BethChapter 64 free porn video

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September 16, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written September 17]

I woke to someone moving on my left and turned my head to see Civia curled into me, and Rhee beyond her curled into Civia. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I must have drifted off again, as the next thing I recall was hearing thunder. I opened my eyes and turned to my left when Civia lifted her head from my left shoulder.

“Was that thunder,” Civia asked quietly.

I nodded, then asked equally quietly, “How’d you sleep?”

She furrowed her brow for a second, then said, “Great. I am definitely comfortable with being naked with my friends in bed. I mean, Rhee’s draped over me and I’m draped over you and I feel not even a twinge of discomfort. Also, I woke up once on my back and you were both curled into me. That was ... wonderful. I felt so loved, and by people that are not my parents. I’m so happy.”


“What are we doing today?”

“If it’s raining, I don’t know. Whatever we’re doing, I’ll bet Dad has already started making breakfast. We could go help if you want.”

“Yes. I should help because ... because I’m family.” She followed that with a wide smile, then said, “I like having two families.”

Rhee lifted her arm from around Civia’s waist and held it almost straight up above her as she stretched.

Civia rolled over and said, “Good morning, Rhee.”

I had lifted my torso to see over Civia, so saw Rhee’s eyes open. She followed that with a smile, put her arm back around Civia and pulled her into a hug.

“Good morning, Civia. That was a good night’s sleep.”

“It was. I was just telling Beth that I was so happy when I woke up once and you were both tucked into me.”

“Good. Good. Beth, do we have a plan for breakfast? I’m starving.”

“I assume that Dad’s probably started on it, so we ought to get up and help.”

I got the others moving by getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. Civia came into the bathroom as I was rising from and flushing the toilet. I began brushing my teeth as she sat on the throne.

I pulled the brush from my mouth and asked, “Getting comfortable with that, too?”

“Yeah. Not as comfortable as sleeping naked in a bed with two other naked girls but getting there.”

I nodded at her and returned to my task. Civia was still sitting when Heather opened the other door and entered. We exchanged morning greetings and then Heather must have realized what she was seeing and began staring at Civia, who pre-empted Heather’s question.

“Yes, I’m becoming comfortable with this.”

Heather’s face lit up, and she said, “This should test your comfort.”

She walked over to Civia and wrapped her in a hug and kissed the crown of her head. Civia responded by throwing her arms around Heather. After 15 seconds or so, they broke apart, and Civia wiped, stood, and flushed.

“That was ... odd, Heather. But I like hugs from my friends, so it wasn’t too odd.”

Civia smiled at Heather, who grinned back. As Civia and I were dressing, she noted that I had skipped a panty and wore just a gym short and a T.

“You’re not wearing underwear?”

“Nah. We frequently wear this outfit here. The whole family is pretty casual. Rhee and Carol usually wear bras because they are ... quite obvious without them. Gracey often wears a bra. She’s not as obvious as Rhee when she’s bra-less, but more like Rhee than me. However, wear what you want to wear and feel comfortable wearing. No one will say anything ... or even care.”

She seemed to get bashful all of a sudden, as she ducked her chin into her chest and seemed to color a little.

“Ummm ... I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I’ve been too embarrassed to do it. I’m going to get over it ... right now. Beth, when did you start ... uhh ... growing? Umm ... br-breasts, that is.”

“Not really until last spring, after I’d turned 13. I wondered about that, too, particularly since Rhee started before she was 11. Don’t worry. They’ll come. I know that I ... fretted at your age, but they’ll come. Besides, the longer it takes, the less time you’ll have to wear bras.”

She looked in my eyes, then closed hers and nodded quickly, and thanked me. Rhee entered the room.

“You’re going commando, Beth?”



Rhee grabbed gym shorts and a T and quickly dressed. I glanced at Civia, whose expression was a bit incredulous.

‘You’re letting the girls breathe, Rhee?”

“Yeah, a whole week wearing sports bras ... I’m ready for a respite.” Despite that she probably did not hear our conversation on the topic, Rhee then said, “Be thankful, Civia, that you haven’t started growing, yet. I’ve had to wear a sports bra just to play soccer for three years, now. At this point, I’d be willing to trade with Beth.”

“Really? You’d want to be ... smaller?”

“Quite a bit of the time. I like what I have, but they’re something of a nuisance when running, and chesting the ball when it’s coming fast can hurt.”

“I didn’t think about that. My mom’s told me to be patient and Beth just said the same thing. Your argument is better than theirs. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

The six of us arrived near the beginning of prep for breakfast. We figuratively rolled up our sleeves. Dad’s plan was a bit extravagant, but we had a huge spread when we were done. The nine of us ate most of the food while we carried on a wide-ranging conversation.

At one point, Dad asked, “Liya, Civia, do you like being assistants for Coach?”

The two of them looked at each other; Liya lifted her chin at Civia.

Civia answered, “I like it. I’ve found it ... educational, this week particularly. Coach had us in a 3-4-3 with a midfield diamond, as Beth had predicted. However, on Thursday, Beth thought we needed something different, something that better matched our starting ... personnel. And, just like that, Coach changed things up, did some research that night, and radically changed the formation from a balanced one to an offense-oriented formation, a 3-2-3-2, which matches our starters’ abilities well. I’m learning so much! The interesting thing about this is that all of it is useful to me as a player, but it’s gotten me even more interested in coaching.

“I think Coach is an excellent coach. She doesn’t think that she knows everything, despite that she knows a lot, and ... entertains suggestions from the players. She also explains why she does things the way she does or the way she wants us to do them. I’ve not had a coach do that on any team before. I think that will help me in one of my goals.”

“And that is...” Dad prompted.

She colored a bit, but then responded, “I ... I want to be like ... Beth in the way she knows so much about how to do things and how to be a team leader.”

She and I both colored with that. Liya took up the ball, which I appreciated for a few seconds, until she made me color again. Everyone looked back and forth between Civia and me.

“I can see that,” Gracey said. “You already know the game much better than I did when I joined the premier team. You might even know it better than Beth knew it then.

