Estate LivingChapter 04 free porn video

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The next morning I wake up at my usual 5:00 a.m. before Nataly wakes up. We’re still cuddled up so I start fondling her breasts as I gently press my morning erection between her thighs. She purrs and wriggles in her sleep. I lean forward and kiss her neck, which makes her she purr again. I open my mouth and suck hard to give her an instant large hickey on her neck. She wakes up while saying, “Fuck.”

Moving back I roll her over, spread her legs, and move between her thighs as I say, “Since you ask so nicely, I will.” She looks up at me for a moment of not understanding. As she comprehends my words she reaches for me while spreading her legs wider. I slide into her love tunnel and she humps as I thrust. We’re not making love as we’re fucking hard, fast, and furious. We’re rutting animals after pleasure. She’s soon coming and I do what I can to keep her coming by sucking and tweaking her breasts by tickling nerves while playing with her clit. For several minutes she has orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. When I stop all of my actions she finishes another orgasm and collapses. She smiles as I withdraw my still stiff dick as she knows I’m heading for Joan to make another deposit to get her pregnant.

Walking into the bedroom Joan and Natasha are in I have a strong feeling of deja vu. Joan is moaning in her sleep with Natasha between her spread thighs enjoying a morning feed of pussy. Tapping her on the shoulder I wait till she turns and sees me. I wave her to the side and off the bed.

Climbing on the bed between Joan’s thighs I can see she’s very wet and ready. Natasha guides my dick with one hand as she uses the other to play with her own pussy. Being careful to make no contact except with my dick I slowly enter and start thrusting in and out of Joan. To avoid contact with our groins I’m only sliding about two thirds of the way in. Her pussy feels nice as it gently squeezes my dick. Suddenly she’s squeezing harder and her hips are heaving upwards as she comes. She softly moans, “Oh yes,” as her eyes slowly open. Seeing me above her she loudly says, “Oh yes, now give me a proper fucking.” Which I do, full length, fast, and in rhythm to her bucking. Her arms and legs go around me as she pulls me closer. Very soon she’s having a series of orgasms. I’m very aware of Natasha being on the bed as she moves around caressing both our bodies and having several orgasms watching us, she must be a real voyeur. I’m also aware of some people standing in the doorway watching us. I love it when Natasha starts kissing her way down my spine. But am surprised when she kisses my arse hole and sticks her tongue in while playing with my balls. That’s some feat of timing considering she manages to do it while my arse is going up and down like a piston. I hardly notice the extra weight when Natasha lies on top of me and places her arms around me. Joan’s eyes go wide when she realises I’ve Natasha lying on me. Natasha, that kinky girl, slips her hands between us and plays with Joan’s breasts. Then she grabs mine and twists hard. I jerk with the pain and I thrust much harder than I intended. Joan comes, setting me off and I come, filling her with my sperm. I stay like that savouring the delicious feeling of her juicy cunt milking my dick as Natasha’s breasts are trying to bore holes in my back while she comes and makes my lower back very wet. I think she has a very wide kink streak in her.

When my dick deflates I move back off Joan. As I start to rise Natasha wraps her arms around me and holds on. Turning to the door I see Sophie, Nate, Fiona, and Janice standing in the doorway. Janice is playing with Nate’s dick. Looking at Sophie I say, “Get Blackie, I think Natasha needs to meet him.” Natasha leans around me and gives me an odd look as a grinning Sophie dashes back to her room. I grab Natasha’s arms so she can’t get off my back. “Fiona, please stand at the end of the bed so you can eat Joan while I take you in a standing doggie fashion.” She smiles while she does as asked.

We’re almost ready to start as my dick is reawakened, Fiona’s face is in Joan’s groin, and Sophie enters the room. With a huge grin she shows Natasha a 500 mm double dildo that’s 40 mm wide, jet black in colour with a strap in the middle. Leering at Natasha she slowly rubs some KY jelly on both ends of the dildo and inserts it into her pussy. Janice and Natasha watch as if mesmerised.

Nate is aware of losing Janice’s attention so he moves behind her and slides his dick into her wet vagina from behind. She doesn’t notice his actions until he’s fully in and his groin is bumping into her arse. Grinning, she bends forward to give him better access so he smiles and increases the tempo.

