Foie De La ViergeChapter 9 free porn video

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But I wasn't thinking. I was reacting. Dear God, imagine it - after all these years, me, a humble peasant, about to fuck the daughter of the Marquis de Lyons! Raping her! Laying her down, tying her up and poking her holes!

What a thought!

But why not? Why shouldn't I do it?

Shouldn't she pay for the atrocities of her father? Didn't she deserve to be punished? And maybe she'd like it.

I took myself aside and calmed myself down. I took deep breaths. I shrugged, and when I came back, I stood in front of Christine and pointed towards the stone on which her clothes were to be placed. "This isn't about your father anymore," I said. "It's about me."

"You, monsieur?"

"It's about what I want and what I need, and I need to fuck you."

She nodded briefly, accepting fatalistically what I'd said, and very deliberately, she let go of my cock. She stood up and unfastened the cloth buttons on the left side of her dress. "You need to fuck me because it excites you and because it's been a long time," she offered somberly, and her fingers were shaking. "And when you do it you'll hurt me the same way my father hurt my mother."

"I didn't say that I'd hurt you," I countered irritably, because this constant niggling accusation was had no basis. "I won't hurt you. I promise."

"You'll hurt me," Christine whispered again, trembling and looking knowingly into my eyes. "You'll hurt me because I'm my father's daughter. You'll hurt me a lot. My screams will be music to your ears, and because I'm a woman, my pain will arouse you."


"Yes, monsieur! Yes! Yes! Yes! Admit it! Imagine it!"

"I can't!"

"But you can, monsieur. Say the words. Say it: admit it."

"I can't," I groaned helplessly. "The sins of the father are visited upon the children and your father drove an irreparable wedge that killed my marriage. He laid out my mistakes for the vermin to see. But retribution isn't the answer."

Christine bowed her head. "Monsieur. Why do you lie? You'll hurt me because I'm an attractive woman and it's something that you yearn to do! The thought of it repels and disturbs you but you cannot resist. You like women. You like our tits and our pussies and you like causing us pain. This is your secret pleasure and it makes you a dangerous man! Admit it, monsieur! Tell me to be frightened."

"I do admit it. It's my weakness," I growled wretchedly, dipping my head. "I'm sorry. I keep fighting it but it's true. I want to fuck you because that's what I am."

"And you want to hurt me," she insisted. "Fucking isn't sufficient for a man such as yourself. Admit it, monsieur! You want to cause me maximum pain."

When I finally nodded, she hurriedly unfastened her dress, deliberately and nervously parting the material and pushing her bosom towards me as a woman does when she's aroused and wants to be noticed. "You're going to fuck me and hurt me because that's what turns you on, monsieur. I thought you were better than that, but father insisted that you weren't. He warned me. He said that you were the face of the Devil and that I shouldn't forget or let down my guard. He told me how you did this in your youth. He explained to me about the traveler at the lake and how you raped and abused her because of your weakness. He told me that to understand a man, any man; I must understand his demons and his inner desires. If a woman can do that and then face and endure them then she has mastered her Devil within..."

Her hands busied with the buttons on the other side of her dress. She seemed in a hurry to unfasten it, like she was on a personal mission. When she'd finished, she pulled the bodice from her shoulders and down the upper part of her arms, inviting me to look at her, fully knowing that it was like waving a ham under the nose of a starving man.

And I was definitely starving. I was desperate and in heat and so I growled, turning sharply away in anguish. "Every word of what your father told you about me is undoubtedly false," I averred. "It's not true. I repeat again that I'm not proud of what I've done."

"Then tell me, monsieur. Put me right. Tell me about the lake and about Isabelle. Tell me your side of the story."

So I told her.

I told her about the woman who'd stayed overnight at the tumbledown convent a short distance from the village. I told her about how she'd had dark brown hair, eyes the color of green grass and lips like the summer bougainvillea, and Christine was immediately enthralled. When I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, she begged me to continue.

"Don't stop," she urged, pulling her arms from their sleeves. "Please, monsieur. I'm listening. Go on, please, because there is more. Much more."

"What is there to say?" I stared up despairingly at the hanging stalactites through wet, misty eyes and I felt my soul inexorably drifting back to the lake.

