Coal Miner Pt. 04 free porn video

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I want to thank my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, who always make my story a much better read. You probably should read the first three parts of this story first.

Chapter 5: The Demolition

On Monday morning, I headed to work and it was Mike, Joe and I who were going to set the explosives. It was funny, when we got there, there were only three protesters. After all, this was Earth Day and a week ago, there were twenty protesters bothering us. Maybe my talk did some good.

These three probably were just there to watch us. A few hours from now, there would probably be hundreds of people watching the actual explosion. We had a chain link fence to keep people as far away from the area as possible. There were a dozen warning signs posted also. We didn’t want to take any chances of anyone getting hurt.

It was a very delicate operation, and I was lowered into several holes to place the explosive charges. It was unbelievable how many underground shafts were under this strip mine. It was a very dangerous area. That is why it needed to be caved in, less someone would later be involved in an accidental cave-in if the ground were to give-way

We were done in time for lunch and went to get a bite to eat. We completely locked up the area and went to lunch. We had about four hours before we would do our actual demolition for the TV cameras. People like to watch the explosion. We wanted to show them we cared and how we reclaimed the area afterwards, the grading and planting of trees.

We were at the dining tent when we heard a woman calling for help. She was running toward our tent saying her friends fell in the hole. We had no idea what she was talking about. We told her to slow down so we could understand her. It was the female student who was picketing with two other male friends. We finally figured out what she was saying.

After we left our demolition site, her two friends climbed the fence to get a closer look at the site. She heard them scream and disappear. She thought they might have fallen into one of the wells.

Joe, Mike and I jumped up, got in our six wheeler with the girl, and told her to point out exactly where she saw her friends go down. It was the area that we would be caving-in. I got out of the cart and walked slowly over to where she thought they had fallen in. The ground there was very soft and I crawled over to the opening.

The girl told me that the boys were Jason and Brad, so I called out to them. ‘Jason, Brad, can you hear me?’

A few seconds later, I heard a voice. ‘Help me, get me out of here. We’re trapped in this hole and can’t get out.’

‘Calm down. We’re here to help you but it’s going to take some time. Are you Jason or Brad?’

‘I’m Jason. Brad isn’t moving. I think he might be dead.’

‘Easy now, Jason, you’re in panic mode. You need to calm down. Can you feel if Brad has a pulse? You can feel it by his neck or his wrist. Will you do that for me, please?’

‘Yes, I feel a pulse but he isn’t moving.’

‘Ok, he’s just unconscious. He’ll be alright.’ I really had no idea if he was alright or not but I couldn’t let Jason get any worse.’

I sent Mike and Joe after the crane and told them to take the girl to the guards until the police arrived. We needed to know exactly what happened. I told Jason that it would be a while until the guys came back with the crane but I would stay there with him and talk to him.

I was able to shine a flashlight down the hole and see the two boys. I know they were two college students but they were acting like kids. They sure lacked common sense. We found out later that they were both drinking beer all night and were still drinking this morning. They had told each other how brave they were and weren’t afraid to see how far they could go near the demolition site. The girl with them told them how immature they were but they went anyway.

Being drunk probably helped break their fall seeing they were so relaxed. I had asked Jason if he had anything broken or was bleeding. He said he didn’t think so but he felt numb.

They had fallen about thirty feet. I was hoping that between being drunk and maybe bumping his head that Brad might be alright too.

I heard Jason say, ‘Aw, shit!’

‘What is it, Jason? Are you okay?’

He slurred out the words, ‘I pissed myself. Please get me out of here.’

‘It will just be a few more minutes, Jason. Please do your best to keep calm.’

Mike and Joe were back with the crane. Joe got it as close as he could. Because of the weight of it, he was about thirty yards from the hole. He lowered the boom to where I was. I stood up, put a harness around my chest, and hooked it up to the lowering chain. The only problem was there wasn’t much room in the hole. I would have to lower myself and put another harness on the boys.

Mike helped me get ready. I put on a set of headphones so I could keep in contact with Joe who was operating the crane. I put on a hard hat and took another one down with me as well as another halter. I was slowly lowered into the hole. I looked at the sides as I went down. There were two very loose beams that bothered me, if they were to fall into the hole, they could kill us.

