My step mom
- 2 years ago
- 33
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“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“But we’re almost home!”
“Then I guess I’ll have to be efficient.”
“But I ... oh god, Kathryn...”
After a somewhat anticlimactic coupling against the wall, they’d showered, dressed, and left his apartment a post-bacchanalian ruin. His mattress wasn’t quite a lost cause, but it was most certainly in need of a deep cleaning. Moments after retrieving the car, she curled up in the passenger seat and fell asleep, leaving the task of navigating out of the city and back to her lakeside estate to him. Keeping his attention on the road was difficult, and not just due to fatigue; his mind was reeling over the events of the previous twenty-four hours.
She said she’d agree to a date on her terms, but how could I imagine that she meant a ménage-à-trois with my closest friend ... who also happens to be an avowed lesbian? I know Kathryn’s had sex with women, obviously including Irina, and somewhere in the back of my mind I guess I considered her hooking up with Wendy as a possibility, especially since that day on the boat, but I never thought I’d be involved. Nor do I have any idea what all this says about us. I finally reveal that I love her, things get weird — granted, that was as much my fault as hers — and the first thing she does is set up a threesome? How am I supposed to interpret that? Was immediately proceeding to an outrageous sexual adventure her way of reminding me that all I am to her is one of those adventures? I’m more or less prepared for that to be her answer, even though it’s not the one I want to hear, but at the moment her motivations are more than a little opaque.
He gripped the wheel, trying to focus on the road before him. I’m also struggling to understand what Wendy got out of it, other than orgasms and sating her curiosity about the two of us being together. That she desired Kathryn was clear from the start, and obviously the attraction was mutual. But she did so much more than I’d ever guessed she would, and the whole night and morning were like exposing a raw emotional nerve that we were all too afraid to point out. I felt like we were constantly on the verge of something truly dangerous, but I have no idea what it was, or whether or not we crossed some sort of line. I’m going to have to talk to Wendy about it, though I should probably give her a few days to process everything. Frankly, I could use some more time myself, because I’m so very confused.
It was while he was contemplating just how long an interstitial period might be ideal when Kathryn woke up, sighed, stretched, leaned over, and started casually unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.
His climax filled her mouth about a minute after he pulled into the courtyard. The engine was still running.
He was dutifully recording and refiling bottles (albeit at a slower pace than usual) while Kathryn napped. He was almost done, and if he’d been at full efficiency he probably could have marked the end of phase one. His mind, however, continued to race at breakneck speed, constructing and then discarding increasingly unlikely paths forward.
“Need any help?”
Kathryn was standing in the entrance to the cellar ... naked, sleepy, and incomprehensibly beautiful.
“Need? No. But I’m always grateful for your company, though I feel like I should remind you that it’s fifty-five degrees in here.”
“Did you forget that I promised you sex in the cellar? You’ll just have to warm me up.”
“No, let’s save that for when I have more energy. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
This feels so ... comfortable, he mused as they worked, idly chatting about nothing in particular while the specter of their date hovered overhead. Eventually, their conversation submitted to the inevitable.
“So, did you enjoy yourself?”
“I feel like ‘enjoy’ is a grossly insufficient description for what I experienced. It was as unbelievable as it was unexpected.”
“Was it really all that unexpected that Wendy and I might fool around if given the opportunity? Or that the two of you might?”
“Again, I’m not sure ‘fool around’ is how I’d describe what we did. As for you two, let’s say I’ve pictured it without actually considering whether or not it would happen outside the confines of my perverted imagination.”
She raised an eyebrow. “And did it live up to your fantasies?”
“It obliterated them. Here’s a better question: did it live up to yours?”
“Mmmmmm,” she purred, “it absolutely did. That girl has has an amazing tongue, and quite the collection of toys. Plus: caramel-covered apples!”
He chuckled at the memory. “She said the same about your tongue. By the way, and just so you know, we’re very close to done with logging the cellar contents. That said, my efficiency is dropping with every word of this conversation.”
“That’s okay, because I’m a little revved up myself. But before we head upstairs to be inefficient with each other, I have to ask the most important question of all: how did you feel about having sex with Wendy?”