"I ... I don't believe you, monsieur. Tell me, what are you hiding?"

Hiding? Only that Isabelle had gone to the willows to bathe. She was a rich lady and rich ladies always went there because it was secluded. The area was inside the convent wall, out of bounds, and in any case, there was a nun to keep guard, Ann Marie.

So, there I was, sixteen years of age, an orphan with a brother and three sisters to support. I was definitely a man, and like most young men I was curious about women, and so I slipped two coins into my pretty nun's palm and I slipped past her, down the narrow descending path towards the lake.

I knew her, you see. She was not much older than me and we'd grown up together in the village and so I could take liberties that she wouldn't have permitted in anyone else, and therefore I knew that she wasn't a good, holy kind of nun. She was too sensual, too material, too attached to this world. She was too interested in sex. Each time I came up from the lake she'd settle me down in the long grass and at her assistance, she's ask me what I'd seen, for how long and whether I'd played with my dick.

Then, she'd order me to take my cock from my pants and she'd study and observe it and she'd tell me to touch it, and I'd answer her thousands of questions, describing to her the things I'd witnessed, stroking myself throughout. She'd question me about the size of the various women's breasts and their shape, the firmness of their asses, the amount of hair on their pussies. She'd tease me and it was obvious that she was doing it to excite me and because she wanted me to jump her. Unfortunately for her, I was greatly in awe of the Church at that time and so Ann Marie was out of bounds to me, and as a result, our lovemaking was by proxy. She played with herself as she bathed and I watched her. And I played with myself while I described what I'd seen, and she watched me. These were our surrogates for sex and we were each addicted.

So on this particular day I slipped past my pretty nun and stepped down the path, through the tangled bramble and shrubs and into the forest, and from here the path dropped sharply towards the lake, and it turned, passing through a crumbling escarpment before leveling at the water's edge. Here, the water was calm, clear, and I scurried to my vantage point on the far side where I'd been many times before. By the time I got there I was aroused, breathing heavily and tense because the traveler had already pulled off her dress and her petticoats: her stockings and her chemise, and I watched as she lay them across an old rotting tree trunk.

I could see her clearly from the other side of the water and so I pulled out my dick as I habitually did and I stroked it. I watched as she removed her undergarments and dropped them on top of her other clothes, and once she was done, I saw Eve as I'd seen many similar Eves, only this one was delightfully firm breasted with a thicket of hair at the joint of her legs.

As I enjoyed her beauty, I played excitedly with my cock, expecting to see her enter the water, but instead, she sat on the felled tree to the side of her clothes and she removed several pins from her hair so that it tumbled across her shoulders. Then she ran her fingers through it, searching for tangles. Next she removed a necklace and a ring and she laid them carefully on her clothes. Finally, she looked around and seeing no one present, she leaned back, spread her legs wide and she touched inside, not slow and lingering and feminine as Ann Marie would have done it, but hard, cruel and brutal.

She lay with her legs brazenly apart and slightly raised, and she humped herself. She pulverized and hurt her pussy until it was puffy, bruised and raw, and still she kept going. I could hear her growls and screams that were joy and pain combined. Her back arched and her breasts became swollen and hard.

I was spellbound because despite coming to the lake so many times I'd never seen a woman act in such a violent promiscuous way, certainly not Ann Marie. Ann Marie did it slyly, secretly and longingly. She did it when she was in the water and with barely a murmur.

Isabelle's love, on the other hand, was in a different league of full frontal obscenity, and seeing it was like there was a touch paper being lit inside me, as if Isabelle was telling me how cheap and sluttish and whorish she was. She was begging me to do something, to fuck her, rape her. She were giving me the right to force my attentions, a duty to act, and because of it, on impulse, I got up and returned the way I'd come, up through the escarpment until I reached the fork at the top. One way led up to the road and Ann Marie while the other was the route to the lake. I could have gone to Ann Marie and grabbed her, kissed her, pushed her into the grass and fucked her in the way that men ought. I could have taken my pleasure in the normal romantic way and she'd have let me and she'd have been purring throughout, but instead I was drawn to the other path which led to the spot where the traveler was waiting, and I turned and hurried there, almost running, tumbling down the steep winding path.

