BethChapter 66 free porn video

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September 20, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Practice today was good, with our O showing a bit of snap, scoring two goals on the starting back line. I think we have figured out how to use Jess’s skills in the new formation. She and Rhee pulled off a great combo for one of our goals, with Rhee making a spectacular drop for Jess who came streaking in from the left and popping the ball past Hope. Coach had Civia fill in for Rhee for a bit and she managed our other goal, off the 270-degree move that she’d learned from Heather and using an outside-right bend that she’d polished with Heather’s help.

We girls had a quiet evening after the past few, sex-filled days. I caught up on the diary, we all did homework, then spent an hour or so talking, building our relationship, discussing possible futures. We also talked a bit about Civia. We agreed that as much as we would love to have her on the high-school team with us for the three years after this, we thought that she would be better served by getting involved with the national team’s prep system. We agreed that we needed to ask Coach about that, and I was elected. After I finish this, we are going to bed. My wives say, “hi,” Ms. Diary.

September 22, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke abnormally early this morning, so caught up on diary entries and let my wives sleep.

Yesterday was long, given the hour-and-a-half drive back from the game at Baskerville, a drive made worse by the loss we suffered there. The bus was quiet as we all seemed to ponder what went wrong. Rhee managed an 87th-minute goal, but that only kept us from being shut out. Baskerville got a goal off a free kick outside the box, but their other goal was the result of a superb long pass to their streaking striker who got the jump on Shameka. On the plus side, we held them scoreless in the second half. I think Shameka was pissed; she was a demon – more so than usual – in that second half. This team really is in a very different situation than the premier team’s. We have had little chance to get backups into either game. Despite that I never liked not playing, I did very much enjoy the premier team’s top-to-bottom camaraderie, particularly in the second half of the season when we were getting the backups huge gobs of game time. If the team is going to succeed next year, we need to get the defensive backups game time. So far, Shameka, Kim, Katie, and Gracey have played every minute and Rachel has been off the field for only five minutes or so.

[Added September 22]

Practice today started subdued, but Rhee got everyone laughing during rondo when she depantsed Shameka when they were both in the middle. Someone needed to fill in for Lana, who would probably have been on the team had she not moved to California, and I was very happy to see Rhee step up. Coach quietly thanked Rhee at the end of practice. Contrary to the original plan, Coach had us scrimmage again. Whether we O members were pissed off at our showing yesterday, I don’t know, but we mostly sparkled, netting four goals in an hour, although one was a bomb that Rhee booted from midfield when she caught Hope too far upfield.

Nira and Inez brought Gracey, Liya, and Civia to the house for the start of the two weeks that Gracey and Liya will be here; Civia is here for the initial night. We girls will be on our own, as Dad and the Moms will be sleeping at the Devlin house tonight. We delayed dinner to go to Granny Brown’s with everyone after the others arrived shortly after 7. It was very enjoyable. Nira was a hoot, making us all laugh a lot. She also told us what she’d be doing for the next two weeks and explained to Civia some of the basics of what she does, her particular sphere of interest in cosmology. Civia was quite impressed.

Many tears were shed when we returned to the house and Inez and Nira parted from their respective daughters. As Dad and the Moms had parted from us at the restaurant, as soon as we had locked the door behind Gracey’s and Liya’s moms, Heather stripped off, with Liya and Civia not far behind.

“I’ve so much been looking forward to tonight,” Civia said once she was naked. “While I’ve really come to like the freedom that I feel when nude, even more I really like being with my best-ever friends; the combination is wonderful.”

Once she was naked, Gracey hugged Civia and said, “We really like you being with us, too.” She disengaged from Civia and turned, saying, “What’s on the agenda tonight?”

“I don’t know that we have a plan,” Rhee said. “How about Civia suggesting something?”

Civia looked at her with glowing eyes and said, “Thanks. Could we play a game of some sort?”

“How about Twister,” Gracey suggested.

“I’ve heard of that, but never played it,” Civia responded.

“It’s decided, then,” said Liya. “I’ll get it if you others will rearrange the living room.”

We had a great evening. We played three rounds of Twister, and Rhee, Heather, and I subtly took the marshall job once each so that Civia could enjoy being on the mat for all games. While she didn’t win any of the games, she was smiling and laughing throughout. After Twister, we started playing the YouTube game, but one of the videos caused a long discussion to break out that then led to other topics and we wound up spending a couple hours just talking.

When various of us began yawning, Rhee said, “It seems like it’s bedtime.”

“Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired,” responded Civia. “I have a request, though. I know that it’s my turn to be with Gracey and Liya, but I was wondering – and not because I don’t want to spend the night with you two – if for tonight and future sleepovers if we could randomize. I’d like to be able to sleep with all the possible combinations, although I get an outside slot when I’m with Rhee and Gracey.”

She followed that with a smirk at Rhee.

“I like it,” Liya responded. “I can do the randomizing, but I want to point out how comfortable Civia has gotten with us, with nudity, and, now, with sleeping nude with her friends. I really like it and I really like that Civia is one of the gang. I’m really glad that you could be here for this first night of our long stay, Civia.”

“Thanks,” Civia responded a bit bashfully. “I’m very glad I’m here. Tonight was a lot of fun. Twister was fun, really fun, but the talking was even more fun. It’s so enjoyable having discussions with other girls that have brains.”

“That’s how Liya became involved with me, then with Beth and Rhee. She was in a couple of my classes, where she was standoffish and a bit angry. She made mistakes every so often by letting her obvious high-class brain be apparent, so I took a chance on trying to make friends with her, and here she is. It seems obvious to me that intelligence attracts intelligence, and here we all are.”

During Gracey’s expostulation, Liya ran her random spreadsheet, and announced after Gracey was done, “In one room are Heather, Beth, and Liya. Looks like you’ve got an outside slot tonight, Civia!”

There was much snickering.

“And, no,” Liya added, “I didn’t rig it.”

In bed, Heather said, “I like this random thing. I’ve never slept with just you two. I’d like to do this more often.”

“I agree,” Liya replied. “This also seems to me to be yet another clue that ... How do I say this? We’re definitely the Go6, now, but there’s still the Go5 subset that has a sexual component. Anyway, this seems another clue that the Go5 is getting to be less...” She frowned, then said, “The lines are blurring, big time, between the Beth-Rhee-Heather trio and the Gracey-Liya duo. I find that I also like that. Gracey and I have talked about this and, somewhat surprisingly, we agree. She and I are both fine with the other having sex with any members of our family even in the absence of one of us. We’ve tried to figure out why we’re not jealous in that situation when we can both imagine being pissed as hell if the other has sex with someone outside the family.”

“Beth, since this seems like an opening, do you want to tackle this,” asked Heather.

“Okay. When Rhee and I first began having sex with Heather, which was only a few days after she began hanging with us, Rhee and I had a heart-to-heart and decided that neither of us would have sex with Heather if the other wasn’t present. As it became obvious to us that Heather really was part of us, that restriction went by the wayside. After the weekend sleepover that included sex, she and I decided we would put in place the same restriction concerning you and Gracey. After Heather was firmly a part of Rhee and me, sex started to be a more-regular and certainly more-looked-for part of our five-girl sisterhood. The three of us have not talked much about the widespread sharing but have come to a de facto agreement that sex within the sisterhood has no limits.

“I know that we all agreed that we girls would not initiate sex with Dad unless all five of us were present. The three of us have to admit that that agreement slipped our minds once or twice, although most of the sex we’ve had with Dad without you two here has been initiated by Dad or the Moms and Dad. We feel a bit ashamed and hope that you and Gracey won’t be mad.”

Liya shook her head violently and said, “No. Gracey and I talked about this and we decided that we would not blame you if you did initiate sex with Dad. It’s just too freaking tantalizing. I find it hard enough to resist and I’m around him much less that you three are. I know that I would slip were I around him every day. Obviously, for most of the next seven months, that will be a non-problem.

“I want to get back to the five of us. This week was a good example of what I want to talk about, and I want all five of us involved at some point, but this gives me a good chance to clarify in my own mind what it is that I want to say and how to say it. This week, as I looked to the weekend, I fantasized quite a bit about spending time with Dad. However, I also spent no little time thinking about sex with you three, together and as singles. Gracey and I talked briefly on this topic last night and I was, once again, surprised at how tightly our thoughts on the subject mesh. As for you three, we think of ourselves as a unit, but only somewhat differentiated from the three of you. We can both easily imagine the five of us living together with no interpersonal boundaries on the sex. I don’t know if we really want that living situation as a permanent thing and I suspect that the next seven months will inform on that. However, I’m nearly as happy and willing to have sex with any of you three as I am with Gracey. In fact, I occasionally find myself wanting one of you, specifically, when I’m at home by myself, and who that one is varies all the time.

“Though not directly related to the topic, I find myself amazed at how willing and receptive I am with any or all of you. I know that each of us has told all of us that each of us is available at any time to any one or combination of us, but it still amazes me when I think about how true that is. Every one of you gets me going, such that I have to concentrate more fully when I’m around you in situations, such as at practice or when Civia is with us, where sex is not appropriate. I am ... aroused ... wet all the time around you. Any of you. All of you. I’m probably leaking lying here in bed between you two. I just cannot believe how into sex I am since we started all this, because I certainly wasn’t before that notorious sleepover weekend!”

