Estate LivingChapter 03 free porn video

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I’ve both Nate and Nathan carry a plate with a salad sandwich, one apiece. I say, “These two apprentice Masters will assist me with your training as you’ve not yet earned the right to the proper attention of a Master. They’ve a sandwich each for your lunch and they’ll feed it to you in pieces. You’ll get nothing else to eat until after you’ve eaten all of your sandwich. Choose not to eat it now and it sits here until you do. Be that tonight, tomorrow, or next week. You get nothing until you eat it or you starve to death. I strongly recommend you eat it now as the taste will only be worse after it dries out. We’ve some sliced fruit for after the sandwich. Do you understand?” They both nod yes. The boys lean over and show them their sandwiches. They open them to show the soft fresh bread, top quality tomatoes, lettuce, a bit of onion, and celery. The prisoners have had nothing to eat for nearly eighteen hours and are very hungry. I give an evil smile, “These sandwiches need a dressing, Sluts Jenn and Jo, help my apprentices finish fixing these sandwiches for eating.” With big grins Sophie and Fiona come forward. The sight of the prisoners has given the boys solid erections. The ladies rub their breasts against the boys’ backs as they play with the boys’ dicks, giving them good hand jobs. In only minutes they have them coming as they aim their semen onto the sandwiches so it looks like a mayonnaise dressing.

Ruthann gulps, Ruthie screams with rage. They both realise they’ve now to eat sperm covered food, and they hate the idea of the humiliation of it. Nataly and Natasha walk over with knives and forks to cut the sandwiches into small bite size pieces.

The boys lift the first piece to feed the prisoners. Ruthann opens her mouth to let Nate place it within, she chews a few times and swallows. Ruthie starts to shake her head at Nathan’s offering then stops to stare at her mother complying with the orders. Ruthann says, “Shut up and eat, Ruthie, best to eat it now while the rest of the materials have some taste than to wait until it’s all dried out. Don’t you realise yet, they’re going to do what they want, regardless of what we think or do. We’re helpless. Our choices are to accept or die.” Ruthie gulps, crying, she opens her mouth and accepts the food placed in it, she chews and eats the pieces of sandwiches. The food is washed down with lots of flavoured milk. After the sandwiches we feed them the fruit.

While they eat I get two bedpans from a cupboard and hand them to Sophie. Squatting behind them she pulls out a section of the seat. Their entire support is now the boards under their legs. With care she slides the bed pans into place under them in the attachments for them.

Wearing a very long latex glove Erica walks over to kneel down beside Ruthann and remove the speculum. She replaces it with her arm. Gently working her arm in further and further she reaches as far in her as she can. All the way along her fingers are tickling Ruthann and exciting her, but not taking her over the edge to an orgasm. After having a good feel around she withdraws her arm. Standing up she removes the glove and says, “No IUD in place, Master.” Ruthann’s pussy is dripping with her excitement, but she’s been left high and not so dry. Pulling on another glove Erica walks around to Ruthie’s side and does the same for the same result. Both Franks females are very excited, embarrassed, frustrated, angry, and very humiliated by it all.

Natasha walks over with two devices and several wires while Erica puts on a small glove. Taking a wire with a very small clip on its end she slips her hand inside Ruthann’s pussy. She watches Ruthann as she plays with her pussy. Suddenly Ruthann squeals as Erica clamps the clip into place. Changing gloves she does the same to Ruthie. Each is sitting there highly aroused with a wire hanging out of their wet pussy. Erica takes the other wires and clips one on each of their nipples and clits. Meanwhile, Natasha is strapping the devices to their waists. Erica secures the plug leads into the devices and the devices into a special power box between the chairs.

Smiling, I hold up two little boxes, “These units control those by radio. They feed a controlled electric current along the wires.” Flicking up a cover I switch on each and turn them on, an LED light blinks on the top of each unit at their waist. The two dials of each unit are adjusted to the first of fifty settings on each dial. Another LED starts flashing on their waist unit and a low direct current voltage electric current starts pulsing through their bodies. The charge goes through the wires at their nipples and clits to the one attached at the G-spot inside their vagina. At this setting it’s like a light feather tickling them every few seconds. Their breathing speeds up slightly as the current mildly increases their sexual arousal. “As you’re now aware they can have a very pleasant effect on you. However, at the highest settings the effect is extremely painful. You’re currently on the first setting of fifty choices of charge strength and frequency. Two buttons also send an override signal; one is for maximum charge and the other is for ten times the current charge. This is ten times the current charge.” I press the button for it: they both heave and moan. Their breathing is much faster and they writhe on the chairs. The charge is just below the threshold needed to make them come and the frequency is so slow the orgasm is denied them. They groan in frustration.

Ruthann looks at me and her eyes are pleading for sexual release. She says, “Why are you doing this to us and how will we end up?”