“She does,” I responded.

Dad then prompted Liya.

“I like it, Dad. I’m learning a lot about managing a ... project that involves a disparate bunch of people with different skills. She tells me the sort of thing she needs and leaves me to figure out how to do it. As example, she asked me to figure out a way to make voting for captains relatively private, but simple. I put together a multi-level spreadsheet in study hall. The teacher asked what I was working on. I think he was going to say something about working on schoolwork until I showed him the architecture and how I was using radio buttons to record votes and tabulate them and that I had just learned that while working on it in study hall. He said that he didn’t know you could do that. He even complimented me.

“By the way, I don’t remember Beth announcing to our parents that she had been voted one of the three team captains ... as a freshman!”

I ducked my head as my face went red, but quickly lifted it again before Liya could yell at me. Dad looked at me with that look of his of minor consternation.

“For some reason, I do not recall that, either. Why might that be, Beth?”

“Umm, because you and Liya are forgetful?”

Dad started to smile but caught himself and smoothed his face. I grinned at him, which caused him to smile.

“It was pretty busy here last night. I was enjoying myself and didn’t think about that.”

“Okay. You’re not off the hook, but I understand. We do like to hear about even such oh-so-minor accomplishments as being, not named, but voted a team captain by your teammates.”

He shook his head.

Liya added, “While she didn’t get as many votes as Shameka and Katie did ... Hah! Katydid. I’ll have to work that into conversation on the team.”

There was much snickering.

“She got fewer votes, but I thought it telling, considering that she’s a freshman and that only seven of the 75 votes went to someone other than those three.”

“Oh,” Dad interjected. “Fourth place wasn’t even close, then.”

“Nope. Our Beth is quite respected.”

My face heated, again, but I managed to keep my head up and eyes somewhere in the vicinity of Dad’s face. I took the opportunity to change the subject by asking Dad about the weather forecast.

“It’s supposed to rain, and rain hard, this afternoon, but with not much rain predicted until after 1:00.”

“Thanks.” To the girls, I asked, “Rhee has her haircut at 10 and it shouldn’t take long. Assuming that it doesn’t rain, and that we still want to break in Heather’s fancy new soccer ball, should we go to the salon in our soccer duds and walk to the pitch from there?”

After cleaning up after breakfast and donning apparel suitable for soccer practice, we came downstairs to find Dad and the Moms dressed for outside, too.

Sandy said, “We thought we’d come along to watch, with the subsidiary benefit to you of having the Sprinter there should it start raining hard.”

We liked that, so all climbed into the Sprinter. Rhee was in and out of the salon in 20 minutes, and we got a ride to the pitch. We spent much of the time on helping Liya to learn more about trapping and passing.

When she slipped when trying to make a pass and fell on her butt, Gracey said, “You need cleats, Liya.”

Liya looked at her somewhat incredulously.

Heather said, “She’s right. You need cleats. You’re getting better at various aspects to the point where you’ll be hampered in getting even better by not having cleats.”

Liya transferred her gaze to Heather, still looking incredulous.

Rhee said, “Liya, you’re doing well. We’d all like to see you become more proficient. You listen carefully. You learn quickly. You move well. You missed a bet when you were younger, as you move like an athlete.”


Softly, I said, “Liya, they’re right. I’d bet that if you’d have taken up soccer three or four years ago, you’d be playing on the team this fall.”

It’s not often that Liya breaks down, but she did now. Gracey and Civia, who were the closest, hugged her while she gathered herself. When she did, she looked up at me.

“You’re not just saying that?”

“Liya. You’re my sister. I would not lie to you about anything remotely as important as that. About keeping your surprise birthday party from you? Yeah, with no qualms. Never anything remotely important. I’m not saying that you could make the high-school team next year, but you could probably get to the point of playing in the boys’ pickup games next year.” When she looked askance at me, I said, “I’m serious.”

She lifted her head and inhaled deeply, then squared her shoulders.

“Okay. I’ll take your word on it.”

“Good,” Gracey said. “I doubt that we can find time other than on weekends to teach you more until soccer season is done. We can do a lot on the nice days in winter, particularly on school vacations. If you’re serious about learning, we can be very serious about teaching you. Hell, Liya. You already trap more consistently, at least with your feet, than Callie did in tryouts. Perhaps you don’t have any right-handed habits to break from previous athletic efforts; you trap as well with your left as your right, and that’s more than Callie could truthfully say.”

Liya hugged Gracey again, then stood back, a smile on her face.

“All right, coaches, I’m yours. Teach me what you will.”

We began the process of teaching her thigh traps, pointing out that the idea was the same as with her feet, that her thigh had to be like a counterweight and absorb the momentum of the ball by retracting as the ball hit.

Fifteen minutes into the process, the lowered sky began to spit on us, so we picked up our stuff and retreated to the Sprinter, our parents ahead of us.

As soon as all the doors were closed, Rhee said, “Dad, Moms, Liya needs cleats. Can we go get her a pair?”

Dad, seated in the left side of the first bench seat, turned toward Liya sitting behind him and grinned.

“I think we can manage that.”

“Dad, you don’t have to buy me cleats.”

“You’re my daughter, and your extra moms and I will be solely responsible for you shortly. Therefore, it’s our duty to clothe and equip you as needed. I assume that you’re going to be bearing down on learning soccer. If so, you need cleats. Ergo, we’re heading to the sporting-goods store. Right, Carol?”

“Already sporting-goods-store-bound.”

We spent some time finding Liya just the right pair. She objected to getting an expensive pair, but all of us told her that comfort and durability were more-important aspects than was cost. Civia got a call from her parents on the way home letting her know that they’d be by to pick her up in half an hour. She was packed and ready and had eaten a leftover pancake slathered with honey to assuage her hunger by the time that her parents arrived. She hugged all eight of us and thanked us for the great time and thanked our parents for hosting her.

Sandy responded, “You don’t have to thank your family for hosting you. Civia, you’re welcome here at any time.” She looked up at Mr. and Mrs. Palecek and said, “We do think of her as family, as another in a horde of wonderful daughters. You’ve raised a real winner in Civia.”

