DeceptionsChapter 1 free porn video

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I'm usually not a nosy person. Really, I swear. Although I only turned eighteen last week I am starting college now, and I think I've already developed a pretty mature attitude about not judging people. I bet it comes from my theater background. My parents met while working together on a play. I've been around actors my whole life, so that's probably where I got my laid-back attitude. What people do in private is their own business, right?

So why was I sneaking out in the middle of the night to the rec room of my boyfriend's dorm? I'll tell you why! The sounds coming from that room across the hall were driving me batshit crazy!

Practically every night, always right around 1:00 a.m., my boyfriend and I hear the moaning and thumping and muffled cries of ... well, of people fucking! The guy next door, Dirk, he's constantly fucking the brains out of some woman! Actually, it's often not even the same woman. Over the last couple of weeks I've heard at least three different women crying out in pleasure.

We usually hear them right through the walls, but tonight the sounds were coming from the rec room.

It's not like I'm even there every night either. I only stay over at my boyfriend's dorm three or four nights per week, and still I hear the same sounds every time. It's like he never takes a night off!

I'm Jennifer, and J.T. is my boyfriend. Whether I stay over at his dorm or not usually just depends on my class schedule. Well, okay, it also depends on how much we're fighting. I love J.T., or at least I like him a lot. Maybe I love him, who knows? The one thing I do know is that he's fucking hot, and that's precisely the problem. He knows he's hot. Making it even worse, he knows all the little sluts around here think so, too.

My girlfriends say he looks just like Johnny Depp, but not the Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp. He's more like the Ninth Gate Johnny Depp, or maybe the Once Upon a Time in Mexico Johnny Depp. He's got that same dark, careless straight hair, and that same intense yet whimsical 'intelligent, disturbed guy' thing going on. He's thin and sinewy like Johnny Depp too, with the same kind of chiseled facial features. I swear, one of these days he's going to make my boobs bleed with those sharp cheekbones of his!

I've never seen Johnny Depp's cock, but I really like J.T.'s. It's not as if I have a whole lot of experience or anything by which to compare him, though. I guess he's about as big around as a tube of toilet paper. When I hold it, I can just get my fingers to touch together. He seems pretty long, too. I've seen some pornos, and he's not like those guys, but I've used my hands to show his size to my girlfriends. They assure me that he's above average.

Whatever. I know I like his cock. I also know I'm not his first. He's told me he's fucked at least five or six other girls, and he flirts with every girl around here. They flirt right back, big time! I'm sure he's even fucked a few of my girlfriends.

That's why we fight. I don't think I'm a particularly jealous person, but would it kill him not to flaunt it so much? I mean, come on, I don't mind the occasional harmless flirting. That's fine. What I'm not so cool with is the way he practically dry humps fifty different girls every time we go out dancing. I've also seen him fully making out with them when he thought no one was watching.

It's not so much what he does, but the way he does it. Sometimes he's so blatant about his flirting that I really think it's sort of disrespectful to me. If you're going to fuck other girls, fine, whatever. This is college. People fuck a lot here. I get that. Just don't show it off so much, okay?

I try my best to make him happy, too. Granted, I didn't know much about sex when we initially got together. He was my very first. Still, I think I've opened up a lot for him. Pretty much, I do whatever he wants now, and I'm always trying to get better at it. I'm definitely no cold fish, either. I really get into it! I totally let him know how much I'm enjoying it - because I am! He says I'm the best "cock sucker" he's ever had, and ever since I went on the pill, c'mon, we fuck like rabbits!

He knows there are only two things I won't do. I won't fool around with him in front of his roommate, and I won't let him put his dick up my ass. That would just hurt too much, I'm sure.

He tried to get me to do it one night, and I wouldn't let him. Afterwards, when he went to take a shower, I grabbed one of his Sharpie markers and attempted to see if I could fit it up my ass. I'd already done it with my finger a couple of times, so I kind of knew how it would feel, but that Sharpie was a lot longer and thicker than my finger! I managed to get some of it inside me, and it felt like I was stuffed to the gills! It really didn't feel bad, though, not at all. In fact, it felt pretty good. Or maybe it was simply that I felt good, knowing I was being so slutty! I mean there I was, having just had sex with my boyfriend, and now I was trying to jam something up my ass!

I found that I liked the feeling of pressure there. Having something stuffed in my ass was actually very nice. It wasn't so big that it hurt me; it was just ... different. It felt way different than having something in my pussy.

Who knows, I'll probably end up letting him fuck me there, too. I'm sure I'll even learn to love it. I love everything else now, so why not?

Yep, I have definitely come a long way in a short time. He should be happy with me, I think. I don't see why he still has to chase after all these other girls.

It does make me wonder, though. What are they doing that I don't? What's so hot about them? What am I missing?

Whatever. We had sex twice tonight, then I guess we fell asleep. It was probably an hour or so later that I was woken by the sounds of Dirk's usual moaning and thumping. Checking on J.T., he was out like a log. I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but I was feeling hella mischievous. Even though it was really late, I just had to go see what was going on in that rec room!

I looked over at Ray, J.T.'s roommate, asleep in his own bed. He must have come in and crashed after J.T. and I fell asleep together.

Like I said, I won't have sex in front of Ray, but if I want to spend the night with J.T. then I have to accept that Ray will see us in bed together. I guess as long as I'm covered up and we're not doing anything major, I'm fine with it. A little kissing and touching is okay, I suppose. Though Ray is definitely cute, I don't need him watching me having sex with my boyfriend. That would just be too weird.

Anyway, after double-checking to make sure that both J.T. and Ray were really asleep, I got out of bed totally nude and went over to my bag to get my little silk robe. I quickly threw it on, hoping Ray wouldn't wake up and catch me standing there naked. He didn't. I don't think he's ever seen me naked. He might have caught a glimpse of my boobs once or twice, but I think I managed to pull the covers over me before he really saw anything.