I wasn't thinking. I was reacting and not acting; and at the bottom there was a clearing where there was some mud and weeds and there I saw this beautiful creature hurting her pussy and I rushed to claim it, and that's when she saw me.

She was startled, thinking that I'd stumbled there by chance. She tried to cover herself, expecting me to turn and depart as any French Gentleman would, but I was sixteen. I was Rustic. I wasn't a Gentleman and so when I didn't do as she expected she became upset. She jumped up and called out. She shrieked and cried to the nun at the top of the hill, and she stretched for her clothes.

But her Savior didn't come. Her Savior was my salaried accomplice. Her Savior was deaf. He was Judas, and so I nonchalantly tore the clothes from my traveler's hands and tossed them contemptuously away, throwing them to the air and I stood, tall, proud and manly, leering at her milky breasts and hair covered mound, at her white thighs and heaving shoulders.

Abruptly, she screamed again and begged me to leave. She said she had money and she reached amongst her clothes and she brought out a purse and she tipped out a large number of coins.

She held them as if from a disobedient child to a parent, pleading, crying and sobbing, and I thanked her and grabbed the coins from her hand as well as the purse that they'd come from.

The money did her no good, of course. Having thanked her, I removed my belt from my trousers and I wrapped it around her neck, and using the tail of it, I pulled her through the nettles and the brambles, tugging her behind me. I took her to the water and held her beneath it until the screaming stopped and she was broken.

She didn't cry after that, even when I took her away from the water and made her crawl through the mud with her face dirty and ghastly, her hands trembling and shivery. I lifted her ass and positioned it so that she knew what her punishment would be.

She let out a hideous scream. That was the extent of her protest: that repugnant noise. She knelt without moving or complaining and I rammed her from behind, and then, when I'd finished with her, I tightened the belt.

What do I say?

Am I proud of that day? No.

Have I regrets? Yes.

And yet despite those regrets, once I was finished she was purring with pleasure.

I paused because I was finding it difficult to speak.

Christine, however, didn't give me my space. Instead, her dress fell to her hips and she posed provocatively for me, turning this way and that so that I would get a good view. "I think," she said tentatively, "that it can't be easy for a woman to understand her own feelings when she's naked and a man is ogling her body and dominating her so forcefully. You actions did, I think, stir my mother's thoughts and emotions to the extent that she was left lost, excited and confused."

I coughed. "Ann Marie took her back to the convent." I sighed, staring into the past with eyes that were both distant and remote. "She was angry with me and I'd never seen her that way. She said I'd done wrong, that I'd regret it, that I'd been cruel. She made me apologize to Isabelle, and yet Isabelle, being Isabelle, stayed my hand and she thanked me, she kissed me, and after that, I heard nothing from either of them, not for a week. No one came to the house. No one complained. Isabelle and Ann Marie were locked in the convent and neither came out. Then one week later, I looked out of the window by chance and I saw four soldiers marching up the hill with Isabelle and Ann Marie between them and neither looked happy.

"As I've told you, I was orphaned at twelve with my parents dying from cholera, and now I was a man, sixteen years old with responsibility for Henri, my fourteen year old brother and my sisters: Esme, Nicolette and Adalyn, who were eighteen, fifteen and twelve years of age respectfully. I was their Guardian because I was the man.

"And so when the soldiers came to the house, the others were all looking to me for instruction, Adalyn first. 'What's going on?' she asked. 'Who are those soldiers?'

"'And who is that lady?' Henri added, before pausing, astonished, because 'the lady's' hands were bound behind her back all the way from her wrists to her elbows.

"The lady was Isabelle, of course, and she was dressed in an elegant cotton dress of a type that villagers couldn't even dream of. It was pale blue and decorated with tiny white pearls and lashings of lace. In addition to that dress, she wore tiny cloth shoes on her feet and gold earrings and broaches, a sapphire necklace and a comb in her hair. Her face was painted with paste. Yet her arms were bound behind her back as if she were a felon.

"More incongruous even than this though was the contrast between her opulent riches and Ann Marie's ascetic poverty. This difference was brutal for Ann Marie was dressed in a plain black scapula and had only a leather belt around the waist to offer her shape. Her face and hair were covered by a wimple and veil.