I wanted to get the unconscious Brad out first but drunken Jason was still in panic mode, so I put the hard-hat and harness on him first. He was more of a hindrance than a help. I told him to be still and not move around while he was being pulled up. Also, he should make sure he didn’t touch the sides of the well. I didn’t want him kicking loose any beams.

I told Joe to go ahead and lift Jason out of the hole. It was a few minutes later when I told Joe to send down the harness and hard hat for Brad. Joe told me that there was a large crowd of people outside the fence. Apparently, the TV station caught wind of the story and was already set up filming.

Mike said that they had checked out Jason and he was bruised a little from the fall but otherwise was fine but drunk. He also told me that he did more than piss himself. I heard Mike give a slight laugh.

I wasn’t sure what to do about Brad. Since he was unconscious and I wasn’t a doctor, he could have a neck injury or internal injuries. Lifting him by a harness without a basket stretcher could be fatal to him. I called up to Mike and Joe and told them to send down a basket stretcher instead of a harness. The mining company has them available for emergencies. It would take a little longer to go get one but better safe than sorry.

Joe lowered the basket. When I received it, I cautiously rolled an unconscious Brad into it. I did my best to strap him in so he wouldn’t be able to move. I figured he was just drunk but couldn’t take any chances. It didn’t look like he had anything broken. I told Joe to go ahead and pull him out.

As he was being pulled out, he began to come to or wake up and started kicking about. He had no idea where he was or what was happening to him. I yelled to him to stop kicking but he was drunk and scared.

He was moving way to much and the stretcher hit one of the loose beams and it came crashing down. I screamed out as it hit the lower part of my leg. ‘AHHGGG!’

‘Rob, are you okay?’ I heard both Joe and Mike yell out.

‘No, I’m not. This stretcher knocked a beam loose and I’m sure it broke my leg. The pain will be here shortly. Get this kid out. Mike, I’m sorry, fellow, but you will need to come down and get this beam off me. I can’t budge it.

Chapter 6: The Conclusion.

I saw Mike coming down with a separate chain to wrap around the beam. He secured it and told Joe to raise it very slowly, because it was on my leg and that my leg was broken. We watched as the beam was raised and moved out of sight. As the beam was raised, I felt the searing pain in my leg.

The basket stretcher came back down. Mike helped me into the stretcher. After fastening me in the basket Mike told Joe that we would be
coming up together so he could control the movement of the basket. Joe pulled us both out at the same time. This wasn’t usually the way we brought people out, but Mike wanted to get me out as soon as possible and to keep the basket away from the other beams.

When we got out, there were paramedics waiting for us. There were crowds of people gathered cheering for Mike and me. I could feel the throbbing in my lower leg. I looked over at the crowd of cheering spectators and saw my two daughters and behind them was their mother waiting and crying. Once the paramedics got my leg stabilized for the trip to the hospital, my family came to me.

I looked over at Brenda who was crying. She said, ‘I might have not been here for you last time but I’m here for you now.’ She even gave me a kiss before I was taken to the hospital.

The paramedics gave me drugs for the pain and I passed out. It was late that evening before I remembered anything. I do know from the hospital staff that my daughters and Brenda were there the whole day. I wasn’t sure what to do or think.

Brenda came in as soon as they let her. I asked her about the two boys and she said that they were both bruised but otherwise were fine. They were two drunken students that just didn’t have any common sense.

She turned the TV on the news channel and said they were playing this all day. I saw a film of the boys being pulled out and then Mike and me together. According to the news, I was a hero for saving the students and Mike was a hero for going after me. I looked over at Brenda and she still had tears in her eyes.

I started to get more visitors so she stepped out for a few minutes. Mike and Joe both stopped in and told me they finished the demolition after I was taken to the hospital. The dozers and graders were already leveling off the land. The tree planting crews would start tomorrow. They told me that because of the accident, people were still at the site looking at the grounds.

I thanked both guys for saving me. They told me that it was just part of the job, and laughed. They truly were real friends that I’ve known most of my life. Mike looked at me. I knew he wanted to say something.

‘Come out with it, Mike. What do you have to say?’

