- 2 years ago
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When Helen arrived at the university psychology institute, there was a crowd of students bustling around the notice board ‘What’s happening?’ she asked a fellow colleague. ‘Why is there so much fuss?’
‘It’s Professor Lord. He’s dead.’
‘What?’ She pushed herself through the gathering students to read the notice board which explained that the professor was no longer available due to death of ‘uncertain’ circumstances. She wondered what caused it to happen so suddenly. Perhaps a heart attack, or a disease he had been keeping a secret? Whatever it was, it made her feel sad inside despite the knowledge she had learned about him and his weird past. The so-called games she and David played, but most of all, like the other students, she would miss his tutorials that were made clear, concise and interesting.
‘Didn’t’ you have this thing with him?’ One of the other students asked. A girl with dark hair and steely blue eyes, renowned for spreading rumours of half truths around not only the institute, but the whole university.
‘No. Who told you that?’ Helen asked.
‘Oh nobody in particular. It was just something I was told. They said it was suicide.’
‘Who said it was suicide?’
‘I spoke to one of the bobbies who came to announce it to the dean this morning.’ The girl replied with that evil grin that Helen despised. She dismissed it has rumour. Suicide was impossible, or she assumed it to be. David had lots of interests in life with his experiments, the manor and his lesbian lady friend, not to mention his passion for the hawks and teaching his subject. He seemed happy, but then she realised that she was a threat to his reputation too. All tutorials were cancelled until further notice. A replacement had to be found.
It was an opportunity for her to return home and clean up, removing all signs that she and Harry were having passionate sex. Jack was due home that evening. It had been a while since she had seen him. His regular phone updates were too short and quick to know exactly what he was doing in Paris.
Harry was at old Bill Firman’s house where he lodged. Market was closed that day and old Bill was Harry’s landlord for want of a better word, a fellow marketer who was legal, whereas Harry was not. It was important for him to keep a low profile when working, passing on his profits to old Bill, who kindly returned them without deduction of tax. He relied heavily on Bill now for trying to improve his lifestyle and atleast make something worthwhile of his life. His main objective was to find the right partner, but as always his habits of casual sex when he could find it ruled his life. Long term relationships became boring and someone like Helen was the closest girl he had to his ideal lover. Secretly he was beginning to fall in love with her. Not only was the sex good, she treated him good and he felt security when he was with her. Thing was, she loved someone else.
Old Bill was almost hitting seventy and still as strong as an ox. He was a man who defied all medical advice. He smoked, he drank in moderation and endured all kinds of extreme weather. As a youth he had run away to join the merchant navy and pretty much saw most of the world in his time. Harry was becoming like a step son to him, and for a bullish man they both developed a kinship.
Bill laid a hot mug of tea on the low table for Harry. ‘What are you gloating about?’ he asked. ‘This Saskia I suppose? She’s run off with someone else I tell ya’. Not point in bothering yourself over a woman.’ He sat beside Harry on the couch with his dirty tannic stained mug of tea. ‘I never got married, engaged or even shacked up longer than a week with a bint. Fuck them and leave them I say.’ What old Bill did not realise was, Harry was doing exactly that since he was a teenager, old enough to seduce any girl he fancied.
‘You know Bill? You’re a dirty old bastard.’ Harry replied jokingly. Bill found his comment funny and laughed heartily. Harry was pondering not only the thoughts of Saskia and Helen, but also why Hoffman let him down. Or so he thought. He tried calling him on the phone for the umpteenth time.
All he got was a message simply saying, ‘I’m busy!’
‘Anyway, who is this chap you’re trying to contact?’ Bill asked.
‘Oh some old mate who owes me a favour.’ That was all Harry wanted to say to describe the man who claimed to be an old family friend. And although it was not that many years ago since he was supposed to have met him, he still could not recall the occasion.
‘Well, if he owes ya’ money lad, then you needs to forget him. He’ll be well gone.’
Jack returned home later than expected. The heavy snow was causing delays. Helen greeted him with passion, pleased to see him again. They hugged each other, embracing their separation end. ‘I missed you so much.’ Jack said, taking her face in his cold hands. ‘And, I’m starving. Do you have any food?’
