FidèleChapter 26 free porn video

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[Caution: this chapter includes disturbing and potentially triggering references to traumatic events in Kathryn’s past. There are absolutely no descriptions of these events, which include the sexual assault of a teenager and nonconsensual incest. If you wish to avoid even the references, abandon the narrative at “Not until I’m finished” and resume at “So, now it’s all out in the open.” The general nature of what transpired will be made clear elsewhere in the text.]

The bed shook.

It shook again.

Out of the deepest, most dream-free slumber he could remember having in quite some time, Luke struggled towards conscious thought. He gradually became aware that, while the bed was moving semi-rhythmically — a sensation he was used to waking up to — he was no longer in contact with his bedmate. Prying his reluctant eyes open, he stared at Kathryn’s exposed back. It was shaking. And not, he soon realized, due to a secretive bout of self-pleasure.

She was crying.

Suddenly wide awake, he tried to wrap his arm around her. To his dismay, she pushed it aside and stood up. She was facing away from him, but it was obvious that she was still quietly sobbing.

“I’m sorry for waking you up. I’m not ready to talk about it, and you can’t comfort me,” she sullenly announced amidst her weeping. “Later, I hope. But not yet. The best thing you can do right now is to go back to sleep and gather your energy. I’ll wake you when I’m ready.”

His worried eyes followed as she shuffled to the sofa, cocooning herself in a blanket as the dirge of her misery endured.

Sleep eventually returned, but it was fitful, long in coming, and no longer dreamless.

The sound of birds and the rustling of leaves in the brisk morning breeze were what finally roused him a second time. The floral aroma of some sort of infusion or tea lingered in the air. Kathryn was curled up in a protective ball on one end of the couch, cradling a steaming cup and staring though the open windows at the foreboding dark blue of the lake’s pre-sunrise surface, her eyes reddened by tears that — at least from his vantage point — looked to be temporarily stilled.

“You were supposed to wait for me to wake you,” she mumbled between sips, still not looking at him.

“Nature called. Several ways.”

With a dismissive wave of her hand, she urged him to do whatever he needed to. “You might as well shower while you’re in there,” she rattled in an unsteady and defeated voice. “I don’t want to talk here.”

When he exited the bathroom, Kathryn was nowhere to be found. Confused and distressed, he donned some clothes and was just about to start searching for her when she came trudging up the stairs. She looked terrible, her incomparable beauty muted, the light in her eyes dulled to a pale flicker. Her normally lustrous hair was tightly knotted and wan, hanging limply from ties she rarely employed. There was a bulging canvas bag slung over her shoulder, and she was carrying a pair of camp-style thermoses capped by metal cups. Handing both to Luke, she silently beckoned him to follow her outside.

A few minutes later, they occupied their usual spot for revelation and connection: the rock bench near the lake. It was a clear day and the forecast promised warmth, but they shivered in the pre-dawn chill. But there was more than one type of ice at work. Kathryn filled both cups with coffee from a thermos, handed one to Luke, and leaned back, staring at some distant and undefined point across the lake. Luke only had eyes for her, but she couldn’t seem to bring herself to return the favor.

“Did you sleep well?” Even her voice was dull and flat.

“Up to a point. I guess I don’t have to ask whether or not you did.” He wanted to pepper her with questions and smother her with comfort, but instead he let her dictate the pace and the terms.

It was a long while before she responded. “I did at first. But then the nightmares started. Terrible nightmares. I was so relieved to wake up, except the nightmares didn’t go away...” Her words trailed off and he reached for her shoulder. He was shocked when she shrugged his hand away. “No. Please. I have to get this out first. I don’t want you, of all people, touching me until I do. I know that’s confusing and hurtful, but hopefully you’ll understand when I’m finished. Though I won’t blame you if you don’t.”

Though it was indeed hurtful, he summoned up enough as much emotional self-preservation as he could to face whatever was coming. Every speculation seemed darker than the last. How could we go from such erotic euphoria to this so quickly? What happened? Was Faith right about adding to her confusion? Did we push her too fast, too soon? Did I somehow ruin everything by trying to be the instigator of our sexual adventures?

“Luke, I’m going to tell you a story. You’re not going to like it — no one could — but you need to hear it. Please don’t interrupt. Don’t ask questions. And don’t touch me, no matter how much I seem to need it. Not until I’m finished.”

His coffee was cold and long-forgotten. He was as he’d been for an unknowable time: essentially motionless, rooted in place by horror and raging fury as Kathryn narrated her excruciating tale. A few minutes after starting to talk, she reached inside her bag for a box of tissues, of which she thereafter made extensive use. He needed dozens of his own to endure what followed.

She told him in soul-flaying detail of how a deceptively normal childhood turned into the nightmare of her early teens. Of the abuse she’d suffered from her father and her uncle once she hit puberty. Of how, after unendurable months of private depredations, they expanded their cruelty by lending ... or sometimes renting ... her out for the amusement of others. Of indifference, disbelief, and even hostility from her mother, her aunt, and everyone else she tried to tell. Of how, at long last, a classmate observed the bruises she tried so hard to hide and told a teacher. Of how that teacher finally managed to get the proper authorities involved, the cold bureaucratic efficiency of her removal from the only home and family — no matter how deranged — she’d ever known, and the successful but (for her) emotionally brutal prosecution and conviction of nearly everyone who’d abused her. Of how it both steeled and changed her forever, how it encouraged her to pursue law as a career, and how the specter of her past haunted her relationships even now.

“There are a lot of ways to survive that sort of abuse, though unfortunately there are even more ways to succumb to it. Most people try to hide from it or wall it off. One of the first things I learned in therapy — and god, there’s been so much therapy — was that I might’ve been better off choosing almost any of the others. If I could’ve just shut myself off, emptied my mind, drifted away ... well, I might still be suffering from personality disorders, but it would’ve hurt a lot less while it was happening. And I don’t mean physical pain, though it quite frequently hurt that way too. But the thing is, I didn’t. I made a different choice. The problem was that I was too young and too damaged to make it. So my body made it for me.” It took her a long time, and a lot of tear-soaked tissues, to gather the strength to go on.

