Not So Little Brother: Chapter 2 Alternate free porn video

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I woke up the next morning confused. Did that really happen? Could that have happened? Neh. That’s just ridiculous… I opened my eyes. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom was Steven. His hair was messy and he was naked from head to toe. Between his legs was the beautiful cock that I had sucked last night. It looked just as big as when he had first stripped down for his shower the previous night. FUCK!

Steven was brushing teeth while he watched me slowly enter the waking world. He paused brushing his teeth and sneered at me.

“Wakey, wakey slut. I hope you slept well; we’ve got a long, long day ahead of us.” As Steven said the word “long” he grabbed his cock and slowly pumped his fist along the length of his shaft. His beautiful foreskin retracted on the downward stroke.

“Shut up!” I half shouted, pissed, “I don’t know what you did to me last night but nothing’s fucking happening again.”

Steven briefly looked surprised by outburst but only for a second. Then the smirk returned to his face.

“I didn’t have to do anything to you,” He said sarcastically, “You took one look at my big cock and fell to your knees for the honor of sucking it and drinking my cum.”

He paused for a second, staring at my blank expression.

“Oh yeah, you drank my cum like the little whore you are and you loved every drop. That wasn’t a wet dream. Now get up and get dressed. Mom wants us to be downstairs in 20 minutes for breakfast.”

Steven put his toothbrush back in his mouth and turned around, walking back into the bathroom. I sat up in bed realizing that he was right. I had willingly sucked my little brother’s cock and I loved it. Am I gay? Steven spit the toothpaste out, rinsed his toothbrush, and walked out into the room.

“Did you hear what I said? Get the fuck up!”

Steven proceeded to start getting dressed. I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a piss. When I pulled my dick out of my pants I realized just pathetic my cock was compared to my little brother’s. Soft my dick was 3” hard at biggest. That couldn’t even begin to compare to the 6 inches that was swinging between my brother’s legs. I sighed and started to piss. Outside, in the room, I could hear Steven laughing.

“Do you need tweezers to hold that thing?”

“Fucking douche,” I said under my breath.

I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth before heading out into the room. Steven sat on the bed tying his shoes. I walked to my suitcase and took out clothes for the day. I took off my boxers and quickly changed into the clean ones.

“Awwww…not gonna let your little dick hang out?” he snorted, “Not like it actually hangs anyway.”

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, I think you’ll find that it will be the other way around. Not like you could actually do anything with your pathetic excuse for a penis.”

What? I put on the rest of my clothes in a flurry and sat down to tie my shoes. When I was ready Steven and I walked downstairs to breakfast, my head a little lower than normal. Our parents were none the wiser to the events which had unfolded the night before.

We spent the day at Islands of Adventure. We rode all the rides and everyone else; mom, dad, and Steven; all had a great time. I had a hard time dealing with everything. How had the events last night so completely changed the dynamics between me and my brother? Did he really mean what he had hinted at? Did he really think he was going to fuck me? There’s no way in Hell that was going to happen.

My parents didn’t like roller coasters. While Steven and I rode The Hulk my parents waited by the entrance for us. We sat next to each other and waited for the ride to begin. I was anxious already and the coming ride didn’t help. As the ride slowly crept up the tunnel I could see my brother rubbing the bulge running down his right leg… My cock stirred a little in my pants. Fuck. Even as fucked up as this whole situation was it was still turning me on.

After a long day at the park we headed out for a nice family dinner. My dad said that it was a vacation so not to worry about the price. I took him at his word and ordered a nice NY strip, determined not to let the whole situation. I was going to enjoy my fucking steak. After some small talk our food finally arrived and the waiter put my steak in front of me.

“That’s a big piece of meat,” Steven said nonchalantly

“That is pretty big Charlie,” my mom chimed in, “Better cut it into small pieces.”

“I know how to eat,” I quipped, “Sorry.”

Damnit…I couldn’t let this bother me.

Mom looked at me quickly, smiled, and started eating her food. We sat in silence for the rest of the meal and ate. I felt bad. As shitty as I felt sitting there in silence it was better than the alternative. The longer we sat there the longer it would be until Steven and I were once again alone in our room.

We returned to the hotel room and we separated ways. Our parents went to their room and Steven and I went to ours. As we walked back to our room I avoided looking at Steven though I could tell he was looking at me. I could only guess what was going through his mind. We reached the room and Steven opened the door and let me in ahead of him.

“You can shower first bitch,” Steven said as he flopped down onto the bed and kicked off his shoes. He picked up the remote and switched on the TV.

