Cattleman's LamentChapter 5 free porn video

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Frank rode into the old Johansen ranch yard when the sun wasn’t quite at the noon position. The place was deserted. Based on what his father had said, he figured they had gone to find their sheep. He knew roughly where they had last been, also compliments of his father’s sparse comments from the night before, and headed that way at a canter. His horse was still in good shape. He hadn’t rushed, knowing he’d need a lot more out of the animal before he was done. He was amazed at the width of the trail once he found it. Cattle followed each other, mostly, when they moved naturally, making relatively narrow trails. But this was as wide as he could see. He frowned at the grass, so short that the sun would burn it if it didn’t rain soon.

He set his horse in the direction the sheep had gone, and found the flock three hours later. There were dirty-white animals everywhere.

He was greeted by a dog, who ran around him in circles barking.

His horse didn’t much care for that and danced, almost unseating him. Running his horse didn’t help. The dog was able to keep up easily, though it left off barking mostly. He saw people and horses up ahead, and a wagon that looked something like a Conestoga, but shorter and lower to the ground. He rode up fast, and skidded the horse to a stop, raising dust.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he announced. “I’m here to find my sister and my mother. Do any of you know where I could do that?”

A woman was standing on the front of the wagon, holding the reins to a team of horses pulling the wagon. She had on a bonnet, but her flaming red hair spilled out of that onto her shoulders. The dog had set to barking again. He realized now it was just an adolescent, just grown out of its puppy stage.

The woman shouted at the dog. “Hush now, Zeke.” The dog continued to bark. “Enid!” she yelled. “Shut that dog up!” A girl came around the wagon and jumped over the traces like they weren’t even there. She was dressed in buckskin, like an Indian. Her hair was red, though not so red as the woman’s, and it was done up in pigtails, while the woman’s was pulled back under the bonnet. She tried to catch the dog, but it ran from her, thinking they were playing a game. The girl suddenly wilted to the ground, as if she were, without reason, unconscious. The dog immediately ran to her, sniffing at her face. She grabbed the dog in a lightning move and closed her fingers over its muzzle as it wiggled.

“Gotcha!” she said triumphantly. “You’re so stupid,” she said to the dog, cuddling it, her actions giving lie to the sound of her voice. She obviously loved this dog, even though she called it stupid. It subsided and went limp as she scratched its belly, splaying its legs open and showing it was a male.

The woman spoke. “Do all the Collins men ride around like chickens with their heads cut off?”

Frank had tried to impress these sheep farmers with his riding skill and the control he had over his horse. But the woman didn’t seem all that impressed. He didn’t know what to say.

He fell back on his original statement. “I need to find my mother and sister,” he repeated.

“I had hoped she was already home by now,” said the woman.

“No, Ma’am,” he said automatically. It rankled him to show respect to sheep people, but respect for others had been hammered into him, oddly enough, by his father.

“Then I expect they’re up ahead,” said the woman. “My husband says there are horse tracks up the trail, heading higher.

He says there are five sets, one of which belongs to our son’s horse. It appears he is following your sister too, and has someone with him.”

She looked at Frank and he felt like he was being inspected. Then she went on.

“That might be your mother with my son. If she was looking for your sister they may have met up and are traveling together.”

Frank blinked. His mother, traveling with a sheep herder’s boy? That didn’t make any sense at all.

“I’d like to see these tracks you speak of,” he said, for lack of anything else to say.

“I’ll take him up to Papa,” said the girl, dumping the puppy on the ground and letting him scamper off.

The woman looked at the girl, and then at Frank. She took a deep breath, which made her breasts push at her shirt in the most distracting manner, at least to Frank’s way of thinking.

“All right, Enid,” she said, though it looked like she meant to say much more.

Frank looked at the girl, who now had a name. Enid.

What a strange name. She smiled at him.

