A Year Ago - Part XI free porn video

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A Year Ago - part XI by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... As I was getting dressed the nurse opened the door. "Doctor wants a second semen sample, just in case, thanks," as she handed me the sample cup and the door shut. I opened my purse and took out my phone. I had forty minutes before I would meet Jake. I looked about for the lesbian magazine but it wasn't on the table, nor in the drawer. I would just use my memory of Jenn, that sexy beauty. I pictured her naked but with white trim about her neck and a wrists, black hose covering her legs and simple but tall black pumps. My arousal was strong as I lifted my dress hem and leaned back against the wall in my own heels. Pushing down my pantyhose and the thong I quickly grabbed my penis. The second minor orgasm of the day! The used the mirror to check my makeup, touching up my lips and blush. Settling my red dress about my hips I stepped back and looked at myself. Of course Jake could easily recognize me. My hair was still near a boys cut. I used my credit card to handled the payment since these consults weren't covered by my medical plan. Interestingly the therapy would be. Nurse Rachel came to speak with me. "The hormones will be ready by 5pm. Can you stop back near around then?" I had planned to leave the City after lunch but realized I could do some shopping. "I can manage that, sure. Could you text me with an update?" Exiting the building and walking I was distracted by the idea that the doctor would have my surgery so soon. And the therapy wasn't in my plan either. A block from the restaurant I saw a salon that had a beautiful wig on the head stand in the window. If I had been wearing something like that I could have avoided this lunch. Jake was there when I arrived. He was polite but curiously anxious. As we shook hands I tried to adjust mine to a subtle press. He had a strong hand, but he was well over six feet tall and at least two hundred pounds. "Michael, I gotta say you stunned me this morning. Leaving the elevator I immediately recognized you." I was still standing. "Can we sit down Jake?" He continued as he shuffled the chairs. "But wow, you look great, I mean, dressed that way. I mean I'm not saying anything you don't know, right?" He had ordered two beers and I took a huge gulp of the cool lager. He was smiling. "So how did 'this' happen? You left the firm about fourteen months ago, right?" I was more nervous and looked down at the mug. "Jake, it's important that I ask for your discretion. I would appreciate you're allowing me to control who and when I choose to reveal my gender change to." "What? You mean this isn't just a tranny kind of thing, just for today? Wow, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions Mike." "No, it's understandable, but it's Sara now, and will be going forward Jake. I'm having my named changed and the legal issues will be settled within the month, but can you agree to hold my secret please?" He realized his glee earlier was inappropriate and changed his expression. "Of course Michael, I mean Sara. I'll not tell a soul. I was with those business guys and they had questioned me. I told them simply I'd seen an old friend, that cool right?" I looked at him and changed my plans. I would stay at the Hotel tonight. I needed more than just the meds. I didn't want another random meeting like this. It wasn't Jake's fault but my stupidity that lead me to this moment. We parted and I hoped I could trust him. I called the Hotel to settle the room for another night and re-traced my steps to the salon. The new blond wig was an expensive piece with human hair, darker blond, just about at my shoulders. As I left the salon near 3:30pm I got a call. "Sara, the Doctor as spoken with Doctor Thema who has agreed to see you this evening at five if you can make that." Nurse Rachel had a horrible manner but I sensed that this was important. "We'll have the meds sent to her office so you save a trip OK?" I paused, this was important. The Doctor wants this Thema to guide her regarding the starting of my hormone treatment. "Sure, what's the address?" Walking along the shop windows I curiously watched my reflection. This new hair so changed me. I could barely believe this was me. Anyone who had known me wouldn't recognize me without looking into my eyes. How stupid to have to explain to Jake, to have to trust in him. Maybe he would be good to his word, but it was outside of my control now. I decided to spend the hour shopping for a some simple jewelry. I had the bracelets and earrings but no rings. Entering a shop I had previously used eighteen months ago I saw the woman I'd bought a gift from for an earlier girlfriend. "Can I help Miss, aahh, a ring is your interest. Surprising how many single girls buy one for themselves. Many like to have a diamond but on the right hand." She hadn't remembered me especially with the wig, which was good. Of course as I was dressed and in tall heels, it was easy to disappear. Today I agreed, I wanted a serious ring for my right hand. I left an hour later with a three quarter caret solitaire set in platinum. The credit card wasn't an issue and that surprised me. Maybe she did recall me, but nonetheless I had a great E color VS-1 stone on my hand. Doctor Thema was a middle age short woman. Her grey hair looked super. Many of her generation colored theirs to protect their age. Her manner immediately relaxed me and we spoke for nearly an hour. "Sara, you know this life change will not be all as easy as the past few weeks. I'll release the hormones to you if you agree to see me every other week for the next few months. The Doctor was concerned about the abruptness of your decision but seeing the context and the effect I'll support your decision." "Those friends