I saw Heather move her left arm under the sheet and watched her hand reach Liya’s crotch, then heard a low sigh escape Liya’s lips.

“You are wet. Is this what you want, Liya,” Heather asked.

“Oh, god, yes. Love me, Heather.”

Heather and I proceeded to love Liya. Although we had to be cognizant of Civia across the hall, with the remodel, that bed was now farther away. Each one of us got ganged up on by the other two. Heather held a pillow over her face anytime that she got close. We finally drifted to sleep after we’d each had at least two orgasms.

September 23, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Although it rained overnight, it was clear and warmish by mid-morning, so the Go6 went to the practice pitch.

“At first, instead of more ballwork, Liya, I want to begin teaching you simple stratagems today, starting with the give-and-go. It’s a classic and used a lot, because it works amazingly well as a stratagem to beat a single defender. You’ll be on the defense first, so that you can see, firsthand, how it works, even though I know you’ve seen us do a lot of them in practice and games.”

“Okay, Coach”

Heather placed Liya and explained her task to her, then got Civia to help her do the demonstration. They ran it four times, twice each with Heather and Civia being the dribbler, and ran it at different angles and speeds, the last at near-full-tilt.

Despite being beaten easily all four times, Liya was smiling when she asked, “How does a defender deal with that? How does she beat it?”

“With competent attackers, the only defenses are getting lucky and timing the give or retreating, keeping the ballhandler in front of you. Of course, one can retreat only so far. That’s why it’s such a well-used stratagem. Do you remember that goal that Civia scored on the second day of practice after which Coach went on-and-on ... and on about how wonderful Beth is?”

She grinned wickedly at me while Rhee snorted, then turned back to a smiling Liya.

“I remember.”

Do you remember how that whole play started?”

Liya wrinkled her brow, then shook her head.

“It started with Gracey stealing the ball from ... Taylor and took off running upfield. Beth had come back quite a bit on D, so she was there when Gracey ran into a defender. The two of them ran three straight give-and-gos, beating three defenders, after which they were halfway into the other side’s half.”

“Oh, I remember that. That was dazzling. I was so proud of Gracey watching that. She looked incredible. I think I screamed something like, ‘Go, Gracey!’”

“That was one of the best illustrations I’ve ever seen of how useful the give-and-go is in a fluid attack. It’s particularly useful on counterattacks as speed is of the essence to try to get to the box before the D can catch up. And that was a counterattack, as the other side had been pressed pretty far forward on O. We did slow it down and went into tiki taka, presumably because Beth saw that the other side’s right side got back quickly enough to make it nebulous as to whether simple speed would get the job done, particularly when we were going to have to deal with a first-team all-state center back.”

We showed Liya how the give-and-go works well even when she, with her basic skill level of dribbling and passing, was the pivot on the give-and-go. We had her be the pivot nearly 20 times with a variety of partners and defenders. Without planning it, Civia also showed her how an aggressive defender – here, Rhee – could be beaten by the threat of a give-and-go. Rhee had jumped the gun slightly on anticipating the give, so Civia kept the ball, turned a bit to her left, and carried past Rhee.

Heather said, “You saw how Civia made a last-second decision to keep the ball after Rhee tried to jump the give. It didn’t matter that the give-and-go didn’t work because Civia was past Rhee, anyway.”

We ran Liya through more basic dribbling practice, mostly to get her more comfortable with the process, as comfort is key to successful dribbling. Then we began teaching her shooting. She was nearly atrocious at the beginning, but with Heather’s recent experience at teaching outside bends, she had developed a good sense of how to teach shooting. By the time we called it quits, Liya was better than atrocious, and had even smacked a couple of reasonably hard shots.

As we were standing around near the penalty stripe, Liya said, “Thanks, sisters. I really enjoyed this. I have to admit that when I first started watching your games and practice, I didn’t understand. I didn’t see the strategy, the tactics of the game. With you teaching me basics and, particularly, getting to help Coach and the team, I’ve come to see something of the beauty of the game and that there are many levels of beauty, from one-on-one tactics to multi-person tactics such as the give-and-go, to team tactics and strategy. I’m very much enjoying this and am somewhat regretting that I couldn’t have discovered soccer earlier.”

Rhee and Gracey were standing either side of her and they both wrapped her in their arms.