I kinda half-nodded and started to strip down. It wasn’t worth the effort to even hide my dick anymore. Steven knew what my dick looked like and knew that I was now ashamed of my size. What else could he do? My spirit was already broken. I took off my boxers, threw them in my pile of dirty laundry, and headed for the bathroom. Steven barely gave me a second glance as I walked past him and into the bathroom.

“Have fun”

“Hahaha. Fuck you!”

Why am I letting him get to me? I shut the door and turned the shower on. As the water warmed up I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t a bad looking guy. Yeah, I had a small dick, I’ll admit that, but most people didn’t see that. My face was nice. Hell, I was kinda cute. Now, I really couldn’t grow facial hair, but most guys in my grade couldn’t either. As tendrils of steam started to obscure the mirror I figured it was time to get in.

I took my time in the shower. Just like dinner, I wanted to postpone the eventuality of me and Steven alone… with his cock. And still, it was kinda hot. In my mind’s eye I could see Steven’s cock as it appeared the night before as I was on my knees. I could see the thick, veiny shaft, the large head, and a thick glob of precum oozing out of his piss slit. I licked my lips. My cock started to get hard. I remembered that as hard as I had been the night before, as much precum as I had produced, I hadn’t cum. I felt a slight ache in my balls and yet, I didn’t want to cum. I didn’t want the image of my brother’s cock to be what I jacked off to. Ignoring my erection I washed myself, turned off the shower, and got out.

By the time I was done drying myself off my erection had at least partially subsided and had returned to a much more normal size of around 4 inches. I considered brushing my teeth but realized I might as well wait. I was resigned to the fact that by the time I was actually going to be heading to bed I would want to get some flavor out of my mouth and didn’t see a point in brushing my teeth already.

I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. On the TV a guy was fucking a girl from behind up against the wall. With each thrust you could hear them moan and grunt as his balls audibly slapped against her.

On the bed lay Steven, naked. His cock was hard and at its full 9 inches of glory, the foreskin resting just behind the rim of his large head. It arced up from out of his pubes and rested against his stomach, the head past his belly button. Precum pooled on his stomach. Once again, against my will, my cock started to get hard.

Steven turned his head to look at me.

“Get over here.”

I hesitated for a second before realizing that it was pointless to resist or argue.

“Does this turn you on?” Steven asked, pointing at the TV. “Do you like girls being fucked? Or would you rather that you were the one being fucked?”

I looked at the TV and back at Steven, unsure of what to say. In his eyes was the same hunger I saw last night. Once again, he was on the hunt and I was his prey. He reached down and lifted up his large balls, heavy with his young sperm.

“It’s been a long day. Why don’t you get down there and clean my balls?”

Steven starred into my eyes, daring me to say no. He scooted towards the edge of the bed and put his feet on the floor. I walked over and knelt between his legs. In front of me was the large cock which was both the subject of my fears and my fantasies. He gently held it by the head and lifted it up, out of the way.

“Get to it. Lick my balls clean.”

Here goes nothing… I leaned forward and took in his musky odor. It really had been a long day. Florida in the summer is hot as fuck if you didn’t know and, even if you’re used to the heat, you sweat a lot. Steven was not a light sweater. The aroma coming from his balls was pungent but not unpleasant. If you’ve ever touched your balls and later sniffed your fingers after a long day you know the smell. I had smelled that scent a thousand time in the gym locker room and never gave it a second thought until now. In an odd way it turned me on.

Steven’s cock wasn’t the only thing that was big. His balls were equally impressive. Hell, they made my balls look like tic tacs in comparison. They looked delicious too. I leaned forward and touched the tip of my tongue to his right testicle and Steven gasped. They tasted as good as they smelled and looked. I licked again, running my tongue from the bottom of his balls up to the base of his cock and he moaned.

Steven leaned back, letting his cock hit his stomach again. Using his hands he spread his sac wide for me and I started licking. I started down at his taint and slowly worked my way up paying careful attention to each delicious inch. It was clear that Steven shaved his balls regularly but they were a little prickly from the lack of a razor since we’d been away from home.

“That’s a good little bitch. Now suck on my nuts.”

Steven let go of his sack and let it flop down. I moved my mouth towards his left nut and sucked it in, running my tongue against the membrane of his sack as I rolled it around in my mouth. Jesus, these were some big balls. He moaned as I sucked on each of his large balls in turn.

“Ok, that’s enough,” Steven said as he pushed my head away from his sac.

I looked up at him puzzled. What next? What does he want?

“Get up on the bed and lay on your stomach.”

What? Is this really going where I think its going?

“Did I speak in Spanish? Get the fuck up on the bed.”