“Come on, Mister Cowboy.” She took off at a run, and Frank was startled. Not only did she not ride a horse, she ran like the wind. He had a sudden image of her as an Indian girl, running across the plains. He kicked his horse with his heels and the startled animal jumped, almost unseating him again before he got his seat firm again. He flushed, knowing that the woman had to have seen that, and blamed it on being tired. He caught up to the girl in only a few handfuls of seconds, but she only ran harder, jumping over rocks and darting between stands of brush that Frank had to ride around. He was astonished at how much ground she covered with those two puny legs.

Feeling slightly foolish, Frank let the horse drop to a quick walk, not quite a canter. Now they were going through what looked like a hallway between sheep on both sides of them. The sheep bleated and scurried out of the way. The puppy caught up to them and ran with the girl, barking happily and darting this way and that into the flock.

Enid looked over her shoulder at the puppy and stopped just as her foot contacted a rock she hadn’t seen because she was looking over her shoulder. She pitched forward and ducked her head, rolling onto one shoulder into a somersault and bouncing up into the air, laughing. Then, as if nothing at all had happened, she dashed toward the puppy and scooped him up in her arms.

“Bad dog!” she growled at the wriggling dog, panting. “You don’t know a damn thing about what you’re doing.” She looked up at Frank, who sat his horse with his mouth open. “He’s a pup and he doesn’t know anything yet,” she said, as if that made any sense to him at all. “Come on,” she said. Then she turned and, carrying the struggling hound, took off at a run again.

The sheep had closed in around them in the brief interlude, and Frank didn’t know what to do. He was afraid his horse would step on one of the animals. But as he nudged his mount forward, the sheep bleated and jumped to the side, making a path that opened magically for him. Cows sure didn’t act like this.

His horse would have been shouldering cattle out of the way unless he yipped and swung his hat, or a rolled up lariat at them.

The girl was almost a hundred yards ahead of him, still running hard, and he urged his horse faster.

Enid ran around a corner and saw her father up ahead. He was mounted, and leading Betty, the senior ewe in the flock. The rest of the sheep followed her. She saw Queen off to one side, bunching the flock toward the leader and preventing them from stopping to graze. She hazarded a glance over her shoulder and saw the boy coming around the corner.

She wanted to look at him longer, but didn’t want to fall again. That had embarrassed her, and she didn’t want to look foolish to this boy. That thought exploded in her mind. She’d never cared about what some boy thought of her in the past. Especially a cowboy! But when she’d seen this boy her stomach had felt all fluttery, and her mouth had gone dry. She’d felt like a little girl standing in front of a man years older, even though he was obviously about her own age. He had sounded so stern ... so serious ... so ... manly.

She saw her father look over at her and knew he’d be wondering why she was running so hard. But she also knew that he could see the mounted cowboy behind her. It never occurred to her that he might suspect she was being chased.

Brad did, indeed, suspect that something was wrong. He saw Enid running like her life depended on it, holding a struggling Zeke in her arms, and then a mounted stranger burst into sight behind her. Brad’s Winchester was out of its scabbard and into his hands, one hand working the lever automatically, and he started to bring the rifle up to his shoulder. Just then his horse decided to circle as Betty caught up to him and stopped.

The sheep following her wandered forward, beginning to graze and surrounding his horse.

“Noooo!” He heard Enid’s faint yell above the bleating of the flock. By the time he got back around and could draw a bead on the man chasing his daughter, she was within shouting distance.

“Don’t shoot, Daddy,” she yelled. “He’s looking for that woman.”

Enid ran up to her father and dropped Zeke, who ran full tilt toward his mother. Queen ignored everything except her job of keeping the sheep bunched up and moving.

“He’s ... one of ... those ... Collins ... people,” Enid panted, holding onto her father’s stirrup to steady herself.

She dragged in huge lungfuls of air, trying to catch her breath.

“What’s he doing chasing you?” asked Brad.

“He’s ... not ... chasing me,” she gasped. “He’s ... following ... me. Mamma sent him ... up here.”

Brad looked at the boy on the horse, and lowered his rifle, letting it rest across his lap. He had to admit the boy had sand, as he rode up to Brad and Enid. He hadn’t slowed at all, even though the rifle had been pointed in his direction.

Brad decided to just sit and see what happened.