We arrived at the house to find lunch just about ready, so asked the Moms whether we had time to shower first.

“As long as you’re not too long at it,” Carol responded.

Upstairs, Liya said “Heather and Beth, Liya and Gracey.”

“Ooh, great! I get to wash Rhee’s hair,” Civia cooed.

Rhee responded, “You like that?”

“Oh, yes. I love your hair. It’s so fun to do ... anything with it.”

“Well, far be it from me to keep my wonderful sister from having fun.”

There was much chuckling.

Once Civia’s parents picked her up after supper, Sandy said, “Family meeting in the living room in ten minutes, dressed appropriately. That is, appropriately for this family.”

We five raced up the stairs and divested ourselves of clothes and made quick visits to the bathroom. We wondered about the cause of the sudden meeting, but none of us had a clue. We gathered in our ToC seats, Rhee, me, and Heather – in that order – on the new couch, Gracey and Liya on the love seat.

When the parents joined us, sitting in their seats on the other couch, Sandy said, “Liya, Gracey, did either of your mothers mention to you that they were planning on talking with us at the Devlin house?”

We were all a bit stunned, and Gracey and Liya looked at each other; both shook their heads.

“I’m not surprised. The two of them showed up at the front door shortly after we’d gotten naked but before we had had a chance to get into the sex-filled night that we’d planned. We quickly donned somewhat minimal clothing and invited them in.”

Liya piped up, saying, “I have a feeling where you’re going. Is this about Gracey and me with Dad?”

“You didn’t know, right? You’re just using your brain to come up with what seems to you the likeliest possibility for cloak-and-dagger from your mothers?” When Liya nodded, Sandy continued with, “You are correct. I didn’t expect anything like this, but if I had, I would not have expected exactly this. Nira was the spokeswoman for the two of them, as she has been. We wound up discussing a number of topics, but the primary topic was your sexual relationships with Charlie.”

I was concerned and felt my face fall a little, but I saw a bit of fear on Liya’s and Gracey’s faces; I did not think to glance at my couch partners.

“To assuage your fears, it was a positive discussion.” When Gracey and Liya showed relief, Sandy smiled a bit, then said, “After a bit of small talk, Nira took the bull by the horns. Given the unannounced arrival and the oddity of their even showing up without their daughters, I had a suspicion that the coming conversation would be important, so surreptitiously recorded it. I’ve listened to it a few times and this is close to word-for-word:

“Charlie, Inez and I agree about something that we’ve been talking around with you for a while, but we wanted to make our position absolutely clear before our daughters spend most of the next seven months living with your family. We both feel that if our daughters’ first sexual experiences with a male were with someone as kind, smart, compassionate, and sexy as you, we would be okay with it. In fact, if that option were available to them, we would encourage them. Neither of us needs to know that such relationships could or might already exist, we would just want to know that they would be treated well if such were to be. We understand that we cannot get surety of that without knowing that such was or would occur, however, we wanted there to be no misunderstanding on our thoughts on the matter. We want our daughters to have fulfilling and happy sexual lives. We are well aware of their sexual relationship with each other and suspect that the other girls in your menagerie are involved with them. That is not anything that concerns us, as our girls are happy – happier than we’ve ever seen them, more confident, and much more settled than they used to be. If that is due solely to their much-closer relationships with those other girls, we apologize for even the suggestion of anything that would be considered untoward by most of society. If any of the positive changes that we’ve seen in our daughters in the past couple months is due to any other relationships that they have – and we are well aware that they have no close relationships with anyone outside this family and the soccer team – whether or not they were with a male as kind, smart, compassionate, and sexy as you, then we would wish those relationships continue until and unless they wished otherwise. The only request we would make of such a person is not to hurt our babies.”

The five of us were stunned, looking back-and-forth among each other and the parents; the stunned silence lasted a couple minutes.

“That was about the same response that Charlie, Carol, and I had. Eventually, Charlie said ... Charlie, please tell them your response.”

“I told Nira and Inez that were I the actual parent of either of you, I would wish the same ... that you not be hurt. That was easy for me, as it is so true. I do not want you hurt.”

Sandy immediately said, “Nira and Inez both nodded at that, and the subject changed. They both expressed an interest in our relationship ... our three-way marriage, and how that worked. While we were not explicit, we explained that it was a three-way decision and that all three of us were quite happy with it. I also said that Charlie was very happy with his sexual relationships. After Nira nodded at me, I told them that when they knocked on the door, we had all been naked in preparation for a night of debauchery. Since I was sitting next to Charlie at the time, I put my hand on his crotch and told them that we were quite happy with Charlie’s sexual relationships.”