“I still have no idea. Obviously, the physical part of it was beyond anything I could have hoped for, but I’m still trying to process the rest. It’s one of those things that I never really thought would happen, despite the fact that we’d talked about it, and even while it was happening I couldn’t shake that feeling. I suppose, in retrospect, it was the only way it could happen; I wouldn’t have had the foggiest idea how to pull the trigger, aside from drinking too much and just going for it, and suspect she felt the same way. So I guess we both have to thank you.”
“But... ?”
He sighed, for she continued to read him like a book. “But ... I’m also not sure that I’d characterize what happened as Wendy and I being together. It was pretty clearly all three of us, or at least it was whenever I wasn’t sleeping on the sofa so you two could destroy my bedding. I don’t have much experience with threesomes, and I understand both of you have more, but I have to believe the vibe was different than it would’ve been were it just Wendy and me.” Kathryn was staring at the wall, her brow furrowed and her expression pensive. After a few minutes of silence, he inquired, “What did you think about it?”
“The threesome, or you and Wendy?” Her voice seemed oddly distant.
“Both, I suppose.”
“It’s been a long while since I’ve been with more than one person at the same time, and this was the first time a man was directly involved. Most of those memories are extremely positive, and this will absolutely join them. As for you and Wendy, it went pretty much as I’d hoped. You two are ridiculously, hilariously compatible, aside from the rather glaring exception. Anyway, I still think that, one day...” She drifted off.
“... ‘one day,’ what? That we’ll do it again, you mean?”
When her focus snapped back to him, he was dismayed to see that she didn’t seem altogether pleased. He wondered at the reason. “That you and Wendy will have a chance to be together without the interference of a third party, of course.”
“I don’t think either of us were exactly averse to the third party in question.” It was an attempt at levity, but the effort was strained and he knew it.
“I do remember her insisting that my presence was the key to round two, you know.”
Why does she sound annoyed? “I don’t think she meant it in a mercenary way, I think she was just expressing her attraction to you.”
“Well, I’m attracted to her too, but that’s not the point.”
The point? I must have missed it too. “I’m not sure I understand.”
Her shoulders slumped. Whatever strange tension was building within her, it fell away. “Never mind. I guess I need more time to think about it.” She handed him a bottle. Puzzled, he took it and went back to work, silently noting that her desire to go upstairs and have sex had been forgotten within the space of a few minutes.
For another hour or so they worked, mostly in silence and wreathed by the vague discomfort that silence caused. Eventually, she stopped handing him bottles and looked around. “Are we done?”
He looked up and confirmed her guess. “Stage one is over!”
“Oh thank god,” she sighed, head slumping until her chin touched her chest.
“It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
“Luke, I have a law degree. I’ve spent the last month as a bored housewife handing you things.”
Ouch. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were so unhappy. I could’ve done it myself, or we could have changed roles, or...”
“No, no, I’m sorry I snapped at you. It was just a transparent excuse to spend time with you, anyway.”
“Well, that’s okay, then,” he joked, secretly thinking that it didn’t seem okay at all, at least not to her.
“But even you have to admit that it was pretty boring work.”
“Not the most exciting, no. If it makes you feel better, the next stage is even worse.”
“How could it be worse?”
“What I have to do next — source and purchase wine — isn’t something that you can help me with.”
“So ... you mean I can’t work with you anymore?” To his relief, she looked disappointed.
“You can, but the other thing that needs doing is moving bottles around to make room for the new arrivals.”
“Great,” she groused, “from conveyor belt to freight truck.”
“I repeat that you don’t have to keep helping.”
“But then I won’t have anything to do, which is exactly how I ... no, I’ll stay, but I’m going to ask for a raise.”
What was she about to say? “Well, let’s hear your salary demands.”
Suddenly, she stood up and reached for his hand. “Here’s my first demand: stop working. Come upstairs and hold me.” Despite his growing anxiety at her odd behavior, he followed. As soon as they reached his bed, she carefully undressed him, shed her own clothing, and laid down behind him, wrapping her limbs around around his body. Puzzled, and unsure just what it was she was seeking, he tried to focus on their most pleasurable points of contact, especially the softness of her breasts as they pressed into his back.
