Coal Miner Chapter 4 The Lecture
- 3 years ago
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You may want to read Part one before reading this part. Again, thanks to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan for making my stories a much better read.
Chapter 2 Brenda Speaks
I need to let everyone know how stupid I was. I had a wonderful man that I truly loved, in fact, I still love him but I know I’ll never have him again. We’ve been divorced nine years now. It all happened because I thought I could go back in time and live a couple of college days over again. I’m such a stupid woman.
To began I should tell you I was a normal teenager. My parents were somewhat strict and kept a close eye on me. When I finally graduated from high school, I decided that I was going to live the wild college life I always saw in the movies.
To be honest with you it was a fun life. The problem is sometime in our life we have to pay for our mistakes or experiences. I’ve been paying for mine for the last nine years. I lost the only man I have ever loved. Life does go on and I’m doing the best I can. I have two wonderful married daughters and three grandchildren that I love.
I’ll go back to my college life, that’s where I became promiscuous. I started doing the party scene. I had brains so I didn’t need to study a lot. My grades were always good so I’d had no problem academically. I started to party heavily in my sophomore year. I didn’t drink a lot and didn’t need to. I decided to hell with my moral side, I was going to party. I lost my virginity at the first party I went to. I was told it would hurt like hell but it didn’t. Maybe because I wanted it to happen so badly.
I lost it to a junior at the time named Brian Cooter. He played football and was kind of sexy. He started kissing me and we were dancing when he put his hands on my ass. I just let him do it. There was sex going on all around us but I wasn’t ready to get nude in front of everyone so Brian took me up to one of the rooms.
He didn’t take long to take off my jeans and panties. When I told him it was my first time, he acted shocked and told me he would be gentle. He laid me in the middle of the bed and mounted me. I felt his cock enter me. There was a slight sting and then I felt a flood of emotions. I was now a woman.
I should mention that I was on the pill but I also made my partners wear condoms. I didn’t want any STD’s, but I did want to have sex. It was okay for the first time but I actually thought it would be better. I did come and, of course, it made Brian feel like some kind of hero. I never could understand that about men. We went back downstairs and socialized with the other people. I thought that was enough sex for my first time. I went to parties almost every week. I was with Brian for about three weeks. After that, I went with other guys. Sex with Brian wasn’t that big of a deal. I don’t want to even guess how many men I have been with. To be honest, I have done a couple of three ways and even have been with a couple of women.
I just wanted to say I tried it all. One time I drank a little more than usual and a guy took my ass. I have to say, I hated it. It just hurt too much and I wasn’t into pain. The only person to ever have my ass after that was my husband, Rob. He was so gentle and he used KY Jelly and took his time. He made it at least bearable, even though it still wasn’t my thing. Every once in awhile, we did the anal thing, maybe love had something to do with it. I have to say I never loved any man but Rob.
The first time I met him, a friend of his told me it was his twenty-first birthday. I danced with him and he just felt so good. I don’t know why I did it but I took him up the stairs and had sex with him. He was so different from most other guys. It was more like he was doing it for me than for himself. I guess more like lovers than just two people having sex. I never had anyone like that in my life before. It was always someone just wanting sex. We’d do it and then go our separate ways. With Rob, it just seemed so different.
I was somewhat disappointed when I didn’t see him at the parties. I saw his friend Jerry, he told me Rob was a coal miner and had to work a lot of weekends. I was happy when he finally showed up at a party a month or so later. I forgot who I was with, but I know I jumped off his lap so I could be with Rob. After that, we started dating when I moved back to my hometown.
Once I got my own apartment, he would come over at least twice a week and we would make love. I mean it, we made love, not just screwed. I knew I was falling for him in a big way. Once we started dating, I quit going out with anyone else. I had many chances but I didn’t want anyone but Rob.
I know he was worried about my past but I was just a woman exploring her life. I knew I could settle down with the right man and Rob was that man. We got married and within a few years our daughters were born. They made us a total family. We did everything together. It seemed that we had the perfect life. I do have to admit that I wondered about other men. I flirted a little, like most women do. I wasn’t a nun, but I wasn’t a slut either.
I never cheated on Rob. That was until our daughters started high school and I went back to work in the office. Rob was working these long hours and we weren’t doing much of anything together. After a while, I was getting bored with being home all the time and started going out with my two best friends on Saturdays when Rob had to work.