With her half of the dildo inserted Sophie is moaning slightly and doing the strap up to keep it in place. Looking at Natasha she walks over. What a sight. A white woman, almost albino, with freckled face and shoulders and a huge 250 mm by 40 mm jet black dick growing out of her pussy. Natasha starts trying to pull her arms out of my grip. Her moving on my back rubs her breasts in more, so very nice. Over my shoulder I say, “She knows what she’s doing. Relax and enjoy it.” I hear her gulp as she relaxes.

She wanted to go for a ride on my back and now she’ll get a ride on my back. I walk to Fiona and slowly enter her. She sighs and wriggles her arse at me. I withdraw until I’m only just in her. “Right, ready when you are Sophie. Natasha, wrap your legs around my waist.” She does as told.

Walking up behind me Sophie says, “Don’t worry, Natasha, I really do know how to use this. Even though I’ve never tried it this way before the Captain always knows what he’s doing.” I feel Natasha shiver as Sophie slides Blackie into her pussy. I soon feel a bump on my arse as she gets fully in.

Grinning, I start to thrust in and out of Fiona at the same time I’m fucking Natasha on and off Blackie. With each back move Natasha is filled with Blackie while the bump against Sophie gives him a mini fuck into her and she moans. I giggle, “I think I won’t need to do my morning weight lifting after this exercise.” There’s a few giggles from around the room.

Several minutes later I almost fall over as Natasha and Sophie both have serious orgasms and lean on me. At the same time Fiona has a serious orgasm and clamps on my dick as her pussy starts to milk it. She yells into Joan’s pussy which causes her to wrap her legs around Fiona’s head as she has an orgasm. Cheeky Natasha leans forward and makes like a vampire on my throat to give me a hickey and set off my orgasm. The feel of me coming in her causes Fiona to have another orgasm. I stand there not daring to move because I don’t think I’m strong enough, at the moment, to take all this weight on one leg. A few minutes later I can feel Sophie slowly withdraw from Natasha. Joan crawls up the bed on her back, followed by Fiona crawling onto the bed and off my dick. Sophie helps me lower Natasha off my back and we place her on the bed. Grinning at me Sophie says, “Hell, that was kinky. What made you think of that, Timber?”

I smile, “Well, she wanted to ride me while I was riding someone else. So I wondered how it’d feel if she was getting a ride at the same time. It was nice, but a bit tiring, especially at the end.” They all laugh.

Sophie giggles, saying, “That’s the first time I know of where a man was actually fucking three women at once.”

I laugh while I say, “Tonight, remind me and I’ll show you an easier way to fuck four women at once - dick, mouth, and both hands. Now it’s time we got cleaned up and dressed for breakfast.” We head off for the various showers and bathrooms.

Breakfast and a Run

After a light breakfast I head out for my morning run, although I’m starting later than I usually start my run. Fiona and Sophie join me. I had some others interested until I said we were doing a ten kilometre run. Joan and Terri will open up and look after the pool because it’s a hot summer day and we expect quite a few of the kids to turn up for a swim and to cool off. Erica and the Nats will feed the slaves. I give Terri two more boxes of frogs for the outside fridge; she grins and blushes as she takes them.

On our run we stop for orange juice at McDonald’s. Returning, we go through the pool area. Just about the whole estate is there enjoying the sun out of the strong wind that started up. Most of the females are now topless, thus making the place a very interesting sight. I see they all plan on some extra activities. The boys present are really enjoying the view. Just after I arrive one of the girls, Charlotte, gets out of the pool and walks to a table near me. She’s a beautiful nineteen year old of average height, jet black hair, snow white skin, never tans or goes red in the sun, breasts are nice firm handful, and athletic build. Sauntering up to me she says, “Mind if I swim nude?” She’s known to prefer girls but is one hell of a tease.

I reply, “No, I don’t mind you swimming nude if you don’t mind me fucking you in the pool when you do.” She gives me an uncertain look, turns, and dives back in the pool with her bikini bottoms still on.