“I’m sorry, Luke. I know we were supposed to be a tangled pile of sweat and fluids right now. But my head’s in chaos and I can’t concentrate. If it goes on for too much longer, I might have to ask you to fuck it out of me, but for now I just want to hold you for a while. Is that alright?”
“Our usual athletics aside, I do like a lot more about you than just sex, you know.” Why did I say ‘like’ when we both know that I meant ‘love’? “I’m happy to be here for whatever you need.”
Her encircling arm tightened, but she didn’t respond. He could tell by her breathing that she wasn’t drifting into sleep. She seemed fidgety and uncomfortable. As in the cellar, he felt an unaccountable tension building between them, but he remained utterly baffled as to its cause. It started when I said that I wasn’t sure that what the three of us did gave me much of an idea what it would be like to be alone with Wendy. But why would that bother her? She’s been our principal cheerleader all along. Though he rolled the question around and around in his mind, he never settled on an answer.
Eventually, her hand drifted down to his cock and stroked it to hardness. Rolling him onto his back, she mounted his shaft and rode him until he came, treating herself to several orgasms along the way. But instead of the usual continuation or escalation, she collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily. His erection slowly softened inside her cum-drenched channel, and her silence lingered. Several minutes later, he realized that she was asleep.
When they finally awoke it was dark outside. Whatever she’d been stewing about seemed, at first, to be behind her, and they animatedly discussed their date and its orgiastic aftermath while he made dinner. But she dismissed his invitation to talk about the wine he’d opened, said nothing (positive or negative) about the veal braciolone (about which he was rather proud), and fell back into silence as they cleaned. Dropping the last few utensils into the dishwasher, he turned to see her standing with her arms folded across her chest, staring out the window. Her face wore an embittered frown. Not knowing what else he could do, he wrapped his arms around her. Though she acknowledged the gesture by resting her hands on his forearms, she didn’t relax into him the way she usually did, and for the first time within memory he didn’t tumesce at the feeling of her body against his.
About ten minutes of silent standing later, she turned, kissed him, and disappeared into the bathroom. Shrugging, he disrobed and got into bed, but when she returned she gently put off his tentative sexual advances, protesting that she was too fatigued and head-scrambled for it to be any good, and promising him a resumption of their usual schedule in the morning. Moments later, she was unconscious.
Though he was little less tired than her, it was long before he was able to find his own path into slumber.
She kept her promise, enthusiastically fellating him to a spectacular orgasm within moments of him waking up, but when he recovered enough energy to reach for her and return the favor, she stopped him with a smile full of erotic possibility. “Later. Go work out, or run, or whatever you feel like doing. Then shower, throw on some trunks — or don’t; it doesn’t really matter, because they’re not going to stay on for long — and meet me by the pool. I’ll provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I might even feed you as well.”
Intrigued and relieved at the return of her usual playfulness, he chose to use their basement gym rather than go for a run, deeming stamina a more important thing to preserve than strength. Though I wonder just how long she’ll want to have sex before she puts a stop to it. Bill’s coming home tomorrow, which means we’ll be sleeping in separate beds tonight. I have a feeling it’s going to be an even more difficult parting than usual, at least for me. He added more weights and pushed himself harder than usual, sweating away his anxiety and his doubt, but not a single molecule of his guilt.
When he arrived at the pool, Kathryn was nowhere to be found. He was just turning around to see if she was still inside when she emerged from the house, gloriously naked, carrying bowls of freshly cut fruit and carafes of fruit juice chilling in Champagne buckets
“Did I taste that bad this morning?” he quipped as she set both on a nearby table.
“As delicious as always, but when it comes to semen I’m afraid my vaunted connoisseurship is actually a slutty lack of discernment. If only my taste in wine was so catholic, because we could save a lot of money. Now, if you start taking medicine I might actually protest the taste, but it still won’t stop me from sucking your cock, and as long as I’m doing that I can’t imagine what could possibly keep me from swallowing. If I like someone enough to give them head in the first place, that decision’s already been made.”
“You’ve really never sucked someone off and then decided that they didn’t deserve to finish in your mouth?”
“Luke, you’re not getting it. It’s not about what they want, it’s about what I want. Speaking of which...” She eyed his absurdly tented trunks; he’d expanded to full length as she talked. “I don’t suppose you’d like to garnish my breakfast, would you?”