Mrs. Palecek responded, “Thank you for your kind words. We greatly appreciate that she has been so well received here. Jeff and I are looking forward to the 30th. May we bring something?”

“A bottle would be nice. We’re not wine snobs so almost anything would work with us.”

Five minutes after we closed the door, our five phones all lit with an incoming text from Civia.

“Thanks for a wonderful sleepover. I love you.”

A few minutes later, the skies opened up. I opened a weather app to look at the radar and see what the short-term rain forecast was. It looked like it was going to be ugly for a while. We trooped into the kitchen to see what was up with lunch.

Dad said, “We’ve just decided. We’re going to put lunch, dessert, and drinks into a cooler and we’re having a picnic lunch at the park.”

“Dad, it’s going to be raining, and raining hard for a while.”

“Yeah, isn’t it great? I love watching a good rainstorm. That pavilion is plenty wide, and the woods are to windward of it, so we would be protected.”

“You’re crazy, Dad.”

“Yep. Crazy, indeed. You five get dressed for a picnic but bring jackets.”

I exaggeratedly rolled my eyes at him but smiled. We headed upstairs.

“I don’t know about this, Beth,” Liya said.

“Rhee, you remember. We’ve done this before. Dad really does like to watch rain. It’ll be fine, Liya. Besides, if it gets really nasty, we can get in the Sprinter and come home. So, you’re cold and wet for five minutes. We still get to spend time with each other and our parents. It’ll be fine.”

Heather said, “Okay, but I’m going commando.”

“Of course! Did we or did we not agree that outside of school, school events, and soccer we would be commando?”

“True that,” Liya responded. “Okay, I’m in, and I’ll try to keep an open mind. I like watching rain, too, but from inside a warm, dry house.”

I grinned at her, then began stripping. Once I was naked, I donned ankle socks, a short skirt – but not my hyper-short skirt, and a warm, long-sleeved pullover. It was a bit tight, but it was so soft. Heather matched me in skirt and long-sleeved pullover, as we saw Gracey and Liya did once they’d returned from their room. Gracey’s was, for her, a bit risqué, since she was bra-less. Rhee was still picking out clothes in the closet.

Heather said, “Liya, you need to make her nipples stand up.”

Liya looked at Heather, looked at Gracey, then leaned over and sucked each of Gracey’s nipples through her top.

Heather chuckled, then said, “Ooh, that’s better, I like the wet spots.”

Gracey quickly looked down, then back at Heather.

“Made you look!”

“What? Are you back in elementary school?”

Heather stepped over to Gracey, leaned over, and sucked hard on her nipples, leaving obvious wet spots.

“Nope, but I can see the future. See! I predicted wet spots!”

Heather then did the same to Liya, who did not object. In fact, she pointed out to Heather how the wet spot on her right nipple was smaller than the one on her left nipple. Heather evened her up. I marveled to myself at how she – and all of us – have changed.

“Get a move on, Girl,” Liya yelled to Rhee.

Her “I’m coming” preceded her out of the closet.

Liya yelled, “DAMN!”

I turned my head, saw Rhee, then said over my shoulder, “I’ve got ‘em, Heather.”

I stepped over to Rhee, got her eyes looking into my eyes and held them as I slowly lowered my face to her boobs. While maintaining eye contact with her, I sucked on her nipples through her shirt, making two obvious wet spots. She, too, had gone for long sleeves, but she had opted for white and very tight.

When I stepped back, Liya repeated herself, “DAMN! You’ve got me drooling, Girl. What would happen if Dad decides to stop for ice cream?”

She shrugged and said, “Some number of people just about see my nipples. No biggie.”

“Rhee,” Heather said, “you’ve got to do Beth and me.”

Rhee smiled and did just that. We went downstairs to the kitchen.

“Well, don’t you girls look ... lovely,” Carol said. “But I seem to be over-dressed.” She turned her back to Sandy and began pulling her top off while saying, “Unhook me, please.”

With Sandy’s help, and after getting her top back on, Carol had her larger-than-Rhee’s breasts bouncing in a tight, dark gray, velour top.

Sandy turned to us and asked, “Commando?”

It still strikes me as odd every so often, considering how reserved Gracey used to be, and this was one of those times.

She responded, “Of course. We have an agreement within the sisterhood that we’re commando except at school, at school events, or at soccer. We want to be ready. You know, for emergencies.”

There was much chuckling.

I asked, “Mom, did you figure out what your streak is?”

She nodded and said, “Except for my period and ToC, I’ve been commando since August 10th.”

We gave out various exclamations of surprise and jealousy. Dad entered the kitchen. His eyes bugged out, but he beckoned us to follow him.

“Everything’s in the Sprinter, which is in the garage, so let’s go.”

We drove through nearly torrential rain, which caused me a bit of second guessing. However, I felt excitement in my pussy as we turned onto the road in the park that led to “our” pavilion.” That was something of a Pavlovian response given our recent history there. One of the many cool aspects of this pavilion is that we could get the Sprinter to within a few feet of the pavilion’s eave. Dad parked with the right side parallel to the front of the pavilion. We girls grabbed the slipcovers that Mom had bought specifically for these benches, while Mom and Carol carried some other folded-up fuzzy thing, and Dad the cooler.

We arranged ourselves around one of the tables, with the Sprinter blocking view of us from the road except from the end of the table at which Dad sat, facing the road, primarily so he could watch the rain. The cooler was on the table on the other side of the gap to Dad’s left, as was the bulky, fuzzy thing that Dad called a pad. We dove into lunch, as it had been quite some time since breakfast.

In the middle of lunch and interrupting a spirited conversation we were having, Heather exclaimed, “I love this life!” When we all looked at her, she said, “In my ... previous family, there was never anything remotely like this. No goofy Dad to get us to do something that sounded weird, but which has turned out to be enjoyable, very enjoyable, despite that it’s raining cats and dogs only a few feet away. All of us are happy, we’re filling our bellies with run-of-the-mill sandwiches that taste so great because we’re eating them surrounded by our family, while having an interesting and fun family discussion about ... a lot of things. I. LOVE. THIS. LIFE!”