Frank had, indeed, seen the rifle, and the electric feeling of having a weapon pointed at him had surged through his body. But as teenagers everywhere feel invulnerable from harm, he couldn’t believe that anyone would want to hurt him, and he rode on anyway.

His mind ran over what the man had seen, and he understood immediately what had happened. He’d have done the same thing. He rode on, stopping a few yards away from the girl and her father.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he said. His prepared speech jumped into his mouth without him thinking about it. “I’m looking for my mother.”

Brad was astonished to find that he immediately liked this boy. He couldn’t be a day over fifteen, but he rode and acted like a man. He seemed serious beyond his years.

“There appears to be a lot of people looking for your mother,” said Brad.

Frank was still hopped up from the adrenaline running through his veins from realizing he was in danger. “Your ... wife ... she said there were tracks,” he said.

The man looked off to one side and whistled. Another dog, a bigger one, and the same puppy that the woman had called Zeke came running over.

Brad got down off his horse.

“Queen,” he called. The larger dog ran up to him, tail wagging. “Hold!” Brad commanded. The dog turned as if she’d been shot and bounded off, the puppy trailing. Frank could see that she started circling the part of the flock that was all around them, as if there were some race she had suddenly entered. She disappeared behind a pile of boulders and Frank looked back at the man, who was standing, looking at him.

“Up ahead,” the man said, turning his back on Frank and walking off to leave his horse standing. The girl followed her father.

Frank, not knowing what to do exactly, decided to ride, and he nudged his horse through the sheep that again surrounded him, and followed the two sheep farmers. As they left the flock behind, Frank looked over his shoulder to see the big dog running back and forth, between them and the flock, keeping the sheep from following their shepherd. He was amazed that one dog could control so many sheep.

The man stopped several yards away and looked down at the ground. Frank stepped down off his horse and let the reins drop. He knew the horse wouldn’t move again unless he called it or remounted.

Frank saw the tracks easily. He recognized Tulip’s tracks instantly and took a breath. Then he walked up to the man and bent over to look at the others. They were on a well-defined path that wound its way through small trees and rocks, some as big as a horse.

The man pointed. “Those are from Bobby’s horse - my son,” he said, pointing. “And those over there,” he pointed a few feet to one side, “I believe are from horses belonging to my men.”

Frank could see it now. Now that he was closer he saw the tracks of the horse named Vixen. Three sets of tracks were together, to one side. The Circle C horses’ tracks, and those of another horse with winter shoes on it - this man’s son - were together to the left of the first set. Frank could see that some of his mother’s tracks, and the tracks of the winter shoes, were on top of the others occasionally, meaning they had followed. But he couldn’t tell whether they had all been riding together or not. He got down on his knees and looked at the right hand set. They didn’t look quite as clear as the others, with grains of dust crumbling from the edges into the deeper impressions. He saw that one of the horses was more heavily loaded than the other, but that might only mean a bigger man rode that horse.

Then he looked at his mother’s tracks. They were cleaner, with less dust in them. Vixen’s tracks were deeper than those of Tulip, which was his mother’s horse.

“My mother was following those two,” he said, pointing to the tracks Brad had identified as his men’s tracks. “Your son was either with her, or she was right behind him.” He based that on the fact that his mother’s tracks sometimes were on top of the winter shoed horse, which were just as clean and clear.

“I was thinking the same,” said Brad. “What I don’t know is why she’d think your sister was with my men.”

“See how your son’s tracks go mostly beside the others?” Frank pointed. “And how my mother’s seem to follow his?” Frank pointed to one of Tulip’s prints on top of the one left by a winter shoe. “I think your son was tracking those two, and she was following him. I can’t tell if she was riding Vixen or Tulip, though. I think maybe she brought a horse along for my sister to ride when they found her.

“Then Bobby must think your sister is with my men too,” said Brad. “He left the flock alone with just the dog, and he wouldn’t have done that unless he thought your sister was in some kind of danger.”

“My sister’s horse was shot,” said Frank heavily.