“What part of my little confession was unclear? Drop ‘em.” A bit stunned, he lowered his swimsuit. She practically salivated at the sight, spooning a half-dozen sliced strawberries into a small bowl, then falling to her knees and inhaling his erection, sucking with fierce purpose.
“Holy mother of... Christ, Kathryn, I’m going to fall over if you don’t ease up a little.” She ignored his protest, reaching for her bowl of fruit with one hand and clawing at his buttocks with the other. In mere moments she had him on the brink, and he realized that all the casual displays of skill with which he’d become familiar weren’t even close to what she was actually capable of. As she proved the other day, she can tease me for hours without making me come, but as she’s proving right now she can also force me to climax without even breaking a sweat. “It’s ... I’m...”
Tearing her lips from his shaft, she pointed his spear at the bowl and pumped with her other hand. Streaks of translucent semen spattered against the vivid red fruit. Despite the rapidity and ferocity of his orgasm, he couldn’t help but shake his head at the lurid absurdity of covering fresh fruit with his ejaculate. But then he watched her greedily consume every last morsel, moaning with theatrical satisfaction despite the depravity, and any doubts as to the propriety of such deviancies disappeared into the ether.
“Could you oil my back?” She was lying face down on a lounger while he stared at her, as enraptured as he’d been when he’d first seen her in a microscopic bikini.
“You’re in full shade. I don’t think you need sunscreen.”
“It’s not sunscreen, it’s oil, and you’re missing the point. I want your hands on me. The oil’s just an excuse. And by the way, if you want to use the fact that you’re rubbing oil into my naked body to excuse some untoward behavior, I’m probably not going to complain.”
“Right, of course. How foolish of me.”
“You said it, not me. Though I can assure you I thought it.”
Chuckling, he uncapped an unlabeled bottle of dark, vividly scented oil and drizzled it over her elegantly arched back. She shivered a bit, sighing as he began massaging it into her skin. Up, down, and around he moved, not sparing a single inch of her exposed flesh. For a few minutes she propped herself up on her elbows, allowing him access to her breasts — her swollen nipples required an extensive and detailed application of oil — and then sank back down as he moved to her legs, parting them so he could run his hands up the interior of her thighs to her drenched and overheated center. But when he began to probe inward, she closed them again.
Intrigued by her prompting, he poured a bit more oil on her buttocks and worked them in earnest, squeezing and parting, paying special attention to the seam in between. His fingers moved towards her anus, gathering excess oil and teasing her sphincter with a fingertip. Her sigh turned to a groan of arousal as the ring surrendered, and he pushed his digit several inches into her ass.
Her groans were accompanied by squirming and unsubtly rolling hips as he moved his finger in and out, soon adding a second, and then a third. She shuddered, hissing his name as she climaxed. He didn’t relent, thrusting his fingers in and out of her increasingly pliant rear entrance, and a few minutes later she came again. He kept on working her hole, and the involuntary oscillations of her pelvis responded in kind, rearing back against his penetrating fingers.
Two more orgasms later she was gripping the sides of her lounge chair. “For god’s sake, Luke, fuck me. Stop teasing and get your dick in my ass.”
Impishly, he removed his fingers and, instead of complying, bent his lips to her entrance and tongued the no longer impossibly tight ring. Her shrieks echoed off the concrete as he circled and probed, but now it was his turn to rear back in surprise.
“What kind of oil is this?”
Though she was writhing with pleasure, she managed an answer. “Styrian pumpkin oil.”
“What? You’re telling me that I’ve just rubbed about fifty dollars worth of rare culinary oil all over you?”
“Doesn’t it taste good?”
“Of course it does, but...”
“To be honest, I was kinda hoping it’d entice you to rim me, but then you did that thing with your fingers and I got too horny to wait. Since you’ve already started, though...” With an unsteady hand, she grabbed the bottle of oil and handed it to him. Shaking his head, he poured another stream onto her puckered hole and resumed his analingus with even more enthusiasm than before. He discovered that her tendency to climax from anal penetration wasn’t restricted to penises and their analogues, but that it could also be accomplished by a sufficiently rigid tongue, and fifteen minutes later he’d reduced her to a quivering mass of orgasmic jelly.
