BarbaraChapter 20 free porn video

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Meanwhile Roberta Kramer had been wracking her brain trying to think of something else she could try. By now it was even starting to penetrate her head that she was losing the case. When the children were all dressed and standing around their teacher, she said, "We still haven't seen Mrs. Conroy teach. The Department is now willing to concede that she does have above-average pupils — in intelligence, at least. But can she teach? Why can't she demonstrate, Your Honor?"

As soon as the spectators heard the comment about teaching, they broke up in uproarious laughter. One woman, sitting towards the rear of the room cracked, "She sure-as-hell can, lady. But can you?" The remark triggered another burst of laughter, but this time accompanied by applause and cheering so wild that Callaway had to pound his gavel to bring the courtroom back to order.

While he was doing so he noticed that Bobbie and the children were just standing together, not making a sound. He was now utterly astounded at the children's self-control. With the unidentified woman making a remark with which they so-obviously agreed and yet to give no sign was truly remarkable.

When order was restored, he said, "Mrs. Conroy, I would like to commend you — but particularly your young students — on the remarkable display of self-control they just exhibited. I carefully noted that they did not make a sound, nor did they even smile. I am very impressed." Then with a warm smile he asked, "Are you willing to conduct a class for us?"

"Certainly, Your Honor," Bobbie replied. Then turning to the children she said, "Kids, the judge thought your behavior just now was exemplary and he appreciates it. I thought you were wonderful, too! Thank you so much."

Callaway carefully observed the reactions of the children as Bobbie smiled so warmly at them: it was like watching flowers blossom in the sun. It was so obvious that the children just lived on praise from the teacher who they so obviously adored.

Then dropping to her knees, Bobbie bowed her head and in an instant all of the children were kneeling in a small circle around her. "Oh God," she prayed, "bless us this day in our efforts to learn how better to serve you, our families and our nation, we humbly ask in the name of your son and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

In addition to the children's response there was a thunderous "Amen" coming from what seemed to be all of the spectators in the courtroom.

"Good heavens! What did you just do?" Roberta Kramer exclaimed.

"I said a prayer asking God to guide us," Bobbie answered dryly. "What did you think I did?"

"But you can't do that! It's criminal!" the woman screamed, obviously beside herself with righteous indignation. "This is a public building!"

"So I noticed," Bobbie replied dryly. Then with her eyes flashing blue sparks she continued, "You're saying I can't pray? Is that what I'm hearing?" Bobbie asked in a flat tone of voice that those who knew her immediately recognized as a danger signal.

"Of course you cannot! Haven't you heard of the separation of church and state? You have just proven my point: You're totally unqualified to teach anyone!"

"Do your counsel join you in that position?" Bobbie asked in the same flat tone of voice.

"Of course they do!" Kramer proclaimed triumphantly. Turning to the three lawyers she asked, "You do, don't you?"

There were nods of acquiescence but Bobbie stifled a grin recognizing that at least two of the lawyers were obviously uncomfortable with what they had just done. Turning to the children she said, "Kids, take your seats for a few minutes. This is a disruption in our class but I don't think it will take very long."

While the children obediently sat down, Bobbie rose to her feet, raised her voice and called out, "Sandy Benson, I need you right away."

As the woman came forward, Callaway again stifled a grin recognizing her by her professional name, Sandra Harris. He knew her — by some personal experience, but also by reputation — to be the finest trial lawyer in the state of California and one of the very best in the United States. He had never heard of her losing a case in trial.

"Sandy, dear," Bobbie said in a tone of voice calculated to reach the corners of the room, "I think I am the victim of a conspiracy to deprive me of my civil rights. Specifically, a conspiracy to deny me the right freely to exercise my religion. Would you care to take the case?"

"Who do you want to get and for how much?" Sandy asked blithely. "The turkeys at counsel table alone, or do you want to add the State of California as a co-defendant? They are State employees, after all, and they are here today on official business. It would be easy to argue that they are acting in their official capacities as agents of the State."

Pretending to think for a few moments, Bobbie looked up at the ceiling and then said slowly and thoughtfully, "No ... I don't think so, Sandy. Just the turkeys." Very brightly she added, "I pay enough money to the damned state as it is and I'll be damned if I want my taxes raised just to pay for the dumb judgment."

"Good thinking!" Sandy exclaimed. "I always knew you were smart." Looking crestfallen she added, "That's the trouble with us trial lawyers: We sometimes get so carried away with the hunt that we forget who has to pay the bill."

Then brightly she continued, "So you want a nice, juicy Federal damage suit — personal, of course — against them as individuals." Appearing to remember something she added, "By the way! Such a judgment is like certain Federal tax liabilities: It doesn't even go away in bankruptcy!"

