FidèleChapter 20 free porn video

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Toweling himself off after a brief and disappointingly unrefreshing shower, Luke sighed, staring at the tile as if it might offer him some tiny morsel of insight or comfort. The only sound he could hear was a slowing drip from the leaking shower head. He wondered if they were already deep in the throes of passion. If I step out of the changing room, will I be met by cries of ecstasy? And if I do, how will that make me feel?

Ever so slowly, as if wading through a pool of molten lead, he finished his ablutions and donned his street clothes, staring at himself in the mirror and begging for solace, recrimination, or both.

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” he asked of his reflection. No answer. Though I don’t know why I’d expect mirror-me to know something that I don’t.

His reluctance to leave the safety and tranquility of the changing room was as palpable as it was frustrating. But he was beset by indecision. Not just over his choice, which was now made and part of their new reality, but about what to do next. Should I go watch? Do I want to watch? Do I sit there and ... I dunno, beat off or something? That seems a little pathetic. Unless they’re so hot together that I can’t help myself, and then it would be kinda dumb not to. But that might be even worse, too. Or if I don’t watch, should I at least try to listen? How would that be easier than watching, though? It’s not like I won’t know everything that’s going on; she’s an extremely vocal lover. I’ll hear every single orgasm, and probably be able to guess exactly what he did to achieve it.

He sighed again, rotating his shoulders to try and reduce the tension that the shower had completely failed to dissolve. Well, I can’t just stand here and talk to myself. I have to do something. Hiding is cowardly. I’m the one who set this in motion, and now I need to man up and see it through. If I don’t, all my self-serving justifications about how this might help me get over my jealousy were no more than meaningless psychobabble. He was finally gathering enough courage to find out what they were doing when Alejandro strode into the room with a stern and slightly troubled look on his face.

“Don’t tell me she changed her mind?” Please, please, please tell me that she did.

“I am not here to tell you that.” Hmmm. Kind of a non-denial denial.

“So she didn’t?” He knew he sounded deflated, realized he was being ridiculous and even a little bit churlish, and forced himself to mentally exhale his internal emotional toxins.

“I did not say that either.”

“So why are you here, rather than back there?” Now I do sound petulant. This isn’t his fault, it’s mine. Nor is he responsible for my endless second-guessing.

“Because I am the one who said no.”

Exhilarating waves of relief washed over Luke, calming his frazzled nerves and relaxing his muscles. Which is why his very next words were so shocking, most of all to him. “But she wants you. You want her too. I saw it as clearly as anyone can see anything. Please don’t try to pretend I didn’t.”

“I shall not, for you are correct on both counts. But there is a conversation you and I must have that will explain my answer.”

Why am I not leaping around the room with joy? Why am I bothering to let him explain himself? Why don’t I just grab her hand and flee this absurd situation? “Okay, go ahead.” Good job. That was a well-executed escape plan.

“I apologize for what will be a very challenging question, but I require an answer that makes sense to me: why? Given the change in her circumstances and the context of our afternoon, I understand Kathryn’s interest, and I openly admit that I share it, but to be exceedingly blunt: what do you get out of it? I must warn you that if your answer is that you crave the thrill of watching her with another man, my answer will be an immediate and permanent no. I have allowed myself to participate in that fantasy a few times, and it has almost always ended unpleasantly for all concerned.”

“I get it. You’re ... I mean, dudes want you to be the ... bull? Is that the right word? Or their wives or girlfriends just want to take a spin on a huge ... well, you know. Either way, it happens, then someone decides they can’t handle it after all, and everything goes to hell.”

“Precisely. This is part of the learned caution I explained to you earlier. I did nothing to deserve or earn what nature provided, but I did earn the wisdom to act with respect. For me, there is simply too much risk of disaster to be a novelty in someone else’s sexual drama.”

Luke shook his head, giving voice to a few seconds of wry laughter. “You know, Alejandro, for a dude it’d be really easy to hate because you’re handsome, because of your success and talent, because of your ridiculous endowment, because of everything you’ve already done with Kathryn, and because of what I suggested you two should get up to only a few minutes ago, you’re making it very, very hard to dislike you.”

“Which is exactly why I will not give anyone this particular reason, though I am pleased to learn that I have not yet fallen in your estimation.”

“You haven’t. It’s me who keeps screwing up. Listen: I can explain, but it’s going to take a few minutes. Do you have somewhere else to be? Where’s Kathryn, anyway?”

“She remains where we both left her, albeit in a condition of elevated agitation, and I will gladly give you all the time you need to explain.” Luke launched into an abbreviated history of his time with Kathryn, paying special attention to their sexual escapades with Wendy (and his with Irina). Alejandro nodded along without interruption. Eventually, Luke arrived at a motivation he hadn’t fully revealed to Kathryn, for it only coalesced into a coherent narrative when he was in the shower.

“In terms of bringing additional partners into our orbit, if I’d even thought about doing so I should have tried to pair her up with Wendy, though as I just explained it ended up happening the other way around. I know a few other women — occasional and casual partners — who I’m sure would be delighted to join us, and who I also believe Kathryn would enjoy. But since we arrived at your studio, I’ve been subconsciously, and for the last half-hour or so consciously, facing the fact that I don’t know a man I’d trust enough to include in our sexual adventures. Not that my friends are untrustworthy, just that there isn’t a single one I’d willingly introduce into our relationship. Yet I know, especially from things she said when we were with Wendy, that more than one man is, somewhat surprisingly, an unfulfilled fantasy of hers.”