I went to the bathroom and peed. Wanting to be quiet, I didn't flush the toilet. After checking again to make sure they were both still asleep, I grabbed the room key and snuck out into the hallway.

I don't know what I was expecting to find, especially since it had become really quiet. The sounds that'd woken me had stopped.

Whatever I was expecting, it definitely wasn't what I found!

The rec room in J.T.'s dorm is across the hall from us, a few doors over. I tiptoed as quietly as I could down the bright hallway, then I just barely poked my head around the corner to take a peek. Conan O'Brien was on TV, and the room was its usual mess, with empty beer cans everywhere. The cue ball from the pool table was wedged between the fridge and the counter, which was covered in Taco Bell wrappers. The whole place smelled like a bunch of old gorditas. Gross.

Then I saw him. It was Dirk, the crazy sex machine from next door.

Even though we had shared a few classes in high school, I really didn't know him very well. He was our star wide receiver, and I knew that sometimes when he was practicing with the football team across the field from us he would stop and watch me as my squad did cheerleading drills. We'd also been in a couple of school plays together, but we never managed to be in the same scenes.

All I really knew was that I always thought he was absolutely gorgeous, and I think he thought I was pretty hot, too. Still, the whole time we were in high school together we hardly even spoke to each other. I was always too busy with acting and cheerleading, then I hooked up with J.T., and that was it.

Well, I sure noticed Dirk tonight, sprawled out on his back on the red leather sofa. He looked asleep. He was shirtless, with his jeans completely unbuttoned. Even better, they were pulled down his hips, and he had no underwear on!

Check that. Yes, he did, but they weren't his, and he wasn't wearing them in the usual way. Instead, perched on his face was a pink thong! I could see his mouth peeking through one leg hole and his closed eyes through the other. Some girl had left her panties on his face before just upping and bailing on him!

Sneaking over to the little love seat by the couch, I checked him out more closely. Fuck, he's so hot. He sort of looks like John Cusack, only way more buff. He has the most perfectly ripped body, which he always did like to show off, hardly ever wearing a shirt unless he absolutely had to.

This time it was even better. Like I said, his pants were undone, and I was really checking him out. I could see his dark thatch of moist pubic hair plus the first few inches of his bare dick before it bulged beneath the open flap of his jeans. His dick was wet and shiny, and I think it was still a bit chubby. It was definitely pulsing. God, I was so tempted to pull it out and suck it. Apparently he'd just finished fucking and had sort of half-assed tucked his dick back into his pants before falling asleep. I guess the girl he was fucking thought it would be funny to leave her panties on his face as a trophy.

I couldn't see all of his dick, but it sure seemed big. It looked really thick - much thicker than J.T.'s - and it wasn't even fully hard. I could see about four inches of naked, wet cock, then the bulge in his pants continued on another four inches or so across his left thigh.

Maybe the girl thought it would be funny to leave him that way, but I thought it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

It became even hotter when he rolled his face a few inches. The panties shifted, and out popped a little note!

I knew I shouldn't, but I was past the point of caring about privacy, right and wrong, or any of that stuff. I wanted to see that note! Reaching over, I gently tugged it through the leg hole of the panties. Just as the little note was sliding over his nose, his breath caught, then he sort of harrumphed. I froze, not moving a muscle. A few moments later his breathing seemed to relax again, and I took that opportunity to grab the note.

Moving away from him, I sat back in the love seat. I noticed my robe had come undone to where I could see my pussy, but I didn't care. I was only hoping he wouldn't wake up right that second and catch me nearly naked, sitting next to him alone in the rec room, reading his note. Still, I just had to read that thing.

Unfolding it, I saw that the writing was definitely a girl's, and she'd used a girly-looking pink ink. It read...

Hey, baby, sorry I couldn't stay, but I had to get going. I know how much you love the taste and scent of my pussy, so I left you these as a little memento. You definitely earned them! You left me a nice memento too! God, I can't believe how much you came inside me! Amber was right ... you are absolutely amazing. My pussy will be leaking cum for weeks now! LOL! Also, I swear, no one has ever made me cum like that before. Okay, you win. Next time, I promise not to wear panties when we go out! You're right, they only get in the way! :big grin: Anyway, c-ya in class, stud boy. Xoxoxoxox (That's me kissing, licking and sucking your huge cock. Mmmm, yummy!)

I checked on Dirk again. His dick just looked so damn good. I wanted to see the rest of it. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to feel it twitch.

Jesus, I was wet.

'Screw that lucky bitch, ' I thought, grinning to myself. Taking a crazy chance, I gently removed the panties from his face and rubbed them against my wet pussy. I used her panties to soak up as much of my juice as I could, then, as softly as possible, I placed them back over his face. I was seriously considering pulling his pants all the way open so I could see the rest of his cock, until I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Fuck. I at least wanted something before I left, so I quickly licked and kissed his wet cock. It was really warm, and I could taste the combination of his cum and the girl's pussy. I liked it - a lot.

'Jeez, I really am changing, ' I thought, as I snuck back into J.T.'s room. 'I'm becoming such a total slut. I bet J.T. would be so proud of me for wanting to suck Dirk's cock.'

Then I realized how stupid that sounded, and I laughed, 'Okay, maybe not!'

Still, even if J.T. wouldn't exactly be proud of me for nearly sucking someone else's cock, I was at least proud of myself. I couldn't believe what I had done, considering how inexperienced I'd been only six short months ago. Just this very night I'd already had full-blown sex, twice. I had two loads of cum inside my pussy, plus I'd swallowed another. I was caught in my boyfriend's bed by his roommate, and I risked letting him see me completely naked when I got up to go to the bathroom. I also snuck out of our room wearing next to nothing, just to go watch people fuck. Christ, I basically rubbed my wet pussy on Dirk's face before kissing and licking his cum-covered dick. If I hadn't heard people heading towards us, I probably would have sucked him off.