that have been made aware of Sara's changes will be essential. Respect their surprise and they may help nurture you. I understand that your parents are on the other coast but you should set a schedule to bring them into your life." I'd told her of my recent meeting with Matt. "The men you choose to stay close with may present the most challenge. Please go slowly and be careful. Surprises in a sexual relationship can lead to difficult encounters. Please remember that a good friendship isn't easy to find. Your friend Lynn could also be helpful, but that's up to you. I think you handled that meeting very well." She spent some time explaining the possible side affects of the hormones. The new products were highly targeted cross-sex for someone like me. "The sexual performance should not suffer with this particular regiment Sara, but please keep me aware of any negative affects. Use this E-Mail to provide me the updates." She handed me a card with her cellphone and e-mail address. Near seven I arrived back the Hotel. I went to my room and showered. The wig was on the headstand. As I came out of the bath I saw it and chastised myself again. So stupid. The Jake episode still bothered me. I decided to have dinner in the Hotel restaurant and slipped on my black pants and a white blouse with my black strapped heels. Exiting the elevator a man paused to allow me to pass. "Thank you," I said walking by and smiled. The wig seemed to give me some anonymity. It was so simple. I sat at the window bar and enjoyed a glass of wine thinking of the alternatives. New hormones would soon be silently altering my chemistry and I considered if I should visit the salon during my next visit to see Thema. Maybe some hair extensions would be good. The tech had suggested that my hair was too short for an affective job at this length. Having a moment I looked at my phone and noted that sometime didn't seem correct. I re-booted the software and sure enough I quickly received eleven e-mails from the past five days that somehow had been undelivered. Nine of these related to my business issues but the other two were personal. The first was from Madison wishing me well with the doctor. The other was from Bill. He had sent me a note Saturday at 11:45am, four days earlier, telling me he would be at his parents house for a week due to his mother's health. He was in the City. I immediately sent a text telling him I was at the Hyatt and pushed send. Then I realized I had sent my request as if I was still Michael. Sending the text at that instant I failed to remember he had not met Sara. I blink later he texted that he would be here thirty minutes, 'order us a round'. That meant two black & tans and a shot of Stoli each. I looked about, the crowd had grown to more than fifty people. He'd expect me at the Bar near the TV. This was a problem. I couldn't just walk up to him like I'd managed with Matt. But a plan came to mind. Thirty minutes later I was in the ladies room and Bill approached the empty stools I paid the barkeep to hold. Two shots and the brews were set waiting. A Twenty-dollar tip can do good things. He sat down and the barkeep told him I was in the 'Ladies room'. He chuckled and sipped the b&t. He didn't question anything and I saw him as I turned the corner. My heels were noisy to me, but the crowd was providing some cover. I simply slipped into the stool next to him and took the shot. Turning slightly toward him I said, "Bill, I have to explain some things," I spoke in my normal female voice since I could no longer achieve Michael's range. He looked surprise as he watched me down the shot. "Excuse me Miss. That was for my friend. Please, he went to the restroom and will be right back. That's his seat." He had registered my statement. "Bill, it's me." I handed him my license. "What, what the fuck is this? Where's Michael Miss? Did you steal his wallet?" I turned to look directly at him, thankful I was wear pants. "Look at me William." I'd used that name when I was expressing an important point, "Yes, I'm wearing a wig and my nails are polished. My face is a little thinner and I've got makeup on. Oh and my chest is different too." He was completely beside himself. "No Fucking way you are Michael." He threw the license to the bar and started to get up. I put my right hand on his left forearm. "Bill, don't leave. Let me explain what has happen over the past few weeks." He paused and push clear of my hand. "Listen lady, this is not a nice joke. I got a text from my buddy Michael not some babe in heels." I handed him my Audi keys, hoping the fob would stir him, hoping he stay and give me a chance to explain myself. "So you've stolen his car and his ID, get the fuck out of here." But then he paused and looked at me, shaking his head. Bill stood and walked away. I turned and watched him then pulled my phone from my bag and hit the re- dial. "Hello? No way Michael, no way it is you. Please." He looked back me at the bar, then around the room as if the old Michael would come and expose the prank. "I'm going to wait here until you return and finish your beer Bill. I want you to understand how different I feel. Shit Bill, you're my best friend and I need you to talk about this, to see the new person I'm becoming. It will be a lot less difficult for you than the conversation will be for me." He closed his phone and was standing still about forty feet away, looking at me. After a moment he turned toward the door and left. I watched and a tear formed and I was alone. I saw the barkeep looking at me and she approached, "Old boyfriend huh?" I did hear her, but was lost in thought. "Oh, him, yeah, sort of." Then a few minutes later Bill came back through the door and sat down beside me. "I acted so badly, but shit I'll give you, I mean, I'm not convinced it's actually you. Michael how can, two weeks ago we rode the