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As the days passed, the extent of the disaster began to dawn on everyone. No more ships came the next day, nor the next. Three days went past and even the most optimistic had to admit that any surviving ships would have to be running out of coal.
Yvgeny Gorshin arrived at the private sanatorium in Nakhodka only dimly aware of where he was. The journey had been arduous even in the well-sprung Anatra motor ambulance. The road had been heavily rutted.
The 'Mad Pole' was still at 'Vostok, ' it being too dangerous to move him at the time. Yvgeny, he recalled afterwards, had been informed the Pole would be joining him. He was too sick, however, for the information to sink in.
The sanatorium was situated on a high hill with views out across the Sea of Japan. It was well-staffed by doctors assisted by volunteer nurses organised through a Charity. Care was of a good standard, far higher than at the Navy's Hospital.
"My fever broke after three days," Gorshin explained to the young Ensign, "I was weak as a kitten for days... I just lay in my cot not thinking. They put me in this room with big windows so the sun bathed my face. I could smell the sea through the open window. I guess I was in some kind of shock."
"When did you become aware that Almaz, Bravy and the Grozny were the only ones to make it?" the Archivist asked.
"Not for at least a week. I think they deliberately kept the news from me. Strange, I didn't even think to ask."
"I was focussed on my personal survival. Thinking back, the gloom was palpable in that sanatorium. There were only a few Navy personnel there. Most were senior Army Officers who had been at Mukden, Jilan and other battles. Tch, I have to say that the Russian armed forces had been badly beaten on land and sea... everywhere. It was a hard time for us and everyone felt it."
"What of the Japanese army? They must have been close?"
"General Oyama was moving slowly. The Russian army had been shunted out of their positions and were in two halves. Some of it was in Northern Manchuria while a Division or two was covering Vladivostok from the West. But the Japs themselves were exhausted. We didn't know it at the time but their army wasn't in much better shape than ours."
Yvgeny learned that his expenses were being picked up by the powerful Khlodovsky family estate. The family's agent visited him and undertook to send telegrams back to Yvgeny's parents, and to Katka in Libau. It was a bonus as the military had priority over the single telegraph wire.
The nurses at the sanatorium had volunteered to make the arduous journey East to tend the sick and wounded. Many had little training or experience. Rather they responded out of a patriotic duty or a sense of adventure.
They came from all parts of Russia, but mostly from the European provinces, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Poland, Finland and the Baltic states. Most were ordinary middle class women, capable of embarking on careers but prevented by society's pressure from doing so. They either married or stayed at home, that was the choice in 1905. Another way out was to make the month-long journey across the expanse of Siberia to care for wounded soldiers.
The nurses weren't permitted to work in military hospitals, however. The medical staff either regarded them as foolish do-gooders or little better than whores. Some found employment in private facilities such as Nakhodka.
Yvgeny's doctors advised at least two weeks convalescence after his fever had broken. During his stay news of the fate of the fleet began to filter in.
"Let's see," sighed Admiral Gorshin, "Nebogatov surrendered the Nikolai, Senyavin and Apraxin just South of Takeshima Island. Togo stayed just out of range of his old guns so he'd little choice, although the public felt otherwise. The Ushakov had lagged behind and was bailed by the Fuji and Asahi. When asked to surrender her captain took a vote among the Officers and crew. The majority couldn't bear the humiliation so they opened fire. It sank after a 45 minute bombardment."
"The Svetlana held out for an hour and a half against three of Kamimura's cruisers. Barely able to steam, she fired away all her ammunition then opened her Kingston valves and scuttled herself. Izumrud ran onto rocks off the coast of Korea and was a total loss."
"Buiny's engines gave out and Rhozdventsky was transferred to Biedovy. They both surrendered at 1620 the day following the battle. Bezuprechny remained off Tsushima Island unable to raise full boiler pressure. She fought it out with Togo's Destroyers and sank, taking Commander Matusevich and his crew with her. Similarly Gromky refused to surrender and sank with all hands."
"We'd left the Navarin anchored in an inlet, no? They got her with floating mines."
"The last to go was the ancient Dimitri Donskoi. She made it as far as Takeshima where she was caught by Destroyers. Her Captain ran her onto a sand bar to prevent her from being torpedoed. There she fought it out for three days, sinking three of the enemy boats with her 210mm main guns. Eventually, with no help possible, she set charges after the crew walked ashore."
