A Trip To Remember 1Chapter 8 free porn video

The morning was busy just shopping for food and items for the house and farm. While they were out at the farm, Tom met with Hans and started talking about horses. Hans said, “What do you want to have here? A mule can breed with a horse and if you are looking for a puller that isn’t always bad. If you are breeding for speed, it could take a top mare out of production with something that is worthless.”
“Hans, my goals are short and long term focused. I want a good-sized garden out here. We won’t be selling to the public right away, but we will be using the produce in our restaurants and collecting seeds so that we can grow more and more each year. The seeds are vital to the future.”
“If you can get us something to start with and we don’t need the income from the crops this year, we can produce and keep as many seeds as possible.”
“As for horses, I would like to have pullers. From riding on horses, the lack of a good saddle makes it slow and difficult. We can build saddles, but I will need to work with someone to design and build them.
“The carriages have no give, so the riders feel every bump making them horrible on any kind of trip. We will design suspension or give to the carts to make the trips comfortable.
“And for personal reasons and my love of gambling, I would love to have the fastest chariots and horses around. I know that those are three different areas and you may need mules for plowing fields. I can help design plows and harrows to turn up and break up the soil. We have a lot of land. You may want three different areas to keep the horses and technology separate and controlled.”
Rubbing his chin Hans said, “You see problems and fix problems. You look for something new and better. I need to use what I’ve learned and what I know to do the same thing. For now, we can tag the horses for their usage, riding, carriage pulling or racing. Then it will be up to us to manage the herd. If we grow and we know what the demand is for, we can expand in the right size and direction. What do you want to do about finding and buying horses?”
“I have worked and ridden horses my whole life. I know some things about them, but you are the expert. Maybe we should travel together and see what we can find. We can travel locally and around the world to find the best and breed them into our stock.”
“I would like that.”
In the afternoon, Tom went to the market and to the blacksmith’s stall. He greeted the woman and said, “I have some more things that I am going to need made for me. Can I meet with your husband to talk about it?”
She looked embarrassed. “He doesn’t like to meet with people. Can you tell me, and I will pass it along like last time?”
It was odd that she would keep him away. “I can find someone else to do the work.”
“Sir, please, we do need the work, but he doesn’t like to see people.”
“Woman, I like to meet the people that I’m dealing with and have a great deal of work to be done. I can’t come to the market every time I want to check on progress or make a change.”
A look of defeat crossed her face. “If you will come with me after the market closes, I will introduce you.”
That evening they closed the stall and went to the edge of town to a closed-up barn looking building. The woman asked Tom to wait and then he heard loud voices inside. Finally, she came out and invited him into the shop. There was a man with one leg cut off about halfway up his calf. She introduced him as her husband, Smith.”
There were also three women with dirty faces and muscles like bodybuilders. Tom said hello and the man looked ashamed. The woman from the shop, Tess said, “We don’t like to spread the word that Smith isn’t doing the work. Women working like this is not accepted around here, but we need to survive. That is why all of our work is ordered and sold at the market.”
“I have a farm outside of town and I need a blacksmith to make things for me. If you are willing to move out there you can set up shop and live there. If you have extra time and want to make things for the market, you can do that too, but my work would come first. I would also want shoes for my horses to preserve their hoofs.”
Smith asked, “You don’t mind the women working?”
“A family does what it has to, to survive. I see a family working together to survive. It doesn’t bother me at all. Would you like to have a place where you can open the windows and doors when you work?”
He nodded and Tess went to his side and hugged him. “When are we moving?”
“Why don’t you keep doing what you are doing here. I can take you out to the farm when you are both free. The farm has one big house now and I have a family living there. I will need to build a blacksmith forge and a home for you. Those should be done in the next month. If we set a month from now as a goal you can slowly go through what you want to take with you. Do you own this place, a home or do you pay rent?”
“We rent both and are behind just a bit.”
“I will take care of that. Tell me about the women that work for you. Will they come with you? Will they need a home each or what?”