hilltop route together." I smiled. "It was seventeen days ago, two weeks ago I did something out of curiosity and the next thing I was learning to alter my voice and manners. It may seem rash to anyone else but these changes have made me happy. This morning I met with a doctor and she has schedule my surgery for breast implants. As you see I've elected to live as a female Bill, but I'm still in many ways the guy you've known for fifteen years." He interrupted, "Really Michael? There is no way that is true. Shit you've got tits and a ass that screams for attention. What equipment do you have inside those sexy slacks? Even just sitting at the bar I'm distracted by your long legs and your shoes. Are you going to lose your dick? The idea that we can get on without this being an, " He paused and I quickly said, "Bill, can you give me a chance?" He just looked back and I wondered what he was thinking. Could he remain a friend without seeing me as a 'partner'? The 'sexy shoes' comment stirred me. He sipped the beer and turned away to the TV screen now showing a basketball game. "You have to understand that my programming is fucked up when I look at you Michael. I smell your perfume and see you sultry eyes. I'm troubled, thinking of your evident femininity. How can you not see the affect this is having?" He was rattled. "What do you call this new self?" "Sara, I like the name," but he interrupted me again. "And what, do you have sex with girls still or have boys become your focus?" I thought his question concealed part of the problem. He was seeing me as truly female and therefore a possible lover. We had many double dates so he knew I loved women. Matt's comments came to mind. There was another buried issue; Bill's stepbrother was gay. Tim had come out to Bill five years ago. They had been really close up until then. Shortly after coming out Tim had moved out west and now lived with a older man, but he was a bit of an artfag due to his partner's money. Bill and the family saw Tim infrequently. Bill missed the earlier relationship he had with Tim. "I'm unsure what these changes may mean to my sexuality Bill, but I still desire women. I haven't slept with a woman since Lynn. Though I'm quite infatuated with someone named Jenn. Are you suggesting that my physical appearance is troublesome? You're not saying you want to go to bed with me, right?" He punched me harder than he realized, "What does, has she met the new girl Sara?" "You mean Lynn? Yes." I rubbed my arm. It hurt and I'd be bruised. "I'll bet that was a difficult conversation." Still smarting from the punch I said, "We had lunch a few days ago," but he interrupted me again. "She must have been excited to see, shit, never mind." Bill was withholding something. I considered the possible issues but he continued, "She tried to tell me you may be gay, just after you two split. She was troubled by your good looks. I'll bet she had real trouble, damn Michael, you've lost quite a bit of weight." "Bill what Lynn thought and thinks is history. She and her friends were at times difficult to deal with. But back to my 'physical appearance'. I am not interested in having sex with men." "Glad we can move passed that idea, shit. Mic, I mean Sara, you do look incredible. There are guys watching you, and the hair, wow. A wig right? But still beautiful." We settled down and spoke about the gender politics and where transgender people fit. "I guess if you're gay, I know, you're not sure what that means for you, but if so it must be complete. I mean, consider Tim. He and I never had an sexual experiment. Maybe because I did sense his sexuality, even years ahead of his announcement. We still share stuff on-line you know, but he is really into guys and the sex. You're still attracted to girls but your story about the guy in the Porsche, you weren't a little attracted to him? Or the salesman you mentioned?" We had been drinking for nearly two hours and I had gotten some food but we were a little intoxicated. I considered his question; was he probing or was he a little aroused. "Man, I just don't know yet Bill. Guys don't seemed to get me excited. This Jenn girl though, wow I'm at a lose to explain it." I didn't share the details of Sunday with him. He started to get ready to head to his parents and I asked, "Are you good to drive? You can have the other bed in my room if not." He considered the bill and said without looking, "No way 'Sara'. I'm too aware of my curiosity to sleep in the same room as someone who looks like you. I'll get home OK. It's less than six miles." I smiled at his statement. He had been probing. "Text me when you're there OK?" He looked sharply at me. "Michael wouldn't have asked that Sara. Let's get out of here, you first." We exited the bar, him following me, my heels clicking on the Lobby stone. I turned about abruptly, he was looking at my ass! Smiling slyly he said, "Do we shake or hug now Sara?" I hugged him and his hand touched my bum. I pushed it away. "No Bill, that isn't how we'll handle saying goodbye." He waved as he stepped out the door. Back in my room I showered and took my first hormone pills and found a lesbian porn movie on the adult channel. It was one of those Blake knockoffs. Slow but to the point. All of the girls seemed to get off. My mind saw Jenn dressed as one of the beauties, black hose, suspender and heels. Her long brown hair let down. She brought me off again but I slept roughly due to the alcohol. As I drove quietly away from the City, the doctor's schedule was on my mine. The minor outpatient procedure was reversible but I'd told Bill the truth. This was me. Doctor Thema had really helped me put the past ten years in context. In her view this wasn't sudden but inevitable. The next three weeks I needed to confirm some feelings. Therefore I wanted to experiment. I needed to be with a woman. To see how