Sensing that the time was right, he rose over her and slipped his painfully erect cock into her nether hole. “Fuck, Luke, yesssssss!” she wailed as he bottomed out, pumping her well-primed hole with fierce intensity and focusing on his own almost desperate need to come. A few dozen thrusts later, he buried his full length in her ass and released, filling her colon with his seed. She pounded the lounger with her fists, convulsing through climax after climax.
When he was empty, he blanketed her oil-slicked body with his and nibbled on her ear. The summer heat rendered it impossible for him to tell the difference between oil and their mingled sweat, but if either of them minded, it was far from apparent. Moments later, his hips were rising and falling once more, taking up a smooth rhythm as he fucked her ass. Her enthusiastic encouragement assured him that it would be a long while before either of them were willing to let him abandon her snug hole.
“Jesus, how much sperm did you leave in me?”
Thick, milky whiteness oozed from her reddened rear entrance. “I can only tell you that I feel about ten pounds lighter.”
“Mmmmm, sounds delicious. Hey, do you want to dash back to the kitchen and get me the leftover fruit?”
“You’re kidding me right now.”
“Actually, yes I am,” she replied with a laugh. “That would be going way too far, wouldn’t it?” With two fingers, she transferred his cream from her ass to her mouth, sucking them clean and then repeating the motion. Despite its oversensitivity after long and aggressive deployment, his spear showed no signs of flagging.
“Luke,” she murmured, “there’s something I have to say to you.”
“Of course. What is it?” After several more hours of increasingly athletic coupling, filling all three of her orifices again and again, they were relaxing on the same lounge chair. She was on top of him, facing the sky. His hands covered her breasts, idly massaging their fullness. He was far too relaxed and satisfied to feel even the slightest tension at what might otherwise have been an ominous conversational opener.
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Cockatoo Chapter 24 I love feedback [email protected] twitter @nikkie_silk Pao's eyes flicked across my face looking for reassurance. "Miss Alex told me it OK." I smiled, "Pao, it's fine, Miss Alex just forgot to tell me it would be tonight." I walked across to her and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. "You look beautiful, that dress looks lovely on you." She giggled and looked up at me. "Thank you, Mr James. It one of Miss Areeya's. She say I can keep it if I...
This story was written by Alex and lily. Lily was abroad without Alex and they were teasing each other. Lily wrote the first paragraph and then Alex replied, and so on............Lily - So, thinking about this some more.......I would like to go to a very posh party, eyes wide shut type.....formal dinner, beautiful long dresses, but with nothing underneath but black hold ups and high heels......during dinner we play games, but the couple who lose have to perform for the make sure...
***This has bi-sexual male components. If it's not your thing, don't read.***The foursome fucked well into the night and next morning. Both men had their cocks in all six of the women’s holes; one just as good as the next. When it was time to part, it was with great reluctance on all parts. They didn’t know when Lewis would be back in town and the pleasure he brought the women was amazing. Having a large cock at their disposal was a wonderful treat that they didn’t want to end. Throughout the...
Group SexThursday morning, Ken dropped by Davyn's shop before going off to the studio. Davyn had said that he'd provide Ken a loaner while the work was being done on his car, and Ken thought nothing of it. Until he saw the loaner, that is. "You are kidding, right?" Davyn grinned. "Nope." "Ah huh. So. I'm here for you to make my car more fuel efficient, and as a loaner, you're giving me a Hummer?" asked Ken incredulously. "Yup," said Davyn. Ken smelled a rat and said so. "Ya got...
A conference meeting at MiamiI had a boring conference meeting there, in my well know city of Miami.My loving Victor at same time had flown to Chicago on a business trip.I arrived at the hotel close to midday; had a light meal and a warm shower before getting into bed for a good siesta…Then I recalled having a dream about several black men fucking me in a crazy hard gangbang. They all fucked my cunt, ass and mouth…I thought it was just a dream, but then I felt somebody was pulling my panties...
Let's start off with, we have been married for 10 years and together for 14, both of us are chubby, I have always been chubby, but she has gotten bigger over the years. She was mid-sized maybe 170 pounds when we met, and now because of some health problems and 2 k**s, is now 240. Because of the weight gain, and my not being very big, basically a little longer than a toilet paper roll and thicker than it. (Yes I took the Toilet paper roll test for thickness; I cannot fit inside of it hard.) That...