"And the best and worst of it was that they were coming to our house. It was then that I realized that Esme was alone in the kitchen and unaware of what was about to hit us, and that it was to the kitchen that the soldiers were heading. I flew there with Henri at my side and the other girls following just as the soldiers burst in through the door.

"I came in from one side and the soldiers from the other and between us was Esme with a headless chicken in her hands and bowl of feathers between her feet. There were turnips and swedes piled on the table, cut up and seasoned and ready for the pot.

"'What's going on?' Esme cried, glancing one way and another while jumping to her feet and clattering against a bowl of soft dough, stunned, bemused, because the soldiers were swarming through the kitchen door with Isabelle and Ann Marie lifted between them. The first soldier through the door glanced at Esme scornfully and the second one scowled.

"'So, ' the first one spat, looking in my direction but talking to Isabelle. 'Is this the one that did it?'

"She nodded.

"'And the others are his siblings?'

"There was a moment's silence followed by a strangled 'Oui, ' as Ann Marie was kicked.

"The lead soldier walked imperiously between Adalyn, Nicolette and Esme, staring down at each of them in turn. Esme was last.

"'As of a week ago, ' he said. 'The Comtessa was engaged to marry the Marquis de Lyons. However, the Marquis, being a devout, circumspect man has insisted that a virginity test be conducted prior to the wedding. This, the Comtessa now tells us, will fail because of an unfortunate incident at the lake.'

"The soldier took a deliberately salacious look at Esme's cleavage before wandering on. 'Therefore we can't take her to her planned destination as the Marquis won't take her, and as she's damaged goods, it's embarrassing to take her home.'

"He took his sword from its scabbard and studied its blade for sharpness. The other soldiers were fidgeting behind him.

"'Therefore we have a choice. We could stop in the middle of the next forest, remove the Comtessa's garments piece by piece and take advantage of her generous charms, leaving her there buried in the ground to ensure her silence, or we could do something else.'

"He walked back around the table, again starring at Nicolette and Adalyn before returning to Esme and peering at her cleavage.

"'You see, when the Comtessa was at the lake and she mislaid a purse of gold coins that constituted the down payment on her dowry. So we're suggesting this as a deal, that in return for that purse and the sexual favors of the fine ladies in this room, we'll provide you with a bride. The Comtessa's family may not like the marriage. They'll deem it inappropriate and disinherit her, but they won't be able to undo it.'

"'I don't have the purse, ' I declared abruptly. 'I lost it. And not only that, but I'm not ready to get married.'

"At this, the soldier grabbed hold of Isabelle and without any warning, he wrapped his arm round her chest and he slid a knife down through the top of her dress and into her cleavage, slicing into the cloth like butter and renting it apart. Isabelle struggled against him and protested, but despite her vigorous complaints he reached inside her dress and plucked out her breasts.

"As he did it, the other soldiers pinned me to the wall with their swords.

"'That's a shame. Maybe we can jog your memory, ' the first soldier said, fondling Isabelle's tits in a way that was deliberately purposed to excite me. 'If you get me the purse then I'll spare the younger of your sisters, ' he added, pinching Isabelle's nipples so hard that she cried out in pain. 'We'll just make use of the older one and the nun. On the other hand, if you refuse, then not only will your younger sisters enjoy the same pleasure as Esme and Ann Marie, but each of the ladies will be introduced to Matthieu, our fouet. And with this, he produced a large leather whip that he pulled across the face of Isabelle's breasts.'

"'Matthieu loves to play with young ladies." And he glanced wickedly in the direction of Nicolette and Adalyn. What are their ages? Fifteen? Twelve? It would be such a shame and yet it excites him.' He teased Isabelle's dress from her shoulders and lowered it to her waist. "We don't have a priest for the ceremony," he said, tugging at her buttons. "But we do have witnesses and having consulted with the nuns at the convent, apparently a marriage can be deemed lawful through its consummation." He dragged Isabelle's dress to the floor. "So what do you say? Do you want this woman as your wife?'