“And now, suddenly, here you are. You’ve already had sex with her. She trusts you, against all likelihood I trust you as well, and though I’m still embarrassingly intimidated by that monster in your pants, I can’t think of a single logical reason to deny her something that I know she wants. There might be other men she wants to have sex with, but I don’t know who they are and thus have no reason to trust them, much less seek them out. You might be my one and only shot at giving her something she wants so very much. Believe me, no one is more surprised to be on this rollercoaster ride than me. But my immediate reaction to you — that caveman-level instinct to cage my woman, even though she’s not my woman — was not only slightly shameful, it masked a deeper and more fundamental issue. There’s another jealousy that’s much more difficult for me to put aside, and I’m hoping that being able to deal with the two of you being together will help me rise above it.”

Alejandro stared at him for a few moments before responding. “That was well-explained. I believe I understand your motivations. But you have now raised and highlighted another of my concerns, and I apologize for what may be an even more challenging question than the last. You are offering me a woman who is married to another man. How am I to feel about this?”

“I know. I thought about this before I said anything to her. But I’m not ‘offering’ her. I don’t possess or own her, nor can I dole out her sexual favors to whoever comes calling. I’m simply giving her permission that she’d never give herself. Sexual exploration is part of who we are, and part of why we are. The only thing I can offer is freedom. And by the way, I’m not offering it to you, I’m offering it to her. You’re just the fortunate recipient.”

Alejandro looked chastened. It was a striking thing to see, for he otherwise carried himself with such self-assurance. “You are correct to call out my misuse of the word. This is, I fear, an artifact of my culture, which can be frustratingly patriarchal, and over which many enlightened women have upbraided me time and time again. I thank you for your answer, though I feel that I must point out an error in your thinking. You claimed she is not ‘your woman.’ In the sense you just described you are right: you do not own her. But she is your woman, whether or not she is also another’s. Surely you see this?”

Luke stared at the floor for a while, then looked back at Alejandro. The photographer seemed unusually interested on his response. “I do, or at least I think I do. She tells me the same thing in so many different ways. But it’s a difficult situation, and I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate it. I’m not sure I always succeed, nor am I always sure I do the right thing. For what it’s worth, though, I think this — what I proposed between the two of you, I mean — is the right thing, right now.”

For better or worse, his answer appeared to mollify Alejandro’s concerns. “Then my third question is much easier, though in a way it is more personally invasive. Were I to change my mind and acquiesce after all, what preparations would I need to make?”

He was confused until he realized that he was being asked about protection. “Oh! Well, since you’ve been friends for so long and since you didn’t use anything when you were ... together ... I presume you already know that she can’t get pregnant. As for the rest: she’s clean, I’m clean, Wendy’s clean, Irina hasn’t had sex with anyone but me for ages, and so on the medical side we’re about as pristine as anyone can be. But I don’t know your situation.”

“In theory, I am the greater danger, because I enjoy an active sex life with a wide variety of partners, but of course that means I must be fanatical about such matters. In fact, I can provide proof that is only two days old, and I promise that nothing has happened in the interim to change that status. Still, I am happy to concede any and all precautions either of you desire.”

“I doubt she’ll want you to use ... well, why am I telling you this? You probably remember what she likes, and if you don’t I’m sure she’ll be happy to remind you. Does this mean you have changed your mind, and that your answer is now a yes?” To his surprise, this second potential reversal of fortune didn’t negatively affect his emotions like it so recently had. In fact, he felt strangely excited about the looming possibilities.

“If you will remember, I began this conversation as a way to explain why my answer was no. I will finish that explanation now. I said no because I will not be with Kathryn in any fashion unless you are with us.”

“Well, when you walked in I was trying to figure out if I had enough courage to watch, or if I was just going to hide in here until it was over.”

“Watching is not what I am suggesting. I do not mean in the room with us. I mean the three of us together. Not,” he cautioned as Luke’s eyebrows went up, “you and me. I do not judge, and I have certainly had many opportunities to experiment, but that is not an interest of mine.”

Luke couldn’t help but laugh. “Nor mine. Though even if it was, I don’t think I’d start with... that.”

“A wise hesitancy.” Was that humor? I just can’t tell with him. It’s so utterly dry. “But Kathryn needs you there. She may not have said so amidst her initial eagerness, but she does. The moment you left the room, in fact, she realized it. Just as importantly, so did I. I must be completely and repeatedly assured that I am not endangering your relationship, and the only way that can happen is for you to be a full and equal participant.” Though he signaled his assent, Luke still wasn’t completely sure he understood, and apparently that confusion was obvious enough that Alejandro was moved to elaborate. “As you said, we have had many chances to revisit our experiences over the years, and while I cannot speak for her, I believe there has always been a tacit understanding that the possibility and the curiosity remain, even if never acted upon. Yet I am absolutely sure that, even today, nothing would ever have happened without your intervention. You claim you give her freedom, and I believe you do, but you also give her a reason. Moreover, I would never have considered it without a clear and honest explanation of your motivations. That this might happen at all is entirely due to your actions.”

Luke closed his eyes and grimaced. “You know, that doesn’t exactly make me feel good about what I’ve proposed.”

“Then think on this: I am no longer saying no, but neither have I fully committed to yes. I propose that we go to my apartment, where everything is much more comfortable than this cavernous and artificial environment. I am sure you are both as hungry as I am. We will eat, we will drink, and we will speak about any subject that engages our interest. From that point forward, I would ask you to trust my experience with such arrangements and let me create the necessary mood. And then, if we are all still willing, I suggest that Kathryn and I should give each other our undivided attention for a little while, though I think it is crucial that you remain nearby. Once she is completely relaxed into the situation and convinced that you trust her enough to continue — and, just as importantly, that you trust us enough to continue — we will join together in a threesome. You said this is something she has not experienced before?”

“Not this kind. She’s been with more than one woman — I’m not sure how often, but I got the impression it was more than once — and I already told you about me and my friend Wendy, but never with multiple men.”