Their evening was the usual type of evening. Lots of sweetmeats and wine lay out before them on the table. Jack’s favourite oysters, his aphrodisiac that always reminded of sex. Helen watched him swallow the contents admiringly. ‘I bet you missed me didn’t you?’ she asked with a seductive grin on her face.
‘Of course, as always. Although unfortunately business did not go so well. I must try harder next time I visit. The family is good. We had a very good Christmas. It was good to see them again, despite the sad loss of…’
‘Don’t think about it my love,’ She put her hand on his. ‘These things always have sad attachments to spoil the occasions.’ Jack smiled with agreement. ‘You are back home now atleast. We can continue our lives together. Remember, our new start. Let the past go and look towards the future.’
Jack leaned closer to her across the dining table. ‘You are so right. Let us make love.’
Liam was a stocky man in his mid thirties. He had to be strong to do his job as a ‘clean-up man’ for Hoffman. It was the very early hours of the morning. He had just finished dragging the dead weight of Mick into the back of his white van. He was very tidy in his work. He had to be. He grabbed a garden rake from his van and carefully raked over the trails in the snow where he had just dragged four body bags. The whole thing took him two and a half hours in total. Packing up bodies, removing blood stains from furniture, walls and surfaces using his own mix of cleaning fluids. By trade Liam was a biochemist, but he had other interests besides researching the chemical functions of bodies, such as disposing of them for a reasonable fee.
He checked that everything was where it should be and returned to his van parked at the back alley of the O’Grady residence. He slipped out of his dark green coveralls, lightly blood-stained, but not detectable as being blood at a glance. He then removed his rubber gloves, throwing them and his coveralls into the rear of the van. To him the collection and clean up was completed. His detergents left no DNA traces or stains. The odd items, such as carpets and other woven materials were taken up for disposal. Lucky the O’Grady’s had a mosaic kitchen floor. The whole task was a challenge to him, especially the next stage. Dismembering the remains and using a relative who was a fisherman to gradually dump various bagged up parts far out into the sea.
Helen lay back enjoying the relaxing feeling of Jack’s fingers and tongue as he licked gently in circles around her clitoris and his fingers working her magic spot within. She had to resign to the way he liked to make love, there was no chance of her making suggestions or taking the initiative. Although his treatment worked well and this time it was gentler. She arched her back in response to her orgasm and Jack became excited as she came, pushing his fingers in faster still until she could take no more. He took his hand and made him stop, trying to be gentle about it. ‘I can make you cum lots more…’ he told her. Helen did not want to cum more. She w
anted to feel him inside. He obliged by removing his fingers, four in all, and they kissed and cuddled. Within minutes Jack began to fall asleep, maybe tired from his journey, and the chance of being fucked or her fucking him had gone.
The following morning Jack was romantic enough to wake her with breakfast in bed. His usual favourite, croissants, grapefruit and coffee, served with a red rose from the bunch he had brought with him on his return. She loved the attention that Jack gave her, but he made his quick escape to leave for his office, explaining how busy his day was going to be. As usual she accepted that he was busy with things she did not understand. It was what he did. Although she wished that he would give her more time to be together. An offer to visit Paris and have some fun would have been nice. It was obviously the last thing on his mind. No doubt he had another woman at work to play romance with, and no doubt that other woman joined him in Paris over the vacation period.
During the day Helen received a call from the dean’s secretary. A new lecturer had been found to replace David. Helen recalled the name from a previous stand-in and hated her style and knew straight away her studies were going to get harder. A welcome call from Harry right afterwards made things feel better. ‘Hi my little love goddess, how was Jack last night?’ he asked.
‘I don’t think I should tell you. It’s personal.’ She replied with a smile. ‘Besides, I think he learned something from his French girl friends over there.’
‘I still think you should dump him and live with me. I miss you in, let’s say, many ways.’
‘Oh dear, I think you are falling in love with me.’