“You didn’t,” I exclaimed.

“I did. I know that I put Charlie in an awkward position with my hand on his cock and him with no undies on. He could have objected, but he didn’t, so I kept it there.”

Dad said, “You really enjoyed that. Didn’t you?”

Sandy turned to him and responded, “Very much so.” She turned back to us and said, “Particularly given their avowed viewpoint on their daughters’ sexual lives, I thought that it would not hurt to point out to them that all of us greatly enjoy our sexual lives and allow them to interpret that in whatever way they chose. I left my hand on his cock until we stood to say good night to them, which was about ten minutes later. I suspect that Charlie sweated a few bullets as his cock began to grow. Although it didn’t get fully erect, it was more than a little obvious when he stood. Nira even stared at it for a few seconds. Although I refrained, I was sorely tempted to put my hand around it while she watched. Of course, I was also tempted to pull his pants down and expose it to her but decided against that.”

Same as Beth
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Der Dachboden 8

Hinweis: Die Klassifizierung 'G' ist evtl. missverst?ndlich. In diesem Kapitel gibt es Bondage im Zusammenhang mit Sexspielzeugen und pseudo- sexuellen Handlungen. Sex im eigentlichen Sinn ist es nicht. Wer's nicht mag, sollte nicht weiterlesen. Der Dachboden 8 Er war da! Ich hatte ihn nicht kommen geh?rt. Allerdings waren hier auch kein nackter Holzboden, sondern Teppich. Oh je, das war eine Schwachstelle in unserem Plan. Wenn es so leise blieb w?rde Tante Lieselore im Babyfon n...

3 years ago
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Sucking off a straight 18 year old footballer TR

This follows on from my first time story..., this all happened except for a name change.Ive added nothing and have taken nothing away.So now i'm 27. Its been nearly a year since my first time. Ive been with a girl since - but ive had fun exploring with about 5 lads. Ive met 2 from here; the rest from a gay dating site.They were all hot. And ive been with a couple of asian twinkies! (still not sure how that happened.)I've had good sex and...

1 year ago
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PostBookstore Fun

Sarah and David returned home from a fruitful trip to the adult bookstore, both carrying bags of latex goodies, and wandered in to the living room. David took a seat upon the loveseat, allowing Sarah to spread out and open her packages. Included in the bag were a medium-sized buttplug, and a five-inch dildo. Stuffing the packaging back into the bag, she laid out a towel, then took a seat on the couch. David also took out the objects from his bag, discarding a box from a fresh set of condoms,...

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Looking Under and Up Part 1

It was another day, but after a week or so of planning, I decided to go and get some upskirts and then get in some pics in the dressing room.Everything was set and ready, camera and disguise. Just make sure that I dont get caught. It was another sunny and beautiful day, great for getting some upskirts. I went to the nearest shop and lurked around for half an hour or so, but no luck, they were either wearing shorts or pants. Guess it is time for my back-up plan. I decided to place a camera...

3 years ago
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Sexy bhabhi ki dusri chudai

Sabse phele, thank you meri 1st kahani ko itna sara pyar dene ke liye. Maine nahi socha tha ki main next part likhunga. Par kuch logo ke mail aane lage. Bhabhi ke bare mein aage puchne lage. Toh maine aage ki baat ye story mein likhne ka socha. To ab story pe aate hai. Bhabhi ke sath sex kiye hue 2–3-month ho chuke the. Bhabhi fir se sex karne ko machal rahi thi. Par humne khabhi fir kiye nahi kyoki koi mauka mila nahi. Bas 2-3 baar chori chipe unke car mein kiss kiye the. Ek baar aise hi Big...

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Blind Date5

It had been a lovely evening. I’d been set up on a blind date, not surprising really, I’d grown up becoming shyer and shyer with the opposite sex (surprising since when I was younger I was as forward as you could possibly get). I’d expected my date to be fairly ordinary, that’s what you expect from blind dates at least. But when we’d met she was heaven sent, tall, slender, athletic body topped with a face that could launch ten ships if not a thousand. We spent the evening in a bar. ...

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33 Years of Fun Pt 6

1969 my wife Sarah and I hated Grand Forks Air Base. Not only is it located out in the boondocks, but summers are Hot and winters Long and Very Cold! It was great on my days off, it shit when in the field on duty! I,d by now confessed to my wife about how I,d experimented with my best friend Wayne at mutual masturbation and sucking cock so wasn’t, all that surprised Sarah had played with her mate Heidi at fingering each other and eating pussy. We found the memory of that alone could sometimes...