Again, Tess was slow to answer. “I guess it will all come out anyways. Smith is our man, we three are all sisters. He wanted to date one of us, but we came as a package. He was doing well until the accident. We all helped out a little before the accident, but Smith can’t stand all day on the one leg, so we all help out more.”
“I have been happy with your work and the willingness to listen and do what I asked. I have more inventions that I want to make a reality. The first is a plow to be pulled by a mule or team of mules for my gardens.”
Drawings were made and the size and materials were discussed. Smith liked the idea and the challenge. The girls were just nodding. They were finally introduced as Timber and Tina. Tom left the few silvers they were short on rent and some additional money for all the materials they would need for the plow and harrow. They were all smiling when he went home for the night.
Dinner was a feast of small dishes as Maria and Adrianna made their first meal together for the family. You could see influences of both in the different dishes. After dinner Tom called them both and asked them to sit with Mary, Mara, and him. “Well ladies the meal was delicious. How did it go working together in the kitchen?”
Adrianna knew that Maria couldn’t talk so she spoke for them both. “I think it went well. Since she doesn’t talk, we did the best we could to communicate. We are working on hand signals to get better. What we did tonight was get out some ingredients and she would make what she thought would be the best dish with those ingredients and then I would. I watched her and she watched me. I think I have more experience and techniques but also learned some things that I’d never seen before.”
“Adrianna, Maria is part of the family and will always be a part of our family. I’m glad you are working together and finding ways to communicate. We do have a couple homes and will have a couple restaurants. I’m not sure when we start to spread out what that will mean. The girl you saw down at the docks, was in the same position you are in now, but she didn’t try to be a part of the family and do what is right and best for all. You saw how that turned out. She is the only family member who is no longer a part of the family. We know you are a slave, but it can be very easy or very hard, but it depends on you.”
“I have asked the girls and a few of the guards about how to act and what to expect. I was fearful after I saw that girl being led naked to the boat. Everyone has said that you and Mary are kind and generous. That you care and take care of your slaves and are a man of your word. You told them and me that if we betrayed you that bad would happen. If we are loyal and hardworking, we will be blessed. There has been one that has betrayed you or the family. I think we all see the best and easiest way to live.”
“Thank you both again for a great meal. The farm is getting up and running so soon we will have better meats and produce. I am looking forward to that. You are both great cooks who are limited by the ingredients. I look forward to seeing what you can do when you have better quality to work with.”
Maria was looking at Tom when he spoke and then thought to him. “I see and understand what you mean. She is more efficient and has more experience in the kitchen. She isn’t treating me poorly, but she will probably be taking the lead for a while as we learn to communicate better. She is kind and wants to help. I am happy with my new co-worker.”
He just nodded so she knew that she was heard, and Mary smiled as she had heard too.
Both women were in need and even after they wore Tom out, they kept going. He was asleep by the time they put a head on each shoulder and cuddled up to him. The plumbing and foundation were in progress next door. Tom, Mary, and Mara went to see Felix and apologized for not being able to make it the previous day. They talked about furniture. Tom had some ideas, but the girls did most of the talking. They went back and forth as Tom sat with a pad and drew to the best of his ability what he wanted. The girls and Felix had talked about the style and quality of almost every building and each location.
Tom waited until they were done, and they looked to see what he was doing. He dropped the picture of the club chair, overstuffed and wrapped in leather. This will be in the lounge at the top of the building. Spread around the room two or four around small tables where men can discuss business, have a drink, and relax. I don’t care about the rest if it’s comfortable and looks nice. The bar will be masculine, with wood and frescoes on the wall. Persian rugs on the floor. I will have my smith make springs to insert into the seat and back to give cushion to the chair.”
Mary smiled and Fritz nodded. “So, you weren’t just daydreaming while we jabbered on. Let’s go talk to some furniture makers to see what they have and what we need to commission to be made.”