He would've woken up, and there I would have been, some strange, half-naked girl sucking his cock. I would've done it, too. Even after he woke up and caught me, I would have kept sucking his big dick, I just know it. I wouldn't have stopped until he came in my mouth.

Yes, I was excited. I was proud of how daring and uninhibited I was becoming.

Standing there in our dorm room, I smiled mischievously to myself as I watched the two sleeping guys. After taking my robe off, I just stood grinning at Ray. I went to the sink to get a glass of water, then I went between the two beds and leaned against the windowsill to look out over the empty campus grounds. Anybody outside could have glanced up and seen me naked in the window. Ray could've woken up and seen me standing nude beside his bed, my bare ass thrusting out, my naked body bent at the waist. J.T. could've woken up and seen the same thing, and he would have wondered what in the fuck was I doing?

I was definitely excited. "Your loss," I finally whispered to Ray, as I climbed back into bed.

J.T. immediately snuggled into me, spooning me. He wasn't hard, but I pressed my ass against him anyway. If he had wanted to wake up and fuck me, I would have let him.

The thing is, though, I was thinking of Dirk, and Dirk's cock, and everything that girl had said about him. I was thinking about how much cum he must have poured into her. I was thinking about what I'd just done, and what I might yet do. Even if J.T. had woken up and fucked me, I would have been thinking of the sounds those girls always make when Dirk is pounding them. Yes, even if J.T. had woken up and fucked me only four feet from Ray sleeping in the next bed, I still would've been imagining Dirk and his big, wet cock.

When J.T. cracked his eyes open the next morning, he noticed his girlfriend sitting at the computer. With Ray sleeping only a few feet away, he was surprised to see Jennifer wearing her sexy silk robe. Pleasantly surprised, actually. Normally she wouldn't risk letting Ray catch her in something so revealing, yet there she was.

While pretending to be asleep, J.T. studied his girlfriend. He simply loved looking at her. Despite his occasional episodes of cheating, he was under no illusions that Jennifer wasn't the hottest girl he'd ever seen. He knew she was, and he was definitely proud to be with her. Besides the fact that she had become quite the eager little nympho, she was also talented, smart and funny. Maybe even more importantly, she was good-natured and easygoing. Jen was that rare hottie who also had the proverbial 'good personality.' She knew he flirted like crazy, and she probably even suspected he cheated on her, yet she didn't bust his balls about it. Though nothing was ever stated, she seemed to understand that this was their first semester out of high school - their first time out in the big, wide world - and he wanted to experience as many new and exciting things as possible.

He really had to give her credit. The only time she ever became pissed at him was when he would act like a total jerk by obnoxiously scamming on other girls right in front of her. As long as he made some effort not to embarrass her, she didn't give him any crap. She let him have his fun with other girls.

'Gotta respect that, ' he decided. Even at his youthful age of eighteen he knew she was a rare find. Thinking about it, he began to wonder how she could be so easygoing and tolerant. Most girls would lose their minds if they caught their boyfriends doing some of the things she'd caught him doing. Maybe her being so accepting of his cheating might be a tip-off that she was also playing around a bit?

He honestly couldn't imagine it; not the Jennifer he knew. She was a virgin before they'd had sex, and she'd been with him almost constantly ever since. He just didn't see when she would have had the time to develop some other relationship with another guy, which he knew would be necessary before she'd give herself to anyone.

'Still, ' he thought, 'just look at her. She could have anyone she wants.'

The thought of her fucking other guys sent a chill up his spine. He couldn't deny how easy it would be for her, if only she wanted it.

As Jennifer sat typing away at her computer, J.T. drank in every inch of her. She was his idea of the perfect-looking girl, mainly because she was what a lot of his friends called "odd hot." She wasn't Angelina Jolie perfect; no, she was more like a combination of Angelina Jolie and Wynona Ryder.

She was striking like an Angelina Jolie, but not quite that exotic. For one thing, she looked less Lara Croft and more Urban Goth Chick. She was very pale, with intensely blue eyes and blue-black hair cut in a severe Vampira style. She had a perfect little beauty spot above her mouth, and a cute piercing in her adorable button nose. Standing only five-foot-four, she was rather petite; very much the waif. Nonetheless, she had a brooding intensity that belied her casual, laid-back nature.

Though she had yet to acquire any tattoos, she was already extensively pierced. In addition to her diamond nose-piercing she had a pearl stud in her tongue, which she gleefully suggested getting after he told her how good they feel during blowjobs. He also really enjoyed the small hoop she'd recently added to her tight little belly button. She had a row of studs around each ear, and he knew it wouldn't be long before she decorated her clitoral hood. She'd been talking about it for weeks, and once she got an idea in her head she never stopped until the job was done.

Yes, she was stunningly beautiful, although in a somewhat non-traditional way. Odd hot, indeed.

If her face and overall look were slightly left of center, there was nothing odd about her painfully sexy body. His little girl seemed to have no idea that she was truly extraordinary, and he loved that about her.

She had a perfect eighteen-year-old cheerleader's body, with everything that entails. Although relatively short, she was all supple, toned legs leading up to a mouthwatering little heart-shaped bubble butt. Her legs were flawless works of art, and he could eat her ass for days, it was so full, round and firm. She alternated between being completely shaved versus keeping a small pelt of black pubic hair above her delectable slit. Initially he preferred her smooth and completely hairless, since that's how most of his favorite porn chicks kept their pussies, though more and more he was beginning to enjoy her pretty landing strip. He loved the way her trimmed patch held her scent, and he especially loved how he could make it out through her sheer panties.