loving and being loved as a woman was different. I realized also as difficult as it may be I had to try sex with a man, to be penetrated. I clearly enjoyed the toy play Sunday. The research I'd found indicated that my gender change could alter my orientation. The thought brought me anxiety. Some strange man could be problematic. How would I find and offer myself to such a guy? Maybe I could find a gay friendly bar and try to get picked up? I knew that I could be hurt if I was to tried an fool a guy. Returning to my thoughts of Jenn I wondered if and how I could get her interested in me. Then I realized she already was. She was on her own when she watched me at the track. With her pony tail and t-shirt she had nailed me. She is who I wanted but how do I ask her without Angelica's being aware? Almost an hour into the trip my mind considered the three of four encounters I had with men, men who seemed to be interested in me. Thinking of the look and build of the four I noted I was interested is larger men and Blair was clearly handsome and tall as well as smart. I wondered how I could explain myself though. I arrived back home in the late morning still wearing my new wig. A neighbor might have questioned the blonde if they weren't all busy with their day. Actually I was surprised that either Mr. Johns, the retired mechanic nor Mrs. Greggs who lived opposite me, hadn't approached me during the past two weeks. Getting some water to hydrate I realized that Thomas might be the man. Angelica had made it clear in her note but he would definitely share any sexual adventure we had with her, and maybe that other woman too. I need only text him she had implied. There was little to no chance he would hurt me nor be surprised by my boy bits. I got focused on the backup of work and didn't consider the new adventure for the rest of the afternoon. Bill's text near five brought me out of my work head though. "I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding. Did some research on your changes. Seems I could have a friend who's a new girl. I'll tried to be more respectful next time Sara." I didn't respond, he could stew a bit. I finished up work and headed to get some groceries. The WFM was always crowded around dinnertime. There were very good prepared foods available and I was standing on line when I saw Cynthia just a few steps ahead of me. I wondered if she would recognize me with the wig. She would never have missed me with my short cut. Thankfully I'd found that salon yesterday. I was busy making notes on my phone and barely focused on the progress of the line. I looked up a minute later, she must have left the line. I looked about and didn't see her. Turning around I looked right into Cynthia face. She must have re-joined the wait. She looked up at me but didn't seem to see me. I was surprised to be this close to her. I had in that brief moment seen so many details that my male self wouldn't have noticed. Her scent, rose and jasmine, reminded me of slow dancing with her five months ago while we both attended a wedding. Lynn was in the bridal party so I spent time with Cynthia. She actually was Lynn's most beautiful girlfriend. I had been aware of her subtle interest as we moved about the dance floor. "I wondered how long it would be before I meet you Sara," Cynthia said quietly. "I must say your hair looks great, and you move very well in those 4" heels." I hadn't turned about, just slowly moving forward. I was next to select. "I'll meet you at the cafe 'Sara'," Cynthia said a little louder since I had step away. At least she hadn't caused a scene. My appetite had changed and I moved to the salads but was too distracted to do anything. I simply moved away. I considered running out of the store, but turning to look where she was found her right beside me. "Oh Sara, I've upset you." Taking my hand she moved us to a small table. I looked to her face, "I am a little disconcerted to see you here Cynthia." She was slyly smiling, "I'll bet you are. Well girl, this is what I'll help you deal with. Lynn of course shared her lunch meeting with you a week ago. But your phone picture didn't prepare me for the woman I see before me. Yes Sara, I do think you're a woman. There are many reasons for this but let's have a real dinner. I'll grab some shrimp and vegetables, you get a good white wine and we'll cook together at my place. How's that sound?" I looked to her eyes, I was distraught but maybe her plan was a good one. "Sure Cynthia, let's do that." I hadn't been to her house so I followed her black Miata. I was surprised she live less than a mile from the school where I walked. How had I missed this? "I bought this house only two months ago. I realized I couldn't keep waiting to get into a good relationship. I needed the tax break as well. Here put that Montrachet, no let's just open it. I need a drink as much as you do. The glasses are just to the right. I'll get the shrimp cleaned if you'll use the other sink and prepare the salad." Her talking was calming me. I withdrew the cork and handed her a small taste. "I like your selection. The subtle butter of this chard fruit is exquisite." Thirty minutes later I realized I had found my first female friend. I had not enjoyed her snarkiness while I'd dated Lynn. Now I sense that we were both attracted to one another, even back then. "I'm a bisexual Sara. When we were dancing at Tanya's wedding my panties were damp." She was standing near the range looking at me, "I've wanted you since Lynn first introduced us almost a year ago." Later we were sitting on her porch, our heels off and feet up, "I'll take your earlier comment about dancing as a compliment but I'm off the range pending the changes ahead for me Cynthia." She moved closer and she could have kissed me, but she said, "Oh Baby, I can wait for you!" The End of part Eleven To be continued