‘Brenda was there from the minute she heard you were in the pit. I’ve never interfered in your affairs, but I have to tell you that this woman loves you. That’s all I’ve got to say.’

From anyone else I would have gotten pissed at them, but I knew Mike too well. He always was one guy I totally respected.

I thanked the guys for coming and they told me they would be around to see me. According to the doctors, I would be off for quite a few months. I had no idea how long it would be but I didn’t much care about having my leg in the air like this.

Cheryl and Sue came in next. They kissed and hugged me and told me everything would be fine. They were working out the plans. All I had to do was get well. I remember telling them thank you but I honestly had no idea what they were talking about. My sister Betty and her husband were there to see me and we talked about my new hero status. It was starting to get embarrassing.

Visiting hours were about over and Brenda came back into the room. I looked at her as she sat down in the chair and pulled an ottoman to her legs and covered her legs with a small comforter.

‘Brenda, visiting hours are over. What are you doing?’

She smiled at me. ‘I talked with the doctor and he said I could stay here tonight. I told him I was your wife and showed him we had the same last name.’

‘Why don’t you go home to your big comfortable bed instead of sleeping in a chair?’

‘Because you’re here, if you really have to know. Now try to get some sleep. You’ll probably have a lot of visitors tomorrow.’

I didn’t argue with her or say anything. I just closed my eyes and went to sleep. I thought I heard the words, ‘I love you’ before falling asleep.


When I awoke the next morning, I saw a smiling Brenda drinking a cup of coffee. ‘Good morning, Sleepy Head,’ she said. ‘How are you feeling? Anything I can get you?’

‘Your coffee sure does smell good,’ I replied. ‘My leg hurts and is damn near numb. I can’t turn or anything but I guess I’ll have to live with it for awhile.’

I found myself talking to her like an old friend. Must have been the drugs, I thought. She went and got me a cup of coffee and a straw. She told me the way I was laying I’d spill it all over myself. She even put in a couple of ice cubes so I wouldn’t burn my mouth.

I asked her about her work and she told me she told her boss that I was hurt when she left yesterday and said she would be off for a couple of days. We were talking about the accident when my breakfast arrived. The nurse had to scoot me up in a sitting position so I could eat. She did lower my leg a little. It hurt like hell and it took everything I had not to scream out.

Shortly after I finished eating, the doctor came in and explained my condition. My leg around the calf area was crushed and my ankle area was sprained again but it didn’t make much difference at this point. I would be in the hospital for a week to make sure it was healing properly and it would have to stay raised up in a sling.

He told me that it would probably stay in some type of cast for two to three months in which I would have to stay off of it. After that, I would be going through physical therapy until it was strong again. He had put two pins in my leg.

‘Doc, what about work and going to the bathroom?’ I inquired.

‘Well, as far as work is concerned, you won’t be going back for five or six months depending on your healing. As far as the restroom goes, you can urinate in the bottle. As for a bowel movement, that’s one of the reasons you’ll be in the hospital for a week. You will need help. Once you go home you can use the bottle for urinating in and use crutches to make it to the rest room unless you have a porta-potty like we do here.’

I couldn’t help seeing the little smirk on Brenda’s face. She knew I was one of those guys that tried to do everything himself and there was no way I could handle all of this. I really was concerned. I was sitting there thinking about my living dilemma when Cheryl and Sue arrived.

‘Hi, Dad,’ they both said. Then Cheryl started talking and asking me how I was doing. They never failed to give me a hug and a kiss.

Brenda told the girls that, while they were there, she was going to go home, take a shower, and clean up. She told them she would be back in a couple of hours. ‘Rob, don’t forget to behave and do what you’re told. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. If you need anything, I’m sure Cheryl and Sue will help you out.’ She squeezed my hand and smiled at me and left.

For some reason I thought she would lean over and kiss me. I didn’t know what my problem was. The girls were talking to me and Sue said that I looked like I had a problem. Damn. These girls were as smart as their mother. ‘What is it, Dad? Maybe we can help. That’s what we’re here for,’ said Cheryl.

‘Well, if you have to know, the doctor told me I would be here for about a week and then I’d probably be bedridden for a couple of weeks and on crutches for at least a few months. I’m just not sure how I’m going to do it.’

