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Frank, Rob and myself had grown up together. We had all lived on the same street growing up, and because of that became naturally good friends. We'd had a few of the same classes at school, tended to get into mischief together as well, though most of that was of the good natured kind, and quite naturally pulled practical jokes on one another in addition to all that. We'd even discovered the secrets of masturbation, all the while staring at copies of some dog-eared Playboy, or some other men's magazines that one of our dads had left laying about. At the time, it was also so natural and normal, with typical boyhood pleasures and discoveries not so heavily labeled or thought about at the time.

And though there were only the three of us at the time (we'd often referred to ourselves as the three musketeers in fact) Frank being the biggest, and even playing on the High School football team, first string, naturally became the leader of the group, small as it was. But it was usually Frank that led us off in one direction or another, or seemed to be the one to decide whatever it is we were going to do over the weekend to have a little fun and excitement. Frank was also the first one to really begin dating a steady girlfriend, though in time we all did. Though it was again Frank that was the first to lose his virginity, and then sit and tell us all about it in explicit detail while we all slept outside together in my parent's back yard one night just a few short weeks before graduation.

So far, all I'd managed to get was a little bare tit, and a bad case of blue balls with my girlfriend, and I don't think Rob had done any better than that either, if that in fact. Frank on the other hand seemed to enjoy rubbing it in our faces, though at one point, both Rob and I began to wonder if Frank had really been telling us the truth about his so-called exploits with Diane. She was indeed a knockout with great looking tits (or so it seemed anyway) and didn't have the kind of reputation that would suggest that she would let Frank get into her pants the way he'd told us he had. But, we enjoyed listening to his erotic dirty encounters even if they weren't entirely true. And like I said, we were all laying there in the back yard looking up at the stars listening to Frank as he went on telling us about one of his recent erotic naughty little encounters with Diane. As he did, I felt myself growing rapidly hard, and began doing what naturally felt good while listening to him.

"Fuck Dave, you jerking off again?" Rob said looking over towards me. I guess the telltale movement of my hand inside my sleeping bag was a dead giveaway. I was, and enjoying it.

"Oh, like you don't? Aren't?" I accused back. "Not like you're getting any either, so shut up and let Frank finish the story." Frank did, and as he did, I looked over, sure enough Rob's bag was making the same obvious movements mine had been.

"I knew it!" I said accusing him, which made Frank laugh, but worse, he then reached over grabbing the zipper on Rob's bed yanking it down, and before he knew it, Frank tossed back the upper half of it, exposing the fact that Rob did indeed have a nice thick erection, his hand clearly wrapped around it when Frank tossed back the covers. But it wasn't like we hadn't all seen one another like that before, though it had by now been a few years since any of us had. "Just do me a favor Rob, don't mess up my mother's sleeping bag ok?"

He had borrowed it, which he usually did whenever the guys came over since he didn't have one. But ... I knew damn well if he actually were to mess it up, that somehow my mother would know what the hell it was he'd done if he did ... and I'd catch hell for it.

"Don't worry about it," he said somewhat embarrassed at having been caught actually jerking himself off, though I had been as well, just not exposed when actually doing it. "I'll ah ... go stand over there somewhere when I'm ready. Now ... let Frank finish the fucking story so I can!"

It really was a pretty decent story, even if it wasn't entirely true, though once again Frank swore up and down that it was. It was then that I noticed Frank's bag was likewise making similar motions, and admit it or not, Frank was doing the same thing we'd all been.

"Fuck, this is just like back in the old days!" I laughed. "Franks jerking off too!"


"So ... we might as well all admit that we are, and just do it!" I said. Rob took that as the opportunity to at least toss the cover of his bag off and away from any leaking accidents perhaps. But then again, Rob always had been more of the exhibitionist of the group, not to mention the first one amongst the three of us, including Frank to ever shoot his wad. Something we had all taken a devout interest in watching Rob do after that, which he never seemed to grow tired of doing, even with an audience. Prick in hand, Rob settled back, once again enjoying his pleasured stroke, no longer concerned with accidentally splurging the inside of mom's sleeping bag.

"Ok, your next Dave," Frank said. "Tell us a story."

You could only tell the story about me finally getting to play with Tracy's exposed tits so many times, and I'd already told it twice now. Though at the moment, with three hard needful erections, I probably could have gotten away with it a third time, simply by adding a few imaginary images by way of spicing things up. But the truth was, I actually did have something else, even if it wasn't directly about me. And though it concerned my much older sister, both Frank and Rob had had crushes on her at one time or another growing up.

"I watched Susan suck off her boyfriend last weekend," I told them.

"You did not!" Rob spat in total disbelief. "Where? When? How?" Maybe he didn't believe me, but he sure wanted to hear about it.

"Forget it, you wouldn't believe me even if I did tell you ... but I honestly did."

"Tell it anyway," Frank said in his no-nonsense tone of voice. And then he too tossed the cover back off his sleeping bag, his much bigger thicker penis filling his hand as he lay there stroking it. "And don't leave anything out either!"

"Well last weekend was mom and dad's anniversary, so they drove over to Wendover to spend the night, do some gambling and of course celebrate. Needless to say, I wasn't too surprised when Susan informed me that Greg, her boyfriend would be coming over, and since I owed her one, which I did ... she asked me to stay out of the house for a few hours so that she and Greg could have some fun together."

"Go on..." Rob said, his tone of voice filled with lustiness. I again glanced over, watching him palm the head of his cock almost the exact way I sometimes enjoyed doing to myself.

"So anyway, since I owed my sister a favor, I left shortly after Greg came over. The only problem was, I didn't really have any place to go. Tracy was working her part-time job after school and wouldn't even be home for a couple of hours yet, so there really wasn't any place I could go, which is when I remembered something. Anyway, I parked my car down the street, and then ran back to the house. When I got there, I slipped inside the back door without being heard. I knew they would no doubt start off in the living room first, or so I hoped anyway. And I was of course correct, as I could hear the two of them talking, messing around already. But ... there was no way to actually see them without getting caught, unless..."

