- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Frank had finally answered all their questions, and told them everything he knew of what had happened to his mother, sister and Bobby.
Brad thought for a few minutes. He called to Beth, who had grown bored with hearing how brave her brother was. She came to the wagon.
“I want you to go back to the house,” he said.
She started to protest. Brad ignored her and turned to Frank.
“And you need to go to town and let the Sheriff know about Buford and Chaps ... that Chaps is dead ... and where he’s buried. I should do it myself, but I can’t leave the flock. Somebody needs to get after Buford before he leaves these parts forever. I know he went up to the high meadows, because I could tell he’d been in the shack. But I didn’t find any evidence that he was still there. There’s another trail that leads down the south face of the mountain. We don’t use it for trailing sheep, but a man on a horse could ride it. I think he went that way.”
“I need to get home,” said Frank weakly.
“Your pa is probably back there by now,” said Brad. “Just tell the Sheriff to meet Beth at the house and she’ll bring him up to the camp.
She can show him where Chaps is buried, and then he can come on up and follow Buford’s trail from there.”
“Yes sir,” said Frank. “I’ll do that.”
“And I’d appreciate it if you’d see my daughter safe back to the house on the way,” said Brad. “Try not to fall in love with her too,” he added, half smiling. He was impressed with the boy, all things considered. He had a lot of grit to take out after his mother alone, like he had. Maybe his interest in Enid wasn’t so bad after all.
Beth screeched at her father’s last comment. “You don’t need to even think on that pappa,” she said angrily. “And I can see my own way home.”
“And what if Buford cut back to get something from the ranch and is there when you get there? Do you want to face him alone, now that you know what he’s likely to do? You’ll let Frank take you there to make sure it’s safe, and you’ll wait there until the Sheriff comes,” said Brad steadily. “Now, git!”
He watched the two young people ride off, and turned to Amanda.
“What do you think?” he asked.
Amanda was thoughtful. “He seems to have a good head. Enid! I never thought Enid would be spoken for before Beth.”
She looked up again at the two teens, now far away.
“It’s a good thing it was Frank and not his brother who showed up. The way they were making moon eyes at each other I don’t think I’d want to send her off with him alone.” She was thoughtful and quiet for a moment. “You know Frank was up there with Enid alone. And he’s awfully insistent about seeing her again. I wonder what happened up there?”
Brad wasn’t comfortable thinking about what might have happened up in the high meadows. “What are we gonna do if both of those boys want to spark both of our girls?” asked Brad.
“The question is, what is Jonas Collins going to do?” replied his wife.
Molly rode to the North, which was the last place she knew the men to be working. She found the herd scattered, as she had thought, and it became clear the men were nowhere around here. She had settled down on the ride, but was still filled with nervous energy.
She set about grouping cows and starting them to the East and South, where she knew the pasturage was that Jonas wanted to use next. She thought about the dogs Bobby had described to her, and how they helped with the sheep. She wished she had a good cow dog now.
Bobby was gone ... had been gone for over an hour, and Sarah was dressed, this time in a real dress, when she heard hoof beats. She picked up a shotgun, checking the loads automatically, and stepped out on the porch. When she saw it was her father and brother ... and Buckshot, of course, she stood waiting for them, and leaned the shotgun against the wall.
Jonas, in an unexpected and rare display of affection, ran his horse all the way to the house when he saw Sarah standing there and vaulted to the ground running. That carried him up onto the porch and he scooped up his only daughter and swung her in a circle, almost crying.
Sarah giggled and hugged her father back until he set her down.
“Where’s your mamma?” he asked anxiously.
“She’s fine Pappa,” said Sarah, beaming. “We got saved by Bobby Rocklin ... well I did anyway. She’s out looking for you up North. She’s mighty upset that somebody else got me back instead of you, I think.”
“Out looking for me?” asked her father, incredulously. “That’s the kind of thing that got her in trouble in the first place! I swear that woman has no brain! Which way did she go?” he asked.
Sarah pointed to the North. Her father turned and was obviously going to go find his wife when Sarah stopped him.
“Pappa, I’m going to marry Bobby Rocklin,” she announced.
There was pure, dead silence for what seemed like forever. Buckshot broke the silence by softly saying “Oh Lordy.”
Jonas didn’t go to his horse. His face got darker and darker until it looked almost purple.
“You’ll do no such damned thing!” he finally shouted.
In the past Sarah would have reacted completely differently. She would have ducked her head and submissively said, “Yes Pappa.”