‘To be honest I am.’ Harry replied. This made Helen think. Her long pause thinking of a reply was now significant. He wanted more than just a play mate. He was getting serious as there was sincerity in his voice, and Harry realised that he may have said something too soon. ‘Anyhow, heard anything about that kinky professor of yours?’ He changed the subject rapidly.
‘They found a replacement, some clap trap bitch I hate. Still we can’t pick and chose these things.’
‘So you are back to uni again?’
‘Tomorrow, yes.’
‘Is it safe to call around for coffee? I need to talk to you.’
‘Look, Harry, I know what you want to talk about, I think. I don’t think it’s a good idea for a few days. Let us both think about this love thing you have. You know it isn’t possible right now.’ Helen made it clear to him, and Harry got the message.
‘Sure, maybe your right. Just me, feeling a bit lonely and depressed with this bloody weather. My balls are freezing off standing in this snow flogging videos of movies that people saw over Christmas. You know, the old family favourites, and I need a shag.’
Helen laughed. ‘Sounds like you’re desperate?’
‘Oh babe. You know I’m desperate. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’m as jealous as fuck of your froggy guy. I really do need time out with you.’
‘Well that might be impossible. I’m due my monthly and I’m not taking any chances of spoiling things.’
‘I’ve heard those excuses before.’ Harry said and then laughed it off, just in case it was true and he knew how sensitive women can get about those things. A blow job can turn quickly into a nasty bite job, something he had experienced a few times in the past. They quickly changed the subject of conversation about the weather an how old Bill was looking after him like a son. He explained Bill’s history and how tough he was for his age. That reminded her of her grandfather who was still running around somewhere in the world, or atleast she assumed he was. Notification of deaths in her family often came late or never.
After a long this and that conversation, they bid each other goodbye. Harry flicked his phone off and turned around to serve what he thought as a customer looking through the stock on the counter. It was not a customer, but Hoffman. A welcome or unwelcome surprise? It did not matter. Hoffman grinned and lit up a cigarette. ‘Pleased to see me as well as the voice of your latest lover?’ he asked.
‘Where the fuck have you been? And what’s going on?’
‘I’ve been busy. And what is going on is my business.’ Hoffman replied. ‘Don’t ask about the apartment I gave you, its still yours remember. You have the deeds and I thought you would atleast have moved back in.’
‘Why did you strip it down? No furniture, nothing.’
‘That unfortunately was something I needed to do. Let us say, to save both our arses.’
‘And the other favour, what about that. Who killed Saskia?’ Harry asked, annoyed with his visitor. ‘I should be reporting this to the cops.’
‘Don’t even think about it. The O’Grady bunch are now gone you’ll be pleased to know, including your old bruiser, Mick. He was a tough one. Not easy to lie to rest. And if you must know the truth about Saskia, then it was her who brought you and I together. Let’s say she was one of my jobs that needed dealing with. She had enemies and they paid a good price.’
‘You evil bastard.’ Harry replied. ‘All that shit about knowing me was a fucking lie.’
‘I’m afraid so chum. Cutting my own hand so I could meet you two in hospital wasn’t really my style, but it worked. It’s healed up nicely now.’ Hoffman raised his hand to show Harry the scar. ‘Another thing, someone put a contract out on your present girl friend. So coincidental, yet these things happen. But don’t worry, all that has been dealt with too. I hated the person who gave me the job. Another perverted twat.’
Harry thought for a while, put two and two together, came up with four and a half and assumed it was the professor perhaps? ‘So now everything is done?’
‘Not exactly. I spoke to Martin O’Grady a few times, sizing up the situation. I told him that I stole his money and hid it in the apartment, to coax atleast one or two of his boys there. Of course you know about that. Must have been very cold in that cellar with Mick for company? Hope he didn’t hurt you?’
Harry could not believe how cold Hoffman was, but clever all the same.
‘So where does the not exactly come into it?’ Harry asked. Hoffman finished his cigarette, dropped the butt and crushed it into the frozen ground. ‘What other freaky coincidence have you got?’