"Unless what?" Frank moaned to some degree when asking. Again I rose up looking over in his direction, he was half slapping, half twisting his cock.

"Hmm, have to try that," I thought. "Unless..." I began again, though I continued to sit there watching the two of them now as they lay jerking themselves off. "That I go up into the attic and watch them from there!"

"How the hell you do that?" Rob asked.

As I said earlier, we all lived together on the same street, and back then, the place we'd grown up had cookie-cutter houses as we called them. There were but three separate styles of homes, the most popular being the same design and floor plan we all lived in and were familiar with. "You know the vent that's in the ceiling in the living room?" Of course they both did. "Amazing what you can see from up there when you open it all the way," I explained, especially as you can pull the front part of the air vent completely off of it quite easily so you can change the filters and clean it out. Something I discovered when dad showed me how to do them as one of my annual chores. Anyway, I remembered being able to do that. So that's what I did. Got up into the attic, took off the vent, opened it without them knowing I was up there, and then just watched them."

"Holy fucking shit!" Rob said, now believing me as I'm sure Frank did, especially as they could very easily see and imagine how I'd actually done it.

"So what happened next?" Frank pressed now really hand slapping his prick. "What did you see after that?"

Maybe it was weird to some that I was spying on my own sister, though it certainly wasn't about her thinking back on it. Is was simply ... getting to watch someone in the act, sister or not. It was no different to me than the handful of instances I had actually caught my parents going at it, one of which I had in fact shared with the guys back in the days when we did sit around all the time enjoying a circle jerk together.

"Once I had gotten the cover off the vent, which I had to take my time doing quietly, Susan was already sitting there with her top off and her boobs hanging out."

"What did they look like?" Rob asked throatily. I laughed at that. "Shit man, I don't really remember, I mean after all, she is my own sister! It wasn't really her boobs I was staring at, but the way she was sucking her boyfriends cock!"

I did remember ... vividly. But I didn't want to come off sounding like I had the hot's for my sister either, though if I thought about what I'd said and just admitted to, that would have been a whole lot better in some ways.

"Anyway..." Frank spoke letting me know I was frustrating him here.

"So anyway, Susan's now leaning over sideways on the couch, she's busy fingering herself..."

"Fuck," Rob moans.

"And while she's doing that, Greg's working one of her tits, she has great big nipples by the way Rob, and the hardest, thickest one's you've ever seen too," that I couldn't honestly say was the truth, but I had to give him something. I heard him groan pleasurably at that however, and so continued. "And she of course has got her mouth around his cock, really sucking it, knobbing it up and down like crazy. Greg's just sitting there kneading her breast, his head thrown back, eyes closed while she's going to work on his enormous sized cock, which by the way, is as big, if not bigger than even Frank's is!"

"Oh yeah? Bigger than this fucker?" Frank says sitting up. Admittedly, he does have a pretty good-sized cock, and it's about as hard and angry looking as I've ever seen it. And he's still jerking it, though slowly.

"Well maybe close anyway," I then said, appeasing him somewhat, though now Frank continued to kneel while he sat jerking himself rather than lying down again. Though I noticed as he did so, that he also kept watching Rob as he continued milking his. "Anyway ... she's like slobbering all over this guys cock, tons of drool, which at first I thought was his cum, and that he'd already cum or something without looking or sounding like he had, but it was just tons of spit that was coming out of my sister's mouth, though even that looked pretty wicked."

"Oh fuck!" Rob moaned once again, as did Frank.

"And then finally, Susan sits up, swings her leg over his lap, reaches back and slides down over his dick. Pretty soon they're both sitting there fucking like crazy. From where I sat, I could hear and see everything. She's screaming out at nearly the top of her lungs for this guy to fuck her, which he is ... but then suddenly he like reaches it unexpectedly. He grunts, reaches back removing his prick and suddenly starts squirting all over Susan's ass and back. Biggest fucking load of cum I've ever seen ... including yours Frank!" I half laughed. "Seriously! This guy shoots a wad like no body's business. Squirt after squirt after fucking squirt is coming out of this guy's dick, and he's just drenching my sister's back and ass."

"Oh fuck ... fuck ... fuck!" Rob cries out. I turn to look, as does Frank, and we're both sitting there watching Rob's nut happen.

"Don't get it on the fucking bag man!" I find myself telling him, as Rob seems to realize he might be, rolling over in my direction, pumping out the last few squirts of his own climax into the grass instead. About then Frank stands up, moves off a bit, facing away, but the way his hand finally slows, it's obvious he's just tossed one off into the grass too though I didn't see it. Seconds later I'm pouring my own out, though I just let it go wherever the hell it wanted to. Fuck that. It felt too good.

Pretty soon we're all sitting up looking at one another. "So that was for real huh?" Frank asks me. "Truth?"

We had a rule. And as far as I knew no one had ever broken it. We all knew everybody lied, even if it was only a small white lie as they called them. And those we hardly ever called one another on. Sometimes the lie was as cool as the truth would have been as uncool to tell. But ... if you did, and someone called you on it, wanted to know the real truth, you had to tell, no matter what. Maybe it was the fact we didn't want to know if Frank was really telling us the truth or not about some of his stories that we never pinned him on it. Had we, I think he would have told us the god's honest truth. But it was also possible, that would have ruined it for us to if we found out he had been.

"Truth!" I said easily, as it was.

"Fuck man ... that was hot," Rob said only then catching his breath. "I wish to hell I could see something like that!"

"Yeah, like watching dick-head over there and Diane going at it," I stated, meaning it as a joke, though half accusing him without asking for "truth" that maybe he hadn't been.