But this was a completely different Sarah, and her reaction was to raise her head proudly and say, “I most certainly am!” When no one said anything she went on. “I was captured by Indians, and Bobby fought to get me free. I’d still be there, husband to some Indian if he hadn’t come to get me. I love him and I’ll have him for my husband if it’s the last thing I ever do!” she said forcefully.
Jonas took a step toward his daughter, his face thunderous.
“Now Jonas, hang on a minute,” said Buckshot, holding his hand out and letting Jonas walk into it. “Think about things before you do something rash.”
“I don’t have to think about things,” said Jonas angrily. “My daughter is not going to go off and marry some damned sheep farmer!” He turned to the girl in question. “You don’t know diddly about being in love! I met those Indians. We’d have got there and took you back ourselves if that boy hadn’t meddled in our business. And he took your own mother into danger doing it! We were told that some of those Indian men wanted to take her away from him too!”
Sarah didn’t flinch. “By the time you got there, I’d have had an Indian baby in my belly,” she said harshly. “The Indian brave who captured me planned to make me his wife that very night, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it! And you’d have killed people, and gotten yourself killed too! Bobby managed to get me back safe and sound without killing anybody. He fought for me bare handed. He has great honor with the tribe now!”
She almost blurted out that they had stayed the night and been served by an old Indian woman, but bit her lip. That could stray into areas neither she nor her mother wanted discussed.
“I forbid it!” shouted Jonas, things final in his mind. He turned to Buckshot. “I’m going to go find Molly and bring her back here. Don’t let this ... this ... this sheep lover out of your sight, do you hear me Buckshot?” He turned to Peter. “And you get your butt into town and find the Sheriff and tell him I want that damned sheep farmer arrested for kidnapping my wife!“
“Jonas...” Buckshot started to plead.
“I’ll not hear another damned word!” Jonas thundered. “I run this cursed spread, and you’ll all do as I damned say! Is that clear?“ he screamed. Without waiting for an answer he climbed up on his horse and kicked it viciously, jerking the reins just as viciously and galloping off to the North.
Buckshot sighed. “Well, that didn’t go all that well,” he said.
Sarah stuck her chin out. “I’m gonna marry him Buckshot. I love him.”
She was obviously talking about Bobby. “I don’t care what he says,” switching to talking about her father. Her stubborn streak, identical to Jonas’, shone from her face.
“Not today, little missy,” said Buckshot. “You leave here today and I’ll be out of a job. And I like my job.” He frowned. “Well I did until lately.”
Peter, knowing that he too had to do what his father had ordered, got back on his own horse.
“Be back in the morning,” he said.
“Be careful,” said Buckshot. “The last thing this family needs is another missing member.” He grinned and turned to Sarah. “And you, little missy, go inside.”
“Don’t call me that!” said Sarah, her voice surly. “That’s what that awful Buford called me when he tried to rape me.”
Buckshot’s eyebrows rose into his hat. “Now that is a story I have to hear. Let’s go inside, Sarah, and you can tell me what happened.”
Sarah deflated. She loved Buckshot. He was like an uncle to her and she couldn’t be mad at him for doing what her father ordered.
“All right, since you asked me nicely,” she said. “But I’m going to marry Bobby. I just want you to understand that.”
“Yes ma’am, I certainly do understand that,” said Buckshot grinning.
“You may have to wait until your Pa dies and goes to Heaven, but I believe you’ll marry the boy.”
After what he had done with her sister, Frank felt distinctly uncomfortable being with Beth. At first she was angry and sullenly quiet, but, as happens with girls sometimes, she forgot all about her anger and plied him with questions. She didn’t want to know about what had happened to his mother and sister. She was interested in how he and Enid got so close that he thought he loved her. She asked very pointed questions too, that made Frank pointedly nervous.
It didn’t take her long to figure out there was something that had gone on that he didn’t want to talk about. And it didn’t take long for her mind to stray towards things most people did only when they were married. But she couldn’t believe that Enid would have done any of those things with this boy ... with any boy, for that matter!. She rode silently for a while, thinking about Peter, and the feelings he caused in her, both mentally and physically. She had stared at his lips at the supper table, and wondered what they might feel like against her own.
“You kissed her, didn’t you?” she probed.
“I love her,” he said for what seemed like the hundredth time.
“How do you know you love her if you didn’t kiss her?” asked Beth triumphantly.
“So what if I did kiss her?” asked Frank.