"Not since Trafalgar had a fleet been so utterly defeated. Russia had been the 3rd largest Naval power after Britain and France and now we'd been demoted down off the chart. Apart from a small squadron confined to the Black Sea, our Navy had ceased to exist. It was a catastrophe from which we didn't recover until after the War against Fascism. Then we used captured German technology to build submarines... bah," he spat.
"We built more ships," protested the Ensign.
"Oh, our next Battleship, the Andrej Pervozanni, was a good ship but by then the British, French and Germans were building Dreadnoughts. We'd been put out of the game almost for good. Our replies were too little and too late, the Ganguts, Imperatritsas and the new Borodino class Battlecruisers were poor replies, in my opinion, to the latest ships being built by other navies."
"Whose technology did we borrow to build those?" asked the Ensign, with a wry grin.
"Italian," Gorshin chuckled, "I think we'd had enough of French ideas by then."
1905 was a bad year for the Russian Monarchy and people. Besides the comprehensive military defeat by Japan, the cities of Western Russia were in turmoil.
There were food shortages caused by a poor grain harvest. The Winter had been particularly harsh adding further hardship. Many believed the shortage of bread was as a result of the Estate owners hoarding grain to ratchet the price. There was some truth to the rumour. It was, after all, an historic practice.
Cities like St Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov and Kiev had a growing industrial working class. Russia's industrial revolution had been late and relied heavily on foreign investment, particularly French. Workers began agitating for change, fueled by a bewildering number of revolutionary political groups.
There had been hunger marches, the most famous being Father Gapon's march on the Winter Palace. Units of the Black Sea fleet had mutinied, the most notable being the 305mm gunned Battleship Kniaz Potemkin Tsechiarovski. Cossack Semi-Regular Cavalry units had been let loose on some of the protestors with entirely predictable bloody results. At St Peter's Steps in Odessa a crowd of men, women and children was ridden down by mounted cavalry.
Despite the hardships among the poor of the cities, Russia was still an immensely rich country. Beaten by the Japanese, she could still continue the war if she wanted to. With over three million men under arms, finding another army wouldn't have presented too big a difficulty. The problem was national morale and that was at a low ebb.
So when President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States offered to mediate between the two parties, the Russians readily accepted.
The Japanese dragged their feet for a while but eventually accepted. The talks were to be held at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Victors on the battlefield, the Japanese were to face the full might of Russian diplomacy.
Japan had become impoverished by the war. She'd made significant military gains, occupying the whole of Korea, the Liaotung peninsula and most of Southern Manchuria. But what she most needed was gold to pay off her debts and that was what Sergei Witte and the other Russian negotiators were determined not to give them.
St Petersburg was pleased with the venue for the peace talks. The Russians had had cordial relations with America for some time and had even bought warships from US yards, such as the Battleship Retvizan.
The relationship between the US and the Empire of Japan was tense, however. US discrimination against Japanese immigrants and American nervousness over Japanese expansionism had created an uneasy atmosphere. Tokyo would have preferred to hold the talks in Britain. Clearly, considering the recent history of Anglo-Russian relations, that was a suggestion the Russians were never likely to agree to.
Sergei Witte was a long-serving Russian bureaucrat and a former Finance Minister. The agrarian and political reforms that had taken place under Tsar Nicholas had been mostly Witte's ideas. He was also one of the ablest negotiators of his time.
The Japanese, on the other hand, seemed to have been content just to show up. Their negotiators were elderly Aristocrats, such as Prince Ito, who were clearly out of their depth in International horse-trading. There was a perception in Japan that they'd been set-up by a combination of traditional European powers and the USA. A conclusion not wholly unjustified as it turned out later.
On the other hand, there was a feeling among the World's powers that raw aggression shouldn't go rewarded. Particularly if the aggressor Nation was a non-European one.
Japanese demands were extravagantly optimistic. An indemnity of 40 million roubles, the annexation of Korea and the Liaotung and a recognition of her 'special status' in Manchuria. Lastly, the possession of all her war booty, particularly the Russian warships captured or salvaged from Port Arthur.
What she got was: the transfer of the leases to Port Arthur and Dailan and recognition of her 'special status' in Korea, all faits acomplis in any case. Russia agreed to withdraw from Manchuria and Japanese companies were allowed to be established there. For the moment China was permitted to re-estabish control of her Northern provinces. The 'indemnity' was the annexation of Southern Sakhalin Island to the 50th parallel. Japan could keep her prizes but she would not get one Kopek out of the Russian treasury.