"Hey you know what? That's not a half bad idea!" Frank said suddenly. "Then maybe you'd believe me!"

Ok, so maybe Frank had been telling us the truth the whole time after all. Unless he was again just jerking our chain about it. "Seriously? You'd let us watch you and Diane together?"

"Sure! Why not! Then maybe you guys would believe me for one thing, and for another, get to see the sweet piece of ass I've been enjoying lately. Though I'll say this ... it ever gets out that you did, or she hears about it ... I'd kill you both, friends or no friends."

"Truth?" I said looking at him, as Frank glared back at me, his eyes meaning it.


As it turned out, Frank arranged things to happen on the following Monday. He'd already worked out everything with Diane, so as far as she knew, she was just coming over to Frank's place to mess around after school like they sometimes did. Especially with both of Frank's parents working, and no one else in the house to cause them any grief as Frank was an only child. All three of us had work permits, and as such, with most of our classes pretty near finished except for final graduation exams, we attended two or three classes was all, and were usually home right after noon. And for us, this would work out perfectly as Frank had to hang around an hour and wait for Diane as she had one more last class to attend than we did.

Having given us his spear key, and since we both pretty much knew the layout of the attic as Frank's house was the exact same as ours were, Rob and I entered through the back door, replacing Fred's key under the mat. We then went upstairs through the trap door into the attic and made our way over to the vent that was in the exact same place that the one was in my house. I quickly showed Rob how to remove the vent itself from the opening, and then the filter. After that, opening it wide so we could see down and into the living room was easy. The ONLY problem after that was in being quiet, which Frank would conceal to some extent by turning the music on. We might not be able to hear whatever the hell they did or said very easily, but more importantly, Diane wouldn't hear us if we did something stupid like cough or something. Though Frank's pretty sincere warning about killing us both if she were to ever find out, hung heavy around out necks.

Oddly enough, Rob and I were both getting pretty horny while thinking about it, laying there waiting for Frank and Diane to enter.

"Just so you know, I plan on jerking off ... especially if it gets as hot as I'm hoping it will," Rob told me.

"Ditto that," I responded, not at all feeling weird about it. After all, it wasn't like we all hadn't. Nor that we hadn't seen one another doing it countless times. "Just be fucking quiet when you cum," I admonished him. "Or it's apt to be the last time you ever do!" Just then we both heard the back door opening, and the sound of Frank and Diane's voices as they came into the room. Diane started to head back towards Frank's bedroom, but he stopped her, surprising her.

"No! Let's uh ... do it out here today," he told her. "Besides, thought it might be nice to turn some music on while we're doing it," he then said. Frank's dad had a really nice sounding stereo system, so that seemed to please Diane quite a bit.

"You're just feeling especially naughty today aren't you?" she said, as Rob and I both grinned from ear to ear as she suddenly pulled the top she was wearing up and over her head, and then reached back undoing her bra. Unfortunately, we didn't see anything but her bare back for several minutes until Frank finally stood and began removing his clothes. Diane finally sat down on the couch, though she still had her panties on, watching him undress.

"Nice fucking tits!" Rob whispered, though thankfully the music was up loud enough she couldn't have heard us whispering. Even so, I whispered back reminding Rob to keep his voice down, if talking at all.

Back on the couch, Frank and Diane are sitting there facing one another. She's now got her hand wrapped around his dick, slow-stroking it making it hard, though by my estimation it already was about as fucking hard as I'd ever seen it. Frank in turn is stroking one of her rather lovely looking, nice sized breasts, his other hand down between her legs petting her there too, though we couldn't either one of us see much of that. And another thing needs be said here, the vent we were looking through, though easy to see through with it wide open the way it was, was fairly small. So ... in order for both of us to see into it well enough, we had no choice but to lay side by side ... closely. And in order to jerk off while we did, which we were, that meant pretty much facing one another in order to do it too, and continue looking on through the vent while Frank finally pushed Diane over onto her back, and then fit his pretty nice sized cock into her split and began fucking her.

Rob and I both had our cocks out by now, stroking ourselves off while we watched all the hot action taking place below us and across the room. So involved in doing that, at first I don't think either one of us knew we could actually feel the other one as we lay there, but inevitably, I soon after felt Rob's prick accidentally touch mine. We tried scooting apart a little, trying to give one another a bit more room, but that strained our ability to see clearly, and soon both found ourselves inching back in towards the middle. Eventually we just gave up and accepted the occasional accidental contact as being a casualty of our voyeurism, and let it go at that. Seeing Frank's cock slamming in and out of Diane's cunt was simply too good a thing to pass up, and admittedly, I was about as aroused as I had ever been before, much more so than when I was watching my sister and her boyfriend from the same vantage point. And of course Rob was, enough so I was starting to get worried he'd start panting too loudly and we'd be overheard because of it. One thing for sure, he was leaking like crazy, I could feel his cum smears starting to cling to the back of my hand so close together where we.

"Man, I wish I was fucking that pussy, or that she was at the very least jacking me off. That always feels so much better when someone else does it for you," Rob whispered softly, though I was damn glad that he did.

"Know what you mean," I had to admit. I wished that she was too, or that someone else was indeed pulling my cock for me. That had only happened once before in my entire life, and I had let probably the ugliest girl in school do it on a dare, which I felt bad about afterwards, but which at the same time, had been for me one of the best fucking hand jobs I'd ever felt ... my own hand included.

I don't know how, when, or why it happened. It just did. With Rob and I both laying there so close, watching Rob fuck Diane, and then watching as he pulled out and began spraying his spunk all over her tits, the next thing I knew, I had felt Rob's hard cock, wrapped my hand around it, and then felt him wrap his around mine. I think we both came seconds after we did that, jerking off one another rather quite gloriously, which is how it felt actually, damn fucking good.