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I knew the female’s voice. I was absolutely certain. But somehow I could not believe what my ears told me, all she had said was ‘Here is four hundred’. That was enough to tell me who spoke the words. What was my wife doing here? She was supposed to be at a hen party tonight and this was not a hen party. This was the Grand Hotel where most of the conventions took place. The man’s voice I was not familiar with, it was new to me. I had never heard it before.  He spoke to her in a low, pleasant...

4 years ago
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Working from Home 2

Working from Home 2 Monday morning. As Larry returned from the en-suite he saw that Alison had carefully laid out his attire for today. A new pair of stockings had been provided, the ones from yesterday had been 'damaged' somehow. Larry smiled at how... He wasn't really sure this was a good idea but Alison was very supportive "It's only a gag," she said. "They'll laugh and tease you a little and then admire your willingness to take a joke." "OK, I think." Larry wasn't...

2 years ago
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Hotel Bang Part 3 final part

This is the last part of our story, hope you like it!! What a sight I had now. Karen, fist up her pussy and cock in her mouth!! All four men were taking it in turns to use and abuse my sexy wife. If they weren’t fucking her pussy or her mouth they were sucking on those big tits of hers. Spunk dripped out of her cunt and her mouth till all the men were drained. My cock was so hard I was wanking till I shot over the wall in front of me. Fuck she looked good! ...

3 years ago
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Rising Star 4

Lilly and I were sitting on the floor, resting against each other’s back. “How was Bertie?” I asked. “Fucking useless. Came in his pants poor love. I hardly touched him.” Knowing Lilly as I did that was probably enough to make anyone cum. “How was Ros?” “I don’t know.” “Don’t know?” But I’m getting ahead of myself. I had it all, nearly. I was almost famous, fairly wealthy, more work was being offered and by most standards, I was now a successful actress. I’d done a film in which I had played a...

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Daddys Little Whore pt2

When the water was hot, he pulled me in with him and proceeded to bathe me. He took care to gently wash my breasts, my genitals, and my ass. Then he ordered me to bathe him as well. I copied his ministrations, softly soaping his body and rinsing it, paying special attention to his hard throbbing cock, his large swollen balls, and his ass.When I finished, he pulled me out and we dried each other off. He ordered me to bring him a pair of boxers and a robe. I did go and even helped him dress. Then...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Amara Romani Raven Hart Family Secrets

Amara is ready to confront her cheating stepmom, Raven, when she busts into Raven’s office. Raven quickly ends her business meeting to find out what her stepdaughter is so worked up about. Confronted with the pictures of her and another woman together, Raven knows the truth must come out. Raven sits next to Amara, telling her that, in fact, Raven loves her father very much, but it’s more of a friendship and they have an understanding. They accept each other’s differences and...

2 years ago
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Our Friday Night with John

“So will you take me to DeRonda’s next party?” I asked John as he drove. “I will if you want me to,” “But don’t get mad or jealous at me if the ladies there all come running to me,” John replied with a smile. “Yeah right; I am sure that they all just have to have this cock of yours,” I said as I rubbed my hand over his cock. John did say anything back he just drove. I laid my head against his arm as I thought about what he had just said. I had never been jealous when I watched him...

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Niki And Her Dog 8211 The story of a woman who makes a decision that forever changes her life

Niki was shocked! It just wasn’t possible…was it? Her mind was spinning in endless circles as she looked at the two blue lines in front of her. PREGNANT?!!! How can I be pregnant?! Niki sat down on the edge of her bed and continued to stare at the test strip in front of her. Her mind wandered back to the past, back to when everything in her life had changed… Two Years ago Niki was furious! She could barely fight back the tears and surging emotions that were welling inside...

1 year ago
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Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best By Gambler Editing by Steve Zink The moment to my wedding is finally just few minutes away; Mother must have known how nervous I was. She called me on the cell phone, telling me everything will be all right. She always told me that. But, I still have my doubts. Especially since most of Mother's best intentions usually went wrong. Not that things didn't 'work out', but - *** My childhood wasn't a typical one, not with a mother that vowed to keep her only...