Carol, sitting next to Heather; wrapped her in her arms and pulled her in tightly. Gracey, sitting on the other side of Heather, patted her on the back and head. The rest of us leaned and stretched to put a hand on her briefly. We returned to lunch and talking. Various of us, while continuing the discussion, began putting lunch stuff away, into the cooler or bag in which they came. After that process was completed and there was a lull in the conversation, Dad stood at his end of the table, facing down the road and looked at the rain. The action had drawn all our attention and we just watched him, seemingly amidst the enjoyment that he gets in watching the rain. He surprised us, though. At least, he surprised us girls.

He turned his head, looked down the table and said, “Sex Slave, front and center.”

That knocked us back, both literally and figuratively. Since Mom seemed taken aback, I think he surprised her, too.

While she stood, she responded, “Yes, Master.” She walked around Liya and me and then around Dad to stand in front of him and asked, “What is your pleasure, Master.”

“Until we leave here, or I say otherwise, the place you now stand is front and center. Stand there facing me, do not look behind you, and remove your clothes.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.”

There was fire in ... Sex Slave’s eyes and bits and pieces of what would have been a grin if she were not obviously clamping down on her expression. She slipped off her sandals, dropped her skirt down her legs, stepped out of the skirt, then removed her top. Her nipples were as large as I’ve ever seen them, probably due to the combination of excitement and the chill created by the rain. She stood in front of Dad, her back and ass toward the road.

“Help me move the pad, Sex Slave.”

“Oh, yes, Master.”

The two of them gathered the unwieldy “pad” and he led her back to the table at which we were sitting. They coordinated in opening and laying it on the tabletop. I began getting very turned on. I didn’t know what was going to happen, except that I knew there would be sex here in our pavilion in the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday.

“Sex Slave, front and center.”

“Yes, Master.”

When she stood once more in front of Dad with her naked backside visible to anyone down the road, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, then leaned back. Sex Slave stepped around Carol then looked at Heather. “Oh, FUCK,” I thought, “Heather’s going to get her wish!”

“Mistress Heather, my Master has invited you to join us in front of him. Are you willing?”

“You bet your ass I am! Lead on, Sex Slave.”

Sex Slave led Heather the few feet to Dad, then stepped behind him and began lifting his shirt up his torso. There was much voiced amazement, including Rhee’s “Holy fuck!” Carol was already videoing. I heard Rhee stand, so I looked at her; she had her phone out and began videoing, too. Sex Slave proceeded to strip Dad, who was also commando and fully erect.

With the removal of Dad’s clothes, Sex Slave turned to Heather and asked, “Mistress Heather, may I disrobe you?”

“You may.”

After Sex Slave stripped Heather, Dad looked at Heather, grinned, then asked, “Is this what you wanted?”

“Oh, god, yes. I love you.”

“Sex Slave, put all our clothes on the table at the other end, then return here.”

“Yes, Master.”

I thought that he might try to hurry things, but he sat on the bench in his place next to me, but with his back to me, his legs out in the opening, then patted his lap. Heather wasted no time in sitting in it with her legs wrapped around his waist, then attacked his mouth with hers.

When Heather came up for air, he said, “Sex Slave, you have two tasks in this order. Come put your head between Mistress Heather and me and get my cock wet so that I might easily slide into Mistress Heather’s pussy. Once you have seen me fully into that pussy, you will stand at the edge of the pavilion out of the rain and watch down the road and let me know if you see any person or vehicle. Do not discontinue your vigil for any reason other than by my order. Do not even turn your head away from the road.”

“Yes, Master.”

With that, Sex Slave stepped over to Dad and Heather, got on her knees on the cement slab, lowered her head between them, and began bobbing on Dad’s cock, Heather looking down at Sex Slave’s head. After, perhaps, a bit less than a minute, she stood and watched as Heather impaled herself on Dad’s cock. Once Heather was all the way down onto it, she opened her eyes, and looked at Sex Slave.

“You did a good job, Sex Slave. My pussy rode easily down onto your Master’s cock. It feels so good inside me.”

“Thank you, Mistress Heather. Sex Slave wishes you enjoyment.”

Sex Slave then took up her vigil. Heather leaned back in to kiss Dad and began slowly rising and falling on his cock. Carol had stood and walked around them so she could get an unoccluded angle for her phone. Dad and Heather continued to make love at low intensity, but after a few minutes, Heather began to moan softly, a couple minutes later, to moan more loudly.

At that, Dad stood, keeping Heather impaled, stepped around the corner of the table, then, while keeping his cock inside her, sat her on the table edge, then gently laid her on her back.

“Anyone that wants to help Heather along, feel free.”

Liya immediately stood and leaned over to whisper loudly in her ear, “Lucky girl. I’d trade with you in a heartbeat. You better have a screamer.”

“Oh, god!”

As Gracey put her right hand on Heather’s right breast, Liya put her left hand on her left breast and put her mouth on Heather’s. She caught a loud moan from Heather in her mouth. Dad began long, slow strokes. Liya picked her head up, looked at Gracey, then leaned toward her. Gracey leaned toward Liya and they began kissing, all while kneading Heather’s breasts, pinching her nipples. Dad moaned and began increasing his speed. Heather moaned loudly, after which Gracey and Liya separated and began kissing Heather’s lips, her face, her neck. Heather increased the frequency and loudness of her moans, interspersed with the occasional squeal. Dad grunt-moaned, then again, which increased the intensity of the noises Heather was releasing.

I was agog. I had shifted slightly to my left when Liya had stood, so I was even with between Heather’s breasts and belly button. My dad’s cock was beginning to pound into Heather’s pussy less than two feet from me. I wanted to look around at my family but could not take my eyes from Heather’s crotch as Dad’s cock would disappear into and appear out of it with rapidity. Dad began grunting and groaning while Heather started up toward orgasm. This one was going to be good.