Now appearing elated, she said, "I'll just get the names and addresses of a bunch of spectators. They will serve both as witnesses to Kramer's words and as evidence that the denial of your constitutional rights took place in a public setting which maximizes the personal injury to you. It's going to be wonderfully expensive for them!"

As Sandy turned, apparently to do what she had just announced, Kramer, now sounding shaken, asked, "What was this little charade I just saw?"

"Charade, Ms. Kramer?" Bobbie replied scathingly. "No charade. As I said earlier today, the Constitution of the United States is a very interesting document. You really should read it. Since you just abridged my right freely to exercise my religion, you violated my civil rights. Moreover, since you were joined by three others, that creates a conspiracy. That's all we need."

With a mirthless smile she added, "Kramer, you just made a terrible mistake! You see, the premises we use for our little school are the property of Clifford & Jamison Attorneys at Law! It is reputed to be the finest law firm in the state. Your colleagues might recognize my friend, Sandy Benson, better by her professional name: Sandra Harris."

The instant she said the name there were looks of utter shock and dismay on the faces of the attorneys. Continuing, she said, "But it gets even better, you see. Laura Benson, Sandy's daughter, is sitting here beside me. So you could almost say that pursuing this action for Sandy will be a labor of love because I know she utterly adores Laura and would do anything — particularly including giving her life — for her."

Now with an evil grin on her face, Bobbie continued, "But it gets even better! Another partner in the firm is Celeste Trang, possibly the foremost legal collections expert in the country. Celeste just loves to find money to collect on judgments! On one I know of, she has already collected $10 million on a $10 million judgment — and the losers still owe $25 million! Isn't that great? I don't know exactly how she does it, but it's all very legal. Apparently, it's a legal 'loaves and fishes' sort of thing. But of course, I'm not a lawyer, either, so what do I know?"

Brightening she said, "Oh! I almost forgot! Celeste is Celeste Trang Chan, the mother of Karen Chan sitting beside me ... and my sister! I think her fees will be ... affordable. What do you think, Ms. Kramer?"

Now she feigned a look of sorrow as she added, "Of course, the mothers of eight of these ten children are also lawyers — all partners in the firm. For example, Ken Clifford, here, is Ali Clifford's son and firstborn. She utterly adores him. Then Charley Conrad is the firstborn of Virginia Jamison Conrad ... And it goes on. I think it's going to be great fun, don't you!?"

By now Kramer was looking as if she had eaten something that had made her sick. Going to the bench she asked Callaway, "Judge, is this all true?"

"Is all what true?" Callaway asked pretending ignorance.

"These things that this woman just said?"

"Well..." the judge began, raising his eyebrows, "Sandy Harris is probably the finest trial lawyer in the nation. I have never heard of her losing a case... any case. I have also heard of Celeste Trang's ... persistence. It's sort of a joke among judges, in fact."

Looking up at the ceiling he added pensively, "Of course, I guess it's not nearly as funny to the people she's going after ... She just keeps coming in, week after week, having found that assets were transferred from one entity to another to avoid having to pay." Then he brightened and added, "She appeared before me one time. You know, I think she really enjoys it. For her, it's sort of like putting together a complex jigsaw puzzle. She seems to look at it almost as a form of recreation."

"What about ... about the civil rights thing?" Kramer asked, now looking as if she were about to vomit up her lunch.

"Oh, that's different," Callaway said brightly, "Bobbie Conroy is exactly right! The action of two or more people acting together creates a conspiracy and, yes, Federal law does provide for triple damages in cases of conspiracy to deny a person her civil rights. The free exercise of religion is most certainly guaranteed in the Federal Constitution — and in the State of California's as well, by the way. Whether you did abridge her free exercise is a finding of fact left to a jury, but ... Ms. Kramer, let's just say that right now I wouldn't give you ten cents for all of your assets.

"You see, subsequent to an illegal act, any sale or transfer of assets could be undone, so if I bought something from you it could be taken away from me to satisfy a judgment against you! And as I said, Celeste Trang is terribly ... persistent ... and extraordinarily thorough. She wouldn't leave you with two cents!"

Turning to Bobbie, Kramer asked gracelessly, "What do I have to do to get you to call off your dogs?"

"Dogs, Ms. Kramer? You certainly do have a way with words! Referring to honorable members of the California Bar as dogs?" Bobbie shook her head sadly and said, "You really do have a talent for digging holes for yourself, don't you?"

By now Kramer was a sniveling wreck and Bobbie decided that enough time had already been wasted. Briskly, she said, "Kramer, you can do two things: First, get down on you knees and pray to God — loudly — for His forgiveness, and second, while still on your knees, ask the pardon of these young children who are trying so hard to learn."

Then with steel in her voice she added, "Do it! Now!"