We would take in a movie or go to a lounge and have a couple of drinks. Once in a while, we were asked to dance and we did. It was all done in fun until Brian Cooter came into the picture.
As I mentioned earlier, Brian was my first sexual encounter. He was a salesman for our firm and would come into town at least twice a month. We began to kid each other and talked about what we used to do. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t affected by our conversations. He asked me out a couple of times and I declined, telling him that I was a very happily married woman. Besides, he was a married man himself.
He always laughed it off and said maybe some day we could reminisce. Well, that someday happened, he heard us girls talking about our girls’ night out and showed up at our table. He danced with all of us and when Joyce said she had to get home, we got up to leave since she was our driver. Brian asked me to stay and have one more drink with him and he promised to take me straight home.
Why I said yes, I don’t know. Sally kind of gave me a look but didn’t say anything. After all, we’ve been friends for years and she knew I never cheated on Rob.
After she left, Brian ordered more drinks and I know I had too many. We were on the dance floor and he said it was just like old times and slid his hands down to my ass. God, why didn’t I stop it then and there, and put an end to it? One thing led to another and we kissed. When we went to his car, he kissed me some more. He drove over to his motel room and we went in.
It was so wrong but it was just like in the old days and we had sex. It was good and I wanted it. He told me it felt so much better without a condom as he let loose in me. It was after he came that I felt remorse set in. I had cheated on Rob. After Brian dropped me off at home, I cried. I thought I was a better woman than that.
Joyce asked me about staying at the lounge the next day and I just told her that Brian was an old friend from college and that he took me right home. I even lied to my best friend about the affair. Something told me she knew better but didn’t push the issue. Now I wish she would have. Maybe, just maybe it would have made a difference.
Brian started calling me at home every once in a while, asking me to meet him again. I kept telling him no, that the last time was a mistake. I avoided him at work whenever he came in. I wasn’t dealing with the situation very well. I should have ended it but I guess I liked the idea of being wanted by an old boyfriend.
Our company had a retirement party
for one of our vice-presidents. I wanted Rob to go with me but he said he wasn’t going to take a day off for someone he didn’t even know. It really aggravated me because we didn’t argue very often. Well, I guess you can figure out what happened. I went alone. I hung around with Joyce and Ellen but Brian was there. I can’t blame it on the drinking this time. As the party broke up, Brian came up to me and started his flirting with me.
I was mad at Rob but didn’t think I would be foolish enough to cheat on him again. Brian asked me to just sit in his van and talk with him a while. We talked and he put his hand on my leg. Why didn’t I just remove it and get out of the van, and go home? I didn’t, and when he slid his hand up my leg, I just let it happen.
I haven’t fucked in a car in over eighteen years. I just went with it. I removed my panties and let him finger me to an orgasm. We then moved back to the seat in back and I mounted him. Staring him in the face while he fucked me. Yes, there was no love, just a raw fuck.
I drove home afterwards wondering what was the matter with me. Why was I doing this? I had a good marriage, a decent husband and two wonderful daughters. Why was I taking a gamble to possibly lose it all? I was just so confused. I knew I had to stop before I ruined my life.
Brian kept calling me. He even called me from his home. I saw his name on the caller ID. I got worried that Rob might see his name on it, so every night I would go through all the phones and erase all the ID’s. I told Brian it was over. The idea that I got away with being bad was no longer fun. It scared me and it wasn’t worth it.
Brian told me that if we got together one more time that he would leave me alone. Why I went along with him, I really don’t know. We had a girls’ night out coming up and I told Joyce that I would drive myself. She knew what was going on and told me she wasn’t going to cover for me. Rob was too nice of a guy to cheat on. I told her that I was breaking it off with Brian that night. I was through cheating on Rob. Even though it was a bit exciting, it also made me a slut wife, which is a title I never wanted.
I kissed my kids and Rob goodbye, and headed out to meet Joyce. Of course, Brian was there but Joyce refused to sit with him. After she went home, I went with Brian to his room for the last time. We did it all. I even let him have my ass, he was no Rob and it hurt like hell. When we were finished, he said he didn’t think he would give me up. I screamed and yelled at him that he promised he would leave me alone after this time.
He laughed and said he wasn’t ready to quit, and just maybe he’d tell my husband if I didn’t continue having sex with him. That was when I saw for the first time what kind of a man he was. I slapped him and told him that if he hurt my marriage that I would tell his wife. I had his home phone number.