“They were monsters, and that many of them suffered or died in the most cliché yet karmically appropriate fashion while serving their prison terms is the only simulacrum of justice I’m ever going to get. But they left wounds much deeper and more permanent than the bruises, or the pain, or the loss of innocence, all of which healed sooner or later. Because they were also endlessly creative in their evil.” Luke’s horror grew as he began to intuit what she was going to say. “So, on one hand you have a teenager who’s learned to experience pleasure — on a purely physical level, I mean — from what’s being done to her, because it’s the only way she can live through the next hour, the next day, the next perversion. Even though, in a twisted but entirely predictable way, my responses only encouraged the escalation of their abuse. On the other hand, you have abusers with a limitless palette of interests but apparently without consenting adults with whom to practice those interests. As you know by now, there’s more than pure physicality involved when it comes to such matters, and so those marks and scars were much deeper and more inaccessible than the others.”

“I don’t say this to upset you, Luke, and I hope it doesn’t, but when I told you, or Wendy, or Alejandro, or really anyone I’ve ever been with that you were the first to ... well, any of it ... that was, technically, a lie. I should instead say probably a lie, as for obvious reasons I’ve tried to forget the details. For me, though, none of those lies were actually lies, because in my heart, only moments that I’ve chosen matter. That those milestones were taken from me, at some earlier date but against my will, is irrelevant.

“Despite what happened to me, I’ve managed to live a largely trauma-free and extremely rewarding sexual life, and though I’m immensely grateful to a long procession of therapists and caring lovers for that, I mostly credit my own strength ... both during the abuse and in the long aftermath. But dominance and submission ... in fact, all my BDSM- or fetish- or kink-related interests ... have been a much more difficult path for me to navigate.”

“The thing is, choosing between one sexual act or another is, for me, a choice between equals. If there’s a specific thing my partner doesn’t enjoy, I’m content as long as there are enough alternatives. But my darker, more dangerous desires are something I can’t just turn on and off without consequence. They’re always there, lurking in the background. It’s not, by the way, like I haven’t tried to bury them in a locked casket and throw away the key. All but one of my therapists did their very best to help me find a way around them, to put them behind me, to break their hold on me, but nothing worked.”

“Finally, one therapist — in fact, the one I still have on call in case I ever need her; though it’s been a while, I’m going to talk to her today — suggested that I try the opposite. She said that, since there was some primal instinct within me that chose to survive by ‘enjoying’ what they did to me, allowing myself to experience, and even enjoy, the rest might be the only way to control it and make it part of a fully consensual sex life, just as I have with everything else. And yes, as you’ve no doubt concluded, I accepted long ago that the intensity of my adult sexuality wasn’t necessarily born of my own volition. Nonetheless, it’s part of me now, and I refuse to be ashamed of who I am. I took that power away from them, and I’ll never give it back.”

“At first, I tried to take her advice literally and actually be in control, but as you know that’s not how I’m wired. Whether that’s innate or a result of what they did to me, I don’t know and probably won’t ever know, but either way it’s who I am. In college I had a friend who knew a little about such matters and who I trusted enough to experiment with, and so we did. At first it was tentative and terrifying because we were both so scared of re-traumatizing me, but she was patient and kind and I couldn’t have had a better first experience. You see how it works, by the way? I call it my first, even though ... well, you understand. Still, she was unwilling to go beyond a certain point. Whether that was good or bad I can’t say, but I knew I needed more, or at least needed to know more.”

“After that the desires went dormant for a while, and few of my partners seemed to trigger them enough for me to just come out and ask. I think it was because I didn’t feel strongly enough about any of them to make myself vulnerable in that way. I also believe that the reason my submission was never under my or anyone else’s control — why it arrived randomly and unexpectedly, I mean — was that, on a subconscious level, I was afraid of it being under control. Anyone’s control.”

“But while I was in my first semester of law school, the desires came roaring back. I wasn’t in a serious relationship at the time — this was before the one that ended in a miscarriage — so, lacking any better ideas, I contacted a professor of human sexuality at my alma mater. He used his network to connect me with an experienced dominant. He wasn’t a professional or anything, but he was highly respected in the local community. He was an older man, very handsome, a good listener who was extremely incisive regarding my needs, and obviously quite eager to explore with someone who looked like me. From the moment we began communicating, I was sure he could provide exactly what I needed to take the next step. At least, that is, in theory.”

“One problem, as I just indicated, was that my submissive urges — until I learned otherwise this weekend — were so unpredictable that it was somewhere between difficult and impossible to arrange sessions on short enough notice. In retrospect, I assume he could have forced it like Faith did, but on the other hand that level of control probably would have scared me away back then. Anyway, over the course of two and a half months we managed to meet a half-dozen times, and he pushed and tested me in many of the ways I wanted and needed. And then, by mutual agreement, we ended it, because while there was still a lot more I wanted to try, it turned out I wasn’t finding what I was looking for. Not really.”

“At first, I told him that I didn’t mind being naked, but that I wasn’t ready for anything more than incidental sexual contact. Unfortunately that’s hard to navigate without missing out on what actually interested me, so before the second session I changed my mind and we incorporated various types of sex into our exploration. In part that’s because I was legitimately turned on by his dominance, but mostly it’s because I realized — and, to be fair, he assured me of the same at the end of our second session — that I’m really only interested in submission in a sexual context. Unfortunately, the sex was somewhat mechanical and passionless. I came, of course ... if and when he allowed or demanded it, that is ... and so did he, but there wasn’t any spark behind it. His assessment — and I was fortunate to find someone I could not only trust, but who considered what I took from the experience of equal value to the experience itself — was that what I really needed was to explore that aspect of my desires in the context of a relationship. Which was good advice, except that it didn’t happen for a long while. And when it did...”