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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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The Blue Lagoon

You wake up in your hotel bed in Reykjavik, Marcus is on his laptop looking at some of his gaming videos as you start rubbing your eyes and stretch. "Good morning sleeping beauty" he says after turning around to face you, his curly blonde hair and perfect green eyes gazing at you reminds you just how in love you are with him, when he took you to the airport and surprised you with a 8 day holiday to Iceland you almost squealed with excitement and now after an amazing trip you really can't...

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Yearbook 2005owym

*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. CH 1 Other than in the group photograph of the St. Thomas Aquinas graduating seniors, his individual photograph, and the St. Thomas Aquinas Basketball team, there were no photographs of Jack Vogel in the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the school year for 2004-2005. There were a few of his beautiful younger sister, Julie Vogel (she always seemed to be around whenever the two male students on the...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 5

Captain Sanchez explained the shoals and the need to go in at high tide to Allison and Amy. He had scanned the island for any signs of life and had found none, so he told her not to get up her hopes. "Besides," he said, "if anyone is there, they might just as well be on the other side of the island. I'm starting here because it looks like there's a break into the lagoon on this side. If we find no sign of anybody, we'll weigh anchor and try other sides. That'll be quicker than trying...

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Bianca Paragon Part Two

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post Bianca Paragon here. Here's part two of four parts. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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Dragons Eye

(Wrote for fun, enjoy) * I’m softly treading water looking at the eye of the Dragon as it rises above the edge of the horizon. The soft orange glow of the moon at quarter phase as it appears over the tree line. My father always told me it was a Dragon watching us from the dark. I believed him at the time. It looks just like that. I swim in the warm water over to the floating platform in the middle of the small lake. By the time I reach it my arms have grown tired. The effort to pull...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 17 The Anvil of the Dragons

The knowledge that Durin's body wasn't in the crypt built for him here in Peloi was one of those details that slipped past us in our rush to get here, I guess. Like Sid's not being aware of what could happen to an unattached Wizard. I shared the general dismay over the lack of new information here as well, but everything now was colored by my efforts to resist the call I was feeling from the ocean nearby. It called to me in a way no body of water ever had. That it called was exciting...