‘Mick. He wasn’t as silent or mad as you think. While I was working on him he realised what was going on. Gave me his credit card and pin number willingly to spare his life. I took it obviously, but that was no good. The job had to be done. His last and final words were, ‘Get the person who made you do this to me.’ And so I checked his account. Eighteen grand. Not bad I thought. I like to oblige a dying mans requests if it’s possible. So, you are the one. Best quote I’ve had in a long time.’
‘Wow! You can’t be serious?’
‘Seems so. But then I thought. I’ve done my quota for this area, made some nice profits, went against my usual style a few times, and a few dead bodies’ last wishes and requests could be added to those changes. So don’t worry Harry. You’re safe, and so is your girl friend. Call it an additional gift to go with the apartment.’
Harry was atleast relieved. Hoffman was evil though and Saskia did not need to die. ‘You could have left Saskia out of it,’ Harry said. ‘You could have made allowances or something.’
‘Not possible. That one had to be completed or else I would have been on someone else’s job list. And not the kind of people I like to annoy. Saskia got herself into big trouble, hence the relocation by the police. It took me a long time to find her which earned me a bonus.’
‘Big trouble? That bad eh?’
‘Still, let’s not go into that. You are alive, be thankful, I’m pretty efficient.’
‘You enjoy singing your own fucking praises too I see?’
‘If I don’t, nobody else will.’ Hoffman pointed at Harry. ‘Look after that apartment. If you don’t want it put it up for sale. They go fo
r really handsome prices these days.’ And at that, Hoffman smiled and walked away without a word of farewell. Harry was not sure if he was relieved to be alive or still angry about Saskia. She did not seem to be the kind of girl to be in trouble that bad. The police tended to find places of safety abroad, not in the same country they lived in for really serious trouble from a mob of some kind. Maybe Hoffman made a mistake somehow? Maybe he found the wrong girl? Saskia then being the wrong person on his list. Harry this time came up with the correct answer.
Just two minutes later, there was a loud scream from further down the market, which drew everyone’s attention. He went to investigate. There was a crowd gathering around the car park entrance and he pushed his way through. Lying on the ground with his throat cut was one dead contract killer.
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I had been a bit of a voyeur for a while. I had gone through my parents' room and computer, and had done the same at houses where I was babysitting. As a result of all this snooping I had found toys, sexy outfits and lots of porn, but my biggest discovery I only made when I was twenty-one and already living in a student dorm. My parents were on holiday, and I was asked to stay at their place. Water the plants, feed the cat, that sort of stuff. Being a good girl, that's what I did. While there I...
IncestThe door bell rang just as Sophie was putting the finishing touches to her make-up. Damn it, she thought, who could be calling at this time? She was running late for work, so she wrapped a towel around herself even though she was wearing underwear and padded down the stairs to the front door.“Hi Soph, how are you doing?”Feeling confused, Sophie smiled and pulled the towel tighter around herself. What was her uncle doing here at this time of the day? Surely, he would be heading into work...
Tina winced as she saw the annoyed look on Miss Cindy’s face. She tried to explain, though. “It was a mistake, Miss Cindy. I intended to pay for the tops but just forgot and set off the alarm as I left the department store.”Miss Cindy wasn’t impressed and angrily berated Tina. “Forgot? That isn’t good enough, my girl. Anyone can use that excuse. You need to remember or accept the consequences.”Tina knew Miss Cindy was right and judging from recent experiences she reckoned she knew that Miss...
SpankingWhen I was growing up, I lived outside a real small town. Our high school had 240 students in grades 9-12. And it was the kind of town where, to fit in, you either had to be super good looking, or your family had to have been there for about a hundred years. I didn't meet either of these qualifications. And to make it worse, I don't like most team sports. See, in a high school of that size, nobody gets cut from a team. If you want to play football, you get to be on the team. You might not...
Susan ponders moving to Kansas to live with an older man that she met online. Going for long walks alone to talk to herself in the serene, calm beauty that was the country, there was never anyone to talk to but herself anyway. Unless they were out walking their dogs or running by her jogging, few were out walking while enjoying nature. She always thought it strange how so very many people locked themselves away and never leave their houses, especially in the late fall and through the winter...
