew the answer.

"Shairu, who else?"

"What about him, we haven't talked since David's party."

"Yeah I heard about that. One hell of a mess he made of things."

"You've lost me again. Could you please quit playing the damn games and tell me what's going on."

"Kaylin did it again. She-"


"Yep. Pretty much the same thing too."

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Shairu's research group had him working twelve hours a day for almost fifteen days straight. Apparently Kaylin got too needy and had a fling with some engineering grad student." "So how did Shairu find out?"

"Well, most of the people he works with are grad students or post docs. He was at some lab barbeque when he heard the son of a bitch bragging about bagging some sophomore chick. The asshole was giving out details and Leo of course recognized the name and description of his girl."

"Shairu didn't do anything stupid did he?"

"Oh you bet your cute ass he did. He broke the fucker's nose and almost got fired for it."

"Did the fellow press charges?"

"No, Leo's bosses convinced him not to, but it doesn't end there. That very evening Leo went to Kaylin's place and broke up with her. Someone who knows one of Kaylin's neighbors told me that the neighbor could hear the screaming clearly through the wall. The neighbor almost called the police 'cause she thought that Shairu would beat up Kaylin."

"Shairu? He could never hit a woman!"

"I know, and he didn't. He screamed a lot, broke a vase, and kicked a table leg but that's it."

"Shit, I wish he had called. How long ago was this?"

"It happened three weeks ago. He didn't call me either. I heard from Ariel 'cause he works at the Lab too. When I went out to see him a week ago, cause it had been a couple of weeks anyway, he looked like shit. His mom said he's barely eating anything. All he does is go to work, come back and read."

"I wish he had come to me."

"Yeah so do I, but the both of you are idiots in that way." "What!"

"You know why he didn't talk to you about it. I know everything that happened that evening, he told me."

"What when?"

"Later that night. I got a bit of pot in him and-"

"But he doesn't drink or do drugs."

"That's the least of what he did that night, but those details aren't important. And as for drinking, from what Carl told me, Shairu packed away a lot of hard stuff the night of David's party. He couldn't take it." "He hasn't binged again has he?"

"No he won't with his parents around but he's like a damn zombie. I was over there again day before yesterday and his brother and I tried to get him to come to the movies with us and a few girls. He just kinda stared at me, as if I wasn't even there."

"You should have just dragged him along."

"Yeah right, you know how strong he is. He may not look it but he packs one hell of a punch."

"So why are you calling me? What am I supposed to do? Go visit him? You know how weird that would be."

"Well you have to do something. That night he also told me that he had wanted to ask you out from the first time he saw you but that his fucked up second rule and your honor stopped him. That's how much he wanted you; he had it so bad he didn't trust himself."

"Then why the hell did he start up with that bitch? He broke his rule for her, not me!"

"I don't know everything. But you and I both know that he has these old ideas of being a gentleman, and respecting certain things and all this other bullshit. You know why I think he fell so hard for Kaylin. Because he pushed all the feeling he had for you onto her, that's why!"

"Then why did he run away from me!!"

"I don't know. But you can bring him back, you have to. I looked in his eyes that day and the fire was gone. You know, that craziness that always reminded us that we could never know what he would do. It's gone. That ability he had to laugh so loudly and wonderfully that it made you happy just to listen to - it's mute. His parents are so worried they're considering sending him to India over the next semester. They say some time in an untainted part of the world would do him some good."

"Oh no! They wouldn't do that. What about his degree."

"The way they see it, and I have to agree, is that his course work will go to hell. They figure his cousins and all will cheer him up. They know why he's been like this. He came clean about a week after he had it out with Kaylin. I have a feeling that they are secretly hoping he'll get attached to some girl over there."

"He couldn't, no!"

"It might happen unless somebody does something."

"I don't know what to do."

"Neither do I. But we have to do something." There was a pause then in the conversation. Each could almost hear the other think. The silence was loud, deafening.

"Dan, I need to do some thinking. Can I call you back?"

"Of course, just please, don't abandon him."

