Bright Sparks Children's HomeChapter 8: Going Home free porn video

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Well that was the ‘interesting’ parts of the holiday, and it finally came time for them to pack up and return home. The girls pleaded with Dennis to let them travel naked, but he insisted that they put some clothes on if they wanted to go into the service area, and that was what they did.

Mandy accepted that she couldn’t travel naked as she was sat up the front alongside Dennis.

When they arrived home everyone was surprised to see that the extension looked complete but Dennis assured them that it wouldn’t be, that there’d still be a lot to do inside.

After they’d unloaded all their personal belongings Dennis asked for 2 volunteers to help unload the equipment at the stores and take the minibus back. He was surprised when Ruth and Angela stuck their hands up.

“Okay,” he thought, not thinking that they would have to climb onto the roof and that they were both wearing very, very short dresses.

The poor storeman nearly had a heart attack when he looked up and saw 2 pussies staring down at him.

“They err, aren’t err.” The man tried to say.

“Don’t worry about it mate, they’re not worried so why should you?”

“Well err, okay then.” The storeman replied, still looking up.

It took twice as long to unload the minibus as it had to load it 2 weeks earlier.

After they’d dropped off the minibus they had to get home and the only real option was to go by bus, two separate buses and both girls took it in turn to go up the stairs in front of other men going upstairs on the bus.

Back home Dennis was pleased to see that the naked Mandy had got the kids started on the washing and put in an online order for the food that was needed quite quickly.

Of course, everyone wanted to look at the extension but Dennis managed to keep them inside while he went to see if the architect, Ian Johnson was on-site to get an update and to see if he could have a look inside the extension.

He found him and was happy when Ian gave him a hard hat and told Dennis to follow him. Dennis was pleased with the progress. The new kitchen was well on it’s way to being ready, as were the new bathrooms although Ian asked Dennis why there were urinals in both bathrooms. Dennis lied, telling Ian that they would be getting the girls and boys to swap floor every so often. Ian looked a bit sceptical but didn’t question Dennis.

Dennis looked at the communal showers and imagined girls and boys in there at the same time.

When Dennis had seen everything that he wanted, he asked Ian when the extension would be ready for them to move in and Ian told him that it would be finished by the end of next week so they could move over, over the weekend. Then Ian asked Dennis if he needed any help with the move.

“Thanks, but I’m sure we can manage, none of the kids have much and it will do them good to help move everything over. I assume that you want everything that we want to keep moved over?”

“Yes please, If you can get it done over the weekend I can get the teams in to gut the place gutted then rebuilt as per the plans. Should only take us 3 or 4 weeks.”


Over dinner that night Dennis gave everyone the good news then told the girls that they wouldn’t be able to do their keep fit exercises out the back naked.

“Can we just wear our bikinis please Dennis?” Ruth asked.

“That would be okay, but no pulling them to one side to flash the construction workers.”

“Aaaw, spoilsport” Jennifer replied.

Dennis also warned then that once they were in the new extension there was a good chance that workmen will still need to go in there to fix the odd problem or two, and that if they got caught without any clothes on they were to apologise and quickly go and put something on.

“So if a plumber is on his back under a sink we can put one of our micro skirts on and go and stand next to him?” Ruth asked.

“Well you can, but don’t distract him from doing his job, and if he says anything about your lack of underwear you’d better give him a good reason for it, and by good I don’t mean that you left them off just for him, just say something like you didn’t have any clean ones when you got up that morning. I can’t have them thinking that my girls are deliberately flaunting their naked bodies in front of them. Everything has to be accidental. It will be good practice for you when you get older and have to fend for yourselves.”

“Are you saying that we should flaunt our naked bodies to get what we want in life Dennis?” Jennifer asked.

“That’s up to you, your individual choice, but I can tell you for certain that men like looking at female flesh and most of them will do just about anything to see or get their hands on parts of a girl that are normally covered.”

“Do we have to let them fuck us?” Angela asked.

“Well that’s up to you Angela, but men like the teasing nearly as much as the catch.”

“So are we teasing you Dennis?” Lucy asked.

“Yes, and I love seeing all you girls naked. Your reward is that you have a good life here and that I teach you things that your school never will.”

“Like our oral sex game?” Lucy asked.

“No, I didn’t teach you that, that was your idea, but I’d like to think that I got your brains working along those lines. And you boys, I don’t do everything for the girls and nothing for you, you benefit a lot from the girls, I know all about your bed-hopping and where else could you be sat eating a meal with 7 beautiful naked girls?”

Most of the boys smiled and Tommy quietly replied,

“I know, thanks Dennis.”

“Right, so girls, please don’t put everything that you’ve got here at risk by flaunting you cute little bodies where you shouldn’t; and be warned, social services will be here quite a lot over the next couple of months and I don’t want any of them to see a naked girl, okay?”

“What are they coming here for?” Tommy asked.

“Two things Tommy, firstly they’ll want to see the new extension and make sure that they’re happy with it. And secondly, we’re going to end up with 24 guest rooms and they’ll be bring more kids here.”

“Will they all be girls?” David asked.

“Well, I’ve made it clear that I have a preference for girls but I’m sure that we’ll end up with some new boys but I’ve also told them that I’ll only take children over 14. We’ll just have to wait and see, but we need Team Bright Sparks to pull together so that our way of life doesn’t change.”

“So do we have to wear clothes all the time?” Lucy asked.

“Hell no, only definitely when social services are here and if there are any workmen working inside here, or the extension after we move over there.”

“Good, I was getting worried for a minute.”

“Relax Lucy, you can flaunt your cute body more than enough other times. The boys won’t stop lusting after your body just because you have to cover it some of the time.”

Tommy was sat next to Lucy and he leaned over and grabbed one of her tits and said,

“I’ll still love these.”

“Gerroff.” Lucy replied pushing his hand away.