‘Dad,’ said Sue. ‘We told you yesterday not to worry because we got you covered. Don’t you ever listen to us?’ she smiled.

‘I remember you saying it but I didn’t have any idea what you were talking about. Are you guys looking for a nurse or someone to help me out? I honestly don’t know if I can handle this situation alone.’

‘Dad, you’re moving back in with mom,’ said Sue.

‘What? No way! You girls know how I feel about that. No, I can’t do it. Besides your mother would have a hissy fit if I was staying at her place. I hardly think she would go along with that.’

‘Dad, it was mom’s idea. She e
xplained it to us and it makes the most sense. The day you’re released from the hospital you’ll be going to mom’s. She is having a room set up for you with one of those porta-pots like you have here. She has already applied for two weeks’ vacation to help get you through the critical time. After that, either Cheryl or I will be there during the day with you, and Mom said she’ll take care of you in the evenings,’ said Sue.

‘I don’t know, girls. Isn’t there some other way?’ I asked.

‘No, Dad, there isn’t. You can’t be left by yourself and we can’t afford a nurse twenty-four hours a day. What’s the matter, Dad, afraid of Mom?’ smiled Cheryl.

‘No, I’m not afraid of your mother. Look, we’re not getting back together. As soon as I’m able to walk, I’m going back to my apartment. Do you understand?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, right, Dad, we understand,’ said Sue.

For some reason Mike’s word list for women came into my mind. The way Sue said ‘Right’ sure sounded like it should be on that list. I don’t think her right meant right.

The girls changed the subject and started telling me about my grandkids. They told me how I would see them most every day while I was staying at their mom’s house. That part made me happy. I loved watching them play but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold them for a while.

While we were talking, two women who I didn’t know walked in. ‘Are you Mr. Mathais?’ they asked.

‘Yes, ladies, what can I do for you?’

One of them spoke. ‘I’m Betty Porter, Jason’s mother, and this is Marsha Watts. She’s Brad’s mother. We just wanted to stop in and thank you for saving our sons’ life. We’re so sorry for the way they acted and of course endangering your life. We want you to know that we are going to punish them when they come home. We’re going to take away everything they own.’

‘Thank you, ladies. You might want to find out where they are getting their alcohol. After all, they are only nineteen and were quite drunk. If they weren’t drinking, I’m sure they wouldn’t have acted the way they did. I want to thank you both for coming in to see me. I know that wasn’t easy.’

I introduced them to Cheryl and Sue and they apologized to them also. They all talked for a few minutes and then the ladies left. I had a number of visitors all day long. After Brenda came back, the girls went home to take care of their own families.

I should mention that the boys were found guilty of trespassing. The company did file charges but said the penalty should be community service. The judge went along with the idea and gave both boys sixty hours of community service. They are planting trees for our company. They were also told if they were found drinking again, they would serve six months in jail.

A little while later when Brenda came back, I told her I had a problem and Brenda asked me what it was. I told her I had to take a dump and had no idea what to do. I sure didn’t want to shit my bed. Brenda went out and got a male nurse who came in and lowered my leg and was going to help me sit on the Porta-pot. I asked Brenda if she would leave the room for a few minutes. She gave me one of those ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ stares, pulled the curtain, and closed the door.

My leg hurt like hell trying to maneuver myself on the pot. I was sure glad I had the nurse there to help. I was a little embarrassed but the nurse said I’d get used to it. I finally got my ass wiped and the nurse helped me back into bed. Brenda came back in while the nurse emptied the pot into the toilet.

That’s when I asked her if she was sure she wanted me in her house. I knew that it would have to be her to help me in the situations like this. I had to admit that I wouldn’t be able to move around till my leg healed.

‘Rob, you are going to need help. We both know that and so do the girls. Yes, I am willing to help take care of you and help you get back on your feet,’ she told me.

‘I hate to bring this up but you know I’m not going to remarry you, don’t you?’

She looked at me and answered, ‘Sure, that’s fine.’ She then said she was going to get a cup of coffee.