The frozen, mountainous, sparsely-populated Southern Sakhalin didn't seem like much compensation for the Japanese sacrifice and most of the public agreed. She didn't receive outright control of either Korea or Manchuria and this outraged Tokyo. Japan was to suffer a deep recession for the next 5 years or so. Prince Ito was later assassinated for his trouble.
Japan would possess Sakhalin for barely 40 years. In 1945, a Red Army Group consisting of 4 Mechanised Armies demolished the Japanese Manchurian Army in less than two weeks, precipitating the Anglo-American decision to drop the Atomic bomb. The Western Allies feared a Soviet occupation of Japan. The USSR then gained the Kurile Islands off Northern Japan as their compensation. What goes around, comes around.
Yvgeny Gorshin had to wait indefinitely at Nakhodka until transport was available West. The Russian army needed to be supplied and reinforced. Only essential traffic was permitted on the single-track Railway. The good news of sorts was that he was permitted to remain at Sanatorium until he was able to return home.
Peter Szpetznar's recovery was slow, but he was receiving the best of care. Yvgeny sat by his bedside and read the newspapers to him. Occasionally they would share a smuggled bottle of Vodka and dine on olives and caviar with black bread. The good life was beginning to restore their morale.
With Yvgeny's recovery came the restoration of his libido. Athough he'd sent a message to Katka, he'd not heard back and was beginning to wonder whether she still had feelings for him. The postal system, however, had almost completely broken down.
News of the Grozny's exploits were becoming common knowledge. In the midst of defeat people needed heroes and the deeds of the three little ships that made it home were widely discussed.
Peter Szpetznar was already on the receiving end of special attention from some of the nurses. His larger than life personality and talent for self-promotion attracted some of the more impressionable young ladies, and older ones. It wasn't long before the door to the 'Mad Pole's' room was firmly closed and muffled female giggles heard inside.
Yvgeny himself began to receive the attention of a young nurse from Turku in Southern Finland. She was dark-haired, short with a very womanly, well-rounded body. She spoke heavily-accented Russian with a bright and breezy smile.
Yulia was her name and she began to spend more and more time with the young Russian Sub-Lieutenant. He enjoyed the easy chat and company now that the Pole was elsewhere occupied.
Yulia worked the afternoon shift and would often stay on after her duties had finished. They began to discuss life and love. Yvgeny told her about Katka, she her marriage at a young age to a man 30 years her senior.
The young Yulia had married a family friend when she was barely 16 years old. He was a widower in his forties, his first wife had died of TB, and he owned a successful import/export business.
He showered the young Yulia with expensive gifts, was very kind and respectful towards her. Yulia's parents had been won over at an early stage in the courtship. The family had modest means and the match promised a considerable increase in the family's fortunes.
Despite the pressure, Yulia had wanted to marry her husband. He promised a life she'd only dreamed of, freedom from struggle, drudgery and poverty. And the prospect of travel and education outside of the insular Finnish town also excited her.
Their marriage was happy enough but also disappointed her. Girl fantasies of passion and intimacy remained unfulfilled. Her husband seemed cold and conservative to a vivacious young woman full of life and dreams. She volunteered for charity work with her husband's blessing when war broke out.
News of the military reverses in the East shocked and disturbed all corners of the Empire. Inured with a belief in Russian power, confusion turned to Imperial duty, she had to 'do her bit.' In actual fact, service in the East was also a way out of domestic boredom.
The East turned out to be nothing like what she expected. Instead of clean, white hospital wards full of dedicated Doctors and Staff, she found a Medical Service totally overwhelmed by the number of casualties. Snow thawed and turned to mud and slush. Flies and other insects, vermin including rats the size of rabbits seemed to appear as if by magic.
The medical staff were overworked and had eyes sunken into their sockets. Men came in filthy from the front line with open wounds of the most horrific kind. This had been an artillery war and had seen the use of new weapons such as the Maxim Machine Gun. Consequently tales of life in the trenches for the poor infantry had appalled her.
Yvgeny Gorshin seemed like a breath of fresh air. He was only a few years older than her, tall and good-looking. He told her tales of the sea and experiences in foreign lands that seemed exotic and exciting.
One day, Yvegny discovered it was Yulia's birthday. He decided such an occasion shouldn't go uncelebrated so he acquired some vodka from the Pole and a fruitcake from the Khlodovsky's agent.
She had been surprised and delighted. Some of the other nurses and patients, as well as the Pole, had crowded into Yvgeny's little room for a party. There were hugs and kisses all round, but Yvgeny's clasp and brief kiss were particularly special. She realised she wanted more.