He also loved how she could sometimes cum just from having her bright pink nipples chewed on. For having such large boobs, she sure had sensitive nipples. Usually it was the girls with small tits who had the really sensitive tips. He'd never been with a girl who could cum just from having her breasts sucked, but Jennifer would flat out lose her mind whenever he'd suck really hard and bite her nipples.

That was always the one thing he could do to ensure she'd make lots of noise during sex. He loved her moans, squeals and shrieks, but she usually wouldn't make her sexy sounds unless he was chewing on her nipples.

"I really like my breasts," was all she ever said when asked about the sounds she made.

And well she should, he thought. She had a tiny waist to go with a sculpted V-shaped torso, and her large, firm, high-set D-cup breasts almost seemed oversized on her petite body. If it weren't for her round bubble butt, she would have looked a bit top-heavy. Instead, she simply looked gorgeously symmetrical. Right side up or upside down, Jennifer had the same hourglass dimensions. Her pale, luminous skin only heightened the effect for him.

'She's insanely hot, and one day she'll come to realize just how devastating she really is. When she does, I'll be history, ' he thought. He felt it was inevitable he would lose her. He knew lots of girls thought he was hot too, but where Jen was concerned he was all too aware that he'd wildly out-kicked his coverage.

"Whatcha thinking about, Mister Dopey Eyes?" I grinned, having let J.T. play possum long enough. I'd long since turned my chair to face him, and I was smiling as I crossed my bare legs.

"I was thinking, wow, I don't know that I've ever seen you look more gorgeous, Jen," he said, with a wistful, dreamy expression. "I was also thinking ... you know ... what about him?" he added, nodding towards the still-sleeping Ray. "You're hardly wearing a thing. For a second there, when you crossed your legs, I thought I could see your panties."

"No biggie. He's still asleep. Besides, you didn't see my panties."

"Are you sure? I think I did. They're your pink ones."

"Yes, sweetie, I'm sure," I smiled again. After quickly looking over at the snoring Ray, I casually leaned back against the computer table and spread my robe, along with my legs. I stroked up and down my bare, moist slit; then, making a delightfully wet sluicing sound, I plunged two fingers deep inside my pussy.

"Believe me now?" I smirked. While casting another glance over at Ray, I grabbed the Sharpie from the table and slid it inside my pussy. Once I'd buried it all the way, I began a slow fucking motion; with the other hand I pulled my robe open, exposing my bare breasts. I brought one nipple to my lips for a teasing kiss before simply leaning back and thoroughly fucking myself with the Sharpie.

J.T. stared, stunned and thrilled. He made a move to come to me, but I held up my hand. "Stay there, tiger. Just watch." Raising my legs, I draped them over the armrests of the chair, spreading myself all the way open. I'd never done anything so brazen before, and I was discovering that I got off on it. Really wanting to blow his mind, I reached down to wet my finger in my pussy; as I increased the speed of the Sharpie pumping inside me, I slid my moistened finger into my asshole.

"Is this what you've been wanting, baby? You'd enjoy letting Ray see me like this, getting fucked? You want to put your cock in here?" I tilted my hips, showing him my finger driving deep inside my ass. That was the furthest I'd ever gone there, and I was loving it! I was loving it so much that I switched holes, rubbing my clit with my fingers while slipping the tip of the lubed-up Sharpie into my ass. There was only a little resistance before it popped inside.

"Do you want me to be a total slut for you, like all those other girls you fuck? Should I be as loud and nasty as the girls Dirk fucks?"

Having closed my eyes, I was talking partly to J.T. but mostly to myself. I wanted to cum, and I wanted to do it quickly, before Ray woke up and saw me.

To be honest, at that point I almost didn't care if Ray saw me.

I'd been typing an e-mail to one of my girlfriends, telling her about all the crazy things I did and saw last night. I told her everything, including how I snuck out in my tiny robe and kissed Dirk's big, shiny dick in the rec room. I described how I felt stripping down naked once I got back, and how I would have let J.T. fuck me even with Ray there in the room.

Seriously, I'd been going out of my mind with 'horny teenage girl' thoughts, until I heard stirring sounds from J.T. Turning around, I discovered he'd been awake and watching me, and that's when I dove right into my brazen display.

Now I was pounding half the Sharpie up my ass, and J.T. was watching me with a look of astonishment. 'Good. Let him be shocked, ' I thought. 'I'll show him that I can be every bit as hot and slutty as anybody he could ever fuck.'

Just then I noticed Ray beginning to stir. His back was to us, so all I did was bring my legs down from the armrests. J.T. looked at me in a panic, since I didn't seem to be stopping!

He was right, I wasn't! I was still fucking myself in the ass with the Sharpie while openly pinching and rubbing my clit. Most maddening of all to J.T. was the fact that I was smiling at him like it was no big deal.

When Ray rolled over onto his back and began to sit up, I finally let J.T. off the hook. Very casually, I pulled my robe over my breasts. J.T.'s shock was complete, however, when I simply sat down on the Sharpie, hiding it by impaling myself on it! I took it all the way up my ass!

Again I crossed my legs, letting the robe slip off of one fully exposed thigh. Clasping my hands together on my raised knee, I smiled sweetly at Ray. "Welcome back to the land of the living. Rough night, honey?"

He sort of sat there blinking at me, then at J.T. "Ummm, yeah ... late night. I had to get a ride home from Billy. I definitely drank too much."

Giving me a bemused smile, it was obvious he'd finally noticed what I was wearing, and that I was making no move to jump up and put some clothes on. Instead I leaned back, yawning while stretching my arms high above my head. I knew my erect nipples were showing through the thin silk, so I held that position. I wanted him to see me. I wanted J.T. to watch as his roommate ogled me.