There was a momentary period of uneasiness however as we hurriedly cleaned ourselves up, not really talking about what had just happened as we did. Frank and Diane soon left. Having spoke about it earlier, Frank had asked us to stay until his return. It was a quick ten minute drive back to Diane's, a few minutes with her there and back, so we knew Frank wouldn't be gone much longer than a half an hour to forty-five minutes. Rob and I came down out of the attic once we'd heard the back door close, and then sat in somewhat awkward silence for a few moments.

"That was pretty fucking hot wasn't it?" I finally stated.

I saw by Rob's expression that he was wondering what I was speaking to specifically, but decided to comment on the less obvious. "Yeah, Franks a lucky guy alright. Diane really does have a nice set of tits, and you could tell she was really into it. I swear I could hear how wet her pussy was all the way up to where we were."

Rob's mere mention of "where we were, and what we'd just done," didn't go unnoticed by the expression on his face. Though hearing Frank's car pull up into his driveway gave us both excuse for not mentioning or pursuing that any further at the moment either.

The moment Frank walked in and saw us sitting on the couch he said, "Well? What did you guys think? Is Diane hot or what?"

"Oh yeah, that was fucking hot!" We both said nearly in unison. "You're a lucky man Frank, Diane's got a great looking body, and fabulous tits."

He grinned at that pridefully. "Yeah, and bet you two jerked off while watching us too didn't you?" It was virtually impossible to stand there and deny that we hadn't, and again by the looks on our faces as we stood there with silly shit-eating grins, he knew that we had. "Truth?"

"Yeah ... we did," I said answering as he'd pulled out the truth card. Frank laughed at that knowingly.

"Wouldn't surprise me if the two of you got each other off," he then added jokingly, but his eyes widened in surprise a brief second after he'd said that. Obviously Rob's face gave away the fact that we had. "Holy shit! You two did didn't you?" Neither one of us said a thing, but then for a moment or two longer we didn't have to.

"Truth!" Frank then said making it more of a demand than a question.

I looked towards Rob, but his mouth wasn't working. His eyes said it all along with his face as he turned beet red. "Well yeah ... sorta," I finally said lamely. "It just sort of happened, we were pretty cramped up there, close quarters ya know? And..."

Frank's comment effectively cut me off from continuing. He really wasn't listening anyway, and sort of half-laughed, his own face showing an interested curiosity about what he'd just heard the two of us confess to. "Shit man, I know this is gonna sound weird and all ... but you know that I've never even felt what that's like? Diane's never beat me off either, said it's a waste of good cock." Frank paused looking at the two of us curiously, but then asked me directly as it was obvious Rob was even more embarrassed by it than he had been. "So ... how did it feel?" he asked me pointedly without a trace of disgust in his tone of voice whatsoever.

"It felt ... good," I freely admitted looking over towards Rob, surprised when he likewise stood there nodding his head yes, that it had. "But probably more so because we were watching you and Diane when we were," I then added. "Didn't really think about it, just the feeling I guess," I left off. But Frank didn't seem to be all that bothered about any of that.

"Fuck, I'm getting a woody just thinking about what it would be like to feel that ... start to finish," he said surprising both Rob and I. Frank had slipped his hand down to his crotch absentmindedly rubbing himself, his next comment shocking both Rob and I when he said it. "Listen, since you two already have, how about one of you do me so that I can feel that?"

Both Rob and I again looked at one another, neither one of us up and suddenly volunteering anything. "I don't know Frank..." I began feeling a bit weird that we were even standing here discussing this. It had been several years since the old sit around and circle jerk days, and even then all we'd done was sit there and do it without really (purposely) looking at one another while we did.

"We'll all take a turn doing one another," he then suggested, that way no one can say anything about it one way or the other. And after we do ... it stays here between us, doesn't go any farther than that either, agreed?"

The fact that Frank of all people said he'd do one of us seemed to settle any uncertainty that either Rob or I had, with Rob once again simply nodding his head. "So ... we uh ... just sort of circle jerk like we used to do? Only this time, doing one another at the same time or what?"

"Well ... sort of," Frank said thinking about it. "But I think it would feel better, and maybe even be easier if we just sort of took turns, one of us jerking off the other, and then taking their turn afterwards, something like that. That way I can really just lay there and feel what it's like ... start to finish," he again said reminding us why we were even doing this in the first place.

We decided to flip a coin to see who did Frank first between us. Whoever did, it would be their turn next. As it turned out, I was to jerk Frank off, then Rob would jerk me off, and then Frank would do Rob. Shortly after that we retreated into Frank's bedroom. He had a secret stash of girlie magazines in his closet which he brought out, and just like the old days so long ago, we all sat and began looking through them getting ourselves aroused. And though we did, we all still felt pretty awkward when we finally got undressed, three high school chums standing around naked in front of one another with full blown erections.

"Got any lube?" I asked. Frank grinned, opening the bottom cabinet of his nightstand and producing a small bottle of baby oil.

"Here, use this ... I do," he grinned. "Feels pretty good, better than Vaseline," he told us seriously. Frank then crawled up into his bed, making himself comfortable. His prick was rock hard as I sat down next to him and though it still felt a little weird, I found that I was excited too, my own cock still just as equally hard as his was as I poured a bit of baby oil into the palm of my hands, and then poured a bit of it over his cock, watching it as it oozed down his shaft making it glisten.

"Tell me if I'm not doing it right, or if you don't like it or something," I asked. Frank didn't answer, just nodding his head and then closing his eyes. I took that as a sign to begin, which I then did as Rob took a seat next to us watching.

The head of Frank's dick was considerably larger than my own, or even Rob's for that matter, though he was about average sized. In comparison, mine was perhaps a bit thicker than either of the two, though Rob held the title of being the longest by a good inch or so. With slick hands, I started out just pumping Frank's prick up and down.