“Then for reasons aligned with yours, I would like to help give her this pleasure. Depending on what we do it can be overwhelming for the uninitiated, but to the extent that I know her mind, I am sure that she will only enjoy it to the fullest if someone she loves and trusts is part of it. Please also understand that my saying yes to any part of this remains entirely contingent on your full, active, and eager participation. Until I am absolutely certain that I am doing neither of you harm, you must be there and involved at every moment. Later ... well, we will see. Even though there are two of us, I remember very well that she is...”



Luke’s imagination drifted into the recent past. He recalled Kathryn’s incredibly enthusiastic reaction to being doubly penetrated and wondered just how she’d respond to two real cocks, though he reserved a measure of doubt that she could accommodate both of them at the same time without significant difficulty. He regained control of his memories and said, “Everything you say is wise and considerate, and moreover it reveals a great deal about how much you still care about her wellbeing. I wholeheartedly concur with your plan. I have a few logistical questions, though. What should we do with our car? How are we getting to your place? How should we get back? The parking attendant didn’t seem overly permissive.”

Alejandro smiled. “You are in a designated client space, and unless you wish to waste an enormous amount of money parking several blocks away, you should leave your car where it is. As for how we are getting to my place, the most efficient route would be to take the elevator.”

“You live here?”

“I do. This is a warehouse converted into an artists’ workspace, and most of the floors are occupied and reasonably active. But as I said earlier, I have done well beyond any reasonable measure. I grew tired of commuting back and forth from the heart of the city, and so I had the top two floors converted into an unnecessarily lavish apartment. It is distant from any form of nightlife, but that is as much a benefit as it is a burden. To tell the truth, the apartment is much more spacious than I need or want, but on the other hand that space allows me to ... entertain.” Much remained unspoken behind the last word, leading Luke to wonder exactly what sort of “entertainment” he hosted.

“One more question before I forget: what time do we need to be out of your hair? If this goes ... well, if we end up in bed and if Kathryn’s her usual self, we won’t get much sleep. But one of us needs to be rested enough to drive home, and I’m sure you have things to do tomorrow.”

“I do not have another client until 6 p.m. tomorrow, so there is no rush, though a discussion regarding tomorrow morning is a matter I would like to table until we see how the evening develops.”

“Okay,” he said, wondering why there was suddenly so much mystery in Alejandro’s previously plain and direct communication. “Last one, though probably the most important: how did you leave things with Kathryn?”

“I presented her with a much shorter version of the concerns I just expressed, though I did not mention anything about requiring your presence, for the final barrier to my affirmative answer requires that she reach that conclusion herself. But I think you will find she is as eager to talk to you as you are to her.”

“Well then, let’s go.”

Kathryn was pacing around the room on pins and needles, tapping her fingers against her thighs like she was furiously typing a letter. The moment they reentered the room, she completely ignored Alejandro and raced toward Luke, leaping into his arms and practically sobbing with relief. Grabbing his head, she plowed her tongue into his mouth until he was bereft of breath.

“Oh god, darling, I’ve messed everything up, haven’t I?”

“What?” he asked as she attempted to orally molest him a second time. “No, you haven’t messed any mmmmmph!“ He enjoyed her fervor for a few minutes before gently but insistently bringing an end to her lamprey-like clinging.

“You don’t ... I ... Luke, I tried to do what you asked — what I finally admit I wanted — but I got it all wrong. I was crazy to think I could do it alone. The moment you left the room, every single thing about it felt awful. Even just kissing him. I can’t do it.”

“What if I was right there with you?” he said with a patient, understanding smile. Alejandro was right about everything. I still don’t know how I’m going to feel when they actually have sex and I have to watch her take that gigantic schlong, but I can’t deny that he understands the delicate emotional hazards involved in something like this far better than I do.

“You ... you’d really want to be there?”

“Where else would I be?”

“Would you ... god, Luke, I don’t want to sound like a complete slut, even though I’m being exactly that, but will you consider joining in? I mean...”

“I know precisely what you mean, and the answer’s yes.”

“Oh god ... oh fuck ... Luke, you perfect, majestic, generous, loving, incredibly sexy...” The rest of her encomiums were lost in a hail of kisses, and he couldn’t help but laugh as she covered every exposed inch of flesh with her frantic gratitude.

“I agree with every single adjective,” he laughed as he again pried her from his body. “Now, let’s go back to where you left off. I believe you two were kissing.”


“Ask him again. You still have my encouragement, and I’m even more sure than I was before.”

Searching his face for a trace of doubt but failing to find it, she turned to Alejandro. They didn’t exchange a single word, staring into each others eyes for what seemed an eternity. And then, agreement having somehow been reached despite no apparent changes in expression, she pulled his face to hers and kissed him with pure passion, their tongues dueling as she writhed and whimpered with anticipation.

It was Alejandro who eventually broke the kiss. “I am quite sorry to interrupt something so enjoyable, but I suddenly realized that I am being a presumptive host. You may not be prepared for an extended stay.”

“Actually, she insisted that we pack overnight bags. Though I didn’t know what they were for until...”

“No! No, Luke, this isn’t why,” she said, flushed with arousal and uncertainty over his reaction to what he’d just witnessed. “I never expected this. I thought we’d spend the night at your place. I had a ... oh god, I need to cancel a reservation, and ... oh shit, I also have to...” She was hyperventilating, clearly overwhelmed by the headlong rush of events.

“As a very wise woman once told me: breathe. Let’s take this step by step. I’m very happy for you to spend the rest of the day — in fact, the rest of your life — naked, but you’ve got clothes around here somewhere. Go shower if you need to, put them on, then make whatever calls you need to make while Alejandro and I retrieve the bags. We’ll wait for you in the office.”

For a few moments she just gaped at him, for the “rest of your life” comment hadn’t gone unnoticed. Even Alejandro looked impressed that he’d been so bold. Impulsively, she kissed both of them — paying extra attention to Luke — and fled the room.