Brad knew it had been wounded, but not how. There wasn’t much to say about it, so he didn’t say anything. “Well they’re up ahead somewhere,” said Brad. “And so are my men. They shouldn’t have left the flock either. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t like it one bit.” Brad looked at Frank. “Where’s your father? You aren’t out here alone, are you?”

What Frank wanted to say was that his father was wasting time back at the ranch, but he didn’t want to air any dirty laundry in front of this sheep farmer. He also felt the sting of another adult treating him like a child, but he bit off the retort that sprang to his mind. “He sent me on ahead to find the trail,” he said, trying to make it sound like he was important.

Brad heard the lie, but couldn’t figure out why the boy would tell it to him. “Well, there’s the trail. We can’t follow it as fast as I’d like with the flock along, but it doesn’t look like rain. I figure we’ll catch up with them sooner or later and find out what in tarnation is going on.”

“I’m not waiting,” said Frank. “I mean to find out what’s going on and I mean to find out soon,” he said defiantly.

“I’ll go with him,” said Enid suddenly.

Both men looked at her and she blushed.

“I mean he shouldn’t go by himself, right?” she tried.

“You’ll do no such thing,” her father said, staring at her.

“I don’t need a girl following along,” said Frank.

Enid almost cursed, mostly at herself for speaking in the first place. She had no idea why she’d said that. What they’d said made her mad, though and she opened her mouth to yell at them both.

“I said no,” her father said firmly. “You have no business going off into trouble.”

“Well ... well ... how do you know there’s trouble anyway?” said Enid, her face flushing red with anger.

Brad looked at her, amazed. She had always been more boyish than Beth, and she carried her weight like a man, but she was just a girl. It should be clear to her that there might be serious trouble afoot.

“I said no,” he said again. “You get back and help your mother. This flock is strung out and we need to keep them together.”

“But his mamma may need help!” insisted Enid, proving that she did suspect there was trouble after all.

“Am I going to have to tan your hide girl?” asked her father, getting angry now.

Enid was as stubborn as he was. “Well then ... what if he finds some kind of trouble that we need to know about? What then Pappa? We could be walking right into an ambush or something!”

Brad started to shout, but swallowed his words. He realized suddenly that he had been foolish. He was so centered on the flock, and getting them to their summer pasture that he hadn’t really thought much about anything else. He was certainly following his son’s trail, but he had never really thought about anything being bad wrong, or representing danger to the rest of his family. While he was just as stubborn as Enid, and just as unlikely to apologize for making a mistake as Jonas Collins was, he was also smart enough to recognize when he hadn’t thought things out as well as he should have too.

“Let’s just suppose there is some kind of trouble up there waiting for us,” said Brad as patiently as he could. “Wouldn’t you just walk into it first?” He was trying to show her that scouting trouble was no job for a fourteen year old girl, despite her boyish ways.

“Not if we were careful,” said Enid immediately. “I know how to sneak around, and besides, he’d be going first, and I could just watch him get ambushed and then come back and tell you about it.”

Enid nodded towards an astonished Frank.

“You’d let me get ambushed and do nothing to help?” he squeaked. That bothered him. His voice hadn’t cracked in a long time. He cleared his throat.

“Well?” she stuck out her chin at him. “You’re the one who said you didn’t need any girl along. So I won’t be along. I’ll just watch what happens from behind you. Then you won’t have to worry about a girl!“

“Enid, that’s crazy,” said her father. “I won’t have it.”

“Well I think it’s a good idea!” she said, now jutting her chin at her father. “But if you want to let our neighbor’s son get himself shot or whatever, I guess we’ll hear it, so I suppose I don’t really need to be there.” She turned around, putting her back to the two men.

Brad thought about that. Damn! If this boy did get hurt, and it turned out he was alone, when there was a full grown man not far away, it wouldn’t look good. Damn! But he couldn’t leave the flock. They were his livelihood ... his whole family’s livelihood. It was hard enough keeping the flock on track with his two daughters and the dogs. Amanda couldn’t do much because she had to bring along the sheep wagon, which had some of the lambs in it that were too small to put on the trail, plus all their supplies for the trip.