All the back and forth made the actual purchasing and ordering go smoother and faster. A shipment of on hand furniture would be sent out to the farm over the next few days including some things that will be stored there for when the houses would be complete. Fritz had completed the drawings of a couple different sizes and styles of homes on the farm. He only had originals as his team was busy making copies for the mall next to their home.
Fritz said, “I will have a couple copies made by the first of next week and will have Gino and his crew out there building next week. They shouldn’t take long as he has finished most of his jobs and all the crews are scheduled to help you for the next six months, but he is shooting for five. He padded his time a little bit but with the bonuses, he will be hiring more men to work side by side with each craftsman having one or two laborers assigned to them. I am interested to see how well they do. I don’t know if Gino will get any sleep. He will spend both shifts managing and all night planning the next day. I don’t know if he will retire or fall over exhausted in the end.”
“That is on him. My goal is eight months but will be ready in five.”
Friday came around and Tom went out to the farm with a lot of vegetable seeds. He had corn, tomatoes, onions, eyes from potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli and five different kinds of beans. The spinach and lettuce varieties would come later. He also had seeds for lemons, limes, grapefruits, peaches, pears, apples, and plums. Nut trees would be planted later as well.
Each seed was in a sack and labeled. Tom had a list of each plant and how it was to be planted and where. There was room around all the trees to expand the orchards and Tom cautioned against planting all the seeds in case something happened to wipe them out. He wanted to have some in reserve if needed.
Hans said they would start on the trees as they waited for the plow and harrow things that Tom had promised.
At home Tom was shown to the bath. He was relaxing and getting clean when Mara came in and sat on the side with her feet in the water. Her hair and makeup were done, and she just wanted to talk. “Tom, I think you are so busy that you don’t notice what is going on sometimes. The town is buzzing about you and Mary. The things you are buying, building, inventing and sharing. The sex you had with Pagana is still something that is talked about and no one even saw what you did. The jewelry you provide is beyond what people can even figure out how to make. You need to be careful about people taking advantage of you. I have moved in and feel like I am taking advantage every day but I’m enjoying it so much I’m not going to walk out soon.”
“To be honest, I don’t know what you and Mary do most days. I hope you are having fun. At the end of the day, I come home and am so happy to see Mary and then smile when I see you with her. You have heard bits and pieces about what we plan to do. Where do you see yourself when everything is up and running? Will you go home? Be Mary’s friend and companion or want to get involved in the business in some way?”
“My father is very wealthy. He has vast lands of olive trees and makes olive oil to be sold. I also have brothers that help him. I live off his money and now your money. I should probably send the coachman, coach, and horses back home since I never use them. I would love to be involved in your businesses. Mary keeps talking about a spa that she wants with a men’s side and a women’s side. I think that sounds like a great idea and money maker with all the wealth in the city.”
“Maybe we can go and visit your father so that he knows where you are, and we can talk business.”
“We can do that but tonight just be careful as more men and women will want to get close to you for business and sexual reasons.”
The open house was funny as the host and hostess who were merchants in the city tried to copy what Tom and Mary had done the week before. They showed up later and Tom made them have dinner before going. It was somewhat crowded but there seemed to be as many leaving as were arriving. They said, hello, to the host and hostess and thanked them for the invite. The food was mediocre but probably good with what they had to work with. The wine and drinks were good for the time but as compared to the high end that was being served at Tom and Mary’s it lacked in comparison.
There were people that seemed to be hovering and waiting for Tom and Mary to show up. Some were friends like Marco and his wife. Others were people that had ideas or businesses that they wanted to talk about. People wanted to invest in Tom or have Tom invest in them. Some of the ideas were interesting but some needed a magic wand to make a reality and neither had one of those. Some were interested in the merchandise that Tom had. One man was a dealer in liquors and wines.
Tom asked, “Where are you located in the city? You were at my home last week and I have already started construction on a store for the public next door. If you are far enough away, we could cover more area but if you are across the street, I’m afraid that you would have trouble competing not because of price but because of the buying experience.”