“You didn’t say that last night Lucy.” Tommy said.

“That was different.”

“Okay guys, who’s washing up? Oh, that reminds me guys. There’s a big dishwasher in the new kitchen.”

“Yeeeessss.” Tony said and a couple of the others laughed at him.

That night when Dennis was doing his rounds he was pleased to see that all the girls were sleeping on top on their beds totally naked, 3 of them cupping their pussies as they slept.

The next morning Dennis was woken by Mandy riding his morning woody – again. After they’d both cum Dennis got out Mandy’s magic wand and gave her 2 more orgasms with it as she told him that she’d missed her wand when they were on holiday.

Dennis could smell bacon cooking when he headed downstairs and he congratulated Tommy and Lucy for remembering that cooking breakfast was their job for the day. The amusing thing was that Lucy had forgotten to wear an apron and kept jumping back as the hot fat splashed on her naked body.

It was the weekend and Dennis wanted to take Mandy shopping for some slightly more modest clothes for when she started at college.

“Don’t you want me flashing my tits and pussy at all those college boys and teachers?”

“That’s up to you Mandy, but you need some skirts that don’t show your butt cheeks when you do anything but stand still. Not for my benefit, I’d love to take you everywhere totally naked, but these social services people will be here quite a bit and we don’t want you to get thrown out of college for having your pussy on display all the time.”

“Hmm, I guess that you’re right Dennis, but I can still sit in the classrooms with my knees open can’t I? I need to get the fresh air on my pussy, the doctor says that it’s more healthy that way.”

“Of course you can, and the doctor is right, a healthy pussy gets a lot of air to it.”

“Good. Can we get the clothes from a shop where people will be able to see me naked?”

“Hopefully, but it depends on what we can find.”

Dennis told the kids that they had to go out for the day just like they usually do on a weekend.

“Can’t I stay here please?” Tommy asked.

“Sorry, Mandy and I have some business in town and I can’t leave you alone.”

“Okaaay.” Tommy replied.

A good hour later the kids left, the girls having reluctantly put some clothes on and Dennis told Mandy to get on her back on one of the kitchen tables and lift her legs up in the air. She did, automatically spreading them wide.

Dennis got down on his knees and ate her to a noisy orgasm before standing up and fucking her to another noisy orgasm, him cumming just after she had.

Two young men joined them at the bus stop and Dennis went up the stairs before Mandy, Dennis expecting the young men to follow her up and get a great view, and he wasn’t disappointed.

They wandered around the fashion shops, Mandy having to take her dress off to try the skirts on, and, as per Dennis’ instructions, leaving the curtain half open. Dennis and a few other waiting partners getting a great view of Mandy either topless or nude.

If Mandy liked the skirt she’d always come out to show Dennis and ask for his opinion, and she never bothered putting on a top because she didn’t have one with her. Although she always acted as if she had a top on, and her hands never went anywhere near her tits.

In about the fourth shop they managed to find some skirts that they both liked. When she was stood out in the entrance, topless, and next to 2 other men waiting for someone, Dennis told her that she would have to shorten the skirts by about 10 centimetres. That made the eyebrows of one man rise because the skirt was already well above mid-thigh.

As they walked out with Dennis carrying the shopping bag she asked Dennis just how short he wanted them. As usual he told her that it was her choice, adding that he had a couple of his predecessors old vests that he wanted her to shorten to the same length as her favourite T shirt.

Dennis took Mandy to a nice little restaurant for lunch and they talked and kissed throughout the meal with Dennis fingering her pussy whenever he didn’t need both hands to eat or a waiter came to their table.

Dennis took an unusual route back to the bus stop, not that Mandy noticed, because there was a shop that he wanted to go to. When Mandy saw it she said,

“That doesn’t look to be a nice place, what are you going to get here?”

When Dennis opened the door for her and she went in, she looked around and said,

“This is a funny toy shop, assuming that it was a toy shop.”

“It is a toy shop alright, but toys for adults.”

Mandy was silent for a few seconds then replied,

“Like my magic wand?”

“Exactly, I’d love to buy you one of everything but for today there’s just one thing, well two actually, that I want to get for you, something that will remind you of me while you are at college. You go and have a look around while I get them.”

Mandy walked off and was stared at by the man behind the counter and the 3 other men that were in the shop. They watched her every move, even when she bent over to look at something.

Meanwhile Dennis easily found what he wanted and went to the counter to pay for them.

“She’s cute.” The man said as he rang-up the sale. “These for her?”

“Yes, but she hasn’t a clue what they are.”

“Maybe you should give them to her in here and get her to try them, maybe walk around the store a bit to get used to them.”

“That’s a great idea, would you mind?”

“Hell no, go for it man.”

“Mandy,” Dennis called and she dutifully walked over to him. “A little present for you and I thought that you might like to try them in here.”

“What are they?”

“Ben Wa balls.”

“What do I do with them?”

“Push them up your vagina.”

“Oh, why, they look heavy, they might fall out.”

“Use your muscles to keep them in.”

“Okay then, do you want me to try them now?”

“Why not?”

“Okay then. Shall I take my dress off first?”

“You can do if you want.”

And Mandy did, exposing her whole naked body to everyone in the shop. As she tore open the packaging everyone watched as her little tits wobbled a bit as she struggled to rip the plastic off.

“Will you put them on for me please?”

The man behind the counter tapped on the counter and said,

“Lift her up here, it will be easier for you to get to her.”

Dennis smiled and put his hands round her waist and lifted her up. She automatically spread her legs as her butt was being lowered onto the counter.

“Lay back on your elbows Mandy, and give me the balls.”

She did, saying,

“They’re cold and heavy.”

Dennis stepped to one side so that all the men could see her pussy then slowly presented one of the balls to her wet vagina. As it started to enter her everyone saw it suddenly disappear as her vagina grabbed it and sucked it in.