I felt something on my back, so quickly looked to see Rhee leaning on me, her phone in front of her videoing over my shoulder. I could see that the angle should allow her not only to have Heather and part of Dad in view, but also Sex Slave’s naked backside, facing away, watching for people through the heavy rain.

Heather squealed her way loudly up and over, Dad following her to orgasm less than 30 seconds later, which seemed to provide Heather with a couple of strong aftershocks. After Dad stopped squirting into Heather, he held himself upright, his hands on the table, his eyes closed.

“Oh, gaaah. Oh, fknnn’ gaaaaaah.”

Heather went on for a while, perhaps as much as two minutes coming down from what was obviously a spectacular orgasm. While I was marveling at the replay in my mind, I thought of something else. I pulled my phone out of the pocket Mom had sewn onto my skirt for just such, as she had to all of our skirts. I opened an app, looked at it carefully for a short while, moving the screen around, then put the phone to sleep and repocketed it.

Liya quietly said, “Fuck! That was spectacular. God, I want that.”

Same as Beth
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The Navy was kind of pissed at me for putting a French nuclear reactor aboard a US vessel, but to hell with them. They weren't going to let me buy a US sub reactor, so I did the best I could from the remaining options. Besides, the French saleswoman was kind of cute! You know, I wonder if that was deliberate? Anyway, we used the internal gravity shield and artificial gravity units to fly to Auburn to our new, enlarged Auburn Space Port. I just loved tweaking the nose of NASA, but we were...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of Love Ch 04

Please leave comments ::Chapter Four: The Move:: ‘Wow,’ Sunshine breathed as she saw the outside of what was to be their new home. Ashira and Jake seconded Sunshine’s reaction. ‘I can’t believe Lindsey is paying for all of this,’ Ashira said. ‘This is amazing,’ Jake chimed in. ‘Look, we’re right on the beach,’ he added. Jake glanced at Ashira and then exchanged worried looks with Sunshine. It had been nearly a month since the attack and the dark circles under Ashira’s eyes told Jake that...

1 year ago
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My neighbor Irene rescued me from my funk giving me my first lesbian experience

My boyfriend and I had purchased a two bedroom rancher in a rather upscale neighborhood and had been in it about eight months when I came home from work to find he had left me. There was just a short note that said he wasn’t ready to settle down into family life, sorry. Of course my life came crashing down on me, I had no inclination that he felt that way, he always seemed happy and I was totally devastated by this turn of events in my life. A couple of days later, I was sitting on my...

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Sharing my sister part 5

Sharing my sister part 5It was now the first week of august and a couple of weeks since the episode where Phil had been brought into the equation, whenever I was alone with Phil he would talk about nothing else and was desperate for a repeat performance, also Sharon kept saying how much she enjoyed it as she didn’t think she would, and was also curious to find out if he was game for another session. I was beginning to feel left out and a bit of a spare part, as I no longer felt that what we had...

2 years ago
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The Klinik Chapter One

Chapter 1.Rachel Darian tapped upon the highly polished walnut surface of a long dining table with fretful nervous energy. Along with all the other students gathered in a loose knot around her they waited anxiously upon the imminent arrival of Frau Doktor Ilse Webber, in company with Steve Dunmore’s hastily obtained replacement.“What happens to us if the new boy doesn’t get up to speed by the end of the week Rachel?” An obviously nervous Ari Sonderberg wondered.The clipped aristocratic sang...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Aria Michaels E15

Private Video Ruined Bubble-butt teen Aria Michaels decides to make a sexy video for her lonely boyfriend who’s away on business. Just as she’s getting into the act, Creeper calls and tells her what a slut she is. She brushes him off and even dares him to come after her. In flash Creeper yanks her off the bed and the brutal bdsm action begins for this naive slut. After relentlessly pounding her tight teen pussy, teasing her pierced nipples and spanking her big fat ass red he blasts...

2 years ago
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Taming My Stepdaughter

When my relationship with my stepdaughter changed for the better.The story of my relationship change with Kimberly, my stepdaughter, could last for may chapters.  We met the morning after my first date with her mother, Susan.  It was a Saturday morning as Susan and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee while Kimberly was playing with her six-month-old son.  The date had gone quite well as we spent half the night in her bed naked and exploring each other with great passion.It was...

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In Wonderland Pt1

When I was in high school I was always very camp, which was probably why almost all of my friends were girls. This was definitely why I first ended up crossdressing. I was sixteen and round one of my ‘girlfriends’ house for a few drinks on Halloween before we went to a house party nearby. I never much cared for Halloween, so just came as myself. When I came in they all sighed since I wasn’t in a costume, but dropped it fairly quickly. We sat having a few glasses of wine and waiting for the last...

2 years ago
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The Way Back Ch 03

NINE I woke on Thursday to the sound of my phone telling me I had a text message. It was from Geoff, reminding me that he was picking me up at 8.30. I glanced at the clock by the bed: 7.30. Now for a man in good physical shape, an hour is plenty to get washed, dressed and breakfasted. For me it was not so easy, and so I missed breakfast. Geoff took me to the Toyota Dealership and we leased an automatic car. It would be delivered within the week. Then we met some buyers and I watched Geoff...

4 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 7 Fitting In In college

Introduction: Meeting the people of the house AUTHORS NOTE* This I think is the best chapter I ever written. Its the longest and it has more sex scenes and its all thanks to the people who gave me the ideas and the girls. Thank you. And to the dude Kemaine. Ur sex scene will be in the next chapter after we butt heads in this one. But I want everyone who reads it to Rate and comment on it to tell me how you felt about this chapter. Thank you all so much from the bottom of this Psychos empty cold...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Angel Smalls The Waiting Game

Angel wakes up from a deep sleep only to see that her boyfriend Chad had already left for work. She really wanted to get fucked today, and was a little bummed out, but decided that she will just start sending him a bunch of nudes so he knows what to expect when he returns home. Chad gets home much later in the day and is so tired from work that he automatically passes out and has no time foe sex with Angel :(. The next day, Angel catches Chad before he can close his eyes. She starts giving him...