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Becoming Submissive

Introduction: Please leave rating and comments so i know if i should keep writing. im trying to make my stories longer due to messages from several readers. thank you for the support As I headed to bed I had no idea what to expect in the next few days. Brent had started out by just having me wear a single dildo in my pussy over night and in the matter of 3 days I was wearing 3 toys at night and in the morning a dildo to work. To make matter worse he had made me wear the 3 toys out to Walmart...

1 year ago
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The Antelope part 3 Further Adventures With Coa

You’ll probably want to read parts 1 and 2 of these adventures before you begin with this one. You’ll find out how I became a member of the Antelope herd and why I’m called Coa. “Coa, wake up,” I heard a voice say. “Uh, Van-tha, what do you want?” I asked groggily. “Margarita’s got to sleep with you,” she answered. “Margarita?” I asked. In the moonlight I recognized the naked girl standing outside my tent, shivering. “Hurry up, Honey,” I told her, “get inside.” To Van-tha I said, “I’ll take it...

1 year ago
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Our lovely Incest holiday in France

Note : This story is completely fictional! Following on from our great holiday in Devon with the farmer, we only had to wait four weeks, before we joined him again for our trip to France with him. The nude resort meant that we'd be nude throughout the two weeks, both in the flat and throughout the complex. The resort mainly catered for couples, but adult families of were there aswell. Our flat had three bedrooms, so there was plenty of space for us all, considering that we took virtually no...

3 years ago
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First Date

I had met Dana (not her real name of course since this event is just in my mind) for lunch one day and she is so cute and sexy. Our discussion was easy and fluid and could have gone on all afternoon but I did not want her to get in trouble for getting back to work late. I walked her to her truck we talked a bit and finally she turned her head up to me so that I could kiss her. MM light to start but that didn't last long since I was getting excited and gently moved my tongue to her lips and...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 44 Papa Im Pregnant

November 22, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio I’d expected an immediate reaction but for a good thirty seconds, you could have heard a pin drop in the sitting room. The silence quickly grew oppressive and suffocating. I carefully watched Deacon Vasily’s face and specifically his eyes, and waited for the eruption which was bubbling just below the surface, but his wife beat him to it. “Sasha,” she asked softly, a tear running down her cheek, “are you sure?” “Yes, Mom, I’m sure.” “How did this...

4 years ago
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Jills Day OutChapter 7

Ohhh! The audience didn't seem offended by her remarks. They were more interested in the donkey, which had now been led around and was now behind her. It no longer needed to be led; in fact it was now pulling its handlers by the rope attached to its halter, eager to close in on the waiting woman. Jill looked through her thighs again and saw it suddenly rear up like a circus pony and take a couple of steps on its hind legs. Then it crashed down onto her back, crushing the wind out of her...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 85

Marcus came to a halt, the tender skin on his elbows goose bumping as he realised they were daubed with blood. Outside the door Connor's limp form slipped down the wall to rest on the floor, bleeding and broken. All the anger drained out of him, and the fear that had been for Hope was suddenly replaced by a fear for himself as he realised what he'd done. Visions of courtrooms and prison-cells flitted through his head quickly, but a plaintive groan from Hope drew him out of the shocked...

2 years ago
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Moon light charm

Why do My parents always make me come here? Samantha asked, leaning back against the bus chair, lifting her legs so her feet nestled against her butt. Samantha had been going to Camp Moon Light since she was thirteen, she was seventeen now, and a Senior in high school. Her hair was naturally a reddish brown rust like color, but she had dyed it black so her eyes could pop more. Her eyes were greenish blue, and sometimes with the mix of the two they were grey. Samantha wore a black tank top, and...

1 year ago
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Graduation TripChapter 5

In the morning we again woke at nearly the same time and quite naturally shared another kiss, but a fairly quick one this time. Then, surprisingly, we got up, went for showers, fixed breakfast, and continued much the same as any other day. We quickly broke camp and piled into the car to start south to Grand Teton. The Tetons are part of the Rockies and are young mountains. Sharp peaks, deep valleys, some worn into a "U" shape by the glaciers but others still retaining their sharp "V"s....