I smile, “Ruthie here, acting under your training, organised to have two girls who rejected her to be gang raped and badly beaten up. If we retrained her and left you be you’d only retrain her again. So you both need to be properly trained. There’s much evidence you’ve both been severely harmful to others in the past. Now you’ll stop hurting others. We’ll change your minds so you’ll be submissive and not aggressively controlling of others. You two are special cases as we aren’t allowed all of our normal techniques. The results for you won’t be as comprehensive as for my usual graduates. But you’ll either meet my minimum standards or you’ll die trying. Normally my graduates are sold off to the highest bidder or they’re placed at large for general usage by the members of the organisation or they go to organisation facilities. In your case your training is being paid for so that person has the first option on you.” They both look at me with wide-eyed stares. I press the orange buttons again. They heave and writhe with the pleasure they receive from the pulses. “The fee doesn’t cover the full cost of your training so I’m allowed to gather more income by having your training broadcast on the Internet.” They both look at the monitors; Ruthann’s is showing five thousand, two hundred and eighty-seven people logged in and Ruthie has six thousand, eight hundred and ninety-four people logged in. Both shudder at the humiliation of so many people watching them. I smile, “A short while ago I checked the server statistics. Based on the information we have on our website members about twenty percent of those watching are from your home city and the number is rising.” They both blush heavily and groan. “Back to your training. In a case like yours I’d normally totally crush your will and ego. I’m not allowed to do that this time. My client wants you to retain most of your own egos, but the client wants no vindictiveness or desire to control others left in you. He also wants you both to be totally submissive to him and the other Masters. I’m not allowed to leave any permanent physical marks on your skins, but anything else is permitted. Even death if you don’t respond to my training within the time-frame given. If I pass you and you revert you’ll be returned here and the restrictions on me will be less. Our graduates will learn to pleasure their Masters or their Masters beasts.” They both gulp again and it’s clear they’re thinking of our little play earlier.

“When I think you’re ready your new Masters will ask you to accept his collars. You may accept their collars, be their personal property and submissive to them in all things for the rest of your lives. Or you may reject them and go to the general sluts pool.” Holding up my right hand I show them a sterling silver ring with engraved triskele symbols and the Japanese Kanji symbol for Master while saying, “This is the ring of a Master. Not all Masters wear their rings all of the time. But when one has his ring on and he gives you a command you will obey it. Whilst you’re under the command of a Master any other Master must seek permission of the Master who has you before he can order you about. When you accept the collar of a Master no other Master may command you without the permission of the Master who owns you. Once you accept a collar you must be totally submissive to that Master for the rest of your life. Death is the only freedom from the collar.” They both gulp again.

Looking at the monitors I smile, “Good, at this rate I’ll make a tidy profit on your training. I’d estimated a combined audience of only about twelve thousand of our eighty-four thousand membership would be interested in paying to see your training. But I see we’ve now exceeded that.” They both glance at the monitors. They gulp on noticing Ruthann’s figure is now eight thousand, six hundred and fifty-two while Ruthie’s is ten thousand, four hundred and seventy-eight. “It seems the clients prefer youth, or it may be your continued stubbornness. We’ll see, we’ll see which it is.”

Turning, I walk toward the exit and the rest of the team races to beat me out. As I near the door I press the orange buttons again. I’m rewarded by hearing their moans of pleasure as the door closes.

In the smaller room I ask for a volunteer to watch the monitors to see they don’t come to any harm. Nate and Nathan ask to be allowed to stay. I look at Erica and she nods toward an extra large box of tissues on the table. While laughing hard I agree to them staying in the room.

Sitting down at the server I run a program that makes a change to the website. The text and counter part of the web pages uses up only two thirds of the screen height. A text box now appears below that with a line above it saying ’New option, $2 per line of comment. $5 per suggestion.’ Both prisoners jerk and blush when they see the changes on their monitors.

The server monitor has a window open that allows me to click on a name then type in a member ID name and add a comment or suggestion. Handing the boys a list of user ID names I tell them, “Use the IDs at random and make suitable comments or suggestions. Make many as if you don’t know them then make some as if you do know them. But write nothing that can identify you or anyone else you know. Got it?” They both nod yes to show they understand my instructions.

To illustrate what I mean I take the keyboard, click on ’Ruthie,’ type in the ID name ’Cool Kat,’ and type in the comment ’Oh Ruthie dear, you look so much more delectable today than you did at school yesterday.’ We all watch the monitors when I hit the ’Enter’ key.

We can tell when Ruthie reads the message as she jerks violently, screams, blushes, and starts crying. She’s sure she’s being watched by a schoolmate. She doesn’t like the idea the watcher knows her.

Clicking on ’Ruthann’ I type the ID ’Shower King’ with the suggestion ’Hey Ruthann, piss for me, go on piss for me. Show me how strong you can piss.’ Watching the monitor we see Ruthann blush and turn her head away.

Taking the keyboard Erica sends a message to Ruthann from Sports Lover, saying, ’Gee Ruthann, you look much better today than in those white tennis shorts and blue panties you wore at the club on Wednesday.’ We watch Ruthann’s eyes go very wide while she blushes as she thinks one of her country club members is now watching her.

I hand the keyboard to the two boys before I walk back down the hall to open the door into the training room. I adjust the pulse levels up one notch in frequency and charge. They immediately respond with faster breathing. This must be getting to them on many levels. They’re getting sexually aroused while being humiliated.

Back in the front room I lock the controls in a drawer and tell the boys to have fun, but not to enter the room unless they see a medical emergency. The rest of us go upstairs for a swim.

Author’s Note About the Master’s Ring: A triskele is an ancient Celtic symbol of three spirals coming out of a mutual centre. The ring is engraved with a triskele in an upright position and then followed by one upside down to almost look like a continuous circle of them. The Kanji symbol is three lines in a horizontal position with the bottom line being the longest and the middle line being the shortest then all three are bisected by an upright line with a mark like an apostrophe above the upright line. The Kanji symbol is in the centre of the top of the ring which is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. All of the symbols are engraved into the sterling silver ring. However, the Kanji symbol is then filled with gold to make it really stand out.

Second Interlude

While walking through the house I get another box of chocolate frogs from the fridge. Once I’m outside I put the frogs in the fridge where I notice only a few have been taken and they’ve been paid for at two dollars each.