3 years ago
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Pushing The Envelope Part One

A tale that mixes a lot of true life experiences with a touch of fantasy.   Dammit, Mark, that’s enough already”, hissed my wife, LeAnn, as she forcefully, but discretely pushes my wandering hands away from. “You’ll embarrass us”. We were standing in our umpteenth store, shopping for kitchen cabinets for the re-modeling we were planning to do. The store was packed, the staff were busy and stressed, and it looked like we were in for a long wait. As we wandered the mock kitchens I feigned...

Wife Lovers
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Donna and Kevins Valentine Gift

To all regular readers of my smutty stories: Bless you, and may you live long and prosper but, if you are expecting to find a lot of sex in this tale, you will be disappointed. There is only one scene and a little more by reference. You can find some in previous romantic stories about this couple, but not much even there. * On a Monday morning in the middle of February, Donna and Kevin O’Brien awoke at virtually the same time, as they did almost every morning, looked at each other and smiled...

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Breaking the Curse

This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...

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WWT Hidden Beneath the Waters

The one called Tricia lowered herself naked into the water, letting the two blonde-haired girls tie her to stakes spread out in the water. She sank to her knees, her breasts floating in the water, everything but her head submerged."We are reluctant to leave," the one called Tricia said.She was different than her friends, shorter dark hair, a smaller more petite frame that contrasted with the taller, lankier blondes."It is the agreed-upon time," the one called Taylor said."Even so..." the one...

Monster Sex
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LoveHerFeet Josephine Jackson Cheating Wife

It is only natural for a naughty and horny woman to find another stud if her partner doesn’t satisfy her in the bedroom anymore. Using a business trip as her excuse, Josephine Jackson spends another day away from her husband. After telling her husband the unfortunate news, Josephine calls over her side stud, Renato. The beautiful cheating hottie tells Renato about the new pedicure she got for him. The lucky stud is quick to visit the lustful bombshell. He wastes no time at all and quickly...

2 years ago
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A Picnic with April

We were in Spanish II together in high school. April was a senior and I a junior, but that didn't matter. I don't remember exactly how it started, but she was interested and so was I. What I most remember is wanting and frustration. That's not too unusual in high school, of course, but what I couldn't figure out is what she wanted. One day hot, one day cold, once a promising afternoon under a tree on the hillside behind my house, no one around, the perfect moment, her in my arms, an extra...

3 years ago
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Slave For A Day The Perfect Gift

Introduction: Happily married wife helps 17yo college girl raise money by convincing her to be husbands slave for his birthday. Honey, are you going to get up off that couch and help me with anything today, or am I going to have to get nasty about it? Jill asked half-teasingly of her husband, Chet. It was nearly one oclock on Saturday afternoon, and as far as she was concerned they were already an hour behind schedule. They were supposed to go out around five for an evening of celebrating, but...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 43 Accounting

Thursday Morning Helena, Zac, Suzanne and Fred met for breakfast. They returned to floor 22 but room 4 this time. At 9.30 the first interior decorator gave their first presentation. Zac and Helena were aware of the purpose of unit 4, Suzanne and Fred had no idea. This made an interesting presentation. By 12.30 all presentation had concluded and $9,000 cash payments made. They returned to the steak house to discuss the proposals. They had decided that presentation 3 for $380,000 was the best...

2 years ago
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A midsummers rainstorm

“Are you OK? Do you need any first aid?” as he noticed a gash above her right eye. “I think I’ll be OK but the tow truck won’t be here till 12:30. Do you think I could stay a while since the rain is a bad as it is?” He accepted without hesitation. He brought her a fresh shirt because the shirt she was wearing was soaked, exposing the plump breasts of the schoolteacher. “You can change in the bathroom on the right, down the hall.” “Thank you so much,” she said as she made her way down the...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 12

Paul paid for his drinks and escorted Tyler back into foyer, toward the bank of elevators at the center. Tyler followed along behind, purse slung over his shoulder, gingham dress swishing playfully around his knees, pearl earrings dangling from his lobes, heeled pumps clicking along the polished concrete floor. He looked around furtively, hoping not to recognize anyone he saw here on the 39th floor. He didn't want anyone to think that he and Paul were out on a date or anything like that....

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Mere Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Hlo iss reader kaise ho aap sab. Main Iss ka regular reader hun aur iss ka bahut bada fan hun. Maine yaha par maximum stories read kar chuka hun. Maine socha kyn namain bi aap sab se apna experience share karu. Story shurukarne se pehle main apne bare me batana chahta hun. Mera naam Rohit hai. Main Jammu se belong karta hun. Yekahani mere aur meri cusion k beech hue sex ki hai. Uska naam Sonia(name changed) hai l. Uska size 36-28-32 hai. Gulabi hont, kali kali aankhein, shoti naak, chehra gol,...

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IT watches Always0

Part 1 By AllFurredUp So, there I was falling at hundreds of feet a minute, my hands sweating my eyes watering and my mouth wide open wanting to scream for my life but nothing coming out of it. I was about to hit the concrete wall that is the Atlantic Ocean and probably die. But we need to start at the beginning of my Story. My name is not important but for ethical reasons let’s just call me Lyle, I’m a single average guy that lives in the city alone, no friends, family, siblings, or...

1 year ago
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EverythingButt Chloe Cherry Luna Star Luna Star8217s 8220A8221 Student

Blonde cutie Chloe Cherry is making bad grades so she has to prove herself to teacher Luna Star by getting her ass fucked, stuffed and stretched. First assignment is to wear a jewel topped butt plug in her ass in order to get it ready for their study session. Luna inspects Chloe’s ass and pushes the plug in and out of her tight hole and lets Chloe taste it. This gets Ms. Star excited so she sticks her curvy ass in Chloe’s face and makes her lick her asshole round and round in and...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Adventures of Annie

Quickly she turned off the water, stepped from the shower and ran to the phone in the bedroom. “Hello.” She panted as she flopped across the bed and grabbed the telephone. “Annie.” “Stan, hi honey, where are you?” “You’re a little out of breath, there baby, you ok.” “I was in the shower, thinking about you.” She said softly, her face flushing at what she had been doing. “Hope it was good thoughts.” ”It was sexy thoughts, sweetie.” She giggled. The dampness between her legs made her...