"How can you say that knowing as much as you do about us? I couldn't abandon him if my life depended on it."

"Shamshaire here, go ahead," he said in a monotone voice as he answered his cell phone on the warm Sunday morning.

"Shairu? Hi, its Leila."

"Leila," he began, some animation now in his voice. "How are you. It seems like forever since we talked."

"Yeah, it does doesn't it. Listen, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

"Anything." It was not said with enthusiasm or trepidation. He simply stated a fact. "I'll do anything for you," he repeated, and he meant it. Her voice was magic, like cool ointment on searing wounds.

"Great. I would like some help moving furniture, and well, I could really use your muscle."

"Sure, when should I come over," this time his voice betrayed his enthusiasm.

"Well, it's just past nine right now, so how about say, ten fifteen."

"Okay, I'll be there. Oh, and Leila, it'll be really great seeing you again. It's been too long."

"Yeah. See you later. Bye."

'You don't know how long Shairu, not in the least. Now, what the hell am I going to have him move?' mused Leila as she hung up the phone.

Pulling into the driveway of the house Shamshaire felt his heart skip a beat.

'Why am I getting like this? Sure it's been a while since I've seen Leila but it's not like there's anything else between us. At least I don't think so.'

Ringing the door bell he waited. As he stood there in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals he looked around and noticed that none of Leila's housemates' cars were around. 'That's curious, ' he thought, 'I doubt they all go to church.'

The door opened and Leila, dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt led Shamshaire to her room.

"So how is Shakeel," Leila asked, not wanting to ask the typical "how are you."

"Great actually," Shamshaire started, sounding more like his normal self. "He's got a girlfriend."

"Really? Does she got to school with him?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Leila had talked to Dan several times since he first called her about Shamshaire.

"No. She's somebody I met around Berkeley. I gave her Shakeel's cell number and told her to call him. She did and they really hit it off."

"That's great. It's good to hear that he's getting out instead of spending his whole life in front of a computer."

"Yeah," by now they were in Leila's room and Shamshaire was looking around, trying to figure out what rearrangements Leila had in mind

"Hey, Shairu, how about catching up over a coke first? Then we can get down to work."

"Uh... sure. A coke sounds good," there was hesitation in his voice. If Leila asked him about Kaylin he knew he'd break down again. There was no question of if he would tell her the truth; he could no more lie to Leila than he could to himself.

"Great, I'll be back in a sec, just wait here." Leila left for the kitchen downstairs. Shamshaire looked around the room. It was obviously Leila's. Everything was neatly in order. There were no clothes lying about or clutter on her desk. His eye caught a picture of her and her family. With her in the picture was her father, a businessman and mother, a housewife. He had met them once the previous year at Eid, they had liked him, but seemed a bit wary; Leila had told him that they were wary of any male friends she had. They had trusted him and Leila enough though to let her go camping with a group of friends in Yosemite. When Shamshaire had asked her why they were worried about camping when she could be doing god knows what in her own bedroom since her parents were in Mill Valley, she had simply replied that they felt if she were in a room they were paying for with their memory all around she would not "disgrace" them, but out in the middle of no where, her inhibition might also be lost.

'Illogical as hell. But who knows; when I'm a father I'll probably hire a PI to tail my daughters.' Just then he thought he heard a faint tinkle.

'Huh, naw, it couldn't be.' Then he heard it again.

'Well, what the hell.' He followed the sound out to the hallway.

'Would Leila wear payal?' The sound was unmistakable now, the sweet ring of the anklet bells rang in his ear, and the otherwise silent house acted as a megaphone for the delicate chimes. Shamshaire descended the stairs slowly, and the first thing he noticed was the smell of jasmine in the air.

'One of the other girls must be back.' Shamshaire thought, 'But I didn't hear a car.'

The front door was directly across from the bottom of the stairs and looked undisturbed. Then he heard the sound again, as if teasing him. It seemed to be coming from the family room of the house, which was down a short hallway behind the stairs. All his depression temporarily forgotten as his curiosity drove him, he stepped slowly into the hallway.