As the party wore on, the guests became more affected by the alcohol. Peter began to get 'friendly' with a nurse in the corner. Her hushed giggling drew the attention of Yulia.
"I think they're having an affair," she told Yvgeny, conspiratorially.
"I don't doubt," he replied, "Peter is very popular with the ladies."
Yulia looked flushed. She half-reclined on Yvgeny's bed propped by several large pillows.
"I guess he's okay," she told him, "a bit full of himself for my taste."
"Yes," Yvgeny agreed, "he gives one that impression. Actually, I think he needs the attention. Underneath I believe he's quite insecure."
"He has to have an admiring crowd about him. On his own he's quite the different person. He becomes introspective and sullen... goes to Church."
"He does?" Yulia asked in surprise.
"Frightened... like we all were. I think Peter compensates with a mixture of God and sex, a very complex person."
"I wonder whether he'll go to Heaven or Hell," she laughed.
"Peter has a bet each way. Whichever, I'd imagine he'd miss purgatory. When he goes he'll follow the direct route."
"You're funny," she gushed.
Peter and the nurse were becoming more amorous. Yulia was fascinated as she peered at them through the corner of her eye. As they kissed, she thought, it was obvious their tongues were playing. The nurse's giggling had ceased. She was now far more serious.
Yulia averted her eyes when she saw Peter's hand shamelessly groping the girl's chest. It wasn't long before the pair quickly said their goodbyes and slipped out of the room for more privacy.
One by one the other guests stumbled and staggered out the door until there was only Yvgeny and Yulia left.
Her 'good sense' told her she should leave but she couldn't make her body move. Instead she lay across Yvgeny's bed, her eyes were closed but she was very much awake. Her body simmered with sexual desire.
Yvgeny stood staring out the window distractedly. Yulia watched him for a while, full of curiosity. His body was silhouetted against the setting sun. She appraised it for a moment. Not a hint of flabbiness but perhaps a little too lean. Probably the result of the hardships of the voyage and subsequent battle.
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MatureInterview With a Reluctant Sissy By Cassandra Morgan The church was hushed, reverent. There were flowers everywhere, wrapped in lace and red hearts. The organ played old love songs. Sedate. Unintrusive. It was a wedding day for her. And for her. Steven and Miriam sat in the middle of the church, fascinated by what they saw around them. There were obvious cross-dressers, and people they wondered about .There were Mistresses with their pets on leashes. There was a man surrounded...
[/video]Interview with Tussineean 18-year-old model.Good morning Tussinee, how are you doing today?I am fine and you?Pretty good, but I'd be better if you tell the audience what you are wearing right now?It is now morning in Thailand so I am wearing my panties and long shirt for sleep.Well you are undoubtedly attractive, but I am unfamiliar with your work. Are you new to the internet?Yes, I am only 18 years old and just make new photos for my website.You are based in Thailand, right? How did...
Interviewing… Jessica and MeganAuthor: Bonercreator69The success of my other shows about interviewing famous female celebrities, had made me incredibly excited for the final show in the set. The opening show of Female Film Stars Secrets promised to be as good as all the other ones had been. On the show were two of the hottest actresses around, Transformers star Megan Fox and Fantastic Four babe Jessica Alba. I had lusted after these two women for an age, and my producers had certainly hit the...
I sat in the interview room, wondering which one of the interviewers was going to do the bad cop routine. It was one of those conference rooms where the table dominates the room. The space around the table was a narrow perimeter that was just about enough for someone to pull a chair back and squeeze into it. As I sat down, I felt the queerest flutter in my stomach. I should have paid attention to it, but I ignored it. I twirled my fingers through my long, chestnut hair, being unafraid in...
I just got a promotion to the Vice President of Marketing at a major corporation in Santa Clara. It was going to be a very high stress job and I was going to get to hire my own assistant. I've always had a fantasy of having a male assistant wait on me hand and foot. I had several interviews set up over the course of the next few days. Today I was interviewing the most promising candidate as his resume was very impressive.I sat behind my big mahogany desk in my black leather executive chair...
Interviewing… JessicaAuthor: Bonercreator69I’ve always been a huge Jessica Ennis fan. Ever since she won the Olympics in 2012, though, the hottest British athlete has been in high demand. It’s always been a dream for me to meet one of my favourite women and finally the opportunity has arisen. My very own TV show, interviewing famous women from the world of sport, and who was my first guest, none other than Jessica Ennis. This woman’s arse had been the centre of many men’s affections over the...