“My store isn’t too far from you, but a building is a building. I like what you have to offer. If I can find some space that is on the other side of town maybe, we could make it work.”
“I would be happy to supply you, but you may want to see what I’m selling, how I’m selling it and the prices I’m charging retail and to you wholesale before you decide if you want to compete. The stuff I will be offering is sold at a premium but the experience of shopping for your wine, jewelry and other high-end merchandise may be such that they would go past your store to come to mine. That wouldn’t be good for either of us if you go out of business. If you just want one or two new labels to add, I can take some of the lower end products and you can add them to what you sell now. It would be the high end for your store and the low end for mine. It might work for those that are value shopping at your store or want to be seen shopping in mine.”
“Why don’t we do that sooner than later and then when you are up and running, we can talk about what to do with higher end liquors.”
They shook on it and Tom made a note to check on the bottles being made or wine barrels to sell the wine in bulk. Marco stood to the side and listened as Tom took interest in some proposals and rejected others outright. A few women drifted by and asked about jewelry. Tom would say, “We should have a store open in six months. If you let us know what you are looking for, we can try to find it or get it for you sooner.”
One woman went a little further, “I’m interested in some of the gold necklaces that were seen around your house.”
“Those are what my slaves wear to show ownership. They are the mark of a slave.”
“What do you have to mark me but in a different way?”
“I can pierce your body and adorn it with jewels. Your earlobes, belly button, your nose, or your eyebrow. I would recommend the ears as you could have a matched set and set off other jewels. I could get a different style of gold chain for you that would set you apart from my slaves.”
“I like all of those ideas. I want my husband to see that I am owned by him and he can use me or share me as he wishes. It makes me hot when I think about it.”
“A good submissive is always a treat for her master. Have your husband come talk to me. I don’t deal with subs but the master that makes the decisions for her.”
“Yes, Sir.”
She scurried off. Her husband did stop by later. She was with him and I waived her away and he confirmed my request. “I see you met my wife. We stopped by your place and when she saw your slaves, she begged me to do the same to her.”
“It isn’t uncommon for a woman to have desires and fantasies about being owned and used. It isn’t uncommon for people to have fantasies on the other side. Making them a reality can take work, but I find that it is normally worth it. Do you have the dominant nature to counter your wife’s submissive nature?”
A few others that were nearby had turned to listen to the conversation. The man said, “I have always tried to be kind and fair but sometimes my frustration makes me into a more dominant person.”
“Think of a pet or a child. You want them to be happy, but they also must be safe and protected. A pet is trained to obey and even do work or tricks for the master’s pleasure. You will need to train yourself to think of her as a pet. You can beat or starve your pet, but you don’t because you want a happy pet. If your pet disobeys, they are punished for training. That may help with your mindset as you move forward in your new style of relationship.”
“Can I get my new pet a collar?”
“How much is she worth to you? What can you afford? My slaves are very valuable to me and I trust them to run my homes, my businesses, feed me and guard me. I can afford gold so that is what I used. As you can see, my wife wears diamonds. She is precious to me.”
“I can afford it. I’m thinking of gold and diamonds. But something simple.”
“Bring her by the house and we can put some diamond studs in her ears and a gold chain connecting a few diamonds around her neck.”
“How much will it cost?”
The area around them got quiet as people leaned in to listen. Tom replied, “Bring what it is worth to you and we will negotiate what you will get and what you will pay.”
“We will stop by sometime soon.” They shook on the deal and the man went off to find his wife.
Some of the others that were nearby asked about getting something for their spouses or mistresses as well. Mara had been at his side listening and gently rubbing his back. Tom said, “Talk to Mara, she is managing the jewelry store for now.” He stepped off to get another drink as Franco walked with him and laughed. I need to get you in to meet the Emperor. He has heard and asked about you. I told him good things and his daughter goes on about you and your family.”

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