2 years ago
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Bi orgy

The invite...HiWe'd like to invite you to a party at our house. It will be a small party of gorgeous couples, hot males and sexy females. Everyone invited is bi or bi curious. We have room for you to stay over, drink will be flowing. Dress - lingerie or naked.Hopefully see you there.It then listed the date, time and address. The first thing we did, was check out their profile, they looked good, slim and attractive and their pics were hot and a little dirty.I came to pick you up, it was a 45...

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My CO now knows about me thats a good thin

As of this week my C/O knows about me. I actually thought I was going to get a severe beating. I was doing my normal thing and looking for a safe place to entertain a youngster I met. Well I saw that one of the supply closets was left open and I quietly went in it. Big mistake! I walked in on one of the Lt's getting his dick sucked by a transgirl. Before I could get out I saw cum shoot all over her chest and his eyes open to see me. They both panicked to get dressed and I hurried to...

1 year ago
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Glamour Photos Lead to Latex Sex

They had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ?He smiled and said the best way to...

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Sister Magdalene

It was quiet in the chapel. Serene. For some, the stillness, the lack of breathing, the rustle of clothing, would add to the serenity. In reality, it was just another indication that they were dying, and not just them, the entire church. Sister Magdalene looked up, the figure of Jesus Christ predominant behind the small altar. She knew every nook and cranny of the chapel, having cleaned it more times than she could recall. Twenty four years of her Twenty seven years, she had spent here in...

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NubileFilms Maya Bijou Nia Nacci Two To Please

Logan Long knows he’s about to have an amazing time as beauties Maya Bijou and Nia Nacci join him in the bedroom. The trio exchange lingering kisses that show without a doubt their affection for one another. As their lips remain locked, all three of their hands start to wander. Soon the girls’ skirts are around their waists to reveal their bottoms and their tops are pulled down to allow plenty of tit licking. Whipping out Logan’s hardon while stepping out of their dresses, the...

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Catching Emily

My sister and I were raised in a strict household. There was no cussing and absolutely no nudity. We undressed in the bathroom and dressed in the bathroom… with the door locked. Emily, was 16 at the time. She was a tall girl, perhaps five feet ten or even eleven. Height ran in our family, although weight did not. Emily was one hundred ten pounds at best. She was not what anyone would call beautiful. She had long dark hair and pretty green eyes, but her nose was slightly longer than she...

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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Enters The Anal Sex Chamber

Adriana Chechik features in a LED lit fuckshow that “chechiks” all boxes in this scene from Adriana Chechik the proud owner of a face and chassis that could star in mainstream productions. The starlet showcases a strapped black leather rig that could be branded with her name on it. The opening is in black and white with Adriana teasing and holding a light. Eventually it fades into color and it pops. Put the tease on loop and enjoy. Adriana Chechik with a sunny slide into a POV...

2 years ago
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Part 29 Veronicas Secret

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 29: Veronica’s Secret Holly: Soon enough I was settled in my dorm with the 5 other girls who would be sharing my suite. Samantha was in the room with me, while Erica was with Chrissy, and Rachel was in the 3rd room with Betsy. We all unpacked some things as we arrived. We sat together in the living room that connected the three rooms. We sat around talking, we were all very excited. Samantha suggested we go out and see the...

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Hot For Teacher

"Hot For Teacher" You know, this is not at all what I thought I would see when I look in a mirror. A pretty girl. About 5'5". Short blonde hair, a little bit above her shoulders. With just about the right amount of makeup. Not over done, but not too little. Wearing a tight fitting short black dress. Sheer black pantyhose. The cutest 3" black heels. No, this girl is not at all what I thought I would see when I look in the mirror, well it shouldn't be. Cause well, this girl staring back...

3 years ago
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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 4

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. I swear, it felt like Janos was inspired by this position which was as new to him as it was to Hippolyte. His cock seemed to grow another three inches in length, though I knew that was impossible. Maybe it was that he was larger than usual in diameter, about 2½ inches, and that really filled my vagina very nicely. Hell, nicely was the wrong word, it was a tight fit, and it felt great. Janos held his position at full penetration until I...

4 years ago
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The GiftChapter 12

I grabbed a couple of sandwiches from the cafeteria and was back in office right on time. "Hi. Here are you keys. What was all that about? You make me curious." "Mary's old VolksWagen has had it. I thought she'd like a new car." "Even if you had a new VolksWagen you'd be happy to get one like that! But I never suspected that Mary would want an Alfa Romeo." It dawned upon me, that Henny had not met Mary since last year's Christmas party. At that time she sure did not look like an...