“Oow, that’s nice.” Mandy said, “can you push it right in please?”

Dennis used his fingers and pushed the steel ball in as far as he could reach then pushed the second one in, it too being almost snatched out of his fingers.

“So what happens now?” Mandy said, “are they supposed to vibrate or something?”

“No, that’s it whilst you are still.”

“Oh, I was expecting more of something.”

“Sit up Mandy.”

She did.

“Oh, I felt them move and clunk together.”

Dennis lifted Mandy off the counter and stood her on the floor.

“I can feel them moving down, they’re going to drop out.”

“Use your muscles to hold them in Mandy, like you do when you’re getting to the end of a pee and you want to squeeze out the last drop.”

Dennis saw the unusual look on Mandy’s face then he looked down to her pussy. He could just see signs of her muscle contractions.

“That’s nice, they’re going back up.”

“Good, you need to do that a lot Mandy, now go for a walk to the end of the shop and back.”

She did and everyone watched her butt sway from side to side.

“I can keep them in, oh, I can feel them clunking together, it’s nice.”

“Keep walking Mandy.”

“Oh, oh, if I walk much further I’m going to cum.” Mandy said as she walked back to the counter for the third time.

“That’s the idea girl.” One of the customers said.

Everyone watched as Mandy kept walking up and down the shop until finally she stopped and said,

“I’m cumming,” and her body started shaking.

Two minutes later she smiled at Dennis and said,

“I like these, thank you so much.”

Mandy was half way down the shop on her way back to the counter when the orgasm hit her and when it was over she walked back towards Dennis. The problem was, she relaxed her vaginal muscles and after 3 steps everyone heard a clunk as one of the balls dropped out and hit the floor.

“Oops.” Mandy said.

“You forgot to use your muscles to keep them in.” Dennis replied.

By then, one of the men watching had bent down to pick up the ball that was rolling towards him. He was almost in front of Mandy, bent over and getting a great view of her slit and clit, which was engorged after her orgasm.

“Can you put it back in for me?” Mandy asked.

Dennis wasn’t sure who that question was directed to but he wasn’t concerned when the customer’s hand went to Mandy’s pussy and pushed the ball back in.

“That’s nice, thank you sir.” Mandy said then walked the rest of the way to Dennis, this time remembering to use her muscles to keep both balls in.

“Did you want to but anything else Dennis?” Mandy asked, “because I’d like to go back home now.”

Dennis smiled knowing that Mandy wanted the same thing as him.

He handed her her dress which she slid down her body then they left, leaving the packaging for the balls on the counter.

As they walked down the street Mandy said,

“There were a lot of strange things in that shop Dennis, things that I have no idea what they were for, I mean ropes and whips and handcuffs. How can they be sex toys?”

“Some girls like to be tied up when they’re spanked and whipped.”

“Oh, I was never tied up when I was spanked, it was always knickers down and over the lap. And if we don’t slow down Dennis I’m going to cum again.”

“Keep squeezing those muscles Mandy. Would you like to be tied up and spanked Mandy?”

“I don’t know. I sometimes used to get a tingling in my puss when I was getting spanked. Please slow down Dennis, unless you want me to cum right here in the street with all these people watching. Oh, you do don’t you?”

“Don’t you Mandy?”

“Yes I doooooooooooooooooo, oh, that was nice.”

Mandy had one more orgasm just before they got to the bus stop then on the bus Dennis told her that wearing her balls would be great exercise for her vagina, make her able to grip things like cocks and squeeze them.

“You mean your cock Dennis.”

“I do, but it’s not just my cock, think about other things that you can put in there and hold them in with you muscles.”

“Like what?”

“Well, cucumbers, bananas, dildos, bottles, anything that you can think of that might just fit in, remember, babies come out of vaginas and their heads are big.”

“Do you want me to put things like that in my hole Dennis?”

“Do YOU want to put things in your vagina Mandy.”

“I prefer your cock but other things could be fun.”

Maybe you girls could have a race with bananas half way in your pussies.” Dennis suggested.

“That would be fun.”

“Shall I keep them in for now?” Mandy asked as they got off the bus and started walking the last half mile.

“Yes, let’s see how you get on, see if they keep you horny all the time.”

“I’m horny all the time these days, and that’s because of you Dennis.”

“And you glow all the time that you are horny Mandy, just like you are right now.”

“That’s your fault, and these balls. I think that I’m going to cum again before we get home. That’s the second toy that you’ve bought me and both of them make me cum, I love you Dennis.”

“And I love you too Mandy, now cum for me as soon as you can, and tell me when it’s going to happen so that I can grab your pussy as you cum.”

She did, and he did. Fortunately for both of them it was just as they got to a little alleyway and Dennis was able to drag her in to it and play with her clit whilst she orgasmed without anyone seeing them. They were holding each other’s hands like 2 young lovers when they got back home.

There was no one else there so they took advantage of the time and made love in the entrance hall before any of the others returned. Afterwards Dennis told Mandy to put her new Ben Wa balls back in for the rest of the day and she was feeling horny all the time.

The Sunday was good day, Dennis was able to get the kids exercising out the back, the girls naked then putting their PE kit on and going for a run to the park. Again some of them ran off much faster and when the rest got to the kids play area Dennis was a little happy to discover that no one else was there and his kids were playing on their own.

Dennis had asked Mandy to put her balls in and she later told Dennis that she’d had real problems keeping them in when they were exercising and he’d stopped with her 4 times whilst she orgasmed because of her joggong. Each time leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees.

Dennis saw a few people looking at her bare butt but no one said anything except Ruth who was jogging with them. She asked Mandy if she was cumming but she didn’t ask why and neither Mandy or Dennis told her.