Brad looked at the boy. “She could just trail along behind you,” he said. “Just so that if somebody jumped you she could come for help.”

Frank scowled. “I told you. I don’t need no girl to protect me.”

Brad wanted to smile. Instead he tried logic. “I’m not worried about you,” he said. “I’m worried about what your Pa would think if he found out you did get into trouble, and had turned down a little help.”

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I don't know whether I was naïve or just plain stupid, but it had to be one or the other that put me in the situation that I was in. And that? Driving away from the home of my sister in law with her husband's video camera and Beretta 94F on the seat beside me. I don't come off looking too good in the story that led me to this point and all I can say about it is what I said in the first paragraph – naïve or just plain stupid! It all started fifteen years ago when I met Beverly McKay. It...

3 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 29

CHAPTER 29 - A flight to freedom, lands in the valley of disappointment. Based on Fred's plan, it was probably a good time to have Heather move out of their conjugal bed and into the guest room. She was about to give Heather the bad news when George walked in announcing that he had finished the taxes. All he needed was Ellen's signature to submit the corporate taxes on time. He had to co-sign as the corporation's accountant. Things changed once the taxes were submitted. Ellen...

2 years ago
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Oh BrotherChapter 5

I awoke to the sound of light surf on the beach and the smell of breakfast on the griddle. Pentwater! I had to look. It was a very familiar green canvas tent with a green canvas floor. Inside pole construction and a Nickel Coleman 220B two mantle lantern with the asbestos tent shield. God Damn! It looks just like the lantern I found in an abandoned barn in the woods ... I got out of my sleeping bag. I must have been really tired. The lantern. Oh Yes ... the lantern. The Coleman Lamp &...

2 years ago
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Self Punishment at Work

Finally! I was able to get some time at work to take some punishment. Usual outfit: white blouse, tan skirt, and wore black panties and short heels. And…I snuck a wooden spoon in. It was to get it into work, not so easy to take it with me to the ladies room (held it in folded arms).I went into a stall, there were still a couple of women there. So, I sat down, kept my legs pressed together, put the handle of the spoon in mouth, then put my hands behind my back and crossed them at my...

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A Princes Tale

All rights reserved except: (1) Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this poem. (2) Permission is given make one (1) copy for private use. A Prince's Tale By shalimar Copyright 1964, 2001 In days of old This prince was bold with women undercover He had to confess He'd wear a dress If he fought another A war broke out There was a rout He had no horse to ride You could understand Our prince he ran He had to save his hide He met a witch No ordinary...

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I Came Here to DieChapter 14

Philip Mathison looked ten years younger after ridding himself of the old albatross around his neck. He married Mary Beth, his twenty year old secretary. She was a runway model type. Long curly blonde hair, a very pretty face and a body to die for. She wasn't very bright but he hired her for her looks and not for her intellectual prowess. She was a girly girl. She loved beautiful clothes, laying nude to get an even tan, and be on his arm when they went out nightly for dinner. She liked to be...

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The Cossack

Cossack Vissily Volkov stood at the mouth of his tent, looking out at the wide, inhospitable terrain of the Russian steppe. The wind played gently with his long, dark hair as his grim features stared at the open country, the cool of the evening flowing over his semi-naked body. It had been a hard ride, the last few days, but perhaps now they were out of the reaches of the Imperial troops that had been chasing them. As he studied the terrain, he wondered when, or even if, he would see commander...

2 years ago
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Perfect life

It was a day like any other, Andromeda was at the pc, on a forum of breastfeeding fetishists and that's where he met Matthew. They talked for months exchanging messages every day, hot photos and chat orgasms. They understood and compensated each other, neither judged the other's perversion. In the end they decided to meet and this is where this series of stories begins, about their adventures of sex. ANDROMEDA I arrive on time in front of the cafeteria, excited and afraid at the same...