2 years ago
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Only For One Night Ch 2

Naomi arched her back, stretching her naked body out across the bed, relishing the feel of fine Egyptian cotton against her overly sensitive skin and missing the feel of Thomas. She could see the time on the clock beside the bed and groaned like a spoiled child. She had called twice Saturday and earlier today to check on her girls. Missing them, however, did not lesson her desire to stay right where she was. How long had it been since her body felt this good? It was perhaps too long and maybe...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Jennifer Mendez Deep Anal on the Sofa

Jennifer Mendez climbed into the bathtub to take a shower. She had this amazing sexy body. She started to play with herself. Slowly her fingers were running up and own her body until they disappeared in her ass. She looked up and saw Freddy Gong’s big dick above her face. It was enormous. She took it in her mouth and started to blow it. Then they both climbed into the bathtub and Freddy was fucking her. They transitioned to the living room. He started to fuck her ass. He went in deep. He fucked...

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Grandma Amazing at 70 part 3 complete

We fell asleep in each others arms. It was already dark when I opened my eyes and found Grandma looking at me, smiling sweetly just like the old days, except for her beautiful feminine body, attracting full attention from my eyes, brain and manhood again. 'You slept so well, reminds me of the early days when you first came to me. I tucked you in and watched you fall asleep.' 'Yes of course Grandma, I remember like yesterday. You were the one that comforted me when I was so scared and...

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Round 1

*I apologize before hand for any errors in spelling and grammar please understand I am not a writer*I’m going to write it down while it’s still fresh in my head My wife Mary and I are in our 50’s (she’s filipina Hawaiian I’m American) k**s are grown and all moved out. For decades we’ve had a very active sex life and in our younger days did some experimenting with swinging but decided not to pursue the lifestyle with no regrets. Over the last year we would talk half seriously about maybe...

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The Adventures of a 24 Inch Nympho Coed

Annie was lost in a fog. Not a real fog like with mist and cold air on the skin. It was more a fog in her mind that prevented her from seeing properly. Everything was softly muted and blended together into a jumble of indistinct outlines in an impressionistic blur that totally confused her brain. She reached out with her hand to touch the straight black line directly in front of her. It was real. It was hard. It was a metal bar like a bar in a jail cell. Not that Annie had ever been in jail....

2 years ago
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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 8 Making A Decision

We both remained motionless for a few seconds. I was in shock and she was probably in shock too. Her soft mounds were resting on my cheeks and they were so soft. It seemed to me like a gentle massage with those lovely bosoms. I held on to her and didn’t want to get away from that feeling. On the other hand, my face got pressed to her belly and my nose and lips touched her belly. I was feeling her silky cloth and smooth skin beyond that. Her belly had a significant bulge after a few months of...

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Never Again

Not againBisexuality brings all sorts complications. Last time I found myself on my knees with a nice 6 ½ inch cock in my mouth I swore to myself I was going to stop. But, pretty soon I found myself on my knees again with that wonderful sweet salty cum splash in the back of my throat.The hurricane was coming through the state and many people were off work. I mean how many hours can you watch storm damage on CNN. So, I went to local bar to have a beer and maybe some conversation not about a...

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Undercover RoseChapter 78

I wondered again where the unknown assailants would be most likely to hit. If I were doing it, I might make the attack while 'The Girls' were on shore. I would only do it if I had some kind of support. I would need more manpower than just myself for sure. The Paki husband would be the most likely to manage some help from the Muslin community. But I couldn't count the Russian couple totally out of the picture. I doubted that either could mount an operation as quickly as it would have taken...

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Mamma J Chapter One

“Mom, what am I going to do about Jason?”My daughter sat facing me seated at my kitchen island with a troubled yet familiar look upon her face. It was the same look I’d seen when she was doing poorly in a class or when one of her friends slighted her. The circumstances were quite different this time, however.She was thirty years old and had just found out that her new boyfriend was a racist, homophobic scumbag. Oh, he seemed nice enough. He’s handsome, has his own home, a nice car and truck....

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The GovernorChapter 20

“Governor Ling, welcome. Oh, have you brought me a present?” the general eyed Tematha and actually licked his lips. “Good day sir. Tematha? Oh, no sir, I’m sure you have more and better cunt than her at your beck and call. She is my travelling companion. She is free, so I could not give her to you even if I wanted to. You remember I told you in one of the reports? It seems to be working, you are being supplied by a happy, and in time loyal, city.” The general looked hard at him, Ling knew...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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My Stepmother

"Because she's a fucking bitch, that's why!" 16 year old Elizabeth Gwynn screamed at Rick Carmen, her 15-year-old boyfriend of six months. "Damn Elizabeth, don't yell at me." "Oh shit, I'm sorry Rick; it's just that she drives me crazy. Treating me like some sort of a kid, always trying to tell me what to do and when to do it. Everything was just fine until she came along and snagged my daddy. We were doing just fine until that 28-year old gold digging bitch plucked my daddy away...