He took a few steps toward me and I kicked him hard where it counts and he went down screaming. He called me a bitch and said he wasn’t through with me. He said he knew I would be back. He was wrong. I now realized that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I prayed to God that I could get home, clean up and get to bed before Rob got home. I actually wondered if I should tell him about the affair, just in case Brian ever told him.
I was crying when I got home. There was a message on the fridge. ‘Mom! Dad is trapped in the mine. Please come as soon as you can.’
I was devastated. I hit the answering machine and I had five messages from Joyce telling me about Rob being trapped. I quickly took off my dress and put on a pair of jeans and as I got to the door, the girls arrived home, asking me where I had been. They told me Rob was all right and in the hospital.
I told them I was going over to the hospital to see him. They told me visiting hours were over but I had to go and try. When I got to the hospital, the nurse told me that I couldn’t visit with him right then. He wasn’t in intensive care so I would have to wait till regular visiting hours. She did say that he was bruised and had a sprained ankle but otherwise was fine. That in itself was a relief to me. I walked into the hospital chapel and said a prayer for him and then sat down and cried.
Instead of being there for him, I was out fucking another man that I now hated. It wasn’t only his fault, I was just as much to blame. Here I was telling my daughters to just say no to drugs and I couldn’t do it for the sake of my marriage. I made a promise to God that I would never cheat on Rob again.
When I arrived back home, my daughters were sleeping. I took a hot shower and changed into my nightgown, and threw my bra and panties into the hamper. I saw cum stains in my panties and took them back out of the hamper, and washed them out by hand.
I couldn’t sleep. I tried but my mind was a mess. After a couple of hours of lying there, I got up and got dressed to go back to the hospital. After seeing and talking to Rob I was scared. I didn’t know if I was strong enough to hide the affair from him. I had no reasonable answer as to why I wasn’t there at the mine.
I arrived home and called Joyce, and told her everything that went on with Brian except for the amount of sex we had. I explained that it was over and that I slapped and kicked Brian. I begged her to tell Rob that I was with her. I really felt bad asking my best friend to lie for me. She told me she would think about it but I had better be through with Brian. I thanked her and promised that my cheating days were over.
I put my panties back in the drawer and erased any messages on the answering machine and caller ID’s. I wanted to skip work on Monday and be there to pick up Rob but he told me that his sister Betty would be there and there was no reason for me to miss work.
Monday was hard on me. I was told that Brian wasn’t feeling good and had gone home that morning. It meant he wouldn’t be around for maybe a month. I thanked God for that. I didn’t want to face him so soon after Saturday’s incident.
You all know what happened next. Rob questioned me about my panties and asked me if I knew Nancy and Brian Cooter. I had no idea where he got their name. I tried to cover it up and told him to call Joyce, he told me he did and talked to Mitch, Joyce’s son.
I admitted that it had happened but told him it was a one-time thing. I was so confused and he sat there levelheaded and caught me in one lie after another. I finally admitted everything to him. I asked for his forgiveness but he told me he was moving out at the end of the week.
It was up to me to tell our daughters that I cheated. I know I lost a lot of their respect that day and even though we get along now, I know they hold the breaking up of our family against me. They are right, I have no one else to blame for my stupidity.
After Rob moved out, I tried a number of times to talk with him. He wasn’t about to change his mind about a divorce. How could I blame him? I love him so much but I know there is nothing I could do to let him know how sorry I am.
A week before our divorce I pleaded with him one more time. He told me he loved me and always will have a place for me in his heart but he could never trust me again and he wasn’t going through life wondering if his wife was faithful to him.
I left his apartment crying, knowing I had lost the one person I loved most in this world.
Since our divorce, I have worked my job and stayed home most of the time. I see Rob at family events and we are always nice to each other. We were both there when our daughters got married. It felt strange but good when I danced with him. He always asks me if I’m all right and if I need anything. He’s even come over and did a few house repairs for me. He won’t ever come when I’m home alone.
When our grandchildren were born, we were both there. He was one happy grandfather. I cry every time I think of the foolishness that caused an end to my marriage. I had it all an
d gave it up for a fuck! How stupid can a woman be?