Turning around and facing the noisy crowd around the pool I yell out, “Silence.” I get instant quiet. I loudly say, “Hey, what’s up, doesn’t anyone like chocolate any more. And which silly sods thought you had to pay for the frogs?”

One of the mothers says, “But they’re fund raising frogs. You’ve got to pay for them or the school doesn’t get the money.”

Looking at her I reply, “I know that and I paid for them when I bought them. I put them out here for my friends to enjoy and eat, not for them to buy.”

Blushing, she says, “Oh, sorry.”

I make everyone stand in line and toss them a frog each from the new box. Fifty frogs from that box and six more from the first box, that tells me I’ve fifty-six guests at the moment. I ask Natasha to get another box from the kitchen fridge. She’s quick to get it and put it in the outside drinks fridge for me.

Going over to Terri, the mother who answered, I sit on the side of the lounge chair she’s lying on and ask, “Who put the money in the fridge?” She admits she did when she got four frogs for her daughter and her sister’s children. “Did you tell anyone they had to pay?” She nods yes. “Didn’t you hear me tell you all to help yourselves to the frogs earlier?” She admits she did hear me but she thought she misunderstood me. “Well, I think you’ve behaved very naughtily by not enjoying my hospitality properly or letting the others do so either.” She blushes, looks down, and nods agreement with my assessment. “How should I punish you?”

She shakes her head. Her sister Joan says, “Make her take her top off.” Terri blushes.

With a wide grin, I say, “What a great idea. For your punishment you have to spend the rest of the day here and have dinner with us later. And for all this time you’re to be topless.”

Gulping, she stares at me with wide eyes. She looks around the pool. There’s fifty-eight of us present, most are women and girls. But there are twenty boys present and myself. Twelve of the boys are in their mid to late teens. While blushing she reaches up to undo her bikini top. Reaching forward I grab her hands, “No, I get to administer this punishment.” Blushing again she looks down as she drops her hands to her sides. Her expression now has a large amount of coy in it.

She’s thirty-one years old with a sixteen year old daughter. She’s average height with a solid almost Junoesque build and very large firm breasts - she’s large but not fat, plenty of muscle in there. Auburn hair and most importantly, a bright personality. Her bikini is very modest. The top ties in the centre front and the bottom has ties on each side. Her sister is lying on the next lounge chair.

Her sister sits up on her chair to watch as I undo the tie of the bikini top. Slowly I slide my hands inside the cups of the top and fondle her breasts. She blushes and smiles. I slide my hands up to the straps over the shoulders and push them off her arms. Grasping her arms I pull her up into a seated position and slide the top down her arms and off. A mid-teen boy is climbing out of the pool directly in front of her as I can see his reflection in the patio door behind her. He looks up as he lifts himself up and stops still when he sees her breasts on display. He gulps, blushes, smiles, and suddenly looks down along his chest. Dragging himself out of the pool he rushes off to the outside boy’s toilet; he doesn’t have an erection. As I pull her top off the lounge and slip it under the chair I say, “I do think seeing your tits made young Peter come in his pants.”

Blushing further she says, “I know and I got so wet from watching it happen.”

I smile, “Hold that thought, because tonight you’re sleeping here,” I pause, “wrapped around my dick.”

She wriggles, blushes, shivers, and comes as Joan says, “Don’t worry, Betty will love to sleep over at my place.”

She blushes again as a small voice says from behind me, “Yes I will. As long as you promise to give mummy a very good fucking tonight. She’s well overdue for a good fucking.”

Terri says, “Betty, you shouldn’t say such things. Not at your age.”

A giggling Betty says, “I’m only repeating what you told Aunt Joan yesterday. I didn’t say anything about you saying how hot he makes you when you look at him or how much Aunt Joan agrees. And if I get into any trouble over this I’ll tell him how you two spend hours trying to work out how to get him to take you to bed. You’re both silly as I think all you’ve ever had to do was ask him to take you to bed or take you out.”

Turning around I grab Betty and put her across my lap as if to spank her. “Betty, you’re not supposed to repeat private conversations you hear. That’s called gossiping. Now what do you think I should do with you?”

She calmly says, “I only repeated enough of what they said to get you to know they want you. As to what you should do. Well, what I want you to do is fuck me too. But mummy might get upset so I think you should settle for feeling me up or playing with my little titties.” Terri and Joan both gasp.

While laughing I start tickling her for a few minutes while she giggles. Standing Betty on her feet again I say, “Tomorrow night you cook dinner for your mother and me.” Her eyes go wide.

Stuttering she says, “But I don’t know how to cook.”

“I’m sure you know of two ways to cook. Otherwise you better start learning fast.” Staring at me with a very wide-eyed expression she backs away, turns, and dives into the pool.

Nataly is sitting on the edge of the pool dangling her feet. She glances over her shoulder at me while saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll see she knows how to cook with the Telstra oven.” Both Terri and Joan laugh as they realise what I mean about two ways to cook, delivery Pizza or delivery Chinese. By now the boys have noticed Terri’s tits and are enjoying the view of her tits bouncing as she laughs. There’s a sudden rush of erectionless boys heading for the toilets. A giggling Nataly says, “Missus Downs, you’re as bad as him. You’ve made all of the boys come in their pants. Even Gerald, and he usually spends his time looking at the other boys’ crotches.” We all laugh again.

I get up, go to the pool, and start swimming some laps as part of my fitness regime. I’m soon joined by Terri and Joan. Shortly most of the people present are doing laps. After fifty laps I stop and start playing games with those in the pool. A while later I get out and lie on my lounge chair. About an hour after that I get up and go inside.