"Leila?" He said into the air, probing. His only answer was a jingling of bells. By now his heart was pounding. Ever since he was a boy payal and jasmine had been a weakness of his. He had once sworn to his brother and father that any girl he married would have to wear payal to the wedding.

He came to the end of the hallway and stopped. Somehow he feared what might be in the room. Would it be Leila or maybe Kaylin? What would he do? This past year had been the hardest of his life, could he take any more?

All those questions fell to the wind because right then heard payal and as his pulse quickened, and his stomach lurched he knew he had to go on. Stepping into the room he looked to the left. At the far wall was a fire place. Against the right was a couch and in the left wall was a window facing east, into yard of the house. The light streamed in through the blinds and sheer white drapes and onto the something unimaginable standing in the center of the room.

"Hai Allah!" Shamshaire said under his breath, "Perfect; absolutely perfect."

As Shamshaire stood statue still just inside the room, Leila stood posed in front of the fireplace. Her arms were locked above her head; her hips cocked to her left, Shamshaire's right, caused her chest to just out to her right. A bunch of jasmine blossoms was tied in her long black hair, a gold pendant hung on her chest from a gold chain, and around her ankles were silver payal; she wore nothing else except a shy smile.

Shamshaire drank in her perfect form. The rays of sunlight let in by the blinds played tiger stripes across her flawless skin. Her breasts were perfect mounds, exactly the right size for her for and ending in delicious brown nubs. Her stomach was flat but not muscled and looked inviting, and her mound was completely bare. She was the spitting image of a Hindu goddess, statuesque yet supple at the same time. His eyes wandered and then he suddenly turned and moved to leave.

"Stop!" Leila commanded, and Shamshaire froze.

"No, Leila. I have to leave. This has to stop before we, I-"

"Before you what? Shamshaire," the use of his full name visibly startled him. "Before you loose control? I thought that's what you always wanted. You told me so once. You said you would know you were truly in love when the mere thought of the girl would cause you to forget everything else. How do feel right now?"

"I, I..."

"Turn around. Face me," and Shamshaire did as ordered, slowly and with fear. "Good. Now come to me, and stop a foot away." Again, he did as ordered. He was trembling now, and a cold sweat had broken on his forehead.

"Leila I-" But putting a finger to his lips she quieted him.

"Ssh, you foolish boy. Quiet. I'm not letting you talk your way out, nor am I going to let you run away again. I know everything. I am your Leila, be my Majnu."

Shamshaire by now had tears running down his face, and when Leila's hand caressed his cheek he pressed his face against it, her touch was soothing beyond belief. He felt his knees buckled for the second time in his life and with her hand still on the side of his face he collapsed. His arms went around her waist as he buried his face in her stomach. All the pain, all the tension, all the anger of the last year broke through finally and his emotion gushed out.

Instead of guiding him lower on her body, Leila dropped down into a crouch until her eyes were level with his. Her hands cupped his face and with her mouth just away from his she whispered, "No, no. I don't want a kneeling lion." And still holding his head she stood up bringing him with her.

"This pendant on my breast, do you know what it says? It says Shaire. That's you, Lion, near to my heart. My strong Shairu. The Shairu that could pull a twenty hour shift at the beam line, the Shairu that resisted a tempting fifteen year old, the Shairu that at thirteen years old stood up to a mentally abusive father. Don't look so confused. I know everything now. Dan is a better friend than you know and Shakeel loves you more than you realize. The Shairu I want is strong and whole. You be my Lion and take care of the rest of the world for both of us, I'll take care of you."

Then she kissed him. It was soft at first as Shamshaire slowly was brought back to life by Leila's lips and tongue. Her hands never leaving his face, she probed him, danced with his tongue, and sucked slowly sensuously on his lips. She did not touch him other wise, she simply joined with him at the mouth.