Today’s Training

The training team follows me downstairs and we dress in our outfits. Entering the training room I find Erica has set them up in the chairs again and the cameras are still going. I walk over and stand beside Ruthann who immediately leans to me and rubs her cheek on my dick, purring. I caress her head. Moving over to Ruthie I get the same treatment. Leaving Erica and company to feed them after they give the boys a blow job for their sauce I phone my psychiatrist friend who helped set up the mind games program. I tell her what we’ve done and how they’ve reacted. She asks several questions, thinks, and tells me she’ll be over later. Back downstairs I leave the slaves on the chairs. Placing the earphones on their heads I turn on the music program and give them a good drink of flavoured milk. We leave them for now. The boys stay in the front room, watching them on the Intranet and making comments as they have a good time playing with themselves.

Charlotte’s Web

Back at the pool I settle onto my extra wide lounge chair. Nataly and Natasha sit beside me with each pulling a hand of mine onto her breasts. Taking their hints I give them a good fondle each. What we’re doing is obvious to anyone who looks our way. Quite a few do. Some of the girls catch my eye, wink at me, and lick their lips as a clear invitation to do the same to them too. Quite a few of the older boys try the same trick on Nataly and Natasha. None of us react to them in any way.

After several minutes of this Charlotte gets out of the pool and stands in front of me. Waiting until she has my attention she slides her bikini bottoms down, blows me a kiss, walks back to the pool, and dives in. Quite a few of the boys head for the outside toilet.

Excusing myself from Nataly and Natasha I get up, walk to the pool, and jump in. I start moving across the pool. At this point in the pool the water only comes up to my chest. Charlotte is still slowly swimming across the pool. She reaches the other side, stops, stands, turns around, and sees me walking through the water. She leans back on the pool side, spreading her arms wide. In this position the water is just above her nipples. She catches my eye and smiles at me. While I move through the water I slide the top of my swimmers down to free my dick.

On reaching Charlotte I grasp a wrist in each hand and hold her arms apart as I admire her breasts. “Remember what I said about going nude?”

She gives me a cheeky smile while saying, “Yes I do. But sadly for you I’m a girl’s girl. I don’t do boys, so you miss out.”

While pushing her arms wider I push her back against the pool edge and say, “Wrong, you’ve just had a change of preference.” Her eyes go wide and she starts to struggle. Moving right up against her I have both of my legs inside hers as I bring our bodies in close contact. She can feel the bare skin of my stiff dick pressing against her wide open pussy. “You’re about to become a bisexual.”

Bringing my arms down behind her also pulls her arms behind her. Grasping both her wrists in one of my hands I use the other to play with her arse before sliding it up her back. Just as my hand reaches the top of her neck she opens her mouth to speak. I take hold of her head and angle it back as I lean down and kiss her. Taken by surprise her mouth is open in the start of her next words when my mouth covers hers and my tongue enters her mouth. She struggles and wriggles. My hand in her lower back is pushing her groin into mine and her movements are only causing her labia to open for my dick. I can tell when she knows this as her eyes open wider. She hasn’t responded to my kiss nor has she closed her mouth. I slide my hand back down her body and slip it between her thighs. I slip a finger into her vagina. She relaxes a bit. Letting go of her wrists I slide the other hand down to her arse to play with it. A few minutes later I move my hands to the very top of her thighs to lift them up and out. She rises slightly in my grasp as her legs go out to the sides. My dick slides down her slit, rubbing her clit in the process. I lift her a bit more. Soon my dickhead is at the entrance to her vagina and pressing in for full entry. Her eyes are open wide with an odd look of part lust, part hate, part fear, part wonder. Lowering her a little I push my hips forward. My dick slides into her vagina and soon she shudders as I slide along her love tunnel. I keep gently pushing until I reach full insertion and stop. She gives a low whimper. I just stand there holding her impaled on my dick. Dana and Janice come up beside us and rub their breasts into my sides. A moment later I feel someone approaching and Nataly says, “Coming in for a back rub.” She nestles against my back and rubs her breasts in.

Natasha squats down at the poolside saying, “Move back a bit please stud muffin.” I break the kiss and laugh at her pet name for me. Holding Charlotte against me I move back a half pace. Natasha slides into the pool behind Charlotte and rubs her breasts against her back. Leans into her ear and says, “Charlie, he’s a much better fuck than you are. After he’s screwed you silly you may get better.” Charlotte blushes at this comment and its blatant acknowledgement of prior personal encounters between them with promises of more to come.