I went to counseling. I was getting feelings of depression that I had trouble handling. The doctors helped me. I’m also much closer to my daughters and grandkids too. I think my daughters know how much I regret my actions and have forgiven me a little. Maybe it will keep them from making the same stupid mistake.
I have dated once in awhile, and I have to say many of the men are very nice but they can’t hold a candle to Rob. I don’t know if I’ll ever get serious about another man. If I ever do get married again, I can guarantee that my husband will have the most faithful women ever.
Chapter 3 Rob continues his story
Rob here: Let me get back and tell you what happened the day of the divorce.
I found out that this prick, Brian, was still bothering Brenda. I still loved Brenda, I just couldn’t be married to her. I was pissed when Joyce called me and said this asshole still bothered Brenda and she didn’t want anything to do with him. I told her I’d take are of it.
You need to know that I don’t talk to Brenda very often since I moved out. I loved her too much and was afraid I’d go back to her and I didn’t want to be a cuckold husband who couldn’t trust his wife.
I signed the divorce papers and left before she showed up with her lawyer. We had a decent agreement. She kept the house and, of course, the girls stayed with her. I had access to my daughters anytime I wanted. I saw them all the time and after the divorce, I kept in touch with them nearly daily. I paid child support but didn’t pay any alimony. Brenda got paid well in her job. My kids did not go without. In fact, I probably bought them too much.
Anyway, after signing the divorce papers I was really pissed and felt down. I decided to go see this asshole who was responsible for my divorce. I had previously found out where he lived, and found some information on what he drove and where he hung out.
I called his home and his wife told me he was at the main office and wouldn’t be home until the next day. I thanked her and hung up. That meant he was in my town. I found out what motel he usually stayed at when in town and, of course, I knew the bars and lounges in the area.
He had never met me unless it was at one of the parties while he was at State. I went into the lounge of the motel he was staying at. I had seen his car parked on the side of the building where the trash dumpsters were kept. There was a back exit to the lounge there. I figured that if he picked up a woman, he could make a quick exit without being seen by too many people.
I ordered a beer and sat at a corner table. The place had a lot of people in it. I was wondering if this Brian fellow was one of them. I lucked out when I saw a couple come in. I heard the bartender say, ‘Hello, Mr. Cooter, welcome back. What can I get for you and the little lady?’
So here he was with another woman. They sat at a table not far from me. I watched as he was making small talk with this woman. I noticed she had a wedding ring on her finger. I also knew it wasn’t his wife since she told me not more than an hour ago that he was out of town.
By the conversation, it sounded like he was talking business, but at the same time trying to hit on this young married woman. I decided it wasn’t going to go his way tonight. I finished my second beer and walked out the back exit. On my way past his car, I kicked it enough to make the car alarm go off. I then went and hid next to the dumpster where I found a nice two by four about four feet long.
The alarm must have gone off for five minutes before Brian came out to check it. He hit the button on his key chain and the alarm shut off. He turned to go back in but it was an exit only. He was getting ready to go around the building when I hit him across the back with the two by four. He went down and I kicked him again and again. I had put on some leather gloves earlier and I reached down and worked him over. When I got done with him, his face was a mess. I ended the assault by giving him a foot in the groin. I was fairly sure he never got a good look at me.
I need to let everyone know how stupid I was. I had a wonderful man that I truly loved, in fact, I still love him but I know I'll never have him again. We've been divorced nine years now. It all happened because I thought I could go back in time and live a couple of college days over again. I'm such a stupid woman. To began I should tell you I was a normal teenager. My parents were somewhat strict and kept a close eye on me. When I finally graduated from high school, I decided that I was...
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Rob here: Let me get back and tell you what happened the day of the divorce. I found out that this prick, Brian, was still bothering Brenda. I still loved Brenda; I just couldn't be married to her. I was pissed when Joyce called me and said this asshole still bothered Brenda and she didn't want anything to do with him. I told her I'd take are of it. You need to know that I don't talk to Brenda very often since I moved out. I loved her too much and was afraid I'd go back to her and I...
On Monday morning, I headed to work and it was Mike, Joe and I who were going to set the explosives. It was funny, when we got there, there were only three protesters. After all, this was Earth Day and a week ago, there were twenty protesters bothering us. Maybe my talk did some good. These three probably were just there to watch us. A few hours from now, there would probably be hundreds of people watching the actual explosion. We had a chain link fence to keep people as far away from the...