“What was it like?” Beth asked immediately.
“Surely you’ve kissed a boy before,” said Frank dubiously.
“I most certainly have not!” she replied heatedly. “I don’t even know any boys I might want to kiss,” she said. “Except maybe your brother, Peter.”
Now Frank was astonished. “How do you know Peter?” he asked.
“They came to our house and had supper with us when they were looking for your mother,” said Beth.
“Oh, yeah ... I knew that,” said Frank. “But that was the only time you ever saw him wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” she said, “But his eyes are so beautiful, and his lips look so soft...”
Frank looked over at her. She had on a shirt and pants, like a man. The wind blew the shirt against her breasts. They didn’t look as big as Enid’s, but there were two very sharp points poking through the fabric.
Beth saw him looking and looked down. Her hands came up to cover the bumps.
“You’re a horrible boy!” she accused. “Looking at me like that!” He looked back forward and she took her hands away. “If you did that to Enid she’d hit you with something.”
Frank was tired of her arguing. “No she wouldn’t,” he lashed out. “She liked it when I looked!” He clapped his mouth closed and stared stonily ahead.
“And what else did you do?” asked Beth. She’d heard something in his voice that made the hair on the back of her neck tingle. “You may as well tell me. She tells me everything, you know. She can’t keep a single secret from me.”
Frank looked over. “She won’t tell you everything about us,” he said firmly.
Beth thought about that for a minute. Her suspicions grew. “So you love her.”
“Do you want to marry her?”
Just like that ... he’d said “Yes.” Beth was stunned. Her little sister?
Beth instinctively went for the throat. “I bet you have to marry her, don’t you?” He looked straight ahead and didn’t say anything.
“That’s it!“ she squealed.
“You have to marry Enid because you...”
Frank looked at her as the words died on her lips. “I love her. I want to marry her. I don’t have to do anything. But I want to marry her.”
“But did you... ?” Beth just couldn’t see Enid in her mind, doing things with this boy that it sounded like they might have done.
“If Enid tells you what we did then fine,” he said evenly. “But I’m not going to say another word.” Despite his pronouncement he went on.
“I’m going to marry her, and I don’t care if we farm sheep, or cattle, or go off and do something else.”
Beth knew now that something crazy had happened up in the high meadows. No cow man would agree to raise sheep. It was unheard of.
“I can’t believe little Enid got do to that before me,” she said, mostly to herself. Her voice carried though and his head jerked.
“You’d do that?” he asked incredulously.
“With the right boy,” she said, her nose high. “If I loved him, and he was going to marry me.”
“Women aren’t at all the way I thought they’d be,” said Frank, staring at her.
“So you did that?” she asked excitedly. “Really?!”
“I told you I’m not saying,” he growled.
“What was it like?” she gasped. “Did she cry?”
“Of course she didn’t cry,” he said, defending himself. “She laughed and she yelled, but she sure didn’t cry.” He thought he’d said too much, and couldn’t believe he’d said it at all.
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Hi, Indian sex stories readers, I hope you all guys and girls are doing well professionally as well sexually. My name is Ronnie, from Chembur, Mumbai. A 24 karat pure Mumbai guy. I am 19 years old. I mean young*. Now, talking about my looks- my height is 6 ft, a lean perfect body, and an attractive face, my tool size is 6.8, which can satisfy any girl/lady. Today I am gonna narrate a sex story, which is a true incident which happened a couple of weeks back.If you guys wanna give feedback to my...
The timid panting of the young man beneath me was stifled by the pillow his glistening fingers clung to as I rhythmically impaled him with a passionate dedication. Despite his best attempts to be quiet he would let out a little moan now and again that caused a delectable twitching deep in my lower abdomen and I would counter the sensation by taking a deep breath and turning my face up toward the dark ceiling before focusing once more on my thrusts. I myself was far too disciplined to let so...
Gay MaleRush hour with a black manFriday afternoon I left early my office and caught the train during the rush hour. I was going to meet my friend Paula, to arrange a birthday party in a club.It was summer time in L.A. and that warm day I was dressed up in a tight black fitting top, with no bra; a silk skirt short and flirty and nice high heels. As I was standing and waiting for the train, I got some attention from men around, when my skirt lift up with the light breeze. I could only hold the front of...