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Would be Domestically Bound Part 01

Starting with Elise Jimmy Hunter was the only boy in his immediate family. In the house he lived in with 7 females all older than him, 6 sisters and his mother. His father had died shortly after he was born and his sisters that were able to leave had not gone off to set up their own home. All stayed at home for their mother and family. It was summer, school just let out for the vacation season. The days were hot and the nights seemed to be as equally hot. We were going through a mild drought...

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In the family

In the familyBridgett was going through a bit of a rough time of it money wise, so her niece, Charlotte (she’s my other half) suggested the idea of being an escort. Charlotte explained that she didn’t have to do the sex bit and besides, with Bridgett’s looks, it might be quite lucrative for her. What happened next came as a great, but wonderful shock to me, when Charlotte relayed it to me after the event.One day, when I was out at work, Charlotte arranged for Bridgett and Victoria (Charlotte’s...

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Dark Redemption Ch 07

I woke realizing I’d overslept. Peter’s side of the bed remained in tact. He’d stayed in the other room all night. The grinding in my belly told me I was right. The truth loves me. It finds me and whispers in my ears. A glance at the clock told me it was ten thirty. Shit! Work, kids to school… I bolted only to see a note next to me on Peter’s side of the bed. ‘Darling, I thought you needed the sleep in. I’m taking the kids to school and have rung downstairs to tell them you are sick and I’ve...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 32 Continuing The Odyssey

Tuesday Week 12 After a night spent tossing and turning, but at least having had sufficient sleep, he prepared his breakfast then got ready for the road. He had morning tea at a rest stop overlooking Hinchinbrook Island, and then continued onto Townsville for lunch. As he'd not long ago been here, as soon as he had eaten, he set off for the last leg of the day's drive and pulled into the caravan park in Charters Towers just before 3:30 pm. After he had settled in, he got some steak out...

3 years ago
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Surviving the DivorceChapter 15

I sucked gently at the head of Patricia's cock, imagining I could hear the rapid beat of two separate tiny hearts, underscored by the slower sloshing of their mother's pulse as my left ear rested on her engorged belly. Through my other ear, I could hear the sounds of my ex-wife, Mary, priming my wife's breasts for the babies, ensuring that there would be a good flow of milk when they needed it. Patricia lay on her side at the edge of the bed while Mary and I knelt side by side, getting...

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First LoveChapter 31

As soon as he showered after track practice, he went over to Mike's. He walked over; he didn't want his mom to ask to speak to Mike's mom when she dropped him off. He had tried to dress cool, in blue jeans and a long-sleeved cotton shirt. He wondered if there would be any girls there, any new girls. He was pretty sure Jen would show up, but he knew she wasn't interested in him. But maybe she'll think I'm cute, he had reasoned, brushing his hair as he looked in the mirror. He even...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Haley Reed Jillian Janson Fantastic Finish

Jillian Janson can’t stop moaning as Haley Reed pours suntan lotion on her bikini clad body and rubs it in. She pays plenty of attention to Jillian’s tits, caressing them and lubing them up with the oil. Then she slides her hand beneath Jillian’s bikini bottom to caress her twat with her lubed up fingers. Jillian gives as good as she gets, lapping away at Haley’s hard nipples and palming Haley’s hot snatch. When Damon Dice finds both girls and takes them by the...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 29

Sunday, May First, late in the afternoon, the closing ritual for the campers was held. It was pretty simple. More or less, blessings of the goddess and the god were requested for those traveling and good life for those in the area. The circle was closed until next time ... although, no one was certain there would be a next time. As much fun as everyone had there was a very likely chance they'd be doing it at Litha ... even if it was a bare two months away. Pagans ... any excuse for a...

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How I Met Lance Graham

The flashing lights of this New York nightclub blinded me while the music controlled me. I danced provocatively, having to pull down my all too short mini skirt many times. This was the night I chose to wear panties, but only because it would be too obvious if I didn’t. My best friend, Jen, danced across from me in a similarly provocative fashion and was just as attractive as I was. We both had perky C-cup breasts and nice plump asses. Jen was paler and had freckles all over her face, but the...

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webcam sex

The first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I’d ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I’d squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I thought...