She paused again, absorbing a few more tears. “Well, I don’t think I’m betraying an unguessable confidence to reveal that Irina and I explored together. She’s a natural dominant, though when we started dating she wasn’t much more experienced with the actual practice than I was, but she had the confidence to push me harder — and here I mean both emotionally and physically — than anyone else had. Since I both trusted and loved her, it was a revelatory experience unlike any of the others, and exactly what I was looking for. She probably told you that I stayed with her past our natural expiration date because of her daughter, and there’s a large kernel of truth in that, but being unwilling to give up experiencing submission might have been an even bigger part of it. Because ... well, by then I had good reason to doubt it was going to be a regular part of my future. I gave it all up for love: Irina, Sasha, and the submission.” For the first time all morning, she turned to look at Luke. His heart broke at her hopelessness and despair. “You already know what that choice has brought me ... the joy and the frustration ... and you also know what you’ve given me.” Her attempt at a smile was as pale and injured as an alpine flower trampled in the early morning frost, and she turned away again.

“And then, this weekend...” Another pause. “Everything came rushing back. Everything. Sex with more than one person at the same time. Well, let me be specific: more than one man at the same time, because being with more than one woman never roused these memories. The feeling of being too small — physically, I mean — for what’s inside me, but accepting it anyway, enduring the pain until it turns to pleasure, and eventually even begging for it. The unexpected arrival of additional sexual partners. The submission and the agony, the denial and the forced orgasms, pleasures anticipated and unforeseen ... straight out of all the different eras of my past, consensual and otherwise.”

“Please don’t think I’m saying I didn’t enjoy what we did. I loved it. Nor should you think I’m experiencing regrets in the aftermath, because I don’t possess a single one, save perhaps that I wish it could’ve gone on longer. Finally being able to express and immerse myself in those desires again was a form of healing no therapy could provide. Everything that happened was my choice, ultimately under my control, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Nor will I ever be anything but grateful to the beautiful people who gave me such a wonderful gift. Most of all you.”

“Now I can finally explain the nightmares.” Luke watched her fists clench and unclench as she forced herself to continue. “I tried dream therapy once, and for a few years it helped me sleep through the night when nothing else except obliterating chemicals would. But it’s been a very long time since I’ve practiced, because after a while I didn’t need it anymore. For better or worse, I’d survived my trauma and emerged whole. Or so I thought. Until last night, when the nightmares returned and did their best to ruin everything. You, my father, Faith, my mother, Alejandro, my uncle, Irina, all the others ... the Kathryn that suffered at their hands and the Kathryn that enthusiastically threw herself into this weekend’s fray ... all jumbled up and twisted around until I didn’t know who to trust and who to fear. What to flee and what to pursue. That’s why I woke up crying, and why I haven’t been willing or able to go back to sleep. And that’s also why I haven’t let you touch me. Because I didn’t want to associate you — the real you — with the horrible memories and the bad dreams until I’d broken their hold on me. Which telling you has accomplished.”

“So, now it’s all out in the open and I can start healing myself the way I always have: by layering better memories over the bad ones. And so, my love, now that you’ve listened to something I know you never wanted to hear, you can finally help me. I’m still not ready for questions, but will you please just hold me for a while? Take me in your arms and force me to remember that you love me. That with you, I’ll always be safe.” He wrapped himself around her as tightly as he dared, listening to her tortured breathing and riding out her wracking sobs of emotional release, soothing her as best he could. Words didn’t come, for there were none to offer that could address the full measure of her pain. Instead, he gave her love and his own quiet sadness, and hoped it would be enough.

Their tears were still falling when dawn’s blazing fire crested the horizon.

Shifting in his arms, she turned and kissed him; sweetly, tenderly, and lovingly. She no longer looked quite so defeated, nor quite so damaged, and the first stirrings of renewed life could be seen in her reddened eyes.

“Thank you, Luke. I’m sorry for all this. I know it’s not exactly easy to hear, and I’m sure it wasn’t how you wanted to wake up the morning after...”

“Hush. You don’t owe anyone an apology, least of all me. I just hope I’m helping.”

“You are, my love. You are. But I do think I need to make that call. There are a lot of things I still need to work through, and a completely objective voice who already knows my history would be welcome.” Standing, she pulled him with her and straight into another embrace. “Would you mind if I took the day off? I promise we’ll have dinner together, and that I’ll be with you tonight. If that’s what you want, of course.” She sounded so terribly uncertain that his heart broke yet again.

“Of course it’s what I want. Take whatever time and space you need. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, or in your absence.”

Kathryn pulled away and gave him a slightly odd look before settling back into their hug. “What you’re doing is enough. Oh, and one more thing. Everything I’ve told you ... the list of people other than professionals who know the whole story is very small. Among them are Irina and...” She hesitated.


“Yes. But I’d like to keep that list as short as possible. I don’t necessarily mind if you tell Wendy, but ... well, if it comes up and you really need to talk to someone about how you’re feeling, you have my permission. Still, I’d prefer it if you didn’t just volunteer the information. I’m sorry. I don’t like asking you to keep secrets from your best friend, but...”

“It’s fine. She’s used to prying while I stonewall.”

“Except that she always breaks your resistance, and now she has even more ways to do that.” For the first time all morning, Luke could hear the faintest hint of levity in her voice.

“True. I promise I’ll put up a better fight.”

“I don’t mind if you try to talk to Irina about it, though she may or may not want to for what should be obvious reasons. Or ... I know it’s an odd suggestion, but I could ask my therapist if she’d hear you out in case you have questions or concerns about me, or that you’re not sure I can address.”