Then I went one step crazier. When I was done stretching, I swung my legs up into an Indian-sitting position. I did it so quickly that before they knew what had happened I was just sitting there, facing them with my legs folded beneath me. I could tell that my robe was splayed wide across my thighs. I could also tell that with the way I was leaning forward my boobs were pretty much out in the open. I don't think the nipples were showing, but I bet everything else was. It was definitely the most I had ever shown Ray, and J.T. had never seen me reveal anywhere near that much of my body to another guy.

Wanting to know whether they could actually see my pussy, I tried to follow their eyes. I still wasn't sure. I thought maybe my ankles and calves might have been blocking their view. I knew the robe wasn't.

"Oh, fuck..." said Ray. Lurching up from his bed, he ran to the bathroom in his boxers, and J.T. and I laughed as we heard him pay the price for all that drinking.

I looked over at J.T., who grinned, "Wow, babe. That was an amazing show. I mean, seriously ... wow."

Returning his grin, I pulled the Sharpie out of my ass and tossed it to him. While holding up the marker like it was the Super Bowl trophy, his voice took on an exaggerated tone of awe as he said, "Dude, you are my hero."

"I never got to finish. I still haven't cum," I whispered.

"Sorry, babe. Better go faster next time."

"Maybe next time I just won't stop," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Babe, when you were sitting with your legs folded beneath you, did you know we could see your pussy?"

"No, I wasn't sure. Did it bother you?"

"Me? What about you, with Barf Boy there? You were always such a fanatic about making sure he never saw you naked."

I smiled coyly. "You know, if you would have woken up last night, you could've fucked me with him here in the room, just like you've always wanted. I would have let you."

After studying me for a few moments, he finally said, "Something's changed. You're not the same Jen today that you were yesterday."

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An Eventful Weekend With Friends

Given their very different personalities it is surprising that Nancy and my wife Janet are such close friends and that Janet and I get on well socially with Nancy and her husband, Nick. I am Jack. Nancy and Janet met up in Primary School and were each other’s best friend right through school. Janet was always the more shy and sensible of the two. Nancy was adventurous and boisterous and extraverted. In all of their activities together Nancy would be the more madcap and Janet’s restraint would...

2 years ago
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Kristy After SchoolChapter 1

"Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?" Daddy asked, looking up from his desk. "Sure," I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends went shopping after school. My dad on the other hand, thought this would be a positive experience for me, and insisted that I spend some hours after school and on the weekends working in the family business. I figure he also had a secondary motive. Lust was influencing my 18 year old body, so my firm breasts and...

1 year ago
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TimeChapter 7

When the phone was picked up I replied, "Hello Clarice. Is Mr. MacNeil free for a moment?" After a few pleasantries with Derrick I asked, "What is your opinion on the Lasslo matter?" I got my reply and the two men in the office strained their hearing to get the details. Next I asked, "What about the school board?" Now I could see the men pushing their hands down on the arms of their chairs to get a fraction of an inch closer to hear the reply. I gave them some very solemn...

3 years ago
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His story about my office

I walk in...You get startled for a weren’t expecting someone coming 5 minutes before 5. But it’s the day before taxes are supposed to go out. You tell me to sit and I noticed on your desk an object but I couldn’t make it out. You said asked me some questions, and I answered. I realized that you left you egg vibrator out in the open, and I got instantly hard. I was imagining you playing with yourself in your chair. You look down and noticed my bulge in my pants, not to mention you...

2 years ago
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Candied Yam

I road a bus each day to work. Always with my face burried in a book. A little shy around people i would avoid eye contact and seldo ever looked up except to see how close i was to y destination. The 20 was a slow route so for and hour i read my who dunnits and slipped into my little fantasy world.On this particular day i looked up from "The point of origin" to see this striking black girl starring at me. Once i caught her eyes; which were the loveliest grey i had ever seen, she smiled at me. ...

1 year ago
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Who loves Shentai? I guess that might be a tricky question if you don’t yet know what Shentai is, but trust me, it ain’t all that complicated. I initially thought maybe they’d slapped an S onto Hentai because they specialized in futanari, dick-girls and shemales, but nah, this is an all-encompassing collection of free sex manga. Sure, you’ll find those illustrated chicks with dicks if that’s what you’re into, but there’s also plenty of material for the more vanilla hentai fans—you know, like...

Porn Comics Sites
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Shadowgirl I think I have put more time into outlining this story ahead of time than any other story. I know that I have some stuff hanging, but this story came to me very quickly and then fleshed itself out in my head long before I started to put it on paper. It is derivative of a number of sources, especially the various versions of the Batman, but I hope I have done some honor to him and Bob Kane, the genius who created him. As I write this, I don't even know if it will be...

2 years ago
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Paul to Paula Part 2

Paul to Paula - Part 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the second chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...

1 year ago
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My Secret Relationship With My Neighbouring Housewife 8211 Part 2

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5”9 height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed). This is the continuation of my previous posting under the same name, the ones reading this part for the first time, I request you all to read the first part before proceeding to this one, so coming directly to the story. You can mail me your response on We reach...

3 years ago
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The Subjigation of Bellona Torres

I'm Chief of Engineering Lt. Bellona Torres of the U.S.S. Voyager. One day last year, I was standing idly staring into the warp core. My hands were absentmindedly tracing my figure up and down my sides. From my broad shoulders, to my firm, perky breast, down to my narrow waist and full wide hips. One hand traced over my ridges, a gift of my Klingon sides as is my temper. I couldn't stop thinking about an Ocampa girl we'd just brought onboard. A year old and the body of a grown woman. She was...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 515

Friday afternoon we had a long meeting. There were progress reports on everything that had happened in the last few weeks. Vicky and Jake were pleased with the construction progress at the dorm for the security team at South Korea. If they were satisfied, then I was too. The State Department and the CIA had approved the list of new hires that were going there. All of them were to be here in two weeks for training. The first week would be used for administrative training and mandatory State...