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Saas aur bahoo

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab aaj bahut din baad koi nayi kahaani sumbit karne ja raha hoon aur ab to har koi apni maa chuda raha hai yaani ki har launda apni maa ko chod raha hai jab se maine apni aur mummy ki chudaayi par kahaaniyan likhni kya suru ki har koi usi topic par likh raha hai koi apni g/friend ko chodna pasand hi nahi karta aakhir yahaan ki ladkiyon ko kya ho gaya hai unki taraf aakhir ladke dhyaan kyon nahi dete…? Kabhi sochiye is baat ko meri pyaaaari…pyaaari haseen bur...

3 years ago
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JanChapter 6

Dan's Turn: I couldn't believe it. I walked back from Leona's apartment with Jan's hand on my bicep as I carried a box bearing some of her things: Toiletries. Hair dryer. Socks. Underwear. "I'll go back and get school clothes for tomorrow," Jan said to me. "You will not. We will go together. I can't believe this, Jan." "Believe what?" "Your grandmother. Leona. She seemed positively serene about this." "Baby, I told you that I had long talks with her. At first they were...

2 years ago
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Dear Uncle BobChapter 2

The next morning, Friday, Bob was late getting to the office because alarm clocks, being what they are, have a thing about being set before they go off to awaken their owners. He was in the middle of his second cup of coffee when his mail was brought up. The minute Tracy placed the stacks on his desk, he spotted the letter that could only be from her. With his heart pounding faster than he'd ever known it to, he chatted with the young lady who was studying music at the local community...

3 years ago
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first time

For as long as I can remember, my favorite person in the whole world has been my uncle. I love my mom, my f****y, my best friend, but sometimes I just don’t want to be around them. That has never been the case with Uncle Benny. Uncle Benny has a way of always knowing what to say. He makes me smile when I’m grumpy. Can cheer me up when I’m sad. Makes me feel good about myself, when I’m feeling down. He even knows when to just sit and be quiet when I want him around, but don’t want to talk. He...

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MarlaChapter 4

It was getting dark. The cereal was half gone and the water pressure had died alarmingly. Marla had managed to get the plug in the sink and filled it, so she had that much. The rope tight around her neck prevented her from moving her hands in front of her body. With her hands behind her she couldn't undo the chain. The cupboards and drawers she'd managed to open didn't hold anything she could use to free herself. She'd tried using her body weight to yank the leash free, but all she'd...

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Political Maneuvers

I detest Family Politics. It's like living in a soap opera that you can't escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right.Madeline is the matriarch of my wife's family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from her...

3 years ago
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My Last Summer Before College Chapter 2

After talking with mom, I discovered Maggie had been staying at Jolene's most weekends. I made up my mind to come home for the Summer. Different scenarios flashed through my mind regarding Jolene, my little sister. I could have called or been in closer contact with everyone while I was in school. I was so busy and when I did think about it I was busy doing something else and forgot about it. I know it sounds bad. Now that I think about it, it really was. Those thoughts of Maggie and Jolene in...

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My Desi Mom Pumped By A Wellbuilt Laborer

This is Harsh from a small town in Northern India and I am going to tell you my real story which I witnessed back when I was a teen. This  story revolves around my hot desi mom Nutan and her sexual desires. I was a teen back then and had discovered the joy of masturbation already. A couple of friends had access to the internet and showed me some soft porn movies. I was a wild horny boy and I masturbated 4-5 times every day imagining different-different situations. My routine was always the...

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The Truth Hurts

I ended up editing this story because, I wanted to change the title from 'Take Your Clothes Off And Finger Yourself 'to what it is now- 'The Truth Hurts'. What do you want mister?She was younger than he thought she'd be. It crossed his mind that the girl might be underage. He quickly dismissed the thought, having been told the females in this place were all legal. Feeling his dick stir, he traced her curves through the oversized secondhand dress she wore. Flashing a peak at her painted face, he...

1 year ago
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Having a Black Baby

Life is strange to say the least. Take the situation that now exists between my wife and me. Linda and I have been married almost seven years now, but out relationship has changed more in the last six months than it did in the first six years. Let me explain how my present predicament began. I guess in a sense everything that has happened to me has been my fault. I should have left well enough alone. you see I'm married to a 25 year old fox of a wife. Her name is Linda and I've been with her...