"Slower, do it slow at first," he asked without opening his eyes. "I'll tell you when." I slowed the pace down considerably, now just moving the skin around his prick up and down ever so softly, and began to actually get into it while I did so. I sat, watching as I pulled the skin of his prick all the way up and over the head of it, and then held it there, sometimes letting it go entirely. I began to do to Frank's cock the way I sometimes enjoyed doing to my own, wondering if he did much the same things as I was. "Oh yeah, yeah ... that's good, keep doing it like that," he told me.

I took a quick peek over towards Rob, saw him sitting there watching the two of us cock in hand. I almost laughed, if he kept doing that to himself, Frank would hardly have to do anything when it was his turn. Knowing Rob, he was apt to come the moment Frank even touched him. I turned back to focus on what I was doing, saw Frank's dick head get really purplish swollen and could hear his soft grunts of pleasure as I sat there stroking his dick. Obviously it felt good, and I began getting a bit more enthusiastic as I started twirling just the head in my fist, and then went from there to twisting it all the way down in one stroke, and then twisting it the opposite way on the other.

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After I got back from the airport, I snuck out the back and watched Tony’s house from the orchard. There was no sign of activity. His bedroom light was on just as I’d left it. Three hours later our phone rang. It was my dad. Marissa had arrived in Seattle safe and sound. She was starting to get strung out, so he took her directly to a clinic where she voluntarily admitted herself. My dad told me that the treatment lasted two weeks and during the first week she wasn’t allowed any outside...

3 years ago
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All the Girls at My Place

My wife and I lived in a beautiful home overlooking one of America's most scenic valleys. Her father had given us the place, him being one of the wealthier people in this country. To be honest, he could afford it twenty times over. My wife had been, and still was, his little angel, so when she asked to be allowed to live a life of luxury, he made it possible for both of us to do anything and go anywhere we chose-whenever we chose. Neither of us had to work another day of our lives. Needless...

1 year ago
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Honey Trap

This is my first time penning one of the various ideas that sometimes run through my head, I hope you enjoy it and can give me some feedback! Thanks. —————————————– He was about to leave for the checkout when he saw that distinctive honey coloured hair. It was all he could do not to jump the woman wearing overalls and picking her jelly (plum or grape?), and he looked at her more carefully. She was slimmer than he remembered, having last saw her on their summer vacation trip, and her features...

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The New Guy Chapter 7

Setting her briefcase down by the door, Jennifer reached into her handbag for the keys to the office. She had been enjoying the sunshine and watching the birds soar and swoop as she walked from her car. The office complex was close to the bay, and there was often a variety of birds. The sight of them flying around and the sounds they made always brought a calm to Jennifer. As she walked into the lobby of her office, she locked the door behind her. It was only nine o’clock, and everyone usually...

2 years ago
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The Vine Pt 5

They go downstairs and see June sitting on the couch watching TV as they introduce themselves. I didn’t have anything that would fit you but this bikini. Or you can go naked if you want. Most of the time we are naked ourselves, but we dress up to play. We was getting ready to play some card you can join us if you want to. What kind of play June asks. Each girl pulls out a sex toy and a bottle of oil, and says strip poker with a twist. We deal a hand of five cards and the highest total wins the...

2 years ago
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Straight Boy Bottom

Chapter 1 - The First TimeIt was all my girlfriend's fault. Before all this I was a pretty normalguy. A little on the short side at 5'7", I had dark red hair and paleskin, and bright green eyes. I was an avid runner and swimmer and so had apretty lean cut body, which was naturally pretty smooth. My cock stands atabout 6" hard, and pretty thick.Like I said, pretty normal to look at, if on the attractive side. I gotdecent grades in school, and went to college. I dated girls, and fucked alot...

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The Red DoorChapter 12

So the next few days passed much as planned, I kept my word to the Doc and to Sharon, my days spent with the other dog girls whilst they were training. Mostly I just tried to fade into the background, occasionally I’d offer a suggestion, but quietly, without interrupting. Sue didn’t spend every night in my bed, much as I wanted that, not just because she was my only sexual outlet. It took some time to explain to Sue that I wasn’t sending her away, I just didn’t want either of us changing our...

3 years ago
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Watching the Boys Part 12

I felt numb. "What have I done? Did I just sell my son off for a better quality of life? "I thought to myself as I rode back to the resort without my son. Not even Leif's hot body could pop me out of how guilty I felt at that moment. Leif didn't say anything to me on the ride back to the resort; he just had a concerned look on his face. Angel also noticed my look as he drove but didn't say anything to me either. We finally arrived back at the resort. Leif got out first and held the door open...

3 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 49

One month later... Monday, 26 May, 2014 Roanoke, Virginia “So, they’ve been consolidating their gains and absorbing their new recruits, just as we have prepared this defense in depth. It seems that Charlottesville’s defenses are greatly augmented, of course, and that Norfolk, Lancaster, Stanardsville, Twin Lakes, several others, are really putting their pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together now. It’s a genuine defensive line now,” Austin informed me now. “Very well. Very well indeed. Let’s...

2 years ago
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A New Toy

Ellie closed the door behind her with a sigh of relief. Another long work week was done. Back to back meetings, always another email to answer, another decision to make. She knew she deserved a relaxing evening, something that would relieve the tension of the stressful past days. She'd been so busy that she hadn't even had time to contact Sam - she'd seen him in some meetings, which had definitely increased her tension, albeit in an entirely different way. But each night, she'd gotten home late...

4 years ago
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Megyn Kelley Surprise Sex

What a Day thought Megyn as she took the elevator down to the parking garage. The news day starts early with intense preparation. Then there is always the expected unexpected as news breaks through the day. Exhausted she wanted to get home to a relaxing bath. Megyn always watched her attire. She had to or somebody would catch in a bad light and the press would jump on it. Today she had on a knee length light colored dress, matching jacket and white blouse. Blonde, beautiful and...