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visit to a female doctor ff

As I sat in the waiting room for my second appointment with Dr Milman, I couldn't help thinking about the last time I was here:The doctor gave me a bare-bottom spanking over his knee and it got me so aroused! He took my temperature in my bottom and stimulated my private areas until I came... He was so powerful and dominating and he got me so excited before pushing his nice hard penis into my tight pussy and asshole.I was really nervous and excited about my second appointment. Just thinking...

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The LotteryChapter 51

Kim waited for her brother in the hall near the doorway of the school building. She had gone outside, but found it to be too cold and windy to wait there. As she rested against the wall, several of the girls from her classes stopped by and chatted before going out into the cold. Sally came up and stood next to her and waited for Tom. "What are you doing tonight Kim?" Sally asked. "Jack and I are going shopping for a birthday present for Megan and then I guess I'll just do my home work....

4 years ago
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1. বর্ণালিকে যে চোদা যাবে আমি প্রথম থেকেই আভাস পাচ্ছিলাম। রিসেন্টলি ডিসিশন নিয়েছিলাম আর যেচে কারো সাথে যোগাযোগ করবো না। অনেক কাজ আমার।কিন্তু বর্ণালি ক’দিন অন্তর দুপুর বেলা “কেমন আছেন?” টেক্সট চালিয়েই যাচ্ছিল। একদিন দুপুরে এমনই টেক্সট করলো কেমন আছেন? উত্তর দিলাম খুব ভালো। তখন অবাক করেই ফিরতি প্রশ্ন করলো কি করছেন! আমি দেখলাম, এই সু্যোগ বলেই ফেলি,বললাম ভাবছি তোমার কথা। বর্ণালি খেলোয়াড় মেয়ে, বললো আমার কথা!! আমার কি কথা ভাবছেন? এবার আমি বললাম তুমি যদি এখন একবার আসতে। কখন যেতে বলছেন আপনি – এ কথা...

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The Amazing Mind Control MachineChapter 4

The week passed. Marilyn and I crossed paths at class and in the study hall. I acted my part as student and she did hers as teacher. I did think perhaps she smiled several times at me in a way someone else might notice. She also had awarded me an A on a French test. I was usually lucky in get a B. French wasn’t my best subject. She had written in flowery script on the bottom. VERY GOOD JOB, MIKE. I AM EXPECTING BIG THINGS FROM YOU NOW ON! I had gained some good size early in my adolescence....

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My neighbor Petecont

Now that I had 3 men needing regular blow jobs I was pretty happy.It was after my big cocked realtor visited that I began with Pete.He was the man groping my ass at my door,promising me he wanted anal.I knew he didn't but I did love the thought of taking one the size of his.About an hour later I serviced Pete for the first of many times.A week didn't go by that I didn't have atleast 8-10 loads to swallow,then it changed.Pete had developed a habit of dropping by everytime he saw a man leave my...

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Behind the Green Veil Ch 01

Chapter 01 A Persian Woman Unveils a Hidden Passion after a Chance Encounter ———– Orkideh ———— ‘Fucking hell!’ I exclaimed as I slapped at my I-phone with dread. Four a.m. was just a cruel and inhuman time to have to wake up. I was tired and also frustrated wondering why all the good dreams always seem to wait until the last few minutes of deep sleep before they come into our consciousness. I was dreaming of my fiancé waiting for me back in Boston and dreading the twenty three hours of...

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Daddy punishes me and my sister

Oh yes, this boy knew how to lick my cunt well. I rode his talented tongue while Kristen bounced up and down on his big cock. Her sexy tits were bouncing and I leaned forward and grabbed them as she rode his cock hard. He licked my dripping cunt till I came hard humping his mouth like a little slut. Kristen was moaning loudly and his hands were gripping her nice round ass and slamming her up and down on his cock. I lay panting from the hot orgasm as I listened to Kristen's moans getting louder....

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Exploring Female In Me For Three Months

Hi friends, I am Anil and work as an engineer in a software company. I am 35yr old and married man with 2 children. I frequently travel to US on my work and stay in company leased accommodation and use the company provided transportation. Coming to my physical standards, I am 5.6, fair 60kg and waist 30 and handsome with good bottom, hands are lean like feminine and skinny. The important here is I have man boobs of size A. I have been straight and never went topless in front of other than my...