4 years ago
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For One Night Only

For Only One NightKemy Saint Paul, Minnesota “Mother, I don’t know if I can make it home for Christmas.” Selena changed her cell phone to the other ear while maneuvering her BMW through a green light. “Selena, the family has heard the same excuse last year, and the year before that.” “Mother, I apologize for my absence, but my company is just now starting to reap the rewards of hard work, and dedication.” “Yes and a woman need a social life outside of work. In addition, I would like...

Oral Sex
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Introduction to Chastity

Introduction to ChastityCarla and I had been dating for about three months. She was unlike anyother girl I had ever known. Where most girls are rather passive andsubmissive around men, Carla was just the opposite. She wanted to be incontrol of things. She was aggressive and dominant, and she insisted Iassume the opposite role. At first I was resistant, thinking somehow mymale pride was at stake, but the sex with her was so good that Isuppressed my normal male instincts and went along with...

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The Trial Part Four

The Trial Part 4 It turned out to be far simpler than I had expected. "Are they a better fit, Peter?" She already knew I was in panties from her weekly examination of the ruins of what were originally my reasonably well-filled sack. My Blush Index went up slightly, but only slightly, this time. "Yes, Claire, they are. They are very different from my Y-fronts but I can't say they are at all uncomfortable under the circumstances." She smiled. "Well, they are made for the...

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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 1

As always comments VERY appreciated as are criticisms (positive and negative) and enjoy -Mr.E.Nigma- Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 - part 1 There we stood, me still smelling of his sisters juices, her halfway between us frozen in shock, and him just standing there in confusion. My mouth had run dry, but I still managed to choke out. "Wha... what...

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Getting What I Asked For A Husband Watches His WifeChapter 3

We were at the Marriott next to the airport, a few weeks after getting back from our honeymoon. Jen had gone on the pill as soon as we got back, and this was the soonest we felt it would be safe for her to sleep with other guys without the risk of pregnancy. Since being with Ralph on our wedding night, we had both decided that this was the life we wanted to lead, at least for now. Jen had found that she enjoyed the sexual excitement of being with other guys. For me, seeing my wife being...

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Im a sissy princess

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful princess, who loved to dress up and wear her pretty gowns and pink frilly panties and prance around like a sissy girl. But the princess had to hide who she was, and dress in her guys clothes, and the thought of no one knowing who she really was, and that under the frilly panties was a big, solid cock, made her very excited. But she lived alone, and had no one to keep her in control and she would be very naughty, touching herself and making her...

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daddy take what he wants

mommy just left , thinking he was here to help me with my math assignmenti was in my pijama my ass on the kitchen table arms pulled in my back and getting ass lap the second she left''come here boi , i told you to be a good student ''slap slap slap''i told you , you little boy need some discipline, told yo to get ready for that quizz, you little boy need a daddy to teach you to get better ''ass slap on the table pijama down getting slap hard by the black daddy ''oh you not gonna get away ,...

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Meeting Amanda Tommy Makes His Decision Chapter 10

Sarah sat there, not sure if she should say something, or just wait till Tommy was finished with everything he had to say. She was feeling really horrible for trying to get pregnant intentionally by Tommy and for making Amanda think that she was still taking birth control pills. If Tommy left it was going to be all her fault. This was something she didn’t want to have to live with. She didn’t want to hurt her daughter. Tommy stood there, watching both girls sitting there on the couch. ...

2 years ago
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A Feeling So Right

He watched her as he sat in her recliner in the living room. The television was on, the control in his hand, but he only had eyes for her. She busied herself with the dishes, had been busy all day with little things here and there. Her hands were hidden in the suds, her mind lost in thought. He smiled to himself as he noticed the way she was worrying her lower lip . . . obviously her thoughts were on the naughty side. Her gaze was fixed out the window, seemingly into the neighbors driveway, but...

3 years ago
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No Strings Attached Disenchantment

That night whilst I laid next to Liam and listened to his peaceful breathing; I found myself unable to will myself to get out of the bed and leave. Selfishly, I had chosen to stay despite not feeling like I deserved him. The idea of just going and never knowing his love again was overwhelming. For whatever reason, he had sought me out, but due to his preference for sadism and his level of intoxication that couldn't happen.~~~Several days then pass with Liam leaving the bed early and only...


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