With a look of shock on her face Kramer did as she was told. Dropping to her knees she looked up and said loudly, "Dear God, please forgive me for interfering with prayers directed to you. I am so sorry!"

At that instant there was an enormous flash of lightning right outside the courtroom window instantly followed by an ear-bursting clap of thunder. The poor woman dropped flat on the floor and began to cry, wailing that she had been a terrible sinner and vowed to be better. While she was still prostrate, Bobbie turned to the children, winked, and held her thumb up. The kids grinned back at her.

When she rose to her knees, Kramer was still shaky. She began to get up when Bobbie reminded her of the second part. Kramer's eyes flared in anger, but she went back to her knees and earnestly asked the children for their forgiveness. By this time they were attuned to the game so they spent a few moments debating among themselves whether the apology should be accepted — whether, in fact, Ms. Kramer was truly sincere. Finally, with the appearance of greatest reluctance, they did.

When Kramer had returned to her seat, Bobbie looked up at the judge and asked, "Can we get back to our school now?"

"By all means!" Callaway replied with a big wink.

Turning to Cindy Cartwright, Bobbie said, "Darling, it's your turn to hold the flag today."

The beautiful green-eyed Eurasian girl took the small flag out of its case and proudly held it with her right arm exactly parallel with her body while the butt of the flagpole was held tightly against her stomach with her left hand.

Facing the spectators, Bobbie said in a voice that carried clearly to the corners of the room, "Would you all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance?" Turning back to face the flag and standing erect, Bobbie put her right hand over her breast and began, "I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

At that instant all of the children chimed in together. It was apparent that all of them both understood and truly meant the words they were saying as they continued, " ... of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!"

By the time they had completed reciting the Pledge tears had appeared at the corners of Cindy's eyes. Immediately, Bobbie swung into The National Anthem, but singing the almost-unknown fourth verse: "Oh! Thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand / Between their loved home and the war's desolation! / Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land / Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. / Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, / And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'" The ten children singing together had truly remarkable soprano singing voices and they sang with great emphasis and feeling. Clearly, they were not just singing words.

By this time tears were streaming down Cindy Cartwright's face, but she was still holding the flag as steady as a rock. She was looking at it with her eyes focused on the star field when Roberta Kramer — in spite of her experience of just a few moments earlier — screamed, "Stop it this instant! This is illegal and immoral..."

Ignoring the screaming woman Bobbie continued, " ... and the star spangled banner, in triumph shall wave..." By this time all of the members of the now-very-large spectator group had joined in to sing and drowned out the woman's shrieks of protest, " ... O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

Before Kramer could say a word, Cindy Cartwright screamed, "You idiot! What do you think you were doing?"

"That song — or at least that verse — is immoral and illegal! It cannot be sung in the State of California." Wheeling on Bobbie she exclaimed, "I demand an immediate apology!"

"Oh?" Bobbie asked with her face bland. "For singing The Star Spangled Banner?"

"That verse," Kramer replied. "It's illegal!"

"My, how quaint," Bobbie said pensively. "You're saying that the State of California has overruled the Congress of the United States? I guess you must be, though, because it was formally adopted as our National Anthem ... by Act of Congress!"

"Yes, it's been overruled," Kramer continued. We did it just a couple of years ago—"

"We?" Bobbie interrupted. "Who's 'we'?"

"The California State Department of Instruction!" Kramer replied proudly.

"Oh," Bobbie said in a very flat tone of voice. Then looking at Callaway with her eyes wide she asked, "Judge, I guess it's just that I'm young and of course haven't graduated college or anything, but ... but judge, when did the Department of Instruction get the authority to overrule an act of Congress?"

Replying in the same vein, Callaway looked embarrassed and said, "Mrs. Conroy, you have put me on the spot! I regret to say that I am not aware of any such legislation. Of course ... What they are really doing, you understand, is arguing the right of nullification. But then I thought that was settled by the deaths of over 600,000 Americans in the early 1860's ... But maybe I'm wrong."

Before anyone else could say anything, Cindy Cartwright asked, "Ms. Kramer, why are you so concerned, anyway?"

Recognizing that she had put her foot in it again, Roberta Kramer took the out offered by Cindy's comment. "Because, dear, you were so obviously upset. Those vile, militaristic words—"

Before she could finish Cindy had spun on her heel, gave the flag to Mike Morris and went up to the bench. Going around to the point where it was open, Cindy stood before the judge, performed the most graceful and elegant curtsy he could imagine and said, "Judge Callaway, my name is Cynthia Cartwright and I am delighted to meet you."

Taking her hand he brought it up to his lips and kissed it gently. As he did Cindy's eyes widened in amazement and pleasure. "Oh, thank you, sir! That was so ... so elegant! It makes me feel like a lady."