Interview with Destiny By Cassandra Morgan This was destiny, I kept telling myself. And I was Destiny. At last. All along, it was supposed to end up this way. I never had a chance. People always thought that I was surrounded by rainbows, and now I was going to be. They knew it all the time. I stuck my left toe into my pantyhose and pulled them over my smooth leg. This was nice, almost liquid in texture. I smoothed the hose over my calf. I smiled. I put my right foot in, like...
Interview with a Fempire 2 Today I have another meeting with Danyelle, my lead for the fempire story. Since my last meeting, I've taken her up on her advice and stopped wearing pants and only wear leggings exclusively. The only drawback to this is that leggings don't really have pockets, so I've had to start carrying a pocketbook around to hold my money and phone. I must admit though they do feel amazing on my shaved legs and look good too. Many of my coworkers have been teasing me...
"Is it on?" The man looks past the lens to the operator, and then back to the lens. "Okay, then! Okaaayyy..." The man looks pensive, and then suddenly anxious. "Um...cut!" The screen goes black but then comes back a moment later. It is again showing the same man, but now he is seated and looking more confident. The auburn hair of a woman's head can be seen just at the corner of the screen, bobbing up and down in the man's lap. The man looks down, clearly amused, and then back at the...
We were sitting in the lounge, the TV was on and the contestants of The Voice were vying for attention of the red chairs in front of them. I wasn’t taking much notice and was also reading while watching the TV at the same time. I looked up from my book and caught a glimpse of the girl during her obligatory pre-audition interview. I perked up and started to watch over the edge of my glasses.The girl walked down the corridor to the stage entrance and my mouth dropped open, I watched her gorgeous...
HumorThe next day, Claire walked into the containment room pushing a cart full of some sort of equipment. "Good morning to you," she said cheerfully. "You'll pardon me if I don't get up," Gruthsorik grumbled from the bunk. "No, that's fine, in fact it would be helpful if you laid still for this," Claire said. She pushed the cart up to the cell wall opposite the bunk, unfolded some of the devices, and aimed them at him. Gruthsorik turned his head to the side to watch. "Dare I ask...
Interview with a Fempire "Thank you for meeting me," said the sexy woman. "You're more than welcome we at the Tampa Bay Times take all potential stories seriously no matter how bizarre they sound," I told her. "Yeah, I know it may sound odd but trust me when I tell you that everything I'm about to tell you is true. I just want to get my message out there before it's too late," she said. "... Okay. Well then let's hear your story." AT A LOCAL COLLEGE "Okay class, remember we...
Interviewing… TaylorAuthor: Bonercreator69My luxurious position as a presenter certainly has its perks, guesting on popular television shows, accepting invitations to top-class awards show but my favourite had to be interviewing smoking hot women from across the globe. The first show of Musician’s Mysteries: The Girls was a show I was looking forward to just as I had the previous two interviews I’d filmed on different shows. This one would be different to the others, however, because my guest...
Interview with a Tin-Foil Hat By Cassandra Morgan "If you google the word 'sissy,' do you know what happens, Doc? You get 33,600,000 hits. Try it. "If you call up Fictionmania, and I have, you get 5,259 hits. When you look up the keyword "femdom.' You get 2,660 with 'maids.' You get 714 with 'sissy' and "354' with mistress. They're everywhere. Yeah, I sound a little obsessive. I know. But I think the lifestyle is chasing me. Is that nuts? "I'm sorry. I knew you shrinks don't use...
The video starts. The camera is pointing at the floor, but then it quickly pans up to show a rather normal looking twentysomething caucasian man with brown hair looking directly at it. “Is it on?” The man looks past the lens to the operator, and then back to the lens. “Okay, then! Okaaayyy...” The man looks pensive, and then suddenly anxious. “Um ... cut!” The screen goes black but then comes back a moment later. It is again showing the same man, but now he is seated and looking more...
The time was August 1942 and the Great Patriotic War was a year old. Admiral Gorshin stood contemplating the sea from the dockside at Murmansk. Beside him was Commander Neville Callender of the Royal Navy, his Liaison Officer and assistant. "The ice will be early this year, don't you think, Admiral?" the younger British Officer asked the Admiral in clear, crisp, Russian. "I do, Commander, and I think we'll be lucky to see any more convoys beyond the end of the month." "How's your...