The next week was a bit of a problem for Dennis. He had 7 naked girls there all day and a constant stream of workman and a number of visits from social services checking that everything was set for the move, and each time there was a flurry of activity as the girls rushed to put some clothes on. One time Lucy was too slow and she had to hide in the storeroom until that visitor had gone.

Even Jennifer being able to let the workmen see her naked in her room had gone because of the new building.

The kids did however have the park that they could escape to on their own. They couldn’t go to town because they’d spent all their pocket money and Dennis wouldn’t give them an advance from the next weeks. He didn’t worry about what, or who, the kids were doing in the park.

On the Monday evening whist they were eating, Dennis said,

“I’ve been thinking and decided that it would be a good idea for you all to experience some actual paid work, similar to what you will experience when you leave here. To that end I have been looking for part-time jobs that you can do, either on an evening or on a weekend.”

There were a couple of groans of disapproval but Dennis continued.

“I’m not talking about every evening, maybe just one per week, or a Saturday or a Sunday and I won’t let you do it if you aren’t getting paid for it. This is proving a bit difficult but I have managed to get a couple of jobs for the girls. They are both one evening a week and they have agreed to rotate round all 6 of you. I’m going to send Mandy to each of them first just to make sure that the places are legit and you aren’t going to be exploited.”

“What are they?” Lucy asked.

“They’re both modelling jobs, one”

“Modelling clothes?” Jennifer interrupted.

“No, one is for a photography club and the other is for an art class.”

“Nude modelling?” Ruth asked.


“Can I go after Mandy please?” Ruth asked.

“We’ll sort the order that you go after Mandy has checked them out.”

“It won’t be on a Thursday will it?” Lucy asked, “I’d hate to miss the doctors visit.”

“Relax girls, neither of them is on a Thursday.”

Dennis heard a few sighs of relief then turned to the boys,

“I will find something for you. Oh sorry, maybe I should have offered you lot as nude models?”

All the boys said words to the effect of “No chance,” whilst the girls giggled.

After the kids had left to do their jobs, play games or whatever, Mandy said,

“I’m a little worried about the younger girls going, maybe you should go with them?”

“That’s not a bad idea Mandy, but I can’t go with you, that would leave the kids unsupervised.”

“I’ll be alright on my own, the school gave us a lesson of self-defence about a year ago.”

“Okay, just remember, balls and eyes hurt the most.”

“I hope that it won’t come to that, but yes, that’s what they taught us at school.”

“So do you fancy being a nude model Mandy?”

“Yes, it will make me tingle and maybe cum if the men are cute.”

“You don’t mine a lot of men starting at you?”

“Don’t be silly Dennis, you know that I like it.”

“Just had to ask.”

“Thank you Dennis.” Mandy replied the reached over to him and kissed him while her hand went to his shorts and squeezed his cock through the material. Then she said,

“Will you use that magic wand thing on me before you fuck me tonight”

“Of course I will.”

“And can I put my balls in before I go, then I sit or stand there squeezing them and making me even more horny.”

“I don’t see why not.” Dennis replied, wondering if she realised that the more horny she was, the wetter she would be and the more her clit would stick out.

“So when is the first of these modelling jobs Dennis?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Okay. Where and when?”

Dennis gave her all the details and she soon realised that she’d have to get a bus there. She was smiling as Dennis gave her the other details.

“Hang on a minute, that’s a college, the one that I’ll be going to soon, aren’t they shutdown for the summer break?” Mandy asked.

“I asked the same question and was told that some adult classes go on right through the summer.”

“Oh, I never realised that.”

“Neither did I, apparently it’s a new thing to keep the money coming in.”

“Okay. I hope that there’s lots of men students.”

“So do I, I like the idea of you posing naked in front of lots of men.”

“So do I. Hey, aren’t you supposed to be over 16 or 18 to do a job like that? I mean it’s a college and I’m sure that they wouldn’t break the law.”

“I asked about that and the teacher said that they were so short of models that they’d take anyone provided that they said they were 18.”

“So next week Ruth just has to say that she’s 18 even though she doesn’t look it.”

“Yes, but I like your idea of you going along just in case there is a problem, but judging by what the teacher told me she’ll be okay.”

The Art Class Mandy had a shower and another shave straight after the evening meal and she inserted her Ben Wa balls just before leaving. Dennis gave her a kiss and told her to be careful as well as reminding her of the contact name.

She was lucky and got followed up the stairs on the bus but she had been unlucky in that the walk hadn’t been quite long enough for the balls to make her cum. Neither was the walk at the other end but it did mean that she was highly aroused when she arrived at the college.

The security men on the gate pointed Mandy in the right direction and she soon found the room. It had lots of windows down the corridor side and Mandy wished that the art class was during the day in term time.

As she approached the door she saw about a dozen people, mainly men, and ranging in ages from about her age to pensioners. They were all sat at their easels listening to the teacher talk. Mandy got an attack of nipple and pussy tingles and felt her pussy get even wetter knowing that she was going to be naked in front of them in minutes.

“Hi, are you Mandy?” A young man said as he approached her as soon as she opened the door. “How are you?”

“Fine thanks.”

“I’m Peter, the art teacher. You’re probably wondering why there are classes during the summer break, well it’s because the college think that some of the students are on their summer break want to starting a new hobby, and then there’s the money, the college saw an opportunity to make some so here we are. Not that I’m complaining, it’s money for me as well and I get to practise my passion.

“So Mandy, have you ever modelled before?”


“It’s quite simple really. All you have to do is take your clothes off and pose for us for a couple of hours. You’ll have a 5 minute break every 30 minutes to stretch your muscles and do whatever else you want to do. There’s a ladies toilet just down the corridor on your left if you need it. Oh, there’s a screen over there that you can get changed behind and you’ll find a robe there that you can use.”

“You want me to pose in a robe? I thought it was nude modelling.”

“It is, the robe is to wear to walk over to the front of the room and at the breaks.”