Auditioning For A Master by Unknown From time immemorial, I have enjoyed and fantasized about dressing like a girl and living and feeling life fully as a woman. Like so many other "girls", I love being feminine, silky, feeling sexy and yes, submissive. Endless lonely nights have been spent dressing in secret, trying to forget a deep need and secret fantasy longing to be fulfilled. I had never served or exposed my needs to a man. It had always been a dark dream in the...
Hello, friends, this is Aditya(Name changed) here. Presently I’m living in Delhi. I’m going to share with you my 1st sex experience in this sex story which is how I lost my virginity to my neighbor’s daughter. I’m 5’8” tall, 20 years of age, fair complexation, smart looking, my penis is 6 inches long and 4cm thick – can satisfy any girl/women. I was in Bhopal doing before coming to New Delhi. I always had an eye on my neighbor’s daughter since day one when I first came to there place. Shweta...
Chloe Cherry and her boyfriend Kyle Mason haven’t seen each other in a few days, but their texts make it clear that the drought is about to end. As Chloe chats with Kyle, she can’t hold back the memories of their time together. Kyle is clearly just as eager as she is because he agrees to skip dinner and go right to dessert. When he finally arrives, Chloe is ready and waiting to pull him inside by his shirt and have her way with him! The couple relocates to the bedroom, where Chloe...
xmoviesforyouMy opportunities to play are infrequent, considering my professional career and family, but I am occasionally able to get away for some personal time while on business excursions. I met a guy from North Georgia who had contacted me on-line a while back. He is 66, retired, divorced, living alone, with a number of children and grandchildren (like me, in this respect). He has a trim build with minimal body hair and no belly, which is unusual for someone that age. He classifies himself as a...
Gay MaleSaturday morning. It was somewhat comforting to be home for the weekend after the week we'd had, even if 'home' was thirty-odd feet of travel trailer. "Uh-huh," she said. "But what a week to be tired from." Squeal! "WE'RE MARRIED!" She rushed to me. At least I had time to open my arms. We were twisted together. "Yes, we are, little one." I kissed her. "Alan, let's go somewhere ... Next weekend." "And does my new bride have someplace in mind?" "Uh-huh. I think we should...
Hmm. That would explain her being able to take my dick. Could she be telling the truth about having puberty start at seven and then stopped? After what Fern had told me I looked inside her using the place in my head. It showed me that she really had ovulated a bunch of times years ago, even that she had gotten a few eggs fertilized, but her uterus wasn’t ready to do anything with them. I was next guided to see the places the medicines to reverse her puberty had short-circuited places in her...
By ThavionHawk “Lin, how many times have I told you to keep running the virus scanners once a month?” No way to hide my exasperation here. “Well if your not going to help me Rich, then why did you come over?” I could feel it as she fixed her eyes on me. Nothing about Lin could pic away at me more then her vivid sapphire blue eyes. Something about them just gets right under the skin, maybe it's just down to being a Tiger fur, but what ever it was she knew the power of her eyes and...
My wife and I had been out to a club and I knew she had just the right amount of liquid courage to talk her into some fun. I ask her if she was ready to go get something to eat. She agreed so we headed out. As we got into the car, I asked 'what sounds good to you?' she smiled and leaned over to rub my crotch and said 'meat! I want to eat some meat'. I knew then she was up for most anything.I drove toward the east side of town. I kept up the sex banter to keep her from noticing where we were. As...
Materna Planet! fm1021 TJ Ryder "Greetings Earthlings!" The group of mostly slight smallish submissivemales laughed appropriately at the joke from the representative from Europa. Harold listened to the dignified woman confirming what he already knew about the facts behind the legendary space colony wherein after 6 generations men were 25% smaller than females, nursed from them their whole lives and were submissive. "The facts...
Copyright, kayce69@fsworld Copyright, [email protected] ???????????????????????? Another story by Pagan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It?s all a piece of cake. ?Your fucking brother helps in the lab he ain?t no fucking scientist.??He fucking is and he has got that stuff and it does fucking work.??And you?re telling us he just used it, like mixed the horse stuff and his secret formula and you reckon that Neanderthal...