“Well, I guess we’re on camel duty.”

“I am afraid I do not understand. Why a camel?”

He chuckled. “Once again it’s not funny enough to explain.”

“You know, Luke, jokes that are not funny enough to explain may not actually be funny at all.”

Luke sputtered with laughter as they entered the elevator. Now that was funny. Why did I ever suspect he didn’t have a sense of humor?

A bag slung over each of their shoulders, they looked around the small room, patently avoiding the erotic elephant that filled it. Here we are. Just a couple of dudes headed upstairs to have sex with the same woman. A woman I love and for whom he might feel a little of the same, which doesn’t even begin to address how she feels about him. And yet we’re pretending that this is completely normal.

“Alejandro, I’m sorry but I have to ask: do you do this a lot?”

“Could you be more specific?”

“Spur-of-the-moment sex?”

“Perhaps not as often as you think, because schedules in my industry are problematic even in the best of circumstances, and the hours can be exhausting. But by normal standards, yes.”

“Sex with your subjects?”

“More often than I probably should or would like generally known, but far less often than in the past.”

“Group sex?”


“Nostalgic sexual reunions with long-forgotten lovers?”

“Occasionally, though Kathryn does not qualify as I have never forgotten her.”


“There is little reason to be impressed, Luke. I work in a hypersexualized industry in which release without commitment is often the best available alternative to disastrous emotional spectacles. I told you that Kathryn and I would never have been compatible. I did not tell you all the reasons, for while I have finally accepted them, I am not necessarily proud of them. I have chosen a life of open, honest, and deliberately low-commitment sexuality that does not even rise to the level of true polygamy. I do not wish to be anyone’s partner. I feel great affection for others, and perhaps even a pale and insufficient version of what you would term love, but with every passing year and encounter I am more convinced that I do not feel the same emotion, with the same intensity, that you and others feel. It is a defect in my character, perhaps, but it would be a terrible cruelty to fail to recognize it and attempt to live as someone I am not. I would only hurt others if I tried.”

“I guess I thought that, in some sense, you might still love Kathryn.” Jesus, that was hard to say out loud.

“I do, to the extent I am able. But not like you do, and not nearly enough for her. By the way, and though I have no right to ask this of you, I would prefer you not repeat this conversation to anyone. I cannot stop you from sharing it with her, but even then...”

“Well,” he interrupted with as much lightness as he could muster, “as long as you don’t try to steal her from me, I won’t.”

“You know I would never...”

“I know,” he again interrupted. “I’m not sure how I know, but I do.”

“I am not sure you do. I would not because I cannot. I do not desire her in that way. Even were she to be fooled into believing that I did, she would soon see the truth and flee from my presence, this time leaving her trust and our friendship behind. I very much wish to bed her or we would not be here in this extremely uncomfortable situation, making idle conversation out of my psychological disorder. But she desires a foundation. You are her foundation, or at least — if you will accept my apology for mentioning it — you are one of them. I may be an enticing edifice, which I say without undue pride or false humility, but the only foundation I provide to anyone is my work. I am surrounded by many who also desire only fleeting and itinerant commitment, and so my world is ideal for someone like me, which is a most happy coincidence. Kathryn would soon founder on the rocky shoals of my inadequate and insufficient heart. It is my fault, it is my flaw, but it is also who I am. I believe that I am, at least now, a fundamentally good man, that I give of myself with generosity, and that I feel with great intensity, but despite many attempts to act otherwise, my emotions are fundamentally stunted when it comes to interpersonal relationships.”

“I have desired, even ‘loved,’ Kathryn for a very, very long time. Longer, perhaps, than anyone save my family. Certainly for longer than any actual lover of my acquaintance, though that is ... well, that is another conversation for later, if at all. But those feelings remain intact largely because they were born in a different time, and also because we have never acted on them. If tonight goes as I hope, I fear I will lose the greater part of that anchor. In a very strange way with which I don’t expect you to sympathize, consummating the remainder of our unresolved lust may bring an end to that part of our connection. It sounds absurd of me to say, but I will be sacrificing something that has been important to me if I follow through on my desires, for it is likely to be a final confirmation of who I really am. Is that not strange and ugly? Do you now think less of me? I feel like you should. Please be honest.”

“I think I understand what you’re saying. I hope you’re not just trying to find a creative way to talk me off the ledge if you and Kathryn have sex. No, no,” he added, waving off Alejandro’s incipient objection, “I know you’re not. Whether or not I’m going to be teetering on that ledge is all about me. I suppose it makes you a little weird by my standards, but who am I to judge? I’m in love with a married woman who hasn’t fallen out of love with her husband. From any possible perspective, that makes me the bad guy. You, at least, are honest about who you are. Whereas I’ve always liked and respected myself, yet can’t quite reconcile that self-image with how I’m acting right now.”

“If you will pardon me for saying so, I believe you do yourself a discredit. The problem is not that you cannot reconcile your actions with your self-image. The problem is that you have not attempted to make your actions and your self-image conform.”

“You know, Alejandro, telling me that I should break things off is another not-so-great way to make me feel better about you. Though you’re part of a very noisy and popular chorus.”

“But Luke, that is not what I am saying at all. Nor am I saying the opposite. The love you share with Kathryn ... and please do not object or demur, for I see it as clearly as you saw what exists between us ... is an essential part of you. Of both of you. If this is true — and we both know that it is — either your self-image must be flawed and incomplete, or your actions must be insufficient. You have to bring that which is divided and conflicted into concurrence. I do not know which way that balance will tip, but I do know that it must.”

“I’d like to agree with you, but I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say.”