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Star ChamberChapter 2 A Boy from Heaven

John was exhausted when he sat in his big Lazy Boy to sleep. In what seemed like no time his alarm was ringing and when he reached for it, pain flooded his mind. He was not used to moving that much the day before. His muscles and joints were screaming at him. John turned his head and reached for his glasses, it was all he could do to bend and stretch to lift them off the table next to him. He had tears in his eyes. He heard in his mind; John heal yourself. John said the Lord’s Prayer. He...

2 years ago
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The RescueChapter 2 Open Ocean Rescue

As the captain suspected, the owners and crew may well have retired for the evening, but they most definitely had not gone to sleep. Malcolm and Caroline had gone to their cabin in the bow, while Phoebe had enticed Robby to spend the night in her cabin. Robby had already gotten off with Phoebe once when the horn blast startled him. Disdaining any foreplay, the pair had promptly stripped naked. Phoebe had knelt on her bunk while looking over her shoulder as her lover for the night stepped up...

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The Devilish Sex Goddess Part I

The first time I've met Meghan was at my dad's company when I was 18. My dad wanted to take over his business, but all that I really cared was to see Meghan for the first time - the blonde woman who seduced my dad 10 years ago. I've only heard about Meghan from my dad's business partners. 10 years ago she was a new employee to my dad's company. She admired my dad a lot and ended up seducing him in his office. To cut a long story short, they had sex reguarly in his office until my mom stormed in...

3 years ago
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Ek raat maa kay saath

Hi mera naam rajiv hai. Meri umar 27 hai.aur aaj main mere life ki real stories aapko batane ja raha hu. Hamare ghar main hum sirf 2 log rehte hain. Ek main aur meri maa. Waise to pitaji bhi rehate the lekin bussiness ki wajah se woh dubai rehate hain. Saal main sirf 2 baar aate the. Lekin ek din pitaji ne dubai main kisi dusri aaurat ke saath shaadi kar li tabse maa ko mere siwa koi aapna nahi tha. Meri maa ka naam sonali hain. Uski umar 37 saal hain. Phir bhi aaj woh kisi 19 saal ki ladki ki...

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A Friend of the Brides

The music in my studio headphones faded away and I relaxed a bit, finally satisfied. That take had been just what I’d been aiming for. After fourteen shots at that passage, I’d wondered if I was ever going to be able to sing it exactly the way I had envisioned it in my mind. Some of the takes had been very, very close, but I was a bit of a perfectionist. My producer’s mike opened with a click, and I could hear his applause, just as I knew I would. His ear was as finely tuned as mine and he’d...

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Take Me Outside

We had chatted and messaged each other so much yet never met. The day finally arrived after weeks of waiting. The train had pulled into the station and the sexual tension made me shiver and my heart raced with excitement. All I had to do was find the rendezvous and see if she would turn up. I felt her presence close by, but it could easily just have been my over-active imagination. As Emily’s text pinged on my phone my heart skipped a beat. “I’m in ViaFossa like we said,” she said, as cool as...

1 year ago
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The Bra Fitting Clinic

The Bra Fitting Clinic By Ricky Twilight was gathering on a cool spring evening as I jogged past the small women's clothing shop once again. I had just moved into town, a boy fresh from college with a new job and a new apartment. In the window were two mannequins clad only in corsets and a sign saying "Bra fitting clinic today". It was closing in only a few minutes, so it was now or never and I went inside. The clerk was a middle aged woman who had an almost motherly air, but...

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Two Teachers Four Boys in a CabinChapter 9

Saturday and Some Interesting Times with the Boys We arrived home around noon on Saturday as planned. I greeted each of the parents and told them how much we enjoyed having them and hoped the boys enjoyed it as much as we did. We gave very maternal looking hugs to each of the boys just before they got in their parent’s car for their ride home. I said goodbye to Patty and thanked her for stepping in at the last minute to be a chaperone. All the time trying to act like we had a normal week at...