Luke’s brow furrowed. “Is this a roundabout way of suggesting that you’d rather I not bring this up with you?”

She looked down, sadness the entirety of her expression. “At this point, it’s inevitable that it’ll come up again. I made it inevitable when I told you the whole story. But I had to tell you. It’s not a pain I could shed by keeping it secret. If you touch me, and I flinch but you don’t know why, my pain not only increases but part of it gets transferred to you. Telling you breaks its hold on me, but the same won’t be true for you. Not for a while. Just ... be careful. Looking into my past for answers is a necessary part of my mental and emotional health, but it’s also forcing me to revisit my trauma. I much prefer the present.”

She didn’t say anything about the future, Luke noted as Kathryn broke contact to rinse their cups in the lake and stow them (and a plastic bag stuffed with well-used tissues) in her bag. Though maybe that’s part of how she deals with her past.

“Hey stud, what’s up? Did you nail your dream girl yet?”

Luke chuckled into his phone, relieved to be having a lighthearted conversation free of incalculable pain, wondering if that was why he’d made this call in the first place. Shortly after he and Kathryn parted with another mournful embrace, he texted Liz to ask for a favor. An hour or so later, she called back.

“I suppose, especially given what happened the last time I saw you, that you’re owed the truth. Yes, I did.”

“Awesome! Does that mean your dick’s off the market? Because I was dreaming about it the other day. I don’t suppose there’s any chance for a sweaty farewell fuck, is there?” One of the surprisingly delightful things about Liz was that, despite her aggressively open sexuality and her many partners, she was extremely solicitous regarding relationships. While it was nearly impossible to get her to say “no” once you’d drawn her sexual interest, one absolutely reliable way was being in a committed relationship and lying about it. And, for all her emotional disconnection, she was very good at figuring out when someone was lying to her.

She has a much better developed set of sexual ethics than me. “It’s complicated, and I’ll tell you all about it another time, but the short answer’s no, it’s not off the market, even though it’s possible I could be at some point in the uncertain future. Anyway, I reached out for a different reason. Can you put me in touch with Michelle?”

“Michelle? Do you mean Michelle, my brilliant yet demanding boss, or Michelle, the dominatrix for whom I fruitlessly, pointlessly, desperately lust?”

“Aren’t they the same person?”

“Yes and no,” she explained with a slightly distracted laugh.

“Well, I’m not aware of any urgent graphic design needs, so the dominatrix would be fine.”

“Oooh, kinky! Is this for you or your girl?”

“Both, in a way.”

“No, I mean who’s Michelle going to turn into her slave? Or is that what you meant by both? She loves dominating couples, though I’m pretty sure the man bears the brunt of it anyway. It’s weird; she’s married, and apparently they don’t have any sort of domme/sub relationship at home — though he’s obviously fine with her doing it as a side gig — but the rest of the time it’s like she’s working out some really deep issues regarding your gender.”

“As horrible as that sounds, she’s not going to be turning either of us into her slaves. I just need some advice.”

“Ah-hah! I see right through your evasions, by the way. That means you’re planning to use what you learn on your girl. Found a submissive hottie, did you? I always knew you had it in you, Daddy.” The appellation was delivered with such throaty outrageousness that Luke immediately knew just how much fun she was having mocking him, though in the context of his morning the word also came with a bitter aftertaste.

“Hilarious. So can I have her number, or do you need to make fun of me for a while longer?”

“Awww, baby, you know I’d rather do that in person. Well, in person and naked. Well, actually, in person and naked with your beautiful cock in my ass. You can make me call you Daddy anytime, you know, but you’re going to have to spank me while you’re doing it. Anyway, she wouldn’t like me giving out her number without permission. I don’t know if that’s a boss thing or a domme thing. Maybe it’s both. Can she call you instead?”


“Today? Soon? Now?”

“Sure, that works. I don’t have any plans until tonight.”

“Great! Oh, and be careful because she’ll try to findom you. I think she enjoys that even more than grinding her stilettos into scrotums. And yes, I can hear you wincing from here; frankly, I don’t really see the appeal either. I’d much rather have them in my mouth, and that’s true for both the stilettos and the balls. The point is: unless that’s your kink, don’t let her.”

“I don’t even know what it is.”

“F-I-N-D-O-M. Google it before she calls. Do it quickly though, because she’ll probably open with it. Later, stud!”

He’d just barely discovered what the term meant when his phone rang. The caller ID was blocked. Normally, I’d let this go to voicemail, but...


“Give me your credit card number, pussyboy.” It was a woman, her voice hard and demanding, yet threateningly sexy in its own way.

“That’s quite a greeting, but no thanks. I take it this is Michelle?”

“That’s Mistress Michelle to you, little bitch.”

“Seriously, I’m assured by a very reliable source that you’re excellent at this, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m not a sub, I’m not interested in being dominated, and that isn’t why I wanted to talk to you.”

She loudly exhaled. It was a heavy sigh, full of disappointment. Then: “Okay, okay. It was worth a shot, at least. I’ve seen you around the office once or twice, and I thought maybe we were about to have some fun. At the very least I was hoping to score some free wine in return for making you cry and beg for a few hours.” Suddenly, her tone was completely neutral. Low-pitched for a woman, perhaps, and with the casual authority any successful boss might possess, but no longer harsh, demanding, or overtly sexy. “No matter what it is, though, you’re going to owe me something.”

“I’m always happy to work out a wine-for-advice trade.”

“Advice, hmmm? Does this involve the lovely Elizabeth?”


“Too bad. Here’s the first and most essential part of my price, then: just how badly does she want me?”

Despite his laughter, Luke answered, “I don’t know. Honestly,” he hastened to add in response to Michelle’s distrustful snort. “I mean, I don’t know how she acts at work, but in private she talks about various people and activities a lot. It’s not always easy to tell when she’s being serious.”