Note: Telstra is the major telecommunications company in Australia as it used to be the only one when all communications were owned by the Commonwealth government. Using the Telstra oven is to use the phone to order for delivered food.

Third Period

After making some sandwiches and diced fruit I gather the rest of the training team. We go downstairs as it’s time to feed the students again.

I arrive to find Nate and Nathan beating off. I tell them to stop right now. They both glare at me but do as they’re told. They smile when they see the plates in my hand. I walk over to see what’s happening with the students in the training room.

Both prisoners are wriggling about in their seats. The comments and request screens are full of several names telling them to go ahead and pee. A few comments for Ruthie imply they’re from schoolmates and one comment for Ruthann wishes she came to the bank dressed how she is now. The counters are now showing twelve thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five for Ruthann and twenty thousand, five hundred and forty-two for Ruthie. Both are breathing heavily and trying very hard to cross their legs, which is impossible with the way they’re tied.

I get the controls out and we enter the training room. Walking over I hold out the sandwich plates in one hand. Both are very hungry and licking their lips. Ruthann says, “Master, may I please have my sandwich without any sauce?”

I smile because she called me Master, she may think she doesn’t mean it, but she will. I press the orange button on her control. She shivers and moans with pleasure, “Yes, more please more. I need to come.” Ruthie looks at her as she realises I’ve given her mother pleasure for calling me Master.

Looking down at them I say, “You must have the sauce. But you needn’t have it on the sandwich as you can suck it from the source if you want.” They look at me, Ruthie glares as Ruthann nods yes. “But before you can eat you must have a piss. I see you need to go, so hurry up. Oh, the latest web statistics shows that over twelve thousand members from your home town are watching you right now. And over fifteen thousand have tuned in at some point. Most of your home town members seem to tune in and stay. I wonder if they’re recording this on their computers?” Both blush and squirm at these comments. They’re both right on the edge of coming as they’ve been constantly stimulated for the last few hours and greatly need to have an orgasm to relieve their sexual frustrations.

Putting the sandwiches down I turn the charge control up two levels and press both orange buttons. Both prisoners heave up, shiver, arch their backs, and scream, “Yes, I’m coming.” They do it in unison. As they come down from their orgasms they both start to piss as their bladders are unable to hold out after the orgasm. They both blush hard. I hit both orange buttons again. They heave and writhe in another intense orgasm while pissing and screaming, “Fuck yes.” What is it with them as they say the same words at the same time. They collapse in the chairs as their bladders flow. The sweat pours off them while they look at me as they realise their orgasms were by my actions. Then the reality of the situation hits them. Thousands of people, thousands that live in their city, just watched them have two orgasms and a piss. And they did it all as my puppets. They both cry at their humiliation.

Nate and Nathan walk over, pick up the plates, and place their dicks against the mouths of the prisoners. I say, “You have ten seconds to start sucking for your sauce or it goes on the sandwiches.” Both of them immediately start sucking on the boys’ dicks. I tell the boys to hold the slaves heads into their groins. They each reach a hand down and push the back of the prisoners’ heads toward their groins. The boys are well primed so they’re soon coming in their mouths. Unable to pull away Ruthie and Ruthann have to swallow every drop. Satiated the boys let go, step back, and start feeding them the bits of sandwich Natasha and Nataly had cut up for them during the blow jobs. Again the specially flavoured milk is served before the cut fruit.

After their healthy meal I walk over to Ruthann and press my dick against the side of her face. She looks up at me. I say, “Show your acceptance of me as a Master and your obedience by rubbing your cheek against my masterful rod and kissing it. Whenever you kiss a Master’s Rod you’ll use your tongue in the piss hole.” Gulping, she rubs her face against my dick, turns slightly, and kisses the end of my dick, tickling the piss hole by sticking her tongue into it. Smiling at her I caress the back of her head, “Good girl, good slut. You may now lick my dick.” While she licks my dick like it’s an ice cream I caress her head, “Good slut.” She purrs as I speak. After a few minutes I add, “You’ve earned a reward.”

I press the orange button on her control and hold it down. She heaves and bucks while she screams her pleasure, yelling, “Yes, I’m coming. Fuck, I’m still coming. Oh yes, I needed that.” I lift my finger off the button. She settles down and her eyes are positively glowing as she looks at me to say, “Thank you, Master.” She means every word of it now.

Ruthie glares at her mother and me. She shouts, “Fuck you. Get her off all you like as it’s not going to work on me.” With an evil grin I pick up her control and press the red button. She heaves up as her back arches while all of her muscles try to contract. Two of the straps holding her down break while she screams at the top of her lungs for the whole two seconds of the pulse. Her face contorts with pain. The pulse ends so she collapses and whimpers. I hold the control out in front of her face, slowly she regains control of her eyes and focuses on it. Seeing my finger above the red button she says, “Please no. Please, I’m sorry. I beg you, not again. Please.” She clearly means every word of it too, and she’s now rethinking her entire approach to the world and her training.

Ruthann is staring at Ruthie with very wide eyes while she gulps as she tries to comprehend how painful that must have been. She looks at me and I can tell she doesn’t ever want to learn how that felt.

Turning Ruthie’s face to the monitor I point at the comments. The last couple are all variations on the same theme; ’That was great. Do it to her again. Watching that made me come.’ She whimpers whiles she reads, and she notices the viewers for her now number thirty-two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-three.

I stand beside her chair, she leans over and rubs her face against my dick as she says, “Please forgive me, Master, please Master.” She kisses the head of my dick and sticks her tongue in my piss hole. I caress her head. She purrs in response. I know she doesn’t really mean it yet, but she’s no longer as defiant as she has been. I’m breaking through her hate and will power so soon she’ll be ready to mean it when she calls me Master, very soon. The training and the drugs will ensure that she does.