2 years ago
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New Games

“Unzip your dress,” he whispered quietly from his chair neatly placed at the back of the room. I’d only been dating Steven for a month or so; we’d made love a few times back at my place and I was still as enamored with him now as I had been on the day that he first asked me out for a drink after work. This, however, was something new. His tone was more serious and the playfulness in his voice had all but disappeared. I smiled sheepishly in the dim light of the bedroom and stepped towards him...

2 years ago
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Red Part X Grace meets up with Cliff

“Bye honey, have a good day at work” said Grace as she closed the door behind Norm. She rushed to the shower, and lathered up. She ran her hands over her soapy, snow white 34C boobs, and slipped a finger into her slit as she scrubbed her pussy. She grabbed the razor, shaved her long white legs and trimmed her bright red bush. She knew Cliff would be pounding her pussy later that morning so she might as well have it looking fresh and neat. She dried off and headed to her walk-in closet to pick...

1 year ago
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Country BoyChapter 3

Larry was in a quandary now. He had two projects started and, to him, they both had top priority. On the one hand, he really needed to get the house or cabin or whatever you would call it completed so he and Beth had a warm dry place to live during the winter. That project would take several days more work if he did it like he originally planned. He also really needed to get the dam completed and his generator set up so he could have some electric power. Of course he couldn’t complete the...

3 years ago
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My Aunt8217s Satisfaction

Hi, Am Shiva working in Canada for Ted’s Outsourcing Company. Currently am 26 with 5’8 weighing 71 kilos. I had many Real life incidents with my Teachers and my Relatives. One of that was with my uncle Daughter named Anitha and aunt sathyabhama. This incident first happened when I was 18yrs of age. We are from a very reputed family and ours was a middle class family. At the initial stage, my grandfather who was a farmer supported my uncle’s family and later on my uncle took up farming as his...

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Mercado LakeChapter 8

Ann heard Bob walk back onto the porch and stomp his feet to get some of the snow off of his boots. He opened the door and walked back into the room carrying a box. "I hate to tell you this lady but there's about ten inches of snow out there and it's coming down as hard as ever. It looks like we might get eighteen inches or more." Bob sat the box down on the counter in the kitchen area, "I almost forgot this. I meant to take it out of the car before I came up here. I hope it didn't...

3 years ago
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The Hot Babysitter

(It is implied that all characters in the story are atleast 18, and at no point am I implying that any characters are under 18) ======================================= It was hot Saturday night in the fall, and your parents wanted to go out on a nice date. They wanted to get dinner and then go watch a show in the city, which meant you had a good 4-5 hours at home alone. You got really excited when you heard that. You just thought of all the porn you could watch in 4...

2 years ago
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Chudwane Ka Maza Papa ke satz Part 2

Chudwane Ka Maza Papa ke sath….Part 2 Dosto ye mera second part hai….pehla part aap sabko atcha laga main bahut…khush hoon…aab kahani aagee…. Rani nai breakfirst radi kar li thi mai our papa jub rani ke pass pouche rani boli….aie hai fir se chod ke aaa rahi hai didi…. Main- haaa…kya karo papa ka land kadha hotai chod ne ka di karta hai…ha ha ha… Papa- mera ho dil kar raha hai fir se tujhe pelo…. Rani- kya papa mujhe kab chod ke peloge.. Main- aab tari bari main aur nahi chodwa sakti….mai thik...

4 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 3

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 3 "Well, it certainly sounds more exciting than my brush with MORFS." "You're a morf? One of us?" "Of course. Nothing useful, like yours. But it did get exciting in a sad sort of way." Rose consciously switched back to English. "Exciting and sad? What happened?" "I grew up in a small village near the coast of Eire - Ireland, you call it. We used to joke that...

1 year ago
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Lost my Bet Maryanne

Lost my Bet - Maryanne.Hi guys I’m Maryanne, Dave’s fuck buddy. We fuck each other whenever one of us wants relief. Our respective significant others don’t know. Yes, this adds to the excitement. I have agreed to write this if he promises not to change a word. So dear reader this is all true. You know Dave is a fit horny 30 ish bloke. He would never comment on his dick but it’s bigger than my current boyfriend’s. He fits my pussy very snugly. He continues to deny that he enjoyed the follow...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sister8217s Classmate

Hi ISS readers. Thanks for the feedback on the stories I have written till now and I hope to get some feedback for this new story which is a real life incident that happened between my sister’s classmate/friend and me. You can leave comments and feedback at Any girl, ladies, and aunties that wanna chat can contact me here as well, I am very discreet and will keep your identity hidden. Also, I am willing to give tips to anyone who needs to seduce and live their dreams with whoever they want....

4 years ago
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Daughter of Gor combined version featuring bonus sequel The Short Second Life of Gunter Rahmsdorf

Author's disclaimer This is a work of fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman, and no financial or other gain is being made or intended by the author of this work. This work must not be reposted on other sites. Author's Note: I wanted to combine the sections of Daughter of Gor and correct some minor typos and editorial issues that came from posting in parts. But before I disappoint you - most of...

3 years ago
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The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword

How did it get to this point? I don't understand what happened. I thought she loved me. Oh, but you don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Well let me enlighten you: It started with her. Her name is Alexandra. Right now she's probably going to town on my best friend, Sam. Or is it my ex-best friend? I'm not even sure anymore. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Alex was the girl of my dreams in every way. But now, I'm not so sure. We were pretty good friends in high school. That's...