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Carrie's Mistake By Margaret Jeanette Carrie Walters relaxed in her office thinking about the last six months. It had been the most wonderful time of her life. She was on top of the world. Her travel agency was doing a fantastic job and growing every day. She had bought the six-story office building that her agency was in. She had two businesses waiting for an opening in the building. Things were going her way. She didn't think about how the money to buy the building had come from...
The Greyhound waiting room was already full when Lucy arrived to catch her coach. She was 23 years old, somewhat taller than average, with shoulder-length blonde hair tied into a ponytail, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She was wearing a white tanktop, a pink pleated mini skirt, white anklet socks and runners. On her shoulder she carried a large bulky dark green duffle bag made of a shiny nylon fabric. There was nowhere to sit but Lucy didn’t mind standing as her coach was due to leave in a...
MasturbationNice Neighbor Lady F/M By [email protected] I graduated from college, I lived in an apartment for about five years. I didn't like living in the apartment because of the lack of privacy, lack of parking, and other little things; so as soon as I could afford it, I bought a small house in the suburbs. The house was located in a safe and well-lit neighborhood. Since it was in a circle drive, there wasn't much traffic.My neighbors were real friendly, and I got to meet all of them. There...
Spanking“It’s not funny Dr. Jackson,” I whine as Dr. Jackson is wiping her eyes after laughing so hard. I finished telling her about being tricked into being Martina and Sharon’s boyfriend. “George stop being a weakling and learn to say ‘no’,” she barks out another laugh as I pout. She is right, I am a weakling. We spent the rest of the session talking about my goals and future plans. “Isn’t my Pookie Bear cute,” Julie gushes as Eddie passes the ball to the other team and I shake my head and...
"They're here," Danielle said as she brought up the main screen. Logan and the rest of them watched as two ships dropped out of hyperspace. They were 200m long, 20m in height and had a wingspan of 135m; they were shaped sort of like a bird. They could make 65 zeks, 70 in an emergency, had a Class 3 hyperdrive and carried a squadron of Katar-class fighters. Together the flight carried a company of Marines, two platoons per ship. They were the mainstay of the House Jacobs fleet, easily out...
The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 10:53pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 ... With our mics ‘not-hot’ according to Devin’s earlier message, Eda said, “As we were playing that song, I was thinking it sure would be nice if Cathy and Paul joined us on Danger Zone. They helped us write it, so...” “That’s an awesome idea E. Devin, can we do that?” Sammy said and immediately sought out permission from our concert producer. “Ha! Didn’t you young’uns just kinda brow-beat me into letting you do...
That first evening home with my husband Ryan was disconcerting, after spending the weekend with my son Mark, locked away in a hotel room. A struggle was taking place within my mind, racked with guilt for having not only slept with another man, but with my own son - our son, no less. When my husband and I had sex that Sunday night, I couldn't help but think of it as a form of penance, making up for the sin I had committed. But even though I knew I should feel more regret, a deeper sense of...
As Christmas approach Bellforms work slowed down. The union workers had been able to get two weeks paid leave years ago in their contract. Since the office wasn't getting information, Jim Bellform decided to close down on December 20th and open on the first workday in January. This year was on the 3rd because the 1st was on a Sunday making the 2nd the holiday. The Chicago Bears made the playoffs and were scheduled for their first post season game on the 8th. Victoria made sure that Josh's...
Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,pl z if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 24yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just months back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry dis is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok. How can i even begin to describe it? I arrived here at home yesterday from college. My...
IncestI hate waiting. Christine was gone, headed back to a place called Conley to oversee the movers as they packed up her belongings for the trip west. Lizzy was flying down with Amber to keep her company on the drive back. When she told me they were both going, I couldn't help but think that it was going to be an interesting trip. I expected Lizzy would take advantage of the time to tell Christine the truth about our relationship. I was a little unsure of what her plans were for Amber, but I...
My thanks as usual go to Techsan for having a look over this one before I repost it. Only one thing that he came up with that might cause some confusion. He wanted me to use the word pavement, where I have chosen to use the word tarmac. A pavement in the UK is where pedestrians walk (A Side walk to all you colonials). Although they can be surfaced with tarmacadam the same as car parks can, as is the case in this story. * Back in those days I had considered myself to be a bit of a Don...