I look at the room’s clock, “Time to put them to bed for the night.”

The training team comes and helps me unstrap them. Erica examines the broken straps and we both wonder about the strength used to break them as they’re rated for one thousand kilograms holding weight. Fiona has to hold Ruthie up because she hasn’t fully recovered from the last shock. Standing, her breasts are pushing forward and are very inviting. Fiona reaches both arms around and fondles Ruthie’s breasts, she sighs and purrs in response. Fiona says to her, “When the Master is happy you respond well to the Masters he may let me play with you. I hope you know how to suck pussy well.” Ruthie’s eyes go wide as she’s used to making the other person eat her pussy. Sighing, she nods yes.

Going over to Ruthann I lean down and suck on both her breasts. She purrs her response.

We take them to the beds. I untie the arm sleeves and unlock the wrist cuffs. We lay them down on the beds and lock the wrist and ankle cuffs to the bed frames. The top of the bed is raised slightly. The cameras are moved over and reset to focus on them in bed. I turn radiant heaters on above the beds as I don’t want them to get cold. Sleeping masks are placed over their eyes and headphones over their ears. They can now sleep and listen to the subliminal programming in the music playing into their ears. Leaning down I caress the head and fondle the breasts of both of them in turn, enjoying myself as I do so; and they both push their bodies toward my touch while craving more of it.

We leave the room and go into the front room. To the group I say, “Well, I am surprised. I thought it’d take three or four days to get them to this point. They could be faking it, but I doubt it.” They all nod in agreement.

We strip off our play suits and put on swim wear. I check the doors are all locked and we leave after turning off the lights in this room.

Interlude Three

Arriving upstairs it’s just on dusk. The crowd is still around the pool, in fact it’s grown by several mothers. I’d expected most people to have gone home by now.

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(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

2 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 26 Captain Parslows Confession

A few days after challenging Braxton-Clark to a duel I was in my quarters, writing the letters which would be sent should I not survive the meeting, and I assessed my chances of doing so as slim to negligible. There was a knock on my door, and Surgeon Major Armityge entered at my invitation. "You know that each week I visit the hospice where Captain Parslow is being nursed?" He asked. I nodded; it was due to the generosity of Lord Brownlow that Parslow had been removed from the charnel...

1 year ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 13 Baby

1867 The fruit trees were blooming and wild flowers lined the old road when their baby arrived. Caroline labored for most of a night and nearly the whole next day with the midwife's help. It was a tiny girl, a fine, pink, cooing little girl, and they named her Amanda after Caroline's late mother. Amanda was almost seven months old when she died. Pneumonia the doctor said over her swollen body. The ground was not frozen yet so they buried her near Robert's father in the hillside cemetery...

2 years ago
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VignetteShe awoke from a deep sleep, her face pressed into the pillow. She could hear his steps even as she struggled to the surface of her dreams. She rolled over to her side. The shifted position made her breasts ache as the gravity pulled their weight down With a shiver she reached for the throw, to pull it tightly around her neck. Through her heavy lidded eyes she saw nothing but felt his presence beside her, gently tugging at the cover. He pulled down a corner, just enough to expose...

4 years ago
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Don8217t Put It Inside

This story is about a night when last time I went home. It was summer and the weather was extremely hot. It was unbearable. The day somehow passed but sleeping at night became difficult. The fan wasn’t sufficient and we didn’t have any air conditioning in our home. So, we planned to sleep at the terrace. I, along with my mother, started collecting all things we needed upstairs. That day one of the girls from my neighbourhood, whose house was adjacent to mine came to our house. Her sister’s...

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Picnic Passion

For Carrie who is gloriously beautiful inside and out. Her nipple felt hard in my mouth. I knew that it would be addicting to be with her, but I hadn’t any idea how deeply I would feel this need to possess her body and make it my own. Carrie’s moans of pleasure made me want to drive deep, hard, and fast as I could, but I refrained. I kept my pace slow, deliberate and controlled. I wanted her body to completely overrun her thought. I wanted her to feel passion so intense that she would give to...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Angel Smalls Kennedy Kressler Skip The Small Talk

Little Angel Smalls is beyond excited for her blind date! This tiny teen was so excited that she talked about it too loud and her stepmom Kennedy Kressler heard her. Kennedy wasn’tit, so she devised together a plan. She skipped on over to Angels room and told her that the guy who was supposed to meet her called in sick and he can’t make the date. Angel was super bummed, and now she had to go to the mall to return her dress. This gave Kennedy plenty of time to doll herself up and take Angels...

1 year ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 13

Lemme tell you guys something. I usually do not sleep for more than 4 hr but not less than that either. So, I decided I had to wake up by 1am on the Sunday. Though I was so tired after the extraordinary sex sessions with imad, I thought I should keep up my usual traditions, and also, pray to god whenever possible. So I woke up at 1am, got washed and dressed myself, prayed to god and asked for his forgiveness. I did not know whether it worked or not though, because I do not know after having...

3 years ago
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Sasur Ke Saath Maje 8211 Part II

This is a story of one of my known to in her own words. mera naam meera hai. meri shaadi ko saal bhar hua hai.main ek house wife hoon aur mere pati ek private firm me kaam karte hain. shaadi k 7 mahine baad tak main aur mere pati kapil akele rahe. mere sasur us waqt tak job pe the aur doosre shahar me rahte the. Fir vo retire ho gaye aur hamaare saath rahne k liye aa gaye. meri saas ko gujre kaafi saal ho chuke the. is se pahle main apne sasur se 3-4 baar mili thi. jab bhi kapil ki job se 4-5...