“I should stop speaking on this topic, because I observe that it is distressing to you. I will only say that I do not believe you misunderstand me, yet I am sympathetic to the difficulty involved in rediscovering and reinventing who you are. That is, in fact, what I have spent the last few minutes telling you. Anyway, I am done.”

Luke passed some time quietly scowling at the wall. Why is he so irritatingly right and wise about everything? Can’t he just be a dull-witted Adonis with a big dick who wants to bang my woman, and who I can quite justifiably resent or envy? Why can’t he have a small dick? Or be wrong? Or unsuccessful? Or ugly? Why does he have to be so maddeningly perfect, right down to the rather significant detail of being foundationally incapable of stealing her from me? Although, given his confession, I guess he’s not all that perfect after all. I’m sure living a life screwing any model or actress that expresses an interest isn’t exactly traumatic for him, but I can hear the regret in his voice. And I also hear what he’s confessing without quite saying it: he’s been holding onto a slender thread of hope that Kathryn would prove he wasn’t the person he fears himself to be. But now that the knife-edge is here, he knows that she won’t, and that fills him with melancholy. If only I could embrace that much honesty and clarity.

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“A robbery?” Whitaker said, surprised. “Yep. The explosion was to hide any trace of it, most likely. And it’s not like you can go out and buy two-hundred pounds of C4. The inconsistent blast radius, plus the fact that multiple guys are involved in kidnapping Julie, all point to it, unless we go with the abduction being a coincidence.” “No, we don’t. But that doesn’t let Samar off the hook. He could have been in on the crew stealing the explosives.” “Sure, but then why kill Julie? What...

3 years ago
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Pregnant after her first gangbang

Introduction: Don and Fran have an unwanted pregnancy after their first gangbang. Don and Fran sat on the couch holding hands. Fran looked at the tester in her hand. It says positive. I think Im pregnant. The doctor had told them that the pill was not 100% foolproof. What should we do? Don answered, One problem is that we dont know who the father is. Based on the timing, this may have happened at the party we had a few weeks ago. Fran thought for a minute, Ya, that fits. That was a really fun...

3 years ago
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A hot summersday

It's a hot day out in the city and the streets are empty.I'm walking around and looking for some board-shorts so I can join everyone on the beach and relax in the surf! While I'm browsing I decide to hit a bar and get a cold beer, just to sooth my thirst. While I enter the bar i immediately spot a girl sitting all alone and is just melting away due to the heat. A beautiful long curly haired brunette. I sit at the bar and order my drink and within seconds i am served a nice and cold glass of...

1 year ago
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Pink and Wet The Corner View

I had been talking with Chris on-line for a few weeks. Although we didn't know each other well he brought out an insatiable drive inside of me that I was a slave to. We often played a game where I would describe how I would play with my pussy, he could type whatever he wanted, and I would do what he said. I would even send him pictures, but he wasn't allowed to touch that throbbing cock. Not until I said so, he would beg and I would get to decide when he would finally get sweet release. After...

Straight Sex
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 31

Monday - Day 31 I woke up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom. I somehow extracted myself from the tangle of arms, legs and heads and went about my business. When I got back to bed, everyone had shifted around, but I managed to find a spot to curl up behind Chrissy. I reached around her to cup one of her breasts, and I fell back asleep. For some reason I woke up as Becky was slipping into the bathroom in the morning. I was still spooned behind Chrissy, my cock hard and...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 13 Alice

Our ship had settled down on its landing gear and Shaka powered down the Arti Gravs. Har-Hi pointed at a large number of tanks and artillery pieces that had been assembled around the vast empty plane, that was designated to us as a place to land. “I don’t think those are all for military honors. I think they are still quite nervous about us.” Narth agreed with my XO. “To describe the entire planet’s population, the terms anxiety and fear would be on top of my choices.” Mehdi occupying a...

1 year ago
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the dance

He was at the club when he saw her dancing. She wore an almost invisible dress. Her body was perfect. She had tits that were round and firm. They had no sag as she wore no bra. Her ass was what every man wanted to grab in his hands. As she danced he could not take his eyes off her. When the dance was over she walked to the bar. Her dress just covered her ass and he could see no panty line. He walked to her an asked her to dance. It was a slow senual tune. She gabbed his had and led him to the...

1 year ago
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The BraceletChapter 6

I awoke at 7am alert and full of energy. I showered and felt wonderful. It was if a new me had come about. I weight myself on the scales and found I was down to 80kg. Somehow in the last few days I had lost some 40kg in bad weight. I felt great then realised I have to shop for a new wardrobe. I put on a pair of underpants, they were just too loose. I put on my shorts and needed to really draw in the draw string. My T-shirt was way too big on my body, but it was the only size I had. Returning...

3 years ago
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Suckin off an old cock part 2

Well it tastes amazing! The feeling of it in my mouth. He reached his hand down my back... pushed his way in my pants and started touching my asshole. I was so fucking turned on you don't even know. I started sucking like a mad an. We stopped at a red light... people crossed the street. I felt so dirty. I didn't tack that old dick out of my mouth. It tasted so good. He asked me if he could push on the back of my head... I replied by shoving the fat cock down my thought. He yelped. I guess I...

2 years ago
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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 5 Sunday

"Ummm ... Hmmphhh ... Ohhhh..." I woke up to the sound of my mom moaning loudly above the muffled squeaking of her bed. It took me a couple seconds of blinking and looking around in the dark, and I was momentarily confused because I could have sworn Angie was with me. We'd been naked and I'd been on top of her again, like I'd been after Mom had left for work, except this time I'd been touching her pussy with mine. I mean, like on the inside, you know? My pussy had been inside hers...

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A Little Fun In The Rain

As Jack stood there, leaning against his race car watching the sky, he was quietly sending up prayers that the rain would hold off until the event was over but the way his luck was running he had very little hope it would not rain. This was the first event of the season and he had really been looking forward to it and seeing how his car handled the track with all the work he had put in on it over the winter. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what he referred to as a track bunny coming toward...