En Vacances Part 5: Fucktoy Tease All is quiet, the silence broken only by the eternal background noise of insects and the heavy panting of shivering, orgasmic me. I’m clinging to the balcony rail, my body shaking from the after tremors caused by Anita’s fingers’ twin assault on my arse and pussy. Ejaculant drips from between my legs, my vagina an open faucet with a stopcock that can’t quite be fully closed, my thighs streaked with its slippery wetness, my calves and feet splattered, and...
Part 1 In my early 20's I decided to hitch hike across the US from New York down to Florida then across to California. My friends told me I would be mugged or murdered before I got to Texas but I'd done a bit of research I and thought I was pretty safe, however on one ride I got a lot more than i'd bargained for and more than I could have hoped for. I was hitchhiking just outside of Jackson in the pounding June sun praying I got picked up before my brain juices started evaporating when a beat...
Interspectral Morpheology (the study of Homo Sapiens HermaphroMorpheus Nobilis) Rei Rei I am a Hermaphromorph, that's the simple term, what I am is Homo Sapiens Hermaphromorpheus Nobilis: a long, drawn out latin term that simply states: I can change sex and form at will! My name is Arya al-Sayed, and when I was born, I was barely alive, My Family Physician, one Dr. Benjamin ibn-selafi Abdallah Murradh Elahi, still shakes his head in disbelief that I survived my delivery....
It was late, but Jeff had one more thing to do as he knocked on General Whitworth’s office door. “Come,” the General’s muffled voice ordered. Whitworth sat behind his cluttered desk but looked up as Jeff entered. Without saying anything, he shoved the empty coffee carafe toward the Prime. Jeff almost asked if he really wanted more coffee this late, but Whitworth, anticipating, said, “I still have a lot of catching up to do, so sleep is still a long way off for me.” Jeff went about making...
As he entered the flat she turned and pounced on him. Gripping him by the throat she drove him backwards against the door forcing it closed with a clear and definitive 'snick'. His heart was hammering as her fingers dug into his jugular and carotid. Physically she was no match for him, but this wasn't about the physicality of either of them. With her petite 5' frame pressed hard against she eased the force from his throat. He snatched a grateful breath then she drove her hand forwards...
"I need an honest answer, Keith," my girlfriend, Cassie Mansden, let out in a quiet and sombre tone. "Is there someone else? Anyone I know?" How was I supposed to answer her question? How do you tell your girlfriend that she's been replaced? And by your own sister? I had no idea. "Yeah, I think you know her," my sister's voice drifted across the room. "There's no easy way to go through this, Cassie, and I know you asked me to disappear. But this affects people that are very...
The guys hung around almost all day. They each had sex with mom and they each had sex with me one more time. It wasn’t a constant orgy. We stopped for lunch and we even played video games in the nude for a little while. But not for long. We couldn’t get near a guy without being fondled and groped. It was great! By the time the day was over we were all exhausted. We all agreed that we want to do it again as soon as possible. It had been a lot of fun and by the end of the day the guys were...
Just as the shuttle door had opened Virginia had managed to push the rag out of her mouth and scream. “Noisy bitch,” said the woman as she pressed the prongs of the cattle prod against Virginia’s tit. “Slut, you better shut your fucking mouth or the pain will continue and get worse. Electricity can give you a lot more pain than a whipping and leaves no marks.” Virginia shuddered at the implications, and then screamed as it was discharged into one and then the other. The pain had begun to...
Hi it is Vineet, back again with a new story, which recently happened with me, meri pichli story aap sab ko pasand aayi uske liye thanks, and ladko se request hai ki plz main karke kisiki photos na maange, mere jo bhi relation hain, unki privacy ka main poora dheyaan rakhta hun or kuch bhi kabhi kisi or se share nahi karta, my email id is ( ) and main jalandhar se hun, plz mail to start chatting with me, So sidha ab story pe aata hun, mera ek frnd hai sidhant arora, vo ek engineer hai or...
For R – thanks for editing me so beautifully. After Sunday morning Service had ended the parishioners of St. Andrew’s trailed out the banana yellow doors and into the snow-covered yard. They stopped to chat and catch up with each other as they lingered on the church steps. Nate stood amongst them, tall and smiling, with his blond hair glinting in the sun. The sound of friendly chatter and children’s laughter mingled with the crash of the waves on the nearby shore. ‘Come on!’ Maddy urged as...