“Well I suppose that you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but it’s there if you do.”

“I doubt that any of the Bright Sparks guests will bother with that.”

“Fair enough. I have to ask Mandy, are you over 18? It’s college rules.”

“Yes, all the Bright Sparks guests are over 18.” Mandy lied.

“Fair enough, the college says that I have to ask but they don’t say that I have to have proof, and you’ve just answered the question for all your girls.”

Mandy gave a silent sigh of relief.

“Okay Mandy, are you ready to get started?”

With that, Mandy pushed the shoulder straps of her dress outwards and her dress fell to the floor leaving her naked apart from her shoes which she kicked off. She’d been standing with her back to some of the students so when she bent over she gave them a glimpse of what she hoped they were about in glorious detail for 4 x 30 minute sessions.

The tingling in her nipples and pussy that had faded a little got stronger.

“Well okay, I guess that there’s no need to use the screen, would you follow me to the front please Mandy.”

Mandy put her shoes and dress on a nearby table and followed Peter to the front, her metal balls reminding her where they were, when they both stood facing the budding artists. Peter said,

Same as Bright Sparks Children's Home
Chapter 8: Going Home Videos

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 10 The New Girls Settle in

The next morning Dennis told Mandy to not bother getting dressed. He also told her to leave the 3 new girls to have a sleep in. After he had seen the kids off to school and inspected Mandy, they went up to see if the new girls were awake. They went to Samantha’s room first and when they knocked and opened the door they saw that Samantha was still asleep and naked. They closed the door and went to Amelia’s room expecting to find both the sisters. Just as Dennis was about to knock Amelia said,...

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Mrs Sparks Vehicle

I was a junior the first time I had sex. The most incredible sex of my life, with Mrs. Sparks. I was a senior now and it was my last semester before I graduated. I didn’t have any classes with Mrs. Sparks this year but that didn’t stop us from communicating. I always stopped by after school when I could and we would kiss, but Mrs. Sparks was against us being a couple. She told me she still loved her husband and it would never work but I loved her and I wasn’t going to give up, and she knew it....

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Mrs Sparks Vehicle

I was a junior the first time I had sex. The most incredible sex of my life, with Mrs. Sparks. I was a senior now and it was my last semester before I graduated. I didn’t have any classes with Mrs. Sparks this year but that didn’t stop us from communicating. I always stopped by after school when I could and we would kiss, but Mrs. Sparks was against us being a couple. She told me she still loved her husband and it would never work but I loved her and I wasn’t going to give up, and she knew it....

1 year ago
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Economics with Mrs Sparks

It was getting close to lunch and I was sitting in my 5 th hour class, Economics and Government, making a paper airplane in the back table. I was zoning off as she talked about the laws of Supply and Demand, as if I will ever need to know any of that bull crap. I looked around as I finished up the final touches of my airplane and noticed half the class was droopy eyed and zoning off as well. I would hate to teach Econ to a bunch of teenagers who don’t care, haha. I was about to throw the...

First Time
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 7 More Adventures at the Camp

The Girls invent a new Game - but Mandy can’t play One morning after breakfast, Dennis and Mandy went off to have a shower and when they got back to the field they saw a strange sight. Sat on the grass near the marque were the 6 girls. All in a big circle, sat with their arms on the grass behind them with their legs outstretched and spread very wide so that each girl’s feet touched the foot of the girl on either side of them. In the middle of the circle the 6 boys stood there looking at the...

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Brenna Sparks 800 219000

If you love getting off to Asian beauties like I do, then you fucking owe it to yourself to check out This is where you are going to find what so many of us already know: that this Laotian hot piece of ass is the real, mother fucking deal! She is so goddamn sexy. And for those of you that lust after Asian goddesses, this is exactly where you fucking want to be.Whether you know all about Brenna Sparks or you have no idea who this beauty actually is, know that really,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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SparksChapter 3

09:00 Saturday, 11 May 1991 Provost Marshal Post, Ft Huachuca, AZ The sergeant behind the desk pointed toward the two Border Patrol Agents leaning against the wall near the coffee machine. Soldiers, thought Sandy, do not lean against walls while waiting in the entrance to the Provost Marshal's Post. As they approached, the taller of the two straightened, prompting the other to turn. After a quick exchange of glances, the shorter man greeted them. "Hi. I'm Agent Rey Munoz, and this sorry...

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SparksChapter 26

05:50 EDT Monday, August 19th, 1991 Ft Benning, GA CNN began reporting in the mid-morning that Mikhail Gorbachev was under house arrest in the Crimea while a 'hardline' committee was declaring the treaty to decentralize the Soviet Union (scheduled for vote on Wednesday) was invalid. The news spread through the PLDC class during the FTX until lunchtime, when the SGLs assembled them and told them the US military was going on worldwide high alert. 13:10 Wednesday, August 21st, 1991 Ft...

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SparksChapter 5

11:20 Thursday, May 16th, 1991 Building 102 Ft Huachuca, AZ "Yes, Mom, I know I just called you Sunday for Mothers' Day. I might see you before the end of the month, I'm being sent to El Paso on duty for a day or two soon." Ben stood in the stairwell, on the payphone to his family. "I think I may have a surprise for you. I'll let you know when I have more details." The conversation carried on for a few more minutes, then Ben hung up the phone. Sandy kissed him before he could even...

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SparksChapter 27

"Good morning, Supervisory Agent Batista," the 3rd floor receptionist said, her eyes smiling welcome. "I'm really looking forward to working with you." Osvaldo returned the greeting. Though his office had a window, and carpeting, and some really nice maple ply furniture, it was still in an office park with tall buildings that blocked a view from any direction but to the north. His third-floor office overlooked the roof tops of a housing development, and into the hillside beyond. It...