“Right,” Michelle sighed. “Like her weird fantasy about the Swedish royal family.”

“Actually, she’s been on that one so long that I think she’s mostly serious. Who really knows? All I can tell you is that, when she’s exhausted her partners ... or, at least, one particular partner ... she thinks about you to get herself off again, or at least that’s what she claims.”

“Fuck,” she muttered. “You know, if she wasn’t such a damned good employee I’d fire her ass so I could have my way with it. As it is, I can’t even flirt with her, though I’m quite certain she knows what I’m thinking. Oh well. Anyway, if I can’t take your money while I whip your balls, and I can’t do something naughty with Elizabeth, tell me what I can do.”

Same as Fidèle
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This story is entirely fictional. But it sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? I park the car in the suburban neighborhood driveway I knew so well. The back door is slightly ajar, letting me know that this afternoon is a go. I slip inside, locking the door behind me. Then I head down the long, narrow stairway to the basement. Jake lives in the basement of his parents’ house, and since they both work leaving him alone, he rarely leaves it during summer afternoons. He is a nice, very good looking...

4 years ago
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The Girl From My Kung Fu Class

As I pulled into my parking spot I could see Sarah, a girl being dropped off by her parents. She just joined up six months ago. She has lightly tanned skin, brown eyes and black, slightly frizzy hair. I can see her ass, which seems to be I great shape. I smirked at the thought. Her boob size is about 34G. Her lips look so good, but she doesn’t wear makeup, never mind lipstick. She has just got such a naturally beautiful face. Most girls my age have a hard time going near a window without...

4 years ago
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leading a mates Wife astray

It was Saturday, very am. We had been out the night before and my mate had to go to work for 8. I could hardly be bothered to move, it had been a real heavy night. I was just glad it wasn’t me going to do a days work! He went out and I got up for a drink, as I was going back to bed I noticed the tv on in his room. I went in to say good morning to his wife, Nikki. She was hung over too. We got talking so I sat on the edge of the bed for a while. She asked if I fancied watching a film or...

1 year ago
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Denise the submissive mom0

Chapter 1 - The Preparation For Denise's Gangbang Begins Rocky decided he had enough of Denise , after all she was just an old hag with a pervert husband he had met at the mall. So he called 3 of his pals to come over , he told them to bring pot. Denise & Bill had plenty of Beer & liquor in the house. So as he fisted Denise (something new for Denise ) He had Bill set up the bar with booze and beer & told them he was having 3 friends come over "Why" Denise asked curiously . Well...

2 years ago
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Uncle Mike Returns Part 2

On the couch, my mom had Uncle Mike's pants unbuckled and pulled back and his ginormous cock was standing at full attention in her hand. It was a glorious sight. His dick was a light pink at the bottom but the head was a deep red and purple. At first I was confused because his face made it look like he was in pain but he kept moaning as mom steadily beat his wood. He looked up and I froze, he was staring right into my eyes, and I swear I saw a smile play on his lips. He pulled mom up from...

1 year ago
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PervMom Rachael Cavalli Vanessa Cage Cum Swapping MILFs

Rachel Cavalli is the type of stepmom who seems to be able to read her stepsons mind. She can tell that he is super sexually frustrated. She feels for him, so she shows him her fat titties. Later, Rachel is making some food when her pervy stepsons comes around looking for some fun. She lets him pound her out as she cums on his dick! A couple days later, Rachels stepson brings a babe over the house. To Rachels pleasant surprise, it is her old friend Vanessa Cage! The two blonde MILFs decide to...

2 years ago
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"Oh shit man! It sounds like your brother-in-law is getting it inthe ass, don't it?" Jack asked of Chuck just as he grabbed ahold ofChuck's ankles and pushed `em up and over the top of Chuck's head, gettingready to start his first trip up, and into, Chuck's tight white ass. "Oh gawd yeah it does, don't it? Hey Jack, I know I keep askingyou but man, I'm still real nervous about me trying to take that much rodup in my ass! You got a lot of grease on my ass and on your dick? You gotit...

2 years ago
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Jacqueline Fernandez and her Adventures Pt 01

Now Jacqueline with her amazing smile and sexiest dick rising figure went straight up in bollywood very fast. She took many awards and became a nationwide dick-throbbing masturbation queen. Now, Like every other actress, She also started to think big and so, She asked around on how to get in hollywood film. Her source said that In secret bidding takes place between actresses for a good director's film and it reaches upto 250 million dollars. She became sad and went to her father for...

2 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolFriday part 1

F .1 When I woke up on Friday morning, the first thing that occured to me was that I really didn't want to get up: it was warm in bed, and comfortable—for some reason more so than normal—and I didn't want to leave. I didn't hear any alarms going off, suggesting that I had time to go back to sleep... But first I wanted to see what time it actually was. When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize the wall, and the clock wasn't where it should be. But when I tried to roll over, I felt an...

3 years ago
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A Day at the Races

Well as I have told you before I have always Driven for a living and I was working as a Chauffer, It was the day of the Derby and I was driving four Ladies from the Island to Epsom, It was an early start as the lady that was arranging the trip wanted to get up there early as they where all meeting there Husbands that worked up in London. They where all dressed in there finery all four of them had there matching hats with there outfit’s and I must addmit they all looked gorgeous for Ladies in...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Eva Lovia Little Black Dress

Eva Lovia waits impatiently at the window, and is all smiles when Bambino joins her. Though they’re dressed for a night on the town, Bambino is quick to unfasten the halter of Eva’s dress and cup her pert breasts in his hands. When Eva leans forward against the window, Bambino relieves her of both the dress and her panties, leaving her bubble butt free for his hands and mouth to explore. Crawling into bed, Eva arranges herself so that her head is propped up by the pillows. Her...