4 years ago
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Bobby and Lee meet each other with me in the middl

After I dressed up for Lee a few days later i dressed for Bobby. We would fuck and suck and i would dress up but i was watching more porn and was wanting to take it further. My step dad had a video in not with the others in the box under his bed it was in a shoe box in his closet I glued one day when I was getting some of my moms clothes to wear and Fuck Bobby. The shoe box had 2 videos in it Gangbang girl 9 and Backdoor Desires, condoms, lube, and a handcuffs with a key. I watched both movies...

2 years ago
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The Breast Test

This story is meant for adult readers only. It contains imaginary depictionsof violence and ideas that may be physically impossible or absurd. It is notintended to convey or condone the idea of violence or sexual activities involvinganyone under the legal age of consent, nor is it meant to contain representationsof actual people or institutions. If you qualify to read this and like bizarrefantasies, I hope you enjoy it. The Breast Test, Chapter 1 © Aiken 2005, all rights reserved ***...

1 year ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 9

Dukov and Kim returned to the Central Police Station as soon as the classmates had entered their school. Kim removed her cape as soon as they entered the building, since she was strictly prohibited from wearing it inside. She folded it over her arm and followed her Spokesman back to his office. Upon getting back upstairs, Dukov and his client helped the secretaries set up four recovery tables. All of the Spokespersons previously had agreed among themselves to help Eloisa's classmates as...

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After a long time

After a long time I did not write a lot and I'm sorry about it, but I believe I will make up for it with the story today. I did not write for a long time because I got a new job and somehow I was in it. It's been enough to get psychic fatigue from me and I was not all right. Somehow I did the job and home that made me sick and I got sick for a couple of days. I said that was enough, not the first job. So I did it. There was also a recent boyfriend / fuck buddy I saw a couple of times a week....

4 years ago
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Moms Donkey UrgeChapter 7

Linda could not think of anything to say, for how did a girl explain a situation like this one? And she couldn't have spoken, anyhow, because she still had a mouthful of dog cock. She looked up at Dick Warden with an impish gaze, then let that gaze slide down to his cock and balls, making the visual suggestion obvious. Having fucked and sucked with his hounds, she certainly owed the man a crack at her. And, anyhow, that was no hardship. His big cock looked delightful. Dick, grinning...

3 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 6

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Chapter 52 (Part 6) When I awoke, I was somewhere I had never been, and oddly enough, I woke while standing. I looked down at myself and noticed something wholly unexpected, something that caused joy to fill my...

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Mannequins From Mars 2

Mannequins from Mars 2 by Paul G. Jutras The year is 2040 and a few months ago a small mid western town was the victim of an alien invasion. The aliens themselves were mannequin-like in appearance and had weapons to make a mannequin out of anyone. It is now summertime, and that same small little town is about to learn that the aliens had left something behind. "Don't worry Matt, you'll love it." Jim Johnson said to his best friend as they and Jim's' brother John drove a jeep...

4 years ago
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Creampie for Husband

"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

1 year ago
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Our romantic evening turns into a voyeurs paradise

We’d been excited about this trip away for ages and were excited about a few days away from the hum drum of day to day life. We were looking forward to enjoying ourselves in the day, having some fine wine and eating some great food in some nice restaurants. Of course we were looking forward to enjoying each others naked flesh. I don’t mind admitting that I’d had a few ideas of what we could get up to. It was getting late and we were still in the bar. It had been really fantastic being out with...

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One In Three part 2

Sofa cushions and an oversized pillow were arranged on the floor in a make-shift bed, and the four women stood around it nervously milling among each other naked and giggling, drinking wine and playing slap & tickle, feeling each other up and comparably remarking on their body parts – their breasts & nipples, their legs & butts, the girls admiring of Maggie’s big tits and sumptuous ass, and Maggie nostalgic for a time when she was as youth-lean & limber as they and without stretch-marks –...

3 years ago
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me and my stepdaugher

Well lets see I have been dating her mom for going on seven years now and the whole time she was always strutting by me in tight fitting cloths . I would image n I was making love to her as I had sex with her mother . See the only working shower in the trailer was the one in our bedroom .So one day I was laying on the bed and she came out like usual in nut hen but a towel wrapped around that hot young body of hers as she came around the front of the bed where my head was she told me there was...

2 years ago
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Tony Maria Sean ColleenSean Colleen

As Tony and Maria were finishing their tryst, Sean McCarthy was lying on his bed in gym shorts and a t-shirt trying to study for his upcoming History final. His parents, James "Mac" and Mary McCarthy were out for their weekly, Friday evening, 'dinner and dancing' date. There was a soft knock at his door. He heard his sister Colleen ask, "Sean, may I come in?" "Sure, Collie, it's open." Colleen entered. Like Sean, she was fair skinned, with red hair and freckles. She was wearing...

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Josh Mathewand Alice get revenge

It was the next day and the siblings had planned revenge. Before class everyone from Ms. Thomas's class huddled up. Alice brought her whistle her coach gave her when she played soccer. They boys brought paddles, belts, bikinis, dog food, thongs, granny panties, ropes, hooks, and an extra lunch. Ok so what's the plan their class asked. Well, first we spot Ms. Thomas's undies then when blow my whistle we tie her up. Wait what about the other stuff Max asked? Oh you'll we Alice said with a grin on...

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Alex had heard so many stories about her new flatmates beforehand; their threesomes and group sex. She was completely comfortable with the idea of bisexuality. It's just she'd never considered herself to be bisexual. Until now. Within the first week of moving in, she found herself checking out Amanda's breasts. Amanda had a habit of wandering around in her underwear which didn't help. But that was Amanda for you, she had no inhibitions. She'd fuck whoever she wanted whenever she wanted. She...

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Susan the horny GILF

I'm a very unassuming person, no one would ever see me as a sexual b**st. I'm 32 years old, short by American standards, I'm only 5'4 but built Samoan warrior. I first met Susan 6 years ago, while working in a hospital in south Florida. I was taking care of her husband who just had a stoke a week ago, there was little anyone could do for him. He was going to be bed bound pretty much the rest of his life. I was surprise that David had no visitors, no wife, no k**s until much later in the day a...