It was Wednesday, and most everyone in the office had gone to a luncheon. Jennifer had chosen to stay back and do some paperwork. She wanted to get a head start on polishing her portfolio to be the first to submit it for consideration as the team lead. Her goal was to have it completed and given to Roger before she left on Friday. As she worked, she was glad she had decided to bring it out to the desk in the lobby area. There was room to spread out her papers to regroup them more effectively....
NovelsAlan was an ex-marine. He was big, brawny, and immensely tough. During his marine days he had acquired his nickname, Force. At the age of twenty-nine he was working as a bouncer at a nightclub. The reason for his change of profession was; that eighteen months before after he had been a little too close to an exploding bomb, and spent a month in hospital. He was severely scarred, but fortunately there wasn’t any permanent damage… well… almost. Problem was, that his mobility had become somewhat...
Straight SexI was sitting in my math class minding my own business when I hear a voice from behind me. "Excuse me" I turn and see one of the loveliest sights I ever laid eyes on. Long gently curling blond hair, big blue eyes, what looked to be great dick sucking lips and a nice sized rack. Instantly I sprung to attention in more ways than one. "Hi" I said in all of my stupidity. "My name is Linda and I am new hear. Can I borrow your notebook and see what is going on?" Not even thinking I hand over my...
Accidental Journey My father had passed away. I was a twelve year old living with my mother who teaches at a girls school. My mother was very attractive and dressed smartly but in a way that showed off her small waist and large bosom to good effect. She always wears high heels. I was a keen pianist and the best teacher available was based at my mothers school so whilst I attended the boys school some distance away I often visited the girls school for lessons. The strain of...
It had been three days since Tina’s surprise sexual encounter with her 19-year old son, Mark. He had walked in on her masturbating to a porn video that he had left running on TV. One thing led to another, and before long, the mother and son were fucking like naturals. The three days since that crazy, exciting time had been quiet between the two. After a truce to not mention it again, each knew that the other was still thinking about it. A few days of the memories of that moment had Tina excited...
IncestDear Dirty Diary, I woke up the following Saturday morning with a terribly stiff back. Doug and Louise were already working on the enclosure for the hot tub we all missed so much. Since neither of my lovers was around to soothe my aching muscles, I had to look after myself. I stretched and limbered up without much success, so I took a hot shower then returned to try my special back exercises. I spread my bath towel across the middle of the bed then kneeled on it. I bent over, placed my...
Having a stepsister means… well, many things… we’ll get there. But it definitely means pranks, and boy oh boy does Parker Ambrose have one in store for his cute stepsister Violet Gems. Parker plans to use an empty pizza box with a carefully situated hole in it so that he can distract Violet with a movie and get her to grab his dick! The ol’ cock in a box prank, ya know?? Anyway, Parker sets up his naive stepsister perfectly – she feels around for a slice but gets...
xmoviesforyouCockatoo 21Nikkie SilkAki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut had got past the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise, but I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn’t know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance. Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and pulled my head...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
We’ve got yet another “double debut” this week, as both studly hunk Johnny Palms and inked cutie CC Doll are each making their first appearances on See H?️M Fuck today. After the interview portion of the program, Johnny stands and begins to disrobe with some assistance from CC. She also lubes HIM up and sniffs & licks each of his hairy armpits before allowing HIM to sit on the couch so she can worship, lick & suck each of his bare feet. CC then gives HIM a nice sloppy blowjob...
xmoviesforyouIt certainly had become the talk of the Harbour Town,the middle aged divorced woman and the her twenty something neighbours by all accounts had got together and had had a threesome. Word had been sent to the Monastery of Repentance on this matter and with a few days a Nun had been dispatched to the Harbour Town . It was cold Tuesday morning when Prioress Agnes Concepta had arrived at the little Convent of Mercy in Harbour Town.She had been met by Sr. Ann the head of the convent who immediately...
As my wife Krista and I backed from the driveway, our new neighbor-to-be came bouncing out of her house to say hello. Although a co-worker of Krista's, I had never met Angie. A slim, bubbly red-head with a raspy southern voice, she immediately hit my soft - and hard - spots. We hadn't even made an offer on the house but I knew we would and that Angie was a must-do. We bought the house and moved in about six weeks later. After a long day of unpacking, Scott and Angie invited us over for a...
Straight Sex