Feeling some hands on my chest I realise Natasha is playing with Charlotte’s breasts while her sister is playing with my nipples. Dana is playing with Charlotte’s clit. Looking around I can see we’re the centre of attention. It’s obvious what we’re up to, but no one can see what we’re doing and no one seems upset by what they believe is going on. I also notice the pool has less people than before as the younger ones are gone.

Charlotte opens her mouth to speak again, I pull back, half out, and thrust forward. She gives a short grunt and moan. Natasha lifts a hand up to turn Charlotte’s head to the side, leans forward, and goes into lip lock with her. Charlotte jerks a bit when I say, “Tonight I’m going to enjoy fucking you again while you eat the pussies of a number of girls for me.” I start to give her a good fucking. Setting up a nice moderate pace I then spend the next several minutes thrusting in and out of her. She has a dozen orgasms as I do. Suddenly she heaves hard and has a large orgasm. I hold still as she whimpers into Natasha’s mouth and her cunt milks my dick. I pull my still stiff dick out of her, “From now on you’re mine whenever I want you. Are you using any protection?” She shakes her head no and I see real fear in her eyes. She’s just finished high school and is due to go to uni if she wins a scholarship. “Do you want to have my first child by you before you start uni or at the end of your first year?” Wild-eyed she shakes her head no rather violently.

During our exercise her mother walked up by the pool and now she says, “Tonight you fuck her silly and get her pregnant. She did well in the exams and got a place in uni, but not enough for a scholarship. She may as well have a child while looking about for a job. At least she’ll keep out of other mischief that way.”

She turns her head to look at her mother, “Why mummy, why?”

“You’ve been a bitch to your sisters and gloated you’ll never have to worry about childbirth. Well, I think this is a good punishment and it may get rid of that arrogance so you become a better person.”

I butt in, “Charlotte, for the next three years you’ll live with me and give me two children. You’ll also live here and be a housekeeper / cook for me. You’ll take cooking classes at my expense. During this time you’ll share my bed whenever I want you to. I’ll pay you a reasonable weekly allowance for the period and at the end of those three years I’ll pay for your university course, any course at full fees.” The eyes of everyone within hearing go wide. “If you wish to accept this duck under the water and suck on my dick.” She stands there staring at me for a moment.

Natasha says, “You can trust him to keep his promises and he can afford to do what he says.”

Charlotte looks at her for a moment. Then she slowly drops under the water and she soon has a mouth full of my dick. No skill involved, just a gentle sucking. She keeps it up until she’s out of breath and resurfaces. I smile at her, “You best go get your things from your mother’s and move in to my house right now.”

Her eighteen year old sister pipes up with, “She’s moving out. Good, we can all have our own rooms now.”

Our little web of people around Charlotte starts to break up. I stand there and grin at Natasha, she goes all coy, steps forward, and slides her lovely self onto my stiff dick. I lift her legs and wrap them around my thighs, she locks them in place. As I slide my arms around her body she does the same and lays her head on my shoulder. For a few minutes we stand there revelling in the full body contact.

After turning I walk to the pool steps, exaggerating each step so she slides up and down on my dick. She purrs into my ear. I boldly walk us out of the pool and everyone knows exactly what’s happening but there’s nothing to see as our bodies block their view of the action. Janice steps up with a towel and dries us off, mostly. Smiling at everyone I walk into the house and upstairs with Janice following us.

In my bedroom I lay Natasha down on the bed and roll over. She immediately starts sliding up and down on my dick. A smiling Janice slides my swimmers off before she straddles my face. I reach up to fondle her breasts, only to find Natasha’s hands there first. I feel them both lean forward and kiss. I slide my hands down to play with both their clits at once. Natasha speeds up and Janice wriggles. I think they like it. We keep at this for several minutes while they both have a few orgasms. Later I slap them both on the thighs so they get the hint and get off me. I’ve Natasha lie on the bed and suck my dick while Janice eats her pussy. After Natasha has a few small orgasms Janice looks up at me and winks. She places her head back in Natasha’s groin. Natasha had been doing a lovely job of cock sucking with her eyes closed while enjoying Janice’s attentions down below. Now her hand at the base of my dick squeezes hard as her eyes shoot open, her mouth opens very wide and she screams into my groin.