I groaned and got up. Steven scooted over and I got on the bed and lay down on my stomach. I turned my head sideways so I could breathe and closed my eyes. I braced myself for what was coming but was pleasantly surprised. I felt Steven’s hands separate my ass cheeks and felt his wet breath on my hole. Before I could react I felt his hot, wet tongue against my asshole and I shuddered in pleasure.

“Oh God,” I moaned.

I couldn’t believe it. Steven was rimming me. I’d heard that people did this but it was so hard to actually believe. That’s fucking nasty.


Steven’s tongue felt so good. My ass muscles seemed to relax on their own as Steven continued his wet assault of my ass. Without warning I felt his tongue enter my ass a little, penetrating me. Half-involuntarily I contracted my ass muscles, keeping out his intruding tongue.

“Relax!” he demanded. It will be better for you in the long run.

Easier said than done.


Steve continued to eat out my ass, working on my hole as my muscles slowly relaxed once more. Again his tongue penetrated my ass. This time I didn’t try and keep him out. His tongue slid deeper into me and then back out. My toes curled as I writhed in pleasure. I had never experienced anything remotely like this before. I’d always thought of rimming as some nasty thing that disgusting little gay guys with diseases did in the back of porno theaters. Jesus was I wrong…

Ever since I had walked out of the bathroom I had been rock hard. The smell of Steven’s balls and the feel of them in my mouth had kept me hard and now him licking my ass was heaven. Under me, between the blanket and my stomach my cock was rock hard. I could feel the wetness of my precum as it leaked out of me. I don’t think I’d ever produced so much in my life.

After several minutes of heaven Steven finally ceased his attack. I opened my eyes and almost asked why he’d stopped when I felt his finger enter me. Like when his tongue first entered me I felt my sphincter clench his finger.

“What did I say?”

“I’m trying but you surprised me.”

I started to breathe and slowly my ass started to relax around his finger. When I had relaxed enough he started slowly finger fucking my ass, pushing it in and out over and over again. Before I knew it another finger had joined the first, and then a third. My brother was systematically stretching out my asshole, getting me ready to take his giant cock inside me. After he had finger fucked me for a while he stopped and I once again felt his soft tongue on my hole. He relubed up my asshole, getting it ready for the next step.

Steven stopped rimming me and I felt the bed start to shake. I opened my eyes to find his cock in front of my face.

“Suck it and make it sloppy. You’re gonna want it to be really wet.”

I looked up at his eyes and saw the hunger and the need there still. Mixed in with the hunger and the sexual need was something else. Despite what had happened I could almost see a little care in his eyes.

I welcomed the large cock into my mouth, feeling the veins against my lips as he stretched my mouth to my maximum once again. God I missed that feeling. What the fuck is happening to me? I really am becoming a slut for my brother’s cock.

“Mmmm. Just as good as last night.” Steven moaned as he slowly thrusted his cock in and out of my mouth.

I made sure to make this blowjob as wet as I could get it. While I clearly had no experience in the matter of getting fucked it seemed as though Steven knew what he was doing. Besides, I knew the principles of friction and understood the basic fact that we were going to need a lot of lube to get his big piece of meat in me.

“That should do it,” Steven said as he withdrew his cock.

Steven rubbed his hand up and down his thick dick, smearing my spit up and down the hard shaft. God, I wanted that thing back in my mouth… And yet, I knew what was coming and I wanted that too. Underneath me my cock twitched and more precum seeped out to join the growing wetness beneath me.

Once again I felt a finger slide into my ass.

“This is going to be rough. Just breathe and relax.”

Steven withdrew his finger from my ass and replaced it seconds later with his large cockhead. I gasped as I realized just how big it was compared to my asshole. Three fingers? Fuck, he should have worked his way up to his hand if he was going to use this monster on my ass.


“Yes,” I managed to squeak out.

He started to push. It didn’t hurt that much as my sphincter started to give way. Maybe Steven does know what he’s doing. Suddenly I felt the ridge of Stephen’s cock pass into me and with it, the entirety of his cockhead. Holy fuck! Now that hurt. I gasped loudly and Steven stopped moving. Beneath me my cock started to shrink from the pain.

“You ok?” I could hear concern in his voice.

“I will be.”

Steven didn’t move for a minute to let me recover before starting to gently push his cock into me some more. It hurt a little but I gritted my teeth and took it like a man. Steven got in a rocking motion. He would pull out a little and then push in a little farther each time. With each inward thrust I could feel his cock stretching my ass a little bit more. It felt like this process was going on forever.

“Jesus Christ! How long is this thing?”

Steven let out a little snicker. “Its most of the way in. Only another 2 inches or so to go. Your ass is so fucking tight.”

“Jesus Christ!”