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SparksChapter 13

06:10 Sunday, June 30th, 1991 Holiday Inn, 2730 N. Main St Walnut Creek, CA Frustrated, Sandy slammed the phonebook shut. She pulled on her shoes, and trotted to the staircase, bypassing the elevator. When she reached the front desk, she asked the clerk where the nearest military base with a large hospital was. The somewhat-surprised clerk told her "Oak Knoll. The Navy's given it some newer name, but it's been Oak Knoll for as long as I remember. My husband used to go there all the time...

2 years ago
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SparksChapter 6

Sandy and Ben dressed in Class-B's, the short-sleeve variant of the Class-A uniform. This was a uniform unfamiliar to, and uncomfortable for, both. Each wore "garrison caps", Sandy's the female version which reminded her of what English Bobby policemen wore. Ben and Sandy checked everything again this morning. Almost all was In Accordance With (IAW) Army Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia. Ben and Sandy both wore Expert Marksman Badges, Sandy with Rifle...

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SparksChapter 8

08:00 Monday, June 10th, 1991 Building 102 Ft Huachuca, AZ SFC Florea briefed the twenty or so Border Patrol agents for about forty minutes on deployment and transportation, timelines and schedules. He gave the floor to SSG Brooks, who would explain about communications and alerts for sensor trigger events. Florea crossed the hall, to where Munoz, Silverman, and others discussed things with Captain Russell Franks of the 502nd Military Police Co. The NCOs of Delta Company, led by 1SG...

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SparksChapter 16

03:45 Friday, July 5th, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 Sandy woke Friday morning, stiff from sleeping on Ben's arm. With a stifled groan, she reached over to shut the alarm off, but instead switched it to radio mode. The resultant blast of AM radio deejay chatter woke Ben. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sandy watched Ben stretch. Is he everything I could ever want? Ask me today, and I'd say 'yes'. What will I answer in six months? Troubled, Sandy pushed the...

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SparksChapter 18

11:40 Tuesday, July 9th, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 Sandy sighed. The last few days had been ... intense. Dan was like a ticking timebomb, and he still blamed Ben and Sandy for Lenore's sudden intractability. Sandy was sure Dan was biding his time until he met Lenore's paramour. Sunday passed, with Lenore conspicuously sunning herself at the hotel's pool. Dan and Kate returned from the social meeting with the Hardings and the new broker enthusiastic. Dan's...

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Sparks of Moonlight

Sparks of Moonlight © Lily Rockmore, 2009 Halloween Story Competition Hey guys, This is my entry for the Halloween story competition. It’s a tale of love, loss and death. Even so, I hope you enjoy it. Please keep an open mind as you read this. I believe it’s the only way to read, and to appreciate this story. Thank you so much for reading me. Don’t forget to vote and comment. Thank you! <,3 Lily. 1956, Japan. They called it the witching hour, the sixty minutes when the dividing line...

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SparksChapter 4

08:15 Monday, 13 May 1991 Building 102, Fort Huachuca, AZ While Sandy returned the truck to the Motor Pool, she made appointments for licensing them in consecutive half-hours the next morning at 08:00. That completed, she hiked the mile or so back to Company, the morning heat already in the 90's. She carried the light satchel containing the pistol in her left hand, ready to salute with her right, if called upon. She met Ben at the CQ's desk. They walked to MSgt Brown's small desk in a...

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SparksChapter 9

19:50 Monday, June 24th, 1991 Compartidero Flats, AZ Captain Franks had gotten devious again. This time, they moved the second line of sensors south of the original line by about 1000 meters. His reasoning was they'd already gotten what they could from counterintelligence, the expected foray from the criminal element from within the US. Now that the criminal element presumably felt confident in what they knew of the situation, they'd try to conduct an operation, trusting that they'd...

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SparksChapter 10

14:45 Tuesday, June 25th, 1991 University of Arizona Medical Center 1501 N Campbell Ave Tucson, AZ "Sandy?" She woke up from a confused dream. Faceless people taunted her while chasing her through city streets, to a courthouse, where she was expected, and she was late. Feeling disoriented and flushed, sweaty, Sandy woke generally out of sorts. "Sandy?" Ben repeated. She stared at him for a moment while recent events snapped into place. All the fear and doubt she'd been holding in...

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SparksChapter 17

06:15 Saturday, July 6th, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 "Thanks, Chief," Sandy said as Ben climbed out of the car. After she handed the bags out to Ben, she followed him out, then both walked to the driver's window. Ben shook his hand. Sandy frowned when the Chief offered his hand. She leaned in and gave him a quick hug instead. "Monday morning, then, at oh-six-hundred." The older man drove off. "Breakfast first?" Sandy asked as they made their way into...

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SparksChapter 24

12:15 Wednesday, July 31st, 1991 La Pila de Ladrillos Medillin, Antioquia Colombia The Brickhouse was an interesting Colonial home, a mish-mash of many architectural styles. In his explorations when he wasn't working, Ruben found the odd corners in the place fascinating. Keeping away from some of the hired help was a priority of his, and he quickly finished his reconnaissance of the terrain, cataloging places of refuge and places to avoid. One good place was the exercise room. Not quite a...

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SparksChapter 25

16:55 Saturday, August 10th, 1991 Ft Benning, GA "I do not remember telling anyone to get up. Apparently some of you cannot hit the door when you are told to. This is for real you idiots. One, stand up. Two, hook up. Three, move to the door. Four, through the door. You do not pause. You do not hesitate." The speaker was a Master Sergeant, Black Hat. From his position, Ben could not decide if he was actually as pissed as he sounded, or it was an affectation. It didn't matter, though, the...

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The sparks flew and we hooked up Real Hookup Experiences

Much to my reluctance and mortification, I finally gave into Shirleen’s months of persuasion to join Tinder. My best friend and partner in crime, Shirleen was the fearless free spirit who believed in Carpe Diem. I am Kara, and this is the story of one of my most memorable nights of getting hooked up. I had been through a rough breakup a few weeks back. I knew I was just missing the physical intimacies you get in a relationship. At this point, I was spending my nights delving into a new fantasy...