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Journeys West Chapter 10 Wagons Ho

Chapter 10 - Wagons Ho By Marina Kelly and Monica Rose Editor: Qmodo The book was still on the table bedside the bed when they wheeled him back to his room. While he wasn't restricted to his room, considering that he was only an observation patient, Pat didn't feel like wandering around the hospital wearing only a drafty gown. It would be an hour or two before the doctor would have time to review the scans that had been taken of his head and neck. To kill the time, Pat decided...

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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 16

June 2, 1848 It seemed like Bob's family was even farther withdrawn from us than they were yesterday. We were still traveling along the Platte. They had pulled out far to the south of us. We'd see their wagons occasionally, but for the most part, it was like they weren't there. The Platte looked like it had shrunken in on itself. It is never a navigable river, but now it was even worse than normal. Ab said he was a little concerned about us having sufficient water for the cattle and...

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Dragons Blood

SadiceI thought I was over her, until she rode into town with her company of one hundred and fifty men.Arden had aged since the last time I saw her. A scar ran down one side of her face, and her hair had a white streak where the scar disappeared up into her scalp. There were lines where there had been none, and her normally quiet face kept a slight frown in place as if it belonged there.But I would know those eyes in any crowd.Steel grey and flinty when she was mad, I had seen her pin a drunk...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Dragons KnowledgeChapter 4

Karen woke and found herself tied to the back of a horse that was standing beside two others. She had no idea as to how long she had been out. When she looked around she didn't recognize any of the landscape. Everything came back to her in a rush then; the attack, three dragons and several humans. It was while Dracon was fighting the dragons that the men came after her. She tried to get a way from them but something hit her and she blacked out. As she tried to think how long it might have...

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Cheerleaders at the Pentagon

It was Carla's idea, I swear it. "Let's go by the Pentagon and see what's going on." "Why, for God's sake?" That was Monica, always the practical one. "Because I'm horny, that's why." I knew what she meant, even though I didn't want to admit it. We were always horny after a game. Somebody once said that exercise is foreplay, and she was right. I say "she," because it was probably a cheerleader who said that. You've read those stories about football studs screwing the...

3 years ago
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Bianca Paragon Part Three

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post Bianca Paragon here. Here's part two of four parts. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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Bianca Paragon Conclusion

Foreword: Dear Readers, here's my conclusion to the tale. Again, thank you to friend Avaro Le Banni, whose kindness has saved this story from the blowing sands. Hopefully, I will be posting more of my "lost" stories soon. -- Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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Wagons HoChapter 13

April 30, 1845 Today was an interesting day for two reasons. First, I killed a buffalo. Second, we reached the Platte River. The buffalo was easy. I think I could have ridden right up to them. It was in a very small herd, I was to find out later. There were probably a couple of hundred animals. Ab told me they were probably stragglers from a much larger herd. We camped within sight of the Platte River. The area around the river was marshy, so we couldn't camp right next to it. The little...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 6

GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...

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Wagons HoChapter 6

We found the place where we'd been looking at the stuff for Millie and went in. The proprietor remembered us from the day before and he helped us stack up our purchases on the counter. Millie and Tess did most of the selecting but did ask my opinion on a few things. They bought a coffee grinder and coffee pot, two iron skillets, a Dutch oven, two sizes of kettles, a couple of butcher knives, tin table settings, eating utensils, things like big spoons and flap jack turners, two buckets, a...

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How to train your dragon sex with toothless part

Astrid cast her eyes on her axe before looking back to Toothless. He simply lay there waiting and accepting his fate. She could bring her axe down and end his life. End the life of her Hiccups guardian, first and best friend. If Toothless had shown himself the day after her ****, his blood would already be seeping across the floor. Today, however, she was conflicted. What she said to Hiccup was true she loved this b**st. Hiccups stuttered suggestion ran through her head and she had to focus to...