Same as Perfect
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Pulling the Train with Mom My mom and I had established a routine after we “came out” to each other. Seems we both loved wearing feminine undergarments and we loved wearing them while we masturbated and sucked each other. I’m the middle-aged son in the basement apartment and she’s the sixtyish mom upstairs and we have a monthly date when we get dressed in our finest lingerie, open a bottle of chilled Prosecco, cuddle for a while and them let our fingers do the walking until we’re both well...

4 years ago
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The massage

Just fantasy for now, if anyone wants to help though...."Good morning Miss, I'm Daniel, you booked me for a massage" "Hi, come in, where would you like to set up?" "I'm sorry I'm very unprofessional today. I've come straight from the airport so I haven't got my massage table, would the bed be ok?" Well that explains the shorts and tshirt I guess. "Um yeah sure, follow me"We go upstairs and I grab some towels laying them out on the bed. He takes 1 from me folding it into a strip. Handing it back...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 17 Stuck in the Middle with You

Thursday started quite early for Alan. He was sleeping in bed when he awoke to the sensation of someone gently shaking him. "What? ... What?" he mumbled and opened his eyes. It was pitch dark, and his sister was leaning over him, naked. Her shapely boobs dangled inches from his face. "Is it morning already?" he whispered. Then he answered his own question with a glance at the clock next to his bed. It read one minute after midnight. "It's Thursday already, Very Big Brother,"...

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All the way through

Wearing my very tight skirt, the hem digging against my thicc thighs, wearing those sexy shiny black heels and stockings all the way up to my upper thighs, displaying enough of my thicc thighs to make men, women and k*ds turn around for another look to register the view in their minds so they can go home and fap their dicks to me.but that wasn't all, above my tight skirt, I am wearing a tube top with an open white mini shirt, the top and middle of my cleavage is wide open, my tits are

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Lockdown on the farm

This is my first story, I'd love your feedback, especially from females, and would love to hear what you got up to reading this.------------------------------When the announcement was made that the UK was being placed in lock-down, unlike most girls her age, Jess wasn't that bothered. She had a small group of friends but didn't socialise with them much in her free time, preferring to spend her time reading and studying; or more recently, revising.After weeks of rain, the first day of lock-down...

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The New Normal

“Babe, do you know where my new pair of red panties went?” I asked, taking the last of the laundry out of the basket and folding it. Nick looked up from his computer. “Uhm, no? Are you sure you put them in the hamper?” I looked around with a frown. “Pretty sure. This is the second week in a row I’ve been missing underwear – I’ll be going commando every day next month if this keeps up.” Nick laughed. “Maybe the washing machine has a thing for you, keeping your panties to itself.” That put a...

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Wifes nights out with friends

It was nothing new, my wife Linda had been going on nights out with friends since you first met. Recently Linda came home and shyly whispered in my ear I've been a little naughty. My interest was peaked and Linda could tell that I was giving her my full attention. She slips off her dress, facing away from me, revealing that she is now braless and knickerless. Her ripe ass is still framed by the stockings and her legs look sculpted in her heels. As she turns around Linda reveals that it was...

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Sexual Awakening of Inverness

The big log fire on the riverbank illuminated the night. Inverness could see the bodies of her parents and brother strewn on the sand and she could see and hear the four drunken voices of the men who’d shot them and commandeered the family’s Jeep. The Starke Family’s possessions of any value from the vehicle were being shared. The captive seventeen-year old waited sullenly, simmering in terror, to learn her fate. She was tied to a tree and was unable to move her body, just her head. She...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 20

I knew enough about Sandy to figure out what to get her and I knew Sunny pretty well, though I didn’t have anything in mind yet. I didn’t know Louis at all. ‘Tell me about your Dad.’ ‘What do you want to know?’ ‘Well, I’ve met everyone else and gotten to know them a bit, but other than seeing him when we left, I have no clue about your Dad.’ ‘He’s a really sweet guy, and very smart. He has all kinds of interests. He knows things about almost everything. Of course, he does wander off into...