He got back into the rhythm of entering me and not much longer later we both sighed as I felt his pubes against my ass and his balls against mine.

“Oh God!”

“M’hmm” I managed to moan.

I couldn’t believe how full I felt as I laid there impaled on his giant cock. To this day I don’t really know how to describe the feeling of having an ass full of cock and my first time was just beyond exceptional. I felt like his cock was all the way to my stomach. I just wanted to lay there and feel that forever.

Without warning, Steven proceeded to pull his cock out from the depths of my ass.


“It will be back,” Steven said after he groaned.

He continued pulling his cock out until just the head of his magnificent tool was inside of me. I felt empty and nothing was happening.

“What do you want?” Steven asked, teasingly?

“Fuck me!” I moaned, “FUCK ME!”

“That’s right. You love the feel of your brother’s big cock in your ass. Don’t you?”

“Yes. I love your big dick deep inside me.”

That was what Steven wanted to hear. In one motion he slid his entire cock back into me, knocking the wind out of me with the force of his thrust. Before I could even begin to catch my breath he repeated what he had done but faster, and faster. He was now sawing the full length of his dick in and out of my ass in rapid succession and I was loving every inch of it.

The sounds of our fucking filled the room. The loud smack of Steven’s body hitting mine each time he went balls deep in me; the squishing noise of his cock sliding into my ass; the groans, moans, and heavy breathing of two people fucking like the world is going to end.

While initially the pain of his thick cock penetrating me had been overwhelming the pleasure had begin to override the pain. By the time he’d thrust into me for the second time I was in heaven. Once again my dick was at its full, pathetic, size and hard as steel. I couldn’t even believe how good it felt to have my not so little brother inside of me. With each thrust of his cock my brother pushed me a little forward on the bed rubbing my cock against the rough fabric of the bedspread.

“Jesus! I can’t believe how good it feels. It’s going to make me cum!”

“Not yet! Roll over onto your back!” he gruffly ordered.

Steven pulled out of me leaving me feeling empty, unfulfilled. I quickly flipped over, wanting to get his cock back into me as soon as possible. Steven got off the bed and pulled me closer to the edge, getting between my legs. He spit into his hand and once again rubbed it on his cock; some more lube. He lined his cock up with my hole and roughly shoved it in, his balls smacking against my ass.

“Oh God!” I moaned as I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him into me harder with each thrust.

In this position I could see my brother as he fucked me. The look of pleasure that crossed his face with each thrust was so hot; the look of concentration on his brow as he fucked me; the sweat on his forehead.

“Fuck me!”

I couldn’t help it anymore; I needed him to pound me like nobody had been pounded before. I wanted him to abuse my ass. And that he did. Once again my little brother started sawing his cock in and out of me like no tomorrow, hitting my prostate with each thrust. I was still hard as rock and leaking precum onto my stomach.

I couldn’t believe Steven was able to last as long as he was. I didn’t know much about sex but I knew young guys weren’t supposed to be able to fuck for this long. Sweat from his forehead was dripping onto me each time he slammed into me turning me on even more, making me beg for his cock.

“Yes! Give me that fucking cock!”

Steven’s thrusting into me was getting even more powerful and faster as he continued to fuck me and the look of concentration on his face got increasingly more obvious. On his forehead a vein started to bulge from the effort he was putting into lasting longer. Inside my balls I could feel the familiar ache of my own orgasm approaching and I wasn’t even touching my cock. Steven’s breathing was getting shallower in between grunts and so was mine.

“I’m getting close Charlie.”

“Me too. Cum inside me. I want your cum deep inside me.”

I couldn’t wait to feel Steven’s cock explode inside me, coating my insides with his young sperm. The very thought of having his cum inside me was enough to send me over the edge.

“Fuck! I’m cumming!”

I grabbed my cock and started jerking it hard as Charlie continued fucking me, watching me, his cock pounding into my prostate. My body went rigid and my ass squeezed Steven’s cock as I went into orgasm and the first jet of my cum went flying out of my cock and landed on my chest. With each pulse of my orgasm a jet of sperm flew out and coated my chest and stomach. It was the most powerful orgasm of my life. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 jets of hot cum exited my cock as Steven fucked my hole, my legs locked around him.

A look of pure pleasure came over Steven’s face as he moaned, “Here it comes. I’m gonna fill you with my cum like a real little slut.”

With that Steven thrust into me hard several more times before moaning and thrusting into me all the way and holding his big cock as deep inside me as he could get it.

“Oh God yes!”

“Cum in me! Give me all of it, every drop!”

I could feel Steven’s cock pulse as he gave me his cum. My own brother was breeding me, giving me everything that made him who he is. He was coating my insides with his cum. It felt like he was cumming into me forever, shooting gallons of cum into me.