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Sindara The Planet of Dragons

A Treatice on the Draconic Inhabitants of Sindara Written and Published by Alctios Firestand, Archmage of the Royal Mystic University in Argendale Physically, the planet Sindara bears many similarities with own. We orbit the same sun, both have two moons, most of the planet is covered in watery oceans, similar atmospheres, etc. etc. This volume is not about the planet itself (although if you are more intrested in the geology and natural history of the two worlds, the book of my colleague,...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 11

ELEAR NORTHERN TEMPLE SITE "They gained access to the Temple through a rear delivery door my Queen." The Elven Holy man spoke as he watched Dysea and Isabella move around the small vault like room. There were over a dozen scrolls encased in the clear glass containers and spaced at even intervals throughout the vault. Three of them were now smashed and empty, but the others remained untouched. "They made their way down here and entered the vault. Only a bio-signature password can open the...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 8

The next morning, the two children were tired upon awakening. They were invigorated, however, when they remembered they were returning to the waterfall. There they could relax and bathe in fresh water once again. They figured that the hike to follow the stream from the pool would be easier than spending the day hauling boxes up to their new campsite. So, they were looking forward to it since they would be foregoing much heavier work. They took only some small cans to fill up with water which...

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Paradise LagoonChapter 5

Mike was on the raft paddling to one of his favorite spots. He heard a funny buzzing sound. He scanned the sky and saw it, a plane. Joyously, he started waving wildly, shouting even though there was no chance they could hear him. The plane continued towards their island. Inside the cockpit, the co-pilot was scanning the island not looking for anything in particular. This island wasn't even on their charts. He saw the orange spot first, a color not usual in nature. "Hey Jock. Get closer. I...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 20

Life in Hawaii for the Sanderson family was quite different than life on the island with the blue lagoon. Their estate on the island of Hawaii was still a paradise as far as Allison, Amy, and the girls were concerned. After a week, they still had not explored it all since there was so much to do just in the vicinity of their magnificent mansion. There was a tennis court where Allison was teaching the girls what she knew about tennis. Of course, the pool was the main attraction. Amy was...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 34

Nathan was describing what had taken place up at the cabin to Allison while they rested after having sex in her bed. She was pleased to know that this meant Jane would certainly be on their side if things got nasty with the Social Worker. Allison loved being alone with Nathan like this. Their talking helped formulate her thinking. She knew how they all thought about her being so defensive, but also knew it didn't matter how much money she had if people wanted to be disagreeable. To Allison,...

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A Place of Dragons

I twiddled my thumbs nervously as I stared out the large transparent-aluminum viewing port that was designed to show off the docking ships. Normally I wouldn't have been uptight, but currently there was only one ship docked at the star-base and it was a "Dragon" owned ship. My chances , it seemed, of getting out of my 6 month unemployment streak were slim. Most of the humanoid dragons preferred to keep a pretty straight-forward crew of just "Dragons", but there were occasions...

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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 7

Revanche rushed into Raimi's following the sounds of the puppy howling like a demented beast, throwing open the door he almost ran in, Raimi stood in the water staring at him, Hellhound who had been running back and forth along the side of the pool recognizing Revanche and went bounding over, "You rushed in here like there was something wrong, what is it?" asked Raimi watching Revanche scratching Hellhounds ears, her arms crossed over her bare wet chest, Revanche looked up then quickly...

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Pagol Kora Chodon

Hi readers amar nam som chatterjee amar bari bankurate now ami job kori kolkatatei amar mail address holo othoba etateo contact. Ami aj j ghotona ta bolbo seta amar life her first sex er ghotona asa kori tomar valo lagbe tokhon ami b.tech clg e portam siligurite okhane mess e thaktam messe ami amar friend tapas r tamal ei 3 jon chara r keu thaktam na mess ta notun Chilo besi borou chilo na barita.sundor charidik bagan samne pachil darun lagto messtak messer opor e thakto malik r or bou sathe or...

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Wagons HoChapter 7

We mounted up and rode over to where Ab was getting ready to start the wagons moving again. "Howdy, Ab," I said as we pulled up. "Howdy. I see you've got a couple of new wranglers over your way," he said. "Yeah, they were having a hard time with their herd, so we worked out a deal where, we'd mix the two herds together and one or both of the boys would help with the herding." Ab smiled real big. "And for that, you get part of their herd, right?" "Yep. I also agreed to hunt for...