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Wnsche wurden wahr

Am Autohof auf dem Weg nach Stuttgart. Dauernd Staus. Ich halte mich mit geilen Fantasien aufrecht und schaue ob ein junges Girl in einem anderen Auto meine Fantasie anregt. Die eine oder andere süsse Maus sitzt schon hier dem Lenkrad aber wie immer unerreichbar. Ich hab Lust auf einen Kaffee und die Blase drückt also ab zum Autohof. Während ich an meinem Kaffee schlürfe und ein Teilchen esse, kommt eine Familie an den Nachbartisch. Sie haben eine sehr junge Tochter, wohl noch in der Pubertät....

1 year ago
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Granny Next door

Granny next doorI'll get right to the details, I went next door to help the next door lady change a light bulb. This is not a story of some sexy young lady next door, she was in her 60's. While I was standing on the ladder changing the bulb, she was going about her business, I ask her to hand me the new bulb when she reach up to hand it to me I could see down her shirt. When she caught me looking I know my faced turned red, so I quickly look up at the light. Much to my surprise when coming down...

2 years ago
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Playboy Journey In Mumbai

Hello ISS readers, I am Rohit (name changed) from Mumbai, a 26-year-old call boy. Coming to the story. It all had happened a few months back when I had narrated a real sex story on ISS. After that, I was very much sex-starved. So I started a call boy job with reference to a lady I had earlier. She was very happy with the quality of my service. All are high-class ladies, married and unmarried, as well with the best figure. Leave that aside. It is a story of a girl name Shanaya (name changed)....

3 years ago
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The Boy Next Door

[Note: This is very long and detailed. Some who prefer to just get to the "action" may want to scroll down to where you see this: *****. Others who may enjoy a detailed backstory/preamble may appreciate the effort. Either way, enjoy...]Jason almost ignored the opportunity he'd been waiting for since as long as he can remember. His iPhone vibrated on the futon next to him as he mowed down the enemy while playing Call of Duty, listening to young dudes barely old enough to pee straight cursing...

4 years ago
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Take Me AwayChapter 3

Lil stayed for quite a bit longer than just the couple of hours she originally planned, the three friends having entirely too much fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. When Lillian wearily wandered home, it was all Ari and Amos could do to crawl into bed. When the sun rose in the morning, Amos got up from the bed and hung a sheet over the window, blocking out the light, and immediately crawled back into bed. Arilee laughed quietly, but leaned up against her man and drifted back...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother Pt 5

I was told to trail Brandon everywhere he went, and meet him in between each class. But luckily for me we had a different lunch hour, so I would be able to sit with my friends. The day went fine, got a few comments on my “pretty legs” from the older boys in the hallway. Met Brandon between classes. Then lunch came. I sat with three friends from 4th period and enjoyed my time away from Brandon. Shortly after I sat down to eat, my friend Amanda looked upwards behind me, and a familiar deep...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 599

The Ship The first tight-beam transmission was garbled by distance, but the Ship interpreted enough of it for a general location of the alien ship as it neared the solar system. Much later, she received a clearer tight-beam as the scout followed the enormous alien ship partway across the solar system. Jeff, Arlene and Ann were sitting in the Captain’s Ready Room aboard Ship as they discussed strategies. “I worry that our scout is going to be seen now that the alien ship is basically just...

2 years ago
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My Sisters and MeChapter 5

All the women came out ta he'p me remove the bodies from our front yard. There wuz way too many ta bury, soz we decided ta burn the bodies, instead. We looted whatever we could use, which wuz mostly silver an' copper coins, muskets, powder an' shot, an' knives. I did take some boots what would fit me an' a couple of shirts. The rest we just burned in the pyre. Yep, they wuz British, all right. I found markin's on every one of the shot pouches showin' British Army issue, an' that wuz...

2 years ago
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Sex with 6 sisters

This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...

3 years ago
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Marunthu Vangum Idathil Aunty

Hello friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil oru sexiyaaga auntyai usar seithu avaludan kaamam seithathai ungaludan indru pagirugiren. Avaluku thirumanam aagi irunthathu, enathu peyar ragu, en mugathil niraiya mugap paru eer patathaal en amma maruthuvarai sendru paar endraargal. Naanum maruthuvarai sendru paarthen, angu ulle pen doctor irunthaargal. Avargalai sight adithu vittu marunthu vaangum idathirku sendru marunthu vaanginen, appadi vaangum pozhuthu oru sexiyaana aunty en arugil vanthu...