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Slyvia and Amy guardian angels are the sweetest l

Amy said, "Yeah I remember now. You took your bra off before any other girl did." "Yeah, I liked him. I wanted to show him everything, by that point!" But, Amy, you were there, right?" ''I was right there in the room, next to you. You would have tripped over me if I had been in my human aspect." "I got teased and put down so much for what happened that night. I was watching Bobby beat his meat, and I pulled my panty crotch over to the side so he could get a peek at my puss (and the red hair I...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Romi Rain Romis Fuck Massage

Ricky has scheduled a massage from Romi Rain. As he takes of his clothes, she gets all hot and bothered when she sees the huge bulge in his underwear. She gets on her knees for a closer look and then tells him it would be better if he takes them off. When see sees the big black cock she begins the massage with her mouth. She can barely fit it in her mouth, but being the professional that she is, she keeps trying even if it means gagging on it. They then move on to the table when her fucks her...

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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 4

I woke up before the alarm went off in the morning and took a quick shower. I got dressed in the sexy little dress that I had already decided to wear today. I looked in the mirror once I had it on. It only came down to mid thigh and I was very conscious of my lack of underwear. I could see the outline of the small rings in my nipples through the material of the dress. Then I turned and the light hit me just right and I could actually see my nipples! I blushed, but I resisted the temptation to...

1 year ago
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Back in the day when online sex chatting was all the rage, but the internet was still kind of young, I used to use the same line to get girls to fly over to my city to fuck me. They’d get all horny and bothered and they’d want to do me, and I’d say that my anaconda isn’t quite long enough to cross state borders. We both had a laugh and forgot about the whole thing, until she’d show up at my door a few days later, desperate for the cock. This system worked for me, because it got me laid. It’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Ebony Craigs List Find

This is my first story and when I have time will post others.All of my stories are 100% TRUE.One day I decided to troll Backpage and Craigs list to see what was out there. What I found was actually not too much. So I decided to post and ad myself looking for young Asian,Ebony or Latina women who might be interested in getting together with a married middle aged white in good shape in exchange for a mutually beneficial relationship ie:your company for money.I received the usual bunch of spam but...

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DevilsFilm Sofie Marie Delilah Day Mom8217s Precious Little Girl

Sofie Marie is heartbroken as she tapes up the last of her stepdaughter’s moving boxes. Delilah Day is finally ready to leave the nest and start her new life as a college girl. Sofie is going to miss her but Delilah promises that they’ll still see each other plenty. She even teases about bringing Sofie to her college parties, which Sofie is all for since she loves to party. They BOTH love trying wild, new things. But all this packing has made them both hot, especially Delilah, who...

2 years ago
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Our Week Of Fun In Bali

Two years ago, my husband and I visited Australia. Sharing a motor home with my brother and his wife left us little opportunity to pander to each other's pleasures, and we so decided to stopover in Bali for an amorous seven days on our trip back. For this beach hotel and island tour, I had packed a separate suitcase containing only the bare essentials for the hot climate, mainly a couple of light summer dresses and my yellow bikini as well as a revealing Wicked Weasel that Dave had bought and...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 4 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Miracle

Avalon Young – September 2033 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was on the edge of my seat (figuratively). “What happened when Daddy said that he loved you?” I asked. My stomach squirmed with excitement, my clit aching as...

4 years ago
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Furnished RoomChapter 10

“I’ve come to take my son for a ride.” It was Saturday morning when Marvella Moore showed up on Sarafina Cortez’s doorstep. Charles was still in bed. After Sara had awakened him, she and Marvella talked over coffee. “You’ve talked with Claire I suppose,” Marvella said. Sarafina’s eyes expressed sad awe as she looked at Marvella and said, “I’ve known about Claire’s past for quite some time. We...” Reaching out and touching Sara’s hand to interrupt her, Marvella said, “I know all about...

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Switch Teams Lesbian

Turned from a straight girl who's never even kissed another girl into a committed lesbian may not be that unique, but having the girl that turned you be your sister, well, that's got to be quite out of the ordinary. I knew my stepsister Meagan was a lesbian when mom convinced me to allow her to stay the summer with me during her college summer break. I had just gotten off a devastating break with my boyfriend Steve and felt her presence with me at my apartment would do us both good. Mom and dad...