2 years ago
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After School JobChapter 10

We did not have sex before school that day, but the start of school only affected our honeymoon a little. It gave me time to recharge during the day, which was good, because when we got home after school we fucked like bunnies, took a nap, and then did it again when we woke up. We found that actually sleeping together was addictive. We hadn't slept in separate beds since Dad left. We slept in Addison's bed most nights because she had a queen sized bed, while I only had a double. Addison...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Veronica Avluv 24259

Boo! It ain’t Halloween, but Veronica Avluv’s scared out of her mind. She recently moved into a new house, and it’s making all kinds of noises, and she has her son’s friend Damon witness it to prove she isn’t crazy. He’s over helping her move some things in while her husband and son are camping, and she asks him to stay while she showers because she’s so frightened to be alone and vulnerable. But when he does hear what Veronica’s hearing, after she undresses –naturally – and her bit juicy...

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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 2

When Beth deposited Terry back at the barge, he thanked her and took his bag below. She'd given him a most satisfactory breakfast as he chatted to James, who turned out to be both pleasant and amusing; he thought they might become friends. Just as James was about to leave to go to work, he turned and faced Terry. "I'm very fond of Amy and the kids," he said, "she's like a little sister to me, and the kids call me 'Unca Jamie'. I want to see her happy and not only because of the part...

2 years ago
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Three Punishments for Canz

Three Loving Punishments: No. 1 - Cold(Written for Canz by Marie D’ Estaing)Author’s note: During our regular Xmas visits to her father’s home, which is just outside the village in France where I grew up, Canz always gives her father a special treat on his birthday, which falls on the 28th December. Although it’s always a gift from Canz to her father, my assistance is often needed, and I am happy to give it. She is my beautiful pain-girl, and he is an generous, attractive, intelligent man, so...

4 years ago
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Started My Sex Life With Teacher

Hi Indian sex stories readers this is my first real story of my sex life which I’m trying to pen it down. If there is any mistake please excuse and don’t forget to give your feedbacks at First let me introduce my self I’m Shiva from chennai married age 27 my height 178cms weight 76kgs and my tool 6.5inches black. I started to watch sex movies from class 8std and searching for an opportunity to fuck someone finally ended up my search with my computer science teacher her name is Padma miss age...

4 years ago
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Cloned Ch 02

They stood before each other, both their chests heaving up and down as they fought for breath. Ellie felt exhilarated, they had run round and around the house like two little sisters playing a game of catch. She could feel her heart pounding and her twin was responding identically to her. She thought for a moment, as she strived to get control of her breathing once more, why was the robot gasping for breath? Surely it didn’t breath. Then is occurred to her, that it was mimicking her, learning...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Lyra Law Zoey Taylor Secret Desire

Ivy Wolfe and the other girls start the therapy session, slowly they learn more about each person in the center. With the help of Magdalene St. Michaels they find the right path, she helps them become straight again. Some of the girls like Carter Cruise are almost there, others like Abigail Mac and Paige Sabina Rouge have more work to do, but you don’t need to be a genius to see Zoey Taylor’s love for her friend Lyra Law. After the group session, Lyra goes to her room; she’s...

1 year ago
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My first threesome

I can't believe I'm sharing this to everyone, but I have to tell someone about it. I am 28 years old an have been single for about 3 years. I love the ability to do what I want, when I want and I am single by choice. I work as an assistant in the real estate field working towards my liscence. I am known as a "prim and proper" type of girl. I dress conservatively and professional at work, but when the weekend comes I turn into a little devil. I love my freedom and love to dress sexy and...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Exposed Hotwife Part 01

NOT MY STORYA new story, writing at the request of another nicely evil member. Mmm, Thanks for the victim's photos. Sorry, I'm not sharing those. lolChris is a 45 yr old school teacher. She has bleach blond hair, and an attractive body for her age. Her and her husband enjoy a secretive 'Hot Wife' lifestyle. Nothing really kinky; Just the odd man here and there. Her husband likes to 'loan' her out to his friends, as well as powerful people in their community. Many perks come from the later;...

4 years ago
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Taking Care Of Business Chapter 1

Marcy dressed with great care as she prepared for her job interview. Her rent was already a month past due and there was $14 left in her checking account. She needed a job and soon. The suit was conservative. She wore a lace camisole underneath it. The lace grazed the top of her breasts. The skirt came just above the knee. She paired it with silk hose. Her act of rebellion was the pair of high heeled shoes she wore. They were black patent leather with a cuff around the ankle that looked like a...

3 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 24

Monday rolled around again, and as I walked to my locker to start the day I wondered what it would bring. I was just about to close my locker when a hand settled on my hip. I turned to see Missy standing there looking around nervously. "Hey good lookin'," I said, closing the locker and spinning the lock. "What's up?" Missy smiled. "Hi, John." She was still a little nervous about something. "What's the matter, honey?" I asked quietly. "I, um," she started and then she stopped,...

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The Making of Lisa Stevens

The Making of Lisa Stevens by Aleisha James The following is a work of fiction, intended for the enjoyment of adults only. It contains depictions of sexual behaviour including themes of forced feminization. Do not read this story if such themes are offensive to you or if you are below the age of majority in your location. If, on the other hand, you enjoy this kind of story, and are old enough to be legally permitted to read it, then I hope you find it to your liking. Any...

2 years ago
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Virgin In The Hill

“Oh, don’t go there!” my friend, Bhupen told me. “It is a terrible place.”“How do you know?” I asked.“My father served there for five years,” he told me. “And he came back after resigning his job. No civilized person can survive there.” I had applied for the post of Medical Officer when I found an advertisement by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh in North-east India. I applied just for the heck of it, as I had no plan after freshly passing out from Jorhat Medical College in Assam. I appeared...