Real Hookup
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Naked in School Homer

Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...

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Brave New World Chapter 7 Flying Sparks

Peter, Brandon, Colin and Monica were already in the pool by the time I arrived, but I didn't get in the water. I couldn't get in the water. Of course, that didn't stop Peter from trying to splash me. Lucky me, I can take a little water without juicing everything. I sat down on the pool chair and just started to read. That was when Peter decided to splash some more water at me. Ugh! I lowered my book and took off my sunglasses. "Hey, c'mon! You, quit it!" "Why don't you get in the...

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our first motorhome

We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...

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Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier By Belle Gordon The heavy iron door banged shut and the keys turned in the lock. I lay down on my bed and resigned myself to being locked up for the next twenty two hours. As I'd done many times previously I cursed my stupidity. Love had blinded me to the risks and dangers involved in breaking the law. I thought I had covered my tracks but I'd got careless and greedy. Inevitably I got caught. I should have foreseen what was likely to happen when I'd stolen the...

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Lovebright Academy The Real Story

Some of you may remember a wonderfully funny story by Downing Street a while back called "LOVEBRIGHT ACADEMY." Now Downing Street is one of my favorite authors, but he has his squiks and this made him to pull a few punches in his tale. I happen to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lovebright Academy, so I know the whole story. I don't want to call too much attention to Downing's omissions, so with his permission, I've decided just to re-post his story, inserting the needed additions...

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The Lust of a Sunday School Teacher and a Churchgoing Boy

Introduction: Mrs Maggie Henderson is the pastors wife who out of growing sexual frustration seduces a fellow church member Clay Nicholas who use to attend her Sunday School group, but will an unexpected house visit later in the day threaten to turn the small Christian community upside down. (told from the boys perspective) Mrs Maggie Henderson The Pastors Wife and Sunday School Teacher The Pastors Wife I was brought up to go to church and believe that there is a God who will send me to hell...

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Alexias Tale Chapter 3 Sensual Outgoings

Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...

4 years ago
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Economics with Mrs Sparks

It was getting close to lunch and I was sitting in my 5 th hour class, Economics and Government, making a paper airplane in the back table. I was zoning off as she talked about the laws of Supply and Demand, as if I will ever need to know any of that bull crap. I looked around as I finished up the final touches of my airplane and noticed half the class was droopy eyed and zoning off as well. I would hate to teach Econ to a bunch of teenagers who don’t care, haha. I was about to throw the...

3 years ago
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Meeting A Beautiful Woman Ignites Sparks

I am Rahul, I was working in a company in Bangalore, since it was a big company we had clients all over the world and to meet one such client I was on a business trip to Colombo, I look forward to such trips as usually on my trips I get to meet some very interesting people. I reached the airport and finished my security; I was looking around at the crowd eyeing many beautiful women, especially the air hostesses in their short skirts. I went over to the magazine sore and picked up a couple of...

2 years ago
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Fireworks Sparks And Diwali Sex

Clouds of smoke covering the skies and the night of Diwali burn bright with light and fire illuminating it. Screams of joy and laughter, a reunion of families, relatives, and friends. Spreading happiness and positivity. Burning and bursting of crackers, helping to increase the dipping temperature for a couple of nights, (perhaps for Diwali sex.) Friends gathering, drinking, smoking, chilling, and sharing their life moments and experiences. And so much more happening for a night in the city,...

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Sparks Fly

All rights reserved by the author, 2002. No commercial re-prints are authorized without written consent of the author. I opened the front door to pick up the morning paper. The house across the street was hidden behind a network of toilet paper hanging from the tree. I smiled. Looks like somebody got their house papered. I remembered the time my friends and I papered Sue's house. I had a crush on Sue and talked my friends into papering her house. We stopped at Safeway and bought thirty...

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SparksChapter 1

23:25 Wednesday, April 24th, 1991 1115 E 113th St Los Angeles, CA 90059 Ruben Aragón was enjoying a damn fine high. Earlier in the evening, he'd been to some comedy stand-up place in Hollywood. Paul Rodriguez did his usual "I'm more Mexican than you" routine, and Ruben had laughed his ass off at the comedian's antics. It had been a long week for Ruben, first he'd ferried trucks from El Paso to LA, and then unloaded the trucks at night. Last night had been the worst night of the week....

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SparksChapter 2

18:35 Friday, 10 May 1991 Building 102, Ft Huachuca, AZ Sandy spilled out of the door, and fetched up against the car's door handle. She threw a small overnight bag into the back seat. "Drive!" she ordered, as she dove into the passenger seat. Ben grinned, happier than he could remember being since he joined the Army. "Yes, Ma'am!" he said, and eased the ratty Pontiac T-type from the curb. Sandy caught his eye as they left the barracks area, then Sandy, her eyes laughing, scooted over...

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SparksChapter 7

1:10 Thursday, June 6th, 1991 United States Border Patrol Station, 441 Duncan Hwy (US 70), Lordsburg, NM Osvaldo Reynaldo Batista de Moreno hated Lordsburg. Southern New Mexico he disliked intensely. Though the mountains far to the north were beautiful, he really missed the brownstone canyons of New York. He'd been 'sitting on an X' for seven years now. Though he was competent, did his job, and liked police work in general, the poor condition of the area and his general lack of respect...

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SparksChapter 11

"Ben," Sandy said out of the blue in the waiting room. "Teach me Spanish." This effectively riveted the attention of the entire waiting room on her and Ben. Sandy ignored them. Ben didn't hesitate. "OK, babe. In school they had me start with the oddball verbs. 'Estar' means 'to be.' Yo estoy, tu estas..." Time passed quickly. "That's an interesting set of orders, Private," the MD said. Captain Parks, by the insignia on the white shirt and the nametag, though he hadn't...