"So that's how you became like this?" asked Annabel, "No, that's how I became an air headed, sex-crazed bimbo that the stereotype expects. It took years to become who I am today. On that day, when I saw Lester for the first time as Lulu, I wasn't thinking of trying to escape, or even trying to think clearly. My goals were simple, to get his cock inside me as quickly as possible because masturbation pales in comparison to having as many cocks inside you as you can get your hands on. I...
"Wait, there's more?" asked Annabelle. "Just a little," Replied Lulu, "There's still two and a half years to cover before we arrive at today." "What more could happen to you? You were finally out of Chrystal Heights." "Haven't you ever heard the phrase: you can take the girl out of Chrystal Heights, but you cannot take Chrystal Heights out of the girl?" smiled Lulu, "Surviving in the real world was a far from simple task." "How so?" "For a start, there was the fact that...
"It has been an honour to hear your story." Said Annabelle, stopping the recording and putting the precious tape straight into her purse. "Thank you," Replied Lulu, "It feels so liberating to finally tell somebody my story. I wish I could stay longer but with Lester still out there, it isn't safe for me to stay in one place too long." "I understand." "You should wait about twenty minutes before leaving you apartment after I'm gone. If Lester is waiting for me I do not want you...
Interviewing… Holly and FearneAuthor: Bonercreator69My brand new TV show was one which I was looking forward to filming. The new interviewing show that I had presented to the producers had been passed without a second thought, the show that allowed me to interview famous women of the world, leaving no stone unturned as I could ask them absolutely anything. There would be different sections of the show: Sportswomen Uncovered, The Truth behind the Women of TV, Musician’s Mysteries: The Girls and...
PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...
She was sitting in her car in the service station car-park when the text came through. She sipped her coffee and read the message. ‘Number 3. Room 104. 3. 1930. Bag at reception. Instructions within.’ She typed in the postcode of hotel number 3 into the SatNav; a twenty-mile journey. She’d be there by 1845. She finished her coffee while re-reading the text and set off. Her night had been arranged and the excitement was starting to take effect; she increased her speed.In the bar the blonde man...
“Hi is this Dr Smith?” I asked, “my name is Chris and I was in a sexual relationship with my mom”. A month later he flew to New York to meet us. He would’ve come sooner but it took me weeks to convince my mother to do the interview. His requirements were that we had to meet in person, it had to be both of us, and we had to provide identification proving we were, in fact, mother and son. It had been almost 4 years since she and I had done anything… pretty much once I moved out it stopped. But...
The journalist smiled as the blonde woman in the short red silk robe opened the door. "Come in... I guess you're Pete." "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, umm... Queen Cobra... obviously that's not your real name, so I'll call you... ?" "You'll call me Queen," she said, motioning for him to sit in a loveseat. She walked to the sofa opposite him, sat down, and drew her legs up. "Remember the rules of this interview, Pete. You were never here. What you will write about will not contain...
Celia Thompson worked in the local council rent rebate offices.It was Celia's job to interview claimants and see that all was shipshape and above board. Celia had a senior postion and her own office with a TV link to the waiting room so she could see who would be next. She was a smart woman of fifty who looked younger and attracted the eye of many males inspite of wearing a wedding ring. It was a warm july day, and Celia noticed her next interviewee was a rather spotted callow youth who looked...
FetishAuthor: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, femdom, malesub, dom, sub, bdsm, office, humil, blackmail Summary: A boss is interviewing job applicants for the business, when one of them looks familiar. Where the applicant is remembered from leads to a different job interview. Thank you to the Mysterious Stranger, who helped me edit this. Stella Ackman knew she was wasting her time. She was the CEO of Ackman Applied and had a staff of one hundred employees now and yet she still took...
Interviewing… Belinda and EmilyAuthor: Bonercreator69As it had been for all the versions of the show, the first episode of The Truth Behind the Women of TV had been very successful, the episode watched by millions of people. Luckily for me, no-one knew about the after-show events that had occurred and so the memory of my cock inside Fearne Cotton and Holly Willoughby, although I did still have the video evidence.The second show promised to be just as good as the first show had been, with...
Interviewing… AngelinaAuthor: Bonercreator69Female Film Stars Secrets was the show that I most looked forward to filming, especially this week as my guest promised to produce just as good a show as the previous one. On the show was, in my opinion, the world’s hottest and most famous MILF in Angelina Jolie. Angelina being on the show was a serious coup for the producers, as she was probably the most sought after interviewee in the world, and I would be able to ask her absolutely anything. I...