"Cynthia, it was supposed to make you feel like a lady because you are a lady! Now what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Sir, may I be sworn in? As a witness?" Then with a little smile she added, "And, sir, everyone — all my friends — call me Cindy. I hope you will, too."

Callaway looked into her large and brilliant green eyes and saw the same goodness, purity and innocence he had seen in the other children's — along with the same intelligence. He asked, "Cindy, do you know the difference between telling a lie and telling the truth?"

"Yes, sir, I certainly do."

Calling over the clerk, he asked that Cindy be sworn in as a witness. After escorting the little girl around to the witness box, the clerk told her to place her right hand on a Bible and said, "In the case now in hearing do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

With her eyes as big a saucers the little girl said proudly, "I do!"

"State your name, please."

"My name is Cynthia Cartwright," the little girl replied to the clerk's question. Rather than sitting in the witness chair, Cindy stood at the front of the box.

"Cindy, you are now duly sworn as a witness in this case," Callaway said kindly. "Now what do you want to tell us?"

"It's ... It's that woman!" Cindy exclaimed. "She tries to stop us from singing The Star Spangled Banner because she thinks I'm upset! Judge, it's not that at all," she exclaimed in a surprisingly strong voice that carried to the corners of the room.

Hearing the girl, all the chatter in the courtroom stopped and in moments there was complete silence as the spectators listened carefully to her words.

"There were tears in my eyes because I love our flag so much! It's the flag for which my daddy suffered unbelievable tortures for fourteen years!" Looking at Callaway she continued, "Can you believe it, judge? Fourteen years? That's more than twice as long as I've been alive!

"When he was very young — just eighteen — my father, William Cartwright, was captured by the North Vietnamese. He was leading a band of Laotian irregulars that had just saved a battered platoon of U.S. Marines. He ordered his Laotians to melt away into the jungle while he provided covering fire. He had been wounded so he didn't think he could make it anyway.

"When he was captured, they spent the first couple of weeks trying to make Dad tell them where the Laotian base was. He wouldn't. Then they tried to make him confess to germ warfare—"

"We were doing it all the time back then," Kramer screamed. "He was a war criminal!"

Cindy looked at Kramer as if she were a strange bug crawling out from under a rock but just continued, "—but he would not! Then they just wanted to break him! They wanted him to denounce the flag of our country — the flag I was so proudly holding a few minutes ago. He would not! For fourteen years they tried to break him, but could not!

"My mother was only ten years old at the time. They thought they could use my mother to break my father by embarrassing a grown man in front of a very young woman. While they were torturing him — often with red-hot tongs on his testicles — and he was screaming in agony, Mom would just concentrate and stare into his eyes to let him know that she understood ... and that she loved him. In her presence this torture continued for over three years. Dad didn't know that at least once a week Mother would volunteer to be whipped mercilessly in his place.

"I'm sure it won't surprise you to learn that they cheated: They beat them both. Dad was kept chained to a wall by both wrists and never freed. He lived in his own excrement. Mom had to wipe it off him before she could even touch him. Regularly, they placed a red-hot knife blade between his lips so he couldn't kiss my mother — but he kissed her anyway.

"Since Dad was kept naked and Mom was always naked, too, they tried to use her to arouse him sexually but allow him no relief. Mom managed one day to get him inside her — she wasn't even thirteen yet — and give him the relief he craved.

"She was beaten so badly she almost died for doing it. Then Dad was moved to Hanoi and Mom couldn't follow him so she made her way, alone and naked, hundreds of miles through the jungle and then along the China coast. Finally, she swam over ten miles through shark-infested waters to reach Hong Kong.

Then — I don't know how — she managed to get to the United States! She didn't even know Dad's name. She knew him only as Bill. But she knew that any country that could inspire a man the way the United States inspired Bill, had to be a great place. She finally made it here.

"Ultimately, she was admitted to the University of Chicago where she graduated summa cum laude, and Phi Beta Kappa, majoring in economics. Then she went to the graduate school of business where she graduated number one in her class after majoring in finance and banking.

"Taking a position with Chicago Trust Company, she went to work in a then-tiny unit headed by a senior vice president, Cindy Burke. Mrs. Burke is my godmother and Mr. Burke is my godfather. I am named after her because my parents know that, had it not been for her, they never would have been reunited.

"Anyway, Aunt Connie called Aunt Cindy one day. It seems that her husband, Chip, had a brother who had been lost in Vietnam. Finally, after fourteen years and after spending a great deal of money, Chip had found him and got him home. But he was in a catatonic state. He didn't know where he was nor who he was. All they knew was that he occasionally said a few words in a language no one could recognize.

"Since Mom speaks over thirty — I have no idea how many more than thirty — Aunt Connie asked if Mom could come out here to Los Angeles. Maybe she could help. Well, of course she did, and discovered the love of her life, Bill Cartwright.