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Wagons HoChapter 12

After supper, I told Millie and Tess about my conversation with John. As I predicted, both of them thought he had done the right thing. April 17, 1845 We started out following the Big Nemaha River today and we'd follow it almost to its headwaters. Ab said we'd cross over to the West Fork of the Big Blue river at that point. Ab and I talked it over and decided to only shoot for ten or twelve miles for the day. I also met my first plains Indian today. I was probably seven or eight miles...

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Wagons HoChapter 16

May 15, 1845 We spent a big part of the day climbing onto a plateau. I was scouting ahead and Millie and Lettie decided they were going with me today. We went ahead to the steep downgrade Ab had told me about. It had to be the steepest I had ever even heard of a wagon going down. Fortunately, the hill wasn't as long as I imagined it would be. Ab had mentioned wagons putting poles through all four wheels, but he said that even then the wagons sometimes pushed the oxen or mules pulling it to...

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Wagons HoChapter 25

Abby was her normal playful self that afternoon. She is always a joy to be around. Millie and Lettie were not. Both of them talked to me and both seemed to go out of their way to touch me or smile at me, but they probably didn't speak five words to each other all afternoon. When bedtime rolled around, we all went into the wagon. I picked up some blankets and a tarp and told them Abby and I were going to sleep under the wagon tonight. "But..." Millie started to say, but I cut her...

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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 14

"How are you feeling, big brother?" Tess asked. "Except for the leg, I feel fine, Tess. When are you going to let me start putting some weight on it?" Tess laughed. "I thought mom taught you more patience than that, Jase. Your wound looks good though. You've been getting around pretty good using the crutch. I'd like to see you keep using it for another week, at least. I imagine you're putting some weight on it now. How does it feel when you do?" "Well... It does still hurt a...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 2

THE WILDS 2.9 LIGHT YEARS FROM LYCAVORIAN BORDER BLOOD REVERENCE-CLASS DREADNOUGHT INQUISITOR His curved talons clicked on the floor of the padded deck, his sixteen meter long body lean and muscular, though he was a bit leaner for his age of twenty three years old due to his poor diet. He had never been fed the correct proportions of protein rich food throughout his young life, and his abnormally large size for a Firespitter was only due to his ceaseless hunting forays. He should have...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 12

SPARTA SOUTHERN SPACEPORT The ride down to Earth on MJOLNIR'S HAND'S single MENKLA Transport was many things to the many different individuals on board. To Athani'Puat it was the beginning of a new life. Athani was far more interested in what Earth and Sparta looked like, for she alone knew the path to her future lay here with Resumar Leonidas. He had been true to his word and while they had showered together he had simply washed her body thoroughly with gentle strokes and loving...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 Dragons

Work was progressing nicely, and the base was down. The eight airlocks were in place, and the bottom 4m of perpendicular walls had gone up. The supports for the dome roof had been erected. They were waiting to be covered. This dome didn’t have the same radius in its height to its base. It more closely resembled the top third of a ball after being cut-off. Unlike the dome on the ship, this dome appeared smokier, due to the intense light. The glass’s special properties were going to be very...

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Queen of Dragons

*** Dana, the huntmistress of the Serpent King, she who was known in the land as Dragon Queen, blew down the dusty corridor in a powerful stride. Servants scuttled to corners to allow her passage, their heads jerking low in subservience. Guards snapped to attention and prayed she did not have time to notice any minor lapse in protocol. “Lady Dana! Truly a pleasure to catch you – might I trouble you for a moment of your time?” A minor noble, a lad of barely sixteen summers, tried to...

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Hunting Dragons

The rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved. My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 13

HOPE'S QUEST SIXTEEN HOURS UNTIL LAST PIRATE GATE Martin held the data pad in his hand as he traced the star chart on the table in front of him with the index finger of his opposite hand. The mug of coffee was set on the table in the corner and had gone cold hours ago. The trip so far had gone off without a hitch. Yuriko and Filrian were acting as the faces and voices of HOPE'S QUEST, and so far the pirate forces in the area were none the wiser and they had passed through two of the three...

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