2 years ago
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"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 13

I often fantasise about women I meet the things I would like to do them, especially if I do not like them. This story starts in 2020 soon after the first lockdown ended. At the time we were living in a small terraced house in the Rodley area of Leeds. I was walking along the road heading towards the local takeaway. I became aware of a thin man walking very close behind me. As he started to walk past me he looked at me. “Rob,” he said. “Yes,” I answered. “Can we sit on a bench and...

4 years ago
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Breeding My Familys Filipino Maid

I lay awake naked on my bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark. We were going through another blackout and the air conditioning was dead. The sweltering Bangkok heat was unbearable, even in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep anyway; I was a few months over 18 and my near-uncontrollable sex drive had no outlet. My big cock was a steel pipe that I gripped and pumped in my hand, lubed up with a palm of spit. I was frustrated; I was a good-looking white k** from a well-off American...

1 year ago
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TheWhiteBoxxx May Thai A Kinky Morning

May Thai is sensational in this high-end erotic production. Concealing cuffs in her lingerie, the exotic beauty restrains her lover before provoking him with self-pleasure and a slow strip tease. She uses her mouth, hands, and a riding crop to make sure he is ready for action before releasing him to finish what she has started. Nick Ross is her lucky co-star and once freed doesn’t fail to deliver. The chemistry between the two is exceptional and the amorous pair are left spent and deeply...

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Sexy Seema Wants Her Master8217s Cock

I’m so attracted to men. I have just experienced some hot and steamy sex from my lover, my boss- Karan. He has fucked me to the core and made me into a woman. I’m sharing some deep sensations that I have gone through in the whole act of deep fucking. My name is Seema and I’m a 20 year old dusky female from Nepal. I work as household help for Karan and Payal who have a big penthouse apartment in Bangalore. Payal is a housewife and Karan is a state level boxer by profession. Both have frequent...

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Deputy PorterChapter 138

I turned to the task of testing for the best way to flavor the shine. I knew there were two options to make a cocktail of it. I just needed to find the very best ways and go with that. Like I had said on the tape, I thought the novelty of it and the slightly illegal nature of it, would make it sell like hot cakes. Phil turned the video recorder on as I spoke, "What I really need to do here is to find the best and most universally accepted drink. Then we can figure out how to make it in...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Bambola Stud Patient Plows Busty Nympho Dr Bambola During CheckUp

It’s the beginning of the work week and Dr. Bambola has a few minutes before she sees her first patient of the day. So, to pass the time and prepare herself for the day ahead, she takes out her favorite glass dildo and begins pleasuring herself with it. Some minutes later, after getting dressed, the first patient arrives and Dr. Bambola—with her pussy still dripping wet—takes him back into the examination room. Still horny as fuck, Dr. Bambola decides to seduce the patient, letting his stiff...

4 years ago
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More Froth

Bobbi shook her chestnut hair loose from the loose bun she wore during work hours before leaving and locking up. Outside the coffee shop, the air felt heavy, oppressive. Ominous black nimbuses blanketed the sky across the horizon blotting out the sinking sun. A flash of lightning in the belly of the clouds, electricity charging the already humid air and Bobbi paused to count the distance till the thunder. She quickened her step wanting to get in before the storm. The fine hairs on her neck...

3 years ago
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Damn, I had just flooded my panties with a hot load of cum - well not MY panties, my daughter's panties. What was I going to do, they were such petty panties, soft, lacy nearly see through and my hard cock looked so good in them now, they were a sticky soggy mess - how could I put them back in her panty drawer. Then just as things could not get any worse my stepdaughter, walked in on me.... Shit happens So, she caught me, 45 years old, slim, and fit, wearing the...

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2ChicksSameTime Chloe Scott Jill Kassidy 22843

Chloe Scott and Jill Kassidy are celebrating postgame with ballplayers Charles and Damon after their big win, with some drinks, dancing and a little playtime! But when ol’ boy Chuck’s wife comes home and finds him getting a little too frisky with Jill, she strikes his ass out, and benches him for the rest of the day! Jill’s left to her own devices, frustrated while watching Chloe get down and dirty with Damon. But her horny friend takes notices of this, and invites Jill to join them for a...

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My Indian Cousin

Note: This story is completely fictional! Hi everyone. There was this cousin named Rakhee I grew up with back in India. She was about eight years younger to me and we grew up almost like real . She was the daughter of my mom’s brother and she and her family would often stay over with us over the long weekends. She even referred to me as ‘bhaiya’… which is Hindi for big brother. She went to an all girls' school and I was one of the few boys she knew. When I was about 19 I went off to college and...

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The Art of Illusion Chapter 3

It was just another quiet evening at home for Phil and his companions. Phil leaned back on pillows against the headboard of the over-sized bed with his legs spread. He had just jettisoned another warm, familiar load of his cum down Kate's throat moments ago and she was working expertly to get the last remaining drops from his rod. Kate's arms were spread wide until her tits were dragging the mattress. Her legs were spread out like those of a frog getting ready to jump so that Claire could...

1 year ago
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Chocolate and Gold Ch 04

I arrived on time at SFO to a bright, sunny afternoon. I headed for my elder sister’s home in nearby San Mateo. Mike was out in the front yard doing some hedge trimming on their lovely home. The children were nowhere to be seen, but Jeannie appeared at the front door when she heard Mike greet me. ‘Hey, Harry. Good to see you again. It’s been ages,’ he said. I liked Mike. He was upbeat and positive about life. He was also a great father, according to Jeannie. My sister jumped into my arms and...