3 years ago
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My Desire to Breed a Married Woman Epilogue

The next day Cathy had been over at Debbie’s having coffee and later told me what Debbie had said about Jim’s behavior the night before.“She is so shocked about how Jim’s attitude has changed lately. It appears he is all in about having this baby and he wants to fuck her in the ass, which he never wanted to do.”I just chuckled and smiled at Cathy. “I am glad I could help them out of their rut.”She looked at me somewhat confused and then finally asked, “What the hell did you say to him when you...

Wife Lovers
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Kumar Apartment Part 7 Swati Ke Room Mein

Hi, sabko mera good wishes. Sabse pahle to aap sabse maafi mangta hoon itne din koi story update na karne ke liye. Woh darasal sach bolu to Karnataka election ke karan mera pura bussiness down ho gaya tha pichle 4-5 mahino se. Is liye itna time to bilkul bhi nahi mila ki story likhoon baith kar. Aaplog mujhe maaf kare aur Kumar apartment ke agle aane wale kisso ka maza le. Aap apni opinion mujhe mere mail pe de sakte hai kahani padne ke bad. Aap logo ke mail ka mujhe intzaar rahega. Mera mail...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kiara Cole Scarlett Mae What Happens On Easter

Scarlett Mae and her friend Kiara Cole are getting ready for an Easter party when their giggles attract Ricky Spanish’s attention. He bursts into Scarlett’s room and tries to ask his stepsister and her friend when the party is starting. Scarlett makes it clear that Ricky needs to get out because he’s not invited to anything. Later, Ricky gets back at the girls by coloring his balls like an Easter egg and putting them in a basket for them to lick. He hides beneath a blanket and...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 2

The loud, harsh clanging of swords clashing into and sliding against each other filled the air around the indoor running track. Macario and Jake were going at it while Béla and her daughter watched, cheering on their respective life-mates. A second later, Jake’s sword went flying as his tired, numb hand was unable to hold out against Macario’s enthusiastic advance. “Time!” Béla called. “My turn!” She hopped off the bench and swooped up the sweaty pummel of her husband’s sword. Grinning, she...

3 years ago
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The Pursuit of Manliness

It was patently evident to Colonel Nesmith Norman what the nawab was so clumsily suggesting. The pretty girl who was being presented to him and who was one of the nawab’s many daughters borne to him no doubt by one of his many wives was fully at Colonel Norman’s disposal should he so desire. This had become one of the many acknowledged perquisites in a career in Her Majesty’s Services Overseas, particularly to be expected when one had the power to bring advantage to one of Her Majesty’s...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 408 Cousins

I know she was joking. “Olive is my cousin who came in for my birthday yesterday. I got your birthday email. You are looking good, and it seems that moving out is doing you a world of good,” I told Paulette. “She and I were taking a walk as we caught up. We didn’t know we had walked to town, so I wanted to get her a phone since we were here. She wants the LG one with the case that is also a second screen. Your associate seems to think that we are morons who will pay two-grand for an iFruit...

2 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 9 the African Queen

We stood entwined for a moment. We unwrapped like my sister unwraps a present. Very carefully. Gingerly, unwillingly. Grace doesn't want to spoil the paper ... she could use it in her dollhouse. Not like I unwrap. I'm tearing paper and ripping ribbons to get at the ... TEE SHIRTS??? IN A RED RYDER BB GUN BOX?? Mom!?! She's like that, yup, she is. We looked at each other with lovers eyes. We shivered. Looked away. "Let's go find out who you are. I'd like to know who I'm going to...

3 years ago
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Old Bill

The night was warm, and the sky was clear. It was one of those rare occasions where everything was just right. Of course the alcohol helped. None of us were tired and emotional (ie. Drunk); we were all tired and comfortable. It had been a good day and a good evening. The food was basic, but the company was great. A couple of cans of beer just settled us all into a comfortable existence. We were sitting round a fire of glowing embers, occasionally someone would throw a half-burned stick further...