The look on his face as he came was so hot and it only got better as he rode his orgasm to its completion. When he was done he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily, squishing my cock and cum between us. His cock was still inside me, twitching and softening, holding in the huge load that he had just pumped into my bowels.

Steven looked into my eyes. The need had completely disappeared from his eyes. All that was left was the look of the predator mixed with the compassion that I had seen earlier and had heard in his voice as he entered me.

“Holy shit!” was all I could manage.

I didn’t know where this was going and I didn’t care. I was now my little brother’s cock slave and I couldn’t have cared less. I loved his giant dick and wanted more. Steven’s deflating cock took that inopportune moment to slip out of my ass, releasing Steven’s cum onto the bedspread. And that was that.

“I guess we better get cleaned up,” Steven said with a wicked grin on his face.

We got up, me clenching my gaping ass in an effort to reduce spillage, and walked towards the shower.

“That’s one well fucked ass if I do say so myself,” Steven smirked, admiring his handiwork.

“You should know,” I replied as I turned on the shower.

Around us steam started to swirl as the water warmed up. Steven stepped in and I followed.

End of Chapter 2.
More to come.


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The same routine went on for the rest of the week, once her hubby was on his night duty; she called her young brother to her bedroom for their task. Lost in the quietness of her cozy chamber, the young brother was feeling like the prince to witness how her elder sister’s beauty brightens his boring night. Misha opened her blouse slowly, twisting each button with her thumb and third finger, then running her finger along her breastbone, her shirt finally fell open, he studied her. Then, he...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming Before she knew it the date that Beth had been dreading arrived, the Homecoming Mixer with her old fraternity. Beth wasn't sure how she would feel seeing all of her old fraternity brothers. Even though she had Thomas's assurances that she would be recognized, she was still nervous. She tried almost every dress in her closet and in the Governor's Square Mall for the mixer. She went back and forth on how she should dress for...

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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 3

There was nothing as sexy as seeing his elder sister.  Her bedroom seemed dreamlike as he pulled himself back whenever he was free.  Her new outlook and teasing game set her face aglow.  Without speaking, just with charm and naughtiness, Misha urged him closer.  She was also desperate to see his young face all the time.  She couldn’t really believe it; she was doing this to her younger brother.  After dinner that night, he went into the kitchen to help with the dishes. Her elder sister...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 29 Her Brother Part One

HER BROTHER, PART ONE Laura looked again at the rules for interacting with her brother during his visit to town. (1) Dress like a slut. Your outfit should be at least as slutty and publicly inappropriate as if you were wearing nothing but underwear. (2) Don't discourage him in any way from any affection or sexual interest he shows in you. Don't say no, or look disinterested or unhappy. If he hugs you, lean into it. If he gropes you, moan sluttily to show how much you enjoy it. (3)...

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My Brother Would Be BetterChapter 2

For the rest of the week, Olivia refused to get off. These thoughts were starting to get out of hand. When she’d been comparing the strange men she was hooking up with to her brother ... well, she’d just been using him as a baseline. She may as well have been comparing the man to a randomly-selected New Zealander, or co-worker. But what had happened when she’d played with herself ... It made her uncomfortable. And so for the next few days, Olivia tried very hard not to think about sex. It...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 2 experiments with my brother

I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me.  Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my...

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Family EnslavedChapter 6 SlaveBrother

"You're taking it easy today, right, Dad?" I kissed my father's cheek, leaning over the back of his chair to do it, and rubbing my hands over his chest. "I don't think I have much of a choice," he chuckled and put his right hand on top of mine, giving me a little squeeze. He was reading a magazine while my mother was upstairs, sleeping after her bath. She really had been worn out from the night before and then our little scene in the kitchen. I was off for downtown, to pay a visit...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 30 Her Brother Part Two0

HER BROTHER, PART TWO She woke up in the morning with a dripping wet cunt and something poking into her groin from behind. Instinctively she bucked against it a few times before waking up fully and realising it was her brother's erect cock. He was still asleep, but at some point they had both rolled over during the night. Now Laura was facing away from Daniel, but Daniel was facing her and hugging her. One of his arms had gathered her up into a hug and his hand was resting on her...

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Fraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Chapter 29A Secret Revealed

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 29-A Secret Revealed The next day it was time to put phase two of Beth's plan into action. Both Cheryl and Laura had informed her that they had successfully did their part. Beth was happy to hear that, but she knew that it was going to be a tough day. What Cheryl and Laura had to do was get their parents to meet with Aaron and Beth together. For Cheryl this was relatively easy, she got her mom to agree to host Aaron's parents at their...