You walk into the lobby head held high, back straight. Confidences oozes off you in such a way heads turns to watch you walk by. Your not the most beautifulest thing in the world, your not rich, when you make plans it doesn't shake the world. But it doesn't stop you from getting shit done. When you want something you get it every damn time. You make things happen with your will alone. You are fucking fierce. You have had ppl try to tear you down, break you, remake you into their idea of beauty,...
Introduction: Two horny teens let their passion out on Puplic transport after school. We both had after school rehearsals till 7pm on Thursday. He was in music and me in drama. I got out early and found out my parents couldnt pick me up, meaning I would have to catch the train home. I stood there in the wind deciding what to do. My long straight brown hair blowing behind me. I had an athletic build with nice breasts. Today to school I wore my button up white blouse and skirt. I heard music...
The ride home from New York City was almost surreal for the couple. Their love had reached a height even they had no idea was possible. They spoke little on the way but glances to each other that caught their eyes were 1000 word soliloquies. Despite Joe's years of relationships he was as much the babe in the woods that Selena was at this level of adoration. With the wind blowing above their heads in the top down roadster the ride was a series of deep sighs. Until they turned up the street to...
‘Mr. Kisaragi, my severance check is in the mail. Once it comes in, I can pay the rent in full!’ ‘No, Tom. You live in this apartment for months, you pay for it! I’m making it easy for you. I let you have extra time to pay and you still can’t pay. No money tomorrow, no apartment! No money, and you leave. But you still pay for living here. I know people who can make you pay.’ Once Kisaragi slammed the front door of the complex, the woman standing next to Tom hugged him and broke out in tears. ...
Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others privacy, and also because they don't matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible.As I neared the end of my university course I had less and less time for playing around on adult personals sites, and spent most of my free time planning my...
Crossdressing"Hey Sam, thanks so much for coming over. How have you been?" She said stepping back allowing me into her home. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "It's no problem, what do you need help with?" I said looking at her and she flashed me a smile. "This is going to sound crazy, but first can we head down to the basement?" She said, and I'm slightly confused but just said sure and she turned around to guide me to the basement and I snuck a glance at her ass, and it was nice and...
There had been five of them, but now there were only four and I had two muskets and a loader as well, a lovely and randy loader. They had surprised me in the midst of my eager seduction of the young wife of the local Tory leader and driven us from his home to a deep streambed. One had decided to get behind us and almost succeeded, but I heard him coming and greeted him with 18 inches of British steel. You should have heard him scream. I had to poke him to couple of more times, including one in...
Over the past couple of weeks since my accident, which left me bed ridden with my legs in plasters and my arms bandaged. My Physiotherapist had visited several times and on each visit had helped me masturbate and even give me a blowjob which sent me into places inside my mind I couldn’t have imagined. On her next visit, she came over as my parents were out at work, and it was just mid-morning. My parents had given her a key so she could enter in herself, since I was unable to get up and get to...
I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...
The only company for me being the hired live-in staff and the stable hands, and of course mean old Stella, the Cook, that makes me eat her slimy steamed brussle sprouts *ick*. When you have people hired to do everything for you that leaves you with nothing to do but walk the grounds and lay on your bed dreaming of a life more exciting, more thrilling. I was currently doing the latter, laying on my bed in my white satin day robe day dreaming of some thrilling adventure when there was a...
The swells of her full breasts pushed up as she arched her back. The dark pink of her aureoles caught the light as her nipples stiffened and protruded against the translucent fabric of her green nightie, trying to reach out and kiss the crisp morning air. Her flat creamy belly quivered as she took each breath in and out, a dip forming allowing one to imagine a droplet of water rolling down between her ribs, over her belly, only to land into her navel. Long limbs pull and tighten as she...
”And ….. Action!” The voice of the director, Jon Cassar set the whole crew of ”24” in motion, actors moving around in what was supposed to be the main office of CTU headquarters. The apparent urgency of the situation ment that a lot of people were walking or half-running between each other in the narrow space between tables and chairs. Intentionally or sometimes unintentionally bumping into each other, but it all added to the tense atmosphere that was called for. Reiko Aylesworth walked...
It was pure chance that Emma overheard the two teachers talking. It was a Thursday and the only students still at college were those in the detention class. There were several teachers in the college as well. Emma was sixteen-years-old and in Year 12. She enjoyed being at college but found some of the teachers arrogant and condescending. Emma was in the gym just getting changed back in to her college day clothes. She had been given a special pass to use the gym. She was the only student in the...