3 years ago
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First time in months

Im sonia saxena im 19 and new to this site....This story is abt the time when i hadnt been fucked in last 3 months. SO as soon as i went to my house in Auckland i had gona to a party and gotten an invitation frm a nice tall lean handsome guy with a muscular body.SO i wore my best tight short shirt and my shortest jeans skirt with no bra and panties i had to smile at myself.As soon as i entered his house i knew im gonna have a lot of fun.We took a seat at his sofa and he got us some drinks and...

2 years ago
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Unexpected ConfessionChapter 2

Instead of parking, Benny pulled right up to the front doors so I asked, "Aren't you coming in?" "No. Not tonight." Benny, always the loyal wingman, "I'm sure you and your mom have lots to talk about. Or not", he laughed. As I got out, I saw Mom lean over and give Benny a kiss on the cheek and then a slightly longer kiss on the mouth. "Another night then?" Benny smiled his big smile, "Definitely." As we entered the lobby, Mom started towards the front desk. I put my hand on...

4 years ago
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First Time Sex Stories 6 Basic Instinct

Introduction: A young girl and boy lose their virginity after watching Basic Instinct First Time Sex Stories #6: Basic Instinct By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. Wed known each other since infancy...

2 years ago
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Island DelightChapter 16 Final Packing

Saturday Babs and Tully walked down towards the water, leaving the circle of light behind them. They held hands as they walked. Tully squeezed her hand and asked, “Not scared of getting lost in the dark, are you?” Babs laughed. “With a full moon above us? I don’t think so, you twit!” “Just checking.” “How do I know you’re not holding my hand because you’re afraid of the dark?” “That must be it. Promise to protect me?” “Sure. When the bad man comes out to get you, I can just take off my...

2 years ago
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The first cock I sucked

Ever since a guy sucked my dick a long-time ago, I’ve always fantasized about what it would be like to take a dick in my own mouth. And like any fantasy, it turned into an urge I couldn’t resist any longer.For as long as I’ve lived in this area, I’ve had a favorite fishing spot. It’s got a small picnic area and public bathroom. The first time I took my boys there, one of them had to piss real bad and wouldn’t do it out where we were fishing so I had to take both of them up there. As soon as we...

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Summer Country Club Job

It was the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year in college and I guess I was lucky to even get a job. I was a gold course maintenance/caddy boy at the ;local snooty country club.Things went okay for about three weeks and I was eventually doing more caddy work than maintenance. The caddy stuff at least paid some tips.Tuesdays are ladies day at the course and my second Tuesday I was a bit surprised when the caddy manager told me I was going to help Ms. Andersen with her club maintenance...

3 years ago
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Sucking cock

When I was about eighteen or nineteen, Austin, the preacher’s son and I would go into the attic in his garage and look at girlie magazines. This was in the nineteen-sixties, long before the inter-net so porn wasn’t as available as today. Austin had a beautiful cock that jutted out from a sea of curly black pubic hair. It was uncut and about six or seven-inches long with an enormous head and veins throbbed along the length of his shaft. I wanted to suck it so bad that I was drooling. I didn't...

Oral Sex
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Whoopsies Chapter 7

Whoopsies, Chapter 7 - By: Beverly Taff The following morning I woke to find myself lying on my back. This in itself was unusual for we usually slept curled up in a ?three-sided? bundle of intertwined arms and legs. Before I had time to consider this unusual separation, I realised that it was the gentle twitching of my butt-plug that had woken me. As I became more awake, it was starting to writhe and squirm inside me. For a moment I lay on my back beside Pauline, wondering...

1 year ago
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Spirit QuestChapter 2

I awoke from the bad nightmare only to find myself lying in tall grass. At first, I didn’t realize that, while the temperature was warm, it was a lot cooler than it should have been for late August, even this early in the morning. I thought that somehow, I had landed clear of the wreckage, and miraculously survived. Having taken extensive first aid training, rather than try to get up, I instead tested each appendage for signs of injury. Fingers and toes seemed pain-free, as did wrists,...

1 year ago
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May I Take Your Order

I was 27 years old. 6'3" in height at 180 lbs. with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I was going to art college and working as a waiter. One Saturday afternoon a woman in her early 40's sat in my section of the restaurant. As I was taking her order, she stopped at one point and slowly looked me over from head to toe. Then our eyes met and I got very hard in my pants. My apron hid this fact from her. Her green eyes were beautiful and as I gazed into them, she smiled and then looked back at her...

3 years ago
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Stace Home Pt1

Well my other half works all day and i get bored really quick, so for xmas he brought me a new vibro! OMG its good....It was about 11am and i was just watching tv and i suddenly had the urge to flick thru the porn channels. No porn was on @ this time of day, but the were live phone girls dressed in lingerie and bikinis etc. So as i sat there watching1 channel and flicking to the next, my eyes suddenly widened looking @ a stunning blonde named cherri. OMg did she have it all so as i continued...

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MFM at Anchor

After a long week of sailing our sailboat to get her where she was going to be kept for the next season, primed and ready for adventures. It was a good job we’d left the k**s with the grandparents and a very good job we’d taken on some help as it’d been a long few days short handed sailing. You weren’t quite confident as yet to sail on your own at night while I slept so I agreed to find someone who had the experience to get us where we wanted to be. Trouble was that I wasn’t happy him sailing...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Surprise Part Four

Four I crawled. I crawled on my hands and knees, but I was looking across the room. I wouldn't take my eyes off the operator. My wife had told me that we were done and ready to leave. She told me to thank the operator. She told me to crawl. The operator was standing there. I started looking at her from the ground up. The first thing I could see were her knee high heeled black leather boots. They had four inch stiletto heels and were magnificent. When my wife kissed her then...