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Late Evenings Part 15

Part XV I got up relatively early the next day and had breakfast with the kids. I made coffee and was enjoying my second cup when Judy emerged from the bedroom. She still had her pajama pants on under her robe and went right for the coffee. She seemed to be walking a little stiffly and I asked her how she felt this morning. She said just fine with a gesture like everything was A OK and normal as could be. Later that day, I was once again super horny after having thought of nothing else all...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 13 The Rakshasarsquos Hot Gaze

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the bow of the Treasure Box. The ship was coming into the dock. Thick mooring...

2 years ago
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I Julie smiled nervously at her fiance Ron, but he didn't look back. He was looking warily down the line of people that stretched two blocks down the shadow-drenched late afternoon streets. The line then turned right, down Goddess Ave. for a half mile, through the heart of Oklahoma City, before reaching the temple. Electric cars whizzed silently down the center of the street, carrying commuters home from work. Ron had always seemed so self-possessed, so confident, to Julie. She had never...

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Kiraydar ki chudai 8211 3

Hi i am lover boy with another of my story. Thanks for your mail and overwhelming response. To jyada bore na karte hue mei apne story pe aata hu.Jaise ki apko yaad hoga maine kaise bhabhi ko choda tha.Hamare chudai aise hi 15 din tak chalte rahe aur bhabhi meri chudai ki dewani ho gaye the.Wo mere se chude begar ek din bhi nahe rah sakte the.15 din ke baad unki chote sister jo ki unse 4 saal chote thi aur unmarried the wo aa gaye aur bhaiya ki night shift mei duty ho gaye.Bhabhi ne mujhe khaha...

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Tempest in a Touch

(This is my first submission and I hope you enjoy. Although the fantasies my wife and I share seem to range from mild to wild, I wanted my first story to reflect just how much I love and appreciate how beautiful she is. Let me know what you think of it. Maybe the next one will lean a little more toward the other end of the spectrum.) From the beginning of our marriage my wife and I have always slept in the nude. I love the feel of her bare skin and it sometimes seems unnatural for something to...

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Oppressive Compulsive Disorder

Oppressive Compulsive Disorder by Choker Guy Chapter One - Illusion Day 1 Dan: So, how did your important 'mission' go? Carl: Would you stop trying to ridicule me? Stop making such a big deal about it, and most importantly, don't do it here. D: Ooh right, forgot the Agency spies are hunting you for your porn collection. I don't know, setting up a switch to wipe your computer seems like a big deal to me. C: What did I just say? I see no reason why we couldn't chat about...

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Sarah FutaSlut

_S_arah looked around her room and sighed. She was still used to getting up early, but now that the vacation started, it just meant more time for her to do nothing. She had spent most of the past few days mindlessly edging and watching porn and gotten increasingly frustrated at her loneliness. Her balls had grown considerably since she began her streak 4 days ago and she couldn't wait so see where things would go if she continued. Sarah had always loved orgasm denial and giving herself blue...

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Black cock friend first time hubby gone 2

Hi everyone. I feel compelled and excited to relay to you, my experiences of late. My loving husband departed early for his weekly business trip. I texted my new fuck buddy "Bear" almost immediately and asked if he was still up for a rendezvous. He replied by telling me he had been ready days ago.. My mind wandered briefly over this, wondering if maybe I was getting a bit over my head. I've done this many times in the past with many older men only to regret it very soon thereafter. Bear is...

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Dressed to kill

By Mistress Rain @ Mistress met me at the door and if looks could kill….She was so hot dressed in a black spandex cat suit with a black and red corset a black Indiana Jones type hat and a long leather trench coat. Her feet were incased in a soft black sued over the knee boot with at least a 6” heel. Her eyes were lined in a heavy black liner making the beautiful hazel eyes just sparkle. Strapped to her thigh was a Taser and peeking out of the top of her boots it looked like...

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A Brand New ManChapter 31

1:01 am Eastern Daylight Time, Thursday, August 6, 1992 Sommeville, West Virginia Local Klavern of the Ku Klux Klan “I, the Imperial Dragon of this Klavern of the Ku Klux Klan, hereby call this emergency session of said Klavern to order! All stand to attention! We have three missing members of this Klavern, upstanding, righteous, God-fearing Klansmen, determined to uphold and preserve the white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian social order and dominance of our civilization against the Jewish banking...

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