3 years ago
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Keep Quiet

"Keep quiet", she whispered, and lay down on the bed, peeling off her jeans but leaving her t-shirt on. I pushed her legs back and tongued her slit to make sure my thick cock could slide into her bald pussy easily. She began frantically rubbing her pink clit, and made sure to wet my cock with her fingers. "Come on baby", she hissed, "push it inside me now." I quickly obliged, and began working on her clit with my thumb as I pumped slowly in and out of her tight hole. My cock was...

1 year ago
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SexSelector Paris The Muse All Booty Workouts

Your wifi runs out so you gotta go to your neighbors to finish some work, but little did you know that you were living next door to a big booty, big tits, goddess. What do you do? Do you try to make your move or do you just focus on your work. The choice is yours. Paris the Muse is a hottie with an insane body. This chick has it all. Big phat ass, and some gigantic knockers. You can’t keep your eyes off of them. You can oil her up, fuck those tits, or fuck that throat. You have full...

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In need of a lay

She was very bored that night she didn’t really have much to do so she agreed to go out drinking with her friend Oscar, she knew he liked her, he was cute enough, but for some reason she just hadn't slept with him yet. It was most likely because somehow he always slipped in conversation about his ex wife, he was only 22, he shouldn’t have been married at all … it some how makes him feel tainted. Tainted or not ……. Tonight she needed a lay. She was underage so they couldn’t go to a bar to drink;...

2 years ago
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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 2

Well, that could have gone better. Every time Kyle tried to broach the subject all Hermione could talk about was House Elves. Apparently everything that he hadn't given a thought to how it was done in this Magical Castle was done by these small magical creatures. Hermione had been sure to give him their entire sorry history all through class, leaving him no opportunities to even bring up his feelings for her. She was convinced that these creatures were little slaves forced to do...

1 year ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 38

Alan lies on the bed with Sandy between him and the girl. “It’s easy to begin,” she is saying. “Dogs are no different than women and very responsive.” She leans forward and lets her lips caress his. Alan revels in the feeling of her warm lips on his. He can almost taste Ace’s cum on them. She ends the kiss far too soon. “Sandy is going to love you big dick too. She can handle one like Ace so she’ll handle yours just fine.” He didn’t have to speak the question and yet she knew what was on his...

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AftermathChapter 6

"Oh come on," Brett chided, his words more than a little slurred, "put more than that in there!" Michelle giggled, upending the tequila bottle a tad more and letting another half ounce of the liquid run into the orange juice glass. "I don't weigh as much as you do," she said, her words considerably more slurred than his. "Don't you know that therapeutic," it took her three tries to spit this word out, "dosage is based on weight, goddammit?" "It sounds to me like you can't...

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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Anabelle produced a small bundle of paper's and said, "I have amended one of our temporary contracts of employment to highlight that you will work here for three month's without pay in lieu of your transgressions, sign here", with that Anabelle handed me the paper's and a pen. There was little point in me reading the contract, if I refused she would just call the Police and I would be back to square one, plus I was feeling vulnerable still being naked. I scribbled my signature on the contract....

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 2 Getting it Up and Going Underground

It felt great to be 15 ... I got to play Basketball for my Jr. High School, got out from under seven long years of piano lessons, and was starting to notice Girls in earnest. As most of you know, if there "are to BE any curves", ya' start seeing them at or about – 8th Grade! Seems I remember that summer between 7th & 8th grades making all the difference. In those first seven years, "book learnin' " had not come hard for me – I could slack off, take a glance at the study material the...

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WildOnCam Savannah Sixx Gorgeous Savanna Sixx Loves Sex

Savannah Sixx is ready for a fucking good time with Charles Dera and all you naughty boys! She loves being a tease in her lacy red lingerie and her legs look incredible in those black thigh high stockings! She can not wait to be naked though and especially loves sucking cock! She gets that dick deep in her throat getting all sloppy with it! Charles throat fucks her and she just wants that cock in her tight pussy! Charles does not hesitate fucking her harder and harder. He gets her into pile...