The moonlight was entering the bedroom through the gaps in the curtain. Michelle woke up with a jerk as it fell on her face. As she came to her senses she became aware that she was sweating badly and was thirsty. She went to the kitchen, and to her amazement drank three bottles of water increasing her thirst ten times. Her throat was burning like hot iron. She ran back to Angelina. “What is it hon, its not even 9 pm.” “Wake up. I don’t know what to do. I am bloody thirsty.” Angelina sat up with...
Living in the house were John and Sylvia. John was her youngest stepson. Her oldest stepson was Craig. John had recently finished college and was looking for work. Sylvia was married to Griffith, their father, but they had a loveless marriage. Griffith was often away working as a computer engineer for his company. He trained military personnel in the use of the computer systems and software that the company provided to the services. Griffith had left an instructor's position in a college to...
TabooAdam had just handed the phone off to a surprised Karlie when Allie, Mary, Rachelle, Leslie, Erin, Walt and Sean came in. "Look what we picked up in the parking lot!" Rachelle said, putting an arm around Leslie's shoulders. "Can we keep her?" "She's not housebroken," Rebecca replied. "We'll have to keep her in the yard." "Hey!" Leslie giggled. Adam looked at the computer equipment that Walt and Sean carried. "I'll explain in a minute," Mary said. "It's good Leslie is...
Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public.Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...
Love and Zombies Author's note: This is fan-fiction taking place in the world of the book "World War Z - an oral history of the zombie war". Hope you guys like it. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada The mayor's wife is a strikingly beautiful woman despite being in her 60's. She asks to do this interview on the patio, and there she begins. "I am one of the luckiest survivors I know of. It started with working for Walmart before the Great Panic, and my boss actually giving...
Kaise hai sab, Havas ke pujari. To ladko laude pant se nikal lo aur sexy ladkia chut me ungli dal lo, big papa is back. So doston ye story maine apni life ka ek incident apke sath share krne ke lie likhi hai jo ke sal pehle ki bat hai, Mera naam Sam nahi hai, meri age bhi 22 nhi hai aur na hi ye meri pehli story hai aur mere laude ke size se kisi ko koi farak nhi parta so let just focus on the Aunty. Unka naam to komal hai lekin badan bilkul jaisa hardcore. Watermelon jaise do bade bade Juicy...
It was the kind of winter where comfort food could cause no guilt. The snow and rain poured down endlessly and the biting wind left Scarlett Kennedy’s eyes watering and her face numb. She missed the gloriously abundant sunshine of Los Angeles but the gothic Yorkshire mansion was the only real estate her father had salvaged after his investments turned sour, and so the family had been forced to move, just as the last leaves dropped from the trees. Yorkshire was unglamorous and cold and the...
“Oh! What are you doing?! You didn’t even ask me!”“No, I’m just taking what I want. I’m taking what you owe me.”“Why do I owe you this?”“Because I want it. Because I want to take you. That’s all you need to know. I’ve got you now, so don’t try to stop me.”“I know. You’re already in so deep. What can I do? I’m defenseless and you can **** me until you’re finished with me.”“Now you’re talking sense. Don’t even think about trying to stop me when I want to take you.”“You brute!” I knew that this...
It had taken her a long, long while to fall asleep that night seeing as she masturbated for her very first time. The exhilaration, those sensations while she orgasmed, and when she felt that cum as it oozed down her thick sumptuous thighs had her feeling most unusual. However, regardless, Shelly felt incredible! Shelly wanted to do what she’d just done again. Maybe not that night but she’d do it. She knew she’d do that for sure, she told herself. She just knew she would for sure. And then she...
MasturbationSo I met my girlfriend, now wife Kristina, in college seven years ago. My wife has a great personality and is very beautiful, and has so much natural beauty and a curvy body. Kristina has two sisters, one is two years older, Amber, and Sarah, who is four years younger. Amber is not as beautiful as Kristina but has larger tits which I would not mind seeing one day. Now back to Sarah, when I first met her I thought she was cute, she had a well kept body andvery fit. I did not think of her...
September 9, She:Hey…I thought of you last night.I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed.My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you…thinking of your lips on mine…our tongues exploring…your mouth kissing its way down my neck.I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive,sending waves of pleasure down my spine.I stroke my slit once and pull away,I imagine again...I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching.I can’t stop moaning,I need you so much!You kiss...