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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 6 I give myself to my stepbrother

Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

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State of ChaosChapter 4 Anitas Big Brother

"Riley huh?" Rebecca asked on the cruise home. "Huh?" Tina stammered. "Tina you're in the clouds somewhere. I think your head is full of boy." Tina giggled. "Yeah, I guess. I like him, he seems like, I don't know. He's like this jock but he's not full of himself or anything. And you got to admit he's pretty damn cute." The two were sitting on the bow deck of Kalliste as Tony navigated her home. "I invented a word, or something, when I met Tony. I thought of him, well I...

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Twisted Brotherly Love chapter 1 3

This is the first Story I have ever written, Genre involve incest, rape, young, violence, bdsm, cruelty, male domination, exhibition and Stockholm syndrome. Chapter one The prologue I lived a relatively normal life, my parents were (and are) nice Christian parents. We had a normal life in 5 bedroom house in the middle lived there all my life. When I was twelve my parents somehow got pregnant again and had a beautiful little girl named Sarah. She is a blonde haired blue eye beauty....

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 18 How Arnulf of Erlenburg Finds Soldiers for his Brother

The Castle of Erlenburg was in deep mourning. Rudger, Lord of Erlenburg had died the night before, at fifty years of age. When his wife, Helga, had gone home to the Divine Maker one year ago, it was as if she had taken his will to live with her. He simply wasted away. His three sons sat with their father's trusted advisors, discussing the difficult situation. The oldest, Gøtz, was the heir to the castle and the lands. He was close to thirty, and he was admired as wise beyond his years. He...

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Incestuous Flesh MassagedChapter 6 Brotherrsquos Dominating Instructions

I loved the shock in Mr. Armstrong’s eyes as he witnessed what a lying bitch his wife was. He was aghast as he watched his supposed faithful, Christian wife getting wild with my mother and me. The slender man trembled in his doorstep. His hand shook as he stared at the tablet held in my brother’s hand. Clint’s plan was well underway. My brother and I stood on the Armstrongs’ porch. On the tablet’s screen, you could see Mrs. Armstrong, recorded by the hidden camera in my purse I’d set up on...

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Briannas Big Brother Chapter 2

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 2 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As my sneakers crunched the gravel underfoot, I breathed in the sharp scent of pine sap brought by the gentle breeze whispering through the scrubby pine trees crowding the overgrown path I'd been following. The morning had already started getting hot back at the campground, but it was still cool in the shade of the surrounding trees where only little beams of sunlight were allowed to peek...

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Sex Slave to My BrotherChapter 2

“What the fuck!” I jerked up at the sound of my brother’s voice. He was standing in the doorway of his bedroom staring at me. I was sure I was quite the sight. Here I was on his bed, tied up, half naked and panicking. I was thrashing wildly around as if I could hide from my brother, as if the rope and metal handcuffs biting into my skin would suddenly disappear and I could escape. “What the fuck, Jen?” Ben cried out again. Deep down, I had known it was inevitable that he would find me...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 2

All week, her thoughts were of her brother having fucked her. Other guys had fucked her before, but never like the way her brother had last Thursday. It was something special. It was more than just sex. It was pure desire between siblings. So, it was definitely safe to say she was happy it was Thursday again. It had been a long week. A long week filled with emotions that she had never had, emotions that her brother had given her. She never knew that having sex with her brother would have filled...

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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 2

Cathy had a very difficult day at school the next day. Ordinarily a very good student, she couldn't concentrate on anything. Furthermore, with all the spying on her mother's and father's fucking and sucking, with all the masturbating she had done herself, she hadn't done any homework at all. For Cathy, that was unusual, and since it was spring, her teachers tended to be a little bit indulgent. But Cathy had a lot of work to make up when she got home from school that day. She was...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 14 Brotherrsquos Domination

Melody Samuels The doorbell rang. A shiver ran through me, my nipples hardening in my shirt. Today would be awesome. Alicia burst from the breakfast table where Clint, Lee, and I waited. Beside Alicia, we were the last ones still home. Mom, Zoey, and Aunt Cheryl had already left while we waited for Pam and her car. A giddy rush shot through me. I had a girlfriend. I shared her with Clint, and that was so hot. She was sexy and submissive, a delicious, Japanese beauty with slanted eyes,...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 31 Her Brother Part Three

HER BROTHER, PART THREE Inside her head, Laura still had a pathetic hope that her brother would save her. He would get to her house, see what a horrible degrading nightmare it was, and realise she couldn't possibly be doing all this of her own free will. He would pay off her debt, he would tell the police, he would move her and Erica to a new house and hold her and tell her everything would be all right. She thought all this even as she was masturbating in public, in the passenger seat...