4 years ago
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The Case of the Lost Platoon a Michelle Hammer Mystery

Michelle's the name, Michelle Hammer. I'm a P.I., a Private Investigator. I used to be a cop until the brass downtown railroaded me off the force; but that's another story. I'll take most types of cases; a lot of them involve finding missing persons, a lot of whom don't like being found. Usually, they're ducking a debt, a wife and kids, a girlfriend or have just plain had enough and want to start over somewhere else. This one was different, really different. I was sitting at my usual...

2 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 16 Dinner Theatre

June, 1989 So the day after my visit to Quills, Daffyd Llewellyn showed up during breakfast at our townhouse gate with a book for me. The book, a first English edition of Dumas' The Three Musketeers, was an expensive way to get by the police and extra security put on the house since the fiasco of my birthday dinner at The Waterside Inn. Llewellyn, apparently, called Lars the second the sun set in Germany the night before and what his ... Employer? Master? I was not entirely sure what the...

3 years ago
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When Connie called, I was about to go out. She and Gary had been my neighbors for more than 12 years. We had become good friends. When I was away, they took care of my house and when they were away I reciprocated. Connie and Gary wer in Vegas. She was afraid that she hadn't turned the air conditioning up to 80. I told her not to worry that I would take care of it. I fetched my key from the cabinet in the hall and headed across the yard. We both had nice lawns with perennial gardens. ...

4 years ago
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The Office the Job Review

The Job Review I call you on the phone I ask you Becky to come to my office. I Robert inform you that I am thinking of firing you. I remind you that your job is at will. I am an older man that likes to use my power to control and dominate women. You ask me if there anything you can do. I inform you we can have a private agreement not job related but state I would be better off just to give you a letter of just a medium recommendation as you have make serious spelling mistakes and other serious...

1 year ago
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Maui Adventure

Vacations had come far too rarely for Kris and I over the five years we had been married. Life seemed always to get in the way. We both worked full time in a demanding industry and we had a three year old to care for so finding time for each other was sometimes difficult. On top of all this, we had recently made a move to the Pacific Northwest and changed jobs so the move, new roles, and a tough economy had placed an enormous amount of stress on us. In the process we had sort of drifted apart...

2 years ago
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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 01

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 01 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story takes place after ‘Freddy vs. Jason,’ but before the events of ‘New Nightmare’ and ‘Jason X.’ * RETURN TO CRYSTAL LAKE Thursday, May 12th 2005 ‘What was the name of this place again?’...

4 years ago
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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 15

The following new characters appear in the remaining chapters: Richard Starling (Rick) Commo specialist, SP/4, 5’-10” tall, 145 pounds, 23 years old, blond hair, gray eyes. Harry Williams Commo specialist, SP/4, 5’-7’ tall, 155 pounds, 21 years old, brown hair, brown eyes Noon Thai girl from Chiang Rai, 5’-0” tall, 100 pounds, 32C-20-31, 19 years old, long shiny black hair, brown eyes, very cute The next morning, the 19th, I was up early and fired up the AN/VRC 47 radio after the...

2 years ago
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Friend Ki Wife

Hello indian sex story friends, I am back with my next story. my name is Rakesh, 23 years old, average and fit body. This story is about my friend’s wife Pooja(name changed). She is 22 years old and she has a sexy ass, big boobs and a hot cunt. If you are interested in me then you can mail me for real sex. Now coming to the story. Mere dost ka name hai raju, ek private company me work karta hai aur uski sadi 1 year pahle he hue thi aur koi bhi bache nahi the aur kabhi kabhi wah company ke...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 2 Dirty Little Secrets

Cassidy must have friends in high places because she contrived to be my security today. When I got to the set, Kitty and Anita met me and informed me that we were shooting scenes on an old yacht today. Laurent planned to do other scenes, so I didn’t have to deal with him. It was an absolutely perfect day to be out on the water. There was a light breeze, which made the heat and humidity bearable. Cassidy looked like she planned to get some sun while I worked. She had on white shorts, a...

1 year ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 27 Hotlanta

"Would you care to ride up front?" Bill asked. "You can try left seat if you want, I'll read the check sheet to you." Bill opened the onboard stair and grabbed the 'preflight walk around.' So Bill read and Art kicked, cranked, lifted and shook, pulled pins and removed air dams, stuck his finger in the wing tanks and drained a little fuel looking for water. He read the engine hours meters and scribbled the readings on his palm. Bill walked along behind and kicked, cranked, lifted and...

2 years ago
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Passionate Sex

Yes guys n gals.. !! Are you ready for a ride.. !! Sex jitna chadhe utna hi mast hota hai… Harden your lund… More wet your choot… Majaaa will be more.. This is Aryan,born for sex sex and sex.. If u want 2 have fun with me, enjoy with me, be my friend, share your experience, share with me at !! Always ready for this sex ocean.. So today i would like tell my encounter with Shikha, my cousin. I will not exaggerate, jus feel what I feel about Shikha.. She is 19, in her, third year. She has...

1 year ago
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A Firm Hand

Why can’t all working days be like this?I trudged into the office this morning feeling weary, if not a little hungover. It had been a late night which had found it’s way into early morning. Three coffees later I was feeling almost human again. At about eleven everything went off, computers, printers, lights, the lot.A power cut - serious enough so ensure no more work today, so we were all sent home…not before being told we would have to make the time up by working late over the next few days.I...

3 years ago
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He had a reputation Rick had for having the biggest thickest cock around! Bitches who tried him out complained he ruined their assholes for other guys that he stretched them out so wide now other cocks feel small! Humph I thought it was a lot of B.S. myself I had been fucked by some damn big cocks and my asshole felt fine still nice and tight! I heard he hung out at a club on the other side of town a real nasty one where the fuckers and the fuckees were plenty and you could always fins some...