"They were married a week later. A few weeks after that my dad was honored at the Presidio in San Francisco: The President of the United States presented him with the Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor our country can bestow."

By this time tears were streaming down her cheeks but Cindy's head was held up straight. The courtroom was totally silent as everyone hung on the girl's words. Continuing, she looked at Callaway and said, "It's a small world we live in, Judge. I mentioned that Dad had rescued a beat-up Marine platoon? In command at the time was Dan Burke. It was Uncle Dan's life that Dad saved."

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Author’s note: This story is based on real life events that occurred to me. The names have all been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. Some dramatization has been added to match the themes of this site, but otherwise I have tried to remain true to the original experience. This story does not have a lot of sex for its length, but considering it’s based on reality. . . Well, you’ll see why as you read it. For those coming to this story from my dear friend’s, Dark_Brother,...

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Shes My Best Friends Girl pt 2

What a difference a couple months can make when it comes to marriage, pregnancy and infidelity. When you take a woman who is neglected and only viewed through the prism of a body type by her husband and on top of that the husband is even suspected of infidelity prior to the wife's then one thing drives the other. Neither is justified but people have the need to be loved, touched and desired while at the same time people want to love someone, they like to touch and they want to desire...

4 years ago
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Firehouse Cock Sucker and Cuckold

My wife Megan and I were born and raised in the Atlanta area, and got our degrees from the University of Georgia. We got married right after graduation and moved to Baltimore for my civil engineering job and Megan got a job in finance there. By the time we were 32 years old, we had two children, and my company promoted me to a management position back in the Atlanta area.Megan was able to quit her finance job and stay home with the kids, due to my big increase in pay. I had a little more free...

2 years ago
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School Daze

Jemma- I finish applying the eye shadow and sit back in the chair giving my soft brown hair a final brush, then shake my head so it spreads naturally down my back. I check my breasts, the new lace bra giving them a little more lift... not that I even need a bra but it makes me feel good anyway. My tits may be kind of small, but they're firm and cute anyway. I run my hands over them, feeling a shiver of delight, imagining they were in Billy's hands... 'Oh Billy Watkins'.. My...

3 years ago
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Transsexual Son Daughter

MY TRANSSEXUAL SON / DaughterThis is not true just a made up story Now I’m a 51 year old mother of one and watching my Daughter who’d been once my son putting on that very nice silk blue bra from Harrods department store and lift up her huge breast in to them made me so wet. Now seeing my son all now transformed and transitioned in to a beautiful woman but she’d still had got her manly bits now that didn’t harm anyone but boy did she look awesome and lovely all 5’9 of her slim size 10 with her...

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My first TSTG Part one

The First time we were Alone.As I lay you down and kiss you passionately until the faint moans try to escape your throat. My hands explore your body until I find your pert tiny breasts that attracted me to your slim petite frame. How your silky clothes cling to your sensual hips. My erection is trying to escape my trousers as we embrace even closer, I can feel you arousing through your clothes, I start to undress you ever so slowly.The first sight of your milky flesh, like silk, it takes my...

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Daughter in law

Raman Nair opened his daughter-in-law’s bedroom door and stopped still. The CD player was in full blast and his daughter in law, Menaka was dancing to the tune. He had actually come there to tell her to reduce the volume, but seeing her in her mini skirt and loose T shirt dancing with her breasts bouncing stopped him. He leaned against the door and watched as she wriggled her hips and stepped about her mini skirt half lifting showing her fleshy thighs and the red laced panties. Because of the...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 13 Little Lost Sheep

We set off for home with me slowly negotiating through traffic while Cate called our parents and Chalise called Kitty to relate everything that had happened. While they were busy I gave my girls our schedule, so they'd know when to expect us. We had only gone a little ways, just passing the Scott Air Force Base exit, when we suddenly saw a car in the far lane of the divided highway honking its horn and flashing its lights. "Quick, Alex, pull over," Cate insisted. I put my blinker on and...

2 years ago
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Best Sex with My Best Friend

I bet you have read a lot of stories where happiness is the ending. I am sorry to tell you this but this story is not one of those happy endings. It is a rather sad story.(Fictional story)Let me begin by painting a picture for you.It was the time of the year when c***dren started waking up early to be sure they wouldn't miss their bus. Those who were fortunate enough to have to chase after the bus because they wanted to continue to enjoy sleeping in were able to get their exercise in early as...