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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 1

Holding his result in his hand, he rushed home impatiently. Rahul was desperate to share the good news with her sister. Without her constant support, he would never have attained it. Rahul hadn’t tried his best for the exams because of the unknown surprise gift that Misha did promise him but rather to reduce her sister’s stress and burden. It was well-known that Misha loved her younger brother more than herself and was always anxious about his future. Taking birth...

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Doctors Incestuous FamilyChapter 3 Big Brother Knocked Me Up

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson I closed my eyes, my hands rubbing my large, naked breasts as I lay in bed. I had woken up horny again. I felt like a teenager instead of a woman of forty. For the last two weeks, ever since Cheryl Elliston showed up at my gynecological practice pregnant, planting the ridiculous notion that she had been knocked up by her own seventeen-year-old son Clint, I had been thinking of my own son, and not in a motherly way. James was...

1 year ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 19

While they were eating dinner Mary kept letting her eyes drift to the boys tables, first to the one where Ben sat enjoying his meal, then to the table where Bill was enjoying his between glances at his sister Beth. "Think he knows what you're going to tell him yet?" Mary whispered to her companion. "Who?" Beth asked peeling some meat from her drumstick with her fingers and hesitating before she popped it in her mouth. "Oh, you mean Bill. No, I don't think he has any idea what kind of...

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Oh BrotherChapter 2

Dessert turned out to be fried ice cream, a treat that I always enjoyed in spite of the inherent contradiction of the phrase. There was no question that Sandy and my other sisters had put some real thought into planning this meal. This was a honey trap alright, and I had fallen right into it. Then again, I didn't mind this, because who would want to escape the clutches of four sexy and sweet sisters, anyway ... especially my own sisters, no less! I might have resisted the idea of incest, but...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 3 Little Sister Joins The Fun

"Are you sure you have everything?" Ken's mother asked as she set her suitcase down and reached up to pat her dark blonde hair in place for the third time in as many minutes. "I'm sure, mom," Ken said with an exasperated sigh. "We have a weeks worth of dinners stored in the freezer so all we have to do is put one in the fridge to thaw during the day and then pop in the microwave when it's time for dinner. If we forget to switch something to the fridge I have more than enough money to...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl Chapter 3 phone call with my brother

My emotions were all over the place…I felt that I had opened up a ‘Pandora’s Box’ with Marc. I had more than just piqued his interest with my tales of my teenage fantasies, and followed by a detailed confession of my adolescent experimentation with my brother.Marc seemed to be obsessed with not only knowing the details of what happened, he seemed to want to actually live through these experiences vicariously.I was conflicted. I did not really want to dwell on these emotionally charged memories;...

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My StepBrother My Love Chapter 1

You know how you never know what you’ve missed until you actually know what you’ve missed? I was like that. I think I was sixteen and a sophomore in high school when I saw my first penis. It just happened to be my step-brother Aaron's. He was just standing in his room naked when I walked in on him. I don’t even remember the real reason why I walked in there without knocking.  You see, I’ve always looked up to my older step-brother. When my real mother died after giving birth to me, my father...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 3

As she lied there in bed, she started thinking of the past two weeks that lead to things she never thought in her life would happen. She never thought that she would ever be in a sexual relationship with her own brother, but she was and she was thoroughly enjoying it. It had been the best two weeks of her life. She was looking forward to more time with him. And, tomorrow morning when she woke up, was Thursday.He began thinking about his sister more often as he tried to fall asleep just down the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 35 Brother and Sisterrsquos Naughty Dialogue

Kurtis – The Treasure Box As the Treasure Box sailed from Ankush and the damned Queendom of Naith, I headed to the cabin with my harem. After the fete thrown by Queen Athirmi, I was exhausted. I wanted to relax and recover before the inevitable orgy on the ship. The halfling and human women would be eager for me. It had been a few weeks of them waiting for us to depart while Queen Athirmi created one excuse after another why we couldn’t leave. But I had the ambassador papers. I had a...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 14

Beth sat at her table and scanned the rest of the dining hall with a wary eye before turning to her own plate with a slight frown. "Mind if we join you?" Dannie asked as she set her tray down on Beth's left while Kathy sat down on the right. "Dannie, Kathy, I'm on monitor duty right now," Beth pointed out. "You really shouldn't be sitting with me." "There's no rule that says we can't join you," Dannie said as she scooted closer to Beth and gave her a quick smile. "Besides,...