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Single Mom Opening Game Intrigue

“Hey, retard,” yelled Coree.“What, stupid,” hissed Jeramiah.“You need to pick your towels and shit up in the bathroom, mane!”“I do, bruh,” the six-foot thirteen year-old stood up. “You’re the one that be stinkin’ the joint up with your smelly ass.”“Fuck you, nigga!”“Fuck you too.”The sophomore threw the towel at his younger brother. This enraged Jeramiah who already struggled with anger management. The middle school cornerback charged. Now, they were in a full brawl.“You get on my nerves,”...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 12

We'd talked to Mr. Bell and Millie over a snack, and Rebecca caught them up on my spark of memory. I would have to manage it carefully, but sooner or later, I needed to own up to my life as Carl – but carefully. "I think it's time to talk about your finances, Br – uh - David." Mr. Bell led off as soon as the steward removed our lunch cart. "You are doing quite well right now. The lawsuits we filed after the attack at Branson Airport were swallowed up by the Federal District Court, and...

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The Naked Curse

For this story, you will create a male main character who gets cursed with perpetual nudity. First, use the second chapter to describe your man; how old he is, what he looks like, his job, etc. Then, title the next chapter with who curses him and start writing! Feel free to use my chapters as an example.

3 years ago
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My Wife My Hooker Part 2

I return to my slut, completely filled and used. I lean over to her and say "How was that, exactly what you wanted?", she replies "Yes and so much more" I pull everything out of her. All of her holes are gaping open, cum is dried on her face and hair and I think to myself she never looked sexier. Aimee takes a shower and when she is done we both fall asleep. We both wake the next morning. I turn and look at the clock and it displays 9:30. I roll back over and look at Aimee. She is...

3 years ago
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Trying to stay quiet

First story, please go easy but constructive criticism would be great. Names and places have been changed to protect the not so innocent. (Just a little back story, I was engaged to Lynn at the time, we were both 18. Lynn was about 5’4” 115 lbs, and a dancer/cheerleader in high school. About shoulder length blonde hair with light hazel eyes. Tits to die for, perfect perky 34 C’s . I’m about 6’4” 195 lbs at the time and in pretty good shape from scholarships funning track and cross country,...

Quickie Sex
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Porn Comix One! Usually, I’d say that we’ve had more than enough porn comic sites and that at this point, there’s no need for more of them, but I’d kind of be going against my adage about how there can never be enough porn or porn websites out there. PornComixOne is yet another entry in the world of porn comic websites, serving to compile and provide you with a bunch of porn comics for you to jack off to easily, without having to scour the web for quality smut. That being said, their standards...

Porn Comics Sites
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Lund Hilaya Gf Se

Hi friends ..Main raj aur main abhi mera pehla sexstory likh raha hoon..Maine bahat sari iss story padha he.Jab ise padhta hoon to man main ek story submit karne ka man hota he par kabhi time nahin mila.Abhi main apna real kahani aap logo ke sath share kar raha hoon. Mera gf ka naam dipti he aur wo shadisuda he.Jab usne shadi nahi kiya tha wo mere sath ek colege main padhati thi.Dipti dekhne main jayda khoobsurat nahin par sawali si he aur uski face madhosh karane wali thi.Maine use job dekha...

2 years ago
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Their Slut

"Wow there, Kiara! We haven't even gotten to the house yet and you're already horny?" Finn said smiling looking at us through the rear view mirror. I blushed and laughed. I had never been to their house before. They all shared a house and since they're all loaded, I heard it was pretty big. I had a big house too, but I doubt it would compare to what I was about to see. We pulled into a circle driveway. "This is where the magic is gonna happen!" Matthew laughed and...

1 year ago
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Paige mall slut

Paige stood frozen in place as she felt his breath on the back of her neck. "What's your name little girl," the man asked as he ran his hands up her arms to her shoulders. "P...P...Paige," she stammered as she shivered from the man touching her. "Did you like showing me your naked pussy at the food court Paige," he asked as he ran his hands back down her arms, and moved her hands up so she was holding one of the shelves before her. "I ... I ... please mister," she began to...