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Mommy makes me bring home my boyfriends and lesbia

If I didnt get to cum so much like I need to, I would think moms a crazy person. Since we took our own place across town from the guys I miss daddy cuz he had a big warm dick, and stepbro, even kinda slow, can lick a pussy good. Mommy got us kicked out by bringing a bunch of Korean business men home, and daddy couldnt stand that.Mommy always keeps pimping me out to hookup clubs and bring all sorts of people back home for her amusement. Take this week. Monday she had me get an older gentleman so...

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Slutty UK Mature Wife Jenny Part One

Slutty UK Mature Wife Jenny Part OneI have been married to my wife Jenny now for nearly 25 years and she has been a wonderful wife and mother during that time. One evening when I came home from work she said that she had been looking online to return to work as our 4 daughters had either flown the nest or were at university and she needed more to fill her days. When I met her many years ago she had been a legal secretary in central London and she said that she would like to do that again but...

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My neighbor

Hi dear friend’s this is my story on this site. I am a guy of 30 years, from Mumbai; I am in search of female interested in me for having sex, erotic chat, phone chat etc. Interested girls, women ladies can contact me at mail I stay in a housing complex. There’s a middle aged couple staying in the flat opposite mine (it is on the same floor and there are only 2 flats on a floor, with only a very narrow corridor). For a long time I have had a crush on bhabhiji and have visualized her many times...

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The Hunters Tale

It was mid October. Across the bristling hillside the cedar and silver birch trees were slowly swallowing the withered sun. Soon the night would reclaim them. And soon, thought Larissa as she felt the evening frost sting her fingers, soon the snows would come, and then perhaps he would come too.He had come to her last fall. Trekking back to Fort Compton to sell his furs and to shelter for the winter, he had asked whether he might rest awhile. He had stayed nearly a week. In their giving and...

Love Stories
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Undercover RoseChapter 23

After returning home I drifted into a boring routine. I tried to be patient, but it was impossible. I checked the mail three times a day. I was looking for anything from the Controller, or the Phone Sex Lady. I had two super secret Email accounts, and two separate burn phones. It was complicated but manageable. I loved the fucking intrigue, if the truth be known. Neither of the two people I was working with sent small talk emails so I got no email at all in either file for almost a week. I...

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MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PART - 37 GETTING PREGNANT My dear friends! At the time of writing this part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, I am already mother of a cute baby boy. I become mother on a very very special day, 11 - 11 - 11 by a normal delivery. My son is now two months old and doing very well. For information of all of my friends, Name of my son is RAKTIM ( given by my father - in - law ) but everyone calls him RAJU ( RA from my husband’s name , Ramesh and JU from my name, Julee ) He...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 6 New School Day 3 The Experiment

"Hey guys!" chirped Sandy Turner as Brett and Tom Nilsen got into the car. "Hey Sandy," the twins responded happily. "I have your assignments that we talked about," smiled Sandy. "But guys, don't just look at them as assignments. Aside from them helping you and you helping them, you both really have a chance to be as happy as I am," grinned Derek. "True Dat," said Sandy. "Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted," she grinned back, as Derek stuck his tongue out at...

4 years ago
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Phone MailChapter 4

Lisa felt the fast-rising bubbles on her face as she tried to scream. What the fuck was happening? One second, Bill was behind her giving her a nice slow fuck and the next she felt her knees hitting the hard, concrete floor. Using the toilet seat to his advantage, he had her head trapped in the toilet bowl. With a firm grip of hair on the back of her head, he had her face fully submerged in the toilet water. Lisa tried desperately to grab something, anything that could help her push herself...

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Trip with Granddad nudist campsite

We left Rostock, heading to Sylt and a campisite there, which my gd already booked from the ferry. I still had my new underwear on, and the dildos was still inserted in my holes. After half anhour of driving I had to pee andt told my gd to stop. He said I have to wait a while, and just continued along the road. I took off the seatbelt and went back in the livingpart of the motorhome, to take off my panties. Started to bring down my panties and I could feel how both dildoes was slowly removed...

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