My night was going way too slow until you came in. Just a handful of regulars that say the same creepy shit to me every dance, and a few scrubs that pay ten dollars at the door just to watch us undress on stage or get a sneak peak at some other guy's lapdance. You came up to give me a few dollars during my dance, even asked me how I was doing when I leaned into give you the close up. I like your type, there aren't enough of you- business guys that dress the part, how to groom, but don't get all...
Straight SexRowans parents think he’s strayed from God... Rowan thinks his brother should teach him a lesson... “Rowan, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” My bottom lip quivered as my mother dragged me into the church. As we went up the steps, I wondered if I was going to be disowned for the sins I had committed. My family were very religious people, and due to recent events my mother was taking me to a priest who specialized in extreme cases of lost faith so that I could confess and get...
IncestShe had fought hard in a brutal conflict to reclaim her stolen throne and with it the Kingdom that she now ruled in a new budding empire of darkness. But at the end her foes, the so-called ‘heroes’, had spited her at the last turn, rushing from her grasp the object of her more physical desires. A foreigner of sorts, as none in her kingdom were as perfect as he had been. Vibrant red hair like living fire. A feminine nature that put even her attractiveness to shame. A quietness and meekness...
Chapter Sixteen – The AbyssEric made his way home from Rose Noire alone. When he made it inside he went straight to her room. He saw the discarded outfit she’d worn to the club. The room looked like someone had left in a hurry. He hadn’t really expected her to be there but he had held out some hope that he’d be able to catch her and talk this through. He went back down to the great room. He made himself a stiff drink and sat down on the couch. Somehow, it felt colder and emptier without...
Relationships Are Made By SuppositionLife Two lonely people find true love. As I looked spiral stairway as the bellman pushed our luggage into the elevator and thought " Ronnie did great as always picking this place for our honeymoon". I have never stayed at a 4 star hotel before and on my meager teacher salary probably never would if it was not for Ronnie. We were married this morning at the courthouse in Spartanburg SC and drove here to Charleston, where Ronnie booked us here at...
Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend: Part 3 of 4Synopsis: Kimberly seduces her stepdad and his friend at a family pool party. Part 3Mark had come back outside after everyone was settled down for the movie. He had hoped to continue where he and Kimberly left off when he heard the noises. He knew what they were doing. It was hard to see in the dark, but he heard the splashing and the moaning and the grunting. It filled him with equal parts jealousy and lust. He was able to walk right up on...
It was a beautiful December day, cold enough to make you want stay home…and play games just before the holidays. So, right after the wife left, Greg and I started our little fun time. I gave him complete control to direct and put in place any scenario he thought would lead us to a great orgasm. “I want you to do your best,” I said taking off my bathrobe and revealing my hard-on, “show me what you can come up with!” Greg was already naked as he is always when my wife is out of the house. He...
Sunday morning, I was home alone in this warm summer day; so I invited my girlfriend Helena to come along to get a nice sun tan at our back pool.Helena was also home alone and she accepted; but she said we could not do some nasty things, since she was with her period…I said it was fine; we would only stay by the garden sunning our bodies.When she arrived, Helena kissed me deeply and she threw away her light summer dress, showing me she was wearing that sexy tiny thong, the one that barely could...
It took another year, but the railroad finally reached far enough south to connect with several towns in what would have become Mexico. The people there were very interested in taking on the manufacture of the items made from cactus. They were particularly pleased to be told the secret of making tampons, but they were ready to take on the other items made from cactus fiber. The bank in Doug's Town, laughingly named The Central Bank by Doug (he thought that was such a pretentious and pompous...
Hi to all ISS readers. To be real the story is a pure work of fiction and my imagination. So I would like you to at least read and then comment also so that I would write again. To begin with I am Rohan (not real name), 20 years of age. I live in Kanpur. The story which I am going to narrate is about my hot and sexy aunt Ritu who is 40 years of age. She has a great figure of 38-30-38. Black hair up to her waist is my weakness. The incident happened in May last year when we were travelling to...