1 year ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 18

Jack woke with a splitting headache and a groan. Reaching out he encountered a soft female form lying sideways on the bed and immediately rolled over onto his left side to press up against it. His right arm dropped over the woman's side to rest against her bare left breast and Jack began snoring quietly once again. Denise opened her eyes moments later to find Jack spooned up against Jill. Between the two of them, they had somehow managed to steal all the covers, leaving Denise feeling a...

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Massage To Lesbian Couple

I’m Nishant (Nish), male aged 30, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I travel across India to give massage to my clients. All the massages are done by me at the customer’s doorstep (home/hotel) at a very nominal cost. Mail your comments, feedbacks, enquires on Few people think my experiences are fake, etc etc. But I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. People who...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 132 She Belongs to Me

Alan hadn't eaten dinner yet, and Susan had finished cooking dinner for him and the rest of the family while he was taking his shower. When he called Glory to tell her he was coming over, he found that she hadn't eaten either. So he packed up his dinner of eggplant parmigiana, including an extra serving for Glory, and went to her home. He'd changed into pants and a different T-shirt, but didn't bother with a sweater since it wasn't that cold of a night. For the first time since he'd...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 46

I woke the next morning well rested, because I was between the two people I love the most. I had mom on one side and daddy on the other and we were all naked. When I woke up, I had daddy’s cock in my hand. Guess I slept holding it all night. He had his hand in my cunt and mom was holding my tit. I was in heaven. I didn’t move as I didn’t want to disturb my wonderful parents even though I had to piss. I knew I could hold it for a while longer. I knew I would have to drink myself once they...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Two

Betrayed Chapter 02 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter 2: Shop 'Till You Pop The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove...

4 years ago
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A New Taste Part 46 Lunchtime Length

After another week of hot dry weather. Cooped up at home doing boring work, tip-tap-typing and zooming while my mind drifted off to daydream of Josh’s beautiful cock. I couldn’t wait for Friday night. I had cleared my ‘suck diary’ and It would be only me and Joshua for the foreseeable future. I would try my hand at a relationship. I would be true to him. That was the plan.Lunchtime on Wednesday and I turned off my work computer and started my own desktop up. I fancied a wank and decided to...

3 years ago
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Double Penetration Of Mom By Her Two Sons

Previously, In the first part (““), you read about how I started lusting after my mom Sarayu and how my lust was fueled by watching her naked in the bathroom. You read about how I caught her fucking her brother and how I finally touched her lovely pussy. The story ended with how I finally managed to fulfill my dream of fucking mom when I found the right moment in a hotel room. In the second part (““), I described how I got to fucking mom regularly. I also shared a wonderful family moment when...

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Race Weekend

* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...

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All the Worlds a Stage

All the World's a Stage By Cassandra Morgan In the beginning, before the games became naughty, before we shed our innocence, our role-play was fairly vanilla stuff. Rated G, as in gee whiz. In those days, I was Robin Hood. She was Maid Marion. I was Rick. She was Ilsa. I was Hamlet. She was Ophelia. We would find some costumes, and we would recite movie lines, and we would imagine ourselves to be aspiring actors. Surely, our Little Theatre group could not hold us. Sure, we...

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Always Ask Permission

I didn’t hear the first, discrete tap on the door. I was too taken up with the view from my balcony. It was an untypical English summer’s day. Blue from horizon to horizon and the temperatures well over what we normally enjoy. Spread out before me was a vista of fields and trees. The patchwork of neatly, but randomly divided land, with hedges and the occasional small copse. But my mind was elsewhere today. I could focus on little beyond the low boundary wall of the garden. My attention was on...

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Shereens sexy mom

It was a sunny Saturday morning and I was about to start a game of chess with Shereen at her place. The only people in the house that morning were me, Shereen and her mother. Both her older sisters were away at their respective universities in different parts of the country and her dad was at a company team-building event. As I was setting up my pieces, Shereen's mom walked into the living room. I immediately started to (not so sneakily) sneak some glances at her. The woman was in her...