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Zoe McLellans Stuff Shoot

She's one of the hottest young babes on TV in recent years. You can dress Zoe McLellan in whatever costume you want, but it's hard to ignore the amazingly pretty face and hot sexy body that she's been blessed with. She's also a very competent actress and very convincing in whatever role she's playing. One of Zoe's most recent and sexiest roles was as Petty Officer Jennifer Coates in the TV series, JAG. Viewers first got to see Zoe onboard ship with the female Navy lieutenant (the ship's...

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New boyfriend

With the whole lockdown thing I haven’t been with anyone other than my husband for the last couple of months and its been ok, I am not complaining as sex with hubby is good enough but not all that exciting and with everything else going on its been quite nice just the two of us. Its not like I have been able to meet anyone else anyway but I have for a month or so been chatting with the man who works in our local petrol station. Only been able to go out for essentials has limited options but the...

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Me My chachi

Sorry, first of all bcoz I am not so fine in story writing I have tried to share my feelings to u in bad English. I will also like to share my story with u this entire incident happen between me and my chachi (my uncle wife) .we started our relation for last 1. Yrs back. My uncle is a software engineer and who is working with a his friends who takes projects and these people solve it he is on contract with his friends so many times he is out of India before this incident happen let me tell give...

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Sharing sessions with my wife and Ex afternoons to

As we became more familiar with sharing sessions my wife was happy to have her ex over for dinner and delights in the bedroom and lounge.The afternoon started with a few drinks to wash sown he viagra her ex and i shared. We began by having my wife lay out a selection of filthy lingerie stockings suspenders corsets and heels we would enjoy dressing her in to further enhance our seduction time.Her ex chose her first outfit of a black corset with suspenders dark grey tan stockings and heels, she...

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Summer On The Farm Chapter 4

Jeff could hear Lucy moaning in her sleep as her mother licked and sucked Jeff's cum out of her pussy. His dick immediately grew long and rigid as he watched Vanessa feasting on teenage cunt, a cunt she had created so many years ago. Jeff got up and moved behind Vaness, who was wearing a simple nightgown. Even in the pre-dawn light, he could see her pussy, shaved bare and glistening with juices. He moaned, almost perfectly in time with Lucy, wanting to ram his dick inside the older woman's...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Christmas Wish

It was just a game. They played every time they were together. Christa always started it. They drank and went in a circle answering the question, ‘what is your one erotic wish?’ The answers were different each time, and Joanne always hated answering. She usually gave a lame answer that everyone knew wasn’t true. Christa and the girls always thought it was because she was somewhat of a prude. The truth was, Joanne was afraid if she voiced it, it might come true.Since it was a holiday they’d...

Straight Sex
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 14 Futa Ghosts Naughty Memories

My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ojo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to stop my swing. The energy of the exorcism burned in the shide. But I couldn’t stop my...

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Daddy Sets the Bar

Daddy Sets the Bar By Reeb I couldn’t fucking believe it as I sat in my Beemer crying, I had just walked out on my second husband as I had caught him doing something totally unthinkable. I walked in on him with his best friend’s cock in his mouth. He was on his knees, his friend sitting on our couch as he was sucking his cock. I’m pretty liberal about sex but in my eyes, homosexuality is just wrong. It was so repulsive that I grabbed my clothes, filled a bag and rushed out the apartment door....

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WillowChapter 10

Willow was sitting in the guest suite. It was located on the Master's side of the house and she had never been in these rooms before. With their muted tones and stained wood furnishings, it was all very masculine, like the library had been. The suite consisted of three rooms. There was a small sitting room that held a leather covered armchair, leather love seat and a small table with a reading lamp. As she sat in the chair, she could see into the bedroom area. The very large bed was covered...

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Grandmother Knows Best

Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 16 year-old's mother would have a fit if she knew about the x-rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, mom's usual time home from work and he knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home. He'd had an afternoon date with Becky and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. With a tight grip he stroked his hard...

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The Skirt Chaser Chronicles 1 Saras Story

The Skirt Chaser Chronicles, 1. Sara's Story: Part One, My name is Sara. I had been dating Paul for a few months when this story begins. At first he had been really romantic and bought me flowers and things. Lately I had started to notice when we went out to the pub that he had these wandering eyes which tended to follow any pretty girl in a dress. So about a month ago I asked him about this. I said, "Paul, don't you think I'm sexy? Why do I get the impression I am just a stop...

4 years ago
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OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADEHi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...

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Choose your bimbofication

You're not sure how it happened, you were just at home taking a nice warm shower, but when you reached to grab your large cock, your hand was left wanting. There was nothing there, nothing to grab, save for some short black pubic hair. You bent forward to inspect your barren crotch, but as you do, you feel two weights being pulled down by gravity, hanging off of your chest. "I- I'm a woman?" You manage to squeak in a higher pitched voice eerily similar to your normal one. You hop out of the...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Adapted by Ylloh Kcinner ADAPTOR'S NOTES Thanks to American author Holly Rennick for permission to adapt this selection from "Writer's Notebook" for publication in my country (a part of the former Soviet Union). We wish to practice American English and receive a NATO air field. America is our friend. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous American leader. Holly Rennick is a famous American scholar of English. Because my country is very cold, we prefer hot literature. We say, "Wow, man! This...