2 years ago
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New slut

My wife left for work in the morning and I was home all alone for the day. To relax I decided to do a little bit of dress up and some self bondage. I do this when I alone so I can relax and enjoy myself. Once I saw her car leave the drive way I went upstairs to get all my gear together.I went to the bedroom and went to our toy box. My wife is also my Mistress when we play, but this I always kept secret from her as I didn’t want her to think I was really weird. I enjoy dressing in her Mistress...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Carter Cruise Carter8217s Games Part One

Newly married April O’Neil is complaining to her husband about them living at his sister Carter Cruise’s house when her sister-in-law overhears the conversation. Carter heard April criticize her for being too competitive and always trying to one up her. April gets off the phone and apologizes for what she said. Carter blows it off and tries to convince April to hang out with her so they can bond. But every activity she suggests is too competitive for April. April suggests they play...

4 years ago
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Helping a masseuse teach massage

The first time Jennifer massaged me, She asked if I went to the local high school! That was a little embarrassing, and I let her know that I had graduated that high school seven years earlier. She apologized and said that later in life I would appreciate looking younger than my age. I was a little nervous during that first massage, at that point in my life, I really didn’t have a way with women. My in-experience was obvious, and having a confident, very attractive older woman put her hands...

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Tim And Abbie 71 Brians Matchmaking Jessica

Brian does not forget his promise to himself after the first dinner with Mark’s mother and sisters. Well, the girls, no, now definitely women at forty, deserve to meet men who will cherish and care for them. Their youth and young adulthood were totally ruined by the tyrant father they had.It is bad enough what Mark has endured from him, but to see his sisters and Mark’s mother so repressed just chills Brian’s soul. Well, perhaps repressed is not the correct term for all of them, but held back...

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The Adrian Dane Kenny MD intimacy experiment of

Correspondence to: Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.Jamway Hospital and Jamway Research Firm270 Huntington Avenue, #513Boston, Massachusetts 02115United States of [email protected]@post.harvard.edu617-697-0732An experiment on a sexual partner by Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.The Kenny intimacy experiment of arousal, pleasure and erogeneityObjective: To learn about the erogenous zones of a sexual partner.Partner: Elle. A white caucasian woman who I met on tinder. She lives in the back...

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Sissy Erotica Slut at the Truck Stop

A Night to Remember He loved being a sissy slut. He used to cruise truck stops, feeling the manly musk of sweaty truck drivers and other passengers. This old sissy slut would cruise the truck stop and check out who’s interested in getting their dick sucked in the bathroom, and then right there on the parking lot, he’d suck someone’s hard dick like there’s no tomorrow. He also loved to visit the cruising spots and public restrooms – they’d give him the much-needed pleasure. It was a nonstop fuck...

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Its Not What You ThinkChapter 5

It's pretty easy to lie, once you get in the rhythm of it. It's like watching a TV program. You get immersed in the alternate reality, you start to think of it as 'normal, ' and then you can tell the next part of the story, untrue as it may be. So I spun out the falsehood that I was better sleeping in my childhood bed. I arrived home most mornings after Cyn had gone to work and left in the evenings shortly after she got home. I kept my appointments with the VA shrink. My sex life had...

3 years ago
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Creamy birthday present

This is neena, writing my first post for iss. I am 22 years young. This incident happened a few months back, at the 21st birthday celebration of my best friend geeta. We are a group of 5 girl friends studying in a college in mumbai. I am the leader of the group and generally like to be in charge. I am the bold one, always looking to play a prank or have some fun. As it was my friends birthday party we four were invited and would spend the night at my friends place. All our parents readily...

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Never going back

It was another hot August day at 112 degrees and I had had it so I headed for the water hole over by the mountains. As I walked through the withering tree it felt a little cooler and looked better then my fields. By the time I got to the water hole I really was ready for that dip and stripped fast and jumped in the low water. It felt great and since there was a drought the water fall had thinned so I swam under it and enjoyed its refreshing coolness. While playing in the falls I noticed...

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Fahima Ch02

Repost of my story from literotica, please enjoySome Useful words to know before you read the story:Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public.Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer".Abaya- is a simple, loose over-garment, essentially a robe-like dressHaram- The Arabic word for prohibited or forbidden. I would like to thank my editor Akiann for all the hard work and...

2 years ago
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Decent to Beauty Part 4

Decent to Beauty: Part 4 By latexslut Chapter 16 Dianna was angry. Charlene and Desiree had told her everything last night, all the sordid details and it hurt her pride so much that she had started crying there right in front of them while they relaxed in the Jacuzzi. She had been going crazy stuck in the music room for the last four days with no one to talk to and no television to watch. The batteries on the vibrator had run out long since and besides, she was sore....

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Nozomi Episode 5 Friend Zone

All eyes are on Nozomi and her round ass as she pumps gas in her car. Skin tight jeans that hug her curves perfectly and a blouse that puts an exclamation mark on her big melon breasts. Everyone from teenage boys to old men coming into the gas station has his eyes on her.She gets back in her car, she sees a text from Darren that concerns her.Darren’s text says, “We need to talk.”The first thing that pops in her head was when she went down with Darren’s dad Rodney (read episode 4). She thinks...

4 years ago
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OSS Agent

June 20th 1944 Army Ranger & OSS Agent 2nd lieutenant Michael Taylor is sitting outside the office of his commanding officer after a short but very mind numbing wait Michael was told the enter the office. Then he said "LT Michael Taylor reporting as ordered sir!" The Co returned to the salute and then he said to Michael "at ease LT at ease, please sit down". Michael sat down in a nearby chair and made himself as comfortable as possible. After clearing his throat the Colonel began to...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

I have always had fantasies about being dominated, some guy or shemale just grabs me and does what ever they desire! So imagine my surprise when my fantasy came true. I was in a nightclub dancing when I noticed a well built man staring at me, every where I went in the club he followed, at first I thought it was creepy but when I went to the toilet he followed me again, I stood by the urinal and slowly brought my cock from my pants, to my surprise I was pretty horny and my admirer had noticed....