1 year ago
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The War Against Sociopaths

Like the Bon Jovi song says, who is my Superman tonight? Um, that’s hard to explain but my Superman is a woman. Let me explain a bit. My name is Stephen LaCroix, and I’m a big and tall young man living in the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario. I was born in the City of Miami, State of Florida, to a Haitian-American father and Puerto Rican mother. I came to Canada to get to know my father’s side of the family, while studying Criminology at the University of Toronto. I don’t really know much...

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Amber and Kelly

I heard a knock on the door. It was Amber. I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed my eyes. She ran in and jumped on the bed with me. She started to kiss me and she grabbed my morning wood. I slept in the spare bedroom between Amber’s and her parents’ room. I kissed her back then pushed her away frightened, “What are you doing? Your parents…” She cut me off mid sentence, “My parents went to the mall. I told them you and I were going to Kelly’s to play soccer and to keep the...

3 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 11

When Mary awoke, she felt the urge to scream but bit it back when she saw the last vestiges of daylight curling around the velvet drapes and realized that she was back in Thorne’s mansion. The baby turned in her stomach, kicking momentarily before finding a comfortable spot and lapsing back into stillness. She smiled, running a hand over her bloated abdomen. Her baby was safe. Her hand touched another and she realized with great joy that Leon was sleeping behind her, his strong body plastered...

3 years ago
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Mac was a married man and his wife was knocked up with their sixth c***d. He loved sex and his wife loved having babies. Her mother had given birth to eighteen k**s and her grandma twenty two. She married Mac as he could afford her all these babies. Mac also loved to fuck. When he was not fucking his wife he was sticking his dick in young Sue. He first saw her when she was walking down a back road and she had on a tight knit shirt hugging a nice full set of tits and short shorts that showed an...

3 years ago
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Pride and Prejudice and More Fucking

Elizabeth awoke the following morning from a most enjoyable dream, which from her confused recollection had involved not only herself and her husband, but also her sister Jane and Mr Bingley, plus a variety of kitchen utensils and possibly (although her memory was a little unclear about this) a horse. Even as she awoke she found her nightgown to be bundled up around her waist and her hand nestling inside the dark bush between her thighs; judging by the scent of her fingers, they had been...

2 years ago
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The Second Time

“Have you got the time, Honey?”Despite shivering in the November night, I managed to insert a key into the front door of my lodgings while glancing up the dark street. She stood two doors away and, like the naive teenager I was, I turned a little so that the dim light of the streetlamp fell onto my cheap wristwatch.I peered. “It’s a minute after eleven,” I said, my breath forming brief clouds of fog. The red end of a cigarette glowed then she exhaled dramatically, a plume of grey smoke rising...

First Time
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Indian wife Kajal and her Mom

I am an easy going pot smoking white guy that married a Canadian born East Indian girl with a hot mom. There are 3 girls and one brother with my wife, Kajal, being the oldest. Kajal's mom is a single widow with a slender build and big boobs.You can see pics of Kajal on my page. This all happened one night when my wife and I decided to watch a movie while her brother and sisters were at school. Kajal's mom was in the kitchen do dishes when we sat down to watch a movie. A few minutes into the...

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Things Get BetterChapter 2

Several tedious months later, the dust had settled on the divorce. After all the wrangling it came out exactly how I predicted. Our assets were split down the middle, meaning that the house was sold off and the proceeds divided. Each of us had our own retirement accounts and, even though mine was worth more than hers, the judge left them alone. Probably the only bright spots in the process were that Rose hadn’t given me an STD and the DNA results proved Ellie was my biological daughter. Just...

4 years ago
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Cousin PamelaChapter 4

"Jesus, I have never done this with people watching. I don't know if it will work or not. It is pretty fucking embarrassing, I'll tell you that. If any of you rat on me about this, I will kick your ass." Ike had lost his usual swagger and assuredness. Meanwhile, all three girls had moved closer to watch as Ike sat back against the rock and began to stroke his cock. I remained amazed that girls knew what boys did in private. I couldn't figure out how they could find something like that...

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