3 years ago
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The Spirit is WillingChapter 13

As I again became alert, I discovered that I was lying on the floor in complete darkness. I couldn't understand what had happened. It was only Noon, so why was it so dark? I must have hit my head when I fell. Am I now blind? Must I live out the remainder of my days as a burden to my family? I felt a cold, numbing sensation in my back, and I tried to feel around me as I lay there. Instead of the carpet that I expected to find, I found the cold smooth feel of floor tile. Then I saw a bright...

4 years ago
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Hot Indian Mother And Daughter

“Rohit, Take out the car we are going to market.” This hot Indian lady in late thirties shouted at the driver. Least was known about this duo in the home; but they used to fuck whenever the chance was there. Rohit was working at this hot Indian woman’s place as a driver for last 3 years and they have been fucking for at least last 2 years. The name of the lady is Sobha. She lives here with her husband Vicky and daughter Rita. Rita is also a hot Indian girl with fair skin and high sex appeal....

3 years ago
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Black Man Rules The World

What is your purpose in life? That’s a very important question most men and women spend a lifetime trying to answer. Not me. I’ve always known what my purpose in life was. I was destined to be a mover and shaker. A force of balance between the ordinary men and women of this world. In all things, there must be balance. Black and white. Up and down. Right and left. Male and female. Straight and gay. Light and dark. Good and Evil. Rich and poor. It’s all about balance. Just call me the living...

4 years ago
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You Have Three WishesChapter 6

I used to look forward to visits by Ally and Sorcha - two of the most pleasant and beautiful of the recruitment agents that visited me on a regular basis. I had often mentally undressed them. Ally was the taller of the two by about 2 inches - she was a short haired brunette with a nice slim body with what looked like C-cup tits. Sorcha was the blonde of the duo. She was Irish - I loved her accent. She had longer hair that was slightly curly and fell to her shoulders. Nice body - with what...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 542

The Prison Planet Back at the front of the cave, Jeff raised an eyebrow as he caught his Clan Queen’s eye. “Later,” she mouthed with a wink that Morales didn’t see. Morales smiled at his wife as she sat beside him. “You two were gone for quite a while.” “Female things,” she answered while barely holding back a giggle. Well, it definitely was about females, so I didn’t lie to him. “Oh,” he said, then after a second, he repeated with more emphasis, “Oh,” without asking anything...

4 years ago
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How to Tame a DragonChapter 6

Izzy swivelled around to look at him, the panic burning bright in her eyes. "But Daniel we can't!" she all but wailed at him. "I'm not suggesting that we get naked and cuddle up together Izzy!" he aimed for exasperated but only managed to achieve regretful. "Then what are you suggesting?" she whispered. "That we both need to stay warm, and that this is the warmest spot in the house, so we are going to have to share ... for tonight at least." He looked at her with dark serious...

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Apples and Asparagus

You may not be aware of this, but small boys are very cognizant of their physical features. Not so much their complete anatomy, but more the various weights and measures of bits and pieces. I knew my height; Father marked my bedroom door post at random intervals. I knew my shoe size was large for my age, that I would grow as tall, possibly taller, than my father. I knew my hands were small, too small to span an octave on Mother's piano. My uncircumcised penis was one hundred and eighteen...

3 years ago
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My Didi My Best Friend8230

Hi every one this is my first story and real one, please don’t consider it as a fake stories, while reading this story you will come to know that it is so easy to convince your sister for making love to you…..Incest is the best thing i have ever encounter with…So not wasting your time let me take you to a wonderful sexy journey… I belong to Jamshedpur in Jharkhand; we are a conservative family having dad, mom, elder bro Sagar, elder sis Meena and me Roshan. We were happy family till my age was...

4 years ago
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Meeting A Long Lost Friend and a Couple New Ones The Bright Side

Main Character Deions Ha Na (JC’s wife) - 5’4” 130 lbs, olive colored skin, below shoulder length straight black hair, brown eyes, 34C breasts with small areolas, brown nipples and nearly hairless pussy. (Mid 60s) JC (Me, Ha Na’s husband) - 5’7” 200 lbs; short graying brown hair; brown eyes; 6” L 1.75” D circumcised cock and hairless. (Mid 60s) Mac - 6’ 190 lbs; short blond hair; blue eyes; muscular build; 9” L 2” D circumcised cock with a patch of blond hair above his cock. (Mid...

2 years ago
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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

3 years ago
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Acts of Grace

For Robin and Grace, with love Tim Clarke took just a second to remember the moment. His daughter Grace sat beside him on the couch in front of the empty fireplace. She was looking at the cover of the book on her lap with the kind of concentration that only a seven-year-old can muster. He could smell the cookies that had just finished baking, a plateful was sitting on the mantle with the usual glass of milk. He could see the snow falling outside the house, the large flakes dancing in the glow...

3 years ago
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Jacki Comes Through

A few days before my guy and his son were going to a Celtic’s game, I put it out there that I really needed some attention. It had been a boring spring for me and… well, I was really horny. I had been bothering Jacki (of Jacki and Ryan) for months to get me into a group they belong to where they have gang bangs. I know my husband would not allow it but, anyway, I’ve done some small groups — it’s just that they weren’t real gang bangs like you see in porn movies. It’s long been a fantasy of mine...