1 year ago
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Dead Men1

I just think its cold as fuck... I'm driving down I'm driving west on 290, toward the western side of downtown, to my office. I take a cigarette out of my pack on the passenger's seat. Using the zippo lighter my father gave to me on his death bed, I light up. It's 8:53 and my office is closed, but it's a good place to be if you wanna get drunk and be alone. This girl, Nancy, keeps calling me. I met her in a bar a week, maybe 9 or 10 days, ago. Anyway, we hit it off, or so...

3 years ago
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GolemChapter 14

//system reboot. //system firmware update successful. //nanite control function updated. //defense system updated. //computational grids updated //generator operations at 150%. //main cpu efficiency increased 123% //biological systems wetware upgraded. //reflex arc upgraded. //endocrine system upgraded. //central nervous system upgraded. //autonomic nervous system upgraded. //peripheral nervous system upgraded //regenerative system upgrade progress at 10%. //organ...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Fever

I dreamed that I awoke in her bed. Warm. Cozy. Close. Our limbs intertwined like familiar lovers.She's asleep. So peaceful. Angelic. She even has a hint of a smile on her face.I look at her clock as I carefully slip out of bed. It's still a little bit early. The alarm should be going off before too terribly long. It's still dark outside.I creep off quietly to the bathroom to take care of things.Then I find a washrag and soap. I give myself a quick sponge bath at her sink. I wash my...

1 year ago
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A Quiet Affair

I’ve always kept things simple. I’ve tried to ask very few questions, take things as they come, and often let everything ride on serendipity. I hated “should be” or “supposed to be”. Questions often stopped things in their tracks. Is it something to be proud of that Jenn was the only married woman that I personally knew that I ever caught myself fantasizing about? What should I have said when she asked me if we could go to my apartment during lunch? We were only supposed to have coffee,...

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The Manuscript.By jjcoleI had been trying to write a Great American novel for years but had only succeed in writing an episodic tale of a town, an episodic tale of a singer, and a convoluted science fiction story. My agents found online publishers for each but not print publishers.My agents were a lesbian couple that would kindly be described as colorful. I described them as batty. One, her name was Virginia, appeared to be mostly sane but appearances were deceiving. She was a weirdo, a very...

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After a hard day's work at the farm, you want to do nothing but have a beer in your hand and your wife sucking you cock. That was exactly what I intended to do, I quickly took a nice warm shower and got rid of all the sweat in my body then went downstairs to grab that beer from the fridge. My wife, Cathy, must be in her room correcting all those quizzes and test she passes out to the high-schoolers. I finished my beer feeling more refreshed than ever and went upstairs to our bedroom."Hi...

3 years ago
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A Mexican Holiday Part 4

Tom became more and more animated as the car descended to the beach; as he watched the surfers catching the waves, carving big curves in the face of the combers his eyes grew larger and he bounced in his seat. He bolted from the car just as it stopped at a collection of buildings that serviced the people at the beach in search of a board. There were shops selling food, shops selling swim ware and shops renting beach chairs, personal water craft and most importantly surfboards; Tom was off...

1 year ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 4

For those who are lucky enough, success in poetry, or in any art for that matter, may come early in one’s career. To stay a successful poet over a lifetime though—that’s the trick. Amanda felt as though she had made a deal with the devil in some unconscious dream, and due to either her negotiating skills with the Lord of the Underworld or just dumb luck, she landed a tenure- track professorship at Seton Hall a week after her twenty-seventh birthday, a year and three months after her divorce...

1 year ago
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Porn Host! If you’ve ever looked for a place where you can share your favorite pornos that you’ve been collecting over the years, then you’ve come to the right place. On you can have your cake and eat it too. Join the rest of the porn crowd that upload to this website on a regular basis. You’ll be able to enjoy all of the porn that’s already uploaded, you’ll also be able to download the content as much as you please for free, and you’ll even be able to post your own content on...

Porn Video Hosting Sites
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Sex With Cousin While She Drives The Car 8211 Part 2

Hey everyone, I am Diganth, 25 years old from Bangalore. I am an average-built guy with a good size dick that can satisfy any girl. I firstly thank all the readers who read my previous stories and enjoyed them. To the readers who haven’t read them, please do read them. And I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received. This is a continuation of my previous part, so readers who missed my previous story please read it. Quick info about her. My cousin’s name is Usha. She is also 25 years old,...

4 years ago
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 18

Another great show in Barcelona, for a nearly full auditorium, albeit with far less seats to fill. Backstage after, Alejandra greeted him with a kiss. “That was quite amazing.” “Thanks.” She immediately handed him off to Essie, who’d watched backstage. And went to Al, who seemed to be annoying Eddie, not understanding the rock star’s need for quiet. “Come on,” she muttered. “You can be with him at home.” “Alright Alejandra,” he smiled without affecting his cruel eyes. Joe was...

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Sumikos Joyful Blossom

The reason why young Sumiko did not have a dedicated suitor as yet was the fact she helped her parents in their tiny fish store that specialized in gourmet delights from under the sea. It was not because she was too busy to waste time on allowing a young man to court her. It certainly was not because she lacked longing for the touch of a male hand on her feverish young girlish flesh. Quite simply, it was because she carried with her the odor of fish no matter how hard she tried to wash the...

4 years ago
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Mere Wife Ki Barbaadi 8211 Part II

Hi dosto, main apani stori ka 2nd part leke aaya hu. sorry lekin pehale part me mere email id dena bhul gaya tha main. mere email id hain   is id pe aap muje mail kar sakte ho aur aapki rai bata sakte ho ab main pehale kahani ki kuch baate yaad dilata hu aapko. mere wife ke dimag me actress banane ka bhut tha, mera dost sachin ek pehachan ke driector ke pass mere wife ko leke jata hain . waha ek stori pe film banti hain , usame mere wife aur mere behan role karti hain. Us stories me behan ke...