SpankingSpeaking of costs, nothing is truly free in this world, but this day I was willing to pay 20 bucks to get a little pussy in the cab of my pick-up truck. I had cruised this street in SW Washington, DC many times. There were always new girls, mostly black, mostly young and the cops didn't patrol it much.This girl, I'll call her Latoya, was strolling 12th Street running her game in a short black skirt. Nice boobs and even though she was too thick to be a model, she had a beautiful ass, round...
No matter who you asked in Angela’s neighborhood or in the school where she was an honor student, they all agreed there was no more an innocent girl than Angela Brown. The eighteen year old senior at Saint Michael’s Academy was friendly to one and all, even the bullies that liked to give the weak ones or the new students a hard time just to show them who was boss. She was a pretty girl, a lot prettier than most with an hourglass figure that made the middle-aged male teachers drool and dream of...
When we pulled into my driveway she sat with her mouth open and stared at my house. After a long silence she said, "You live here?! It looks like a fucking palace!" I laughed and said, "Yeah, we moved in about a week ago. And believe it or not, that's what we call it, The Palace." She got out and stood looking at the car for a moment. Then she turned and looked at the house and asked, "Your husband is a junior VP, right?" I nodded. She asked, "Are you rich?" I shrugged and...
Got porn? What a great play on the iconic slogan of the dairy industry that we all grew up with. Got milk? Well, I don’t know, but I definitely have a shit ton of heavy cream to spew all over your tits! And has plenty of material to milk yourself to, that’s for sure. With over two million videos (and counting) to choose from, you will never run out of porn. What a beautiful time to be alive.There are hundreds upon hundreds of porn tube and video aggregator sites on the web to choose...
Free Porn Tube SitesBringing the Greatest Show On Earth to life for nearly one hundred and fifty years. The Travelling Fuck Fair introduces their patrons to a whole new world of erotic fetishes. People would line the streets, waiting for the parade to start, welcoming the circus to their town. Both men and women alike becoming exited little bursts of energy with each passing hour, for it wasn't just the show coming, but the promise of something extraordinary. As for the ever seeming presence tasked with rendering...
FantasyThe morning after it happened, I got up, went to class, went to the gym, had lunch, went to class again. It was a completely normal day. It wasn’t until I was halfway through my studio class later that afternoon that I heard the little voice in my head....what the hell did I do last night?I pushed the voice aside and focused on my painting. My edges were coming together, but I still wasn’t happy with the red. Too bright, too lively, too…...I’m not the kind of girl that does things like that...I...
MasturbationHi.. Yes it's me Diksha.. As i've said, i'll gonna tell u 1 secret of mine. So here it goes.. My bf & me has known each other since long time.. He's z first guy whom i had sex( vaginal & anal both). No need to say, both were so painful for the first time, that don't wanna have sex again.. But after some more fucking n sucking i started to enjoy.. N now, i just love when my bf suck my clit while fingering my ass hole, i just cum on his face, and truly speaking he also love this.. Then...
This is the true story of our first swingers party.Prior to this, we had a few threesomes and moresomes, but it was under our terms and I arranged the guys.Some were guys from work, especially the first few times as I knew i could trust them. After that, we used the various sex sites and Craig's list.From our 'advertising' Graham made contact and advised he has swingers parties at his house in a northern suburb and asked if we would like to go.My wife Jordan said "I'm not sure. There will be...
Preliminaries to the orgy began with a discussion led by Candice; being the first leader of the Order of the Love Monk gatherings it only seemed right she would lead the first annual gathering of initiates. After announcing the beginning of the first annual grand gathering, Sister Candy introduced herself, and then asked for a show of hands for all those who had ideas for papers or books to expand the Order, and when several initiates raised their hands, she asked if they would leave their...
I woke up the next morning on my stomach, with my arm around Chip’s chest. He was lying on his back, sound asleep. It took me a moment to figure out where I was. I turned and looked at the clock. It was just after nine o’clock, and the sun rays had already begun to heat up the apartment. I got up and used the bathroom, I had to pee badly and had a nasty case of morning breath. I found some mouthwash, took a big swig, and gargled. I stood there, looking in the mirror. My hair was a mess, and I...
When I arrived home she was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. I ask what we were having for dinner and she replied my favorite. I told her that didn't look like my favorite dish and she said who was talking about food. She took my hand and started walking toward the bedroom. She told me to get undressed. As I undressed she walked over to the corner and pulled out a kitchen chair.I ask what that was for and she replied for me to sit in. I couldn't imagine what kinky thing she had thought of....