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Neighbors Wife Melissa Is Fucked By force

I had a situation happen to me recently, that most men would give their left nut to have happen to them! It was without a doubt the most exciting thing to ever happen to me anyway. I am happily married with two c***dren, a gorgeous wife, who loves just about any form of sex; I have a good job, nice home and just about everything a guy could want. Except that is, my neighbor's wife! A few years ago, my wife and I had a nice home built out in the country. We were kind of isolated, until last year...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Asteria Diamond She Was Too Tight

Asteria Diamond had a hard day and was taking a long shower to relax. Slowly she was soaping her tits and pussy. The door moved a little. She could see a giant dick peeking into the bathroom. Quickly he jumped out of the shower and confronted her room mate Damion Dayski. It was not ok to sky on anybody without their knowledge. Unless of course they had a giant dick like this. She kneeled down to measure it. It was bigger than her head. Would it fit into her mouth? It did! Would it fit into her...

2 years ago
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Rekindling An Old Taboo Ch 05

Sitting across the breakfast table from Jack and his son, was to say the least, a little surreal. I had just been watched having unbound sex with the boy’s father, my cousin, and here I was not only contemplating having a three-way with him and his son, but discussing how I wanted to proceed! Jack for the most part, just sat grinning and continued keeping me on track by fingering my wet pussy beneath the table. Jeremy couldn’t keep his eyes off of my hardened nipples, I hadn’t bothered to...

2 years ago
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EvolutionMy name is Jacob and this is a story describing my introduction to bondage sex and my further evolution into a bondage aficionado.  100 percent of what you will read is true and happened just as I described. This story spans 45 years and as will be come eminently clear is more than a bondage story. It is also a love story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.The GameMy introduction to bondage occurred at the age of 13 and can all be blamed on a precocious girl named...

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My lil slut wife sucks off me and my friend

So the other day I was laying in bed hard as a rock and decide I wana to smoke some weed and have my dick sucked only problem was I had no weed so I call a friend and have him bring it to me all while this is happening my is showering not knowing wahats goin on I go tell my wife to put on her short skirt with no panties on under and her low cut shirt with no bra on bein the good girl she is. he does so with no question then then a knock at the door she asks who is it at the door I tell her it...

3 years ago
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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 2

“Welcome to the Magic Kingdom!” Linda cheerfully announced, I supposed for our amusement. She then joined the four newcomers to give them their first introduction to her former magical realm. Other than the smog-free sky and clean healthy air, at first not much seemed to have changed in our trip between worlds, but within moments things just started to feel different, and better. I was indeed back home once more! The gently smoldering teleportation circle we found ourselves within was in a...

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"They sleep in separate rooms?" asked Stacey incredulously. "Are you kidding?" "Swear to God," replied Sarah, her best friend and college roommate. They were discussing Sarah's parents, whom they were driving up to Heritage to visit for the Thanksgiving holiday break. "They've been doing that for like ten years now. Since I was in third grade. They just don't get along all that well I guess." "Wow," said Stacey, shaking her head a little. She was sitting in the passenger seat of...

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Megan and Kyle v2 part 3

“Megan you better come over here right away and help your sister” I call out. “Come in Ginny, what’s wrong?” Megan comes running over and giver her sister a big hug and leads her into the kitchen and half closes the pocket doors. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, like “Bobby Kirkpatrick is a BIG JERK” and “I HATE BOBBY” shortly followed by “Cindy is even worse, that two-bit slut”. In a little bit, I see Megan rushes out of the kitchen, grabs a box of tissues, and hurries back...

2 years ago
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Im getting some Oh Im getting some

Introduction: Hey guys. This is my first story so I would appreciate any feed back or thoughts about it. Please comment. Thank you! Prelude I am sick and tired of this, I cant take it anymore. Im going damn near insane. How could this have happened? And to me of all people. Well its not like I am super special or that Im better than everyone else. But shit! This is just pathetic and something has to be done. What sickens me the most is that I have actually become complacent with the situation....

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Swim Coach chapter 5

I couldn’t wait for practice the next day, though when I got there I learned that Matt was out sick. I was disappointed by his absence and recall that some of those butterflies of doubt seemed to reinvade my belly. My practice was lackluster and I think I must have been pretty moody because Beth called me on it after practice. I told her that nothing was wrong but I could tell she didn’t believe me. I really felt the need to talk to Matt so I did something that I can’t imagine myself doing now....

First Time
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Begged his wife to make Him a CuckoldPT2

It had been a few months since my wife Julie had her encounter with my work colleague Nate, but I knew from the look in her pretty blue eyes that she enjoyed the events of the night and that while she didn't explicitly state it, she was keen to perhaps do it again.It had certainly put the spark back into our lagging sex life, and now we had sex at least once a week, sometimes twice, to more than satisfactory results for the both of us. I loved to lick her pussy, knowing that Nate had enjoyed...

3 years ago
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The Motorcycle Diaries Stranded

© 2020 by Mojavejoe420 Fuck. Utah is full of assholes. I stood there on the side of the road with my motorcycle parked, helmet on the seat. I smiled and waved at the cars and RVs that didn’t come by very often, but nobody stopped. Some kids in a camper waved back, but that’s been about it. I guess they don’t get too many black people up in here. I drank all my water and the heat kept heating. I cursed myself again. The guidebook said this Escalante Staircase thing was an amazing...

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My First Big Cock

My first black cock, as it happened by accidentnot so very long ago.Trina, a beautiful lite skinned woman who had been my best friend for several years and I were hanging out.She stood about 5'7" sporting a ceremonious pair of 38 dd breasts with the biggest areolas I have ever seen. She was hot looking, no matter what she wore, her well defined assets managed to get everybody's attention including mine.Her waist long jet black coarse hair swayed in the summer breeze as we lounged topless around...

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The Solution Nightly Affair

Dialogues are in Hindi with english translation in brackets. Anjali was a simple 36 year old woman. Since the financial condition of their family wasn’t good, she did a job in a private company. Her husband also worked in the same company and thus they maintained the stability. But her life was turning really dull off late. One reason was the constant amount of time she and her husband worked which had minimized their interactions terribly. Thus her sex life with her husband was going downhill...

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