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Well, where to begin, I'm 45, a fair bit overweight, married, but my wife and I don't really have sex anymore, so I masturbate a lot, to enhance my pleasure I like to wear women's underwear which excites me even more, I also like to insert things into my anus, basically, my wife goes out, i get the undies on, shove a dildo up my arse and masturbate for a couple of hours to all sorts of porn on the net.Sometimes I look at gay porn, and the thought of a big hard cock in my mouth, or my anus, gets...

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Fucked My Sexy Mausi Part 1

Hi reader, my name is Abhi, this is the true story of my sexy mausi ( mom’s younger sister) and me. I live with my parents in Chennai and my masi who is a school teacher in Hyderabad visits us every summer for a week or two. I was in final year engineering having a summer break after the exams. My mom informed me that my masi is coming to our house for two weeks. I was so happy because my vacations were boring. Next day she arrived and gave me a tight hug as soon as she entered the house. I...

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Life as a Female Adventurer

Update: Sorry for not being active but I felt that I should let everyone know. My computer had stopped working which basically meant I had lost all of my progress on the story. I had planned to eventually pick up this story again but due to problems in my personal life I had put this on hiatus and not sure if I will continue it some other time in the future or not. I'm glad that some of you enjoyed what I had written so far, but I won't be continuing this story anytime in the near...

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Cherry Red Corvette

Molly breaks in a brand-spanking-new Cherry Red Corvette  Good golly, miss Molly told me this and I had to share. Youthful exuberance and sexual exploration at it’s freshest. A really good friend of mine came to the house about 6 or so last night. He was driving, of all things, a brand new Cherry Red Corvette. I thought to myself “How sweet is that?” He got it as an early graduation present. He is already 18 but it didn’t matter with me being two years younger. We had never dated really...

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Joy at the Lake

Lou and I have been the closest of friends for 25 years, double-dating in his red convertible way back in high school. Over the years we have shared a lot of memories, like the times he would be fucking his date in the front seat while I was screwing mine in the back seat, damn near wearing out the springs on his Chevrolet. We even had the same girlfriend a few times, although we dated them at different times. Either they were mine first and then later his, or vice versa. One of them once told...

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The Fuck Fest Of My Family 8211 Part 1

It all happened when I was in vacation in my home. I am the only guy who was in hostel. My brother and sisters were day scholars. When my exams finished, I want to give a surprise to my home mates. So I didn’t tell anybody about my visit. When I went to home, the door was opened. I entered. I was hearing some noises from my dad and mom’s bedroom. I tried to open the door, but it was locked from inside. So, I went to back of the house. I peeped through a window. Oh my god, I can’t believe what I...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 11 Breaking News

When the ordeal was over, Chanel Six, ever the opportunistic station, interviewed Mina and Bill. The station had had a bad news day... That's a day when NOTHING happens. A good news day has murder, mayhem, fires and tornados. Good news days include people like councilmen and mayors getting arrested for fraud or vote buying, and pedophiles by the score being rounded up in a 'Sting' by the TBI and shipped to the holding cells ... where, naturally, the turnkey just happens to mention to the...

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Jab Meri Chachi Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello mere pyare dosto,mera naam gagan hain aur main delhi me rahta hu,meri age 24 yers ki hai,5’7″,saaf rang,helthy hu,dekhne me thik thak hi lagta hu.main apni ek real story apke sath share karna chahta hu,I hope apko bi pasand ayegi,isliye isko main hindi me likh raha hu,meri ek boht hi pyari chachi hain(Nirmal)so sexy & chikni,unka figure: 38/30/36 ka hoga,gora rang aur kya mast mast chuchiya hai unki,,haaaii,,ekdum sholey k hema malini lagti hai.jab unki shadi hui to main itna jyada unke...

3 years ago
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Lauras suprises

I hadn’t seen Laura in over a month, finals took care of her for a few weeks and then she spent Christmas break on a cruise with her parents. Needless to say, I was pretty excited the day she came back to town. The apartment buzzer rang, I hit the button, and a grin stole across my face. I opened the door, and there she was. You know that moment when someone you love walks into the room, and suddenly you forget how to breathe? I had that moment. I’d forgotten how beautiful she was when she...

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