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Em phi lagravem sao acircy khi bn em lagrave ngi ng tiacutenh

Chào các chuyên gia tư vấn của trung tâm tham vấn tâm lý Hoàng Nhân!Năm nay em 19 tuổi. Từ nhỏ đến lớn em luôn đuợc ba mẹ cưng chiều, sống yên ấm trong vòng tay của gia đình, hầu như không phải làm việc gì trừ việc học. Trong mắt mọi người em là một cô bé ngoan ngoãn, học giỏi, là một tấm gương sáng và thực tế là em đã gặt hái được nhiều thành công trong học tập. Trong mắt bạn bè thì em là một cô bé vô tư, trong sáng. Năm vừa qua em đã đậu vào một trường đại học lớn. Do...

1 year ago
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Another Love Part 2

“What the fuck, how could you?” Amy was red-faced and furious looking. “She is my friend, I thought you were just training at the gym, I didn’t realize the training included fucking her as well.”I tried to remain calm and not rise to the torrent of verbal abuse that my daughter threw at me for the last five minutes.I had finally plucked up the courage and told her that I was in a relationship with Jade, who was my daughter's nineteen-year-old best friend from Uni. We had been together for just...

4 years ago
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The Lakes

This is a work of fiction.The LakesGood grief, what a week. I am writing this having just got back home south of Birmingham after a week in the Lake District. A week that thanks to Bill and Margaret has changed my life.My wife, Sue, and me went up to the Lakes as a last ditch effort to save our marriage. We still loved each other but after five years it had all become a bit boring. Our sex life was non-existent and it seemed we only ever talked about bills and shopping and the price of petrol....

1 year ago
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The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than eight-inches and very thick and he was a huge bonus turn on for you. You owe me baby.” When Julie finally returned we fucked like rabbits as soon as I watched her...

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Pantyhose wife and friends

My wife was going out for the evening with her friends Pat and Sue. It was just for a meal to celebrate Pat's promotion. I watched her dress as I often do. She put on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose without panties which meant I had the perfect view of her dark hairy triangle through the nylon. As always this gave me an instant hardon. She then pulled on a blouse and black pleated skirt. Just then the doorbell rang and she got me to go and answer it as she finished...

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All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word. Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is not promoting racism in any way, it's just a piece of...

1 year ago
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TheWhiteBoxxx Marilyn Crystal Anal Wish Come True

Marilyn comes back from work tired but a little convincing work seems to do the trick and get her in the mood for some romantic sex. She always wondered about anal and today she is ready to experiment all the new pleasures. Slowly sucking that big dick to make it hard and ready to fill her pussy for a well deserved pounding until she orgasms and gets turned on enough to ask to be fucked in her small ass hole. Christian complies right away and he slowly starts to fill that ass hole until she...

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My First Anal Sex

My first time for anal sex, Well it was back when I was in matric. I decide to bunk school for the day and go to my boyfriends house.So once my mom dropped me off at the school's main gate it wasn't long afterwards that my boyfriend arrived and I hopped into his car.We first quickly went to the garage to get a few snacks for the day and then headed off to his apartment.During the short 10 minute drive to his apartment I started teasing him by placing my hand on his lap and rubbing up and down...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lola Shine 3On1 DoubleAnal Orgy

Scouting enemy ground, sexy Russian infantrywoman Lola Shine bats her long eyelashes and fingers her wet cunt. Angelo Godshack, Damien Soup and Michael Fly stuff her mouth with their fat cocks. The horny studs pork her ‘spitroast’ style, filling her mouth and cunt. Lola takes a hard double penetration! She’s still not sated, so two swollen erections simultaneously stretch her winking asshole — Lola savors deep, double-anal penetration! She rubs her clit to a spasmodic...

1 year ago
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If She Only Knew My Fantasy

This is something I have always wanted to do...little did she know I would be able to take all 9 inches in my throat. I have practiced with toys and was always surprised at how much I could swallow. So I excitingly respond by crawling up and grabbing his hot wet cock and I put it deep in my throat. He grabs the back of my head and begins to treat my mouth like it was a pussy. My wife's pussy begins throbbing watching me suck every last inch of this man's dick that we didn't even know. The...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker 1

My name is Erin and I know it is dangerous to hitchhike. But, when you are a vagabond with little money and need to get somewhere, it is the only way. I have no problem paying for a ride with my pussy – but only with men. Age doesn't matter, provided they're legal, of course. As long as they can get an erection and keep it hard enough to fuck me and give me an orgasm, I will take them on.I am not a raving beauty. I am a bit on the chubby side but it gives me a more curvaceous figure with a...

3 years ago
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Hot Summer Nights

Part 1 Jackie Anderson sighed as she stood looking in the full length mirror after stepping out of the shower. It had been about a year since the divorce and her kids were away for the summer with their father. Since she didn’t have them to help around the house, she had decided to hire two college students for the summer. They should be arriving any time to stay and help her keep the house and yard in order. She looked at her reflection and smiled. At 35 years old, her breasts were still perky...

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Jackie gets drugged Chapter three

This is the third chapter to a story that I started. Please feel free to read my first two chapters. Chapter Three Sitting on the couch day dreaming about what I was about to do to this fresh young teen girl. I was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of the towel rack on the bathroom door hitting as it was closed. As I looked up Jackie was just coming out of the hall way and into the living room. “Feel better?” I asked “Much better” She said She was now wearing a...

1 year ago
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Wild ChildChapter 11

“I sure wish I could be there just to see him get that big cock in a young girl’s pussy. I know I’d get a cum just watching. I’d really love to be the one to help him get his cock in a pussy for the first time.” “Darin may have to settle for a woman for his first time. I’m not sure it would be a good idea for him to try to get that big fucker in a young, inexperienced pussy the first few times, really.” “I have some friends that may help us. They have sugar daddies and they know all about...