2 years ago
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Fun At Exhibition 8211 Part I

Hi friends This is my 1st story, so if you find any mistake please ignore. My name is jay and I live in new jersey USA. I am 5’9” and my age is 38 with average body and I am working with a big multinational in sales department and traveled across the country. you can mail me your response on Anybody in USA can contact me for my services. This story is a real incident happened few days back when I was attending an exhibition in New York. I was representing my company over there and we have an...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lissa Bon Sex Hungry Art Teacher Lissa Bon Ditches Class For DP Fucking From Students

Blonde babe Lissa Bon gives her next art students a call to let them know she will be ready in 15 minutes, but as she hangs up the call, Lissa gets easily distracted and she starts to pleasure her pussy. This not so innocent babe slides a red dildo in both her pussy and ass and quickly fixes herself up to tutor her students. She welcomes in Mark and Marty and since she is still really horny, it doesn’t take long before Lissa strips naked and ditches the paintbrushes to suck on her...

4 years ago
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Night shift hotel manager

My name is King and I'm a five-foot-eight, black, sales repI have to travel to South Carolina on a regular. Each time I Go out of town I stay at the same hotel. There is this sexy Married white lady that lets me use her body in any way I want to.When I arrived at the motel I usually stay at just north of a city on I-85, it was snowing and the road was so slippery I was glad to park my car and get off the road. I was looking forward also to having a good fuck with Janet, the motel's night...

3 years ago
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Chloe and Jack A BDSM Love Story

     CHLOE AND JACKABDSM LOVE STORY AVERY ST. ANDREWS Chapter 1  Chloe didn't care what they said, the ubiquitous disapproving they.? She had needed this from the time she was a little girl riding hard on her rocking horse, getting away from the bad guys who wanted to tie her up.? Now, almost forty years later, she was going for it.? After spending time in anonymous chat rooms, after turning down ridiculous dominants replying to her personal ad, she had found her man -she hoped.Of course,...

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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 3

Part 3Kitty must have run because not fifteen minutes later there came a knock on his door. Rick stopped his pacing and took a deep breath. He went to his door and spying through the peephole he saw her. Her hair was down and windswept. She’d worn the clothes she’d had on yesterday just as he’d told her. Rick smiled and opened the door. She stood there, her eyes downcast, her hands clasped in front of her. ‘Hello Kitty.’ He said to her. She looked up at him and replied. ‘Hello Mr Connors.’ She...

1 year ago
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Spanked and Restrained

***Comments welcomed and encouraged!  I hope you enjoy my story as much as I did writing it.  Thanks and enjoy!   She is to be punished, her transgressions somewhat unknown to her.  A tingle of anticipation shivered down her spine.    The voice spoke, ‘ I’m going to make this by far the most painful and humiliating experience you have EVER had.   I’m going to position you so that your most intimate charms are lewdly displayed and I am going to get hard watching you cringe and blush as I...

2 years ago
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Summer In Heaven With Aunty

Hello readers This is Rohit.I am a regular reader of ISS after reading all these stories I finally decided to submit mine.These stories helped me to end up in bed with my aunt.Girls and aunties in vizag can contact me at This is an absolutely real story.Coming to the story I live in vizag with mom and dad.My dad works as a manager and mom as a teacher in a school.It all started during my summer holidays after my 12th exams .I was feeling really bored at my vacation and finally decided to visit...

4 years ago
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Annem ve ben ensest me and not my mother it

şimdi size 7 sene önce kız kardeşim ile başlayan sonra kızkardeşim sıdıkanın sayesinde annem ile ilişkimin nasıl başladığını anlatacağım. Ama öncelikle kısa bir özet geçeyim. Sıdıka 16 yaşındaydı ben 21 ve annem ayten de 38 yaşındaydı. Babam öldükten 6 ay sonra annem köye gitmişti biz de sıdıka ile sevişmeye başlamıştık sonra sıdıkanın sayesinde annemi de aramıza aldık. Şimdi size annem ile olan ilişkimi anlatacağım. Annem de sıdıka gibi tesettürlüdür ama okadar narindir ki o giydiği pardesünün...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Avery Moon Punished By Escaped Prisoner

Clueless petite teen Avery Moon doesn’t believe the report that her psycho ex-boyfriend Derrick has escaped prison. When he calls blaming her for his incarceration and vowing revennge she doesn’t take him seriously and jokingly encourages him. Suddenly appears and grabs her from behind. She agrees to submit to him and is quickly bound with rope and gagged with his big cock. Dirtbag Derrick takes crime to her tight wet pussy, brutally fucking her like a beast. Several humiliating sex...

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The Girls ClubChapter 8 The Aftermath

Anne Marie looked at herself through the mirror. Her black costume fitted her like a glove. Her whole appearance enhanced by her shoulder length blonde hair. She checked that her black silk stocking seams were straight, and now she thought. For the next few days, she must play the part of the grieving widow; at least in public. The telephone call this morning, had told her that her husband had died during the night. She was glad. Last night with Tony had been absolutely fantastic. But she...