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SparksChapter 12

06:20 Friday, June 28th, 1991 The Biltmore Hotel 2400 E Missouri Ave, Phoenix AZ Dan threw the last of the bags into the bed of the truck, and everyone climbed in. Dan and Kate sat in the front, while Ben was between Sandy and Lenore in the back. As they left the hotel grounds, Sandy took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I was such a wreck last night." Lenore patted her knee. "It's called a 'catharsis', Sandy. That's what they taught me in Psych 121, anyway. You needed to get it...

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SparksChapter 14

17:55 Sunday, June 30th, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 Before supper, Lenore tried to convince her mother that leaving Ben in the hospital alone had been a good idea. "But Mo-om! Even Sandy didn't think we needed to stay!" Sandy winced, then met Kate's eye. "Really, Kate, he's fine. The Chief Orderly has him under his wing, the doc says it's just a preliminary infection, and they caught it in plenty of time. They'll let him out tomorrow or Tuesday, and...

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SparksChapter 15

06:50 Wednesday, July 3, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 Sandy held no expectations for the spa. Lenore filled breakfast with an excited recount of the events of the day before, though she made no mention of the Gunny. Ben and Sandy shared silent amusement and while they went to the counter to fetch bagels and orange juice agreed to keep mention of the Gunny secret. But the ladies were going to the spa, and Dan and Ben were going to go off and do father-son things,...

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SparksChapter 19

15:35 Friday, July 12th, 1991 Along Highway 24, Walnut Creek, CA Things hadn't gone so well for Dan and Kate until this morning, despite Kate's reassurances that she'd met Lenore's new boyfriend. Dan hadn't asked for details, and Kate remained mum, trusting in Barbara. Many times Sandy found Kate with a strange expression on her face, made more obvious when she spoke to Lenore. As the week passed, however, Kate seemed to grow an acceptance to the idea. Meanwhile, Dan pitched a perfect...

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SparksChapter 20

23:40 Saturday, July 13th, 1991 Zapata, 93 Cr, 13 Cl Chapinero, Bogotá, D.C. Colombia "In the Sixties, again." Ruben acknowledged his brother with a nod. It's always in the Sixties here, though they'll tell you it's the 'upper teens'. It's the altitude, or something ... it's higher than Flagstaff. Ruben gestured around the small house, located in a residential fringe on the northern edge of the industrial Ciudad Kennedy. "This place is plenty fucking strange, Joachin..." His...

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SparksChapter 21

"Sergeant Hauptmann, please. I'll wait if he's not available." Ben was using his dad's credit card to pay for the call. He waited for almost five minutes, before Sergeant Hauptmann picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Sergeant, its PFC Collins, checking in and needing orders." "Ben! Jesus, am I glad to hear your voice! How's Sandy? Your leave going well? You two haven't fought or anything, have you?" Ben laughed. "Christ, Sergeant, is our relationship that obvious? She's fine,...

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SparksChapter 22

18:15 Saturday, July 20th, 1991 7914-B Arthur Street Oakland, CA 94621 Sandy and Ben waited in the Gunny's kitchen while the sounds of showers and other preparations floated down the stairs. Deb joined them in the kitchen, wearing a full-length formal black dress with short sleeves and a grey sash, with a short décolletage at the front and a scalloped back. A pearl stickpin rode over her left breast, and a small comb with seed pearls rested in her brown hair behind the left ear. Sandy...

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SparksChapter 23

08:10 EDT Friday July 26th, 1991 Building 2748 Ft Benning, GA "Where in hell is your gear, Private?" The speaker wore a black baseball-style hat with silver parachutist's wings and the silver-on-black of a Sergeant First Class' dress rank sewn to the front of his headgear. He stood behind a tall wooden desk-like partition, which stretched down the room chest high, one of many stations to receive soldiers reporting. Ben was alone in the reporting area, standing within the lines painted...

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The Homestead

I wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...

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Brighton Manor Ch 01

Chapter 1 An exploration of a love-hate relationship That old manor was no place for a city girl like Stella. Perhaps if she’d been born in this country and her parents hadn’t decided to move to America when they tuned 18, she might feel more comfortable running this big mansion. She would have been living here all along if her mother hadn’t passed this house on to her younger sister when their parents died. Now that Stella’s aunt had died a lonely, some say crazy, maid at 45, her mother was...

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Brighton Nude Beach story

Four years ago my wife (my girlfriend back then) and I moved down to Brighton and had a wonderful flat just off the seafront, only 100 yards from the beach. When the summer came around it was great to go and sit on the beach and relax in the sun with a good book, magazine or just our thoughts. My girlfriend was then a petite size 14 (UK) with lovely 36D tits and curvy hips that blend into a lovely pert bottom. She has long red hair that she often wears in bunches and the prettiest little face...

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Anns Snowy Rendezvous Dales going Away Gift

Lisa Chen had spent the night with Dale. Still lying in bed, half asleep that morning, she heard the telephone. She wondered sleepily, who could be calling so early. "Hello," She heard Dale say, speaking quietly. After a couple of minutes, she could hear the tone of resignation in his voice. Lisa sensed something had happened. A moment later Dale returned to bed. Lisa could tell he was upset. Immediately, she asked him what was wrong. Sighing in resignation, he slipped back into the warm...

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James the Homemaker

"You've got some explaining to do, little Missy! What, did you think I'd call you 'young man' with all those panties and a bra under your mattress? Is that your only undies supply? Why didn't you just put them in your panty drawer? Oh, don't worry. I already moved them so they'd be a little more convenient for you. Oh, and I bought you some more. A girl needs more than five pairs of panties and one bra. I'm sure I got you the right size and I bought the most feminine ones for...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

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