1 year ago
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Meena Ko Mila Kamina

Hi friends, this is your friend back with an exciting sexual incident with my neighbor.I live in Allahabad, height is 5,10”,fair complexion,25 yrs. age and slim body. Ye ghatna meri padosan ke saath ki hai jo ki mere ghar ke just piche wale ghar mein rehti hai. Uska naam hai Meena aur woh 3 bachon ki maa hai. Uska rang fair nahi hai bas saawli rang ki hai par uska jism bara hi gathila hai kyunki woh apne ghar ke saare kaam khud hi karti hai aur iss wajah se sayad uski chuchiyan (boobs) bahut...

4 years ago
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Me And My Best Friend 8211 Part II

Hey guyzz this is Mosby here. About myslef. I am a young handsome guy of 19 years and have had many girlfriends. I have had sex with many girls and women. I am a milf hunter. I love matured hot women as they are more experienced than the teenage girls and have better feature. This is my second experience. This is with my best friend. I used to play badminton at Millenium club in juhu. She used to come there too for training. We had the same coach so used to train together so we would play for...

3 years ago
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Calvin Meets Mature Woman In Hyderabad For Sex

Hey folks, let me introduce myself. I am Calvin (name changed). I am a tall guy, in pretty good shape, quite fair in color and I am from Hyderabad. Now, let’s hop on to the story. It was a day that I will always remember and cherish as I experienced and lived the pleasure of my life. That day, I was just scrolling on online chats and sites to find someone that I can talk with and have some pleasure. Omegle helped me. I came across a fine lady from Hyderabad, 32 years of age with marvelous stats...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 48

Seven months later... Time: November 2, year 204,883 7:00 PM Peruvian Local Time In the month of October 204,883, Brianna and Isabelle and 1,679 other Peruvian girls passed their ninth-year control gates. The graduates began using their chosen names, and on the first afternoon of November they were all allowed to begin touring the male puppy farms, entering the pens and playing with the boys and choosing which ones they would like for pet-mates. By the end of the second day, over sixteen...

3 years ago
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Right Place Wrong Time

I'm a pretty easy-going guy, and manage to keep it together no matter what gets thrown at me. Ususally. Somebody way above my pay grade decided to test that little claim. I was born on the last day of August, 1957. The year Sputnik went up and touched off the space race, stepping all over Kennedy's dick. Nothing big about that, you say? Well wrap your little pea pickin' brain around this. The newspapers the kids are hawking downtown say it's October 1, 1919. Another zinger is I look like...

4 years ago
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Y Xgoogle translate

"Good evening Y. Do not turn around, but still look over the city." He could feel it startled her when she heard the deep voice, while the surprise of HE suddenly stood behind her, out here. She held extra hard on drinks the glass, but were frozen to the ground. "Nice to finally meet you Y. I understand you are here alone tonight, something to your dear hubby had to stay home. What a shame. ", He whispered in her ear and with a rather light hånlighed in his voice. "So tonight Y, you MIN and I...

2 years ago
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Only Two Words Spoken

I wrapped the towel around myself and headed to the sauna. I felt more than anxious to feel some heat and enjoy myself. Nevertheless, I had to pass through the locker room and indulge in all the eye candy on the way there.With it being filled with nothing, but woman, how could I not lust after such beautiful women? Needless to say, I had to stroll towards my destination and feast on the eye candy.Seeing so many tits and was mind-blowing. Big knockers, small ones, and every size in between too....

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StripChat BBW

With the exception of (maybe) the most introverted asexuals, everyone likes to fuck. But it is always nice to have a backup when you can’t. Porn movies are my go-to, as you might have guessed, but I rarely need to watch my own porn movies to get off since I’m always getting it.(Check out PornDude Casting to see what I am talking about, m’fuckers!)Anyway, there are plenty of alternatives such as nudie mags if you are old school, erotic literature if you’re more cerebral, and, as has been popular...

Live BBW Sex Cams
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Food for thought Did her dog know I was Trans bef

Bear in mind that this story begins before the existence of the internet. I knew nothing ( or very little ), about Transgender. I had only seen one once at the age of 16, and never realised I was no different?May moons ago when I first met my wife at her home in Liverpool, I also met her 2 dogs.Tammy who was really was her mothers, and Tyson her Doberman. Her mother had passed away not long before she met me, and her Father died when she was only young. The dogs had little or no contact with...