2 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 7 humiliated by Ginger part 4

The day had started like the previous few days. Janice was quietly singing to herself totally unaware of everything that had happened to her over the last few days. She was happy someone and she could not remember who had told her that to day was going to be a big day. David her son left the house and she was about to lock the door as she usually did but something told her to leave it unlocked. She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her...

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Young Wife Tied

This is a true story about my ex-wife and happened in the late 80s. At the time she was 26 or 27, 5’3” 120 lbs, auburn hair and big brown eyes. Picture Jennifer Jason Leigh from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. I was my wife’s first real boyfriend. We met when she was 18 and I was 19. She was a senior in High School from another town and I was just out of school. I was her first and to the best of my knowledge, her only until after we split up.When we were married we had a big brass bed...

1 year ago
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Forced lessons of love

Fearful lessons of ‘love’ Hi friends I am Jash here. Hope you like my first story. Anticipating replies from you . My first love encounter came when I was just 18 years old. I still remember those golden days of my life. We were staying in Poona. I was pursuing my college studies. Jaya was a strong, dominating and rich lady in our locality and above this all she was known to all for her single stay in her two storied house as her husband was a sailor. She was a good friend of my mother. As her...

2 years ago
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Pet for this evenings entertainment

My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...

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Sweet revenge3

Susan kicked off her shoes, jumped on the couch and lied down. After stretching a bit, she removed the tie of her school uniforme and opened a few buttons of her shirt. School had been so boring, she almost wished for a fire or something like that. Just to liven things up a bit. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Susan looked at her sister. Claire may've been 2 years younger but you could hardly tell. A lot of people would think they were twins. But then again, they did have...

3 years ago
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Old Dog

Hey Folks, thanks for all of the notes and e-mails about last week's story. I did get a few notes from people who told me that all of the partner switching and machinations that went on it seemed like no one in the story really loved anyone else. So this week I decided to do something a bit more romantic to switch the mood up. Thanks as always to Barney-R for editing this story. Why does it always rain when I have to go to a funeral? It's funny but the weather just seems to mirror the...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Caressing Caitlyn

Heavy gray clouds covered the sky and rain kept threatening to fall. It’d been a long flight and Alex had one too many cheap drinks, but the nervousness in meeting her finally settled when he got off the airplane and stepped into the frigidness of Michigan’s Tri City International. Gasoline and pepper scents hung on the breeze between the plane and boarding ramp mixed with the various perfumes and colognes many of the business travelers wore. Alex slung his laptop over his shoulders, adjusted...

3 years ago
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Blowing Two Cocks in the Washroom

Here is a short story about my night. Enjoy!It was a normal Thursday night, I went to A&W for dinner, I ordered a burger and fries and sat in a booth to enjoy my meal. It was 6:30 and the place was surprisingly empty, a few Indian guys and a young couple were the only other customers. I had sat in the booth closest to the washrooms, I gave it no thought. I finished up my burger and slowly ate my fries while browsing instagram. Two guys came in and I glanced up at them. They looked like they...

2 years ago
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my sceret

this is my first name is reshma. i was from small village. i was married at the age of 12. i was married to a man of 35 years..i got first male c***d at the age of 14 and at age of 16 i had a i am age of 30 and my hus is aged 43. we have 3 bedroom. first is occupied by me and my hus. second by my dauther and third by my son and servent..… so the story a days my fucking session doesn’t last a minute..he just removes my panties and put his 5 inch lund inside my...

1 year ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 47 Glenda Harpers Confession

The ‘spurtin’ at Camp Starkers that Bill Snypes, the groundsman, was predicting did come but not immediately. Once all the visitors had taken the Reverend Unsworth’s lead and taken their clothes off things seemed to just proceed in an ordinary fashion like any other Summer Camp - apart from the fact that everyone was walking about in the nude. That was a very new sensation for this church group but one that they seemed to take to much more easily than anticipated. For the naked Jessie Harper...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Part 1

Suddenly By Lauren Westley (Authoress Comment: All disclaimers to all my writings hold true here. If you think it was you or any character reminds you of someone then I hope it's with fond memories, but it isn't about you or them but maybe it's about me.) This particular story is dedicated to some very special readers who have urged me on and wished me kindness. To all of you, Thank You. Also, this story is going to take...

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The scene is a beautiful hotel in the wilds of the Somerset Levels. It is a warm, late summer evening and the sun is setting over the hazy landscape. It is the occasion of my friend, Jess’s hen night and it is a quiet and small affair of perhaps nine of her closest friends. Relaxed and informal we have been sitting, talking and drinking in the lounge overlooking the hotel’s garden and across the fields beyond. I found myself alone with Jess. She thanked me for organising the party and I told...

4 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 9

I stood up and started clearing empty bottles and coffee cups while Sarah wandered off to do what she had to. The boys wandered into the lounge room, presumably to sort out sleeping arrangements. I think the evening’s passion had been pretty well smothered for all, unfortunately. That was such a shame considering the fire of passion that had been fanned earlier for all of us. Neil came back in to the kitchen where I was standing, contemplating the day’s events. He looked really tired but in...

1 year ago
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Anal for some cigarettes

It was Monday afternoon when Dani decided to go for a bike ride. Dani was 30, working in a small town, living alone in a small apartment…it wasnt great but it was all he need it. He loved to go out in nature, take his hammock, a few beers, role a few cigarettes and just chill. There was a good spot for this from where you could see the whole town, and being Monday the chance to see someone was so little. So he made his bag and went out. As he got to the spot, opened a beer and drink it all….ahh...

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