1 year ago
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My Romantic Stories Episode 8211 Part 2

Hello lovely ladies and lusty gents, I am Romantic Raja. I’m back with my second story. I’m writing a series of stories of my Romantic incidents that happened in my life. In my earlier story I told my experience with my aunt(mother’s sister).I’m still trying to have sex with her. In this story I’m sharing my sexual experience with a lady whom I met in training one of my journeys. This incident happened when I was studying my MBA. After finishing my second semester we got summer holidays. I...

1 year ago
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A Good ManChapter 47 Departure

I didn’t say anything for several moments. What could I say? I was already in an enviable financial position for someone my age, and now, thanks to the death of the one person I loved above all, it was even more enviable. But was it worth it? Was five million pounds really worth losing Clarissa for? My initial reaction was to reject it, to tell Will to add it to the money going to the charities—they, at least, would be glad of it—but Will was right. Clarissa had wanted me to have it. To...

2 years ago
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The girl with the yellow shoes

Do you believe in love? I try to believe in it, deep inside I want to. But reality has shown me that love is far from the fairytale in a book or movie. Love can be excruciatingly painful and often doesn’t have the ‘happily ever after’ ending. I’ve seen enough of bad endings, with family, friends, and even myself. I thought I wasn’t destined for true love, the love where you walk with your head in the clouds all day, where you can’t stop smiling because butterflies are tickling the inside of...

Love Stories
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A young married man finds a public toilet with gloryholes

I was 21, far too young to be married but we had a 6 month old kid and I wanted to do the right thing. I’m slim 130 pound, white, small frame, good looking, blond with blue eyes. We rented an apartment and I worked in the parts dept of a local Truck dealer. I rode a bike to work and back, I left the small car we had for my wife in case she needed it with the baby. I rode home via a shortcut across a major highway, through a truck stop. It sold gas had a couple of stores and was a picnic...

3 years ago
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 5 Hot Bathtub Sex

Sonal was spent, but I was still rock hard and even ready for some hot bathtub sex. She pulled my cock out again with one hand. Holding it at the base while she poured lots of oil on top of my cock with the other hand. The oil dripped down the length of my cock, drenching my balls. She then squeezed my cock real tight at the top and slid her hand all the way going to the base. She then slid her hand up the shaft again and continued to pump me fast and hard again and again. She was picking up...

1 year ago
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Erotic Sex Session With My Sexy Cousin

Hello everyone, this is Kanna back with my experience with my cute little cousin sister, Sana. This encounter happened just recently in the month of May when she came to visit Vijayawada with her parents as her exams were over. This story is about how I and Sana shared a very romantic and erotic session while our family visited the temple. For people who are reading my sex story, let me introduce you to Sana and myself. I am Kanna living in Vijayawada, currently, in Vijayawada. I am 5’10″tall,...

2 years ago
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Long Night for a Long Day

It had been a long day. It was Saturday, which meant the kids were home, and they were bored. Today was swimming. We had risen early, packed a cooler full of goodies, made sure everyone had extra socks and underwear and sunscreen and towels, and we made the three hour drive to Wild Waves aquatic amusement park. The kids had a blast, spending hours running between pools and rides, barely stopping long enough to eat the lunch we packed. The drive home was quiet, with both Hazel and Will fast...

2 years ago
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1 April 2008Chapter 3

Dan, Wendy, and Karen entered the front door to the line up of Brad, Jake, Abby, Timmy, Cathy, Diane and Brenda. “So ... what’s the news? Don’t keep us in suspense!” Cathy pleaded. “I’m pregnant with our twins!” Wendy cried out hugging Dan and Karen. The shriek in the room was almost as loud as with Janet’s news. Hugs and kisses of congratulations were freely offered with Wendy asked when she was due and she said the 25th of November. I’m so happy for you Mommy!” Tim smiled hugging her...

4 years ago
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Seeing it Her Way

Seeing it Her Way by FLA527 Mark Thompson was out with his girlfriend Jenni Allison. They were hanging out with their friends, taking advantage of their last weekend of freedom before school started back. They would all be entering their senior year. They would all be the Kings and Queens of the school. They had spent the night discussing how great it was going to be as the top dogs. After 3 years of working their way up the ladder from freshmen, fresh meat, next week they would...

2 years ago
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Prison sentence

Jon couldn't believe it when the judge had finished. He couldn't believe even as he was shoved into the transportation bus. The true reality of the situation hit Jon when he stepped through the prison doors. 8 years. He was only 19 but his life was already over, 8 years. Jons parents had kicked him out when he was 18, "our job is done" they said. Jon was homeless and desperate for cash, he robbed a convenience store. It was stupid, there was only $200 in the register and the police would catch...

1 year ago
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The Horny Cougar

The doorbell rang. I sprang to my feet and answered it. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by my husband’s ex-wife, Lucy, and their sixteen-year-old son, Danny.Danny’s eyes locked onto mine. He stared at me with that familiar gaze I’d seen so many times before, a look of longing and admiration. It had been a couple of months since I had last seen Danny, and, I must admit, I was quite taken aback by his adult appearance. He had always been a handsome young man, but now he had whiskers growing...

3 years ago
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Forms of love

Life is random, random encounters/situations/outlooks and people. All you can do to keep moving is to accept the randomness. Give in to the flow and indecisiveness of life and see where it takes you. Who knows, you may find something worth wile. "Life's a garden, Dig it" Joe Dirt(2001)

4 years ago
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Noelles Tentacle Gains Part 1

Noelle was no stranger to online porn adverts. They were mostly guff, promising one thing whilst sending you somewhere completely different. But this one boasted an impossible product, and an even more impossible delivery time. The ‘Long-Long Club’ claimed to dabble in tentacle pimping. Like, actual living, possibly-breathing tentacle monsters. In the advertisement there were several women being treated to the attention of far-reaching, penis-like tentacles, expressions of ecstasy on their...

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