4 years ago
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Although my wife rarely works nowadays, it was her endeavours which helped us achieve this lofty status. Most of her time during her 30’s years, plus a year or two either side, and apart from the obvious three pregnancies, she worked as a private consultant, which was an occupation she seemed to have greatly enjoyed. In truth, I was never quite comfortable with her often being away from home, sometimes for several days at a time, especially with having to leave our infant and growing children...

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Farm Helper Part TYhree New Job Assignment

Lara had been working and living at Sunny farms for a month now, and she couldn’t have been happier. She had left her old, miserable life behind for good and she was fully enjoying life in the countryside. She was also enjoying David and Peter’s company almost daily. A quick blowjob here, a quick fuck behind the barn there, the guys were keeping her busy and satisfied. Some days she fucked Peter during the day, and then spent the night with David, fucking for hours per day. On days when neither...

Straight Sex
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Just a Jab Ch 05

Welcome to the 5th installment Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. To date: John Smith had an injection of testosterone that was contaminated. This caused major changes in his reproductive system that ultimately means he needs frequent sex to survive. His wife, Linda fell ill and they recruited their neighbour Sophia to help with his treatment. Linda discovers she loves seeing John with other women. Linda managed to persuade John’s specialist doctor to get his semen...

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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 6

Ariel had an awkward amount of time. Even after she took a much-needed bath, it was still early morning in game. Yet because of time compression, it was in the middle of the night in the real world. Sleep in game was refreshing, so David didn’t need her to log out and sleep. However, she doubted the Whores Guild were early risers. She had picked up Elemental Water Magic at level 6 and learned Ice Shard. She decided to spend some time practicing her new magic along with stealth. Ariel made...

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last wednesday afternoon outdoor sex session

heard about a local cruiseing spot in pelsall nr walsall and decided to take the afternoon off work to gdet dirty and top up on my tan for free and suck cock till i chocked i had in my head a number of guys i wanted to suck about 2 till 3 my first instincts was great im the only guy here then all of a sudden a white van parked and a young workman about the age of his l8 20s or early 30s was wearing those combats all warehouse lads wear he was standing by the canal rubbing his cock and wasnt...

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Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch 8211 Part 5

This is the 1st part of the fifth installment of my series ‘Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch’. For fun and feedback: om. So, without further ado, let’s get on with it. I recommend you read the previous parts too. In the last part, you read how Anamika was seduced and fucked by Sam in my absence. How Anamika becomes Sam’s whore. So, let’s begin with the 5th part. All the seduction of Anamika and turning her into Sam’s whore was a plan made by me and Sam together. Sam wanted to fuck her and...

2 years ago
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My brothers best friend1

"Hello, D u home” my brother Darion called out as he came to babysit me when he came home from work "Yea I’m taking a shower" I yelled out to him from the bathroom. I came downstairs and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek and I saw his friend Anthony a.k.a Ant when I saw him he was looking at as always but I mean what boy wouldn't I’m 5'2, sexy Carmel color, round eyes that fit my round face, nice round bouncy D cup boobs, big juicy booty, nice long golden legs, but I’m 15...

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A Wifes Committment Part Two

Jenny Marie Jenkins felt that her life was finally starting to look up. Her husband had finally opened his own architectural business and was on the edge of taking off. She had worked so many long hours grading papers, making out lesson plans and paying for class supplies the school didn't have money for, that she was really getting sick of teaching her high school classes. She had spent her summers working on her master's just to be able to keep her teaching certificate. All this time, her...

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My Submission Part 1

I open my eyes to the dimly litliving-room of our flat. It’s grey outside; typical British weather. Cold, cloudy. It’s October, so winter is just starting to creep in. I’m chilled to the bone, wrapped in my clean white blanket shivering. It must have been that horrible cold that woke me up. I wish I could go back to sleep, until master was home. I have no clue what the time is, but Master leaves early in the morning, just the fact that there is light at all outside proves he is probably gone. I...

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Teachers Pet

I must confess that I had always fancied him. Mr Smart was my maths teacher, and in my all-girls high school he was very popular. This was partly because he was always relaxed and casual with us older students, but mainly because he was just so hot!He stood just over 6 foot tall with a slim, athletic build. He had a dark brown mop of hair with a long fringe. It brushed the top of his startlingly long eyelashes which framed a pair of brilliant blue eyes. What made him even more tempting was that...

First Time
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Tawnyas Training Chapter 3

"Before we continue with today's fun, I want to talk to you. Now I told you that your submission is a journey. Well this is your first few timid steps. Our relationship is not just a physical, sexual one. You will learn how to serve me in other ways as well. You will learn how to act and behave like a proper slaveslut. You will learn how I want you to look, act, talk, and think. My goal as Master is to get into your head and possess not only your body, but your mind as well. I want to be the...