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Many girls crave attention on the internet, and you can give them just what they are asking for. You have a subreddit called r/needysluts/, and here you have loads of gorgeous women who love to post nude and seductive pictures that will make your woody rise. It is straightforward, and everyone is allowed to is a free website, and this is just one of many other subreddits you can explore. There are tons of NSFW subreddits that are filled with porn, so if you are partially...

Reddit NSFW List
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meant to be

This story is true in a sense it happened to a friend of mine, I knew him through the years growing up he was a perfectly normal red blooded American guy he played football we chased girls. We talked about girls all the time we were definitely girl crazy I remain the same girl crazed guy ive always been but he changed as soon as he met wendy she so beautiful she had dirty blonde hair green eyes she was so smart and funny. They were perfect together they were meant to be everytime i seen him I...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 5

The Undercover Detective part 5 28th May I awoke alone in bed and was disappointed that Sue was already up and about. When dressing, my corset got my waist down to 27 inches without too much pain. What to wear was a problem. I was running out of clean panties, gaffs and bras. I had been wearing hold up stockings, but I was running out of them. My legs were too pale to go without stockings, so I put on some lightweight tights. I needed to think about getting some sun on my legs....

2 years ago
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Good Vibrations

Introduction: An young boy and girl quietly lose their virginity in the back of a SUV. Good Vibrations By Missy Younglove (based on a true story submitted via PM) Gender: Female Age at First Vaginal Intercourse: 11 Partner Age: 11 My best friend Mike and I were in the back of his familys SUV, riding home from a pro baseball game. His dad was driving but his mom and two little brothers has already conked out. Wed originally gotten into the third seat, then crawled into the small space behind...

1 year ago
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Home Again

I was being sucked and it felt so good. Those lips were working my shaft and that tongue was tickling my piss slit. I groaned and was telling him to work my cock harder. Then I shot my load and woke up. I had been home from that boys' school for about two weeks. At the age of seventeen, I was constantly horny and I found myself very lonely. Back at that "place" (as I referred to it,) sex was available anytime. Sometimes even when you didn't want it. Now back in my home town of five thousand...

Gay Male
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 49 She Blinded Me With Science

Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 6:55pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you ladies up for a little zing with your steaks?” I asked Lynette and her mother, Ms. Dillon, as I looked at the spice rack in the Robertson’s kitchen pantry. I was finally over the surprise and shock of hearing Mrs. Robertson’s story of how she convinced my mother to let me stay overnight here after our day in Chatham at the WOSSA Gymnastics’ meet. “Isn’t this teriyaki marinade good enough for you, Cuda?” Lynette...

1 year ago
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Office Sex

Hi, One more incident from me, which is about a year and a half old. Please provide feedback at . I was standing in the boardroom waiting for the meeting to begin. I could still smell the cologne I had used that morning, it was Eternity for men, a gift from a friend. I smiled – she was a special friend and exceptionally good in bed as I remembered. I was wearing my “smart trousers” as she called them. The door to the boardroom opened. I looked up to see a tall, slim woman enter the room. She...

2 years ago
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Danis New Life

Dani Evans sat, rather uncomfortably, at one of those small, tall tables in the lobby bar of the Beacon Marriot in downtown Boston. Surrounded by half a dozen coworkers from around the country gathered at their Quarterly Sales Conference, she felt alone. And when she drank, feeling a little lonely, as always she started to reminisce. She sipped at her dirty martini and nodded appropriately to those around her, while trying to understand what was happening to her. The years had been more than...

2 years ago
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My friend Sally Part 1

I meet Sally on a sex dating site and although she knew from my advert that I cross dressed we originally meet for straight male / female sex. She was a mature lady with massive boobs who was hot for sex as hubby was unable to provide the service she now desired. We use to meet at a motel half way between where we both lived.After a couple of meetings we got to talking about some more kinky things we would both like to do. One of these for me was meeting her with me as Jenny the sissy maid...

3 years ago
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An Evening In

An Evening In He had explained it carefully to her; the time had come for him to share his most treasured possession with friends. Good friends, carefully chosen by him for their good conversation, differing personalities and ability to be discreet. He explained he was proud of her, she had developed her skills to the best of her ability, and now he wanted to show others just how skilled she was. It was to be an evening meal, four friends plus him, guiding and orchestrating the plans for the...

1 year ago
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Accident Prone Linda goes to school

Accident Prone Linda goes to schoolBy The Bitchfinder GeneralChapter One Linda goes to her new schoolBackground ? this is the first of a series about a very accident-prone young woman who constantly gets into trouble and punished for things that are not really her fault at all. The series traces her story from her schooldays into various misadventures in adult life. By my standards, it is a ?light-hearted? story with only moderate levels of sex and violence. Synopsis:  Linda Marshall goes to a...

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If Thats Your Excuse Ch 08

Hey guys sorry for the wait, this part was just a little hard to iron out. Hope you enjoy and I swear the next chapter is already on its way! I smiled and waved as Ben pulled out of my driveway two hours later. We’d had breakfast, laughed, and smiled. But I knew eventually I’d have to get home and explain myself. My parents hadn’t even known I was missing, but I’m sure there would be a few friends I owed an explanation. I felt guilty for last night, but it wasn’t really something I could have...

4 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3

Introduction: Bonding Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3 Have you ever been shopping with 3 kids who are wide eyed at just about everything they see? Let me tell you, it is a definite experience. The twins were dressed in their school uniform skirts with their white button down shirts, knee socks and black loafers. They were not wearing their neck ties or, as I found out in the mall, their panties. A ride up the escalator revealed that little fact. But that did not seem to hinder them in the least. My...

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