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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 6 Delicious Family Dinner

Read previous chapters to understand this story about the family dinner. Narrated by David. I took mom back to the house after meeting uncle Jim and aunt Selena. I still couldn’t believe I had the luck to see her in that way! Also, she didn’t seem to have any problem with me looking at her. Maybe she enjoyed the attention. She was nothing like when I last saw her at their wedding. At the time, she was just 24 years old, and she looked like a normal girl. Now she’s 28 and the...

2 years ago
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rocky my giantess shemale lover

I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller : I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

3 years ago
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Train to Hotel Ratnagiri Part 8211 2

All sexy readers, Firstly thanks for reading my first part and sending me your replies. Continuing with story me and Deepika ordered coffee and i said her that i help her get a job. To which she said she will be very thankful if i can help her get a job. I called one of my consultants and forwarded her profile and ask him to line up for an interview. She was more than happy but in my mind, I wanted to fuck her. Did I ask her that if she drinks? To which she replied some times with her friends...

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Bosom BuddiesChapter 8

I deflected Amy's question with some joke about showing up "like a pimp" with all three of them on my arm. She'd laughed at that and dropped the subject, but I already knew it was going to be a problem. Sure, I had more than a month until prom—time enough to figure it out—but a nagging worry nevertheless crawled into the back of my mind, made itself comfortable, and refused to leave. Obviously, my joke about bringing all three was just that, a joke. It was one thing for me to be in a...

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Buffy The Sexy Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Filled to the brim with sexy women and many possibilities for erotic adventures. So many ways that this show could be portrayed, just in a more adult manner. Now why don't you choose one. How about one were Xander gained the power of controlling others minds? Did he really accidentally summon a demon in the musical episode, or might he have got other benefits. With his new powers what will he do. Use them to fight evil? Or perhaps fulfill those desires for the other...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 50

By the time we got everything packed and moved it was after seven. I paid the movers cash and they left happy campers. Steve made sure I didn't need him anymore and he left as well. Sam had gone when Roy showed up. I called the pizza place and ordered dinner. Tamara and Lena were busy upstairs organizing Lena's room. Roy was outside in the backyard. I was alone in the kitchen and began to look back on the previous few weeks. I met Tamara and we meshed together like "peas and carrots"...

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People of the TigerPart 18

Most of them got at least two hours sleep as they traveled, since it was after two o'clock in the morning by their local time when they arrived at their own trading post. Tika spent most of the time working on her screen, reading and answering messages, communicating with the Meds and mothers of her breeding program, conducting business and research, and issuing her own Challenges to the Tiger People of the Shiva Region. At one point she sat thinking for a minute, then wrote a text message...

1 year ago
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Pervy Personal Shopper

The following story is based on a true event.I hated going shopping with my mum and she got fed up traipsing round with me being stroppy all the time so finally agreed to give me an allowance to buy my own clothes.One day I was out getting some things and went to look at underpants. I was aware of a man working his way up the same aisle looking things over but when he got to me he paused.After a few seconds he said ‘I’d get those if I was you. You’d suit them’ pointing to a box of slips.I was...

3 years ago
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Unbreakable Bond

Only months after starting college, My brother, Jason, was killed in a car accident leaving me and Zeke alone to fend for ourselves. Zeke happened to be a roommate in the house we were all living in and was almost like a brother to me. Zeke and I had well paying jobs, I was a bartender and Zeke made plenty of money as a real estate agent. Zeke was on the wild side and was always in and out of relationships with several women (and popping several cherries). I, on the other hand, was still a...

First Time
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The Sentence the next three chapters 141516

Chapter #14 < > a trip to the market ends with me in major panic: Saturday morning, came quick and I mut admit I slept great, plus, I woke up dry. Mom had just walked in the room to let me out of the crib. She asked is mommies little princess dry today. To her surprise I said, yes, but I really do need to go. She looked at me saying, okay then let's get you out of the crib and over to the bathroom. Once there she took my panties & diaper off, and had me sit on the toilet....

4 years ago
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Enjoying Holi With Mom 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and enjoying this story of Holi with my mom. You can call me Hunter, and I’m 22 years old. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 46 years old. Her figure is 36-34-38. She’s a school teacher by profession and a single mom. This is the continuation of the previous one. Please read that, then continue this one. While she sucked my dick, I loaded my cum inside her mouth and went downstairs as it was already 6. At 6:10, my phone started...

2 years ago
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when i used to spy

  When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand.  Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer  Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven.  As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to...

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Sexy Cousin Sarita Seduced

Hi. I’m Sandeep I’m 26 this incident happened when I was 19 years. Between me and my cousin sister Sarita. At time we were living in village near Hyderabad. I’m dark complexion medium build and never had girlfriend before till then. Sarita was 18 at time. She very beautiful girl with 36 – 28 – 36 figure and fair skin not too tall. They live in village some distance from us. One day we get news of Sarita father been in bad accident and will be in hospital for long while. It was decided that...

4 years ago
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My First Night With Husband

I am elder sister Sonu..born to respectable parents.Our parents substantially rich with big house,cars,people to work…we were grown with lots of care and affection. Our parents always insisted for good education.. outlook.. social life…no doubt we have obliged them with optimum education, good personality and good standing in the society. Sonu and me have one year of age difference..almost look alike…beautiful…very fair..good height..very very lovable.There is nothing between me and...

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It took a lot of convincing (and a bottle and a half of her favorite wine), but my wife finally consented to a threesome with another guy. Hell, if she'd have suggested bringing a woman to our bed I'd have jumped at the chance. But women are different -0- in more ways than the obvious — than men. Anyway, the night we invited Jay over for a barbecue he didn't have an idea of what was in store for him. He was one of my oldest friends and we spent lots of weekends fishing and drinking beer....

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