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Rachel and Kate Part 2

Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...

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Kristin part 3

After the second encounter with Kristin I was obsessed with him, Couldn’t get him out of my mind. I kept texting him and asking to meet again. We communicated back and forth and I asked him to meet me for lunch. I needed to sort out my feeling and I thought lunch would be a safe way to talk without all the sexual tension. I didn’t know why I was so wrapped up with this guy. I thought it might be the kissing, as it made our time real intimate and I didn’t get intimacy at home anymore. What ever...

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What to Do

I'm Jerry Cahill. Born and raised in West Virginia, have an older sister and pretty much lead a normal life. We lived down in a valley in a somewhat rural area. This story begins shortly after my graduation from high school. I had signed up for a two year stint in the Air Force, and afterwards I would be on four years reserve. The job market was pretty tough and I wasn't much for going to college. I was an athlete but from a small rural school which means you usually don't get noticed by...

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Johns berraschung

John ging damals in die elfte Klasse. Er war vor einigen Wochen 18 geworden. Er war ein durchschnittlicher Junge mit braunen Haaren und blauen Augen. Leider war er noch Jungfrau aber er mochte das Masturbieren am Abend, außerdem mochte er gutes Essen, den FC st. Pauli und Hannah. John wusste zwar, dass sie einige Liegen über ihm spielte, aber er konnte einfach nicht aufhören an sie zu denken. Sie war so schön, sprach so unglaublich wundervoll und ihr Körper erst. Hannah war etwas kleiner als...

4 years ago
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Best friend had a dark sexy fantasy Chapter 1 The Beginning

Growing up wasn't too hard. You see, I was raised in a pretty decent sized town. I was an only child so I didn't have any siblings. I found out when I was 14 that I was adopted from a family that lived in the Polynesian islands. My biological parents were both native to the area they lived in, but they were hooked on Ice which seemed to be the drug if choice in that area. According to my adoptive parents I was adopted when I was born. My biological mother had given birth to me while she was...

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Encounters in a Bookshop

He saw her the minute she walked through the shop doorway and stood there shaking the rain from her umbrella. His hand was raised to wave but something made him hesitate. Later he was to wonder about this. Was it because he sensed something? Did she seem secretive even then, in the doorway? Or had he just been lucky? Standing, half-hidden behind one of the centre rows of bookshelves, he watched her pass, only a few feet from him. He saw she was still wearing the black tailored suit that she...

1 year ago
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Exotic Sex With Cousin Sis

Dear loving friends,   I am posting this story on behalf my ISS friend Abhi who requested me to write his real story in my words and post it. He has read my earlier stories and got impressed and now he wants me to write his story with his reference.   My friend is Abhi. His email id is This story happened 5 yrs ago. This happened when he was a teenager, 18 yrs age and his cousin sis was 2 yrs elder to him. Now I am going to write the remaining story in Abhi’s words, the way he narrated me...

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Biff the Bi Buddy

Part 1 Biff wasn’t a true buddy but it made the title work out well. He was a neighbor in the apartment complex my wife and I lived in while in college. I did help him discover that he was bi-sexual however. Biff was a scrawny little guy with a chubby but small-titted blond wife Brenda. We were all not far past twenty-one and not long married. My wife is Carol, an average size brunette with C-cup tits, a pretty face, and a hot hairy twat. Every now and then I’d treat Biff to a few beers,...

2 years ago
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The Best Friend

I don't know how I came up with this one. The Best Friend By Wolverine Joseph's jaw dropped as he took in what his mother told him. *** Pete Pontain strolled up to his best friend's, Joseph, house. The high school senior's best friend had called him over to tell him something important. Joseph had sounded pretty scared. Pete knocked on the door and he heard a quick running on the other side. Joseph opened the door. He looked sick, weak, and scared out of his wits. His dark...

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60 Years Old My First Experience With Gay Sex

It was a hot and humid afternoon in Mumbai when I took my car to the garage for servicing at Colaba. The service station would now deliver the car only after two days. So I decided to take the local train to my house at Ville Parle. I somehow managed to board a local train from Churchgate at 7 p.m., which was packed to the brim, as usual. I caught the overhead railing to balance myself and was standing. I was recently retired from active Govt service. I had lost my wife some 10 years before. My...

Gay Male
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The Doctors Office

My friend Paul and I worked together for at least 17 years, we knew each other well and often hung out together on weekends. Our kids were also good friends so we also got together for birthdays and BBQs. We were opposites but in many ways we complimented each other, he was the planner, meet the deadline and get things in order and I, free living, enjoy life while you can. We trusted each other and often confided in each other about men's stuff, at one such gathering he pulled me aside to...

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Changeling it up

Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...


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