Andy woke up on Saturday morning promptly at six o'clock. He had never needed an alarm clock. Rolling out of bed, he threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then went outside to feed the animals. He played fetch for a little with Bucky, the family's black lab. When he smelled bacon, he went inside. Joanne was in the kitchen. He walked up behind her and grabbed a handful of her backside. She playfully swatted his hands away and prepared two plates. He poured a glass of milk for himself and...
Introduction: Dark fantasy in D&D style. There was once a small elven village built at the forks of two small rivers. The Duin Ninn and the Duin Vanwa joined to form the mighty Duin Ereg-Ruth. It was here that this small tribe of wild elves chose to settle to tend their Vallah and sheep. The Forks or as it came to be known to the tribe after three generations, Feawen Numenesse, was in a great valley that was surrounded by the mountains that gave birth to the rivers. The Myonna tribe had grown...
Sara's Husband By Margaret Jeanette Sara Campbell was happy. It was her wedding day and she had wed Bruce Bennett. He had taken her last name in the wedding. Bruce had a very small home based business that provided tools to machine shops. Sara had gotten a ton of money when her parents were killed in a plane crash. She had used most of the money to buy a dress shop and a temporary employment agency. Both were doing really great and were growing. She was twenty-nine and he...
Damn, I guess I have to bite the bullet and talk to that asshole. Why can’t he just get a clue? After I had been waiting for ten minutes he rushed in from the elevator. The receptionist was told to get the CTO and CIO in his office right now for a meeting. The way he said it wasn’t one that could be ignored if they wanted to keep their jobs. I’ve heard that form of request enough times over the years. He turned to me and told me that I should go get myself a drink in the dance club. He...
Maxim Law doesn’t give a fuck. James Deen is trying to tell her all about his problems but all she wants to do is suck his cock and get fucked. He attempts to continue his work while she goes to work with her mouth but he doesn’t last long. James Deen is quick to throw his phone to the side and pound out Maxim Law’s shaved pussy. She begs to be fucked harder in every position. James gives the big natural boobs blonde’s pussy the pleasure she desires. Her attempt to...
xmoviesforyouPlease Help Me II By Louisa We walked down the stairs and into the hallway, Sue took her coat off the coat rail and I took my jacket, we slipped them on and left the house, I was glad to be wearing the jacket as it hid the outline of the bra I was wearing. We got in the car and headed for the mall again. We had only been in the car for a few minutes when Sue spoke again. "Lee, I'm going to tell you what is happening, you will be able to say your piece, but you will not...
Hi Guys, Thanks for all your interesting feedback and proposals. Its really encouraging. Now i would like to share an another hot incident in my life. Before i continue let me introduce my self. I am Raj, living in Chennai. 25 Years old feminine bottom gay. I have got good big hot boobs and hot nipples nice ass. I am looking for hot top guys for dating and relationship. If anyone interested you can email me to if you don’t know anything about me here is the link of my previous story. This...
Gay MaleThis is only one year old .Canberra Australia. At the mustang ranch. I was parked out side a gay book shop sent a few people go in worked up to go in no one I said to the guy were is every one first time yes£15.00 dollars get towl locker kes take show thir ten room have fun got undress in the shower walked up and fuck big cocks fucking stood around watching two cock in one hole moved into a big dark room DVDs gay porn few guy pulling sucking moved up the back started getting hard when I...
Reagan Foxx is staying with her friend Claudia Monet and Claudia’s kids while she gets a divorce. She confides in Claudia that she hasn’t been intimate with a man in a really long time, and though Claudia is sympathetic she has to head in to work. She points out that Reagan can have some time alone with the new sex toy she has just purchased since the kids will be at school. Encouraged, Reagan goes to her room and gets cozy with her new vibrator, rubbing it between her tits and...
xmoviesforyouJeremy hopped off the bus in front of his new school. He lived close enough to walk, but had decided to ride the bus instead. He wanted to see what it was like, because he'd never rode the bus at his last school, he had always walked. The school was a hulking sandstone building that loomed over the small front lawn like some mid-evil wyvern, gobbling up c***dren every morning only to puke them back out onto the lawn in the afternoon. Over the years acid rain made long dark streaks of black and...