Love StoriesI farted around with my new toys most of the afternoon. When suppertime came I wasn't late to the table though and mother and the girls made it worth my while to show up. We had big steaks with baked potatoes and green beans and after I finished mine mother put a peach cobbler on the table and started dishing up bowls of it for desert. It went down well with plenty of Arbuckle's coffee. I had nearly stuffed myself too full, but thankfully I didn't go hog wild. Mother, Susan, and Sally...
we were the team of 8 people who started from kenya. everything was alright until that day... i had gone to nairobi to buy some liquer as there were only few botteles left. the capital was some 400 miles from our camp. i came back in the evening only to find the nest empty.i searched everywhere but got nothing. there was no trace of any human being. there was a very queer atmosphere. something was very strange. i rushed to our site.. as i reached there, i found the bodys of my mates. i was...
It was 2:00 in the afternoon on Saturday. I was sitting in my room flipping the channels looking for something good on. I was so bored, there was nothing to do. I was home alone because my parents went up North for the weekend and left me to take care of the cats. I went downstairs and got something to eat. I started making a sandwhich, and I heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be I thought to myself. I walked to the door and it was James, my neighbor."Hey James, what's up?" i asked."Hey...
My name is Cindy and I am a married woman with a serious problem. I am a nymphomaniac. Yes, that's right I love sex. I love all types of sex. I love pussy sex. I love anal sex. I love oral sex. I love lesbian sex. I even love Internet "cyber" sex. I love having sex, watching sex, and reading about sex. When I'm not having sex, I am thinking about having sex. Now you may not think this is a problem, but let me explain further. Being married has really cramped my style. My husband was more in...
CuckoldWhen this had happened, it was a month away from our graduation. The stress of final exams, her boyfriend, and our life away from one another, mostly due to neither of us wanting to admit our flings to others, made our normal routine more rare. What caused our spark to grow back was due to one of her friends, Alex, a senior that was to graduate in our year, and had a secret he didn't tell anyone. In order for me to find out what it was, as well as get my chance to fuck Madi once again, I had to...
Sissy's hugs had a way of shaking the chill from Bobby's bones, chasing the pain away. His home was in these hugs, not the house standing before him. "Fuck those bastards, Bobby. We all know you're a hero," Eric blustered. His brother-in-law meant well, but Bobby was hoping to escape - for at least one day - the turmoil in his life. His sister - as always - came to his rescue and silenced her husband. "Hush, Eric! They'll be no war talk today. My baby brother's home. Nothing...
"Well then, let's get on with it," I told my Spirit friends. I had no confidence we'd be able to easily find where Sara was buried, but I knew we had to try. And try very hard! I know I'm a Spirit. Yes, a Dead one. If an admission of that fact makes you happy, so be it. Sara is dead too! What makes me sad is the difference between us. I'm free to roam and she's not. Worse yet, she has no one to depend on but me. No one to help her but me. That's an awful lot of responsibility...
I turned and said, “Hey Jim. How was the lake? Hot enough for you?” He and his wife said that it was pretty hot, but getting in the water was very refreshing. I walked the first load of my work stuff into the house, took off my dress shirt and put some shorts on. As I was coming back out, I heard the neighbor's car door open. Jim's daughters stepped out of the back seat. Erin came out first. Erin is 15, very slim and has a nice tan. She is going into her second year of high school and is...
"i don't have anything planned. why?" "i was wondering if you would like to come over later and watch a movie. "sure." she said as the bell rang to go home "okay! ill see you later." i said over the noise when i got home i started cleaning like a mad man. my room the living room even the bathroom. i changed out of my school cloths into a ratty pair of jeans and a t-shirt. the doorbell rand at about 7 and i let her in. "why dont you go pick a movie and get it started while i go...
Author's Note: Another quick story after far too much time away from writing. I was forced to use my vacation or lose it at work, thus the sudden flurry of activity. I am always looking for story suggestions, especially now that I have time to work on them. For example, this one is for a man who wanted a story featuring a much more willing sissy receptionist working at an auto shop. I hope you enjoy this. Once again, I welcome comments here or...