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A Baby Family and His BrotherChapter 4

After Jan's death life just didn't seem the same. The kids came home for the funeral and Sue and Guy stayed over longer, to be with their father. I remember the great times we all had together when the kids where home and really missed them. They were both young adults at this point, Sue being 24, Guy 23. Nick and I both appreciated them staying longer to help with the change of Jan not being around. The time came, when they both had to leave and it was just Nick and I. Nick looked at me...

1 year ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 16

Ken sat between Mary and Dannie on the living room couch as they watched the movie he and Mary had made a week earlier while Dannie was still at camp. "Wow," Dannie said as she watched her brother and sister fucking on the screen while her brother played with her slit with his left hand and Mary's cunt with his right hand, she reached over to stroke Kenny's prick as she continued. "This movie you guys made is really hot, but I bet I can beat it." "I don't know how that's possible,"...

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My Annoying Little BrotherChapter 2

Nicole’s little brother Stevie took his ‘sentence’ without question. After hiding in his sister’s closet and watching her begin a sexual encounter with her female friend Kelly; and after he was caught, Nicole banished him to his room. He stayed there until well after Nicole and Kelly had finished their interlude. After Kelly had left and Nicole had finished with a shower, she left her room to see where Stevie was. She listened outside his bedroom door and heard nothing. After a minute she...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sleeping Leah 3 Alternate

Again, we were having a sleep over at her house. I packed my dildo, I packed duct tape (just incase she refused) and unlike the other times, I didn’t pack my sleeping pills for the night of fun. Tonight, I’d confront her, I’d fuck her, and she’d fuck me, no matter what. Some how my luck was amazing, or fate just wanted Leah and I to fuck. Either way, I’m glad. Her parents are out for the evening and won’t be home until late. That gives me just enough time to spring me being a lesbian on...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 14

Nathan and Callie woke up early next morning to beat the morning traffic. Nathan dropped his sister off work and then headed off to work afterwards. He kept thinking about Callie and how much he loved her. How the hell am I going to keep this wonderful relationship up without our parents finding out? Nathan was lost deep in his thoughts. He knew life without Callie would be almost impossible to live, but he also knew their relationship would be hard to manage with all the prejudice of the...

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Me and My Brothers Chapter XI

Before Bruce and Marty returned I got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I dried off and wrapped a bath towel around me and went to the kitchen. There was Marty preparing dinner and with her was a strange man. I started to leave and Marty said, “Oh Carly, come here. I want you to meet Skip.” “But I’m not dressed.” “No problem. Skip this is Carly. Carly, he’s a friend of mine…a kind of close friend. He took me to my senior prom.” So she gave her cherry to this guy. He was...

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My Brother and I Get Closer Chapter 7

To recap my sexual life story so far, I was a frustrated senior in high school. My older brother, Tommy, was commuting to community college, but living at home. He was even more sexually frustrated. His girlfriend, Jennifer the volleyball goddess, would not have intercourse with him. So Tommy masturbated almost every night and I listened from my room through the thin walls. It was arousing and soon I masturbated to his sounds. It didn’t take long for us to find that we could satisfy our sexual...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 6

Melanie had all the plans in place. To keep with the tradition of Thursday, she had plans of a barbecue after Justin cleaned the pool. She had already written the list of items she needed in order to make it a very successful cookout. Well, not just a successful cookout, a successful sexual endeavor. There were no friends invited. Somehow, Melanie knew it would just be her, her brother Justin, and their new sexual find, the neighbor’s daughter, Allison. Justin was cleaning the pool when Melanie...

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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 5

Cathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 18 I am Woman

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 18-I am Woman Beth finally got some sleep, for about an hour. Unfortunately for Beth, at least on this night, she was a light sleeper. A late night text message from Leigh would wake her up. Leigh sent a message saying "it happen!!!" and she would give Beth details tomorrow. Beth knew exactly what that meant, Leigh and Scott had finally had sex. Beth knew that tomorrow would be an interesting day. She tried to go back to...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 The Wedding

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 - The Wedding For weeks Beth basked in the memory of their trip to Disney World. She was thankful that she had a trip to see her former family and speak with Ken's mom one more time. She would treasure that moment always, especially when Carol said that if she had a daughter she would have liked for her to be like Beth. She was debating whether she should send Carol a baby picture. It might be a way to keep the communication open so...

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A new chapter for my brother and I

Hello, my name is Sarah - Amelia or 'Sami' for short, I am 23 and have a brother called Aaron-John who is 24. THIS is the story of how him and I opened a new chapter in our lives.You see, we were like any normal brother and sister. Our parents divorced shortly after I was born, so me and A.J lived with my mum in a small but cute house in north England, away from my dad and his family. Because we lived together in such a cramped space, me and my brother shared a room and we had bunk beds, so we...


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