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Ill Be Watching

Lauren sat at the bar, a sly smile washed over her face as she fingered the straw of her vodka tonic. Memories of the past day with her lover washed over her mind, sending a wave of pleasure thru her. She looked down at her wedding ring and a pang of guilt briefly dampened her mood. She ran her hands over her body, even at thirty five, she had the body of a much younger woman. She took painstaking care of her figure, her hair was always done, skin tight and firm, her husband on the other hand...

1 year ago
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Breaking the Wind Spirit

As one of the Ten Legendary Warrior, the Wind Spirit Warrior Kazemon was responsible to assure the peace of Alphaton town. The Major of this town, Mr. Fukushima, invited her to Royal district. The people cheered at her after she successfully prevented a human and Digimon trafficking near the bridge that connected this town to Neo Alphaton. "Thank you so much, Kazemon. You saved so many life today." Mr. Fukuyama said while shaking the violet haired beauty warrior. "I just doing my job, sir." she...

4 years ago
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Sex in front of husband

Hello Indian sex stories readers, this is Vishal 33 years from Bangalore, I came to this site by accident, I love stories on this site and like the concept of this site, ok lets go to my story. The story was real and no fantasy or imagination, this was happened just 2 months back. I had friend by name Kumar (not real) and was very close to me and he had sister by name Sunitha (not real), our house were in the same area she was loving a guy and they had some problem and after that they separated...

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Daddys girls

Max walks into house after a long day at medical. While he couldn't complain too much about the free medical the military offered to an IT like him it was still a long tiring process to get treated. But finally he arrives home with a baggy of medicines to take. As he walks into the house and passes the living room he spots his daughter Ashly sitting on the couch by herself which sets off alarm bells immediately. His twins were always together, hanging out, going to school, hell they even waited...

1 year ago
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Replacing Grandma Chapter 4 of 5

Replacing Grandma Chapter 4 of 5 Jason moved his legs slightly, feeling the wetness. Those damn tablets! And he had forgotten to put on the incontinence pad this morning. Groggily, he stood up as Marion knelt at his feet and pulled down his hosiery. "Oh, mother, what are you doing?" she sobbed. "It's those damn tablets. I can't seem to think straight, and I feel like I need to pee all the time." "Let's get you cleaned up, and into something dry." Minutes later, Jason was...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 21

“What happened?” I asked as I was rushed into the operating room with little time to prepare myself. “Land mines were discovered only after they detonated in key areas, causing much suffering. Clearly, the Klan left those there as a last laugh over their conquerors, namely us. There was a whole fucking minefield underneath parts of the city. What’s more, several timed explosives destroyed various buildings and killed even more people in downtown Winston-Salem. We’re having to amputate a lot...

1 year ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 4

With the wedding coming up quickly, I felt bad that we couldn't invite a lot of our new friends and co-workers. As Darcy, Beth, and Lilly headed out to Bermuda to go over last-minute arrangements, they left me to play the role of a bachelor. Much to her dismay, Karen had to stay and work. That night, as we were riding home from the office together, I pointed her to the Frontier hotel. We went in and had a nice dinner. Karen wasn't afraid of men, but she didn't lust after them. We talked...

2 years ago
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A wild night with an ex girlfriend Part 1

This is a real story that actually occured last weekend… I was out in the city doing some shopping when I bump into one of my ex girlfriend Maree. Now let me describe Maree she is eurosia (American dad & Japanese mum) 166cm in height with a pair of sexy long legs. Her body is slim with a pefect pair of b-cup tits, her pussy is fully shave now (used to have a small landing strip) and as tight as I can remember. We split about 3 and half years ago due to her moving to Asia for modeling. But we...

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Items of Power

Some examples of the Items that might appear in the reality of your choice: Ring of 3: A golden ring with three emeralds. When worn you can change a person through the use of a three word phrase. A person can only be changed three times before they are immune to further uses of the ring, however any transformations are then permanent. Reality Remote: Alter reality through the use of a remote control. Tainted Cube: The power within a Cosmic Cube allows whoever wields it to literally reshape...

Mind Control

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