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The Hot Tub

I had a friend when I was a little bit younger, I was about 16. We were really close Hannah and I. I used to sleep over at her almost every weekend and she had this hot tub on her back porch. Late at night we would creep down the stairs and out to the hot tub. In the dark we would giggle. After awhile we got a little more adventurous and we would go skinny dipping. It was on one of these nights as we were sitting naked in this hot tub that we started giving each other dares. It started off as...

2 years ago
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My First Threesome

During the time between my first and second marriage, my sex life was in a slump. Not the kind of slump you might think though. Oh yea, my fiancé was not much help. She was 300 miles away and too uptight to be very sexual but I had solved that problem with the help of a pretty redhead who was in an asexual relationship. We would meet almost anywhere and bang ourselves silly. No, this was different. Being bisexual, I would get into a mood where what I wanted almost more than anything was cock,...

3 years ago
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Flight To Pleasure

Chapter 1 As I boarded the 'Trans-World' evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for 'Trans-World', before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it's surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women, sitting together...

4 years ago
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Aunty Bani Deewani

Hi friends mera naam kunal hai aur me allahabad(UP) ka rehne vala ek lambe kad ka smart ladka hu jo koi bhi aunty ,didi girl,mummy ,chahe kisi bhi ake ki ho meri deewani banna chahti ho to mujhe mail kare meri email id hai .now i m come to story Mere ghar me meri mom, dad,aur badi behan he jinki shadi ho chuki he, vaise me is samay agra se kar hu me 2nd year me hu,ab apko aur bore na karte hue me apni story par aata hu, ye story mere aur mere pados me rehne vali poonam aunty ki...

2 years ago
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TouchingChapter 2

After both Sam and Lucy had come down from their orgasms, they lay there in a warm friendly lovers embrace, Lucy ended up with her head resting on Sam's chest and Sam seemed to have his hand trapped between her large breasts. In the silence of this lovers rest, you could only hear the gentle beating of their hearts and even then they seemed to be in rhythm with each other. It seemed quite a while ago that they had made that first physical touch and yet it was less than three hours ago,...

3 years ago
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Great date night

I had met a beautiful hot lady who and I were very compatible- as she loved dressing in sexy shoes, stockings, and dresses and no other undergarments. She loved to meet at dimly lit bars at happy hour where we could get a table and drink and have fore play – looking for a third —she really wanted a male – and yes so did I. One evening as we were both hot we both found a wonderful well built athletic looking black man — she approached Frank and started a conversation– she really worked on him –...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 168 The Circus Came to Town

I really wasn't sure how I felt about the two of them spending the night at my place. They could walk two doors down and stay at Cheryl's with no cameras. Even though I knew the camera was part of Cheryl's plan, I wasn't convinced. It took Cheryl walking to stand behind me and whisper in my ear to convince me. "You do remember how it felt to have my cum on your face don't you?" I just nodded. Lindsay was staring at us. I would have expected anger or hate in here eyes. Instead, what I...

2 years ago
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Gay cruising Soho

,It was a while since I'd been to Soho and my favourite bar, Comptons, so on a quiet Sunday afternoon I decided to get the train into London, and go for a cruise. I had freshly shaved my pubes (see my picture gallery) so I showered, put on my favourite Aussiebum jockstrap, dressed casually and off I went in search of adventurei got into Comptons at about half four, it wasn't busy, maybe 40 or so guys in there, all in their late 30's to late 50's, but a quick scan around the bar didnt really...

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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 4 reposted

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Joan From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 4 re-posted Edited by a friend. True Story, Authors infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Thu 9th of February 2012 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in...

1 year ago
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Neighbors Play Ping Pong Strip

Terri was in her mid-twenties and worked for a local bank as an executive secretary. She was five feet five and about 135 pounds, with real red hair, a nice curvy figure and pert 36C breasts. She lived in a little house along the city’s older area by herself. She had bought it on her own and was rightly proud of it. Since working and fixing up the house took up so much of her time, she hadn’t had much time for relationships or even searching for one, so she had been pretty much taking care of...

3 years ago
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Baseball Cuckold Ch 01

Timmy's mother pays the price for her husband's stupidity!Timmy had a future in baseball if it was not for his father. During one game he was taken out of the lineup at the last minute by the coach. Timmy's father was so angry he had run up on the field and started a fight. Mr. Smith the coach's assistant ran over tried to help and it became a pushing match where the father hollered quite a few racial slurs.The following week Timmy was benched and the week afterwards the same thing happened....

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The Sophomores Challenge

Allie O’Dean had sailed through her freshman year with gusto. She had thrown herself into college life with all her youthful energy. Coming from a small farming community in Kansas, the college campus and big city life had been a real eye opener for her. Allie was a pretty, red haired girl with a freckled, apple blossom freshness. She made friends quickly and she was a quick learner too, endearing her to her tutors. When she started at college she was a gauche teenager with little life...

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Her first time Anal

I’ve always found you sexy and attractive. Your curves in all the right places make my pecker come to life. Tonight was a special night, and I can’t believe what you whispered in my ear earlier this morning. I haven’t been able to keep my mind off of you, and what you whispered, all day. The morning was no different than most weekday mornings. Shower, shave, quick breakfast, and as we shared the plans for the day over a cup of coffee, you seemed to have this devilish look in your eyes. I...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 5

Rick Colby finished peeling the mountain of potatoes Amber Cutberg had set out for him to clean. Roland was out milking his goats and Amber was around the corner in the kitchen proper, busily pouring water into a huge pot to boil the potatoes. He sorely missed his life in the spotlight, raising cattle and being lauded for having the finest stock in the ... well, this world, New Eden. Now, he was a convicted murderer, sentenced to take the place of the girl he'd killed, Ivory Tabor, Roland...

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